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Darden’s Policy on Academics and Recruiting

The academic calendar is the main driver of recruiting dates and availability.

• Darden students may not miss class or academic commitments for any recruiting-related activities.

• Employers cannot require a student, as a condition of employment candidacy, to interview at a time that conflicts with that student’s academic schedule.

• First Year students are expected to meet with their Learning Teams Sunday through Wednesday evenings. Participation in Learning Teams is an academic commitment that is critical to student success in Darden's Case Method learning environment.

New Policy: Limited Number of Recruiting Events

Darden's goal is to ensure that there are a sufficient number and variety of recruiting events for firms to meet and learn about our students, and for the students to get to know our recruiting partners. However, we are mindful of the time commitments and demands that Darden's arduous academic program places on our students. For the 2023-24 academic year, we are piloting a program that limits each company to four individual recruiting events per class year, regardless of location (Darden Grounds, Charlottesville, or virtually). This policy does not include student-requested informational interviews, or multi-company educational events such as panels or conferences. “Ambassador” or coffee chat events that engage individual students and extend over multiple days will be counted as one event. If you have further questions about which events are included under the four-limit policy, please email recruiting@ darden.virginia.edu

Diversity Recruiting

Darden supports firms that choose to participate in early diversity recruiting programs and national conferences. If students and companies engage with organizations and events such as Consortium, Forté, NBMBAA, MBA Veterans, ROMBA, etc. and enter employment contracts, they do so at their own risk. Darden will not reinforce recruiting policies on those arrangements.

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