2024-25 Darden Recruiting Guidelines

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202 4 – 2 5 DA R D E N R E C R U ITI N G G U I D E LI N E S D A R D E N Career Center S C H O O L O F B U S I N E S S


Our recruiting guidelines provide all employers with a level playing field and a fair and equitable recruiting process that is mutually beneficial. This allows our students time for evaluating opportunities, and our employers equal and timely access to all of our talented MBA students. We believe that our combination of student and employer guidelines enables employers to develop valuable long-term relationships with Darden and provides students the maximum number of career opportunities. These guidelines apply to any company that utilizes Darden’s recruiting platform (Darden Career Link [DCL]), Career Center services, or partners with a student club to promote, market, or showcase their job opportunities to students through events or interviews whether held on Darden Grounds or virtually.

At UVA Darden, we offer three MBA formats: our renowned Full-Time, residential MBA program, as well as world-class Executive MBA and Part-Time MBA programs, all of which leverage the Case Method through the same rigorous core curriculum, matched only in its intensity by its career rewards. These guidelines are heavily focused on the traditional cohort recruiting process Darden has successfully employed for years. We also recognize that there isn’t a set recruiting season for all top organizations you need exceptional talent on demand. If you have not done so in the past, we urge you to get to know our talented pool of MBA students across all formats, and consider them for employment within your organization. You can connect with them through student clubs, on-Grounds events in Charlottesville and/or Rosslyn, and other activities. If you are coming to Grounds to recruit, we strongly encourage you to include students from all formats among your interview candidates. Our working professional MBA students are ready now to help your organization solve its hardest problems. We can help you connect with our students throughout the year whenever the time is right for you.


1. Standards 2. Academic Commitments 3. Student Standards 4. Recruiting Activities 5. Resume Books 6. Employer Interviews 7. Severe Inclement Weather 8. Extending Offers 9. Additional Guidelines 10. Recruiting Calendar 11. All Darden Recruiting 12. The Code of Conduct 13. When Guidelines Are Not Followed 14. Contact Us



UVA is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. Discrimination or harassment based on age, color, disability, family, medical or genetic information, gender identity or expression, marital status, military status (which includes active-duty service members, reserve service members, and dependents), national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status will not be tolerated. Learn more through the University of Virginia’s Policy on Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment.

We ask all Darden employers to accommodate students with disabilities throughout the recruiting experience by providing contact information for students requesting accommodations, acknowledging support for students with disabilities during your recruiting process (job postings, recruiting events), and being prepared to make reasonable accommodations as needed (e.g., extended time on assessments, interview questions mailed in advance, etc.) If you have any questions about accommodating students with disabilities, please contact S. Kellogg Leliveld at LeliveldS@darden.virginia.edu.


The academic calendar is the main driver of recruiting dates and availability.

• Darden students may not miss class or academic commitments for any recruiting-related activities.

• Employers cannot require a student, as a condition of employment candidacy, to interview at a time that conflicts with that student’s academic schedule.

• First Year students are expected to meet with their Learning Teams Sunday through Wednesday afternoons. Participation in Learning Teams is an academic commitment that is critical to student success in Darden's Case Method learning environment.


Darden students are held to high professional standards. We require that all students agree to the Darden Career Center Code of Conduct (included on page 13 of this document). Students are subject to penalties for violating this Code of Conduct. Employers are asked to notify the Employer Engagement and Recruiting Team immediately if they believe a violation has occurred.



Darden's goal is to ensure that there are a sufficient number and variety of recruiting events for firms to meet and learn about our students, and for the students to get to know our recruiting partners. However, we are mindful of the time commitments and demands that Darden's arduous academic program places on our students. Each company is limited to four individual recruiting events per class year, regardless of location (Darden Grounds, Charlottesville, or virtually). This policy does not include Darden Career Expos, student-requested informational interviews, or multi-company educational events such as panels or conferences. “Ambassador” or coffee chat events that engage individual students and extend over multiple days will be counted as one event. If you have further questions about which events are included under the four-event policy, please contact your aligned Employer Engagement team member, or email recruiting@darden.virginia.edu.

Recruiting events for full-time hiring begin on 20 August 2024. Recruiting events for Internship hiring begin on 9 September 2024. Event dates are not guaranteed and will be scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis. It is our goal to maximize student attendance. We will focus on coordinating across industries, functions, and target audiences.

Employers are not approved to host company events during August pre-matriculation, final exams, or on other specific dates. Key recruiting dates are summarized later in this document, and specific blackout dates (exams, holidays, etc.) will not be available for request in Darden Career Link (DCL). Please note that additional blackout dates may arise in response to changes in the academic calendar.

Minimal event conflict is in the best interest of students and employers. Therefore, the Employer Engagement team makes every effort to work closely with employers to find a time that maximizes student engagement and minimizes conflicts. If an employer is working directly with a student club, it is a best practice to proactively contact the Employer Engagement team with any questions, and/or to gain holistic insights on the recruiting calendar/scheduling. This facilitates optimal attendance and success in employer sessions.


The Darden Career Center is happy to provide employers with access to resume books at no cost. Once released, a resume book request widget will be active on your homepage within our online portal (Darden Career Link, or DCL). This widget allows you to generate resume books for specific cohorts (e.g. First Year Full-Time MBA, All Final Year MBAs, etc.). Specific release dates will be provided closer to the start of the academic year. Early access to resume books is available as part of our Career Center Sponsorship program.



Interviews for full-time hiring begin on 23 September 2024. Interviews for internship hiring begin on 3 January 2025. Your Employer Engagement partner will work with you to determine a date that is most appropriate for your on-Grounds or virtual interviews. To ensure your interview schedule contains a full slate of candidates, we highly encourage you to identify a minimum of 2 alternate candidates for every 10 invited candidates, and you are welcome to select more if you would like.

Recruiters should give students sufficient notice (and maintain flexibility where possible) for second-round interviews or other events held out of town. Students may have other obligations, including other interviews, which cannot be rescheduled on short notice without penalty to the student.


The Darden Career Center staff are considered “non-designated” employees under the University of Virginia Disruption of Normal University Operations Resulting from Weather or Emergency Events policy. If UVA activates this policy, we will not host interviews or events on Grounds until the University returns to normal operating status. As soon as we know the school is closed, or on a modified schedule, the Employer Engagement team will reach out and work with our recruiting partners to make alternate arrangements, which may include rescheduling, switching to a virtual format, or remaining as scheduled.



Providing sufficient time without undue pressure from company representatives allows students to evaluate their employment opportunities, therefore making the wisest decisions for all parties. These timelines create a positive experience for candidates and employers, ultimately reducing renege and attrition rates.

The fundamental terms of an employment offer including annual salary, base signing bonus, performance bonus, relocation, and job function must remain unchanged until the expiration date. Financial incentives encouraging students to commit before the deadline are permitted as long as incentives are small relative to the overall value of the offer and still allow the student a minimum of three weeks’ decision time. If your company policies or business practices vary significantly from these timelines, please discuss this matter with your Employer Engagement partner.

Darden’s offer guidelines and deadlines are aimed to meet the needs of both recruiters and students and to benefit all parties.

All students must receive an offer in WRITING. The beginning of the offer period will coincide with the date of the written offer.


If the full-time offer is extended as the result of a summer internship: The job offer must remain open until 31 October 2024, or three weeks from the date the written offer is received, whichever is later.

If the full-time offer is extended before 1 January 2025: The job offer must remain open until 31 October 2024, or three weeks from the date the written offer is received, whichever is later.

If the full-time offer is extended after 1 January 2025: The job offer must remain open for a minimum of two weeks from the date the written offer is received.



Regardless of format (virtual or in-person) and location (at Darden or remote), no initial employer interviews or job offers should occur prior to 3 January 2025.

The internship offer must remain open until 31 January 2025, or three weeks from the date the written offer is received, whichever is later.

If an internship offer is extended 1 March 2025 or later:

The internship offer must remain open for a minimum of two weeks from the date the written offer is received.

NOTE: First Year Full-Time MBA students are obligated to remain in Charlottesville through 18 May 2025, through the end of Spring term and final exams. These same students must return to Charlottesville by 18 August 2025. Therefore, internships should start no earlier than 19 May 2025, and should end by 15 August 2025, so these students can fulfill their academic obligations.


Employers are not to apply undue pressure or unreasonable expectations related to accepting offers. Please note that students are being coached to provide standard answers to these situations and will engage the Career Center when appropriate.

• Exploding offers (defined as giving a candidate an unreasonably short time to accept an offer before it is revoked).

• Requiring students to respond to verbal (not written) offers.

• Changes to offer terms

If an employer must withdraw an offer, contact the Managing Director of Employer Engagement and Recruiting, Kevin Kennedy, immediately at +1 434-243-4400.




Darden recognizes that some companies participate in diversity fellowship programs that involve early opportunities for internship interviews and offers. We support these early opportunities subject to the following conditions:

• Such interviews are not held the week of 12-16 August 2024 during orientation, which is a mandatory event for all incoming students

• Candidates are given at least ten business days to consider such offers. Best practice is to keep offers open until 31 January to give students time to make an informed decision.

• Students and companies entering employment contracts do so at their own risk. Darden will not reinforce recruiting policies on those arrangements, except when employment offers are in compliance with the January recruiting dates specified above (i.e., 31 January 2025).


Darden’s grading process does not incorporate a class ranking or GPA, nor will the school disclose grades (i.e. transcripts) to a third party.

It is each student’s choice whether to disclose grades to potential employers. Students are encouraged to contact the Career Center with any concerns related to disclosure or for guidance on how to discuss grades with employers.


International MBA students make up more than a third of the Full-Time MBA student population and represent some of the best and brightest management talent from around the world. They excel academically and contribute significantly to the Darden community through their wide range of knowledge and professional experiences. Their language skills and cultural knowledge are invaluable resources in the expanding global marketplace.

If you have not done so in the past, we urge you to get to know our talented pool of international students and consider them for employment within your organization for both U.S. and overseas opportunities. You can connect with them through internationally focused student clubs, on-Grounds events, and other activities. If you are coming to Grounds to recruit, we strongly encourage you to include international students among your interview candidates. For more information on work eligibility, please contact Denise Karaoli at KaraoliD@darden.virginia.edu


NOTE: When recruiting at Darden or creating a job posting, providing information on work authorization requirements ensures students understand any constraints placed on positions.


Typically, employers will reimburse students for travel-related expenses for secondand final-round interviews. Students are advised to divide expenses among recruiting companies when more than one company is visited during their trip.


For all events that are held at Darden that have alcohol, companies must purchase alcohol through the Abbott Center. Externally purchased alcohol is not allowed on the premises. Please read UVA’s full alcohol policy.


Our students agree to comply with the Code of Conduct, which explicitly provides expectations regarding interviews and job offers/acceptances. If a student misses an interview or otherwise behaves improperly, we ask that you please share this information with our team immediately so we can address the issue and take swift action. If a student reneges on an offer, please notify the Assistant Dean of the Career Center, Jeff McNish, at +1 434-297-7971, so that we can take the appropriate and necessary actions with our student.


FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CF Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all educational agencies and institutions that receive funds under any program administered by the Department of Education including the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. No student data will be disclosed to any outside sources without the written consent by the student.



FALL 2024

August 12-16 Darden Opening Week

August 19 Full-Time MBA Q1 Classes begin

August 20 Company Presentations begin for Second Years/Full-time roles

September 10 Career Expo – full-time roles

September 11 Resume books released (full-time role seeking only)

September 12 Career Expo – Internship roles

September 13 Darden DC Connections networking event (Sands Family Grounds)

September 17-21 National Black MBA Conference (Washington, DC)

September 9 Company Presentations begin for First Years/Internships

September 20-29 Executive MBA Exams

September 23 Interviews begin – full-time roles

September 26-28 Reaching Out MBA Conference (Los Angeles, CA)

October 4-8 Full-Time MBA Q1 Exams (No recruiting activity)

October 4-13 Part-Time MBA Exams

October 9-20 Full-Time MBA Fall Break and Career Week

October 10-11 MBA Veterans Conference (Atlanta, GA)

October 11

October 11-12

October 21

October 28

Resume books released (Internship-seeking only)

Yom Kippur (No recruiting activity)

Full-Time MBA Q2 Classes begin

First Year/Internship Invite-only events begin

Oct. 29-Nov. 1 Prospanica Conference (Orlando, FL)

October 31 Full-time role decision deadline

November 5 Election Day (University Closed)

Nov. 27-Dec. 1 Thanksgiving Break (University Closed)

December 6-16 Part Time MBA Exams

December 6-17 Executive MBA Exams

December 13-17 Full-Time MBA Q2 Exams (No recruiting activity)

Dec. 18-Jan. 12 Full-Time MBA Holiday Break

Dec. 23-Jan. 1

Holiday Break (University Closed)




January 3

January 13

January 14

January 20

January 31

February 14-23

Feb. 28-March 4

Feb. 28-March 9

March 5-16

March TBD

March 17

April 18-May 6

April 25-May 5

May 2-6

May 19

August TBD

Interviews begin (full day available) – Internship roles

Full-Time MBA Q3 Classes begin (No recruiting activity)

Interviews resume (after 1:45pm) – Internship roles

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (University Closed)

Initial Internship decision deadline

Executive MBA Exams

Full-Time MBA Q3 Exams (No recruiting activity)

Part-Time MBA Exams

Full-Time MBA Spring Break

Darden DC Connections networking event (Sands Family Grounds)

Full-Time MBA Q4 Classes begin

Executive MBA Exams

Part-Time MBA Exams

Full-Time MBA Q4 Exams (No recruiting activity)

Students available to begin Summer Internships

Full-Time MBA Fall classes begin




In addition to Darden's renowned Full-Time, residential MBA program, we also have world-class Executive MBA, Part-Time MBA and MS in Business Analytics programs, as well as alumni from Darden and the undergraduate McIntire School of Commerce. All recruiting activity coordinated through the Darden Career Center will be automatically visible to all relevant cohorts. This allows you full access to all our worldclass talent.




The CC Code of Conduct is designed to promote courtesy, integrity, and respect among students, recruiters, the CC, faculty and other Darden administrators. It is also intended to ensure a positive recruiting experience for both students and recruiters where expectations are aligned. As a student, your conduct during the job search or recruiting process impacts the entire Darden community. Your actions affect the school's reputation and legacy and a company's decision to recruit Darden students now and in the future. Access to Darden recruiting resources is a privilege granted to students at Darden, and as such, you are expected to represent yourself and the Darden School of Business in a professional and ethical manner at all times.

• I understand my conduct during the job search process has an impact on the entire Darden community and its’ reputation.

• I agree to behave professionally and ethically during my career search as outlined in this Code of Conduct, regardless of where I have sourced my recruiting opportunities.

1. Honor Your Accepted Offer (No Reneges)

• I will immediately notify the Career Center when I receive an offer.

• I will discuss the offer(s) with the Career Center.

• As ANY changes unfold throughout the recruiting process, I will reconnect with the Career Center to request guidance on deadline extensions and company engagement.

• I will respond to every offer regardless of whether I accept or decline the offer.

• I understand that if I sign an offer, I will no longer be able to engage in interview preparation activities with the Career Center. If a Residential MBA student, I understand that I will not be able to use my Second Year Coach for interview preparation if I sign an offer.

• I will honor the acceptance of an offer as a contractual agreement with the employer and will not continue to interview, make office visits, or other job seeking activities after accepting an offer.

• I understand that an offer is considered accepted once I agree with the employer on the terms of employment in writing.

• I will not back out of (renege on) an accepted offer and understand that reneging on an accepted offer could have negative ramifications for Darden and damage valuable recruiting relationships.

• I understand that unless otherwise decided by the Assistant Dean of the Career Center, I will immediately lose all recruiting privileges if I renege on an accepted offer and could be denied access to Darden Alumni Career Services for up to 5 years.

• I will notify the CC of my job acceptance and enter the offer information


into the Employment Data System (EDS) or, as an Executive MBA or MSBA student, will share this data directly with the CC team.

• I will notify all other employers with whom I am a job candidate and withdraw myself from further consideration upon accepting an offer.

• If I received an internship offer prior to my matriculation at Darden or through a fall diversity conference (National Black, ROMBA, MBA Vets, etc), the following guidelines must be adhered to:

• If the offer deadline (considering extensions) provided was later than 31 January 2025, and I accepted the offer prior to the deadline, I will not renege on my acceptance and, if I do, I understand that the consequences outlined above will be in effect.

• If the offer deadline (considering extensions) provided was earlier than 31 January 2025, and I accepted the offer prior to the deadline, I will engage with the Career Center prior to both accepting the offer and considering alternative options that may result in my reneging on an accepted offer.

• In ALL circumstances, I will seek counsel with the Career Center prior to notifying the employer of my decision to ensure that my interactions reflect well on myself and on Darden, to maintain valuable recruiting relationships for future Darden students.

2. Report Your Employment Status to the Career Center

• When I receive a full-time job or internship offer as either a Full-Time MBA or Part-Time MBA student, I agree to enter the offer information in EDS as soon as possible, regardless of my decision to accept or decline the offer.

• When I receive a full-time job offer as an Executive MBA or MSBA student, I agree to share the details with the CC team in the manner requested.

• I agree to enter the offer information asked, including company name, job function, industry, job location, referral source, salary, other compensation, and offer date.

• I understand that all offer information I enter is kept confidential except for the company name and company location for which I will be working.

• I understand that salary statistics will be reported in aggregate form only to Darden faculty and staff, prospective employers, students, prospective students, and the media when requested.

• I understand that it is important to report my offer information as this data is vital to the school and directly affects Darden’s rankings in surveys conducted by Bloomberg BusinessWeek, US News & World Report, Financial Times, and other media outlets.

3. Monitor Communications for Important Career-Related Information

• I understand that CC information, including interview schedules, may be distributed to me outside of regular business hours.

• I will monitor my Darden e-mail in the event of inclement weather for updates as to whether interviews will continue and understand that if Darden remains open and recruiters are able to travel to Darden interviews will continue.


• I understand that I can contact a CC staff member with any concerns or questions.

4. Honor All Career Event Commitments and Arrive on Time

• I understand that if I fail to show up (no-show) for an event it may prove damaging to Darden’s reputation and its recruiting relationships. Unexpected attendees may result in companies not having enough recruiters or resources for students.

• I will attend all recruiting events, company briefings, networking events, interviews, and meetings that I have committed to attend.

• If I cannot attend a career-related event I committed to, I will notify the CC and company recruiter(s) to cancel my commitment.

• I understand that the CC is not responsible for following up with companies on my behalf if I miss a recruiting event.

5. Schedule All Recruiting Activities Outside of Class Time

• I will only conduct recruiting activities during non-class times and understand that all events and first and final round interviews should be scheduled during non-class times only.

• I understand that if I miss class for a recruiting activity, it violates the Darden Class Attendance Policy.

6. Honor Interview Commitments and Arrive on Time

• I understand that missing an interview is a serious offense and may result in an immediate loss of all recruiting privileges.

• I understand that unless a legitimate reason arises (sudden personal illness or death in the family) I am committed to showing up on time for my scheduled interview(s). I will notify the CC immediately if an extreme emergency arises and I know that I may be late for or miss an interview.

• I will notify the CC immediately if I accept an offer of employment, so the CC can remove me from all pending interview schedules without penalty. I will provide at least 48 hours’ notice, so my slot can be filled by another qualified candidate.

7. Respect CC Staff and Recruiters

• I will treat all CC Staff members and recruiters with the utmost respect and kindness in all my interactions.

• I understand that my behavior impacts both my personal reputation and Darden’s reputation.

8. Respect Current Employer (applicable to Part-Time and Executive MBA students)

• I will engage in all recruiting activities in a manner that is respectful of both my current employer and companies of interest for future employment opportunities.

• I will notify the CC coaching team if I change employers while enrolled as a student in a Darden working professionals' program.




We have established our guidelines based on the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) Principles for Professional Practice, aimed at fostering a mutually beneficial recruiting process for all stakeholders involved: students, faculty, and recruiters. These guidelines seek to strike a balance between the needs of both students and recruiters, while also recognizing the significant investment employers make in recruiting our students.

In alignment with these principles, we kindly request that any company engaging in recruiting activities at our institution familiarize themselves with these guidelines and ensure compliance among their staff involved in the process. The full list of NACE’s principles can be accessed for reference.

Should there be any instances where compliance is not met, we encourage students to report such incidents. Our staff will then undertake a thorough investigation and engage in direct communication with the employer involved. In cases where resolution isn't achieved, we may implement corrective measures. These measures will be determined based on the severity and recurrence of the offense, and may include:

• Communication from the school to the senior management of the company, highlighting the breach of guidelines.

• Listing the company's violation on our student-facing website for a duration of up to three years, with details of the infraction.

• Adjusting the priority of the company's recruiting dates in comparison to other competitors globally for the following year.

• Limiting the company's access to students, which may entail restrictions on participation in panel discussions, industry events, corporate presentations, club activities, or other recruiting endeavors.

• Temporarily or permanently excluding the company from participating in school recruiting activities.

Our aim is to foster a culture of collaboration and partnership between our institution and recruiting organizations, ensuring that the interests of all parties involved are respected and upheld. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines for the benefit of our entire community.


Darden’s Employer Engagement and Recruiting Team would be happy to help.

Please email recruiting@darden.virginia.edu with any questions or concerns.



Planning and scheduling of recruiting events takes place in partnership with a member of the Employer Engagement & Recruiting team. We support implementation, success and scheduling. Request your recruiting reservation packet today!

Kevin Kennedy

Managing Director of Employer Engagement and Recruiting

KennedyK@darden.virginia.edu | +1 434-243-4400

Shavone Dudley

Marketing, General Management, and Development Programs

Associate Director of Employer Engagement and Recruiting

DudleyS@darden.virginia.edu | +1 434-924-0365

Pam Cline

Technology and Fintech

Associate Director of Employer Engagement and Recruiting

ClineP@darden.virginia.edu | +1 434-243-8612

Abby Stauffer

Consulting, Education and Government

Assistant Director of Employer Engagement and Recruiting

StaufferA@darden.virginia.edu |+1 434-924-7089

Ellie Toth

Financial Services and Investment Banking

Associate Director of Employer Engagement and Recruiting

TothE@darden.virginia.edu | +1 434-924-0950

Emily Funk

Professional Degree Programs

Sands Family Grounds, Arlington (Rosslyn), VA

Assistant Director of Employer Engagement and Recruiting



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