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the frequency of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute (beats per minute, or bpm).

BPM is an appreciation of people who carve their own path and are not ashamed to be themselves in the process. From seeking adrenaline to taking slow steps, we’re giving a platform to those who go against the grain, regardless of their rhythm. BE INSPIRED by our trailblazers and see what makes your blood pump, what gives you peace and serenity, and what strikes the right balance.

YOU are the composer of your tune. Embrace your tempo, be the producer of your own beat and go with the flow of your creative outlets – no matter your BPM.



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FRANCESCA SOSTER, a new Oceanography graduate from the University of Malta and an enthusiast of anything sea-related, is a perfect example of how it’s never too late to commit to your calling.
Being close to the sea from a young age, she found a sense of peace and quiet which one wouldn’t find on land. Speaking with gratitude, Francesca’s career and free-time activities are both related to the open blue.

While she has been fascinated by whales and dolphins from an early age, she remained in her hometown in Northwest Italy, near the mountains and far from the sea. Initially, she pursued a career in textile engineering and worked as a project manager for a clothing company. Nevertheless, her love for the water persisted, leading her to volunteer with Sea Shepherd, a marine conservation society, and to discover a freediving club in her hometown. This marked a turning point in Francesca’s life, and she realised that the 9 to 5 life isn’t very rewarding for her.

Despite feeling behind compared to her experienced colleagues, she didn’t get discouraged. She bravely took the career-changing risk to volunteer in conservation projects for whales and dolphins in Montenegro, Turkey, and the Ligurian Sea. Her research journey eventually

led her to Malta, where she completed her Master in Oceanography and now works as an environmental educator and cetacean researcher. Both on and off the clock, her favourite sea-related activity is dolphin research. ‘Being on the boat and seeing a dolphin or a whale is something I wish everyone could experience.’

Freediving is one of Francesca’s low-BPM activities, and she gave us a rather scientific explanation for this: ‘The heartbeat slows down because we all have the mammalian dive reflex, something you can see in dolphins and whales, for example. Of course, you need breathwork and preparation before a freediving session, but everyone who puts their head into the water will have their heartbeat slowed down - it’s something that is part of our genetics and it’s fascinating because everything is connected to that.’

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Francesca is passionate about freediving as it makes her feel one with water, allowing her to connect both with herself and her marine surroundings. For her, descending into deep water means entering a meditative state, becoming acutely aware of her body, and paying close attention to every subtle sensation.

Beyond her love for being in the water, whilst on land, Francesca also takes pleasure in photographing others who share her love for the sea. Her interest in surf photography began when she watched her friend surfing, describing the scene as a ‘feather on a board’. This sight left such a strong impression on her that it ignited a new passion. For Francesca, photography serves as another form of meditation. ‘I love to see how happy the guys are about the photos, seeing themselves on a wave. I’m happy that they’re happy’.

Francesca’s journey is an inspiration to anyone who longs for a change but is hesitant to follow their dreams. It’s never too late to follow your passion, as every journey is marked by a unique BPM.

Being on the boat and seeing a dolphin or a whale is something I wish everyone could experience.
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HANNAH AGIUS is an adventurous 20-year-old who is the definition of commitment and optimism. Currently, she is a 3rd-year Communications student as well as an aspiring professional dancer. She is also in her 2nd year of a ballet teaching degree which she is set to complete in November, officially becoming a qualified Royal Academy Dance teacher. Since age 2, dance has been Hannah’s main medium of expression. Her love for dance is not limited to just one style. She is a versatile dancer trained in ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, lyrical, and her favourite, jazz.

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Hannah has countless goals for her evergrowing dancing career. She wishes to obtain a dancing contract with a cruise ship company since she also aspires to travel the world. Hannah tirelessly competes for opportunities to be selected as a dancer. Whenever there is a workshop or a choreographer visiting from London, she makes it a point to attend. Her dedication has earned her numerous scholarships, allowing her to travel to London on several occasions. These experiences have given her a glimpse into the life of training full-time with a prestigious dance company.

To complete the 2nd year of her dance teacher training, Hannah must teach dance to children, an aspect that brings her immense joy and fulfilment. Her passion for dance is matched by her love for children, and she relishes in the creativity they bring to the dance floor. This dual passion fuels her aspiration to become a dance teacher. Yet, before embracing this role, Hannah is determined to immerse herself in her professional dance career, believing that this will enrich her teaching abilities. Working overseas and engaging in rigorous training and professional opportunities will equip her with invaluable insights and skills. These experiences will enable her to share the enchantment of dance with the younger generation, inspiring her future students to surpass her own achievements as a dancer.

Hannah’s primary inspiration to pursue training in dance comes from watching international

dance competitions. Despite having never done ballroom dancing, her go-to series is Dancing with the Stars and she hopes to one day take up a ballroom dance class. Watching other dancers perform at such high levels inspires her to push her boundaries, aiming to advance her level and progress further in her dancing journey.

What is the perfect job for a person who has a love for children and a dream to travel the world? A travelling babysitter, of course! To afford to live in London in the future, Hannah babysits for many families. On some occasions, she gets the opportunity to travel with these families and babysit while abroad.

Hannah juggles all of this - the dance course, her training, university work, and babysitting, leading her to have a very high-paced lifestyle. Shockingly, however, she is a very relaxed and zen person. She told us that one of the few times she feels anxious is when she doesn’t have a trip booked! A wonderful coping mechanism for her is a singing therapy session in her car and screaming her heart out. Also, she makes sure to bring in positivity in her life by reassuring herself that she will make it!

Dance has shaped Hannah into the person she is today. ‘Dancing allows me to be me.’ Thanks to it, she has learned a lot about dedication, commitment, resilience, and confidence. It is the reason she is able to manage her time, never backs out of a challenge, and sees through whatever she commits to!

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the best way to order.



Andrea Portelli is a member of the administrative sector of the University of Malta. Going by the alias of CITOYEN PORT, he is also a historybounder and the only regency-era clothes designer on the Island. Focused on the mid-18th to early 19th century, he tells us all about the process of designing a

fashion piece, from paper to hanger, as well as his BPM throughout it. You can see him on the streets of Valletta, where he usually flaunts his meticulously designed garments. He has also just started his calligraphy business, Atelier de Port, which keeps to the historical accuracy of that era.

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A historybounder is a person that incorporates historical fashion into their day-to-day lives. In a social context, you can never spot Andrea wearing ‘regular’ clothes. All of his pieces are designed according to his vision and objective.

Citoyen comes from the French word meaning ‘citizen’ - a practice done during the French Revolution as a way to remove social class prejudice, with the abolition of aristocratic titles. And Port is a nickname that has stuck since youth.

The designing process is a lengthy one, usually taking 6 to 9 months per piece. Citoyen Port points out the ups and downs of such a creative journey, highlighting the rush and excitement that come along with sketches and silhouettes of a starting idea. As soon as questions such as occasion and season are answered, he sources all of the materials needed, sometimes from abroad, which makes the process longer. Whilst there are a variety of fabrics to choose from, he strives for 95% historical accuracy, free of synthetics or any materials which would take away from the piece’s originality. There are, however, stages of doubt in the process. There are moments of uncertainty regarding the size or materials, but in that case, he says, ‘I just stop and come back to it later again, more composed’.

Contrary to the high BPM that comes with designing clothes, the process of calligraphy is one of Citoyen Port’s low-BPM creative outlets. Something that started ‘on a whim’,

as he says, the calligraphy business is another way to incorporate ‘the vibe of the regency-era lifestyle’ into his day-to-day life. Atelier de Port makes artwork with historically accurate materials, from the paper used to the wax seals and quill pens - all sourced from abroad.

The art of historybounding, however, comes with its own obstacles. Speaking passionately about the experience of being ‘unapologetically different’, Andrea expresses his disappointment with people’s ignorance when it comes to those who don’t necessarily ‘fit in’ with the rest. ‘People who want to express themselves differently in Malta are unfortunately met with ridicule, heckling, and shaming. People being themselves shouldn’t get shit for it’. This is something which he claims to have experienced in various instances and from various age groups, and it’s not just a one-off. Whilst his close circle of friends have no issue with his different wardrobe choices, being in a wider social crowd is a different story - one that comes with being made fun of and possibly excluded.

Brushing aside the negativity from those who are unwilling to learn, Citoyen Port makes it known that one needs to have thick skin to lead this type of lifestyle. To anyone who wishes to stand out from the rest, he says: ‘If you’re not willing to get shit for it, don’t do it, don’t be a hero. But if you do, then absolutely go for it. Life is too short to wear t-shirts and shorts’.

People being themselves shouldn’t get shit for it.
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With a passion for music, fashion, and digital design, JOE VELLA takes inspiration from various sources and combines them to create works that reflect his personal taste. One of his dreams involves creating something as ubiquitous and iconic as the barbecue chair. Even though no one knows who made that chair, everyone knows the chair. ‘There are so many things that have been made but are so ubiquitous in everyday life that they’re beyond being designed by someone.’

There are so many things that have been made but are so ubiquitous in everyday life that they’re beyond being designed by someone.

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Can you describe your journey?

I’ve always been a creative person. I used to draw as a child, I was always into music. When I was around 13, I started to develop my own personal style of fashion, a particular taste in music. But all the clothes and stuff that I liked weren’t affordable to a student. So I thought, ’Why don’t I do it myself?’. I always tell people I just want to spend my life creating stuff I find cool. Whether it’s fashion, music, I just like making stuff.

How do you feel when you’re designing clothes?

I am definitely a high-BPM person. When designing, I like to listen to intense, fastpaced music. I feel like that really puts me in a fast and intense headspace, where ideas are free to flow rapidly.

What made you experiment with DJing?

I have tried playing instruments, but I didn’t like the learning curve. I got into creating digital remixes on my laptop when I was like 13, using really primitive software. I also got into beat making. Eventually, I found myself and my musical identity in the techno scene and I started experimenting with mixing techno. After going to so many parties, I care about this feeling so much and there’s all these people who care too - hundreds, sometimes thousands at events - who are there feeling so incredible because of what the DJ can do. I want to be able to share that love, that feeling, with others as well.

Do you ever get moments of frustration while working on creative endeavours?

Extremely. My biggest frustration is having an image in my mind and either not being able to communicate it effectively or not being able to translate it into something physical. My favourite thing is seeing my ideas become something tangible. There was an idea, a concept. And now it’s something that I have and love.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Very simple. Don’t let anything hold you back!

What is your advice to anyone who wants to become a fashion designer?

I’m in no position to give advice but what really matters is being true to yourself and to design for you above all else. If you know exactly what you want, you are making something of true artistic value. I think that resonates with people. The level of authenticity, of raw truthfulness, will eventually lead to something meaningful for sure in terms of any form of art.

Don’t let anything hold you back!

Who is Joe in 3 words?

I prefer for people to just meet me, get to know me, and figure it out by themselves. I’m just Joe.

Since you are self-taught, what is your advice to anyone who wants to teach themselves a skill?

YouTube. Get your phone, laptop, and start google searching things. You learn the language of that piece of art. You start to become familiar with the tools and then things start making sense by themselves.

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Thomas describes himself as curious, restless, and hungry…

THOMAS CAMILLERI is the founder of Lazarus Tiles, a company that focuses on the restoration of old Maltese tiles. As one can guess, the name stems from the biblical story of Lazarus being raised from the dead, as Thomas aims to resurrect Maltese history and give it a new home.

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The purpose of Lazarus Tiles is to ‘document the craft of Maltese cement tile-making’ and to ‘salvage and restore cement tiles’. Thomas’ dedication to preserving Maltese tiles has paved the way for installing them in houses where they can be appreciated. He believes that

Thomas believes that these tiles, whether stained or loose, can add character and beauty to any place.

by having homes which incorporate a piece of Maltese history, Maltese heritage can live on.

Thomas started this business during the COVID-19 pandemic and it has grown exceptionally since then. He explains how finding tiles leads him

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to explore various places and houses, such as abandoned properties. Therefore, his creative process allows him to appreciate the beauty of buildings and places. Along the way, he has also met several individuals who share the same passion towards preserving Maltese culture. While finishing a piece of work means getting business, Thomas feels more grateful for the people he meets. One project which stuck with him was salvaging tiles from St. Joseph’s School. Throughout this project, he met several ex-students who purchased a tile to keep a part of their school’s history as a testament to the memories they made there.

Thomas believes that these tiles, whether stained or loose, can add character and beauty to any place. While tile restoration, preservation, and installation are by no means easy work, Thomas finds that they lower his BPM in a good way as he automatically focuses only on the task at hand.

Thomas describes himself as curious, restless, and hungry for knowledge related to people, Maltese history, and everything else! Apart from Lazarus Tiles, Thomas also works in marketing and is an actor. Having to juggle these different aspects of his life, time is a challenging factor in Thomas’ life. However, he’s always ready to work whenever inspiration hits, even if it’s at 11 PM!

While Lazarus Tiles is an overall calming project for Thomas, his BPM is certainly different when it comes to being an actor. Acting brings along a rush of adrenaline and excitement, especially when being on stage. He says that having three different paths keeps his life interesting.

Between acting, marketing, and tile restoration, Thomas’ life is anything but mundane. He strives to find a balance between these three personas and enjoys the different emotions each one elicits. Thomas has no intention of stopping Lazarus Tiles anytime soon, so keep an eye out for beautiful designs to be restored and rehomed!

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GUILHERME LEMES is a young athlete who navigates life with vigour and optimism. Coming from Brazil, he tells us about his journey guided by the love for football which led him to be the mature young adult he is today. Living in different places at such a young age comes with its own obstacles, but Guilherme, having recently become a father, has managed to find a home with his partner on the quiet Island of Gozo.

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Being brought up with sports by the influence of his father, Guilherme reached a black belt in taekwondo when he was only 11. Satisfied with his progress so early in life, he decided to show his talents in another sport. He put on the goalkeeper gloves, igniting his desire to be a professional footballer. And he has never looked back since. At 14, Gui had to travel far from home to be able to pursue his passion in a professional setting. Being alone in a foreign place has influenced his worldview greatly, while his high-BPM self kept pushing on.

This is what he felt, what he knew, and what he wanted, even if it meant leaving all that he knew behind and starting anew overseas.

Moving to Portugal was a big step for Guilherme. Despite speaking the same language, the dialect set him and his Brazilian peers apart from the locals. He says that the expectation that Brazilians have of Europe is vastly different than reality. Shocked by the exclusion and racism from the locals, he kept pushing on and didn’t allow himself to change his gogetter attitude one bit. He says that his hasty attitude was calmed down as he met his partner Therese and started a family together. ‘I was very impulsive. If I decided that I want something, I’d do it. I didn’t wait. But love changes you. It changes your priorities.’

Knowing that fatherhood is his new and most important role, football took a secondary spot. Moving to Malta was another page in his journey, this time written by love.

Settling in, he strived to pursue his passion, and things looked great. He was offered a trial with a Maltese club, exceeded all expectations and was promised a solid future. However, this was short-lived. What was once a guaranteed future, was now met with ifs and buts. ‘I just wanted the opportunity to show my work in the trial, not ask for the job. I was told that everything is okay, but then, no answer for weeks, a month, to be told that I have to find a job on my own first.’

Unfortunately, Guilherme’s story is one that many foreigners in Malta know all too wellbeing promised a future, only to be met with a change of heart from those they relied on. His dreams of continuing his football career in Malta are still alive. ‘You do something for so long and it becomes part of you - even if you have a plan B, you do everything in your power to not get to that plan B.’

Not giving up, Guilherme enjoys his job as a waiter on the Island of Gozo. He loves the peace that the Island offers, eagerly looking forward to raising a family in a calm setting. He still plans to achieve his goals and go back to football, regardless of how much time it takes him.


You do something for so long and it becomes part of you - even if you have a plan B, you do everything in your power to not get to that plan B.

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Having had a passion for social justice from a young age, CLARIA CUTAJAR grew up to work with Malta’s most influential activist organisation, Moviment Graffitti. Between juggling her university work, focusing on her hobbies, and fighting for what she believes in, Claria’s life is an interesting blend of different rhythms.

The mistakes you make along the way are a teaching moment for you.


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Her journey with Moviment Graffitti started in 2021 after attending a couple of meetings. Upon meeting the members, she found that the organisation was made up of like-minded individuals who shared the same drive and passion as her.

During her day-to-day life, Claria classifies herself as medium BPM. However, giving speeches in front of crowds, marching through the streets, and having sit-in protests cause her BPM to undoubtedly rise. Claria embraces feelings of anxiety and doesn’t let herself shy away from pursuing activism.

While she has never had second thoughts about becoming an activist, she does say that it’s easy to get burnt out due to the many issues that need to be tackled. ‘I wouldn’t say I had second thoughts on being an activist. You can’t just stop being an activist. You owe it to your fellow activists and also to the people, and the community you’re working with. They are at times almost relying on you. You’re not able to stop just because you want to. It’s about what the group and the people need.’

However, being an activist comes with its fair share of backlash. Claria is no stranger to feeling anxious and stressed while protesting, especially when faced with counter-protests and harmful comments. But Claria doesn’t let these things get in the way of her passion. The beautiful community built by Moviment Graffitti allows for a safe space for activists, where everyone has each others’ backs.

When asked what advice Claria would give to her younger self, she replied ‘If I had to look back on my younger self, I’d just say keep going. Stick to it. There isn’t something in particular I’d change. The mistakes you make along the way are a teaching moment for you’.

Looking back on her activist journey, Claria explains that she joined Moviment Graffitti at the right time. Throughout these three years, she was able to channel her frustration towards social issues into a concrete purpose, whereby with the help of the other members, actual change could be achieved.

A memorable moment for Claria was the overnight camping demonstration in Mosta due to trees being uprooted in the square. Having to sleep in a tent on the pavement was a new experience for Claria, but with the team’s and the residents’ support, they continued their fight. Another was the fight against turning Marsaskala’s bay into a private marina. Moviment Graffitti was joined by residents who shared the same issues and concerns. Banding together as a whole was an inspirational moment as everyone was working as a community for a cause they cared deeply about. ‘It’s also empowering when it’s not us as activists leading the fight, but residents grouping together’.

While being an activist can take a toll on a person, Claria advises anyone interested in joining the fight to simply ‘go for it’. Becoming an activist means making other people’s voices heard and fighting for or against different issues. At the end of the day, one doesn’t become an activist for themselves, but for society.

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NIKOLA BORAS, going by the stage name of Tourelle, is a fast-paced and creative spirit. Learning how to play live sets in only two weeks, he tells us all about the process, motivation and inspiration behind creating music as an active DJ and student.

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Keep doing what you're doing. Don't doubt that it's good.

How did your love for music begin?

It stems from good music in the household. My dad would be blasting 70s rock. I’d see my brother playing metal and think ‘I want to be like him’.

How did you discover techno?

My friend introduced me to Boris Brejcha and that stuff. I was hooked. It was so simple, yet meditative throughout.

How does techno affect your BPM?

What I’m playing live now is definitely on the harder side. I have a soft spot for that music, like hard acid. When I’m mixing at home, I go towards syncopated groove and groove techno, which lets you speak more soulfully. It’s an opportunity to speak to an audience, and I feel like that’s the language of electronic music. The more you can incorporate that, the more you can say what you want and get people to respond in a way that reflects what they want to get out of it.

What is the creative process behind a track?

It’s everything from random thoughts during lectures to studying. My brain will do everything to not think about that. It also goes to the ambience around you. I pass by places, hear a bird or goofy car alarm. Suddenly, you imagine the kick drum behind it. It's a fast walk home, I start layering the drums, percussion and syncopating the synths through it and whatever sounds I want to use.

Do you ever get any moments of doubt?

I was always a bit of a shy performer, especially when I was playing classical guitar. I was scared to mess up during a performance. DJing taught me how to play confidently. There’s a fader, button, or a small knob. Once you've done it, it's out there, and you shake hands with it. As you practise doing that, you can start approaching life more confidently. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Keep doing what you're doing. Don't doubt that it's good. You're hearing that it's good for a reason. Even if it’s a niche sound that 50 people might enjoy, it's worth pursuing.

Who is Nikola in three words?

Determined, musical, and curious.

And Tourelle?

Tourelle is no holds barred. Do whatever you think is right, even though it might be off the chart.

Do you have other outlets that drive your BPM?

I love cooking, simple dishes, variations, make things interesting, but not overly difficult. I have a big place in my heart for art, galleries, and architecture. I love being fascinated by what other people put out there. I love being grounded in that way.

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What are your thoughts on the techno scene in Malta?

It's a pseudo-underground scene. In Malta, word-of-mouth is everything. What I'm trying to push for myself is inverting the influence of social media on this genre and scene. Lots of people go there and everything becomes about the drop, phones come out… And they’re just becoming longer. It's like you're promoting silence, constantly going for that tension. I never liked that. Social media is taking away too much from playing music. It's all about hype and theatrics, which is fine. But you should incorporate more of your mindset towards actually playing the music while doing it. People love that, just as much as the drops. If you have a dedicated videographer who's recording people enjoying it, it's not just about the DJ or the club. It's everyone in it. Techno was always about transgression, exceeding society’s limits. And here we are, being super confined by it, which I'm not very much a fan of.

What's next for Tourelle on a creative scale?

I want to fine-tune my productions to a point where syncopation is pushed almost beyond its limit. I want to confuse the listener, I want them to be able to feel the beat, but to get so lost in it that they don't think about anything else. I want to move towards bigger audiences, more groove-oriented stuff, collaborations, and my own events.



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This was the mindset with which she approached football; not only to fill her time and for the love of it, but to reach the summit.


TONINA DIMECH started playing football when she was 17 years old. While she tried other sports such as volleyball, handball, and tennis, she realised that she felt most at home on the football pitch. Joining Malta Football Association gave her the chance to embrace her role as goalkeeper of the national team and player with Melita and Birkirkara. Looking back on this difficult but rewarding journey, she feels satisfied that she reached her goal of playing with the national team. This remains her biggest honour.

Tonina is the perfect example of keeping your life at medium BPM. She retains a balance in life in order to sustain her mental well-being as well as take care of her duties. She values the time when she allows herself to relax, which she has in sports, including swimming. It’s the very reason she’s motivated to remain active apart from staying fit.

Sports come naturally to Tonina. She’s had an innate inclination towards sports from a young age. As a person who appreciates the improvements that have taken place in sports over the years, she encourages benefitting from the many opportunities available today. As a person who was not much into school, she now advises giving more attention to the scholastic side of life and opening your eyes to experiences abroad. There are countless ways one can progress and one only has to focus on what they’re truly willing to achieve. Early in her life when she didn’t have a car, she used to go training after work only to get home around 9 PM after leaving home around 6 AM.

Moreover, recalling the first game she played with the national team, she mentions that back when she was most active, women had to wear men’s gear. Being a woman in football came with its fair share of obstacles such as not having kits designed for women and not having gyms. She’s truly a person who has shone despite her

limitations. She maintains that women still have a longer way to go than men and she simply recommends resilience. Tonina is a person who gives her all to her passion. This was the mindset with which she approached football; not only to fill her time and for the love of it, but to reach the summit.

Tonina suggests taking your mind with you to the next task of the day and keeping it there. So rather than dwelling on the what-ifs, she finds clarity of mind in focusing on what she has planned for the moment. Therefore, she presents self-control as liberating; as something that is first and foremost a need, not just for people in sports, but for everyone. She believes in presence of mind in all cases - to focus, overcome obstacles, and keep calm, especially in moments of failure. When unexpected events led her to take a step back from work, Tonina adapted to the situation and kept sports in her life. By being constantly active, she found a way of not only staying physically fit, but also mentally healthy.

Delving a little into Tonina’s perspective can boost anyone - it reminds you to leave your past behind and look to the future as well as to secure your safe space and keep improving. All in all, it’s an outlook that takes you back to the basics!

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MARIA AQUILINA is a motivated 23-year-old reading for a Master of Science in Maths. Her thesis for her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Physics concerned Astronomy, specifically galactic dynamics. Maria is currently researching the mathematical modelling behind the movement of beams. She was one of the first two Maltese students to attend a Training Course organised by the European Space Agency Academy. Maria was also the

first Maltese representative at the ESA-co-organised Alpbach Summer School. She and her team were awarded best mission presentation. Together they discovered a knowledge gap in the characterisation of both stars and exoplanet atmospheres in UV light. After finding a feasible solution for the creation of a new telescope concept with their engineering team, they defended their proposal, and the judges were convinced!

The vastness of the universe is incredible and researching about it is like a rabbit hole that you can never climb out of.

Maria always had a fascination with space along with an eagerness to raise questions and share her passion. Planets, galaxies, black holes, supernovae, and space in general blew her mind as a child. ‘The vastness of the universe is incredible and researching about it is like a rabbit hole that you can never climb out of.’

Just how Maria inspires awe in us, she believes these fields of study inspire awe in all humans as it is in our nature to ask ‘how?’ and ‘why?’. She says that astronomy and mathematics provide insight into such questions. For her, it’s adrenaline-inducing to act like an explorer in uncharted lands and attempt to provide a scientific answer related to a natural phenomenon. For Maria, it’s not only a joy to acquire new knowledge about the environment we are part of, but also a need, which is what makes a person such as her constantly aim for more accuracy. ‘Inspired’ - that is the sensation Maria gets when thinking of being such a small part of such a vast incredible system… yet here we are!along with the ability to observe so much!

When Maria gets stuck, she follows advice from researchers who have mentored her: research what has been done before and break each problem into smaller bits. As a researcher, she must always overcome natural human biases and allow for multiple work revisions, ensuring a correct and repeatable result that others can verify as well. She says a researcher must be inquisitive and see value in the details.

This work has a great influence on Maria’s perspective since it sharpens her understanding of our place in the universe. ‘We are one of 8 planets orbiting the Sun which is one out of 6 to 12 billion stars in the galaxy, each with their own planetary system, and there are trillions of galaxies in the known universe, let alone beyond.’ She thinks there is a strong possibility of finding life outside of Earth. From her experience, you must always be open to the possibilities. You may not always find what you expect.

Maths is calming for her, and she further lowers her BPM by putting on classical music while working her way through equations. Interpreting results fills her with adrenaline, especially when comparing her findings to others and seeing what her results imply.

When Maria needs a break from science, she likes reading, particularly on topics such as history, ancient civilisations, philosophy, and politics, as well as playing the piano. She feels most in her element when in nature, listening to music, after a hearty meal, and when observing the night sky, especially after the rain when the air is crisp. This beauty is something Maria can never get enough of! As a final remark, her hard work is a testament to how curiosity and getting your mind active can lead to interesting findings that can be beneficial in multiple ways.

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You’ve seen her everywhere - in bars, on traffic signs, next to graffiti, all around Malta. Who is Benzorella? Or better yet, what is Benzorella? We didn’t ask how is Benzorella, but we did ask the woman that created her. She’s absolutely grand, upbeat, and a pleasure to be around. We sat down with the artist behind one of Malta’s most mysterious faces, in hopes that we might learn a bit more about this puzzling project.

Benzorella is an illustration, a drawing made ‘on a whim’. The piece was done around a decade ago, but it was something that stuck. Long after, the artist realised, ‘Wow, this is actually really cool’, and went above and beyond to perfect an old illustration. ‘I redid it around 50 times’.

Wanting to leave the house and do something that didn’t involve partying, she recognised that there weren’t a lot of people who do this

(putting up mysterious stickers in random places) and decided to explore that idea. ‘I just used to put the headphones on and get myself all glued up and that was it’.

‘I’m still doing something that I’m not supposed to but I also know it’s not hurting anyone so I still enjoy it and I take a lot of pride in seeing it around. Whenever I see someone scratching it off, it gives me a drive to go back and put another one. I hope this doesn’t

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sound cocky, I never meant to instigate anything in the viewer, it was really something that I started to do for myself because I liked it and I like seeing it around. I know that people see it and they’re confused and they want to know more’.

She certainly had us confused, which is why we had to know more about the mystery of it. We were positively surprised to find out that the mind behind Benzorella is a high-energy, ‘100% corporate girly’ who does things spontaneously and enjoys life to the fullest.

Like a lot of unconventional projects, her concept was met with a degree of scrutiny from a group of people you’d least expect to criticise this idea: graffiti artists.

‘I felt doubtful in the beginning when I had some local graffiti artists reach out to me telling me not to go to a particular location because ‘I was not an artist’ and putting up stickers ‘is not graffiti’. Initially, I was really taken aback by it. So, the way that I

turned this around was, ‘I’m never going there again, but Gżira becomes mine!’’

And it did.

(Benzorella is still there. And to this rebellious attitude, we say: Good for her.)

Recognising her reach, the woman behind Benzorella created a piece named Non Una di Meno (Not One Woman Less) as a stand against gender-based violence and Malta’s distressing femicide statistics. This drive, she says, is a result of her ‘relentless anger and call to action’. Non Una di Meno can be found on Rue D’Argens, as a reminder to stand up against abuse, injustice, and other unacceptable behaviour.

So, there you have it. Now you know the concept behind this mysterious face. Mischievous, millennial, and ‘sticky’, the creator of Benzorella will keep on doing what she does outside of Malta, as her stickers conquer Europe and beyond.

I know [people] are confused and they want to know more.
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At the centre of GERALD GRECH’s personal bests and unique races, we found a mindset that is worth sharing, a perspective that brings results, and motivation that is intrinsic and intentional. Gerald is someone who enjoys both the intellectual side of life, and the active and physical aspect of pushing yourself to your own limits. This is shown through his current role as a marketing lecturer at Junior College as well as in his running career of over 30 years so far, which started at the age of 10. He takes up both road and track races, as well as more recently, mountain running competitions.

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Running took a more serious slant when his uncle started to coach him. Later on, he moved on to a coach who devised his training according to his BPM via a heart rate monitor. At 17, Gerald was selected to go to the Youth Olympics in the Netherlands, which was the first important moment in his career. He has been part of countless events and races spanning across many countries such as the Spanish Islands, Argentina, France, Italy, the Balearics, China, and Iceland. Along the way, Gerald impressively took moments of failure and turned them into lessons.

When running was taken away from him due to an injury, it became clear to him how important running is as it gives him a sense of freedom and makes him feel alive. While running, he is immersed in a runner’s high, where the amount of thoughts going through one’s mind is so grand that it generates a meditative effect.

Taking into consideration that his intense lifestyle can lead him to burnout, there are moments where Gerald forces himself to calm down. He sees value in approaching things with mental calmness. Sometimes it can be too much and even though he gets a fear of missing out, he has learned how to say no, presenting a way of how self-discipline enables freedom.

Running is not only a competitive sport to him, but also an investment in his quality of life, longevity, and overall health. Physical health issues can be rooted in negative thoughts which occupy our minds most of the time. He says that if you jot down your thoughts, most of them would turn out to be negative, which is definitely a call for action.

To anyone who wants to become a professional athlete, Gerald’s recipe is consistent training, patience, dealing with setbacks well, preparing yourself mentally, and having a coach guiding you individually. To him the solution to obstacles is not to dread or feel sorry for yourself, but to accept them and work around them.

‘Lethargy breeds lethargy.’ While he presents action as motivation, he presents fear as paralysing. The barrier to people reaching their dreams is fear - he says it is not about your circumstance but about reprogramming your mind, understanding fear, doing things despite of it, and being self-confident. Gerald is a great depiction of how focus and discipline are crucial towards success, inspiring others to jump up, find their pace, and start their journey! ‘Those who reach their dreams focus on their dreams and they don’t even have doubts that they will reach them.’

...he presents action as motivation...
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Meet the different BPM levels that came together for this project.

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Hannah Agius

Kristina Vella

Reuben Scerri

Soraya Gauci

Sean Ellul

Niamh Magro

Jasonlee Evans

Maya Ebejer

Kay Borg

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Daphne Xuereb Vella

Ottavia Verdirame

Michael Caruana

Emma Cilia Debono

Joseph Vella

Micol Canova

Matea Blazhevska

Francesca Gauci

Christine Zammit

Jael Micallef

Martina Farrugia

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axcareersmalta.com BUILD YOUR CAREER WITH US








In need of some WELL DESERVED self-car


Beer Garden

Carolinas Petit Cafe

Coast is Clear

Diar il-Bniet

Eden Cinemas

Embassy Cinemas

Hand Me Tickets

Malta Daily





Pebbles Resort Malta

Rocksteady Digital Agency

Sidestreet Malta

Splash & Fun

The Anvil Pub

Tribe Malta

Prof. Noellie Brockdorff

Prof. Ġorġ Mallia

Francelle Scicluna

Caroline Chetcuti

Philip Agius

Faculty Office (Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences)

Beadles (Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences)

Huge thank you to our lecturer, MR MALCOLM BONELLO, who guided us every step of the way as we created something uniquely ours.


Interviewee: Francesca Soster

Interviewer: Matea Blazhevska

Author: Christine Zammit


Interviewee: Hannah Agius

Interviewers: Francesca Gauci & Christine Zammit

Author: Christine Zammit


Interviewee: Citoyen Port

Interviewer & Author: Matea Blazhevska


Interviewee: Joe Vella

Interviewers: Francesca Gauci & Christine Zammit


Interviewee: Thomas Camilleri

Interviewers & Authors: Martina Farrugia & Francesca Gauci


Interviewee: Guilherme Lemes

Interviewer: Christine Zammit

Author: Matea Blazhevska


Interviewee: Claria Cutajar

Interviewer & Author: Martina Farrugia


Interviewee: Nikola Boras

Interviewer: Matea Blazhevska


Interviewee: Tonina Dimech

Interviewers & Authors: Martina Farrugia & Francesca Gauci


Interviewee: Maria Aquilina

Interviewers & Authors: Francesca Gauci & Christine Zammit


Interviewee: Benzorella

Interviewers & Authors: Matea Blazhevska & Jael Micallef


Interviewee: Gerald Grech

Interviewer: Francesca Gauci

Authors: Francesca Gauci & Christine Zammit

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BPM is entirely produced by B.Communications (Hons.) students enrolled in the Magazine & Digital Publishing unit under the tutelage of Mr Malcolm Bonello.

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