1 DHS Dispatch 12 February 2018

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Wisdom through learning : Akona to matauranga kia mōhio 12 FEBRUARY 2018


2018 Triathlon

House Colours - Mufti Day

Principal’s Comments Naumai haere mai – Welcome back. Every new year is a time of new beginnings, new classes, a chance for a fresh start. I hope over the break you have had a chance to reflect on what went well (and to keep doing) and what you need to do differently. On the first day back, we welcomed 128 new Year 7 students, 15 students from other year levels and 10 new staff. Our responsibility is to do what we can to help those new to the school settle in and feel welcome. It has been busy with building work over the summer break with work on the second new four-classroom block ongoing. This is due to be completed on schedule at the end of Term 1. All lighting in the school has been changed to LED fittings. As well as providing better light, the fittings are significantly more energy efficient. Some final additions have been made to the new perimeter fence. This fence was funded by the MOE to provide better security for students with special learning needs who would be at risk on the roads if they left the school grounds. To help support the safety of these students, gates will normally be shut during the school day. If you could please shut the gates behind you if you need to open one. We are trialling some new room signage to help with navigation around the school for visitors and people new to the school. Currently these signs are only laminated paper but will be made from more permanent materials following the trial. The signs include a separate icon and associated value for each classroom block. It is hoped that having these values visible in our school environment will help to familiarise them. On Tuesday 13 February at 10.30, we will be holding our annual ‘Colours’ assembly in the hall to celebrate the NCEA success of our students in 2017. Some students will be having exams remarked and others are doing some catch-up assessments, so overall


final achievement will be higher; however, preliminary results are pleasing: NCEA Level 1 95%; Level 2 92%; Level 3 75%. The school works hard to keep you in touch with what is happening but we are a very busy school and so it can be a challenge to keep up. This newsletter is published three times per term and there is a weekly email ‘What's On’ sent on Fridays with events and notices. In addition, year level Deans and classroom teachers may send emails to let you know about specific events and issues. As such, it is important that we have up to date email contacts, so please let us know if you have changed emails or you don’t think you are receiving communications from us.

James Morris

12 FEBRUARY 2018

My name is Jess Prior. I have recently moved down to Christchurch after living in Auckland for the past 13 years. Originally I was born in Zimbabwe, but immigrated with my family in 2003. I have since married and have two children of my own, Ameliah is 4 and Zoey is 1. I enjoy being active and outdoors, particularly now that we live closer to the snow in winter. Teaching is my passion, particularly in supporting young adults at such an important time of their lives.

My name is Jo Ager and I have this term taken up the role of Careers Advisor at DHS. I have recently been working at Ara Institute of Canterbury and previous to that was working in High Schools in the UK. I've moved here with my husband, two children and the dog and we are living in Rolleston. I'm looking forward to working with the Darfield Community to ensure our young people are prepared and confident in their chosen pathways.

Hi, I'm Katie Pratt and will be joining DHS in 2018 in the Careers Department.

Glenn Teasdale steps into the role of teaching Music at DHS this year and considers himself to be a passionate musician who has had many musical experiences in Rock and Jazz bands over the past twenty-five years. He is also formally trained in Classical Composition and has a wealth of knowledge of many musical genres and tastes. He relishes the opportunity to influence and open young minds to the world of Music. “I believe that Music education can play a major role in many important aspects of an individual’s development, being of intellectual, personal and social significance. Music is a fundamental form of human communication, practised by all cultures and throughout mankind’s history, playing a significant role in the increasingly digital world in which we live”. It is Mr Teasdale’s passion for the subject and breadth of knowledge that he looks forward to sharing with his music students in 2018.

I live in Sheffield with my husband Nick and four children. Our eldest child Gracie is starting Darfield High School this year as a Year 7. I look forward to the challenges the new role brings.

My name is Amanda Macpherson and I am the new Year 7 Dean here at DHS. I have been teaching for over 20 years in both the state and private school systems. In that time, I am grateful to have been able to have taught a range of year groups and subjects. I love teaching and I am excited to have the opportunity to be a Dean again. I live in West Melton with my hubby, our three gorgeous children and lots of pets, including our 17 year old lab, Jake.



Hi, I'm Robyn Cutler. I grew up in Hororata and, after moving to Christchurch and then the UK, have found my way back. This year, I am working in J Block as a Year 7 Homeroom teacher. I have a passion for dance and gymnastics. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of faces I know from the community and many that I'll get to know.

My name is Deb Kingsland. I have been teaching at a full primary school just outside Christchurch. I am very excited to be teaching Year 8 at Darfield High School this year. I live in Hororata and have a strong interest in breeding horses with my partner, Bruce. We are still waiting for our first Melbourne Cup winner ...

My name is Caroline Harrington and I am teaching Business Studies and Economics. It is a delight to return to Darfield High School as I did teach here for two terms in 2011. Since then I have taught at a variety of Christchurch schools, most recently at Burnside High School. Outside of school I am a mother to three children, the youngest of whom is now at University. I enjoy playing competitive tennis and getting to the gym when I can. I look forward to settling into Darfield High School and getting to know the students that I am teaching this year.

Kia Ora, I’m Chrystal McIntyre and a new member of the Commerce department. Prior to starting at Darfield High School, I completed a degree at Lincoln University, and then my teaching diploma at the University of Canterbury. Originally from Oamaru, I grew up on a dairy farm before moving for study. I look forward to being a part of our young people’s lives, the community, and working with the team here at Darfield High School.

My name is Heidi Clark. I have recently moved to Darfield from Invercargill with my husband and two children. I was born and bred in Southland, and attended university at Otago studying a BSc in Microbiology and Statistics. I worked in the meat industry for seven years before deciding to retrain as a teacher. I thoroughly enjoy working with young people and look forward to settling into Darfield High School and the wider community.

Kia ora, my name is Nicole Symons. I am excited to be a part of the Physical Education and Health Departments here at Darfield. Before coming here, I taught at Burnside High School and studied at the University of Canterbury. Outside of school, I enjoy getting into the outdoors on adventures with friends, primarily tramping, kayaking, mountain biking, skiing and running adventures. I also enjoy playing competitive canoe polo and curling up in the sun with a book.


12 FEBRUARY 2018

Hi. I'm Susan Kingsley and I will be working with junior Science classes for the year. I'm delighted to join the Darfield High School staff and to be part of the community in 2018.

Hi. My name is Charlotte Walker and I have returned to Darfield High School after a year's leave. I teach Mathematics, and am the Year 9 Dean and Specialist Classroom teacher.

Tena Kotou Katoa. Ko Chris Hall toku ingoa. I am currently teaching English here at Darfield High School for 2018. I am a father of four daughters, three of whom attend colleges in Christchurch where my wife and I live. I retrained as a teacher after previous careers, and completed my Masters of Teaching and Learning through UC in 2016. Prior to this, I completed a BA in Defence Studies and Politics through Massey University in 2014. Since completing my qualifications, I have taught Senior NCEA subjects, including History, Classics, and Humanities at Mairehau High School (2017), and completed placements with Lincoln High School, Linwood High School, and relief teaching roles with both Rangiora and Shirley Boys' High Schools in 2016. I love teaching, encouraging, and helping students to develop new skills and resilience, so important in this brave new world. Outside college life, I have also trained in and taught Chinese martial arts, including Shaolin Ch'uan Fa Kung Fu, Chen Style Tai Chi, and Kempo Karate. I have also taught practical guitar skills for many years, and have played in many bands all over New Zealand. If I am not teaching, I like to be outdoors enjoying the mountains, fresh air, the seas, rivers and lakes of New Zealand with my family, and I still play music as often as I can. I think we live in the greatest little country in the world and want to share that belief and vision with my students.

CONGRATULATIONS to Rachel and Steve Balchin on the birth of

Alexis Rose Balchin

born 1st February 8 lbs


CONGRATULATIONS Julia Watherston and Mike Newman Who got engaged on December 22 at Lake Benmore We wish you the very best as you begin your lives together

A little sister for Asher



Head Prefects 2018 Head Boy George Brown

Head girl katie sharp

Hello All.

Hello Everyone!

My name is George Brown and I’m proud to be one of Darfield High School’s Head Prefects for 2018. I would like to use my role to help improve not only Darfield High School, but also the rest of the community. So far this year, our prefect team has had many new and interesting ideas that will benefit the school and our greater community.

My name is Katie Sharp, and I am lucky enough to be Head Girl at Darfield High School for 2018. For those of you who do not know me, I have been a student here at DHS since Year 7 (2012) and you may possibly have seen me meow my way through last year’s school production (The Wizard of Oz) as the Cowardly Lion.

One in particular is an inter-school talent quest where the finalists from each school will compete against each other in an epic show-down of supreme talent!! Another occasion I’m really looking forward to is helping run the 40-hour famine; this is always a terrific event because people from all areas of the school participate together to benefit those in need.

It seems unreal that I am in Year 13 already. I believe this year is going to go extremely fast, but I am so excited to see what it is going to bring. Together with the other awesome Head Students and a great group of prefects, I am confident that 2018 is going to be a year full of new and exciting things!

My hobbies often involve the water: fly-fishing for trout in our local waterways and free diving on Banks Peninsula, and I’ve recently taken up surfing. I also trap possums primarily to control pest numbers and give the wildlife a helping hand. Amongst other things, I am a member of a small-bore shooting club and enjoy a game of football. Most of all though, I love the outdoors.

If you want to get in touch to give us some more ideas, need advice on projects or would just like to say hello, send me an email at headgirl@darfield.school.nz and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I am always around the school, here there and everywhere. So in saying that, come and say hello! I am a Cowardly Lion after all, I won’t bite! Let's make 2018 a great year! Work hard, but have some fun.

If anyone wishes to contact me with advice or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you, please email me at: headboy@darfield. school.nz

deputy Head boy caleb banks Hi Everyone! My name's Caleb Banks and I am your Deputy Head boy for 2018! My jobs include writing on the chalk board with Niamh, running the Darfield High School Student Volunteer army and just generally helping out in any way I can! If you see me around the school and have any questions about school life or just want to have a chat, feel free to come up and say hello, or flick me an email or message on social media and I'll be happy to help in any way possible! Looking forward to sharing a great 2018 with you.


deputy Head girl niamh rayne Hello Guys! I’m Niamh, the Deputy Head Girl at DHS for 2018. This year I will be helping manage some of the tasks around the school, such as the blackboard, student volunteer army, and school website, as well as being involved in the sports committee. The team of prefects on board this year is awesome and looking to do the best for all students, so any ideas that will help us achieve this are appreciated and will help maximise the work we will do! When you see me around school, I’m always open for a chat.

12 FEBRUARY 2018

Head of sport isaac newbigging Hey, I’m Isaac Newbigging, your 2018 Head of Sport. You might find me playing basketball on the quad at lunchtimes. Feel free to come and say hi and tell me about your ideas or just anything about sports. If you need to contact me, want to give me any ideas or tell me about some successes you have accomplished, email me at headofsport@darfield.school. nz

Head of wellbeing adriana cornelissen



Adrian Nolan

Bronte Thomas

Cameron Brunton

Courtney Newell

Elyse Kerr

Emma Kellock

Esther Blain

George Gibb

Grace Earle

Harry Pooler

Hunter Benbow

Imogen Groom

Jack McConnell

Jacob Spence

Hi, my name's Adriana and I'm Head of Wellbeing for 2018. This is a new role in the school which I'm stoked to have and can't wait to work with everyone, so if you have any suggestions feel free to flick me an email at headofwellbeing@darfield.school.nz

Head of culture jodie rollings Hey, I'm Jodie your Head of Culture for 2018. I'm super excited to see what this year brings and to get you all involved in some cultural activities! If you have any questions, ideas you want to put forward or just want to get in contact, you can email me at headofculture@darfield.school.nz


Julia Trushin ISSUE 01 / DHS DISPATCH

Natasha Young

Olivia Lemon

Teri Jackson

Zara MacDonald 7

Student Successes Oceania Champion

Ethan Rose

What a busy few weeks it's been for Ethan Rose: firstly competing in the South Island Cross Country in which he was placed first and Sam King was placed 9th. Ethan then went on to compete in the Oceania Cross Country Mountain Bike Championships held in Dunedin on Saturday. Ethan won by just over three minutes in the Under 17 male grade. We have now have an Oceania Champion at Darfield High School. A very impressive victory from a very talented athlete! Congratulations, Ethan.

Congratulations to Sophie Townsend National Junior Rider second place and first in the Equitation.

Future Leaders Scholarship Congratulations to Harriet Watson who has won the Future Leaders Scholarship for Lincoln University and the NZ Meat Industry Association Scholarship, which includes an internship. Well done, Harriet.

Congratulations to Rosa Buist-Brown who has just won the National Pony Grand Prix Championship.

Day Skipper Certificate Past student Ryan Austin-Watts gained his New Zealand Day Skipper Certificate through the Voyage programme. Congratulations, Ryan.

All Stars 2017 Congratulations to all those students who did well in their exams. Especially to these students for achieving NCEA Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 with Excellence Abigail Cider

Rachael Phillipson

Samuel Roper

Caitlin Soal

Harriet Watson

Joseph Manifold

Abigail Cider Rachael Phillipson Samuel Roper Caitlin Soal Harriet Watson Joseph Manifold


12 FEBRUARY 2018

Building progress of the "F Block"

Artwork in progress by the Prefects

First full school assembly ISSUE 01 / DHS DISPATCH


Welcome To Darfield High School

Mihi Whakatau

A formal welcome to all new teachers and students

A warm welcome was extended in a special ceremony to all the new staff and students as they began their journey through Darfield High School.


12 FEBRUARY 2018

New students prepare before the Mihi Whakatau.

New staff and students sing a Waiata to support Mr Teasdale who spoke on their behalf.

New staff and students engaged in a hongi, an act of trust between two parties.

New students and staff enjoyed morning tea afterwards. A time to get to know one another.




12 FEBRUARY 2018




12 FEBRUARY 2018

2018, the start of the new year, means new students, and new House captains and deputies. The first of the House competitions was a "House Colours Mufti Day". Once again, there were some awesome costumes and bright colours on the school turf for the judges to choose the winning Houses from each year level. This year's placings are:

FIRST: Kikorangi SECOND: Rawhiti THIRD: Tawera FOURTH: Waimakariri



International Department

Welcome to DHS

This year we welcome 13 new international students starting in Term 1 and joining our ten returning international students. They began the year with a three-day orientation programme, and enjoyed experiencing some Maori culture at the Mihi Whakatau. Although there were some nervous faces on the first day of school, everyone is settling in well. A big thank you to the buddies who have looked after our new students so well, and our staff, host families and the community for warmly welcoming them.

Mayra Rodrigues Da Silva

Our new students are: Chihiro Ogino from Japan, here for one year in 13MJ Hiroto Yamamoto from Japan, here for three terms in 12SH Hanna Schiersmann from Germany, here for two terms in 12GC Liz Peng from China, here for two years in 12GC Keigoro Kameyama from Japan, here for two years in 12JN

Maria Clara De Melo

Mayra Rodrigues Da Silva from Brazil, here for 13 weeks in 12LC Ruandherson Santa Cruz Oliveira Lira from Brazil, here for 13 weeks in 12GC Mizuki Hayashi from Japan, here for one year in 11CH Saho Iwase from Japan, here for one year in 11BG Nicolas Rodrigues Dos Santos from Brazil, here for 13 weeks in 11NK Maria Clara De Melo from Brazil, here for 13 weeks in 11BG Rodrigo Eduardo Da Silva from Brazil, here for 13 weeks in 11CH Rira Takahashi from Japan, here for four years in 10HC

Nicolas Rodrigues Dos Santos

Rodrigo Eduardo Da Silva

Back row from left: Rira, Hiroto, Keigoro, Saho and Miss Nicola Hely Front row from left: Chihiro, Mizuki, Hanna and Liz.


Ruandherson Santa Cruz Oliverira Lira

12 FEBRUARY 2018

International Department On Thursday evening 8 February, the International Dept held a 'Picnic in the Park' event at the Darfield Domain for all International Students and their Host Families. Holding an event at the start of the year is a great way for International Students to spend some fun time together, sharing food, playing games and getting to know one another along with their host siblings. Host parents enjoyed the chance to get to know one another as well as catch up with other host families who have

been hosting for several years. Mrs Kennedy and Miss Hely cooked a BBQ for the 77 guests, and host families brought delicious desserts for everyone to enjoy. The international students enjoyed their first taste of a NZ BBQ, with meat patties being the favourite! 2018 has started off with 23 awesome international students, and a handful more due to arrive at the start of Term 2. Our current international students are from Thailand, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Thailand and China.

Later this term, DHS will welcome a Study Tour Group from Thailand as well as one from Japan. If you might be interested in hosting a student for one to four weeks over this period, please contact Sarah Kennedy in the international department sarah@darfield.school.nz Host families are paid $240 per week per student. March/April are looking rather busy in the International Department, with 45 extra students visiting as shortterm students, so it would be great to have some new host families sign up!

Picnic in the Park





12 FEBRUARY 2018


The results from the 2018 Triathlon will be published in the next Dispatch.



Peer Support Leaders The Year 12 Peer Support leaders have begun working with the Year 7 classes. They work with them each Wednesday in Term 1 and help teach friendship skills, communication and co-operation skills, as well as looking at values and respecting each other. This is done through a variety of games and activities.


12 FEBRUARY 2018

OPEN: The school Library is open all school hours including interval and lunchtime. ISSUE: You can borrow up to five books for four weeks as a student of DHS.

www.dhslibrary.nz Visit the school's library website for reading and research resources, eand audio books, useful databases and more!

As a student or a parent, if you have any queries, then talk to the librarians or email: libstaff@darfield.school.nz or hd@darfield.school.nz ISSUE 01 / DHS DISPATCH


Canteen Rules Respect For Each Other


Welcome to DHS Canteen.

Use good manners - please and thank you. Use appropriate language.

We are open at interval and lunch times providing a variety of nourishing and delicious lunches for the students and staff. If you have a student with dietary requirements, please feel free to contact the school to discuss this.

Be patient; respect each other's place in the line.

We encourage the students to order their lunches at interval so they don't miss out at lunchtime.

No queue jumping.

We have eftpos available. No credit will be given.

Don't give money to others in the queue to get things for you.

Give others space - no pushing.

Come in the entry door and go out the exit door. Keep clear of the exit.

Don't hassle others for money.

Respect For Self •

Eat lots of healthy food - fruit, wraps etc.

Count your change before you leave.

School Rules •

No credit may be given to students.

Canteen Staff; Lynn Meder and Chrissie Fairbrass


12 FEBRUARY 2018





School and Community Notices TERM ONE 2018 Visit our website https://darfield.school.nz/

for general school information, newsletters, and our photo gallery.



Academic Colours Assembly

NZ Blood Donation Bank @ DHS

Board Of Trustees Meeting 7.00pm


Summer Weekly Sports Begin


Contact Details If you have changed any contact details: addresses, phone numbers or your email address, please tell the Student Administrator Mrs Hill.

Visitors To The School If you are visiting our school during the school day please visit reception on arrival at our campus. Our friendly office staff will then assist you from there.

Lost Property There is a large number of unclaimed items from last year. Please can you get your students to come and take a look if they know something has been misplaced. Parents: you are most welcome to come and check the clothing and items at Student Administration.

Activities & School Fee Payments All payments to the school (school fees, activity fees, NCEA fees, etc) can be made by direct credit to the following bank account. Please include the student’s name and the reason for the payment, eg Camp Fees.

Darfield High School, ASB Bank Limited Riccarton, 12-3147-0207317-00

Uniform Shop Hours For Students Mondays: 11.00 - 11.25 am Thursdays: 11.00 - 11.25 am

Absences Please remember if your student is not at school, or arrives late, to phone the school to explain the absence. Please phone Mrs Davies on (03) 3188 411 Ext 2 or you can email sue@darfield.school.nz

Assembly Days Tuesday's are usually assembly days and you need to remember that you must be wearing your blazer at assembly. ISSUE 01 / DHS DISPATCH

Swimming Sports - pp Monday 19 February



PTSA Meeting 7.45pm


Athletic Sports - pp Monday 26 February



Senior and Junior progress reports


Canterbury SS Triathlon Champs

DHS DISPATCH welcomes any news or photographs you have from events our students have attended outside of school. We love to hear about and share successes and interesting stories. If you would like to advertise in our newsletter, please email ruth@ darfield.school.nz for more information. Copies of DHS DISPATCH: Black and white paper copies are available from reception or Student Administration. Colour and back copies can be ordered by emailing ruth@darfield.school.nz. Please enquire for cost. Address: Darfield High School 7 McLaughlins Road PO Box 5 Darfield 7541 New Zealand






+64 3 318 8411


+64 3 318 8543

Copyright: You are welcome to reproduce material from the newsletter after gaining permission from the school. All reproduced material must be appropriately acknowledged. Photos of school events can be found on our website and may be downloaded for personal use only. There is a download icon at the right of each photo.


DHS SWIMMING SPORTS Thursday 15 February

Entries are open for the Swimming sports is optional. Those students who have signed up beforehand will be able to participate. The Swimming sports are held at the Darfield Community pool, Ross Street. Parents and caregivers are most welcome to come and support their students. Postponement day Monday 19 February.


Malvern A&P Show Saturday 24 March 2018 Please enter online at www.showdayonline.com or email the secretary for a schedule malvernshow@gmail.com Entries close on Friday 23 February 2018


Friday 23 February

Students in Years 7-10 MUST wear their PE uniform Students in Years 11-13 may wear a plain T-shirt, and black or navy shorts.

Parents and caregivers are most welcome to come and support their students.



meeting on 20 February in the DHS staffroom at 7.45pm. Come along and meet the wonderful school helpers and fundraisers. All of the money raised goes back into the school to help our students. Would love to see new members there. 25

12 FEBRUARY 2018

Year 13

Mufti Guidelines

Free Health Clinic For Students Public Health Nurse: Pam Eaden

Key considerations: The desire for a high standard of dress through providing guidelines for an appropriate standard of dress Year 13 demonstrating leadership in action and appearance Allowing some choice in recognition of senior role in school The normal day wear for Year 13 students is either school uniform or very tidy mufti. Year 13 students are the student leaders in the school and their standard of dress should be equivalent to the formality of the normal school uniform. It is expected that students who represent the school at formal events will wear a school blazer or a formal black blazer.

Pam Eaden, our Public Health Nurse, is available every second Monday during lunchtime in the Counsellor's Office. Pam is available to discuss confidentially any health concerns, physical, mental and sexual health. This is a drop-in service or you can make an appointment with Ms Mallinder or Mrs Townsend. Parents with concerns regarding their child's health are able to refer to the Public Health Nursing service on: http://www.cdhb.health.nz

Very Tidy Mufti: •

Shorts or trousers with zip fly

Skirts or dresses

Collared shirt or blouse

Blazer, jersey, cardigan, jacket

Rain jacket

Tie for formal occasions, eg Prize-giving, Assemblies during Terms 2 and 3

Students should bring a change of clothes when required for sports activities

Appropriate mufti is: •

Clean, tidy and in good condition

Modest (ie all clothing should cover from shoulder to mid-thigh – no midriff showing)

Boys should be clean shaven

Jewellery (no visible piercings, except in ears) and make-up should not be excessive

Appropriate to situations (eg, for health and safety reasons, covered footwear is to be worn in Science Labs, Food and Nutrition Room, and Design Technology Rooms)

Any words, logos or images must be appropriate for school situation, eg no alcohol or drug connotations or offensive language Not permitted: Sportswear: sports shoes, track pants, sports shorts, rugby jerseys Beachwear T-Shirts or singlets Hoodies or sweatshirts Extreme hair styles

Year 8 2018 School Based

Vaccination Programme We are pleased to inform you the Canterbury DHB will continue to offer a School Based Vaccination Programme to Year 8 boys and girls, who have not completed their eleven year old vaccinations in General Practice. The School based vaccination programme will offer the two dose HPV vaccinations to protect against genital warts, cervical cancer, throat and mouth cancers and other types of cancers later in life. In 2018 the programme has been extended to include a one dose Boostrix vaccination to provide protection against Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough. To enable students to receive the vaccinations at school, a vaccination pack will be sent home in Term one. Parent/ caregivers will need to complete and return the consent form to school.

If unsure if an item is permitted, please check with the school in advance of wearing an item to school.



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15 MARCH 2018


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12 FEBRUARY 2018

Creative Sparks Teen Class

Come and learn the basics of landscape painting. Classes take place every Monday from 5.30 - 7.00pm. All materials provided. $20 per session .

Visit www.codeavengers.com for details

Address: 7 McLaughlins Road

PO Box 5

Email: admin@darfield.school.nz

Darfield 7541

Web: darfield.school.nz

New Zealand


Phone: +64 3 318 8411 Fax: +64 3 318 8543 28

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