1 DHS Dispatch 11 February 2020

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DISPATCH Wisdom through learning : Akona to matauranga kia mĹ?hio

Beginning 2020 at Darfield High School

11 FEBRUARY 2020



Principal’s Comments Welcome back as we go forward into the 2020 school year. We are fully staffed and have welcomed into the school 150 new students and five new staff. Our full school assembly on the quad at the start of the year is an excellent opportunity to reconnect as a school community, welcome new staff and students, and present badges to our 2020 Prefects. Thank you to our Year 12 Peer Supporters who are working with the Year 7 students this term to help them settle in and get to know the school and each other. Congratulations to our students on their successes with NCEA last year. Provisional results show that Darfield High School had a higher percentage of certificates achieved than the Decile 8-10 average for NCEA Levels 1 and 2, and above national averages for Level 3 and UE. We will publish the full breakdown of results once they are finalised. There

WELCOME TO 2020 It is always exciting not only when a new year dawns but also when it welcomes a new decade. The Board of Trustees is excited to welcome new students and staff to our school. Late last year we farewelled Andrew Slater as a Parent Trustee and our Deputy Chairman. Andrew worked tirelessly over his time on the Board and we are extremely grateful for the input and wisdom he brought to the governance of our school. We wish Andrew and his family well as he turns his attention to his own business and its future success. This means that we will be looking to fill this casual vacancy. At the February Board meeting we will be moving ahead with this and we will keep you, our school community, updated on the process for this. 2

will be a special assembly on 25 February to present certificates and badges to students who attained Merit and Excellence endorsements last year. Our annual goals for 2020 reflect the feedback we received from staff, students and the community in 2019. We have grouped our goals around three key themes to help better communicate what we will be focussing on. These themes are: Connections between people, Clarity of expectations, Consistency of practice. Feeling connected to your school and place of work is a key factor in supporting well-being. Students and staff who feel ‘connected’ through their positive relationships within the school and the feeling of being part of something worthwhile are better able to contribute to their own success and the success We welcome Sam Forward to our Senior Leadership team; he joins James Morris, Trish Evans, Lynda Milner and Matt Maude. This experienced team of leaders has a solid vision for our students, and the Board is excited about the year ahead as we continue to work with our whanau and community through our Leadership team. Governance isn't really a very exciting word, yet it is vital to the way in which we drive our vision and mission to the students, their families and our community. We are responsible for the strategic direction which is set in partnership with the Board and Senior Leadership team who then brings it to life in the way our school operates—from teaching and learning, through to pastoral care, culture and extracurricular activities. Our ultimate responsibility is student achievement—the Board congratulates our students on some

of the school. We know that, although many students are well connected through the activities and relationships in the school, there are those who do not feel so fully part of the school. Strategies related to this theme will support better connections and more connections. In order for our people to meet our expectations, we need to be clear about what these expectations are. Having a better shared understanding of these expectations, we are then in a better position to ensure they are well communicated and consistently applied. Through focussing on clarity of expectations and following through with accountability to these expectations, we believe our school will be effective in serving our community. James Morris

amazing results gained in 2019 in NCEA Levels 1 to 3. During 2020, our LSM, Gillian Simpson, continues to work alongside and support the Principal and the Board, ensuring that the goals and milestones of the LSM Intervention Plan are met. Her work is supported and funded by the MoE. The Board and Senior Leadership team will be carrying out a community wide survey of students, staff and parents in mid2020. The Board is excited to see the theme for the year as three Cs connections, clarity, consistency; we look forward to working with you in the year ahead. Sue Robinson Board of Trustees Chairperson

11 FEBRUARY 2020

DHS SCHOOL NOTICES Recreation Class (Year 7-9) This year you may have noticed that there is a period called REC in Years 7-9 student timetables. REC is the code for Recreation Class. Since Health was put in to the option rotations over the last two years, the additional hour per week that resulted has been part of PE classes. We have separated it out this year on the timetables. The intention of the class is to encourage students to be more physically active by participating in a range of recreational activities; some of these may be sports games and some may be non-competitive. Coronavirus We request that any students who have recently been to China or have been in close contact with someone confirmed with the virus, for that student to remain at home for two weeks (14 days) from their arrival date back into New Zealand. We ask that parents/caregivers call the student office to inform us of any student that will be absent due to having been in China or having had contact with someone confirmed with the virus. As always, anyone who is unwell should not be at school. If you have a particular concern about your child, please contact Healthline at 0800 611 116 or your GP for medical advice. Adobe CC 2020 Licences Students wanting to sign up for Adobe this year. Can you please fill out the form HERE And pay $10 to Mrs Staddon in the Student Office. Netball All Years 9 - 13 players wanting to play netball for Malvern at Selwyn on a Saturday - trials will be held on Wednesday 19 and 26 February at 4 pm at the Darfield Netball Courts. Players to register at www.sporty.co.nz/malvernnc All players that just want to register for school netball only, please put your name down with Mrs Armstrong. A meeting for all Year 9 and up players will be held at lunchtime on 13 February in E5. Academic Colours Assembly Students who gained subject and/or certificate endorsements in NCEA 2019 will be recognised in an assembly, held on Tuesday 25 February at 10 am. Family and friends are invited to attend the assembly and should come to the Staffroom about 10 minutes beforehand.

Parking Outside the School Outside the school on McLaughlins Road, is a no stopping zone. We need parents to observe the ‘No Parking or Stopping Zone’ between the School’s front gate and bus bay. To keep students safe, we need this area clear before and after school. There are signs indicating the restrictions. Opposite Darfield High School on McLaughlins Road, car parks are marked out and broken yellow lines are painted outside residents' driveways. Please ensure you park within the allocated car parks and not in front of residents’ driveways. The car parks outside the school hall are reserved for staff and visitors coming into the school. Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated. There is usually plenty of space around the bend towards Bangor Road, or south-west on McLaughlins Road. School Bank Account Darfield High School ASB Bank Limited, Riccarton 12-3147-0207317-00 Please include the student’s name and the reason for the payment, eg Camp Fees. This information is also on the Contact Us page of the school website. Zonta YPPA Award The Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award, which recognizes young women, ages 16-19, for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes, and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life. Recipients recieve US$1500. Contact: Susie@rollmed.co.nz More info at: https:// foundation.zonta.org/

FROM TO PTSA Happy New Year to all parents and caregivers of Darfield High Students. It seems like this year is flying by very quickly as I look at my calendar and see the first PTSA meeting is approaching! We are very much in need of your support as our numbers are dwindling due to parents leaving whose children have completed their time at Darfield High School.

2019 School Magazine If you paid for a 2019 DHS Magazine last year and didn't receive it, please see Mrs Staddon in the Student Office.

With this in mind, I ask that you all consider coming to our next meeting at Darfield High School Staffroom on Tuesday 18 February 2020 at 7.30 pm.

Canteen Orders A reminder to Students, to place your Canteen Orders at interval, for lunchtime pickup.

If you would like to join but cannot make the meeting please email me at ptsa@darfield.school.nz We look forward to hearing from you as many hands make light work!

Contact Details It is important that we have your correct contact details; please let us know of any changes.

Rhonda Hamilton-Cross PTSA Chairperson



NEW STAFF WELCOMES Tena koutou katoa Ko Ngā puhi te iwi No Porirua ahau Ko Sam Forward toku ingoa He Tumuaki Tuarua ahau ki te kura Tuarua o Tawera Ko Sarah taku wahine Ko Sophie raua ko Isaac aku tamariki No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa My name is Sam Forward and I am the new Deputy Principal at DHS. I have come from Ellesmere College where I was the Head of Health and PE, as well as the across school teacher for the Ngā Mātāpuna o te Waihora Kāhui Ako. Before that I was a pastoral dean at Aotea College in Porirua. I enjoy most sports, particularly cricket, rugby and golf. Currently I am training for my first Adventure Race, which I am excited about. I am looking forward to being part of the DHS whānau and getting to know the students and the community. Ngā mihi

I am returning to Darfield High School this year. I worked here previously around twenty years ago, which makes me and the staff who remain here from that time, feel rather old! I am taking on the Alternative Education Tutor role and I look forward to guiding and supporting the students who are in this programme. I have been a Primary Teacher in the past, and I am thoroughly enjoying being back in a school environment, as part of a vibrant and supportive team, working with great students. I have two children of my own at Darfield High School and I am seeing some familiar faces of students I have either taught in Primary School, or known outside of school. Come and say hi and introduce yourself if we haven’t met. Catherine Thorne

Sam Forward Deputy Principal Catherine Thorne Alternative Education

I am excited to be teaching Outdoor Education and PE at Darfield High School. I am teaching Years 7, 8 and 9 PE as well as 11 and 12 OED and can't wait to get started. My biggest interest is mountain biking: I have travelled the world with my bike, including working as a mountain bike guide at Christchurch Adventure Park and for a company in Colombia. I first became interested in teaching when I worked as an English language assistant in Spain, where I also learnt to speak Spanish. I hope to instil in students a passion for the outdoors and being physically active. Michael Power

Michael Power Outdoor and Physical Education Teacher 4

11 FEBRUARY 2020

Hi, my name is Nicole Reardon. I am very excited to join the team here at Darfield High School. I am teaching junior and senior Health and junior Physical Education. I worked in the United Kingdom as a Physical Education teacher for two years and, while abroad, I experienced many new countries and cultures. On moving back to New Zealand, I taught at Amuri Area School and Ellesmere College.

Nicole Reardon Physical Education and Health Teacher

I have a young family and enjoy getting outdoors and exploring what our country has to offer. Sport is a passion of mine, both playing and watching.

Hello I'm Dr van Voorthuizen but everyone calls me Mr V ! Originally from Christchurch and married to Rachel, I'm in my second year of teaching having spent the last year at Mackenzie College in Fairlie. I have a Doctorate in Biotechnology (involving crop research) from the University of Canterbury. I'm delighted to be back closer to Christchurch and my roots and look forward to getting to know the Darfield High School community better.

I am looking forward to working with the Darfield community and building connections in school and in the wider community.

Amy Tangney HOD Physical Education


Kia Ora, my name is Ms Tangney and I am the HOD of Physical Education and Bus Controller. I have previously worked at DHS but have been away on maternity leave. It's great to be back at DHS and I look forward to a great year ahead.

Matthew van Voorthuizen Science Teacher


STUDENT SUCCESSES I’ve been playing Ultimate Frisbee for about three years now. It's quite a small sport at the moment but it is growing a lot. Over the past half a year, I (Jesse Sutherland), along with three other students (Nik Hodgman, Ben Francis, and Jesse Gray), have been attending training camps for the New Zealand U20 Ultimate Frisbee squad. From this squad, Nik and I were selected to play in the Asia Oceania Champs which were held in the Philippines. Unfortunately, injuries and other things were a problem for the others. This tournament took place from 13 to 15 December. Although New Zealand didn't do super well (we placed fifth out of six), it was a big cultural experience and it was


awesome to watch us and other teams play such a high level of Ultimate. We had a close loss against Australia and had a 15-0 win over Hong Kong. So the tournament definitely had its highlights. Recently, Nik and I were again selected to play for New Zealand at the World Champs in Malmo, Sweden. There are 27 countries competing in the tournament and it is going to be another big step up for us. It will be a five-day tournament held from 18 to 23 July and will be live streamed on platforms like YouTube and Facebook, so tune in. Jesse Sutherland

11 FEBRUARY 2020

Celebrating the successes of our students is important. There are a number of areas that students excel in. Whether this is part of or outside of the DHS community, please feel free to let us know, so we can celebrate their achievements with the whole community.

In January, the NZPCA Dressage Champs were held in Waimate. This is both a team and an individual competition. Charlotte Thomas and Caitlin Rayne were selected to ride for the Canterbury team in the Intermediate age group (under 18). Auckland had posted a good score for Canterbury to beat, but the whole team performed well and produced excellent scores. This put Canterbury well ahead in the team competition and they were the winners for the third year running. Charlotte and Caitlin also took out the winning Intermediate pair in NZ. Charlotte was defending her individual NZ title from 2019 and managed to stay on top this year. As well as winning individually, she was second nationally on her other horse. Charlotte also took out the National Secondary Schools award for the second year. Charlotte Thomas

Charlotte Thomas and her horse Time After Time. Charlotte Thomas

CRICKET After a rocky start, being 15 for 4 after five overs, the Ellesmere opening bowlers bowled a good line and length. Ollie Sutherland and Johnny Millar came together for a fifth wicket stand and batted very well together for a 137 run partnership. When Johnny got out for 32, Jesse Sutherland joined his brother, Ollie, and together they continued to charge on; it was so good to watch an unbeaten sixth wicket stand for 132. Ollie Sutherland had an amazing 134 not out off 105 balls and Jesse Sutherland had 56 not out from 45 balls; both batted with balance, common sense and power hitting. We ended up 284 for 5 after 40 overs. With Ellesmere College’s turn to bat the innings never got under way and our lads bowled a good line and length. We opened up with Jesse Gray (right arm pace) and his brother Harley Gray (leg spin). Ellesmere were all out for 18 runs after nine overs. Jesse Gray 3-0-6-1 Harley Gray 4-1-6-4 including a hat trick Isaac Earl 2-0-6-4

Canterbury had a super successful weekend at the NZPCA National Dressage Championships in Waimate, taking out first place when competing against ten other area teams from all over NZ. This is an annual event held in midJanuary, with the top six riders in each area competing for an overall trophy. I rode in the Intermediate section, along with Charlotte Thomas. After scoring well in our two dressage tests, we also took out the top National Intermediate Combination award. On top of this, Charlotte earned the title of highest performing intermediate rider in New Zealand. Caitlin Rayne

Ollie and Jesse Southland




Harry Williamson Head Boy

Rozlyn Doherty Head Girl

Jess Galletly Head of Culture


Cameron Mills Deputy Head Boy

Jenny Walter Head of Sport

Hayley Murray Deputy Head Girl

Ella Roessink Head of Well-being

Brie Edwards

Alex Gerritsen

Caitlin Gibb

Katie Griffiths

Katherine Hadler

Caitlin Hool

Rebecca Inch

Saskia Jansen

Brianna Longdin

Emily McCallum

Stef McKenzie

James Miles

Sophie Palmer

Caitlin Rayne

Casey Roessink

Monique St Clair-Newman

Ethan Spence

James Stead

Jesse Sutherland

Sophie Townsend

Caitlin Warrington

Emily White

Zara Woodward

Matt Young

11 FEBRUARY 2020

MRS AMANDA MACPHERSON YEAR 7 DEAN am@darfield.school.nz

MS MEGAN PEPPER YEAR 8 DEAN mp@darfield.school.nz

MRS KATH WILSON YEAR 9 DEAN kw@darfield.school.nz

MRS JEMMA RANGI YEAR 10 DEAN jr@darfield.school.nz

MISS CHARLOTTE WALKER YEAR 11 DEAN cw@darfield.school.nz


MISS LAURA PETERSEN YEAR 12 DEAN pn@darfield.school.nz

MISS LOUISE BLAKEMORE YEAR 13 DEAN lb@darfield.school.nz


First full assembly to begin the year 10

11 FEBRUARY 2020

2 0 2 0


Year 7 students, Brooke, Zoe, Maddi and Luna enjoying their lunchbreak sitting on the new seat kindly built by HEB Construction during the school holidays.

Year 12 Student, Campbell Barrett, receiving his House Leadership badge from Mr Morris at the first assembly for 2020.

Year 7 Students, Ben Robinson and Hannah De Bressac, with the 2020 Student Calendar and Diary. Calendar artwork was produced by Mequa Strowger and the Diary Artwork by Hayley Murray. Apologies to Mequa Strowger for missing her name for the Calendar artwork. 11

Mihi Whakatau

WELCOME SPEECH Tena koutou katoa Hey guys, my name is Harry and I am Head Boy for 2020. I speak to you today on behalf of the students in Years 8 to 13 at Darfield High School. Today we welcome you as you become part of our school. I want you to know that we are here now and in the future to support you as you settle in to the school. Some of you have come from large schools and some from small ones. Some have come from Darfield and some from overseas. Wherever you are from, we look forward to the experiences and knowledge you will bring to Darfield High. It was not so long ago that I was a new student and filled with the nerves and excitement of my first day. I know what it is like and know that it is important that we do what we can to make this feel like your place too. I hope that your first days go well and that you quickly settle in to new friendships and new learning. No reira, tena koutou katoa. Harry Williamson Head Boy


11 FEBRUARY 2020

Haere Mai, Welcome ISSUE 1 / DHS DISPATCH


With the help of the Peer Support leaders, the new Year 7 students are learning the ropes, meeting up with old friends and making some new ones, getting to know their new teachers and finding their way around their new environment. We welcome the 130 plus new Year 7 students, as they begin their journey here at Darfield High School.



11 FEBRUARY 2020





The 2020 DHS Swimming Sports were held on Monday 10 February, on what turned out to be a very hot day. Previous swim records were broken. Swimming results will be published in the next issue of the Dispatch. Congratulations to all students who competed.


11 FEBRUARY 2020








This year we welcome 12 new international students starting in Term 1. They join our 14 returning international students. They began the year with a two-day orientation programme, and enjoyed ice creams from the Darfield Dairy, as well as experiencing some Maori culture at the school’s Mihi Whakatau. It is particularly exciting to welcome our first group of longer-term students from Setagaya Gakuen in Tokyo. A big thank you to our Cultural Ambassadors who helped with orientation, and our staff, students, host families and the community for warmly welcoming them. Our new students are: • Hinano Sakai from Japan, here for three terms in 12NR • Taketo Butani from Japan, here for one year in 12HC • Kohki Hayakawa from Japan, here for one year in 12NR • Ryo Saito from Japan, here for one year in 12HC • Momoka Fukuda from Japan, here for one year in 11JD • Momoka Nagamine from Japan, here for one year in 11SC • Ran Tsuchiya from Japan, here for three years in 11PW • Keito Masuda from Japan, here for one year in 11IW • Sarina Kambe from Japan, here for one year in 11JD • Hikaru Ishino from Japan, here for one term in 11IW • Ken Manome from Japan, here for one term in 11SC • Yuto Kawase from Japan, here for one term in 11SC



11 FEBRUARY 2020

JAPANESE STUDY Earlier this year, the 2019 Year 13 Japanese class were able to go on a two-week trip to Japan. This trip had been discussed as a joke for years until we decided that it could be our reward for four years of continuous Japanese study. It was amazing to go to Japan and to see how our Japanese had improved; two of us had done the Yubetsu Exchange and it was inspiring to see the difference that NCEA and further study had made. For students studying Japanese, or those thinking about it, I urge you to give it a go. Mrs Hayakawa is an amazing teacher who works hard to help you: she helped us plan this trip, especially the hard parts

such as hotels, where our Japanese skills were not quite ready for the formality and skill needed. This trip included a range of experiences that we personally planned, such as Universal Studios, anime stores, world heritage sites, standing almost on an active volcano and, sadly, a very short stay with amazing host families. Despite it being only four days, they were exceptional and we all had a hard time leaving them. Some other unique experiences, that we definitely didn’t plan, included being interviewed for a Japanese TV show and interviewed by a university student, which was interesting and definitely not expected! Learning a second language is not easy, but seeing it

pay off by going on a graduation trip really inspired us all to continue learning. We would like to thank Mrs Hayakawa for all her years putting up with us, helping to plan this trip and so much more! But also a thank you to the International Department for having so many links: we were able to meet up with some ex and current international students and our host families were able to host us through the relationship formed by the international programme. We wish you all the best with your future Japanese study. The Japanese Class of 2019


2020 SKI PROGRAMME The DHS ski programme will be advertised around 1 May and applications will close on 31 May. Registrations are limited to 100 students who have fully paid for the programme. If 100 students have registered before 31 May, it will be closed at that point. The ski programme is open to all students who attend Darfield High School. Any enquiries to ski@darfield.school.nz ISSUE 1 / DHS DISPATCH


Years 9—Year 13 Dental Information If your child is in Years 9—13 and has not been seen by a dentist in the past 12 months, you can elect to use our practice. ​Children in Years 7 and 8 are still under the primary school dental service and are seen in the dental van that visits the school. Last year our Dentist, David Rumble, was unable to work due to injury. This year, we are collating information to get the children seen at our practice as soon as possible. From Year 9 until they turn 18 years old, your child is still entitled to their free dental care. This is provided at a dental practice, not at the school. It is very important that your child is registered with a dental practice to ensure they do not miss the opportunity to the free dental care they are entitled to. Dental Care includes One general exam per year Amalgam fillings: ​provided under the dental system at no cost. If you wish your child to have a composite (white material) filling, there will be a private fee. ● General Extractions ​will be at no cost. Extractions needed for orthodontic treatment are not provided under the school system and they will incur a private fee. ● ●

We would like to make sure that every child has the opportunity to receive free dental care. If you would like to register your child at Darfield Dental, please call or e-mail our practice. Please provide name, DOB, address and NHI number (National Health Index) - this can be obtained by checking with your child’s Plunket book or calling your GP. Please call/email the practice if you have any queries. 03 318 8392 teeth@darfielddental.co.nz


Outward Bound New Zealand is one of Aotearoa’s leading providers of personal development in the outdoors. Our adventure-packed courses for teens takes them into nature to develop resilience, courage, determination, and instant life-long friendships. All courses are delivered from our school in Anakiwa based in the beautiful Totaranui / Queen Charlotte Sound.





16-18 year olds (21 days)

16-18 year olds (21 days)

13-15 year olds & parent/caregiver (8 days)

Mon 6 April – Sun 26 April Wed 01 Jul – Tues 21 Jul Wed 23 Sep – Tues 13 Oct Wed 02 Dec – Tues 22 Dec

Mon 6 April – Sun 26 April

Wed 8 Apr – Wed 15 Apr Sun 19 Apr – Sun 26 Apr Fri 3 Jul – Fri 10 Jul

Tue 14 Jul – Tue 21 Jul Fri 25 Sept – Fri 02 Oct Tue 6 Oct – Tue 13 Oct

Mind Body Soul focuses on helping teens build the independence and leadership qualities to make the most of their final school years and take on the new challenges lying ahead with confidence and self belief. Over 21 days you’ll experience bush expeditions, water challenges, sea voyages and height activities in stunning scenery.

Leaps & Bounds is the ultimate parent/teen bonding experience.

School Leaders aligns with our Mind Body Soul course but is designed for students transitioning to a leadership role in year 12 or 13.

To find out more go to outwardbound.co.nz or talk with our friendly team on 0800 688 927.

Leave devices at home and reconnect with your teen over 8 days of outdoor challenge and adventure. Together you will problem solve, overcome challenges and celebrate each other’s strengths.

11 FEBRUARY 2020

World Vision Senior Scholarship Week 2020 was an absolute blast: flying all the way up to Auckland and meeting with 29 other students from around the country, all sharing the same passion for World Vision and social justice. We were all in for a huge week getting to know each other and being inspired by the many speakers who came and shared their knowledge with us all. The first night we stayed in a Marae and suddenly we weren’t all strangers; we slowly formed friendships that are sure to last a lifetime. Over the many days, we took part in several different sessions about topics such as food insecurity, how World Vision really works, privilege and influence, and creating a marketing campaign. We were never bored as we were constantly learning and receiving this knowledge first hand from people who have worked and helped others all around the world. World Vision Scholars Week was an amazing experience and I am going to treasure forever the memories and knowledge I gained from this trip. Being surrounded by other students with the same motivation and passion, as well as the supportive World Vision whanau, has made me realise that I can make a difference in this world; all I need to do is use my privilege for good and try to motivate and let others know that they are also able to make a difference. Sophie Palmer

First PTSA Meeting Darfield High School Staffroom

Tuesday 18 February at 7.30 pm

New Members Welcome Darfield High School are on the look out for volunteers to assist students with reading and writing at assessment time. This takes place at the school, during the school hours that fit in to suit with your schedule. If you are willing to give an hour or two to help students here, please contact Elaine in the School office:


Darfield High School LIBRARY

Phone 318 8411 or Email elaine@darfield.school.nz ISSUE 1 / DHS DISPATCH


Year 13 Presentations Year 13 Presentations (Year 12s are welcome too) are during Period 5 in C11 on the dates listed below. This is an opportunity to learn about the courses on offer, entrance requirements, scholarships that are available, clubs and social events and generally what life at Uni is all about. The advisors from each place are full of lots of very useful info and are also the ones that help throughout the year answering questions that you may have. They come back in Term Three and help plan courses too, so they are great to connect with now in preparation for this. It's always best to gather lots of information on all the opportunities that are on offer to help make a successful and informed decision.

19 February 26 February 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 March 1 April 8 April 6 May TBC

Lincoln University Defence Forces University of Canterbury Victoria University of Wellington Massey University Electoral Commission (Compulsory) Ara Institute of Canterbury University of Otago University of Auckland AUT

Year 12 Discovery Day at the University of Canterbury Students will be receiving information through email from Mrs Grenfell on how to register for this amazing Year 12 day that takes place on 7 April. They get the opportunity to learn about Uni life and attend six lectures of their choosing. You don't have to be planning on going to UC to attend this day; it is an opportunity to experience University firsthand. The students last year found the day really useful and enjoyable. Keep an eye out for the registration information, and register before 20 March. 22

11 FEBRUARY 2020


Dress Code Key considerations: • The desire for a high standard of dress through providing guidelines for an appropriate standard of dress. • Year 13 demonstrating leadership in action and appearance. • Allowing some choice in recognition of senior role in school. • The normal day wear for Year 13 students is either school uniform or very tidy mufti. Year 13 students are the student leaders in the school and their standard of dress should be equivalent to the formality of the normal school uniform. It is expected that students who represent the school at formal events will wear a school blazer or a formal black blazer. Very Tidy Mufti: • Shorts or trousers with zip fly • Skirts or dresses • Collared shirt or blouse • Blazer, jersey, cardigan, jacket • Rain jacket • Tie for formal occasions, eg Prize-giving, Assemblies during Terms 2 and 3 • Students should bring a change of clothes when required for sports activities Appropriate mufti is: • Clean, tidy and in good condition • Modest (ie all clothing should cover from shoulder to midthigh – no midriff showing) • Boys should be clean shaven • Jewellery (no visible piercings, except in ears) and make-up should not be excessive • Appropriate to situations (eg, for health and safety reasons, covered footwear is to be worn in Science Labs, Food and Nutrition Room, and Design Technology Rooms) • Any words, logos or images must be appropriate for school situation, eg no alcohol or drug connotations or offensive language Not permitted: • Sportswear: sports shoes, track pants, sports shorts, rugby jerseys • Beachwear • T-Shirts or singlets Hoodies or sweatshirts Extreme hair styles If unsure if an item is permitted, please check with the school in advance of wearing an item to school








WRAPS Butter Chicken Wrap 1/2 Wraps (Ham, Chicken or Vege)


$5.00 $4.00


Teriyaki Chicken on Rice (Cold) $5.50 Butter Chicken on Rice (Hot) $5.50 Rice Balls (See Selection) $2.50 Sushi (See Selection) $4.00

SANDWICHES Sandwiches (See Selection)


ROLLS Rolls (Ham, Beef, Chicken or Vege) Crispy Chicken Roll Garlic Bread Plain Garlic Bread Cheesy

$5.50 $3.60 $2.20 $2.50

PRICE $3.00



Cheese Burger $4.00 Chicken Burger $5.50



Hash Brown $1.00 Hot Dog $3.50 Chicken Tender $2.00 Wedges $3.00 Popcorn $2.20



Mrs Higgins Brownie Bites $2.00 Fruit and Jelly Cup $2.00 Caramel Slice $3.00 Chocolate Slice $3.00 Juicies $2.00


FRESH BAKED Muffins (Blueberry, Banana, Apple)



DRINKS See Selection



11 FEBRUARY 2020

School Events and Community Notices DHS Term One


April 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9

Year 13 Outdoor Education Rock Climbing (1-3 April) CPS Swimming Championships Year 11 Rural College Practical Day SISS Athletics Championships (4-5 April) Year 11 Outdoor Education Mountain Biking (5-7 April) BOT Meeting (6.30 pm) DHS Cross Country Championships Year 13 Otago University Presentation (P5) Last Day of Term One

27 28

ANZAC Day Observed First Day of Term Two


mental health

professionals from a well-being and support service Need Support ?

March 1 Japan Day (Christchurch) 2 Selwyn Athletics (Nga Puna Wai Park, Christchurch) 4 Year 13 University of Canterbury Presentation (P5) 5 Year 11 Geography Kaikoura/Hanmer Trip (5-7 March) 6 Year 13 History Akaroa Trip CPS Show Hunter and Showjumping Championships 8 Year 12 Geography Aoraki Mt Cook Trip (8-10 March) 9 Year 13 Biology Orana Park Trip 10 BOT Meeting (6.30 pm) 11 Year 12 Outdoor Education Kayak Trip Year 13 Victory University Presentation (P5) 12 Year 12 RYDA 13 Year 13 Rural College Practical Day 14 Thai Group (14 March - 9 April) 16 Ugly Shakespeare Performance (1.30 - 3.15 pm) 17 Year 10 Social Studies Onuku Marae Overnight Trip (17-19 March) CSS Athletics Prelims PTSA Meeting (7.30 pm) 18 Year 13 Massey University Presentation (P5) 19 HPV Vaccinations (Year 8) 20 CSS Triathlon 21 Year 11 Outdoor Education Rafting Weekend (21-22 March) CSS Athletics Finals 23 Year 11 History Ripapa Island Trip (Parihaka) 25 CSS Dressage Championships Year 13 Electoral Commission Presentation (P5) 26 CSS Swimming Championships Parent/Teacher Interviews (3.00 - 6.00 pm) 27 Year 12 Rural College Practical Day 28 Year 13 History Arrowtown Trip (28-31 March) 30 NZ Summer Tournament Week (30 March - 3 April) Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Regionals (30 March - 3 April) Year 11 English Trip (30 March - 1 April)

Need Support and Assistance? Please reach out and speak to trained

February 2020 12 XI Cricket - Darfield 13 Year 13 Outdoor Education Sea Kayaking (13-14 February) 14 International BBQ 18 House Mufti Day PTSA Meeting (7.30 pm) 19 Year 11-13 CrashBash Lincoln University Presentation (P5) 21 DHS Athletics Championships (pp day 24 February) 25 Academic Colours Assembly (10 am) 26 CSS Showjumping Championships DHS Triathlon Championships (pp day 3 March) Defence Forces Presentation (P5) 28 Year 11 Rural College Practical Day


A unique opportunity to experience over 250 classic cars - one of the largest private collections in New Zealand. You can also wander through the immaculate grounds of Bel Air Gardens.

For Further information phone Kim: 0272072542

Classic Car & Garden Tour A 2020 Fundraiser - The proceeds of this fundraiser will be used to help West Melton U16 Rugby Team attend a sports tour of Australia.

A unique opportunity to experience over 250 classic cars - one of the largest private collections in New Zealand. You can also wander through the immaculate grounds of Bel Air Gardens. t 23rd February 10.00 - 3.00 750 Wairakei Road

$20 per ticket

Food and refreshments available to purchase at the venue

To purchase a ticket phone Kim: 0272072542


WEST SIDE STORY We are very excited to present our upcoming show, West Side Story. A modern day Romeo and Juliet tale featuring rival gangs and set in the stunning 50’s/60’s. With great music and brilliant choreography, it’s a show for everyone to get involved in. Auditions for this production are on 22 and 23 February. Performance dates are 7-15 August. We are looking for talented people to play a great cast of characters.

REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN! https://www.sporty.co.nz/malvernhockey We are putting teams together for the 2020 season so register your interest ASAP. We are hoping to field a number of Junior Teams this year including: •

Kwik Sticks 11 Aside Boys and Girls Teams (yr 7-8 )

If you are a year 9, we may be able to cater for you. Please select ‘year 7-8’ when registering and we will be in touch.

Audition packs and times are available from: kirweeplayersauditions@gmail.com

Kiwi Sticks 6 Aside Team (yr 5-6)

Minis (yr 1-4)

Please contact us if you are keen to help with coaching

Practises take place at the Darfield High School turf. Most teams will have their games in Christchurch on Saturdays. Some teams could have games on a weekday afternoon. Message us at secmha@gmail.com for further information


11 FEBRUARY 2020


G Y M N A S T I C C L A S S E S— T E R M 1 Darfield Gymnastics Club hold gymnastic classes on Fridays during a school term for boys and girls.



1 hour sessions


4.00pm Class: Pre-schoolers 3 - 4 years + 5 years - 7 years


5.00pm Class: 5 years + up


6.00pm Class: 5 years - Teenagers


Located at Darfield High School Gymnasium

Lincoln University Students’ Association & Lincoln University Present

DAY 2020

Fun and active classes that teach gym skills and movements, we can cater to all abilities from novice to experienced/ex-competitive.


To enroll or for more information contact Tash and Kara: Free Family Fun for Everyone

Inflatables, Petting Zoo, Sheep Shearing, Food Trucks and more! Bring along your family and friends and enjoy the activities and entertainment on Lincoln University’s beautiful campus! For more info visit lincoln.ac.nz




Email darfieldgymnastics@gmail.com


Search us on Facebook - darfield gymnastics


Or call Kara 027 247 9318

Gymnastic Coach Wanted - We are looking for an experienced male or female coach or with a sports coaching background. Sounds like you? Give us a call!

√ Using Water Wisely √ Fire Restrictions √ Selwyn Gets Ready

The Spirit of New Zealand is spending this summer sailing around the stunning waters around the top of the South Island. We want more students to join us for a 10 Day Development Voyage and reap the benefits of this unique experience. Partial, and fully funded scholarships available for our remaining summer voyages.

Lauren Kenney P: 021 55 44 53 E: lauren.kenney@spiritofadventure.org.nz



8.30am Family Pass

• Darfield High School • PO Box 5, Darfield, 7541

• 7 McLaughlins Road, Darfield • 03 318 8411

• admin@darfield.school.nz • www.darfield.school.nz

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