Darfield High School Newsletter May 11

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Wisdom through learning : Akona to matauranga kia mōhio

11 MAY 2017





Easter Holidays in France

Principal’s Comments It has been good to start the school term with some fine autumn weather. Despite it being cool at times, we have been able to get outside and enjoy some sun during break times. Apart from some shortages due to higher than expected demand, the new canteen has got off to a good start with lots of positive feedback on the new menu (and eftpos). Some students are sorry that they can no longer purchase lollies; however, for healthy eating reasons, most can understand why.

Welcome Anna Dalziel At the beginning of this term, Anna joined our staff as Arts Co-ordinator. She will be working with the Art, Drama and Music Departments.

Students recently completed the annual DHS student survey. This anonymous online survey provides helpful feedback to the school on a range of learning and well-being indicators and is used as a guide for developments in school curriculum and systems. Over 85% of students completed the survey with 735 responses balanced across year levels. There were over 200 comments with suggestions to make DHS a better place to learn in. Some initial results are now available with more indepth analysis available later, including: •

There were strongly positive responses to most indicators of engagement in learning. For example, 97% of students said their teachers expect them to work hard and 95% said they worked to the best of their ability in class. 88% say they have a positive working relationship with their teacher and 82% say they get useful feedback on their learning.

90% of Year 7 students said they were proud to attend DHS, and 97% of all respondents said they put their rubbish in the bin.

85% said they feel safe at school. A survey we do later in the year will delve further into the scope and reasons why 15% don’t feel safe all of the time. Other areas to look closer at are the 32% who feel they are not recognised when they are successful and the 30% who disagree that they have leadership opportunities.

61% of students represented the school in a sports activity in the last year and 68% participated in a non-school sports activity.

On average, 90% of students have a mobile phone of their own but this varies from 75% at Year 7 through to 97% at Year 13.

8% of students said they do not have a computer at home that they can use for school work.

James Morris


Danielle Davis, Sarah Lawrence, and Simone Te Kani We have three new student teachers for the next seven weeks: Danielle (English), Sarah (History and Social Studies) and Simone (Physical Education).

AL’S AWAR NCIP DS PRI Congratulations to the following students who have earned five Deans Awards. They are presented with a certificate in assembly and receive a $10 voucher.

Jack Robertson Isabella Stevenson Lucy Mitchell Sophie Palmer Rebecca Inch Benson Wong Harry Williamson 13 APRIL 2017

GRIP Leadership Conference On 10 April, four members of the Student Leadership Team travelled to Aranui for the GRIP Leadership Conference; accompanying us was Mr Adams, leader of the Prefect team. GRIP is an independent organisation that began in Australia in 2005 and exists to train and develop leaders with a special focus on school students. The organisation now runs programmes in New Zealand. Gus Thomas (Head Boy), Maddison O’Callaghan (Deputy Head Girl), Caitlin Soal (Head of Sport), Leigh Walters (Head of Culture) and I attended the day-long conference. This was a practical and interactive training day attended by students from many schools throughout Christchurch, including the Ellesmere College leaders whom the Head Prefects have been working closely with. This day gave us another chance to meet and share ideas.

The day consisted of many motivational speakers covering topics such as the techniques and roles of leaders, the expectations of responsibility, and assembly preparations. These talks mainly reinforced ideas and plans we already had as a team and it was nice to refresh these and check we were progressing successfully. The other aspect of the day was the optional sessions on the topics of generating ideas that are outside the box, overcoming the challenges of leadership, turning an idea into action, and seeking the support of your peers. These lectures were run in two time slots and half of our team went to each lecture so that we could gain new ideas and come back to discuss with the others. These sessions were insightful; we were able to listen to other students share issues they have faced and discuss new solutions to them. This prepared us for possible challenges we may face

individually or as a team at DHS. The speakers were to the point and able to clearly explain new processes and techniques we may be able to use when implementing projects around school—also good knowledge to have moving forward. The interactive activities during the day also got us talking with other students and boosted our confidence to speak in group situations. Overall, the day was fun and gave us some food for thought over the holidays, allowing us to come into Term Two refreshed and ready to move forward with new ideas. Rachael Phillipson (Head Girl)

Discovery Day On Tuesday 11 April, a bunch of curious Year 12s made their way into the University of Canterbury for a taster day of University life. The day began with an orientation around the campus, which was very informative! We learnt all of the finer details of university terminology—basically what all the scary words like Bachelor degrees and Majors and Minors mean. Everyone here was feeling the same way we were—nervous yet excited for the future, which for many of us could be at UC.

full of exciting new things that could be part of our futures. It was then time to head home. It was a great day, that was well organised and a great learning opportunity! Big thanks to Mrs Munro who organised us as well as driving us in there, and even bigger thanks to UC for providing a day that was enjoyed by everyone! I would definitely recommend this day to anybody who gets the opportunity. Katie Sharp

Following our introduction, we all had our first taster lecture. I took Psychology which was really interesting. There were heaps of tasters to choose from, and it was a great start to the day. Following the first lecture, we had two others. During this time, many of us had a campus tour, and we got to see all the new shiny buildings that are very cool! (You don't realise how big the campus is until you actually have to find a lecture theatre!) After we had all sat through our three lectures, it was time for lunch. Generously, the University gave every Year 12 student a ticket to the Burg (a cafe on campus) and we all got a free lunch! It was tasty too. The last two lectures took place after lunch. They continued to be really interesting and


13 APRIL 2017





! r e e r a c r u o y h c n u a L 4

13 APRIL 2017

During the day, I learnt that things in the world are a lot more complicated and not as we thought. Syria’s refugees once lived the lives we live with schools, big houses, mountains and trees, and now they have nothing. They live in camps in the desert and have limited water supplies. Therefore I will not take things for granted and will help raise money for the kids in Syria. At the end of the day, they asked us to plan things like how we will raise awareness, and how are we going to get more people involved. We all had of great ideas. It was a great trip to go on. Monique Weber (8JN) Little did I know when I signed up for the 2016 20 Hour Famine that my eyes would be opened to the grief and poverty of the children of Syria. I was selected, along with Johnny Millar, Jack Roberts and Monique Weber, as the top fundraisers from DHS to attend a leadership day, day along with students who were also involved in raising money for those less fortunate than ourselves by a long way. Last week we travelled to St Martins where we spent the day learning about leadership, how unfair the world is, and that the money we raised last year helped a lot of struggling people in Syria, particularly the children. We learnt that the people in Syria are living through such hardship and that by helping them we are hopefully making life a little bit easier for them. I would encourage all students here to join the cause to help these people. We only have to suffer for 20 or 40 hours and can then go back to our comfortable lives. Sign up for 2017 and make a difference…oh and look out for news of our fundraising disco!

Junior Leadership Day Recently, four of our Year 8 students attended a World Vision Leadership Conference, held in Christchurch. Along with students from schools around the South Island, Millie, Jack, Johnny and Monique (above) learnt why we take part in the 40 Hour Famine, and what role World Vision plays, and listened to inspiring speakers throughout the day. There were activities and students were given valuable leadership skills and learnt how their personalities fit with being a leader. This year, the Junior Leaders will team up with the Seniors to plan our 40 Hour Famine campaign here at school, and work out what events they would like to run to help with fundraising for the children of Syria. Once again, we will be fundraising to help set up child-friendly spaces within the camps, providing stationery, school equipment and

teachers so they won't miss out on their education and will have counselling to deal with the trauma of things they have seen and experienced. Alex Hitchmough, from World Vision (below), visited our students in assemblies to kick-start our fundraising and tell us how our money will be spent. With four weeks to go until Famine Weekend, now is the time to get a Famine pack! Information and permission slips have been given to the junior students, so fill these out and return to the office to take part. Seniors do not need permission—just come and collect a pack. We are looking forward to having a very successful weekend!

Thank you—dig deep! Millie Wilson (8MP) XX The World Vision Leadership Day was very eye-opening about what is happening in Syria and Jordan. I thought that the day was very well run with lots of stories about the people of Jordan and Syria who still had hope for a better life. I also like that they included us in demonstrations and activities. World Vision is doing an awesome job trying to make heaps of money so that they can help all of the poor people from everywhere, so they can get an education and have fun in childfriendly places. Johnny Millar



T ape Art Mural for

At the end of last term, 14 Years 9–13 Art students had the great opportunity to take part in a Tape Art workshop. Taken by Erica Duthie and Struan Ashby, who are internationally renowned Tape Art artists, we had two half days (Monday and Tuesday) of workshops where we got to explore and play around trying it out for ourselves. Once nailing down some of the basic techniques like curving (not as easy as it sounds!), we then got to have a go drawing our own forms interacting with each other (eg throwing a ball). On Tuesday, we started planning and designing our mural that we would be


installing at Darfield Farmlands on the Friday. After brainstorming and finalising ideas we got to work. Since we could work down at Farmlands for only one day, we worked on billboard plastic in the school hall so that we could cut them out, and easily move, transport, and tape up for installation. On Thursday we had a full day to finish drawing and install the work down at Farmlands. As it had been a week of rain, we had to dry the wall first before successfully putting up the mural. Our final product, 'A Mirror Between Us' exceeded all of our expectations, and we are very proud of it. This is the summary of our mural and the meaning behind it:

13 APRIL 2017

r DarfieldFarmlands

"This mural can have many different interpretations but the overall idea is how our world has developed over the thousands of years we have been here. This mural is a mirror comparing our world now to the world it used to be and showing the audience the beauty and destruction that have become. " I would also like to give a huge thanks to Erica, Struan and Mrs Carey for making this awesome opportunity possible. I had so much fun and learnt so much in the short time we had with them. Hayley Murray


"Thanks to everyone who helped us make the Darfield Tape Art Residency such a success a couple of weeks ago. We received very positive comments and had great discussions with many folks about both of the murals on the Farmlands building. We were particularly pleased with how the students from Darfield High School took to the tape and raised the bar with their concepts and drawings for their mural." Erica Duthie and Struan Ashby TAPE ART New Zealand


Easter Holidays in France


10.1 FI


My Easter Break




I've had trips to some of the most beautiful landmarks in Brittany. We kicked off the holidays by taking a boat to the ‘Seven Islands’, which is a cluster of protected islands off the coast of Perros Guirec. On our journey we observed different forms of wildlife, including a colony of seals and another of more than 20,000 nesting gannets that populated so much of the island; from a distance it looked like it was covered in snow! Another Breton gem we visited was the island of Bréhat. We took a ferry over and spent a day exploring the countryside and taking in the beauty of the island. On one occasion we visited the ‘Château de la Roche Jagu’, which is a beautiful 15th century castle surrounded by a river and lush gardens. We also went to some medieval towns such as St Malo, and had the chance to look at their old architecture (forts and churches galore). All in all, I had a great holiday and loved discovering all the history and culture that Brittany has to offer. Elyse Kerr


13 APRIL 2017

towns, various g my in r lo s exp ond with and bey r holiday u, y te s n ea a n ta E r it e a , Conc und Br o ix r I spent th la a r o es M tl s of and cas ful old the town beaches d wonder e visited a h W lso h . y ic h il ry. We a ll of w host fam ngers, a cool histo f A o e d b n ts a lo to , not and St Malo France’ ( hurches, c in d o e n g ls a a la s e ich w tiful vil building lage’ wh il ost beau v nt m o e e it M h r ‘t u avo ing to went to rance’s f e was go ‘F m h I r it o . f w d n ts h isla confused e highlig ey on an er One of th and abb n ngest riv w lo to e s visited). famou g Loire, th e e in th z th , a g el m n h ple of a ing alo St-Mic u o iv r c d a ed ed isit y lik oire we v also reall ng the L lo A two. r e. o c n a walk in Fra r o f t en and w castles, rris Kate Mo

Over the E aster holid ays I was experience able to a lot more of French life culture. W and e travelled down to th Pays de la e region of Lore, wher e we stayed and visited on the coast the sea ever yday. I als sailing ou o got to go t to a little island call had lots of ed Bréhat. It gorgeous li ttle coves a We manag n d beaches. ed to catch some local which was spider crab a rather dif s ferent eati I'm really ng experien enjoying m ce . y time her and my F e in France rench is def initely im proving fr this exchan om ge. Michelle B




International News:

Sightseeing South for Students A big part of our international students' New Zealand experience is exploring our beautiful country, and what better part to explore than the south of the South! On Monday 24 April, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Hely headed off with 13 students on a five-day adventure, with Dunedin being the first destination. We stopped along the way in quaint Geraldine, old Oamaru town, and the famous Moeraki Boulders. Once in Dunedin, everyone appreciated the historic buildings and special character that the city offers. We stayed at the Leviathan in Central Dunedin, and the following morning we were woken by the sound of canons being fired 30 metres from our hotel—it was ANZAC Day.


Te Anau was our next stop and we arrived on a stunning day with the lake looking like glass. After a peaceful night, we headed off to the majestic Milford Sound where we boarded a boat for a 1.5 hour cruise of one of the most special places in the country. The next two nights were spent in Queenstown where a number of the students built up the courage to bungy jump and sky dive! Of course, we had to visit the beautiful Arrowtown in full autumn bloom, head up the gondola, race each other on the luges, and taste the famous Ferg burgers which were demolished in seconds. It really was a trip to remember, with fabulous scenery, fabulous weather and wonderful students! Special thanks to Smylies Tours for making it happen!

13 APRIL 2017

Canterbury Winners! Darfield students, Niamh Rayne, Charlotte Thomas and Sophie Jarvis, travelled with their horses to Whangarei in the April school holidays to represent Canterbury in a team of six riders at the NZ Pony Club Eventing Championships. These three DHS riders were selected from riders throughout Canterbury at trials held in October last year and February this year. Katherine Hadler was also selected as a reserve for the team. That is outstanding for Darfield High School students to represent over half the Canterbury team! There were 13 areas from throughout New Zealand represented at the Championship. The cross country course was challenging and rain leading up to the event meant the ground conditions were also difficult.

However, our Canterbury riders stepped up to the challenge and won the event, the first time Canterbury have won in 10 years. The girls had some outstanding individual results with Niamh 3rd in her class, and Charlotte 4th and Sophie 7th in their class. The Canterbury Coach, Bec, said, "They could have won their section but actually rode for the team and both incurred just a few time faults. The girls showed real maturity and team spirit to ride as they did, and a great ability to follow instructions and stick to a plan. They were a fabulous team to take away and represented Canterbury and their school with pride."

Congratulations! Cameron Carter

Cameron has now completed his Level 4 Certificate in Steam-Powered Vehicles. He has been attending this two-year course through Tai Poutini Polytechnic in Greymouth. Cameron studied Level 3 and this course through the STAR programme at Darfield High School.

Cassie Hart

With The Edge: Great News for Senior Students! Congratulations to Jess, Maddie and all their helpers for winning The Edge competition. Voting was pretty close with Papanui High School but luckily the votes, texts and judging points put Darfield in the lead. This is awesome news for the seniors as the prize is a 'School Ball Upgrade', which means The Edge Candy Stand and Photo Booth will be attending their Formal in August. But wait: now there is another competition and, once again, Jess and Maddie are keen to have lots of support. This time they will be taking orders for tickets to the Crusaders vs Highlanders game on 3 June. These tickets are only $10.00 each. The tickets are up for sale on ticketdirect.co.nz, and everyone needs to make sure they used the promo code 'DAR'. You will need to also pay a booking fee.


Cassie was awarded the Yubetsu Scholarship and will be visiting Japan from 28 May to 29 July. We wish her all the best as she heads off to spend time with a host family and experience a new culture.

We haven't been given a date yet, but someone from the Crusaders will be coming along with The Edge road runners to the school. This will be during a lunch time on the Quad. This is where there will be a ticket booth set up for students to purchase their $10 tickets, that also comes with a free pair of Crusader sunnies! The school that has the highest ratio of students that buy the tickets wins $1,200. There will be a Facebook page created where people can join to say that they are going to the game.


Spirit of Adventure

Thank You to our Supporters! Hello everyone On behalf of the Spirit of Adventure team, we would like to thank the following groups: Malvern Lions, Malvern Community Board, Selwyn Central Discretionary Funds Committee, EuroAgri, Farm Source and Farmlands Real Estate for donating and sponsoring us. Emily White, Hayley Murray, Jenny Walter, Caileigh Peaufa, Brie Edwards, Ben Sharp, Ben Francis, Caleb Curtin, Matt Cooper, Sam Cunningham and Miss Blakemore have the amazing opportunity to go on the Spirit of New Zealand. The Spirit of Adventure trophy is a five day boat voyage out of Auckland, where four schools will compete in order to win the title of champion school. It is a great opportunity to improve leadership skills, teamwork, and overall outgoingness. Darfield High School has participated and won this in the past. A huge thanks to the sponsors and donations that we have been given in order to be able to take part in this wonderful opportunity. We appreciate you very much (and donations are still welcome). The total cost to participate in this voyage has been approximately $12,000. Along with our wonderful sponsors, we have also been working together as a group to make cheese rolls, sell raffle tickets and lollies, hold sausage sizzles and have a regular stall at the Darfield Farmers' Market. We would also like to thank our parents, extended family, teachers and friends who have helped us reach our goal. Emily White and Jenny Walter

Malvern Community Board


13 APRIL 2017

Soft Materials Technology

Mrs Kelly was very pleased to display the finished items from the first term's classes. Junior students designed and made creatures and senior students made clothing.

Left: Pjs by Charlotte Boyd, Kanon Oka, Maya Morris-Thoms, and Annie Campbell, and jumpsuit by Natalia Little Above: Skirts by Shynali Maharaj, Maddy Berge, and Georgia Mitchell PJs by Caitlin Warrington, Caitlin Rayne, and Rebecca Manifold

Design and Visual Communication (DVC) The Year 9 Rotation 1 DVC task was to re-design Christchurch Re:Start container mall. It was set up similar to The Block NZ (TV Programme) contest, with block challenges with points, etc. Each group of four was given a 'Block' to design and make.

Canteen News

At the beginning of this term, Libelle took over the running of our school canteen, supplying students with a new menu, which is proving very popular. The first week, Carol Mullan, Operations Manager, worked with Lynn Meder and Chrissie Fairbrass (above) teaching them how to put together their menu items. Some days, items have sold out, so it has been a couple of weeks working out what the demand will be for different foods. Check out the new menu on Page 20.




Canterbury Secondary Schools Swimming Championships


On Thursday 4 May a small group of swimmers competed in the above event held this year at Jellie Park Pool Complex, Christchurch. The competition was strong as all the schools in the Canterbury and West Coast regions were represented. Here are the confirmed results: 14 Years Girls' 50 m Backstroke

Laura Ashworth

12–13 Years Girls' 50 m Breaststroke

Lucy Mitchell


12–13 Girls' 50 m Breaststroke

Issy Kennedy


12–13 Boys' 50 m Breaststroke

Jack Kennedy



14 years Boys' 50 m Breaststroke Ethan Taylor Open Boys 100 m Breaststroke

Karen Armstrong, our Sports Coordinator, reports on recent events.

3rd 10th

25 m Freestyle Lucas De Burger (swd) 6th 50 m Freestyle 3rd

Weekly Sports Draws You can find your weekly game draws on the Sports website. As well as results and news . Check it out today!


25 m Backstroke Ben Knowles (swd) 50 m Freestyle

5th 2nd

Some very pleasing results! Special mention to Ethan Taylor who swam a personal best in the 14 years Boys 50 m Breaststroke in 34.75 seconds to finish in 3rd place—well done, Ethan! All students can be justifiably proud of their efforts in this competition. A big thank you to parents and caregivers for their support!

Basketball Scholarship for Lexie During the holidays, Lexie Sinclair (Year 8) received one of six scholarships to attend the Canterbury Rams and Canterbury Wildcats basketball training camp. She was also a part of the North Canterbury Primary Girls A representative team who competed in the South Island Primary Schools' Tournament, in which they won all of their games and now are the South Island Champions. Lexie also played in an U15 rep selection tournament where she was selected to play in the U15 Mainland representative squad at the Mainland Tournament in Greymouth in July. Being very dedicated, she works hard at her sports and we wish her well for the Tournament.

if you are interested in competing in this year's Mud Run then please see or email Mrs Armstrong.


13 APRIL 2017






Year 7 Boys

Dylan Butler

Brayden Barnhill

Year 7 Girls

Zara McLean

Brooke Summerfield

Year 8 Boys

Oliver Blackburn

Callum Summerfield

Year 8 Girls

Holly Curtis

Alexis-Rose Sinclair-Dockerill

Under 14 Boys

Matthew Ashworth

Reuben Boyes

Under 14 Girls

Caitlin Knowles

Emily Waters

Under 15 Boys

Jacob Thomason

Nathan Carter

Under 15 Girls

Caitlin Rayne

Paige Hunter

Under 16 ½ Boys

Jeroen Breunisse

Jackson Proud

Under 16 ½ Girls

Zoe Spinks

Maddy Anthony

Over 16 ½ Boys

Isaac Proud

Nathaniel Dysart

Over 16 ½ Girls

Georgia Shinn

Niamh Rayne


1st XV Rugby On the final Wednesday of the term, the DHS 1st XV Rugby team opened their season with a game against the newly-combined Middleton Grange and Hillmorton 1st XVs. This game was treated as a trial match and so gave all 35 boys who have been training as part of the squad a chance to push for future team selection. Despite the constant changing of players and the wet conditions, Darfield played really well to secure a 26–10 win. This was a good start to our season and hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

Rock Climbing Report This year, most of the Year 7s had the opportunity to do rock climbing with some Year 13s who were doing NCEA assessments. The Year 13s were teaching us to rock climb. To rock climb, you need someone to belay, which is the person at the bottom pulling them up and being there if they lose grip and making sure there is no slack in the rope. Also you definitely need a rock climber. As a rock climber you have to listen carefully and understand how to climb up and come down. There are lots of rules to follow when you rock climb. We had some laughs because there were people who forgot how to get down and some didn’t know what routes to take. Mr Dickens told one of us from each group to be naughty in front of the Year 13s, so they can learn how to deal with naughty kids using their teaching skills. We tried to be naughty but it didn’t really work because we enjoyed the punishments. After a while our arms died so we ended up faceplanting onto the hard, sweaty, feet smelling gym floor. Overall it was amazing and we had so much fun! We learnt a lot of great skills that would be helpful in the years to come. We think that the Year 13s did a great job and showed lots of leadership skills. Charlotte O’Reilly, Esther Bruce and Brooke Stevenson

“Hey Mum and Dad, this is how you can help me make this season a great one!”

1 Keep it FUN



4 Please SUPPORT EVERYONE, INCLUDING THE OPPONENTS 5 After every game say to me “I LOVE WATCHING YOU PLAY” www.goodsports.org.nz goodsportsnz

Entertainment Books Entertainment Books have arrived and will be issued to those who have orders placed. If you missed ordering previously, you can still order at the school office. To view this year's Entertainment Book go to http://www.entertainmentbook. co.nz/about/Tell-Me-More/Christchurch-2017, or you can look at the book display in the office.


13 APRIL 2017

Winter Menu at the Canteen



School and Community Notices TERM TWO WEEK THREE Monday 15 May • Year 13 Biology Trip to Wainui (to 17th) Postponed • Cyber Safety for Year 7s, P5 Tuesday16 May • DHS Careers Expo •

PTSA Meeting, 7.30 pm

Wednesday 17 May • 1st XV College Day at Burnside Park

Term Dates 2017

Term 2: Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July Monday 5 June: Queen's Birthday Term 3: Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September Term 4: Monday 16 October to Thursday 14 December Monday 23 October: Labour Day Thursday 16 November: Staff Only Day Friday 17 November: Canterbury Anniversary

Thursday 18 May • Stage Challenge •

Year 12 Market Day

Friday 19 May • Year 13 Rural College Practical Day WEEK FOUR

School Photographs

Tuesday 23 May • ICAS Digital Technology Competition

Friday 26 May is when these will be held. Please make sure your uniform is clean and tidy and your shoes are polished.

Wednesday 24 May • 1st XV vs Buller at Darfield High School

School blazers and ties must be worn.

Thursday 25 May • Year 10 Cookie Market Thursday 26 May • School Photos

If you have changed addresses or phone numbers, please tell the Student Administrator, Mrs Hill. Ph 3188 411

WEEK FIVE Tuesday 30 May • Canterbury Secondary Schools' Cross Country •

House Singing Practice

ICAS Science Competition

Thursday 1 June • Years 7 and 8 Quad Tournament at Ellesmere College •

Years 9 and 10 Quad Tournament at Mt Hutt College

Friday 2 June • Year 10 Spirit of Adventure Voyage (to 6th) •

Quad Tournament Postponement Day

WEEK SIX Monday 5 June • Queen's Birthday Thursday 8 June • NCEA Japanese Day at Canterbury University •


School Uniform If you need to buy or sell good conditioned second hand Darfield High School Uniform then let Polkadotcom make it easy for you. We can take orders and sell on behalf, taking the hassle out of school uniform. Dont hesitate to contact us.


Payments for Activities and School Fees Bank Account: All payments to school (school fees, activity fees, NCEA fees, etc) can be made by direct credit to the following bank account. Please include the student’s name and the reason for the payment, eg Camp Fees. Darfield High School, ASB Bank Limited, Riccarton, 12-3147-0207317-00


13 APRIL 2017

School Uniforms All Darfield High School uniform items are for sale at The Warehouse, Rolleston. The Warehouse is also offering layby with a 20% deposit and three months to pay. This offers the additional advantage that if, in the intervening months, your student has grown, you can change the size at no extra cost.

Blazers: Blazers are to be worn on Tuesdays. Parents, please remind your students to bring their blazers on Tuesdays for Assemblies.








The regulation shoes for boys and girls are black, LEATHER shoes. Boys choices are lace-up or slip-on. Girls may wear lace-up, t-bar or d-bar. In terms of keeping warm, you may wear regulation DHS school jersey, DHS blazer, or a plain navy, or black, fully zipped jacket. The jacket must be shower proof. Thermals may NOT be seen at the neck or below the sleeves of school shirts. Be aware that both short sleeved and long sleeve shirts are available for purchase at The Warehouse in Rolleston School Ties: from Term 2 you will be required to wear the school tie with your uniform. Make sure you are organised with this and have one ready for the beginning of next term. If you do not have a tie you can buy them at the school uniform shop or from the Warehouse. Students are permitted to wear a plain navy beanie or the DHS beanie with crest. This is for outdoor wear only.

Lost Property: Many uniform items have been found around the school. Please name all items of your student's clothing and check that they have not lost anything. Lost Property will now be stored in the Uniform Shop. Students can access it by seeing Sue at the office or by visiting the shop when it is open.

We are having a Sale!

The following items have been discounted for sale from the DHS Uniform Shop. Stock for sale is in particular sizes as detailed below. Other items are available at the regular price. Most of our uniform supply has moved to The Warehouse in Rolleston. We do, however, still have stocks of some uniform items for sale here at school. If you would like to purchase items from the Uniform Shop, please contact the Uniform Co-ordinator, on 3188 411, to make an appointment for a fitting. We no longer hold a second-hand uniform database. Item



Sale Price








M, L, XL,




Short Sleeved Blouse





Gym Dress





Gym Dress





School Shorts





School Shorts






64 J8





76, 84, 96, 100, 108, 112




Long Sleeved Shirt





Short Sleeved Shirt





Trousers Wool Mix

64, 68




Trousers Wool Mix

72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 112




Shorts Wool Mix Tailored





Shorts Wool Mix Tailored





School Shorts Summer





Sports Tee





Sports Shorts





Knit Jersey





Knit Jersey








Girls Uniform

Boys Uniform

Unisex Uniform Items

Bucket Hat Anorak

J8, J10




The only jewellery permitted is a wristwatch and one gold or silver stud in each ear. No other jewellery is to be worn.






Ensure that your child is wearing the correct socks to school. For both girls and boys, knee-high black socks are required. If your student is playing a winter sport in the following codes, they will need a pair of Darfield High School socks: Rugby and Hockey. These are available from the school office only.


Unisex Optional Sportswear Trackpants

J8, J10





M, L, XL




Fleece Sweat Top

J8, J10




Fleece Sweat Top

XS, S, M, L, XL




Uniform Shop Hours for Students Monday: 11.00 –11.25 am Thursday: 11.00 –11.25 am 19

PTSA meeting

Remember: If your student is not at school, or arrives late, please phone the school to explain the absence

Tuesday 16 May 7.45 pm

DHS staffroom All welcome

Ski Programme 2017 Students can register for this year's programme online until the 8 June. There will be an information evening held on 21 June.

School Buses: Important! In the past, students have been able to catch a different bus when they are attending sports practices. However, due to loading restrictions on buses, we can no longer assume there will be space on buses for groups of extra students. If you would like your child to travel on a different bus to attend a sports practice, please contact: Kathryn Morgan: km@darfield.school.nz

All information can be found on the Ski Programme page on our website: https://darfield.school.nz/

Tae Kwon Do Gym 2 Tuesdays from 3.30 pm See Miss Hayakawa-Buist for more information

PARKING OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL Outside the school on McLaughlins Road, is a no stopping zone. We need parents to observe the ‘No Parking or Stopping Zone’ between the School’s front gate and bus bay. To keep students safe, we need this area clear before and after school. There are signs indicating the restrictions. Opposite Darfield High School on McLaughlins Road, car parks are marked out and broken yellow lines are painted outside residents' driveways. Please ensure you park within the allocated carparks and not in front of residents’ driveways. The carparks outside the school hall are reserved for staff and visitors coming into the school. Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated. There is usually plenty of space around the bend towards Bangor Road, or south-west on McLaughlins Road.

Free Health Clinic for students Public Health Nurse: Pa m Eaden Pam Eaden, our Public Health Nurse, is available every second Monday during lunchtime in the Counsellor's Office, commencing Monday 6 March. Pam is available to discuss confidentially any health concerns, physical, mental and sexual health. This is a drop-in service or you can make an appointment with Ms Mallinder or Mrs Townsend. Parents with concerns regarding their child's health are able to refer to the Public Health Nursing service on www.cdhb.health.nz/phns. 20

Visitors to the School If you are visiting our school during the school day please visit reception on arrival at our campus. Our friendly office staff will then assist you from there.

Lost Property There is a large number of unclaimed items from last year. Please can you get your students to come and take a look if they know something has been misplaced. Parents: you are most welcome to come and check the clothing and items at Student Administration.

DHS DISPATCH welcomes any news or photographs you have from events our students have attended outside of school. We love to hear about and share successes and interesting stories. Please email: sheryl@darfield.school.nz Black and white paper copies are available from reception or Student Administration. Colour and back copies can be ordered by emailing the above address. Please enquire for cost. Advertising: If you would like to advertise in our newsletter, please email for more information. 7 McLaughlins Road PO Box 5 Darfield 7541 New Zealand admin@darfield.school.nz www.darfield.school.nz Phone: +64 3 318 8411 Fax: +64 3 318 8543 Copyright: You are welcome to reproduce material from the newsletter after gaining permission from the school. All reproduced material must be appropriately acknowledged. Photos of school events can be found on our website and may be downloaded for personal use only. There is a download icon at the right of each photo.

13 APRIL 2017

The Selwyn Youth Choir

New Caledonia Exchange

Calling all young singers aged 10 years and over: The Selwyn Youth Choir is starting up in Rolleston on Monday 15 May.

Information Evening Thursday 25 May 7.00 pm Conference Room

Street Talk Defensive Driving Courses reduces six months off your licence period.

Rehearsals will run from 6-7 pm weekly on Monday nights. Cost is $50 per term, with a discount if you enrol with a friend!

Please note: this is only for Year 9 and 10 students studying French

Cost $175 (includes driving session)

Enrol: www.fusiontrust.co.nz

Please email selwynyouthchoir@gmail.com for details.

txt: 027229 8018 e: office@fusiontrust.co.nz




Registration – tea and coffee

Home-grown feed: now and future


Introduction - Professor Grant Edwards, Lincoln University.


Welcome Dr Tim Mackle, CE DairyNZ


Science sessions presented by DairyNZ scientists and staff. (Lunch break from 12.45pm - 1.30pm)

David Chapman, principal scientist.

Marginal milk – when is enough too much?

Key lessons of intensification over the last decade.

John Roche, principal scientist.

Making it easier for you to get better incalf rates. Chris Burke, senior scientist.

Getting your cows to have healthier, longer productive lives.

Cropping today and tomorrow: Have we reached peak fodder beet? Dawn Dalley, senior scientist.


“Optimistic, excited and realistic - future technology” Bruce Thorrold, strategy and investment leader.

Mark Neal, dairy systems specialist.

Herd efficiency

Tomorrow’s pastures tomorrow: Exciting new grasses and legumes from novel breeding methods. Greg Bryan, AgResearch.

Are you making money from milk or milk from money? •

Today’s pastures tomorrow: What we have learned in the last five years.


Regional focus - Virginia Serra, regional


Afternoon tea.


Optional farm tour.


Claire Phyn, senior scientist.

Looking for cows that are the most efficient feed convertors.

Mark Camara, senior quantitative geneticist.

Saving on nutrients •

Water quality, what is the problem?

Keeping sediment, phosphorus and E. coli on farm.

Justin Kitto, water quality specialist.

Angela Harvey, catchment engagement leader.

Reducing nitrate leaching from grazing animals. Ina Pinxterhuis, senior scientist.




Not sure about the future? Are you

o 16 or 17 years old o need a hand passing NCEA level 1 or 2 o want to figure out where you’re going in life and how?

then youth coaching may be for you! Youth coaching is a mentoring relationship to help you step toward the best option for education, training or work-based learning.

Your goals. Your future. Our help. For youth coaching in the Darfield area, contact Kelly: kelly.youthworker@gmail.com or 021 1854298


13 APRIL 2017



Darfield High School Presents

The Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum, adapted by Frank Gabrielson, Music & Lyrics by Harold Arlen and EY Harburg, background Music by Herbert Stothart

___________________________________________________________________________________ TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE SCHOOL OFFICE OR AT www.darfield.school.nz

MON 12/06



TUES 13/06



WED 14/06


THURS 15/06




FRI 16/06


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