7 DHS Dispatch 14 August 2018

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DISPATCH Wisdom through learning : Akona to matauranga kia mĹ?hio

14 AUGUST 2018


Senior Formal

House Singing Competition


Principal’s Comments and Awards One of the great privileges of working in schools is that we get to share in the success of our students. Although it is lovely to see the ‘outstanding’ achievement in sports, culture and academia, it is the ‘everyday’ success that provides me with the most satisfaction. Be it the student who finally is able to stand up and deliver that speech they were initially too filled with anxiety to do; or getting their best mark yet in a test; or finally nailing a three pointer; or for some students just getting to school every day. I get to see this success every day, in small ways and extraordinary ways, and get to be part of it. If there is one thing that Principals know, and parents know, and students, and researchers and even Treasury know—the most important thing a

school can do to ensure this student success is to have the best teachers. This is no hunch or ‘common sense’ or ‘nice to have’—it is as close to a fact as we have in the complexity of education. It is the teachers who make the difference and it is the best teachers who will make the biggest difference. And so, it is hugely frustrating that across NZ there are not enough teachers with the skills and experience that the students in our schools need. The things that can make the biggest difference, great teachers, are simply not there to be employed. Now we can muddle through and find compromises, but our kids and our country need much more than compromises when it comes to the best teachers.

Special Principal's Award for being the first students in Year 11 to achieve NCEA Level 1

James Miles Oliver Sutton

I am hugely optimistic and positive about the future of NZ education but we have got to keep our eye on what we know we need. We have to attract the best to teaching and we have to keep them there. We need the conditions that give the support for teachers to do their jobs well. I encourage you all to support our teachers as they begin their collective agreement negotiations with the government. James Morris

Welcome to the New DHS Teachers Kia ora all! My name is Samuel Waugh and I am a new teacher of Physical Education and Health. My background is in Youth Guarantee Education and I gained my qualifications from the University of Canterbury. I live in North Canterbury and I'm really appreciating the beautiful drive to Darfield High School! A nice change from traffic lights and bumper to bumper traffic...


Kia ora koutou, my name is Mallory Gander and I am stoked to have joined the DHS English department. I live in Darfield with my husband and two very energetic border collies, Belle and Moss. I grew up in Timaru and attended Otago University before starting my teaching career at Lincoln High School. I am a huge fan of dystopian fiction and films—ask me anything about V for Vendetta. I also enjoy mountain biking, camping, boating and a bit of hunting. I’m still after my first stag, though! I really appreciate living in a place that is surrounded by such an incredible landscape and am totally thrilled to now work in this community as well.

Hi, my name is Mandy Hinton (nee Somerville). I’m very excited to have the opportunity to return to Darfield High after nearly 20 years! Since then I’ve lived in Shanghai, Wellington and Melbourne, done lots of travel, and had three kids. In recent years, I’ve been heavily involved in volunteer work in the schools my kids are at. As a family we are busy with sport, dancing and music. I love all aspects of the visual arts and music. I’m looking forward to making some fabulous art with the Years 7 & 8 students.

14 AUGUST 2018

Student Successes South Island Junior Netball Championships Congratulations to the Years 9 and 10 Combined Netball Team on their recent win at the South Island Junior Netball Championships, held in the school holidays. An excellent result and well done to all students involved.

Nathan Carter's Running Success Celebrating the successes of our students is important. There are a number of areas that students excel in. Whether this is part of or outside of, the DHS community please feel free to let us know, so we can celebrate their achievements with the whole community.

South Island Secondary Schools Cycling Championships

Check out the STUFF Newshub article and interview with Nathan Carter about his running success and future running ambitions.

Women's Rugby Congratulations to Paige Hunter, Hannah King and Roz Doherty for being selected as part of The Canterbury U18 wider training squad for Women's Rugby.

Darfield Success at South Island Secondary Schools Swimming Championships For the first time in a number of years Darfield had a (small) team competing in Blenheim at the South Island Secondary Schools Swimming Champs.

Off To Australia for a Rodeo Adventure Recently, Georgie Sarginson was selected to represent New Zealand in the Trans Tasman High School Rodeo Challenge in Australia. Along with 11 other High School students from around New Zealand, she will be heading to Queensland, Australia on 24 August to compete in three Rodeos. She and two other barrel racers are given a different horse (that they've only just met) for each rodeo and are given around 15 minutes on the horse before they run it.

Charlotte Roberts (pictured) was placed third in the Under 14 Girls Road Race at the South Island Secondary Schools Cycling Championships in Timaru during July. James Day was placed tenth in the Road Race under 14 Boys and also fifth in the Under 14 Boys time trial. Congratulations, James and Charlotte.

The challenge consists of four events, steer riding, bull riding, barrel racing and breakaway roping.

Tess Jenkins and Ethan Taylor braved the crazy roadworks during the holidays to travel to Blenheim and swim against schools from all over the South island. Fast swimming in the pool brought great results from both Tess and Ethan. Tess made the finals and finished in the top 8 for the 50m,100m and 400m freestyle, and Ethan came 1st in the 100m and 200m Breaststroke, 2nd in the 50m Breaststroke and 400m Medley and 3rd in the 200m Medley. Ethan and Tess are pretty keen on pulling on the blue Darfield caps again next year.

During the 10 days they will be travelling to Rockhampton, Capella and Yepoon to compete against the Australian High School team. Georgie is very excited to be given this oppurtunity again this year.

A Sir Peter Blake award was received by MacKenzie Butler. The Westpac representatives presented MacKenzie with the award for her leadership qualities. Well done, MacKenzie! Georgie Sarginson riding her horse JJ.


Ethan Taylor and Tess Jenkins representing Darfield at the South Island Secondary Schools Swimming Champs.


This term in 9CM's classroom, we have been running a Caught Being Awesome event. Charlotte Moana and Rose Williams (pictured below) were the ones with the most stars and received a "U R awesome" medal, 3D printed, which was presented to them by Year 9 Dean, Charlotte Walker. Year 12 Outdoor Education Students showing off their Rock Climbing skills at the Uprising Boulder Gym in Christchurch.

Emma Ozanne and Nathan Croy, with Mrs Pepper as they receive their award on behalf of 8DK, for the Best Class For Term Two! Mrs Pepper shouted hot chips, drinks and a movie!

PHOTOS AROUND DHS Year 10 My TECH Students, exploring their learning styles through team challenges.

Head Girl, Katie Sharp and Deputy Head Boy Caleb Banks, show off the new front entrance signage at Darfield High School.


14 AUGUST 2018

Darfield High School 1st XV recently played for the Hazlett Rural Limited Shield. This is contested between 1st XV Rugby teams from schools who participate in our Quadrandular: Mt Hutt College, Ellesmere College, Geraldine High and DHS. The score was 40 points to 31, to Ellesmere College. Darfield High were up 21—7 at half time. We were the previous holders, of the shield.

PHOTOS AROUND DHS Canterbury Interschool One Day Equestrian Event Last weekend, two DHS teams entered the Canterbury Interschools One Day Equestrian Event, held at Mcleans Island. Niamh Rayne, Charlotte Thomas, Katherine Hadler and Sophie Jarvis came second as a team, only 0.7 seconds behind the winners!


Our team, made up of Mikayla Jarvis, Georgia Allison, Jodie Rollings and Caitlin Rayne, came eleventh out of a strong field of 22. Well done to both teams.


Selection of Student Leaders

House Captains 2019

Prefects 2019

Tuesday 14 August:

Monday 23 July:

Friday 31 August:

Friday 3 August:

3-7 September:

6–10 August:

Applications Open. Applications Close. Current House Captains (supported by Staff House Leaders) will interview applicants during lunchtimes. Tuesday 18 September:

Assembly time will be House Assemblies. Candidates will have two minutes to persuade the House to vote for them. Voting takes place. Staff leaders will meet with current House Captains, Deputies and other staff to discuss outcomes of student vote. Monday 3 December:

Announcement and presentation made during Senior Prize Giving.

Year 10 Prefects Til End of 2018

Applications Open. Applications Close. Staff and Year 12 feedback surveys 13–24 August:

Interviews conducted. Unsuccessful applicants informed via email. 16-17 September:

Students are invited to attend leadership camp. Feedback delivered to SMT for selection of Head and Deputy Head students. SMT discussion and finalise. All Applicants contacted to inform them of final decisions via email at end of Term Three. Monday 3 December:

Announcement and presentation for Head Students made during Senior Prize Giving.

Monday 20 August:

Applications forms available. Friday 14 September:

Applications Close. 18–21 September:

Staff feedback on applicants. Friday 28 September:

SMT discussion and finalising. All applicants contacted via email to inform them of decisions. Tuesday 23 October:

Announcement to be made at Assembly.

Welcome Welcome to student teachers, Matt Wright (Social Sciences) and Alan Stephenson (Science) who have joined us here at DHS for the rest of Term Three.

A large group of students turned up during their lunchtime to make 1000 origami cranes. Read Sadoka's Story, about the young girl who inspired children from all over the world to send folded paper cranes to be placed beneath her statue at Peace Park in Horishima. In doing so, they make the same wish which is engraved on the base of Sadako's statue: This is our cry, This is our prayer, Peace in the World.


14 AUGUST 2018

Oral Tapestries Juniors The Years 7-10 Oral Tapestries evening was held on the last Thursday of Term 2. It was a great evening of really entertaining and thought-provoking oral language. The audience heard about ideas such as why electric cars should not be the way of the future, about Sophie Pascoe and President Trump, why we should follow our dreams, but not follow peer pressure, about death and dying, and body image.

Kyan Simon


Mackenzie Morgan

Year 7 1 - Holly Smith 2 - Kyan Simon 3 - Georgie Veronese 4 - Reuben Mannering Year 8 1 - Nikki Alinar 2 - Dylan Butler 3 - Mackenzie Morgan

Mya Moore

Charlotte Moana

Year 9 1 - Mya Moore 2 - Charlotte Moana 3 - Dwight Felipe Year 10 1 - Heather Hamilton 2 - Sophie Clarke 3 - Jess McKenzie Holly Smith

Jess McKenzie

Year 13 students George Gibb and Jacob Spence teaching the Year 7 students about what conflict is and ways we can manage it.

Students looking at the Peace Quotes around the school

Peace display in the library

Peace Week at DHS

Photos Right: The 24/7 Youth Workers working with the Year 7 Students on conflict.








14 AUGUST 2018

House Singing The House Singing competition took place on the last day of Term Two. Each House chose their song from the theme, Self Respect. The practice from the month prior paid off and their fellow students filled the hall to listen.

Athletics House Singing















Cross Country





Mufti Day Dress Up
















Tabloid Sports


The Judges, Mr Morris and Mrs Sue Robinson had a difficult task to choose the, winning House. In fact, they couldn't, which led to a first place tie between Rawhiti and Waimak.

Talent Quest Principal Awards Excellence in NCEA Merit in NCEA 1st, 2nd, 3rd in Class. Year 7-10 1st, 2nd, 3rd in Class. Year 11-13 World Vision Oral Tapestries House Quiz

Golden Gumboot ICAS Tennis Champs TOTALS


School Chess

Maths Week - Test Your Brain! This week at DHS the students will hear a daily maths joke, have chances to complete daily problem solving activities and can enter into the week long challenge of using the Koru to create a pattern using different transformations (translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement). The students are not restricted to using paper but the pattern must be between A4 and A3 size. Due to Mrs Whyte by Friday 17 August. Prize and certificate for the best design for each year level. ISSUE 07 / DHS DISPATCH


Leadership Day On 3 July, a group of Year 12 students from Darfield made their way into Christ’s College to attend the Emerging Leaders Conference. This conference was created with the intention of challenging participants to put themselves forward and consider what part they will play in the community and what skills and attributes are required for that engagement to be worthwhile and successful. First to speak was Marcus AkuhataBrown who spoke about how he came from humble beginnings to found a global consultancy and represent NZ at overseas conferences. He talked about how glass lids of low expectations can hold you back and dictate your lives, and how you need to break through those glass lids and lead a life full of

adventure and purpose. For many students, his presentation really hit home and there was a lot of emotions going through the audience as he concluded his time on stage. A majority of students found this was the real stand-out session of the day and came out with a new outlook on their own life and how they were living it. After a short recess, we were invited back into the assembly hall to listen to some more inspirational speakers, including Kendall Flutey (founder of Banqer), Darren Shand (All Blacks Manager) and the Sir Peter Blake Trust Digital Dream Team. We then went to the dining hall to pick up our lunch and ate in the picturesque quad area of Christ's College. After lunch, we listened to some student presentations about

initiatives that individuals are organising within their schools and wider communities, and then moved on to the final lot of presentations for the day. We were all split up amongst 18 guest speakers for just over an hour and everyone picked up something new from the presentation they attended. The Year 12 students that took part in this were lucky enough to be given a place at this inspiring event and I’d highly encourage next year's Year 12s to attend! Georgia Allison



14 AUGUST 2018

NZSTA Conference The Board of Trustees is comprised of Sue Robinson (Chair), Anne Hann, Andrew Slater, Brad Sutton, Toni Bellamy (parent representatives), Scott Jermyn (staff representative) and George Brown (student representative). It is the Board of Trustees that governs the School. On Thursday 19 July, the Darfield High School Board of Trustees departed from Christchurch Airport set for Rotorua where we were to attend the 29th annual New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) conference. Last year, I was elected to be the student rep for the Board of Trustees and it is for this reason that I was given the opportunity to attend the event. We were packed and ready for a long three days, as the programme included a wide variety of events, such as speakers from Ngai Tahu, an entrepreneurial leader of the entertainment industry, group discussions and a formal dinner. One of the more interesting talks I heard was about rural schools and their place in New Zealand’s education system. I went in thinking “I go to Darfield High School - we are a farming community and therefore we are a rural school…” But no… in today's definition of a rural school we do not meet the correct level of isolation. It was amazing to hear that some of the schools had only 16 students and were and an hour and a half away from the nearest town.

Another interesting speaker was Darryl Lovegrove, a founder of “The Three Waiters”, one of the greatest acts the entertainment industry has ever produced. At one stage in his talk, he asked everyone in the room to stand and sing opera with him. I must say our board wasn’t picked on our vocal abilities…except for perhaps Brad Sutton who was belting it out! On the Saturday night, there was a conference dinner, but it was no ordinary conference dinner - it was themed. Everyone had to wear clothes from a historical time period. There was one board that dressed up as the Ghostbusters and another dressed up as the rock band, Kiss they looked amazing! I chose to wear a toga; though not very practical, I found it rather comfortable. At the end of the evening, there was a live band playing some classic hits from recent decades to which we all danced. I was particularly impressed by Anne Hann’s dance moves. Although the speakers and the dinners were amazing and very educational, I think the best part of the conference for me was being able to socialise with a bunch of likeminded people who were all facing the same questions. In particular, I really enjoyed talking to the student reps from other schools all around the country. It was really interesting to begin to understand the differ-

ences and similarities in our school compared to others, and it was great to talk to them about alternative ways around the challenges that we all face. All in all, the conference was amazing. I learnt so much in three days about life in other New Zealand schools and how much variation there is from place to place. It was great to meet so many wonderful new people who helped expand my mind. It was a great experience. PS The election for next year’s student trustee will be coming up soon. I highly recommend the position. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. George Brown Student Trustee

Fees and Financial Assistance for NZQF Qualifications Students must pay their fees to have their results recorded on their Record of Achievement, and to receive certificates. There are separate structures for domestic students and international students. Financial assistance is available for domestic students to help with the payment of entry fees. Financial assistance is not available to international fee-paying students. Entry fees are paid to the school. How do I apply for financial assistance? To get financial assistance, you need to fill in an Assistance form and give it to your school. You can get this form from Shona, in the school office, or by emailing ss@darfield.school.nz, or the NZQA website at www.nzqa.govt.nz/financialassistance. How much does it cost? Domestic student entry for all NCEA standards


Domestic student entry for a Scholarship subject


International student entry to NCEA standards


International student entry to a Scholarship subject $102.20


Can I get help to pay? Financial assistance can be applied for if your family cannot afford to pay the fees. Who can apply for financial assistance? To be eligible to apply, you must be the fee-payer and meet at least one of the following criteria: • Be currently receiving a Work and Income or Study Link benefit, or have a current Community Services Card (benefit-based applications) • Are not currently receiving a Work and Income or Study Link benefit, or do not have a current Community Services Card, but do have a joint family income that would entitle you to receive a Community Services Card (incomebased application) • Have two or more children who are candidates, irrespective of family income, and the total fees you would have to pay would otherwise be more than the $200 multiple candidate maximum (multiple candidate applications). 11

Senior Exam Timetable 2018

Any issues or clashes, students are to see Mrs Morgan.

Senior Exam Timetable 2018 Monday27 27 August August am Monday am 9.00 9.00- -12.00 12

Mondaypm pm 1.00 Monday 1.00 -- 4.00 4.00pm

11 English 12 Art 12 Economics 12 Music 12 Physics 12 French 12 DTG 13 DTG 13 Calculus 13 Health

11 History 11 Home Economics 11 DVC 11 Music 12 English 13 Geography 13 Computer Programming

Hall C1 Hall Hall Hall Hall A10 A10 Hall Hall

2-3 hours 2 hours 2-3 hours 1-3 hours 2-3 hours 3 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2-3 hours 1-2 hours

Hall Hall C3 Hall Hall Hall A7

Tuesday 28 28 August August am - 12.00 Tuesday am 9.00 9.00 - 12

Tuesday pm pm 1.00 - 4.00 Tuesday 1.00 - 4.00 pm

11 Science 11 Science (SG) 12 History 12 DVC 12 Home Economics 13 Art 13 Classics 13 Business Studies

11 Physical Education 11 Japanese 11 French 12 Maths (Calc) 12 Maths ( Stats) 13 Chemistry 13 History 13 Primary Production

Hall Hall Hall C3 Hall C1 Hall Hall

2-3 hours 1.5 hours 1-3 hours 2 hours 1-2 hours 2 hours 2-3 hours 1-2 hours

Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall

Wednesday 29 29 August August am Wednesday am 9.00 9.00- 12.00 - 12

Wednesday pm pm 1.00 Wednesday 1.00--4.00 4.00 pm

11 Maths 12 Furniture Making 12 Japanese 12 Commerce 13 Physics 13 DVC 13 French Scholarship History

11 Commerce 11 Art 12 Geography 13 Statistics

Hall C8 Hall Hall Hall C3 Hall Hall

3 hours 2 hours 3 hours 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 2 hours 3 hours 3 hours

Hall C1 Hall Hall

Thursday 30 30 August August am - 12.00 Thursday am9.00 9.00 - 12

Thursday pm pm 1.00 - 4.00 Thursday 1.00 - 4.00 pm

11 Geography Hall 12 COP A7 12 Biology Hall 13 Economics Hall 13 Home Economics Hall 13 Drama Hall

11 DTG 11 Drama 11 Furniture Making 12 Chemistry 12 Health 13 Classics - VC 13 Media Studies 13 Biology

3 hours 2 hours 1-3 hours 2 -3 hours 1-2 hours 2 hours

Friday 31 31 August August am Friday am 9.00 9.00 --12.00 12

11 Economics 12 Science


Hall Hall

A10 Hall C8 Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall

1-3 hours 1-2 hours 2 hours 1-3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 2 hours

1-2 hours 3 hours 3 hours 2-3 hours 1-2 hours 3 hours 1-3 hours 1-3 hours

1-2 hours 2 hours 3 hours 2-3 hours

2 hours 1-2 hours 2 hours 2.5 hours 1-2 hours 3 hours 2-3 hours 1-3 hours

Friday pm pm 1.00 - 4.00 Friday

2-3 hours 1 hour

14 AUGUST 2018

Senior NZQA Exam Timetable 2018 TIME


Wed 7 Nov

9.30 am

Social Studies


Art History

2.00 pm

9.30 am

Media Studies

French Earth & Space Science

SCHOLARSHIP Earth & Space Science Drama



2.00 pm

Sāmoan / Spanish


9.30 am


Te Reo Rangatira / Social Studies / Psychology Business Studies

2.00 pm




Thurs 8 Nov Fri 9 Nov Mon 12 Nov Tue 13 Nov Wed 14 Nov Thurs 15 Nov Mon 19 Nov Tue 20 Nov Wed 21 Nov Thurs 22 Nov Fri 23 Nov Mon 26 Nov Tue 27 Nov Wed 28 Nov Thurs 29 Nov Fri 30 Nov



9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am 2.00 pm

WEEKEND Media Studies Home Economics Business Studies Calculus Accounting Mathematics & Statistics Music Accounting History Science Making Music Chemistry Geography Chemistry CANTERBURY ANNIVERSARY DAY WEEKEND English History Te Reo Māori Biology Mathematics & Statistics Drama Physics Japanese English Home Economics Economics Agricultural & Art History Statistics Horticultural Science Earth & Space Chinese Spanish / Health Science German Biology Geography Physics Home Economics Classical Studies WEEKEND Drama Chemistry Music Studies Sāmoan / Education Health Te Reo Māori / Latin for Sustainability Biology Music Media Studies Agricultural & Business Studies Social Studies Horticultural Science / German / Chinese Te Reo Rangatira / Agricultural & Sāmoan Latin Horticultural Science History Health Te Reo Rangatira / Accounting Japanese Latin Dance Classical Studies Spanish Te Reo Māori / Art Chinese French History Classical Studies Economics


English French Economics

Sāmoan Calculus Agricultural & Horticultural Science Statistics English Media Studies Classical Studies French History Te Reo Rangatira Economics Biology Art History Geography Physics Japanese Spanish Chinese Accounting Te Reo Māori / Latin Music German


This year, with Stage Challenge being cancelled due to lack of funding, we were disappointed that we weren’t going to be able to participate in such a fun event, until the opportunity of a new competition called ShowQuest came about. Stage Challenge and ShowQuest are run very similarly, with schools having 15 minutes to portray a theme and story line through dancing, music and props. After two auditions, groups were formed and practices then began. Then, just seven short weeks later, the performance day was finally here and all our hard work, stress and practice would be left on the stage in just one performance. This year, we decided to base our theme around the gun violence and school shootings that go on in America. Our performance followed how the government chooses to ignore this serious issue even with all of the protests and movements that have recently been happening, and asked the audience "How Many More Times?" We were inspired by the movements that students with similar ages to us have created and how they have dealt with such a serious issue in society right now.

We want to thank everyone who has been involved with ShowQuest this year, from the dancers to the backstage crew, to Miss Blakemore and Mrs Cutler: we couldn’t have done any of this without you! Thank you for allowing us to see our vision come to life and create such a powerful performance giving this amazing theme the justice that it deserves! A big thanks to my fellow choreographers, Alex McGregor and Caitlin Knowles, for working with me to create such amazing dances, and to Aeryn McMillan for being an amazing Student Leader to work alongside. To top off the amazing experience of ShowQuest 2018, Darfield took home the big 1st Place! We also won five other awards for Choreography, Design, Theme, Drama and Performance. Congratulations, Darfield; we are so proud of each and everyone of you who were part of the ShowQuest team! Can’t wait to do it all again next year! Jemma Dalley, 12LC

To view the live feed of ShowQuest 2018 Canterbury, visit the Darfield High School Facebook page.




Show night photos from the ShowQuest Facebook Page


14 AUGUST 2018

ShowQuest 2018 Winners

Practice, Practice, Practice



ShowQuest 2018 Cast and Support Crew Students: Viktoria Derik-Westaway, Olivia Lemon, Zara MacDonald, Aeryn McMillan-Da Via, Katie Sharp, Natasha Young, Emma Boyes, Niamh Rayne, Bronte Thomas, Jaymee Burrows, Brittany Hewitt, Mickey Curtin, Kerryn Tomlinson, Jodie Rollings, Shae Read, Maia Adams, Teresa Barnhill, Katie Molloy, Caitlin Knowles, Lucy Mitchell, Brooke Muismeath, Zahara Sutton, Annalise 16

Selfe, Caitlin Rayne, Jessica Galletly, Jemma Dalley, Aleisha Knowles, Alex McGregor, Penelope Mitchell, Zoe Spinks, Ella Marsh, Caitlin Smith, Milan Beattie, Eddie Adams, Thrixy Badua, Ella Lagan, Brooklyn PunterMinns, Brianna Taylor, Cass Williams, Blakely Bruce-Sheppard, Lilly Gilbertson, Neve Molloy, Lily Payton, Jaida Banks, Brooke Stevenson, Esther Bruce, Dylan Butler,Quin

Mitchell, Liam Morris, Charlotte O'Reilly, Jack Slater, Abbi Wilson, Mari Henderson, Lexie Sinclair, Tamara MacMillan, Ruby Smedley, Charlotte Roberts, Millie Wilson, Megan Allan, Sophie Dance, Ava De Rooy, Melissa Duncan and Hannah Hunter. Teachers; Miss Louise Hamilton and Mrs Robyn Cutler 14 AUGUST 2018

Some ShowQuest Cast Members Comments I had so much fun getting to know my team better and having this experience. It was so worth it; and just seeing what other schools did and they all did amazing as well. Thank you to Jemma and Aeryn, the choreographers, and the teachers that helped out along the way. You guys were the best over the 7-8 weeks and it all paid off. I can’t wait for next year to have more people join so we can share the experience with all of them!!! Ruby Smedley Year 9

It was such an amazing experience. Thank you so much, Jemma and Aeryn, for making it so wonderful and creating such an amazing dance. The whole experience is so worth it and I can’t wait till next year so we can do it all over again!!!! Mari Henderson Year 9

I enjoyed this so much. It was my first year doing ShowQuest and I loved it. I will definitely be doing it in years to come. It was so worth putting all of that time and effort into those many hours of practices. Thank you so much for this great experience.

It was the best experience to take part in. It was the most fun and it’s great to get to know new people that you wouldn’t normally talk to if you were just walking past at school. It’s great to watch others have fun and enjoy themselves. I can’t wait to take part next year and meet more new people and win again!!! Tamara MacMillan Year 9

It was so cool and such a good experience to be part of. It was lots of practices but it definitely paid off!! I would definitely recommend it to everyone! Thank you so much to Jemma and Aeryn!! Lilly Gilbertson Year 8

It was so much fun and I really enjoyed it and had an awesome time. We all did really well. Thanks Jemma and Aeryn for all you did and I am definitely going to do it next year. Brianna Taylor Year 7

Ella Lagan Year 7

An amazing experience, met some really cool people and watched some amazing dances. So thankful that I got the opportunity and can’t wait till next year!! Brooke Stevenson Year 8

I extremely enjoyed ShowQuest. I had an amazing time with all my friends and with the dancing. It was so great representing Darfield along with everybody else. I loved watching the other schools. It was my first year but will definitely not be my last. I loved it. Thank you so much to Jemma and Aeryn as well; we would not have won without you and the other choreographers!!!!

It was so much fun. I enjoyed so much and had so much fun hanging out with people I don't normally hang out with at school, and representing Darfield in an amazing event, and then walking out of the stadium with a win. I cant wait till next year and what surprises and fun there will be. Thank you so much Jemma and Aeryn for all the hard work you put into this performance. Lexie Sinclair Year 9

OMG it was such an amazing experience to take part in and taking home the win was even better. Thank you so much, Jemma and Aeryn, for putting together the amazing performance and I love how you made the whole thing so much fun. I can’t wait to do it next year. Lily Payton Year 8

It was such an amazing experience. It was so much fun watching other schools and seeing all of the different themes. I met lots of new people and made lots of new friends. I would just like to thank Jemma, Aeryn and all of the choreographers because without you guys we would have not won so many awards and taken home the big win. Hope I can do it all again next year. Neve Molloy Year 8

Cass Williams Year 7



Interview Day 2018 Student loans, responsibility, public speaking, cooking, jobs, general adultness... These are just a few of the harsh realities of adult life we will all undoubtedly face after leaving high school, so how to prepare? There is not enough time in the day to learn all there is to know about being a functional human being, so many of us try to pretend that high school is a never ending adventure. Luckily we have a great network of teachers, counsellors, members of our community and a wonderful careers advisor, all willing to put in the hard yards to prepare us for the inevitable life after high school. Whilst they might not be able to prepare us for every possible scenario, they sure try. One way in which we get to trial being a grown up is Interview Day, a yearly event with many teachers and community members working together to create an educational, engaging experience that will allow us to better prepare for the future. Interview day is a great example of a village working to raise prepared, professional young members of our community. The special aspect of interview day comes in the form of individuality; there is no point interviewing for a job you have no interest in doing, so the hard work and dedication of Mrs Ager and Mrs Pratt in personalising the jobs we interviewed for and who was our interviewer did not go unnoticed. The wide range of jobs meant that a large number of community members, business owners and managers came to play the part of interviewers, bringing the experience and adding to the authenticity of the day. Whilst the day did not offer any real job opportunities, it undoubtedly furthered our understanding and helped us to identify our strengths/ weaknesses so we can improve for future job interviews. The Year 12s would like to thank everyone involved with Interview Day, Also, thank you to the teachers (Mr Gough, Mrs FergusonBrown, Mrs Whyte, Miss Walker, Mr Maude and Mrs Wilson) for showing us what not to do in our interviews. I’m sure we all learnt a thing or to and adjusted our plans accordingly. Special mention to Mrs Ager and Mrs Pratt for organising the day, members of our community who took their time to do our interviews and also our understanding teachers, letting us leave class when our interview time came. 2018 Interview Day was a rollercoaster of nerves, yet ultimately we all learnt a thing or two and appreciate the experience for what it has taught us. Here's to another year before the real interviews start. Hanako Wilson - Year 12 student



Rob Comer - NZ Defence Force Anne Hann - Office Manager Kerri Booth - Local business owner (Polkadotcom) Courtney Hyde - Drummond and Etheridge Sharon Foor - Darfield VetEnt Nick Pratt - Sheffield School Principal Isabel Milward - Darfield Librarian Matt Collier - Property Brokers Janelle McIntosh - Darfield Automotive Melissa Jebson - Farmer Dave Carney - NZ Defence Force Ashley Ross - Westmar Manager Callum Bettington - Darfield VetEnt Heidi Verkerk - Darfield VetEnt Nigel Clatworthy - Beef Farmer Josh Petersen - Darfield Bakery Co-owner

14 AUGUST 2018

On Saturday night, 4 August, the hall at Darfield High School was transformed into another world. This annual highlight for many of the senior students was a fun night out. One of Darfield High School's very own bands, The Merchants, got to play a few tunes during the night. We would like to thank everyone involved in the Formal planning and to everyone who assisted with the preparations before and on the day. Best Dressed Year 12 Students Ethan Taylor and Penny Mitchell.

Congratulations to eveyone who received prizes at the Formal.


Senior Formal

Through the Looking Glass

Best Dressed Year 13 Students Adriana Cornelissen and Jayden Hann.

King and Queen Jaymee Burrows and Harry Pooler, Year 13 Students.

Viktoria Derik-Westaway, with the DHS Band, The Merchants, performed in front of their classmates.

Duke and Duchess Jackson Proud and Cassandra Aubrey, Year 12 Students. ISSUE 07 / DHS DISPATCH

"In the garden of memory, in the palace of dreams...that is where you and I shall meet" 19


Senior Formal

Through the Looking Glass

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14 AUGUST 2018

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Feature Article by Hunter Benbow Modern Technology is changing at a rapid rate. The Media Class are studying the issues surrounding Social Media. In this Dispatch we have a feature article by Hunter Benbow. This is the first of several articles about how-to-use the apps, human interest, and trends in social media, the use of bots to manipulate audiences and social movements.

Social media allows everyday people to have instantaneous communication and interaction with anyone, anywhere, at any time. But are you aware of what is happening inside someone’s head when a little heart pops up on Instagram saying that someone has ‘liked’ your photo? Do you even know that you and everyone around you are highly likely addicted to the use of social media?


14 AUGUST 2018

You should be familiar with the common social media platforms found on nearly everyone's mobile devices today: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all sorts of others. What you probably don’t know is the damage that the overuse of these platforms is causing in you and everyone around you. What I am addressing here is the specifics of the damage being done by the addiction to widely used social media platforms. But what addiction? Exactly, this is about the addiction that nobody really sees. It is so common, that it has become everyday life for so many people. As of 2017, 2.46 billion people on this planet are active social media users, that’s 35% of our global population walking around with their eyes down looking at a screen. That's a third of the population, that at any time will have a mobile device on them, or within reach. Although the severity of the addiction varies between people, you just have to look at the people walking down the street to know how much of a problem this is.

Social media has been constructed to hijack our natural reward mechanisms and turned them into a self fed addiction for ‘likes’ and attention. A study done by the Association for Psychological Science (APS) in 2016, which involved 34 teens between 13 and 18 years old, used fMRI to constantly scan their brains while they were shown 148 photos over 12 minutes. The photos would show a number of likes under them, which the participants were told that were from the other participants; this brought in the element of peer influence and ap-proval. The lead author of the study, Lauren Sherman, said: “When the teens saw their own photos with a large number of likes, we saw activity across a wide variety of regions in the brain, a region that was especially active is a part of the striatum called the nucleus accumbens, which is part of the brain’s reward circuitry”. This activity in the reward circuitry is how we can know that people have become addicted to ‘likes’. Ac-tivity in the nucleus accum-bens leads to the release of the neurochemicals dopa-

“When significant stress starts shows up in their lives, they're not turning to a person, they're turning to a device”

But what addiction?

But not receiving the ‘likes’ and attention that we seek can lead to the belief that we aren’t valued or loved by those that follow us and even real life friends. And the addictive hunger for this approval of our existence is what leads to many mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. This means that social media addiction is likely a factor for the rising in rates of mental illness in New Zealand. This graph, generated from data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health, shows the increase in depression and anxiety since 2006, both rising 6% in the total population. Another thing we have to think about is the social impact of this addiction. The everyday use of social media can mean that people aren’t building strong relationships in person like people did before the digital age began. UK based Royal Society for Public Health released a report in 2017 called #StatusOfMind, which surveyed young people (16-24 years old) about their experiences and relationship to social media and their mental health and conditions. A point that was brought up when they were looking at


Not receiving the ‘likes’ and attention that we seek can lead to the belief that we aren’t valued or loved


https://minhealthnz.shinyapps.io/nz-healthsurvey-2016-17-annual-data-explorer/ _w_c320c534/#!/home https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/ releases/social-media-likes-impact-teensbrains-and-behavior.html#.WRmxuXTyvKI https://www.rsph.org.uk/our-work/campaigns/ status-of-mind.html http://scienceline.org/2012/12/getting-inside -your-head/ https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=As8XkJNaHbs https://ylhsthewrangler.com/wp-content/ uploads/2018/05/ CellPhonesEverywhere-1024x682-900x599.jpeg https://cdn.makeawebsitehub.com/wp-content/ uploads/2016/04/social_media.jpg

mine and oxytocin. Dopamine was thought to be a pleasure chemical, something that makes us feel good, but recently it has been known to actually cause people to seek out and want more of the activity that causes its release along with oxytocin. Oxytocin is actually the chemical that makes us feel good. It is also released with physical romantic contact with others which is why we know it as the love hormone.

stances when used.

Comparing these scans shows the seriousness of the social media addiction. We can see that the nucleus accumbens (the reward centre) in the middle of the brain is illuminated with activity, and this is in every single scan from receiving ‘likes’ to doing cocaine.

Another part of what is fueling this addiction is the continual need for social approv-al for those of us in our teens and adolescences. Ac-cording to Dopamine and oxytocin to- the 2016 APS Report as gether are what causes the mentioned above, during our teenage years and enjoyment of receiving likes, and the addiction to it. adolescence, our brains are Sourced from the APS 2016 still developing cognitive report and a 2012 article on functions and developing social behaviour. Part of this Scienceline written by Sarah Jacoby about the use of development is the approval fMRI to look into brain activ- of our actions and beliefs ity, the scans from the APS from those around us, and study of participants' brains this is where a part of the addiction comes into play. when their own photos received a lot of ‘likes’ can be Because we are continucompared to scans of differ- ously seeking out this approval, when social media ent kinds of addictive subcame along it gave us a source of instantaneous approval and what we believe to be support, for what we do or what were posting. This, on top of the psychological response to getting a ‘like’ or more followers, drives the addiction powerfully. the positive effects of social media was maintenance and building on top of relationships in the real world through the utilisation of social media. One of the surveyed said: “Social media has made me able to stay in touch with family and friends whom I would not speak to otherwise. It allows me to keep in contact with my friends on a daily basis.” This is what social media was built for, and there is no reason to doubt the validity of their statement, but, in an interview of Simon Sinek (Author and motivational speaker) by Tom Bilyeu on the subject of millennials and technology, Simon says: “Deep meaningful relationships are not there because they never practised the skillset, and worse, they don’t have the coping mechanisms to deal with stress. So when significant stress shows up in their lives, they're not turning to a person, they're turning to a device, they're turning to social media, they're turning to these things that offer temporary relief.” The stress of adolescence is being numbed and controlled by the use of social media to get us a hit of dopamine and oxytocin as a temporary relief from reality:

the same reason an alcoholic drinks. With this kind of situation becoming more normal in our society, you have to wonder what will happen in the future when the world is full of adults that can't communicate properly with one another and cannot trust one another sincerely. We need to be careful. This everyday addiction that has become as common as taking a sip of coffee is and will become much more damaging to society if nothing is done to try and control our use of this networking utility. Social media was built with the best intentions of connecting people; at this point in time it seems that it is beginning to split us apart into our own little bubble of the world, and is doing more damage than good to our mental well being. Possible solutions to this problem are a whole other article, but they rely solely on the will-power of people to recognise this issue and take action to try and change what is happening. Hunter Benbow


Tekapo School Holiday Trip Day 1 – by Mai Takata

This holiday, I had a good holiday. I went to Tekapo from 11 July to 12 July. I had never been to Tekapo before, so I was really excited, because it was the first time for me. On the way to Tekapo, I nearly slept in the bus, but I could stay awake somehow. When I arrived at Tekapo, I was impressed, because the mountain and lake were so beautiful and clear. The lake was also clear blue colour. I also did ice skating in Tekapo. Actually I’m quite good at ice skating. I really enjoyed ice skating while helping my friends. My friends and I fell over many times though. After ice skating, I went to the Japanese restaurant for dinner. I had a Japanese meal called “Bento”. It was way too delicious! I loved the Japanese rice and raw salmon. I was really happy. After dinner, I went to the hot pool. Although outside was really cold, hot pool was nice and warm. I really enjoyed the time with my friends. We also could see the stars from the pool. It was a good experience for me. After the hot pools, we were going to see the stars. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t good. So we couldn’t see the stars, it was too bad. However, I had a good time with friends and I want to go back again. 24

In the July School holidays, Miss Hely accompanied 12 international students on a trip to Tekapo. Here is a trip report written by two of the students.

Day 2 – by Mizuki Hayashi

On the second day in Tekapo, we did snow tubing. It was fun; when I did it, I screamed. I think it was fun when we did it together. I felt powerful. After that, when we were leaving Tekapo, we stopped at the Four Square in Tekapo. It was amazing because there is a café and some meals. It has big cash registers as well as chairs and tables. I think it is the most stylish, gorgeous and biggest Four Square I have visited. When we arrived back in Darfield, many people said “I wanna stay more”. I think we missed Tekapo then.

14 AUGUST 2018

At the end of last term, the International Department hosted this party for our international students, French exchange students, Kiwi friends and host siblings. It was great to have more than 70 students there, but we could not quite eat all 60 pizzas! Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event. Here is a report from Ashley Macanang who attended: On Friday after school, my friends and I went to the International Mid Winter party. The event was really fun because we danced non-stop for hours. The DJ was really cool. We played limbo, musical chairs and hula hoops. We had an amazing dinner too and dessert. I really enjoyed Mid-Winter party, because I made memories with my friends.

International Mid-Winter Party

Back row (L to R:) Principal James Morris, Melissa Menzel, Hanna Schiersmann, Alan Crepy, Enora Gourmelen, Pauline Dupont, Ianis Gorse Front row: Emma Denis, Misa Kawaguchi, Maho Gotanda, Manon Le Roux

At the end of Term Two, we said a sad farewell to five of our international students as well as our six exchange students from France. They will all be very much missed, but we wish them all the best in their future studies. ISSUE 07 / DHS DISPATCH


My name is Lexie Purvis, and I've recently returned from a two-month exchange to Japan. During those two months, I lived in a small town called Yubetsu. Yubetsu is in the North Island of Japan, and is about as far away from Tokyo as Auckland is from Christchurch. Because I stayed for a total of two months, I needed a place to stay, and so I was given a host family. I don’t think I could've ended up in a better home. I was welcomed into the house and treated as family; they were all very keen on learning English as well as teaching me Japanese, and because of that it made it fun to explore the differences between the two languages. So I think it’s safe to say that they probably learnt just as much from me as I did from them. I didn’t spend all of my time with them though, because during the week I attended Yubetsu High School and had the opportunity to see the differences between school life in Japan and New Zealand. A big difference that I did notice was that in Japan everyone was expected to join a club. These clubs varied from music to sports, and I ended up choosing to join the volleyball club. I found it really interesting to see how hard all of the members trained, as club started at 4, ended at 7, and would take place every day after school, as well as on the weekends. So it’s safe to say that every student had a field in which they were extremely experienced, as well as good. While I was there, the students at Yubetsu High School did have a week of exams, so during this time I got to go around the other middle schools and primary schools in the area. While there, I assisted the English teachers in teaching English, for example when I went to the middle school I did presentations, teaching the students about New Zealand. When I went to the primary schools, I assisted in teaching the kids basic English, like the numbers to ten, the names of fruits, as well as some different colours. But I had the most fun with them when I got to do simple things, like play games with 26

Yubetsu High School Exchange them, read picture books, and eat lunch with them. Lastly, my highlight of the trip would have to be my leaving party because that was the last time that I really got to hang out with my class and just have fun. That night we all ate dinner together and had some of our final laughs before I had to leave. To end it, we all got to set fireworks off in the parking lot behind the place we were eating at. My leaving party wasn’t my highlight because I was looking forward to going home; it was the complete opposite. Back then I wasn't ready to go home, and even now I wish I could go back. I didn’t know that you could feel homesick for a place that isn’t technically your home. Given all this, since coming back I've had the time to reflect on my experience as a whole, and I've come to realise that me, being alone in Japan, forced me to be outgoing when people felt too nervous to approach me. It constantly pushed me outside of my comfort zone, and made me do things that I usually wouldn't. And finally, sometimes it forced me to help myself when I needed help, as I didn’t constantly have someone there to use as a crutch. Through all of that I believe that I’ve grown and matured as a person. That alone would have made the exchange

worth it. But what I got out of it was more than that. I met a group of people that I can call my second family, I met people that I can call my friends, and I found a community that I would happily make my home if given the chance. I’d like to say thank you to Mr Morris, Mrs Hayakawa, The Yubetsu Council and my host family. Without any of these people this exchange wouldn't be possible and for that I am truly grateful. If I were given the opportunity to do this again, I would I would take it in a heartbeat, and I highly recommend that you apply for this scholarship because it truly is an experience of a lifetime.

Lexie and Sakiko,

14 AUGUST 2018

Lastly, I’d like to introduce you to Sakiko. She came back with me from Japan and will be staying with my family until October, so I’d really appreciate it if you looked after her during her stay here. Lexie Purvis

Hello, everyone! My name is Sakiko Yoshimura. Please call me Saki. I'm from Yubetsu in Japan. I go to school at Yubetsu Junior High. I enjoy life at school with my friends. I'm good at calculating with the Abacus. The Abacus is a tradional Japanese calculator. I take tea ceremony and flower arranging lessons. I'd like to talk to you a lot and become good friends. Nice to meet you! Thank you. Sakiko Yoshimura Yubetsu High School Exchange Student

On 3 July Marcel A'Court, Logan Hindle, Cameron Agnew and I participated in the 2018 Canterbury Epro8 Challenge finals. Our team first competed in the heats in June and were selected for the Year 9/10 Finals, which took place at Linwood High School.

All in all we had a great night and a lot of fun, even bringing home a couple of certificates as we placed 3rd equal. A very good result as our team was made up of Year 9 students only when others were either a mix or, in the case of the overall winner, Year 10 students only.

On the night we were presented the same array of equipment as on the night of the heats, with a few extras such as radios. We were then given a special concert-themed challenge book and two and a half hours to complete as many tasks as possible and to earn as many points as possible. The challenges this year included one related to crowd control, another one themed around the stage, one in which we had to build a rig to replace a missing drummer and finally, a sound and stereo themed challenge. The competition was much tougher at this event than in the heats and the challenges much more complex, to the point of effectively creating an amplifier out of a roll of card, a couple of electronic bits and bobs, and a battered old Samsung stereo that even the instructor had trouble with.

This is the first time that Darfield High has entered this competition. Thanks to Mrs Sullivan for giving us this opportunity. We really enjoyed it and hope to be able to enter again next year!



EPro8 Science Challenge

Jeremy Bourhill


School and Community Notices TERM THREE

August 15 Year 12 Outdoor Education Alpine Trip House Quiz - Years 7 and 8 16 Canterbury SS Ski and Snowboard Championship (PP Day) House Quiz - Years 9 and 10 17 House Quiz - Years 11, 12 and 13 20 Art Exhibition (DHS Hall) Opening (6.30 pm) Year 13 Biology Trip to Orana Park 21 Art Exhibition (to 23 August) PTSA Meeting (7.30 pm) 22 Year 13 Biology Trip to Orana Park 23 Canterbury PS Winter Tournament Canterbury SS Ski and Snowboard Championship (PP Day) International Trip to Hanmer Springs 24 Year 11 RUC Day Year 13 OED Sustainability Day DHS Scholarship Applications close 27 Senior Exams (to 31 August) September 3 Winter Tournament Week (to 7 September) Junior Progress Reports Due 4 Dispatch Newsletter 6 Year 11 RUC Day 10 Year 8 Camps (to 14 September) 11 Year 12 Outdoor Education Sustainability Day Board of Trustees Meeting (6.30 pm) 14 Year 13 AGR Day Years 9 and 10 Pre Formal 16 Leadership Camp (to 17 September) 18 Koru Games (10 20 September) PTSA Meeting (7.30 pm) 19 Year 13 OED Tramp (to 21 September) Talent Quest Heats (to 21 September) 20 Year 11 MCat Exam 21 Year 11 RUC Day 22 Japan Trip Departs 24 Year 13 Biology Trip To Orana Park Canterbury SS Golf Match Play Championships 25 Year 13 Biology Trip To Orana Park Talent Quest Finals Evening 26 Year 10 Endometriosis Presentation 27 Dispatch Newsletter 28 Year 12 AGR Day Last Day Term 3 29 Year 12 Outdoor Education Climbing October 15 First Day of Term Four

Visitors To The School

If you are visiting our school during the school day please visit reception on arrival at our campus. Our friendly office staff will then assist you from there.

Activities & School Fee Payments

All payments to the school (school fees, activity fees, NCEA fees, etc) can be made by direct credit to the following bank account. Please include the student’s name and the reason for the payment, eg Camp Fees.

Darfield High School, ASB Bank Limited Riccarton, 12-3147-0207317-00


Please remember if your student is not at school, or arrives late, to phone the school to explain the absence. Please phone Mrs Davies on (03) 3188 411 Ext 2 or you can email sue@darfield.school.nz

Weather Station


Darfield High School PTSA Fundraiser



Order Here NZQA Fees Due 28 August Your student should have received an account. These can be paid any time via the school office or internet banking: Darfield High School ASB Bank Limited, Riccarton – 12-3147-0207317-00 Please include the student’s name and the reason for the payment. For financial assistance forms and other queries, please contact Shona Staddon ss@darfield.school.nz

Digital Citizenship Agreement A copy of the BYOD Guidelines and Digital Citizenship Agreement was sent out to all Years 8-13 students last week, to take home to be signed. Additional copies are available in the office. Signed forms should have been returned to the form teacher or the office by 10 August. From 16 August, Network access will be removed from students who have not returned forms. Access will not be reinstated until the form is returned.


14 AUGUST 2018

See your world, experience another culture and even learn a new language!


APPLICATIONS & EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST ARE DUE SOON FOR: 6 week - 3 month exchanges departing at the end of this year 2019 programs to 20+ destinations There are so many options for exchange: France USA (incl Hawaii) Holland Germany Canada Denmark Italy Spain Finland Japan China ... and more! You can even combine a program between France and Réunion Island! Wherever you may dream of going, whatever adventure you wish to take, get in touch or join us to learn about your options.

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Visit us online at www.sccenz.com to register your place at a session!

Purpose: • To celebrate and recognise students who are meeting school expectations FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH SOUTHERN CROSS CULTURAL EXCHANGE 0800 CULTURAL




Senior Scholarships Applications are now open. All information at darfield.school.nz

Selection: • Five students from each year level selected by random draw from 'eligible' students •

Correction To Advertised Friday 7 September is NOT a Staff Only Day. The next Staff Only Day is Thursday 15 November.

University Year 13 Course Planning 15 August: Victoria University and Lincoln University Year 13 Course Planning Day. 19 September: Otago University and University of Canterbury Year 13 Course Planning Day.

If your iwi is Ngai Tahu, please make sure we know. Ngai Tahu send us information on support, scholarships, events and other great initiatives that we send out to those students we know are Ngai Tahu.

Drawn last week of Term Three for the trip in Week Two of Term Four

To be eligible for entry to Big Day Out: • No detentions or referrals (including part-referrals) in Term Three •

Less than 5% unexplained absences for Term Three

All attitude grades in (Term Two—Senior) and (Term Three—Junior) Reports at 'usually' or 'always'.

Plus an additional entry for: • Any Principal's Award in 2018 •

School service (as recorded in Reports (Term Two—Junior, Term Three—Senior)

School representative (as recorded in Reports (Term Two—Junior, Term Three—Senior).

Any enquiries to Jo Ager, Careers Department. ja@darfield.school.nz

Ngai Tahu Iwi

To motivate students to improve.

There is a maximum of one entry for each category above Students will get an additional entry only if eligibility criteria (above) are met

help @darfield .school.nz Not sure how to order a hoody? Don't know where your house singing practice is? Need some advice around a friendship issue? is at hand by emailing help@darfield.school.nz. Emails are screened and your query will be answered by an appropriate adult or prefect. ISSUE 07 / DHS DISPATCH


The Selwyn Gallery invites interested artists to recycle discarded plastics, broken glass and ceramics, or any pile of junk into art works for its November exhibition, “Found Objects as Art”. • • • • • •

We’re looking for art created largely from recycled materials Must be an original work not previously exhibited Ready to hang, free-standing or able to sit on a 400x400mm plinth $20 entry fee People’s choice award Entries due by 20 September 2018.

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Darfield High School

2018 Presents

Painted By

Claire Langlands

Painted By

Jamie Walker


View in


21-23 AUGUST • Darfield High School • PO Box 5, Darfield, 7541

• 7 McLaughlins Road, Darfield • 03 318 8411

12.30-5 pm

• admin@darfield.school.nz • www.darfield.school.nz

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