DHS Dispatch 20 November 2017

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Wisdom through learning : Akona to matauranga kia mōhio 20 NOVEMBER 2017





Principal’s Comments In August, the Education Review Office visited the school to conduct their threeyearly review of the school. The final report was recently released and reflects well on the work that the school does to support the learning of its students, for example:

The report also describes some areas we have identified to continue to develop. This includes continuing to have a focus on staff and student well-being and to improve the ways that we track progress in student achievement in the junior school.

Congratulations to the following students who have earned five Deans Awards. They are presented with a certificate in assembly and receive a $10 voucher.

Annie Campbell Jessica Townsend Cameron Newell Charlotte Moana Leah Keating

"The school's curriculum provides learners with choice and coherent pathways to future work and learning. It is flexible and responsive to learners' interests, aspirations and abilities." "Pastoral care systems and roles are effectively promoting learners' well-being, engagement and success in learning." "This school responds well to those learners whose learning and achievement need acceleration. Learning support is well resourced and coordinated." "The majority of learners are positively engaged with their learning at school. Learners have many opportunities to participate in and contribute to academic, cultural, social, sporting and community activities."

The full ERO report can be found at www. ero.govt.nz/review-reports/darfield-highschool-18-10-2017/ The Year 7 classes have now moved into the newly built ‘J’ block: stage 1 of a two building construction. It will take some time to settle in fully and there is still some finishing work to be completed; however, it is great to be finally in the new block. As part of the move, the E6-10 relocatable classrooms have been vacated and removed to make way for the second four-classroom building. Construction of this is due to be completed in March next year.

Tristen Jones Stella Futter Holly Curtis Bernie Campbell Travis Abraham Vaughan Smart Emily Cullen Delta Saint John Pedler Heather Hamilton


James Morris

Darfield High School Board of Trustees Declaration of Parent By-Election Results At the close of nominations, as the number of valid nominations was equal to the number of vacancies required to be filled, I hereby declare the following duly elected: Andrew Slater.

After eleven years here we farewelled Sheryl, who is moving on to other ventures. We will miss her energy and creative flair and wish her well.

Trudy McKay Returning Officer 2

20 NOVEMBER 2017

The first of the new classroom blocks was handed over to the school on Friday 10 November for classes to commence Monday 13 November. The existing prefabs have been moved this week to make room for the next classroom block.




James Miles

Casey Roessink

Harry Williamson

Ella Roessink

Saskia Jansen

Stefanie McKenzie

Anika Fouchee

Brianna Longdin

Monique St Clair-Newman

Jessica Galletly

Hayley Murray

Emily White

Caitlin Gibb

Sophie Townsend

Harriet Cottrell

Ben Sharp

Rozlyn Doherty

Katherine Hadler

Georgia Walker

Cameron Mills

Congratulations Caitlin Rayne


Rebecca Inch

20 NOVEMBER 2017


Head student roles will be announced at Senior Prize Giving on 4 December

Jodie Rollings

Natasha Young

Cameron Brunton

Katie Sharp

Julia Trushin

Adrian Nolan

Jacob Spence

Bronte Thomas

Olivia Lemon

Courtney Newell


Imogen Groom

Isaac Newbigging

Esther Blain

George Gibb

Elyse Kerr

Jack McConnell

Adriana Cornelissen

Harry Pooler

Caleb Banks

Emma Kellock

Teri Jackson

Niamh Rayne

Zara MacDonald

Grace Earle

George Brown

Hunter Benbow


Student Successes St John South Island Regional Competitions Results Over the first weekend of the school holidays, four DHS students travelled to Shantytown, Greymouth to compete in the South Island Regional Competitions for St John Cadets. Intermediate Team ‘Darfield unfinished’ Niamh Guy (Team Leader) and Anna Smith (#4) Senior Team ‘BAD’- (Jenny Walter and three others) 1st Written test 2nd Drill 3rd Communication 1st Team First Aid 1st #4 Individual First Aid - Jenny 2nd Pairs 3 and 4 First Aid - Jenny 2nd Overall Ex-Student Lauren Hawkins was placed 3rd in the "Fancy Hair Design" competition recently held. Lauren entered the competition between ARA, Avonmore and Southern Institute along with more than 60 others.

Canterbury won Champion District for the first time! Jenny has also been selected as a member of the 2018 Regional Representative competing squad for National competitions in April. Niamh Guy and Rebecca Inch also applied and narrowly missed out. These are some fantastic results, with approximately 13 teams of four competing in each section at competitions. We are very proud of these cadets' achievements, and hope you will join us in congratulating them. Lynda Walter Darfield Division Manager - St John New Zealand

Tyler Wiremu won the New Zealand 65cc Motocross Championship, which is an enormous achievement. Well done Tyler.

Ethan Rose was crowned Champion at the South Island Secondary School Mountain Bike Championships for the fourth year in a row.


20 NOVEMBER 2017

Photo Taken By: Morgan Jones

Ultimate Frisbee is a new sport to Darfield High School this year. It is played in Terms One and Four. Each Wednesday, we travel into Christchurch to compete against other teams from around Canterbury. This year saw the inaugural South Island Secondary School Ultimate Championship (SISSUC) take place on Sunday 5 November at Centennial Park. This was a full day of games and Darfield was represented by two teams. A Year 10 and a Year 9 team competed against teams mainly from Christchurch. In total, we played about six games each, which was exhausting but great fun. Darfield gained three awards. The Year 10 team came second in the Championship, with Stefanie McKenzie being awarded MVP female for the whole competition. The Year 9 team took the title of joint Most Spirited Team. A huge success for us all and a great credit to the awesome training and coaching by Miss Graham. Thanks to all our parents for their support and transport. It was such a fun experience I hope we can do it all again next year!

Photo Taken By: Morgan Jones

Niamh Guy The DHS Ultimate Frisbee teams competing at the SISSUC

Special Olympics The annual Special Olympics Secondary Schools Athletics includes events like track running, shot put and long jump. Nathan and Lucas both did the 200 metres and shot put. Lucas also did 100 metres and long jump. There were several heats for the run and each athlete was awarded a certificate for their placing. Nathan and Lucas with their certificates.



Student Volunteer Army A huge thank you to the wonderful students from the Student Volunteer Army who came to the rescue over the school holidays. The students spent the day emptying out the set and props room under the hall stage, throwing the majority of it in the skip and then re-organising and cataloguing the surviving items. This was a mammoth effort; we found items in there from the early 1990s! Thank you, wonderful helpers. We really appreciate the time and effort. Also a special thank you to our lovely Arts Co-ordinator, Anna Dalzell, who headed the project.

Pictured from left: Liam Morris, Kate Morris, Katie Sharp, Ben Sharp, Sam Cunningham, Harriet Cottrell and Caleb Banks

During the school holidays Bernadette Campbell Y8 (above left) and Saskia Kremers Y11 (above right) volunteered their time to help raise funds for local boy Oliver Spence who is currently undergoing treatment for leukaemia. The fundraiser was held at Steam Scene at McLeans Island. Saskia and Bernadette ran the face painting stall and creatively decorated many children’s faces. With the girls help, the event raised over $2000. 8

20 NOVEMBER 2017

Vietnam Veteran Visit in Year 12 History This year in Year 12 History, we studied the Vietnam War and explored the impact on our society of New Zealand’s involvement in this war. The Vietnam War has gone down in the history books as a very controversial and unpopular war. It resulted in a huge number of fatalities on both sides and many unethical military tactics, and sparked worldwide protests. The class explored the contrasting viewpoints on the war, focusing on our Prime Minister of the time, Keith Holyoake, and on the other side, well-known protestor, Tim Shadbolt. We were really fortunate to have Vietnam veteran, Billy Barnes, come to visit and add a third perspective on the war—a soldier’s point of view. The real tragedy of the Vietnam War is the lasting impact it has had on our Vietnam veterans, with the mistreatment they endured on return to New Zealand and the longer, far more invasive effects of exposure to the infamous defoliant, Agent Orange, which was used to remove enemy cover. The class had carried out an in-depth study of these effects and Billy’s visit provided real insight into what it was like to experience them first hand. Agent Orange has been proved to cause numerous health issues, including cancers, heart conditions, diabetes, and skin conditions. It is heartbreaking to know that these issues have been intergenerational, with many of the veterans’ wives experiencing miscarriages, or children and grandchildren born with birth defects and disabilities—innocent victims still paying the price of war. Billy provided real insight into the veterans’ 40-year battle with consecutive governments to finally have their grievances acknowledged and compensated for. Billy also shared fascinating stories of what life was like on the ground during his tour of duty. Billy has kindly been sharing his experiences with Darfield History students for the last seven years, and the History Department very much appreciates his giving up his time to help enrich our students’ learning and help bring history to life. Anna Lee HOD Social Sciences

8JN have just finished their soft materials rotation where they designed and constructed 'whanau cushions'. This involved students exploring their whanau, including their interests/hobbies/heritage/ culture and what makes them unique. They then develop these concepts towards a final design which they construct independently. It is amazing to see the contrasting designs, colours and fabrics chosen to represent their family or themselves — it reinforces that we are all very different in so many ways. Nic Kelly



Our Year 7 and 8 students were lucky to have a visit from renowned writer Stacy Gregg. Her books are enjoyed by many of our readers; she has sold over two million of them world-wide and she is a three-time winner of the Children's Choice Junior Fiction category of the New Zealand Post Book Awards for Children and Young Adults. Stacy was an engaging speaker whose stories are all based on true events. For example, her novel The Princess and the Foal was based on the true story of Princess Haya bint Al Hussein, the daughter of King Hussein of Jordan. She is an inspirational young woman, with an independent streak, who lost her mother at an early age. Her father, to help her through her grief, gave her a three-day old foal, orphaned from birth. This developed Princess Haya's love of horses and led to her international success as a show-jumping champion. Although the story is clearly fiction, Stacy Gregg has met with Princess Haya, travelled to Jordan at her request, and even rode the horses through the royal olive groves. Stacy's latest book, The Thunderbolt Pony is based on the Canterbury and Kaikoura earthquakes and, like her other books, has been very popular in our library. A review is available at www.bobsbooksnz. wordpress.com/2017/09/21/the-thunderbolt-pony-by-stacy-gregg/

Attitude Presentations During the first week of term, our Year 7-10 students were part of our Attitude presentations for a second time this year. Attitude is New Zealand’s largest external health education provider. It is dedicated to building resilient young people and reinforcing the positive messages they already hear from their parents, teachers and community. Below are the presentations the students were part of: Year 7/8 - Connected - Online safety and citizenship Connected helps young people reflect on how technology influences their lives, and encourages them to become positive cyber citizens and to seek a healthy balance between the online and offline worlds. Text bullying, online addiction and cyber safety are covered. Year 9 - Get a Life - Families and parents This presentation gives young people an insight into their current family dynamic, and offers ideas on how to get on better with family members. It teaches positive ways of becoming independent from parents. Year 10 - Hardwired - Drugs, tobacco and alcohol This addresses the issues that cause people to develop habits, and give ideas on how to assess risks, make positive decisions, deal with peer pressure and overcome addictions. For more information go to: www.attitude.org.nz www.theparentingplace.com or contact me for more information: ma@darfield.school.nz Jayne Mallinder (HOD Health/School Counsellor)


20 NOVEMBER 2017

Top Left Clockwise: KapaHaka group with Matua Wiremu Puanaki, Ki-o-Rahi Year 13 vs Teachers, Year 13 Toga Day, Year 13 Cowboy Day, Year 9 Science Lesson - Rat Dissections.




20 NOVEMBER 2017

First - Rawhiti Second - Tawera Third - Waimakariri Fourth - Kikorangi




20 NOVEMBER 2017

This year, Year 11, 12 and 13 Design and Visual Communication students were give the opportunity to present some of their design work in the first ever DVC Exhibition. Students in Years 11 and 12 chose between either of the design projects attempted this year: a spatial or a product design. Year 11 exhibited their influential designer — inspired lamp or a tramping hut, Year 12 an Art Deco influenced chess piece or a design for a Bakery. Year 13 worked on an individual project of their choosing. We were all very proud of the sophisticated and quality work exhibited. Christine Mossop HOD Technology



IN TERN ATIO N AL Welcome Group

Yubetsu town (located in the western part of Hokkaido in Japan) signed a sister city agreement with the Malvern Community Board about 17 years ago. Since then, Yubetsu town has offered scholarships for Darfield High School students to establish a good relationship between our countries. Japanese students and New Zealand students have the opportunity to study each others language and culture. About 16 students have been to Yubetsu and each one of them had a wonderful time there. This year, Cassie Hart spent about 10 weeks in Yubetsu. Recently, Yubetsu also sent a short term group here. We hosted nine students, accompanied by Mr Iwasa and Mr Inokuma, for about 10 days. Students were hosted by local host families who looked after their Japanese students so well. I would just like to say thank you to all host families for their warm hospitality. Yubetsu students enjoyed wonderful activities, such as visiting Rubicon farm and a jet boat ride. At school, Darfield High School students became buddies and Japanese students went to various junior classes, which was a different school experience for them. They learnt Maori culture, tried rock climbing and participated in a Kiwi-style cooking class. Yubetsu students also visited Rolleston headquarters to meet Mayor Sam Broughton and Malvern Community Board Chairperson, Jenny Gallagher and other councillors and community members. Yubetsu students did a Powerpoint presentation about their schools in Japan and certainly represented their town very well. We hope our relationship will continue and, if you are interested in spending time in Japan for three months, there is a scholarship available.


20 NOVEMBER 2017

New Caledonia

Last Sunday, Mme Juhel and Mrs Hanson took a group of ten students to begin their ten day trip to New Caledonia. This is part of our exchange programme with our sister school, the College of Ouegoa. We look forward to all their exciting news on their return.

Mme Juhel, Caileigh Peaufa, Zara Woodward, Leah Hamilton-Cross, Becky Bruce, Molly Batstone, Kyla Rosel, Zoe Van De Pol,

Harry Robertson, Heidi Lovelock and Mrs Hanson.

Some holiday snaps from their journey so far.

Culture Fest

Selwyn District held a special event to celebrate cultural diversity in the district: Culture Fest. A group of Darfield High School Kiwi and international students participated with two staff to promote our sister cities (Yubetsu in Hokkaido and Akitakata in Hiroshima, Japan). We also introduced local community people to Japanese culture through traditional games and toys, such as kendama, origami and shooting games. Here is an article which was written by Mizuho Iwasaki: “I joined Culture Fest as a volunteer. I planned to show Japanese shooting game, Shateki, but the day was windy and I thought I couldn't show because the wind blew over the targets. When the wind was not too bad and I started to work, others happily talked to a lot of people. I was nervous and I wondered if nobody wanted to play. I asked a little boy "Would you like to play Shateki?" He nodded so I explained how to and gave him a gun that was made from disposable chopsticks. After that, a lot of children came to play. Suddenly I became busy and my work was very successful. I really enjoyed the event. I'd like to join it again. If I have a next time, I want to talk to people at the other booths.� ISSUE 12 / DHS DISPATCH



20 NOVEMBER 2017

YEAR 7 Nicolas McLaren-Kirkwood Charlotte O'Reilly Rory Perrin Ruben Serra Jessica Stead YEAR 8 Travis Abraham Olly Blackburn Aneliz Gardner Jasmine Inch Callum Summerfield YEAR 9 Tamzin Brunton Emily Cullen Amanda-Jane Jones Ria Kelly Paula Smith Brooke Muirsmeath Zoe Van De Pol YEAR 10 Caitlin Gibb Nik Hodgman Josh May Jordan Russell Mequa Strowger YEAR 11 Jack Chillingworth Emily Klaassens Ewen Lalor Edward Manson Zoe Spinks Caleb Longdin Kelsey Parsons YEAR 12 Adriana Cornelissen Grace Earle George Gibb Bridget Leach Katie Sharp Katherine Buck Ged Roessink Emma Kellock YEAR 13 Hanel Blom Alyssa Cruickshank Eloise Dance Tessa Mitchell Gus Thomas Jessica Osborne Finn McGregor


Thank you to the Malvern Lions Club whose "Fries Days" made this event possible.


7CC and 7SJ Camp Year 7 camp was a blast. For our camp this term, we went to Pudding Hill Lodge which is just out of Methven. On the way there, we stopped off at the Methven Museum and explored. We saw an old snow bike, an igloo we could play in, a big farm irrigator and lots more. We then hopped back on the bus and went to the Lodge. There was a range of activities we all participated in over the next three days. They consisted of team building and footie golf, pioneering, compassing and rogaining, stream study, archery and air rifles, outdoor cooking, orienteering and a 12 km walk up Pudding Hill. We had some delicious meals and home baking and we played a lot of fun games with the teachers, like Capture the Flag. Thank you to all the parents who joined us for this camp; we couldn’t have done it without you all, and a huge thanks to Mr Jermyn and Mrs Cartman for organising this camp and making it so much fun for us all. We had an amazing time at Pudding Hill and we would love to go back again. Lily and Neve


20 NOVEMBER 2017



Welcome to the future! From right now, the first school tuck shops in New Zealand will be accepting TXT-my-LUNCH virtual meal tickets. This is a World leading game-changer for school food service and starts right here at Darfield High School. Now it’s your turn to try it out. * Want to be sure that lunch money makes it to school and is actually spent on lunch? * Want to make sure that your hungry learner is getting a balanced and nutritional meal? * Your young adult learner wants to make their own lunch purchase choices? Or go to www.txtmylunch.co.nz – follow the instructions and have lunch literally texted to your child, who can redeem their meal ticket, device-to-device, at the school tuck shop. This eliminates the need for cash or eftpos cards and ensures that every cent designated to a nutritious payload actually reaches the tuck shop where these great meal combos are available. Our team at the Darfield High School Champion Tuckshop is looking forward to helping you keep your hungry learner fed!


20 NOVEMBER 2017



A​ ​global,​ ​online​ ​open​ ​source​ ​development​ ​&​ ​outreach​ ​contest for​ ​pre-college​ ​students​ ​ages​ ​13-17

Google​ ​Code-​in​ ​2017​ ​dates:​ ​November​ ​28,​ ​2017​ ​-​ ​January​ ​17,​ ​2018

The​ ​Google​ ​Code-in​ ​contest​ ​gives​ ​students​ ​around​ ​the​ ​world​ ​an​ ​o​pportunity​ ​to explore​ ​the​ ​world​ ​of​ ​open​ ​source​ ​development.​ ​Google​ ​not​ ​only​ ​runs​ ​open​ ​source software​ ​throughout​ ​our​ ​business,​ ​we​ ​value​ ​the​ ​way​ ​the​ ​open​ ​source​ ​model encourages​ ​people​ ​to​ ​work​ ​together​ ​on​ ​shared​ ​goals​ ​over​ ​the​ ​internet. Over​ ​the​ ​past​ ​seven​ ​years,​ ​more​ ​than​ ​4500​ ​students​ ​from​ ​99​ ​countries​ ​completed​ ​at least​ ​one​ ​task​ ​in​ ​the​ ​contest.​ ​This​ ​year​ ​we​ ​hope​ ​to​ ​have​ ​even​ ​more​ ​students participate​ ​globally.​ ​Please​ ​help​ ​us​ ​spread​ ​the​ ​word​ ​and​ ​bring​ ​more​ ​students​ ​into​ ​the open​ ​source​ ​family! Participants​ ​complete​ ​“tasks”​ ​of​ ​their​ ​choice​ ​for​ ​a​ ​variety​ ​of​ ​open​ ​source​ ​software projects.​ ​Students​ ​can​ ​earn​ ​t-shirts,​ ​digital​ ​certificates,​ ​and​ ​hooded​ ​sweatshirts​ ​for their​ ​work.​ ​Each​ ​software​ ​project​ ​will​ ​name​ ​two​ ​students​ ​as​ ​their​ ​grand​ ​prize​ ​winners and​ ​those​ ​students​ ​win​ ​a​ ​four​ ​day​ ​trip​ ​to​ ​Google​ ​in​ ​Mountain​ ​View,​ ​CA,​ ​USA​ ​the​ ​next summer. Since​ ​open​ ​source​ ​development​ ​is​ ​much​ ​more​ ​than​ ​just​ ​computer​ ​programming, there​ ​are​ ​lots​ ​of​ ​different​ ​kinds​ ​of​ ​tasks​ ​to​ ​choose​ ​from,​ ​broken​ ​out​ ​into​ ​five​ ​major categories: 1. Code:​ ​Writing​ ​or​ ​refactoring​ ​code. 2. Documentation/Training:​ ​Creating​ ​and​ ​editing​ ​documentation​ ​and​ ​helping others​ ​learn. 3. Outreach/Research:​​ ​Community​ ​management​ ​and​ ​outreach/marketing,​ ​or studying​ ​problems​ ​and​ ​recommending​ ​solutions. 4. Quality​ ​Assurance:​ ​Testing​ ​to​ ​ensure​ ​code​ ​is​ ​of​ ​high​ ​quality. 5. User​ ​Interface:​ ​User​ ​experience​ ​research​ ​or​ ​user​ ​interface​ ​design.

Visit​ ​http://g.co/gci​​ ​for​ ​more​ ​information!


20 NOVEMBER 2017

School and Community Notices Visit our website https://darfield.school.nz/

Term 4 Dates 2017

Monday 16 October to Thursday 14 December Monday 23 October: Labour Day Thursday 16 November: Staff Only Day Friday 17 November: Canterbury Anniversary

for general school information, newsletters, and our photo gallery.

Start-Up Dates For 2018

Monday 22 January (skeleton staff ): Office opens Monday 29 January: Staff Only Tuesday 30 January: Year 7


Contact Details If you have changed any contact details: addresses, phone numbers or your email address, please tell the Student Administrator Mrs Hill.

Visitors To The School If you are visiting our school during the school day please visit reception on arrival at our campus. Our friendly office staff will then assist you from there.

Lost Property

WEEK SIX Tues 21 November • Year 10 Activity Day #1 • PTSA meeting 7.45 pm Wed 22 November • Year 10 Tramp til 24/11 Thurs 23 November • Year 10 Activity Day #2 • International Dept End of Year Party 6 pm Fri 24 November • Year 10 Activity Day #3 Sat 25 November • Courtenay A&P Show

There is a large number of unclaimed items from last year. Please can you get your students to come and take a look if they know something has been misplaced. Parents: you are most welcome to come and check the clothing and items at Student Administration.


Activities & School Fee Payments

Thursday 30 November • Summer Quad Year 7/8

All payments to the school (school fees, activity fees, NCEA fees, etc) can be made by direct credit to the following bank account. Please include the student’s name and the reason for the payment, eg Camp Fees.

Friday 1 December • NZ SS Athletics Champs in Hastings • NCEA Exams Finish

Wednesday 29 November • Canterbury PS Triathlon Champs

Darfield High School, ASB Bank Limited Riccarton, 12-3147-0207317-00

Absences Please remember if your student is not at school, or arrives late, to phone the school to explain the absence. Please phone Mrs Davies on (03) 3188 411 Ext 2. 25

Uniform Shop Hours For Students Monday: 11.00 –11.25 am Thursday: 11.00 –11.25 am 20 NOVEMBER 2017

PTSA Meeting Tuesday 21 November

7.45 pm

All Welcome

Free Health Clinic for students Public Health Nurse: Pa m Eaden Pam Eaden, our Public Health Nurse, is available every second Monday during lunchtime in the Counsellor's Office, commencing Monday 6 March. Pam is available to discuss confidentially any health concerns, physical, mental and

DHS DISPATCH welcomes any news or photographs you have from events our students have attended outside of school. We love to hear about and share successes and interesting stories. Please email: ruth@darfield.school.nz Black and white paper copies are available from reception or Student Administration.

sexual health. This is a drop-in service or you can make an appointment with Ms Mallinder or Mrs Townsend. Parents with concerns regarding their child's health are able to refer to the Public Health Nursing service on www.cdhb.health.nz/phns.

Colour and back copies can be ordered by emailing the above address. Please enquire for cost. Advertising: If you would like to advertise in our newsletter, please email for more information. 7 McLaughlins Road PO Box 5 Darfield 7541 New Zealand admin@darfield.school.nz www.darfield.school.nz Phone: +64 3 318 8411 Fax: +64 3 318 8543 Copyright: You are welcome to reproduce material from the newsletter after gaining permission from the school. All reproduced material must be appropriately acknowledged. Photos of school events can be found on our website and may be downloaded for personal use only. There is a download icon at the right of each photo.

Supporting our Teens in their

Health and Wellbeing There has been a lot of public discussion about youth mental health recently. The Ministry of Education has asked all schools to let parents know where to find information to support the mental health and wellbeing of their children. Parents are encouraged to regularly check in with their child about how they are doing and the things going on in their lives. You’ll find links to organisations you can contact for help and advice if you are concerned about your child: www.parents.education.govt.nz/ mental-health/

Active Kids Holiday Programmes Registrations now open for the

January 2018 Sport Canterbury Active Kids Holiday Programmes - book online!

Week 1 - Mon 15th - Fri 19th January Week 2 - Mon 22nd - Fri 26th January

PARKING OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL Outside the school on McLaughlins Road, is a no stopping zone. We need parents to observe the ‘No Parking or Stopping Zone’ between the School’s front gate and bus bay. To keep students safe, we need this area clear before and after school. There are signs indicating the restrictions.

P 03 373 50 60 E activekids@sportcanterbury.org.nz W www.sportcanterbury.org.nz

Opposite Darfield High School on McLaughlins Road, car parks are marked out and broken yellow lines are painted outside residents' driveways. Please ensure you park within the allocated carparks and not in front of residents’ driveways. The carparks outside the school hall are reserved for staff and visitors coming into the school. Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated. There is usually plenty of space around the bend towards Bangor Road, or south-west on McLaughlins Road.



Vodafone Email Vodafone will turn off its email accounts, including Clear and Paradise accounts, on 30 November and will encourage customers to set up free email accounts with either Google or Microsoft. The decision follows months of problems with high levels of spam and delayed mail. The following email providers are affected: • • • • • • • • •

vodafone.net.nz vodafone.co.nz ihug.co.nz wave.co.nz quik.co.nz pcconnect.co.nz paradise.net.nz clear.net.nz es.co.nz

Parents are asked to let us know their new email addresses to so that we can continue to have a smooth experience emailing reports, newsletters and notices, accessing the web portal, etc. Please email admin@darfield.school.nz

darfield POOL HOURS During school term Mon - Fri 3:30pm - 7pm Sat & Sun 1pm - 7pm Public Holidays & School holidays Everyday 1pm - 7pm

DARFIELD HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PRIZEGIVING Family and friends of the school are warmly invited to attend the Senior Prizegiving ceremony on Monday 4 December 2017 at 7.00 pm

Darfield Recreation Centre James Morris Principal

Phone: 027 606 4018

Please enquire at the pool office for: Swim lessons, Lane swim only, Aqua robic and swim club.

SHEFFIELD POOL HOURS During school term Mon - Fri 3:15pm - 7pm Sat & Sun 1pm - 7pm Public Holidays & School holidays Everyday 1pm - 7pm Phone: 027 590 9948

This year we are offering gifts of: Beautiful Jewellery, Scarves, Santa Sacks, Advent Calendars, Christmas Gift Baskets, Christmas Cakes, Christmas Wreaths, Small Unusal Gift Items, Beautiful Handmade Soaps, Pate's and more. Call in and see for yourself. You will love the experience and won't be disappointed in the range and quality of gifts being offered. This is the fourth year we have been at the Darfield Gallery and every year it has grown.


20 NOVEMBER 2017

New Zealand Secondary School


Be in to Win New Zealand Secondary School Photography Competition

THEME I WONDER The competition is open to any secondary school student in New Zealand (as of 2017). The competition will be judged by a panel of accredited judges from

The PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND INC. Submissions close 11:59pm 24th January 2018. The exhibition will be open from the 10th of Feburary to the 4th of March at the Bruce Mason Theatre. Entry into the competition is free of charge.


- GX85 with a 14-42 lens - RRP $1200 (sponsored by Panasonic) - One year PSNZ membership (sponsored by PSNZ)


- Camera accessories (sponsored by LowePro) - NZ Camera book (sponsored by PSNZ)


- NZ Camera book (sponsored by PSNZ)


- GoPro HERO Session (sponsored by Photogear)




Email: admin@nzsspc.com FB: www.facebook.com/nzsspc

Web: www.nzsspc.com

Address: 7 McLaughlins Road

PO Box 5

Email: admin@darfield.school.nz

Darfield 7541

Web: darfield.school.nz

New Zealand


Phone: +64 3 318 8411 Fax: +64 3 318 8543 28

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