Portfolio 2014

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daria.ristea@gmail.com +40 (0) 0747 021 096 University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu“, Bucharest 2009 - present

table of contents Academic 01 Re-thinking city connections


02 Old and new 03 Home for the elderly


04 Housing typology


05 Traditional house surveying


Contests & exhibitions 06 Oya footprint chaos 07 Observation tower - `Make a Point` exhibition


08 Home and studio for an artist



models and drawings


Academic selected projects

academic | selected projects


location: Bucharest program: office tower type: school assignment | team project (6 members) 1st stage year: 2014 semester: 9th coordinator: prof.dr.arch.Georgica Mitrache

The task was to build an urban development strategy and to find the appropriate site for an office tower in the city of Bucharest. The basic strategy of our team was to find the place where the tower would act as an instrument in the process of urban development. It involved 3 major criteria: standard of living, density and urban functions. This 3 criteria helped us identify a general area of intervention - a map of strategical areas of urban development. As we considered the tower as an engine of the area, we subtracted the areas already developed and those with a high degree of poverty. We managed to narrow down the map of Bucharest to a few areas from the west and east part of the city. Then we overlapped 5 more criteria (accessibility,

visibility - point of perspective, altimetry from PUG Bucharest, office buildings in Bucharest, brown fields and natural elements - lakes, rivers and parks) which highlighted some particular sites, mainly in the east side of Bucharest. We decided the site met all the above considerations and that, regarding the social and economical environment of the area the office tower would bring many benefits. Starting from a series of recent SWOT analysis regarding various aspects of Baicului neighbourhood - urban configuration, transport, economic, demographic, social, we proposed along with the main function of the building - offices - a group of functions that address local community.

STRATEGICAL DEVELOPMENT A B O V E | | surface criteria: 1 standard of living 2 density 3 urban functions 4 rent price for office buildings 5 strategical areas for urban development 6 result from the intersection of those 5 criterias

academic | re-thinking city connections


| | punctual criteria: 7 accesibility 8 directions of perspective 9 altimetry PUG 10 existent office buildings 11 brownfields 12 natural environment (lakes, rivers, parks)

A B O V E | | existing situation lake, cityscape R I G H T | | site plan - relink the city with its natural potential B E L O W | | google maps location plan

A place where nature and city interlock. A transitory space between the fluidity of the natural environment and the city.

academic | re-thinking city connections

The site is located near Lake Fundeni and Doamna Ghica Boulevard. We inteded to mark this location as one with great importance for the future development of the entire area. The Baicului neighbourhood has gone through many changes in the past years and it has great potential on differnt levels

- urban, economical, social and natural environement. Our group proposal based its idea on the revival of the identity of the area and the improvement of the social and economical level of the neighbourhood.

The positioning of the volume on the site was determined mostly by the points of view along the boulevard and from the opposite shore of the lake. Other important points of

view were considered to be Fundeni street (NE), a pedestrian bridge over Colentina channel (NW), other tall buildings from the surrounding area.

academic | re-thinking city connections

L E F T A B O V E | | ground floor plan - main acces +0.00 L E F T B E L O W | | floor plan - lake acces -8.00m R I G H T | | render visualization and model photos

Under the proposed strategic development of Baicului area, the office tower brings a point of interest, becoming during the process, an engine of development in the area. Following the direction to increase the economic competitiveness of the area we proposed a business centre that becomes an important factor for further development. The residential sector is already developed (many new collective housing assemblies) so it was necessary to bring in the functional mixture to the area. Our proposal focuses on the policy of developing social and community aspects and human resources so we tried finding a beneficiary who would get in contact with the local community and help it in order to increase social living. We decided that UNICEF is an organization which could bring great benefits for the community and for the city, in general. Functions have been proposed as needed in the community that will generate long-term urban development and will have direct effects on the social sector of the area, increasing security in the area. Proposed major functions : OFFICES (conference rooms, multifunctional open spaces) public canteens DAY CENTRE FOR CHILDREN - kindergarten, afterschool FOOD MARKET spaces for PROFESSIONAL ADVICE and COUNSELLING for people who dropped out school at a very young age - in the tower , on different levels

academic | re-thinking city connections

L E F T | | functional diagrams - on levels R I G H T | | west elevation - lake acces

academic | re-thinking city connections

L E F T | | longitudinal section R I G H T | | transversal section

academic | re-thinking city connections

L E F T A B O V E | | double-skin / facade detail LEFT plans


BELOW || visualization

| | tower floor photomontage

The shell comes from the ground, creating outdoor and indoor spaces that comunicate fluid and freely with eachother. This 3D mesh is emerging from the terrain and envelopes all the communities necesities. Creating a small scale base for the tower it integrates the massive structure into the context, conecting it to the natural environment.

academic | re-thinking city connections

academic | selected projects

02 old and new historical urban fabric

location: Mosilor Stree, Bucharest program: public library and collective housing type: school assignment | team project (6-8 members) -1st stage | individual project - 2nd stage year: 2013 semester: 8th coordinator: prof.dr.arch. Georgica Mitrache

The task was to set a theme and program for one specific location in the centre of Bucharest. We had to choose from 16 different sites along the Mosilor street and to find the architectural program which would suit there.

other through the space of the main stairs, the compositional dominant of the interior. The new volume tries to find a solution for the street front, but also keeping a distance on the west boundary for further development of the empty neighbouring site.

In the old building on Mosilor, no.110, in the years 1945 to 1950 worked on the ground floor a lending library and the bookstore "News", owner Marcel Marcus . The upper floors were apartments. Thus, functionally, the proposal is trying to keep the old activities adapted to the new urban context. For this reason the existing building becomes entirely for public use as library and bookstore. On different levels the spaces are arranged in a manner that visually communicate with each

Regarding the conformation of the apartments , the project proposes a variety of areas : living space on 2 levels, loggias, terraces, balconies, duplex apartments. The void space is a courtyard, specific for Mosilor street, differentiated as a private access to the residential building, a side yard which acts as a transition space between exterior public space (the street) and interior public space (library) and a major courtyard in direct relationship with the library.

The site is located in the historic tissue of Bucharest, on Mosilor street. The area with a rich history and a great architectural value is now deconstructed and needs local interventions, in order to restructuring the urban structure aimed at emphasizing the lost urban space.

academic | insertion in historical urban fabric

L E F T | | photos of the existing site - Mosilor street C E N T E R | | site analysis - relation between buildings’height and the typology of courtyards

L E F T | | axonometr y - proposal R I G H T | | ground floor plan B E L O W | | Mosilor street front

academic | insertion in historical urban fabric

The exterior communicates continuously and creates different transitory spaces that recall the old passages of the interwar Mosilor street. The public and the private are separated by a transparent boundary that creates visibility and appropriation of space. The facade is simple, with a high degree of solid surface. The proportions of the windows were carefully chosen, in relation to the neighbouring buildings and the identity of the street front.

L E F T | | interior render image R I G H T | | 2nd floor plan B E L O W L E F T | | longitudinal section B E L O W R I G H T | | south-west facade

academic | insertion in historical urban fabric

The project proposes a variety of areas : living space on 2 levels, loggias, terraces, balconies, duplex apartments. The volume consists of three boxes intesected at diffent levels. The variety of interior spaces creates a multifunctionality of the site and thus the building adresses to many types of people: from students to families with up to 4 members.

A B O V E | | model photos

academic | selected projects

03 home for the elderly

location: Cozia Monastery, Calimanesti program: nursing home for elders type: school assignment | individual project year: 2013 semester: 7th coordinator: prof.dr. arch. Georgica Mitrache

The site is located on a vacant land belonging to Cozia monastery, a monastic complex built in the XIVth century in the village Calimanesti. The project aimed to enhance the picturesque identity of the location by going beyond the strictly function of a nursery home. Thus one of the main directions was to establish a direct physical relationship between the building and the land, by proposing a low building with 2 floors and the common areas on the ground floor layout. Another course of action followed was the formation of private outdoor spaces, semiprivate, public, with every order of diversified activities, meant to bring a sense of belonging and community within elderly. There are two main courtyards: the front, in relation to the common areas

of activities (room sports, workshops) and the street, which have been proposed various gardens, worked, especially the elderly, and the ba ck, more introverted, (from the typology of houses in the country, in the main courtyard is in the back), is primarily for recreation, contemplation of mountain scenery, with a limit permeable to Olt. Also in the backyard is open and restaurant space with an extension of interior space with a terrace that can be used during the warm season. The project focuses on creating a productive and active environment for the elders. Using local resources, they take part in different daily activities, while constantly interacting with the outside space.

academic | home for the elderly ACTIVITIES THERAPY gardening cornfield vine orchards

ENTERTAINMENT fishing dock outdoor chess music room painting room

OTHER FACILITIES dining rooms common spaces on each floor library gardens, greenhouses ACOMODATION 100 people 50 double rooms

academic | home for the elderly

ground floor plan

academic | home for the elderly

A B O V E | | south-east facade inner courtyard B E L O W | | north-east facade

academic | home for the elderly

A B O V E | | illustrative image from the main street

academic | selected projects

04 housing typology activating interstitial space

location: Bucharest program: collective housing type: school assignment | team project (2 members) year: 2012 semester: 6th coordinator: prof.dr. arch. Mircea Ochinciuc, dr.arch. Haytham Zeki

The task consisted of creating a residential complex on a vacant site in the north part of Bucharest. The project questions a fundamental theme in contemporary architecture and human existence - collective dwelling. The site lies in a triangular gap between socialist block of flats, brick industrial buildings and a rural-type of urban tissue, with low-rise individual houses, gardens with vine and hens. The proposal consists of a set of volumes which relate to the differentiated height of the fragmented tissue type , with a clear concern for the relationship between the built space and the public space of the streets that define site. Also, we considered necessary a public shared space within the site but having a controlled interaction with the semi-private space of the tenants. Starting from the existing tissue types in the vicinity, was chosen an arrangement range

of built volumes with greater fragmentation towards the housing individual ( the NW ) . Keeping street fronts in continuous lanes was motivated by the desire to define the site to the 3 arteries , giving structure to the surrounding urban space. Through covered pathways or inner yards monotony was avoided. A great diversity in the typologies of courtyards was proposed : private courtyards ( duplex housing area, link direct with the land ) , semi -private courtyards ( common access used by residents ) and public courts ( have larger dimensions ) accessible directly from the existing public space. These courtyards can be used as a public food market, like the existing one on the site, being arranged near the intersection with Grivitei boulevard and having a more direct relation to the city congestion.

The site lies in a triangular gap between socialist block of flats, brick industrial buildings and a ruraltype of urban tissue, with low-rise individual houses, gardens with vine and hens. Romania has little history of quality collective dwelling. For us, it means the socialist housing. We realize we have no other referral.

Romania has little history of quality collective dwelling. For us, it means the socialist housing. We realize we have no other referral. The surrounding area of the site is boarded with this type of housing.

Low rise individual houses are bordering the north-west side of the site and the fragmented urban tissue creates a differentiated image on the 3 sides of the site, thus creating a complex image of perception.

L E F T | | site photos R I G H T | | site plan - daily route and cues B E L O W | | photomontage visualization

academic | housing typology

railroad mega-image CFR ateliers market subway statio„n bus station grocery store church

academic | housing typology

L E F T | | ground floor plan B E L O W | | north-west facade

academic | housing typology

L E F T | | first floor plan B E L O W | | south-east facade

academic | housing typology L E F T A B O V E | | detail floor plan L E F T B E L O W | | detail longitudinal section R I G H T A B O V E | | apartment detail R I G H T B E L O W | | detail transversal section

academic | selected projects


location: Bucharest program: surveying type: school assignment | team project (4 members) year: 2009 semester: 1st coordinator: conf.dr. arch. Vasilica Tihan The assignment consisted of surveying a traditional romanian house from "The Village Museum", Bucharest. Our team chose a traditional household from Dolj county, dating from the 18th century.

academic | traditional house sur veying

contests and exhibitions

contests and exhibitions | selected projects




oya footprint chaos

location: Oslo, Norway program: meeting point






Based on the idea of a series of minimum and multipurpose infrastructural elements for a process of progressive colonization of the park, the project fosters the idea of immateriality and autonomy through an expanded network structure without walls. Our main concern regarding the sustainability of the project was to design a space that will attract people and work just as good after the festival, not only during Øya - a space whose qualities will emphasize the content of the landscape, the topography and the routes that it generates. Opposed to the need for an affirmative monumental structure, the project explores the potentiality of the site through minimal, multiplied interventions. Operating with concepts like flexibility, mobility, versatility, the micro-infrastructure that we proposed for the park can be further used in various ways, serving as a scheleton-structure that can be dressed, transformed, aquire new uses and properly accommodate all kinds of activities for the community that populates the space during and after the festival. It involves both the individuality and the collective and it respects the site while occupying its topography. The concentrated and then dispersed infrastructural elements are distributed not only on the meeting point area, but also in the territory beyond it, embodying the idea of the absence of limits and the blurriness of today’s material reality. The structure contains lighting poles, trash cans, water sprinklers, groung lights, sound system poles for the festival time, all having the same round section. The meeting area is generated by density: in the central part of the site, the multiplicity and connections between elements shape spatial limits, but also by marking the ground with a yellow Ø shaped area, that stays like a footprint of the festival all year long. Moving far from the main site, the elements, isolated, appear as a module of street furniture, supporting activities in the rest of the park as well. The single elements, though, remain always recognizable as part of a general network.

type: student competition | team project (3 members) year: 2014 semester: 9st

team: Andra Macesanu, Miscu Anamaria

TEAM 3550

ORGANIZING SPACE through DENSITY and DISPERSION Based on the idea of a series of minimum and multipurpose infrastructural elements for a process of progressive colonization of the park, the project fosters the idea of immateriality and autonomy through an expanded network structure without walls. Our main concern regarding the sustainability of the project was to design a space that will attract people and work just as good after the festival, not only during Øya - a space whose qualities will emphasize the content of the landscape, the topography and the routes that it generates. Opposed to the need for an affirmative monumental structure, the project explores the potentiality of the site through minimal, multiplied interventions. Operating with concepts like flexibility, mobility, versatility, the micro-infrastructure that we proposed for the park can be further used in various ways, serving as a scheleton-structure that can be dressed, transformed, aquire new uses and properly accommodate all kinds of activities for the L E F T | | presentation image reference: http://120hours.dekodes. no/

community that populates the space during and after the festival. It involves both the individuality and the collective and it respects the site while occupying its topography. The concentrated and then dispersed infrastructural elements are distributed not only on the meeting point area, but also in the territory beyond it, embodying the idea of the absence of limits and the blurriness of today’s material reality. The structure contains lighting poles, trash cans, water sprinklers, groung lights, sound system poles for the festival time, all having the same round section. The meeting area is generated by density: in the central part of the site, the multiplicity and connections between elements shape spatial limits, but also by marking the ground with a yellow Ø shaped area, that stays like a footprint of the festival all year long. Moving far from the main site, the elements, isolated, appear as a module of street furniture, supporting activities in the rest of the park as well. The single elements, though, remain always recognizable as part of a general network.

contests | oya footprint chaos

contests and exhibitions | selected projects


Observation tower

location: Make a Point, Art tower, Bucharest program: observation tower type: exhibition | school project year: 2014 semester: 9st coordinator: prof.dr.arch. Georgica Mitrache MATERIALITY - STRUCTURE - SPACE The basic idea of ​​ the project was emphasizing the features of stone - the texture, layering and modularization, the Gothic construction system. The project starts from the material - stone - and wants to express the simple structure of stone through architecture. At first contact with the object, at ground level, it is perceived the massiveness and texture of the material, due to full-empty distribution, the only hole being the main access, through which you can see the wall's thickness. Reintepretating the constructive system based on arches and pillars, large gaps are obtained which provide a feeling of openness and release of the structure as you climb. The four massive pillars have at the same time the role of buttresses and there are perforated by flights of stairs. The two main elements - stairs and vault - platform - are supported by two vertical structural elements - massive pillars and

L E F T | | exhibition poster reference: http://www.uauim.ro/ evenimente/expo-turnul-de-arta/

walls. The walls also act as stiffeners for the four pillars. To better understand materiality, texture of the stone, I proposed an architectural object that can be percevied both on the inside and on the outside. This is achieved by a series of ramps, following a clockwise path consisting of a system of two ramps on the inside and one on the outside. Exterior stairs allow greater visibility on the landscape as you climb. The four corner towers are positioned diagonally to the main plane acting as a buttress. Each of the tower is both structure and architecture. The stairs are embedded in masonry stone blocks machined. To highlight the qualities of the material, in terms of constructive technology development, I chose a regular shape block of stone and a rectangular composition in plan.

TURN DE OBSERVARE - V PIATRA Ideea de DE bazaOBSERVARE a proiectul a fost accentuarea trasaturilor caracteristice ale pietrei - textura, stratificarea si sistemul TURN - V PIATRA constructiv gotic bazat pe acest material. Proiectul porneste de la material - piatra - si doreste sa exprime prin arhitectura de baza a din proiectul fost accentuarea trasaturilor caracteristice ale pietrei - textura, si sistemul oIdeea structura simpla piatra.aReintepretand sistemul constructiv pe arce si stalpi, am obtinut goluristratificarea mari, ce sustine ideea constructiv gotic peaacest material. Proiectul porneste material - piatra - si contact doreste cu sa obiectul, exprime la prin arhitectura de deschidere si bazat usurare structurii pe masura ce urci, dar sidedelamasivitate, la primul nivlul solului. o structura simpla dinmasivi piatra.sunt Reintepretand arce si stalpi, am obtinut goluri mari, ce- sustine Cei patru contraforti perforati dinsistemul loc in locconstructiv de rampelepescarilor. Cele doua elemente principale scara siideea bolta deschidere si usurare structurii pe masura ce urci,verticale dar si de- masivitate, la siprimul contact obiectul, lade nivlul solului. -deplatforma - sunt sustinutea de 2 elemente constructive stalpii masivi peretii. Peretiicuactioneaza, asemenea Ceicapatru contraforti suntstalpi, perforati din loc in loc fiind de rampele scarilor. Celesuperior doua elemente principale si rigidizari pentrumasivi cei patru aceasta actiune transmisa la nivelul catre arcele boltii.- scara si bolta - platforma - sunt sustinute de 2 elemente textura constructive verticale - stalpii masivi si peretii. Peretiiarhitectural actioneaza,atat de pe asemenea Pentru a intelege mai bine materialitatea, pietrei, am propus o parcurgere a obiectului interior, si casirigidizari pentru ceilucru patrusestalpi, aceasta transmisa la nivelul superior catre cat pe exterior. Acest obtine printr-oactiune serie defiind rampe, urmand un traseu in sens orar,arcele formatboltii. dintr-un sistem de intelege mai materialitatea, textura pietrei, am propus parcurgere obiectului arhitectural interior, 2Pentru rampea pe interior si bine una pe exterior. Scarile exterioare permit si o ovizibilitate maia mare asupra peisajuluiatat pe pe masura ce cat siCele pe exterior. lucru obtine printr-o urmand uneletraseu sens orar, format dintr-un sistem de urci. 4 turnuriAcest de colt suntsedispuse diagonalserie fatade derampe, planul principal, avandinrol structural tip contrafort, ce preiau 2 rampe pedininterior una pe exterior. exterioare permitplanseul. si o vizibilitate mai marealasupra masuracat ce intinderile arcelesidiagonale ale boltiiScarile superioare ce sustine Fiecare spatiu turnuluipeisajului este atatpe structura, urci. Cele 4 turnuri de colt sunt un dispuse planul principal, elepiatra avandde roltalie, structural tip contrafort,taiata ce preiau si arhitectura. Am optat pentru moduldiagonal de piatrafata dede 650x33x180 mm, din roca calcaroasa, dupa intinderile din arcelescarilor diagonale boltii superioare Fiecare al turnului estePentru atat structura, cat necesitati. Treptele suntale incastrate in zidariace desustine piatra, planseul. fiind tot din blocurispatiu prelucrate mecanic. a evidentia si arhitectura. Am optat pentru ununei modul de piatra de 650x33x180 mm, din talie,exacta roca calcaroasa, calitatile materialului, in conditiile tehnologii constructive dezvoltate, am piatra ales ode forma a blocului detaiata piatradupa si o necesitati. Treptele scarilor sunt incastrate in zidaria de piatra, fiind tot din blocuri prelucrate mecanic. Pentru a evidentia forma cat mai rectangulara in plan a obiectuluii. calitatile materialului, in conditiile unei tehnologii constructive dezvoltate, am ales o forma exacta a blocului de piatra si o forma cat mai rectangulara in plan a obiectuluii.

exhibitions | obser vation tower

L E F T | | floor plans / photomontage model image R I G H T | | photo from the exhibition, ‘Make a Point ’ location

contests and exhibitions | selected projects

09 hOME AND STUDIO FOR AN ARTIST ‘CASA’ annual architecture students’ competition

location: Sibiu, Romania program: individual housing type: school assignment | competition year: 2011 semester: 4th coordinator: dr. arch. Sorin Stefanescu

The studied lot is placed in the southeastern perimeter of Sibiu's historic center, at the intersection of Manejului and Barbierilor streets, fast close to the 3rd row or fortification walls of the city ( XIV- XVI centuries). The lot of 144 sq.meters is partially occupied by low value constructions. These constructions are not considered to be important in the contest's subject, so the proposal is that of deconstructing them. The most meaningful urban landmarks close to the plot are: Haller Bastion ( XVIth century), the Ursulinelor Church and Monastery( XV- XVIIth century), the Franciscan Church (XV- XVIII century), Tineretului Park with the theater and the summer cinematograph, the tower of the electrical transformator (XXth century). L E F T | | model image reference: http://concursan2. wordpress.com/editii-anterioare/ editia-2011

The home of an artist. live and create. A play with two simple volumes and materials. A small building trying to integrate in the urban context of the medieval city of Sibiu. The existing tower was given a new functionality (a public photo gallery) and was refinished with wood.

contests | home and studio for an artist

other projects models and drawings

L E F T | | model images | 8th semester project - pavilion in archeological site Dinogetia, Tulcea, Romania R I G H T | | model images | 5th semester project - Boutique Hotel in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

L E F T | | model images | 4th semester project - public space at Opera House, Bucharest RIGHT ABOVE semester project monaster y RIGHT BELOW semester project monaster y

| | site photos | 8th restoration of Berca | | proposal | 8th restoration of Berca

rÉsumÉ Education University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, Bucharest, Master of Architecture (M.Arch.), 2009 - 2015

Software Proficiency Autodesk Autocad, 3ds max, Revit, Sketch-up Adobe Creative Suite - Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign MS Office Suite Language skills Romanian - mother tongue English - Excellent Spanish - Good French - Intermediate Work Experience CAD Designer at Intertech Design | August 2012 - December 2012 (5 months) CAD Designer at Fima Buildings | June 2012 - October 2012 (5 months) ~~ Initiate and execute AutoCAD presentation ~~ Prepare architectural drawing for authority, jurisdiction approval and authorization (CU,PAC) ~~ Design furniture for a residential building (concept renders and model)

Extracurricular activity IAESTE volunteer - 2013-2014 | PR department | website designer and developer: http://www.iaeste.ro Training 3D Artist - Training 3DUPB 2012 at Ubisoft | June 2012 - July 2012 (2 months) ~~ Improving skills in 3d modelling (Autodesk 3d Studio Max) ~~ Projects for game industry - buildings and environment scenes ~~ Final project - environment scene 3D Artist - Training 3DUPB 2012 at AMC Studio | June 2012 - July 2012 (2 months) ~~ Improving skills in 3d modelling and texturing (Autodesk Maya) ~~ Projects for game industry - small objects for environment scenes ~~ Modelling - Autodesk Maya ~~ Texturing - DiffuseMap, NormalMap, SpecularMap (Adobe Photoshop)



daria.ristea@gmail.com daria.ristea@yahoo.com

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