2022 Knight Frank Wealth Report

Page 62



Home hotspots


INCOME GROWTH POTENTIAL QIANHAI, SHENZHEN, CHINA 3%–5% Located on the east coast of the Pearl River

and west of the Nantou Peninsula, the Qianhai Shenzhen–Hong Kong Co-operation Zone will

provide a new urban centre for the Greater Bay Area. It will also act as a showcase for indepth co-operation between Guangdong, Hong

The Wealth Report’s international property guru Kate Everett-Allen curates a handpicked selection of the neighbourhoods where Knight Frank’s global teams of residential experts expect prices to outperform over the coming years

Kong and Macau, and establish the area as a global presence.

Why is it primed for growth? Based on the new plan released by the local

government, Qianhai is set to expand from its current 15 sq km to more than 120 sq km.

Burgeoning urban development and favourable policies mean that the area – which has a strong


set to be the world’s newest

residential hotspots and deciding which ones to feature in The Wealth Report is a fascinating way to end each year. Covid-19 may have

upended housing markets, but opportunities abound, even in a pandemic-ravaged world.

offer relative value.

the next five years. Twelve feature over the

following pages, but you can explore another 30-plus online.

stock of smaller apartments.

Now sit back, and enjoy our whistle-stop

a masterplan for the Guinness Quarter. Initial proposals included 63,000 sq m of office space, 5,000 sq m of retail space and 22,000 sq m

of hotel and leisure space; in reality, it is likely to

be far more. These projects, along with many others, will transform the local economy.

in the area on a Saturday morning join the queue at the Scéal Bakery at Fumbally Stables – their

Byron Bay, located in northern New South Wales

close to the Queensland state border, is known for its quiet coves and pristine beaches. It’s

where you can watch whales and dolphins play

in the warm waters or pack a picnic and head for the hinterland with its historic towns and villages, rolling green hills, lush rainforest and dramatic waterfalls.

extensive lawns and admire the view across to

apartment currently starts at around €350,000,

In prime Dublin 8 locations an older one-bedroom

Shenzhen’s spectacular 128m-high Ferris wheel,

with larger Victorian family homes fetching

of the city, Dublin 8’s recent history is

characterised by industries including weaving, tanning, distilling and brewing – most notably, Byron Bay, Australia


has limited the number of new homes built over

the water and sandy beach, or just relax on the

With a heritage that dates back to the founding

tour of this year’s top picks.


What will my money buy me?



Meanwhile, Ballymore and Diageo are creating

anywhere from €750,000 to €1.5 million. For

new-build apartments in the most sought-after

spots, expect prices to start at around €400,000, rising to €1 million-plus for a penthouse.

Ray Palmer-Smith, Knight Frank Ireland

Byron Bay’s environmentally minded council

the past few decades, meaning that the pace of development has been more measured than in other tourist towns. This is slowly shifting as

the area’s housing shortage begins to impact on local residents, amplified by the recent influx of city-dwellers switching to hybrid work styles. Where do the locals like to go? As the warm days stretch out in Byron Bay, many

locals take advantage of some of the best surfing breaks along the east coast of Australia including The Pass, Wategos and Belongil beaches. What will my money buy me? New energy-efficient homes at Harvest, a


The line-up also includes neighbourhoods

have previously been overlooked due to their

workers will be employed across the campus.

Laurence Zhu, Knight Frank China

income growth potential to those that now

of their neighbours as well as some that may

construction and it is estimated that 8,000

metro line 5 station.

projects, and from markets offering significant

see stronger-than-average capital growth over

neighbourhoods our teams are confident will

National Children’s Hospital is currently under

one of the area’s most beautiful spots. Enjoy

apartment, just a few minutes’ walk from the

to cities on the cusp of large-scale regeneration

that have been living for too long in the shadow

future employment prospects. The new

Why is it primed for growth?

8.9 million yuan will secure a three-bedroom

This edition includes more than 40

developers optimistic about the neighbourhood’s

breads and viennoiserie are legendary.

is currently available at 6.3 million yuan while

from locations promoting health and wellbeing

accommodation offered by international

gigs and exhibitions throughout the year. If you’re

among the biggest property drivers in a world

continuing to adapt to Covid-19. These range

being drawn to Dublin 8 by the range of

that Qianhai will attract even more high-quality

A two-bedroom apartment facing the ocean

which neighbourhoods are

5-year price forecast

Students and young professionals are

hosts workshops, talks, pop-up dinners, intimate

I have split the entries this year into the

various categories that we consider will be

our global teams to discover


Why is it primed for growth?

Kong and Macau. In future, the expectation is

What will my money buy me? knowledge and expertise of

educational centres.

Hen’s Teeth is a café, gallery and studio that also

the Bay Glory.


media companies along with arts, medical and

attracting businesses from the mainland, Hong

Spectacularly scenic Qianhai Seaside Park is


a creative hub, home to dynamic tech and new

Where do the locals like to go?

Where do the locals like to go?


it is the home of Guinness. Today, the area is

focus on reform and innovation – is already

talent, capital and projects.



HEAD ONLINE FOR LOCATIONS WITH INCOME GROWTH POTENTIAL INCLUDING: • 1st arrondissement, Paris • Stokes Croft, Bristol • Montegancedo, Madrid

masterplanned and sustainable coastal

community, start at A$2.5 million. Some offer up to six bedrooms and a swimming pool on a generous 900 sq m lot; ideal for entertaining and

bringing family and friends together all year round. Michelle Ciesielski, Knight Frank Australia

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