DARIO PANICO portfolio

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About me “I’m a digital and graphic designer with a deep interest in fashion. After high school, I spent one year in Glasgow, Scotland, working and improving my english skills. In 2011 I moved back to Italy to join the Faculty of Product and Graphic Design at the Politecnico di Milano. I got the Bachelor’s degree in 2014 and the Master’s Degree with honour in Product Design for Innovation in 2017. Nowdays I work as freelance graphic designer and I just launched my own swimwear brand called PENCHO.”

prints & graphics




Fashion Show invitations After receiving some input from the style department about the FW 19-20 collection (inspirations, moodboard, colour palette and materials) I designed these invitations trying to give some clues about the collection, without revealing it. For example, I chose this kind of sparkling paper because I wanted to create a connection between it and the colours and textiles that were presented on the catwalk.

New Packaging The restilyng of the corporate identity and the design of the new packaging were the first project I followed for Ermanno Scervino. The first aspect we cureted was the environmental one, selecting only papers with the FSC® and PEFC™ certifications. The kind of paper was choosen for its leather like feature, as a matter of fact the leather is one of the distinguishing mark of the florentine maison. The logo in white is applied with a thermoprinting process, that enhances the brand name.

SHOPPING BAG L 590 x 400 x 210 + 60 mm Tipo di carta: Stampa logo: Fondo: Maniglie: Impugnatura: Confezione:

Cordenons LEATHERLIKE goffrata e tinta in pasta nero 230 gr/mq largh. base 495 mm, centrato in larghezza, a 50 mm dal basso. Colore bianco a caldo + rilievoo normale – rinforzato in cartone risvoltate e rinforzate doppio cartone nastro nero ref. T5880 H 30, lunghezza cm 50, applicato senza nodi – fuoriuscita dall’alto del risvolto manuale

New Packaging The restilyng of the corporate identity and the design of the new packaging were the first project I followed for Ermanno Scervino. The first aspect we cureted was the environmental one, selecting only papers with the FSC® and PEFC™ certifications. The kind of paper was choosen for its leather like feature, as a matter of fact the leather is one of the distinguishing mark of the florentine maison. The logo in white is applied with a thermoprinting process, that enhances the brand name.

Maculate pattern for the Tissue paper For the restilyng of the corporate identity I designed also the new tissue paper. The Creative director briefed me to design a grayscale leopard pattern, in line with the black and white colours of all the packaging. The final result, approved by the Creative and the Marketing directors, was the pattern shown in the figures on the left side.

Christhmas Cover Bag Lettering & pattern This pattern was created starting from an hand writing logo designed by me. Than I vectorialized the blurb, and Rotating and multiplying it I obtained the pattern.

Lookbooks One of my duties, as graphic designer & art director for the Marketing & Communication department, was to create the lookbook layout for every brand line (Haute Couture, Kids, Beachwear & Lingerìe). I was the responsable of all the lookbooks art direction, from the shooting concept to the final prints.


Script logo & Pattern I was asked by the style dept to design an Ermanno Scervino script logo and a pattern for the SS19 woman’s collection. First I sketched it on a paper and then I vectorialized it with Adobe illustrator. The script logo and the pattern were printed in different colours, on foulard and sneakers.



1,5 cm

oro a caldo OPACO 9 cm

oro a caldo OPACO

Illustration for the Year of the Pig - 2019


11 cm

9 cm

1,5 cm

oro a caldo OPACO

22 cm

Buste fustella A4 Carta Sirio Color lampone 140 gr + stampa ORO a caldo OPACO+ 2 loghi ORO a caldo OPACO Card stampa oro OPACO a caldo logo su carta Sirio Color lampone 210 formato A4

For the ‘Year of the Pig’ I was commissioned by the marketing department to design some illustrations. The idea was to decorate the Paris store’s windows and to create a limited edition packaging and some special gifts for the Chinese market.

Graphics for 2 asian events invitations I created these invitations for two events, that took place in Vietnam and Hong Kong in May 2018. During these events the new FRETTE collections were presented to the asian press and buyers. I designed them maintaining a minimal and black and white graphic, respecting the Frette brand identity guidelines.

Riferimenti Bibliografici: A. Branzi, La casa calda. Esperienze del nuovo design italiano, Idea books, 1999


R. Barthes, Elementi di Semiotica, Enaudi, 1979 M. Montanari V. Flusser, The shape of things. A philosophy of design, London 1999 (trad. it. Filosofia del design, Milano 2003)

“Tutto si impernia su quel monosillabo latino trans-, prefisso che ardita un attraversamento oltre un aldilà nel quale precipitano e ribollono le molteplici tensioni della nostra contemporaneità. L’ansia della metamorfosi, l’accelerazione del mutamento, la tendenza all’ibridazione, lo scarto nell’eterogeneità, nella fuggevolezza, nell’effimero.” Maurizio Vitta

Discipline umane che si intersecano alla disciplina del design creando un groviglio di interrelazioni. Design e scienze umane creano una dicotomia reciproca nella quale, il design si arricchisce di un contributo mediante l’ausilio delle scienze umane, e viceversa. Il design fornisce alle scienze umane gli strumenti per ottimizzare la raccolta e la visualizzazione dei dati analizzati tramite le scienze umane. Ogni artefatto è permeato da una forte componente umanistica e ciascuno si differenzia dagli altri anche a seconda delle discipline che lo hanno influenzato.

se m filo iotic s a ps ofia ico so log cio ia an log tto ia ge po og log sto rafi ia r a let ia te ra ur a


Riferimenti Bibliografici: U. Eco, Dall’albero al labirinto. Studi storici sul segno e l’interpretazione, Bompiani, 2007 F. Carmagnola, Vezzi insulsi e frammenti di storia universale. Tendenze estetiche nell’economia del simbolico, Roma 2001.

Trame simboliche

“Con la modernità, in cui non smettiamo di accumulare, di aggiungere, di rilanciare, abbiamo disimparato che è la sottrazione a dare la forza, che dall’assenza nasce la potenza. E per il fatto di non essere più capaci di affrontare la padronanza simbolica dell’assenza, oggi siamo immersi nell’illusione inversa, quella, disincantata, della proliferazione degli schermi e delle immagini.” Jean Baudrillard

Il tessuto interdisciplinare si snoda qui attraverso l’emblema tra significato e significante, prendendo in considerazione il caso in cui alla base della progettazione si celino segni riconosciuti da un gruppo di persone più o meno ampio.

se m filo iotica so psi fia co so log cio ia an log tto ia ge po og log sto rafi ia ri a lett a era ura


Autori: Approfondimento tematico su:

Brend scelti:

CRUCIALE di Giulio Iacchetti

Mooi, Droog Design

Trame contestuali

Iacchetti, Guixé, Cattelan, Formafantasma, Sasha Nordmayer, Thomas Thwaites

Riferimenti Bibliografici: M. Montanari, Il cibo come cultura, Laterza, 2007 G. Becattini, Dal distretto industriale allo sviluppo locale. Svolgimento e difesa di una idea, Torino 2000.

“Bringing parts of a context further in development is important, so you can push reality, solve problems, or at least make changes in behavior. Designing is like stringing beads : you have developed a theory and from there you choose a certain route, this path runs along the stories you've collected. Some beads form a combination that has never occurred before and spark off an entirely new concept.” Jurgen Bey

In questa sala prende campo un focus sulle contaminazioni che svolgono le risorse territoriali, le culture, i costumi, nello sviluppo di un progetto. Questa sala vuole analizzare nello specifico come si geolocalizza la genesi di un progetto, come le differenti esigenze determino la nascita di bisogni diametralmente opposti.

se m filo iotica so psi fia co so log cio ia an log tto ia ge po og log sto rafi ia ri a lett a era ura


Autori: Approfondimento tematico su:

Brend scelti:

Doha Memories Virginia University Qatar

Moustache, BD Barcellona

Studio Job, Arabeschi di latte, Jon Stam, Jurgen Bay, Seung Young Sung, Virginia University Katar Education city, Doshi Levien, Dot.Dot.Dot, Massoud Hassani

Trame prospettiche Riferimenti Bibliografici: D. Gavina, Ultrarazionale, ultramobile, Compositori, 1990 A. L. Greiner, G. Dematteis, C. Lanza, Geografia umana: un approccio visuale, UTET Università, 2012

“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.” JTim Brown, president and CEO

Visualizzare le operazioni visionarie dei creativi che spesso progettando offrono una nuova possibilità di azione, nuove prospettive attitudinali è l’obiettivo di questa ultima sala. L’osservazione effettuata aiuta a riflettere come quanto spesso l’introduzione di un nuovo progetto è risposta di un designer all’attualità e come spesso l’attualità sia influenzata viceversa dall’introduzione di nuovi interventi progettuali.

se m filo iotica so psi fia co so log cio ia an log tto ia ge po og log sto rafi ia ri a lett a era ura


Autori: Approfondimento tematico su:

Brend scelti:

Nebo di Thomas Thwaites,


Thomas Thwaites, Adrien Rovero, Constance Guisset, Dominic Wilcox, Elio Caccavale, Oligy & Mather, Bouroullec

Humanities + Design art exhibition brochures During the last year of Master’s Degree I was commissioned by professor Eleonora Lupo to design the brochures for an art exhibition at Politecnico di Milano called Humanities+Design. I had to create four difference brochures for the four sections of the exhibition. I took inspirations by the origami world. Indeed these four brochures were given at the entrance of the show to the visitors folded.

2 0 1 9

Cultural event Brand Identity Maggio delle Vedute is a biennial cultural exhibition that takes place during the spring in Fiorano Modenese. I designed all the brand identity and the communication of this series of cultural events, from the logo to the advertising campaign, creating online and offline advertising material, invitations, animated gif, newsletters. The color palette was inspired by color shades of spring season.

Cattolica University Restaurant rebranding During my job experience at Cattolica University in Milan I had the opportunity to work on the brand identity of one of the University’s restaurants. Linea 3 offers a wide range of fast foods, in particular pizza. To design a new identity for the restaurant, I was inspired by the works of pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. He was the first artist who used techniques derived from the appearance of commercial printing. For Linea 3 I designed new logo, menu, advertising, icons and illustrations.

Cattolica University Restaurant rebranding During my job experience at Cattolica University in Milan I had the opportunity to work on the brand identity of one of the University’s restaurants. Linea 3 offers a wide range of fast foods, in particular pizza. To design a new identity for the restaurant, I was inspired by the works of pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. He was the first artist who used techniques derived from the appearance of commercial printing. For Linea 3 I designed new logo, menu, advertising, icons and illustrations.

A.D. pictures logo The logo shows on the left side of the page i made for the event photographer Agostino d’ Aniello in 2011. He asked me not simply a logo, but something which he acknowledged in. The logo, in fact, is inspired to the world of writers and street artists, the most important passion the photographer had.



Enoteca Belledonne Napoli logo & identity ENOTECA BELLEDONNE


This logo i made for a franchising of napolitan wine bar called: Belle donne. I thought to design a glass of wine that formed the letters “B” and “D” ( Belle Donne) and to give a more youthful impression to the viewers with font less earnest.

canyon BISTROT logo & identity


I designed this logo for a traditional restaurant based in Napoli. The giant napolitan onion in the logo epitomize the bio-diversity and the neapolitan traditional cuisine, in fact, it grows only in the shadow of Vesuvius and on it is based most of the napolitans old dishes.


ssa M









Biologist - Nutrizionist logo & identity This logo represents for an half a DNA helix, which reminescents the Biology studies and for the other half an orange, symbol of a correct diet and healthy food.

Museo Emblema Nola

Museo Emblema Nola During the period when I worked at the Museum Emblema in Naples, I have organized many events for young people with the purpose of highlighting what the museum had to offer and bring the younger to the world of Vesuvian artist, an expert in the field of lighting design. The events took place between the factory of the artist in a beautiful stable tuff that lies on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius and the museum dedicated to him. Opened the dance with welcome drink, with a glance at various exhibitions and in the late evening bands and Dj-set animated even more events. I curated all the social media channels for Museo Emblema ( 20112014).



Fifty-eight is the name of a product designed by a group of young designers from Milan Polythecnic, that, using ultrasoud technolgy, aims to help people in shuting out five types of insects: mosquitos, spiders, cimicids, flies and moths. For this project I have engaged in designing all the communication part. I took the ispiration from a movie poster : “The Usual Suspects” directed by Bryan Singer in 1995. The bugs, that the product will drive away, are shown as prisoners , just after their captures, during the mugshot phase. 58 keeps away insects in a range of 5 metres, that’s why for a second advertising i designed the product in the middle of the page and the insects which could not reach the center, thanks to the ultrasound technology system.



art direction


Eau de Parfum Adv For the launch of the Ermanno scervino first frangrance I had the opportunity to work side by side with the Art Director Riccardo Ruini and his staff on the whole ADV Campaign. My duties were to guarantee that every point of the brief was respected, in line with the brand values.

My Tuscany Parfum Adv Even for the launch of the Ermanno scervino second frangrance: My Tuscany I had the chance to work side by side with the Art Director Riccardo Ruini and his staff on the whole ADV Campaign. My duties were to guarantee that every point of the brief was respected, in line with the brand values.




digital design

Website layout design During the last year I had the opportunity to design the new Ermanno Scervino website. I created the graphic layout design for all kind of website version (mobile and desktop) and than I collaborated with external web developers to realize it, and ensure that all graphic guidelines and Ermanno Scervino aesthetic were respected.

DEM & Newsletters When I worked as graphic designer for the Communication & Marketing department of FRETTE I was responsable to design all kind of DEM and Newsletters. The projects I worked on ranged from designing promotional newsletters to the creation of the dem for product launches and for special marketing events.

DEM & Newsletters When I worked as graphic designer for the Communication & Marketing department of FRETTE I was responsable to design all kind of DEM and Newsletters. The projects I worked on ranged from designing promotional newsletters to the creation of the dem for product launches and for special marketing events.

DEM & Newsletters When I worked as graphic designer for the Communication & Marketing department of FRETTE I was responsable to design all kind of DEM and Newsletters. The projects I worked on ranged from designing promotional newsletters to the creation of the dem for product launches and for special marketing events.








L’habitat (termine latino che significa egli abita) è il luogo le cui caratteristiche fisiche e abiotiche possono permettere ad una data specie di vivere, svilupparsi, riprodursi, garantendo qualità della vita, la quale può diminuire o aumentare in base ai cambiamenti climatici o demografici. La nostra grow room si propone di diventare dunque un piccolo habitat di verdure e



ABOUT US L’habitat (termine latino che significa egli abita) è il luogo le cui caratteristiche fisiche e abiotiche possono permettere ad una data specie di vivere, svilupparsi, riprodursi, garantendo qualità della vita, la quale può diminuire o aumentare in base ai cambiamenti climatici o demografici. La nostra grow room si propone di diventare dunque un piccolo habitat di verdure e


HAB grow room adptive website

HAB loading 67%

I designed the layout of the adptive HAB grow room web site. Via WEB will launch most of the communication material of HAB. In a future scenarios the growing room may have an open-source part and via website may be possible download 3D models of SOME of the components of the grow room . The layout and the architecture of the website are simple and intuitive to allow a quick and smooth navigation between the product information.


3D PRINTED SKATE WHEELS websie layout design The adaptive website design layout I made for Sprinted ‘3D printed skate wheels’ was thought to be also a social network, where skaters and makers could exchange opinions and match their ideas in order to gain better wheels performance. The users can customize his own wheel choosing between 96 colour combinations and order four diffent wheels. I designed the all user experience and user interface of Sprinted app and website.

Softwares RENDER



AliasDesign Autodesk

AliasDesign Autodesk

Keyshot luxion

AliasDesign Autodesk


Contacts dariopanicocreative@gmail.com +393772697193 Via E.T. Moneta 11, 20161, Milan

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