Green dragon adventure players guidebook complete

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Green Dragon Adventure Player’s Guidebook

This guidebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

The Green Dragon Adventure Player’s Guide is for the use of a play by post game hosted at

Welcome to Green Dragon Adventure a live roleplaying play by post game. In the Lands of Bavidirian you are destined to save the world from an ancient evil that has awakened. Here you can become a hero in various fashions depending on the choices you wish to make. Be it a hard worker of a town by owning businesses or an adventurer seeking riches by campaigning the lands. Your chance to fame and fortune begins here. What are you waiting for champion? Enter and explore! "Where'd I go just then? Well, I just nipped off to the Bavidirian Wildlands, explored an Elven City with an Ancient Tree, dodged a half dozen fiendish traps, battled a hundred or so monsters, defeated the undead queen and brought back a wagonload of treasure. Not bad for five minutes work. Ahhh... and me ale's still fizzy." - Rocacresct Sturmin, Dwarven Adventurer and Champion of Rondor

What is Green Dragon Adventure? Green Dragon Adventures is a free play by post fantasy strategy game. It is a game to where you can choose to explore the lands, start businesses, be a hero or villain, or just live a simple life as a farmer. It is your choice! Green Dragon Adventure is an original fantasy setting created by GD that has its own unique game system that is easy to learn on the first day.

What is a Play by Post Game? A play by post game (PbP game) is an online text based roleplaying game in which players (also called writers) interact with each other in a predefined environment via text. It is a subset of the online role-playing community which caters to both gamers and creative writers. PbP games may be based on other role-playing games in all types of genres. Green Dragon Adventures so happens to be high fantasy in a medieval type setting. Is it like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder? It may seem like a Dungeons & Dragons game, yet it really is a bit easier in this perspective. You don’t have to spend a long time working on the character creation or have to carry a bag of dice to play this game. You don’t have to be on at a certain time of the week reporting to a group of players either. This game doesn’t take long to play allowing you to enjoy other games online while reaping the benefits of this one. Is the game automated? No this game is hosted for you live.

Do I roll at any time the dice for this game? The DM rolls dice for both your adventurer and the opponents. He also rolls for certain events the adventurer may encounter. Do I adjust the character sheet at anytime during the game? The DM also adjusts your character sheet for you after each action spreadsheet result. What exactly can I do in this game? To play this game you only have to issue 5 commands on a spreadsheet whenever you have time. You can also write in a journal about your adventurer’s experiences after each spreadsheet result. What is an action spreadsheet? An action spreadsheet allows you to issue commands for your adventurer. The adventurer has 5 action points per day. The week has 5 days so each action point represents one full day. Your action spread sheet is right below your character sheet that your DM created for you here in the forums at the site.

How do I get started? Click on the register button at the website to answer questions to build your character. Once you have become a registered member wait for the DM to post your character sheet in the forums. From there you will receive further instructions on how to play the game.

What can I do while I wait for my character sheet to be created? Once you have registered, find the time to read the Player's Guidebook to see how the game works. If you have additional questions then look for them at the Table of Content Rules Forum.

Do I have to be on certain days or times in the week to play this game? You come in whenever you have time. There is no specific time to play the game.

Is this just another hack and slash game? It can be if you like, yet some have chosen the quiet life and just work a profession safely in town the entire game session if desired. It is your choice! You can be an adventurer, a lord, a furniture maker, and much more. We have dozens of apprenticeships, noble titles, and guild memberships to join.

How many classes and races are there to choose from? There are 12 races and 12 classes to choose from. This doesn't include the sub-classes in which you can additionally have once your adventurer reaches the 5th level. This also doesn't include the many professions that you can become. You can become a bower, shoemaker, yak herder, etc. etc.

When exploring the lands what will I find? Over 2000 different events can happen to your adventurer ranging from encountering monsters, allies, finding magical items, solving riddles, winning the lottery, falling in love, exploring ruins and dungeons, or even inheriting businesses.

Who made this game? GD (online name) your humble host and DM has made this game available for you for free! He enjoys hosting to adventurers and see where they end up. Come join him for some fun! If you have any questions then don’t hesitate to ask at

Introduction You have found the secret lair of an ancient green dragon in the Dwanen Mountains! Turn back adventurer before it is too late! Do you have a passion for tabletop style roleplaying games but just don't have the time for them? The Green Dragon Adventures just might have a solution for you. This one of the kind fantasy game only takes a few minutes per day to enjoy. You don't have to spend hours creating a character sheet, participate in a group session at a certain day and time of the week, and you only need to come in once a day for 15 minutes online! The Green Dragon Adventure's Roleplaying Game is very easy to understand and can be addictive. You simply create a character sheet while signing up and the DM will automatically create your character sheet which will be posted in the forums waiting for you. From there, you look for your character sheet and follow instructions on how to proceed. In principle, you have 5 commands to issue per day (or whenever you have time) so your adventurer can stay busy throughout that day. This game isn't only about slaughtering monsters to get the valuable loot, but also one can own businesses, practice a skill, marry and have kids, rescue a damsel in distress or save a prince's life. There are also campaigns to explore, and one can own many buildings and rent them out. So what do we have here? 1. Character creation is done for you. 2. There is no requirement to participate at a certain time or day. 3. The game caters to your style of roleplaying.

4. It takes only 15 minutes to issue commands for your adventurer to stay busy for the day or whenever you have time to play. 5. The game is free. 6. You receive space to write a journal of your adventurer's experiences if desired. (Writers welcomed!) 7. There are easy to understand rules on how to get engaged in the game right away. 8. The game is more than just a hack and slash and reap the treasure gaming. (Of course you can play this also if desired) 9. The game is played in the forums. 10. A Player's Guide will get you started right away.

Requirements to play Join the site at When signing up at the website you will be asked the following questions. 1. What is your first name? 2. Which kind of race do you prefer? Minotaur, Kort (Large Human), Bavidirian (Average Size Human), Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Dwarf, High Elf, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Halfling, Gnome, or Catfolk. 3. Which class do you select? Mage, Necromancer, Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Rogue, Assassin, Mercenary, Brute, Fighter, Warrior, or Barbarian. When the information has been completed your DM will create a character sheet, which will be located in the forums for you. It will be in the folder that matches the class you have selected.

Races in the Lands of Bavidirian

HALFLINGS Favorite Class: Halfling Rogue – Strong Attribute in Stealth Story so far‌.. The Halflings of the Hills of Dilan have always kept to themselves and do not mingle in the affairs of the lands. As very few leave their hill homes they invite any friendly traveler to enjoy their continuous festivities and home cooked meals. As the skies have gotten darker eliminating the mood for festivity and the growth of nature the halfing leader Felin Boartoes visited Castle Bavidirian to inform of what is happening. Learning of the threat of Demons the halfling chief relayed the information to his people hoping that such evil will never reach their homes. Through council the Halflings agreed to leave their hill homes to the protected free city of Rondor until the Demon threat is over. About halfings‌.. Halflings are 3 feet tall and walk barefoot as their soles on their feet are so thick that even prickly thorns get squashed from them. Besides the hairy smelly toes that receive a good dose of fresh air because of their agile and quick legs they can run as fast as other races if not faster making them hard to encounter when danger occurs. Their nimble fingers are always touching something and their curious minds allow them to learn unconventional ideas in getting by on day to day bases. Halflings live in hill homes and celebrate most of the days enjoying the lands favorite sweet liquor Grapan in which they grow the special roots right over their hilly roofs throughout the cyclone (year). With 6 meals a day and little interest in

exploring the lands many live a simple life of great joy. There are the exceptions of course, as a few halflings do dare to venture forth beyond the hills and become expert treasure hunters as they would prefer to be called. In actuality, society sees them as expert rogues reaping much gold and treasures before retiring back to their hill homes.

Billibon Strudeln is one of the characters based in the free Novel “Darkness Awakens�. Ask for it to receive a free copy!

DWARVES Favorite Class: Dwarven Warrior – Strong Attribute in Physical Story so far‌. The Dwarves of the Dwanen Mountains have been at war with goblins and orcs for as long as the mountains have existed. Their constant struggle for territory inside the mountains has always been a challenge. Times have shifted when dark elves have emerged to their level warning of the threat of demons. Not waiting to see what these demons contain the dwarves left their great halls to live on the surface lands. Most have helped build the fort of Staendor, yet some have moved to the free city of Rondor for the chance to work for the empire to help defeat the demon threat. About Dwarves‌ The Dwanen Dwarves once had magnificent halls inside the mountains before the threat of Demons reached ears. The Great War between dark elves and the hordes of Morashitar an Overlord of the demons had finally come to an end. The dwarves known to be great miners, smiths, and builders constructed a magnificent fortress and town named after their legendary hero Staengdor who unfortunately was too old to see the completion of the structures honored in his name. Dwarves are not kind to other races and prefer to stay amongst themselves rarely leaving the surrounding areas of Staengdor. There is however, an outpost for trading, but only because they desire some basic needs that are hard to get where they stay. Those that do venture outside their territory are considered insane, yet are always welcomed back home to get appropriate help when needed. The dwarves stand at 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide if you take a chance to really observe them. As they are equally wide as tall they often reach the strength of a hill giant and love to boast about their skills in mining and armor smithing. Dwarven goods (besides the gems they find) are hard

to come by in the lands and those that do have the privilege to own anything created by a dwarf are considered lucky to own such a great quality item.

BAVIDIRIANS (HUMANS) Favorite Class: Bavidirian Cleric – Strong Attribute in Magic Story so far….. The Bavidirian Empire has long been established after the Pixies of the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion and the High Elves of the Seas set foot on land. Their constant building of towns has led them to patrol their territories ensuring safety of their people. Eventually as the land is shared the Empire agreed to create an alliance with other races to ensure safety against those that mean harm. Today they fight against the consistent threat of Demons trying to enter the lands and destroy any that dwell on it. Unfortunately the demons are winning the wars and have destroyed every Bavidirian town including the castle the lands has. There is one however, that still shows resistance and that is the free town of Rondor. There the clerics gather for their last stand against the evil forces of demons. About Bavidirians……. Bavidirians are the most populace race in the lands. These short lived humans sizing at 5 to 6 feet and weighing at 150 to 220 pounds (males) are fast learners and curious at heart because of their short lifespan. They tend to enjoy the finer things in life and always seek ways to expand their territory to discover more. The Bavidirian Empire lead by King Bavidirian are busy ensuring the safety of their various towns and jurisdictions as they fight against Demons trying to enter the lands through the Cave of Morashitar. A large army lead by the legendary hero Lord Denonimas continous to campaign for recruits to ensure the army never dwindles at the caves mouth fighting these horrific creatures of the underworld. In the meantime, Bavidirian towns thrive in business inviting any race to enjoy the benefits of a good life as long as they obey the laws set out for them.

Bavidirians rely on much faith in a higher deity to keep them occupied with the greater questions they may pose. Those that do decide to follow a holy order become faithful in their deeds as clerics and receive the gift of healing as they travel preaching their experiences.

HIGH ELVES Favorite Class: High Elf Mage – Strong Attribute in Magic Story so far….. The High Elves have enter the lands a century after the pixies first found safety in the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion on where they found the ancient tree of balance. Its powers have taught the art of magic to pixies who later offered the powers to high elves in return of an oath to protect the woods together. It is said that the magic the tree has holds the balance between good and evil ensuring that the lands stay safe. About High Elves….. High Elves are scholarly in nature always delving into the arts of learning the mystical parts of the world such as understanding spirits and magical beings. Their large tree houses enchant newcomers as the golden leaves are enchanted. Swienalden (Golden Leaves in High Elvin language) is considered a vacation retreat for many races as the large town of trees enchant sometimes hypnotize the others when visiting the magnificent home to high elves. High Elves enjoy company and love to share the newest findings of the unknown to other races. They stand at 6 feet and are naturally thin in a healthy way. Their fair tan skin and fine straight long hair gives them handsome or beautiful features often describe as the perfect creation. They live well over thousands of years where as only pixies in the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion or dragons seem to outlive them as a challenge. High Elves live off the lands on islands in the Maniput Sea. The Seven Islands of Silvernarion are not well known to the races for only one gets the most attention because of the beauty of the capital of Swienalden. High Elves always have their eyes pried in magical books, objects, or items sometimes spending days without rest to acquire more

knowledge on the subjects making knowledgeable mages in the lands.




WOOD ELVES Favorite Class: Wood Elf Druid – Strong Attribute in Magic Story so far…. Wood Elves have enjoyed the lands in scattered tribes for many centuries before a queen had united them. Her rule is strict allowing none to leave Algaesiarti (Nurenhill Forest) for the safety of the race. Little is known exactly about the wood elves and their belief system, yet there are few….very few that can tell more. About Wood Elves….. Wood Elves are green skinned, blondish hair, and have dark green eyes with handsome and beautiful features. They have slim bodies and spend most of the day on trees enjoying their platformed homes in the open. They resent or fail to understand the lives of others that live against nature by isolating themselves from it. Wood Elves enjoy the mystical powers of nature respecting the trees as of all life that roams the forests and become great protectors of their environment. Where a pack of wolves would normally attack a newcomer, wood elves would walk amongst them. Where a grizzly bear would ward off any close to their cubs, wood elves would play with them. Wood Elves learn the spiritual heart of what Mother Nature offers as a lifetime endeavor and study. Those that do venture outside of the forest are classed as outcasts and are never welcomed back to the community.

GNOMES Favorite Class: Gnome Necromancer – Strong Attribute in Magic Story so far….. Gnomes have originally started in the caves of the Unikam Lands before clans began to fight amongst each other over dominance, ideologies, and lifestyles. The wars were so severe that the opposing clan decided to migrate into the Lands of Bavidirian. They received a permit to build on a patch of land just south of Castle Bavidirian and grounded the underground town of Gnoertork, which is bolted with the thickest iron doors. They do not associate themselves with outside dwellers, yet do allow the West Bavidirian Trading Company that have special permits to trade with them occasionally. About Gnomes…. Gnomes are short and heavyset with bad tempers. They have gray skin and are mostly bald. Their heavyset frame often prefers to wear dull and darker robes caring less about their appearance. They are shrewd business negotiators, masters of rhetoric, and hard thinkers when it comes to tinkering their latest inventions. Gnomes had migrated into the Lands of Bavidirian 500 cyclone years ago from the Unikam Lands after a civil war of amongst their kinds. Those that were tired of the wild ways of life and wanted more equality amongst everyone were ousted out and found a new home in these lands. Their settlement, which is now a large town lies just south of Castle Bavidirian and is named after their first migrates called “Gnoertork” lead by Mortiscork the Wise who is now preserved in clear hardened wax at the cemetery to be honored. The town is full of inventors, quarrels of verbal fights and occasional magic misuse as of interests in furthering technology to prove the uselessness of magic.

DARK ELVES Favorite Class: Dark Elf Assassin – Strong Attribute in Stealth Story so far…. Dark Elves were once High Elves until a powerful Necromancer called Pythonian offered ancient powers if they follow him to the underworlds of the Dwanen Mountains. There their skin changed in color as of their characteristics matching the expectations of the underworld. As they became more powerful, a war was waged against demons. Unfortunately after many cyclone years of war they lost and were forced to live on the surface lands to where half of them live in the free town of Rondor and the other half in the Dark Tower erected by the ancient wizard Torak the Black. About Dark Elves…. Dark Elves are rarely seen in the lands as they have lived for thousands of cyclones years inside the underworlds of the Dwanen Mountains. Those few that survived now strive in the lands being semi accepted by some of the races. Their extraordinary skills in combat and magic have allowed them to become a valuable ally to the Empire relaying information on the weaknesses of Demons. Those few dark elves that sprinkle the lands often find refuge at either the Dark Tower led by Torak the Black an evil dark elf master mage or the Stronghold led by Ald’Seran the last ancient warrior of the dark elves, better known as the Silver King. Dark Elves are naturally stealthy, see best in the dark compared to any race, and can become dangerous assassins. Although evil by nature some do find a way to mingle with surfacedwellers and adapt to the lifestyle. Although rarely accepted in the lands the free city of Rondor tends to tolerate them. The Lord of the town believes that Dark Elves know ways to defeat demons and the knowledge should be taken seriously.

Dark Elves do not like to show themselves and offer cover most of their faces and hands to avoid confusion amongst the races of the lands.

KORTS Favorite Class: Kort Barbarian – Strong Attribute in Physical Korts are huge humans standing at 9 to 10 feet tall and weighing around 340 pounds to 500 (males). They have lost a war with the catfolk’s mass armies and were forced to flee into the dangerous Unknown Mountains Valleys to reach the outskirts of the Lands of Bavidirian just southwest of the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion. There they created a settlement named after their tribe “Kort”. Although not welcomed at first the Bavidirian Empire had reached an agreement that the Korts would not try to expand their territory beyond their settlement. The battle weary tribes agreed and now have a good relation with the Bavidirians. Today they work hard in regaining their lives and all they have lost in their homelands. They are strong hunters, builders, and trainers in the art of melee combat. The women also with their day to day chores of tanning leather, hunting, and ensuring a future for younger generations are often discouraged at the unequal treatment of the male counterparts. Some Korts grow bored of the day to day tasks and seek adventurer hitching a ride with a sea merchant to the mainlands to explore other cultures and races. The Korts are natural fighters and prefer to fight alone wearing only the basic armors but wielding the heaviest weapons man can think of.

HALF ELVES Favorite Class: Half Elf Ranger – Strong Attribute in Stealth Never truly accepted in society these rare mixed wanderers often struggle to identify themselves. Bavidirians usually are discouraged as of the Elves when a half elf is encountered, which forces them to become loners in the world. Their interest in nature and living amongst it as of mastering the skills of ranged combat makes them formidable opponents to any. They are sensitive by nature, but also very quick in decision making when times get tough. They can become natural leaders if a group accepts their origin. Half Elves are few, but those that are make a great difference in community as they ease themselves in situations allowing them to have the greater edge in information and ideas to find a way to get ahead in society. Afterall, gold as of great deeds is what makes people interested in someone regardless of heritage or culture and their quick resolve in solving problems has changed the minds of even the most prejudice in the lands.

MINOTAURS Favorite Class: Minotaur Fighter – Strong Attribute in Physical The Minotaur is one of the strongest and most combative of the monstrous humanoids. Graced with a powerful gore attacks and familiarity with weapons, the minotaur represents a tough opponent for dungeon-exploring heroes. Now, the Minotaur class allows the cunning and ferocity of this classic foe to work to the benefit of those that enjoy pure strength over cunning skills of magic or agility. The Minotaur favors travel and enjoys the idea of exploring new lands. That being said, the Minotaur is not a native ot the Lands of Bavidirian and very few come to visit to see what they can acquire to bring back to the lands they come from.

HALF ORCS Favorite Class: Half Orc Brute: Strong Attribute in Physical Half Orcs are not well liked in communities, thanks to their orcish half. Unlike Half Elves, Half Orcs have a tough hide and are very stubborn (maybe naïve even) as they don’t pay mind to how others feel about them. They are use to hardships and prefer difficult labor professions that most would complain about if they had to do them. They make for great protection as they are masters in taunting. Half Orcs also enjoy drinking and have a high tolerance for it. They make friends with Kort Barbarians easily as they share a lot in common. Although not accepted in most communities and organizations the Warrior’s Guild as of security businesses value half orcs and hire them immediately.

CATFFOLKS Favorite Class: Catfolk Mercenaries – Strong Attribute in Stealth Story so far… Catfolks are from the Unikam Lands. It is a rough terrain wasteland partially covered in sand. They had a war with the barbarian tribes for hundreds of cyclone years and managed to win the war forcing the last tribe to flee in the forbidden Unknown Mountains. Catfolks dislike cold weather and didn’t pursue the barbarians claiming victory to have a land they can call their own. As the years passed by a few mercenaries heard rumors of how to strike it rich by exploring the Lands of Bavidirian. Very few dare the travel through the cold mountains and many of them die in the process. About Catfolks… Catfolks are usually 5 feet tall with different color furs. Some are calico, others are tabbies, and some have black, spotted white, or even shades of grayish blue. They love to travel on all four, but in towns they walk only on their hind legs. Catfolks come from the Unikam Lands at the town of Purr, which is actually rumored that it was built beneath the sands of the lands. They prefer to eat meat raw and love goat’s milk or any milk for that matter. They have a special ability to adapt to races and some are rumored to even shapeshift into them for a few days. They have an hatred to kort barbarians, yet the mercenaries catfolks are uninterested in the history between the two races and are willing to reside the difference if the barbarian does so as well. Catfolks can see at night so torches or lanterns are never needed.

Creating your Adventurer Alorath is the third planet of the Auralois System. The planet has two moons evolving around it. The campaign is based on a continent called “The Lands of Bavidirian”. The problem: Demons have proven victorious after the last Great War against the armies of dark elves. Now they desire more power and surface the Lands of Bavidirian scorching and killing everything in their way. Most of the towns and villages have been destroyed and the races of the lands are forced to unite in the free city of Rondor. It is the last town of hope to save that of mankind. You are an adventurer seeking a way to make it in this world and hoping to survive the turmoil’s ahead. Your next task is to choose an adventurer. Read further on which adventurer you would like to represent.

First pick a Race Race




Halfling Dwarf Gnome Half Orc Catfolk Minotaur Half Elf Wood Elf High Elf Dark Elf Kort Bavidirian

12 *14 10 *16 12 *16 12 12 10 12 *16 12

*16 10 12 8 *16 10 12 12 12 *18 10 10

10 10 *18 10 10 10 12 *14 *18 10 8 *14

Hit Points 12 16 10 16 14 14 14 12 10 10 16 14

Favorite Rogue Warrior Necromancer Brute Mercenary Fighter Ranger Druid Mage Assassin Barbarian Cleric

Second pick a class Class




Rogue Warrior Necromancer Brute Mercenary Fighter Ranger Druid Mage Assassin Barbarian Cleric

1 3 0 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 4 2

4 1 0 0 4 2 4 1 0 6 0 0

0 0 6 0 0 0 0 5 6 0 0 3

Hit Points 1 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 1

Attribute Strength Stealth Physical Magic Physical Stealth Physical Stealth Magic Magic Stealth Physical Magic

Third create a name Find a name that matches the race you have chosen. One can find the name on a search engine generator for the specific race on the internet. Please do not use Earth names such as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. Once the information has been sent to the DM a character sheet will be available for you to use. While you are waiting for your character sheet to be created read the Player’s Guide thoroughly to get an idea of how this game is played.

Understanding your character sheet. Once you find your character sheet in the forums of the site look at it and see what it details. If you have any questions contact your DM for further help.

Understanding Attributes Physical: Measures your character’s muscle and physical power. This ability is especially important for fighters, barbarians, paladins, rangers, and warriors because it helps them prevail in combat. Stealth: Measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is the most important ability for rogues, but it’s also high on the list for characters who typically wear light or medium armor (rangers and barbarians) or no armor at all (monks, wizards, and sorcerers), and for anyone who wants to be a skilled assassin. Magic: Determines how well your adventurer learns and reasons. This ability is important for mages, druids, necromancers, and clerics because it affects how many spells they can cast, how hard their spells are to resist, and how powerful their spells can be. Hit Points: Represents your character’s health and stamina. If it reaches zero the adventurer has died.

Spreadsheet Instructions Once you have submitted your information when registering at the site the DM will post your character sheet in the forums. Below the character sheet on the thread is where the game is played. There will be an action point command spreadsheet available below the character sheet. It will look like this. SCREENNAME: (The Screenname you give yourself for the site) CURRENT LOCATION: Rondor at the Green Dragon’s Inn NAME: (Your adventurer’s name that you have selected) CLASS: (The Class you have selected for your adventurer) RACE: (The Race you have selected for your adventurer) EVENT CALENDAR: The Month of Disease WEEK: 1 * ACTION 1: ACTION 2: ACTION 3: ACTION 4: ACTION 5: Here is an example of commands this particular player used for in his first week of gaming. SCREENNAME: Mjorr CURRENT LOCATION: Rondor at the Green Dragon's Inn NAME: Ainion Teldiril CLASS: Ranger RACE: Half Elf EVENT CALENDAR: The Month of Disease WEEK: 1 of 72 * ACTION 1: Work at Lumberyard ACTION 2: Explore Town ACTION 3: Explore Town ACTION 4: Explore Lands ACTION 5: Return

Here is the example of what the DM will post as results for those commands above. SCREENNAME: Mjorr CURRENT LOCATION: Rondor at the Green Dragon’s Inn NAME: Ainion Teldiril CLASS: Ranger RACE: Half Elf EVENT CALENDER: The Month of Disease WEEK: 1 of 72 * ACTION 1 – Work at Lumberyard - Rolfenson the stark dwarf with a grumpy manner is always hiring temporary workers to chop wood. He wants strong men that can actually do the work. He looks at the ranger and says very well then, I will give you a try. As the day passes the half elf chops the wood and loads it on a carriage. The dwarf is satisfied and pays 20 gold pieces and 10 experience points for the work. The will o wisp annoys the dwarf however and asks the adventurer to not bring the annoying mosquito back here if he wishes to work. * ACTION 2 – Explore Town - The adventurer arrives at a Prancy Pony Pub (unpopular in Nurenhill) and finds a large group of prisoners escorted by the town’s guards. Somehow the prisoners get out of their shackles and attack! The 1d6 die determines how many the adventurer must fight. Each prisoner has Physical 21 Stealth 19 Magic 5. Rolled a 6! Prisoner #1 Physical 21 Stealth 19 Attack Roll 16 – 2 leather armor = 54 total (Dies) Ainion Half Elf has Stealth 29 Physical 15 Attack Roll 17 = 61 total Prisoner #2 Physical 21 Stealth 19 Attack Roll 10 – 2 leather armor = 48 total (Dies) Ainion Half Elf has Stealth 29 Physical 15 Attack Roll 9 = 53 total

Prisoner #3 Physical 21 Stealth 19 Attack Roll 17– 2 leather armor = 55 total (Dies) Ainion Half Elf has Stealth 29 Physical 15 Attack Roll 13 = 57 total Prisoner #4 Physical 21 Stealth 19 Attack Roll 14– 2 leather armor = 52 total (Dies) Ainion Half Elf has Stealth 29 Physical 15 Attack Roll 10 = 54 total Prisoner #5 Physical 21 Stealth 19 Attack Roll 13– 2 leather armor = 51 total (Dies) Ainion Half Elf has Stealth 29 Physical 15 Attack Roll 14 = 58 total Prisoner #6 Physical 21 Stealth 19 Attack Roll 7– 2 leather armor = 45 total (Dies) Ainion Half Elf has Stealth 29 Physical 15 Attack Roll 16 = 60 total The half elf is so quick the prisoners had no chance as the guards take once again control of the remaining prisoners. They tried to rob the pub but failed. The adventurer earns 648 experience points. Unfortunately the prisoners had no gold pieces to go with that. * ACTION 3 – Explore Town – On the next day a few of the inhabitants praise the half elf for such great effort in bringing order to the escaped prisoners. Even a few guards acknowledge the half elf. A sector of the town lies under quarantine after an outbreak of a mysterious fever. The adventurer is being kept inside today. The DM’s 1d18 dice roll will determine the event. Rolled a 13. 01 to 12: The adventurer has sicknesses and will lose 2 hit points per action point spent until a cure is found.

13 to 18: The adventurer is spared from sickness and earns 50 experience points for the event. * ACTION 4 – Explore Land – On this foul day evil magic is casted causing many to lose their siblings. Fortunately the adventurer doesn’t have any. He roams the lands in search of any activity but finds nothing. * ACTION 5 – Return – The adventurer makes it safely to town to stay in his room at the Green Dragon’s Tavern, which he paid for the entire cyclone year. * 030 Gold Pieces 020 Gold Pieces Added = Action 1 050 Total Gold Pieces for the week. * 000 Experience Points 010 Experience Points Added = Action 1 010 Total 648 Experience Points Added = Action 2 658 Total 050 Experience Points Added = Action 3 708 Total Experience Points for the week. * 6 Wins -12% Steel Sword -6% Short Bow -18% Leather Armor

Command List Options Each day your adventurer is allowed to post 5 action points. These commands will tell the DM on what your adventurer wishes to do in the Lands of Bavidirian. In these lands each command counts as 1 complete day. Explore Lands - The DM rolls a 1d1610 die to determine the event. This command allows the adventurer to explore the Lands of Bavidirian. Warning: The adventurer is liable to die when using this command for there are some formidable and strong opponents lurking in these lands. After the event the group returns to Rondor unless the event says otherwise. Explore Town - If your adventurer is in town then one can issue this command to see what one can encounter while staying in town. Warning: The adventurer is liable to die when using this command for there are some formidable and strong opponents lurking in town. Return - This command allows the adventurer to return to the Green Dragon’s Tavern. Remember to post that your adventurer enters the Green Dragon's Inn at the thread page “Green Dragon Tavern” indicating that the adventurer is to rest in the room that has been paid for the entire cyclone year. Only then will the adventurer regain his or her full hit point status. If the adventurer is residing in a different town or location then the command "return" doesn't recovery any hit points. Camp - This command allows the adventurer to rest and restore 2 hit points. This command is only necessary if the adventurer cannot return to town during a special event. Otherwise it would just be wiser to use the “Return” command to regain full hit points. One doesn’t camp in town and therefore the command “Camp” will be nullified.

Drop (name of item) – Allows the adventurer to drop an item. Switch (name of items) – Allows the adventurer to switch the 2nd weapon with the 1st weapon that is equipped. Equip (name of item) – Allows the adventurer to equip an item, weapon, or armor. Use (name of item) – Allows the adventurer to use a scroll, potion, or special item. Eat (name of item) – Allows the adventurer to eat when needed. Drink (name of item) – Allows the adventurer to drink when needed. Travel (destination) – Allows the adventurer to travel to one safe location to another. Pickpocket – Allows the adventurer to attempt to take an item that is not his own. This command can only be used when in a town. If the adventurer is not a rogue then a 1d20 die roll will determine how much gold pieces have been stolen. If the adventurer is a rogue a 1d150 dice roll is used. Sell (name of item and location) – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item at the marketplace. Make sure to indicate which specific item and which store it is being sold when using this command. Example: Sell Steel Sword at Nurenhill’s Market. One can only sell if the adventurer is actually in town. To ensure he is in a town use the command “Return” before using the command “Sell”. Purchase (name of item and location) – This command allows the adventurer to buy an item. Make sure to be specific of which store your adventurer is visiting and what item he is purchasing. Make sure the adventurer has enough gold to buy the item also or the action point will be nullified. One can only purchase if the adventurer is actually in town. To ensure he is

in a town use the command “Return” before using the command “Purchase”. Train (name of building) – Allows the adventurer to train to achieve the next level advancement. Pray (name of building) – Allows the adventurer to pray at a cathedral or shrine. This command is necessary if the adventurer is a member of a guild or movement that requires praying or worship. Apply (name of profession) – Allows the adventurer to apply for work at the Town Hall. Make sure the adventurer is in a town that offers a Magistrate to offer a position for the profession the adventurer desires. Make sure to look at the list of professions available at the Hall, which can be found further down in this guidebook. Work (name of profession) – Allows the adventurer to work at a specific profession to earn gold. One must first apply for a profession at the Town Hall before using the “Work” command. Rent – Allows the adventurer to collect rent if he owns a house. To purchase a house go to the Town Hall to see the options available. Pay Fine (and the amount of gold pieces) – Allows the adventurer to pay a fine if caught from town officials for doing illegal activity. The fine is paid at the Town Hall. Quit (name of apprenticeship or master skill) - Allows the adventurer to quit an apprenticeship or a skill in trade. Trade (name of adventurer and items being traded) - Allows the adventurer to trade an item with another adventurer. Challenge (name of adventurer) – Allows the adventurer to challenge a roleplayers adventurer. Whoever wins the battle takes half of the gold pieces and items of choice.

Travel Together (name of adventurer) - This command allows two adventurers to travel together. They must share the same command spreadsheet together and split the gold pieces, items, and experience points when encountering an opponent. All 5 commands on that spreadsheet will be used together. The decisions for the 5 commands must be agreed upon together before posting the spreadsheet. Attack (name of shop owner and building) - This command allows the adventurer to attack a shop owner or anyone that owns a building in town. Gather & Brew (name of potion) - This command is used by adventurer's that are druids. They gather herbs and use them to mix and brew potions they are trained in creating. If they forget to use this command once in the 5 action points they have per week then no new potions will be added to the inventory. Write & Channel (name of scroll) - This command is used by adventurer's that are mages. They write on scrolls and use the words of magic to channel to create new scrolls. If they forget to use this command once in the 5 action points they have per week then no new scroll will be added to the inventory. Challenge (name of adventurer) - This command is allows the adventurer to challenge in a duel with another adventurer. The one being challenged must accept the battle (latest by next spreadsheet results) or lose 100 gold pieces for not accepting the challenge. Make sure to indicate exactly what the adventurer wants to do in each command so there will be no confusions between the roleplayer and DM. This spreadsheet may take a couple of minutes to complete each time one creates one. Rushing the creation of the action points can result in the death of the adventurer! Be careful! Also there are more commands to be used. Look at the instructions for each building in Rondor, Swienalden, or the Dark Tower.

Advancement Options NOTE: The adventurer must be approached by someone that offers advancement or a location is found that offers advancement starting at level 5. Rogue: At 5th Level the Rogue can either become a Pirate, Swashbuckler, or Green Dragon Monk. The Halfling Rogue can join the Rogue's Guild if desired. At any level the Rogue can become a Bard. Cleric: At 5th Level the Cleric can become either become a Priest, Knight, or a Green Dragon Monk. At any level the Bavidirian Cleric can become a Bard. The Cleric is automatically a member of the Cathedral. Barbarian: At 5th Level the Barbarian can either become an Amazonian (for female) or Chieftain (for males) or a Green Dragon Monk (for both genders). At any level the Barbarian can become a Bard. There are no Guild options for Barbarians. Necromancer: At 5th level the Necromancer can become a Lich. The Necromancer can join both the Necromancer and Dark Cultist Guild if desired. The Necromancer cannot become a Green Dragon Monk or a Bard. Ranger: At 5th Level the Ranger can become either a Dragonrider or a Green Dragon Monk. At any level the Ranger can become a Bard. Rangers do not join guilds. Druid: At 5th Level the Druid can become either a Forest Guardian or a Green Dragon Monk. At any level the Druid can become a Bard. The Druid can join the Druid's Circle if desired. Mage: At 5th Level the Mage can become either a Wizard or a Green Dragon Monk. At any level the Mage can become a Bard. The Mage can join the Mage's Guild if desired.

Assassin: At 5th Level the Assassin can become a Shade. The Assassin can join both the Assassin's and Dark Cultist Guild if desired. The Assassin cannot become a Green Dragon Monk or a Bard. Warrior: At 5th Level the Warrior can become either a Champion or Green Dragon Monk. The Warrior can join the Warrior's Guild and become a Bard if desired. Fighter: At 5th Level the Fighter can either become a Gladiator Supreme or a Brute Master. A Fighter does not join the Green Dragon Monk Order, a Dark Cultist Faction, or become Bards. The Fighter has a 50% chance in joining the Warrior's Guild.

Sub-Class Option List Sub-Class Options can happen if the adventurer attains 5th level and encounters an event while exploring the lands or visiting a town that offers the change. If the adventurer does attain a sub-class the following bonuses must be added to the character sheet.

At level 5 the Necromancer can become a Dark Cultist Class: The Dark Cultist receives +5 Magic upon change of class. Bonus: Receives a skull staff of summoning imp, which adds +2 to magic. The skull staff increases +1 to magic when the dark cultist attains a new level.

At level 5 the Female Barbarian can become an Amazonian. Class: The Amazonian (only for female barbarians) receive + 5 Physical when changing class. Bonus: Receives the Spear of Piercing granted by the Eartinya. It offers + 8 Physical.

At level 5 the Cleric can become a Priest. Class: The Priest receives + 5 Magic upon change of class. Bonus: Staff of Undead – Every undead creature (zombie, ghoul, and arch lich) must reduce half of their attributes when the priest wields this weapon.

At level 5 the Cleric can become a Holy Warrior. Class: The Holy Warrior receives + 15 Physical upon change of class. Bonus: Holy Sword of Light – Adds + 6 Physical when equipped. Adds +12 against Undead opponents.

At level 5 the Assassin can become a Shade. Class: The Shade receives + 7 Stealth upon the change in class. Bonus: Twin Scimitars are given that provide an additional +3 each on attributes.

At level 5 the Warrior can become a Gladiator. Class: The Gladiator receives + 5 Physical added when change of class occurs. Bonus: The Helmet of Magic Defense is granted by Fiereka, which forces foes that favors Magic attribute to not be able to use the 1d18 attack roll.

At level 5 the Holy Warrior can become a Knight. Class: The Knight receives + 5 Physical added when attaining this class. Bonus: Plate Armor of Honor – 8 Enemy roll when attacking. The knight starts as an initiate and must join the Cathedral if he wants to become a Paladin later.

At level 5 the Mage can become a Wizard. Class: Wizard receives + 7 Magic when attaining this new class. Bonus: The Spell Tome of Holding, which allows the Wizard to add an additional 10 to Magic. Levitate – allows the bearer to lift off from the ground at will when needed. The Spell Tome of Holding never leaves its owner and is incorruptible of being lost in the inventory always securing a spot.

At level 5 the Druid can become a Forest Guardian. Class: The Forest Guardian receives + 8 Stealth upon change of class. Bonus: The Forest Guardian can summon the help of a Tree Ent for battle adding + 10 Physical to attributes. This summoning is automatic during battles if the Physical attribute is needed. The Forest Guardian also receives Negraul the King Panther + 5 Physical , Freepal Leader of Giant Eagles + 5 Stealth, and Dusi the Dryad Sorceress + 5 Magic. They are incorruptible to foul magic and can never be deleted as a follower when with the Forest Guardian.

At level 5 the Rogue can become a Pirate. Class: The Pirate receives + 3 to all attributes when attaining this class. Bonus: The Pirate receives a Frigate Ship with crew. Also the Pirate earns the additional skill “Sea Navigation” which allows to avoid any natural catastrophe occurring in the seas.

At level 5 the Rogue can become a Swashbuckler. Class: The Swashbuckler receives + 6 Stealth and + 4 Physical upon changing of class. Bonus: An Elegant Emerald Sword (worth 5,000 gold) is crafted for the Swashbuckler and provides + 3 Physical as of +3 Stealth. Also the new skill “Swordfighting Finesse” disarms any opponent carrying a weapon if the 1d18 die roll is 10 or higher forcing the opponent to not be able to roll its 1d18 attack roll during combat.

At level 5 the Adventurer can become a Green Dragon Monk. Dark Elf Assassins / Dark Cultist or Gnome Necromancers / Dark Cultists cannot become Green Dragon Monks. Class: The Monk receives Enlightenment earning + 10 to all attributes upon change of class. Bonus: All weapons the adventurer may have owned will be of no use and can either be dropped or sold to a market. The Monk receives a magically infused polearm, which offers + 10 Stealth. The weapon is incorruptible (meaning Rust Monster, Green Slime, or Imp Tinkerer cannot ruin the weapon) to being lost or destroyed as it is created by Ingitium a rare mixture of rock and metal only found in remote areas of the world.

At any level the Adventurer can become a Bard. Class: The Bard receives “Speechcraft” as a skill which allows 10% discount when purchasing items. If the adventurer already has this ability then an additional 10% is added to the skill. Bonus: The bard has the ability to charm neutral animals that naturally occur in the lands. He must have a 10 or higher on a

1d18 die roll and the animal cannot exceed the adventurer’s strongest attribute. The Bard gets a Magical Flute (worth 2000 gold) which adds 2 to the 1d18 roll when attempting to charm an animal. The item is stored under inventory and can only offer the bonus as long as the adventurer owns it.

After initial training of Knight Veteran can become a Paladin. Class: The Paladin “Holy Aid Mastery” heals 6 hit points can be recovered as long at the adventurer is not in battle. Bonus: Paladin’s Magical Full Plate Armor of Honor – 11 Enemy roll when attacking. The armor is incorruptible to Green Slime, Rust Monsters, or Imp Tinkerers. The Paladin also receives a Pegasus which allows an additional 2 action points per spreadsheet.

At level 5 the Ranger can become a Dragonrider. Class: The Dragonrider receives + 3 to all attributes upon attaining class. Bonus: The adventurer receives a Dragon Egg. The Dragonrider must protect it for 10 spreadsheet results before it hatches. It is listed under “Follower” and can be lost if the wrong event happens while exploring the lands. After the 10 spreadsheets the Ranger must wait an additional 2 spreadsheets before the hatchling becomes a young green dragon offering + 10 to all attributes. An additional 10 spreadsheet results of waiting it finally becomes a full grown dragon and offers 20 to all of the attributes. The Dragon is a follower and is incorruptible of being lost to its owner. The Ranger loses temporarily 20 attributes of aid from the dragon when visiting towns or harbors.

At level 5 the Warrior can become a Champion Class: Champion receives + 5 to both Physical and Stealth attributes upon attaining the class. Bonus: The adventurer receives the golden armor of Battle, which deducts the opponent’s attributes by 4 and prevents them to use the attack roll.

At level 5 the Necromancer can become a Lich Class: The Lich receives + 5 to Magic attribute upon attaining the class. Bonus: The adventurer summons a Death Dragon that offers + 15 on all attributes. If the adventurer becomes an Arch-lich then the Death Dragon increases its help by + 5 on all attributes.

At level 5 the Minotaur can become a Gladiator Supreme Class: The Gladiator Supreme receives + 20 to attack roll when competing at the Stronghold Arena in the Lands of Bavidirian. Bonus: Minotaur Rage is added as a special skill adding + 20 hit points and + 10 to both Physical and Stealth.

At level 5 the Minotaur can become a Brute Master Class: The Brute Master receives + 30 Physical permanently added to the character sheet.

Bonus: A Hill Giant accompanies the Minotaur adding + 7 Physical as long as he remains a follower.

At level 5 the Catfolk can become an Emissary. Class: The Emissary receives + 15 Stealth. He also gets the skill Speechcraft at 20%. If he already has the skill speechcraft add the additional 20% discount to the discount he currently owns. Bonus: Catfolk get 2 additional action points when attaining Emissary status. At level 5 the Orc Brute can become an Elite Protector.

Class: The Elite Protector receives + 15 Hit Points. He also gets Orcish Armor, which provides + 15 Hit Points as long as it is worn and – 6 Attack Roll against opponents. Bonus: The Elite Protector loses only half of his hit points when he loses a battle.

At level 5 the Orc Brute can become a Woad Raider. Class: The Woad Raider receives + 15 Physical. He also gets a Orcish Sword, which provides + 15 Physical as long as it is equipped as a first weapon. Bonus: The Woad Raider adds 5 to the attack roll when battling an opponent.

Special Skill List Druid Level 01: The Druid can produce one small healing potion and one cure disease potion once per game day week. Small Healing Potion – 20 gold pieces / Cure Disease Potion – 50 gold pieces. Level 05: Add Invisible Potion – 200 gold pieces - Allows the adventurer to turn invisible forcing the opponent to not be able to use the attack roll during battle. Level 10: Elixir of Resist Magic – 300 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to subtract half of the opponents Magic attributes before starting battle. Level 15: Deadly Frenzy Potion – 400 gold pieces – Allows the adventure to double his magic attribute before battle begins. Level 20: Illusion of Fear Potion – 500 gold pieces – The opponent must subtract 30% of each of the 4 attributes before battle begins.

Ranger Level 01: Evasiveness - All living opponents can be avoided in battle if the opponent’s strongest attribute is equal or less than the ranger’s stealth. Level 05: Steady Hand – Adds + 5 Stealth per battle when the adventurer uses a bow. Level 10: Eagle Eye – Deducts 10 Stealth from the opponent before battle begins. Level 15: Critical Shot – Eagle Eye advances to Critical Shot, which forces the opponent to lose half of his Stealth attribute before battle begins. Level 20: Has a lifetime supply of Paralysis Arrows that when used forces the opponent to not be able to use the Attack Roll when in battle.

Mage Level 01: Fireball – The Mage can cast a fireball spell at will to deduct 2 on each attribute the opponent has before battle begins. Level 05: Disintegrate – 200 gold pieces – Forces the opponent to deduct 10 Physical before battle begins. Level 10: Mage Armor – 200 gold pieces – The mage’s armor subtracts 4 on the attack roll of the opponent. Level 15: Magic Resistance – 300 gold pieces – The opponent must subtract half of his attribute before battle begins. Level 20: Master of the Mind – 500 gold pieces – The opponent must have equal or lower on its strongest attribute in comparison to the adventurer’s to have this spell work. The spell forces the opponent to be an ally for the next battle adding attributes to aid in battle. To determine how much attributes is added one divides the strongest attribute of the opponent by 10 to get the total. For exa mple: If the opponent has Physical 100 and it is divided by 10 then the result is 10 = Physical + 10.

Assassin Level 01: Surprise Attack - The opponent cannot use the attack roll if its strongest attribute is equal or less than the assassin’s stealth. Level 05: Assassin’s Blade – Forces the opponent to deduct 10 Stealth before battle begins. Level 10: Expert Backstab – Forces the opponent to deduct 5 on each attribute before battle begins. Level 15: Stealthy Endurance points per spreadsheet if the 20 the skill doesn’t require a the additional 3 action points

– The adventurer adds + 3 action DM rolls a 12 or higher. At level dice roll anymore as it is certain occur.

Level 20: Makeesha’s Blessings – The goddess of darkness blesses the adventurer by giving two magical scimitars. The first one adds + 7 to all attributes. The second scimitar ensures that the adventurer will never get poisoned, diseased, frightened, or sickened. The magical properties only work if they are equipped.

Barbarian Level 01: Toughness - This ability allows the adventurer to only lose half of the hit points lost during a battle if the Barbarian loses. Level 05: Champion’s Stance – Adds + 10 Physical permanently to the adventurer’s attributes. Level 10: Great Critical Charge – Adds an additional + 15 Physical permanently to the adventurer’s attributes. Level 15: Devastating Blow – Adds an additional + 8 to all attributes permanently. Level 20: Chieftain Rage – Forces the opponent to not be able to roll their attack roll for they are paralyzed for a brief moment from the adventurer’s rage.

Fighter Level 01: Gore Attack - Adds an additional 5 to the attack roll when battling an opponent. At level 5 the attack roll increases by 2. Level 05: Fists of Steel – Adds + 10 Physical permanently to the adventurer’s attributes. Level 10: Tower of Strength – Adds an additional + 15 Physical permanently to the adventurer’s attributes. Level 15: Minotaur’s Gaze – Adds an additional + 8 to all attributes permanently. Level 20: Warmaster – Forces the opponent to not be able to roll their attack roll for they are paralyzed for a brief moment from the adventurer’s warmaster skill.

Necromancer Level 01: Summon Skeleton Archer that adds + 5 Stealth to the gnomes attributes. Level 05: Mystic Binding – The opponents weapons are useless forcing to deduct half of the attack roll during battle. Level 10: Soul Stealer – The opponents Magic is deducted by half before the battle begins. Level 15: Dark Souls – Summons that of the dead depending on the DM’s roll to help aid in battle. 01 to 03: Skeleton Warrior + 4 Physical 04 to 06: Wraith + 5 Magic 07 to 09: Spirit of Agony = Forces opponent to deduct half on Stealth. 10 to 12: Zombie = Forces opponent to be paralyzed which doesn’t allow them to add any of their attack roll during battle. 13 to 15: Doppelganger effect = The adventurer has the same attributes as its opponent. 16 to 18: Bone Dragon + 10 all attributes Level 20: Summons Death Dragon + 20 all attributes for one battle.

Rogue Level 01: Set Trap – Forces opponent to lose 5 Physical before battle begins. The trap doesn’t work for wraiths, specters, and ghosts. Level 05: Pickpocketing Master A total of 50d400 is rolled each time the adventurer uses the command “steal”. It is 100% guarantee that the adventurer doesn’t get caught as he is a master now. Level 10: Poison Dart forces opponent to not add the attack roll for he is weakened from the poison inflicted on him. Level 15: Golden Touch All items are doubled when found. For example if the adventurer finds a small diamond then he actually finds 2 small diamonds. Also all gold pieces double when found or earned. Level 20: Trap Master The opponent must deduct 14 to all attributes before battle. The opponent had encountered many harmful traps before approaching the cunning rogue.

Warrior Level 01: Smith Mastery - When the command “Repair Weapon” or “Repair Armor” is used the items will be repaired by 20%. Also the Warrior’s first weapon offers an upgrade of + 3 Physical at the start of the game. Level 05: Dragon Armor. The adventurer will wear dragon armor forcing the opponent to not add the attack roll. The armor is also indestructible to all attacks including those from monsters that normally destroy armors. Level 10: Gauntlets of Mercy. These magical gauntlets will ensure that the adventurer cannot be poisoned, sickened, diseased, paralyzed, frost bitten, or cursed as long as he wears the magical items. Level 15: Dwarven Smithing Mastery: Every gem found will double its price by 5. For example: The dwarf ((finds)) a small diamond worth 300 gold pieces then it is automatically worth 3000 gold pieces instead. *Finds or is given means through an event. If the dwarf buys a gem then it remains its normal price bought instead. Level 20: Champion Axe of Fire: This magical axe provides + 20 Physical and is indestructible. It can be sold for 6000 gold pieces if desired.

Cleric Level 01: Holy Healing - Each action point spent 3 hit points are recovered automatically as long as the adventurer is not in battle. Level 05: Master Healer allows the adventurer to heal 8 hit points per action point spent. Level 10: Recovery allows the adventurer to automatically be immune to disease, curse, fear, being paralyzed, frost bitten, sickened, or poisoned without using an action point for recovery. Level 15: Undead & Demon Smite allows the adventurer to force the opponent that is of the Undead or Demon origin to reduce half of all its attributes before battle begins. It also forces the opponent to deduct 5 from the attack roll. Level 20: Avoid Death allows the adventurer to resurrect on the next action point after he has died in battle with 1 hit point without the help of the cathedral, luck attribute, or resurrection potion.

Mercenary Level 01: Acrobatic – Common Skill starts at 16. Level 05: Outwit – Forces the opponent to subtract 5 on the attack roll for being outwitted in battle. Level 10: Keen Senses – At this level are always aware of their surroundings. They will never lose their items in the inventory or any followers if they have any. Level 15: Intellect Intimidate – When angered the mercenary digs deep into the opponents weaknesses forcing him to flee. Any opponent with its strongest attribute equal or lower than the Mercenaries stealth must subtract 4 from each attribute before battle begins. Level 20: Double Attack – Since Mercenaries are extremely quick the DM can roll twice for each battle thus taking the best roll to ensure victory over the opponent. This special skill is only used for battles.

Brute Level 01: Taunt – Forces opponent to subtract 5 physical before battle begins. Level 05: Crush – Adds + 10 Physical permanently to the adventurer’s attributes. Level 10: Battlescars – Adds an additional + 15 Physical permanently to the adventurer’s attributes. Level 15: Rage– Adds an additional + 8 to all attributes permanently. Level 20: Alliance – All greenskin opponents (except elves) can become followers with a 1d18 dice roll when encountered. The roll must be 10 or higher to succeed. To determine how much attributes is added one divides the strongest attribute of the opponent by 10 to get the total. For example: If the opponent has Physical 100 and it is divided by 10 then the result is 10 = Physical + 10.

Event Calendar List The Event Calendar is used for the adventurer or NPC (NonPlayer-Characters) to be of an advantage or disadvantage during gameplay. There are 12 events in the calendar representing 12 months of the Cyclone year. The calendar event changes after each 6 complete action spreadsheet results. 6 weeks = 1 month (era) in the Lands of Bavidirian. Each spreadsheet results in the ending of a week. One can find the Calendar Event on the command spreadsheet as of the adventurer’s character sheet. 01: The Month of Disease: Every opponent the adventurer encounters is diseased. If he loses a battle against the opponent then he is diseased losing 4 hit points per action point spent until a cure is found. 02: The Month of the Curse: Every opponent the adventurer encounters is cursed. If he loses the battle against the opponent then he is cursed forcing him to not be able to roll a 1d18 attack die during future battles until a cure is found. 03: The Month of Poison: Every opponent the adventurer encounters is poisonous. If he loses the battle against the opponent then he is poisoned forcing him to lose 4 hit points per action point spent until a cure is found. 04: The Month of the Demon: Every opponent that is of the Demon origin (gargoyle, demon, and succubus) will have double the amount of attributes this month. 05: The Month of Decay & Undead: Every opponent that is of Undead origin (zombie, ghoul, lich) will have double amount of attributes this month. All potions and rations stored in the inventory will rot of decay if stored this month.

06: The Month of 12 Types: The DM’s 1d12 roll will determine which class / race will have double the amount of attributes for this month. 01: Halfling 02: Gnome 03: Dwarven 04: Bavidirian 05: Kort 06: Dark Elf 07: High Elf 08: Wood Elf 09: Half Elf 10: Half Orc 11: Catfolk 12: Minotaur 07: The Month of Prosperity: All businesses the adventurer may own as of rental homes will double their income on this month. 08: The Month of Cupid: All adventurers Married with or without Siblings will earn double the amount of income on each spreadsheet result. 09: The Month of the Leprechaun: All adventurers will earns double the amount of gold pieces when gold pieces are found using the “explore” option.

10: The Month of Twilight: The Land Freezes and the need for a wolf pelt or blue yak’s coat prevents the loss of 3 hit points per action point spent. 11: The Month of Alignment: The DM’s 1d3 dice roll will determine which alignment will have good fortunes. 01: Good Alignment Adventurer’s gets 1000 gold pieces per action spreadsheet until the month is over. 02: Neutral Alignment Adventurer’s gets 1000 gold pieces per action spreadsheet until the month is over. 03: Evil Alignment Adventurer’s gets 1000 gold pieces per action spreadsheet until the month is over. 12: The Month of Burning Flames: The two suns are at their hottest on Alorath causing adventurers to drink more water throughout the day. The need for a water bottle is necessary or 3 hit points are lost each action point spent.

Rondor Rondor is the last free city of the Lands of Bavidirian. Towns that once were protected by the Bavidirian Empire have been overun by undead and demons. Rondor is northwest of the Dwanen Mountains and has a large harbor where ships still can go to Swienalden the capital of the High Elves. Rondor is the last hope of mankind to where all races have gathered in unity to protect what is left to fight for. The Demons are at the front doorstep and are gathering forces for the last war to determine the fate of the people....the fate of the Lands of Bavidirian. You start in the Green Dragon's Inn as a fellow adventurer seeking ways to become worthy in these lands. Little do you know that you have been destined to become a champion and save mankind! Good luck adventurer and may the gods save what is left of the surface dwellers for evil will destroy anything that breathes. Click on the building number to be directed to the page on what is available at the location. The adventurer can only visit buildings if he is actually in Rondor.

Buildings to Visit Building 001: King’s Palace Building 002: Magistrate Building 003: Knight’s Academy Building 004: Holy Cathedral Building 005: The Dancing Maid Tavern Building 006: Ancient Library Building 007: Castle’s Tower

Building 008: Aristrocratic Tailors Building 009: Pegasus Tower Building 010: Altar of Light Building 011: Bavidirian Barracks Building 012: Rondor’s General Goods and Tailor’s Store Building 013: Rondor’s Town Hall Building 014: The Paladin’s Cathedral Building 015: Yerorst’s Training Academy Building 016: Jorg’s Blacksmith Building 017: Gorash’s Potion Shop Building 018: Ringlorf’s Advantage Dealer Building 019: Merchant’s Guild Building 020: Green Dragon’s Inn Building 021: Rondor’s Marketplace Building 022: Guild Membership Building 023: Wandal’s Furniture Shop Building 024: Final Touch Tailors Building 025: Rondor’s Bakery Building 026: Lumberyard Building 027: Dwarven Carriage Building 028: Rondor’s Bank Building 029: Writer’s Guild

Building 030: Rerox Gathering Building 031: Farmer’s Market Building 032: Silver Unicorn’s Inn Building 033: Westchester’s Stable Building 034: Jill’s Bolt & Arrows Building 035: Bailendorf’s Wolfhound Shelter Building 036: Junip’s Potion Shop Building 037: Krodan’s Weaponsmith Building 038: Brawling Tavern Building 039: Shaman’s Hut Building 040: Exotic Pet Shop Building 041: Rondor’s Shipyard Building 042: The Blue Anchor Tavern Building 043: Rondor’s Docks Building 044: Starstor’s Magic Shop Building 045: Winsork’s Temple Building 046: Puffard’s Amulet Shop Building 047: Meliss’s Jewelry Shop Building 048: Rare Findings Book Store Building 049: Metzi’s Staff Shop Building 050: Tufur’s Mercenary Guild Building 051: The Steel of Steam Warehouse

Building 052: Pippi’s Flames and Bullets Shop Building 053: The Sacred Obselisk Circle Building 054: Bank of Gnomish Handlings Building 055: The Inventor’s Good Store Building 056: Ripplestork’s Staff Shop Building 057: Kobold’s Potions Building 058: The Stronghold Arena Building 059: Dark Cultist’s Guild Building 060: Staengdor’s Armory Building 061: Potent Mead’s Tavern Building 062: Zek’s Magical Jewelry Store Building 063: Runic Script Library Building 064: Rockshoulder Store Building 065: Brizzle’s Barber Building 066: The Gem Shop Building 067: Shaman Apothecracy Building 068: Death Ring Building 069: Bor’s Weaponsmithery Building 070: Milly’s Hut Building 071: Hunting Lodge Building 072: Tanning Lodge Building 073: Rondor’s Horse Race Track

Building 074: Augshill’s Armory Building 075: The Magical Musicals Building 076: Druid’s Circle Buildings 077 to 100: DM only reveals what is inside of these buildings. Building 101: West Bavidirian Trading Company Building 102: Adventurer’s Guild

Dark Tower Building 001: Unholy Sanctuary Building 002: Hellhound Pit Training Building 003: The Undead Ogre Blacksmith Building 004: Old Hag’s Potion Shop Building 005: Niffniff’s Gnoll Goods Building 006: Shrine of Sacrifice Building 007: The Underworld Abyss’s Building 008: The Magic Towers Building 009: School of Black Arts Building 010: Grash’tars Weaponsmith Building 011: Altar of Primal Elements Building 012: The War Griffon Tavern Building 013: Blood Memorial Building 014: Palace of Shadows Building 015: Dragon Pinnacles

Swienalden Tree 001: The Council Tree 002: The Merry Oak’s Tavern Tree 003: Bard’s College Tree 004: Ancient Library Tree 005: Magical Air Tower Tree 006: Magical Training Grounds Tree 007: Ancient Druid’s Circle Tree 008: Enchanted Smithy Tree 009: High Mage’s Guild Tree 010: Sparkling Fountain Tree 011: Wise High Elvin Sage Tree 012: Unicorn Garden Tree 013: Blooming Grove Tree 014: Treant Aclove Tree 015: Green Dragon Monk’s Shrine Tree 016: Mystic Pond Tree 017: Elderscroll Mage Shop Tree 018: Museum of Artifacts Tree 019: Swienalden Harbor Tree 020: Garden of Brownies

Thunderfaust is a wizard that plays a big role in the first novel to a trilogy series you can read for free at the site.

Buildings in Rondor Rondor is the last free city of the Lands of Bavidirian. Towns that once were protected by the Bavidirian Empire have been overun by undead and demons. Rondor is northwest of the Dwanen Mountains and has a large harbor where ships still can go to Swienalden the capital of the High Elves. Rondor is the last hope of mankind to where all races have gathered in unity to protect what is left to fight for. The Demons are at the front doorstep and are gathering forces for the last war to determine the fate of the people....the fate of the Lands of Bavidirian. You start in the Green Dragon's Inn as a fellow adventurer seeking ways to become worthy in these lands. Little do you know that you have been destined to become a champion and save mankind! Good luck adventurer and may the gods save what is left of the surface dwellers for evil will destroy anything that breathes.

King’s Palace Here Lord Denonimas resides as a temporary ruler at the King’s throne. If he is not present then the royal advisor Sharod Moris speaks for King Bavidirian. Lord Denominas is often on the battlefield fighting the mass hordes of demons at the Cave of Morashitar. King Bavidirian XVII is out on a diplomatic mission to find reinforcements to help fight the battles against demon.

Available Commands Receive Support at the King’s Palace – If the adventurer has a prestige title he can request 100 gold pieces and a follower. The follower is granted help depending on the DM’s 1d12 dice roll. The adventurer can only request this once per gaming day. 01: Footman Soldier – Adds + 2 Physical 02: Crossbowman – Adds + 2 Stealth 03: Mage Apprentice – Adds + 2 Magic 04: Bavidirian Cleric – Restores 2 Hit Points per action point spent. 05: Knight Errant – Adds + 4 Physical 06 to 12: The Lord cannot offer any support on this day. Betray Empire at the King’s Palace – If the adventurer decides to side with the Demon Hordes of Morashitar he can attack both Lord Denonimas and Sharod Moris ending the campaign. Warning: Both Lord Denominas (Paladin level 20) and the Archbishop (Priest Level 20) are powerful and not easy to defeat. They are immune to spells casted on them.

Magistrate Important One must be an owner of a business before allowed to apply for a title. One must pay 20,000 gold pieces to attain the title’s recognition. Note: The adventurer can only practice one prestige title. One cannot practice Apprenticeships or Masterships once the adventurer has a prestige title. The adventurer can however still build a business of the sorts if the adventurer has attained mastership to the specific skill.

Available Command Apply for (name of title) at Castle Bavidirian – This command allows the adventurer to apply for a prestige title. Important Note: The adventurer can only apply for one prestige title for the game. One cannot be a Lord and Arch-Bishop at the same time for example. Available Titles Lord – The title offers + 15 Attributes to the adventurer’s strongest attribute. He also gets a battalion of men to aid him at all times. The battalion of men add + 20 Physical to the adventurer’s character sheet. They are also are immune to being eliminated or stolen by opponents as they are placed under followers on the character sheet. Arch Bishop (The title is only available to clerics, priests or paladins) – Upon becoming the Archbishop the adventurer earns +10 Magic Attributes. The Arch Bishop gets 10% of the profits when any adventurer visits a Cathedral or Temple of the God of Winsork.

Arch Mage (This title is only available to magic users) the title offers +10 Magic Attributes. The Arch Mage gets 10% of the profits when any adventurer goes to a potion or staff shop. Baron – The title offers +6 magic and +4 Physical Attributes. The Baron receives a Mansion upon receiving the title. Marshal – The title offers +10 Physical Attributes. The Marshal receives 3 gabled houses upon receiving the title. Head Judge – The title offers + 10 Attributes to the adventurer’s strongest attribute. The Head Judge gets 10% profits when an adventurer pays for anything at the Town Hall. High Merchant – The title offers +10 Attributes to the adventurer’s strongest attribute. The High Merchant gets 10% profit when any adventurer visits Rondor’s Marketplace.

Knight’s Academy Train Knight – (for Knight Initiate’s only) – If the adventurer is a Knight Initiate he must train to become a Veteran. Knight’s Initiate – Current Knight’s Errant – Requires 5 gaming days of Training Knight’s Veteran – Requires 5 gaming days of Training Knight’s Errant = Adds + 3 to Physical and + 2 to Stealth Knight’s Veteran = Adds + 4 to Physical and + 2 to Stealth A Knight’s Veteran is eligible to train to Paladin. Attend Melee Combat Competition – If the adventurer is a Knight he will be able to represent his coat of arms and challenge other knights for the title of Silver Knight Champion. Paladins do not compete in these events. Attend Jousting Arena Competition – If the adventurer is a Knight he will be able to represent his coat of arms and challenge other knights for the title of Golden Knight Champion. Paladins do not compete in these events.

Holy Cathedral The Holy Cathedral is where the Archbishop lives. The order ensures safety for the King’s men by providing first aid, healing, and elimination of any curses or poisons that occur to the soldiers. It also is the training grounds for Knight Veterans to learn the art of light magic and become Paladins. The Holy Cathedral emphasizes strongly its faith in the God of Winsork the creator of Air and Light. Available Commands Train for Paladin – (for Knight Veteran’s only) – If the adventurer is a Knight Veteran he must train at the Holy Cathedral to become a Paladin. Eventually the High Priest will announce the advancement of Paladin, which will add additional attribute and skills to the adventurer’s character sheet. Bless at the Holy Cathedral - Costs 300 experience points – The action adds +2 to the strongest attribute the adventurer owns. One can only be blessed once in the Paladin's Cathedral. The Archbishop blesses all who kisses his ring. Cure at the Holy Cathedral - Costs 200 experience points or 50 gold pieces. The action removes sickness, vampirism, curses, and diseases. A Veteran Cleric will perform holy spells to rid the problem. Resurrect (name of adventurer) at the Holy Cathedral - Has someone important died? Perhaps a wife, husband, child, maybe pet?...if so use this command to get the loved one back.

It will cost 300 experience points for the Priests to perform this task.

Remove at the Holy Cathedral - 300 experience points – If the adventurer is suffering from an odd item that doesn't want to remove itself naturally, such as a cursed ring, armor, or helmet then use the command “Remove” to rid of it. A Priest will use powerful magic to help get rid of the cursed item. Pray at the Holy Cathedral - Allows the adventurer to pay tribute to the Air God Winsork and be cleansed from such evil omens as plague, fear, and anger. Praying is allowed by any adventurer. Study (and the title of study) at the Holy Cathedral - Allows the adventurer to master a “skill" on the character sheet. Any adventurer may enter the Cathedral to study as long as they are willing to pay for the services. A head Veteran Scribe will be the adventurer’s teacher until mastery of the subject has been taught. The gold pieces will go to further funding the Cathedral’s interests. Each skill of study counts as one action point and costs 2000 gold pieces. Use the command “Study” the name of the study when issuing a command. Make sure to have enough gold for the service or the action is nullified. Each skill can only be learned once in this Cathedral. Note: The adventurer must have learned the basics at the Paladin’s Cathedral before further studying at the Holy Cathedral.

The following are Master Titles of Studies: Master Monster Identify - Allows the adventurer to determine weakness of rarely seen monsters to help defeat it easier if necessary. Master Literacy - Allows the adventurer to read unknown runic scriptures as of other ancient languages from other continents throughout the world. Master Speechcraft – Allows the adventurer to receive an additional 10% discount when shopping. Master Potion lore - Allows the adventurer to create and identify unique potions.

The Dancing Maid Tavern Aureila the dancing Maid is the owner of the tavern. She sings and dances all the while serving the soldiers of the town with joy. The tavern is a good place to let out some frustrations and to forget about war for a change. The upbeat and positive presence of Aureila is most welcoming.

Available Command Purchase (name of item or service) at The Dancing Maid Tavern – allows the adventurer to purchase food, drink, or service.

Availability Vegetable Platter – 40 gold pieces – heals 12 hit points. Swienalden White Wine – 50 gold pieces – adds +2 Magic for one battle event. Swienalden Honey Liquor – 50 gold pieces – adds + 2 Stealth for one battle event. Bakery Delights – 50 gold pieces – adds + 2 Physical for one battle event. Massage and Magical Therapy – 300 gold pieces – have a beautiful high Elvin lady give the most wonderful treatment an adventurer could ever hope for. All hit points restored, all disadvantages erased including zestful followers, and an additional 1 hit point will be added to the character sheet permanently. Note: The additional 1 hit point added to the character sheet can only be done once throughout the lifetime of the adventurer when issuing this service.

Ancient Library The Ancient Library has written works preserved since the beginning of the first civilizations. The well preserved history of the lands is protected by magic. The following books are available to read for free. The rewards are unknown but one can find out by simply studying the material of each subject genre. It is important to be QUIET at the library or the librarian is forced to wave her wand to teleport you quickly outside the 15 floor oak tree tumbling down the spiraling staircase to hit mud as a punishment! Note: Benefits can only be attained once from each book that the adventurer reads.

Available Command Read (name of book title) at the Ancient Library – This command allows the adventurer to read and study a subject to perhaps reap a reward. Each book only offers the adventurer the reward one time.

Available Books History of the First High Elvin Council of the First Age History of the Dwanen Mountain Dwarves History of Emperor Bavidirian the First History of the Wood Elves and Laws of Isolation History of the Halflings 6 Meal Happiness Meditation The Monsters of the Lands of Bavidirian Encyclopedia

The Bavidirian Ways of Living good in a Short Lifetime The Magic and its Properties in Physics The Psychological Life of Harpies The Burden of Responsibility of Brombear the Wise The History of the Academy of Amazonians Understanding Immortal Status of Dragons How to Woo what you Want with Chocolate Imagination is the Greatest Asset Lessons

Castle’s Tower Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at the Castle’s Tower – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item if he has enough gold pieces. Sell (name of item) at the Castle’s Tower – This command allows the adventurer to sell a magical item for half the price it is worth.

Available Items Magical Elixir of Strength – 600 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Physical permanently. Caution this elixir is potent and can have advert effects if used to often. Magical Elixir of Agility – 600 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Stealth permanently. Caution this elixir is potent and can have advert effects if used to often. Magical Elixir of Spellcasting – 600 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Magic permanently. Caution this elixir is potent and can have advert effects if used to often. Magical Vial of Might – 1200 gold pieces – Adds + 5 Physical permanently. Magical Vial of Speed – 1200 gold pieces – Adds + 5 Stealth permanently. Magical Vial of Power – 1200 gold pieces – Adds + 5 Magic permanently.

Glowing Stalagmite Shaft for Staffs – 3000 gold pieces – Adds light when needed (no need to own torches or lanterns anymore) and + 10 to Magic as long as the adventurer has the shaft on the staff equipped. Magical Tome of Knowledge – 1000 gold pieces – Adds + 4 to Magic permanently. Magical Tome of Flexing – 1000 gold pieces – Adds + 4 to Physical permanently. Magical Tome of Running – 1000 gold pieces – Adds + 4 to Stealth permanently. Invisibility Potion – 1400 gold pieces - Allows the bearer to be invisible for one full gaming day on that week forcing any opponent to not be able to roll their attack roll. Large Healing Potion – 200 gold pieces – Restores all of the lost hit points. Very Large Healing Potion – 300 gold pieces – Restores all of the lost hit points plus adds 5 hit points for the entire spread sheet for the one game day on that week. Apprentice Mage Robes – 2000 gold pieces – Adds + 2 to all attributes. Master Mage Robes – 3000 gold pieces – Adds + 3 to all attributes. White Robes of the Wizard – 4000 gold pieces – Adds + 5 to all attributes. Master Wizard Staff of Wonders – 10,000 gold pieces – The adventurer is immune to curse, disease, vampirism, werewolf, and frightened. The staff also allows the adventurer to lose only half of the hit points shown when losing in a battle against an opponent.

Summon Phoenix Scroll – 2000 gold pieces – A giant Phoenix becomes a follower adding + 7 to Stealth. Summon Grizzly Bear Scroll – 2000 gold pieces – A giant Grizzly Bear becomes a follower adding + 7 to Physical. Summon Air Elemental – 2000 gold pieces – A giant Air Elemental becomes a follower adding + 7 to Magic.

Aristrocratic Tailors Stephanious a High Elf has always had an interest in making a fortune with his classy aristocratic clothing’s. His prices are pricey but it shouldn’t matter for those of wealth.

Available Command Purchase (name of outfit) at Aristocratic Tailors – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an outfit they wish to wear. Available Outfits Each outfit costs 1000 gold pieces and offer + 4 to the strongest attribute the adventurer has as long as he wears it. Lord’s Outfit Arch Bishop Outfit Arch Mage Outfit High Merchant Outfit Baron Outfit Marshal Outfit Head Judge Outfit

Pegasus Tower The Pegasus Tower has long been a safehaven for the unique magical beasts. They are raised specifically for the Paladins of the lands, yet if one has the special skill "speechcraft" one can convince the owners to sell one. Available Command Purchase (type of Pegasus) at the Pegasus Tower – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a Pegasus for the right price. Note: Make sure to have the special skill "speechcraft" when ordering a Pegasus.

Availability Pegasus – 2500 gold pieces – The Pegasus adds + 3 Stealth and allows the adventurer to escape a battle losing only half of his hit points. If the adventurer is a barbarian then he loses half of his hit points + an additional half of that half of the hit points when fleeing a battle. War Pegasus – 5000 gold pieces – The Pegasus adds + 8 Stealth and allows the adventurer to escape a battle losing only half of his hit points. If the adventurer is a barbarian then he loses half of his hit points + an additional half of that half of the hit points when fleeing a battle.

Altar of Light The Altar of Light stands at the tallest watchtower near the docks of Rondor. It not only provides a beacon of hope for the Empire. It stands as a symbol that as long as there is light then there is hope for the Empire to defeat those that are against peace and justice. Available Command Visit Altar of Light at Castle Bavidirian – The strong lights on the watchtower has magical property and adds +1 to each attribute to a good alignment adventurer once per lifetime.

Rondor Barracks A lot of drills, marching, and training is conducted for soldiers in this location. Only a strong army will have a chance to defeat those that wish to destroy the Empire. Although the barracks is reserved for those that sign up to become guards or foot soldiers many adventurer’s come to take advantage for some free training to help aid their skills when exploring the lands. Note: The Adventurer can benefit from a drill sergeant training once per lifetime. The training is only for Stealth and Physical strong attribute adventurers.

Available Commands Train in the art of Melee Weapons at the Rondor Barracks – The adventurer will get intensive training from a drill sergeant on how to effectively use swords, axes, and stonehammers in close combat. The training adds + 2 Physical permanently to Special Combat Abilities. This training is for Warriors, Knights, Paladins, Brutes, Fighters, and Barbarians. Train in the art of Ranged Weapons at the Rondor Barracks – The adventurer will get intensive training from a drill sergeant on how to most effectively use bow or crossbows. The training adds + 2 Stealth permanently to Special Combat Abilities. This training is for Rogues, Rangers, Assassins, Pirates, Mercenaries, and Swashbucklers. War Machine Training at the Rondor Barracks - 1000 Gold Pieces – The adventurer must have this skill to operate a war machine before being able to own one.

Purchase Catapult at the Rondor Barracks – 2500 Gold Pieces – Adds +10 Physical in battle as long as the adventurer owns a catapult. The adventurer must first undergo training to use a Catapult. Purchase Heavy Catapult at the Rondor Barracks – 5000 Gold Pieces – Adds +20 Physical in battle as long as the adventurer owns a heavy catapult. The adventurer must first undergo training to use a Heavy Catapult. Note: The adventurer can only own 1 war machine at a time.

Rondor’s General Good’s and Tailor Store Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at Rondor’s General Goods and Tailor Store – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of item) at Rondor’s General Good’s and Tailor Store – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Rations – 5 gold pieces – One ration provides +1 hit point recovery. Goat’s Milk – 3 gold pieces Torch – 3 gold pieces – The torch provides enough light for one day use. Common Lantern – 10 gold pieces – The lantern can be reused as often as needed. Rope with Grappling Hook - 10 gold pieces – A rope with grappling hook allows an adventurer to get out of tough situations when needed. Flask of Water – 6 gold pieces Sturdy Pickaxe – 20 gold pieces Sturdy Plow – 20 gold pieces

Lavender Soap – 3 gold pieces Green Dye – 5 gold pieces Blue Dye – 5 gold pieces Red Dye – 5 gold pieces Yellow Dye – 5 gold pieces Spikes – 10 gold pieces Chain links – 10 gold pieces

Available Outfits If the adventurer practices a certain skill then these additional items will help increase gold pieces as of experience points when using the spreadsheet issuing the command “Work”. The adventurer must have the items equipped or be wearing them to gain the additional bonuses. One can only get bonuses for the specific skill the adventurer practices. Miner’s Helm – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Miner’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Miner’s Boots – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Master’s Pickaxe – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon. Shepherd’s Fur Boots – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn.

Shepherd’s Gnarled Staff – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon. Shepherd’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Dog Collar – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Hop Farmer’s Leather Boots – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Hop Farmer’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Hop Farmer’s Straw Hat – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Hop Master’s Plow – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon. Apprentice Merchant Fancy Shoes – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Apprentice Merchant’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Apprentice Merchant’s Coin Girdle – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Apprentice Merchant’s Log Journal – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points if carried. Bodyguard’s Steel Plated Spiked Boots – + 1 to Physical – 80 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points if worn.

Bodyguard’s Studded Leather Outfit – - 2 Enemy Attack Roll – 200 gold pieces - – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Bodyguard’s Horned Helm – - 1 Enemy Attack Roll – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points worn. Bodyguard’s Boar’s Skin Wooden Shield - - 1 Enemy Attack Roll – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points if equipped. Remedy Vials for an Herb Planter – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when bought. Herb Planter Multiple Purpose Backpack –100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Herb Gatherer’s Journal – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points if carried. Herb Gatherer’s Magical Harmonica – The Harmonica’s melodies help herbs grow faster and keep them in a harmonious environment – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when carried. Blacksmith’s Apron – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Blacksmith’s Tongs –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when bought. Blacksmith’s Hammer –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when bought. Blacksmith’s Frost Ring – 200 gold pieces – This lightly enchanted magical ring ensures that the adventurer stays regulated in body temperature when spending the entire day hammering at an anvil in intense heats. The item gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn.

Merchant’s Cape –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Merchant’s Outfit – 200 gold pieces – gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Merchant’s Peacock Feathered Hat – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Merchant’s Extraordinary Fancy Snakeskin Shoes –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Brewer’s Stir Stick – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Brewer’s Apron – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Brewer’s Hat – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Brewer’s Five Star Recipe Journal – 200 gold pieces - gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Tailor’s Outfit – 200 gold pieces - gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Tailor’s Work Sewing Kit – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Tailor’s Magic Gloves – 200 gold pieces – These lightly enchanted gloves ensures that the most tedious and most difficult stitches conducted can be attained – When worn the adventurer gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points. Tailor’s Designer Journal – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used.

Herbalist Robes – 200 gold pieces - gain 40 gold pieces and 40 experience points when worn. Herbalist Cauldron – 100 gold pieces – gain 20 gold pieces and 20 experience points when used. Herbalist Lightly Magical Infused Stick – 100 gold pieces - gain 20 gold pieces and 20 experience points when used. Herbalist Lifetime Supply of Vials – 100 gold pieces – gain 20 gold pieces and 20 experience points when used. Man-at-Arms Studded Leather Armor – 200 gold pieces - -3 enemy attack roll - gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Man-at-Arms Fine Steel Sword – 200 gold pieces - + 2 Physical – gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when equipped as a 1st weapon. Wheat Farmer’s Leather Boots – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Wheat Farmer’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Wheat Farmer’s Straw Hat – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Wheat Master’s Plow – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon. Baker’s Kneading Machine – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Baker’s Apron – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn.

Baker’s Hat – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Baker’s Five Star Recipe Journal – 200 gold pieces - gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Blue Yak’s Herder Horse Saddle – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when used. Blue Yak’s Herder Spurs – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. The adventurer must have Blue Yak’s Herder Boots to use the spurs. Blue Yak’s Herder Leather Boots – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Blue Yak’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Preacher’s Blue Book – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when used. Preacher’s Blue Robes – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Preacher’s Long Wooden Staff with a Crystal Teardrop Symbol attach to its Shaft. – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when carried as a 1st weapon. Rancher Superior Leather Boots – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Rancher Superior Steel Spurs – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Must own either a pair of Blue Yak’s Herder Boots or a Rancher Superior Leather Boots to use the steel spurs. Rancher’s Leather Outfit – 200 gold pieces – gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn.

Town Speaker Dark Blue Robes – 200 gold pieces – gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Town Speaker Ring of Speechcraft – 300 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. This ring also adds an additional 10% in discounts when purchasing items. Town Speaker Casing for the Preacher’s Book – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. The casing has a faint blue glow with it. The adventurer must own the Preacher’s Blue Book in order to use this item. Lumberman Axe – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Lumberman Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Lumberman Boots – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Lumberman waist belt holder – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon. Shipbuilder Apprentice Tools – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Shipbuilder Apprentice Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Shipbuilder Apprentice Boots – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Shipbuilder Apprentice Journal – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon.

Fisherman’s Fishing Rod – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Fisherman’s Sea Gloves – 200 gold pieces – These lightly enchanted gloves ensures that catching the most slippery fish can be accomplished – When worn the adventurer gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points. Fisherman’s Large Net – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Master Woodworker Practice Manual – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Master Woodworker Toolset –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when bought. Master Woodworker Hat –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when bought. Master Woodworker Outfit– 200 gold pieces – This lightly enchanted magical ring ensures that the adventurer stays regulated in body temperature when spending the entire day hammering at an anvil in intense heats. The item gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Tavern Master Riddles & Jokes Journal –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Tavern Master Outfit – 200 gold pieces – gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Tavern Master Recipe Journal – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Tavern Master Apron –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn.

Master Shipbuilder Gloves – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Master Shipbuilder’s Steel Tip Boots – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Master Shipbuilder’s Tools – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Master Shipbuilder’s Architecture Plans – 200 gold pieces gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Fishing Master Good Luck Straw Hat – 200 gold pieces - gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Fishing Master Fishing Rod – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Fishing Master Sea Gloves – 200 gold pieces – These lightly enchanted gloves ensures that catching the most slippery fish can be accomplished – When worn the adventurer gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points. Fishing Master Large Net – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Violin Maker Tuner – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Violin Maker Repair Toolset – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Violin Maker Musical Notebook – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Violin Maker Performance Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon.

Furniture Maker Sturdy Steel Saw – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Furniture Maker Safety Gear – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon. Furniture Outfit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Furniture Maker Sturdy Hammer – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Shoemaker Sewing Kit – 50 gold pieces – gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Shoemaker Shoe Supply Goodies – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Shoemaker Guidebook – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Shoemaker Tanning Board – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when equipped as a 1st or 2nd weapon. Bower Apprentice Sturdy Horse Hair Strings – 50 gold pieces gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Bower Apprentice Toolkit – 100 gold pieces – gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Bower Apprentice Construction Manual – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points when worn. Bower Apprentice Support Bracer – 50 gold pieces - + 1 Stealth - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points if carried.

Horsebreeder Saddle – 60 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points if worn. Horsebreeder Steed – 100 gold pieces – + 1 Stealth - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Horsebreeder Hat – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points worn. Horsebreeder boots with spurs – 50 gold pieces - gains 10 gold pieces as of 10 experience points if equipped. Extravagant Golden Emblazed Violin – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Extravagant Violin Casing –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when bought. Extravagant Violinist Outfit –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when bought. Elegant Violin Collection – 200 gold pieces –gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Furniture Master Work Tools –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Furniture Master Workbench – 200 gold pieces – gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Furniture Master Toolbox – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Furniture Master Measurement Tools –100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Shoemaker Master Measurement Tools – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used.

Shoemaker Master Shoe Shelf – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Shoemaker Master Sturdy Hammer – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Shoemaker Master Special Expensive Glue – 200 gold pieces gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Bow Master Bow Holding Rack – 100 gold pieces - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when worn. Bow Master Storage Shed with Padlock – 200 gold pieces - gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points when worn. Bow Master Bracer – 100 gold pieces - + 2 Stealth - gains 20 gold pieces as of 20 experience points when used. Bow Master Target Practice Platform – 200 gold pieces –gains 40 gold pieces as of 40 experience points. Horsemaster Breeding Shed – 200 gold pieces - gain 40 gold pieces and 40 experience points when worn. Horsemaster Saddle – 100 gold pieces – gain 20 gold pieces and 20 experience points when used. Horsemaster Brush and Healthy Coat Cream – 100 gold pieces gain 20 gold pieces and 20 experience points when used. Lifetime Supply of Hay for Horsemasters – 100 gold pieces – gain 20 gold pieces and 20 experience points when used.

Rondor’s Town Hall Available Commands Pay Fine (and the amount of gold pieces) at Rondor’s Town Hall – This command allows the adventurer to pay for a crime he may have committed or to bail out someone if needed. Purchase House (and the type of house) at Rondor’s Town Hall – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a house. The adventurer must be at least a low class citizen to be able to purchase a house. Rent House – This command allows the adventurer to collect rent for a house that is owned. The adventurer needs to be in town to be able to collect the rent for a house. Apply (and the name of skill) at Rondor’s Town Hall – By registering for a Skill at the Town Hall the adventurer can start work to earn gold pieces and experience points. One must first apply for an Apprenticeship Skill before applying for a Master’s Skill. Work (name of profession) – Allows the adventurer to work his chosen skill and earn gold pieces and experience points. Houses for Sale Shack – 1000 gold pieces – The shack brings 10 gold pieces each time the command “Rent” is given. Small House – 3,000 gold pieces – The house brings in 50 gold pieces each time the command “Rent” is given. Gabled House – 10,000 gold pieces – The house brings in 200 gold pieces each time the command “Rent” is given.

Double Story Gabled House – 25,000 gold pieces – The house brings in 500 gold pieces each time the command “Rent” is given. Mansion – 80,000 gold pieces – The house brings in 1800 gold pieces each time the command “Rent” is given.

Apprenticeship Skills Ore Miner: The Adventurer attains the skill “Mining” and receives a Pickaxe when applying for this apprenticeship. The apprenticeship earns 30 gold pieces 20 experience points each time a “Work” action point is spent. Hop Farmer: The adventurer receives a plow when applying for this apprenticeship. The apprenticeship earns 20 gold pieces and 30 experience points per “Work” action point is used. Shepherd: The adventurer receives a dog that offers + 1 Physical and + 1 Stealth added to attributes when applying for this apprenticeship. The position earns 20 gold pieces and 30 experience points each time a “Work” action point is used. Apprentice to a Merchant: The apprenticeship earns 15 gold pieces and 35 experience points each time a “Work” action point is used. Bodyguard: The apprenticeship is only for adventurers that have as their strongest attribute in Physical. The apprenticeship earns 30 gold pieces and 20 experience points for each “Work” action point used. Remedy Herb Planter: The apprenticeship earns 15 gold pieces and 35 experience points per “Work” action point used.

Wheat Farmer: The adventurer receives a plow when applying for this apprenticeship. The apprenticeship earns 20 gold pieces and 30 experience points each time a “Work” action point is used. Preacher: The adventurer receives an amulet of a teardrop representing the God of Winsork. It provides immunity to “frighten”. The position earns 10 gold pieces and 40 experience points each time a “Work” action point is used. Blue Yak’s Herder: The adventurer receives a horse, which adds + 1 Stealth as long as the horse remains a follower. The position earns 20 gold pieces and 30 experience points each time a “Work” action point is used. Lumberman: The Adventurer receives an axe when applying for this apprenticeship. The apprenticeship earns 30 gold pieces 20 experience points each time a “Work” action point is spent. Fisherman: The adventurer receives a fishing rod when applying for this apprenticeship. The work earns 20 gold pieces and 30 experience points each time the “Work” action point is spent. Shipbuilder Apprentice: The position earns 20 gold pieces and 30 experience points each time a “Work” action point is used. Apprenticeship Violin Maker – The adventurer learns the basics of how to repair and make violins. He also learns how to play them and has the chance to play in the Augshill Symphony if he is good enough. The adventurer will earn 20 gold pieces and 30 experience points per work day. Apprenticeship Furniture Maker – The adventurer learns the basics of how to repair and build furniture. He will also learn to pass important exams to eventually apply for mastership in the skill. The adventurer will earn 25 gold pieces and 25 experience points per work day.

Apprenticeship Horse Breeder – The adventurer will learn to care for horses and to properly breed them. He will learn the vital bone structures of a horse as of what it requires for a proper diet and exercise that they require to remain healthy. The adventurer will earn 20 gold pieces as of 30 experience points per work day. Apprenticeship Shoe Maker – The adventurer will learn how to repair and make sturdy shoes. He will learn how to glue and stitch soles together as of learn measurements. He will also learn to know how to sell a pair of shoes and run a basic shoe store. The adventure will earn 30 gold pieces and 20 experience points per work day. Apprenticeship of Bower – The adventurer will learn how to shape bows with a carver and to make sure they are flexible enough to bend without breaking. He will learn to use horse hair to make sturdy strings and to create arrows. Later on in his apprenticeship he will learn the basic concept of shooting a bow and arrow and know and understand the designs of crossbows. 20 gold pieces as of 30 experience points are added to the character sheet per work day. Master Skills Important: To “Apply” for a Master Skill one must pay the Town Hall 500 gold pieces. Blacksmith Master: The adventurer must have been an Ore Miner to master this skill. The training earns 60 gold pieces and 40 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The Skill “Smithing” allows the adventurer to repair a weapon or armor by 20% each time the command “Smith (name of weapon or armor)” is issued. Brewer: The adventurer must have been a Hops Farmer to apply for this skill. The skill earns 60 gold pieces and 40 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The

adventurer’s Common Skills increase by 2 when applying for this position. Man-at-arms guard: The adventurer must have been a bodyguard to apply for this training. The position earns 40 gold pieces and 60 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The adventurer’s Common Skill increases by 2 when applying for this position. Merchant: The Adventurer must have been an Apprentice to a Merchant to apply for this trade. Merchants earn 60 gold pieces and 40 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The Skill “Speechcraft” is added to the character sheet. This allows the adventurer to purchase items and get a 10% discount each time. The adventurer’s Common Skills increase by 1 when applying for this position. Herbalist Sage: The adventurer must have been a Remedy Herb Planter to apply for this training. The skill earns 20 gold pieces and 80 experience points per “Work” action points spent. He also has learned the Skill “Potion Lore” having 1 remove poison potion added to inventory after each spreadsheet result. Tailor: The adventurer must have been a Shepherd to apply for this skill. The trade earns 50 gold pieces and 50 experience points per “Work” action point spent. Also every acquired clothing item (doesn’t include armor) will be double its worth when sold at market. The adventurer’s Common Skills increase by 2 when applying for this position. Baker: The adventurer must have been a Wheat Farmer to apply for this skill. The skill earns 60 gold pieces and 40 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The adventurer’s Common Skills increase by 2 when applying for this position. Blue Yak’s Rancher: The adventurer must have been a Blue Yak’s Herder to apply for this position. A Rancher earns 40 gold

pieces as of 60 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The adventurer’s Common Skills increase by 2 when applying for this position. Town Speaker: The adventurer must have been a preacher before applying for this position. A Town Speaker earns 40 gold pieces and 60 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The adventurer learns the skill “Speechcraft” when becoming the village’s cleric. If the adventurer already has this skill then add 10% to the discount availability. Master Woodworker: The adventurer must have been a Lumberman to master this skill. The training earns 60 gold pieces and 40 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The adventurer pays half price when buying furniture for a house. Fishing Master: The adventurer must have been a Fisherman to apply for this skill. The skill earns 60 gold pieces and 40 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The adventurer’s Common Skills increase by 2 when applying for this position. Master Shipbuilder: The adventurer must have been a Shipbuilder Apprentice to apply for this training. The position earns 40 gold pieces and 60 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The adventurer’s Common Skill increases by 2 when applying for this position. Tavern Master: The Adventurer must have been an Apprentice to a Merchant to apply for this trade. Tavern Masters earn 60 gold pieces and 40 experience points per “Work” action point spent. The Skill “Speechcraft” is added to the character sheet. This allows the adventurer to purchase items and get a 10% discount each time. The adventurer’s Common Skills increase by 1 when applying for this position.

Violin Master – A violin master knows how to make exclusive violins for musicians of prominent status. He will know how to run a store and to also fix other instruments including the flute, guitar, and harp. When applying for the master trade the adventurer earns 3 to Common Skill. The adventurer will also earn 50 gold pieces as of 50 experience points after each work command is issued. Master Furniture Maker – The master in furniture making will ensure that all types of furniture with exclusive designing will meet up with the expectations of the inhabitants of the lands. He will carve and design cabinets, shelves, dressers, as of dining room and kitchen sets. His duties include making sure the inventory on sales are up to date for the owner. The adventurer’s Common Skill goes up 2 when applying for the trade. He will also get half price if he ever wants to buy anything at Wandal’s Furniture Store in Nurenhill as the owner has a good relationship with Wandal. He will earn 60 gold pieces and 40 experience points per work command issued. Master Horse Breeder – The master in horse breeding will ensure that the business of breeding horses stays alive. Such horses include scout horses for fast galloping, warhorses for the knights, and strong horses for hard field labor are bred. He will ensure that the horses will also be healthy and looking at their best in front of potential buyers. The adventurer’s Common Skill goes up 2 when applying for this trade. He will also get half price if he ever wants to buy anything at Westchester’s Stable in Suranhill as the owner has a good relationship with the family. The adventurer will earn 50 gold pieces and 50 experience points per work command issued. Master Shoemaker – The master of shoemaking will have the knowledge to create boots, sandals, work and designer shoes. He will also know how to repair and improve such works when

inhabitants come in to the store in need of repairs. He will also learn how to ensure business will thrive in a store for an owner and keep up with the inventory when needed. The adventurer’s Common Skill goes up by 3 when applying for the trade. All boots the adventurer acquires will automatically add + 1 to the strongest attribute. The adventurer will earn 50 gold pieces and 50 experience points per work command issued. Bow Master – The Bow Master concentrates his efforts in creating quality bows and crossbows. He also at a higher level of mastership can create magical arrows and bolts. He learns the basics of running a small business while ensuring that his weapons will never fail the owner. The adventurers Common Skill goes up 2 when applying this trade. + 3 Stealth on every Bow the adventurer acquires will be added to the weapon as of the value will go up by 200 gold pieces each time. The adventurer will earn 50 gold pieces and 50 experience points per work command issued.

Ownerships To “Apply” for a permit to own a business one must pay 5,000 gold pieces to the Town Hall. One doesn’t have to use the command “Work” anymore as the adventurer is now an owner of a business and has people working for him. Important Note: Each business can be sold depending on a 1d18 dice roll. The minimum one can get for a business is 1000 gold pieces and the maximum is set at 18,000 gold pieces. To sell a business one uses the command “Sell (name of business). Blacksmith Owner: The adventurer must have been a Master Blacksmith to become an owner. The adventurer will own a Blacksmith and have two apprentices and a blacksmith work

for him. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Tavern Owner: The adventurer must have been a Brewer to become an owner of a tavern. The adventurer will own a tavern as of three workers that will help run the business. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Security Services: The adventurer must have been a Man-atArms in order to run his own Security Service. The adventurer will have two bodyguards and a Man-at-Arm to protect those that pay for the services. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Advantage Dealer: The adventurer must have been a Merchant in order to become a licensed Advantage Dealer. The adventurer will own a large market stand in the middle of the town center. He will have two merchants selling goods for him. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Holistic Shrine: The adventurer must have been an Herbalist Sage in order to own a Holistic Shrine. The adventurer will own a sacred magical shrine. He will have two herb gatherers and a sage to help run his business. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Exotic Tailor Shop: The adventurer must have been a Tailor in order to own an Exotic Tailor Shop. The adventurer will own an Exotic Tailor Shop. He will own 51 sheep that will have two shepherds’ watching over them. He will also have a tailor keeping an eye over the shop. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Bakery: The adventurer must have been a Baker to become an owner of a Bakery. The adventurer will own a bakery as of three workers that will help run the business. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically.

General Store Owner: The adventurer must have been a Merchant in order to become a store owner. He will have two merchants selling goods for him. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Blue Yak’s Ranch Owner: The adventurer must have been a Blue Yak’s Rancher in order to become a Ranch Owner. He will have 3 ranchers helping him tend to the Blue Yak’s. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Owner of a Church: The adventurer must have been the Village Speaker before owning a Church. He will have 3 preachers helping him tend to the inhabitants needs and faith. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Carpentry: The adventurer must have been a Master Woodworker to become an owner. The adventurer will have two apprentices to work for him. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Fish Market: The adventurer must have been a Fishing Master in order to own a Fish Market. The adventurer will own a large market stand in the middle of the town center. He will have two merchants selling goods for him. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Shipwright Owner: The adventurer must have been a Master Shipbuilder in order to own a Shipwright. The owner will have two apprentices to help him run his business. They will earn 500 gold pieces per spreadsheet result automatically. Owner of a Musical Instrument Shop – Become the owner of a musical store offering flutes, violins, harps, guitars, and drums. Ensure that festivals held are equipped with good musical instruments and guarantee that they can be repaired also on notice. The owner will have 2 apprentices and 1 violin master to run the store.

Furniture Store Owner – Become the owner of a furniture store ensuring that one can buy a solid table with matching chair set, kitchen counters, shelves, as of other furniture sets of various styles and material. Also offer to repair furniture and to create them for all sizes. The owner will have 2 apprentices and a furniture making master to run the store. Horse Ranch Owner – Become the owner of a 300 acre ranch with over 40 various horses to tend to. Ensure that they will stay healthy and that the business thrives selling them to the empire or individual customers. Also be available to tend to sick horses when brought in for a service fee. The owner will have two apprentices and a breeding master to run the business. Owner of a Shoe Store – Become the owner of a shoe store in the middle of the village near the marketplace. The owner’s responsibility is to ensure various footwear is available as provide a service to repair boots, shoes, and even slippers when needed. The owner will have 1 apprentice and 1 shoe making master to help run the store. Owner of a Bowery Shop – Become the owner of a bowery ensuring that a fresh supply of bows and crossbows are available at all times. Ensure that one can depend on the bowery to repair broken bows and provide specialized arrows or bolts for the master bow masters when needed. The owner will have 1 apprentice as of a bow master to run the store.

The Paladin’s Cathedral Available Commands Bless at the Paladin’s Cathedral - Costs 300 experience points – The action adds +2 to the strongest attribute the adventurer owns. One can only be blessed once in the Paladin's Cathedral. The Archbishop blesses all who kisses his ring. Cure at the Paladin’s Cathedral - Costs 200 experience points or 50 gold pieces. The action removes sickness, vampirism, curses, poisons, and diseases. A Veteran Cleric will perform holy spells to rid the problem. Resurrect at the Paladin’s Cathedral - Has someone important died? Perhaps a wife, husband, child, maybe pet?...if so use this command to get the loved one back. It will cost 300 experience points for the Priests to perform this task. Remove at the Paladin’s Cathedral - 300 experience points – If the adventurer is suffering from an odd item that doesn't want to remove itself naturally, such as a cursed ring, armor, or helmet then use the command “Remove” to rid of it. A Priest will use powerful magic to help get rid of the cursed item. Pray at the Paladin’s Cathedral - Allows the adventurer to pay tribute to the Air God Winsork and be cleansed from such evil omens such as fear and anger. Praying is allowed by any adventurer. Study (and the title of study) at the Paladin’s Cathedral - Allows the adventurer to add a new skill under “skills" on the character sheet. Any adventurer may enter the Cathedral to study as long as they are willing to pay for the services. A head Scribe will be the adventurer’s teacher until the basic have been taught. The gold will go to further funding the Cathedral’s interests.

Each skill of study counts as one action point and costs 1000 gold pieces. Use the command “Study” the name of the study when issuing a command. Make sure to have enough gold for the service or the action is nullified. Each skill can only be learned once in this Cathedral. The following are Titles of Studies: Monster Identify - Allows the adventurer to determine weaknesses of a monster to help defeat it easier. Subtract 2 on the Attack Roll for opponents. Literacy - Allows the adventurer to read unknown runic scriptures as of other ancient languages. Speechcraft – Allows the adventurer to receive 10% discount when purchasing items. Potion lore - Allows the adventurer to create and identify potions. Potion Lore Basics A. Small Healing Potion Produces 1 per game day B. Cure Disease Potion Produces 1 per game day

Yerorst’s Training Academy Yerorst the Dwarven Warrior (Level 14) charges 150 gold pieces to train both Melee Combat and Stealth based adventurers to attain the next level. Magic - Users will be trained by Mardan the High Elf Mage (Level 11) for the same price. Available Command Train at Yerorst’s Training Academy – The adventurer gains attributes when attaining a new level if he pays 150 gold pieces for the service. Instructions: Deduct Gold Pieces If the adventurer is a Stealth Class add the following: + 3 Stealth + 2 Physical + 4 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. If the adventurer is a Physical Class add the following: + 3 Physical + 2 Stealth + 5 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. If the adventurer is a Magic Class add the following: + 3 Magic + 1 Stealth + 1 Physical + 4 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. Also make sure to look in the DM Guidebook to see if any additional Combat Skills or Magic Skills are added when reaching Level 5, 10, 15, or 20.

Experience Points List Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

02: 03: 04: 05: 06: 07: 08: 09: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20:

000,501 002,001 005,001 009,001 014,001 020,001 027,001 035,001 044,001 054,001 065,001 077,001 090,001 104,001 119.001 135,001 152,001 170,001 190,001

to 002,000 to 005,000 to 009,000 to 014,000 to 020,000 to 027,000 to 035,000 to 044,000 to 054,000 to 065,000 to 077,000 to 090,000 to 104,000 to 119,000 to 135,000 to 152,000 to 170,000 to 190,000 (reached highest level)

Jorg’s Blacksmith Jorg the Bavidirian smith doesn’t talk much and spends day and night working. One wonders how he has so much endurance to work such long hours. His business is one of the most successful in town. Available Commands Upgrade (name of armor) at the Jorg’s Blacksmith - This command allows the adventurer to improve his armor. Make sure to indicate which armor to improve. If this is not mentioned the armor that the adventurer is currently wearing will be upgraded. Upgrade (name of weapon) at the Jorg’s Blacksmith – This command allows the adventurer to improve his weapon. Make sure to indicate which weapon to improve. If this is not mentioned the 1st weapon the adventurer is currently carrying will be upgraded. If the adventurer is not carrying a 1st weapon then the 2nd weapon will be upgraded. Repair (percentage and name of weapon or armor) at the Jorg’s Blacksmith – This command allows the adventurer to repair his armor or weapon. Make sure to have enough gold pieces for the services. Armor Upgrades One must first do the 1st upgrade before allowed to do the 2nd upgrade of the same armor. The 3rd upgrade can only be attained if the adventurer had done a 2nd upgrade to his armor. The 3rd upgrade is the max armor can have. Gauntlets and Helmets can also be upgraded in the same manner. To upgrade armor it costs 150 gold pieces

1st upgrade: costs 150 gold pieces = Subtracts an additional – 1 to enemy attack roll. 2nd upgrade: costs 200 gold pieces = Subtracts an additional – 2 to enemy attack roll. 3rd upgrade: costs 250 gold pieces = Subtracts an additional – 3 to enemy attack roll. Weapon Upgrades One must first do the 1st upgrade before allowed to do the 2nd upgrade of the same weapon. The 3rd upgrade can only be attained if the adventurer had done a 2nd upgrade. The 3rd upgrade is the max a weapon can have. 1st upgrade: cots 150g old pieces = adds +1 Physical 2nd upgrade: costs 200 gold pieces = adds +2 Physical 3rd upgrade: costs 250 gold pieces = adds + 3 Physical Repair Weapons need to be sharpened and Armor needs repairs after being used so often. To determine when a weapon needs to be repaired look at the percentage indicated next to the weapon or armor on the adventurer's character sheet. If it is close to zero percent then the item is almost worthless and cannot provide any help. 10% repairs costs 10 gold pieces. 20% repair costs 20 gold pieces. 50% repair costs 45 gold pieces. For Magical Weapons and Armors the price changes.

10% repairs costs 50 gold pieces. 20% repair costs 100 gold pieces. 50% repair costs 240 gold pieces. Magical items are expensive to repair because the blacksmith has to ask a Veteran Mage to disenchant the magic from the item to be allowed to repair it. Then the Veteran Mage has to enchant the item again to keep its value.

Gorash’s Potion Shop Gorash the Elder is an old gnome that has been selling potions for almost a century. He is an unusual humble gnome that spends most of his day mixing ingredients. Available Commands Purchase (and the name of item) at the Gorash’s Potion Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (and the name of item) at the Gorash’s Potion Shop – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item.

Available Potions Small Healing Potion - 40 gold pieces - Restores half of the adventurer’s hit point status when using the command “drink”. Large Healing Potion - 80 gold pieces - Restores the entire adventurer’s lost hit points when using the command “drink”. Cure Disease Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure disease when using the command “drink”. Cure Vampirism Bite Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure from turning into a vampire when using the command “drink”. Cure Sickness Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure sickness when using the command “drink”.

Cat's Eyes Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to see at night when using the command “drink”. Steel Skin Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 hit points for one battle. Remove Poison Potion – 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to be free of the poison when using the command “drink”.

Available Scrolls Important message before buying scrolls: Only Magic Users can use Scrolls unless the Non-Magic User’s Magic Attribute is above 50. Fireball Spell - 200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 to magic for one battle. Lightning Bolt Spell - 200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 to magic for one battle. Massive Meteor Shower - 500 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 14 to magic for one battle. Summon Dire Wolf – 200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 to physical for one battle. Summon Earth Golem - 400 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 10 to physical for one battle. Freeze Spell - 50 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to flee without losing hit points for one battle. Shapeshift - 600 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to shapeshift as the enemy having the same amount of attributes and skills as the opponent for one battle only.

Deceit of Strength - 300 gold pieces – Causes the opponent to reduce its physical attribute by 3 points for the entire battle. Confusion Whirlpool - 200 gold pieces - Causes opponent to reduce its magic attribute by 3 points for the entire battle. Butterfingers Clumsy - 200 gold pieces - Causes opponent to reduce its stealth attribute by 3 points for the entire battle. Advanced Deceit of Strength - 400 gold pieces - Causes opponent to reduce its physical attribute by 6 points for the entire battle. Advanced Confusion Whirlpool – 500 gold pieces – Causes opponent to reduce its magic attribute by 6 point for the entire battle. Advanced Butterfingers Clumsy – 400 gold pieces – Causes opponent to reduce its magic attribute by 6 points for the entire battle.

Ringlorf’s Advantage Dealer Ringlorf the Nifty has been a shrewd gnome negotiator for handling goods. His business always thrives trying to get the best deals. In his younger days, he was a master artificer collecting special items. Many cyclones later he is consider one of the best in the trade. Available Commands Purchase (and the name of item) at the Ringlorf’s Advantage Dealer – This command allows the adventurer to buy an item. Sell (and the name of item) at the Ringlorf’s Advantage Dealer – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Bubbling Stangwood Brew - 30 gold pieces - restores 2 hit points when using the command “drink” or “use”. Glowing Elixir of Renewal - 60 gold pieces - restores 5 hit points when using the command “drink” or “use”. Vial of Khorrstone Essence - 150 gold pieces - restores 10 hit points when using the command “use”. Refined Temporal Dust - 60 gold pieces - adds + 2 physical for one day when using the command “use”. Dust of Redecisiveness - 120 gold pieces - adds + 4 physical for one day when using the command “use”. Trollblood Ring of Regeneration - 750 gold pieces - heals 1 hit point per action as long as the adventurer wears the ring.

Advanced Trollblood Ring of Regeneration - 1750 gold pieces heals 2 hit points per action as long ast the adventurer wears the ring. Ring of Greater Deathward - 1500 gold pieces - subtract 2 hit points from opponent before battle begins as long as the adventurer wears the ring. Ring of Life Gate - 600 gold pieces - restores 8 hit points per spreadsheet as long as the adventurer wears the ring. Bag of Holding - 100 gold pieces - holds additional 3 items. Gnomish Backpack of Holding - 300 gold pieces - holds additional 6 items. Lesser Loot Transmutation Cube - 300 gold pieces - add 5% gold when looting after a battle. Greater Loot Transmutation Cube - 600 gold pieces - add 15% gold when looting after a battle. Girdle of the Iron Gut - 450 gold pieces - add 5 hit points to character sheet as long as the adventurer wears the item. Gloves of Potency - 700 gold pieces - + 3 Magic as long as the adventurer wears the gloves. Gauntlets of Power - 700 gold pieces - + 3 Physical as long as the adventurer wears the gauntlets.

Merchant’s Guild The Membership lasts 3 gaming days until they have to be renewed. Available Command Purchase (and the type of Membership) at the Merchant’s Guild – This command allows the adventurer to become a member of the Merchant’s Guild and receive discounts when shopping. Available Guild Memberships Bronze Merchant Guild Membership - 150 gold pieces, which offers 5% discount buying items - make sure to indicate you are e using the membership when buying an item. Silver Merchant Guild Membership - 410 gold pieces, which offers 15% discount buying items. Gold Merchant Guild Membership - 850 gold pieces, which offers 25% discount buying items. Platinum Merchant Guild Membership – 1600 gold pieces, which offers 35% discount buying items.

Green Dragon’s Inn Note: Lodging key availability lasts 3 gaming days. One can only rent one room at a time. Available Command Purchase (name of key) at the Green Dragon’s Inn – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a lodging key to have additional action points on the command spreadsheet. Available Keys Private Lodging grants the adventurer to cure poison infection. The lodging bronze key costs 60 gold pieces. Luxurious Room grants the adventurer to cure poison and frighten infection. The lodging silver key costs 100 gold pieces. Royal Suite grants the adventurer to cure poison, frighten, curse, plague, and disease infection. The lodging gold key costs 180 gold pieces. Tavern Owner’s Personal Luxury Suite grants the adventurer to cure all ailments except zombism, vampirism, demonism, and werewolf syndrome. The lodging platinum key costs 300 gold pieces.

Rondor’s Marketplace Many merchants at the town's market await adventurers to sell their items. Some even manage to sell the items for double the price they bought them for. It is a cutthroat business as most that get into this trade go broke the first month they get a license from the High Merchant of the Magistrate. Nevertheless, for an adventurer it doesn’t matter as his goal is to only get what is necessary to survive the lands when exploring it without the necessities a town offers. Available Commands Purchase (item selected) at Rondor’s Marketplace – Allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (item selected) at Rondor’s Marketplace – Allows the adventurer to sell an item. Identify (name of item) at Rondor’s Marketplace – Allows the adventurer to identify an item for 30 gold pieces by the Mystic Seer. Available Items Magical First Aid – 20 gold pieces – The Magical First Aid kit immediately cures 4 hit points and can be used only one time. Superb Box of Chocolates - 15 gold pieces – A box of chocolate is worthy of getting someone of importance attention or even show a proposal of engagement. Small Wooden Shield – 30 gold pieces - (Magic Users -1

Stealth and -1 Magic if equipped). Provides – 1 enemy attack roll. Studded Leather Armor – 75 gold pieces – (Magic Users -2 Stealth and – 2 Magic if worn). Provides -2 opponent attack roll. Chainmail Armor – 150 gold pieces – (Magic Users -3 Stealth and – 3 Magic if worn). Provides -3 opponent attack roll. Book of Wisdom – 50 gold pieces - Must use the command “Read Book of Wisdom” and it will add + 1 Magic permanently for one use only. The adventurer can only buy this particular book once to benefit its effect. Book of Combat – 50 gold pieces – Must use command “Read Book of Combat” and it will add +1 Physical permanently for one use only. The adventurer can only buy this particular book once to benefit its effect. Book of Agility – 50 gold pieces – Must use command “Read Book of Agility” and it will add +1 Stealth permanently for one use only. The adventurer can only buy this particular book once to benefit its effect. Fine Quality Steel Dagger – 100 gold pieces – Adds + 1 to Physical. Fine Quality Steel Sword – 200 gold pieces – Adds + 2 to Physical. Doesn’t provide bonuses for Magic Users. Fine Quality Steel Axe – 200 gold pieces – Adds + 2 to Physical. Doesn’t provide bonuses for Magic Users. Robes of the Initiate – 100 gold pieces - subtracts 1 on enemy attack roll. It doesn’t provide bonuses for Melee Combat Classes. Bone Staff of Aura – 150 gold pieces – the staff provides light

instead of using a torch and lantern. Also it adds + 1 Magic to the attributes. It doesn’t provide bonuses to Melee or Stealth Classes. Light Crossbow – 200 gold pieces – Adds + 2 Stealth. It can be used as a second weapon and will still add + 2 Stealth, unless a shield is being used. Wood Elvin Oak Bow – 300 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Stealth. It can be used as a second weapon and will still add + 3 Stealth, unless a shield is being used. Cape of Illusion – 300 gold pieces – enemy must subtract 3 to their attack roll. This item can be worn by a non-magic user is desired and still reap the powers it provides.

Guild Memberships For many centuries the guilds in Rondor have always been competing on who has the most influence in the town’s welfare. They have a great influence in politics and the day to day affairs of town. When joining a guild one gains 500 experience points.

Available Command Join (and name of Guild) – Allows the member to become a member of the specific Guild. Work (and name of Guild) – Allows the adventurer to work for the guild.

Available Guilds The Mage’s Guild – is considered the oldest guild in town. It is run by master wizard Thunderfaust a Bavidirian that unusually has lived twice the age of what a Bavidirian can live. The High Elf starts as an “Associate” in the rankings of the guild. The Warrior’s Guild – is usually the most popular of the guild’s as hundreds of adventurer’s apply for the lucrative contracts the guild has to offer. It is run by the legendary dwarven hero Rocacresct Sturmin. The Dwarven Warrior starts as an “Associate” in the rankings of this guild. The Assassin’s Guild – membership is low due to their strict and difficult exams required to join the guild. The headmaster is believed to be a dark elf, yet none know exactly. The guild’s voice is a gnome by the name of Shrew Pitol. His grim and dark

appearances are unpleasant to most. The Dark Elf Assassin starts out as a “Murderer” in the rankings of this guild. The Rogue’s Guild – probably the most hated guild in town, but due to the popularity of the legendary Halfling hero Billibon Strudeln as its leader it remains open. The Halfling Rogue starts as a “Pickpocket” in the rankings of this guild. The Necromancer’s Guild – is besides the Assassin’s Guild the most mysterious guild. Although its odd magic is highly misunderstood the town is grateful to have necromancers understanding the threats that could impose the inhabitants. The leader astonishingly is a high elf who first studied to be a mage before delving into the dark arts of magic. He is presuming the oldest inhabitant in town going at well over 2000 cyclones (years). The Gnome Necromancer starts as a “Follower” in the rankings of the guild. The Cathedral – The cathedral is run by the Arch-Bishop Canton Strongheart of the Upper Northern Bavidirian Lands. He is a middle aged Bavidirian that always has two bodyguards at his presence. One can join the order and donate at any time to keep the tallest building in town renovated. The Bavidirian Cleric starts as a “Scribe” in the rankings of the guild. The Druid’s Circle – The Druid’s Circle doesn’t have a building, but rather a gathering just outside of town at the edge of Nurenhill’s forest. The leader is a wise wood elf lady by the name of Milos’ar Tiraar. She usually is seen wandering the busy markets. Her influence is large by the inhabitants of town. The Wood Elf Druid starts as “That of Earth” in the rankings of the Druid’s Circle.

Wandal’s Furniture Store Wandal is an older Bavidirian of long gray hair and around 70. He has been designing furniture since the age of 15 when his father had taught him. The solid wood and playful designs has attracted many customers around the lands. His biggest buyer is King Bavidirian himself as he hangs proudly a painting of them.

Available Command Purchase (of furniture set) at Wandal’s Furniture Store – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a furniture set to add to their home ownership. Available Sets Regular Oak Furniture Set – 500 gold pieces – increases the rent of a house by 100 gold pieces. Designers Oak Furniture Set – 1000 gold pieces – increases the rent of a house by 200 gold pieces. Cherry Wood Furniture Set – 2000 gold pieces – increases the rent of a house by 400 gold pieces. Mahogany Furniture Set – 4000 gold pieces – increases the rent of a house by 600 gold pieces. Designers Shutters – 300 gold pieces – increases the rent of a house by 50 gold pieces. Chimney with Marble Fireplace – 3000 gold pieces – increases the rent of a house by 300 gold pieces.

NOTE: One can buy a combination of one set of shutters, marble fireplace, and one furniture set per house. One cannot buy more than one of the same item to increase its rent. Everything can be sold for half the price it was bought for.

Final Touch Tailors Serendalia a wood elf has always had an interest in making a fortune with her specially tailored magical outfits. Her prices are very low for the quality one can get for the products. Take advantage before she one day changes her mind!

Available Command Purchase (the outfit type) at Final Touch Tailors – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an outfit they wish to wear. Availability (One must be of class to have the benefits) Rogue’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Stealth as long as the adventurer wears the outfit. Warrior’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Physical as long as the adventurer wears the outfit. Mage’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Magic as long as the adventurer wears the outfit. Necromancer’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Magic as long as the adventurer wears the outfit. Druid’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Magic as long as the adventurer wears the outfit. Assassin’s Outfit – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Stealth as long as the adventurer wears the outfit.

Cleric Robes – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Magic as long as the adventurer wears the outfit. Barbarian Hides – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Physical as long as the adventurer wears the outfit. Rangers Cape – 100 gold pieces – adds 2 to Common Skill and 1 to Stealth as long as the adventurer wears the outfit.

Rondor’s Bakery Lisanette Cherryjon has been the town’s favorite storeowner as she makes unique bakery items that can stimulate the mind to do many great things for one another. The smell of hot chocolate and sweet bakery lingers in the air throughout town keeping everyone’s spirits high. Each bakery item is accompanied with a cup of hot cocoa if desired.

Available Command Purchase (the bakery item) at Rondor’s Bakery – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a treat at the bakery if they wish. Availability Special Rolls – 5 gold pieces – heals 1 hit point. Cookie Galore – 5 gold pieces – raises the Common Skill by 1 for the duration of one spread sheet result. Cake Ganache – 8 gold pieces – raises the Common Skill by 2 for the duration of one spread sheet result. Morning Glory Muffins – 12 gold pieces – raises a Common Skill by 3 for the duration of one spread sheet result. Combination Bakery Package – 20 gold pieces – raises the Common Skill by 4 for the duration of one spread sheet result. Remove Poison Bisquit – 50 gold pieces – removes poison if one is inflicted. All items are only effective if the adventurer uses the command “eat” and the name of the item.

Lumberyard Rolfenson the stark dwarf with a grumpy manner is always hiring temporary workers to chop wood. He wants strong men that can actually do the work.

Available Command Work at Lumberyard – This command allows the adventurer to work for Rolfenson to earn 20 gold pieces and 10 experience points.

Dwarven Carriage With two mules and a large covered wagon, Stonecrusher the dwarven veteran warrior (now a merchant) tries to sell dwarven made products. His primary interest is selling enchanted dwarven made armors that are rare to find. (Only members whose strongest attribute is Physical can wear these items)

Available Command Purchase (name of item) at Dwarven Carriage – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item from Stonecrusher. Availability Dwarven Chainmail – 900 gold pieces – deducts 4 from opponents attack roll. Enchanted Dwarven Chainmail – 1800 gold pieces – deducts 7 from opponents attack roll. Dwarven Platemail – 1200 gold pieces – deducts 5 from opponents attack roll. Enchanted Dwarven Platemail – 2200 gold pieces – deducts 8 from opponents attack roll. Dwarven Bracers – 400 gold pieces – deducts 2 from opponents attack roll. Dwarven Gauntlets – 600 gold pieces – deducts 3 from opponents attack roll. Dwarven Helmet – 400 gold pieces – deducts 2 from opponents attack roll.

Ancient Dwarven Platemail of Defense – 12000 gold pieces – deducts 15 from opponents attack roll. This magical platemail also is incorruptible from any opponent that could destroy it. Also it is immune to being stolen. The adventurer also is immune in getting a disease, curse, frightened, or vampirism when wearing the armor.

Rondor’s Bank Rondor’s Bank is well guarded and has frequent business owners dropping off their money. The adventurer is entitled to save his gold at the bank if desired.

Available Commands Drop Off (and the amount of gold pieces or items) at Rondor’s Bank – This command allows the adventurer to drop his gold pieces for safe keepings at the bank. Note: If the gold pieces are at the bank then the adventurer doesn’t have them physically on him anymore and cannot purchase items until he withdraws the gold pieces he many need to purchase in the future. Withdrawal (and the amount of gold pieces) at Rondor’s Bank – This command allows the adventurer to take out as many gold pieces as he states on his command. This allows the adventurer to carry that amount of gold pieces on him to be able to purchase items in the future. Loan (amount of gold pieces) at Rondor’s Bank – This command allows the adventure to loan gold pieces at 15% interest per week / spreadsheet. The adventurer can loan gold pieces up to 5x the amount he owns on gold pieces at the current time he is applying for the loan. For example: If the adventurer has 100 gold pieces he can take a loan out up to 500 gold pieces.

Writer’s Guild The Writer’s Guild is an old organization for those that want to have their experiences told. Many famous writers such as Glenadale Liptenkist, Gloriana Pettybraun, Thunderfaust, Rocacresct Sturmin, and Billibon Strudeln have been members of this prominent club. Available Commands Publish (Name of title) at Writer’s Guild – This command allows the adventurer to publish his work and get it printed at the Writer’s Guild. Collect (and the amount of experience points) at the Writer’s Guild – This command allows the adventurer to collect gold pieces for his work. Note: One must have first used the command “Write” before being able to collect gold pieces for it. The amount of experience points will be exchanged for gold pieces. 1 experience point offers 1 gold piece.

Rerox Gathering Rerox the mighty Barbarian has a gang of mercenaries ready to work for any that is willing to pay a good price for them.

Available Command Hire (name of mercenary) at Rerox Gathering – This command allows the adventurer to hire a mercenary. He must have a 1000 gold pieces available when hiring a mercenary.

Available Mercenaries Empire Agents – The semisecret organization known as the Holy Agents has members scattered across the Lands of Bavidirian. These individuals are dedicated to battling evil, discovering and preserving forgotten lore, and maintaining the balance between nature and civilizations. They offer + 10 Stealth. Invisible Blade – These secretive members are deadly warriors who prefer to use daggers in combat. Their training and techniques with these weapons make them just as lethal as any well-armed fighter. They offer + 10 Stealth, and + 2 to Common Skills. Lich Master – Necromancy is usually a poor choice for arcane spellcasters. Those who really want to master the deathless arts almost always pursue divine means. However, an alternative exists for those who desire power over undead. Enter the lich master, who draws on a font of special lore that provides a macabre power all of its own. They offer + 10 Magic, and provide +2 Magic powers to the adventurer’s staff

permanently. If the Lich Master is no longer a follower the powers of the staff remain! Red Dragon Disciple – It is rumored that the magical powers of sorcerers and bards are somehow connected to the presence of dragon blood in their family tree. Red Dragon Disciples are sorcerers, and sometimes bards, who use their magical power as a catalyst to ignite their read dragon blood, realizing its fullest potential. They prefer a life of exploration to a cloistered existence. Already adept at magic, many pursued adventure, especially if it furthers their goal of finding out more about their draconic heritage. They offer + 20 Hit Points and + 3 Magic.

Farmer’s Market The Halfling merchant Pettyfoot has been selling vegetables and fruit for the town for the last 20 cyclones (years) and hasn’t looked back. She is considered one of the richest merchants in town.

Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at the Farmer’s Market – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of item) at the Farmer’s Market – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Cook (name of recipe) – This command allows the adventurer to cook a recipe and store it under his inventory. Eat (name of recipe) – This command allows the adventurer to eat a certain food if desired. Available Items Apples 1 gold piece , Pear 1 gold piece , Blueberries 2 gold pieces , Cabbage 1 gold piece , Salad 1 gold piece , Green Onions 1 gold piece , Radishes 1 gold piece , Tomato 1 gold piece , Potatoes 1 gold piece , Carrots 1 gold piece , Leeks 1 gold piece , Flour 2 gold pieces , Butter 2 gold pieces , Sugar 3 gold pieces , Salt 3 gold pieces , Pepper 2 gold pieces , Lemon 2 gold pieces. Recipe for Luminescence Salad - 5 gold - (1 Salad, 1 Carrot, 1 Radish, 1 Tomato, 1 Green Onion, 1 Lemon, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper). Provides + 2 Physical. This recipe can only provide benefits

one time. If the adventurer wants to make another salad it doesn’t give any benefits anymore, yet it can be sold for double the price it had cost to make it. In this case for 34 gold pieces. Recipe for Dawn Veggie Stew - 5 gold - (1 Cabbage, 1 Carrot, 1 Leek, 1 Potato. 1 Salt, 1 Pepper). Provides + 2 Stealth. This recipe can only provide benefits for one use. If the adventurer decides to make a second Dawn Veggie Stew then it will not provide any benefits, yet it can be sold for double the price it had cost to make it. In this case for 28 gold pieces. Recipe for Twilight Pies - 5 gold – (1 Flour, 1 Sugar, 1 Butter, 1 Blueberry, 1 Apple, 1 Pear, 1 Salt). Provides + 2 Magic. This recipe can only provide benefits for one use. If the adventurer decides to make a second Twilight Pie then it will not provide any benefits, yet it can be sold for double the price it had cost to make it. In this case for 36 gold pieces. Recipe for Fruhjahr Soup - 5 gold - (1 tomato, 1 cabbage, 1 leek, 1 lemon, 1 butter). Provides + 3 Hit Points. This recipe can only provide benefits for one use. If the adventurer decides to make a second Fruhjahr Soup then it will not provide any benefits, yet it can be sold for double the price it had cost to make it. In this case for 24 gold pieces. Instructions on Cooking Recipes 1. One must first buy the recipe scroll. 2. One must buy the ingredients that are indicated in the recipe scroll. 3. One must use the command “cook” and the name of the recipe. The created recipe will be stored under the inventory on the character sheet. If one ever wants the recipe use the command “eat” and the name of the recipe to get the reward.

Silver Unicorn’s Inn The beautiful maiden Alaoril has inherited her mother’s inn just recently. She enjoys the cozy small rooms her mother created. It is a farmer’s choice when they want to just rest an entire day. The pub itself holds up to 20 people. It rarely gets busy, except on the weekends when farmers come in to have a few ales. Available Command Purchase (name of key) at Silver Unicorn’s Inn – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a lodging key to have additional action points on the command spreadsheet.

Available Keys Private Lodging grants the adventurer an additional 1 to each attibute for 3 game days. The lodging bronze key costs 600 gold pieces. Luxurious Room grants the adventurer an additional 2 to each attribute for 3 game days. The lodging silver key costs 1000 gold pieces.

Westchester’s Stable The Family Westchester’s have been breeding horses for over a decade. They care for them and part only to those that feel the same way. Note: One can only use the benefits of one horse at a time. If the adventurer owns more than one horse then the one that offers the most benefits will be used.

Available Command Purchase (name of item / animal) Westchester’s Stable – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a horse or wagon. Availability Horse – 1000 gold pieces – Adds 8 items to the inventory. War Horse – 2000 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Stealth and 8 items to the inventory. Wagon – 800 gold pieces – Can carry an additional of 15 items. This item can only be bought if the adventurer owns a horse / warhorse.

Jill’s Bolts and Arrows Jill the Wood Elf boasts to be the best archer in the village. For most of the day she is fixing bows. Occasionally a hunter comes in to buy a bunch of arrows and rarely one comes in to buy a bow.

Available Command Purchase (item selected) at Jill’s Bolts and Arrows – Allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Available Items Short Bow – 100 gold pieces – Adds + 1 Stealth. It can be used as a second weapon and will still add + 1 Stealth, unless a shield is being used. Long Bow – 200 gold pieces – Adds = 2 Stealth. It can be used as a second weapon and will still add + 2 Stealth, unless a shield is being used. Wood Elvin Oak Bow – 300 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Stealth. It can be used as a second weapon and will still add + 3 Stealth, unless a shield is being used. Light Crossbow – 200 gold pieces – Adds + 2 Stealth. It can be used as a second weapon and will still add + 2 Stealth, unless a shield is being used. Heavy Crossbow – 400 gold pieces – Adds + 4 Stealth. It can only be used as a 1st weapon alone. One cannot use a shield if using the heavy crossbow.

A Pack of Arrows (for bows only) – 20 gold pieces – adds + 1 to Stealth. A Pack of Bolts (for crossbows only) – 20 gold pieces – adds + 1 to Stealth. Leather Bracer – 100 gold pieces – Adds + 1 Stealth if the adventurer owns a bow. Arrow of Death – costs 500 gold pieces – Kills any opponent with an attribute equal or lower of 30 on its highest attribute. If the opponent has more than 30 the adventurer can flee without losing hit points when using the arrow. Note: A pack of arrows or bolts last indefinitely for the adventurer and is stored under inventory on the character sheet.

Bailendorf’s Wolfhound Shelter Theodore Bailendorf a retired Bavidirian soldier has Wolfhounds for being alive. His trusted wolfhound companion had saved his life when a half Orc tried to bash his head in with a stonehammer. Ever since then he has been raising wolfhounds to offer any who wish to own one. Note: The adventurer can own up to 5 wolfhounds if desired.

Available Command Purchase (type of wolfhound) at Bailendorf’s Wolfhound Shelter – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a wolfhound.

Available Wolfhounds Grown Wolfhound – 400 gold pieces – It provides + 2 Physical and + 1 Stealth. Veteran Wolfhound – 800 gold pieces – This wolfhound has seen and participated in battle before. It provides + 4 Physical and + 3 Stealth.

Junip’s Potion Shop Available Commands Purchase (and the name of item) at the Junip’s Potion Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (and the name of item) at the Junip’s Potion Shop – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Potions Small Healing Potion - 30 gold pieces - Restores half of the adventurer’s hit point status. Large Healing Potion - 70 gold pieces - Restores the entire adventurer’s lost hit points. Cure Disease Potion - 90 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure disease. Cure Werewolf Potion - 90 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to reverse the werewolf syndrome. Cure Zombie Potion - 90 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure the Zombie syndrome. Cat's Eyes Potion - 90 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to see at night. Steel Skin Potion - 90 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 hit points for one battle. Freeze Bomb – 50 gold pieces – This gnomish invention allows the adventurer to throw a freeze bomb at the opponent

enabling him to flee without losing any hit points when he has lost a battle.

Krodan’s Weapon Smith Krodan the Mighty is a large Kort standing at 9 feet and weighing close to 500 pounds. He hammers huge weapons to perfection ensuring that they will do the most damage with the right bearer. Note: These weapons can only be used by Half Orcs, Korts, Dwarves, and Minotaurs.

Available Commands Purchase (and the name of item) at Krodan’s Weaponsmith– This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (and the name of item) at Krodan’s Weaponsmith – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Repair (name of weapon) at Krodan’s Weaponsmith – Krodan is willing to repair 10% of a weapon for 100 gold pieces.

Availability Two handed Stonehammer – 300 gold pieces + 2 Physical as lnog as the adventurer has the item equipped as a first weapon. Two handed Fine Stonehammer – 600 gold pieces + 3 Physical as long at the adventurer has the item equipped as a first weapon. Two handed Exquisite Stonehammer = 900 gold pieces + 4 Physical as long at the adventurer has the item equipped as a first weapon.

Two handed Excellent Battleaxe – 300 gold pieces - + 2 Physical as long as the adventurer has the item equipped as a first weapon. Superior Two handed Fine Battleaxe – 600 gold pieces + 3 Physical as long at the adventurer has the item equipped as a first weapon. Two handed Exquisite Battleaxe – 900 gold pieces + 4 Physical as long at the adventurer has the item equipped as a first weapon. Magical Two handed Stonehammer – 3000 gold pieces + 10 Physical as long at the adventurer has the item equipped as a first weapon. Magical Two handed Battleaxe – 3000 gold pieces + 10 Physical as long at the adventurer has the item equipped as a first weapon.

Brawling Tavern Ulfar the Basher has been running the Brawling Tavern for 50 cyclone years. Everyday there are fights that include broken chairs, tables, and mugs. The ale is horrible and the food is barely palpable.

Available Command Purchase (and the name of item) at Brawling Tavern – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Availability Food – 10 gold pieces – cures poison. Drink – 10 gold pieces – cures disease. Room – 40 gold pieces – cures paralysis, frost bites, and fear. Brawl – The adventurer fights a fellow barbarian (fist to fist) and could win experience points if he wins. Good time – the adventurer spends time with a pretty lady for a great time and adds + 1 Physical permanently. It costs 300 gold pieces and can only be done once per 4 gaming days.

Shaman’s Hut The old female Kort has been studying herbiology as of minor magic’s of the druids since childhood. She offers a wide arrangement of goods to buy.

Available Command Purchase (and the name of item) at the Shaman’s Hut – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Available Items (Each Item is for one use only) Roots of Healing – 50 gold pieces – restores 4 hit points. Roots of Reverse Curse – 150 gold pieces – Eliminates the curse. Roots of Reverse Disease – 150 gold pieces – Eliminates disease. Flora of Cleansing – 150 gold pieces – Insomnia or Fright will be eliminated. Blue Gingerroot – 30 gold pieces – Helps reduce Indigestion such as have had foul goat’s milk in the system. Red Slippery Elm – 30 gold pieces – Eliminates heartburns. Green Turmeric Vial – 30 gold pieces – Adds + 1 to healing if mixed with the healing potion. Pixie Dust – 200 gold pieces – The adventurer can travel to any destination (except through sea) in one day only. The Pixie

Dust’s magical property teleports the adventurer back to the Green Dragon’s Inn thus not losing any hit points if a battle is lost. Dandelion Liquor – 100 gold pieces – A rare and unique liquor loved by the Korts. It rids fear. Blue Yak Jerky – 20 gold pieces – If one is in need of food the Blue Yak Jerky does the job until better food comes along.

Exotic Pet Shop The burly 8 foot half giant has been training exotic beasts and animals for a good 50 cyclones *years. He has a lot of scars to show his experience with them.

Available Commands Purchase (name of pet) at the Exotic Pet Shop – Allows the adventurer to purchase a pet. Be sure to use the command “Train Pet” after this command. Train Pet (name of pet) – Each pet needs to be trained or the pet may run away to never be seen again. Sell (name of pet) at the Exotic Pet Shop – Allows the adventurer to sell a pet for half of the price of what it is worth.

Pets Available Giant Hawk – 1500 gold pieces – Adds + 6 Stealth as long as it remains a follower. Black Panther – 1500 gold pieces – Adds + 6 Physical as long as it remains a follower. Earth Imp – 1500 gold pieces – Adds + 6 Magic as long as it remains a follower. Giant Grizzly Bear – 3000 gold pieces – Adds 11 Physical as long as it remains a follower. Giant War Eagle – 3000 gold pieces – Adds 11 Stealth as long as it remains a follower.

Fairy Dryad – 3000 gold pieces – Adds 11 Magic as long as it remains a follower. Copper Wyvern – 6000 gold pieces – Adds 8 to all Attributes as long as it remains a follower.

Rondor’s Shipyard A husky Bavidiran by the name of Kortisan has owned the shipyard for 5 centuries. His pride in building ships is equal as of selling them for a good price. He doesn’t enjoy being hassled into haggling so beware; you might end up in a fight!

Available Commands Purchase (name of ship) at Rondor’s Shipyard – allows the adventurer to purchase a ship or items for a ship. Sell (name of ship) at Rondor’s Shipyard – allows the adventurer to sell a ship for half the price one could buy for it. Repair (name of ship) Rondor’s Shipyard – the adventurer docks his ship to have repairs done to it. Each ripped sail costs 50 gold and each haul 100 gold.

Availability Barque – A vessel with three or more masts with square sails on the foremost mast. It can hold up to 20 cannons and carry up to 30 sailors. One needs a minimum of 10 sailors to be able to run this ship. It only comes with one cannon with the price. It is worth 10,000 Gold Hauls 20 Sails 20 Fire Power 1 / 10 Speed 8 Storage 30 Brig – A square rigged, two-masted warship originally armed with eighteen cannons. On the berthing deck houses the sleeping quarter for the captain and crew, storage space, sail bin, and a wood stove. The ship holds 100 sailors and needs a minimum of 20 to sail the ship. It is worth 66,000 Gold

Hauls 60 Sails 60 Fire Power 18 / 18 Speed 5 Storage 50 Caravel – A small three mast ship used for starting merchants. It has the ability to sail fairly quickly in hopes to avoid pirate attacks. It can carry up to 30 sailors and needs 5 to run it. It doesn’t hold any cannons but can carry up to 10. Its storage space is where it makes up for its price. It is worth 18,000 Gold. Hauls 40 Sails 40 Fire Power 0 / 10 Speed 11 Storage 80 Carrack – The largest merchant ship in the seas. It has a large cargo hold and can defend itself. Usually only rich merchants can afford such a grand designed ship. It is worth 34,000 Gold. Hauls 60 Sails 60 Fire Power 10 / 35 Speed 15 Storage 160 Frigate – An aggressive warship used often by the Bavidirian Navy. Sometimes a few are commissioned to sell for the Empire to raise quick money to finance their army. At the moment 2 are available. It needs a minimum of 20 sailors to run it. It holds up to 220 sailors. Haul 250 Sails 250 Fire Power 40 / 60 Speed 11 Storage 50 Galleon – The biggest ship at the shipyard. It is originally commissioned by Lord Denominas himself, yet he declined because of the escalating wars near the Cave of Morashitar forcing him to stay on land. The ship carries 500 sailors and needs 50 to run it. It holds 80 cannons. Its price tag is at 900,000 gold pieces. Haul 500 Sail 500 Firepower 45 / 80 Speed 5 Storage 500 Elvin Airship – The Elvin Airship floats proudly above the waters at the shipyard. A magical crystal is the cause of its unique ability to fly. The ships design is actually of gnomish

heritage with its 4 masts. Although they are not meant to be used for war there have been occasional pirates that have hijacked such ships for such purposes. It comes with 2 cannons. To run the ship one astonishingly only needs 4 sailors. It can hold up to 30 sailors however. The ship is worth 120,000 gold pieces. Haul 100 Sail 100 Firepower 2 / 10 Speed 15 (Opponent attack roll -5 on a 1d18 die) Storage 30 Odd number 1d18 event rolls allow the Airship to avoid attack if desired. Cannon – 2,000 gold pieces Quick Reload Cannons – 4,000 Gold Pieces. Counts as 2 to Fire Power.

The Blue Anchor Tavern Two Halflings have found the courage to run a tavern amongst the Bavidirians. Their large sales in Grapan liquor (a Halfling root once grown in the Hills of Dilan) have provided worldwide recognition. Grimlore and Pettyfeet enjoy a good dose of entertainment and hire frequently beautiful dancers and savvy Bards to keep the tavern from ever losing business. The majority that visits the tavern are sailors that haven’t had a chance to enjoy good times as much as they like due to duty responsibilities.

Available Commands Purchase (name of item or service) at the Blue Anchor Tavern – Allows the adventurer to purchase an item or service.

Available Items Rations – 20 gold pieces – restores 4 hit points. Grapan Liquor Bottle – 30 gold pieces restores insomnia or fear. Goblin’s Brew Ale – 10 gold pieces (sailor’s favorite ale) supposingly was first brewed by a Goblin, but no one really knows its history. It restores 2 hit points. Room for the night – 30 gold pieces – Restores all lost hit points and rids sickness if the adventurer is suffering from it. Rumors – 25 gold pieces – One of the Halfling owners will provide perhaps a valuable rumor if desired.

Hire Sailors (the amount of men) – 1 sailor costs 20 gold pieces to get on your ship. He will stay dedicated to the duties as long as he gets 10 gold weeks pay. Indicate on your command how many sailors you want to hire. Gamble Blue Anchor (and the amount of gold pieces) – Play a game of Lucky 7 with the notorious Halfling merchant called “Puck”. Now don’t be cheating. He isn’t kind to such people as he has able bodyguards surrounding him at all times to ensure fair play. To win the game one has to have the most amounts of 7s, yet if none have 7s then the one that has the highest count after adding the 6 numbers together. The DM rolls for you. If the adventurer wins he gets 4 x the amount of gold he had bet for the game.

Rondor’s Docks The docks are an impressive site filled with all shapes and sizes of ships. Most of them are merchants trying to make a few gold coins before retiring of old age. Two ships of particular interest may be of help to an adventurer.

Available Command Board (name of ship) at Rondor’s Docks – This command allows the adventurer to board a ship and travel to the destination it offers.

Available Ships A Caraval by the name of “Dancing Seamaid” is at service. It travels regularly to the High Elvin town called Swienalden. It costs 100 gold pieces. An odd ship full of black sails (has no name) is docked at the far end of the harbor. It hasn’t been traveling for some time now. A daunting man with many scars and a black patch on his left eye offers any able and brave adventurer to explore the Forbidden islands. He charges 1000 gold pieces for the service.

Starstor’s Magic Shop A Bavidirian by the name of Starstor has just opened his shop a few weeks ago. He doesn’t have a wide range of items available, yet he promises more will come in soon. He holds a crystal that radiates light lavender. Those who ask what it is he mentions it allows ships to float above the waters.

Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at the Starstor’s Magic Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of item) at the Starstor’s Magic Shop – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Small Healing Potion - 40 gold pieces - Restores half of the adventurer’s hit point status. Large Healing Potion - 70 gold pieces - Restores the entire adventurer’s lost hit points. Cure Disease Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure disease. Cure Vampirism Bite Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure from turning into a vampire. Cure Sickness Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure sickness.

Magic Might Potion – 700 gold pieces - This valuable potion adds + 5 Physical permanently to the character sheet. This potion is known to give bad side effects if too many have been swallowed, so beware! Magic Agility Potion – 700 gold pieces - This valuable potion adds + 5 Stealth permanently to the character sheet. This potion is known to give bad side effects if too many have been swallowed, so beware! Magic Potion of Wisdom - 700 gold pieces - This valuable potion adds + 5 Magic permanently to the character sheet. This potion is known to give bad side effects if too many have been swallowed, so beware! Charm Tome – 500 gold pieces – The magical runic inscriptions can only be read by an adventurer that had studied “Literacy”. If the adventurer has this skill the magical properties allow to influence to buy one item for 1/3 its price. Use the command “Use Charm Tome”. Airship crystal – 20,000 gold pieces – Does the adventurer wish to make his ship fly as free as an eagle? The Airship Crystal will allow this to happen. The adventurer must have a minimum of 25 Magic to harness its powers.

Winsork’s Temple Available commands Bless at Winsork’s Temple - Costs 300 experience points - adds +1 attribute of choice. This command allows the adventurer to receive a blessing from a High Priest. The adventurer can only be blessed once at the temple. Cure (and name of ailment) at Winsork’s Temple - Costs 200 experience points or 50 gold pieces – The adventurer can get help from a priest to remove a sickness, vampirism, curse, or a disease. Resurrect (and name of victim) at Winsork’s Temple - Has someone important to your adventurer died? A wife, husband, child, maybe pet?...if so use this command to get your loved one back. Costs 300 experience points. Remove (and name of item) at Winsork’s Temple - 300 experience points – Is the adventurer suffering from an odd item that doesn't want to remove itself naturally from your adventurer such as cursed rings, armor, or helms. Use the service of a Priest to remove the burden. Pray at Winsork’s Temple – This command allows the adventurer to pay tribute to the elemental gods and be cleansed from such evil omens as plague, fear, and anger. Advanced Studies (name of skill) at Winsork’s Temple - This command allows the adventurer to add a new skill under “skills" on the character sheet. Choose one of the following skills below and subtract 500 experience points. Each skill of study counts as one action point. Advance Monster Identify - Allows the adventurer to determine weakness of monster to help defeat it easier. The adventurer

must have learned the Basic Monster Identify at the Paladin’s Cathedral before studying advanced lessons. Advance Literacy - Allows the adventurer to read unknown runic scriptures as of other ancient languages. The adventurer must have learned the Basic Monster Identify at the Paladin’s Cathedral before studying advanced lessons. Advanced Speechcraft – Allows the adventurer to receive an additional 10% discount when shopping. The adventurer must have learned the Basic Speechcraft at the Paladin’s Cathedral before studying advanced lessons. Advanced Potion lore - Allows the adventurer to create and identify potions for your suiting. The adventurer must have learned the Basic Potion Lore at the Paladin’s Cathedral before studying advanced lessons.

Puffard’s Amulet Shop Puffard Tiplor is a well outfitted gnome that enjoys his collection of amulets. These are not ordinary amulets as they have been channeled with deep magic to provide benefits for the wearer. He keeps a keen eye on his products and even hires a half orc by the name of Grub on weekends to keep a keen eye on them when he does his shopping.

Available Commands Recharge (name of amulet) at the Puffard’s Amulet Shop – Some amulets will lose their charge and need to be channeled with powerful magic to regain their strengths. The service costs 100 gold. Purchase (name of item) at the Puffard’s Amulet Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of item) at the Puffard’s Amulet Shop – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Crazed Haunter's Torc of Horror Amulet –1000 gold pieces - If the attack roll is below 5 the opponent flees. These powers do not work on demons or undead however. Unjust Seer's Diadem Amulet – 1000 gold pieces – Foreseeing the event helps the adventurer experience two events at the same time thus choosing only one. The DM picks the best option for the adventurer to help win or gain the most for the character sheet. The amulet’s Powers stop after one “explore

event” has been used. It can be recharged though for 400 gold pieces. The powers are used for one gaming day only. Casters' Diadem of Gold Amulet – 1500 gold pieces – The adventurer gains 20% more gold when adventuring. Gresham’s Bone Lance Amulet – 500 gold pieces – The weapon of the adventurer extends its length without gaining weight allowing to take advantage at the right time to defeat his opponent. + 5 Physical is added to the character sheet when wearing this amulet. Lordly Amulet – 500 gold pieces – Add 3 to Common Skills. Past Amulet of Sludge Rain – 800 gold pieces - If one event has provided a horrible result for the adventurer, the amulet had predicted it and provided a Storm to replace the horrible incident from happening. It has two uses before needing to be recharged. To recharge the amulet costs 800 gold pieces. Villainous Amulet – 1500 gold pieces – The amulet helps the adventurer equal the strongest attribute against the opponent. Example: Arch Lich attacks and has Magic 40 Stealth 12 Physical 10. The Rogue may only have 20 in Magic, but through the amulet he now has Magic 40. This amulet only has 2 charges before it runs out of its magic. It cannot be recharged. Amulet of Marvelous Magical Circle – 2000 gold pieces - If the adventurer is a magic user the common skill cast goes up by 5. Also he adds double for the first level spell he knows. If the adventurer is not a magic user the common skill goes up by 5 and the adventurer gets the spell “Fire Bolt + 3 Magic” added to the character sheet. Amulet of the Corruptor – 1000 gold pieces – The opponent’s weapon disintegrates forcing them to not be able to give their

attack roll result. This amulet has 5 charges before its powers are ineffective. The amulet cannot be recharged.

Meliss’s Jewelry Shop Meliss Sheril is a rich Bavidirian lady with long black hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her charm and high charisma allows her jewelry shop to be flourished with customers. Some of the customers just come in to see her beautiful smile and gorgeous ways of handling her customers. Many have proposed, yet none have gained any true attention thus far. This might change one day if the right one comes. She had once joked about if anyone buys her the pink diamond ring that she would marry that person immediately that day. If it is true, no one knows, yet the diamond ring is truly a magnificent site to see. She has two retired veteran warriors as bodyguards all the time. One stands at the entrance as the other stands behind the counter guarding the large safe full of gold pieces and important documentations to her store.

Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at the Meliss’s Jewelry Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of item) at the Meliss’s Jewelry Shop – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Propose to Meliss Sheril – This command allows the adventurer to propose to the Jewelry Shop owner. He must be willing to give the Pink Diamond as a marriage proposal. Once married the adventurer earns 1000 gold pieces per gaming day for the profits of the Jewelry shop, 3 siblings, and a bonus of 2000 gold pieces added to the character sheet.

Available Items Amulet of Exceptional Charisma - 800 gold pieces - The special ability “Speechcraft” is added to the character sheet. Also all common skills go up by 2. Anklet of Bone Barriers – 400 gold pieces - + 6 hit points are added to the character sheet as long as the anklet is in the bearer’s possession. Blasphemous Writer's Pendant – 500 gold pieces – Magic attribute goes up by 5. The special ability “Monster Identify” is added to the character sheet. Crown of the Glorious Exorcism of Deflection – 1000 gold pieces – The opponent cannot use his attack roll against the adventurer because of the magical effects of the crown. The item only has enough charges for the use of three times. Minor Necklace of Avoidness – 700 gold pieces – This necklace allows the adventurer to avoid missing days if it happens in an event. The powers of this necklace can only be used twice before it needs to be recharged. Necklace of Magma Sphere – 1200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to enter battle with a powerful and radiant sphere surrounding his boy attaining +3 on all attributes. Pendant of Acid Wall – 1000 gold pieces – The Acid Wall appears suddenly forcing the opponent to deduct an additional 4 on the attack roll. Pin of Muck Ball – 500 gold pieces – A black muck hits the opponent’s eyes forcing to deduct an additional 2 on the attack roll. Torc of the Strangler – 800 gold pieces – The opponent is forced to subtract 2 on Physical before battle even begins.

Wondrous Gothic Amulet of Platinum Touch – 1200 gold pieces - The opponent turns to platinum and is worth 2500 gold. All items are deducted from the inventory if the adventurer chooses to deliver the life size statue to the market unless he owns a mule, horse, or a horse with carriage. This amulet has only one charge and unfortunately no channeler, master alchemist, or wizard knows how to recharge it. Pink Diamond – 10,000 gold pieces.

Rare Findings Bookstore As the name describes, these books are rare and the price shows it. Ghilbi Menocur is an old gnome that use to adventure searching for rare artifacts and eventually fell in love with books. After so many cyclones years he has now quite a collection and is willing to depart with them for a hefty price. Note: The books powers can only be used once and the knowledge within them can only be attained by one adventurer at a time. Therefore, if the Adventurer has already studied the powers of a subject he cannot gain the advantages again if he buys another book of the same subject.

Available Commands Purchase (name of book) at the Rare Findings Bookstore – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of book) at the Rare Findings Bookstore – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items (Each books power can only be used once per adventurer) Blasphemous Traitors' Lexicon – 350 gold pieces – Adds +5 to the common skill “Sneak”. Book of the Serene Savior's Invocation of Dexterity - 500 gold pieces – Adds + 3 to Steatlh permanently Clear Speechcraft Manual - 300 gold pieces - Adds + 4 to the common skill “Speechcraft”.

Elvin Dwarf's Codex - 500 gold pieces - Any confrontation between elves and dwarves are resolved because of the studies of customs through this book. Humans' Scroll of Metal – 800 gold pieces – The adventurer’s hit points go up by 8 permanently. Miserly Golems' Grimoire of Arch-angels – 500 gold pieces – A Golem appears that will stay as a follower adding + 5 Physical to the attributes on the character sheet. Perfect Climber's Codex – 350 gold pieces – Adds + 5 to the common skill “climb”. Secrets of Building Control – 400 gold pieces – Allows the owner of a building to ensure that it won’t be taken away, a fire wouldn’t occur, or any harm to be done to the building as long as the knowledge of the manual is in the hands of the owner. Manual Lightning Transformation – 5000 gold pieces – the bearer turns into pure electricity and automatically destroys the opponent. This powerful manual’s knowledge can only be used by magic users and is not effective on the Overlord Morashitar if encountered. This manual can only be used once before it turns to ashes. White Tome of Summon Joiner – 1000 gold pieces – An Air Elemental joins the adventurer adding + 3 on all attributes.

Metzi’s Staff Shop Metzi the Magnificent is a prominent Bard that has an obsession for walking sticks and staffs. He simply can’t stop talking about them and has written many books about the awesome powers of these enchanted items in the hands of legendary heroes. His word of mouth as of writings has encouraged many inhabitants throughout the lands to visit his shop to sell their staffs. He admits it is hard to part from a magical staff when he has sold one, yet he needs the money to keep the business alive. NOTE: Staffs powers can only be used by magic users.

Available Commands Purchase (name of staff) at Metzi’s Staff Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of staff) at Metzi’s Staff Shop – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Forbidden Snake's Wand of Skill Absorption – 1200 gold pieces – The opponent loses 5 Physical, Magic, and Stealth before battle begins as long as the item is equipped. Staff of the Perfected Cleric – (Only Cleric’s can wield this staff) – 1200 gold pieces - +10 Magic as long as the item is equipped. Stave off the Damned Wolf – 1200 gold pieces - A Giant Two Headed Dire Wolf is summoned adding + 10 to Physical as long as the item is equipped.

Wand of Screaming Dancers - 1000 gold pieces – A group of ghosts appear allowing the adventurer to flee without losing the usual hit points as long as the item is equipped. Wonderful Massive Staff – 500 gold pieces – This wonderful and heavy staff needs the adventurer to have a physical of at least 20 to use it. It provides + 6 Physical when used in combat as long as the item is equipped. Masters' Quarterstaff of Slyness – (Rogues may use this item) – 500 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to add + 5 to hide and sneak under common skills as long as the item is equipped. Quarterstaff of Absorbs Blood – (used by Vampires) – 1000 gold pieces – this item ensures the daily intake of blood for the vampires needs each week. Without it the vampire must explore and defeat an opponent to gets its daily intake of blood needed to survive the lands as long as the item is equipped. Studious Snakes' Staff of Darkness Barriers (used by evil alignment only) – 1200 gold pieces - This staff summons poisonous Cobras against the opponent reducing both physical and stealth by 3 before the battle begins as long as the item is equipped. Lawful Beasts' Sceptre – 1000 gold pieces – summons a beast that adds + 5 physical. The attributes are automatically added if the sceptre is held as a 1st weapon as long as the item is equipped.

Tufur’s Mercenary Guild Tufur the Bavidirian veteran fighter has a gang of mercenaries ready to work for any that is willing to pay a good price for them.

Available Command Hire (name of mercenary) at the Tufur’s Mercenary Guild– This command allows the adventurer to hire a mercenary. He must have a 300 gold pieces available when hiring a mercenary.

Available Mercenaries Empire Agents – The semisecret organization known as the Holy Agents has members scattered across the Lands of Bavidirian. These individuals are dedicated to battling evil, discovering and preserving forgotten lore, and maintaining the balance between nature and civilizations. They offer + 10 Stealth. Invisible Blade – These secretive members are deadly warriors who prefer to use daggers in combat. Their training and techniques with these weapons make them just as lethal as any well-armed fighter. They offer + 10 Stealth, and + 2 to Common Skills. Lich Master – Necromancy is usually a poor choice for arcane spellcasters. Those who really want to master the deathless arts almost always pursue divine means. However, an alternative exists for those who desire power over undead. Enter the lich master, who draws on a font of special lore that provides a macabre power all of its own. They offer + 10 Magic,

and provide +2 Magic powers to the adventurer’s staff permanently. If the Lich Master is no longer a follower the powers of the staff remain! Red Dragon Disciple – It is rumored that the magical powers of sorcerers and bards are somehow connected to the presence of dragon blood in their family tree. Red Dragon Disciples are sorcerers, and sometimes bards, who use their magical power as a catalyst to ignite their read dragon blood, realizing its fullest potential. They prefer a life of exploration to a cloistered existence. Already adept at magic, many pursued adventure, especially if it furthers their goal of finding out more about their draconic heritage. They offer + 20 Hit Points and + 3 Magic.

The Steel of Steam Warehouse Enter the hammering and flaming of hard steel to make the latest pride, which are the famous and rare steamships. These heavy ships fly at a decent speed across the lands and can withstand dragon flame attacks. As one gnome shovels coal into an oven another maneuver the ship with a steering wheel. Although loud they are many enjoy the idea of making distance without having to encounter many opponents.

Available Commands Purchase (type of steamship) at the Steel of Steam Warehouse – this command allows the adventurer to purchase a steamship. Sell (type of steamship) at the Steel of Steam Warehouse – this command allows the adventurer to sell a steamship.

Available Items The Horned Duck – 10,000 gold pieces – this odd looking ship looks like a duck with horns on it. It is said that the gnome had too much to drink that day when he came up with the designing of the ship. Nevertheless, it offers 20 additional hit points added to the character sheet and 2 additional action points as long as the adventurer owns the ship. The Blockade Rider – 20,000 gold pieces – it is full of steel that is actually easy for a dragon to melt, yet somehow the gnomes have figured out how to keep the steel cool when flame hits it. It provides 30 additional hit points and 1 additional action point as it is a bit slower than the Horned Duck Steamship.

The Bombardier – 30,000 gold pieces – Equipped with powerful bombs of explosion this tank of a machine offers the perfect defense and combat any adventurer could ever dream of. It offers 30 additional hit points and + 20 Physical added to the adventurer’s character sheet. It is very slow and cannot offer any additional action points. Coal – 500 gold pieces – A lifetime supply of coal needed for the steamship to function. Hire a Gnome Coal Shuffler – 500 gold pieces - Each steamship needs a strong coal shuffler as the steamships need to be constantly fed in its steam stove chamber coal.

Pippi’s Flames and Bullets Shop Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at Pippi’s Flames and Bullets Shop – this command allows the adventurer to purchase an item at Pippi’s Flames and Bullets Shop. Sell (name of item) at Pippi’s Flames and Bullets Shop – this command allows the adventurer to purchase an item at Pippi’s Flames and Bullets Shop.

Available Items Basic Rifle – 2000 gold pieces – Adds + 10 to strongest attribute the adventurer has. Superior Rifle – 4000 gold pieces – Adds +16 to strongest attribute the adventurer has. Scope – 1000 gold pieces – Adds + 5 to strongest attribute the adventurer has. Rifle Harness – 1000 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to never have his weapon stolen or lost as long as he owns the harness. Basic Flamethrower – 2000 gold pieces – Adds 3 to each attribute as long as the adventurer owns the flamethrower. Superior Flamethrower – 4000 gold pieces – Adds 6 to each attribute as long as the adventurer owns the weapon.

Shock Grenade – 300 gold pieces – Forces the opponent to not roll his attack roll and allows the adventurer to only lose half of his hit points if he loses a battle. Bullets – 200 gold pieces – Adds + 1 to strongest attribute as long as he owns a rifle.

The Sacred Obelisk Circle The magic behind these ancient structures remain a mystery as the inhabitants had built their town around it. No one knows of their origin and it remains an attraction for many of the inhabitants throughout the lands. It is rumored it gives powers to those that touch the four stone structures a certain way. NOTE: These sacred stones only reward one gift to an adventurer after touching them 4 times.

Available Command Touch Sacred Obelisks – this command allows the adventurer to touch the magical structures in hopes to get a reward unknown to mortals or immortals!

Available Rewards The Apprentice - Bypass an Apprenticeship and Master Skill to be an owner of the trade upon stating it on a command. The command is Become (name of business) owner. The Steed - Adds + 2 Action Points permanently as the adventurer can shapeshift into a Stallion to travel faster to one location to another. The Mage - Adds 10 Magic permanently. If the adventurer is a mage or wizards then add + 5 to the fireball scroll incantation. The Thief - Adds 10 Stealth permanently and increases 150 gold piece chances when issuing the command “steal�.

The Atronauch - Magic points are reduced in half by opponents who attack the adventurer. The Lord - + 4 HP recover per action point spent on noncombat days and + 4 to Common Skills added to the character sheet permanently. The Lover - New Skill Paralyze – opponent has to be equal or lower in the strongest attribute of the adventurer to be inflicted with the paralyze spell which causes the opponent to not be able to roll a 1d18 dice for attack roll. The Ritual - Summons a Wraith if the adventurer is of evil alignment or an Angel Guardian for good or neutral alignment adventurers. The Wraith or Angel Guardian remain as a follower regardless if an event says it must be deducted for it is immune to it. They add +5 to all of the attributes permanently. The Serpent - Summons a Large Cobra to poison the opponent subtracting 10 hit points before the battle begins. The Shadow - Allows the adventurer to turn invisible and allows to evade a battle if he loses it. A) If opponent’s strongest attribute is higher then the adventurers then a 12 or higher on a 1d18 die must be rolled to flee without losing hit points. B) If opponent’s strongest attribute is equal then the adventurers then a 9 or higher on a 1d18 die must be rolled to flee without losing hit points. C) If opponents strongest attribute is lower then the adventurers then a 6 or higher on a 1d18 die must be rolled to flee without losing hit points. The Tower - All weapons and armor the adventurer owns are always incorruptible as of indestructible. The worth of the weapons doubles when selling them at a market.

The Warrior - + 10 Physical are added permanently on the characters sheet.

Bank of Gnomish Handlings The Bank of Gnomish Handlings is well guarded and has frequent business owners dropping off their money. It is the only bank where the adventurer will make 5% interest earnings for each week / spreadsheet result as long as the money remains in the bank.

Available Commands Drop Off (and the amount of gold pieces or items) at the Bank of Gnomish Handlings – This command allows the adventurer to drop his gold pieces for safe keepings at the bank. Note: If the gold pieces are at the bank then the adventurer doesn’t have them physically on him anymore and cannot purchase items until he withdraws from the bank the gold pieces he many need to purchase in the future. Withdrawal (and the amount of gold pieces) at the Bank of Gnomish Handlings – This command allows the adventurer to take out as many gold pieces as he states on his command. This allows the adventurer to carry that amount of gold pieces on him to be able to purchase items in the future. Loan (amount of gold pieces) at the Bank of Gnomish Handlings – This command allows the adventure to loan gold pieces at 15% interest per week / spreadsheet. The adventurer can loan gold pieces up to 5x the amount he owns on gold pieces at the current time he is applying for the loan. For example: If the adventurer has 100 gold pieces he can take a loan out up to 500 gold pieces.

The Inventor’s Goods Store Available Command Purchase (name of item) at the Inventor’s Goods Store – allows the adventurer to purchase an item at the Inventor’s Goods Store. Sell (name of item) at the Inventor’s Goods Store – allows the adventurer to purchase an item at the Inventor’s Goods Store.

Available Items The Endless Rope with Grappling Hook – 300 gold pieces – Adds + 1 to attributes as long as the item remains in the adventurer’s inventory. Gnomish Backpack – 200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to carry an additional 8 items Superior Gnomish Backpack – 600 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to carry an additional 14 items. Solar Flashlight – 150 gold pieces - If equipped it can provide light endlessly Miner’s Hat with Light – 150 gold pieces – If worn the helm provides 100 gold pieces added to miners when a precious gem or gold vein is found. Portable Monster Scanner – 600 gold pieces – Subtracts 4 on the opponent’s attack roll. Smoke Grenade – 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to flee without losing any hit points.

Fragmented Bomb – 500 gold pieces – Shoots out metal shards causing the opponent to lose 8 Physical attributes before battle begins. Luxury Tent – 250 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to restore 8 hit points instead of the usual 2 hit points when camping. Gravity Boots – 300 gold pieces – Used for levitation to reach items that may be otherwise hard to attain. Scuba Diving Equipment – 300 gold pieces – Use for deep sea diving incase it is needed to attain or find something of unusual in the Maniput Sea.

Ripplestork’s Staff Shop Ripplestork is a master staff channeler and creator. His skill in making staffs more powerful than a sword or axe was always a challenge. One thing is to be true the one who can wield one of his staffs to perfection can be the most dangerous opponent ever to face. NOTE: Staffs powers can only be used by magic users.

Available Commands Purchase (name of staff) at Ripplestork’s Staff Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of staff) at Ripplestork’s Staff Shop – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Forbidden Snake's Wand of Skill Absorption – 1200 gold pieces – The opponent loses 5 Physical, Magic, and Stealth before battle begins as long as the opponent is vulnerable to magic. Staff of the Perfected Cleric – (Only Cleric’s can wield this staff) – 600 gold pieces - +10 Magic (Good Deal!) Stave off the Damned Wolf – 600 gold pieces - A Giant Two Headed Dire Wolf is summoned adding + 10 to Physical (Great Deal!) Wand of Screaming Dancers - 500 gold pieces – A group of ghosts appear allowing the adventurer to flee without losing the usual hit points.

Wonderful Massive Staff – 500 gold pieces – This wonderful and heavy staff needs the adventurer to have a physical of at least 20 to use it. It provides + 6 Physical when used in combat. Masters' Quarterstaff of Slyness – (Rogues may use this item) – 500 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to add + 5 to hide and sneak under common skills. Quarterstaff of Absorbs Blood – (used by Vampires) – 1000 gold pieces – this item ensures the daily intake of blood for the vampires needs each week. Without it the vampire must explore and defeat an opponent to gets its daily intake of blood needed to survive the lands. Studious Snakes' Staff of Darkness Barriers (used by evil alignment only) – 1200 gold pieces - This staff summons poisonous Cobras against the opponent reducing both physical and stealth by 3 before the battle begins. Lawful Beasts' Sceptre – 1000 gold pieces – summons a beast that adds + 5 physical. The attributes are automatically added if the sceptre is held as a 1st weapon.

Kobold’s Potions Available Commands Purchase (and the name of item) at the Kobold’s Potions – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (and the name of item) at the Kobold’s Potions – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Potions Small Healing Potion – 40 gold pieces – Restores 4 hit points for one use. Large Healing Potion – 70 gold pieces – Restores 8 hit points for one use. Stone Skin Potion – 250 gold pieces – Only loses 2 hit points instead of the usual 4 when losing in a battle for the entire spread sheet of the week. Invisible Potion – 250 gold pieces - Allows the adventurer to be semi-invisible for 1 battle. The opponent cannot add a 1d18 attack roll during battle. Magic Dispel Elixir – 500 gold pieces – Forces the opponent to not use the Magic attribute during battle. Strength Dispel Elixir – 500 gold pieces – Forces the opponent to not use the Physical attribute during battle. Agility Dispel Elixir – 500 gold pieces – Forces the opponent to not use the Stealth attribute during battle. Here is an example of when an Agility Dispel Elixir is used:

Golem Physical 50 Stealth 20 Magic 10 Versus Dwarven Warrior Physical 30 Stealth 20 Magic 10 Golem Physical 50 Stealth 20 Roll 13 = 63 total Dwarven Warrior Physical 30 Stealth 20 Roll 15 = 65 total The Dwarven Warrior wins the battle because he had used the Agility Dispel Elixir.

The Stronghold Arena The Arena is one of the biggest events in town. Many inhabitants come here to bet huge wages on their favorite competitor. Most competitors don’t survive the first two battles as they too wish to become rich by attaining grand champion of the arena.

Available Commands Register – Allows the adventurer to register for the arena competitions. Make sure to have a 1000 gold pieces when registering. Compete – Allows the adventurer to compete in the arena against an opponent. One must first register before being allowed to compete in the arena.

Dark Cultist Guild The Dark Cultist Guild worships Marikasha – Goddess of Night & Destruction. Her prized hero is a death dragon that stalks the Wastelands leading large armies with the Demon Hordes of Morashitar. Those that become members are granted dark powers of immense destruction. It is rumored the leader of the guild is a powerful Dark Elf Mage of the Ancient Dark Arts that had constructed with powerful magic the Dark Tower. Only those that serve his guild may visit it with one of his Griffons. The adventurer must be an Assassin/Shade or a Necromancer willing to become a dark cultist to join this guild.

Available Commands Work at the Dark Cultist’s Guild – The Adventurer must be either a Assassin / Shade or a Necromancer to be able to issue this command. When the command is issued the adventurer will be working for the Dark Cultist’s Guild at the Stronghold. Purchase (either a Griffon or War Griffon) at the Dark Cultist Guild – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Join the Dark Cultist Faction – this command allows the adventurer to join the Dark Cultist Faction and be a member of the secretive society. Availability Griffon – 1000 gold pieces – The Griffin offers flight to the Dark Tower.

War Griffon – 2000 gold pieces – The War Griffin offers flight to the Dark Tower. It also offers + 3 Physical as long as it remains a follower.

Staengdor’s Armory Available Command Purchase (name of item) at Staengdor’s Armory command allows the adventurer to purchase armor.


Available Items Dwarven Chainmail – 450 gold pieces – deducts 4 from opponents attack roll. Enchanted Dwarven Chainmail – 900 gold pieces – deducts 7 from opponents attack roll. Dwarven Platemail – 600 gold pieces – Deducts 5 from opponents attack roll. Enchanted Dwarven Platemail – 1100 gold pieces – deducts 8 from opponents attack roll. Dwarven Bracers – 200 gold pieces – deducts 2 from opponents attack roll. Dwarven Gauntlets – 300 gold pieces – deducts 3 from opponents attack roll. Dwarven Helmet – 200 gold pieces – deducts 2 from opponents attack roll. Ancient Dwarven Platemail of Defense – 6000 gold pieces – deducts 15 from opponents attack roll. This magical platemail also is incorruptible from any opponent that could destroy it. Also it is immune to being stolen. The adventurer also is immune in getting a disease, curse, frightened, or vampirism when wearing the armor.

Master Tongs and Hammer of the Clumsy – 60 gold pieces - Not all adventurer’s are as skilled as a dwarf when it comes to smithing. Therefore these magically crafted tongs would make the clumsiest look like a master at the skill. When these items are used the weapon or armor of choice is repaired 100%. These items have enough magical charge for 3 repairs.

Potent Mead’s Tavern Welcome to Grizzlythunders tavern where one can drink the most potent mead in all of the lands. Grizzlythunders wirery redbeard shows much enthusiasm in ensuring everyone has a great time when they visit his establishment.

Available Command Purchase (name of item) at the Potent Mead’s Tavern – Allows the adventurer to purchase an item or rent a room at the tavern.

Available Items Meat on the bone – 10 gold pieces - offers +1 Physical for one battle. Meat of the Ogre Leg – 20 gold pieces - offers + 2 Physical for one battle. Special Creamed Blue Yak’s Milk – 10 gold pieces – offers + 1 Stealth for one battle. Brisky’s Mead Quart – 10 gold pieces – offers + 1 Physical - 1 Stealth Thundering Ale – 10 gold pieces – offers + 1 stealth - 1 Physical Adventurer’s Room – 20 gold pieces – eliminates sickness. Champion’s Room – 20 gold pieces – eliminates plague or disease.

Zek’s Magical Jewelry Store Zek Ruinstone has been enjoying his secrets on how to make his jewelry magical. Although many try to spy on him to find out he doesn’t reveal any hints for doing so would put him out of business. He doesn’t like to put any of his items on discount even if the adventurer is the smoothest talker in the lands.

Available Command Purchase (name of item) at Zek’s Magical Jewelry Store – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item.

Available Items Ruby Ring of Health – 350 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to restore 2 hit points per action point as long as the adventurer is not in battle. Sapphire Ring of Magic – 350 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to add 5 Magic to the attributes as long as he wears the ring. Emerald Ring of Luck – 4000 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to add 2 Luck points added to attributes. The ring cannot be recharged. Diamond Ring of Power – 3000 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to have an additional 7 Physical as long as he wears the ring. Ruby Amulet of Restoration – 1000 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to restore any deductions of attributes that may

have occurred during travels for the week. The magic will only work if the adventurer is wearing the ring. Black Opal Amulet of Resurrection – 5000 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to resurrect after being defeated. Once the ring is put on the finger it will never remove itself until the last charge was used. It has 2 charges. The resurrection only functions if the adventurer wears the ring. Pink Diamond of Family – 10,000 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to be the proud father of 20 children and the most beautiful / handsome partner the lands will ever see earning 300 gold pieces per spreadsheet as long as the ring is worn. If the ring falls of the finger of the bearer the 20 children will die instantly as of the partner. The Necklace of Sue Tistar – 2000 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to summon Sue Tistar a cursed wraith once a noble citizen of the destroyed town of Sinatorium. Her murder was so grueling it entertained the Goddess of Darkness and made Sue Tistar a wraith of summoning. The ring offers + 4 on all attributes as long as the ring remains on the adventurer’s finger.

Runic Scripts Library Ancient runic stones that have wisdom from the first dwarves that lived in these lands are preserved in the library. Many will provide additional rewards when read. Be sure to be quiet when entering this sacred library!

Available Command Read (name of runic stone) at the Runic Scripts Library – this command allows the adventurer to read one of the ancient stones first written by dwarven runemasters many cyclone years ago. Available Books

By Golly Miss Smokeybeard Hefty Hammer & Light Hands Rocky Pebbles for Breakfast Shortened Height‌.Really! Too long of a Beard and Flat Stubby Nose Stories History on Dwarven Women and their beards Magic Stones and Silly Putty Horrible Singing but great Drinking Chainmail the First Edition Ogres, Goblins, and Hobgoblin Stories The Invisible Axe by Rumblebelly Masters

Rockshoulder Store Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at the Rockshoulder Store – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of item) at the Rockshoulder Store – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Blue Yak’s Outfit – 30 gold pieces – keeps the adventurer warm from freezing temperatures. Rations – 5 gold pieces – One ration provides +1 hit point recovery. Torch – 3 gold pieces – The torch provides enough light for one day use. Common Lantern – 10 gold pieces – The lantern can be reused as often as needed. Rope with Grappling Hook - 10 gold pieces – A rope with grappling hook allows an adventurer to get out of tough situations when needed. Flask of Water – 6 gold pieces Dwarven Miner’s Helm – 100 gold pieces – gains 30 gold pieces as of 30 experience points when worn.

Dwarven Miner’s Outfit (only fits dwarves, gnomes, and Halflings) – 200 gold pieces – gains 60 gold pieces as of 60 experience points when worn. Dwarven Miner’s Boots (only fits, dwarves, gnomes, and Halflings) – 100 gold pieces – gains 30 gold pieces as of 30 experience points when worn. Copper Pickaxe – 100 gold pieces – gain double amount of resources when using the item. Not used for apprenticeships. Silver Pickaxe – 200 gold pieces - gain triple the amount of resources when using the item. Not used for apprenticeships. Golden Pickaxe – 200 gold pieces – gain quadruple the amount of resources when using the item. Not used for apprenticeships.

Brizzle’s Barber Old Brizzle has to be at least 200 hundred cyclone years as he has been trimming beards to a fashion. It is guarantee that a good beard will attract a partner. Just sit in a chair and watch him go to work!

Available Command Style (name of style) Beard at Brizzle’s Barber – This command will let old Brizzle know what kind of trimming and fashioning the adventurer needs.

Available Services Ordinary Trim – 20 gold pieces – This trim does some astonishing things to someone. 1 partner with 1 sibling will be added to the character sheet. Fashion Trim – 50 gold pieces – This trim really attracts the crowd. 1 partner with 2 siblings will be added to the character sheet. Champion’s Trim – 100 gold pieces – This trim is fit for a king! 2 partners with 4 siblings will be added to the character sheet. Brizzle’s Best – 200 gold pieces – This trim is the best trim one can buy. 2 partners with 8 siblings will be added to the character sheet.

The Gem Shop Available Command Buy (name of item) at the Gem Shop – this command allows the adventurer to buy an item at the Gem Shop. Sell (name of item) at the Gem Shop – this command allows the adventurer to sell an item at the Gem Shop.

Available Items Small Ruby – 75 gold pieces - The glowing ruby shall adorn, those who in colorful times are born; then they'll be exempt and free, from love's doubts and anxiety. Large Ruby – 150 gold pieces Small Sapphire – 75 gold pieces - A maiden born when beautiful leaves, are rustling in a peaceful breeze, a sapphire on her brow should bind, `Twill cure diseases of the mind. Large Sapphire – 150 gold pieces Small Emerald – 75 gold pieces - Who first beholds the light of day, in spring's sweet flowery has to say, and wears an emerald all her life, shall be a loved and a happy wife. Large Emerald – 150 gold pieces Small Diamond – 100 gold pieces - She who from who dates her cyclone years, diamonds shall wear, lest bitter tears, for vain repentance flow; this stone, emblem of innocence, is known. Large Diamond – 220 gold pieces

Shaman Apothecary Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at Shaman’s Apothecary – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item at the apothecary. Sell (name of item) at Shaman’s Apothecary – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item at the apothecary.

Available Items Hornworts Root – 20 gold pieces – This root when chewed on cures poison. Glowing Frog’s Stool – 25 gold pieces – This creamy substance when rubbed on around the face cures fear. Spiky Rat’s Tail Goulash – 15 gold pieces – This stew cures sicknesses. Raspberry Thorned Drink – 25 gold pieces – This prickly drink cures diseases. Bubbly Broth of a Moth – 30 gold pieces – This warm broth of moths cures paralyzes. Eyeballs of an Ogre puree – 55 gold pieces – These bitter puree of eyes cures weaknesses. Singing Elderberry Juice – 15 gold pieces – These berries help eliminate frostbite if the adventurer suffers from it. Cat's Eyes Potion - 50 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to see at night when using the command “drink”.

Steel Skin Potion - 50 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 hit points for one battle. Enchant Weapon Potion – 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to rub the liquid’s content onto the weapon to add + 1 Physical permanently. This potion doesn’t work on staffs. This special effect only works on individual weapons once and therefore if a new Enchant Weapon Potion is used on the same weapon it will melt it and make it useless.

Death Ring Barbarians are known to enjoy fighting and have a spot where duels are fought. The champion is the right hand man and bodyguard of the chieftain and goes by the name of “Banisher”. His ferocity and anger doesn’t allow anything to be left over from his victim. Unchallenged he remains the champion and favorite of the Kort Barbarians. The prize is the amount of gold pieces one puts in and if the adventurer wins he gets 3 x that amount back. Available Commands Challenge Kort Barbarian – this allows the adventurer to challenge a Kort Barbarian that also wants to get his name out for the settlement. By winning battles the chances of marriage is higher for a Kort. Challenge Banisher – this command allows the adventurer to challenge the champion of the death ring. Being the champion allows the adventurer to gain + 7 in all attributes permanently and become the right hand bodyguard for the chieftain himself.

Bor’s Weaponsmithery Bor is a 10 foot stalky Kort smith that hammers large weapons for over a decade. His greatest accomplishment was the 200 pound ebony engraved stonehammer that the chief carries at all times by him. Only the strongest can wield such weapons. Note: Only Korts, Minotaurs, Half Orcs, and Dwarves can wield Bor’s weapons. Available Commands Purchase (name of weapon) at Bor’s Weaponsmithery – This allows the adventurer to purchase a weapon. Sell (name of weapon) at Bor’s Weaponsmithery – This allows the adventurer to sell a weapon. Available Items Fine Two-Handed Stonehammer – 300 gold pieces – adds + 2 to Physical Superior Two-Handed Stonehammer – 600 gold pieces – adds + 4 to Physical Ancient Runic Two-Handed Stonehammer – 1000 gold pieces – adds +8 Physical Extravagant Two-Handed Ebonyhammer – 2000 gold pieces – The adventurer has to have a Physical of 55 to use this weapon. It adds + 16 Physical. Super Heavy Crossbow – 1200 gold pieces – Can be used as a second weapon. The adventurer must have at least 50 Physical to use it. Adds + 5 Physical and + 2 Stealth to the attributes.

Poison Bolt – 50 gold pieces – Subtracts 5 from opponents attack roll for one battle. Shaman Cursed Bolt – 100 gold pieces – Deducts 5 Magic attributes for one battle.

Milly’s Hut Milly the wise has over a hundred cyclone years. The town believes her days are over, yet every cyclone year she is here eagerly selling her unusual remedies for a fair price.

Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at Milly’s Hut – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item at the Shaman’s Hut. Sell (name of item) at Milly’s Hut – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item at the Shaman’s Hut.

Available Items Hornworts Root – 20 gold pieces – This root when chewed on cures poison. Glowing Frog’s Stool – 25 gold pieces – This creamy substance when rubbed on around the face cures fear. Spiky Rat’s Tail Goulash – 15 gold pieces – This stew cures sicknesses. Raspberry Thorned Drink – 25 gold pieces – This prickly drink cures diseases. Bubbly Broth of a Moth – 30 gold pieces – This warm broth of moths cures paralyzes. Eyeballs of an Ogre puree – 55 gold pieces – These bitter puree of eyes cures weaknesses.

Milly’s Special – 25 gold pieces – No one knows what Milly puts in this but it will recover 5 hit points if used. Singing Elderberry Juice – 15 gold pieces – These berries help eliminate frostbite if your adventurer suffers from it.

Hunting Lodge Wolfenson the Kort Barbarian at 7 feet tall is one of the smaller men for a Kort in town, yet also the most agile making him great for hunting. He is responsible for bringing enough meat as of furs for everyone.

Available Command Work at Hunting Lodge – This command allows the adventurer to work for Wolfenson. A 1d18 dice roll will determine the event. Available Items 1 to 2: Hunted a small wolf gain 20 gold pieces for skinning it also. 3 to 4: Hunted a large wolf to gain 30 gold pieces after skinning it. 5 to 6: Hunted Deer to receive a Wolf Pelt. 7 to 8: Hunted a Boar and skinned it for 50 gold pieces. 9 to 10: Hunted Wild Game to receive a Wolf Pelt. 11 to 12: Hunted a Large Boar and skinned it for 70 gold pieces. 13 to 14: Hunted small squirrels to receive a Boar’s Pelt. 15 to 16: The adventurer spent the whole day skinning animals earning 40 gold pieces.

17 to 18: Hunted a rare Blue Horned Fox and sold it for 200 gold pieces.

Tanning Lodge Mortson Org has been in the business for over 39 cyclone years. He offers sturdy and good material for a fair price.

Available Command Purchase (type of item) at the Tanning’s Lodge – This command allows Mortson to make your product selection for a cheap price. Make sure to have the necessary items for him to start working on your product. Make Leather (Type of Pelt) at the Tanning’s Lodge – This command has Mortson create Leather for the adventurer for 5 gold pieces. 1 Wolf Pelt produces 1 leather and 1 Boar’s Pelt produces 2 leather.

Available Items Yellow Studded Leather Armor - 15 gold pieces – Need 1 Yellow Dye and 2 leather. The leather armor subtracts 3 on opponent’s attack roll. Blue Studded Leather Armor - 25 gold pieces – Need 2 Blue Dyes, 2 Leather, Studded Spikes. The leather armor subtracts 4 on opponent’s attack roll. Green Chained Leather Armor - 50 gold pieces – Need 2 Green Dyes, 2 Leather, Chain links. The leather armor subtracts 5 on opponent’s attack roll. Smooth and Soft Red Leather Armor – 75 gold pieces – Need 3 Red Dyes and 2 Leather. The leather armor adds 10% to Speechcraft when worn.

Leather Spiked Boots – 40 gold pieces – Need 1 Leather and Spikes. The Leather Spiked Boots subtracts 1 on opponent’s attack roll. Leather Helm – 40 gold pieces – Need 1 Leather and Chains. The Leather Helm subtracts 2 on opponent’s attack roll. Kort Chieftains Outfit – (Only for Chieftains to wear) – 300 gold pieces – Need 2 dyes of every color, 2 spikes, 2 chains. The Chieftain’s outfit subtracts 16 on opponent’s attack roll.

Rondors Horse Race Track Welcome to the most popular horse racing competition in the world! People from other continents come here just to see the races. The competition is fierce as the fastest horses in the lands compete for the grand prize each month. The ticket master offers set wins of choice. Select one to begin.

Available Command Bet (name of ticket) at Rondor’s Horse Race Track – This command allows the adventurer to bet for one of the horses in hopes to win the competition and make a fortune.

Available Bets 1/5 Bet – Bet 50 gold pieces for the name of the horse your choice. If the horse wins, cash in 250 gold pieces. 1/10 Bet – bet 100 gold pieces for the name of the horse your choice. If the horse wins, cash in 500 gold pieces. 1/20 Bet – bet 200 gold pieces for the name of the horse your choice. If the horse wins, cash in 2000 gold pieces. 1/50 Bet – bet 500 gold pieces for the name of the horse your choice. If the horse wins, cash in 5000 gold pieces. 2nd place earns 1000 gold pieces on the big bet.

Available Horses Bavidirian Pride – This magnificent white glorious horse is the offspring of the late King Bavidirian’s cousin Sir Tomsan. His

horse breeds have always provided one of the fastest and quickest horses in the lands. With over 49 wins, Bavidirian Pride is one of the inhabitants of the lands favorite race horses. The Black Reaper – This dreadful horse with flashing red eyes brings other horses on the edge. Gnomes have long tried to figure out how to bring a master horse to the lands that will dominate others in races. The Black Reaper is the least favorite amongst the inhabitants, yet favorite for those of evil alignment as it has won 35 wins in its career thus far. Galatre’ist – The most famous unicorn in the lands as it dedicates its time in winning in the name of the High Elves. Although farely new to races and just accepted to be able to race in Augshill it has already won 10 off its 12 races thus far. A sure favorite amongst elves (except dark elves) in the Lands of Bavidirian. Thunder Heaven – This magnificent stocky warhorse has the least amount of faith amongst the inhabitants when setting their bets. Don’t let the large and stocky frame fool you, it is one of the fastest in the competition as one can feel the vibrations on the ground when it gallops at full speed. Thunder Heaven is the favorite amongst the Korts of the lands. Duster – A slim horse with little reputation as it hasn’t won a race yet. When looking at the frail body as if it needs food one would believe Duster is too weak to race let alone do anything. It still has much to prove as it is one of the newest race horses to enter the competitions. Spit Fire – The bad tempered reddish coat horse got its name for its intimidation it brings in races. Although he only races on the third day of the week he brings on a show making it the favorite event of the week for the inhabitants. Note: Make sure

if one bets on this horse to do it on Action 3 of the command spreadsheet. Spit Fire is not available to race any other day. Terrible Samwise – Although one of the fastest horses in the competition with 10 wins it is also one of the clumsiest. Sometimes just before the finish line it goes to a full halt and starts grazing on grass forgetting it had a race to win and win it could have if such little distractions wouldn’t occur. Terrible Samwise is also known to have tripped over its own hooves at the beginning of the race. Even though he catches up with the first place race horse despite its bad start it falls short to second place often. Nevertheless it is the fastest horse in the competition. Sir Nobility – This elegant handsome horse is the Casanova of all horses. It knows when it gets attention and provides a smile at the right moment. It brings in a hard work ethic to win competitions when entered. Although not the fastest it is the cleverest knowing where to cut the corners and be at least not the last when competing. Chancey Blancey – A dark brown tall horse that has the advantage of its long strides to always be ahead for the first 3 rounds of the race. Unfortuately Chancey doesn’t know how to control its lead falling back to 4th or 5th place. It still has a race to win, yet many believe once Chancey figures out how to stay 1st throughout the race it will be a favorite and star in the future. The Gray Mare – By far the oldest race horse in the competition that has over hundreds of wins in its earlier years. Now at a ripe age one wonders how or why the Gray Mare still competes. Although it doesn’t win as much anymore, don’t count it out as a fierce competitor for it has one of the best stamina’s a horse will ever have.

Augshill’s Armory Available Commands Purchase (and the name of item) at Augshill’s Armory – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (and the name of item) at Augshill’s Armory– This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Studded Leather Armor – 75 gold pieces – (Magic Users -2 Stealth and – 2 Magic if worn). Provides -2 opponent attack roll. Chainmail Armor – 150 gold pieces – (Magic Users -3 Stealth and – 3 Magic if worn). Provides -3 opponent attack roll. Cuirass of Darkness (Only for evil alignment to wear) – 2000 gold pieces - This cuirass was created in a magical ritual. It was made to be used by seers and appears to change color in the light. Parts of the metal have been lacquered red. It surrounds opponents in darkness. The source of its power is magic rituals. One of the few magical cuirasses magic users can use. It provides –8 attack roll for opponents. Baldric of Death (Only for vampires to wear) – 1000 gold pieces - This baldric was forged by demons to conquer. It was made to be used by vampires and is covered in faintly glowing symbols. The buckles are inlaid with bronze. It shoots beams of light. The source of its power is another plane. Silver made weapons do not effect vampires anymore if this is worn.

Breastplate of Evil Omens (Only for evil alignment to wear) – 1500 gold pieces - This breastplate was forged by demi-gods to be used by those of divine blood and looks slightly different based on who owns it. The leather parts have been dyed dark green. It summons darkness. As far as anyone knows, it is currently involved in an epic conflict. Provides + 10 Hit Points. Greaves of Ward – 1500 gold pieces - This pair of greaves is usually used by wizards and always appears to be shining as if in sunlight. The buckles are inset with garnets. It can blind opponents and protects the owner from mind control. It can only be transferred to a new owner upon the current owner's death. The opponent’s magic is subtracted by 5 and any opponent that has the ability to control minds will not be able to do so if the adventurer wears these items. Bracers of Force – 1300 gold pieces - This set of bracers was created in secret and is engraved with runes. The buckles are inlaid with gold. It surrounds opponents in darkness causing them to subtract 2 to their attack roll. It also provides the special ability – Berserk, which adds + 5 Physical when worn.. Gauntlets of the Warmaster – 1500 gold pieces - This pair of gauntlets has gilded edges. The buckles are inset with garnets. It can shoot sparks of electricity at its opponent if the gauntlets are pointed towards the opponent. Adds + 4 to attack roll. . The Warlock’s Baldric – 5000 gold pieces - was forged by master warlocks and constantly changes color and material. The

buckles are inset with gilded. It allows the owner to shape-shift and protects its owner from disease. It requires periodic sacrifices, or it will vanish. On each gaming day the adventurer must have 25 hit points less throughout the day as long as he wears the item. The adventurer will have the same attributes as its opponent as long as he wears the item. The item also prevents the adventurer from ever having a disease. This item doesn’t work against the Demon Lord Morashitar.

The Magical Musicals (Each instrument only provides the benefits once per adventurer)

Available Command Purchase (name of instrument) at the Magical Musicals Store – This command allows the adventurer to buy an instrument.

Available Items Wind of Ease Flute – 20 gold pieces - This wind instrument is commonly made with birch, and is attached to the body. It is typically played at the theatre. It is somewhat popular. The Baritone of Calmness (Only can be used by Bards) – 120 gold pieces - This baritone or bass string instrument is commonly made with elm, and is held with both hands. It is typically played at formal balls. It is considered appropriate for performers only. It is gaining in popularity. The magical instrument charms wild animals to become a bard’s follower. Adds + 2 to roll when trying to charm a wild animal to become a follower. Tenor of Love – 100 gold pieces - This tenor string instrument is commonly made with hide, and is rested on one leg. It is typically played with the accompaniment of other instruments. It is considered appropriate for the middle class. It is similar to several other popular instruments. Adds + 1 to Common Skills.

Winter Bliss Tenor – 100 gold pieces - This tenor wind instrument is commonly made with yew, and is held with one hand. It is considered appropriate for performers only. It is specific to a particular culture of the Bavidirians. The Rattling Chimers – 200 gold pieces - This soprano shaken instrument is commonly made with gold, and is rested on a stand. It is typically played at formal gatherings. It is considered appropriate for women. It is a relatively recent innovation.Adds + 2 Common Skills. Keyboarder of Happiness – 300 gold pieces - This keyboard instrument is commonly made with elm, and is rested on both legs. It is typically played at social gatherings. It is considered appropriate for women. It is gaining in popularity. Items or services in taverns are reduced to half when purchasing them. Harp of Good Will – 150 gold pieces - This heavenly instrument changes the alignment from evil to good when used permanently.

Druid’s Circle The Druid’s Circle (Only for Druids) – The Druid’s Circle doesn’t have a building, but rather a gathering just outside of the village. The leader is a wise wood elf male named Fare’caster. He usually is seen wandering the busy markets. His influence is large by the inhabitants of Rondor. A Druid starts as “That of Earth” in the rankings of the Druid’s Circle.

Available Commands Join the Druid’s Circle – This command allows the adventurer to join the Druid’s Circle. Work for Druid’s Circle – This command allows the adventurer to work different tasks in the name of the Druid Circle.

Additional Available Commands Explore – Allows the adventurer to explore the Lands of Bavidirian. Warning: The adventurer is liable to die when using this command for there are some formidable and strong opponents lurking in these lands Explore Sea – allows the adventurer to explore the sea. Only possible if the adventurer owns a ship. Return – This command allows the adventurer to return back to Rondor to recover his full hit point status. Camp – This command allows the adventurer to rest and restore 2 hit points. This command is only necessary if the adventurer cannot return to town during a special event. Otherwise it would just be wiser to use the “Return” command to regain full hit points. If the command “Camp” is used while in town the action point will be nullified. Drop (name of item) – This command allows the adventurer to drop an item. Switch (name of weapon or armor) – This command allows the adventurer to switch a weapon or armor. Equip (name of item, weapon, or armor) – This command allows the adventurer to equip an item, weapon, or armor. Use (name of potion, scroll, or item) – This command allows the adventurer to use a scroll, potion, or special item. Eat (name of food) – This command allows the adventurer to eat when needed. Drink (name of drink) – This command allows the adventurer to drink when needed.

Travel (name of location) – This command allows the adventurer to travel to one safe location to another. The following locations are available to travel to from Rondor: Stronghold Dark Tower – if the adventurer is a Dark Cultist and owns a Griffon. Steal – Allows the adventurer to attempt to take an item that is not his own. This command can only be used when in a town. The DM first uses a 1d18 dice to determine if the adventurer has successfully stole something in town. The dice roll has to be below the adventurer’s Common Skill to be successful. If successful, The DM uses a 1d150 dice for Rogues and a 1d20 dice for those that are not Rogues to determine how much gold is taken.

The Dark Tower Torak the Black is the last of the Dark Elf Necromancers that had survived the last major Demon War between his races. He fled the war on a Griffon with his apprentice Maer’Dan to the highest peak of the Dwanen Mountains. There he used powerful magic to erect the Dark Tower. He despises the surface dweller race and has chosen to stay isolated from them. He does however put the gnomes to work and always invites dark elves to his tower. One can only visit his tower with the aid of his Griffons as the trip is dangerous. One must wear a Wolf’s Pelt or a Blue Yak’s coat to survive the flight. If not the adventurer loses 3 hit points during the trip.

Unholy Sanctuary The Unholy Sanctuary is controlled by a Grimm Reaper. He has Dark Shadows called Shades that provide services. Available Commands Worship at Unholy Sanctuary - Costs 300 experience points adds +1 attribute of choice. The adventurer can only be blessed once in the Unholy Sanctionary. Cure at Unholy Sanctuary - Costs 200 experience points or 50 gold pieces - removes disease, poison, curse, and sicknesses. Remove at Unholy Sanctuary - 300 experience points Suffering from an odd item that doesn't want to remove itself naturally from your adventurer such as cursed rings, armor, or helms. Use the service of a Shade to remove the burden. Study at Unholy Sanctuary - Allows the adventurer to add a new skill under "skills" on the character sheet. Choose one skill and subtract 500 experience points to add the special skill selected. Each skill of study counts as one action point. Surface Creature Identify - Allows the adventurer to determine weakness of those that roam the surface lands to help defeat it easier. Literacy - Allows the adventurer to read unknown scriptures as of other ancient languages. Speechcraft – Allows the adventurer to receive 10% discount when shopping.

Potion lore – Allows the adventurer to create and identify potions.

Hellhound Pit Training A big Fiery Blazing Fire Giant either sends his hellhounds or attacks to ensure the adventurer is ready to advance to next level. He charges 150 gold pieces for each advancement of level. Available Command Train at Hellhound Pit Training – The adventurer gains attributes and skills when attaining a new level. Instructions: Deduct Gold Pieces If the adventurer is a Stealth Class add the following: + 3 Stealth + 2 Physical + 4 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. If the adventurer is a Physical Class add the following: + 3 Physical + 2 Stealth + 5 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. If the adventurer is a Magic Class add the following: + 3 Magic + 1 Stealth + 1 Physical + 4 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. Also make sure to look in the DM Guidebook to see if any additional Combat Skills or Magic Skills are added when reaching Level 5, 10, 15, or 20.

Experience Points Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

02: 03: 04: 05: 06: 07: 08: 09: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20:

000,501 002,001 005,001 009,001 014,001 020,001 027,001 035,001 044,001 054,001 065,001 077,001 090,001 104,001 119.001 135,001 152,001 170,001 190,001

to 002,000 to 005,000 to 009,000 to 014,000 to 020,000 to 027,000 to 035,000 to 044,000 to 054,000 to 065,000 to 077,000 to 090,000 to 104,000 to 119,000 to 135,000 to 152,000 to 170,000 to 190,000 (reached highest level)

The Undead Ogre Blacksmith The Undead Ogre has no name or at least none know of it. He shapes armor and weapons with a cursed hammer until his rotten flesh gives out. Available Commands Upgrade (name of armor) at the Undead Ogre’s Blacksmith This command allows the adventurer to improve his armor. Make sure to indicate which armor to improve. If this is not mentioned the armor that the adventurer is currently wearing will be upgraded. Upgrade (name of weapon) at the Undead Ogre’s Blacksmith – This command allows the adventurer to improve his weapon. Make sure to indicate which weapon to improve. If this is not mentioned the 1st weapon the adventurer is currently carrying will be upgraded. If the adventurer is not carrying a 1st weapon then the 2nd weapon will be upgraded. Repair (name of weapon or armor) at the Undead Ogre’s Blacksmith – This command allows the adventurer to repair his armor or weapon. Make sure to have enough gold pieces for the services. Armor Upgrades One must first do the 1st upgrade before allowed to do the 2nd upgrade of the same armor. The 3rd upgrade can only be attained if the adventurer had done a 2nd upgrade to his armor. The 3rd upgrade is the max an armor can have. Gauntlets and Helmets can also be upgraded in the same manner. To upgrade armor it costs 150 gold pieces

1st upgrade: costs 150 gold pieces = Subtracts an additional – 1 to enemy attack roll. 2nd upgrade: costs 200 gold pieces = Subtracts an additional – 2 to enemy attack roll. 3rd upgrade: costs 250 gold pieces = Subtracts an additional – 3 to enemy attack roll. Weapon Upgrades One must first do the 1st upgrade before allowed to do the 2nd upgrade of the same weapon. The 3rd upgrade can only be attained if the adventurer had done a 2nd upgrade. The 3rd upgrade is the max a weapon can have. 1st upgrade: cots 150g old pieces = adds +1 Physical 2nd upgrade: costs 200 gold pieces = adds +2 Physical 3rd upgrade: costs 250 gold pieces = adds + 3 Physical Repair Weapons need to be sharpened and Armor needs repairs after being used so often. To determine when a weapon needs to be repaired look at the percentage indicated next to the weapon or armor on the adventurer's character sheet. If it is close to zero percent then the item is almost worthless and cannot provide any help. 10% repairs costs 10 gold pieces. 20% repair costs 20 gold pieces. 50% repair costs 45 gold pieces. For Magical Weapons and Armors the price changes.

10% repairs costs 50 gold pieces. 20% repair costs 100 gold pieces. 50% repair costs 240 gold pieces. Magical items are expensive to repair because the blacksmith has to ask a Necromancer to disenchant the magic from the item to be allowed to repair it. Then the Veteran Mage has to enchant the item again to keep its value.

Old Hag’s Potion Shop Hexadaria an ancient dark elf hag has been selling potions for almost a century. Her aura of magic smells of death as it keeps those of great powers to leave her alone. She will also identify items for 30 gold pieces. Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at the Old Hag’s Potion Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of item) at the Old Hag’s Potion Shop – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Identify (name of item) at the Old Hag’s Potion Shop – This command will have the old hag identify an item for a fee. Available Potions Small Unicorn Blood - 40 gold pieces - Restores half of the adventurer’s hit point status. Only for Gnomes or Dark Elves does this potion work. For others it is poison. Large Unicorn Blood - 70 gold pieces - Restores all of the adventurer’s lost hit points. Only for Gnomes or Dark Elves does this potion work. For others it is po Cure Holy Magic Curse Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to cure from a curse. Cure Poison Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to be cured from poison. Mighty Might Potion - 200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 to physical for one battle.

Brains of the Arch-Lich Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 to Magic for one battle. Levitate Potion - 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to levitate for one day. Iron Skin Potion - 150 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 5 hit points for one battle.

Available Scrolls Fireball Spell - 200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 4 to magic for one battle. Lightning - 200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 4 to magic for one battle. Massive Meteor Shower - 400 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 16 to magic for one battle. Summon Hellhound – 100 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 2 to physical for one battle. Summon Fire Golem - 200 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to add 4 to physical for one battle. Death Hold - 50 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to flee without losing hit points for one battle. Shapeshift - 900 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to shapeshift as the enemy having the same amount of attributes and skills as the opponent. This scroll doesn’t work on Lord Morashitar, Lord Denonimas, or Sharod Taros. Deceit of Strength - 300 gold pieces – Causes the opponent to reduce its physical attribute by 3 points for the entire battle.

Confusion Whirlpool - 200 gold pieces - Causes opponent to reduce its magic attribute by 3 points for the entire battle. Butterfingers Clumsy - 200 gold pieces - Causes opponent to reduce its stealth attribute by 3 points for the entire battle. Advanced Deceit of Strength - 400 gold pieces - Causes opponent to reduce its physical attribute by 6 points for the entire battle. Advanced Confusion Whirlpool - 400 gold pieces - Causes opponent to reduce its magic attribute by 6 points for the entire battle. Advanced Butterfingers Clumsy - 400 gold pieces - Causes opponent to reduce its stealth attribute by 6 points for the entire battle.

Niffniff’s Gnoll Goods Niffniff has been a shrewd negotiator for handling goods. His business always thrives trying to get the best deals. In his younger days, he was an adventurer collecting special items so he can start one day his own business. Many cyclone years later he is consider one of the best in the trade. Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at Niffniff’s Gnoll Goods – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item. Sell (name of item) at the Niffniff’s Gnoll Goods – This command allows the adventurer to sell an item. Available Items Bubbling Stangwood Brew - 10 gold pieces - restores 2 hit points. Glowing Elixir of Renewal - 25 gold pieces - restores 4 hit points. Vial of Khorrstone Essence - 45 gold pieces - restores 8 hit points. Refined Temporal Dust - 55 gold pieces - adds + 2 physical for one day. Dust of Redecisiveness - 70 gold pieces - adds + 4 physical for one day. Banner of Mastery - 2000 gold pieces - allows 2 additional

action points on the spread sheet for each time it is used. Trollblood Ring of Regeneration - 750 gold pieces - heals 1 hit point per action. Advanced Trollblood Ring of Regeneration - 1750 gold pieces heals 3 hit points per action. Ring of Greater Deathward - 1500 gold pieces - subtract 2 hit points from opponent before battle begins. Ring of Life Gate - 600 gold pieces - restore 8 hit points per day. Bag of Holding - 100 gold pieces - hold additional 5 items. Gnomish Backpack of Holding - 300 gold pieces - holds additional 10 items. Lesser Loot Transmutation Cube - 300 gold pieces - add 5% gold when looting after a battle. Greater Loot Transmutation Cube - 600 gold pieces - add 15% gold when looting after a battle. Girdle of the Iron Gut - 450 gold pieces - add 5 hit points to character sheet. Gloves of Potency - 1000 gold pieces - + 4 Magic. Gauntlets of Power - 1000 gold pieces - + 4 Physical Obsidian Ring of Lucky Scholars - 5750 gold pieces - adjusts to opponents attribute statistics in each battle.

Shrine of Sacrifice (The sacrifice can only be performed once per a lifetime) Available Commands Sacrifice Minor at the Shrine of Sacrifice. This command grants the adventurer an additional 1 action point per spreadsheet – Deduct 2 of each attribute permanently on the character sheet. Sacrifice Average at the Shrine of Sacrifice. This command grants the adventurer an additional 2 action points per spreadsheet. Deduct 4 of each attribute permanently on the character sheet. Sacrifice Major at the Shrine of Sacrifice. This command grants the adventurer an additional 3 action points per spreadsheet. Deduct 6 of each attribute permanently on the character sheet. Sacrifice Life the Shrine of Sacrifice. This command grants the adventurer an additional 4 action points per spreadsheet. Deduct 8 of each attribute permanently on the character sheet.

The Underworld Abyss’s One can purchase slaves to do the adventurer biddings. One can only own a slave if the adventurer owns a magic tower.

Available Command Purchase (type of citizen) at the Underworld Abyss – This command allows the adventurer to purchase slaves.

Availability Tormented Low Class Citizen – 100 gold pieces – Earns an additional 10 gold pieces per gaming day. Tormented Middle Class Citizen – 200 gold pieces – Earns 20 gold pieces per gaming day. Tormented High Class Citizen – 300 gold pieces – Earns 30 gold pieces per gaming day.

Magic Towers (Only the powerful can own Magic Towers to show power and rule over their domain)

Available Command Purchase (amount) Slaves st the Magic Towers – This command allows the adventurer to purchase slaves to do his tidings.

Available Magic Towers Tower of the 1st Abyss’s – 2000 gold pieces – houses up to 20 slaves. Tower of the 2nd Abyss’s – 4000 gold pieces – houses up to 30 slaves. Tower of the 3rd Abyss’s – 6000 gold pieces – houses up to 40 slaves. Tower of the 4th Abyss’s (must be a level 5 adventurer) – 8000 gold pieces – houses up to 60 slaves. Tower of the 5th Abyss’s (must be a level 6 adventurer) – 10,000 gold pieces – houses up to 80 slaves. Tower of the 6th Abyss’s (must be a level 8 adventurer) – 12,000 gold pieces – houses up to 100 slaves. Tower of the 7th Abyss’s – 25,000 gold pieces (must be level 10 adventurer) – houses up to 200 slaves. Tower of the 8th Abyss’s – 50,000 gold pieces (must be level

12 adventurer) – houses up to 400 slaves. If the adventurer exceeds 400 slaves he must buy another tower to provide shelter for the additional slaves.

School of Black Arts Only a select few are chosen to become apprentice for the mighty Torak the Black the Dark Elf Arch Necromancer. He is the only magic user that knows how to defeat a demon lord in the Lands of Bavidirian. He seeks a worthy apprentice to take his lead as he is well over 4000 Cyclone Years old. This school is only for Necromancers available. Warning: The risk of joining is death so make sure that the adventurer is certain to take the risk.

Available Command Apply Black Arts Apprenticeship at the School of Black Arts – This command allows the necromancer to learn mastery of the black arts of dark magic and become an Arch Necromancer of the Black Robes.

Instructions The first 1d18 dice roll determines if Torak accepts the adventurer as his apprentice. An odd number means that the adventurer is accepted and an even number indicates he is not accepted. The second 1d18 dice roll is to see if the adventurer survives the tests given to him as an apprentice. An even number roll indicates that the adventurer has survived the tests and an odd number indicates he has died. The last 1d18 dice roll determines if the adventurer survives mastery of necromancer dark arts of magic. An odd number

indicates he survives and an even number indicates he dies. If the adventurer survives + 14 in all attributes increase permanently and his title is now Arch Necromancer of the Black Robes destined to take command of the Dark Tower when Torak the Black dies. 6000 gold pieces as of the Demonlord Ishinkari’s Gargoyle Bonestaff is now in the adventurer’s belongings. It provides + 10 to Magic when used as a 1st weapon. Everything that is available to purchase at the Dark Tower is 50% off its original price.

Grash’tars Weaponsmith The Dark Elf Grash’tar has been smithing scimitars since childhood when his father taught him the ancient arts of smithing. His collection is few, yet the worth is massive.

Available Commands Purchase (name of scimitar) at Grash’tar’s Weaponsmith – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a scimitar. Enchanted (name of scimitar) at Grash’tar’s Weaponsmith – This command allows Grash’tar to fully enchant the scimitar to its original strength. The adventurer must pay 1000 gold pieces for this service. Note: The Dark Elf Assassin can use the benefits of the scimitar as a second weapon if desired. In other words he can fight with two scimitars at the same time and gain benefits from both weapons if they are mentioned.

Available Scimitars Scimitar of Luck – 6000 gold pieces – The scimitar adds a new attribute (luck) for 5 charges. If the adventurer so happens to die in a battle then the attribute luck will spare his life as long as the adventurer is carrying the Scimitar of Luck as a 1st or 2nd weapon. Scimitar of Agility – 3000 gold pieces – The scimitar adds + 5 to Stealth as long as the adventurer carries it as a weapon. Scimitar of Power – 3000 gold pieces – The scimitar adds + 5

to Physical as long as the adventurer carries it as a weapon. Scimitar of Magic – 3000 gold pieces – The scimitar adds + 5 Magic as long as the adventurer carries it as a weapon. Scimitar of Toughness – 3000 gold pieces – The scimitar adds + 5 Hit Points as long as the adventurer carries it as a weapon. Scimitar of Prevention – 3000 gold pieces – The scimitar allows the adventurer to be immune to fright, poison, disease, and curse as long as he carries it as a weapon. Scimitar of Fire – 4000 gold pieces – The scimitar adds + 2 Magic, + 2 Stealth, and + 2 Physical as long as the adventurer carries it as a weapon. Scimitar of Paralyze – 3000 gold pieces – The scimitar forces the opponent to add only half of his attack roll when in battle as long as the adventurer carries it as a weapon.

Altar of Primal Elements Strong magic is practiced her in the arts of summoning Elementals. For most magic users it requires all of their concentrated skill to summon an Elemental let alone control it. The adventurer is able to command an Elemental for the right price.

Available Command Purchase (name of elemental) at the Altar of Primal Elements – This command allows the adventurer to receive a follower to help aid in battles.

Available Elementals Fire Elemental – 600 gold pieces – adds + 4 Physical, + 1 Stealth, + 1 Magic. The Fire Elemental has no effects to Demon opponents. Water Elemental – 600 gold pieces – adds + 4 Stealth, + 1 Physical, +1 Magic. The Water Elemental has no effects to Seafaring opponents. Earth Elemental – 600 gold pieces – adds + 4 Magic, + 1 Physical, + 1 Stealth. The Earth Elemental has no effect on Spirits, Ghosts, Specters, and Wraiths. Air Elemental – 600 gold pieces – adds + 4 Magic, + 1 Stealth, + 1 Physical. The Air Elemental has no effects to the Undead opponents.

Large Fire Elemental – 1200 gold pieces – adds + 8 Physical, + 2 Stealth, + 2 Magic. The Fire elemental has no effects to Demon opponents. Large Water Elemental – 1200 gold pieces – adds + 8 Stealth, + 2 Physical, + 2 Magic. The Water Elemental has no effects to Seafaring opponents. Large Earth Elemental – 1200 gold pieces – adds + 8 Magic, + 2 Physical, + 2 Stealth. The Earth Elemental has no effects on Spirits, Ghosts, Specters, and Wraiths. Large Air Elemental – 1200 gold pieces – adds +8 magic, +2 Stealth, + 2 Physical. The Air Elemental has no effects to Undead opponents. Gigantic WAFE Elemental – 2500 gold pieces – adds + 7 Magic, + 7 Stealth, + 7 Physical. WAFE standing for Water, Air, Fire, and Earth is an elemental that has a combination of all four elements. It doesn’t have a weakness and can fight any opponent.

The War Griffon Tavern The War Griffon Tavern is owned by a gnome necromancer named Stoerk the Dark. He has 5 slaves working for him. These succubus’s serve any customer for a fair price. Many wonder how he managed to get these powerful servants of Demon Lords under his control.

Available Commands Drink at the War Griffon Tavern – 25 gold pieces – allows the adventurer to drink for the night. Frighten is eliminated if the adventurer suffers from it. Eat at the War Griffon Tavern – 35 gold pieces – Mucklarsh is a slimey black guck with odd meats in a kettle. It is served daily. Poison is eliminated from the body if eaten. Rent Room at the War Griffon – 50 gold pieces – Get a good night’s rest in a dark magical room that offers absolutely no sounds. Curse is eliminated if the adventurer suffers from such a fate.

Blood Memorial Here one can hire the rare blood elf. They are corrupt assassins of the ancient order. Some believe they were a bad experiment of mixing genes. Other says they are from a different planet. All know they are ferocious in battle and for the right amount of gold pieces will help aid in war.

Available Command Hire (Name of Blood Elf) at the Blood Memorial – This command allows the adventurer to hire a blood elf as a follower.

Availablility Blood Elf Assassin – 1000 gold pieces – adds + 6 Stealth as long as he remains as a follower. Blood Elf Raider – 1000 gold pieces – adds + 5 Physical as long as he remains a follower. Blood Elf Sorcerer – 1000 gold pieces – adds + 5 Magic as long as he remains a follower.

Palace of Shadows Shadows are neither ghosts nor shapeshifters. They can appear and disappear without notice and fly through walls without effort. Their language is unknown to most as only veteran necromancers can actually speak it. They are the eyes and ears of both the Dark Elves and Demons. One can have a shadow serve them for a fair price.

Available Command Hire Shadow at the Palace of Shadows – This command allows the adventurer to hire a shadow as a follower.

Availability Shadow – 1000 gold pieces – The Shadow can add 3 to the attack roll, deducts 2 to the strongest attribute from the opponent, and earns an additional 30 gold pieces when gold pieces is awarded during an “explore” event.

Dragon Pinnacle It is not wise to enter such an area meant for dragons to live. Only the strongest of will and magic can enter and come back out alive. If they are lucky they might even have a dragon to aid their battles. It is rare yet it has been done.

Available Command Enter Dragon Pinnacle – This command allows the adventurer to enter where dragons live and see if one will want to become a follower. The following dragons brew inside. Death Dragon – Adds + 18 Magic Black Dragon – Adds + 18 Stealth Bone Dragon – Adds + 18 Physical

The DM rolls a 1d100 dice. If the roll is 1 to 10 then 10 hit points have been deducted. If the roll is 11 to 30 then 20 hit points have been deducted. If the roll is 31 to 50 then 30 hit points have been deducted. If the roll is 51 to 70 then 40 hit points have been deducted. If the roll is 71 to 80 then 50 hit points have been deducted. If the roll is 81 to 87 a Bone Dragon becomes a follower. If the roll is 88 to 93 a Death Dragon becomes a follower.

If the roll is 94 to 100 a Black Dragon becomes a follower.

All dragons are immune to curses and remain loyal to the adventurer.

Additional Available Commands for the Dark Tower Drop (name of item) – This command allows the adventurer to drop an item. Switch (name of weapon or armor) – This command allows the adventurer to switch a weapon or armor. Equip (name of item, weapon, or armor) – This command allows the adventurer to equip an item, weapon, or armor. Use (name of potion, scroll, or item) – This command allows the adventurer to use a scroll, potion, or special item. Eat (name of food) – This command allows the adventurer to eat when needed. Drink (name of drink) – This command allows the adventurer to drink when needed. Travel to Rondor – This command allows the adventurer to travel to the free town of Rondor. Steal – Allows the adventurer to attempt to take an item that is not his own. This command can only be used when in a town. The DM first uses a 1d18 dice to determine if the adventurer has successfully stole something at the Stronghold. The dice roll has to be below the adventurer’s Common Skill to be successful. If successful, The DM uses a 1d150 dice for Rogues and a 1d20 dice for those that are not Rogues to determine how much gold is taken.

Swiendalden Swienalden is the capital of the High Elvin civilization. The beautiful and magnificent city lies on an island almost in the middle of Maniput Sea. The council lead by the ancient High Elf Tarkant has kept order and peace with the Bavidirian Empire and Queen Silvernarion the leader of the Pixies of the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion. Here the wise and intelligent high elves live inside gigantic ancient oak trees and enjoy the luxuries within them. Those of not Elvin heritage are easily amazed at the cities beauty and usually stay longer then intended for its wonderful hospitality and fine foods and drinks accompanied by relaxing and hypnotizing music. The richer nobles of the Bavidirian Empire come here for a few weeks just to get much needed rest from the day to day mundane lifestyles back home and to acquire wisdom to live a more peaceful life leading to the desires of knowledge. If the adventurer is a high elf then he has the ability to receive an ancient oak tree as a resident. Upon receiving the oak tree as a gift from the council one is obligated to never leave it alone longer than 3 months or 12 command spreadsheets. One must visit the council to speak with the Tarkant for the possibility of receiving a tree. Important Note: One cannot use the command “Explore” when residing in Swienalden. To explore the lands one must cross Maniput Sea to the free city of Rondor. If the roleplayer issues the command “Explore” when residing in Swienalden it will be a wasted command.

The Council The Council is run by 8 ancient High Elvin Mages who wear white robes and live on the oldest and highest oak tree in the city. A magical platform levitates from the main city square to the council room several thousand feet high. The view is magnificent as one can see the entire island from every direction. The adventurer is asked a series of questions to see if he will be granted a tree. The command is “Answer Tarkant’s Questions” and provide the answers to the questions below. If the answers to the questions are approved by the council an oak tree home is granted. Note: Some of the answers can be attained from reading the novel ‘Darkness Awakens’. 1. What is the oldest race in the Lands of Bavidirian? 2. From whom did the high elves learn magic from? 3. What is the name of the oldest tree in the Lands of Bavidirian? 4. How long can a high Elvin oak tree be left alone without its owner?

The Merry Oak’s Tavern The widest and one of the largest oak trees in Swienalden offers a tavern with designer chairs and tables. The spiraling stairs lead to an engraved grand entrance to allow customers to choose from elegant liquors to quality white wines to enjoy. The food is delectable even if the only available foods are vegetables, fruit, and bakery products. The owner is a beautiful high elf by the name of Sielena. She is by far one of the most beautiful living beings on the planet and is rumored to be over 2000 cyclone years old. Many travel to see her and wonder how such beauty and youth can be held at such an age.

Available Command Purchase (name of item or service) at The Merry Oak’s Tavern – allows the adventurer to purchase a food, drink, or service.

Availability Vegetable Platter – 40 gold pieces – heals 12 hit points. Swienalden White Wine – 50 gold pieces – adds +2 Magic for one spread sheet. Swienalden Honey Liquor – 50 gold pieces – adds + 2 Stealth for one spread sheet. Bakery Delights – 50 gold pieces – adds + 2 Physical for one spread sheet. Massage and Magical Therapy – 300 gold pieces – have a beautiful high Elvin lady give the most wonderful treatment an adventurer could ever hope for. All hit points restored, all

disadvantages erased including zestful followers, and an additional 1 hit point will be added to the character sheet permanently. Note: The additional 1 hit point added to the character sheet can only be done once throughout the lifetime of the adventurer when issuing this service.

Bard’s College The Bard’s College is the home to the greatest writers, philosophers, and of course storytellers the lands will ever know. The Inklings a special group of writers are also great storytellers as of musicians making them the elite of all Bards throughout the lands. Although they don’t travel anymore they recruit younger applicants to go through an intensive training before setting out to explore the world. The cost to become a bard is 10,000 gold pieces. The vast knowledge the Inklings offer is of great benefit of those that want to learn more than the day to day adventures slaughtering monsters and reaping small gold rewards.

Available Command Apply Bard at Bard’s College in Swienalden – This command will allow the adventurer to become a bard and receive + 6 added to Common Skill and + 7 to all attributes permanently. He will also receive a magical harp allowing him to charm animals (bears, panthers, snakes, apes, etc.) to aid them when needed.

Ancient Library The Ancient Library has written works preserved since the beginning of the first civilizations. The well preserved history of the lands is protected by magic. The following books are available to read for free. The rewards are unknown but one can find out by simply studying the material of each subject genre. It is important to be QUIET at the library or the librarian is forced to wave her wand to teleport you quickly outside the 15 floor oak tree tumbling down the spiraling staircase to hit mud as a punishment! Note: Benefits can only be attained once from each book that the adventurer reads.

Available Command Read (name of book title) at the Ancient Library – This command allows the adventurer to read and study a subject to perhaps reap a reward.

Available Books History of the First High Elvin Council of the First Age History of the Dwanen Mountain Dwarves History of Emperor Bavidirian the First History of the Wood Elves and Laws of Isolation History of the Halflings 6 Meal Happiness Meditation The Monsters of the Lands of Bavidirian Encyclopedia The Bavidirian Ways of Living good in a Short Lifetime

The Magic and its Properties in Physics The Psychological Life of Harpies The Burden of Responsibility of Brombear the Wise The History of the Academy of Amazonians Understanding Immortal Status of Dragons How to Woo what you Want with Chocolate Imagination is the Greatest Asset Lessons

Magical Air Tower The Air Tower is the only structure that is not an oak tree. Instead it is a mixture of various minerals and materials of the core of the planet shapeshifted into a faintly glowing tower high above the grounds. A magical portal allows entrance into the tower. As one walks through it one enters the towers foyer 4000 feet above ground. Upon entering 4 High Elvin Alchemists who are also wizards greet the newcomer and urge them to take a look around.

Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at the Magical Air Tower – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item if he has enough gold pieces. Sell (name of item) at the Magical Air Tower – This command allows the adventurer to sell a magical item for half the price it is worth.

Available Items Magical Elixir of Strength – 600 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Physical permanently. Caution this elixir is potent and can have advert effects if bought and drunken too much. Magical Elixir of Agility – 600 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Stealth permanently. Caution this elixir is potent and can have advert effects if bought and drunken too much. Magical Elixir of Spellcasting – 600 gold pieces – Adds + 3 Magic permanently. Caution this elixir is potent and can have advert effects if bought and drunken too much.

Magical Vial of Might – 1200 gold pieces – Adds + 5 Physical permanently. Magical Vial of Speed – 1200 gold pieces – Adds + 5 Stealth permanently. Magical Vial of Power – 1200 gold pieces – Adds + 5 Magic permanently. Glowing Stalagmite Shaft for Staffs – 3000 gold pieces – Adds light when needed (no need to own torches or lanterns anymore) and + 10 to Magic. Magical Tome of Knowledge – 1000 gold pieces – Adds + 4 to Magic permanently. Magical Tome of Flexing – 1000 gold pieces – Adds + 4 to Physical permanently. Magical Tome of Running – 1000 gold pieces – Adds + 4 to Stealth permanently. Invisibility Potion – 1400 gold pieces - Allows the bearer to be invisible for one full spread sheet forcing any opponent to not be able to roll their attack roll. Large Healing Potion – 200 gold pieces – Restores all of the lost hit points. Very Large Healing Potion – 300 gold pieces – Restores all of the lost hit points plus adds 5 hit points for the entire spread sheet for the week the potion was used. Apprentice Mage Robes – 2000 gold pieces – Adds + 2 to all attributes. Master Mage Robes – 3000 gold pieces – Adds + 3 to all attributes.

White Robes of the Wizard – 4000 gold pieces – Adds + 4 to all attributes. Master Wizard Staff of Wonders – 10,000 gold pieces – The adventurer is immune to curse, disease, vampirism, werewolf, and frightened. The staff also wards off hit point damage by half if the adventurer loses in a battle. Summon Phoenix Scroll – 2000 gold pieces – A giant Phoenix becomes a follower adding + 7 to Stealth. Summon Grizzly Bear Scroll – 2000 gold pieces – A giant Grizzly Bear becomes a follower adding + 7 to Physical. Summon Air Elemental – 2000 gold pieces – A giant Air Elemental becomes a follower adding + 7 to Magic.

Magical Training Grounds The ancient high elf Tarusk’ar (also one of the council members) trains magic users (except necromancers) to harness magic more effectively. He charges a hefty price of 1000 gold pieces for his knowledge in magic but also increases the learner’s staff ability by adding powerful magic of + 5 for one time only.

Available Command Train (the level) at the Magical Training Grounds – The adventurer gains attributes when attaining a new level. Instructions: Deduct Gold Pieces If the adventurer is a Stealth Class add the following: + 3 Stealth + 2 Physical + 4 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. If the adventurer is a Physical Class add the following: + 3 Physical + 2 Stealth + 5 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. If the adventurer is a Magic Class add the following: + 3 Magic + 1 Stealth + 1 Physical + 4 Hit Points + 3 Special Combat Ability. Also make sure to look in the DM Guidebook to see if any additional Combat Skills or Magic Skills are added when reaching Level 5, 10, 15, or 20.

Experience Points List Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

02: 03: 04: 05: 06: 07: 08: 09: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20:

000,501 002,001 005,001 009,001 014,001 020,001 027,001 035,001 044,001 054,001 065,001 077,001 090,001 104,001 119.001 135,001 152,001 170,001 190,001

to 002,000 to 005,000 to 009,000 to 014,000 to 020,000 to 027,000 to 035,000 to 044,000 to 054,000 to 065,000 to 077,000 to 090,000 to 104,000 to 119,000 to 135,000 to 152,000 to 170,000 to 190,000 (reached highest level)

Ancient Druid’s Circle Here is a welcoming home to the ancient cousins of wood elves who wish to visit Swienalden. High Elves believe that they were all one race at one time before evolution has changed their skin and shape to live elsewhere on the planet. Therefore the high elves welcome Wood Elf Druids to visit Swienalden. Although it is rare that such occurrences happen they keep the Druid Circle blessed with love and care. Here a Druid can meditate and gain the favor of the earth elemental goddess Eartinya. By visiting the Ancient Druid’s Circle the Druid gains + 2 on all of his attributes permanently. Note: One can only reap this reward once per entire lifetime.

Available Commands Visit the Ancient Druid Circle – This command allows the adventurer to visit the Ancient Druid Circle to gain + 2 attributes permanently. This blessing can only be done once per lifetime.

Enchanted Smithy The High Elf Hal’sar the Elegant has been creating the finest designed swords in the lands. His skill in forging great magical swords is known amongst every race. His prices are also known to be very high also.

Available Commands Purchase (name of item) at the Enchanted Smithy – This command allows the adventurer to purchase an item if he has enough gold pieces. Sell (name of item) at the Enchanted Smithy – This command allows the adventurer to sell a magical item for half the price it is worth.

Available Items Rare Obsidian High Elvin Fine Sword – 1000 gold pieces - + 2 Physical and forces the opponent to deduct 2 on their attack roll. Finest High Elvin Steel Sword – 2000 gold pieces - + 3 Physical and forces the opponent to deduct 3 on attack roll. Finest High Elvin Jeweled Steel Claymore – 3000 gold pieces - + 4 Physical and forces the opponent to deduct 4 on attack roll. If one equips this weapon then a shield cannot be used. Faintly Enchanted High Elvin Jeweled Steel Claymore – 6000 gold pieces - + 8 Physical, + 4 Stealth, and forces the opponent to deduct 6 on attack roll.

Twisting Scimitar of Wonders – 12,000 gold pieces - + 8 in all attributes and forces the opponent to deduct 8 on attack roll. Shield of Swienalden – 5000 gold pieces – Deducts 5 on opponents attack roll. The shield is indestructible (stays at 100%) and never loses its value meaning it can be sold for the same price it was bought for.

High Mage’s Guild The High Mage Guild is the oldest in the lands. It predates before the first Harpy Wars. The leader is Mil’star a leading member of Swienalden’s Council who issues contracts to any willing to adventure and resolve the problems the people of the lands want. His obligations are to not only keep the Mage’s Guild active in Swienalden, yet he also foresees the other Mage Guilds throughout the lands.

Available Commands Join Mage’s Guild – If the adventurer is a high elf mage then he can become a member of the Mage’s Guild and earn 500 experience points. Work Mage’s Guild – The Adventurer must be a Mage to be able to issue this command. When the command is issued the adventurer will be working for the Mage’s Guild in Swienalden. The Mage must first join the guild before being able to work for the organization.

Sparkling Fountain A new attribute is given “Luck 3 / 3. This luck allows the adventurer to escape death each time he may have died in a situation. One can return to the fountain to offer a tribute of 5000 gold pieces to regain 1 lost luck point.

Available Command Drink Water at the Sparkling Fountain – This command will grant the adventurer a new attribute. Offer Tribute at the Sparkling Fountain – This command will allow the adventurer to gain 1 luck point added to the character sheet.

Wise High Elvin Sage The Wise High Elvin Sage is always sitting near his beloved oak tree eating an assortment of berries. One can ask him questions to help guide the adventurer in his travel experiences. Sometimes his answers are in riddles, yet if contemplated one can decipher the information to help the adventurer resolve the problem or curiosity he may have.

Available Command Ask Question (and the question) to the Wise High Elvin Sage in Swienalden – Each question asked counts as one action point. Note: Perform the question as if the adventurer is asking the question. Do not ask a question from you as the roleplayer directed to the DM to make this action work. Questions are only answered if they concern the adventurer’s real problems or curiosities in the Lands of Bavidirian.

Unicorn Garden Here the rare white unicorn stays protecting those that live in and around Swienalden. These magical one horns are sacred to the high elves. If the adventurer is of good alignment he may see if a unicorn will become a follower. Unicorns are rare and only select to be with an adventurer that doesn’t have another unicorn with him.

Available Command Watch for a Unicorn at the Unicorn Garden – This command allows the adventurer to wait and see if a unicorn will appear. If he is lucky the unicorn will become a follower and help the adventurer in need. Note: Unicorns add + 3 Stealth as long as it remains a follower.

Blooming Grove – Fairie Trees The Blooming Grove is the home of the Fairy’s that are cousins to the Pixies. They sit joyfully on tree branches giggling and joking on consistent bases. If the adventurer is of good alignment he may get lucky to have a Fairy become an admirer of him and follow.

Available Command Watch a Fairy at Blooming Grove – This command allows the adventurer to enjoy the Grove’s beauty. If he is lucky he will see a fairy. Note: A Fairy adds + 3 to Magic as long as she remains a follower.

Treant Aclove Treant’s are the keepers of forests throughout the lands. In Swienalden they are the biggest of their kind throughout the world. Occasionally a treeant reveals itself if the adventurer has the patience to wait. Here in this part of Swienalden the largest Bluewood Trees exist towering almost as high as the grand council of Swienalden. Treants only pick one adventurer. If the other treants see that the adventurer already has a treant follower then they will stay in the alcove waiting for an adventurer to come without a treant following them.

Available Command Wait in Bluewood – This command allows the adventurer to enjoy the magnificent large and tall Bluewood trees. If he is lucky he might get the attention of a treeant and have it become a follower. Note: The Treeant offers + 6 Physical if it becomes a follower.

Green Dragon Monk’s Shrine At level 5 the adventurer can join the Green Dragon Monk’s Order to become a peaceful peacekeeper in the Lands of Bavidirian. There he will learn the essential wisdom and experience to become a leader for cyclone years to come. Warning: Dark Elf Assassins, Dark Cultist, and Necromancers cannot become Green Dragon Monks.


Class: The Monk receives Enlightenment earning + 10 to all attributes upon change of class. Bonus: All weapons the adventurer may have owned will be of no use and can either be dropped or sold to a market. The Monk receives a magically infused polearm, which offers + 10 Stealth. The weapon is incorruptible (meaning Rust Monster, Green Slime, or Imp Tinkerer cannot ruin the weapon) to being lost or destroyed as it is created by Ingitium a rare mixture of rock and metal only found in remote areas of the world.

Available Command Join Green Dragon Monk’s order in Swienalden – This command allows the adventurer to join the order to become a Green Dragon Monk.

Mystic Pond The Mystic Pond allows the adventurer to be cured of such illnesses as Poison, Disease, Frightened, and Sickness.

Available Command Swim in Mystic Pond – This command allows the adventurer to heal almost any ailment he may have.

Elderscroll Mage Shop Talos has been creating enchanted scrolls for decades. His unusual taste has some of the interesting type of scrolls available in the lands.

Available Command Purchase (name of Scroll) at Elderscroll Mage Shop – This command allows the adventurer to purchase a scroll.

Available Scrolls Blind Scroll – 800 gold pieces – Forces the opponent to deduct half of his attack roll when in battle do to a blinding light. Toad Scroll – 500 gold pieces – Forces a roleplayer that is playing this game also to be a toad for 3 action points. Name list will be given if the adventurer uses the scroll. Uncontrollable Laugh Scroll – 600 gold pieces – Forces the opponent to drop his weapon during battle because of uncontrollable laughter. 20% of his attributes are deducted when this happens. Teleport Scroll – 1000 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to teleport to any of the following locations: Castle Bavidirian, Swienalden, Suranhill, Nortilim, Nurenhill. Invisible Scroll – 1000 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to turn invisible against an opponent in battle or for non combat use. If for battle the opponent cannot add his attack roll and the adventurer can add 6 to his attack roll.

Levitate Scroll – 400 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to levitate to areas that are otherwise difficult to reach. Light Scroll – 50 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to have light in deep tunnels or caves when needed. Transformation Scroll – 1600 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to have the same attribute numbers as the opponent during battle. Note: This spell doesn’t work on the Demon Overlord Morashitar. Healing Scroll – 3000 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to not lose any hit points throughout a spreadsheet result even if he was suppose to lose hit points during the day’s events. Cure Disease, Sickness, Poison, and Frighten Scroll – 400 gold pieces – Instantly cures the indicated scroll ailments the adventurer may have. Remove Curse Scroll – 600 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to rid a cursed follower immediately. Double Gold Scroll – 1000 gold pieces – Allows the adventurer to earn double the amount of gold pieces after each event for one gaming day.

Museum of Artifacts The Museum of Artifacts has three oak trees filled with magical as of very old items since the beginning of the first civilizations living in these lands. If it is from Gnome inventions to Wood Elf simplicity of quality items the collection of all races have been kept in special containers to ensure the quality of the item is always at its grandest state for visitors. If the adventurer wishes to visit the location use the command “Visit Museum of Artifacts” and pay 100 gold pieces. A reward is given when studying the history of these artifacts lead by an old high Elvin guide by the name of Sil’Darsta.

Available Command Visit Museum of Artifacts – This command allows the adventurer to look at history for a day and perhaps even be granted a gift when leaving.

Historical Items Billibon Strudeln Ruby Pendant of Hypnotize Glenadale Liptenkist Oak Bow of Speed Gloriana Pettybraun Blackwood Staff of Healing Thorsblade Obsidian Two Handed Stonehammer Ald’Seran’s Twin Magical Fused Scimitars Thunderfaust’s Conundram Staff of Riddles Gnaerschack’s Steampowered Flyer

Tarkant’s Crossbow of Penetration Ancient Holy Amulet of Sharod Rocacresct Sturmin Axe of Fear

Swienalden Harbor Swienalden’s Harbor actually goes around the large tree of the town. There seems to be more spots for ships to dock then what the town seems to have each cyclone year. Perhaps there is a season when many of the inhabitants of the Lands of Bavidirian come to enjoy the many wonders the magical town has to offer. Tarkant is the harbor master and ensures that merchant ships coming in and out of the docks are protected. A few seafaring merchants are offering to take additional travelers.

Action Command Board the Bavidirian Galleon (costs 20 gold pieces) – This command allows the adventurer to travel to Rondor.

Garden of the Brownies Brownies enjoy their garden so much that the High Elves ensured that the rare species will stay in Swienalden forever. The small waterfalls and various flower assortments with a mystical magical aura is a dream to be seen. Many lovers come here for their romantic honeymoons. If lucky they encounter a Brownie and enjoy their innocent presence entertaining with dance and song.

Available Command Visit Brownies at the Garden of Brownies – This command allows the adventurer to spend time with the magical and playful brownies. Occasionally they offer a gift if the company is good. A 1d12 dice will be rolled to see what happens: 01: Small Sapphire – worth 150 gold pieces if sold at a market. 02: No Gift 03: Small Emerald – worth 150 gold pieces if sold at a market. 04: No Gift 05: Small Ruby – worth 150 gold pieces if sold at a market. 06: No Gift 07: Small Diamond – worth 300 gold pieces if sold at a market. 08: No Gift 09: Black Pearl – worth 300 gold pieces if sold at a market. 10: No Gift

11: Purple Star Crystal – worth 500 gold pieces if sold at a market. 12: No Gift

Additional Available Commands for Swienalden Drop (name of item) – This command allows the adventurer to drop an item. Switch (name of weapon or armor) – This command allows the adventurer to switch a weapon or armor. Equip (name of item, weapon, or armor) – This command allows the adventurer to equip an item, weapon, or armor. Use (name of potion, scroll, or item) – This command allows the adventurer to use a scroll, potion, or special item. Eat (name of food) – This command allows the adventurer to eat when needed. Drink (name of drink) – This command allows the adventurer to drink when needed. Steal – Allows the adventurer to attempt to take an item that is not his own. This command can only be used when in a town. The DM first uses a 1d18 dice to determine if the adventurer has successfully stole something in town. The dice roll has to be below the adventurer’s Common Skill to be successful. If successful, The DM uses a 1d150 dice for Rogues and a 1d20 dice for those that are not Rogues to determine how much gold is taken.

The West Bavidirian Trading Company The West Bavidirian Trading Company located at the docks of Rondor offers able traders to help with the trade between High Elves, Dwarves, Korts, and Gnomes. For cyclones rich merchants are able to reap big rewards by selling common stocked goods between the civilizations. One can either sell by ship or travel across land by mule and carriage. Whatever the choice the trading of raw and common material is essential in keeping good relations in the Lands of Bavidirian. The trader Michtar Soran a Bavidirian is responsible for the trading dynasty for many cyclones. If one gets involved as a trading merchant one has to sign a contract to ensure to deliver and sell a certain amount of goods each week. NOTE: The West Bavidirian Trading Company doesn’t sell goods to adventurers. One must have signed a contract to have access to the warehouse to purchase or sell goods.

The Trading Locations include

By Sea – Swienalden – One must own a ship and have cargo space to deliver the goods. High Elves favor luxury items such as jewelry, magic possessions, chocolate, and fancy clothing material. By Sea – Kort – Home to the largest humans the lands have ever seen. These hardy barbarians have agreed to setup a warehouse to trade with the Trading Company. One must own a ship and have cargo space to deliver the goods. Korts favor basic material such as ore, wood, bricks, leather or hides. By Land – Staengdor - is a hidden dwarven fort near the northern part of the Dwanen Mountains. There lives the strong civilization of Dwarves. One must own a mule or horse with cart or carriage. Dwarves favor food, wood, leather, and wool usually. By Land – Rondor – Home to the richest nobility the lands will ever know. Their appetite for all kinds of goods keeps the West Bavidirian Trading Company a rich business. It takes 5 days to reach the castle grounds. Bavidirians need all kinds of goods and are unpredictable when it comes to needs. The goods that land here are later bought by land merchants who then distribute it to the smaller towns of the Bavidirian Empire. By Land – Gnoertork – Home to the gnomes, which leads to underground tunnels heavily bolted by iron doors. Gnomes are easily suspicious of otherfolks and have an arranged agreement with the West Bavidirian Trading Company as the only possible way to interact with them. They usually have a high demand of alcohol, spices, and livestock.

Available Commands Sign Trading Contract with West Bavidirian Trading Company – the adventurer becomes a traveling trading merchant and must meet the obligations required by the West Bavidirian Trading Company, which is to sell a minimum of 500 gold pieces worth of goods per week. If the requirements are not met the contract is broken and the adventurer doesn’t have access to the warehouses anymore to buy and sell goods anymore.

Purchase Bavidirian Trading Good (Also include the item as of amount) at West Bavidirian Trading Company – this command allows the adventurer to buy goods at discounted prices if sold in bulk. Haggling and speechcraft abilities do not work at the Bavidirian Trading Company as the prices are set for trading locations.

Sell Bavidirian Trading Good (Also include the item as of amount) at West Bavidirian Trading Company – this command allows the adventurer to sell goods at discounted prices if sold in bulk. Haggling and speechcraft abilities do not work at the Bavidirian Trading Company as the prices are set for trading locations.

Apply Special Contract at West Bavidirian Trading Company– allows the adventurer to ask the Bavidirian Trading Company if any special trades are requested. Such trades include important goods that a royal needs immediately and may pay a hefty price to get them earlier. Another example could be that the Bavidirian Empire is in need of weapons. The Trading Company

will only indicate the contract arrangement, yet the merchant must buy on his own the goods and deliver them on time.

Travel (Location of town) with the West Bavidirian Trading Company – This command allows the adventurer to travel with the trading goods to the location where the goods are needed. One must first use this command before being able to

Instructions on using the Table Trade Chart Each good counts as 1 unit. For example 1 brick (one pallet of bricks) costs 10 gold pieces for the merchant to buy in Rondor. He can sell it at Kort for 20 gold pieces making 10 gold pieces profit. Don’t buy Bricks for 10 gold pieces in Rondor and try to sell it again on the same month in Rondor, because you will only get 5 gold pieces back losing half of what you had paid for it. Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 10 / 5 20 / 10 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 60 / 30 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 80 / 40 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 500 / 250 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 150 / 75 50 / 25 60 / 30 50 / 25 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 10 / 5 N/I 200 / 100 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 80 / 40 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 20 / 15 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 50 / 25 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 30 / 15 50 / 25 200 / 100 50 / 25 200 / 100 20 / 10 100 / 50 200 / 100 150 / 75 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1000 / 500

900 / 450


300 / 150

Important: For each calendar month the chart changes. There are a total of 12 charts of which on the month one will be shown.

Rules to Remember: Make sure that the cargo hold of the ship or the space in the carriage can hold the specific amount of goods. Below is an example: Ralph buys 9 small pallets of bricks for 90 gold pieces in Rondor on the Month of Disease. Here is how the inventory will look like on the character sheet.

Correct Example: Inventory 1. Bricks 2. Bricks 3. Bricks 4. Bricks 5. Bricks 6. Bricks 7. Bricks 8. Bricks 9. Bricks

Incorrect Example: Inventory 1._9 Bricks

01: The Month of Disease: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 30 / 16 200 / 100 12 / 7 20 / 10 150 / 75 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 80 / 40 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 250 / 125 10 / 5 50 / 25 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 50 / 25 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 30 / 16 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 100 / 50 80 / 40 10 / 5 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 80 / 40 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 20 / 10 60 / 30 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 50 / 25 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 30 / 16 150 / 75 25 / 12 30 / 15 50 / 25 250 / 125 50 / 25 150 / 75 20 / 10 100 / 50 200 / 100 150 / 75 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1000 / 500

900 / 450


300 / 150

02: The Month of the Curse: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 200 / 100 10 / 5 40 / 20 50 / 25 50 / 25 20 / 10 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 150 / 75 100 / 50 20 / 10 160 / 80 80 / 40 400 / 200 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 500 / 250 10 / 5 150 / 75 150 / 75 90 / 45 50 / 25 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 50 / 25 120 / 60 50 / 25 400 / 200 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 40 / 20 N/I 100 / 50 600 / 300 80 / 40 150 / 75 800 / 400

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 30 / 15 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 100 / 50 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 60 / 30 50 / 25 200 / 100 75 / 35 400 / 200 20 / 10 100 / 50 300 / 150 300 / 150 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 250 / 125 300 / 150


700 / 350

1200 / 600

600 / 300


200 / 100

03: The Month of Poison: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 10 / 5 20 / 10 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 80 / 40 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 500 / 250 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 50 / 25 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 10 / 5 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 80 / 40 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 50 / 25 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 30 / 15 50 / 25 200 / 100 50 / 25 150 / 75 20 / 10 100 / 50 200 / 100 150 / 75 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1000 / 500

900 / 450


300 / 150

04: The Month of the Demon: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 30 / 15 45 / 25 450 / 225 50 / 25 20 / 10 100 / 50 50 / 25 30 / 15 30 / 15 120 / 60 30 / 15 150 / 75 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 180 / 90 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 30 / 15 120 / 60 1500 / 750 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 90 / 45 100 / 50 60 / 30 150 / 75 120 / 60 150 / 75 400 / 200 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 45 / 24 1800 / 900 10 / 5 30 / 15 300 / 150 120 / 60 40 / 20 N/I 150 / 75 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 600 / 300 160 / 80 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 150 / 75 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 60 / 30 200 / 100 150 / 75 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 50 / 25 45 /24 450 / 225 150 / 75 30 / 15 50 / 25 300 / 150 150 / 75 150 / 75 30 / 15 150 / 75 300 / 150 150 / 75 300 / 150 600 / 300 600 / 300 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1200 / 600

900 / 450


200 / 100

05: The Month of Decay & Undead: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 20 / 10 20 / 10 50 / 25 100 / 50 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 100 / 50 100 / 50 80 / 40 80 / 40 600 / 300 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 80 / 40 500 / 250 20 / 10 100 / 50 150 / 75 180 / 90 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 100 / 50 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 1000 / 500 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 30 / 16 600 / 300 20 / 10 30 / 15 200 / 100 80 / 40 10 / 5 N/I 100 / 50 180 / 45 40 / 20 N/I 200 / 100 300 / 150 80 / 40 300 / 150 500 / 250

Kort 80 / 40 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 60 / 30 300 / 150 50 / 25 60 / 30 300 / 150 150 / 75 1000 / 500 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 100 / 50 30 / 15 50 / 25 200 / 100 50 / 25 150 / 75 20 / 10 200 / 100 400 / 200 150 / 75 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 500 / 250 150 / 75


1200 / 600

2000 / 1000

1800 / 900


600 / 300


06: The Month of 12 Types: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 10 / 5 20 / 10 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 80 / 40 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 500 / 250 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 50 / 25 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 10 / 5 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 80 / 40 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 50 / 25 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 30 / 15 50 / 25 200 / 100 50 / 25 150 / 75 20 / 10 100 / 50 200 / 100 150 / 75 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1000 / 500

900 / 450


300 / 150

07: The Month of Prosperity: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 30 / 16 150 / 75 10 / 5 20 / 10 150 / 75 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 90 / 45 50 / 25 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 80 / 40 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 800 / 400 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 180 / 90 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 100 / 50 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 20 / 10 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 40 / 20 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 80 / 40 150 / 75 1500 / 750

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 90 / 45 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 50 / 25 60 / 30 300 / 150 150 / 75 1500 / 750 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 30 / 15 150 / 75 200 / 100 50 / 25 150 / 75 60 / 30 100 / 50 200 / 100 150 / 75 150 / 75 900 / 450 900 / 450 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

3000 / 1500

900 / 450


300 / 150

08: The Month of Cupid: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 10 / 5 20 / 10 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 80 / 40 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 500 / 250 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 50 / 25 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 10 / 5 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 80 / 40 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 50 / 25 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 30 / 15 50 / 25 200 / 100 50 / 25 150 / 75 20 / 10 100 / 50 200 / 100 150 / 75 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1000 / 500

900 / 450


300 / 150

09: The Month of Travel: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 10 / 5 20 / 10 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 300 / 150 20 / 10 80 / 40 180 / 90 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 500 / 250 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 50 / 25 360 / 180 50 / 25 200 / 100 600 / 300 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 10 / 5 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 180 / 90 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 150 / 75 20 / 10 300 / 150 450 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 30 / 15 50 / 25 200 / 100 50 / 25 150 / 75 20 / 10 100 / 50 200 / 100 450 / 225 150 / 75 300 / 150 900 / 450 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1000 / 500

900 / 450


300 / 150

10: The Month of Twilight: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 10 / 5 20 / 10 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 80 / 40 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 500 / 250 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 50 / 25 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 10 / 5 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 80 / 40 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 50 / 25 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 30 / 15 50 / 25 200 / 100 50 / 25 150 / 75 20 / 10 100 / 50 200 / 100 150 / 75 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1000 / 500

900 / 450


300 / 150

11: The Month of Alignment: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 6/3 8/4 80 / 40 6/3 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 6/3 10 / 5 20 / 10 20 / 10 30 / 15 50 / 25 10 / 5 40 / 20 40 / 20 150 / 75 200 / 100

Gnoertork 6/3 20 / 10 250 / 125 6/3 50 / 25 80 / 40 50 / 25 20 / 10 18 / 9 50 / 25 30 / 15 20 / 10 60 / 30 20 / 10 100 / 50 100 / 50 250 / 125 200 / 100

Swienalden 6/3 8/4 300 / 150 6/3 20 / 10 100 / 50 20 / 10 6/3 N/I 50 / 25 40 / 20 10 /5 N/I 50 / 25 150 / 75 40 / 20 80 / 40 250 / 125

Kort 20 / 10 26 / 13 N/I 20 / 10 20 / 10 30 / 15 30 / 15 6/3 6/3 15 / 7 10 / 5 100 / 50 20 / 10 10 / 5 150 / 75 80 / 40 250 / 125 N/I

Staengdor 6/3 10 / 5 80 / 40 30 / 15 20 / 10 30 / 15 100 / 50 30 / 15 80 / 40 20 / 5 50 / 25 100 / 50 80 / 40 80 / 40 150 / 75 150 / 75 250 / 125 80 / 40


400 / 200

500 / 250

400 / 200


150 / 75

12: The Month of Burning Flames: Goods Bricks Raw Iron Raw Gems Wood Marble Chocolate Spices Flour Livestock Tools Cloth Wool Furs Lamp Oil Alcohol Tobacco Perfume Jade

Rondor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 10 / 5 20 / 10 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 30 / 15 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 100 / 50 20 / 10 80 / 40 80 / 40 300 / 150 400 / 200

Gnoertork 10 / 5 40 / 20 500 / 250 10 / 5 100 / 50 150 / 75 90 / 45 40 / 20 30 / 15 100 / 50 60 / 30 50 / 25 120 / 60 50 / 25 200 / 100 200 / 100 500 / 250 400 / 200

Swienalden 10 / 5 15 / 8 600 / 300 10 / 5 30 / 15 200 / 100 40 / 20 10 / 5 N/I 100 / 50 90 / 45 20 / 10 N/I 100 / 50 300 / 150 80 / 40 150 / 75 500 / 250

Kort 40 / 20 50 / 25 N/I 40 / 20 30 / 15 50 / 25 50 / 25 10 / 5 10 / 5 30 / 15 30 / 15 200 / 100 50 / 25 20 / 10 300 / 150 150 / 75 500 / 250 N/I

Staengdor 10 / 5 15 / 8 150 / 75 50 / 25 30 / 15 50 / 25 200 / 100 50 / 25 150 / 75 20 / 10 100 / 50 200 / 100 150 / 75 150 / 75 300 / 150 300 / 150 500 / 250 150 / 75


800 / 400

1000 / 500

900 / 450


300 / 150

Adventurer’s Guild The Adventurer’s Guild is one of the newer buildings that have been erected since the reconstruction of the free city of Rondor. There the millionaire Halfling Billibon Strudeln runs the organization as of his scouts tell of the latest informations around the lands. For 100 gold pieces the Adventurer’s Guild can tell where one can strike it rich if one is brave enough to venture on such dangerous campaigns. Each area has 6 monsters to defeat and 1 boss monster. If the boss monster is defeated a huge reward is given such as a valuable magical item or a heap of gold pieces. Available Commands Accept Contract (number of campaign) at the Adventurer’s Guild – For 100 gold pieces the adventurer is ensured a service that a scout will safely escort the adventurer to the location of where the problem lies to explore the area to reap the rewards. Explore (number of campaign) – this command allows the adventurer to explore the area to find the problem and reap the reward of the campaign situation. Available Locations 0: An ogre gang demands ransom and often attacks the west wall of Rondor causing much damage and costing the city many gold pieces for its reconstruction. The Magistrate seeks a champion to stop this chaos. 1: Caravans have been conducted by Goblins and the once Bavidirian controlled Gem Mining village of Torin is looking for a champion to resolve the issue.

2: An evil sorcerer has constructed a magical tower near the ruined town of Sinatorium. The Mage’s Guild has gathered gold to find a champion to rid of the imposing power. 3: A ghost of the ancient Wizard Lexartar roams his towers. It is rumored many powerful items as of tons of gold can be found if one finds an entrance inside. 4: A famous pirate has stashed away treasure in a labyrinth. Only rumors tell of its whereabouts, yet the scout escorts the adventurer to its approximate location. 5: Goblin raiders attack servants, apprentices, and farmer just off the free city of Rondor. A willing champion must ward of these goblin attacks and find its leader to slay him. 6: An army of Bavidirian soldiers has been destroyed by a Dragon. The commander believes the Dragon is wounded, yet can’t pursue it due to the heavy loss. He seeks a champion to finish the job! 7: The scout escorts the adventurer to the razed and ruined town of Augshill where an old crypt lies in the town’s graveyard. A secret dungeon below leads to the unknown. 8: A powerful dark elf clan has lost a magical weapon from a rival clan. The leader seeks a champion to get it back for a great reward. 9: Just outside of the border city of Xelnoria in the Delorian Lands lays a hidden ruin, once home to clan ofgnomes, now the lair of twisted aberrations that shun the surface wand and its people. These twisted monsters are now finding their ways to surface and occasionally shunning the inhabitants near Xelnoria. The town seeks help from an able champion. 10: In a distant land chaos reigns in the kingdom as the king and queen have died, leaving no heirs. The adventurer is commissioned by a minor noble to go into the king’s vault to

retrieve the scepter of succession, a magical relic that legends claim to be able to determine who should be the rightful ruler of the kingdom. 11: The destroyed village of Suranhill is consistently plagued by goblins and is rumored the chief goblin king resides there. The town seeks help from a brave adventurer in return for a great title and some gold. 12: Deep in the Wastelands lies the Palace of Death. There it is known one can find the secrets of immortality as of riches. Only the foolhearted or very brave dare to enter the Wastelands let alone the Palace of Death! 13: A powerful ancient lich is trying to gets its powers back. Many are worried and seek a champion to ensure this will not happen. 14: A group of angry Feys attack innocent children throughout the lands. A portal has been discovered, yet cannot be destroyed. The Magistrate seeks a brave hero to sacrifice his life to enter the portal and eliminate the Fey once in for all. 15: Find six keys to destroy a powerful sphinx queen to attain ancient knowledge of a civilization that once lived in these lands. 16: The abandoned ruins reek of Undead. It is said the restless soul of a champion must be defeated before it joins the evil forces of Overlord Morashitar leader and ruler of the demon forces. 17: Investigate a lair near the Dwanen Mountains where a powerful witch holds a staff once owned by the hero wizard Thunderfaust. 18: The Demon Hordes of Morashitar are slowly taking over the lands. A Demon Prince has taken over a holy Citadel once

sacred to every race in the Nurenhill Forest. The people of the lands are outraged and seek a champion to reclaim it back. 19: Odd things are happening near an active volcano in the Lands of Bavidirian. The demon destroyed town of Sinatorium asks for someone to investigate. 20: In the razed and ruined town of Nurenhill sits the once rich manor of Lady Godirno. Powerful evil guards the house not for its valuable items…but for the powerful magics it may contain. 21: Strange magic is in a specific highway that has heavy trade between the dwarves and Bavidirians. The Magistrate seeks a champion to stop this annoyance. 22: Storm Giants are responsible for such terrible weather and destruction of the Barbarian establishment of Kort. The abandoned Chief seeks a champion to confront the Giants and bring an end to the further destruction of his once mighty settlement. 23: A recent earthquake has exposed an ancient ziggurat long buried in the earth. The ruins of an ancient fort show promise of riches. 24: The Ripper has apparently returned after a 100 cyclones and seeks to murder victims of higher class society in Rondor. It is said in the deep sewers he stays. The Magistrate seeks a champion to solve the case. 25: The ruined town of Augshill has been the victims of an Ancient Vampire. The town seeks a champion to slay the vampire to stop the silent migration of vampires in the free city of Rondor. 26: Strange happenings occurred at a Stronghold belonging to the Bavidirian Empire many decades ago. Draugs roam the area. The commander is responsible for the undead attacks

towards the free cit of Rondor. The Magistrate asks for a champion to defeat the leader. 27: Diseases are on the rise in the ruined town of Nurenhill. The Magistrate suspects it is the doing of wererats in the sewer dungeons. They seek a hero to find the leader and eliminate the pestilence. 28: An infamous thief has stashed treasures in a vault in the crypt of Terolstir. The adventurer may be interested in this valuable treasure. 29: Find the tears of a powerful yet bitter sorceress ghost to remove the sleeping curse of the destroyed village of Turak. Cursed zombies once inhabitants of the village roam the streets. Find a way to put these restless souls to sleep again. 30: The Great Halls of the Dwanen Mountains sits the throne of the once mighty Dragon King. There lays grand riches to be hold vast enough for many dragons to horde for their own interests. 31: By accident the adventurer finds a secret entrance in the Dwanen Mountains. Inside it is said Kobolds live holding valuable assets any adventurer may want to own. The adventurer may be interested in this valuable treasure and take this campaign. 32: The adventurer leaves the Lands of Bavidirian to explore the desert lands of Unikam and encounters the Bazaar of Shiras, a tent city famous for its exotic goods. A powerful magical lamp once owned by a fabled merchant is lost and he seeks a champion for its recovery. 33: A Dark Cultist gathering practices the powers from a Dark Beast to terrify innocent people. The Magistrate of the free city of Rondor seeks a champion to put a halt to this malpractice.

34: A sailor has taken the adventurer to a remote island…or so it seemed as many zombies begin to attack. Who is behind this foul magic? It is rumored that much magic and gold can be found through this campaign. 35: Descend into the deep dungeons of Alzguer to find treasures hidden by the clans of an ancient Thief Guild. 36: Traveling through the frozen wastelands of the north the adventurer sees the Barbarian camp of Kort in ruins. The chieftain asks to find a way to reach the Lizard King and slay him to find peace. 37: Pilgrims have been lost and many suspect it has to do with the winding tunnels of mayham. The adventure cold visit the The Sinuous Tunnels leading to the Mayham tunnels, which are a vast complex of passages, caves, and chambers leading far below ground in hopes to find the missing pilgrims. 38: The Magical Book of Tales has enticed the adventurer to read one of its stories. As he reads it he transports into the story. He can only come back to the real world if he survives the ordeals the story entails. 39: A group of bandits, the Sticky Fingers, has stolen relics of significance from several temples in the the free city of Rondor. The Magistrate seeks a champion to return the goods. 40: A deadly red mist fills the streets of the razed and destroyed town of Nurenhill. Deep in the sewers foul dark magic is played. It is of urgency that the adventurer finds the caster and slays him. 41: Mysterious murders are happening in the free city of Rondor. The magistrate seeks a champion to investigate the matter.

42: A merchant’s daughter, Selen Tarstar, is missing. One of Selen’s associates, the wizard Tostir, believes some force magically kidnapped her. Tostir turns to the adventurer for help. 43: The merchant partners of the Company of the Boars are hiring adventures to discover why the winter fur trade returns have not come back yet from the dwarven fort of Staengdor. 44: The adventurer is escorted to an abandoned dwarven town in the Dwanen Mountains. While making his way down a narrow mountain pass, an avalanche occurs, blocking the road in front of him – as well as the road behind. The avalanche, though, reveals the entrance to a labyrinth of dark and forbidding caverns. Perhaps there is a way out and something valuable to go with it.

Website Instructions for Newcomers is a limited free website hosting company that anyone can use. They have pre-made templates and functions that can save you from hours of coding knowledge. Green Dragon Adventure is played on and it can be a bit confusing when first starting out as a roleplayer. The following instructions may help alleviate some problems when joining.

Registration Instructions 1. Type on your website browser You should be directed to the front page which looks like the image below.

2. Just above the small moving green dragon is a link called “Register� to click on. The red circle on the image below indicates the area to click on to start signing up to become a registered member of the game site.

3. Fill out the questions the submission form is asking. Such questions will include date of birth, email address, display name (screenname you wish to use – perhaps the name of your adventurer if you desire), Gender, and Location (which country or city you reside in), and Password. Important: Don’t forget your password when signing up. You will need it shortly afterwords to complete registration. Also verify that you are a real human and not some kind of spam robot by answering the trivia question below.

4. Click on “Create My Account”. You will receive a message thanking you for joining. Before you are officially a member you must first go to your email address account and find a message from If you don’t find it in your main folder go to your spam folder to find it there. Click on the email and confirm that you have signed up at the site to finally become an official member of the site.

5. Once you confirm you should be automatically directed back to the site. If not, type in your web browser and click on “Sign In� on the front page.

6. Type in your screenname and password that you have chosen to start enjoying the many features of the game.

Adding an illustration or photo. 1. Go to your profile page. Click on “Edit Profile” link.

2. Click on “Upload Photos’ tab. Select an illustration that you saved on the computer to use for your photo display / avatar.

Join us for some adventure fun at I hope to hear from you soon! Yours truly, “GD�

The Green Dragon

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