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Tanzania has established a a onal on en on Biurea as plans get underway to diversify the tourism o erings by reaching out to tourists a ending mee ngs and conferences. y pro iding more enues, the country can capitalize on tourists that are already in the country for business purposes to take part in other tourism ac i es. Tan ania is now targe ng conference tourists in its plan to a ract mee ngs and conference visitors as a way to diversify wildlife-based tourism into other tourist-pulling magnets including historical, geographical, and cultural heritages.The a onal on en on ureau has been established to promote conference tourism. Other plans underway include di ersi ca on of tourist products other than wildlife resources which has been a major tourism garner for this African des na on.
February - 2020
Spotlight TravelExpo Arusha was a live faceto-face success xpo targe ng Arusha- & Moshibased Travel Agents & Tour Operators selling inter-regional tra el. The xpo was held on ebruary at ran Melia. It was an all-day event split into two sessions to accommodate the large number of trade from Arusha and oshi who a ended. ore than exhibitors from mainland Tanzania, Zanzibar and other East African countries par cipated in the show. The major objec e of the Tra el xpo is to pro ide a pla orm for Hotels, Resorts and Lodges from East African Countries to meet with Arusha & Moshi based regional Tour operators and Tra el agents to contract rates and update them on new developments . Spotlight Travel Expo is organised by Houston Tra el arke ng Ser ices in co opera on with ilifair Promo on o. Ltd the organisers of aribu ilifair.
Air Tan ania ompany Limited AT L and Air India ha e announced an interline agreement which will increase connec ity for customers of both airlines. The na onal carrier s managing director Ladislaus a ndi said under the pact, both companies will be selling ckets jointly for ights between their route networks, allowing customers to tra el with one cket, check in once and check bags through their nal des na on. He explained that customers on Air Tanzania’s route into India can enjoy access to the largest por olio of des na ons on Air India domes c network in India and beyond with access to more than des na ons ia umbai.
Olduvai Gorge is a key tourist site where visitors can learn about human e olu on and prehistory. The site and new museum a ract local and interna onal tourists to visit and experience what it may have felt like to li e as the earliest man did. An interna onal team of archaeologists and paleoanthropologists has disco ered a large collec on of two million years old stone tools, fossilized bones, and plant materials at the Olduvai Gorge in northern Tanzania. Newly-discovered stone reveals that the earliest humans used diverse, rapidly-changing environments in Africa to run early life on arth. a ng as far back as . million years ago, the newly-discovered tools were likely manufactured by the early humans. Olduvai Gorge is now a key Tanzania tourist site where visitors can learn about human e olu on and prehistory.
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