8 minute read
Serengeti: The Land of Unique Wildlife Migration
Serengeti National Park Serengeti National Park
The Land of Unique Wildlife Migration
SS savanna as well as riverine forest and savanna as well as riverine forest and woodlands. The park lies in the north woodlands. The park lies in the north To the south-east of the park is To the south-east of the park is the south-west lies Maswa Game the south-west lies Maswa Game lies Loliondo Game Control Area. liesLoliondoGameControlArea.
absolutely huge. If you are intent absolutelyhuge.Ifyouareintent then where you stay is as much thenwhereyoustayisasmuch are travelling as it is the style of camp are travelling as it is the style of camp or hotel you are looking for. Get the or hotel you are looking for. Get the that you will not see the herds. that you will not see the herds.
The Center - Seronera Valley: In The Center - Seronera Valley: In Seronera is a network of river Seronera is a network of river valleys that ensure year-round valleysthat ensureyear-round water supplies and keep the water supplies and keep the region incredibly rich in wildlife regionincrediblyrichinwildlife throughout the year. Seronera throughout the year. Seronera has all the best features of the has all the best features of the
Serengeti National Park Serengeti National Park
kopjesandlinesofhillstoadd kopjes and lines of hills to add interest. The resident game interest. The resident game cheetah and lion. These live cheetah and lion. These live reach of both the Southern reach of both the Southern Western corridor: Western corridor: Stretching Stretching into what’s known as the into what’s known as the Western Corridor. The key Western Corridor. The key feature of this area is the two feature of this area is the two
forest. This area sustains a forest. This area sustains a very good permanent game very good permanent game predators and forest ‘specialists’ predators and forest ‘specialists’ like colobus monkeys. The like colobus monkeys. The pausing to gather momentum pausing to gather momentum before crossing the crocodilebefore crossing the crocodile : The : The landscape is dominated by open landscape is dominated by open woodlands (predominantly woodlands (predominantly the Mara River on the border the Mara River on the border migratory wildebeest and migratory wildebeest and
zebra (which occur from July to zebra (which occur from July to bushy savannah is the best place bushy savannah is the best place dik dik.dik dik. : : almost treeless grassland of the almost treeless grassland of the scenery of the park. This is scenery of the park. This is theyremainintheplainsfrom they remain in the plains from
December to May. Other hoofed December to May. Other hoofed waterbuck- also occur in huge waterbuck- also occur in huge numbers during the wet season. numbers during the wet season. which are very common in which are very common in as well as a refuge for hyrax and as well as a refuge for hyrax and pythons.pythons.
protect the greatest and most varied protect the greatest and most varied altogether make up some 14% of the altogether make up some 14% of the record that few other countries can record that few other countries can match.match.
virtually uninhabited but about virtually uninhabited but about hundred years ago the nomadic hundred years ago the nomadic Maasai came down from the north Maasai came down from the north to set foot in the area was the to set foot in the area was the German explorer and naturalist Dr. German explorer and naturalist Dr. He was followed by his compatriots Hewasfollowedbyhiscompatriots who built Fort Ikoma in the north who built Fort Ikoma in the north 1917.1917.
in 1913. They found the wildlife in 1913. They found the wildlife an American arrived in a strange new an American arrived in a strange new car and news of the wonders of the car and news of the wonders of the made them so scarce (they were made them so scarce (they were the area in 1921 and a full one in the area in 1921 and a full one in 1929. With the growing awareness 1929. With the growing awareness was expanded and upgraded to a was expanded and upgraded to a Area was established in the southArea was established in the southeast as a separate unit. east as a separate unit.
In the open grass plains during In the open grass plains during the rainy months from November the rainy months from November to May hundreds of thousands of toMayhundredsofthousandsof wildebeest and Burchell’s zebra wildebeest and Burchell’s zebra point for one of the great wonders point for one of the great wonders when the grass becomes dry and when the grass becomes dry and mass in huge armies. All is far from mass in huge armies. All is far from and each male tries to establish a and each male tries to establish a begin their trek in a column several begin their trek in a column several miles long to the permanent waters miles long to the permanent waters one group turning north-east and one group turning north-east and Mara River in the north. This mass Mara River in the north. This mass movement has a following of movement has a following of of the weaklings of the weaklings
The River crossings happen at any The River crossings happen at any experiences. The wildebeest are experiences. The wildebeest are easily spooked by real or imagined easily spooked by real or imagined of dust as they turn on their heels of dust as they turn on their heels and run away. Or maybe the herd is and run away. Or maybe the herd is just not ready to cross the river and just not ready to cross the river and they are milling around contentedly. theyaremillingaroundcontentedly. as the herds struggle to get to the as the herds struggle to get to the crocodiles. crocodiles.
Originally formed by volcanic Originally formed by volcanic sun. It now varies from open grass sun. It now varies from open grass to extensive woodland and black to extensive woodland and black
throughout. In the south-east throughout. In the south-east rise the great volcanic massifs rise the great volcanic massifs and craters of the Ngorongoro and craters of the Ngorongoro wildlife.wildlife.
The Maasai The Maasai
It’snotallwildanimalsouton It’s not all wild animals out on there:there are the people of the there: there are the people of the theMaasai. A striking the Maasai. A striking their instantly recognisable red their instantly recognisable red hundred years. The Maasai are hundred years. The Maasai are an indigenous group of semian indigenous group of seminomadicpeoplewhohavelived nomadic people who have lived recognised African ethnic recognised African ethnic revolvesaround revolves around The The Maasai rely heavily upon their Maasai rely heavily upon their herds of cowsand goats for herds of cows and goats for believe they were believe they were
species of birds including species of birds including weaver.weaver.
Nature & Wildlife Safari Nature & Wildlife Safari
Tanzania’s oldest and most Tanzania’s oldest and most a world heritage site and a world heritage site and recently proclaimed a 7th recently proclaimed a 7th especially when some six million especially when some six million
wildebeest’s trek for fresh grazing. viewing in Africa: great herds of impala and Grant’s gazelle. The spectacle of predator versus prey dominates Tanzania’s greatest park. Golden-maned lion prides feast on the abundance of plain grazers. Solitary leopards haunt the acacia a high density of cheetahs prowls the south-eastern plains. Almost and marabou stork.
much as it has done for at least wildebeest leave the southern search of the grass and water they need to survive. During their annual pilgrimage they will travel some 2.000 miles devouring 4.000 tonnes
Wildebeests, Burchell’s Zebras and
the animals thus the reason to consists of White Bearded and Thomson’s gazelles. own innate biological triggers determined to search for water and greener pastures. Over a million wildebeests begin
Over half a million Burchell’s - Scheduled and private Flight Link and Safari Air. Crater.
You won’t be disappointed to have arranged with hotels/tour operators. musical rocks. Visit neighbouring Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano and Lake
When to go
places in Africa of which you can say the game viewing is outstanding at lodges are ridiculously good value the park is either from January to March which includes the spectacle of July all the way to the middle of November when the herds are crossing the Mara river to or from
Whether a visitor decides to drive from large hotels to small luxury and many more.
nearest tour operator.