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Oath Home making positive impacts
A sustainable season with Oath Home
Waste is pointless. Waste is… well… a waste
From its fledgling days working from their founder Anna’s living room, through to their position today as the go-to organisation for the rescuing of unused, luxury fabrics, Oath Home has striven to reduce the pointless waste of beautiful, sumptuous textiles and to give them a new lease of life.
Oath Home has partnered with designers, interiors specialists, production studios and sustainable warehouses to coordinate the repurposing of thousands of meters of silks, velvets, linens, and various other luxury fabrics; fabrics that, without their intervention, would have been incinerated or otherwise destroyed.
Christmas! One of the most wonderful and magical times of the year for so many. A period of celebrations, traditions, and plenty of indulgences. It’s estimated that people in the UK receive around 70 million unwanted gifts every year. So, instead, this year try something different.
This Christmas you could gift an Oath Home product to someone special. They have a beautiful range of Christmas stockings, from traditional to alternative, perfect for anyone’s home interior. Their products are sustainably made as they are all designed from unwanted luxury fabrics that would have otherwise been sent to landfills or incinerated. 100% of the profits from your sale go to the charity Step by Step, which works to break the cycle of youth homelessness.
Step by Step helps to provide accommodation, education,
counselling, professional training and mentoring to protect physical and mental health. Youth homelessness often leads to seriousproblems in adult life. By preventing children from becoming homeless, Step by Step breaks this cycle and gives young people a chance to succeed.
New Years! This year, Oath Home is proposing we all give the resolution - making a real change. We’re putting a spin on it, though. Why not try to make some resolutions that can help positively impact the environment. Let’s start this new year off well by doing everything we can to help. n
Try something different this Christmas
oathhome.co.uk 0330 390 3737 info@oathhome.co.uk
Oath Home would like to offer our readers of Darling a 20% discount on all cushions
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