Vol. 60 No. 10 November 2020 online @ www.darlingtonreview.com.au
Congratulations - HELENA COLLEGE -
Best wishes to Year 12s everywhere from Helena College
Anglican Church (rector@hillsanglicans.com) Jan Carroll 9299 7240 Baha’i Faith Susheel Croft 0402 023 704 Darlington Christian Fellowship Pastor Rob Merrells 6153 0364 Bushfire Ready Group Colin James 0419 969 223 Darlington Arts Festival Inc. Chris Pemberton 9252 0154 Darlington Bushwalk Series Cliff Burns 9299 6696 Darlington Chamber Music Malcolm Firth 0400 204845 Darlington Community Recreation Advisory Group Colin James 0419 969 223 Darlington Dipsticks Bindi Datson 9252 1050 Darlington Family Playgroup Janelle Dowler 0400 556 191 Darlington History Group Val Shiell 9299 6868 Darlington Junior Football Club Tim Hunter timothy.hunter@motivationfoundation.com.au Darlington Pavillion Project (DaSRA) Geoff Barker geoff@pmdwa.com Darlington Primary School 9299 6888 Darlington Primary School P & C Association Rowena MacKinnon pnc@gmail.com Darlington Ratepayers & Residents Association Chris Pemberton 9252 0154 Darlington Retirement Accommodation Assn Inc Carolyn Earnshaw 0427 271 765 Darlington Running Group Pippa Windsor 0488 069 764 Darlington Social Cricket Club Inc Stephen Jones 0437 242 299 Darlington Tennis Club Alex Hoschke 9299 6456 Darlington Theatre Players at Marloo Theatre (9255 1212) Brendan Tobin 0419 949 564 Darlington Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Inc Ricky Harvey 0409 685 445 Member for East Metropolitan Region Donna Faragher JP MLC 9379 0840 1st Darlington Scouts Glen Stenton 0403 809 226 Federal Member for Hasluck Hon. Ken Wyatt MP 9359 0322 Friends of Darlington Station Reserve (FODS) Jane Arnold (arnoldmj55@gmail.com) 0477 987 048 Friends of Glen Park Glenys Letchford 0467 586050 Friends of Waylen’s Landing (FOWL) Shannon Ward 9252 1879 Garrick Theatre Douglas Sutherland-Bruce 0418 934 850 Glen Forrest Bridge Club Suzy Tasnady 0407081421 Guides Western Australia (Forrest Hills District) Maggie Hegney 0427 794 115 Guildford Grammar School Gillian MacDonald 9377 9222 Helena College Sherene Strahan 9298 9100 The Hub of the Hills Rachel Bacon 9290 6683 KSP Writers’ Centre Shannon Coyle 9294 1872 Let’s Talk Rubbish ! Chris Pemberton 9252 0154 Kalamunda Bridge Club Jenny Tedeschi jennifer_tedeschi1@hotmail.com Member for Kalamunda Matthew Hughes 9293 4747 Mundaring and Hills Historical Society Inc Trish Beaman 9295 0540 Mundaring Arts Centre Inc Jenny Haynes 9295 3991 Mundaring Arts Scholarships Chris Durrant 9299 6093 Mundaring Chamber of Commerce Patrick Bertola, President 0428 316 271 Mundaring Christian College Amanda McCleary 9295 2688 Mundaring Sharing Terrie Plaistowe 9295 1688 Mustard Seed - Discovering Computers Brian Hassell 0491 044 805 Shire of Mundaring Library Service Kerryn Martin, Branch Librarian, Greenmount Public Library 9290 6758 Silver Tree Steiner School Karolina Pawlowski and Hayley Spracklen 9295 4787 Soroptimist International of Helena Fay Kappler 9274 4543 Rosalie Gordon 9299 6230 The Darlington Club Sue Lavell 0439 273 213 Treetops Montessori School 9299 6725 Mundaring Shire South Ward Councillors: Cr David Lavell 14 Sandover Road, Darlington 0419 913 014 Cr Darrell Jones Helena Valley 0409 688 568 Cr James Martin Boya 0402 847 780 Justice of the Peace: Warren Southwell 9252 0361 Darlington Hall for future bookings ring Shire of Mundaring Booking Officer on 9290 6666 or email bookings@mundaring.wa.gov.au
Non-profit community-based organisations may become members of the Review. Membership costs $125 per annum or $65 per half year. This entitles organisations to a half-page in each issue. Please keep contributions to a half page (approx 400 words excluding photos). Full page entry $250 per annum (approx 800 words excluding pictures). A half yearly rate is $125. EDITORIAL: Editor: Trea Wiltshire Email: editorial@darlingtonreview.com.au Business Manager: Betty Pitcher, PO Box 196, Darlington. Email: business@darlingtonreview.com.au Auditor: Peter Edwards B.Comm CPA - Peter Edwards & Assoc Pty
9299 6080 9299 6623 9379 1155
Editorial Deadline: Material for each edition of the Review must be submitted before 5 pm on the 20th of the preceding month. Late entries may be included in the online edition at the Editor’s discretion. “Letters to the Editor” are to be kept brief. Place material in the Review Box at the Post Office, or emailed to editorial@darlingtonreview.com.au ADVERTISING: Advertising Manager Kirsty Carslaw Email: advertising@darlingtonreview.com.au 9299-6316 Display Advertising Rates : 1/2 page $150 (19 cms x 13 cms) 1/3 page $125 (12.5 cms x 13 cms) 1/6 page $60 (6cms x 13 cms) Front cover strip $150 and back cover strip ad $120 when available (conditions apply) Cover advertisements: The Review covers are available to community groups to publicise community events. Front cover $150, Back and inside back cover $120 each. All advertisements require print ready artwork. Print quality pdf preferred. Fees may apply for artwork requiring amendment. Payment for first advertisements is required in advance. Placement of business advertisements and notification of cancellation must be emailed to the Advertising Manager (PO Box 196, Darlington, WA 6070) by 5pm on the 20th of each month. Classified Ads: $10 for 4 lines; $5 for students. Monies must be included with the advertisement and placed in the Review Box at Darlington Post Office by the 20th of each month. TYPING: Kirsty Carslaw, P O Box 196, Darlington. Email: editorial@darlingtonreview.com.au 9299 6316 DARLINGTON REVIEW WEBSITE www.darlingtonreview.com.au DARLINGTON VILLAGE WEBSITE (sponsored by the Darlington Review): www.darlingtonvillage.org PRINTERS: Vanguard Press, 26 John Street, Northbridge, WA 6003. 9328 1388 This publication is printed on paper which is PEFC certified using vegetable based inks. Material presented after deadlines cannot be accepted, however notes may appear on the online version of the Darlington Review at www.darlingtonreview.com.au Please note occasionally for space reasons we have to drop the popular calendar page. This however is always available online at the above web address. The Darlington Review does not accept any liability for any errors or omissions contained in articles, statements, or advertisements published herein. The views expressed in Letters or Notes are not the views of the Darlington Review and we are not responsible for them.
Editorial from Chris Durrant, Guest Editor
Astroloma and Quandong: significant food sources back in the days during Kambarang When Europeans first settled in Australia a little over 230 years ago, they brought with them from the Northern Hemisphere a number of customs and usages.
the noisy, confident little New Holland and White-cheeked Honey-Eaters are as ubiquitous as ever among the flowering shrubs. However, I don’t remember previously seeing so many black cockatoos (both the Red-tailed and the Carnaby’s) and we even get (though do not really welcome) a flock of the white corellas that have been a pest down in Guildford for years but I don’t recall hearing up here before the last year or two. And the coarsely cawing ravens (which most of us call crows, incorrectly but understandably: you’d need to be an ornithologist to tell the difference) have also sadly become much more numerous.
One of these was the idea that there are four seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. For the original inhabitants of this continent, life was a bit more complicated. When you have an immediate dependency on the natural environment, you are more sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall that will affect the availability of the animals, fruits and other plant products that you need to sustain your life. Australia is, of course, a very large island with huge variations in climate, so the seasons are not the same throughout. In some parts of Australia there are as many as seven seasons. In the islands of the Torres Strait at the other extreme, there are just four, governed by the prevailing winds. In our neck of the woods, the Noongar people recognized six seasons. October and November, when the rain starts to lessen and the temperature begins to rise, were known as Kambarang. The pictures at the top of this page are of the Candle Cranberry and Native Peach that featured prominently on the indigenous menu at this time of year. The Native Peach or Quandong is a particularly versatile fruit, having medicinal as well as nutritional qualities. I thought you’d like to know!
Caught red-pawed! Closer to ground is the Quenda, or Southern Brown Bandicoot to give it its full title. When we first came to live here, I cannot recall ever seeing one. Now they are everywhere, and I reckon our block must be home to a dozen, ranging in size from babies little bigger than a large rat to senior citizens almost as big as a quokka. They can be seen at any time of the day or night (they clearly don’t realise that they are supposed to be nocturnal animals) rootling around on the lawn or hopping about on the paving looking for goodies.
Living in harmony Something I have noticed in recent years, and commented on before, is the change in the sorts of birds and animals we commonly see around our home. There are some constants, of course: the greedy 28 Parrots wreak as much havoc in the fruit trees as they ever did, and
One of our recent purchases was a special feeder for the chooks, which has the food in a metal tray with a lid on that can be opened by standing on a treadle to raise the lid by a lever. If you are a hen, your weight is sufficient to open the feeder. If you are a rat, at least theoretically, it is not, although I’m not sure how well that is working. There still seem to be numerous rodents around the chook-yard and I suspect the crafty little sods wait for somebody heavy enough to tread on the step and let them into the food tray. The bandicoots, of course, have no difficulties accessing the laying crumbles. Even quite a small one, like the one pictured, is obviously heavy enough to lift the lid at which point it just hops inside and fills its face! Why there has been such a surge in the numbers of this endearing little animal (and friends elsewhere in the village seem to have noticed the same thing) I don’t know. A decline in the feline population might be a factor, though I cannot think that is the cause where we live. We have invariably had at least one family cat, but the portfolio-holder for the past 11 years has been a completely useless predator from the days of his youth, and his predecessors lived to a great age and had hung up their hunting claws several years before they departed to pussy paradise. It’s an interesting question to which perhaps one of you knows the answer. Meanwhile, I personally welcome the presence of these charming marsupials, although they would endear themselves more to management if they could be rather less liberal with their droppings on the paving just outside the back door! Did you know that, because they spend their working lives digging with their forepaws, their pouch faces backwards rather than forwards? File that otherwise useless piece of information for the DaSRA quiz night (see under ‘What’s on’)! Can do! We just love whinging about our governments! It’s pretty much an Aussie sport, probably only just behind cricket in popularity!
Containers for Change in action
We will happily complain about the shortcomings of the local, state, and federal authorities (although, looking overseas recently must have convinced most of us that actually, compared to most places on the planet, we don’t have too much cause for discontent with those who rule us!). Anyway, let’s give credit where it’s due! Recycling is certainly a hot topic these days and I had a pleasant chat recently with the Shire’s Shane Purdy who is in charge of that side of Mundaring’s responsibilities, among others. We talked about a couple of initiatives that the Shire has taken or is about to take to try and achieve the target of little or none of our rubbish going to landfill.
The first of these, which has had a bit of publicity recently, is its participation in the Containers for Change scheme. From the beginning of October, you have been able to take certain (but not all!) containers up to a barn-like building which we junkjunkies (people addicted to visiting the tip) have watched with interest being swiftly put up near the main transfer station (as it is no longer called), and obtain no less than 10 cents per container for your pains! The containers covered by the scheme are those that have been found to be most likely to end up in litter by the road and in the bush. That includes most, but not all, aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and paperboard drink containers. It does not include wine bottles or plastic milk bottles, an interesting form of class distinction: beer drinkers, it would seem, are more likely to chuck their cans or bottles out of the window of the panel van, while those who have been enjoying a nice chardonnay with their picnic in the bush apparently usually dispose of the empties responsibly! You need to register with the scheme and get a Scheme ID (either on-line or at the Recycling Centre) and once you have that you can leave bags of containers at the Refund Point where they will, in due course, be counted and 10 cents per eligible container credited to your bank account. Just make sure you take off the lids (plastic lids can be accepted separately), rinse the containers thoroughly, and do NOT crush the cans (makes them easier to sort and count). Too easy! The Refund Point is open Saturday – Tuesday at about the same time as the rest of the tip (sorry, Recycling Centre) but will also accept containers on Thursday and Friday afternoons when the main tip is not open. More details available at the web site at www.containersforchange.com.au/wa/ or speak to the helpful Kerry and her cohorts up at Coppin Road. Another worthy Shire initiative is the decision to commit to the 3-bin EMRC scheme which was approved by Council at their last meeting. This will see the introduction of a third FOGO bin (Food Organics Garden Organics) in which we will be asked to put all our food and vegetable scraps which a 2019 survey of some Perth local government areas suggested made up over 50% of the contents of our green-top bins. It won’t happen overnight and indeed the best estimate is that it could be in operation by 2023 by which time, all being well, everything else in the green bins will be transported to the proposed ‘Waste to Energy’ facility down at Rockingham. At that stage, it is quite possible that there will be almost nothing that we throw away that will end up in landfill – yellow to recycling, red to compost, green to energy generation! There is likely to be a small increase in waste disposal charges, and a cynic would point out that, as the container manufacturers end up bearing the cost of our 10 cents per container, plus the Shire’s 6 cents per container handling fee, there is every likelihood that we will end up paying for it in the way of higher drink costs. Overall though, the saving in resources and the reduction in environmental contamination must make it worthwhile! Good thinking, Shire! 4
DAF Fuhrer!
On top of Old Smokey (aka Greenmount Hill)
Hot spot! Those of you who credit the 5G network with aiding the spread of Corona virus (and I sincerely hope there aren’t too many of you o u t there, but I guess it takes all sorts!) will have been concerned by the sign that Roxy and I noticed on our walks this week. A notice near the barrier on the road leading to the Greenmount lookout advises us that Telstra will be upgrading the communication tower at the lookout to 5G.
Festival time! The wretched virus has posed problems for all of us, ranging from minor inconvenience to (one hopes temporary) loss of livelihood. If you are the leader of a large and fairly loosely-constituted committee responsible for organizing an extremely complicated public event spread over several days many months in the future, the challenge posed by COVID is an especially complex one. When I met Jemma Durham, the President of the Darlington Arts Festival (DAF) committee, over a coffee recently, she seemed remarkably relaxed and apparently unscathed by what must have been a traumatic period!
When this will happen is not clear, but you would imagine it will be fairly soon, which is probably good news for those whose Telstra phones have been a bit unreliable in this neighbourhood. I say ‘probably’ because my personal knowledge and understanding of these matters is fairly slight.
The key decision to be taken early on was “will the Festival go ahead”? Given all the uncertainties that abounded in those first days of the pandemic (uncertainties which to a great extent still exist, unless you are living in the White House) this was not an easy question to answer, and we must be very grateful for the fact that Jemma and her cohorts – and it is a big committee, well over 20 strong – decided on balance that the Festival would take place, though in a modified form. A complicating factor was the absence of much of the funding on which DAF usually relies. They will depend very largely this year on the reserve which, through the forethought of former President Peter Nicholls, had been built up to cater for just this sort of situation. There will also be some fund-raising events, notably the Soir Noir on the Friday of the Festival which, sadly for most of us, was sold out within minutes of bookings opening. There will be other things planned for next year. Some regular sponsors, like the Review, are still able to lend a financial hand.
I was impressed, though, by a documentary that wife Shirley and I saw recently on the effects of the huge growth in the spread and influence of on-line social media. Called The Social Dilemma it was put together by a number of people who had worked in the industry, including for Facebook and Google, many of them in quite senior positions. It paints a horrifying picture of how social media, in ways never anticipated nor, to be fair, originally intended, can influence the way we think, the way we vote, how we view the world. Even more disturbing is the severely detrimental effect it seems to have had over the past 10 years in particular on people’s mental well-being, especially young people. It is set in America but no doubt applies, mutatis mutandis, to countries like ours. Derided by my children and grand-children as a dinosaur (I am one of the half a dozen people in Australia who does not have a smartphone) I can feel mildly smug about this (and point out that the dinosaurs ruled the world for millions of years so that, barring the arrival among us of a rogue asteroid, I should be okay. However, even if you are not personally a social media user, it will affect you and those you love so you cannot ignore it. I would certainly recommend that you have a look at this documentary, especially if you have young children. It is available on Netflix.
In response to the physical and financial restrictions, the Festival will be presented in a streamlined form. There will be no rides, no Sculptures on the Scarp, and no junior or youth art. However, there will be an open art exhibition in the Hall (in which young artists will be encouraged to participate) and plenty of artisan and food stalls. The wine tent, you will be glad to know, will still be there, run by DaSRA, but it will be a Wine Pavilion with drink
and good fellowship available in our fine new pavilion rather than in a marquee. See details in the DaSRA notes. There will be half the number of stalls (usually over 120!) and almost all of them will be in the grassed area adjacent to the Hall. In fact, the only occupants of the Oval, apart from those walking to and from the Wine Pavilion, will be the Darlington Dipsticks, whose collection of splendid old motor-cars does need a bit of space to spread itself in! Another casualty of the COVID uncertainty has been the poster competition, and publicity this year is using a remake of a 1970s poster, dug up through the agency of former DAF Patron and long-time star in the Darlington arts firmament, George Grayston. Overall, it seems to me that, through her positivity and enthusiasm, Jemma has been able to get her band of dedicated helpers to put together a Festival that we can all enjoy just as much as ever. One benefit of the pared-down event, as she told me, is that it will enable the committee to be more critical and objective in planning for next year – what really worked well? What did we truly miss that wasn’t on this year? What did we do differently that turned out to be better or worse? Will Jemma herself be at the helm of the SS DAF in 2021? That is still an open question. With a young family and plans to go to uni next year, she has plenty of other commitments, but she obviously thrives on the challenges. Whatever happens, I would think it is a safe bet that our matchless band of volunteers will give us as satisfying a Festival in 2021 as we are about to find DAF 2020 to be! We’ll see you all there!
Council Corner •
Restricted burning is in force until 30th November. After that date, the only burning will be as a result of arson, accidents, or lightning strikes!
We’ve been together now for 40 years! Hard to believe it (he doesn’t look that old!), but Chris Blankley, the Shire’s officer in charge of the Bilgoman and Mount Helena Aquatic Centres (AKA swimming pools), first took up his role at the pool in 1980! This remarkable achievement was recognized by an Industry Service Award by LIWA (the aquatics industry body). Now that the Bilgoman pool is open, you will have a chance to congratulate him in person. Onya, Chris!
What’s On •
You’ve probably missed it (or already enjoyed it) by the time you read this, but don’t forget the Community Bonfire (and associated competitions and merriment) on Saturday 31st October.
DHG’s book “Arts on the Edge” by Trea Wiltshire will be launched by MLA Matthew Hughes at the DHG marquee near the oval at the Arts Festival at 4.45 p.m. on Saturday 7th November.
Quiz night to raise funds for the Pavilion on Saturday 21st November at the Boya Community Centre. More details in the DaSRA notes.
Peter Barker’s new solo exhibition, “A view from here” opened at Juniper Galleries on 25th October and will be running until 22nd November.
2020 Vision. An exhibition by Drewfus Gates will open at 7pm on 6th November and run throughout the weekend 10am - 5pm at 1 Owen Road, Darlington
David Willcox talks pump tracks with potential
Pumped! As I’m sure you know, all sorts of good things have been happening or are planned for the area at the western end of the oval. The skate park, of course, is in full action and skaters, scooters, bikers and boarders have been seen for most of the day during the recent school holidays swooping, leaping and pirouetting on its jumps and curves. Other projects nearby will include the community garden, the arbour and – the pump track! Now I dare say that many of you have little or no idea what a pump track is, an ignorance I certainly shared until I attended the recent community meeting in the pavilion organized by David Grant and Sonja Parker of DaSRA. I found the meeting a revelation, not only because it filled considerable gaps in my knowledge (I can now at least create the impression that I understand the difference between a pump track, a pump trail and a pump path, and can nod knowingly when people discuss berms, bowls and table-tops!) but even more because it undoubtedly enabled those who will be constructing the track to find out what features will be favoured by those who will be using it. A pump track, in a nutshell, is a circuit which you can navigate on your scooter, skates, skateboard or bike, with a variety of curves, bumps, and other interruptions to a flat surface that will give you a lot of challenges and fun. They vary greatly in length, lay-out, and manner of construction. The MD of Common Ground, the contractor who will be building our track, David Willcox, was there to talk about the different ideas and see what Darlington pumpers (?!) would like. A gigantic young man with an easy manner and obviously a good rapport with the youth, David had set up a large number of photos to illustrate the various alternatives available, and had sketched out two potential layouts. When you entered the room you could fill in a questionnaire giving information about yourself – how old you are, what you ride, whether you are a beginner or more advanced etc – and express your preferences with regard to surface material and the features of the track. He then discussed all these issues with the audience and got a feel for what they mostly thought was important. There would have probably been, in the course of the afternoon, at least 30 participants ranging in age from primary school kids to teenagers and young adults, with a few not-so-young adults also showing an interest, and they weren’t just there for the pizza kindly supplied at half-time! The budget is necessarily limited, so some of the more exotic features may not be possible at this stage, and the track itself will be relatively compact, occupying around 200 m². However, the plan is to site it on the land set aside for the purpose in such a way that if, in the future, the funding becomes available, it could be expanded. I thought it was a great afternoon, engaging and productive, and both David and Sonja should be congratulated on organizing and presenting a thoroughly useful event. For information on the form that the track will take, go to the Darlington Hub Facebook site, the Darlington Skatepark site, or ring David Grant on 0411 600 237. There will also be lots more information in the December Review. The really good news is that, all being well, there is every chance the track will be ready to roll on before Christmas. Something else to keep the rug-rats off their devices over the summer holidays! Well, that’s it from me. The real editor will be back in charge next month, so it only remains for me to wish you a splendid Spring, a fantastic Festival, and a rollicking rest of the year in dear old Darlington, and may we go even better, and less restricted, in 2021. And let us hope that our brothers and sisters on the other side of the Pacific have the good sense to bid and make 4 no trumps! Perhaps, by the time you read this, we shall know the answer to that question! Go well!
users and gives kids their their say on designs
Chris Durrant Acting Editor
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Community Notices & Letters to the Review Concerns about Cyclists on the Heritage Trail Community concern about the dangerous behaviour of some cyclists on the Heritage Trail has been ignored by the Shire over a number of years. Recent attempts by Darlington Residents to at least get a response from the administration have been rewarded with a few minor concessions, and no effective action.
ONLY 18 TABLES AVAILABLE Raising funds for the Darlington Sports & Community Pavilion
Matthew Hughes has undertaken to take this matter up at a Ministerial level, and Councillor Lavell raised it again with the officers of Council, and action so far has produced a series of inadequate signs urging all users of the trails to be nice to each other. Bearing in mind our council is considering allowing our heritage trail to become a designated cycleway, and it becomes clear that the wishes of their electors are being treated with contempt. I recommend that a community meeting should be arranged at which the Council officers are invited to explain why it is that they dismiss the very real concerns of their electors. Mike Tooby
Tickets at darlingtonpavilion.com.au/events or email lindsay@earnshaws.com.au
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Trea Wiltshire: International Author an artist/interior designer (also the first woman on the Town Planning Board) who in the 1930s urges women to get out of the kitchen and onto decision-making boards. And writer Mollie Skinner, running a Darlington guesthouse that, in the 1920s, is visited by the famous D H Lawrence, author of Lady Chatterley’s Lover and other sexy (well for that time…!) novels that were banned in Britain. This quiet Quaker nurse ends up collaborating with Lawrence on her first novel, The Boy in the Bush, published internationally under both their names and later adapted for television. “In the pages of this book you’ll also meet Australian pilot Guy Grey Smith, flying for the RAF during WWII. He’s just married an English artist when his plane is shot down and he ends up in a German POW camp. Amazingly, he’s treated by four WA doctors (fellow prisoners), shares a cell with WA artist Howard Taylor, and uses paints mailed by his wife to produce his first artworks. And Guy and Howard go on to be counted among Australia’s great artists.
For more than a century the Perth Hills has established itself as a hub for artists and artisans, writers and poets, dancers and musicians. Trea Wiltshire is one of those creatives - an international author and travel writer, and the editor of the monthly Darlington Review. She talks to the Darlington History Group’s Abigail Hall.
“Imagine the Grey-Smiths’ relief when, after the war, they settle in Darlington, build their home and studios in tranquil Stone Crescent – but this larger-than-life Modernist artist is soon doing battle with Perth’s incredibly conservative cultural establishment and championing the cause of artists at a time when there were few galleries. And, along the way, he establishes the first Darlington Arts Festival, with help from the Junipers, the O’Briens, the Gregsons and others who had also chosen to live, work and raise their families in Darlington.”
Born in China and raised in Africa, Trea Wiltshire began her journalism career in the United Kingdom. Widely travelled, she has written for Hong Kong newspapers, edited travel magazines in Asia, and was, for many years, the editor of The University of Western Australia’s flagship publication Uniview. Her catalogue of published works comprises more than a dozen titles and includes Encounters with China: Merchants, Missionaries and Mandarins and closer to home, Gone to Rottnest.
Trea says she was fortunate to be able to talk to artist Philippa O’Brien, who continues to live and work in Darlington (and is a former Patron of DAF), and to Gail Gregson, George and Caroline Grayston, Jan Pritchard, Lyn and Richard Woldendorp and others who lived through what is now acknowledged by cultural commentators as a unique period in Darlington’s history.
The author’s latest book, Arts on the Edge: Darlington, The Place, The People, The Festival was commissioned by the Darlington History Group and it found Trea exploring the local community in which her family settled in 1979, after several years living in Hong Kong.
“These are our stories and we need to know about them because in many ways the people who settled here from the 1880s onwards helped to set the template for the Darlington of today – our strong sense of place and community, our volunteering for the greater good. We need to celebrate them and that’s exactly what this book does, in words and images – and the images alone are worth the price of the book, many provided by the legendary photographer Richard Woldendorp who generously gave us access to his collection of photographs of artists in their studios and of Darlington itself.”
Arts on the Edge describes how the Perth Hills got its reputation as an artists’ hub, and how a string of notable Darlington artists and their families contributed to this status. The book also charts the beginnings of the Darlington Arts Festival in the late 1950s. Eloquently articulated in Trea Wiltshire’s narrative style, and peppered throughout with impressive illustrations from public and private collections, the book is a culmination of four years of research and writing. “This book is very much a local production initiated by the Darlington History Group that has a great track record of publications, with this being its most ambitious. It has been designed by Darlington’s Mich Lee, Richard Woldendorp donated many images, and members of the Darlington History Group became involved in turning words and images into a beautiful book,” says Trea. “For the Group’s chair, Val Shiell, Arts on the Edge definitely became a labour of love!
The Darlington History Group’s stunning publication is due for release in November. The book has been published with the generosity of a grant from the Western Australian History Foundation, and a personal donation from MLA Matthew Hughes, Member for Kalamunda. Arts on the Edge will be launched at the Darlington Arts Festival 2020 at 5pm on Saturday 7 November, and can also be purchased at the Festival. It is also available at dhg.org.au, and various outlets.
“For me, one of the absolute pleasures of researching the book was getting to know some of the extraordinary people who have lived in Darlington … people like feisty Daisy Rossi in Dalry, 11
OPEN on Sundays 10am - 1pm
Colour me Kate Recycled Frock Shop 2 Montrose Avenue Darlington (Above The Little Nook Cafe)
Bahá’í Community of Mundaring October’s multifaith gathering ‘Bridges to Peace’ was a fitting end to the year as some 40 participants of many faith backgrounds joined together to pray and discuss the theme ‘Is Peace Possible?’. It was a beautiful affirmation of friendship and consultation and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with Jewish Spirituality and Hills Anglicans next year. If you missed this event, or if you came along and were intrigued to explore how we can all take steps along the bridge to peace you are warmly invited to join us on Sunday 8 November for an uplifting talk by Mrs Padma Wong offering a Baha’i perspective on world unity. Yes, it is the Darlington Arts Festival weekend, but what a perfect way to round up a busy couple of days! Last month we celebrated the birth of Baha’u’llah with a special garden party at Mahogany Creek. This stunning garden was the perfect backdrop for our celebration of the life of Baha’u’llah, who has brought a divine message of peace for this particular era of humanity’s history. Ten year old Haruto gave a very mature speech on the life of Baha’u’llah and Silvie and Rachel led the singing and played guitar and ukulele with sublime backing from Roushan on double bass and Marty on keyboard. This joyful gathering was a reflection of the message of unity brought by Baha’u’llah. Mundaring Baha’i Community Western Australia Mundaring Baha’i Community Western Australia
Friends of Darlington Station Reserve (FODS) Have you had a chance to walk through the Station Reserve recently? The Painted Lady Orchids were lovely but their flowering unfortunately coincided with a week of cloudy days; sad for a Sun Orchid! But there have been lots of other species to admire including the Kangaroo Paws, the Native Flags, the Verticordia (feather flowers),the very red Callistemon and of course the beautiful blue Leschenaultia. Such a colourful time of the year. These photos show that wonderful local Callistomon and some of the purple beauties we can find on the Reserve. And so we, the FODS, draw towards the end of our intensive working season; we are almost all weeded out! We still have mulch to spread and more than a few more weeds to deal with and then we will transition into our summer watering roster. This year, sadly, we will not be hosting ‘Sculptures on the Scarp’ as part of the Darlington Arts Festival but we hope that you all, as locals, will still take time to wander through the Reserve and enjoy. If you would like to know more about our group please contact: Jane on 0477 987 048 or arnoldmj55@gmail.com Stacey on 9299 8986 or Stacey.august64@gmail.com and Pauline who cares for the Mandoon Reserve on 9299 7039 or paulines191@gmail.com I hope to bump into you sometime on the Reserve. Diane 13
This particular Verticordia is in flower now on the Reserve and very long lasting for our own gardens.
Fringed Lilies are so delicate and get so vibrant and long flowering
Native Flag and a visitor.
The reddest of red flowers you will ever see- Callistomon Phoeniceu
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Darlington Community Recreation Advisory Group Next DCRAG meeting
New turf or not new turf – that is the question
Delegates are reminded that our next meeting will be held on Monday, 30th November 2020 commencing at 7.00pm in the Community Pavilion. Delegates will be updated on completed work including the Community Pavilion, as well as ongoing developments of Lower Area Master Plan. Information from club activities will also be welcomed.
It was the understanding of DCRAG that new turf was to be installed in front of the hall along with the new paths and reticulation. This was based on a letter from the Shire of Mundaring officer dated 19th December 2018 stating, There will be follow up works including new turf, adjustment to reticulation and establishing a garden in liaison with the Darlington community garden group.
Day time / Night time alternating DCRAG meeting times DCRAG have four formal meetings a year, currently on Monday evenings. Trish has proposed to have every second DCRAG meeting held during the day to • reduce evening workload for officers, Councillors and some delegates • allow for coffee and discussions after the day-time meetings • allow more parents and FIFO workers to be involved at family friendly times. This will be discussed and decided at the November meeting.
After nearly two years and many communications, DCRAG and the wider community have been expecting new turf to be installed. Sadly however, “new turf “ it seems, is not on the table. According to the Shire of Mundaring Director’s response to Councillor Lavell’s enquiry… The wording in the letter was misleading. There was never budgeted roll on turf. The new turf is grass seeding, fertilising and watering of the backfilled areas. Recycling Hub The community garden is now collecting Containers for Cash, and proposing to be a local drop off point for a variety of recyclable materials that currently go to landfill. There will be an easy drop off point near the Pavilion in the near future, so please start saving your containers for cash now. Please consider joining Darlington Community Garden Facebook page for further information.
Recreation Area Seating Plan A seating plan is being prepared for Shire of Mundaring. Where would you like to see more seating? What type of seating would you like? What do you think of current seating? Please send a message to Trish with your thoughts.
Trish Cook DCRAG Chair
Darlington Dibbler Girl Guides
Darlington Dibbler Girl Guides finished Term 3 by designing and constructing bird feeders from recyclable materials. We discussed what the birds would and wouldn’t like in a bird feeder (clearly bright colours are a must!), and also decorated them. We have just commenced sessions for Term 4 and have been putting our author/illustrator skills to the test writing spooky stories for Book Week. The hills are a perfect setting for…”One dark and stormy night….”. We welcome new girls aged from 7 years and are in need of volunteers to help with running the session. We meet at Kathleen Skipsey Hall – Darlington Scout/Guide Hall on Glen Road, Tuesdays from 6pm to 7.30pm. If you have any queries regarding Darlington Dibbler Girl Guides please contact Jasmine on 0404 740 322 or enquire at Girl Guides WA. 15
Matthew Hughes MLA JP Member for Kalamunda How To Contact Matthew Your Local Member Office: Shop 9, Kalamunda Central,
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Matthew Hughes MLA JP - Member for Kalamunda The McGowan WA Labor Government’s fourth Budget 2020 has been framed in very challenging and uncertain circumstances due to the world health pandemic and has delivered record fiscal support for WA’s recovery. Treasurer Ben Wyatt describes it as his best yet.
The significant increase in spending and reduced revenue has cut projected operating surpluses. This includes a reduction in the projected surplus in 2020-21 from $2.7 billion to $1.2 billion. Recurrent expenditure is expected to be $4.9 billion higher relative to the Mid-year Review, underpinned by an increase in COVID-19 related spending. Revenue has been revised down by $1.7 billion as a result of COVID-19 relief measures and lower taxation and GST-related grants, with revenue reductions partially offset by higher mining revenue and proceeds from the recent Bell Group settlement.
Readers will note that the McGowan Government’s fiscal strategy has switched to focus on supporting the economy and job creation rather than paying down the mountain of debt left by previous Liberal National Government. The WA Government’s responsible financial management since coming to office in 2017 has provided the capacity and flexibility to immediately respond to support Western Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic and to support the creation of jobs.
Residual operating surpluses have been fully allocated to funding record investment in infrastructure. The infrastructure program includes the largest ever investment in regional roads, totalling $3.3 billion, as well as the delivery of METRONET projects. Lower operating surpluses and the record infrastructure spend has resulted in the need for additional borrowings, with net debt to rise by $8.3 billion relative to the Mid year Review. The unavoidable increase in net debt is sustainable, with total public sector net debt as a share of the State’s economy rising only modestly, from an estimated 11.3 per cent in 2019 20 to a forecast 14.1 per cent by 2023 24.
In the 2020-21 Budget an unprecedented $5.5 billion will fund the WA Recovery Plan. In total, a record $27.1 billion investment will be made in infrastructure over the next four years to support economic recovery and create a pipeline of WA jobs. This Budget also continues to deliver on the McGowan Government’s key priorities, including cost of living for households, with more than $1 billion in relief provided for households in this Budget.
Responsible financial management enabled the McGowan Government to already have achieved the first Budget surplus in five years and gave us the financial capacity and flexibility to immediately respond when the pandemic struck. It is important to note that while the expected operating surpluses have been revised down significantly, every cent has been spent on our record infrastructure investment to boost the economy and WA jobs. In 2020-21 alone, operating expenditure and infrastructure investment is budgeted to be $4.8 billion higher than last financial year. This is a very substantial increase in fiscal support for the State’s economic recovery. The McGowan Labor Government’s focus in the 2020-21 Budget is on keeping WA safe and strong so Western Australia can recover from COVID-19, stronger than ever.
This financial year’s Budget also invests in significant new initiatives including a one off $600 Household Electricity Credit delivering almost $650 million to Western Australian households and providing significant stimulus to the local economy; recruitment of an additional 800 police officers over the next four years to boost community safety, on top of the 300 officers already being delivered; $201 million to provide essential services in remote Aboriginal communities, including repairs and maintenance for Aboriginal housing, tenancy support, and delivery of essential and municipal services; and $170.5 million in State Government funding for the Perth City Deal with the Commonwealth Government, including $150 million to help establish inner city university campuses.
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Darlington Arts Festival 2020 6 - 8 November
We are excited to be kicking off this year’s arts festival soon, with a weekend of art, food, stalls, and a celebration of our community. The Darlington Arts Festival always has great involvement from various community groups and this year will be no different.
Granny McQueens Voice of Dalmatia Radio Leather by Shell Homemade Temptations Mal’s Rustic Emporium Barriclus Whipper Sapper Distillery Dinninup Olives Witherspoon Pure Skincare Unique for U Karen Nash Mosaics Sin Gin Distillery Succulent Design by Jane Lalita Lotus Branching Out Designs Waxing lyrical Marie Laveau Organics Little Alannah May Face Painting Deje Designs Designs by Amelia Jane Blue Banksia Jewellery Helena College Book Stall Daniel Ink The Silveren White Jewellery Design Spice Box Sibel The Coffee Clinic Fresh Turkish Gozleme Pizza Joe Woodfire Pizza Darlington History Society Book Stall
On the oval this year we have joining us the Darlington Volunteer Bushfire Brigade with their famous sausages and an array of engines and trucks, the Darlington Dipsticks (see below) will be bringing a selection of their finest vehicles and of course the much loved ‘Wine Tent’ returns. Our congratulations go to the Darlington History Group for the release of their book based on prominent Darlington artists and the conception of the festival itself. There will be a special presentation on Saturday the 7th on the oval at 5pm to launch the book, all community members are welcome! Our annual Open Art Exhibition will be a smaller showcase this year, curated by our very own Kristy Scaddon and will be open to the public from 10am Saturday the 7th of November till Sunday the 8th at 4pm. Over the weekend interactive art ‘Words with Wood’ will be run by Sculpture on the Scarps; Mikaela Casteldine and Joyce Tasma and her team will be providing great bush material kids’ workshops. In order to find out all that the festival has in stall for you this year, you will just have to come down and see, however here is a sneak preview of some of the entertainment and stalls that will be joining us this year!
DAF ENTERTAINMENT 2020 Although 2020 is a smaller festival, we still have plenty of returning and new talent to entertain. This year we will feature four schools from the local area. We also have a number of returning acts such as Blues ConFusion, Jere Sosa Duo, Gypsy Lou, Kyra Bee and the illegals and Chilali and the Chief. We have also lured some new talent up the hill with Secret Women’s Business making their first appearance at the Festival. As in previous years Michael the Pirateman will be roving around to entertain you with his pirate deeds.
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Soroptimist International of Helena We had the pleasure of inducting new member Kath Mazzella and hope she will enjoy being part of our organization. We welcome new members who share our wish and vision to enable good education, equality and empowerment of women and girls everywhere.
We held a successful Sausage Sizzle at Midland Bunnings, making enough profit to cover all of our school and music bursaries for next year. We have also collected and delivered bags of materials and clothes suitable to donate to Shalom House rag collection and given toiletries and backpacks to Swan City Youth Services as part of their “street pack” project. However, we have had no feedback yet re a possible car for them to use to collect new mums and babies and bring into the centre for assistance and parenting skills. If you should know of anyone upgrading their vehicle or willing to give us a contact in the second-hand car business, we would be very grateful as this is top of their priority list.
Our Planning Meeting for 2021 will be held at the end of October and we have a few new ideas in the mix, as there is no certainty at this point for us to plan our regular fundraisers. These will be used to assist women and children both locally and internationally through our own and other partner organizations on the ground in these countries. Our Xmas function will be a lunch in the Swan Valley at the beginning of December and we hope to be joined by our speakers this year as well as those who have assisted us throughout the year.
On 3rd October, five members joined with our Friendship Link club in Malaysia via live video link for an afternoon tea celebration of International Friendship Day. It was fun to see what everyone was eating.
Berenice Ritchie SI Helena Programme Convenor
Darlington Ratepayers & Residents Association (DRRA) Combined BBQ/AGM/public meeting - Tuesday 17th November The Annual General Meeting will be held at the lesser hall on TUESDAY 17th NOVEMBER AT 7:30PM All committee positions fall vacant each year and new committee members are always welcome. The evening will start with a BBQ in front of the hall commencing at 6.30 followed by the AGM then a public meeting to get your comments on the locality plan and options for a safe crossing between the playground and Perella’s. These topics have been on the books for quite a while and it will be great to take them on to the next stage. Both the draft locality plan and Owen Rd crossing designs are on the Darlington website: www.darlingtonvillage.org/community-groups/darlington-ratepayers. Other news: Railway Reserve signage - it is good to see that signage has at last been installed on the railway trail reminding users that the space is shared. Hopefully the few who fail to acknowledge this will take note and act accordingly. Station Reserve car park - work has started on re-grading the car park and the reduction in the size of the huge puddle is noticeable. We look forward to a puddle free area that drains properly. Glen Rd - work will commence next month on the section of Glen Rd outside the school. Apparently the road bed has deteriorated to the point that it needs major attention. The Shire is using the opportunity to install some car bays on Glen Rd (which will be a great relief to parents) and the footpaths will be improved.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT WOODS and GARDEN CRAFT: Outdoor benches and Tables crafted from recycled timber. Sculpture. Handyman Repairs and restoration work. Landscape clean ups. Maintenance. Local, experienced service with Trade insurance Phone: Ian (M) 0419 119 810
Darlington Bushfire Ready As we all know Darlington is rated in the very high bushfire risk category, and therefore we need to ensure that all measures are taken to reduce the potential for significant assets loss, if a fire was to start in the surrounding bush and not contained before reaching us. To help us prepare and hopefully eliminate that potential we can go to the DFES web site and look at….. • DFES FireChat toolkit • DFES FireChat Bushfire Planning • DFES Prepare for a Bushfire………….all very valuable tools to read and act upon. Hopefully one not needed, but very important to prepare before the fire season, is an Emergency Kit. How many times do we see on the TV screen left home and all I have is the clothes I have on now . In many cases they are just a singlet and shorts after fighting the fire in some way. Your emergency kit includes your essential needs in the event of that emergency, and should be kept storage container, easy to reach in an accessible place, checked regularly to ensure all items are OK.
Items which should be included, and this is not the whole list ,which can be found on the DFES fact sheet-Preparing an Emergency kit, are medical and sanitation supplies; supplies for babies and small infants; battery operated waterproof torch; battery operated AM/PM radio and spare batteries; important documents –such as photocopies of passport, birth and marriage certificates, house, life, health car licence and insurance document, Medicare, pension card, and of course photographs on a memory stick. As we all know if a house catches alight, there is no guarantee that a fire engine will be there to protect it, and it will probably be completely destroyed, hence our need to have our most precious items with us, hopefully your family is already safe somewhere else. Let us continue to maintain your preparedness for the fire season ahead. Colin James BRG coordinator 0419969223.
Mundaring & Hills Historical Society
Remembrance Day 2020: Remembering Engineer Sub Lieutenant Frederick Schoch On 11 September 1941, the light cruiser HMAS Sydney left Fremantle on escort duties, meeting up with HMS Dunbar in Sunda Strait, before heading back to port. On 19 November 1941, Sydney was attacked by the German raider Kormoran and sank off the coast of Carnarvon, with the loss of all 645 crew. While Kormoran was abandoned and later scuttled by its crew, 318 of the 399 personnel on board survived to become prisoners-of-war in Australia. During 1940, HMAS Sydney had served in the Mediterranean, participating in joint sea battles with the Royal Navy. Its exploits and victories were regularly reported in the Australian papers. A victory off Cape Spada in July 1940, against two Italian cruisers, cemented in people’s minds that the ship was invincible. HMAS Sydney arrived back in Sydney in January 1941 to a hero’s welcome. Following repairs, the ship sailed to its new base in Fremantle. Sydney carried a complement of 90 Western Australians. Of the 42 officers, three were from WA, one of these was local boy, Frederick Schoch.
Frederick Harold Schoch was born in Geraldton in September 1918, the eldest son of schoolteacher Frederick Arthur and his wife Merle. Frederick senior became Parkerville Primary School’s teacher in 1934. By that time Frederick and Merle had four children and lived in Parkerville on what is now known as Schoch Road. Frederick Harold, who trained as an engineer, joined the Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve in October 1940 with the rank of Engineer Sub Lieutenant. He then joined the crew of HMAS Sydney following its return to Perth in June 1941. When Frederick Harold first enlisted, he named his father as next of kin, but by 1941 this was changed to his wife, Mary. Sometime in 1941, Frederick married Mary Elizabeth Ross. During Frederick’s absence, Mary lived with her mother in North Perth. Frederick Schoch’s name was added to Mundaring’s War Memorial in the 1950s and in 2001 a memorial to HMAS Sydney was erected in Geraldton.
St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church
St cnr Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Darlington Rd and Hillsden Rd, Darlington
Blessing of the Animals Sunday 18 October dawned bright and beautiful, as all creatures great and small made their way to the lawn at St Cuthbert’s. After a year restrictions on attendance, the outdoor environment provided an opportunity for people to bring friends and family along to this heartwarming occasion. The community gave thanks for the gifts that animals bring to our lives, and celebrated all the good gifts in creation. This annual event is now firmly cemented on the third Sunday in October. See you next year!
Welcome to St Cuthbert’s ...
where we give thanks for the animals in our lives
Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Sunday 13 December, 7.30pm The choir has begun rehearsing and the organ is ready to make a mighty sound for this year’s service of Nine Lessons and Carols. Beginning with Once in Royal David’s City, this traditional liturgy follows the Christmas story in scripture and song. Singing classic carols and choral items, the service culminates with O Come All Ye Faithful, and is followed by refreshments in the grounds. Mark the date in your diary for this iconic Christmas event! SERMONS: All recent sermons are on the parish website at
Bridges to Peace Interfaith Gathering Sunday 11 October saw the final interfaith gathering for 2020. After shared prayer in St Cuthbert’s, the community formed a listening circle to consider the question ‘Is peace possible’. Beginning with insights from Quaker and Buddhist faith traditions, people from all faiths were able to share their perspectives on this question in a
safe, respectful environment. The evening tailed off with a delicious vegetarian supper, provided by the Baha’I community. Dates for next year’s gatherings will be advised here in the Review, or email info@hillsanglicans.com to be added to the mailing list.
www.hillsanglicans.com/news Rector: The Reverend Chris Bedding Email: rector@hillsanglicans.com Website: www.hillsanglicans.com Find us on Facebook at Hills Anglicans
Parish Office: Email: Mail: Services:
6292 0074 info@hillsanglicans.com PO Box 77 Darlington, WA 6070 Australia 9am Sunday
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A Montessori and International Baccalaureate School
choices are great – we can usually offer, through a mix of teacher and on-line courses, almost whatever subjects students wish to study in their final years.
There has been a school at 12 Beenong Road for 50 years now. At the beginning of its history the school was very alternative – students determining how their day would be spent, with ‘ministers’ responsible for the various aspects of the education and decisions made in a student ‘parliament’. A somewhat “Lord of the Flies” existence but without the brutality! Many of these ex-students became high level decision makers – when I caught up with them while researching the history of the school I found, for example, successful business people, artists and architects, board members of high fee schools making significant changes, a famous film and show animal trainer, to mention but a few. By 1989 the school was suffering financial hardship and a group of parents who had determined that they wanted to have a Montessori education for their children, took it on. Those early parents, teachers and board members poured their lives into the school, as many have done ever since. They built buildings, created playgrounds, made resources, studied educational philosophy. The earliest handful of teachers even went for periods of time without pay in order to move the school along.
The Montessori element, which is the foundation of the early years’ courses and inspires the methodologies throughout the school, contains the key elements of child-centredness. “Teach me to do it myself”summarises the approach, with independence and self-motivation still a key measure of success. “The Prepared Environment” ensures that in the earliest stages students make choices from carefully teacher-chosen and taught, structured activities that move their learning forward step by step. In later years it means that students are able to work within the Western Australia curriculum at the level and pace at which they will best learn. Our Secondary syllabuses require a whole class approach, and standardised testing shows that our results are comparable with same age peers Australia wide, but our point of difference is the individualising of activities, recognising what assistance our students need, and giving it. If our students still need to hone their basic reading skills in Secondary, we provide intervention for that, if students need to be extended into Mathematics courses beyond their year level, we provide that too.
What a great investment of time, energy and resources it has proved to be! The past school community members who came down to look around the school on our ‘Museum’ day last year were thrilled with what it has become. Many were wowed by the grounds, new buildings and classroom resources, but, importantly commented that the warmth, mutual respect and student driven excitement in learning are still so evident.
Most importantly, Treetops is still a school that students love to come to and thrive at! To learn more about our history, come to my talk at the Darlington History Group meeting on Wednesday 11th November at 7.30pm. To learn more about the school, contact us on 9299 6725.
So what has it become? Treetops is a Montessori and International Baccalaureate (IB) School offering an education from Pre-Kindy to Year 12. In Years 11 and 12 our students can opt to study the WACE General courses for an immediate careers pathway or the academic IB Diploma for university entrance. The IB diploma gives access to World, Eastern States and Western Australian Universities, with an automatic conversion to an ATAR – it is thus well recognised in the broad academic community and this year our students received automatic early entry into their chosen courses at UWA. Classes are small and
Jayne Simpson Student Learning Coordinator
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It was wonderful to see so many members attend the recent DHG AGM on Wednesday 14 October. Chair Val Shiell presided, delivering the Annual Report and a brief overview of another successful year, despite setbacks due to Covid 19 in March through to June. Reports from Treasurer Liz Rusha and Secretary Christine Stoney followed, and then nominations for committee positions were announced and voted on, leaving only one position vacant at the end of the meeting as Christine Stoney stepped-down from the position of Secretary. If you are interested in joining DHG and would like to volunteer for the position of Secretary, please contact Val Shiell for more information, and a chat 9299 6868. You can see returning committee members on our website, and if you would like to read the Annual Report (we know you want to), it will be available also on our website dhg. org.au A special visitor on the evening was Pip Newman (nee Preistner), a previous resident of Darlington, and her memoirs can be accessed on the website.
Author Trea Wiltshire with DHG Chair Val Shiell
Put this in your diary, now! Our most ambitious project to date is the publication of Arts on the Edge | Darlington, The Place, The People, The Festival. Darlington History Group collaborated with both author Trea Wiltshire and graphic designer Mich Lee to produce this stunning book. Trea and Mich have used their wide range of professional, creative and research skills to produce a book that tells a story of a community enriched by the arts, and the artists who helped shape that community. It also highlights the influence of the community in the early beginnings of the Darlington Arts Festival in the Post War era, with a belief in progress that rejected convention, turning from urbanisation of our cities and embracing the natural environment.
We would like to invite you, OUR BRILLIANT COMMUNITY, to join us, along with invited special guests, to the launch of this stunning book on the oval at the Darlington Arts Festival. Come and hear how the book began its inception more than four years ago, and the journey taken to get it to the point of printing! This project would not have been possible without the generosity and support of the Western Australian Historical Foundation, Matthew Hughes MLA, and the Shire of Mundaring. For the book launch, please bring your own folding chair, or rug to sit on the lawn. Meanwhile, you may order the book Arts on The Edge for $35 from dhg.org.au. Complimentary one year membership to DHG is included in the purchase of the book (details on membership form inside the book).
Richard Offen with Darlington residents Robert Hall, and Tony Burnett
Richard Offen delighted the packed audience with his talk “A Very Significant Architect - George Temple-Poole and the Darlington Connection”. Richard has experience of heritage matters around the world, including with UK National Trust, Maltese National Trust, Italian National Trust, and various groups involving heritage and environmental conservation. He was Executive Director of Heritage Perth for 12 years, retiring in 2017. In his talk, Richard discussed George Temple-Poole (b1846 in Rome), the Superintendent of Public Works and then Principal Architect in Western Australia. Presenting anecdotal stories about Temple-Poole, along with factual accounts, Richard’s visual presentation included Temple-Poole’s excellent buildings designed for Western Australia, including gaols, hospitals, railway stations, courthouses, and the Perth Titles Office. He also designed the Perth Mint, leaving the project before it was built. The design was later altered and reduced in size, but still retained many of the features in Temple-Poole’s original design. In 1896 Temple-Poole founded the WA Institute of Architects, being the first President. Temple-Poole was very sociable, and he lived by his old school motto “manners maketh the man”. His first wife died in 1914, and in 1918 Temple-Poole married artist Daisy Rossi, and they had a daughter. In 1930, due to ill health, George and Daisy moved to Dalry Road, Darlington, where they were active members of the community. George died aged 77 years in 1934.
FUNDRAISING Thank you to all the Darlington Residents who have supported our fundraising efforts over the past 10 years by supplying books and bric-a-brac for our annual DAF stall. With the scaled down DAF this year, and limited avenues for fundraising events, we are unable to accept any more of your kind donations at this time. SHARE THE HERITAGE! Just $5/person/year.
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RIP our old Grass Tree friend
Seedlings underway for next years planting
Wow, where did this year go already! The FOWL area is growing very well, with excellent mulching, weeding, planting and whippersnipping fairies regularly making improvements. Many thanks to all those taking the time to help out, your work has raised many compliments in the community and does not go unnoticed.
Coming activities for November will include a pre-Christmas meeting to discuss watering rosters and what comes next. With the weather warming up we expect to meet a few of our reptilian friends so any work may involve long pants and closed in shoes despite the heat. Our patch needs a wooden Waylen’s Landing sign, any woodworking volunteers?
Last month we crashed FODS morning tea to seek their wisdom and experience and an excellent cup of tea and a muffin. Our Friends group is so new and we really value the experience of those who have been doing this for a lot longer. Some great advice we received was to keep the area you are working on small and work under the existing canopy. Our group coordinator attended a workshop on weeds and met with our fellow Friends from Glen Park. Next up we are expecting more weeding and mulching as well as helping hands from Year 8 Helena College students for the bonfire night wood collection
Looks like our amazing donated Grass Tree didn’t make it.We knew it was a long shot but we needed to try rehoming him anyway. If you know how to read from the Book of the Dead to resurrect this guy please let us know. If you would like to lend a hand please contact our Group Coordinator, Shannon Ward on 9252 1879 or hourglassdesign@ icloud.com or join us at our Facebook group Friends of Waylen’s Landing.
Friends of Glen Park
Glen Forrest Bridge Club Fred Sibenaler (left) would not have thought that when he left the Belgian Congo at age 17, he would one day find himself the President of a Bridge Club in Australia. Fred’s interest in bridge was sparked whilst working at a major power station in Western Australia. Workmates had a regular lunchtime game and that’s all it took to get him hooked. After retirement he took the game up more seriously with his bridge partner, playing regularly at the Swanbourne Bridge Club. In 2017 Fred took over as President of our club after the passing of the former President who had run the club successfully since its inception. When taking over the reins he seized the opportunity for the club to become affiliated. He has also introduced a computerised scoring system and modernised our overall approach to the game. . “It is all in the bidding and the partnership” is what Fred considers the most important aspect of the game. Asked what he likes most about bridge, Fred said “you can’t assume anything, you have to think about the process and most importantly you have to count the cards” "Bridge is such a sensational game that I wouldn't mind being in jail if I had three cellmates who were decent players." Warren Buffett But you don’t need to go to these lengths to play bridge, instead come along to our friendly club. Call Bev on 0437 817 359 for more information. Beginners/Improvers: Wednesday 9.30am to 11.30am (except school holidays) Regular Sessions: Monday 1.00pm to 5.00pm, Wednesday 12.30pm to 4.30pm Cost: Members: $5.00 per session. Non-Members: $7.00 per session. Location: Glen Forrest Sports Club, McGlew Rd Glen Forrest Contact: Bev Hayles (Secretary) 0437 817 359
Darlington Retirement Accommodation Association (Inc) Spring has well and truly arrived at the Glen with the reticulation system now set on the summer cycle. We are still awaiting notification from the Wooroloo working party as to when they can recommence maintaining our gardens to the high standard to which we have become accustomed. The Darlington Glen Management Committee AGM was held on October 28th and hosted by Pam and Bob Hall at unit number 5. It was reported that the financial situation and buildings are in good shape and no other issues of significance were reported. Also, the current management committee was reappointed unopposed. Thank you to Bob and Pam for their hospitality. The refurbishment of unit 1 at the Glen is progressing steadily with the project managed by Jacki from Earnshaw’s Real Estate. The refurbishment will include new carpets and curtains, a new kitchen and bathroom and a repaint. Jacki has already managed the removal of the old kitchen cabinets and fortunately has been able to sell them to supplement the refurbishment budget. These activities could take over 3 months to complete before unit 1 is ready to accept a new resident.
The former much-loved resident of unit 1, Ida Smith, was welcomed back to the Glen on October 23rd for a muchdeserved formal farewell with an afternoon tea with the residents and management committee in attendance. The new resident(s) of unit 1 will be selected from our list of Darlington Glen members and emails will be sent to these members as and when the unit is ready for occupancy. If any members are interested in a tenancy, an application form can be lodged, assessed by the committee and a new resident selected. If you are not currently a Darlington Glen member and wish to be a candidate for tenancy in unit 1, you must join before you can be considered. Member application forms can be collected from Earnshaw’s Real Estate Office in central Darlington. Once completed, the form can be returned to the office together with the $10 application fee and you will be added to the Glen membership list and receive notifications of activities and vacancies occurring in the Glen and when applications can be submitted. Colin Merritt
DarlingtonTennis Club Following our AGM we welcome Kate McConigley to the executive committee as secretary. I (Alex Hoschke) am now President, and Aaron Whittred and Ron Stuurstraat remain as Vice President and Treasurer. The club is revving up for summer with social tennis, coaching, and Cardio Tennis all going strong. We have three summer pennants teams – Men’s, U15 girls and U13 mixed, and our brilliant U12 girls pennants team (photo left) from last season won their division (from left Isla McLean, Eleanor Kelso, Milly Pachota and Tallulah Taylor-Cruskall) well played girls and best of luck in U15s! In other news we are planting a line of natives just inside the fence between the clubhouse and the oval which should improve the aesthetics of the club from the oval. We are also planning to put a hard surface on the outside of the hit-up wall so it can be used for practise and other ball games / hopscotch etc by the general community. Courts are available for general hire - please check the current schedule on the website for available times. Key available from Perellas Café opposite ($5/hour (free for members), $7 with lights, $20 refundable key deposit). After-hours bookings call Brendon 0427 250 566; general enquiries alex.hoschke@gmail.com (ph 0439 976 672); coaching / cardio tennis contact Lee Oliver (lolivers@bigpond.com). Website: www.darlingtontennisclub.org.au
Thank you Hasluck
Remember to Practice proper Look out for your maintain physical hygiene methods neighbours distancing
Shop 10-12, Hawaiian’s Forrestfield, 80 Hale Road, Forrestfield WA 6058 08 9359 0322 kenwyatt.com.au
ken.wyatt.mp@aph.gov.au KenWyattMP
Authorised by KenWyatt MP, Liberal Party of Australia, Hawaiians Forrestfield, 80 Hale Road, ForrestfieldWA 6058.
Gas or Electric Appliances
Mahogany Gardening Services General Maintenance • • • • • • •
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Shire of Mundaring Library Service Rapt with Raptors! During the school holidays, the libraries hosted two very exciting sessions with WA Birds of Prey. Yvonne, Kelly, a grumpy Barn Owl called Snuggles, a Boobook Owl, a Whistling Kite, a Peregrine Falcon and a Wedge-tailed Eagle captivated our audiences. We learnt that one of the greatest dangers for raptors is secondary poisoning, which occurs when these birds eat an animal that has been poisoned. We also learnt that: the Boobook and the Mopoke are the same owl, and if you had eyes in similar proportion they would be as big as oranges; the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest creature on earth, travelling at almost 400kmph; Barn Owls stamp their feet when they have tantrums; and an eagle can be put to sleep by stroking the back of its neck. Everybody had the opportunity to touch the birds at the end of the session and it finished with making paper planes.
Natasha Lester Author Talk Boya Community Centre 12 November 2020 We are very pleased to announce that Natasha Lester will be giving at author talk on Thursday 12 November at Boya Community Centre. Natasha will discuss her writing and her latest book and international best seller, The Paris Secret. Bookings are essential for this free event at https://121120b. eventbrite.com.au.
Temporary Closure of Libraries The Shire of Mundaring Libraries will close for four hours from 9am to 1pm on Monday 9 November for all-staff training. Both libraries will reopen at 1pm. The after-hours chutes will still be available for returning library items. Home Library Service Did you know that Shire of Mundaring Libraries offers a free personalised library home delivery service for people residing in the Shire of Mundaring who are unable to attend the library? Volunteers and library staff deliver library items chosen according to your personal preferences on a regular basis. If you would like more information, or would like to apply for this service, you can download the Home Services Application Form on the Library Events and Programs page. You can also contact Mundaring Library on 9290 6780 or Boya Library on 9290 6755. If you are interested in joining our Home Services Delivery volunteer team please contact the libraries for more information.
The Happy Bowel Talk by Dr Michael Levitt Who’d have thought a talk about bowels would have an audience so focussed we could have heard a pin drop! Dr Michael Levitt, respected colorectal surgeon, and author of The Happy Bowel: a user-friendly guide for the whole family, discussed functional bowel disorders in an information packed, at times most entertaining, talk delivered so matter-of-factly it dispelled any lingering embarrassment. Dr Levitt discussed widely held, but not always, accurate, tenets about what constitutes “normal”, as well as the “golden rules” and guidelines governing the achievement of a “happy bowel”. The book, published by Fremantle Press, is very readable, easy to understand, but in no way “dumbed down”, and includes chapters such as “The relationship between bowel and brain”, “Bowel problems in children”, case studies and a “Frequently asked questions”. In the book’s introduction, Dr Levitt writes: Given the undeniably important role that opening our bowels plays in the broad sweep of human existence, it is truly mystifying that this pivotal bodily function enjoys such a diminutive place in our society...generally relegated to the dismal ranks of what is disparagingly referred to as ‘toilet humour.
Computer Help @ Libraries Would you like some one-to-one help with using digital technology? Whether it is accessing the free eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines available with your library membership, setting up an email account, learning to use Skype or Facebook, or organise your digital photos, our friendly and patient Digital Tech Help mentors are willing to help. Bookings are essential – just call your preferred library. Session schedule: • Mundaring Library (9290 6780) – Tuesdays, 11.30am 1.30pm; Fridays, 1pm – 3pm. • Boya Library (9290 6755) – Mondays and Thursdays, 10am to 12.15pm.
So there you go! The libraries do have copies, but it can be purchased directly from Fremantle Press, online, and from book stores. 33
I will be out and about in Darlington over the weeks ahead and hope to have the chance to hear about the issues that matter most to you and your family.
Contact Me: 0416 353 126 LiamStaltari
liam.staltari@waliberal.org.au www.liamstaltari.com.au
PO Box 574, KALAMUNDA WA 6926 Authorised by S.Calabrese, Liberal Party, 2/12 Parliament Place, West Perth WA 6005.
0403 543 015 REG: 8119
Delivery to Darlington available for those in isolation • • • • • • • •
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Helena College Helena College
International Baccalaureate School International Baccalaureate School Fire Drill
Schools are busy places and there certainly has been a lot going on at the College during Term Three. I am very pleased that this term we have managed to arrange for a number of camps to go ahead across both campuses. This was looking unlikely earlier in the year, however the changing circumstances around COVID-19 combined with some creative problemsolving from camp leaders has meant students have been able to experience this important part of our learning programme.
In preparation for the warmer weather, the College Executive recently attended a workshop on bushfire response procedures. As I am sure all hills residents would appreciate, we have robust protocols in place for managing bushfire risk including evacuation procedures across both campuses. On the final day of Term Three, we held a fire drill at the Glen Forest Campus in coordination with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). The Fire Commissioner attended the drill and was most complimentary about the College’s bushfire readiness and procedures. A fire drill will be conducted at the Darlington Campus soon.
Places available 2021
The education of our children is one of the most important decisions we make as parents, and while our website will provide you with lots of details about our school, it is really only once you have visited either of our campuses that you will have a sense about what makes Helena College such a special place. This was certainly the case for me and I encourage any prospective families to contact our Registrar to arrange a tour. We look forward to welcoming you.
We believe that educating students extends beyond the classroom and we provide a holistic learning programme which includes Outdoor Education camps, sports, arts, service, clubs and activities in order for students to develop the key cognitive, social and emotional skills they need to flourish and be active members of our community.
Peter Coombs College Principal (K-12)
Campus Tours Darlington (K-5) 26 November at 11.00am
The sense of community is important to us here at the College and the feeling of being part of something permeates through the classrooms, playgrounds, performance areas and sports fields. The students across both campuses are happy, polite, confident and welcoming, which is a testament to a great school. Of course, parents are an integral part of the College community and we welcome parent involvement in their child’s learning journey.
Glen Forrest (6-12) 2 December at 9.30am Book through College website
Darlington (K-5) 9299 6626
Glen Forrest (6-12) 9298 9100
helenacollege.wa.edu.au 35
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“The Enthusiastic Yorkshireman”
Darlington Social Cricket Club The 2020 Annual General Meeting has come and gone. With the selection of curries, provided by the outgoing committee, being the highlight. The kids certainly enjoyed the sausages in a bun (as well as a couple of older persons!). Left: Chloe and Wendy Kozak arriving with their culinary delights The number in attendance at the formal meeting was a record, to witness a few stuff ups, namely: • Wrong previous minutes forwarded to members (only one hawk eye picked up the error, outgoing El Presidente Ian Scrimshaw , and announced it to all and sundry) •
Our departing President having trouble following his cheat sheet, which was written in Swahili, for his last task whilst on the throne
The professional returning officer, Cambell Giles forgetting to call for the election of the Treasurer and Social Secretary (he was reading off the same Swahilian cheat sheet as Ian)
Ian Scrimshaw received a rousing and standing ovation as he stepped down, for his time and tireless work as President of the club. Incoming President Shaun Meredith on taking the chair promised some exciting changes in wind post COVID-19. Left: Incoming President Shaun Meredith engaging with a member at the meeting The new junta to lead the club post COVID -19 is listed below:
Left: Stephen Jones on the election trail
80th Birthday Party Surprise The 20th of September saw a surprise birthday breakfast held for club legend and octogenarian Mario Cavallaro at the Carilley Estate vineyard. What was to be a quiet breakfast with his “Treasure” and grandchildren, Emily and Oliver turned into a gala affair with his closest friends and enemies in attendance For once Mario was lost for words. Many a tale was told concerning the rivers and mud flats of northern Queensland, cane toads, dentistry and much more. The guests heard about his grand children growing up in awe of all their grandfather’s sporting prowesses (in their own words). From Olympic selection in obscure sports, to abseiling, surfing, cricket, and many other sporting activities. Among his many presents, the jewels were a shackle for his trailer chain and a plastic hose connector. Happy birthday Mario!! Left: The birthday boy with his lovely pet marron
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MUNDARING ARTS CENTRE Discover small, intimate, covetable artworks contained within identical wooden boxes created by fifty-five Western Australian artists in Tied Up With String on display 7 November – 20 December.
MIDLAND JUNCTION ARTS CENTRE Celebrate Midland Junction Arts Centre’s upcoming exhibition Yoowalkoorl - Come On, Come Here with an open day full of activities the whole family can enjoy on Saturday 21 November 11am – 2pm.
A selection of small works by participating artists are also on display and could make the perfect Christmas gift for a loved one.
Browse artworks for sale by Western Australian Aboriginal artists in the exhibition, gain a better understanding of local Aboriginal culture in a Cultural Awareness Workshop, get creative with drop in activities with local Aboriginal artists and try a range of yummy foods made with native ingredients and much more!
Plus you’ll also find a fantastic range of gift ideas in the shop with including jewellery, ceramics, textiles, glass, wood, books and cards from Western Australian creatives available both at arts centre and online.
Yoowalkoorl - Come On, Come Here is on display from 14 November and brings together Aboriginal artists from across Western Australia with connections to Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub of Western Australia (AACHWA) and Midland Junction Arts Centre, in a blend of exhibition and marketplace celebrating the work of Indigenous artists from across the state.
Mundaring Arts Centre | 7190 Great Eastern Hwy (corner Nichol St) | 9295 3991 mundaringartscentre.com.au
Midland Junction Arts Centre 276 Great Eastern Hwy (corner Cale St) | 9250 8062 midlandjunctionartscentre.com.au
Here to help!
DONNA FARAGHER JP MLC Member for East Metropolitan Region Shadow Minister for Education; Training; Women’s Interests Ground Floor 108 Swan Street, Guildford WA 6055 9379 0840 | faragher.eastmetro@mp.wa.gov.au Authorised by S.Calabrese, Liberal Party, 2/12 Parliament Place, West Perth WA 6005.
Call Jarrod 0426 469 987 26 John Street Northbridge WA 6003 Ph: 08 9328 1388 Fax: 9328 7307
Darlington Volunteer Bushfire Brigade • • •
Remember, 000 is the ONLY number to ring for all fire & smoke sightings. The ComCen will page members who are on duty. For general Brigade enquiries please ring 9299 7217. Station hours: Saturday 9am-10:30am. Website: darlingtonfire.org.au . Facebook Page: Darlington Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Next Brigade meeting: Tuesday, November 10th 2020, at the Darlington Fire Station.
NOW is the time for you to prepare your property and your family for the coming fire season. You should have a “5 minute fire chat” with your family using the resources available from the Darlington Station or DFES website, establish your bush fire action plan and practice it with your family. Check the contents of your emergency evacuation kit and replace old or expired items as required. Fire breaks (see below) and your Asset Protection Zone of 20 metre around your home should also be established. The Shire of Mundaring and DFES websites have information sheets about these and other important strategies for the coming fire season. Or call in and see us at the Darlington Fire Station on Saturday mornings.
The Shire of Mundaring is still in the Restricted Burning period, and permits to burn are required until the end of November for all running fires, all fires lit prior to 6pm, and fires after 6pm larger than 1square metre. The Shire will advertise any changes to the Restricted and Prohibited burning periods, due to changes in environmental conditions prior to December 1st. If you are unsure about what restrictions are in place, please contact the Shire or the Brigade. If you’re planning a burn on your property and have obtained a permit, please remember; ALL burning is prohibited on days of Very High or higher Fire Danger Rating, or when a Total Fire Ban and/or Harvest & Vehicle Movement Ban have been declared. Fire breaks on your property must be in place and cleared by November 1st. Within the Shire of Mundaring, landowners and residents are required to maintain fire breaks to assist in the control of bush fires, and help minimise the possible spread of bush fires. Fire breaks must be at least 3m wide and 4m high. See the Shire of Mundaring’s Firebreak and Fuel Load Notice for detailed fire break regulations. The fines for failing to comply with a Fire Break Notice are up to $5000.
It has taken more than 2 years to complete, and seen our volunteers commit hundreds of hours of blood, sweat and toil, but the new truck bay extension to our station is ready to be officially opened. Spread over 6 stages since July 2018, and with the help of many community minded businesses, trades, suppliers and donors, the extension has slowly taken shape and risen from the ground. And finally, on Saturday morning, November 14th, we will be joined by dignitaries and special guests from DFES, Federal, State and Local Governments, business and the community for the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting ceremony.
With the warmer drier weather, our Hazard Reduction Burn programme is in full swing, providing a valuable training ground for new members and refresher training for our existing volunteers. If you would like the Brigade to consider a burn on your property, please contact us to discuss the procedure. Our Brigade members are also ramping up their skills training as we prepare for the coming fire season. Our volunteer fire fighters are required to undergo annual skills refreshers to make sure everyone is up-to-date with current procedures, and familiar and capable with the vehicles and equipment we rely on to help protect ourselves and the community.
But before the extension opens we will be helping celebrate the Darlington Arts Festival weekend with a big event at the Fire Station on Saturday November 7th. Join us for food, drinks and displays along with other community groups, at the Station/ Pavilion end of the oval. Then, to finish off a huge 4 weekends of Brigade activities (starting with the Community Bonfire) we will be conducting Collar Tank training on Darlington Oval with the water bombing helicopters. The spectacular sights and sounds of the helicopters swooping in over the village was a great crowd pleaser 2 years ago. The Collar Tank team provide the self-supporting pools that the helicopters can fill from during firefighting operations, and regular training means quick and safe deployment for our volunteers when required.
“Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety.” ~ William Shakespeare (Henry IV, Part 1) Cheers Ricky Harvey
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Are you ready this bushfire season? GET READY
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Davey Firefighter pumps are designed for our harsh Australian conditions. With over 40 variations, our high performance pumps start first time, every time. Get your pump ready for when you need it most. The best time to check your pump is NOW!
Willetton 19 Whyalla St, Willetton WA 6155 P: 08 9457 5033
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With bushfire season already here, you need an engine driven pump to help protect you during a fire and you need to know the pump is fully optimised to perform.
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KSP Writers’ Centre successfully applied for a new Australian government grant for a series of heritage conservation training workshops; big thanks to the National Library of Australia and its Community Heritage Grants program for this support.
Spring Season at the KSP Writers’ Centre Can you believe it’s November already? Now we start the countdown to Christmas…
Now, at KSP, we have resumed most of our regular activities and services. All writing groups are back in session – albeit with a BYO coffee mug policy and patron limits in place – and our beautiful self-contained cabins are open for bookings.
The KSP Writers’ Centre has had an interesting year. From midMarch, the COVID-19 outbreak caused a three-month total shutdown and resulted in many cancelled community events – we’ve had none of our usual literary dinners, open days, guided tours or author talks. Our interstate and international writing friends were (and still are) unable to fly to WA and reside in our cabins. Cash flow dropped.
We invite WA-based writers to enter our first competition for 2021, the Spooky Story Competition, which closes on 28th March and is free thanks to sponsorship from Little Black Dress Productions and the Shire of Mundaring. KSP’s Wild Weeds Press self-publishing assistance service has been busy but Rebekah and the team always welcome the chance to chat to writers about their publishing needs, so please get in touch if you’d like to know more. For more details on any of these services please visit the KSP website www.kspwriterscentre.com or email us on office@kspwriterscentre.com
Despite these challenges, like most businesses around the world, we did not give up. Instead, we shifted gears and tried a few new things! We ran an online writing course, started a new ‘Top Tips for Writers’ blog series, and ran a virtual flash fiction writing competition through KSP’s monthly newsletter. We hosted our first Zoom book launch. The Board of Management had the chance to review its operations and start to make plans for a sustainable future in the context of the pandemic. We
Mustard Seed - Teaching Technology Margaret wrote to the West Australian. She had a message for politicians. “Get it through your head you politicians, not everybody has all the current bells and whistles and may not want them.”
I needed new, advanced and expensive hearing aids. I went online with my phone and gathered three quotes for the aids recommended by my audiologist. The exercise took me 20 minutes. Whilst online I learned that the hearing aid industry is not government regulated and companies can charge whatever they wish. For the same hearing aids the difference between the dearest and cheapest prices was nearly $4,000. You can save a lot of money when you have access to the largest library in the world.
Of course, Margaret is quite right. Over 2.5 million Australians do not have devices, do not use the internet and do not want to.
A friend died recently and we couldn’t attend the funeral service. We received an email with a link to the direct telecast of the celebration. As the service was being conducted, we were able to watch it in our lounge through our large TV. Although not physically present, being able to cast to our TV from a mobile phone gave us an involvement we otherwise would have missed. You can do this whether the service is at Bunbury or Brisbane.
Mustard Seed folk do have devices, do use the internet and do want to. They have lots of anecdotal stories to tell as to why they have taken the time to learn about modern technology. Our daughter came to visit. Her mobile phone rang. It was our 20 something granddaughter on a video call from her apartment in New York. Our daughter handed the phone to us. “You talk to her”, she said. “I talk to her every day” So we had an entertaining 35min conversation with our oldest granddaughter. She could see us and we could see her. She showed us the streets of New York through her apartment window. It was a delightful surprise and the cost was zero. This is technology overcoming distance and isolation.
You may not want to learn and use technology. That is your choice. As the saying is “You don’t know what you are missing!” If you do want to leave the 2.5 million, phone Brian on 0491 044 805. The cost is free and we work with people at any ability level.
Darlington Christian Fellowship came to him and said: ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded of you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ The story ends with the words: “This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself, but is not rich towards God.”
I enjoy reading biographies, autobiographies and real-life stories. At the moment I am re-reading In Her Steps: Patricia St John’s Story and am finding it just as inspiring as the first time I read it. Patricia St John was a Christian author who wrote mainly children’s books, all of which I enjoyed as a child. However, Patricia wasn’t only an author; for much of her life she was a missionary nurse in Morocco. In one chapter of her autobiography, she tells of two patients – both ex-pat men, who were dying at the same time and whom she was specialling. What struck her was the stark contrast in both their lives and in the way they approached death. One patient was a trainer of Arab racing horses and he and his wife lived in a palatial house, surrounded by beauty and luxury. All was well until one day he complained of a violent headache. His doctor told him his blood pressure was dangerously high and among other things, he should stop drinking alcohol. One night he woke in a panic and said to his wife that he couldn’t lie there thinking about death, but he needed something to help him forget. He went downstairs, drank heavily and had a stroke. He died without regaining consciousness. What a sad and unnecessary way to die. The other patient was a Christian man who had spent months imprisoned for being a Protestant in a Catholic country. When freed, he was reunited with his wife and children in Morocco. Sadly within a few weeks, he was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer and he too lay dying. Patricia recounted that just as he seemed to be drawing his last breath, a look of joy dawned on his face. He pointed to the ceiling and said: ‘Look! Look! You must see it! To the light, to the light! I’m going to Jesus – oh, can’t you see?’ With those words he died.
Like the first patient, the man in this story was facing an eternity without God. But it didn’t have to be that way and it doesn’t for us either. There is an alternative. The Bible says that for those who trust in Jesus, there will be a new heaven and a new earth where, “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4). I think, why would I want anything different to that? Why would I want to miss out on this glorious life to come, because I had sought after the temporary riches of this life and left God out? Most Christians won’t die seeing the light of Jesus in the same dramatic way that the second patient did. However, knowing our sins have been forgiven, we can look forward with hope and joy to life after death and the riches of life with Jesus forever. We can confidently agree with the prophet Isaiah: Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation. Denise Rhodes Darlington Arts Festival: We will again be holding a church service on the Sunday (8th November) at the Arts Festival. It will start at 9.30am in front of the Darlington Hall. As well as music there will be a testimony from a young man who has been freed from addiction and seen his life transformed. All are welcome to attend. There will be no service at the church that Sunday. Sunday services: 9.30am. All welcome. Contact: Pastor Rob Merrells. Phone: 6153 0364. Email: robmerrells@optusnet.com.au DCF email: dcfincorporated@gmail.com www.darlingtonchristianfellowship.com.au Darlington Christian Fellowship Cnr Darlington & Allestree Rds Darlington
Two men, two lives, two deaths. One lived a life of luxury, but died fearful and without hope. The other endured a life of persecution and hardship, but died with joy and hope. The first patient found beauty and luxury in his life on earth; the second patient found it in an eternity with his Saviour Jesus. The Bible has a story with many similarities to the first man above. In Luke 12: 16-21 Jesus tells of a rich man who built bigger and better barns to store all his grains and goods. He said to himself: ‘You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’ But that night God 44
DaSRA YES ….. THE WINE TENT IS ON!! DaSRA is pleased to announce the wine tent will be operating from the new Darlington Community Pavilion for the first time at the Darlington Arts Festival next month. Enjoy elevated views of the oval and recreation area in comfort on the verandah or inside the Pavilion. An excellent range of wines and beers, food and live music will be available (see details below). Strict Covid hygiene and social distancing practices will be employed with volunteers required to complete an AHA Covid-19 hygiene course.
BUSINESS AS USUAL After the official opening on September 19 it’s business as usual for the DaSRA team. Due to Covid restrictions we still have around $60,000 to raise, so it was a relief to hear that the Darlington arts festival would go ahead. Hopefully the new location at the Pavilion and change to hours will entice patrons to come along. We’ll need the numbers to make up for the reduced format of the festival but the Pavilion venue will make it worthwhile.
ONLY 18 TABLES AVAILABLE Raising funds for the Darlington Sports & Community Pavilion
Tickets at darlingtonpavilion.com.au/events or email lindsay@earnshaws.com.au
FUN QUIZ NIGHT 21st November 6.30pm. Covid 4 restrictions won’t spoil the fun but it means tables are limited so be quick to avoid disappointment. Tables of 8 are $240 with great prizes, silent auction and bar available. WINE DEAL - WISE WINES Established in the Margaret River region in 1992, Wise Wines make high quality wine varieties under the guidance of award-winning winemaker, Larry Cherubino. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WISE WINES SPECIAL OFFER - 20% OF ALL SALES ARE DONATED DIRECTLY TO THE DARLINGTON PAVILION. Minimum order of 12. Delivery is free and you receive a voucher for a free bottle of wine at the Wise Vineyard Restaurant. Visit the DaSRA website at darlingtonpavilion.com.au for details on any of the above or call Cam Giles on 0418 936 544. DaSRA AGM is on 26th November 7pm at the Darlington Community Pavilion. THANKS to Kylie Morrison, Heath Dullard, Amber Centa and Jackson Dullard from the Junior Football Club who did a great job of organising the gourmet sausage sizzle at the Pavilion opening. Thanks also to Maree Aldred Photography for recording the official opening. See photos on the website.
The Darlington Club
The Darlington Club The Fish & Chip night was well attended with food supplied from Al’s Fish and Chips Koongamia, always top quality, thanks again. Please refer to photos. Still a good time to join or renew membership at only $20/person or $40/family.
Pay Bendigo Bank account BSB: 633 000 Account No: 124527748. Best wishes Sue Club President.
Coming events: The Club opens at 6.30pm most Fridays at Darlington Lesser Hall. BYO drinks and nibbles.
Thursday 29th Oct. Removal of furniture from the hall for DAF. Help is required and appreciated. Dinner and drinks provided afterwards. 30th Oct. Closed for DAF. If any further removal is required we can do it on this Friday. 31st Oct. Halloween and Community Bonfire, again the Club will provide hotdogs, hamburgers with coleslaw, fresh lemonade. Profits to go toward community barbecue upgrade. Help is required and appreciated. 6th Nov. Closed for DAF. 13th Nov. Sundowner. 20th Nov. Games night. 27th Nov. Sundowner. 4th Dec. Christmas Party and possible Christmas market. Contact Sue on 0439 273 213 or email oshadhi@iinet.net.au for details. 46
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Chiropractic, Homeopathy and Remedial Massage 3b 160 Scott St. Helena Valley admin@helenavalleychiro.com
9255 1052 Open Monday to Saturday
Homeopathic TeleHealth www.helenavalleychiro.com