2 minute read

Friends of Darlington Station Reserve (FODS)

Such Beautiful Rain and such a lot of it!

Everything we do on the Station Reserve has been made easier for that rain in June: the hole digging, well some of the holes anyway from my observation of Graham with his pick axe, and the weeding in particular. We have planted many new plants around the Darlington Road/ Glen Road corner and hope they will give pleasure to those of you walking from the parking area to get coffee. We still have more to go but the weather is on our side at the moment.


As we continue to weed and mulch on the Reserve year on year we have noticed how many local species pop up once


conditions improve. We have a large number of Painted Lady Orchids coming up this year in areas not seen before and perhaps spread by mulch. Jam wattles pop up and so do many Red Gum seedlings of course. We have to watch for Eastern States Eucalyptus seedlings, Eastern States 'weedy' wattles and Brachychiton which out compete local species. Similarly we can learn by watching in our own gardens and work with nature not against it.

Seen on the reserve or nearby as I write:

Photo 1. Acacia Drummondii - such a showy small local wattle for planting on the reserve and useful also in our gardens.

Photo 2. Hovea Pungens. Every year I look out for the Hovea coming into flower at the start of our local wildflower season and we have lots on the reserve and in bush around Darlington. Great for our gardens as it seeds easily and multiples over the years.

Photo 3. Still flowering beautifully and a true Jarrah Forest local. Too good a photo to leave out FODS meet on 9th and 23rd of July and we will continue to plant and clear but will be mulching and weeding more too. Do join us from 8 to 10 am if you want to learn more about us or the reserve. You can contact Jane on 0477 987 048. See you sometime on the reserve, Diane.

WINE GLASS: Possibly a special one? Left at Darlington Hall after Save The Hills Concert on Saturday 10th June. Please ring Betty on 0408 912 101 to identify and recover…has been washed!!

GUS' GARDENING AND MAINTENANCE. Whippersnipping, pruning, small tree lopping, planting, hedging and yard clean up, etc. Free quotes. Phone or text me on 0439 979 504

GARDENING, pruning, weeding, mulching, whipper snipping, gutters cleaned, general tidy up. Phone Geoff 0409 088 936.

60+ DANCE CLASS, MONDAYS 9.30am Darlington Hall, cost $15. All welcome, no experience needed. Contact Lynne 0409 520 023.

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