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1st Darlington Scouts
Joey Scouts ages 5-8
Cub Scouts ages 8-11 Scouts ages 11-14
Venturer Scouts ages 14-18
Rover Scouts ages 18-25
Adult Volunteers ages 18+
Do you remember scout badges in your youth? They’re still very much a thing, and make up part of a scouting journey. From as young as five, youth members can participate in achievement pathways for their age group. The emphasis is on the youth member’s own interests, and personal development to cater for young minds, eager to learn and explore.
Core Skill Areas of Scouts are Camping, Bushwalking and Bushcraft, where scouts develop their age appropriate skills in camping, day and overnight hikes, first aid, construction, navigation, and survival skills. There are then Specialist Skill Areas where scouts have the opportunity to select which activities they wish to do. The Special Interest Areas encourage scouts from all ages to try new things and pursue existing interests. Scouts set their own goals, enabling them to design a project that interests and challenges them personally.
Adventure and Sport
Creating a Better World
Growth & Development
Our Venturers are becoming quite well known for their expertise and efficiency in setting up for events. As well as the monthly Mundaring Rotary Markets, they also assisted with the WA Hiking Expo held at the Hills Discovery Centre. There are also some exciting expeditions coming up around the region.
Do you have memories of Scouting in Darlington?
We are approaching 100 years of there being a scout group in Darlington! If you have any memorabilia we could use, please get in touch with us.
Arts and Literature
STEM and Innovation
Scouts Australia Institute of Training allows older youth members to be recognised with industry standard Certificate II and Certificate III qualifications, which can set them up for life!
Joeys and Cubs
Yay! It’s campfire season, so they’ve been learning fire skills, and campfire cooking, with the Cubs planning their two night camp to practice all their training. All our sections have been learning about the badges and awards they can achieve.
Our Scout section have been focussing on Outdoor Activities, with several overnight trips planned, including bushwalking, cycling from Kalamunda to Mundaring Weir, and a section of the Munda Biddi. It’s fantastic to see them enjoying the environment.
Have you got skills to share?
All our sections at different ages and stages love to learn from others, and the older generation who have skills and time to share are welcomed to be part of our group, either as a once off or a regular visitor.
We welcome anyone able to share their knowledge and all skills, so let us know if you’d like to know more.
Fundraising is something all community groups must do, and we’re no exception – helping scouts attend activities at a subsidised rate, or providing essential equipment, we appreciate the community support.
Please keep an eye out and support the group when we are fundraising, such as our Bunnings Midland sausage sizzle on Sunday 25th June.
Darlington Scouts are open to boys and girls, comprising four sections:
Joey Scouts (age 5-8) Cub Scouts (age 8-11)
Scouts (age 11-14) Venturer Scouts (Age 14-18)
For information contact membership@darlingtonscouts.com or www.darlingtonscouts.com or the Darlington Scout Group Facebook page Darlington Venturers also have their own Instagram page, so if you are over 14, and interested if what they do, please look them up: @darlingtonventurers