1 minute read

Friends of Darlington Station Reserve (FODS)

Time to Start Planning this Year's Planting

At FODS we are starting to plan for our working season which starts in April after Easter. With water leaks on the reserve, we have struggled to keep up our watering of last year’s new plants but so far we have a good survival rate for these little ones. Thank you to those who have come down early on their Sunday morning to do the watering.


As we walk around the reserve, and as you walk around your garden, it’s an opportunity to see what plants flower in summer and how we are providing food for the birds and other creatures we share our world with.

Simon Cherriman, also a Hills resident, has a blog I recommend to you all to learn more about the Carnaby’s, Baudin’s and Forest Red-tailed cockatoos. Your children will love his work and learn a lot.

These birds need places to feed on their travels through the Perth Hills and more and more habitat is disappearing everyday. Let’s not even mention the current ‘North Stoneville’ development proposal and the possible loss of thousands of their feeding and nesting trees. Here is the link : http://simoncherriman.blogspot.com/2016/02/cockatooswhos-chews.html

Walking in the bush I came across the following: no showy flowers this month but the toughest of the tough! With few

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