3 minute read
Matthew Hughes MLA JP | Member for Kalamunda
On Thursday 20 April, the McGowan Government released a revised planning policy framework in response to the 2019 Action Plan for Bushfire Framework Review. The action plan and review of the bushfire policy frameworks were undertaken in response to community concerns about bushfire reforms implemented in 2015.
The draft State Planning Policy 3.7: Bushfire and Planning for Bushfire Guidelines has been informed by extensive policy development, consultation and testing and is now open for public comment.
Significant changes have been made to the policy and supporting guidelines to incorporate a contemporary best-practice approach to planning in bushfire prone areas and address implementation issues experienced with the previous policy framework.
Comprehensive engagement with the development sector, local government and industry has helped identify key improvements to the State's bushfire planning framework which include: a stronger emphasis on considering bushfire requirements in early planning stages; new polic y provisions to apply to different categories on the draft Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas; introduction of an assessment of the broader landscape surrounding a development site, as a means of identifying locations with an unacceptable level of bushfire risk; an outcomes-based approach to facilitate improved flexibility and understanding by decision-makers; and clearer guidance and a more user-friendly format as the guidelines are now divided into sections based on the planning stage
A draft Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas has also been released to assist in discussions on the draft policy and guidelines. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services will be seeking feedback on the draft map in the second half of 2023, to inform a final map, with submissions to be made via bushfiremap@ dfes.wa.gov.au.
The Minister for Planning has made it clear that the McGowan Labor Government is committed to improving Western Australia's planning framework and to correct the inherited issues of the current framework for bushfire prone areas. The revised policy will improve the consideration of bushfire requirements early in the planning process, and also proposes a more measured response to development within existing built-up urban areas.
As mentioned, the policy improvements have been informed by extensive consultation. Importantly, however, feedback that the Government receives from the public comment period will inform the final policy and guidelines to ensure they deliver what the community needs.
The vast majority of Western Australia is bushfire prone land that requires management. As residents of the Hills are keenly aware we are seeing the frequency and severity of bushfires increasing due to climate change. Consequently, it is incredibly important that the tools we have at our disposal to map bushfire risk utilise the latest technology and research to ensure the highest accuracy possible.
The changes made to the Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas better reflect bushfire risk across WA and will vastly improve decision making and that may be subject to further changes to form a final position.
I would urge readers to consider making a submission on the draft State Planning Policy 3.7: Bushfire and Planning for Bushfire Guidelines by visiting https://consultation.dplh.wa.gov.au/. The opportunity to comment closes on Monday 17 July 2023.
As a reminder, I have opened a satellite office adjacent to the Patch of Country Café on Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring. The office is generally staffed between 9am and 12 noon on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week. It is best, however, to make an appointment by phoning my Kalamunda office on 92934747 rather than just calling in at the Mundaring office on spec.
Darlington Retirement Accommodation Association (Inc)
Winter is Coming
The Darlington Glen management committee is busily preparing the units and gardens of the Glen for the upcoming winter months. The drainage grates have all been cleaned and a quote was obtained to fill in and repair several potholes in the driveways which has now been completed.
The sprinkler system will be turned on and off by local expert Leueen as soon as we start using it once a week and turned off totally in the winter months. Also some minor repairs to the system will be deferred until spring. As mentioned in the last report, it is great to see the Wooroloo team back on board and scheduled to return monthly to see to our gardening requirements. A special mention must be made of the Wooroloo team who made some urgently needed repairs to the Glen trailer which now has a new tray and a new coat of paint. So special thanks to supervisor Jake McGuinness for supervising the renovation and repairs.
There is also more good news regarding the use of the now almost new Glen trailer which is used to collect all the gardening rubbish. A good Samaritan from our great Darlington community has offered to take the trailer and green waste contents to the tip whenever the need arises, usually after the monthly visit from the Wooroloo team.
On the safety side all the units’ smoke alarms have been tested and checked out okay. There are a few minor issues regarding the solar panels which will be fixed, together with a few other minor maintenance issues. So bring on the winter. We are all prepared!
Colin Merritt