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Gosh, just six weeks to go until the festival.
Every coordinator has a list of tasks that grows by the minute. This time every year we think, how are we going to get this show on the road, but somehow, we just do! This is the time that we put out the feelers for some new and old volunteers to help out with tasks in the lead up to and during the festival weekend. Full payment in pizza and sheer enjoyment guaranteed. Contact Julie Stuurstraat for information volunteers@DarlingtonArtsFestival.com. Youth Art and Junior art are gearing up too. If you haven’t heard anything from teachers, let them know to get in touch with the respective coordinator via the website, or they can reach out on the DAF Facebook page. At the recent committee meeting a whole new exciting bunch of events surfaced. Look out for next month’s notes and the lift out centre pages with a map and program of events which will be there too.
What I did catch though is some exciting stuff going on in the craft village, with some of the artists from Sculpture on the Scarp running some art workshops. I also heard that as part of Guildford Grammar Indigenous Youth Art Program, Barry McGuire will narrate a story and some of the students will convert the story into artworks. Charlie and Ian have put a full program of performers. It is going to be a weekend filled with sound, vision and fun. Make sure you keep the whole weekend free!
Soroptimist International of Helena

Our support of Wooree Miya women’s refuge has continued with deliveries of more clothing, a large box of toys and a microwave - all gratefully received. In the past month, over 100 women have been supported by this refuge, and they have been successful in re-locating some families to permanent housing. Our club also actively supports the SCYS Youth drop in hub in Midland and has delivered donated items such as warm scarves, beanies, sleeping bags and socks over the past month. We are now collecting for their “a meal in a tin” food drive over the summer. Any donations are happily received by us to forward to them. Our Bursary to support tutoring of a young female musician in Kalamunda Youth Swing Band was presented at their recent concert. This year we presented both 2020 and 2021 as there was no concert last year due to Covid. We have now supported this band for over 20 years. October is “Soroptimist Membership Month” and we are holding an information night in Guildford if you would like to find out more about what we do and think you have time to join us in our endeavours. Please come along, and for catering purposes, please let us know in advance. – Berenice FREE DRINKS & NIBBLES EVENING for information and membership TUESDAY 19th October - 5.45 for 6pm KING & I Restaurant, James Street, Guildford (park at rear) RSVP 12th October to: sihelena@siswp.org or 0422 981 657