Chicagoan Anita Nicole Brown's Press Release

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For more information contact: Anita Nicole Brown Contact Number: 773/306/5002 E-Mail:

For Immediate Release

PRESS RELEASE Chicagoan Actress Anita Nicole Brown Stars in the Newly Released Action Movie “Crisis Foundation” (2014) Chicago, Illinois January 27, 2014 - Chicagoan Actress Anita Nicole Brown stars as a quiet woman who is staled as she encounters sudden violent confrontations in this new movie which can be seened on this YouTube Link: v=RsovaKKPhd0&feature=share Produced by TimeCode Mechanics. Brown states that the movie has a very simple plot and the storyline is the basic make-up of the feature fillm by TimeCode Mechanics called Crisis Function.. But it was NOT a simple fillm by any means. "Crisis Function" took 3 days for principal photography and one day for pick up. It was edited in a week, after the original edit was lost in a computer crash, to make the mid-January release date and is currently on Youtube at the above link. To add to the challenge says Brown, actors and actress selected to be a part of the fillm did not receive a script until the actual day of fillming or a day before and the I, the main actress, would receive no script at all and in many cases would have rely on my improvisational skills. As exciting as it was, "Crisis Function" is an action film, the actors cast had to have some kind of combat, martial arts, boxing, or stage combat background! The reasoning for this was because the same day the actors show up on set was the same day the fight choreography was taught and filmed. The shooting of multiple figghts during this one day was amazing, whereas an average figght scene would take a day or even two to shoot... And because not all the characters had scripted lines, Produer/Dirctor Masters needed to be sure that the actors would be able to work with each other even if the entire scene was improvise.

And if you asked the actors about their characters, another secret held by Masters. Each actor was given the freedom to “create” the character how they saw fit and Masters made sure to film the characters the way the actors saw fit and how he saw fit.. But which character portrayal was chosen is be displayed in the finnished fillm... Meaning even the actors were unaware of how everything would end. So how does a quiet woman deal with violent confrontations while investigating her friend's murder? You will have to see the fillm states Brown. The cast members of this most exciting movie are as follows: Anita Nicole Brown as Andrea Knight, Shavar D. Clark as Dr. Alvah 'Black, Shepherd, Shannon Lee as Dr. Kali 'White Shepherd, Christian Creasy as Warhead, Meiling Jin as Lunatik Sweetie, Valerie Meachum as Dominique Kane, Dragan Nikolic as Dragon Ajax, Dora Santillan Hulihan as Nurse Dianne, Latoya Glaves as Ballistic Kiss, and Marc Peurye as Detective.


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