1.888.856.0474 P.O. Box 1722, Aldergrove, B.C., Canada, V4W 2V1 Tel: 604.820.0012 Fax: 604.856.9305 REFRESH YOUR EN VI RON M EN T
P.O. Box 1722, Aldergrove, B.C., Canada, V4W 2V1 • Tel: 604.820.0012 • Toll Free: 1.888.856.0474 • Fax: 604.856.9305 • Email: info@aromask.com
aromask® is a secret, scientifically designed blend of natural organics, essential oils, natural aldehydes, esters and ketones with vapour reducing properties. The vapour pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen, altering their aromatic character. This allows the aromask® fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent. aromask® contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties. aromask® eliminates obnoxious organic odors replacing the with a fresh scent. Whether it’s smoke or pet smells in your home or automobile, musty RV, common obnoxious household odors or a waste management application we at aromask® Products are
100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly! Who Uses aromask ® : Janitors Fire / Flood Restoration Carpet Cleaners Service Stations Auto Dealers / Detailers Truckers Taxi Cabs Buses Airplanes Hydroponic Industry Hotels / Motels / Hostels Restaurants Bars
Funeral Homes Morgues Pathology Deptarments Ambulance Services Police / Fire Deptarments Car / Truck Washes Detail Shops RV Dealers Marine Dealers Pet Stores Veterinarians Pet Groomers Kennels
Animal Breeders Animal Shelters Hospitals Real Estate Companies Property Management Apartment Buildings Waste Disposal Sport / Fitness Clubs Gyms Parks Department Institutions Retail Outlets Home Owners
aromask® Products are formulated to eliminate all organic odors, not just cover them up. aromask® Products come in a variety of packs and sizes to address any of your obnoxious odor problems. aromask® is commonly used to eliminate offensive odors in the following applications: • Cooking Odors • Cigarette / Cigar Smoke • Washrooms • Musty Closets, • Basements
• Garbage Containers • Laundry Rooms / Hampers • Rugs, Draperies • Litter Boxes, Pet Areas • Diaper Pails
• Sports Equipment • Sport Bags • Lockets • Footwear • Automobiles, RV, Taxi Cabs
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T romask is a secret! scientifically designed
blend of natural organics! essential oils! natural aldehydes! esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties" The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen! altering their aromatic character" This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent" Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties"
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly Over the years! our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer! institution! industrial and the health care industry" Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors! replacing them with a fresh scent"
Testimonial We here at Silver Lady Limousine Service! have been using Aromask with our fleet in all of our units for the past year with GREAT success" As you can appreciate with graduations! weddings! night clubs! sporting events and even corporate events! we experience many foul odors" We have found Aromask to eliminate all of these odors and keep our fleet smelling fresh" Every year we have our fleet inspected by the City of Vancouver and the City of Surrey" One of the inspectors commented on how fresh and clean all of our vehicles smelled" She could not believe there was such a product on the market like this" I also took the liberty of passing on a few of your brochures to her and the City of Vancouver" She suggested that all Taxi Cabs! Limousines and Buses should be using this product" At this time I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for this excellent product and I will have NO PROBLEM recommending this product to anyone in the transportation industry and beyond" Douglas Le Moine - Principal/Owner Silver Lady Limousine Service Ltd.
Product available: Gel#Pak: Long lasting odor control in any confirmed areas or room" Ideal for closets! storage rooms! washrooms! under sinks or in automobiles and RV’s" Gel#Pak & Cyclone Unit: The $ Litre Gel Paks are used with the Cyclone Unit" Sprayers: Spray around the room to quickly eliminate offensive odors" Ready To Use: Environmentally friendly and economical way to re#charge sprayers and gel packs" Concentrates: Concentrates to RTU can be diluted %:& and used to recharge Sprayers and Gel#Paks" GYM#BO: Specially formulated and packaged to deal with obnoxious odor problems resulting from sport wear"
For additional information contact: '($")*("((&* • email: sales@aromask"com or visit us on#line at: www"aromask"com
A Definate Home Run
T romask is a secret! scientifically
designed blend of natural organics! essential oils! natural aldehydes! esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties" The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen! altering their aromatic character" This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent" Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties"
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly Over the years! our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer! institution! industrial and the health care industry" Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors! replacing them with a fresh scent"
An effective odor elimination system for all sport facilities" Widely used for eliminating offensive odors in showers! bathrooms! kitchens! portable toilets! lockers! locker rooms! equipment rooms! and in personal sport bags" Locker Rooms: Place Gel#Paks™ in locker rooms to insure $%/& odor control! while leaving a fresh clean scent" Use Aromask RTU™ when mopping up locker room and bathroom floors to eliminate foul odors (including body odors)" For instant relief of offensive odors use ' or $ sprays from a finger sprayer" Pour Aromask directly into smelly drains to eliminate offensive odors" Lockers: Place a Gym#Bo™ in your locker for up to & months of odor elimination" Equipment Rooms: Well placed Gel#Paks™ in the equipment room will ensure a long lasting fresh smelling environment" Gym Bags: Place a Gym#Bo™ in your sport bag for an odor free environment for up to & months" Exercise Equipment: When washing down exercise (sport) equipment add $ to + capfuls of Aromask (RTU) to the rinse water to eliminate body odor! while leaving a fresh scent" Footwear: A few drops of Aromask into footwear will immediately eliminate the most offensive odors" This is especially useful in bowling alleys for rental shoes"
Testimonial I rarely used any odor control product in my sports equipment bag until I recently tried the AROMASK GYM BO™" As a hockey player! I can tell you that equipment can smell after a while and the GYM BO™ really worked for me" It did the job you said it would" I will be using the GYM BO™ from now on and I will tell all my acquaintances about this great product" It is a cost effective method of odor control and easy to use! just throw it into the equipment bag and forget it" Michael Ansell Vernon, B.C.
For additional information contact: ()%"*$)"))'$ email: sales@aromask"com or visit us on#line at: www"aromask"com
Have you ever had a listing or rental property that shows well but smells! often reducing the selling price? Have you ever asked your client to boil cloves or vanilla beans on the stove prior to an open house? There is no subtle way to tell a seller that their home has an odor problem!
WHY NOT AROMASK THEIR HOME OR APARTMENT? Aromask products are widely used by real estate and property management companies to ELIMINATE offensive organic odors such as; cooking smells! cigarette/cigar smoke! mildew! pet odors and other offensive odors" replacing them with a subtle fresh scent! which dissipates as the smell is eliminated"
Recently! in Tacoma! Washington! a real estate agent was experiencing a $!%%% spread between the buyer and the seller! all of which was due to &$ years of heavy smoking in the house" The buyer was insisting on repainting! drapes being dry'cleaned and the carpets being shampooed" Both buyer and seller were inflexible" Susan was fast loosing her sale" We convinced her to try an Aromask Cyclone™ unit for a day" Two days later she phoned to tell us the sale went through ' with only a $%%"%% difference between the asking and selling price" She gladly purchased an Aromask Real Estate & Property Management Kit for her office" The kit contains a Cyclone™ unit! and a sufficient assortment of products to eliminate all organic odor problems for about &$ to (% medium size (&!$%% sq" ft") homes or apartments" The cost per home runs about &$"%% ' which the seller does not mind paying" Used in a wide variety of odor control applications and industries! which includes waste management! hotels! hospitals! bars/restaurants! funeral homes! automotive/RV/marine/public transportation companies! janitorial supply! police and fire departments to name a few" Product available: Gel'Pak: Long lasting odor control in any confirmed areas or room" Ideal for closets! storage rooms! washrooms! under sinks or in automobiles and RV’s" Gel'Pak & Cyclone Unit: The ) Litre Gel Paks are used with the Cyclone Unit" Sprayers: Spray around the room to quickly eliminate offensive odors" Ready To Use: Environmentally friendly and economical way to re'charge sprayers and gel packs" Concentrates: Concentrates to RTU can be diluted *:& and used to recharge Sprayers and Gel'Paks" GYM'BO: Specially formulated and packaged to deal with obnoxious odor problems resulting from sport wear"
For additional information contact: +%)",(%"%%&( • email: sales@aromask"com or visit us on'line at: www"aromask"com
romask is a secret, scientifically designed blend of natural organics, essential oils, natural aldehydes, esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties. The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen, altering their aromatic character. This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent. Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties.
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly Over the years, our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer, institution, industrial and the health care industry. Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors, replacing them with with a fresh scent.
Aromask is highly concentrated.
Have you ever had a listing or rental property that shows well - but smells, often reducing the selling price? Have you ever asked your client to boil cloves or vanilla beans on the stove prior to an open house? There’s no subtle way to tell a seller that their home has an odor problem! Why not Aromask their home or apartment?
Aromask products are widely used by real estate and property management companies to eliminate offensive odors such as cooking smells, cigarette/cigar smoke, mildew, pet odors and other offensive organic odors. Aromask ELIMINATES all organic odors, while replacing them with a subtle fresh scent, which dissipates as the smell is eliminated. Widely used in the hospitality industry to eliminate offensive persistent odors in guest rooms. The use of a Cyclone Unit™ in a smoking room for 12 to 24 hours, for instance, will eliminate stale cigarette/cigar smoke and pet odors, often saving hundreds of dollars in dry-cleaning and painting bills. Or add 1 to 2 capfuls of Aromask liquid to your rinse water when mopping down floors or walls ensures an odor free environment.
Aromask products are used in a wide variety of odor control applications and industries, which includes waste management, hotels, hospitals, bars and restaurants, funeral homes, automotive/RV, marine, public transportation companies, janitorial supply, police and fire departments to name a few. Aromask products are in wide distribution throughout Canada, the United States, Europe and recently Asia.
T romask is a secret! scientifically
designed blend of natural organics! essential oils! natural aldehydes! esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties" The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen! altering their aromatic character" This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent" Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties"
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly Over the years! our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer! institution! industrial and the health care industry" Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors! replacing them with with a fresh scent"
Aromask products are widely used in the public services (police and fire departments) in a wide range of applications! such as! holding tanks! interview rooms! extreme crime scenes! canine units! patrol cars and wherever obnoxious odors are a problem" Aromask is ($$* biodegradable and is environmentally friendly" Patrol Cars: Use finger sprayers for instant elimination of obnoxious odors" Canine Units: A Gel)Pak™ placed under the seat will ensure '%/+ odor control" Holding Tanks/Interview Rooms: Use finger sprayers for instant relief from obnoxious odors" Use a few capfuls of Aromask in the rinse water to eliminate offensive odors in holding rooms! lock)ups and patrol cars" Crime Scenes: When odor is a problem place a Gel)Pak™ (lid off) in the effected area and leave for ,$ to #$ minutes before entering" For extreme circum) stances! we recommend the use of a Cyclone™ Unit ) let it run until the odor has been eliminated" Fire Departments: Spray turnout gear with Aromask to control smoke odors" Place Gel)Paks™ in the equipment room for '%/+ odor control" Funeral Homes: Used extensively throughout Europe in funeral homes and pathology departments to control obnoxious odors" Use Gel)Paks™ in prep rooms (and Chapels) to control unwanted odors" Use sprayers in work area! coffins and body bags" Helpful Hints: For a quick fix for odor control use Aromask finger sprayers" For '%/+ odor control that lasts for months ) use Gel)Paks™" For heavy)duty and persistent odor problems we recommend the Cyclone™ Units" Aromask is Cost Effective: Concentrates are available in %+- ml"! ( L and % L that can be diluted (( to , with water) and used to refill finger sprayers and Gel)Paks™" AROMASK IS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY!
For additional information contact: #$%"&'$"$$(' email: sales@aromask"com or visit us on)line at: www"aromask"com
a n d
romask is a secret! scientifically designed blend of natural organics! essential oils! natural aldehydes! esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties" The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen! altering their aromatic character" This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent" Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties"
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly Over the years! our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer! institution! industrial and the health care industry" Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors! replacing them with a fresh scent"
Testimonial Having worked in an animal care facility for the past three years! that at any one time houses between +( # ')( (sometimes more) animals ranging from reptiles to rodents! dogs! cats and even pigs and rabbits! you can well imagine the “pet odor” problems we have there" We have tried every deodorizer imaginable including a bottle of AROMASK™ that was donated to the shelter" When the bottle was empty! we went to great lengths to find where to get some more" We called every chemical! soap and cleaning product place in B"C"! but were unable to find AROMASK™" Six months ago a representative from AROMASK™ graced our doorstep with a container of AROMASK Gel#Pak™ (and a phone number!!)" We were delighted with the Gel#Pak™ as it was much longer lasting than any other product we have used and seemed to neutralize the odors! rather than just mask them" As cost is a major factor at our facility! the longer lasting effect of AROMASK Gel#Paks™ compared to other products proves very cost effective for us" Thanks AROMASK™" K. Woodward, SPCA # Kelowna
a l l
Aromask Products are used in a wide range of applications to control pet and animal odors; in sleeping areas! barns! around litter boxes! kennels and dog runs"
Litter Box: Punch a few holes in the lid of a Gel#Pak™ and place near the litter box area for $%/& odor control" Horse Barns: Place a Gel#Pak™ in the tack room for $%/& odor control" Dog Runs/Stables: Use Aromask Concentrate in your rinse water (or power washer) when rinsing down concrete to insure an odor free environment! while leaving a fresh scent" Pet Sleeping Areas: A well placed Gel#Pak™ in your pets sleeping area will keep the room odor free and fresh $%/&" Use Aromask Sprayer for instant relief for obnoxious odors" Automobiles: When transporting your dog place a Gel#Pak™ or Gym#Bo™ under the front seat to control pet odors" For quick relief such as! “wet dog smell” use ' or $ sprays of Aromask" Aromask Gel#Paks™ and Sprayers are very effective in Police Canine units" Pet Accidents: Clean up as usual! then spray with Aromask to remove all lingering odors immediately" Pet Wash: Aromask is very effective in the rinse water to control odors" Add ' capful of Aromask to the rinse water # then rinse well" Aromask is effective in eliminating SKUNK smells" Simply add $ capfuls of Aromask liquid to the rinse water and rinse well" General Use: Effective in controlling unwanted odors anywhere that animals! reptiles or birds are housed" We recommend that pets be out of the room for at least '( minutes when spraying Aromask" Ensure that Gel#Paks™ are out of the reach of animals # ingestion may cause upset stomach"
For additional information contact: )(%"*$("(('$ email: sales@aromask"com or visit us on#line at: www"aromask"com
T romask is a secret! scientifically
designed blend of natural organics! essential oils! natural aldehydes! esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties" The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen! altering their aromatic character" This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent" Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties"
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly Over the years! our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer! institution! industrial and the health care industry" Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors! replacing them with with a fresh scent"
Aromask products are widely used in medical facilities / extended care and retirement homes worldwide to control unwanted odors" Aromask is ($$* biodegradable and environmentally friendly"
General Use: Aromask Gel)Paks™ are a cost effective and ideal way to keep bathrooms! patient rooms! kitchens! storage rooms! garbage collection areas and offices odor free '%/+! while replacing obnoxious odors with a fresh scent" Gel)Paks™ are also used extensively in pathology departments to control odors" One or two sprays of Aromask RTU™ (ready to use) will give immediate relief from unwanted odors" Laundry: Add ' to , capfuls to regular size wash loads where soiled bedding and clothing is a problem" Use Aromask sprayers for immediate relief to eliminate offensive odors from soiled linen and mattresses" Spray laundry hampers / diaper pails with Aromask to control odors" Kitchen Area: Use Gel)Paks™ under dishwashing equipment! storage rooms! garbage collection areas and any other areas where offensive organic odor is a problem" General Cleaning: Add ' to , capfuls of Aromask to your rinse water when mopping/wiping down floors and furniture for an odor free environment" For immediate relief from obnoxious odors spray Aromask directly onto the soiled area"
For additional information contact: #$%"&'$"$$(' • email: sales@aromask"com or visit us on)line at: www"aromask"com
T romask is a secret! scientifically designed
blend of natural organics! essential oils! natural aldehydes! esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties" The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen! altering their aromatic character" This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent" Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties"
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly
Aromask products are an effective odor control for all organic odors resulting from fertilizers! such as raw fish! bat gaunna! or raw kelp formulations"
OZONE MACHINES: The use of Gel#Paks™ and Cyclone™ in conjunction with ozone equipment will ensure more effective odor control CHARCOAL FILTERS: The use of Gel#Paks™ and Cyclone™ units will ensure total odor control when used in conjunction with charcoal filter canisters" CLOTHING: Use Aromask finger spray on clothing to eliminate offensive odors immediately that may collect on your clothing" AUTOMOBILES: Use Aromask Gel#Pak™ and finger sprays to eliminate offensive odors when transporting fertilizers or other obnoxious materials" HELPFUL HINTS: Place Gel#Paks™ around the house to elimlinate offensive odors resulting from indoor gardening thus ensuring odor control (&/*" Finger sprays are ideal for instant reflief in bathrooms and the front doors" Cyclone Units are highly effective when additional odor control is needed" Cyclone units can be placed on a timer so odor control can be regulated to your specific needs"
Over the years! our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer! institution! industrial and the health care industry" Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors! replacing them with a fresh scent"
For additional information contact: $%&"'(%"%%)( • email: sales@aromask"com or visit us on#line at: www"aromask"com
T romask is a secret! scientifically designed
blend of natural organics! essential oils! natural aldehydes! esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties" The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen! altering their aromatic character" This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent" Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties"
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly
BATHROOMS: # or $ sprays for a quick odor fix % use Gel%Paks™ for &'/( odor control" KITCHENS: Use sprayer for quick odor relief from unwanted cooking smells (burnt food! spicy foods! etc")" A Gel%Pak™ placed under the kitchen sink will ensure control of unwanted odors from garbage containers" Pouring a few capfuls of Aromask concentrate directly down a smelly drain will eliminate offensive odors" BASEMENTS: Control mildew odors by placing a Gel%Pak™ (lid half open) in your basement or garage" This will replace the musty smell with a fresh Aromask scent that works &'/(" CLOSETS: Keep your clothes smelling fresh &' hours a day! by placing Gel%Paks™ in your closets" This will help to refresh all your clothing while eliminating cigarette smoke and other offensive odors from the fabrics" A few drops of Aromask in footwear will eliminate the most obnoxious odors" LAUNDRY: Add Aromask liquid to your wash cycle to eliminate personal and organic odors" Aromask is especially effective in diaper pails and to add to the diaper wash" PET AREAS: Place a Gel%Pak™ in the same room as your cat litter box or your pet’s sleeping area to control odors on a constant basis" Keep out of reach of your pet" GARBAGE PAILS / RECYCLING CONTAINERS: Spray Aromask directly into your garbage pail and recycling containers for immediate and long lasting relief of offensive odors! while leaving a fresh scent" SPORTS BAGS / CLOTHING HAMPERS: Place a Gym%BO™ in your sport bag or laundry hamper" Specially designed plastic bottle that breathe through the walls ensuring a pleasant scent" Lasts up to ( months" Available September &*#*"
Over the years! our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer! institution! industrial and the health care industry" Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors! replacing them with a fresh scent"
We recently had a critter crawl into an interior wall between the bathroom and kitchen and DIE" It was either a roof rat or squirrel but I can assure you that either reeks while decaying" Our house was almost uninhabitable due to the stench of decay" Our options were to tear a hole in the drywall to remove the carcass or to mask the odor" We did consider a hole but we were unsure of exactly where the carcass was and we didn’t want to tear down the entire wall to locate it" A pest removal service was of no help" I had an unopened container of Aromask in my work shop and thought of using it to provide some relief while we further assessed additional solutions" We were most pleased to discover that the product proved to be the long term solution as Aromask covered up the odors of decay and made the situation bearable" It took several weeks for the decomposition to be completed and the associated odors to dissipate! but we kept our trusty Aromask container on the counter and had full use of our kitchen in the process" Aromask saved me money and made my situation livable" I have since purchased additional product with the hopes that I never have to use it" Robert Gredys
For additional information contact: )*'"+&*"**#& • email: sales@aromask"com or visit us on%line at: www"aromask"com
A romask is a secret, scientifically designed blend of natural organics, essential oils, natural aldehydes, esters and ketones with vapor reducing properties. The vapor pressure reducing reaction attacks malodorous compounds that typically contain sulphur and nitrogen, altering their aromatic character. This allows the Aromask fragrance compound to deliver a pleasant scent. Aromask contains proprietary aroma chemicals with specific odor suppressing properties.
Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly Over the years, our R & D department has formulated and designed several Aromask sizes and packs to address the many uses for the consumer, institution, industrial and the health care industry. Aromask eliminates obnoxious organic odors, replacing them with a fresh scent.
Aromask products are widely used in the hospitality industry to eliminate offensive persistent odors in guest rooms. Aromask is 100% b iodegradab le an d environmen tally f ri en dly. Converting Smoking Rooms to NON Smoking Rooms: The use of a Cyclone Unit™ in a smoking room for 12 to 24 hours will eliminate stale cigarette/cigar smoke and pet odors, often saving hundreds of dollars in dry-cleaning and painting bills. Cyclone Units™ are cost effective when used with a *timer in the bar or restaurant area to ensure a fresh start for a new day. Aromask will eliminate all organic odors including cigarette/cigar smoke, stale air and cooking odors. Note: Timers can be placed at the plug in on the Cyclone Unit™ and set to start at closing time and shutting off automatically at opening hours, leaving a fresh Aromask scent for the new day. Gel-Paks™: Are effective for 24/7 odor control in the rooms. Simply place a Gel-Pak™ in the closet or under the chest of drawers for effective odor control that will *last for months. Sprayers/Misters: After servicing the room, have the housekeeping staff spray 2 or 3 sprays of Aromask to maintain a fresh scent for your guest. Helpful Hints: Smelly Drains: Pour a capful of Aromask concentrate down the affective drain to eliminate offensive odors. Garbage Area (Dumpsters): Spray Aromask around this area to eliminate offensive odors. Spray directly into dumpsters and garbage cans. Laundry Room: Use 1 to 2 capfuls of Aromask liquid in your wash cycle to ensure a fresh scent for all your linens. Floors/Walls: Add 1 to 2 capfuls to your rinse water when mopping down to ensure an odor free environment. Aromask is Cost Effective: Aromask is highly concentrated - a little goes a long way. Gel-Paks™ and sprayers can be refilled with Aromask RTU (ready to use), which is available in 1 litre and 4 litre bottles.
For additional information contact: 604.820.0012 • email: sales@aromask.com or visit us on-line at: www.aromask.com
1.888.856.0474 P.O. Box 1722, Aldergrove, B.C., Canada, V4W 2V1 Tel: 604.820.0012 Fax: 604.856.9305 REFRESH YOUR EN VI RON M EN T