logo and branding handbook and guide
what is nyaata? the word nyaata translates into english as meal, however we provide much more than that. nyaata first and foremost is an environment in which our customers come to feel relaxed and welcomed. we have to understand that ethiopian cuisine is very different to the common food stuffs of our patrons, and as such eating our food is more than a meal, but also an experience.
we are relaxed the environment we are establishing at nyaata is one of comfort in the exotic.
introducing the brand
as such it is important that every aspect of the restaurant be allowed to exude a personality that is both calm and cool. setting this tone may mean the difference between a customer that is apprehensive of leaving their comfort zone, and one who is bravely venturing into new territory.
our ethos, summarized nyaata is more than just a meal, it is an experience. One that cannot be provided by anyone else. we provide our patrons with a calm, cool environment, and in taht environment we foster a community. nyaata is the sanctuary of the food lover, the adventurer and the laid back traveler.
logo and layout the logo comes in two forms, a horizontal and vertical layout, and is to be used in black and white format.
horizontal layout
logo and usage
vertical layout
pantone ds 71-1 c pantone 1805 m c=0% m=91% y=100% k=23% #bf311a
pantone ds 85-1 c pantone 506 m c=45% m=100% y=100% k=15% #8a2529
the brand logo is only to be displayed either in black or entirely in either of the spot colors listed above.
logo and placement the logo is always to be placed one “a” letter shape away from other elements so that it may maintain enough white space to give presense
the logo is only to be placed at 0° or -90°, never with nyaata reading upwards, placed upside down, or at a non-right angle.
palet and spacing
when necessary, it is appropriate to color the logo with either of the brand colors. the entire logo layout must be the same color, singular colors such as the introduction of color only on the symbol, or only on the type is unnacceptable.
whenever possible, the logo is to use the horizontal logo format with the angle tilted so that the logo is above the text.
the logo is never to be used with the logo image at the bottom of the compisition with the type rising above it.
angle and positioning
additionally, the vertical format logo is never to have its orientaion altered. it is only to be used in its original format.
the typeface used for nyaata branding is centrale sans, in their light, thin varieties
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog centrale sans light
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit centrale sans thin
typeface & usage
on short form type, centrale sans is only to be used in lowercase form. it is acceptable, but not preferred to use the type in paragraph and to punctuate sentences using uppercase. light is to be used for headings, where as thin is to be used for body text.