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The Wave Project

The Wave Project

A cookbook for a good cause

The UK Sepsis Trust has offered its thanks to Dr Deborah Phillips, after she donated proceeds of sales of her cookbook, Scrumptious St Ives, to the charity.


Deborah’s own experience of sepsis ended her academic career and forced her into early retirement. She now works with her partner Paul Connor on his fruit and vegetable stall at St Ives Farmers’ Market, which gave her the inspiration to create her book of healthy recipes.

In a letter to Deborah, UK Sepsis Trust fundraising officer Beth Hill wrote: “Thank you for your incredible support. The cookbook sounds amazing, and I would love to see any pictures you have of it.”

Sepsis is an extreme reaction to infection and is a life-threatening emergency. The UK Sepsis Trust aims to raise public awareness of the condition, support those affected by it, educate health professionals, and instigate political change. In a 2010 survey, only 34 per cent of those questioned had heard of sepsis, but now the figure is more than 80 per cent.

Scrumptious St Ives is available from St Ives Farmers’ Market, St Ives Library and St Ives Bookseller. See Deborah’s recipe for Cauliflower and Cornish Blue Cheese Soup on page 12.

Award for Carbis Bay chef

Connor Blades, from Ugly Butterfly by Adam Handling, in Carbis Bay, has been named UK Young Chef of the Year.

Adam was actually one of the judges, although he played no part in the voting. He said: “Judging chef of the year has been super exciting. I didn’t have voting rights in the competition as two of my team were in the final ten, so it makes it even more special that my fellow judges picked Connor Blades as the winner.

“Connor really cares about the industry, cooks amazing dishes, and works beautifully in a team. I always think of the relationship between chefs and waiters as being quite romantic, and the partnership he created with the waiter team was inspiring.

“Connor Blades is the future of hospitality, and I know for a fact that he’s the future of my restaurants.”

Citizens Advice sessions return

Citizens Advice sessions have returned to the St Ives Library and Information Centre.

Sessions are being held on alternate Tuesdays between 10am and 1pm. If there is demand, the frequency may change to weekly. Anyone wishing to use the service can simply call in during these times and they will be seen on a first come, first served basis. Citizens Advice is a charity providing free, independent, and confidential advice on a wide range of subjects for everyone in the community. Help and advice is provided in relation to consumer issues, benefits, debt, work, housing, family and relationships, law and courts, immigration, and health. Alternatively, you can visit the Citizens Advice website at citizensadvice.org.uk.

Kyle takes up Guildhall events role

St Ives Guildhall has welcomed Kyle Percy to its team as venues and events manager.

Alongside all aspects of the Guildhall’s day-today operations, Kyle, working closely with cultural services manager Emma Gibson runs programming and events at the venue and across town council-managed spaces and services.

Kyle brings to this new post a wealth of experience in the events and entertainment industry gained over the past ten years, ranging from live music and performance to the visual arts.

He is the co-founder of Liverpool-based events company Boss Night, which blend live music, performance, and football supporter culture. He was artistic director at The Royal Standard, a contemporary art gallery and artist studios in Liverpool, where he oversaw exhibitions and live events featuring both British and International artists. He also worked in the curatorial team at Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, famous for its collection of works by St Ives artists and artists of the St Ives Art Colony, such as Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, and Alfred Wallis.

Follow the Guildhall on Instagram @stivesguildhall.

Volunteers sought for woodland project

After a few successful volunteer sessions on Fridays at Penderleath Community Woodland, the new community group is asking interested members of the public to come along to take part in future volunteer work parties.

Penderleath Community Woodland is situated at Cripplesease, in the shadow of the iconic Giew Mine. Several fields to the west of the B3311 have been kindly given to create a woodland and it is hoped the local community will become involved. So far the group have planted more than 470 trees and are busy maintaining them, clearing grass and brambles which threaten to overwhelm them. The group have also dug a tree nursery and are working towards planting more trees this winter.

The work sessions take place every Friday from 10am until noon and everyone is welcome. On the first Saturday of the month the session takes place on that day from 2pm to 4pm, instead of Friday.

If you’re coming by car, park at Giew Mine, Cripplesease and cross the road, where you’ll see the field full of tree shelters. If you’e cycling or walking from the St Ives direction, look for the first metal gate on the right after ascending the hill towards Giew Mine.

Come and join us!

Every Wednesday at 10:45 am

Rhyme Time – 30 minutes of music, singing and stories for preschool children

Other weekly activities include Yoga and Pilates classes

Events for January and February:

Saturday 8 January 10am to 12:30pm

Friends of St Ives Library ‘Super Saturday’ with coffee, cake and chat

Wednesday 12 January 7pm An Evening of Words and Wine with Friends of St Ives Library

Saturday 5 February 10am to 12:30pm Friends of St Ives Library ‘Super Saturday’ with coffee, cake and chat

Please keep an eye on our social media channels @StIvesLibrary for latest updates or pop in!

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