The pan-European magazine for the professional cleaning sector
Focus on sustainable cleaning Starts page 23
Washroom dispensers
Running your own franchise
Museum and gallery cleaning
Page 53
Page 49
Page 30
October 2013 | Vol.21, No.5
SPECIAL REPORTS 23 Sustainability built in
20 3M A new range of products
A look at the latest in sustainable products and systems on the market.
BUSINESS 49 Be your own boss Hartley Milner explores the appeal of a franchise business model.
30 Creating a masterpiece A case study looking at the cleaning needs of a gallery or museum.
33 Ergonomics for efficiency Why is ergonomics of cleaning machines so important to their efficiency?
03 News
42 Hard floors = hard work? Advice on how to best clean the various types of modern hard floors.
12 European reports
45 Does size matter? Will global FM companies push smaller cleaning companies out of the market?
64 Product review
53 Better filling - less spilling Why washroom dispensers must be easy to maintain and refill.
61 Chemically enhanced How do cleaning chemical producers make them more aesthetically pleasing?
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Kärcher-Tennant final judgement Tennant withdraws its appeal So-called ‘activated water’ is no more effective than tap water. Tennant’s advertising claims regarding the cleaning power of an all-purpose cleaner that is water ‘activated’ using its ec-H2O technology, are deemed to be anti-competitive. This decision by the Stuttgart Regional Court in Germany is now legally binding and Tennant has withdrawn its appeal two years after legal action was commenced by rival cleaning machine manufacturer Kärcher. “The evidence was overwhelming. We were always confident that the facts would prevail in the end. With the withdrawal of the appeal the court’s decision is now legally effective: ec-H2O cleans no better than tap water,” said Markus Asch, deputy chairman of the management board of Kärcher. “The court decision is a success that benefits all customers. Competitive cases such as this one create confidence and trust.” Pay costs Tennant is now required to bear all the costs of the proceedings. Heidi Wilson, Tennant Company general counsel and secretary said: “Tennant Company has not altered its position that the decision of the German court is, respectfully, based on incomplete and inaccurate information. “The withdrawal is for purely commercial reasons as the case was primarily about advertising claims that are no longer being used by Tennant,” Wilson continued.
“Tennant maintains that the two laboratory bench tests performed by the court-appointed advisor were seriously flawed. The first test had no applicability to Tennant’s ec-H2O chemicalfree technology as the test is typically used to measure properties in traditional chemical cleaners. The second bench test, which involved a soil of concentrated fats, has little correlation to cleaning with any scrubber dryer, regardless of cleaning solution being used,” explained Wilson. No testing standard “There is no standard for performance testing in our industry. Realworld operation remains the test that truly matters and our customers are the true judges of performance,” Wilson continued. “Tennant customers who have chosen to effectively clean their facilities with reduced chemical usage are satisfied with the performance of ec-H2O. And for those who wish to see results for themselves, we invite them to a free demonstration of ec-H2O performance on their facility’s specific soils,” said Chris Killingstad, president and ceo of Tennant Company at the US headquarters. Tennant Company introduced its proprietary ec-H2O technology in 2008, which is based on the process of electrolysis. As of the end of 2012 the company says it had more than 4,000 ec-H2O customers across the globe, 40,000 ec-H2O scrubbers in the marketplace and 329 million euros cumulative ecH2O sales.
•Tennant, fabricant de la technologie ec-H2O du nettoyage à base d’eau, a renoncé à son recours contre la récente décision de la justice allemande voulant que cette technologie n’est pas plus efficace que l’eau du robinet. L’action avait à l’origine été intentée par Kärcher. • ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam, qui est le plus grand salon européen de la propreté, célèbrera son 25ème anniversaire lors de sa prochaine édition, prévue du 6 au 9 mai 2014.
Amsterdam show’s 25th celebration Europe’s cleaning industry is already looking forward to ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam, which takes place from May 6-9 2014. And there will be extra cause for celebration as this will be the 25th edition. The first event took place in 1967 and since then ISSA/ INTERCLEAN has grown from being a national exhibition to
the most important industry event for Europe. The 2014 show will once again feature the presentation of the Amsterdam Innovation Awards. And for the first time the Global Association Meeting will be held in Amsterdam - all national cleaning associations are invited to attend.
EVENTS November 13-15
September 3-4 2014
ExpoClean Moscow
Cleaning Expo Scotland
Moscow, Russia
Glasgow, Scotland
November 18-21
September 18-20 2014
Pulire Asia Pacific
Las Vegas, USA
Bangkok, Thailand
December 5-7
September 30-October 2 2014
Clean India Pulire
Mumbai, India
Tampere, Finland
February 4-6 2014
November 4-7 2014
Valencia, Spain
Orlando, USA
March 19-20 2014
February 25-27 2015
Forum Pulire
Milan, Italy
Mexico City, Mexico
April 6-9 2014
March 10-12 2015
WFBSC Congress
The Cleaning Show
New York City, USA
London, UK
May 6-9 2014
March 24-26 2015
Cleaning Expo 2015
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Birmingham, UK
May 29-30 2014
April 22-24 2015
Clean NZ
Auckland, New Zealand
Warsaw, Poland
June 11-14 2014
October 20-23 2015
Cleaning Show Romania
Bucharest, Romania
Las Vegas, USA
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•Tennant, Hersteller der auf Wasserbasis arbeitenden ecH2O-Reinigungstechnologie, hat seine Berufung gegen ein kürzlich in Deutschland ergangenes Gerichtsurteil zurückgezogen, das besagt, dass sie nicht wirkungsvoller ist als Leitungswasser. Das Verfahren wurde von Kärcher angestrengt. • Europas größte Messe der Reinigungsindustrie, die ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam, wird bei ihrer nächsten Austragung vom 6.-9. Mai 2014 ihr 25. Jubiläum feiern.
• La Tennant, produttrice della tecnologia di pulizia a base di acqua ec-H2O, ha ritirato il suo ricorso contro la recente decisione del tribunale in Germania che non c’è nulla di più efficace dell’acqua di rubinetto. L’azione legale era stata intentata dalla Kärcher. • L’esposizione più grande in Europa del settore del cleaning professionale, la ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam, celebrerà la sua 25ˆ edizione con il prossimo evento che si terrà dal 6 al 9 maggio 2014.
October 2013 | ECJ | 3
NEWS No improvement in Ireland Latest reports from Ireland’s health watchdog show no improvement in hand hygiene standards in hospitals across the country. In fact the problem of non-compliance with correct hand washing procedures appears to be getting worse. Analysis by the Irish Patients’ Association of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) audits carried out this year shows the hand washing non-compliance level has risen to 47 per cent, from 45 per cent when the previous batch of reports was published last month. HIQA looks at other aspects of hygiene apart from hand washing, and the results for
overall hygiene standards are not looking much better. One of the hospitals in the latest set of reports for example, the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear in Dublin, is deemed “generally unclean”, and there is plenty of evidence of dust, dirt, grime and substandard conditions in the other four reports published. These failings are being put down to inherited conditions and overcrowded facilities. Virtually all the hospitals audited have the protocols and training courses in place that should ensure standards are met but as HIQA notes in, these measures are not operationally embedded in the culture of all the organisations.
• Selon le dernier rapport de l’observatoire de la santé en Irlande, aucune amélioration de l’hygiène des mains n’est à noter dans les hôpitaux du pays. • Le prochain salon China Clean Expo aura lieu du 31 mars au 2 avril 2014 à Changhaï.
October 2013 | ECJ | 4
China Clean adds more shows
The next China Clean Expo takes place from March 31 to April 2 in Shanghai and organisers say there will be another six new shows alongside it - together with a series of conferences and seminars. New features of the exhibition are Water Jet and Industry Safety; International Indoor Environmental Quality; Drinking
•Laut der neuesten Berichte des Überwachungsbeauftragten für das irische Gesundheitswesen haben sich landesweit die Handhygienestandards in Krankenhäusern nicht verbessert. • Die nächste China Clean Expo wird vom 31. März bis 2. April 2014 in Shanghai stattfinden.
Water Purification; Laundry Facility and Product; Waste Management and Recycling; and Pest Control. There will be a two-day cleaning conference, plus free seminars taking place alongside each show. The Clean Expo Innovation Awards gala dinner will also take place. For information visit: www.
• I sondaggi più recenti dell’ente di controllo sanitario irlandese dimostrano che non ci sono miglioramenti negli standard dell’igiene delle mani negli ospedali di tutta la nazione. • La prossima edizione del China Clean Expo si terrà dal 31 marzo al 2 aprile 2014 a Shanghai.
NEWS P&G survey finds ‘cautious optimism’ in US cleaning market The cleaning industry in the USA has become more efficient in its operations and keeping costs down in the last two years. And in light of an improving economy a tone of cautious optimism is apparent. That’s according to the 2013 Cleaning Industry Insights Survey from P&G Professional, the away-from-home division of Procter & Gamble. According to survey respondents, cutbacks on luxuries have been reduced and pressures have eased. However loss of business and customer dissatisfaction are the leading causes of worry, keeping key decision makers on their toes to ensure continued improvements and efficiencies. The survey results were based
on the responses of more than 400 cleaning industry professionals and decision makers across healthcare, food service, commercial and hospitality sectors. Pressure across the cleaning industry to keep operating costs down has dropped by six per cent since the inaugural survey in 2011. The one exception to this is the healthcare sector where levels of pressure are perceived to be higher than those of other sectors and levels of ‘extreme pressure’ have risen slightly from 27 per cent in 2011 to 35 per cent in 2013. Similarly, cleaning professionals in the healthcare sector were also more likely to look at cutting back on office supplies, luxuries, employee
Le secteur de la propreté aux Etats-Unis est devenu plus efficace et a su contenir ses coûts ces deux dernières années, indique une étude publiée par P&G Professional.
benefits and staff. Looking at both 2011 and 2013 results, consistent importance is placed on a few key business factors for the cleaning industry as a whole. ‘Keeping customers satisfied’ was ranked the biggest area of business focus at 32 per cent in 2013 (33 per cent in 2011) for all sectors. When it comes to selecting cleaning products - ‘product performance and efficacy/ ease-of-use’ remains the most important factor, at 44 per cent in both 2011 and 2013, higher than ‘price’ at 31 per cent. Respondents also stated in both 2011 and 2013 that ‘products which get the job done properly the first time’ is the most helpful factor when performing cleaning services.
Laut einer Umfrage von P&G Professional hat es die Reinigungsbranche in den USA in den letzten beiden Jahren geschafft, effizienter zu arbeiten und die Kosten zu senken.
Despite the fact two-thirds of respondents overall are ‘extremely proud’ or ‘very proud’ of their business’ cleanliness, hygiene and cleaning procedures, managers continue to report challenges with their cleaning staff’s ‘quality of work’ (60 per cent), ‘lack of interest, motivation or dedication’ (53 per cent) and ‘employee turnover’ (36 per cent). Nearly six in 10 respondents overall (59 per cent) reported reducing waste as the top way in which their business has become more efficient over the past two years. This was followed by ‘better negotiating on products and services’ (47 per cent) and ‘using more effective products and services’ (43 per cent).
Il sondaggio P&G Professional evidenzia che il settore del cleaning negli Stati Uniti d’America negli ultimi due anni è diventato più efficiente nelle sue attività e nel tenere i costi ridotti.
NEWS CMS Purus Award winners
Looking ahead to Las Vegas
The first day of the CMS professional cleaning exhibition in Berlin last month saw the presentation of the CMS Purus Awards for product design. This year there were five winners in three categories. In the machines section there were three winners for the first time: the BR 35/12 C compact scrubber dryer from Kärcher; Nilfisk’s VL500 75-2 EDF wet
This year’s ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America exhibition will take place in Las Vegas from November 18-21. There will be almost 700 exhibitors from over 30 countries, say organisers ISSA and Amsterdam RAI. Each day of the show starts with a keynote address - this year’s speakers are Col. John Foley, Blue Angel squadron leader; Tony Hsieh, ceo of Zappos; and magician and escape artist David Blaine. Education is a key focus of the event and there will be more than 45 seminars and workshops as part of the ISSA Convention. Topics will range from updates on 2013 government mandated
and dry vacuum cleaner; and the Professional D8 vacuum cleaner from Sebo. In the equipment category Eugen Gutmann won for the Gutmann Modular System for cleaning machines brushes. And Vermop Salmon won in the brand communication section for its Vermop Liquid Individual modular cleaning agents solution.
• Kärcher, Nilfisk, Sebo, Eugen Gutmann et Vermop Salmon ont tous remporté des prix Purus pour le design de produits lors du récent salon CMS de Berlin. • Le salon et congrès ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America 2013 aura lieu du 18 au 21 novembre à Las Vegas.
October 2013 | ECJ | 6
• Kärcher, Nilfisk, Sebo, Eugen Gutmann und Vermop Salmon waren unter den Gewinnern der Purus Awards für Produktdesign bei der kürzlich in Berlin stattgefundenen CMS. • Reinigungsmesse und Kongress ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America 2013 wird vom 18.-21. November in Las Vegas, USA, stattfinden.
training requirements, applying healthcare best practices in commercial settings and harnessing social media through to executive planning and staffing strategies that increase profits. Visitors can plan ahead using the ISSA/INTERCLEAN mobile app, which is available for download at For more information visit
Visit the ECJ website for latest news and exclusive blogs europeancleaning
• La Kärcher, la Nilfisk, la Sebo, la Eugen Gutmann e la Vermop Salmon sono state tutte vincitrici dei premi Purus Awards per il il design del prodotto consegnati durante la recente esposizione CMS di Berlino. • L’esposizione e i congressi del cleaning ISSA/ INTERCLEAN North America 2013 si terranno dal 18 al 21 novembre a Las Vegas negli Stati Uniti d’America.
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NEWS Nurses lead the way in hand hygiene practice
UK merger
Nurses are leading doctors when it comes to hand hygiene in hospitals, according to researchers. Professor Mary-Louise McLaws, who helped draft The World Health Organisation’s Hand Hygiene Guidelines launched in 2009, said nurses have the highest compliance rates internationally at 71 per cent before intervention and also after the introduction of hand hygiene practices. The study, which assessed the effect of the WHO strategy for improving hand hygiene, focused on 55 departments in 43 hospitals across five countries, including Costa Rica, Italy, Mali, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Three of the UK’s industry associations - Asset Skills, the Cleaning and Support Services Association (CSSA) and the Facilities Management Association (FMA) have confirmed their plans to merge.
Professor McLaws, from the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, said previous research revealed nurses are quicker to follow an organisation’s request to comply with new practices. “They may well speak as an individual but they will come together as a group,” she said. “Doctors will talk about it as an individual and talk amongst their peers and then assume that rules or new practices don’t apply to them because they are very individual.” Professor McLaws said the hand hygiene programme, featuring an alcohol-based hand rub, had proven a major success with nurses.
• D’après des chercheurs, les personnels infirmiers l’emportent sur les médecins pour ce qui est de l’hygiène des mains en milieu hospitalier. • Au Royaume-Uni, les organisations professionnelles de la propreté Asset Skills, Cleaning and Support Services Association (CSSA) et Facility Management Association (FMA) ont confirmé leurs plans de fusion.
October 2013 | ECJ | 8
She applauded nurses for the results but also suggested they could further cut infection rates by focusing on the first moment of the five moment hand hygiene process. “If I was to ask them to get 100 per cent compliance it would be before they touch a patient at moment one... when they are thinking about having to carry out a clinical procedure or make a patient comfortable. “The five moment process can be difficult. While our nurses are doing really well they should remember to do moment one perfectly. “Let’s hope the nurses and their behaviours will assist the medical profession,” McLaws said.
• Aus einer neuen Untersuchung geht hervor, dass in Krankenhäusern Schwestern bessere Handhygienestandards demonstrieren als Ärzte. • Die britischen Reinigungsindustrieverbände Asset Skills, Cleaning and Support Services Association (CSSA) und Facility Management Association (FMA) haben eine geplante Fusion bestätigt.
Finalised November Sarah Bentley, chief executive at Asset Skills, said: “We are thrilled to announce the merger will happen following formal agreement from the boards. This is the beginning of a progressive and innovative organisation that will provide bespoke services and opportunities for each sector.” The merger is set to be finalised in November.
• A quanto emerge dalle ricerche, il personale infermieristico è in testa rispetto al personale medico per quanto riguarda l’igiene delle mani negli ospedali. • Nel Regno Unito, l’organizzazione del settore del cleaning Asset Skills, l’associazione Cleaning and Support Services Association (CSSA) e l’associazione Facility Management Association (FMA) hanno confermato i loro piani di fusione.
NEWS German cleaning show attracts visitors from 65 countries The German professional cleaning exhibition took place in Berlin last month, attracting over 16,500 visitors from 65 countries - say the organisers. Taking place for the first time was the International CMS Congress, which had as its theme Sustainable Competitiveness in the Cleaning Sector. Among the speakers was Daniel Calleja Crespo of the European Commission, who told the gathered cleaning professionals: “You are the most entrepreneurial and dynamic sector - a key sector whose needs must be taken into account by the European Commission.” Chairman of the contract
cleaning association BIV Dieter Kuhnert commented about the show: “We are more than satisfied with the way CMS went. It even exceeded our expectations. Visitor attendance grew significantly.” And Markus Asch, chairman of the machinery manufacturers’ association VDMA echoed his sentiments. “The many positive reactions received from numerous trade visitors and exhibitors were confirmation that CMS is an outstanding platform for exchanging ideas and experiences.” The next CMS will take place from September 22-25 2015. For details visit
• Quelque 16 500 professionnels de la propreté ont visité le salon CMS de Berlin le mois dernier. • Les exportations des producteurs espagnoles de produits professionnels de propreté et d’hygiène sont en augmentation, affirme l’association ASFEL.
Spanish producers look to export markets in difficult home conditions Spanish manufacturers of professional cleaning products are increasingly looking to export markets in the light of difficult market conditions at home. According to data from the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Cleaning and Hygiene (ASFEL) exports increased by 13.33 per cent in the first six months of this year, and by 4.06 per cent in 2012. Sales to Africa by Spanish producers rose by 22.77 per cent from January to June this year - in Morocco growth was 38.65 per cent. And as firms seek business further and further afield sales to Saharan Africa increased by 24.22 per cent in the first half of 2013.
•Rund 16.500 Vertreter der Reinigungsbranche besuchten die CMS, die im letzten Monat in Berlin stattfand. • Die Exporte durch spanische Hersteller von professionellen Reinigungs- und Hygieneprodukten nehmen zu, teilt der Industrieverband ASFEL mit.
Significant export increases were seen in a number of nonEU countries such as South Africa (+64.2 per cent), Algeria (+31 per cent), Brazil (+40.4 per cent), China (+13.4 per cent), Morocco (+ 10.2 per cent) and the USA (+5.4 per cent). Total Spanish exports to other EU countries increased by 4.7 per cent in this period. For details:
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• Circa 16.500 professionisti del settore del cleaning hanno visitato l’esposizione CMS che si è tenuta il mese scorso a Berlino in Germania. • L’associazione di categoria ASFEL afferma che il totale di export dei produttori spagnoli di prodotti per il cleaning professionale e l’igiene è in aumento.
October 2013 | ECJ | 11
UPDATE: DENMARK Real people better than robots ECJ correspondent in Scandinavia, Petra Sjouwerman, reports from Denmark, where elderly residents like real cleaners more than robots. Elderly residents in Denmark prefer real life cleaners. A recent study has shown that a majority of elderly Danes experienced a considerable reduction in their quality of life by having a robot vacuum instead of a person coming in to do the vacuuming. The past few years the majority of the Danish councils have forced their elderly residents who receive elderly care, to buy robot vacuum cleaners. A measure with which municipalities hoped to save money. The first town in Denmark to introduce the small, round robot vacuum cleaner that sweeps and vacuums with the touch of a button, was Billund, the town that hosts Denmark’s most famous amusement park Legoland. In 2011 Billund won a court case that allowed the town to stop providing cleaners, arguing that the elderly could just buy a robot. This court decision has led to an emotional public debate in Denmark about the role of the welfare state and the level of elderly care provided. Like in many other countries in Western Europe, Danish policy makers are faced with the difficult question of how to finance care for an increasing number of elderly. But soon after the court case several councils introduced the so-called Billund model. In January this year, 66 per cent of the country’s municipalities had introduced robot vacuum cleaners for the elderly. But while some funny films have appeared on Facebook with house cats that apparently love the soft humming robot and let themselves drive around on it, the measure was no success. A Notre correspondante en Scandinavie, Petra Sjouwerman, explique dans un rapport du Danemark que les pensionnaires de maisons de retraite préfèrent les nettoyeurs réels à leurs homologues robotiques.
October 2013 | ECJ | 12
study in Copenhagen showed that very few people had actually bought a robot vacuum cleaner and instead were paying private companies to do the cleaning. Furthermore, the Social Welfare Board ruled earlier this year that local authorities should provide the robots themselves. An increasing number of councils are now changing their policy. Apparently technology is not always the best solution. ”We thought it would be easier to introduce the new technology into the homes of the elderly than it was,” said council member Flemming Brank in Copenhagen (Conservative Party), a Danish newspaper.
Voluntary decision According to the Danish elderly advocacy group Aeldre Sagen, welfare technology can be a positive step forward, but it should be a voluntary decision and not forced upon residents by local authorities. From now on elderly residents may try a robot cleaner for three months and thereafter they can decide whether to continue with it or have a person come in. Danes are the happiest people in the world according to the UN’s Global Report on Happiness, which is published every year. Researcher from the Danish Happiness Institute in Copenhagen think that people are happier if they use their money to create more time for family and friends. These researchers are now going to put this theory to the test. They want to examine whether there are effects on people’s happiness when they have paid cleaning help.
Unsere SkandinavienKorrespondentin Petra Sjouwerman berichtet aus Dänemark, wo älteren Bürgern menschliche Reinigungskräfte lieber sind als robotische Staubsauger.
La corrispondente scandinava Petra Sjouwerman ci informa che in Danimarca i cittadini anziani preferiscono addetti alle pulizie in carne ed ossa invece degli aspirapolveri- robot di pulizia.
UPDATE: RUSSIA Preparing for Sochi 2014 Cleaning companies are preparing for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, says Oleg Popov of Cristanval. Major work is underway on plans for the coordinated efforts of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Committee and cleaning companies. An information website is up and running where registered users can post documents and receive approval electronically. As such, every company has uploaded images of staff uniforms, and they have been confirmed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC has developed a schedule of services for all the cleaning companies based on the schedule for the Games. From February 2013, every service provider has been sending 14 different reports detailing every aspect of their provided services. Reports include: hiring and training of staff, calculation of cleaning supplies, quality control, personnel safety standards, waste management, risk management, implementation of requirements for longterm development, etc. Each month, approval is being given by the IOC, and necessary corrections to the reports made. By September, in every area, both sides must have reached agreement on final figures. Due to the high level of security at the games, a large number of documents will be required for each staff member. Even close relatives of future staff will be investigated by authorities. The number of Olympic staff from the various companies is from 300 to 1,500 people, depending on the location being serviced. A number of reserve staff will be necessary, as it is likely that not all staff will pass investigation. This means not only a great deal of work for personnel departments, but for the entire companies. In the city of Sochi and its surrounding region, there are not enough people able to work as cleaners at the various locations. Cleaning company recruiters are working right now in those areas Oleg Popov, notre correspondant en Russie, rend compte des préparatifs aux Jeux Olympiques d’hiver 2014 de Sochi actuellement menés par les entreprises de propreté qui ont décroché les contrats de nettoyage pour cette manifestation.
of the country where there are people ready to move to Sochi and work throughout the Games. Necessary inventory and cleaning supplies must be delivered to the locations. Therefore all transport companies must undergo accreditation, that is, receive approval for entrance into Sochi. In order to decrease traffic during the Games, efforts are being made to limit the number of vehicles on the road. This is also an issue for cleaning companies. Presently, at certain locations, for example the ice arena Shaiba, the winter sports palace Iceberg, and the curling centre Ice Cube, test competitions are taking place, and cleaning companies have the opportunity to take staff to these locations and train under realistic conditions. We see that not only the athletes are training, but the cleaners as well. Unfortunately, such training for cleaners is not possible at all locations. For example, it isn’t possible to stage outdoor and indoor games. Therefore the management of companies working at the Fisht stadium are visiting other major competitions to gain experience and are placing great emphasis on training and motivating personnel. For work in such stressful conditions, when there is limited time to clean between competitions and the flow of spectators can reach 45,000 people, each cleaner must be highly motivated. Every cleaning company understands the level of responsibility in representing the nation. It isn’t enough to do a good job of removing waste, it is necessary to have a pleasant appearance that makes our foreign guests feel comfortable. It is a serious issue facing Russian cleaning companies. After completing the Olympic school of cleaning, they will advance to a whole new level in their development.
Unser RusslandKorrespondent Oleg Popov berichtet, wie sich die Reinigungsunternehmen, die die Zuschläge erhalten haben, auf die Olympischen Winterspiele 2014 in Sotschi vorbereiten.
Il corrispondente russo Oleg Popov ci informa sui preparativi delle imprese di pulizia che hanno vinto l’appalto per le Olimpiadi Invernali Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.
UPDATE: GERMANY Underestimated threat ECJ German correspondent Thomas-Schulte-Marxloh reports on recent cases of Legionnaires disease The term Legionnaires’ disease names a bacterial infection with an organism that was first identified in 1976; but earlier cases were confirmed as far back as 1947. An outbreak of the disease in Philadelphia in 1976, largely among people attending a state convention of the American Legion, coined the name. Subsequently the bacterium causing the illness was called Legionella pneumophila and the name of the illness was changed to legionellosis. Legionellosis can be a mild respiratory illness or it can be severe enough to cause death. In Germany about 600 infections are reported annually - 15 per cent of formerly healthy patients and 71 per cent of patients with low immunity or heart/lung diseases die from the infection. Legionella exist naturally in water and moist soil but also in hot and cold water taps, hot water tanks, water in air conditioning cooling towers and evaporative condensers, and soil at excavation sites.
Warstein outbreak The disease appears to be spread through the air from a soil or aerosols. All studies to date have shown that personto-person spread does not occur. The early symptoms of Legionellosis may be flu-like with muscle aches, headache, tiredness and dry cough followed by high fever, chills and occasionally diarrhoea; chest X-rays often show pneumonia. This August the city of Warstein was hit by the most severe outbreak of Legionellosis in Germany. A total of 152 people were infected, three of them died. Investigations are still going on to find the source and potential locations of dissemination. The hygiene L’Allemagne enregistre chaque année quelque 600 cas de la maladie du légionnaire. En août, la ville de Warstein a été frappée par une flambée de 152 cas. Thomas SchulteMarxloh en rend compte.
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expert Professor Martin Exner who carried out the on-site investigation and consulted the regional administration explained in an interview: ”I believe that Germany needs to rethink regarding the hazards of Legionella: although they cause severe pneumonia they are significantly underestimated. “In recent years 630 to 650 cases have been reported annually; according to data of the network for ambulant acquired pneumonia there are 15,000 to 20,000 case of Legionella related pneumonia. The general public should be informed.” So far investigators believe that a re-cooling system which was operated with infected water from the local river was the source. Therefore Professor Exner demands a mandatory registration of re-cooling systems and the periodic examination of process water (including raw water) regarding Legionella contamination. Stricter regulations would allow monitored maintenance and, in case of an outbreak, a fast identification of the source. “There should be a warning on any re-cooling plant: ’Warning! Lifethreatening for general public and staff when not maintained’,” says Exner. Other regulations in terms of Legionella prevention came into effect this January: water pipe-lines and taps (particularly for warm water) in apartment buildings have to be inspected triennially, respective installations in commercial facilities every year. Luckily, the contract cleaning industry already offers a broad range of services to fight the omnipresence of Legionella in whirlpools, public swimming pools, saunas, bathrooms or commercial facilities. People in charge just have to use them.
In Deutschland werden jährlich rund 600 Fälle von Legionärskrankheit verzeichnet. Im August kam es zu einem Ausbruch der Krankheit in Warstein, der 152 Menschen betraf. Thomas Schulte-Marxloh berichtet.
Ogni anno in Germania vengono denunciati circa 600 casi di Legionella e in agosto nella città di Wartein è scoppiata un’epidemia che ha colpito 152 persone. Thomas Schulte-Marxloh ci informa sui fatti.
UPDATE: FRANCE Getting to grips with illiteracy The French cleaning federation is organising courses in reading and writing, reports Christian Bouzols. More that 8,000 cleaning workers have taken life skill courses under the auspices of the French cleaning federation. These courses cover the ability to read, write, make elementary calculations and to get around in space and time. These courses have been organised by the Federation for the past 13 years because illiteracy is actually quite a problem in the sector specifically and in the country generally. According to the national agency for the prevention of illiteracy, nine per cent of the French population are illiterate. The Federation programme is called ‘Clés en main’ (Keys to opportunity) and is carried out by teaching institutions to help cleaning workers to become more self-sufficient and easy to train. This programme has been a great success as 17 per cent of the cleaners who took the courses went on to prepare for professional qualifications which would help them to move forward in their career. This was indeed a formidable opportunity for the great number of cleaning workers who didn’t get the benefit of a school education. To understand what is at stake, one needs to picture ordinary cleaners at work. Every day they’ll be entering offices with post-its and other notices that many of them won’t be able to understand. They’ll see safety notices or notice boards which won’t be clear to them, or details of other premises they’ll have to work in, or schedules of tasks to accomplish, which they’ll find difficult. These difficulties won’t prevent them from doing their work, but it’s a bit of a wager every time. As for the employers, they would like to rely on professional staff and meet their various legal, safety and procedural obligations. The ‘Clés en main’ training therefore aims at helping cleaning workers to feel more secure in carrying out their task and offering them Comme le raconte notre correspondant Christian Bouzols, le secteur Français de la propreté s’est attaqué de front au problème de l’illettrisme au sein de sa main-d’oeuvre.
better promotion prospects while satisfying their employers. Totalling 290 hours and taking place during two half-days a week, the course is attended all over France by hundreds of cleaners who exchange their cleaning equipment for pen and paper to be taught four major life skills (reading, writing, elementary calculation and the ability to get around), complemented by six applied skills (numeracy and technology, attitude and behaviour, gestures, postures and observation, the world of regulation and cultural openness). This training is based on real work situations and helps trainees to deal with the written material they’ll see every day, such as product labels, notice boards and work rotas. Based on the official requirements of the various trades involved (cleaner, machine operator, window cleaner with scaffolding, refurbishment technician), the ‘Clés en main’ training leads to a professional certificate called ‘Maîtrise des compétences clés de la propreté’ (Working knowledge of the main cleaning skills) which is delivered by the national commission for employment and training of the cleaning sector. By obtaining this certificate, cleaners improve their chances of being transferred to other cleaning jobs and progressing in their careers. It is a custom-made type of training that in helping cleaners to increase their skills and knowledge offers them scope for enriching their work experience. Each year, the French cleaning sector spends about four million euros to fight illiteracy. In fact, it was the first economic sector to seriously tackle the problem. Among those who have attended the programme, 60 per cent are women, 50 per cent are over 45, 74.4 per cent are unskilled, 14.5 per cent are skilled workers, 10 per cent are office employees, and 52.7 per cent are full-timers.
Unser Frankreich-Korrespondent Christian Bouzols berichtet, dass die französische Reinigungsbranche darum bemüht ist, den hohen Anteil des Analphabetentums unter den Beschäftigten anzugehen.
Come ci riferisce il corrispondente francese Christian Bouzols, il settore del cleaning professionale sta cercando di affrontare la questione degli alti livelli di analfabetismo che esiste fra gli addetti alle pulizie.
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UPDATE: NETHERLANDS From cleaning to FM? As Dutch correspondent Nico Lemmens of ISS Facility Services reports, more and more cleaning companies are broadening their scope of services. As reported in ECJ’s last edition, more and more Dutch cleaning companies are broadening their service scope, often in collaboration with other facility service businesses like catering and security companies. International research shows that the Facility Management (FM) industry is evolving from bundling services towards an industry that provides workplace management solutions. Management within the FM industry needs to better centre its activities towards providing more customeroriented approaches towards service delivery. FM providers’ service concepts need to go beyond looking at the workspace as a built environment for increasing efficiency and reducing costs. They need to offer service-centric approaches that reflect, support and improve core organisations’ strategic objectives, brand, culture, and workplace productivity at the right price point. To do this, the FM industry is evolving towards providing a range of workplace management solutions. The challenge for FM providers is that these solutions are becoming increasingly intangible and rely on customers’ subjective judgements of how well they support core organisations’ goals and values. Workplaces are part of a ‘total value’ bubble where organisations can shape the experience that customers and employees have when interacting with companies. This experience covers the entire workplace Notre reporter aux Pays-Bas, Nico Lemmens, qui travaille pour la société de services d’immeuble ISS, examine la tendance d’entreprises néerlandaises à adopter une approche totale du facility management.
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experience from traditional, hierarchical office designs (private cubicles and offices with regular seating) to more mobile solutions (remote work, hot desks, and projectrelated seating). The transition towards service-centric delivery in workplace management requires that FM providers focus on three elements: intangibility, customer integration, and heterogeneity of services. Intangibility: FM services are increasingly performances, actions and experiences. They cannot be judged according to the same criteria as normal tangible goods. Customer integration: FM services in the future cannot be provided without extensive customer integration and even co-creation, where customers co-create and co-provide services. Some services require little customer involvement, while others are highly customer-centric. Heterogeneity: ensuring consistent service in the face of service heterogeneity remains a key challenge for FM providers. Services become heterogeneous because they are performed by humans (performance can vary daily) and because customers’ requirements can change over time in a hyper-competitive, global economy. To be on the leading edge of providing customer-centric services, FM providers must be aware of the challenges that core organisations face. Cleaning companies that are broadening their service scope, must know what they are up against.
Der NiederlandeKorrespondent des ECJ, der bei ISS Facility Services tätige Nico Lemmens, untersucht den Trend bei niederländischen Reinigungsfirmen zur Ausweitung ihrer Dienstleistungen auf ein umfassendes Facility Management (FM).
Il corrispondente olandese di ECJ Nico Lemmens della ISS Facility Services esamina il trend delle imprese di pulizia olandesi che espandono i loro servizi propendendo verso un approccio di facility management completo(FM).
UPDATE: ITALY Philosophy for a cleaner world Italian correspondent Anna Garbagna reports from a meeting in Milan, where a project has been launched to clean up the city’s neighbourhoods. The first event of Cleaning Aziendale Milanese took place during the summer in Milan. The initiative - which is part of the ‘Milano Quartiere Pulito’ (Milan clean neighbourhood) project that witnessed the removal of 300 pieces of graffiti by 25 volunteers in a number of towns and cities - involved two businesses. Lastminute. com (leader in the online tourism sector which dedicates itself every year to voluntary work activities) and the company Fratelli Branca Distillerie. They joined forces to reduce the degradation caused by vandalism of the walls of the famous and historical Milanese company F.lli Branca Distillerie, which among other places will be included in the circuit of Expo 2015 in Milan. After many cleaning operations in numerous cities and towns, and after the first cleaning of an apartment block, the ‘Milano Quartiere Pulito’ project started here with the first cleaning of a company premises.
Restored building Over 20 employees of, together with a delegation from Fratelli Branca Distillerie, brought the building back to its original state. Between nine in the morning and midday, the team cleaned 400 metres of road corresponding to two of the boundary walls of the famous and historical Milanese company. The objective of these clean-up operations is to create a virtuous circle of the initiative and to give responsibility to citizens by means of an action that starts from the bottom and is inspired by a culture of taking action. It is in this way that inhabitants of the city can become true key players in the fight against degradation. It is a form of reappropriation of the city with the aim of making it a really beautiAnna Garbagna, notre correspondante en Italie, rend compe d’une nouvelle initiative appelée Voisinage propre Milan.
ful place in which to live and to make the citizen a key leader in the fight against degradation and in the choice to reconquer his/her streets, his/her neighbourhood, to define his/her roots. The initiative had the support of the National Antigraffiti Association, which was already operating in the whole Milan area and approved this first active example of cleaning of company buildings in Milan. We must not forget, as the Association itself has highlighted, that the shared respect and care of one’s working space also leads to a strong value of inclusion and civic-mindedness.
Citizens in action The company façade now shines again thanks to two tones of water-based paint provided free of charge by the Boero Group of Genoa, high pressure cleaners provided by Branca itself and solvents offered by Lantania of Bergamo. Fabiola Minoletti from the Abruzzi-Piccinni committee declared that to have cleaned two sides of the factory, some 100 metres, was a good example of active working citizens in action. Not only citizens but also office workers react to degradation, as stated by Andrea Amato, president of the National Antigraffiti Association. This is another step on the road to reconquer degraded parts of the city with active participation and with the hope that this template of active reconquest of the capital of Lombardy can be emulated by other Milanese companies and also throughout the nation.
This edition’s special report on sustainable cleaning starts on page 23
Unsere Italien-Korrespondentin Anna Garbagna berichtet über eine neue Initiative, die „Mailand saubere Nachbarschaft“ genannt wird.
Anna Garbagna, la corrispondente italiana di ECJ, ci aggiorna su una nuova iniziativa chiamata “Milano Quartiere Pulito”.
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UPDATE: UK How about a career in cleaning? How has the status of the cleaning industry, and the cleaner, improved, asks ECJ’s UK reporter. Daughter comes home from school with great news. Her GCSE grades are good: B’s and C’s with even a sprinkling of A’s. “The careers master recommends that I look at the cleaning industry. He has fixed me with an interview with Super Colossal Global Cleaning (SCGC), next week. He says there are always jobs, no redundancy, there is training; promotion to supervisor is possible and maybe later into management.” The parents are delighted, aren’t they? In a word: no. Why not? Antisocial hours (even doctors don’t do them these days), low pay, poor working conditions and perhaps more importantly low social standing. It could not be much lower. Calling a cleaner a cleaning operative does not help much. In the eyes of the general public a cleaner remains the lowest of the low, similar to a member of the lowest caste. Efforts to get cleaning recognised as a major industry, never mind cleaners, have been made for more than 50 years. But all is not lost. During the first part of the 21st century, a seismic change occurred. Accountants who had taken over in the boardrooms from the marketing men, who in turn had succeeded engineers, discovered outsourcing. They found there were companies who would take over those expensive non-profit parts of the business which ruined the bottom line and immersed management people in the complexities of staff contracts for cleaners, recruiting said cleaners, settling disputes and so forth. All for no reward in terms of profitable business. Outsourcing is by no means a new idea - it has a long history dating back to wet nursing but it had not been adopted on Le correspondant d’ECJ au Royaume-Uni examine comment le secteur de la propriété de ce pays cherche à se présenter comme une voie de carrière plus attractive.
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the scale that now began to grow and perpetuate. Contract cleaning, already a substantial provider, was in the van of operations divorced from companies’ main and hopefully profitable business. Cleaning firms found themselves asked to take on tasks outside of cleaning such as security or parking control. They proudly and in some cases unwisely styled themselves as ‘Facilities Management’ businesses without actually understanding the concept. Sadly many did not survive as FM providers. This gradual change has now become a flood. FM companies now control the commanding heights selecting the services of contract cleaners and other providers of such items as parking machines and vertical transportation. Now these companies have become predators, consuming some of their lesser competitors or merging with other jungle beasts to form mega operations. Their professional bodies are combining with others. At last the industry can be held to be ‘respectable’, even if cleaning is only part of the FM mix, it can be viewed in a different light. We may now be able to sit at the top table with government as important major players. Daughter (or son) comes home with a quiver full of GCSE’S. A career in FM? Degree possibilities? Delighted parents speak of their child with pride: ”He/she is something in FM.” Has it happened yet? Not quite but to those who have fought for so long to raise the status of the industry, particularly the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc), whose avowed intention was exactly that more than 50 years ago we would say: there is hope on the horizon.
Der britische ECJKorrespondent untersucht die verschiedenen Ansätze, mit denen die Reinigungsbranche versucht, ihr Image als attraktives Karriereangebot zu verbessern.
Il corrispondente britannico di ECJ esamina i modi in cui il settore del cleaning sta tentando di rendersi più interessante come proposizione di carriera.
Why entrance matting matters It’s not what you pay for your entrance matting that determines its true cost, but how much it can save you in annual cleaning and maintenance over its lifetime. Richard Jones from 3M and Neil Palmer from Syncros explain.
The doors open on a gleaming new shopping centre, airport terminal, hotel or office building. Hundreds or even thousands of customers and employees enter the building and marvel at the pristine carpets and polished floors – unaware that each and every one of them is tracking in up to 5g of dirt and moisture on the soles of their shoes. Some 85% of dirt and moisture enters a building this way, resulting in slips and trips, reduced floor life, and exorbitant annual cleaning costs – particularly in buildings with heavy footfall. Yet, for many architects and facilities managers, specifying and fitting entrance matting is little more than an afterthought. “When choosing entrance matting, you need to take into account a number of things, including the building location, level of traffic and local weather, as well as the aesthetic appeal, durability, ease of maintenance and cost of the matting itself” says Neil Palmer, Sales Manager at Syncros, one of the UK’s leading distributors and installers of entrance matting. When it comes to cost, however, few customers think beyond the purchase price to the whole life costs of the
matting. As Neil explains, it’s not what you pay for your entrance matting that determines its true cost, but how much it can save you in annual cleaning and maintenance costs over its lifetime. So what should facilities managers be looking for in their entrance matting in order to combine optimum performance and cost-efficiency?
Performance 3M’s brand-leading position in floor care reflects the company’s global reputation for innovation and value. The company pioneered the development of Nomad’s innovative dual-fibre loop system which simultaneously scrapes off soil and absorbs water from the soles of shoes, trapping it within the mat’s open structure - unlike traditional deep cut pile and coir matting, which allows dirt and moisture to sit on the surface and be tracked into the building. “By stopping 80% of dirt and moisture at the door, Nomad Aqua Series Textile Entrance Matting reduces the need for costly cleaning labour and chemicals,” says Richard Jones, 3M Market Manager for Floor and Surface Care. “It goes on working for longer too, providing lasting protection for the company’s floors, brand image, staff and customers, and bottom line.”
Durability In large commercial buildings with extreme traffic conditions, it is important to install a durable matting system which will remove and retain large amounts of dirt and moisture, while maintaining excellent appearance over time. Nomad Optima+ Entrance Matting, the latest addition to the Nomad range, is constructed from hardwearing
aluminium profiles, in-filled with Nomad Aqua 85 Series Textile, combining unique soil-scraping and water-absorbing characteristics. 3M is so confident of its longevity that it comes with a 5 year performance guarantee.
Recessed or surface-mounted? Interior recessed well applications offer the ultimate in streamlined good looks, however they are costly to excavate during building renovation and entrance refurbishment. For building owners who want to combine the performance advantages of aluminium-framed entrance matting with the convenience of a drop-down mat, 3M has produced an ultra-slim version, Nomad Optima+ Slim Entrance Matting, which can be easily installed over existing floor finishes, minimising cost and disruption.
Ease of installation and maintenance The best entrance matting systems combine exceptional durability with lightness and ease of handling, making them easy to install and maintain. For example, Nomad Optima+ Entrance Matting can be cut and shaped to size, unrolled into the recess well to install, and then rolled back for ease of cleaning in-situ. A simple cleaning regime, based on daily vacuuming, combined with periodic deep cleaning, will maximise the longevity of the matting. Nomad Aqua Series Textile Entrance Matting is available as free standing, drop down mats, but can also be supplied in rolls to cut and custom-fit any entrance. Backed with flexible, slip-resistant PVC it can be very easily bonded and edged, maintaining a smart and safe low profile.
Lead time For matting distributors and installers such as Syncros, availability often dictates the choice of supplier. “Because entrance matting specification is often left until the last minute, short lead times can be vital to our customers. We recommend 3M, not only for the quality of their entrance matting but also for their very good lead times” says Neil Palmer.
Total lifetime cost The savings to be made from the cost of cleaning alone should be a major
factor in choosing entrance matting which will stop dirt and water ingress. Research carried out by 3M shows that, with underspecified or inferior entrance matting, it can cost up to £500 to remove just 1kg of tracked in dirt. In the case of a building with a daily footfall of 1,000 people who could bring in 150kg of dirt per annum, the cost of removing this dirt is £75K ($100K) per annum. Add the cost of repairs to damaged floors, and compensation claims due to slips and trips, and the whole life cost benefits of high-performance entrance matting are quickly made clear.
To find out more about 3M’s range of entrance matting visit For specific information on 3M Nomad Optima+ Entrance Matting, visit
Proudly we present our new building care products which are Cradle to Cradle Certifiedcm at silver level. These are the first professional cleaning products which have received a Cradle to Cradle Certifiedcm mark, licensed by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. This new range combines excellent cleaning power with sustainable credentials. Moreover we introduce three highly concentrated products: Multi Daily, Multi Forte and San Daily. For more information please go to
Sustainability built in A growing number of cleaning operations are looking at making their operations more sustainable by using products designed to reduce energy, chemical and water use. We ask cleaning companies and manufacturers about this trend and find out about the latest sustainable products and systems on the market.
Sustainability is no longer seen as an ‘extra’ that companies can use to differentiate themselves from the competition. It is increasingly becoming a requirement that needs to be in place before contracts are awarded. Major corporations – public sector institutions in particular – must be seen to be ‘green’ when awarding contracts to suppliers. But sustainability is such a nebulous term that it can be difficult to weigh up which company is more sustainable if, say, company A has a strong policy on waste disposal while company B has a well-documented corporate social responsibility policy. So cleaning contractors are increasingly using intrinsically green products and systems to demonstrate their sustainability. One is Julius Rutherfoord, according to operations director James Bennett. “Simple things make a difference: for example we use refillable trigger spray bottles and concentrated cleaning solutions to cut down on packaging, weight and fuel consumption,” he said. “We also use microfibre cloths, diamond pads, pure water systems and chemical-free cleaning products and our
online stock management system helps us to eradicate unnecessary journeys. Also, 90 per cent of our vehicles are electric hybrid or dual fuel.” The company has also introduced bicycles with trailers on some contracts to reduce vehicle usage. “Renewable energy is provided by 36 solar panels in our head office, which is recycled itself – it was previously a Victorian tram shed,” he said. ServiceMaster Clean has developed a ‘Green for’ range of cleaning products designed to have minimal environmental impact says business development director Alan Lewin. “But it is not just about the products: one of our businesses is currently trialling the use of an electric bike, liveried in ServiceMaster Clean yellow, to travel to customers’ premises and reduce fuel consumption,” he said.
Logical business According to Lewin a sustainable approach is the logical way of doing business. “Studies have shown that sustainable buildings achieve measurable financial gains due to employee health, productivity and staff retention as well as lower operating costs,” he said. But he adds sustainability is not the only factor that matters. “Excellent service is crucial and so is value for money, but these factors can work hand in hand,” he said. “Using the example of the electric bike, this allows us to travel across cities more quickly to service our clients while also helping to keep down costs.” Sales director designate for In Depth Managed Services Gary Johns says his company assesses the environmental impact of all activities. “We use microfibre cleaning cloths that can remove most dirt and stains without chemicals, and work with customers and suppliers to recycle waste,” he said. “We also undertake careful route-planning and investigate alternative means of travel, and our vehicles have tracking devices to monitor fuel efficiency.” Sustainable methods are also becoming increasingly important to Nviro’s clients
according to business development manager Louise Richards. “We carry out a lot of work in the public sector and sustainability is a significant factor in the tender process,” she said. Nviro focuses on buying materials from sustainable suppliers and uses Bunzl Greenline Plus products, which hold the EU Ecolabel and are said to be biodegradable, non-toxic and non-harmful to aquatic life. “We use microfibre mops and cloths and a cleaning product that converts water into an active cleaning solution,” said Richards. “We also use FreshClean, a powdered chemical that avoids the need to transport gallons of liquid chemicals. One five kg tub contains the equivalent cleaning power of up to 2,000 trigger spray bottles.” Principle Cleaning Services uses chemical dosing systems, microfibre mops and diamond floor pads to increase its own sustainability. “Other initiatives range from increasing recycling to replacing hand towels with low-emission hand dryers and reducing energy by making just-in-time deliveries,” says the company’s sales and marketing director Jim Freeman. Principle is also working towards reducing energy through its Hybrid Cleaning system, which uses a full-time workforce to operate more flexibly and reduce night-time working hours. “Hybrid is also a more socially acceptable way of operating since travelling is easier for staff than when working early mornings or late evenings,” said Freeman. “We operate Hybrid at 14 locations, all of which are being delivered carbon neutrally.”
Contract cleaner focus Other sustainable products used by the company include biodegradable rubbish bags, recycled toilet tissue and rechargeable battery-powered machines. While contract cleaners are focusing on using more sustainable solutions, the manufacturers are also doing their best to come up with products that offer ‘builtin sustainability’. Among these is Ecover Continued page 24
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SUSTAINABLE CLEANING Sustainability built in (continued)
“We can all produce very effective products made from natural ingredients that grow on trees or that come out of the earth. But at the end of the day, people still don’t want to pay for it.”
which always attempts to manufacture its products in the most sustainable possible way according to Lies Marijnissen. “Environmental focus is increasingly becoming a major driver and will ultimately become the cleaning industry standard,” she said. Latest products from Ecover include a range of building care products: Multi Daily, Multi Forte and San Daily. “These are highly concentrated which means that less water needs to be transported and less material needs to be used to generate the same amount of diluted solution,” said Marijnissen. Also from Ecover is ‘refill’ packaging and a three-litre Bag-in-Box refill system. “This can save up to 65 per cent in plastic weight compared with a PE can,” she said. “Furthermore the cardboard used for the box is made from 100 per cent recycled board. Even in the production stage the empty bags and boxes are flat-packed to maximise logistical efficiency, unlike blowmoulded plastic cans which arrive at plant to be filled. In these cases, most of the transport space is taken up by air.” Marijnissen claims that a growing number of companies are showing an interest in sustainable cleaning products, but says sustainability is only one argument that convinces customers to buy. “The price must also be fair and the products must work,” she said. Un nombre croissant de services de propreté cherchent à rendre leurs opérations plus durables en utilisant des machines, des tissus et des produits chimiques respectueux de l’environnement ainsi que des produits destinés à réduire la consommation en énergie, en chimie et en eau. Nous parlons de cette tendance à des entreprises de nettoyage et à des fabricants pour en savoir plus sur les produits durables les plus récents du marché.
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According to Fellenius it is part of Nilfisk’s development process to consider improved sustainability performance when developing new generations of machines. “More than 70 per cent of our product launches over the past few years have offered improvements in one or more of the following areas: energy consumption, water consumption, detergent consumption and recyclability,” he said. Kärcher’s environmental public relations officer Linda Laipple agrees sustainability is becoming increasingly important to customers. “The trend in commercial cleaning sector contracts is towards participation in electricity costs and energy-efficient equipment as a success factor in public tenders,” she adds. Kärcher recently launched the T eco!efficiency vacuum cleaner series said to offer customers a 40 per cent energy saving with practically the same cleaning performance as basic models. “The eco!efficiency series is designed to appeal to groups for whom energy consumption,
sustainability and/or noise levels are all important criteria,” says Laipple. The company’s eco!efficiency operating mode is now available across other Kärcher product groups as well. “With our hot water pressure washers using the eco!efficiency setting, the machine switches to the most economical temperature range of 60°C but at a full water flow rate,” she said. “When used with Kärcher scrubberdryers, the eco!efficiency mode can reduce energy consumption, cleaning agent consumption or water consumption depending on the model. This allows the machine to operate not only for noticeably longer and much more quietly, but also at lower cost.” Bio-Productions managing director Mike James claims his company’s Toss Block urinal blocks offer “built-in sustainability” since they contain bacterial cultures that clean and deodorise urinal traps and pipes, reducing the amount of flushing required. “Urinals only need to be flushed around three times a day when using Toss Blocks, whereas this is usually carried out at 15-minute intervals in schools and other institutions,” said James. “Toss Blocks also alleviate the need for using aggressive chemicals to clear away calcium deposits.” However, he says customers do not always recognise the sustainable advantages of this type of solution. “The janitor or purchaser will only be buying the chemicals, so when making their cost calculations they might not take into account the huge water savings they can make,” he said. “Also, many still perceive it to be cheaper to use acid bombs and rods to clear drains when they actually become blocked, rather than opt for a maintenance product that prevents this from happening in the first place.” And James adds that the market is still very much driven by price rather than sustainability. “Manufacturers are happy to supply good quality sustainable products - but it all comes down to the customer wanting to buy cheap to make a saving,” he said. “We can all produce very effective products made from natural ingredients that grow on trees or that come out of the earth. But at the end of the day, people still don’t want to pay for it.”
Eine wachsende Anzahl von Reinigungsunternehmen bemüht sich darum, ihren Betrieb nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Zu diesen Zweck setzen sie umweltfreundlichere Maschinen, Tücher und Chemikalien ein sowie Produkte, die zur Reduzierung des Energie-, Chemikalien- und Wasserverbrauchs konzipiert wurden. Wir unterhalten uns mit Reinigungsunternehmen und Herstellern über diesen Trend und erfahren mehr über die neuesten nachhaltigen Produkte auf dem Markt.
Un numero sempre maggiore di imprese di pulizia stanno cercando di rendere le loro operazioni più sostenibili utilizzando macchine, panni e prodotti chimici ecologici e inoltre prodotti progettati per ridurre l’uso di energia elettrica, prodotti chimici e acqua. Chiediamo alle imprese di pulizia e ai produttori di parlarci di questo trend e cerchiamo di scoprire quali sono i prodotti sostenibili più nuovi sul mercato.
Nilfisk-Advance’s general manager business development Steen Fellenius says his company’s EcoFlex line of scrubbers also offers built-in sustainability. “For light cleaning tasks, the operator can choose to work in a sustainable mode with a reduced pad pressure and without the use of chemicals,” he said. “The operator has the option to push a button for a one-minute burst of cleaning performance, and then chemicals will be applied and the pad pressure will be increased.” He claims the company’s CS7000 hybrid combination machine is another intrinsically green solution. “This combination machine can run on battery power as well as either LPG or diesel fuel,” he said. “Customers can reduce their environmental impact by running the machine on a battery and then switch to the fuel operation when required.” He says Nilfisk is seeing an increasing demand for sustainable products and machinery. “However, customers are still very concerned about the cost of their cleaning equipment, and are somewhat reluctant to pay extra for such solutions,” he added. “So it is becoming a trend to make sustainable solutions the standard.”
Market driven by price
• Les têtes de balayage humide Swep de Vileda Professional ont reçu le label écologique Nordic Swan. • Nilfisk a incorporé le système Ecoflex sur ses machines de nettoyage pour offrir l’option d’un lavage à l’eau seule ou avec un minimum de détergent. • Kärcher a lancé cinq aspirateurs écoefficaces formant une gamme complète de modèles à économie de ressources. • Die Swep-Mopps von Vileda Professional wurden mit dem Nordischen Umweltzeichen „Schwan“ ausgezeichnet. • Nilfisk integriert das Ecoflex-System in seine Reinigungsmaschinen, um die Möglichkeit zum Reinigen ausschließlich mit Wasser oder mit wenige Reinigungsmittel zu bieten. • Fünf neue eco!efficiency Trockensauger von Kärcher bilden eine komplette Produktreihe mit sparsamen Modellen. • I mop della Vileda Professional hanno ricevuto il riconoscimento ecolabel Nordic Swan. • La Nilfisk inserisce nelle sue macchine per le pulizie il sistema Ecoflex per offrire l’opzione di lavaggio utilizzando solo acqua o con la minima quantità di detergente. • Cinque nuovi aspirapolveri eco!efficiency della Kärcher formano una linea completa di modelli salvarisorse.
Ecolabel award
Water only
Swep mops from Vileda Professional have been awarded the Nordic Swan ecolabel. This, the company says, means all environmental factors throughout the product’s complete life cycle - from raw material, production, distribution, in use and after use as refuse - have been analysed. Designed for pre-prepared damp floor cleaning, the Swep system is claimed to save up to 50 per cent of chemicals, 70 per cent of water and 45 per cent of working time compared to traditional methods. Mops can be laundered up to 1,000 times and Vileda claims the system also offers optimum ergonomics.
Nilfisk floor cleaning machines feature the Ecoflex system, which offers the operator the option to clean using only water, or with minimal detergent. The required level of cleaning can be achieved by using the right combination of brush pressure, water and detergent, when needed. The operator can switch between different cleaning intensities by activating the ‘burst of power’ button for extra cleaning performance, then returning to original settings for minimum use of resources. Default start-up mode is ‘green’ - low flow and free of detergent.
Quiet economy Five new eco!efficiency dry vacuum cleaners have been launched by Kärcher to form a line of resource-saving models
from entry level to high end. The new cleaners use 750 watts of power and 40 per cent less energy than vacuum cleaners with equivalent cleaning power, says the company. Low noise level makes them suitable for sensitive applications and for daytime cleaning. Container sizes of between seven and 17 litres allow for medium to long work intervals, while the washable permanent main filter made of highly dense fleece material allows for vacuuming without a dust bag.
Reduced impact
Lactic acid base
Fimap says it has designed its new iMx 50 cm scrubber dryer to be sustainable for both man and the environment. The machine is claimed to be ergonomic and easy to use, with a clear and intuitive instrument panel. A dedicated control button allows the operator to adjust water and detergent flow at any time during cleaning to avoid waste. And to reduce the use of water, detergent and energy there is an Eco Mode that can reduce consumption by up to 50 per cent. The iMx is also made of materials with average recyclability of 95 per cent.
A lactic acid based disinfectant has been developed by Premiere Products as part of its Ecoforce range. The company says that although lactic acid is a biocide it is a naturally occurring metabolite, present in the human body and produced for Ecoforce Disinfectant solutions via a sustainable fermentation process. Ecoforce Disinfectant comes in two ready-to-use variants, one fragranced for general/washroom disinfection and the other non-fragranced for catering/ food preparation environments.
One at a time Dosely is a mechanical cleaning solution dispenser designed to soak one mop at a time while it is on the trolley. Designed by TTS, the dosing system is secure in that detergent goes into a removable hermetic tank which
• La laveuse sécheuse iMx de Fimap permet de régler le débit de détergent et d’eau. • Premiere Products a développé un désinfectant à l’acide lactique dans le cadre de sa gamme Ecoforce. • Le distributeur de solution de nettoyage Dosely, de TTS, assure la trempe successive de moppes uniques sur un chariot de nettoyage.
can be locked into the trolley using a key. This means no more carrying of heavy buckets filled with pre-soaked mops and no manual pre-soaking - saving on time and labour. Less water and electricity are used because there are fewer mops to wash and detergent consumption is also reduced because Dosely soaks only the cleaning side of the mop which saves up to one-third of cleaning solution for each mop. All parts are compliant with waste disposal requirements.
• Die Scheuersaugmaschine iMx von Fimap bietet die Möglichkeit, den Reinigungsmittel- und Wasserfluss anzupassen. • Premiere Products hat als Teil der Produktreihe Ecoforce ein auf Milchsäure basierendes Desinfektionsmittel entwickelt. • Bei Dosely von TTS handelt es sich um einen mechanischen Spender für Reinigungslösungen, der das Einweichen jeweils eines Mopps auf dem Reinigungswagen ermöglicht.
• La lavasciuga pavimenti iMx della Fimap offre facilità di regolazione del flusso di acqua e detergente. • La Premiere Products ha sviluppato un disinfettante a base di acido lattico nell’ambito della sua gamma Ecoforce. • Dosely della TTS è un dispenser meccanico per prodotti di pulizia per impregnare un mop alla volta mentre sono sul carrello.
• Pour le dosage et la dilution précis de produits chimiques, Brightwell propose les systèmes Ecomix et Ecoshot. • Bpi.recycled Products, fabricant de la gamme Green Sack de sacs à poubelle, a introduit un nouveau sélecteur de produits en ligne. • Hako souligne le souci d’économie et d’écologie qui inspire l’ensemble de ses développements de produits. • Zur präzisen Dosierung und Verdünnung von Reinigungschemikalien bietet Brightwell die Systeme Ecomix und Ecoshot. • bpi.recycled products, Hersteller der Produktreihe Green Sack mit aus Recyclingmaterialien hergestellten Abfallsäcken, hat eine neue OnlineProduktauswahl eingeführt. • Alle Produkte von Hako werden nach eigenen Angaben unter Berücksichtigung wirtschaftlicher und ökologischer Anforderungen entwickelt. • Per il dosaggio di precisione e la diluizione di detergenti chimici, la Brightwell propone i sistemi Ecomix e Ecoshot. • La Bpi.recycled Products, che produce la gamma Green Sack di sacchi per rifiuti con materiale riciclato, ha lanciato un nuovo sito web per la selezione dei prodotti. • La Hako afferma che tutti i suoi prodotti vengono sviluppati tenendo in considerazione i requisiti commerciali ed ecologici.
October 2013 | ECJ | 28
Precise, reliable
Simple spec
Start to finish
For precise and reliable dispensing of cleaning chemicals Brightwell developed the ECO range of dosing and diluting equipment. Both the proportioning system ECOMIX and the manual dosing system ECOSHOT feature patented built-in dilution and dosing rings. Both systems can be purchased with a chemical lock-in cabinet to ensure the installation remains safe and secure. Customers create their own chemicals on-site, reducing transport costs. And the reuse of the same trigger spray bottle cuts down on plastic waste.
To make the specification of refuse sacks simpler bpi.recycled products - manufacturer of Green Sack 100 per cent recycled refuse sacks has launched a new product selector, which can be downloaded from the company’s website. By using flow charts, the selector helps users to choose the right refuse sacks based on the waste’s eventual destination (landfill or composting) as well the environment in which the sacks will be used – including general, domestic, high security and industrial settings. Guidance is also given on choosing coloured sacks for recycling schemes and how to specify sacks that are the correct volume and grade to cope with any likely weight requirement.
According to Hako it takes the full product life cycle of all its machines into consideration at the design stage. It also aims to use environmentally conscious materials and focuses on how the product can eventually be dismantled and recycled. The company has developed a number of environmentally friendly features for its machines. Hako-AquaControl, for example, saves up to 50 per cent of water and cleaning solution, while Hako-Chemical on Demand ensures chemicals are only used when necessary. The Hako-AquaForce system uses demineralised water to make use of chemicals almost unnecessary, says the company, and Hako-PowerFilter has been designed to guarantee almost dust-free sweeping by removing 99.5 per cent of particles from the air.
New Taking compact wet & dry vacuum cleaners to a new level of productivity
See video here
AERO 21/26/31
We make sure that you can focus on doing the job New competitive generation of professional and compact wet&dry vacuum cleaners Higher productivity & cleaning performance: Washable PET fleece filter with minimum 99,9% filtration efficiency and Push&Clean filter cleaning system ensuring continued high performance. Compact design & safe, ergonomic disposal:
Two design versions and 4 container types - including models in stainless steel. Integrated lifting handle and automatic cable rewind on selected models.
Reliable storage & easy transportation:
Compact design and big wheels makes the machines safe to operate and easy to maneuver, and several parking positions makes storage easy and flexible.
Better working environment:
Dust extraction directly from connected electric tools with start/ stop function reducing the overall sound level.
Nilfisk-Advance A/S · Sognevej 25 · DK-2605 Brøndby ·
Creating a masterpiece Museums and galleries are extremely busy public spaces, demanding cleaning services that are frequent, effective, safe and discreet – with the added specialist know-how required to work in environments containing valuable and delicate works of art. Tony O’Shea, operations director for KGB Cleaning and Support Services in the UK, highlights the particular issues that need to be taken into consideration, building on his company’s experience of working with the Tate galleries.
Cleaning operatives working at such locations should be subject to a strict vetting process, as they have access to many works of art, some of them priceless, and will also come into contact with members of the public.
October 2013 | ECJ | 30
Europe’s museums contribute a huge amount to the region, boosting the economy by attracting tourists and improving the well-being of all who visit them. These cultural centres welcome millions of people through their doors every year, making them some of the most frequently used facilities around. We are fortunate to have so many worldclass museums and galleries in Europe – from The Louvre in Paris, to the Prado in Madrid, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, and Tate Galleries in the UK. Cleaning regimes for such locations have to be as carefully planned as any new installations or exhibitions. The grand refurbishment of Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum – which took over a decade and cost 375 million euros – may have made headlines due to the extensive building work it entailed; but the resulting reorganisation of all its exhibits, apart from Rembrandts’ The Night Watch, will also have needed a comprehensive rethink in terms of cleaning and maintenance needs. An awareness of the surroundings and a sensitivity for the artworks and exhibits is an absolute must. Thankfully, incidents like the one at the Ostwall Museum in Dortmund, Germany – where an overzealous cleaner damaged a piece of artwork, worth an estimated 810,000 euros, because she thought it was dirty – are a rare occurrence. The sculpture, by German artist Martin Kippenberger, featured a rubber trough containing a layer of paint to represent dried rainwater, an integral part of the piece. However, the cleaner had other ideas and, in the words of a museum spokesperson, “removed the patina from the four walls of the trough”. This story may raise a wry smile, and fuel the on-going debate about the merits of modern art, but it also underlines some particular issues that need to be considered when cleaning public spaces of this nature. The works of art within the collections of any museum or gallery are extremely
valuable, not only in monetary terms, but also in relation to their place within the history of art and the contribution they make to our cultural heritage. It’s therefore essential that operatives have a heightened awareness of the sensitivity of their surroundings, and that they are impeccably trustworthy. Cleaning operatives working at such locations should be subject to a strict vetting process, as they have access to many works of art, some of them priceless, and will also regularly come into contact with members of the public, including young children and vulnerable adults, as they carry out their duties. All of KGB’s operatives must have clearance via a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check – the new UK body that has replaced the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) – and previous experience working in a similar environment is desirable when recruiting new employees.
Specialist cleaning Collections are often displayed in architecturally interesting buildings; whether they have special historic significance, or feature modern extensions such as the British Museum in London. This often requires specialist services to cope with ornate or large exterior windows and high level cleaning for light-filled galleries. The correctly trained operatives, conforming to each country’s relevant regulations on working at height, using methods that take into account the surrounding architecture and space available are absolutely essential. Whatever the design of a museum or gallery’s surroundings, there are many common issues when it comes to cleaning these buildings. Without a doubt, cleaning is absolutely essential to museums and galleries, not only in terms of enhancing the visitor experience, but also to reduce potential damage to artworks, and to send a positive message to donors, stakeholders and supporters. As well as the usual issues with general
CASE STUDY litter and food stuffs, toilet cleaning and the like, the main ‘front of house’ problem for museums is dust. Dust is made up of a wide range of matter. Soil, soot, salt and dirt particles are brought into museums from the outside world every day on the shoes of visitors and staff; and, whilst inside the museum, human hair and dead skin is also added to the mix. Dust can absorb moisture so it can affect humidity in confined areas if not dealt with. It also attracts and harbours pests, can absorb and carry pollutants, with the ability to cause staining or collect in pockets, physically damaging objects by distorting their shapes and causing cracks. It’s therefore very important to control dust in every main exhibition area.
Adapting to the exhibitions A strong understanding of the museum sector’s needs, and the ability to adapt, are key to delivering the levels of service required – and this comes from direct experience. KGB Cleaning and Support Services has been Tate’s housekeeping contractor for 12 years, providing a full cleaning service for all front of house spaces, public toilets, offices and storage facilities at the UK’s Tate Britain, Tate Modern and Tate Liverpool. We also provide attendants for the public cloakrooms, aspects of Tate’s porterage requirements and waste management, as well as window cleaning and specialist high level cleaning. We have found flexibility to redeploy staff in response to changing visitor numbers or new installations is crucial when working in busy museum environments. For example, when the weather is poor, more cloakroom staff are needed to cope with coats, bags and umbrellas, but when the weather is good visitors have less baggage and clothing to deposit, and operatives can spend more time in the external areas, as this generates an increased amount of litter to clear up. With the high volume of visitors, numerous educational/learning areas and many public toilets throughout each Tate site, cleaning regimes need to reach extremely high standards, and be carried out frequently. For example, toilets in the public areas need to be cleaned and Les musées d’Europe stimulent les économies nationales en attirant des touristes et en améliorant le bien-être de leurs visiteurs. Ces hauts lieux de la culture accueillent chaque année des millions de personnes. Il s’ensuit que leurs services de nettoyage doivent être fréquents, efficaces, sûrs et discrets, et aussi s’assortir du savoir spécialisé d’opérations dans un environnement orné d’œuvres d’art précieuses et délicates.
Cleaning in museums and galleries needs to be responsive as well as proactive, so services often have to be delivered when members of the public are visiting the buildings and using the facilities, moving health and safety issues to the top of the agenda. Making sure that cleaning is undertaken in a responsible manner is very important, so, for example, using battery powered floor cleaning machines that have no trailing leads will help to minimise the opportunity for trips and falls. It also means cleaning needs to be thorough and
effective, but also discreet, not intruding on visitors’ experiences of the galleries. Many of our operatives have experience of working in this type of environment, which helps greatly. Noise can be unwelcome intrusion when contemplating works of art, so selecting cleaning machines that operate quietly is also recommended. Museums and galleries need to attract funding and sponsorship from public and private bodies, and therefore have a duty to ensure they are operating in the most ethical and cost effective ways. This means that sustainability issues are becoming increasingly important, and so cleaning and facilities maintenance regimes need to take this into account. Implementing sustainable cleaning solutions for the Tate is a key objective and we have been working with Tate’s carbon manager to identify how KGB may assist with their own targets. These include separation of general and recyclable waste, and colour coding the different waste streams. Cleaning and maintaining our most prestigious museums and galleries is challenging – but also an honour. By helping to maintain these high profile institutions, we are also playing a key role in safeguarding our cultural heritage, and preserving it for future generations.
Die europäischen Museen kurbeln die Wirtschaften an, da sie Touristen anziehen, und verbessern das Wohlbefinden aller, die sie besuchen. Diese Kulturzentren begrüßen jährliche viele Millionen Menschen. Das bedeutet, das Reinigungsdienste häufig, wirkungsvoll, sicher und diskret durchgeführt werden müssen. Außerdem ist ein spezialisiertes Wissen erforderlich, um an Orten zu arbeiten, die wertvolle und empfindliche Kunstwerke beherbergen.
In Europa i musei sostengono le economie attraendo i turisti e migliorando il benessere di coloro che li visitano. Questi centri culturali accolgono milioni di persone che entrano ogni anno dalle loro porte. Questo significa che i servizi di pulizia devono essere frequenti, efficaci, sicuri e discreti, con l’aggiunta del know-how specializzato richiesto per lavorare in ambienti che contengono operre d’arte fragili, delicate e di valore.
topped up with consumable products on an hourly basis, and even more frequently at peak times. Special care is also taken when cleaning the educational and cafeteria areas, as small children tend to bring with them, and leave behind, the remnants of sweets and chewing gum. Regular liaison with gallery curators about how they wish the cleaning regime to be undertaken in and around new exhibits or one-off exhibitions is also essential. This was particularly important at last year’s retrospective of Damien Hirst’s work, held at Tate Modern, with its diamond encrusted skull and sharks in formaldehyde.
Safety first
October 2013 | ECJ | 31
See for yourself
With thousands of satisfied customers already using award winning ec-H2O technology, why not see what you’re missing? Test ec-H2O on your soils in your facility. Contact us for a free demo today
Ergonomics for efficiency When it comes to purchasing new cleaning solutions – whether for manual or mechanical cleaning – procurement managers increasingly consider aspects such as ergonomics, safety and cost-efficiency in addition to a good cleaning performance. Particular attention is given to the ergonomics of cleaning machines – for instance vacuum sweepers or scrubber dryers - as userfriendliness is a factor that should not be underestimated with regard to the overall economic efficiency of the technology employed. Klaus Serfezi of machine manufacturer Hako writes exclusively for ECJ.
Operating a walk-behind cleaning machine is a job involving working continuously for about two hours or more, depending on the machine’s running time and the job at hand. Larger ride-on machines, however, are workplaces that sometimes need to be manned eight hours a day. Every office worker would complain about an uncomfortable chair. Cleaning staff, who work with these machines every day, have just the same right to be provided with a comfortable, ergonomic workplace. It seems appropriate to use the term ‘wellbeing’ to draw a comparison. An ergonomic, easy-to-operate machine increases the acceptance for using the machine and protects the operator’s health, resulting in reduced health-related absenteeism. Finally, boosting your employees’ motivation and showing them how much their work is appreciated by putting them in charge of a very expensive machine, is quite an important factor.
We should therefore look at the aspects you should consider when aiming at purchasing an ergonomic and user-friendly machine. Very important components are, for instance, the seats, an optimal view, simple operating elements arranged within easy reach (levers, foot pedals), self-explanatory buttons, the squeegee positioning and much more…. Let‘s take a look at each individual item and outline the options available, starting with hand-held vacuum sweepers and scrubber dryers. One important aspect of these so-called walk-behind devices is that the operator can comfortably walk behind the machine in an upright position. This means that users of different heights are able to walk in their normal pace without treading on the squeegee or bumping against the frame with their feet. The driving signal lever at the steering bar should be height-adjustable and the design of the bar itself should allow the operator to grip the bar in different places at various heights, providing for fatiguefree walking in an upright position.
Trouble-free The operating elements such as the squeegee lowering function, the sewage drain plug, the brush head lowering function etc, should be arranged in a manner that enables trouble-free operation without hazards. If, for example, a free-hanging rope is used for the squeegee discharge device, it is important that the rope does not slack in order to prevent tripping caused by accidentally treading on the rope when manoeuvring the machine in curves or in case the rope is torn off. Because there are many different machine designs available on the market, the view onto the working area in front of the machine can vary significantly from machine to machine. This is particularly the case with scrubber dryers since their large tank systems make them much more voluminous than walk-behind vacuum sweepers. If a scrubber dryer has
been designed to be ‘slim’, it automatically makes the machine taller and longer, making it more difficult to get a good view onto the working area. This does not only increase the risk for accidents resulting from a less than perfect view but, more often than not, the operator would lean sideways to get a better view onto the area to be cleaned. This posture, however, may lead to muscular tension and back discomfort after a long working day. Easy access to all parts/sections of the machine that require regular checking is very important in order to carry out daily maintenance tasks. It is of advantage if work processes such as replacing the brushes or pads are controlled either automatically or by means of a manually operated discharge mechanism. In addition, easy access to both the fresh water and sewage filters, the sewage draining hose and the squeegee are preferable features from the operator’s point of view. Being able to remove, carry and empty the dirt hopper of a vacuum sweeper in an effortless fashion eases handling the machine significantly. Instead of a large single dirt hopper, it is best if the machine is equipped with two smaller hoppers, which – featuring a well- balanced carrying system - can be emptied into the rubbish bins provided easily. The filter, providing for dust-free working, has to be easily removable. Today, all vacuum sweepers are equipped with filter cleaning systems; however, the filters still need to be removed for manual cleaning from time to time. The easier it is to access maintenancerelevant parts (dust filters, sewage and fresh water filters, brushes/pads/main sweeping cylinder, squeegee, sealing ledges etc), the better the chances of the cleaning staff actually carrying out these maintenance tasks on a regular or even on a daily basis, which is essential in order to maintain the machine’s cleaning performance in the long term. Continued page 34
October 2013 | ECJ | 33
CARE OF HARD FLOORS Ergonomics for efficiency (continued) Ergonomic handling is just as important when it comes so-called ride-on machines. Many different criteria have to be taken into account when developing the machines, however, the seat and the steering wheel play a major role. Certain ride-on machines, depending on the drive, are a full-time work place for the operator. That is why it is important that these machines are comfortable. The seats should be adjustable, upholstered and/or air-sprung. Sufficient space and legroom enables fatigue-free working. The steering wheel should be in a comfortable position. Another important aspect is the material used for the steering wheel or the steering bar on walk-behind machines. Pleasantto-touch or rubber-coated material increases the comfort experience. Fatigue-free working also takes centre stage when it comes to installing the foot
pedals. The operator’s feet should be in an optimal position in order to prevent cramps in the foot or in the calf. All levers and pedals should be within easy reach and operable without physical exertion. The handling qualities of cleaning machines are tested in studies carried out with both female and male subject groups. The test people have to ride the machines through a course. Their individual impressions are recorded and analysed and finally taken into account when designing new products. Studies measuring the noise generation close to the operator’s ear as well as hand and arm vibrations are required by law. The self-explanatory and user-friendly handling of walk-behind and ride-on cleaning machines (partly with onebutton operation) helps the operator to concentrate fully on his work. Short
learning phases suffice. A manufacturer equipping all his machines with the same operating elements makes it much easier for cleaning staff to handle different models of the same brand. Electronic control systems have improved the machines’ operation substantially. The driver no longer needs to handle various switches, levers and buttons, but can control the entire functions of the machine with a single button. In many cases, individual cleaning routines can be programmed to optimally adapt the machine to the job requirements at hand. Therefore, the basis for combining perfect cleaning results with ergonomics and economic efficiency is also this: the better the cleaning machine is suited to the job site and the more the operator accepts the machine, the more efficient the cleaning job.
ECJ se penche sur l’usage de machines pour le soin des planchers durs du point de vue de l’opérateur. Dans quelle mesure les commandes d’autolaveuses et de balayeuses, par exemple, sont-elles devenues plus intuitives et faciles à actionner ? Sur le plan commercial, quels sont les avantages essentiels de l’accroissement de l’ergonomie et de la convivialité des machines ?
Das ECJ setzt den Schwerpunkt auf den Einsatz von Hartbodenpflegemaschinen aus der Perspektive des Betreibers. Inwiefern wurden beispielsweise die Steuerelemente von Scheuersaugmaschinen und Kehrmaschinen intuitiver und einfacher zu bedienen? Wie lauten die Hauptvorteile von ergonomischeren und benutzerfreundlicheren Maschinen aus einer unternehmerischen Perspektive?
ECJ si concentra sull’uso di macchine per la cura dei pavimenti duri dal punto di vista dell’operatore. Per esempio, i controlli sulle lavasciuga pavimenti e spazzatrici, come sono diventati più intuitivi e più facili da usare? Quali sono i benefici più importanti di macchine più ergonomiche e più facili da usare dal punto di vista del business?
October 2013 | ECJ | 34
Discretion is when you do not even notice... Who thinks about tomorrow, when today is so great? We at Kärcher do. Our innovative eco!efficiency dry vacuum cleaners demonstrate how. The T 12/1 eco!efficiency, for example, achieves 98% of the cleaning performance of the standard model, making it perfectly adequate for daily cleaning, but with 40% less power consumption. It also does so with very little noise. So that tomorrow is just as nice as today. Kärcher eco!efficiency – achieve more with less.
Range 6 floor pads Brilliant solution Improved abrasive action for all the cleaning needs. Maximum effectiveness, durability and washability. Range 6 floor pads have been designed to satisfy the professional cleaning world’s demand. Their open structure ensure the most efficient abrasive action. The right compromise between wear resistance and ease of reuse. NEW HIGH SPEED RANGE 6 FLOOR PADS Fibratesco has completed the Range 6 line with a new set of floor pads to be used with medium and high speed machines. The new products allow to perform a wide variety of treatments on any surface and are suitable for daily use. Here are the new references: F 6900 – ONYX: aggressive blend for thermal buffing on hard finishes F 6700 – SAPPHIRE: soft pad for high luster polishing F 6800 – RUBY: to enable a fast burnishing to medium finishes
Top quality floor pads. Directly from the manufacturer. FLOOR PADS PRODUCER
Fibratesco S.r.l. - Via Rossini 1 - 20067 Tribiano (MI) Italy - Tel. +39 02 90634206 - -
Most compact? Wetrok says its new Discomatic Mambo is the most compact scrubber dryer available with a 30-litre fresh water tank. Designed for use in small and medium-sized areas, it is also equipped with a lithium ion battery. This, Wetrok claims, means constant and high output and four times longer run time than conventional rechargeable batteries. The Discomatic Mambo’s double disk brush system offers optimum force and scrubbing action on the floor and ensures the machine is easy to operate and control. The water feed can be regulated from the control panel by the water pump that is built in as standard and there is an optional fully integrated dosage system available for optimum mix of fresh water and chemicals.
Operation is made simple by the fact there are only four control buttons and for added operator comfort the upright handle is fully adjustable. And the machine can be moved from one location to another without too much effort thanks to the support wheel that is extended automatically.
sanitising effect. The Eco 3 system, says the company, is claimed to kill 97 per cent of bacteria. This makes it suitable for use in hospitals, food industry, schools, swimming pools and HORECA.
• Selon Wetrok, sa nouvelle laveuse sécheuse compacte Discomatic Mambo, dotée d’un réserveau d’eau de 30 litres, est la plus compacte du marché. • L’Eco 3 de RCM est une laveuse sécheuse désinfectante utilisant un mélange d’eau et d’ozone. • Moerman affirme que sa Hygienic Squeegee est faite pour un service sévère et reste collée au sol.
Colour coded
Sanitising scrub
For colour-coded HACCP compliant cleaning Moerman has developed the Hygienic Squeegee for floors. Available in blue, green, red, yellow and white, the body of the squeegee and the green natural rubber are made of FDA-approved components (all conforming to FDA21FDR). Moerman says natural rubber is the best for floor squeegee applications and repetitive use. The closed cell rubber also eliminates absorption of liquids and prevents bacteria from gathering. And after cleaning the floor is claimed to be ‘finger-dry’.
• Mit einem 30-LiterFrischwassertank ist die neue Discomatic Mambo laut eigenen Angaben von Wetrok die kompakteste Scheuersaugmaschine am Markt. • Neu von RCM ist die NachläuferScheuersaugmaschine Eco 3 Sanitising, die mit einem Gemisch aus Wasser und Ozon arbeitet. • Moerman teilt mit, dass der Hygienic Squeegee robust ist und gut am Boden bleibt.
RCM’s most recent innovation is the Eco 3 Sanitising system, a scrubber dryer that uses ozone to sanitise and deodorise floors. The distribution of water and ozone through the brush head starts when the machine is activated. RCM says other scrubbers using ozone mix it with water in the solution tank which takes a long time and reduces the
• A detta della Wetrok, la sua nuova Discomatic Mambo è la più compatta lavasciuga pavimenti disponibile con un serbatoio di 30 litri di acqua fresca. • La novità della RCM è la lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore al seguito Eco 3 Sanitising che utilizza una miscela di acqua e ozono. • La Moerman afferma che il suo tergipavimento Hygienic Squeegee è industriale e sta ben saldo sul pavimento.
User friendly The new compact ride-on scrubber dryer ARA 66|BM 70 from Columbus is designed for small and medium-sized surfaces where walk-behind models may have been used previously. The manufacturer says this new model incorporates a special long seat which allows any operator to find the right ergonomic position to work in. Working width of 85 cm means
doors can be passed through: turning radius is 165 cm. Other features include good all-round visibility for the operator; simple
control panel; integrated system connector for quick fresh water refilling; and large tank openings for cleaning and disinfection.
by normal floor polish stripping products but require a specialist water based solvent stripper such as Xola Strip free.
Undercoat seals
No walk-behind
Bio-Productions makes two undercoat seals as part of the Xola professional range. Superseal is a low silk gloss finish while Thermoset is a high gloss finish. Said to be extremely hard-wearing, they cannot be removed
For areas from 800 to 3,000 square metres - where walkbehind models are usually used - Comac has developed a compact ride-on scrubber dryer, the Innova 55. The operator can work in a seated position at all times, he does not have to get off the machine for manual operations or during transfer from one area to another. This is because Innova 55 can clean through checkouts, enter lifts, get through doorways and make a U-turn in 1,540 mm thanks to its ergonomic steering wheel. This model uses minimum water, detergent and energy, while controls are positioned on the steering wheel to simplify operation and make it safer. • La RA 43/55 BM 40 est une laveuse sécheuse compacte à moteur de traction, proposée pour des largeurs de travail de 43 et 55 cm. • Bio-Productions propose deux produits d’étanchement en sous-couche dans le cadre de sa gamme Xola de produits de soin des planchers. • L’Innova 55 est une laveuse sécheuse compacte conçue pour des surfaces de 800 à 3000 mètres carrés. • Bei der RA 43/55 BM 40 handelt es sich um eine kompakte Scheuersaugmaschine mit Traktionsmotor, die mit Arbeitsbreiten von 43 und 55 cm erhältlich ist. • Bio-Productions produziert im Rahmen von Xola, der Produktreihe mit Bodenpflegemitteln, zwei Grundierungsversiegler. • Die kompakte AufsitzScheuersaugmaschine Innova 55 wurde für Flächen zwischen 800 und 3.000 Quadratmetern konzipiert. • RA 43/55 BM 40 è una lavasciuga pavimenti con motore elettrico disponibile in larghezze di lavoro di 43 e 55 cm. • La Bio-Productions produce due vernici sigillanti “mano di fondo” che fanno parte della gamma di prodotti per la cura dei pavimenti Xola. • Innova 55 è una lavasciuga pavimenti compatta con operatore a bordo progettata per aree da 800 a 3.000 metri quadrati.
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Many options
Operating simplicity and a choice of equipment variants are among the key features of the new B 150 R ride-on scrubber dryer, says Kärcher. The battery-powered model offers different configuration options - among them detergent dosing, a tank rinsing system and two additional side brushes. Area performance is up to 9,000 square metres per hour. For configuring to individual needs, available options include an electronic dosing device which supplies any required quantity of detergent from 0.5 to three per cent using a 2.5 litre tank. A time-saving automatic flushing system uses integrated nozzles to flush out the dirty water tank after use. The Kärcher Intelligent Key (KIK) system assigns user access using colour coded keys - yellow for operators, grey for supervisors, red for service technicians.
No chemical
High speed
Perfex says its line of TruCLEAN microfibre mops require no cleaning chemical and can absorb up to seven times their weight in liquids - they can also be reused up to 500 times. Other options include an individually packaged, class 100 Cleanroom Mop. All mops are compatible with gamma, ETO autoclave sterilisation.
Aztec specialises in high speed floor maintenance equipment and has recently launched the LowRider Dust Control propane burnisher in three sizes (21, 24 and 27 ins). Also new are the UltraGrind, UltraEdge and UltraVac propane-powered concrete floor grinders and polishers and the Grand Finale floor finish and chemical applicator. All propane machines are CE,
EPA/CARB, LEED and GS-42 certified and powered by the Kawasaki 603 cc engine.
• La nouvelle laveuse sécheuse Kärcher B150 R offre de nombreuses options de configuration. • Les têtes de balai humide à microfibre TruClean proposées par Perfex peuvent servir jusqu’à 500 fois. • Aztec Products est un spécialiste des équipements grande de soin des planchers grande vitesse. • Die neue AufsitzScheuersaugmaschine B 150 R von Kärcher bietet viele verschiedene Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. • Die Mikrofasermopps TruClean von Perfex können bis zu 500 Mal verwendet werden. • Aztec Products ist auf HighSpeed-Geräte zur Bodenpflege spezialisiert. • La nuova lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore a bordo B 150 R prodotta dalla Kärcher ha numerose e diverse opzioni di configurazione. • I mop in microfibra TruClean della Perfex possono essere usati fino a 500 volte. • La Aztec Products è specializzata in macchine ad alta velocità per la manutenzione dei pavimenti.
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• Les nouvellles laveuses sécheuses B310R/B310 RCL de Hakomatic sont équipées d’un réservoir de 310 litres. • Hilados Biete a introduit deux vadrouilles démontables pour le nettoyage de sols rudes et antidérapants. • Les laveuses grand rendement Edge Orbital de Tomcat permettent à l’opérateur d’ajouter des poids supplémentaires et des tampons spécialisés. • Bei den neuen Hakomatic-Modellen B310R/B310 RCL handelt es sich um Aufsitz-Scheuersaugmaschinen mit einem Tankinhalt von 310 Litern. • Neu von Hilados Biete sind zwei Sockelmopps zum Reinigen von rauen und rutschfesten Böden. • Die leistungsstarken Scheuersaugmaschinen Edge Orbital von Tomcat ermöglichen es dem Bediener, Gewichte und Spezialpads hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen. • I nuovi modelli Hakomatic B310R/ B310 RCL sono lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore a bordo dotate di serbatoio da 310-litri di capienza. • La novità della Hilados Biete sono due mop per il lavaggio di pavimenti irregolari e antiscivolo. • Le spazzatrici industriali per pavimenti Edge Orbital prodotte dalla Tomcat, permettono all’operatore di aggiungere o rimuovere pesi e anche tamponi speciali.
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Five models New from Hako are the Hakomatic B310 R/B310 R CL ride-on scrubber dryers and combi-machines with 310-litre tank capacity for use in shopping malls, multi-storey car parks or in the industrial and logistics sector.
Five different models are available - two disk brush machines, one with cylindrical brushes and two combimachines with disk brushes and front sweeper (B310 R CL) for an area coverage of up to 9,250 square metres per hour. The front sweepers of the Hakomatic B310 R CL models
are equipped with the patented Take-it-Easy system which allows for easier and more convenient emptying of the dirt hopper.
Rough floors For the cleaning of rough and anti-slip floors Hilados Biete has developed two new socket mops under its Ressol trademark. The company says this type of surface presents a significant problem in daily cleaning because rough surfaces destroy many cotton, synthetic or even microfibre mops. Terry Microfibre socket mop is made from microfibre terry strips with a special finish that prevents them from breaking easily - it can be washed over 100 times. Top-Fort is also a microfibre mop, this time made
from super-absorbent viscose strips with microfibre yarn micro sewing to reinforce resistance.
On the Edge For maintaining, resurfacing and polishing of wood, tile, terrazzo, marble, concrete and gym floors Tomcat has developed Edge Orbital floor scrubbers. These allow the operator to add or remove weights as well as use a variety of specialty pads. Training can be carried out in less than two minutes, says Tomcat. The company also claims the Edge machines can reduce slip and fall claims, resurface VCT flooring without the use of chemicals, penetrate grout and tile lines, grind and polish marble, and use up to 70 per cent less water and chemical than conventional scrubbers.
Hard floors = hard work? Architects are thinking big when it comes to hard floors and there are now more options than ever before. These floors can have a number of different benefits including style, durability, ease of maintenance, slip resistance and insulation. Hard flooring also needs to stand up to a significant amount of varying traffic – from the footfall of staff and visitors, through to trolleys, forklifts and other machinery in locations such as schools, hospitals, hotels, offices and industrial settings. ServiceMaster Clean’s technical manager Ian McCormack offers advice.
The range of decorative hard floor materials is now very broad. Options include various types of stone including limestone, slate and terracotta which should be regularly cleaned using a slightly alkaline cleaner. Don’t use an acid solution on stone as it can etch the surface, making it fragile, and it can discolour some stones. Even mild acid could create a hole on a limestone finish. Moderate alkaline will clean better without having the damaging effect of acid. The most widely chosen hard floor is luxury vinyl tile in wood or stone effect. These tiles should be regularly cleaned, using dust mopping and wet cleaning. They also require ongoing maintenance and a finish re-applied, to remove scuffs and scratches. Other choices are marble and granolithic floors, the latter being a mixture of
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cement and aggregate such as granite and other powdered stone. This flooring is typically used to provide a durable surface in areas such as factory floors. Terrazzo, which is a mix of cement and marble is another preference. Traditionally, taking care of marble involves a recrystallisation process known as vitrification. The surface of marble can be likened to the surface of a vinyl record with grooves and peaks and troughs. Cleaning and maintaining a surface like this requires professional cleaning using acidic cleaners, and care is required to ensure the flooring isn’t damaged and doesn’t change colour. Marble and other luxury floor finishes represent sizeable investments for facilities and it is important to look after them with professional care.
More and more varied Requirements for the type of hard floor are increasingly varied. Appearance trends are a factor – with flooring specified to have either a high gloss, a semi-matt sheen or the appearance of natural wood or stone. Bright shine in a hotel foyer or large financial institution creates an instant impression, whilst a school will focus on durability and safety. Slip resistance is a key priority for many venues. Some customers want the flooring to be as scratch resistant as possible, whilst ease of maintenance is important, particularly in educational and healthcare settings. The level and type of footfall need to be considered before specifying flooring, as the wrong floor in the wrong location can prove difficult to clean, maintain and treat effectively. The more traffic on a floor, the higher the need for maintenance, whilst heavily frequented areas will also require more resilient coatings. With the current economic climate, facilities have to make sure their flooring lasts for as long as possible. The right cleaning procedures and equipment can assist greatly – replacing floors is much more expensive than regular maintenance. However, the technology for dealing with surfaces that
were previously considered beyond repair has improved dramatically. Instead of tearing up damaged floors and laying new materials, restoration can be undertaken, demonstrating the cost effectiveness of using trained professionals. Durability should also be considered. It may come as a surprise to some, but stone is not a resilient floor. If a hammer or heavy object was dropped repeatedly on a stone floor, the stone would break, whereas it would bounce back from a surface consisting of vinyl floor tiles. Noise levels also need to be considered when specifying. Stone echoes sound, whilst wood and laminate will absorb most of the sound. Heating and insulation issues must also be considered – wood is warmer than stone, for example. Problems also arise when corners are cut and the right products aren’t used to look after a floor properly. It is essential that the contract cleaner has an exact specification for regular cleaning and periodic maintenance. The cleaner needs to have access to detailed written instructions for the cleaning of each particular area of floor and information about what is safe to use for cleaning. Damage can easily be caused by using the wrong type of cleaning solutions. The precise cleaning instructions should also include details of which types of cleaning machines are permitted, as well as instructions on cleaning materials. Reputable machine manufacturers should provide detailed knowledge of which machines are suitable for a particular task and which are not. Scrubber dryers and buffing machines can be individually set up or supplied in a setting particularly suitable for a given task.
Dos and don’ts • Don’t use acid cleaners on stone as these can be highly abrasive and can discolour the surface • Don’t put too much finish on floors. Imagine a sideboard that is topped up with too much wax • Don’t use a product that’s too strong for
CARE OF HARD FLOORS any cleaning of floors. A mix too rich in alkaline can lead to re-soiling – putting more and more solution on a mark will cause more damage than good • Don’t put too much water on wood, it can cause marking • Some wood finishes respond well to oil and require more regular top-ups • Do make sure finish is rinsed clean and left neutral before new finish is put on the floor, otherwise it will go cloudy and flake off. Using heavy equipment during can also cause damage. The cleaning operative must be trained to fully understand the science of how stone, wood or granolithic floors must be treated if they are to be kept in first-class condition. They must be educated as to why using inappropriate methods can cause damage to the floor or lead to an accident. Unless staff are aware of the potential problems of using an inappropriate chemical, they could be adding to a slip problem. Some surfaces are more delicate than others and operator knowledge is crucial to ensure there is no damage to the floor. Always use qualified experts who have the expertise to use the right cleaning methods for a range of different surfaces such as marble, granite or limestone flooring, remove scratches or restore a high polish. Vinyl Ian McCormack, directeur technique de la société ServiceMaster Clean, offre des conseils sur le soin de sols durs dans le rapport spécial de ce numéro. Examinant différentes surfaces de plancher, il traite des exigences des clients, de la formation des personnels, et des choses à faire et à ne pas faire.
Ian McCormack, Technical Manager bei ServiceMaster Clean, bietet im Rahmen des Sonderberichts dieser Ausgabe Ratschläge zur Pflege von Hartböden. Er erörtert verschiedene Arten von Bodenoberflächen, Kundenanforderungen, Personalschulung und was man tun und nicht tun sollte.
Nell’ambito dell’articolo speciale di questo numero, il manager tecnico di ServiceMaster Clean Ian McCormack offre consigli sulla cura dei pavimenti duri. Prende in esame diversi tipi di superfici di pavimenti, le necessità del cliente, l’addestramento del personale addetto ai lavori e le cose da fare e quelle da non fare.
floor surfaces may require deep scrubbing using a rotary machine and a suitable brush head to properly clean. Other floors may benefit from removing damaged seals and applying fresh coatings.
Stripped back Most building owners want to protect their flooring with some form of coating, but the floor will need to be stripped back to its original state fairly frequently so the varnish can be reapplied. Problems can occur if you leave a floor for long periods without maintaining it. Health and safety aspects need to be
carefully considered and followed during the course of the stripping of floors as surfaces will be very slippery and will need to be cornered off, so the public are kept safe. Your cleaning service supplier should take time to understand the company they are working for and approach the work with enthusiasm. Specialist products may be required to clean specific flooring and surfaces. The amount of footfall will also have a bearing on the cleaning schedule, but whichever floor surface you choose, if cleaning operations are carried out correctly, factors such as wheeled traffic and high footfall should not be an issue.
Does size matter? Will the globalisation of Facilities Management and the rise in integrated contracts threaten to push small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) out of the market? Carl Robinson, marketing manager for cleaning and FM company Nviro, discusses the pros and cons of integrated FM and explains how SME cleaning companies can stay afloat in the current climate.
Although there is a fear within SMEs that big FM companies will continue to push them further outside of the market, it’s important to remember that not all clients seek integrated services.
Over the years the FM industry has seen a huge rise in mergers, with companies not just looking to take over large areas of the market place nationally, but on a widespread global scale. For both hard and soft services, this globalisation of acquisitions and the expansion of the services offered by single companies is slowly squeezing SMEs out of the procurement process. Those at the lower end and middle market players within the cleaning industry now have to fight a harder battle when it comes to tendering for new contracts. When you consider the motives behind procurement and purchasing decisions, a large company will have the economies of scale and may possess both cost and price leadership. This quickly renders competitor bids uncompetitive where low price is the driving factor, and leaves SMEs with little chance of even entering into the procurement process for many contracts. In this scenario it isn’t just the contractors who are taking the blame for the lowering of costs during tendering. Clients are looking to save on their own budgets, and they can’t be accountable for seeking global players who they believe can offer a range of services at the right price. However, when you consider the argument between procuring SMEs or larger FM companies offering integrated services, there is a strange paradox relating to company size when it comes to success at winning business. On one hand, a customer might wonder whether a large company is too big, and that the custom given by the contractor would be insignificant in the grand scheme of operations for a company with a high market share. Yet on the other hand, a large company would in most cases be more financially resilient than your typical cleaning contractor, so a client may seek this security within the contract. A big threat to SMEs is the increase in the demand for integrated services. An important question arising from this is whether or not this attraction to
integrated FM automatically disqualifies a single service cleaning provider. Typically speaking, those companies that can offer an integrated service are bigger, with many strings to their bow. But in this instance, the customer is not necessarily simply choosing an integrated FM company because it is big and successful, but because it offers the package that is being sought.
Distinct disciplines SMEs tend not to be able to offer integrated service solutions as it requires very distinct disciplines that are generally the preserve of more cash-rich entities. This means that those seeking integrated FM have no choice but to approach the bigger companies, potentially leaving the smaller players out of the running altogether as they simply don’t have the means to provide the service. Integrated FM customer demand in some cases can be born out of a belief that by having one company service multiple FM needs, you can save money. However, this is not a given and quite often a fallacy. In the current economic climate budgets are certainly stretched, yet clients and suppliers should have value for money at the top of their agendas, not price. It’s imperative to bear in mind that prices can be lowered without affecting services and it’s about finding the companies that successfully work towards this correct approach. There’s nothing worse than discovering problems within the delivery of a contract further down the line. This can be very costly and can lead to the premature end of some contracts, so companies need to be aware of how costs are being cut and how this influences the contract. A shift in focus needs to be taken away from being attracted by a lower price. This culture of ‘cheap is better’ is drummed into not just business, but our everyday lives. It’s important to remember that quality and function must always outweigh the influence of low prices. It’s Continued page 46
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FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Does size matter? (continued) often better to pay a little bit more so you aren’t re-tendering every six months. One argument that often crops up in regard to large companies offering integrated FM contracts is the quality of service that is being delivered across all disciplines. If a plumber came to fix the boiler, would you let him rewire a light, or build a garden wall? In most cases a plumber might be able to build a garden wall, but it won’t be standing for long. In the same way, is an FM company that delivers security, catering and front of house, among a raft of other services going to be able to offer a top class cleaning service? There has been a constant diversification of service delivery towards integrated services and FM throughout Europe. This will continue as companies grow and attempt to satisfy the demands of new and existing markets that are increasingly seeking integrated packages. However, as companies expand, it is harder to consistently supply best service, and this is where smaller companies can play up to their strengths. Instead of trying to expand and dilute services, cleaning companies are using
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single service delivery as a selling point. Contract cleaners can now prove their worth against integrated and total facilities management contracts by demonstrating a delivery of not just basic, but specialist cleaning services. Instead of attempting to provide new specialisms altogether, companies who perform office cleans might add washroom cleaning, food hygiene, window cleaning or many other disciplines to their roster. This offers them the chance to expand their client base, while keeping a firm focus on delivering what they know best.
Contract stability Stability is very attractive when it comes to procurement, and this is a factor that can see clients prioritise perceived contract solidity over performance levels. Company maturity and high turnover are undoubtedly surface signs of steadiness, knowledge and success for big businesses. The danger here is that problems tend to emerge after a contract has been awarded. Clients tend to favour contractors with a large portfolio of big contracts, however, this may be the very reason that they feel undervalued, as their custom appears as
a mere drop in the proverbial FM ocean. The larger the business, the larger the complexity of operations and (arguably) subsequent susceptibility to risk. This is where smaller cleaning providers have the upper hand. These companies, with a substantially smaller portion of the market share, will have an eager-to-please attitude and will work hard to retain contracts as they try to gain market share. Having fewer contracts and the ability to offer a more proactive approach may be an advantage for SMEs, but in an increasingly global industry, another challenge for them is qualification. The barriers of entry for smaller companies are now higher during the tendering process. Companies must demonstrate successes in past contracts to satisfy very high criteria levels. If you can’t show that you have achieved results in a similar sized contract then you can be out of the running before you’ve even heard the starting pistol. Because of this, smaller companies attempting to make their way into new and bigger contracts will struggle to get past new hurdles eg, ensuring they have all relevant accreditations, good references, solid supply chain and in some cases even
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT affiliations with other FM companies. Some cleaning SMEs have attempted to create these affiliations/partnerships, working collaboratively to produce tenders or proposals for business. For example, a cleaning company teams up with a security firm in order to reach tender stage. This can be seen as more of a patchwork of services rather than a solid integrated delivery by one company, yet may yield better results overall as the individual company retains its specialism. There is further hope for SMEs in their battle to keep up with big businesses in the new European Commission initiative to tackle regulation on SMEs. The commission will be looking at REACH chemical legislation, value added tax, public procurement and labour marketrelated legislation, among many others this year with a view to assist SMEs in growing their business and untangling
the web of regulation. This comes in line with the recent public procurement reform which aims to improve SMEs’ access to national tenders, reduce red tape and boost cross-border activity.
La croissance du marché européen de la propreté professionnelle s’est ralenti et cette tendance risque de se maintenir. ECJ examine l’effet de la compression des tarifs sur le secteur, les possibililités d’action de PME dans la conjoncture actuelle pour conserver et obtenir de nouveaux clients, et les perspectives d’un retour de la croissance.
Europaweit hat sich das Wachstum in den Vertragsreinigungsmärkten verlangsamt, und es wird erwartet, dass sich dieser Trend fortsetzt. Das ECJ untersucht, wie sich der Druck zur Senkung von Vertragspreisen auf die Branche auswirkt, was KMUs in der gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftslage unternehmen können, um Verträge zu behalten und neue abzuschließen, und ob das Wachstum zurückkehren wird.
Not the norm Although there is a fear within SMEs that big FM companies will continue to push them further outside of the market, it’s important to remember that not all clients seek integrated services. The Shard building in London is a great example of this. Instead of seeking an integrated package, London Bridge Quarter Estate Management, the team running the project, sought the expertise of a range of single service specialists; favouring service partners with clear specialisms over a total FM contract. This example offers great hope for smaller cleaning companies, and could in
fact spell the beginning of a huge change when it comes to contracting of cleaning services. If we look back over the years it’s key to mention the cyclical nature of this interest in integrated FM. With the query of price at the top of the agenda for most businesses it’s not surprising that interest has again peaked, yet we could be seeing an end to this current phase within the next few years. With the eyes of the world on the building of The Shard, the process of procuring specialist services fell under the spotlight and could very easily have the power to influence others. Integrated services may offer cheaper prices and be easier for clients to manage, but there will always be customers that seek the specialist skills of single service contract cleaners, who will no doubt continue to hold their own and stay afloat on this changing tide. La crescita dei mercati del cleaning in tutta Europa ha subito un rallentamento e il trend è che il rallentamento continuerà. ECJ osserva l’impatto che la pressione di abbassare i prezzi dei contratti ha sul settore, quello che le piccole e medie imprese possono fare nel clima attuale per trattenere i contratti e se la crescita riprenderà oppure no.
Be your own boss
Starting up a business can be fraught with perils and pitfalls, especially if you have little or no experience of the field you are about to enter. There is, however, a path you can take made smooth by the footfalls of others. Hartley Milner explores the appeal of the franchise business model. You want it all – the challenge, the thrill and buzz of launching an enterprise and applying your energies to make it grow and prosper. Then, hopefully not too far down the line, you’ll reap the rewards. It’s all there for the taking. But you need to ask yourself: do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, do you really want the hassle of it all, or have you simply been seduced by the romantic hype promoted by the likes of TV business ‘reality’ shows? The reality is that it takes a huge amount of expertise, time, effort and money to establish a business, especially from scratch. Entrepreneurs who choose the ground zero option are likely to be born risk-takers who have an obsessive work ethic. So unless you have these character traits and are prepared to make many sacrifices, this may not be the route for you. Buying a franchise can be an easier, quicker, cheaper and a less risky way to set up a business. Ongoing costs are usually significantly lower due to the marketing support provided by the franchisor. Banks are more often likely to lend to a company linked to a brand with a well-established and respected market presence.
Since the 1930s when it was first trialled in the US catering industry, franchising has become an established business model across the globe, with 10,000 franchise brands operating in Europe alone. Business format franchising is the granting of a licence by one person (the franchisor) to another (the franchisee), which entitles the franchisee to operate their own business under the trademark, brand and systems of the franchisor for a predetermined period. In return for start-up and ongoing fees, the franchisee receives a comprehensive package of support comprising all the elements necessary for a previously untrained person to establish and run their business, as well as continuing assistance for the length of the franchise agreement. “Franchising, therefore, provides successful, robust opportunities to run your own business with a tried and tested formula, upfront training and ongoing support,” said Pip Wilkins, head of operations for the British Franchise Association. “That provision of ongoing support is a vital element. Whilst the franchisee is the owner of their business, it is important to bear in mind that it is the franchisor’s system and brand they are operating under. “As a franchisee, you are following someone else’s business model and are expected to stick to the system they have shown will bring success while applying your own personality and enterprise to
maximise its potential. As such, it could be said that a good franchisee is more enterprising than entrepreneurial.” In the UK over the past 15 years, around 90 per cent of franchises reported turning a profit each year and just four per cent failed – a powerful commendation for the business model, particularly when seen against a failure rate of 50 to 75 per cent for independent start-ups within three years of trading. Franchises have also bucked the national trend during the recession. Since 2008, the sector has created 130,000 new jobs and increased its turnover to 15.8 billion euros. “The relative success rates can be partly explained by the difference in flexibility,” Wilkins continued. “Fledgling businesses, with all the freedom they enjoy, also have to make decisions on their own or with whatever level of support and back-up expertise they can afford and accurately source. A franchisee on the other hand, even before their business has opened to customers, is given all the support they require to establish and grow. But both models still require dedication, lots of hard work, tenacity and passion to succeed.” Franchise opportunities can be full or part-time and are broadly categorised: Home-based - This is one of the most popular franchise options. Many businesses can be run entirely from the comfort of a home office, and still more incorporate an element allowing the franchisee to administer their operations round the clock without stepping outside their front door.
Transferable skills Van-based - Usually run in conjunction with a home office, van-based franchises are perfect if you like being mobile and meeting people. There is an enormous array of opportunities here, including automotive services, vending solutions, domestic and commercial cleaning, pet care, garden services and mobile catering. Management franchises - One of franchising’s key advantages is the ability to train people with little or no experience in a specific field. Transferable skills become all-important, and this is perhaps truest in this category where management experience is the perfect background for a prospective franchisee. Rather than direct hands-on work, the success of such franchises relies on your ability to manage people, business development, sales etc, usually from an office location. Some of the most common business types fall under this umbrella, including home care, lettings agents, business coaching, accountancy and business cost reduction Continued page 50
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BUSINESS: FRANCHISING Be your own boss (continued) services. Several domestic and commercial cleaning franchises are management rather than hands-on businesses. Premises-based - These include traditional franchising favourites from catering and hospitality through to retail, plus a host of upcoming and fast-growing brands, estate and lettings agencies, and even children’s nurseries. UK franchisee Chris Cook took the pure management route. The 33-year-old was keen to set up a scaleable business that would provide his family with a comfortable lifestyle for the future, but would not tie him up at the ‘coalface’. After researching his options, he chose commercial cleaning, signing up with Betterclean Services in mid-May this year. Since then, Cook has invested more than 53,000 euros in pursuit of his ambitious goal, to have a multi-million pound business within five years. And he has got off Lancer une affaire n’est pas un projet à prendre à la légère, surtout si l’on n’a que peu ou pas d’expérience du domaine dans lequel on se plonge. Il existe toutefois une voie que l’on peut emprunter pour éviter les déconvenues subies par d’autres. Hartley Milner explore l’attrait du modèle commercial représenté par le franchisage.
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to a flying start, building a customer base that has enabled him to hit his turnover projections for the first 18 months within just two months of the starting up. “It has not all gone smoothly – some of the worst things that can go wrong have gone wrong,” he said. “An experienced supervisor had to leave for family reasons, and this meant we had to urgently recruit and retrain a replacement to cover a contract that had just started. I found myself dragged into the business in a hands-on capacity for a while.” Cook paid 37,800 euros plus VAT for the basic franchise package. On top of that, he injected substantial working capital into the business to finance his aggressive expansion plans and manage cash flow. He has financed the venture to date with a mix of his own money and bank funding, which he was able to source more easily because he had a proven business model.
But is he getting his money’s worth from Betterclean? “So far, we have received all the support we were led to expect,” he said. “We had an initial training course and then ongoing training and support throughout. Then every three or four months, we attend networking sessions with other franchisees and the Betterclean management team to catch-up on best practices, discuss new business systems and marketing ideas. Its business advisor spends time working with us, so if we are visiting a prospective customer to deliver a live quotation, he will come along to make sure we are saying the right things. “Another big plus is Betterclean doesn’t mark up its prices, which is not the case throughout the franchising sector. We pay a set 5.75 per cent fee every month. We get products at the cheapest price. So we really are getting economies of scale through being part of a bigger network.”
Die Gründung eines Unternehmens ist ein Unterfangen, das von niemandem auf die leichte Schulter genommen werden sollte, insbesondere nicht von denjenigen, die keine oder nur wenig Erfahrung im gewählten Betätigungsfeld haben. Es gibt jedoch die Möglichkeit, dem von anderen vorbereiteten Weg zu folgen. Hartley Milner untersucht den Anreiz, als Konzessionsunternehmen zu arbeiten.
Iniziare un’attività è un’impresa da non prendere facilmente, specialmente se si ha poca esperienza o addiruttura nessuna del campo in cui si sta entrando. Esiste però un approccio più facile che si può adottare seguendo l’esempio di altri. Hartley Milner esplora l’attrattiva del modello del franchising.
Innovator Designer Manufacturer
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Better filling - less spilling A washroom dispenser should function well for the end user – but it should also be quick and easy for the cleaner to fill and maintain. We ask manufacturers about their dispensing systems that have been designed with ease of use in mind.
Washroom dispensers come in all shapes and sizes and in a whole host of finishes to enhance the décor of away-from-home toilets. But perhaps the most important attribute of any dispenser is its ability to function well and in an intuitive way. This will not only help the user; it will also make life easier for the cleaner whose job it is to refill and maintain these units. Manufacturers understand this and many engineer their dispensers to be easy to mount, refill and use. Tork manufacturer SCA, for instance, incorporates loading guides in pictogram format inside the dispenser casing. The larger Tork Elevation dispensers also feature built-in spiritlevels to make the units easier to mount on the wall, says product and segment manager Charlotte Branwhite. According to Branwhite factors such as ease of mounting, maintenance and use are all crucial when developing washroom dispensers. “Soaps and hand towels are key to good hand hygiene regimes so it is obviously important to make them easy for everyone to use. ”Making them quick and easy to maintain also means soap and towels are less likely to run out which again maximises hygiene. And since labour is the largest expense in the facilities sector, it also makes sense to offer dispensers that make life easier for the cleaner.” Tork Elevation and Tork Wave washroom dispensers also have an optional locking function, says Branwhite.
She adds that the dispensers have also been designed for ease of use by the washroom visitor. “Rounded teeth in our Tork Elevation jumbo roll dispensers allow the paper to be torn away without scratching the hands, for example. And our Tork Elevation foam soap dispenser has been designed to be easy to access even for people with low hand strength.” Metsä Tissue’s Katrin dispensers also feature an optional lock according to UK and Ireland sales director Mark Dewick. “The entire Katrin dispenser range uses the same key,” he said. “A viewing window allows the cleaner to tell at a glance which dispensers need topping up, and load and unload instructions are provided in a simple, graphic format where required so language is not an issue.” All Katrin soap refills are housed in closed cartridges to avoid spillage. According to Dewick it is highly important that washroom hygiene systems are both easy to clean and refill. “Labour accounts for the lion’s share of washroom costs and the more complex the cleaning and refilling process, the longer the process takes and the greater the costs incurred,” he said. He adds that when refilling is too complex, consumables may be wasted and other problems may occur. “Staff may become frustrated and their job satisfaction will be low – which means that staff turnover will be high. The task may not be carried out properly, either, which means end users will not have access to the consumables they need. But worse than that, poorly maintained washrooms may negatively impact on the brand of the organisation.” According to Dewick recent research carried out by Metsä revealed that 73 per cent of washroom users would not return to a restaurant where the washroom had made a dirty, unpleasant impression. “However, all customers want their dispensers to function and deliver an impression of cleanliness and hygiene – regardless of style, colour or cost,” he said.
“A beautifully designed, painted and wellappointed dispenser serves no purpose if it is empty. And users will be disdainful if they have to reach inside the dispenser to find toilet paper, or if the openings are grubby and have obviously been touched by everyone using them.” Vice president of Bobrick Washroom Equipment Andrew Sweibel says the company’s B-824 Liquid and B-828 Foam SureFlo Automatic Universal Soap Dispensers both offer top filling for the convenience of staff. “They also have an over-sized locking orifice that eliminates the need for filling containers or replacing cartridges under the counter,” he said. “Working under the counter is often carried out without adequate lighting, while SureFlo dispensers provide a convenient back flush feature.”
Easier life for cleaner According to Sweibel, Bobrick’s dispenser liners also make life easier for the cleaner. “LinerMates are an easilyinstalled accessory that helps to keep waste receptacles tidy while facilitating quicker liner changeovers,” he said. Sweibel adds that the efficient maintenance of a washroom is vitally important. “Regardless of how visually attractive the dispensers are, if they don’t function the user will be left with a negative impression,” he said. Gojo’s European marketing manager Suzanne De Maine agrees with this view. “Employers who are committed to enhancing the wellbeing of their workforces should choose dispensers and formulations that are accessible, attractive and a pleasure to use,” she said. “By selecting products that help to reduce the spread of infections - and dispensers that are quick and easy to refill - time and money will be saved.” Gojo’s touch-free LTX dispensers use a patent-pending system to hold their shape while emptying, says De Maine. “The bottles remain flat to the surface of the large windows at the front of the units Continued page 54
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WASHROOM DISPENSERS Better filling - less spilling (continued) which makes it easy to monitor soap levels at a glance, but in a more attractive way,” she said. “This ensures the dispensers are refilled promptly.” The soap is housed in factory-sealed units and a fresh valve is included in each refill. “The hygiene and health benefits of this are obvious, but the system also creates time savings for hard-pressed maintenance staff because they are so much simpler to replace,” she said. Hagleitner’s Xibu dispensers have also been designed to be easy to fill says head of product management Dr Georg Steiner. “An LED signal on the front of the dispenser shows the filling level, and when the display is flashing green/red it means the refill level is low but there is still a reserve supply of paper or soap,” he said. “Every dispenser has a reserve: for example, the foam soap dispenser’s Un appareil distributeur pour toilettes publiques doit fonctionner de manière satisfaisante pour l’utilisateur, mais il faut aussi qu’il recharge facilement et limite les salissures sous forme de rejets de serviettes usagées et d’épandages savonneux afin de réduire les frais de main-d’oeuvre. Nous demandons à des fabricants de nous expliquer les dispositions qu’ils ont prises pour faciliter la tâche des personnels de maintenance de toilettes publiques.
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reserve tank holds 2,000 shots of soap and the hand towel and toilet paper dispensers contains two rolls of paper. When one is nearly empty, the other roll is used automatically.” All refilling is intuitive and refills are dripfree, claims Steiner. “It is very important that dispensers are easy to use because of the time savings that can be achieved,” he said. “Where refilling can be carried out quickly and easily this frees up the staff and allows them to occupy themselves with other cleaning tasks.” Madeleine Pilpin says CWS-boco dispensers for soaps, air fragrances, disinfectants and towels have also been developed with ease of use in mind. “We offer no-touch dispensers with sensors plus units with special pumping systems, some of which can be operated with the elbow,” she said.
She says all CWS-boco soap dispensers are designed to be non-drip. “This keeps the surroundings clean while the upsidedown bottles ensure the soaps can be fully used. And the ‘click-in-bottle’ system makes refilling as easy as possible.” Among the company’s latest products is the CWS Washroom Information Service for cotton towel dispensers. This collects data such as dispenser identification and refill level status and uses text messages to alert cleaners and facility managers when a refill is due. A radio module in the dispenser uses a mobile phone network gateway to send the data to CWS-boco every 15 minutes. “The data is then processed into real-time information with messages such as: ‘dispenser almost empty’ or ‘dispenser empty’, and these are sent to the relevant operators so they can react and refill immediately,” said Pilpin.
Waschraumspender sollten dem Benutzer ein gutes Funktionserlebnis bieten. Sie sollten aber auch schnell und einfach zu befüllen sein und Unordnung in Form von weggeworfenen Handtüchern und Seifenspritzern auf den Waschraumeinheiten verhindern, um Arbeitskosten zu sparen. Wir befragen Hersteller nach Spendersystemen, die unter Berücksichtigung des Waschraumpersonals konzipiert wurden.
Un dispenser per sale da toilette dovrebbe funzionare bene per l’utilizzatore finale ma dovrebbe anche essere facile e veloce da riempire e prevenire ildisordine causato da asciugamani di carta usati e fuoriuscite di sapone sull’unità di lavoro per risparmiare sui costi del personale delle pulizie. Chiediamo ai produttori se i loro sistemi di dispenser sono stati progettati pensando al personale che si occupa della manutenzione delle sale da toilette.
The POD Reduce your paper consumption by up to 20% The POD is an auto-cut paper towel dispenser with one of the largest capacities on the market. With its clever reserve roll mechanism the POD prevents paper wastage whilst saving you money and reducing your impact on the environment.
• Dudley Industries a lancé une nouvelle gamme de distributeurs pour toilettes d’enfants. • Les Katrin Easy Packs de Metsä Tissue sont destinés à des commerces mobiles ayant besoin de serviettes sous la main.
• Ein neues Sortiment mit Spendern zum Einsatz in Waschräumen, die von Kindern genutzt werden, wurde von Dudley Industries entwickelt. • Katrin Easy Packs von Metsä Tissue wurden für mobile Unternehmen konzipiert, die Handtücher griffbereit haben müssen.
• La Dudley Industries ha sviluppato una nuova gamma di dispenser per le sale da toilette dei bambini. • Katrin Easy Packs della Metsä Tissue sono progettati per essere usati dagli operatori mobili che necessitano di avere asciugamani sempre a portata di mano.
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Just for children A new line of dispensers for children’s washrooms has been developed by Dudley Industries. Finished in bright yellow powder coat, each features the character Stitch the hedgehog. Stitch’s image will adorn all the dispensers in this new children’s range, which includes soap, paper towel and mini jumbo toilet tissue models. All dispensers are manufactured from powder coated stainless steel, are easy to clean with easy access for refilling.
Designed to be attractive to children, the Stitch character promotes a positive message of washing and drying hands properly. He can be used in conjunction with other teaching material that is available for use in the classroom.
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Easy to handle According to Metsä Tissue, the fact there is an increasing number of mobile businesses makes provision of hygiene consumables and maintenance of a healthy working environment more complex. With that in mind the company has developed the Katrin Easy Pack, self-contained sleeves of hand towels which are mobile but always protected from moisture, dirt and germs. The built-in dispenser is simple to open and use, and the product is compact, lightweight and easy to carry. Easy Packs
are delivered in the Katrin Handy Pack technology so can be easily stored in the company transport (van, car etc) and a single sleeve taken wherever the staff member goes. Suitable applications include mobile food outlets, paramedics, care workers, school receptions, public transport and leisure environments.
Less paper use The Paper POD is a mechanical auto-cut paper towel dispenser recently introduced by Kennedy. The company claims it can help to reduce paper consumption by up to 20 per cent because of the Reserve System. Thanks to this, with its built-in patented stub roll loading mechanism, a new roll can be loaded into the dispenser before the previous roll has been fully used. When the stub roll has been fully used the mechanism transfers to the new full size roll. Kennedy says the Reserve System prevents the paper from running out at the end of the roll, and ensures no unused paper remains on the stub roll. The POD has been designed to accommodate many different paper rolls - various lengths, diameters, widths and thickness.
Kennedy can supply a standard two-ply 110-metre roll.
Multi-functional The Sanitex MVP system from Vectair Systems combines dispenser design with soap and surface cleaners. Complete with advanced foam, liquid and spray cartridges, it consists of a range of robust units (manual and automatic) that are said to be simple to operate and service. The cover of the manual dispenser incorporates Biomaster, a silver ion-based antimicrobial technology which lasts for the lifetime of the product and can reduce bacterial growth by 99.99 per
cent, says Vectair.
Key flexibility Flexibility is a key feature of its Modular and Mercury soap dispenser ranges, says Brightwell. Both offer interchangeable pumps to enable them to dispense liquid, foam and spray soaps, and can also be refillable or house a pouch.
The ranges also incorporate a line of paper dispensers. Modular’s simple look is suitable for schools, hotels or offices while the Mercury range comes in black/stainless steel finish for high-end washrooms.
• Le Paper POD est un distributeur de serviettes à dispositif de coupe automatique proposé par Kennedy pour réaliser des économies de papier. • Le système multifonctionnel Sanitex MVP de Vectair combine un distributeur et des dispositifs de nettoyage au savon ou de surface. • Les distributeurs de savon Modular et Mercury de Brightwell sont munis de pompes interchangeables capables de doser du liquide, de la mousse ou des nuages de savon. • Bei Paper POD von Kennedy handelt es sich um einen mechanischen Papierhandtuchspender mit automatischer Papierschneidevorrichtung, der papiersparende Funktionen bietet. • Das Multifunktionssystem Sanitex MVP von Vectair kombiniert Spendereinheiten mit Seifen oder Oberflächenreinigern. • Die Seifenspender Modular und Mercury von Brightwell verfügen über austauschbare Pumpen, sodass sie zur Dosierung von Flüssig-, Schaum- und Sprühseifen eingesetzt werden können. • Paper POD è un dispenser meccanico di asciugamani in carta a taglio automatico prodotto dalla Kennedy che vanta la caratteristica del risparmio di carta. • Il sistema multifunzionale Sanitex MVP della Vectair abbina una unità dispenser a un erogatore di sapone o di detergente per superfici. • I dispenser di sapone Modular e Mercury della Brightwell sono dotati di pompe intercambiabili che possono dosare liquidi, schiuma o saponi spray.
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• Produit nouveau Hagleitner, la poubelle Xibu Paperbox est destinée aux toilettes publiques et comporte des capteurs. • Tork à élargi sa gamme de distributeurs pour toilettes publiques suite à la reprise, pas sa société mère SCA, de Georgia-Pacific EMEA. • P+L Systems a introduit une gamme de diffuseurs de parfums programmables et automatiques. • Neu von Hagleitner ist der Abfalleimer Xibu Paperbox mit integrierter Sensortechnologie, der für den Einsatz in Waschräumen konzipiert wurde. • Nach dem Erwerb des Geschäftsbereichs EMEA von Georgia-Pacific durch das Mutterunternehmen SCA bietet Tork jetzt ein erweitertes Sortiment an Waschraumspendern. • P+L Systems stellt ein Sortiment mit programmierbaren und automatischen Duftspendern vor. • La novità della Hagleitner è il contenitore per rifiuti Xibu Paperbox adatto per sale da toilette e dotato di sensori. • La Tork offre ora una gamma ampliata di dispenser per sale da toilette in seguito all’acquisizione della Georgia-Pacific EMEA da parte della società madre SCA. • La P+L Systems offre una gamma di dispenser di fragranze programmabili e automatici.
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New wastebin The Xibu line of washroom dispensers from Hagleitner has been expanded with the addition of a new waste bin for paper towels, the Xibu Paperbox. This is available as the standard mechanical version Xibu touchPaperbox or with electronic sensor technology as the Xibu sensePaperbox. Integrated into the lid is a storage space for one bag refill: the garbageBag Xibu has a volume of 45 litres. With the electronic version the sensor technology moves the waste bin to the inner wall of the Paperbox as soon as the lid is closed, increasing volume by 40 per cent. An LED signal shows
the status of the battery and the refill, and there is also an optional acoustic signal.
Acquisition Tork now offers an expanded range of washroom dispensers following the acquisition of Georgia-Pacific EMEA by parent company SCA, including the Lotus Professional brand. As well as the Tork Elevation range and the upmarket Tork Aluminium line, the company now offers the Tork Wave range of dispensers along with durable stainless steel and metal units. The Tork Wave line incorporates a series of products formerly sold under the Lotus Professional brand - including the Tork SmartOne toilet tissue dispenser and a range of Tork Xpress Multifold hand towels. The Tork SmartOne, available in both full-size and mini versions, offers single sheet dispensing which
naturally limits consumption.
At all hours Programmable and automatic fragrance dispensers from P+L Systems come in white or chrome finish. The LCD model, for example, allows for complete control and is said to be easy to programme - it allows fragrance to be dispensed on selected days of the week, between specified time periods at selected intervals. Designed for high traffic areas where fragrance is required 24 hours a day, the LED model is easy to install and comes preprogrammed with settings of 7.5, 15 or 30 minutes.
Gel option Proandre’s Multipush gel dispenser can be sold separately, offering a single product, or in conjunction with other refills. Products in the line are hand soap, shampoo, hair conditioner, shower gel, toilet seat cleaner and hand sanitised. Other units in the company’s range include the Sensor XL touch-free soap dispenser which holds a large refill of up to 3,750 doses. It automatically dispenses the right amount of product when it detects the user’s hands and is equipped with an integrated anti-theft lock. Designed for high traffic areas. The Proandre foam dispenser doses soft foam through a valve and incorporates a translucent window for monitoring of product consumption. It comes in white
and chrome, and has a lock.
Time release HyScent is a range of timerelease fragrances that are free of the propellants, petroleum distillates and harmful solvents used in some products. HyScent refills release a dry vapour: dry refills mean no spills, mess or wasteful evaporation so there is no corrosion or other refill-caused damage to the dispenser. They take less than 20 seconds to replace. A new dispenser has been introduced recently. HyScent InVent is a small model for difficult areas such as high ceilings, corridors and extra large spaces. It works with the existing HVAC
airflow and has no batteries, simply clipping onto a wallmounted or floor-vented AC or behind venting panels.
Cradle to Cradle Vendor prioritises Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the development of all its washroom products, and its Pure soap and foam soap have been formulated according to the Cradle to Cradle philosophy. The dispenser for the soap is said to be completely hygienic because of the sealed flasks - a vacuum system ensures it is leakproof at all times during usage. A level indicator tells the operator when the unit is ready to be refilled and the reservoir contains enough soap or foam soap for around 100 measures.
• Parmi les nouveaux produits Proandre figure le distributeur de gel Multipush, conçu pour l’hôtellerie. • HYScent désigne la gamme Hyso de diffuseurs de parfums dont les recharges libèrent une vapeur sèche. • Vendor a introduit de nouveaux savons inspirés par la philosophie “Du berceau au berceau”, assortis d’un distributeur. • Unter den neuesten Produktentwicklungen von Proandre ist der Gelspender Multipush, der für das Hotelgewerbe konzipiert wurde. • HYScent von Hyso ist ein Duftspendersortiment, dessen Nachfüllpackungen einen Trockendampf verströmen. • Vendor hat einige neue Seifen eingeführt, die in Übereinstimmung mit der Cradle-to-CradlePhilosophie entwickelt wurden, sowie einen Spender. • Fra i più recenti sviluppi di nuovi prodotti della Proandre c’è il dispenser di gel Multipush progettato per il settore alberghiero. • HYScent della Hyso è una gamma di dispenser di fragranze le cui ricariche rilasciano un vapore asciutto. • La Vendor ha introdotto alcuni nuovi saponi sviluppati secondo la filosofia “dalla Culla alla Culla” e inoltre un dispenser.
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dispensing simplicity The MultiDose is a unique hand pump designed to deliver accurate doses of concentrated chemicals into sinks, bottles, buckets, and other containers.
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Chemically enhanced Chemical companies not only have to come up with products that will effectively carry out the job for which they are intended – they also have to make sure that those products both look and smell attractive to persuade the customer to buy. Ann Laffeaty asks companies how they enhance their products to make them more fragrant and aesthetically pleasing.
When choosing a chemical cleaning solution, the most important factor to consider is whether or not the product is going to work. But what makes people choose one unknown product over another? And if several products do more or less the same job as each other, why opt for Product A and not Product B? It seems that the look of the product – both the chemical itself and the packaging that houses it –plays a major part in persuading people to buy. If a chemical manufacturer were to offer a customer a foul-smelling, colourless gloop in a plain plastic bottle, that customer is unlikely to be impressed – even if the product happened to be the most effective solution on the market. And according to some manufacturers, the smell of the product is at least as important as its appearance. This is certainly the case as far as BioProductions’ managing director Mike James is concerned. “In some cases we have given a customer two or three samples of the same product but in different fragrance and colour options, and they have said: ‘I like this one, but not that one’,” he said. “So the colour and smell of a product can actually be the factors that convince a customer to buy. “People want their products to be sexy. They want their concentrates to have
some body to them - and customers seem to have a built-in resistance to chemical solutions that don’t happen to smell right.” According to James the fragrance preferences of Bio-Productions’ customers are changing all the time. “I could say, for instance, that certain customers prefer aromas that are fruity, spicy or floral - but by the time the article comes out the market will have already moved on,” he said. Spicy aromas are currently popular in Africa and India, he says. “Citrus and lavender smells are also coming back into fashion and the sharp, fruity fragrance of wild berries is currently quite popular. And many people today tend to like a minty smell in the washroom.” Colour is also important to BioProductions’ customers, says James. “The fact that we now have translucent trigger spray bottles means people are looking for the products themselves to have sexier colours,” he said. “Sometimes the application of the product influences the colour: for example, people tend to like red products in the washroom and green for general food use to tie in with the colourcoding system.”
Appearance and smell He adds the appearance and smell of chemical products for cleaning purposes have always been important to customers. “You have to market the product,” said James. “If your product happens to be a better colour and in smarter packaging than that of your rivals, the customer is more likely to pick it up and use it. Otherwise someone has to sell the advantages of the product to the customer, and this takes time and effort.” He adds that the smell only really becomes important after the customer has chosen to buy the product. “The customer can’t exactly open the packaging before buying it to smell the substance inside – but they are more likely to reorder if they like the aroma.” Ecover’s business to business product and brand manager Lies Marijnissen says
her company’s customers tend to put product efficacy and usability at the top of their list of priorities. “A good dosing system is also important,” she said. “But besides these factors, we do notice a good-looking label and a fresh design are much appreciated.” Marijnissen says Ecover tends to match the colours of its products to tie in with industry standards. “We use blue for Interiors; red for sanitary areas and green for floors,” she said. “Attractive packaging is also important to represent the quality of the product. But professional cleaning products also need to display clear user information, and this means that usage and dosing icons and colour coding are very important.” She adds fragrance also has a key part to play in customer satisfaction. “We have noticed that our Floreal Fresh all-purpose cleaner is highly preferred by customers due to its flower perfume,” she said. According to vice manager marketing of Dr Schnell Chemie Franz Felbermeir, the smell of a product tends to be more important than either its colour or consistency. “We actually employ someone whose task it is to perfume our products and we find aroma preference varies from country to country,” he said. “For example, Germans tend to favour lemon-scented products while southern countries prefer the smell of chlorine and Scandinavians like fruity aromas.” He says the top priorities of Dr Schnell when formulating products is that they should be ecologically sound and economical in use, while also having a pleasant, though subtle, scent. “Once factors such as economy, environmental friendliness and scent have all been considered we then look at providing products to our customers in an attractive format,” he said. He adds that the focus for product labelling is that it should be clear and concise rather than attractive in order to assist those customers who have Continued page 62
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CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS Chemically enhanced (continued) allergies. “The packaging is not so important in terms of its appeal, but only so far as it benefits the users,” he said. And according to Felbermeir, customers even have a preference when it comes to the texture of their chemical products. “Customers tend to prefer liquid products if the usage location allows, for example if there are no vertical surfaces,” he said. “We try to avoid viscous products, too, because they require thickening agents which compromises the spontaneous dissolving power. Gel products also need to be rinsed several times with clean water to remove product residue.” Director of marketing for Charlotte Products/Enviro-Solutions Jennifer Meek says the company’s first focus when developing any product is its efficacy. “The three key factors that matter most to end customers are performance, green certification and cost effectiveness,” she Les entreprises chimiques n’ont pas seulement à proposer des produits qui assureront les tâches prescrites car il doivent veiller aussi à ce que ces produits aient l’aspect de leur affectation, que ce soit par leur couleur, leur arome ou leur propriétés physiques (telles que celles d’une mousse, d’un gel ou d’un liquide).
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said. “We want our products to work and to be a ‘solution’ for cleaning professionals and building managers.” According to Meek, these three factors are inextricably interconnected. “For instance, a green product may be certified and effective but if it is considerably more expensive than a non-green product that is designed to be used for the same purpose, most facility managers will have a difficult time rationalising the added costs.”
Packaging consideration As far as packaging is concerned, she adds the company is more focused on ensuring that this is as sustainable as possible rather than making it aesthetically pleasing to end users. “The materials we select often come from recycled sources and are themselves recyclable,” she said. “We also encourage our customers to select products in large containers since Chemieunternehmen müssen nicht nur die Produkte bereitstellen, die die beabsichtigten Aufgaben wirkungsvoll ausführen. Sie müssen auch für ein entsprechendes Aussehen der Produkte sorgen - entweder durch ihre Farbe, ihren Geruch oder physikalische Eigenschaften (d. h. ob es sich um einen Schaum, ein Gel oder eine Flüssigkeit handelt).
not only can this represent a cost saving for them, but it also helps to cut down on packaging materials which again helps to promote sustainability.” She adds that while colour can be important when branding a product, it is not a factor that matters a great deal to the company’s customers. “What does play a role is the product’s odour,” she said. According to Meek, most customers tend to opt for chemicals that either have no odour at all or a faint, pleasant aroma. “They do this because it has less impact on indoor air quality,” she said. So even though one should never judge a book – or indeed, a cleaning product – by its cover, it does appear that cosmetic factors such as colour and packaging have a key role to play in a customer’s product selection. But woe betide the manufacturer who fails to take the product’s fragrance into consideration. Le aziende di prodotti chimichi non solo devono fornire prodotti che siano efficaci per il lavoro per il quale sono stati creati, devono anche assicurarsi che questi prodotti abbiano il look adatto, sia per il loro colore, aroma o proprietà fisiche (cioè se sono in schiuma, gel oppure liquidi).
Food focus
Two lines
Realco has developed a range of cleaning solutions aimed at the food preparation industry - based on enzymatic cleaning technology. Enzyme cleaners, says the company, clean more deeply than conventional chemicals and because they work at a neutral pH they carry no risk of allergy, irritation or toxic emissions. Realco also claims this type of cleaner reduces costs thanks to faster cleaning action and less energy consumption. And because they are composed of 100 per cent biodegradable enzymes and renewable raw materials they contribute to sustainable operations. For detection of contamination Realco has developed the Contamination Detection Kit, which can determine in less than five minutes whether a surface is contaminated with biofilm. The company then offers enzymatic solutions to tackle this bacteria.
Voigt has developed two new chemical lines. HDtechnology is made up of two products - high gloss dispersion and antistatic cleaner for water resistantfloors. Both contain Teflon surface protector - which offers resistance to wear and tear and has self-generating properties. Also new is x-line, eight solutions designed for routine surface cleaning. These highly concentrated products contain biotechnology - bacteria that produce enzymes and speed up the cleaning process - and silica nanotechnology, which delays dirt deposition and facilitates further cleaning. Two dosing
options are available - portable dispenser and dosing cap.
Cost in use According to Salveco, its new automatic dishwasher liquid detergent SalveDishMatic offers efficiency and low cost in use. Its formula has also been developed to reduce health risks for users and have a very low environmental footprint. Ingredients are of 100 per cent natural origin, with high biodegradability levels - there are no bioaccumulative ingredients. SalveDishMatic is designed for professional dishwasher with automatic dosing systems and works in all water condition at optimal concentration . Combined with SalveDish Rinse and complementary products, Salveco says it offers optimum cleaning and grease removal properties, as well as it preventing scale deposits.
• Realco considère que ses solutions de nettoyage enzymatique agissent plus en profondeur que les produits chimiques conventionnels. • La gamme X-Line de Voigt rassemble huit agents chimiques pour le traitement de surfaces de tous types. • Salveco a introduit le SalveDishMatic, un nouveau détergent liquide pour machines à laver la vaisselle. • Laut eigenen Angaben von Realco sorgen seine Reinigungslösungen auf Enzymbasis für eine gründlichere Reinigung als konventionelle Chemikalien. • Voigt bietet X-Line, eine Produktreihe mit acht Chemikalien zum Reinigen aller Oberflächen. • Neu von Salveco ist das flüssige Spülmittel SalveDishMatic für automatische Geschirrspülmaschinen. • La Realco afferma che le sue soluzioni di pulizia a base di enzimi puliscono più in profondità dei prodotti chimici convenzionali. • La Voigt produce X-Line, una gamma di otto prodotti chimici per la pulizia di tutte le superfici. • La novità della Salveco è il detergente liquido per lavastoviglie automatiche SalveDishMatic.
October 2013 | ECJ | 63
• Gumwand est un nouvel outil destiné à faire chuter le coût du nettoiement de chewing-gums de trottoirs et de planchers. • DiBO a introduit l’ECN-S, un nettoyeur haute pression à eau froide pour l’industrie. • Nilfisk aligne deux nouvelles machines : la laveuse sécheuse SC1500 à conducteur debout et l’autolaveuse compacte SC351. • P&G Professional a lancé une nouvelle gamme de 15 produits de nettoyage et de désinfection. • Nouveau produit Tork : un distributeur de serviettes pliées s’installant sur un plan de travail. • Truvox a lancé la l’Orbis MotorScrubber 20 pour les surfaces difficiles d’accès.
• Gumwand ist ein neues Werkzeug, das beträchtlich zur Senkung der Kosten beitragen soll, die beim Entfernen von Kaugummi auf Gehwegen und Böden entstehen. • Neu von DiBO ist der kompakte Kaltwasser-Hochdruckreiniger ECN-S für den gewerblichen Einsatz. • Neu von Nilfisk sind die Stand-on-Scheuersaugmaschine SC1500 und die kompakte Scheuersaugmaschine SC351. • P&G Professional hat ein neues Sortiment mit 15 Reinigungsund Desinfektionsprodukten vorgestellt. • Neu von Tork ist ein freistehender Thekenspender für gefaltete Handtücher. • Truvox hat zwei neue Geräte vorgestellt: den Orbis MotorScrubber 20 für schwer zugängliche Bereiche und den Hydromist 13 Pro-Spotter für Flecken und Verschmutzungen auf Teppichen.
• Gumwand è un nuovo strumento che vanta di ridurre in maniera significativa il costo della rimozione della gomma da masticare dai marciapiedi e dai pavimenti. • La novità della DiBO è la idropulitrice industriale compatta ad alta pressione e acqua fredda ECN-S. • Le novità della Nilfisk sono la lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore in piedi SC1500 e la spazzatrice compatta SC351. • La P&G Professional ha lanciato una nuova gamma di 15 prodotti per la pulizia e la disinfezione. • La novità della Tork è un dispenser da appoggio che eroga asciugamani piegati. • La Truvox ha lanciato la Orbis MotorScrubber 20 per aree difficili da raggiungere.
October 2013 | ECJ | 64
Slash costs Gumwand is a new product whose manufacturer claims will slash the cost of removing chewing gum from pavements and floors. It is a lightweight, one-man operated, self-contained machine that works on all surfaces - indoors or outdoors.
fitted if required, suitable for a 20-metre long hose. Three versions are available - one with working pressure of 130 bar and flow rate of 600 litres per hour; one with working pressure of 180 bar and flow of 780 litres per hour; and one with 210 bar pressure and 900 litres per hour flow.
Two new
Gumwand uses a steam process to break up the gum and create a powder from the residue. This can then be simply brushed away without any damage to the surface, thanks to the sugar beet-based detergent and Gumwand lance. The machine costs less than six euros per hour to run. Gumwand is actively seeking distributors worldwide.
Cold water New from DiBO is the ECN-S compact industrial cold water high pressure cleaner - a smaller version of the ECN-M and ECN-T ranges. This model incorporates a new type of high pressure pump, the Evolution 2 from Interpump. The cover is made of impactproof rotation moulded polyethylene combined with a stainless steel protective front - mounted on a sturdy steel frame. Thanks to its large wheels the ECN-S can be wheeled easily and smoothly, says DiBO and start/ stop system is fitted as standard. A reel can be
The Nilfisk SC1500 is a new stand-on scrubber dryer from Nilfisk, offering up to three-anda-half hours battery run time and area coverage of almost 2,500 square metres per hour. Suitable for daytime cleaning, the new scrubber requires minimal training thanks to the OneTouch scrub on/off switch and intuitive dashboard - the operator simply steps up and starts cleaning says Nilfisk.
Also new for daily cleaning is the SC351 compact scrubber dryer which has a rotating deck to enable it to clean forwards and backwards. Low noise level means suitability for daytime cleaning, with other features including large rear wheels for manoeuvrability and ergonomic adjustable handle.
products will be rolled out to other European countries in the coming months.
Counter top New from Tork is a freestanding counter top dispenser designed to give out folded hand towels. The Tork Xpress Counter Top Multifold Hand Towel dispenser is designed for upmarket hotels and restaurants, hygiene-critical healthcare and food preparation, washrooms and offices.
It gives out large absorbent towels that are dispensed one at a time to prevent overconsumption and cross-contamination. In some washrooms affixing dispensers to the wall is not the best solution. Available in white and black, the dispenser is simple to load and has a refill indicator for ease of maintenance.
Hard to reach For cleaning of hard-to-reach areas Truvox International offers the Orbis MotorScrubber 20, which is portable and has a telescopic handle. Typical applications include toilets, stairwells, storerooms, behind and beneath counters and beds.
15 chemicals P&G Professional has launched a new range of 15 colour coded concentrated cleaning and disinfecting products - blue for public spaces, green for kitchens and red for sanitary areas. The products are complemented by professional usage aids and hygiene plans. Currently available through distributors in the UK, France, Germany and Spain, the new
The cordless machine is powered by a 12-volt battery backpack providing four hours of run time. Cleaning width is 20 cm and there is a 75 cm telescopic handle to enable cleaning of walls as well as floors. Brushes and pads come as standard.
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