June/July 2014

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The pan-European magazine for the professional cleaning sector





ISSA/ Interclean review Starts page 37

Internal communications

Hygiene in food prep

Why are we still not washing?

Page 49

Page 25

Page 33

in Made Great B rit


Good Gets Even Better A A A

Eco Design... what it means

Energy Values Energy Values E

Becoming European law in September 2014 Ecodesign will create a big change in both vacuum design and selection.

< 28 Energy A E Values

As Europe’s largest commercial vacuum manufacturer Numatic have embraced the Ecodesign requirement resulting in a vacuum at the same time reducing energy consumption by 50%. *Applies to mains powered dry commercial vacuums.




A calculation that makes a comparative estimate of energy consumption on an annual basis in a given set of circumstances.

C... Carpet A test procedure that accurately measures dust pick up on carpet and states this as a simple percentage measurement of dust put down on the same carpet.

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G < 71

C... Hard Floors a crevice to arrive at the combined dust

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Dust P ick Up Dust Pick Up D

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A... Energy


AB < 28 28 - 34 A< 28 BC 283- 34 4-4 BC 2834 - 34 0 D 40- -40 46 CD3440- -40 E 46 -46 52 DE40 - 46 F46 52--52 58 EF46 - 52 G52 > 5-858 FG52 - 58 > 58 G > 58

The regulations set a maximum power of 1600W sound and dust re-emission to be clearly displayed to the consumer at point of purchase.






Dust P ick Up Dust Pick Up D

A> Dust Pick D Up111

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Numatic International Limited, Chard, Somerset, TA20 2GB Tel: 01460 68600 Fax: 01460 68458 5\TH[PJ 0U[LYUH[PVUHS 3PTP[LK :WLJPĂ„JH[PVU Z\IQLJ[ [V JOHUNL ^P[OV\[ WYPVY UV[PJL


June/July 2014 | Vol.22, No.3


SPECIAL REPORTS 25 What does ‘safe’ mean?

22 Kärcher Winner of the Amsterdam Innovation Award

How do food safe products differ to conventional cleaning products?

BUSINESS 49 Keeping staff in the loop Hartley Milner highlights the importance of keeping staff informed of company progress.

33 Altering behaviour Despite all the publicity, why are we still not washing our hands enough?

37 ISSA/Interclean Amsterdam review ECJ looks back at the show and the new products launched there.

45 Wiping for safety The humble wiper plays a vital part in maintaining workplace safety.

53 Water or chemicals?

03 News

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using pure water on windows?

56 Best practice for safety

14 European reports

Tips on best practice in window cleaning, including health and safety.

58 The case for dilution systems

64 Product review

When it comes to chemical dilution, the glug-glug method is not acceptable.

61 A logistical challenge A look at the importance of the logistics operation in a distribution business.

Criterion Publishing Ltd PO Box 299, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1FP UK T +44 (0)1494 791222 F +44 (0)1494 792223 info@europeancleaningjournal.com www. europeancleaningjournal.com Subscriptions UK - £60 / Continental Europe - £70 / International - £80

Editor Michelle Marshall Features Writer Ann Laffeaty Advertisement Director Chris Godman Advertisement Sales Carole Dawson Circulation Marie Payne

Italy, Spain & Switzerland Fabio Potesta Mediapoint & Communications Corte Lambruschini, Corso Buenos Aires, 8 V0 Piano, Interno 7 16129 Genova, Italy T +39 010 570 4948 F +39 010 553 0088 info@mediapointsrl.it www. mediapointsrl.it

European Cleaning Journal is published six times a year by Criterion Publishing Ltd. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in European Cleaning, Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents can accept no responsibility for the varacity of claims made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. Copyright for all material published in European Cleaning remains with Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents.

Germany Reinhard Knittler Knittler Medien, Mittlerer Hubweg 5, D-72227 Egenhausen, Germany T +49 7453/9385 787 F +49 7453/9385 797 info@knittler.de www.knittler.de ISSN 0968-901X ©Criterion Publishing 2014


Latest News & Events from ECJ

Hand hygiene campaigns are cost-effective, says study

Hand hygiene programmes are financially feasible - and their implementation costs are relatively low compared with the savings that can be made. These were the conclusions reached by an economics expert at a recent hand hygiene conference in London. Joy Townsend, emeritus professor of economics and primary care at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, drew her conclusions after examining various campaigns and the effects they had on health and the economy. For example, she referred to the results of a 2005 study on the effects of hand washing on child health in Karachi, Pakistan. Hand hygiene was promoted in 25 settlements where each household was provided with soap. No such provision was made in 11 adjoining settlements. “During the course of the study there was a 50 per cent reduction in pneumonia in the under-fives in those settlements where soap was provided,” said Townsend. “There was also a 53 per cent reduction in diarrhoea among under 15s.” Townsend then referred to a four-year Taiwan study in which alcohol-based hand sanitisers were placed at strategic points around three hospitals and healthcare staff were given training. Financial incentives were offered to

wards showing outstanding hand hygiene compliance – and fines threatened for non-compliance. “At the end of the scheme we estimated 1,424 episodes of healthcare-acquired infections had been averted and compliance had improved from 43.3 per cent to 95.6 per cent,” said Townsend. “After the costs of the alcohol sanitisers, posters and financial incentives had been deducted, the net benefit was 3,904 million euros.” The costs of illness due to poor hand hygiene at work could be astronomical, according to Townsend. “For example, sick leave as a result of poor washroom hygiene cost the UK economy 5.2 billion euros in 2013, and this was estimated to reduce UK GDP by 0.8 per cent,” she said. The United Nations had considered the cost benefit trade-offs of a US scheme to improve sanitation in developing countries. “The study concluded that hygiene promotion was the single most cost-effective health intervention, costing only 3.7 euros a day,” said Townsend. “Providing basic sanitation, on the other hand, costs between 7.4 and 74 euros a day.” She concluded that a hospital-wide hand hygiene programme was financially feasible and could result in significant reductions in healthcare-acquired infections.

Poulets crus, emballages de viande et chariots dans les supermarchés favorisent la multiplication de microbes, indiquent de nouvelles études.

Register now for your free monthly email newsletter from ECJ. And don’t forget to bookmark the ECJ website and don’t miss our regular blogs - including Dr Ilham Kadri from Diversey Care, Rob den Hertog of Amsterdam RAI, Mike Sullivan of GOJO, EUnited’s Markus Asch and Unger’s Torsten Deutzmann www.europeancleaningjournal.com

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Rohes Hähnchenfleisch, Fleischverpackungen und Einkaufswagen im Supermarkt sind Brutstätten für Krankheitserreger, so lautet das Ergebnis einer neuen Untersuchung.

Pollame crudo, imballaggi della carne e carrelli dei supermercati sono un terreno di coltura per germi, come afferma la ricerca più recente.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 3

NEWS Obituary - Peter Holt Peter Holt - a well-loved and familiar figure across the cleaning industry - died suddenly while at the ISSA/ Interclean exhibition in Amsterdam last month. Holt had retired from his role as managing director of UK-based cleaning machine producer Truvox International in 2008, having joined in 1991. David Overell, his successor, says that Holt was tasked with turning round the company, which was in decline at the time. With his wealth of experience in overseas business, he quickly formulated the strategy of developing an export customer base, and, at the same time, marketing the manufacturing capacity of Truvox to potential

Crisis goes on

OEM customers. In 2006 Holt led the team from Truvox which managed the company’s acquisition by Tacony Corporation. He made the decision to retire at the end of 2008, having grown Truvox into a key player in the global cleaning equipment market. He was passionate about both maintaining a UK manufacturing base, as well as the need to expand beyond Truvox’s traditional customers. Prior to joining Truvox, Peter Holt had a long career with Johnson Wax Professional Trade Division, progressing through the ranks to senior management. He then joined Lever Industrial and took the lead in their cash and carry

• Peter Holt, personnalité respectée du monde de la propreté, est décédé soudainement au salon ISSA/ Interclean d’Amsterdam. • L’association espagnole de la propreté ASPEL a averti ses adhérents qu’ils resteraient en récession jusqu’en 2016.

• Peter Holt

business, eventually playing an active role in the transition to Diversey Lever. Holt was also a very active member of the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners in London, being admitted as a Freeman in 1992.

• Peter Holt, eine weltweit in der Reinigungsbranche sehr angesehene Figur, starb plötzlich auf der ISSA/Interclean in Amsterdam. • ASPEL, der spanische Verband für Reinigungsunternehmen, sprach die Warnung aus, dass sich die Branche bis 2016 in einer Rezession befinden wird.

The Spanish Professional Association of Cleaning Companies (ASPEL) has warned that the country’s cleaning sector is still in crisis and will continue in recession for the next two years. Its president, Juan Díez de los Ríos, commented: “We understand that analysts in general say the country is recovering, however none of the indicators point to the cleaning sector - one of the last to go into crisis - not continuing to fall behind in the coming months.” He also noted cleaning companies are facing difficulties in accessing credit, plus an increase in taxation - in fact he called for a reduction in company labour and taxation costs.

• Peter Holt, una figura molto rispettata nel settore mondiale del cleaning, è morto improvvisamente alla ISSA/Interclean di Amsterdam. • ASPEL, l’associazione spagnola delle imprese di pulizia, ha comunicato che per il settore la recessione continuerà fino al 2016.

NEWS Kärcher wins Amsterdam Innovation Award with MopVac The B60/10 C MopVac from Kärcher was declared the best innovation for the cleaning industry when it was announced as the winner of the Amsterdam Innovation Award at last month’s ISSA/Interclean 2014. It was chosen to be awarded the overall prize from the three category winners - the other two were Wetrok and ECMR. The results of this year’s competition were announced at a gala ceremony hosted by Dutch television celebrity Pernille La Lau. Chairman of the judges Michelle Marshall, editor of ECJ, revealed the winners. The winning product fills the gap between the scrubber dryer and the bucket and wiping mop for daily intermediate cleaning of hard floors. Key to the system

is the mechanical pump for vacuuming waste water, which means there is no need for electricity or batteries. Michelle Marshall explained: “The judges voted the Kärcher B60/10 C as the overall winner of the 2014 Amsterdam Innovation Award because the company has shown great understanding of its market and customers’ needs in developing a brand new floor cleaning solution. By developing this MopVac Kärcher has filled the gap between the mop and bucket and scrubber dryer.” Marshall concluded: “Very importantly, the B60/10 C potentially opens up new markets around the world to more cost-effective and professional floor cleaning. For

Kärcher a été nommée société gagnante du Prix de l’Innovation au récent salon ISSA/Interclean d’Amsterdam.

example cleaning operations which may currently be using mops but cannot justify the investment required for a scrubber dryer may be able to move up to the level of the new MopVac and improve the quality of their service.” Winner in the category Machines, Accessories and Components was Wetrok

Auf der kürzlich stattgefundenen ISSA/Interclean wurde Kärcher als Gewinner des Amsterdam Innovation Award 2014 ausgezeichnet.

for the Discomatic Mambo compact scrubber dryer, and in Management, Training Solutions and Related Products the award went to European Cleaning Machines Recycling (ECMR) for its cleaning machine recycling service. The Kärcher B60/10 C was the category winner in Equipment/Tools for Cleaning, Care and Safety.

La Kärcher è stata nominata vincitrice del premio Amsterdam Innovation Award 2014 durante il recente evento ISSA/Interclean.

NEWS Sealed Air and Diversey - a tale of integration and reinvention ECJ editor Michelle Marshall speaks to Jerome Peribere, ceo of Sealed Air, and Dr Ilham Kadri, president of DiverseyCare, about how the two companies are going through the integration process. Since Sealed Air - global leader in protective packaging, food care and shrink packaging acquired Diversey, now called DiverseyCare, in 2011 the two companies have been involved in an integration process which is ongoing, explains Jerome Peribere, Sealed Air’s ceo. “We have been integrating Diversey into our industrial food packaging business, while at the same time bringing the technology pertaining to Sealed Air into Diversey.” A key element of that process has been to bring new leaders into the DiverseyCare business, and Dr Ilham Kadri was appointed at the beginning of 2013 as its president.

Strategy change So how has the company’s strategy changed under its new owners? Kadri describes her challenge: “The company has changed hands too often, with no real vision so there was much to do,” she says. “The first thing

I did was assess the company, and the industry in general. I very quickly discovered it is an extremely price-driven sector.” And this is where DiverseyCare is making fundamental changes to its operation. “We want to achieve quality before size so we must first verify the cultural fit between us and our customers,” says Peribere. “We believe we are developing the best solutions for BSCs – our aim is to offer the most competitive offer, however it is not our intention to be the cheapest.” He continues: “Our view is that we must eliminate priceoriented customers, and we are in the process of doing that. We are starting to question the ‘value-added’ we can bring. How do we help customers to win, to grow? Our solution is to help them to cut their costs, to differentiate themselves from the competition and maximise their efficiency. If we do those things we help them improve their gross profit. “So my attitude is: if I help you, I want a part of that increased value. If not, why should we as a company invest in valuable R&D?” Kadri reiterates the new DiverseyCare approach: “As a

• Jerome Peribere

company we needed to have the courage to walk away from those customers who were only interested in price, and I believe the market now understands our message. The industry as a whole must re-imagine itself and its value, as we are doing at DiverseyCare – when we create value we should extract it, and know how to measure it.” Peribere stresses DiverseyCare has improved its profitability after years of declining returns. “We are all wasting our time by simply reducing the price of our chemicals. By putting our heads together we can optimise labour and improve the operation. We can help BSCs improve their productivity - in fact we are already doing that with partners.

“The cleaning sector is not immune to competitive forces and everyone wants their costs to go down of course. I completely understand that our customers are trying to cut costs and improve margins – I’m the same. But if you want to cut costs and you think that comes from Sealed Air, no deal. “However, if you accept the principle that additional value will be shared, by putting our heads and resources together, I guarantee we can create that.” How DiverseyCare derives benefit from this new approach is then down to negotiation, Peribere says, once the company has demonstrated the tangible savings that can be made. “Purchasers are hard-pressed to generate short-term returns. If they don’t look at long-term goals they are not doing their job. Small savings on detergent mean nothing.” A high-risk strategy on DiverseyCare’s part? Time will tell, however Peribere and Kadri are set firm on this new course for the company. “Market leaders must innovate,” concludes Kadri. “We are not only reimagining the DiverseyCare business, but the future of the sector as a whole.”

Consolidation in cleaning sector will continue, says Nilfisk’s Persson Jonas Persson, who joined Nilfisk-Advance as ceo at the beginning of this year, was at ISSA/Interclean Amsterdam for the first time last month. Having come to Nilfisk from outside the cleaning sector, it was an ideal opportunity for him to get an overview of the market and the other machine suppliers. Persson was previously a member of the executive management board and head of the Asia-Pacific division for supplier of lock and security solutions, ASSA ABLOY - based in Hong Kong. “The routes to market were very similar to the cleaning sector,” he explains, “in that the business had consumer and professional operations,

• Jonas Persson

and we sold via distributors and direct to customers”. What were his key observations on visiting the ISSA/ Interclean exhibition? “It’s overwhelming how many small players there are in the market,” he replies. “Consolidation will

• ECJ s’entretient avec Jerome Peribere, président et PDG de Sealed Air, et avec Dr Ilham Kadri, président de Sealed Air Diversey Care, des difficultés que présentera l’intégration de ces deux entreprises et de leurs plans pour l’avenir. • Michelle Marshall, rédactrice en chef d’ECJ, s’entretient avec Jonas Persson, qui au début de l’année a rejoint NilfiskAdvance en tant que directeur général de cette société.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 6

inevitably happen I believe – it’s happening already – and it can only continue. However it is still interesting that so many small companies survive. “Cleaning is an extremely interesting business,” he continues, “and I see it very much heading towards sales of solutions rather than simply of products. This is where I believe it will be extremely difficult for smaller companies to compete.” Persson has ambitious plans for Nilfisk and he plans to raise the company’s profile and position in the sector. “There is still huge potential for Nilfisk in emerging markets, and we are also experiencing growth in Europe. Our target is to have an

•Das ECJ führt ein Gespräch mit Jerome Peribere, President und CEO von Sealed Air und Dr. Ilham Kadri, President des Geschäftsbereichs Sealed Air Diversey Care. Sie sprechen über die Herausforderungen bei der Integration der beiden Unternehmen und die Zukunftspläne. • ECJ-Redakteurin Michelle Marshall unterhält sich mit Jonas Persson, der seit Beginn des Jahres als CEO bei Nilfisk-Advance tätig ist.

equal share of our business in all three major areas of the world,” he explains. “Nilfisk is a very healthy and mature company, which is still highly profitable. It is vital we now drive innovation in customer care and customer focus. It’s not simply about product development – although we need that too – as a company we must focus on how we launch and go to market. I don’t feel that we are as good as we could be in that respect.” So how does change come about? “We listen to our customers, we take their views on board and we drive our relationships with them forward,” Persson concludes.

• ECJ intervista Jerome Peribere, presidente e amministratore delegato della Sealed Air e Dr Ilham Kadri, presidente della Sealed Air Diversey Care. Entrambi parlano delle sfide dell’integrare le due attività e dei piani per il futuro. • La redattrice di ECJ editor MIchelle Marshall intervista Jonas Persson, che all’inizio di quest’anno è entrato a far parte dell’azienda produttrice di macchine per le pulizie NilfiskAdvance in qualità di amministratore delegato.

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NEWS ISSA/Interclean women’s forum tackles gender imbalance Both real and perceived gender discrimination in our cleaning industry is best dealt with through education, cultural understanding, and determination. These were the key messages delivered at the women’s forum held during ISSA/Interclean 2014 recently. The panel comprised Sofitel vice president Marie-Paule Nowlis, ISS Facility Services director North America Holly Borrego, American Paper ceo Lydia Work and Diversey Care president Dr Ilham Kadri. Nowlis emphasised: “Yes, we may work (from time to time) for poor managers but we can learn from them. By being loyal to them we can be rewarded.” For Borrego, quickly recognising that she had to deal

• Left to right are Sofitel vice president Marie-Paule Nowlis; ISS Facility Services director North America Holly Borrego; American Paper ceo Lydia Work; and Diversey Care president Dr Ilham Kadri.

with high staff turnover meant learning how to hold on to her people. That meant training them as well as giving them an opportunity to move upwards. “The more we train, the more we show people how much we

Lors d’un forum de femmes tenu en marge du récent salon ISSA/Interclean d’Amsterdam, il a été question du déséquilibre entre les sexes dans le secteur de la propreté.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 8

care about them,” she said. For Lydia Work, having goals and directions are important for women. “Be proactive and focus on what you can control,” she stressed. “Never take a job based on who you will work for,”

Bei einem Frauenforum, das kürzlich im Rahmen der ISSA/Interclean in Amsterdam stattfand, wurde die Unausgewogenheit der Geschlechter in der Branche diskutiert.

she added. Dr Ilham Kadri explained her ‘recipe’ for success. It includes passion, “a love for the job so it’s a journey and not a destination.” Education is also a critical element in the menu and for Kadri that has involved changing companies and learning about new industries. As well as displaying humility by listening to others when starting a new role, in time give back through mentoring, Kadri also advised. Finally, “have a sense of purpose, take ownership of your own roles”, she emphasised. “When we (women) are no longer novelties, then we are there!” she concluded. •This report is published with the kind permission of INCLEAN, Australia.

Un forum al femminile tenutosi durante la recente esibizione ISSA/Interclean di Amsterdam ha affrontato lo squilibrio di genere nel settore del cleaning.

NEWS ‘Cleaning industry deserves recognition’ - forum More than 340 delegates from Italy’s cleaning sector met in Milan recently for a twoday conference organised by industry body Afidamp - called Forum Pulire. Despite the fact the industry is composed of more than 23,000 companies and employs 500,000 people with a turnover of 11 billion euros, it does not receive the recognition it deserves in the country as a whole - attendees heard. The need for rationalisation, innovation, development and rule of law were highlighted by the speakers. And in public procurement the key challenge is still the trend towards lowest

bid. Speakers called for better communication between companies and public authorities in order to reverse the recent years of crisis. Late payment by public authorities is still the source of many problems for cleaning companies and product distributors alike.

Market development “Forum Pulire was an opportunity to qualify everyone’s expectations and identify a line of discussion for the development of the entire market,” said Toni D’Andrea, ceo of Afidamp Services. “The fact all major companies in the industry were present and the industry associations have actively

• Le récent Forum Pulire à Milan a fait un tour d’horizon des principaux problèmes du secteur italien de la propreté. • La FIDEN, l’association internationale des entrepreneurs en services de bâtiment, tiendra son congrès annuel du 11 au 14 septembre à Dresden.

contributed to the success of the event is further confirmation of the need to share problems and solutions.”

System needed “This year’s Forum Pulire has shown there is a real need to create a system, a word too often abused in Italy. The work carried out in recent months with trade associations has shown that the industry is ready to be heard. We are preparing to be recognised for our value and we do not want to be perceived as a low skill, low relevance sector,” added Matthew Marino, president of AfidampFAB. www.afidamp.it

•Die aktuellsten Themen in der italienischen Reinigungsbranche wurden bei der Forum Pulire, die vor kurzem in Mailand stattfand, diskutiert. • Der jährliche Kongress der FIDEN, der Internationalen Gemeinschaft des Gebäudereinigungs-Gewerbes, wird 2014 vom 11. bis 14. September in Dresden stattfinden.

FIDEN meet FIDEN, the International Association of Building Service Contractors, will hold its congress from September 11-14 this year in Dresden, Germany. The theme: Impact of European and National Politics on Industrial Cleaning What’s Ahead? The programme will examine the decisions made by politicians regarding minimum wages, freedom of movement for workers, economic, tax and social policy issues, and the influence these decisions have on companies and their business policy. Convention languages are German, English, Italian and Spanish. Email: info@fiden.org

• Durante il recente Forum Pulire tenutosi a Milano sono stati discussi i principali problemi di attualità relativi al settore del lavaggio delle finestre in Italia. • La FIDEN, associazione internazionale di appaltatori di servizi, sta organizzando il suo congresso annuale a Dresden dall’11 al 14 settembre.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 9

NEWS The drive towards reducing the cost of cleaning

New recruits

Tennant, the US based manufacturer traditionally associated with floor care machine technology, presented a number of innovations in other product areas during ISSA/ Interclean. Yves Derycke, vice president EMEA, explained the company’s strategy in launching these new developments. “For BSCs the economic crisis in Europe has definitely brought about a greater focus on cost,” he believes, “and that’s not just the pure cost of purchase but the total cost of use, the lifetime cost.” Customers’ requirements of their suppliers have also changed gradually in recent years, Derycke says. “Increasingly they come to us and ask for total solutions, to help them reduce their cost of cleaning. They are experiencing growing pressure from their clients and that pressure is in turn being felt very much by the manufacturer.” He believes that Tennant’s approach to the market wasn’t always the right one. “In the past maybe the company came across as a little arrogant, it was

Leading UK facilities management company Mitie has signed an agreement with Remploy - provider of disability employment services - that could almost treble the number of disabled and disadvantaged candidates recruited over the next three years. Mitie plans to recruit 150 Remploy candidates in 201415 and expects that number to jump to 400 in 2016-17. To achieve this target it will work closely with Remploy to ring fence vacancies and provide work experience opportunities. Remploy account managers and Mitie hiring managers will agree front line recruitment processes and Remploy will undertake pre-employment development of candidates.

What is driving this level of innovation from the cleaning industry’s manufacturers? “In Europe at the moment the motivation is largely to reduce cost rather than the desire to be more sustainable,” replies Derycke. “A sustainable product simply will not be accepted if it does not offer cost benefits at the same time.”

Early adopters • Yves Derycke

the market leader in the USA but did not always acknowledge the differences between the American and European markets. “I feel we are now really addressing the cost of cleaning, with a host of new products, rather than simply slashing costs.” Tennant has invested significantly in bringing new cleaning technologies based on water electrolysis to the market through its company Orbio Technologies. The os3 system offers on-site and on-demand cleaning solution generation.

He also concedes that introducing new technology such as Orbio into a market which is traditionally resistant to change is a challenge. “Very early in the process we identified customers who could be early adopters. The majority of the market is not ready for Orbio so we have invested dedicated resource in sales. A machine is a very tangible sell, whereas Orbio is a more conceptual approach.” He continues: “Establishing a product like this will take time – and it could be a long time – and we will not lose focus on our core business which is floor care machines. However in the long term I believe Orbio could transform the company we are today.”

ISSA/Interclean sees growth in visitor numbers This year’s ISSA/Interclean exhibition in Amsterdam - the 25th edition of the event - has seen an increase in visitor numbers of five per cent compared to the last one in 2012, the organisers have announced. This year’s visitor number was 29,325, compared to 28,001 in 2012 - and they came from 130 countries. And there were 696 exhibitors this time, compared to 669 two years ago. “A rise in attendance of five per cent compared to 2012 is very good news for the global cleaning industry,” said manager for

the show Rob den Hertog. The share of visitors from outside the Netherlands also increased, at 73 per cent. The largest growth in visitors came from the Middle East, southern Europe and south-east Asia.

• Yves Derycke, vice-président pour la région EMEA chez Tennant, s’exprime sur la situation du marché européen et la poussée pour l’innovation. • Le salon ISSA/Interclean à Amsterdam le mois dernier a enregistré une augementation de 5 % de sa fréquentation par rapport à l’édition 2012. • Au Royaume-Uni, les sociétés Remploy et Mitie ont conclu un partenariat qui pourrait tripler le nombre des personnes handicapées et désavantagées que ces spécialistes du facility management pourraient recruter au cours des trois prochaines années. • Trois grands distributeurs de produits de nettoyage ont formé un groupe européen afin de proposer un service international. Il s’agit de l’Espagnol DINO, de l’Allemand GVS et du Français GEH.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 10

“It was four buzzing days filled with positive vibes and a genuine sense of good business being conducted,” added den Hertog. The next ISSA/Interclean Amsterdam takes place from May 10-13 2016.

•Yves Derycke, Vice President EMEA bei Tennant Company, teilt seine Ansichten zum Zustand des europäischen Marktes und dem Drang nach Innovation mit. • Die im vergangenen Monat stattgefundene ISSA/Interclean Amsterdam verzeichnete einen 5-prozentigen Anstieg der Besucherzahlen verglichen mit der letzten Messe 2012. • In Großbritannien sind Remploy und Mitie eine Partnerschaft eingegangen, durch die sich die Zahl körperbehinderter oder benachteiligter Kandidaten, die vom FM-Unternehmen eingestellt werden, in den nächsten drei Jahren verdreifachen könnte. • Drei große Vertriebsgesellschaften für Reinigungsprodukte haben sich zu einer europäischen Gruppe zusammengeschlossen, um einen internationalen Service zu bieten. Bei den Unternehmen handelt es sich um DINO aus Spanien, GVS aus Deutschland und GEH aus Frankreich.

DHYS group A new international hygiene products distribution group has been formed boasting coverage of most European countries. DHYS (Distribution in Hygiene Specialist) Group has its headquarters in Madrid, Spain and represents the distribution group GVS of Germany, DINO of Spain and France’s GEH. DHYS Group has a total of 83 distribution warehouses in 15 countries and is made up of 53 companies with 1,700 employees. It expects to turn over more than 520 million euros this year and has 80,000 products registered - encompassing chemicals, industrial and personal hygiene, toilet tissue, waste sacks, cleaning systems, etc. The group’s objectives are to consolidate and develop global logistics solutions without neglecting service on a local and regional level. It also aims to benefit from knowledge transfer in procurement, logistics, distribution, IT and marketing.

• Yves Derycke, vice presidente EMEA per la Tennant Company, ha condiviso il suo punto di vista sulla situazione del mercato europeo e la spinta per l’innovazione. • L’esibizione ISSA/Interclean Amsterdam che si è tenuta il mese scorso ha visto un aumento del cinque per cento nel numero dei visitatori rispetto all’evento precedente del 2012. • Nel Regno Unito, Remploy e Mitie hanno creato una collaborazione che potrebbe triplicare il numero di candidati disabili e svantaggiati che vengono assunti dalle imprese di facility management nel corso dei prossimi tre anni. • Tre grandi imprese di distribuzione di prodotti per il cleaning hanno formato un gruppo europeo per poter offrire un servizio internazionale. Le imprese associate sono la DINO dalla Spagna, la GVS dalla Germania e la GEH dalla Francia.

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NEWS European Parliament adopts text on posting of workers directive The European Parliament has adopted a legislative proposal for a directive on the enforcement of directive 96/71/ EC concerning the posting of workers. The directive aims to establish a common framework of provisions, measures and control mechanisms necessary for better and more uniform implementation, application and enforcement in practice of directive 96/71/EC on the posting of workers. It essentially aims to guarantee respect for an appropriate level of protection of the rights of posted workers for the cross-border provision of services, especially the enforcement of the terms and conditions of employment that apply in the member state

where the service is performed. Provisions have been introduced so member states designate competent authorities. National labour inspectors will be guided by common elements when checking that posting is genuine. There will be an indicative open list of national administrative requirements and control measures that member states may apply to inspect foreign companies that post workers on their territory. Additional requirements, provided that they are justified, can be applied. The European Federation of Cleaning Industries (EFCI), which represents the contract cleaning sector in Brussels, has been monitoring progress of this new legislation closely. Together

ECJ rend compte des récentes activités de la Fédération européenne du nettoyage industriel (FENI) concernant la modernisation de la politique communautaire des marchés publiques et la nouvelle Directive sur l’affectation des travailleurs.

with UNI Europa, the European trades union organisation, it commented: “We welcome the Commission’s intention to enforce the right application of the Posting of Workers Directive (PWD) by establishing a common framework of appropriate provisions and measures to prevent any circumvention or abuse of the rules.” Both EFCI and UNI Europa emphasise the need for better administrative cooperation and mutual assistance between member states. They say national control measures and inspections are crucial in order to ensure fair competition between companies and equal treatment of employees. However Andreas Lill, EFCI’s director general, warned against

Das ECJ berichtet über die jüngsten Aktivitäten der European Federation of Cleaning Industries (EFCI) hinsichtlich der Modernisierung des öffentlichen Beschaffungswesens in der EU und der neuen Richtlinie über die Entsendung von Arbeitnehmern.

an exhaustive list of possible administrative requirements and control measures. “This would significantly reduce member states’ abilities to carry out effective inspections,” he said. “A limitation such as this restricts to an excessive extent the member states’ control options without tangible need. “In labour intensive sectors, such as cleaning, it can be seen in practice that new ‘innovative’ forms of circumventing minimum working conditions and minimum wages are regularly being found. Therefore, national control authorities must be granted a broad margin of discretion in order to adapt their control measures promptly and flexibly.” www.efci.eu

ECJ ci informa sulle recenti attività della federazione European Federation of Cleaning Industries’ (EFCI) che riguardano la modernizzazione della politica degli appalti pubblici nell’UE e la nuova direttiva del Distacco dei Lavoratori.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 13

UPDATE: DENMARK More freedom for cleaners ECJ’s correspondent in Scandinavia, Petra Sjouwerman, gives us an update from Denmark. The municipality of Gladsaxe is the first in the country to achieve the new Nordic standard for cleaning, Insta 800. This has resulted in a significant improvement in cleaning quality, while employee motivation has also increased. Are you striving for higher client satisfaction? Do you also want to increase your employees’ satisfaction? Then you should let yourself be inspired by the Danish municipality of Gladsaxe, a suburb of Copenhagen, with 62,000 inhabitants. What do the Danes differently? The Municipal Public Cleaning Service GKR has introduced new ways of working. Instead of traditional cleaning, where employees clean according to a fixed manual designed by the management, employees now have more freedom. They can take the liberty to assess the need for cleaning in a given area, in relation to the results GKR and the client have agreed upon. Consequently, GKR has shifted focus from ‘what needs to be done’ to ‘how clean it should be’. The result? The cleaning quality in the schools, institutions and offices (180,000 square metres) of Gladsaxe has increased significantly. “When you have confidence in the competence of your employees, this gives a boost. Not only in cleaning quality, but also in job satisfaction and motivation, because employees suddenly feel their knowledge is valuable to their workplace,” said the mayor of Gladsaxe, Karin Søjborg Holst to local journalists. And this spring, after four years of hard work, GKR became the first municipal public cleaning company in Denmark to achieve the new Nordic standard for cleaning, called Insta 800. Dans un reportage du Danemark notre correspondante en Scandinavie Petra Sjouwerman rend compte de l’Insta 800, un nouveau standard Nordique de la properté.

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In 2010 GKR decided to work towards this Nordic certification. The company sent all 200 employees - from many different countries around the world - on a course, which ended with a test. GKR then introduced the new standard in small scale projects of 20 cleaning areas. To measure the difference in cleaning, the quality was monitored by a control team before the employees took the course, and again afterwards. Before the course, only 38 per cent of the cleaning areas corresponded to the new standard. After the course, this had risen to 98 per cent.

Satisfied clients “The result was surprisingly significant,” said Mette Olsen, cleaning manager at GKR. “With the new standard, employees focus their efforts where they feel they are most needed.” Client satisfaction has increased to 90 per cent. Job satisfaction is around 97 per cent. On top of that GKR now has also a lower rate of absenteeism due to sickness. And last but not least, the company has one of the lowest staff turnovers in the Danish cleaning sector. “For a long time, we had our own internal and subjective quality assurance system. The Insta 800 standard will become more and more widespread in the Nordic countries and I expect it will become a market requirement in the future,” Olsen says. The Insta 800 certificate now adorns the wall in GKR’s Gladsaxe office.

Die ECJKorrespondentin für Skandinavien Petra Sjouwerman berichtet aus Dänemark über eine neue nordische Reinigungsnorm, Insta 800.

Dalla Danimarca, la corrispondente scandinava di ECJ Petra Sjouwerman ci informa su Insta, un nuovo standard nordico per il settore del cleaning. 800.

UPDATE: RUSSIA Regulation of ‘outstaffing’ Oleg Popov of Cristanval Cleaning talks about outstaffing and its central role in the cleaning sector. Cleaning companies often provide an ancillary workforce for customers. This manpower is not all directly engaged in cleaning services: it could be loaders, compactor operators, unskilled labourers, merchandisers, etc. Outsourcing staff - ‘outstaffing’ - has become a central segment of the industry but Russian labour law has been silent on the matter. Now it appears outstaffing is about to enter Russian legislation. Large retail chain stores, hotels and warehouses are rather reluctant to hire too many companies, as it will take time and effort to fill vacancies and hence increase the man-hours of HR personnel. Large retail chains prefer to hire one company for each class of the worker needed, where the ‘class’ is determined by the qualification level required. For example: cleaning personnel and loaders are one class of personnel, whereas cashiers and administrators are grouped into a class of personnel one step higher in qualifications, and so on. Outstaffing first appeared about the same time as the cleaning industry did. Since 2011 outstaffing has become increasingly popular. Expert opinion says: “Currently the market for outstaffing services in Russia provides employment for several hundred of thousands of people across many industries. Most recent research provided by the Higher School of Economics revealed that, in general, workers who worked in an ‘outstaffing environment’ are satisfied with this business model. There is insufficient legislative support in Russia to run this kind of operation however. Inevitably, laws are deliberately violated, causing employee rights in the workplace to come under threat as their employment is spreading En Russie, de nombreuses entreprises de nettoyage fournissent à leurs clients des personnels affectés à des tâches autres que le nettoyage, telles que la conduite de machines, des travaux généraux, etc. Oleg Popov, de Cristanval, en rend compte.

amongst smaller and unknown firms. There are now firm proposals for outstaffing legislation, however, and - should the law be passed - it will come into force in January 2016. The proposed law says only two kinds of organisations can provide outstaffing services: • Private HR agencies, provided they maintain accreditation; • All organisations employing people to be outstaffed to another company must first establish which of the two companies will play the supervisory role, while the other company must report to the supervisor. The law will establish the requirements the outstaffing agencies must satisfy in order to become accredited, such as: • Charter capital must exceed one million rubles; • The company must maintain good standing on payments to the IRS and any governmental agency. Certain provisions describe the requirements set for the party listed as ‘receiving party’ in the labour agreement. For example, remuneration of the outstaffed worker cannot be set lower than that of the permanent worker in the receiving company, provided his skill level matches that of the outstaffed person. The law will also contain regulatory provisions, especially pertaining to the agreement with the outstaffed person. For example the law currently being discussed forbids the outstaffing agency from providing workers to replace permanent personnel if they go out on strike. Regulation will ultimately assist outstaffing agencies and receiving companies by enabling them to show themselves as reputable entities; by following the law they gain experience and credibility. Workers will also be protected from dishonest employers.

Viele russische Reinigungsunternehmen stellen Personal an ihre Kunden ab, die dann nicht mit Reinigungsaufgaben betraut sind, sondern z. B. als ungelernte Hilfsarbeiter, Maschinisten usw tätig sind. Der bei Cristanval tätige Oleg Popov erläutert dies in seinem Bericht.

Numerose imprese di pulizia russe forniscono personale ai loro clienti, che viene impiegato in lavori non legati alle pulizie, per esempio per lavori non specializzati, per operare macchinari ecc, come spiega Oleg Popov della Cristanval.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 15

UPDATE: GERMANY Cashflow challenges German reporter Thomas Schulte-Marxloh on the problems caused to small and medium sized businesses by late payment of invoices. In Germany an invoice has to be paid within 30 days and, luckily, the vast majority of customers are paying on time. Some customers, however, seem to lack either payment behaviour or money. Public authorities seem to be the worst defaulters. Many businesses are suffering from customers who do not pay for delivered goods or services on time; though only few customers refuse payment completely, many customers pay way too late. They are not just a nuisance for businesses but can be a real threat, in particular for small and medium sized firms. Ten years ago the president of the Association of Skilled Crafts in Germany (ZDH), at that time Dieter Philipp, complained many insolvencies were caused by defaulting payers. He also criticised, in his view, insufficient laws which protect the defaulter rather than enforce the legal claims of companies. Since then not too much has improved; despite some optimistic reports about slight improvements regarding payment behaviour from time to time. Not only private customers but also contracting authorities are still persistent in terms of default payment. This April, finally, the government passed a bill which pressurises private, commercial and public customers to pay on time. As Heiko Maas, federal minister of justice and consumer protection, explains: “With this law the payment behaviour in business shall improve. This strengthens liquidity and competitive capacity; particularly of small and medium sized enterprises.” Unpaid invoices can hit SMEs severely as they are usually Notre correspondant en Allemagne Thomas Schulte-Marxloh évoque les problèmes causés aux petites entreprises de nettoyage par le règlement tardif de leurs factures.

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paying in advance for material and/or man-hours when delivering their services. Holger Schwannecke, present general secretary of the ZDH, believes the government’s draft is a positive signal to fight default of payment and “will effectively prevent bad payment behaviour and disproportionately long terms of payment”. Apart from new laws, it seems some companies also have to rethink their procedures regarding defaulters. According to the BDIU (federal association of debt-collecting agencies), the main reasons for insolvencies are insufficient reminder mechanisms, lack of equity, management mistakes, followed by bad debt (B2B), delayed payment of customers and bad debt (B2C). Companies sometimes hesitate sending a reminder to their customers in order to maintain the ‘good business relationship’. Business relations with public authorities or ‘big players’ are most appealing for SMEs; unfortunately their business partners are very aware of their influence and power. When these good customers demand flexibility regarding terms of payment some companies agree, not considering that their own financial capacity may be overstretched. The new law is meant to stop disproportionately long terms of payment, preventing customers from enjoying a loan with no interest which the contractor has to pay for. Time will tell if the new law is able to change the minds of defaulting payers in general and public authorities in particular. It is unlikely the individual civil servant will have to pay in case of a contravention; it will most likely still hit the taxpayer...

Unser DeutschlandKorrespondent Thomas Schulte-Marxloh behandelt in seinem Bericht das Problem des Zahlungsverzugs bei Rechnungen und wie sich dies auf kleinere Vertragsreinigungsunternehmen auswirkt.

Dalla Germania, il corrispondente Thomas Schulte-Marxloh ci informa sul problema del ritardato pagamento delle fatture e degli effetti che ha sulle imprese di pulizia di piccole dimensioni.

UPDATE: NETHERLANDS A new collective agreement Nico Lemmens of ISS Facility Services reports on negotiations for a new collective agreement. Since last autumn the Dutch cleaning association OSB and the trades unions have been negotiating to reach agreement on a new collective labour agreement. The last one was agreed upon in April 2012, after a long period of dispute between unions and employers. The deal consisted among other things of a substantial wage increase. Parties also entered into agreement about respect, training, pensions, work pressure and a structural approach towards sickness absence. Now history seems to be repeating itself. The negotiations resulted in a deadlock when one of the unions left the negotiating table. The most important point of dispute is the matter of the so-called waiting days in case of sickness. During those first days of absence, employees do not receive compensation. The unions want to abolish them. The employers are setting conditions. Meanwhile the unions are organising strikes, especially with the Dutch railways - probably the largest buyer of cleaning services in the country.

Breaking the deadlock In May the industry association OSB invited the unions for exploratory talks to get around the deadlock. After the breakdown of the negotiations by one of the unions and the continuing strikes and other actions a situation has persisted which is not in the interest of the employees, the cleaning companies or their customers. OSB’s chairman and first negotiator Hans Simons was quoted as saying: “We would like to openly talk with the unions to find solutions. I am convinced that a new collective agreement is for the taking. It is possible to construct solutions that will be acceptable Nico Lemmens, notre reporter aux PaysBas, fait le point de l’impasse dans laquelle les partenaires sociaux sont tombés sur une nouvelle convention collective dans le secteur de la propreté.

for all parties concerned, even on the delicate issue of absenteeism. I am therefore confident that we will be able to overcome our differences, on the basis of our joint responsibility for a healthy, strong and attractive industry. That would be in the interest of all parties concerned and especially in the interest of our 150,000 employees.”

Employer package In the meantime, employers offered a package during the current collective bargaining round that included: • A pay rise in line with the average wage development in Dutch collective agreements in 2014, which is currently more than one per cent ; • Partial elimination of waiting days in balance with continued wage payment during absenteeism. The average standard in the Netherlands is 170 per cent over two years, while the cleaning industry almost always paid 200 per cent. This continued payment should be lowered and be brought more in line with the average level. • Employment and versatility - employers have made proposals to accommodate employees who are now working in relatively small part-time jobs and who want to increase and broaden their job and earn a higher income. The cleaning industry already pays wages at the level of 120 per cent of the statutory minimum wage . • Vitality and health - the employers have produced a broad comprehensive proposal to reduce absenteeism, based on prevention, coaching and mobility. Time will tell when and how parties will reach an agreement. We will keep you posted…

Nico Lemmens, der NiederlandeKorrespondent des ECJ, berichtet über die festgefahrenen Verhandlungen zwischen Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgebern über die neue Tarifvereinbarung.

Nico Lemmens, il corrispondente olandese di ECJ, ci informa su un una situazione di stallo nelle trattative fra i sindacati e i datori di lavoro per il nuovo contratto collettivo di lavoro.

UPDATE: FRANCE Cleaning firms in crisis As French correspondent Christian Bouzols explains, over 600 of the country’s cleaning companies are officially in financial difficulty. More than 600 cleaning companies in France were declared ‘en situation de défaillance’ (in a situation of default) in 2013 for not having honoured their payment obligations. The rate of suspension of payments in the cleaning sector is higher than the national average because cleaning companies are more fragile than most, and recent start-ups in the sector are the most at risk. The rate of suspension of payments varies from one region to the other within the range of 0.9 to 3.3 per cent. A company is ‘en situation de défaillance’ when it has suspended its payments. This happens when it is no longer able to meet its liabilities with its liquid assets. A legal process is then initiated which can lead to the company being put on the road to recovery or being liquidated.

Not business closure Legally, a declared situation of default is not to be confused with a business closure or a suspension of business activities. The number of declared situations of default amounts to about eight per cent of the number of business closures in France. In the cleaning sector there were 657 declared situations of default in 2013, as compared to 608 in 2012 and 565 in 2011. This implies a dramatic increase of 16 per cent in just two years. Therefore 1,830 companies

have been in default of payment these past three years. However, the rate of suspension of payments has remained stable between 2011 and 2013. This means that the growth in the number of companies declared to be in a situation of default (+16 per cent from 2011 to 2013) in the cleaning sector is proportional to the increase in the number of all companies - an increase which has been promoted by new regulations for company formation such as the institution of the ‘auto-entrepreneur’ status. This has made the task of starting up companies easier but has also made them more vulnerable.

More start-ups This sharp increase in company formation means that start-ups are far more numerous than before. In fact companies less than two years old represent almost half of all the cleaning companies in France. These companies are inevitably more fragile than established companies and more at risk of being in default of payment. A survey by the French federation of cleaning companies shows that the proportion of non-payment situations is the lowest in Auvergne (0.9 per cent) and the highest in HauteNormandie (3.3 per cent). In the Ile-de-France region - which is the most populated and includes Paris - is 2.4 per cent on average.

The next edition of ECJ is September, but keep up with industry news by visiting the website, updated daily: europeancleaningjournal.com Christian Bouzols explique qu’un nombre croissant d’entreprises de propreté en France ont des difficultés financières.

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Laut dem Bericht unseres Korrespondenten Christian Bouzols finden sich immer mehr französische Reinigungsunternehmen in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten.

Come ci spiega il corrispondente Christian Bouzols,in Francia, un numero sempre maggiore di appaltatori di contratti di pulizia è al momento in difficoltà finanziarie.

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UPDATE: UK Improvement in standards? ECJ’S UK correspondent reports on the cleanliness situation in the National Health Service (NHS). A shadow hung over the usual jollifications at ISSA/Interclean in Amsterdam following the totally unexpected death of Peter Holt, and although there was news of orders and success, it had a hollow ring this time. We have had five weeks in a general hospital - a period which provided a patient’s eye view

of the National Health Service (NHS). Have things improved? Changed? Are the cost cutting exercises taking effect? In the five months prior to our last visit there have been changes, many for the better. Nurses and staff now make time to talk and interact with the patients and if compassion

is not taught (can it ever be?) It is now clearly an area that is central to damage limitation. What of cleaning, once an easy target for the press and public alike? Has it improved? It has become to an extent a tick box exercise - overhead rails dusted – tick. Floor spray cleaned – tick. We saw it happen but not once was there an inspection, though presumably these must happen. The danger here is complacency and a “that’s what we always do” attitude. So in the God of small things, a

satisfactory state of affairs, and better communication between staff and patients. The NHS remains a behemoth and as such requires a very high standard of management and forward thinking. It does not need to be bedevilled by politics or short termism. Some of the major problems have been threatening for 20 years, have now arrived and are not being tackled realistically.

Cost efficiencies Muddying the water is the desire of the political party in power to demonstrate cost saving and efficiencies. Many of the services we received are contracted out but no figures are available on savings made. There is a considerable section of the public which appears to believe that contracted out services are not paid for by the trusts/GP’s or anyone but save money and cut costs. If they were not paid for they would, wouldn’t they? Biggest unsolved and untackled problem? The rapidly ageing population. Acute general hospitals all have wards with dementia patients, dumped by care homes who care until their clients begin to lose his or her compass or falls on a regular basis when they are despatched to the hospital and their room reoccupied. To tackle all of this we have no geriatric hospitals and behind them only the magnificent hospices relying on voluntary support. Start thinking about it. Cleaning matters. As an industry we are quite good at it. It pales into insignificance against the overall chasm we face and which could and should be tackled now. The members of parliament have extra holiday. Nothing to do,eh. Le reporter d’ECJ au RoyaumeUni fait le point de la propreté au National Health Service (NHS). Der britische Reporter des ECJ berichtet über die Reinigung im staatlichen Gesundheitsdienst.

Il corrispondente britannico di ECJ prende in esame la situazione delle pulizie nel servizio sanitario nazionale (National Health Service - NHS).

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UPDATE: ITALY AVCP, the public authority for surveillance of public contracts, has presented the Model for Tender Invitation for cleaning services aimed at regulation of tenders in the sector. This authority, as confirmed by ANIP (the national association of cleaning companies and integrated services) is the body that best supports the needs of the cleaning sector which last year reached 44.1 per cent of the total value of public contracts against 24 per cent of works. “Finally the scenario of public contracts in the service sector is changing: the new model defines precise and clear rules for competition, improves the efficiency of public expenditure and helps to fight illegal labour,” commented Lorenzo Mattioli, president of the National Association of Cleaning Companies and Integrated Service of Confindustria. The document regulates contracts in line with national and local requirements as far as the application of the best value offer is concerned and supplies a legal frame of reference for the companies in the sector and for public bodies as customers. “In contrast to the indifference often shown so far by institutions towards the service sector”, commented Mattioli, “AVCP confirms itself as the body that best and most quickly interprets and supports the needs of companies in the sector with a watchful eye on the cautious management of public expenditure. “The publication of the Model for Tender Invitation is even more significant as it happened in conjunction with the new tender by Consip for facility management services (a value of 2.7 billion euros)”.

ANIP is also satisfied because it has received signals of great openness and institutional attention to the bill of the framework law on integrated services presented by the Chamber of Deputies which was supported by CNEL, the body of all social partners. Great appreciation was shown for the strategic value of the project, for the objectives of fighting illegal labour and for healthy competition on the market which are the basis of the bill.

New market rules In Italy there are moves to improve regulation of public tenders, reports Anna Garbagna for ECJ. Despite constant growth experienced by this sector in recent years (total turnover 130 billion euros and 2.5 million workers) Italy is lacking a specific regulation for reference, which means that companies’ development has in fact been hampered. “We wanted to share our bill of framework law with institu-

tions and social parts, declared Mattioli. “The support we received is further encouragement to carry on the job - it is an important acceptance of our proposals which aim to give a steady reference frame to all operators, contractors and public bodies- customers of integrated services”.

Une nouvelle réglementation a été introduite en Italie sur la procédure de soumission de services de propreté dans le secteur public, rapporte Anna Garbagna. In Italien gelten neue Verordnungen für die Angebotsabgabe im öffentlichen Sektor durch Reinigungsunternehmen berichtet Anna Garbagna. Anna Garbagna ci informa che in Italia ci sono delle nuove norme che regolano le gare di appalto di servizi di pulizia nel settore pubblico.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 21

Kärcher develops completely new product category – Award-winning at the ISSA Interclean 2014 in Amsterdam

Between wiping mop and scrubber drier Kärcher develops completely new product category for cleaning resilient floor coverings: a so-called Mopvac. The B 60/10 C is designed to fill the gap between a mop and bucket and a scrubber drier. The convenience of manual cleaning machines is raised to a hygienic, safe and ergonomic level – and was therefore given the renowned Innovation Award at the ISSA/Interclean 2014 cleaning fair, which took place in May in Amsterdam. The international jury elected this unique machine as overall winner out of 66 nominees. The committee highlighted the Mopvac‘s simple and cost-efficient system operation in particular.

The new Mopvac looks and works like a compact scrubber drier – without the need for a power source. The B 60/10 C is easy to use. The machine only needs to be pushed forward, whereby cleaning solution from the fresh water tank is applied to the mop with cleaning pad. An internal mechanical pump driven by an additional wheel under the machine sucks up the dirty water in a single pass. The dirty water is picked up by suction lips on the mop and collected in a separate container. This machine is more hygienic than a mop as it only uses clean water. An additional benefit: floors are immediately dry after cleaning – reducing the risk of slipping and floors stay cleaner longer. With a working width of 60 cm, this new machine can clean five times faster than a mop and bucket. This saves time and money. The machine is designed for ergonomic use, obviating the need for manual wiping and wringing out.


With a noise level of only 52 db(A), the Mopvac is also ideal for use in public areas. The machine operates without a power source, batteries or cables, which can pose a tripping hazard. Maintenance-free – no motor. The machine is easier to use than a scrubber drier as no cleaning programmes need to be preset. Accessories such as the spray mop, which can be stored onboard, allow cleaning in small and difficult-to-reach areas.

Innovation Award Interclean 2014 The judges voted the B 60/10 C as the overall winner of the 2014 Amsterdam Innovation Award.

Five times faster mopping. The new Mopvac B 60/10 C. A whole new unit class revolutionises mopping. The Mopvac B 60/10 C – Mopvac combines the advantages of a mop and a scrubber drier. With the Mopvac, large, open surfaces can be cleaned five times faster than with a mop and bucket. Without any electricity, without battery, without cable, without maintenance. And without any initial training. With 10-litre tanks for clean and dirty water and a 60-cm working width. Ideal for all smooth surfaces such as PVC, linoleum, screed or stoneware. The floor is squeegeed with oil- and wear resistant lips and the water is vacuumed: no risk of slipping, no footprints. It is very quiet, as well as hygienic. Simple! Perfect! Mopvac! Kärcher makes the difference.



What does ‘safe’ mean? Wipers, chemicals, cloths and brushes – all have to be ‘food safe’ before they can be used in food preparation areas. But how far do they need to differ from traditional products? Ann Laffeaty finds out.

‘Food-safe’ products have become big business in today’s catering kitchens and food processing plants. Wipers, chemicals, cloths and brushes – all of them need to be designated suitable for use in an area where food is being prepared to avoid the risk of foodstuffs becoming contaminated or tainted. But what makes these products foodsafe, and what does the certification process actually involve? Does a complex testing procedure need to be carried out before such products are certified, or is it simply a question of ensuring that certain elements such as perfumes and colourings have been left out? The answer is that it all depends on the product in question – and it also depends on how close that product is likely to come into contact with food. And in some cases it even depends on the type of food with which it will come into contact. So, no simple answer then. PGI Nonwoven’s director of product marketing James Taylor concurs that it can be relatively complex to ensure a product is food-safe. The company offers a range of food-safe non-woven wipes under the Chicopee brand. “Developing a food-safe non-woven involves the selection of suitable fibres that offer traceability,” he said. “The chemicals used in the manufacturing process also need to be safe to use. In fact the whole manufacturing process needs to be food-safe. For example, when printing a logo you need to use food-safe inks, and with coloured products you have to use a dye that will not run off the

product and contaminate the food.” According to Taylor a food-safe product may not look or feel any different from a regular non-woven, but a non food-safe product could compromise the health of the consumer. He says food-safe nonwovens need to hold either an ISEGA Food Contact Cleared (FCC) certificate or a Centexbel Antibacterial certificate. PGI uses several external laboratories for food-safe testing. “We also have a dedicated team of internal product developers with an understanding of what is required to gain certification,” said Taylor. “They need to consider how we achieve this without sacrificing product quality.” He adds that external certification is not required for FCC and that a product can be self-certified. “You simply need to show that you have the correct control processes and that you can demonstrate traceability,” he said. “This may then be followed up and checked by the authorising bodies. Though we at PGI do gain external certification as we believe the market is more reassured by this.”

Many factors Metsä Tissue UK and Ireland sales director Mark Dewick agrees that a combination of factors are required to make a product food-safe. “The component materials of a food-safe product need to have been checked to the necessary standards - and the production process must not add anything or compromise that standard,” he said. The company offers a range of foodsafe products including hand towels, wiping rolls and wipers and these paper products are covered by two different European directives according to Dewick. “Food-safe paper products can be differentiated by those that come into direct contact with food and those that do not,” he said. “EC 1935/2004 covers direct food contact products such as napkins and baking paper, while the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC covers nonfood contact paper items such as hand

towels and cleaning cloths. “However as a rule, we at Metsä use the same raw materials and additives for food contact and non-food contact papers.” He adds there are two sub-categories for food-safe products – those that are suitable for contact with dry, non-fatty foods and those that are suitable for contact with dry, moist and fatty foods. “This is the highest level of food safety.” In order to ensure compliance, the company obtains clearance declarations from its suppliers as well as the manufacturers of any raw and auxiliary materials used to make Metsä tissue products. “These materials are then checked again by independent institutes or accredited laboratories,” said Dewick. Besides offering food-safe wipers and hand towels, Metsä even offers food-safe toilet rolls. “The reasons behind food-safe hand towels and wiping rolls are obvious – but why might you want food-safe toilet rolls?” he said. “Firstly it is because people in food environments will touch the product and may then inadvertently carry a trace of it back to the food preparation area. In a worst case scenario they may have had no hand towels and might have used toilet tissue to wipe their hands instead – or perhaps they will use it for blowing their nose. So in the unlikely event toilet tissue finds its way into a kitchen environment, it should be food-safe.” Diversey also offers a complete range of food-safe products according to global marketing director Irina Klemps. These include cloths, brushes and disinfection agents as well as limescale removers, all-purpose cleaners and products for cleaning glass, ovens and grills. “All our products that are either intended for - or could potentially be used on - food contact surfaces are investigated by our own toxicological department to be safe if they are used according to recommendations,” said Klemps. “Each product also has a Global Product Safety Clearance Report.” Continued page 26

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HYGIENE IN FOOD PREPARATION What does ‘safe’ mean? (continued) Vileda Professional offers food films, foils and gloves that have been certified food-safe. The regulations concerning glove testing are particularly stringent because these products come into direct contact with food says product development manager Joerg Dunkel. “You need to make sure gloves pass the migration test,” he said. “Products that simulate food are put into contact with the gloves and any migration – in terms of traces of substances released from the gloves - is then measured. Only high quality gloves can be used with fatty foods because the rubber in gloves swells when it comes into contact with fat.” Bio-Productions managing director Mike James says the key quality of a food-safe product is that it should be non-tainting. “It is a common sense thing,” he said. Essuie-tout, produits chimiques, tissus et brosses tous ces articles doivent ‘convenir pour les aliments’ avant de pouvoir servir dans l’alimentaire. Mais à quel point doivent-ils différer des produits traditionnels ? Nous interrogeons des fabricants sur leurs produits pour le secteur alimentaire et cherchons à savoir s’ils sont tenus de suivre une procédure complexe pour les rendre sûrs à l’usage.

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“There should be no trace of any chemical left behind on a surface on which food is to be prepared.

No perfume or fragrance “That means that a chemical product shouldn’t contain a perfume or a fragrance. People have latched on to this idea of needing products to be ‘food-safe’, but as far as we are concerned there are no specific standards that you need to achieve with chemical products.” Halgeitner creates food-safe products in its own laboratory. “We have more than 160 formulas and we develop them ourselves,” said head of product management Dr Georg Steiner. “We then test the products and implement quality controls, and afterwards we have them tested by independent institutes according Wischtücher, Chemikalien, Tücher und Bürsten – sie alle müssen ‘lebensmittelecht’ sein, bevor sie in Bereichen zur Nahrungszubereitung eingesetzt werden können. Wie stark müssen sie sich jedoch von herkömmlichen Produkten unterscheiden? Wir befragen Hersteller nach ihren lebensmittelechten Produkten und finden heraus, ob sie ein kompliziertes Verfahren durchlaufen mussten, um ihre Lebensmittelechtheit sicherzustellen.

to demands and regulations.” He says the factors that make a product food-safe will depend entirely on the item in question. For example, Hagleitner’s soap and disinfection refills come in a vacuumsealed bag which means that no air can contaminate them, according to Steiner. “In the food industry, too, there is often splash water present so all our dispensers are splash-water resistant and protected,” he adds. “But in general our main focus when developing products for food use is that they should be safe for the user.” Steiner concludes that in most cases, food-safe products are very different to their non food-safe counterparts. “We have to think about food safety right at the beginning of product development - it is not simply a case of adapting the formula or leaving something out,” he explains. Prodotti chimici, attrezzi, panni e spazzole, devono tutti essere “sicuri per gli alimenti” prima di poter essere usati nelle aree di preparazione alimentare. Ma quanto devono essere diversi dai prodotti tradizionali? Chiediamo ai produttori se per la produzione dei loro prodotti sicuri per gli alimenti hanno dovuto seguire una proceduta complessa per renderli sicuri per l’uso.


• Hill Brush a lancé une gamme d’équipements de lavage et de moussage pour aires de préparation alimentaire. • Les nouveaux paillassons rouges 458 SkyStep de Notrax résistent aux graisses et aux huiles.

• Hill Brush hat eine Produktreihe mit Wasch- und Schaumgeräten für Lebensmittelbereiche vorgestellt. • Die neue Matte 458 SkyStep Red von Notrax ist fett- und ölbeständig.

• La Hill Brush ha lanciato una gamma di attrezzature per lavare e per erogare schiuma adatte alle aree alimentari. • Il nuovo zerbino 458 SkyStep Red della Notrax è resistente a grassi e olii.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 28

Wash and foam

Hygiene tools specialist Hill Brush has developed a range of washing and foam equipment for daily deep cleaning. The system comprises robust triple walled hoses - capable of withstanding high pressure up to 50 bar and temperatures up to 70°C - shockproof water guns for pressurised, targeted hosing and HydroFoamers with gun assembly, for use with cleaning chemicals. For colour coding in food preparation areas Hill has also just introduced its 10th colour into the Salmon Hygiene Technology range. Dark Blue represents Total MDX Hygienic Tools - resin set, fully metal and x-ray detectable brushware. www.hillbrush.com

Oil resistant Notrax matting from Superior Manufacturing is designed for food preparation areas to maintain hygiene while preventing slips and falls and reduce fatigue during hours of standing. New in the range is 458 Skystep Red, which is resistant to oils and grease, with a closed surface for easy cleaning. The mat is designed to suction to the ground which prevents it from shifting while trapping air in its chambers. These air pockets combined with the resiliency of the rubber create a cushioning effect.

The next edition of ECJ will feature a special supplement dedicated to floor care - register now to reserve your free copy. Complete the form inside the back cover. Kitchen workers often work in cold areas during cleaning, preparation and packaging, or warm areas during cooking and serving. Factory floors, particularly in the food processing industry, are often cold and wet. Floor mats elevate standing workers from cold floors. This helps keep their feet warmer thereby improving the overall perception of well-being. www.notrax.eu


Steam vacuum The new Kärcher SGV 8/5 steam vacuum cleaner has been specifically designed to meet strict hygiene requirements in the food processing industry. One of its key features is an automatic self-cleaning action that prevents the formation of germs inside the machine on completion of work. This model uses hot steam to remove fats and oils, limescale or soap residues and eliminate the breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Steam is discharged

from the floor nozzle under a continuous high pressure of eight bar. For particularly stubborn dirt, a dose of 0.5 to three per cent detergent is added to cold water. After each use – immediately after using detergent or removing sticky dirt deposits – hoses, pumps and pipes can be automatically flushed to remove deposits and prevent germ formation. The vacuum function can be switched on and off as required and the steam volume regulated via the control on the handle. www.karcher.com

Catch mice Multiple catch mouse traps are a good solution for food preparation areas, says JT Eaton, however many standard size models can be too big to fit under counters and cupboards. So the company has developed one that is 55 per cent narrower than standard size multiple catch models. The Little Pete can hold up to

nine mice and has a small footprint, and for ease of use there is the Speedy Clean version. Speedy Clean Little Pete traps allow for disposal of a captured rodent, cleaning of the ramp and returning the ramp to the station quickly and easily. www.jteaton.com

Hands vital GOJO says its hand hygiene management system plays a vital role in cleaning and maintenance. Designed to complement other essential hygiene procedures it encompasses soap, hand sanitiser and conditioner. Products include GOJO Antibacterial Foam Soap, GOJO Mild Foam Hand Wash, Purell Advanced Hygienic Hand Rub and GOJO Hand Medic Professional Skin Conditioner. www.gojo.com/united-kingdom

• Gojo a conçu un système de gestion de l’hygiène des mains pour les établissements de transformation alimentaire. • JT Eaton a développé une souricière à pièges multiples plus étroite que les modèles standard. • Gojo a conçu un système de gestion de l’hygiène des mains pour les établissements de transformation alimentaire. • Gojo hat ein HandhygieneVerwaltungssystem zum Einsatz in lebensmittelverarbeitenden Einrichtungen entwickelt. • JT Eaton hat eine MehrfachMausefalle entwickelt, die schmaler als Standardmodelle ist. • Gojo hat ein HandhygieneVerwaltungssystem zum Einsatz in lebensmittelverarbeitenden Einrichtungen entwickelt. • L’aspirapolvere a vapore Kärcher SGV 8/5 è conforme ai rigorosi requisiti di igiene necessari nelle applicazioni di preparazione di alimenti. • La JT Eaton ha sviluppato una trappola per topi multipla più stretta dei modelli standard. • La Gojo ha messo a punto un sistema per la gestione dell’igiene delle mani adatto per le aree di preparazione alimentare.


• Le Jetty est un robot de lavage de conduits d’aération de cuisine utilisant de la glace sèche. • Le rouleau de papier d’essuyage Tork Reflex de SCA est enfermé dans son distributeur afin de réduire le risque de contamination croisée. • De Nora Next affirme que son système de nettoyage, qui fonctionne à l’eau électrolysée, attaque une large spectre de bactéries. • OspreyDeepclean propose les machines de nettoyage à la vapeur Robby 3000 et 6000 avec accessoires. • Brosserie Thomas a introduit une nouvelle brosse tank hygiénique à passage d’eau. • La gamme Genus de pièges lumineux à mouches de Brandenburg attrape rapidement une grande variété d’insectes. • Birchmeier propose des appareils de moussage pour l’alimentaire. • Jetty ist ein Reinigungsroboter, geeignet zur Reinigung von Luftschächten in Küchen, der Verunreinigungen mithilfe von Trockeneis entfernt. • Die Wischpapierrolle Tork Reflex von SCA wird durch einen Spender geschützt, um das Risiko der Kreuzkontamination zu verringern. • De Nora Next teilt mit, dass sein mit elektrolysiertem Wasser arbeitendes Reinigungssystem wirkungsvoll gegen ein breites Spektrum von Bakterien eingesetzt werden kann. • OspreyDeepclean bietet die Hochdruck-Dampfreiniger Robby 3000 und 6000 mit Zubehör. • Neu von Brosserie Thomas ist die hygienische Wasserdurchlaufbürste Tank. • Genus, die Produktreihe mit Insektenlichtfallen von Brandenburg, ermöglicht ein schnelles Fangen vieler Fliegenarten. • Birchmeier bietet Schaumgeräte zum Einsatz in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie. • Jetty è un robot adatto per pulire le bocchette di ventilazione delle cucine che utilizza ghiaccio secco per rimuovere le contaminazioni. • Il rotolo di carta per le pulizie Tork Reflex, prodotto dalla SCA è racchiuso all’interno del suo dispenser per ridurre il rischio di contaminazione crociata. • La De Nora Next afferma che il suo sistema di pulizia, che utilizza acqua elettrolizzata, è efficace contro un largo spettro di batteri. • La OspreyDeepclean propone le macchine per la pulizia a vapore Robby 3000 e 6000 con accessori. • La novità della Brosserie Thomas è lo spazzolone igienico Tank con serbatoio d’acqua. • Le trappole luminose per insetti della linea Genus prodotte dalla Brandenburg catturano velocemente una vasta gamma di insetti volanti. • La Birchmeier propone attrezzature erogatrici di schiuma adatte per il settore della preparazione alimentare.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 30

Hygienic vents Guaranteeing hygiene in air conditioning and kitchen vents is always a challenge so Neovision developed the Jetty belt-driven robot. This utilises dry ice to remove contamination inside the duct and uses the properties of the ducting to reduce or eliminate secondary clean-up.

High level inspection is also possible, enabling the operator to record conditions within the duct, vent or extractor for the customer to review. From the remote control panel the operator can drive the robot through the ducting as it cleans. The dry ice mixed with pressurised air uses kinetic energy and so-called thermal shock to lift contamination from the inner wall of the duct and drive it to a collection point. www.jettyrobot.com

the Tork Reflex Single Sheet Centrefeed system also comes in a portable format which is ideal for quick service restaurants and coffee shops. www.tork.co.uk

Safe for food Electrolysed water, ozonised water and gaseous ozone produced by the systems from De Nora Next are effective against viruses, bacteria, moulds, yeasts, biofilm and any mycotoxins without creating resistance in microorganisms and reducing pesticide residuals that might be present. Electrolysed water is also effective in removing some allergens - says the company - while gaseous ozone can sanitise surfaces or areas difficult to reach with conventional cleaning and sanitising treatments. All solutions have been designed to have minimal environmental impact. www.denoranext.com

Control costs Designed to optimise hygiene in the food preparation environment while also controlling consumption and cost in use is the Tork Reflex system from SCA. The Tork Reflex Wiping Paper Plus roll is fully enclosed inside the dispenser to reduce crosscontamination before use. The dispenser features a hygienic nozzle and an easy-to-clean housing, and both the dispenser and the wiper roll are available in blue to suit food environments. Tork Reflex Wiping Paper Plus is particularly suitable for wiping up food spills from kitchen surfaces and floors. Besides being available in both a full-size and mini wall-mounted dispenser,

Brush expert

Steam vapour OspreyDeepclean says its dry steam vapour technology uses very little water and no harsh chemicals in the removal of dirt, grease and grime in food preparation areas. Vapour is delivered at up to nine bar pressure and surfaces are left sanitised, dry and ready for use. The Robby 3000 and 6000 are designed for the fast food industry and small/medium food production areas - they come with accessories and are portable. For larger food preparation/ serving areas the Provap Evo Vac has independently validated decontamination results and utilises an integrated water filtration vacuum unit. The SteamForce 3 Vac has the added benefit of a detergent tank for tougher degreasing tasks. www.ospreydc.com

New from Brosserie Thomas is a water-fed brush with waterflow handle, called Tank. Water flows from the base of the fibres and across the entire brush, then dirt is flushed from the brush fibres. This method, the company says, is more water-efficient plus the rubber around the edge of the brush avoids scratching. Two handle options are available - a 1.4-metre one-piece waterflow handle or telescopic waterflow handle (1.05 to 1.6 metres or 1.7 to 2.8 metres). www.brosseriethomas.com

Fly control For effective control of flies in food preparation areas Brandenburg offers a range of Insect Light Traps (ILTs) that use UVA light as a method to attract them. The flies are then caught on the sticky glue boards inside the ILT. Glue boards can then be used to identify the fly species and locate the source. The Genus line of units are engineered to ensure the fly’s UVA peak sensitivity spectrum

is covered to catch a wide range of flies at the fastest rate while also being energy efficient. www.b-one.com

For foaming Birchmeier offers a range of foaming equipment for use in the food processing sector. For example the mobile foam cleaning models Indu-Matic in 20, 50 or 100 litre versions boast good adhesive foam on horizontal and vertical surfaces. www.birchmeier.com

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Altering behaviour We are constantly being reminded of the role that hand hygiene plays in preventing the spread of illness. But studies show that many people – even those working in hygiene-critical industries – are still failing to wash their hands as often as they should. So why is this the case? Hand hygiene and behaviour change experts gave their views at a recent conference held in London.

Dirty hands have been proven to be a leading cause of disease and death. And the simple process of washing the hands with soap after using the washroom and before handling food is a potential life-saver. But though most of us know this, many of us are still neglecting our hand hygiene. Numerous studies have been carried out regarding hand hygiene compliance among the public and in specific industries, and the results make depressing reading according to speakers at a recent hand hygiene conference. Delegates at the London event, hosted by the Royal Society for Public Health, learned that in one observational study at a UK motorway services station only 32 per cent of men and 64 per cent of women were seen to wash their hands with soap after using the washroom. A second survey carried out by the Food Standards Agency in 2002 revealed that 39 per cent of UK caterers would not routinely wash their hands after using the toilet, and only 48 per cent would wash their hands after handling raw meat. And poor hand hygiene in healthcare institutions was claimed to be costing the UK’s National Health Service up to 1.2 billion euros a year, with 50 per cent of hospital-acquired infections considered to be preventable with the aid of an effective hand hygiene regime. On a global level, the statistics were even more grave. Dr Valerie Curtis, a reader in hygiene at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, cited poor hand hygiene as a major factor in the 0.85 million deaths caused by diarrhoea worldwide every year. Why so many of us are neglecting our hand hygiene is difficult to fathom. But experts at the conference - which took the theme: ‘The science and behaviour behind hand washing at home, work and on the move’ - attempted to solve it. Several of the speakers examined the motives behind poor hand hygiene compliance and considered ways of persuading people to

change their hygiene behaviour. According to Dr Curtis: “Hand washing with soap could save 650,000 lives a year globally. It could help prevent SARS, AIDS, cholera, pandemic flu and malnutrition. But one of the problems of persuading people to wash their hands is finding out what is preventing them from following good hand hygiene practices in the first place. Most of us live our lives on rails - and we need strong levers to help us change track.” As co-founder of the Global PublicPrivate Partnership for Handwashing with Soap, Curtis and a team of hygiene experts tried various methods of persuading people to wash their hands in a series of international trials. Studies were carried out in the UK and in developing countries in Africa and Asia, and a range of arguments was used to motivate people to wash their hands. These included: Hand washing is good manners; Poor hand hygiene can lead to infant mortality; Good hand hygiene leads to success in life; Everyone else washes their hands; and Poor hand hygiene is disgusting.

Motivating factors “We found ‘Hand washing is good manners’ to be a powerful motivator,” said Curtis. “People were also likely to be persuaded to change their behaviour by motives such as disgust and a keenness to fit in. However, fear for a child’s life did not work as a motivator since mothers felt the threat was too far removed from them and that it wasn’t relevant.” The topic of what motivates us to act was also examined by Claire McDonald, behaviour change project lead for the NHS. McDonald works with smokers, alcoholics and drug addicts to persuade people to change their deeply-entrenched habits. This can be difficult, she says, but it is not impossible. “Smart external organisations are always changing our behaviour – and sometimes we don’t even notice,” she said. As an example she quoted the recent Continued page 34

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HAND WASHING Changing behaviour (continued)

“You need to find out how people live their lives and what is important to them. You also need to consider what comes easiest to them and discover what they consider to be the real and perceived barriers to hand hygiene.”

hand hygiene in developing countries. Anita Gopal, global social mission manager of Unilever’s soap brand Lifebuoy, told the conference that open-air festivals commonly held in India carried a high risk of spreading diseases through poor hand hygiene. “In India these festivals are occasions where people gather to pray together and also to eat together – which they do using their hands,” said Gopal. “We wanted to spread the message that festival-goers should wash their hands with soap before eating.” Since Indian roti bread forms the basis of much of the food served at Indian festivals, the company used a heat stamp to print the words: “Did you wash your hands with Lifebuoy?” on each roti. “This type of message can help to change behaviour at exactly the right moment,” said Gopal.

introduction of supermarket self check-out stations and airport self-service checkin machines. “These innovations have changed the way we shop and fly and we have accepted them without question because they also make our lives easier.” In order to change a person’s hand hygiene behaviour it is crucial to understand them, said McDonald. “You need to find out how they live their lives and what is important to them. You also need to consider what comes easiest to them and discover what they consider to be the real and perceived barriers to hand hygiene.” She said any call to action should be precisely targeted to capture the recipient’s attention when they are most likely to act. As an example, she quoted an NHS breast cancer campaign in which self-examination reminders were placed strategically in women’s shower cubicles and in labels stitched into bras. “It is important to present the right information in the right place and at the right time to change patterns of behaviour,” said McDonald. ”Sometimes it is these simple things that can make all the difference.” The idea of presenting the right message at the right time was also behind a recent Lifebuoy campaign to improve

Lifebuoy has now ‘adopted’ the Indian village of Thesgora as part of its Help a Child Reach Five campaign. The company is using various means to change hand washing behaviour in the village: for example, children are provided with fun materials to encourage hand washing practices while expectant mothers are taught in antenatal classes the importance of washing their hands before touching their babies. Lifebuoy is also using a well-known Indian actress – Kajol – in an advertising campaign to persuade people to change their hand hygiene habits. “The idea is to get more people talking about hand washing,” said Gopal. So hand washing behaviour can be changed through persuasive arguments, influential motivators and well-targeted campaigns. And if all else fails, try bribery says emeritus professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Joy Townsend. She quoted a study on hand hygiene compliance that was carried out over a four-year period in three Taiwan hospitals. This used several tools to effect behaviour change: strategically-placed hand sanitisers, staff training courses and posters at point of care. But in order to

make the argument even more persuasive, financial incentives were offered to units with outstanding performances while fines were threatened for non-compliance. As a result of these tactics, hand hygiene compliance at the three hospitals improved from 43.3 per cent in 2004 to 95.6 per cent in 2007. Sometimes poor hand hygiene can simply result from a lack of available facilities, according to management committee member of the British Toilet Association (BTA) Gillian Kemp. She highlighted the fact that mobile workers such as delivery drivers, police officers and traffic wardens have no toilets or hand washing facilities available to them when out and about. And the problem was particularly difficult for drivers of large lorries according to Kemp. “There tend to be few truck stops and service facilities in laybys, and there is also a lack of suitable parking for large vehicles in town centres,” she said. “The lack of available hand hygiene facilities is a particular concern since lorry drivers handle the goods that are delivered to the end user - or in other words, us.” The BTA has now begun a campaign to improve toilet and hand hygiene provision for lorry drivers in the UK. But our motives behind poor hand hygiene compliance is usually more complex than a mere lack of facilities, says Claire McDonald. And discovering those motives is crucial. “You need to respect the reasons why people do the things they do and find out what motivates them,” she said. “Perhaps they like to break the rules and are kicking against what they consider to be a nanny state, or perhaps they simply think a bit of dirt is good for them. We often have good reasons for doing the things we do, but we are not always rational in our decisions.” She said other barriers to change could be the fact that hand hygiene is timeconsuming, while some people might neglect to wash their hands when they can see no visible dirt. “We just have to figure it out,” she said. “The airports and supermarkets have been smart and they have worked out how to change our behaviour. That is all we have to do as far as hand washing is concerned.”

On nous rappelle constamment le rôle de l’hygiène des mains pour prévenir la propagation de maladies. N’empêche que, selon diverses études, de nombreux travailleurs, y compris ceux d’industries où l’hygiène est critique, négligent toujours de se laver les mains à la fréquence indiquée. Comment expliquer cela ? Les spécialiste de l’hygiène des mains et du changement de comportement se sont exprimés sur cette question lors d’une récente conférence à Londres.

Wir werden immer wieder daran erinnert, welche Rolle Handhygiene dabei spielt, die Verbreitung von Krankheiten zu verhindern. Studien zeigen jedoch, dass viele Menschen – selbst jene, die in Branchen arbeiten, in denen Hygiene besonders wichtig ist – ihre Hände noch immer nicht so häufig waschen, wie sie sollten. Warum ist das so? Experten für Handhygiene und Verhaltensänderung legten bei einer kürzlich in London stattgefundenen Konferenz ihre Ansichten dar.

Ci viene costantemente ricordato il ruolo che l’igiene delle mani svolge nel prevenire il diffondersi di malattie. Purtroppo gli studi dimostrano che molte persone, anche coloro che lavorano in settori dove l’igiene delle mani è estremamente importante, non lavano le mani così spesso come dovrebbero. Allora perchè succede questo? Gli esperti del cambiamento comportamentale e dell’igiene delle mani hanno espresso la loro opinione durante una conferenza tenutasi di recente a Londra.

Talk about hand washing

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 34

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Solid air care A solid air freshener system based on multi-phasing technology was launched by Vectair. The V-Air Solid system combines two fragrances in one unit and operates without the use of batteries. It is said to be completely biodegradable and environmentally safe. The system consists of a fired ceramic cartridge infused with perfumes that houses an internal fragrance core. These combine to create two fragrances said to last for up to 60 days. “You start off with one fragrance and then this gradually phases into another as time goes on,” said Vectair joint marketing manager Carly Wonnacott. “These two fragrances can be quite different: for example, apple phases into vanilla while cedar becomes spearmint. And the system is free of solvents, propellants and VOCs and is completely biodegradable.” The V-Air Solid dispenser can be either wall-mounted or free-standing and is particularly suitable for use in kitchens, hotels and spas. The fact that the fragrance core is solid means spills and leaks are not an issue and the product is easy to transport. www.vectairsystems.com

Cleans handles CWS says it is filling the final hygiene gap in public washrooms with the launch of the Clean Touch door handle. Said to be easy to install, the handle is covered with a hygienic film that is automatically replaced after every use. The roll of film is housed inside a cartridge that features two chambers to keep the new and used films separate. The films require the addition of no further disinfectant or cleaning agents and each roll contains 2,000 sections of film. Clean Touch operates using four batteries.

CWS also added nine new fragrances to its air care line, developed in cooperation with a perfume manufacturer. www.cws-boco.com

Daily pads

Flexis is a new line of floor pads from KGS Diamond designed for daily cleaning and polishing the company says that with its four-step programme operators can reduce the amount of work needed to keep floors shining. Based on the KGS Ferrzon + technology, the system features microscopic crystals produced specifically for cleaning and polishing. The main advantages of this technology, says the company, are thicker and stronger pads, long-lasting results and open weave for self-cleaning. The floor maintenance programme is called Renovator, developed to be simple and multifunctional without the need for special equipment or chemicals. www.kgsdiamond.com

The system allows key members of staff to access whatever type of information they require, according to Kärcher. For example, the controller might receive information about the fleet’s utilisation rate while the branch manager will be kept informed about which machines need servicing when. And facility managers may want to remotely check the machine’s battery status and also produce relevant work documentation. www.karcher.com

Not just clean New on the 3M stand was a product claimed to be able to clean and protect glass at the same time. The 3M Glass Cleaner and Protector is said to provide a streak-free finish while leaving behind a thin protective layer on the glass surface. Also new were 3M’s High Shine floor pads for use chiefly in the retail sector. www.3m.co.uk

For washrooms

Award winner Kärcher was the winner of this year’s Amsterdam Innovation Award with its new B 60/10 C suction mop. Designed to fill the gap between mop-andbucket and scrubber dryer, it’s designed for daily intermediate cleaning of floors. It operates using a mechanical pump for vacuuming water, which means it needs no mains electricity or battery. Also shown for the first time was the Kärcher Fleet telematics system, which enables cleaning contractors and facilities managers to use GPS and mobile telephony to find out where scrubber dryers and sweepers are deployed at any moment as well as the type of work they have performed and what condition they are in.

MultiFlex is the latest addition to Brightwell’s soap dispenser range. This is available in manual and electronic mode and all pumps are interchangeable in the housing for maximum versatility. Pumps and bottles are disposed of together to avoid cross-contamination risk. The dispenser can be customised in terms of cover design and there is the option to lock it to a specific soap product with exclusive pin positions. Also new are the Ecorange dosing system, the Ecoshot manual dispensing system and the Ecomix dilution system. And the BrightLogic membrane pump for electronic dosing in laundry and dishwashing. www.brightwell.co.uk

• Le système de désodorisation V-Air Solid de Vectair combine deux fragrances en un seul appareil et n’a pas besoin de batteries. • CWS a lancé la poignée de porte hygiénique Türgriff Clean Touch pour toilettes publiques. • KGS Diamond a introduit les tampons de plancher Flexis pour le nettoyage et le polissage journaliers. • Parmi les lancements de produit sur le stand Kärcher figurait le B60/10 C MopVac, gagnant du Prix de l’Innovation 2014 à Amsterdam. • 3M explique que son produit Glass Clean and Protector nettoie puis laisse une fine pellicule protectrice. • Parmi d’autres nouveaux produits, le stand Brightwell alignait les systèmes de distribution et dilution ECOrange.

• Das Lufterfrischersystem V-Air Solid von Vectair kombiniert zwei Düfte in einer Einheit und erfordert keine Batterien. • CWS stellte den hygienischen Türgriff Clean Touch für öffentliche Waschräume vor. • Neu von KGS Diamond sind die Bodenpads Flexis zum täglichen Reinigen und Polieren. • Unter den neuen Geräten am Stand von Kärcher befand sich der Gewinner des Amsterdam Innovation Award 2014, der B60/10 C MopVac. • 3M teilt mit, dass Glass Clean and Protector reinigt und anschließend eine dünne Schutzschicht zurücklässt. • Unter den neuen Produkten von Brightwell waren die ECOrange Dosier- und Verdünnungssysteme.

• Il sistema di profumazione degli ambienti V-Air Solid prodotto dalla Vectair abbina due fragranze in una unità e non necessita di batterie. • La CWS ha lanciato Clean Touch, la maniglia igienica per le porte specifica per le sale da toilette pubbliche. • La novità della KGS Diamond sono i dischi per pavimenti Flexis per la pulizia e la lucidatura giornaliera. • Fra i nuovi prodotti lanciati sullo stand della Kärcher c’era il prodotto vincitore del premio Amsterdam Innovation Award 214, il B60/10 C MopVac. • La 3M afferma che il suo Glass Clean and Protector pulisce e lascia un sottile strato protettivo. • Fra i nuovi prodotti della Brightwell c’erano i sistemi di erogazione e diluizione ECOrange.

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Intelligence The SenseManagement system has been designed by Hagleitner to allow users of its Xibu washroom dispensers to monitor their operational status. The centrallyinstalled solution uses collected data to provide digital real-time information about product consumption and visitor frequency. This allows operators to plan dispenser refill frequency and deploy cleaning and service staff more efficiently - and products can be ordered according to consumption. Another feature of Hagleitner SenseManagement is the facility to analyse information such as hand disinfection usage patterns

which means it can be used to devise digital cleaning and disinfection plans. The plans are available in 10 languages. www.hagleitner.com


The main feature of the Hako stand was the new ride-on sweeper and scrubber dryer range. For example the Hakomatic B310 R/ B310 R CL is designed for large area cleaning. New modules of the Fleet Management Solutions system were also launched, along with new products for the municipal sector. And the company also offers numerous other services such as computerised profitability calculations and different financing and procurement options. www.hako.com

Double sided TTS introduced a new range of double-sided mops that can be mixed and matched to allow cleaners to combine two applications in one pass. The company’s Trilogy system of mops can be configured for washing and drying or washing and dusting. They can also be used on safety floors or on regular floors depending on the operator’s needs. A waterproof film between the two sides of the mop enables the cleaner to use one side for wet cleaning and the other side for drying. It can also be used on vertical surfaces - in the bathrooms of hotel washrooms, for instance. Each mop ‘side’ is available in a range of four colours to tie in with colour-coding systems. The mop holder is also double-sided and the mop head can be ejected by means of a pedal to prevent the operator from having to touch it. www.ttsystem.com

• Hagleitner a introduit les fonctionnalités senseMANAGEMENT à ses distributeurs pour toilettes XIBU, leur permettant de signaler leur état de charge de liquide et de batterie en ligne. • Hako a présenté ses nouveaux modèles B310 R/B310 R CL de balayeuses et d’autolaveuses à conducteur monté. • TTS a lancé une gamme de têtes de moppe à deux faces. • Die XIBU Waschraumspender von Hagleitner sind jetzt mit senseMANAGEMENT-Funktionen erhältlich, die ein Online-Melden des Zustands der Nachfüllungen und Batterien ermöglichen. • Hako stellte die Hakomatic B310 R/ B310 R CL Aufsitz-Kehrmaschinen und Aufsitz-Scheuersaugmaschinen vor. • Neu von TTS ist eine Produktreihe mit doppelseitigen Mopps. • La Hagleitner ha dotato delle funzioni senseMANAGEMENT i suoi dispenser per sale da toilette XIBU, rendendo possibile il controllo on-line del livello del contenuto e della carica della batteria. • La Hako ha presentato in anteprima i modelli di spazzatrici con operatore a bordo e lavasciuga pavimenti Hakomatic B310 R/B310 R CL. • La novità della TTS è una gamma di mop a due lati.

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• SCA propose deux nouveaux services informatisés pour toilettes publiques. Désignés Bloe et Tork EasyCube, ils émettent des données en temps réel. • Le prototype d’un appareil désinfectant des mains qui acclame et applaudit chaque fois qu’on l’utilise a fait parler de lui au stand Hygiene Vision. • La gamme Valet d’aspirateurs de Truvox a été enrichie de l’aspirateurbalai Single Motor Upright. • SCA bietet zwei neue webbasierte Waschraumdienste, Bloe und Tork EasyCube, die Echtzeitdaten liefern. • Am Stand von Hygiene Vision machte der Prototyp eines Handreinigers, der jubelt und klatscht, wenn er benutzt wird, von sich reden. • Die Produktpalette Valet mit Staubsaugern von Truvox wurde mit dem Single Motor Upright erweitert.

• La SCA propone due nuovi servizi per sale da toilette, Bloe e Tork EasyCube, che si avvalgono dell’informatica e che forniscono dati in tempo reale. • Un prototipo di unità sanitizzante per le mani che applaude ed esulta quando qualcuno la utilizza è stato l’argomento di conversazione sullo stand della Hygiene Vision. • La gamma di aspirapolveri Valet della Truvox è stata ampliata con il lancio del modello Single Motor Upright.

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Washroom IT

From Tork washrooms systems manufacturer SCA come two new IT-based services for the washroom: Bloe and Tork EasyCube. These solutions are designed to provide real-time data from washrooms, such as toilet use and refill consumption. Data is easily accessible and interpreted online, offering service providers an instant overview of when and where cleaning is needed. This enables them to move from static cleaning schedules to cleaning when needed, says SCA. Tork EasyCube has been developed in cooperation with facilities service companies and is based on data from smart dis-

pensers. Meanwhile Bloe utilises data from toilets and urinals about visitors and usage, while also incorporating integrated screens for visual communication and features to facilitate automatic cleaning, control odours and reduce water usage. A ventilation system with aromatic oils generates fragrance throughout the washroom. www.sca-tork.com

Hygiene cheer A prototype of a hand sanitiser unit that cheers and claps when someone uses it created a talking point at Hygiene Vision. The company’s table top hand hygiene dispenser plays the sound of clapping and cheering whenever anyone places their hands beneath the unit. The idea is to positively reinforce the action of using a hand sanitiser. The second unusual product on the Hygiene Vision stand was the Fizz Foam dispenser. This gives out a foam that crackles in

the hand. The idea is to encourage people – especially children – to wash their hands more. www.hygienevision.com

New upright Debuting on the Truvox stand was the Valet Single Motor Upright vacuum cleaner for the healthcare, educational and office sectors. Truvox says it offers optimum manoeuvrability in hard-toreach areas plus a brush head that automatically senses the carpet pile height. Other features include three-stage filtration, detachable aluminium cleaning wand, on-board crevice and dusting brush, 30 cm cleaning path and 6,000 rpm brush speed. www.truvox.com


New look

P+L Systems Washroom has given its soap dispensers a new modern look - there is a choice of capacity as well as manual or automatic operation. There are three different models. The no-touch dispenser has a sleek, easy to wipe design and a 1,000 ml capacity with variable dose pump. It’s suitable for high traffic washrooms and other areas where cross-contamination is a risk. Available in white or chrome finish, the manual dispenser features a grey operation button that guides users’ hands to the

operating area, and the clear plastic window shows soap levels. Capacity is 1,000 ml, there is a variable dose pump and a locking system to prevent unauthorised access. With a hinged lid and clear reservoir with easy refilling the Value 800 ml soap dispenser completes the range. www.pandlwashroom.com

Compact ride-on The Twin-Top TT1110 is the latest compact ride-on sweeper from Stolzenberg, which boasts a user-friendly interface, selflevelling main broom, ergonomic layout of operating panel and the company’s Tandem Roller System (TRS). Optional features include different filters, onboard charger and high dumping system. Also new is the batterypowered Cross Sweep 650 small walk-behind model which offers front sweeping and pick-up

overthrow sweeping into the 50-litre waste container. www.stolzenberg.com

Nano tech At the show Hyprom debuted an air care system based on nanotechnology. The Blo system is claimed to be twice as efficient as an aerosol since it produces a mist so fine that it remains airborne for longer. The product uses a small plate inside a dispenser that vibrates to produce a fine mist comprising particles less than one micron. The system uses no propellant gas and has no VOCs. Blo comes in liquid form and is housed in a container that fits inside a programmable, wall-mounted dispenser. The fragrances are said to remain airborne for at least 30 minutes. www.hyprom.ch

• Les nouveaux distributeurs de savon P+L Systems sont proposés dans un choix de contenances et à versions manuelles ou automatiques. • Stolzenberg propose deux nouvelles balayeuses, la Cross Sweep 650 à conducteur à pied et la Twin Top TT 1110 à conducteur monté. • Le système Blo de purification de l’air de Hyprom repose sur une nanotechnologie jugée plus efficace et sûre que l’emploi d’aérosols. • Die neuen Seifenspender von P+L Systems werden mit verschiedenen Füllkapazitäten und als manuelle oder automatische Ausführung angeboten. • Stolzenberg bietet zwei neue Kehrmaschinen: die handgeführte Cross Sweep 650 und die kompakte Aufsitz-Maschine Twin Top TT 1110. • Das Luftplegesystem Blo von Hyprom basiert auf Nanotechnologie und soll wirkungsvoller und sicherer als Aerosol sein. • I nuovi dispenser di sapone della P+L Systems offrono una scelta di capienza e il funzionamento sia manuale che automatico. • La Stolzenberg offre due nuove spazzatrici – il modello con operatore al seguito Cross Sweep 650 e il modello compatto con operatore a bordo Twin Top TT 1110. • Il sistema di cura dell’aria Blo della Hyprom si basa sulla nanotecnologia, e si dice che sia più efficiente e più sicuro degli aerosol.

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• Diversey Care a présenté son nouveau système portable de contrôle de dosage chimique Dual Dose Pro. • Le VoleoPro est un chariot compact signé Vileda Professionnal pour usage en espace restreint. • Tennant lançait deux nouvelles machines ainsi que des solutions de nettoyage à base d’eau. • L’entreprise de lavage de vitres Unger a créé une raclette à main d’édition limitée pour célébrer son cinquantenaire. • Le Sol Aire est l’appareil de purification d’air ambiant et à alimentation par l’éclairage proposé par Dispensing Dynamics.

• Das tragbare Chemikaliendosiersystem Dual Dose Pro von Diversey Care wurde zum ersten Mal in der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. • Beim VoleoPro handelt es sich um einen kompakten Reinigungswagen von Vileda Professional, der zum Einsatz in beengten Räumen konzipiert wurde. • Bei Tennant standen neben der Vorstellung neuer Maschinen wasserbasierte Reinigungslösungen im Mittelpunkt. • Zur Feier des 50. Jubiläums hat Unger, das auf Fensterreinigungsprodukte spezialisiert Unternehmen, einen handgearbeiteten Abzieher in limitierter Auflage entwickelt. • Bei Sol Aire handelt es sich um einen Luftpflegespender von Dispensing Dynamics, der durch die Innenbeleuchtung betrieben wird.

Portable dosing New on the Diversey Care stand was the Dual Dose Pro portable dosing control system, designed for use on small sites and requiring minimal operator training. The simple push-and-pull dosing cap has an ergonomic design to simplify daily cleaning and the system can be used with a range of concentrated products. Also new is the Taski Procarpet system. Available in two models – the Taski Procarpet 30 and Taski Procarpet 45 - these machines have been designed to be particularly flexible since they allow users to select the carpet cleaning application that best fits their needs based on turnaround time and soil levels. Visitors could also see the new Taski IntelliTrail web-based GPS machine tracking solution for cleaning machines - allowing operators to locate, monitor and manage the entire fleet. And the SmartView mobile communication platform is claimed to deliver service performance improvements using real-time management, quality control and reporting features for cleaning teams in the FM, hospitality and healthcare industries. www.sealedair.com

Two versions are available, basic and standard, and Vileda says this model offers a high degree of flexibility and customisation. It can carry all the company’s floor cleaning systems, boxes and buckets plus other tools needed for daily cleaning. The upper part of the trolley has facility for hooks and fasteners which can be placed according to individual preferences. The inclined bin bag holder with its integrated ergonomic grip zone allows for easy disposing of waste or used mops/cloths and is closed by a foldaway lid. Vileda also previewed a new product being launched later in the year - SpillEx spill remover, a disposable ultra-absorbent floor cloth claimed to take care of water-based liquid spillages in minutes. One SpillEx absorbs and holds up to 1,200 ml of water and up to 500 ml of NaCI 0.9 per cent. Vileda says it will not drip when lifting and moving because it transforms the liquid into a gel - it can also be used in hospital operating theatres to absorb blood. www.vileda-professional.com

Clean planet

Small spaces • La Diversey Care ha presentato in anteprima il sistema portatile di dosaggio e controllo dei prodotti chimici Dual Dose Pro. • VoleoPro è un carrello compatto prodotto dalla Vileda Professional, adatto per l’uso in spazi piccoli. • La Tennant ha presentato due nuove macchine e delle soluzioni per la pulizia a base di acqua. • L’impresa di lavaggio delle finestre Unger ha sviluppato una edizione limitata di tergivetro fatti a mano per celebrare il suo 50° anniversario. • Sol Aire è un dispenser di profumazioni per ambienti prodotto dalla Dispensing Dynamics con alimentazione interna.

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VoleoPro is the newest trolley from Vileda Professional, developed for areas where space is limited and a full-size trolley is too large - its footprint is half a square metre.

The theme of Tennant’s stand was Clean Across the Planet and the company launched a number of new products. The T17 battery-powered heavy duty ride-on scrubber dryer is claimed to achieve effective cleaning results using ec-H2O water-based technology. The machine is said to reduce the amount of water required for any cleaning task while also reducing the cost and risks of chemical use. Meanwhile the B5/B7 battery-powered walk-behind burnisher features a quiet operation of 63 dBA plus an active four-stage HEPA filtration dust control system to protect indoor air quality.

Also making its debut was the Orbio 5000-Sc on-site generation technology which produces environmentally friendly cleaning solution in a touch-free operation for sprayand-wipe applications. And the Os3 system allows customers to generate their own cleaning and disinfecting solutions on-site. Tennant says it improves health and safety and reduces both cost and environmental impact, plus the satellite system allows solutions to be dispensed in remote locations. www.tennantco.com

50th squeegee Unger has developed a limited edition hand-made window squeegee to celebrate its 50th anniversary, each with a unique serial number. The other commemorative cleaning tool launched was the nLite Ultra HiMod Limited Edition 2014. This water-fed pole is made from an enhanced version of hi modulus carbon to offer the ultimate in stiffness, even at heights of up to 20 metres. Also new is the nLite HydroPower DI (deionisation) system of quick-change resin bags. Deionisation is a process that uses ion-exchange resins to remove mineral ions from the water, and the resin needs to be replaced regularly. Previously this could only be achieved by pouring the sand-like resin into DI vessels, making it a time-consuming process. The new bags take just seconds to change. www.ungerglobal.com

Electric power New from Dispensing Dynamics is the Sol Aire unit that runs off interior lighting. The air care dispenser, which has solar panel-like facings, is the subject of multiple patents. The company also launched what it claimed to be the first sensor-operated soap dispenser than can also be used manually. The Hybrid unit automatically gives out soap when someone’s hands are detected but if the battery runs out, the user can access the soap manually. www.dispensingdynamics.com


Collapsing cart

One move

Kills germs

The new collapsible X-Cart from Rubbermaid is designed for housekeeping operations in hotels, hospitals, leisure centres and anywhere else with a regular requirement to remove soiled bed linen and towels for laundry and replenish the room or facility with fresh new items. It comprises a tear-resistant, black vinyl bag hung on a sturdy powder coated metal frame.

Wet ‘n’ Dry is the newest mop from Symto, which can be used to wipe and dry in one pass. One side is a combination of microfibre and polyester stripes while the other is coated with polyurethane for drying. The fabric can absorb up to 700 per cent of its own weight says Symto, which makes it suitable for cleaning large areas. It is part of the EasyGlider range. www.symto.de

Only five per cent of people actually wash their hands properly, according to American Dryer. The company’s Extremeair CPC is claimed to kill 99.6 per cent of germs naturally while drying the hands. It uses patent-pending cold plasma technology to sanitise the hands after washing them. “However much you try to persuade people to wash their hands, time and time again you

find they are not doing so properly,” said the company’s Andrew Cameron. “So we have launched a dryer that uses active technology to destroy the germs.” The Extremeair CPC is said to kill germs such as E.coli, MRSA, TB and C.difficile using a safe, chemical-free method. Cold Plasma technology is already in use in the US to sanitise buildings, but American Dryer claims to be the first company to use it in a hand dryer. www.americandryer.com

Rubbermaid says the X-Cart is easy to move around even when carrying a full load and is available in 150 or 300 litre capacity models. Two 150-litre bags can be fitted on to the 300-litre frame to allow linen or waste segregation, and the optional pocket organiser keeps cleaning tools within easy reach. Also new from the company is the Clean Look range of air, surface and skin care systems - each dispenser is available in black, white or chrome finishes. www.rubbermaid.eu • Rubbermaid a fait la démonstration de son nouveau X-Cart ainsi de que sa gamme Clean Look de systèmes de soin de l’air, de surfaces et de la peau. • Symto a lancé la moppe plate à microfibres Wet ‘n’ Dry qui s’inscrit dans sa gamme Easy Glider. • American Dryer affirrme que son sèche-mains Extremeair CPC tue 99,6 pour cent des microbes naturellement. • Rubbermaid demonstrierte neben dem neuen X-Cart die Produktreihe Clean Look mit Spendersystemen für Luft-, Oberflächen- und Hautpflegeprodukte. • Symto stellte den MikrofaserFlachmopp Wet ‘n’ Dry als Teil der Produktreihe Easy Glider vor. • Laut eigenen Angaben von American Dryer tötet der Handtrockner Extremeair CPC 99,6 % aller Krankheitserreger auf natürliche Weise. • La Rubbermaid ha dimostrato il suo nuovo X-Cart e la linea di sistemi per la cura dell’aria, delle superfici e della pelle Clean Look. • La Symto ha aggiunto alla sua gamma Easy Glider il mop piatto in microfibra Wet ‘n’ Dry. • La American Dryer afferma che il suo asciugamani Extremeair CPC elimina naturalmente il 99,6 per cento dei germi.

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Wiping for safety Cloths and wipers are usually considered to be a relatively unimportant part of the industrial, mechanical, healthcare and food manufacturing process. As long as a cloth or wiper is close to hand when a mess needs cleaning up, this is usually considered to be a sufficient contribution to the smooth running of a workplace. But a humble wiper can also play an important part in keeping the working environment healthy and safe for staff, visitors and customers.

“Colour-coded products provide a simple method of separating each cleaning task by colour, and this reduces the risk of cross-contamination in hygiene-critical environments such as the food sector.”

Cloths and wipers are usually considered to be a relatively unimportant part of the industrial, mechanical, healthcare and food manufacturing process. As long as a cloth or wiper is close to hand when a mess needs cleaning up, this is usually considered to be a sufficient contribution to the smooth running of a workplace. But a humble wiper can also play an important part in keeping the working environment healthy and safe for staff, visitors and customers. According to SCA’s industrial product and segment manager Stephen Belcher there are a number of ways in which wipes and cloths can help to improve workplace safety. He says strong cleaning agents such as solvents represent a potential health hazard in the industrial workplace. “A good non-woven wiper can help to reduce the amount of solvent that needs to be used,” he said. “Some disposable products are specifically designed to retain the solvent within the cloth and to release it efficiently back on to the wiping surface. These products not only minimise the amount of solvent required for the cleaning task, they can also improve cleaning efficiency.” He names the company’s Tork Industrial Heavy-Duty Cleaning Cloth as an example. “Besides being sufficiently strong and durable to be used with solvents, this product is also bulky enough to provide hand protection when cleaning objects that have sharp edges or ridges,” he said. “This can be another safety issue in the industrial sector.” Pre-impregnated wipers can also help to improve workshop safety, according to Belcher. Products such as Tork Surface Cleaning Wet Wipes that come ready for use in a sealed container avoid the need for a bucket of cleaning fluid - a potential spill hazard. And he adds that colour-coded cloths can also help to enhance safety. “Colour-coded products provide a simple method of separating each cleaning task by colour, and this reduces the risk of cross-contamination in hygiene-critical

environments such as the food sector,” said Belcher. The company’s Tork LongLasting Colour-Coded Cleaning Cloths are available in four colours. Product development manager for Vileda Professional Joerg Dunkel claims it was his company that first came up with the colour-coding cleaning concept around 30 years ago. All Vileda products are now colour-coded to enable operatives to differentiate between cleaning tasks.

Specific industries Sales director of Metsä UK and Ireland Mark Dewick says certain colours have become associated with specific industries, such as blue wipers for use in food environments. “Here it is important that the wiper stands out in a consistent way so that it cannot be confused with food products,” he said. “Rag solutions are often a mix of colours which makes them inappropriate for this kind of environment.” PGI Nonwoven’s director of product marketing James Taylor agrees that colour-coding is a vital element in ensuring wiper safety in the food sector. “Providing cloths in dedicated colours depending on food type and application will ensure that you are taking all the right precautions to prevent the risk of cross contamination – which is becoming more and more prevalent with today’s higher turnover of staff,” says Taylor. “Managers have less time to train their employees and to engrain various cleaning processes in them which means that everyday tasks should be easy to understand and also very visible.” PGI’s Chicopee-branded colour-coded products range from a disposable and biodegradable cloth for short-term use to more durable microfibre products. According to Vileda Professional’s Joerg Dunkel it is often the way in which a wiper is used rather than the product itself that determines its contribution to workplace safety. “The traditional method of cleaning – the bucket method - is when you dip Continued page 46

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WIPES & CLOTHS Wiping for safety (continued) a cloth or wiper in a bucket of disinfectant or detergent and then rinse, wring and wipe,” he said. “But the water becomes increasingly dirty and there is the risk you will miss the point at which the water becomes too contaminated to use. “Another method - the spray method – is when you spray the detergent or disinfectant on to a cloth and then wipe the surface. But if the cloth is too dry, there will not be a sufficient amount of disinfectant on the cloth or wiper to leave an appropriate disinfectant ‘film’.” He adds that both these cleaning methods should be avoided in hygiene-critical environments such as the healthcare sector. “The right way to clean here is using a pre-prepared cloth,” said Dunkel. “Impregnated cloths and microfibres are recommended for hospitals since disposable cloths will often lint. Cleaning can be carried out safely and efficiently when the pre-prepared cloth is folded in the required way since this ensures that a fresh side of the cloth is always available for cleaning.” Vileda offers product training for hospital cleaning staff and uses pictograms on its packaging to demonstrate how to ensure an even distribution of the cleaning product. According to Dunkel, the company’s MicroRoll is particularly suitable for use in the healthcare sector. “This is made from endless microfibres on a roll that removes 99.9 per cent of bacteria,” he said. When it comes to industrial environments, he says, wipers and

“Even after thorough washing, reusable cleaning cloths may contain residues of oils, fats, solvents and cleaning agents as well as the detergent used in the washing process.”

cloths require a certain degree of bulkiness in order to protect the hands against metal sharps. “Cheap paper rolls won’t offer the same level of protection,” he adds. Vileda’s semi-disposable Breazy cloth is said to offer sufficient bulkiness to protect the hands when wiping. Metsä’s Mark Dewick agrees that the bulkiness of a cloth or wiper can help to enhance safety. Reusable cloths may contain small metallic splinter fragments that could cause damage to surfaces and to the hands, he says. “Such hazards are completely eliminated with the use of a good, bulky, two or threeply wiper that will protect the hands when wiping uneven or sharp surfaces.” According to Dewick dry, clean wipers provide a more efficient drying material than reusable cloths that will potentially have been contaminated with dirt, grime or solvents. “In addition, scratchy cloths or those soaked with solvent or oil may cause skin reactions or scratches and these in turn may become infected,” he said. “One doesn’t always think to put on gloves when wiping up a spill in a hurry. A clean, dry disposable wiper that has been dermatologically tested and approved will be soft on the hands in all circumstances.” He says clean disposable wipers also provide a greater level of protection against dermatitis. “The integrity of the surface area is good when it is removed from the dispenser or roll, whereas the Continued page 48

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PVAmicro One cloth. Twice the actions!

Here it is – a cloth with high cleaning performance plus it wipes the surface dry in one single movement. It´s the all-new PVAmicro, that combines two materials into a unique blend of performances. PVA for perfect absorbency and knitted microfibre for maximum cleaning performance. No risk for scratching delicate surfaces, as the PVA surface makes it easy to rinse out particles, when dipping and wringing the cloth. With just one wiping movement the surface is clean and dry, which saves time and money. The microfibre cleaning performance and the elimination of after-drying, will make PVAmicro to the favourite solution for fast and effective wiping!

Vileda Professional Visit us at www.vileda-professional.com or mail us at vileda.professional@fhp-ww.com

WIPES & CLOTHS Wiping for safety (continued) integrity of a rag can be compromised at any point.” PGI Nonwoven’s James Taylor also says that fine metals can become a problem if they remain behind in laundered rags after cleaning. “These could result in high levels of exposure over time,” he said. “On top of this, laundered rags and towels come in all shapes, sizes and thicknesses. This makes it hard to know how many times to fold the product and what heat protection it offers.” He claims a product such as his company’s SuperTwill can help to resolve such issues since they have a uniform size and thickness. SuperTwill has also been independently certified as being heat-resistant.

Immediate access Perhaps one of the key ways in which immediate access to a cloth or wiper can improve workplace safety is when it is used to quickly clean up spills to prevent falls. “Slips and trips are among the major causes of injuries at work, and most slips occur when a floor is either wet or dirty,” said SCA’s Stephen Belcher. “In an industrial environment substances such as grease, oil and solvent are often spilled. Here there should be general purpose wipers provided close at hand and within easy reach of staff. This allows spills to be quickly mopped up so that the slipping hazard is removed.” Metsä’s Mark Dewick agrees that it is crucial to remove spills quickly and efficiently. “Even after thorough washing, reusable cleaning cloths may contain residues of oils, fats, solvents and cleaning agents as well as the detergent used in the washing process,” he said. “As a result the wiping process may not be as efficient as it could be and residues could be left behind. This could be as dangerous on floors as the original spill - or even more so if it is a greasy residue.” And Vileda’s Joerg Dunkel says his company’s new Spillex floor cloths represent a solution to the problem of trips and spills. “Traditionally there hasn’t been a good solution available on the market,” said Dunkel. “Some companies use cotton cloths for wiping up spills, but these aren’t always very effective – particularly when older cloths are used.” The company’s new Spillex floor cloths are said to be particularly suitable for use in supermarkets, shopping malls, care homes and operating theatres where spills could constitute a contamination hazard or cause slips and falls. “These cloths are based on the technology used for making babies’ nappies and have a high content of super-absorbent polymers,” said Dunkel. “This makes them particularly effective when cleaning up water-based spills.” En quoi les essuie-tout contribuent-ils à la sécurité industrielle? ECJ se penche sur les risques courants d’hygiène et de sécurité en milieu industriel pour établir dans quelle mesure des produits tels que tissus absorbants pour l’épongeage de liquides, tissus épais pour la protection des mains, essuie-tout imprégnés et tissus à codage couleur améliorent la sécurité à l’atelier.

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Wie verbessern Wischtücher die Sicherheit im industriellen Umfeld? Das ECJ betrachtet übliche industrielle Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsrisiken und findet heraus, wie verschiedene Produkte die Sicherheit in der Werkstatt verbessern können: beispielsweise saugfähige Wischtücher zum Aufwischen von Verschüttetem; dicke Wischtücher zum Schutz der Hände sowie imprägnierte und farbcodierte Wischtücher.

In che modo i panni per le pulizie aumentano la sicurezza negli ambienti industriali? ECJ prende in esame i rischi più comuni per la salute e la sicurezza nell’industria e scopre come prodotti tipo i panni assorbenti per raccogliere i liquidi rovesciati; panni spessi che proteggono le mani; panni pre-imbevuti e panni codificati in base al colore possano migliorare la sicurezza negli ambienti di lavoro.


Keeping staff in the loop

With the evolution of digital technology, businesses have never had such a wide range of communication channels available to them. Email, texts, video conferencing and social media comprise just a sample. One crucial area increasingly gaining focus is internal communications. Hartley Milner looks at ways employers are keeping their people in the loop about corporate issues. Employees are no longer content just to work their shift and leave at the end of the day. They demand to be kept informed in all areas of concern to them, including the wellbeing of the organisation they give so much of their time and energy to. In difficult economic times when people may have job security concerns, an effective and targeted internal communication strategy can help to allay their fears and keep the workforce happy, engaged and motivated. It could even save money. Recent research in the UK looked at how well businesses communicate staff benefits. It found an SME with 250 employees that offers good benefits but fails to communicate them spends 302,000 euros a year more on staff turnover and sickness absence than those that have comparable employee benefit packages, but also have good internal communication processes. “The value of effective internal com-

munications can’t be overstated for small and medium-sized businesses,” said Dale Williams, who advises European businesses on comms issues. “Employees who are better informed are more satisfied, feel more involved in their organisation and ultimately contribute more to its success. Companies that make internal communications a priority are more likely to have employees who are inspired to help their employer reach their objectives, resolve conflicts quickly and improve productivity. “Good communication helps in all areas, whether it is increasing sales, finding more customers or dealing with company changes such as mergers, downsizing or new management. Employees also appreciate being kept informed about corporate issues, messages and campaigns that may not affect them directly but perhaps have implications for other departments or other work locations within the company. If people are kept informed, they are less likely to gossip about what is going on in a huddle around the water cooler. “But it must not be just one-way traffic. Employees need to know that they have a voice as well that is heard across all layers of management, even at boardroom level. There has to be a channel for them to communicate their concerns, views and even ideas. You may think that an

employee would be primarily concerned with improving their working conditions or benefits, but they frequently come up with innovative ideas that profit the company in some way, such as improving a product or simplifying or removing a stage in a production process. So there needs to be a recognition by management that staff have a stake in the company and should, therefore, have a say in how it is run.” Larger companies employ communication managers or directors with a sizeable support staff, or turn to outside corporate comms providers for their employee engagement needs. Neither of these options may be open to smaller businesses with more limited resources. Where this is the case, the role of creating and implementing an internal communications strategy usually falls to the HR department. If you are looking to beef up your internal comms strategy, or create a new one, the tools for delivering it include the following:

Open door policy Good internal communication is about listening as well as talking. Encourage an open door policy for all managers so they are more approachable. Or consider getting everyone in senior positions to take desks Continued page 50

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BUSINESS: INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Keeping staff in the loop (continued) on the main floor and use any offices for meetings only.

Company newsletter The company newsletter is an ideal medium for providing employees with information. You can include client testimonials, employee success stories and updates on company news, events and strategies. Try to get as much employee input as possible to ensure that not only managers are contributing material. Avoid making the newsletter come over as simply a management propaganda tool. Your newsletter is the democratic voice of the employee body and should avoid the ‘us’ and ‘them’ syndrome.

Intranet site Creating an intranet site can enable you to put important information online and update it regularly. This is a more costly option and is better suited to companies that have at least 30 employees or those with geographically dispersed teams. An intranet site can be useful, for example, for publishing information on changed processes that everyone needs to use. Keep in mind that the intranet is a passive vehicle – employees have to access it to use it. It doesn’t replace electronic newsletters, emails or blogs, which are an inexpensive route to get out timely information.

Wiki This is a kind of software that lets groups of people work together on the same document. The document has no owner and anyone can add or edit it as they like. There are lots of versions (check out document.ly and doolphy which are great for marketing and other projects that thrive on creativity and shared ownership).

of engaging with the workforce. Watch the security settings, though, if you don’t want it seen by the wider world.

In times of change, internal communications are of paramount importance. Whether it is dealing with accelerated growth or downsizing, or simply altering a customer service strategy, open communication helps employees understand

the change at hand and what is expected of them. “Successful comms strategies are not simply channels of communication between management and employees – they need to be organisationally driven, eg, aligned to, and serving, the organisation’s objectives,” Williams continued. “Employers need to ask themselves how they can use their communication channels to help the organisation achieve its core objectives as well as keeping their employees informed. “Aligning communications and organisational objectives will also help to reinforce the importance and relevance of the overall internal communications strategy, thereby making a convincing case for the proper resourcing of communications activity within the organisation.” In order to be effective, an internal comms strategy needs to be geared toward everyone who works within an organisation, which requires obtaining some basic information from them. How do they feel about the current level of communication, do they feel informed about changes, are they comfortable about sharing their opinions and how would they like to see communication improved. Ask for examples when they felt they could have been kept better informed. Identify how employees like to receive information, eg, by email, newsletter, faceto-face or in other ways. Ask if the method depends on what information is shared. For example, a weekly announcement can be communicated via email, but a major staff change needs to be shared in person. Employee feedback is crucial, so provide communication channels such as staff surveys, meetings, one-on-one sessions, casual chats and lunches. Encourage staff to ask questions whenever they do not understand or agree with specific messages. Create an atmosphere where employees really do feel engaged. “It is all about your staff feeling they are being kept in the loop about issues that affect the organisation and, therefore, them, directly or indirectly,” Williams added. “This is not only good labour relations but it also creates a feeling of community, which can only be beneficial for everyone.”

Durch die Entwicklung der Digitaltechnik stand Unternehmen niemals zuvor solch eine Palette an Kommunikationskanälen zur Verfügung. E-Mail, SMS, Videokonferenzen und soziale Medien sind nur einige Beispiele. Ein ausschlaggebender Bereich, der zunehmend in den Blickpunkt gerät, ist die interne Kommunikation. Hartley Milner betrachtet einige neue und etablierte Strategien, die von Unternehmen zur besseren Einbeziehung ihrer Mitarbeiter eingesetzt werden.

Con l’evoluzione della tecnologia digitale, le imprese non hanno mai avuto una gamma così vasta di canali di comunicazione disponibili. Email, messaggi, video conferenze e social media sono solo una parte. Un’area molto importante che sta sempre di più guadagnando attenzione sono le comunicazioni interne. Hartley Milner esamina alcune nuove e già affermate strategie che le imprese stanno utilizzando per coinvolgere di più i loro dipendenti.

Small group meetings Face-to-face communication is still the most effective way to reach employees. Smaller groups help create closer bonds and put employees at ease, encouraging them to speak their minds. Be sure you have a clear agenda, but always allow time for people to address ad hoc issues at meetings.

Suggestion boxes Suggestion boxes enable employees to raise their concerns and issues anonymously. Even if your company has only a few employees, this option gives them a confidentiality that is often reassuring, depending on the issue or workplace environment.

Posters Even in this digital age, posters still pack a powerful punch. Posters are an excellent way to present information to employees because they can be put up in areas of high visibility within an office, factory or workplace, such as the cafeteria or meeting rooms. They are particularly useful when you have to make an impact and want to add value to an announcement. Be sure that your poster provides a contact for more information. Ideally, you should back up the message with more detail in another vehicle, such as a newsletter.

Crisis communications tools Be sure you have a tool in place to help you deal with emergency communications or to share information on important priorities. You can consider video conference calls for geographically dispersed teams.

Google Documents

Orientation material

Google Documents is another kind of shared document, with the difference that it has an owner who can then invite comments by ‘sharing’ with other people. It’s good for things like board reports or staff rotas.

These documents are important references that help your employees contribute their best to the company.

Social media Companies with younger staff are becoming increasingly switched on to sites like facebook as a good, cheap way Avec l’évolution de l’informatique, les entreprises n’ont jamais eu un tel choix de canaux de communications. Courriels, textos, vidoéconférences et médias sociaux ne sont que ceux qu’on connait le mieux. Un domaine crucial attirant un intérêt croissant est celui des communications internes. Hartley Milner examine certaines des stratégies nouvelles ou établies que des entreprises ont adoptées pour mieux impliquer leurs salariés.

June/July 2014 | ECJ |50

Managing change

A leading brand from one of the world’s largest floorcare manufacturers.

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Water or chemicals? Window cleaning used to be something of a craft in which specialists on ladders would work hard to produce a streak-free finish using a detergent solution and a sgueegee. But factors such as speed, efficiency, safety and sustainability have become increasingly important and perhaps even more valued than craftsmanship. Enter the water-fed pole solution. But what are the pros and cons of using pure water versus traditional window cleaning systems? Ann Laffeaty finds out.

Window cleaning used to be something of a craft in which specialists on ladders would work hard to produce a streak-free finish using a detergent solution and a squeegee. But factors such as speed, efficiency, safety and sustainability have become increasingly important and perhaps even more valued than craftsmanship. Enter the water-fed pole solution. This removes the environmental impact of chemicals by using pure water alone while also allowing operatives to clean windows safely – and more quickly - from the ground. So why would anyone ever again require a traditional window cleaner? Marketing manager of Ionic Systems Philip Hanson says the benefits of waterfed pole systems can be summed up in three words: safer, faster and higher. “Using hand tools requires working at height and unfortunately, falls from height have always been the biggest killer of window cleaners,” he said. “Most companies we deal with switch to our Reach and Wash system for safety reasons.” He says most window cleaning companies can double their productivity by using poles. “In window cleaning where time is money, this increased efficiency is a serious benefit,” said Hanson. And he adds that water-fed poles can clean at greater heights without the need for access equipment. “Currently poles can clean to over 24 metres from the safety of the ground, and cleaning companies are using poles where previously they would have used hydraulic platforms or even rope access,” he said. “This means the work is not only safer, but it is also much more cost-effective.” According to Hanson, the effective use of hand tools such as an applicator and squeegee is a skill that takes many weeks’ practice. “In contrast, even a complete beginner can use a water-fed pole to clean effectively with only a little training.” And he claims sustainability is a further advantage of water-fed poles. “Since only highly purified water is used, no cleaning chemicals are required,” he said.

The company’s managing director Reuben Reynolds concurs that traditional window cleaning methods are already dying out. “UK squeegee sales have dwindled and I think this will soon be the case all over Europe and across the rest of the world,” he said. Ionic’s Reach and Wash system was launched more than 20 years and the company considers itself to be a pioneer in water-fed pole cleaning. However, Reynolds concedes the system might not be ideal for use on older, damaged windows. “If a building has poor wooden frames from which the putty is coming out, it might be a problem,” he said. “But if you can’t afford to have windows replaced, why would you have them cleaned?” Both he and Hanson are convinced that the water-fed pole market is on the up. “Traditional hand tools will never be replaced completely because they are still the best way to clean in certain circumstances, such as for interior windows,” said Hanson. “But while squeegees will continue to be used in these cases, I think window cleaners will increasingly use poles for external use.” Unger’s strategic business unit director Torsten Deutzmann also believes that pure water systems beat traditional cleaning methods hands down. “Pure water dries without leaving the spots from dissolved solutes that can be found in ‘normal’ water,” he said. “It also delivers a better result - and it does so without the need for chemicals. This ability to clean without leaving spots and streaks delivers a better, faster solution that boosts productivity. And because a thorough clean can be achieved without the use of chemicals, environmental goals are attained.” Unger offers a range of window cleaning equipment including squeegees, washers, scrapers and accessories, many of which are designed to work with the company’s Nlite water-fed pole system. According to Deutzmann, pure water is particularly suited for solar panel cleaning. Continued page 54

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WINDOW CLEANING Water or chemicals? (continued) “Solar panels have to be cleaned regularly to ensure they are working sufficiently effectively to recoup the financial investment needed to install them,” he said. “Cleaning with chemicals can leave a film on the panels that could prevent the sun’s rays from getting through. This may prevent solar panels from producing the required energy levels. “Water-fed poles allows solar panels and high windows to be cleaned safely from the ground which not only makes the work safer, it also increases profitability since it avoids having to hire equipment such as mobile elevating work platforms.” Lehmann’s marketing director Pepijn Carlier also believes the increasing popularity of solar panels is helping to boost the water-fed pole market. “Some solar panel manufacturers say their products are naturally cleaned by the rain – but try leaving your car out in the rain for two weeks and see how clean it will be,” he said. “In order to be viable, solar panels need to be cleaned as fast as possible and as cheaply as possible - and this is a job for water-fed poles.” Lehman’s Qleen system uses light aluminium poles and pure water along with

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a range of specialised brushes for various applications and surfaces. The company also makes squeegees and other traditional tools. Ettore vice-president Niels Ysbrandy feels safety is a huge advantage of waterfed poles. “The authorities are trying to prevent people working on ladders for long periods of time, which means people have started to look at alternatives,” he said.

Large areas of glass According to Ysbrandy, water-fed pole cleaning is particularly suitable on large areas of glass. “It is all about manpower,” he said. “If you use a ladder you have to reposition the ladder all the time. And you can clean glass very well with pure water. It is also faster than using a squeegee and the results are streak-free.” Another advantage is that cleaning with a water-fed pole is relatively easy, he said. “A squeegee takes more practice which means training is easier with water-fed poles.” Ettore offers traditional window cleaning products as well as water-fed pole options, and Ybrandy believes both solutions have a place in the market. “Although climbing up and down a

ladder can be exhausting, you still face a physical challenge when working a waterfed pole,” he points out. “It is particularly tiring when working at heights above the third of fourth floors of a building.” He says safety guidelines discourage the use of poles of more than 12.5 metres in length in any case. “Window cleaners still often go up to 18-20 metres, however and with poles of over 12 metres in length there is the safety risk of the pole falling.” He adds that an advantage of using a squeegee is the fact the operator remains close to the glass being cleaned. “The window cleaner scrapes the dirt and moisture away from the glass and leaves the surface dry,” he said. “This means he or she can instantly see if the window is clean. But with pure water you need to follow a strict pattern of cleaning and rinsing to avoid missing any areas of the glass. And you can only see the areas you have missed once the glass has dried, which can take up to half an hour in some cases.” He says water-fed pole cleaning is not always the best solution when cleaning the windows of older buildings or those with damaged facades or cracked paintwork. “With a water-fed pole you have to

WINDOW CLEANING wet the whole frame and if the paintwork between the floors is old and cracked, the water running down the walls could repollute the glass beneath,” he said. “And of course, you can’t use a water-fed pole system for indoor windows.” Director of Moerman Marc Roels adds that the market for squeegees and detergents is still strong. “Detergents are still more efficient than ionised water for removing heavy grease,” he said. “And while a growing number of people are becoming concerned about sustainability, there is an increasing trend towards using detergents that are more environmentally friendly.” Moerman has manufactured traditional window cleaning products for 125 years and among its latest products is the ProClean system which includes squeegees, handles and rubbers. According to Roels the market for traditional window cleaning products is Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de l’empoi de systèmesà eau pure par opposition aux produits chimiques de lavage des vitres ? La chimie a-t-elle encore une place devant l’armée des adeptes de l’eau pure ? ECJ cherche à le savoir.

sustainable - and is also likely to grow. “We are seeing an increase in new types of families where both partners work, which means people no longer have the time to clean their own windows,” he said. “Traditional methods are more commonly used in domestic homes than water-fed pole systems so there is potential for growth.” He does admit that there has been a recent trend towards the use of high-reach water-fed pole systems. “This sector is growing but it is still a relatively small part of the overall market – and I wonder if it will grow in the long term,” said Roels. “High-reach pole systems use a lot more water than traditional methods, and as water becomes increasingly scarce it will become more and more expensive.” Ettore’s Niels Ysbrandy agrees that there will always be scope for traditional cleaning methods. “They won’t die out altogether since there are a lot of situa-

tions where water-fed pole cleaning is not ideal,” he said. “With pure water systems you have to bring a truck and a water tank with you to the job - and sometimes it is simply quicker and more flexible to use a bucket and squeegee.” And Lehmann’s Pepijn Carlier agrees with this verdict. “If you have only a small area of glass to clean - say two square metres – someone with a ladder will have completed the task before you can even get a machine out,” he said. “ “And in any case, there will always be customers who prefer to have their windows cleaned by a person on a ladder because some people simply like the traditional ways of doing things. That’s why so many cleaners still use brushes and smaller vacuums - because that’s the way things have always been. Though if this situation is still the same in 20 years’ time is anyone’s guess.”

Wie lauten die Vor- und Nachteile beim Vergleich von Reinwassersystemen mit chemischen Fensterreinigungsprodukten? Gibt es noch einen Platz für chemische Produkte, während die Zahl der Reinwasserbefürworter immer weiter zunimmt? Das ECJ erfährt Näheres.

Quali sono i pro e i contro nell’uso di sistemi ad acqua pura invece che di prodotti chimici per il lavaggio delle finestre? C’è ancora spazio per i prodotti chimici dal momento che il gruppo dei sostenitori dell’acqua pura diventa sempre più grande? ECJ indaga.


Best practice for safety Darran Yates, operations director for the windows and industrial division of UK cleaning and FM specialist In Depth Managed Services, outlines best practice at one of the country’s largest teaching hospitals. As one of the UK’s leading teaching hospitals, Leeds General Infirmary has an international reputation for its expertise in a range of specialist services. It brings together many of the country’s leading specialists in caring for patients with complex conditions. In such a busy healthcare environment, rigorous standards of hygiene are essential and the public, patients, and staff expect to see the sites clean and looking their best, both outside and in. The façades of the multi-storey buildings are maintained by In Depth Managed Services, which has a dedicated windows and industrial division. This is one of six sites managed through a window cleaning contract with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

Working at height regulation Window cleaning is a skilled trade which has undergone a massive transformation, as windows get bigger, higher and more integral to design. The systems for maintaining high buildings are changing. Indeed, in January this year the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) overhauled its guidance on working at height in a bid to set out, ‘in clear and simple terms what to do and what not to do’. The Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAHR) set out the law as it applies in the UK. The regulations have not changed, but it’s important to get working at height In Depth Managed Services, un spécialiste du nettoyage et du FM, possède ses propres divisions Vitres et Industrie. Son chef d’exploitation, Darran Yates, explique les hautes normes qui sont appliquées au lavage des vitres d’un grand hôpital universitaire britannique.

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When it comes to window cleaning it’s in the interests not only of contractors but particularly of clients, too, that staff are qualified to the highest standards. This not only protects them as individuals, it also prevents accidents that could be costly and mar the reputations of both contractor and client. It’s important, too, that the training is not just a one-off, but continues over time. In Depth’s teams of highly trained cleaning professionals take several weeks to complete a full cycle of window cleaning at the six NHS sites. They use the most up-to-date technology and techniques, including industrial rope access methods, which are frequently the only way of gaining safe access to any high level building, particularly in awkward spaces, which are harder to reach. Powered access platforms and water-fed pole systems are also used. The company’s fleet of ‘reach and wash’ vehicles, operated by expert staff, provide a virtually ladder-less safe and efficient service, upholding strict health, safety and environmental standards.

In Depth’s workforce is trained by a leading provider of training for window cleaners, which provides practical workshops and assessments, leading to certified qualifications. The training includes self-rescue courses, so they can always escape should the machinery malfunction, and operatives also learn how to inspect equipment such as harnesses, as well as escaping from towers, masts and other structures. The benefits brought by state- ofthe-art technology aren’t simply ‘nice to have’ – they are essential tools that enable window cleaning teams to be more efficient, flexible and responsive, whilst adhering to health and safety procedures. Technology is not only used for the window cleaning processes employed at these sites, but are also in the management of the contract, giving clients online live Management Information (MI). All vehicles are tracked for remote worker safety and these tools are utilised to ensure efficient scheduling of the window cleaning teams, which also brings fuel efficiency benefits. In Depth uses the latest mobile android technology, combined with web-based systems, to send, receive and capture information, including photographic evidence and client signatures, in real time. As this quality audit system has been developed in-house, audits can be tailored. The information is used to evaluate, review and, where possible, improve the business systems used. Industry best practice is providing safer methods of cleaning and maintaining buildings whilst working at height, ensuring the industry meets complex building support requirements with expertise and trained, professional staff. www.indepth-cleaning.co.uk

Reinigungs- und FM-Spezialist In Depth Managed Services verfügt über eine eigene Fenster- und Gewerbeabteilung. Betriebsleiter Darran Yates umreißt das optimale Vorgehen beim Fensterreinigen am Beispiel einer der größten Unikliniken Großbritanniens.

La In Depth Managed Services, specializzata in cleaning e facility management, ha una sua divisione specializzata in finestre e industria. Il direttore delle operazioni Darran Yates delinea il metodo migliore per il lavaggio delle finestre presso una delle più grandi cliniche universitarie del Regno Unito.

right. Falls remain one of the biggest causes of serious workplace injury. One of the key legal requirements is for competent, well trained people to plan, organise, supervise and carry out work at height. The regulations “apply to all work at height where there is a risk of a fall liable to cause personal injury.” The need to ensure people understand what the law requires was identified in the independent review of health and safety regulation in the UK, undertaken by Professor Ragnar Löfstedt, and this proposal has been developed through the Red Tape Challenge.

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The case for dilution systems A chemical dispensing system may require some initial outlay, but manufacturers argue that these are offset by their enormous safety, cost, and sustainability benefits. Writing for ECJ, Brightwell Dispensers looks at factors such as employee safety and reductions in chemical use and finds out whether these are sufficient to persuade companies to invest in chemical dispensing systems.

Chemical dispensing systems have been around for the past 34 years. Recent growing societal-driven pressures for sustainability and staff health and safety, together with increased cost control awareness from businesses have put chemical dispensing under the spotlight. The numerous formats of cleaning solutions available on the marketplace have brought apparent confusion as to which systems are best adapted to businesses. Promotional messages will all argue their system is the best suited for the end customer, usually regardless of their business model. What are chemical dispensing systems? What alternatives are there? And what benefits relate to business requirements on a day-to-day basis? There is no such thing as a ‘one size fits all’ format. It all comes down to particular needs, each company expressing its own. There does seem to be a solution that ticks most boxes in terms of costs, environmental considerations and health and safety. This article will review formats and aim to encourage smarter, educated choice for end customers.

Chemical dispensing formats A chemical dispensing system is a piece of equipment which enables the dosing or diluting of chemical at point of use, by the end user. It compares to pre-diluted solutions usually sold in usable packaging formats – such as spray bottles for instance. These are the types of cleaning chemical formats typically found in households, whereby there will be a different spray bottle for each use (windows, oven, anti-bacterial...) – with maybe an extra bottle in stock in the case of organised households. Spray bottled chemicals for professional use are generally slightly more dense in active ingredients, and stock management in businesses using such formats might be slightly better managed. The other alternative to chemical dispensing systems is the absence of actual equipment while still using

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concentrated chemical. In these cases, a person is the dilutor/operator, and they choose the dilution by manually pouring chemical into a bottle, before adding water. This is called the glug-glug method.

Shift to concentrated chemicals Until the 1970s-80s, the only chemical format available was pre-diluted, readyto-use solutions. The emergence and expansion of big conglomerates, chain stores, franchising networks, etc across various industries – all large consumers of cleaning chemicals (hospitals, hotels, fast food/QSR), coupled with impetuous economic crashes at the time, increased both buyers’ power and cost awareness. Large corporate companies, who spent hundreds of thousands of pounds/ dollars on cleaning products per year, started looking at ways to cut costs. Active ingredients make up 12-15 per cent of the composition of ready-to-use cleaning products – the rest being water. This means that large corporations were basically spending a significant proportion of their cleaning-related expenditure on simply shipping water around the world. In most developed countries, water is considered a readily available, cheap – or free in some cases – commodity. So the solution lay in pushing up the concentration of active ingredients – which is what chemical manufacturers did by introducing concentrated chemicals, with a ratio of one-third active ingredients (30-40 per cent of the solution).

Benefits and limitations of concentrates This shift to concentrated chemicals presented major benefits: Packaging - Typically, a one-litre pouch of concentrated chemical is equivalent to 75 ready-to-use spray bottles. Concentrated chemicals may also be sold in larger containers (five, 10, or 20 litres for instance), multiplying the equivalent of spray bottles saved at time of purchase. In addition, operators will usually reuse

CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS the same spray bottle to refill with concentrated chemical, which reinforces the idea of less packaging. This has obvious positive environmental implications. Transport - The transport of smaller volumes of greater concentrated chemical impacts on both costs and environment: • Less fuel, manpower and logistics draw costs down • Less frequent deliveries and fuel consumption impacts on the carbon footprint. At the present time where there is an increased pressure from society for companies to provide more sustainable systems and account for their environmental impact, concentrated chemicals are a hot topic in the industry. Businesses try to associate themselves with responsible partners, race to achieve ISO 14001 and other certificates to make it into their customers’ tick list. The will might come from within the company or from customers requesting greener solutions – either way, concentrates are in the spotlight. Storage - Storing one pouch of concentrated chemical versus 75 spray bottles really speaks for itself and the benefits are obvious. Cost-in-use - The most prominent of all benefits has to be cost-in-use. Because of its density, a container of concentrated chemical will be an investment – which small businesses might be reluctant to do at first. The cost comparison between that container and its equivalent in ready-to-use spray bottles is as ‘pennies versus. pounds’. The limitation of using a concentrated chemical speaks for itself: by removing water from the chemical formulations, these products require dilution at the point of use to bring them back to a usable concentration. To do this, there are two

solutions: either dilute manually (the glugglug method) or use chemical dispensing equipment to do so.

Manual dilution: the glugglug method Glug-glug is a method by which the operator manually dilutes a chemical at point of use, by pouring a certain amount of concentrated chemical into a spray bottle or other usable packaging format before adding water to the mix. Because of the apparent simplicity of the concept, operators (owners of corner shops, local bars, etc) will tend to feel confident that they know the right process. Users feel they can relate to previous experience – isn’t it just like pouring orange squash into a glass? The big difference between squash and concentrates is that the right amount of chemical concentrate is not relative to personal taste or preference. People might like their drink a bit sweeter or more diluted. People might try pouring the same amount as last time but it might be slightly more or slightly less. This has implications for the business: Misdosing, whether it be overdosing or underdosing - Have you ever almost entirely epilated your elbow on a bar counter, and were bemused when the waiters assured you they has just cleaned? Or walked into a local restaurant and had really sticky soles on your shoes? Or on the contrary, have your ever noticed smears on a tiled floor, making it appear like a design print of misplaced dirt? Over- and underdosing are a huge source of costs for companies, as well as potentially being a health hazard with, in some cases, legal consequences. Health and safety - What are the odds of missing the funnel when aiming for the narrow trigger bottle when pouring from a larger container? Spillages are a serious matter: concentrated chemicals can cause

burns and harm the operators, or at the very least, they will distract you from your business activity. Pilferage - Just like a spray bottle, concentrated chemicals are easily accessible for people to use – and abuse (product goes missing, pilferage...). However, spray bottles represent less of an investment than concentrated chemical containers so what might be a temporary inconvenience in the first instance might become a real costly impediment to your business. Concentrated chemicals are an investment: protect it. All in all, the glug-glug method becomes a false economy.

Chemical dispensing systems The next step is to introduce equipment between operators and chemicals. There are various types of chemical dispensing systems around on the market, and the choice will be dependent on your company’s needs. The most simplistic version will be the pelican pump, whereby a pump is screwed to the neck of the chemical container, enabling dosing which is somewhat less prone to misdosing and health and safety hazards, but which does not put aside risks of pilferage for instance. Other equipment includes wall-mounted dosing and diluting systems. According to the needs of the final environment, including water pressure, staff training opportunities, maintenance opportunities etc, a dosing system or a diluting, venturi system will be more appropriate. Both of these provide benefits to the end customer which cannot be disregarded: Precise dosing = cost control - With a shot size or a ratio which is either factorypreset or determined by the installer, the equipment will dispense chemical in a precise, regular, homogeneous fashion, avoiding all risks of misdosing. Some systems include additional delay functions Continued page 60

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CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS The next edition of ECJ will be September to avoid accidental extra dosing in the same container for instance. Centralised - Mounted on the wall, the dispensing equipment is easy to find – no searching around to locate the ready-touse spray bottle. Safe -Dispensers usually offer a lock-in option whereby chemicals are locked away, avoiding all risks of contact between the operators and the chemical – including spillages or pilferage. An additional option of exclusivity is present on certain systems, allowing only the agreed chemical to fit into the cabinet – this can Un appareil distributeur de produits chimiques nécessite parfois une mise de fonds initiale, mais les fabricants soutiennent que celle-ci est largement compensée par les avantage de sécurité, de coût et de durabilité de ces appareils. ECJ examine les aspects de la sécurité du personnel et de la réduction de la consommation chimique pour savoir si cela suffit pour persuader les entreprises à investir en appareils de distribution de produits chimiques.

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help the end customers ensure they are conforming with their regulations (HACCP for instance). Organised - Apart from being neatly organised on the wall, chemicals and dispensers will often come colour-coded with clear signage and wall charts on how to use which chemical for which application, helping the cleaning staff operate safely and smartly. The only real point to consider with chemical dispensing systems is the initial investment in terms of training. In many cases, the cost of the equipment and its installation is absorbed at least partially by the chemical manufacturers, who provide it as a package service to end customers. For large companies, the cost associated with the equipment is ludicrous compared Ein Spendersystem für Chemikalien erfordert wohl gewisse Anschaffungskosten, aber die Hersteller argumentieren, dass sie durch die großen Vorteile hinsichtlich Sicherheit, Betriebskosten und Nachhaltigkeit aufgewogen werden. Das ECJ untersucht Faktoren wie Mitarbeitersicherheit und Senkung des Chemikalienverbrauchs und findet heraus, ob sie ausreichen, um Unternehmen zur Investition in Spendersysteme für Chemikalien zu überzeugen.

to the enormous savings in cost-in-use observed on a daily basis. However, it is crucial that the staff are given appropriate training on the equipment and chemical usage, as well as instructions/wall charts.

Conclusion Before choosing any chemical dispensing format, it is important for the end customer to analyse their business needs and determine which system they would benefit most from. A simple costin-use analysis will in many cases prove the financial benefits of having a chemical dispensing system – as well as the equipment’s environmental and health and safety benefits – all future-proofing the company in their daily cleaning needs. www.brightwell.co.uk Un sistema di erogazione di prodotti chimici potrebbe richiedere delle spese iniziali, ma i produttori sostengono che queste spese vengono compensate dai notevoli benefici riguardo la sicurezza, i costi e la sostenibilità. ECJ prende in esami fattori tipo la sicurezza dei dipendenti e la riduzione dell’uso dei prodotti chimici e indaga per scoprire se questi fattori sono sufficienti per convincere le imprese a investire nei sistemi dispenser di prodotti chimici.


A logistical challenge Logistics are a vital element of any distributor’s business. Ann Laffeaty asks distributors how they manage to store, load and deliver their products in the most cost-efficient possible way in a marketplace that is becoming more competitive all the time.

The term ‘logistics’ originated in the late 19th century when it referred to the military’s need to supply itself with arms, ammunition and rations when moving from a base to a forward position. It is now used to refer to any supply chain where a company needs to manage the flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption to meet the customer’s requirements. This is all a rather elaborate way of describing the necessity for moving goods from A to B. But in a business where time is money, products need to be stored economically and ergonomically in a way that will not allow them to lose their value. These products also need to be loaded on to lorries efficiently in order to take up as little room as possible, and taken to their final destination in a cost-efficient way to avoid wasting fuel and journey time. And all this needs to be carried out in a sustainable fashion while also meeting customers’ demanding deadline requirements. So, not as easy as it sounds. But logistics are an important factor in the success of any distributorship – and new challenges are emerging all the time according to sales director of CJS Portsmouth Keith Churchill. “Customer expectations seem to be constantly rising and that puts more pressure on the distributor,” he said. “Today’s customers don’t want to have to hold on to any extra stock - they want us to store it for them and deliver it to them as and when they need it. And that means we need to make more deliveries.” He says the company works around this by increasing the efficiency of its operation. “We try to avoid empty leg journeys and we have designated delivery days for each customer,” he said. “We also use a sophisticated computer system to ensure we always have the right stock and it can be delivered on time to the right customers. We are constantly upgrading this system.” According to Churchill another logistical problem concerns the fact that many

cleaning and hygiene manufacturers offer a number of products bearing the same brand name and housed in similar packaging. “Even though these products will have different article numbers, they often come in boxes that all look the same,” he said. “It can be very confusing and it makes it difficult for us to distinguish between the products when storing them in our warehouse.” Director of Smith and Coburn Glen Smith agrees with Churchill that today’s customers are increasingly requiring just-in-time deliveries. “It means your operation has to be very slick,” he said. “One of the major challenges is to find the right balance between speed, sustainability and cost-effectiveness. We try to avoid ‘empty leg’ journeys and fill lorries as much as possible, but how many customers will wait a day until the vehicle is in the area in order to avoid additional fuel costs and carbon emissions?” He says the company uses up-to-date IT solutions and an efficient operating platform to help streamline its logistics. “In terms of packaging, concentrated chemicals are the way forward since these necessitate fewer trips and more margin,” he said. “Robust packaging is also important, and packs that bear barcodes help to improve logistical efficiencies.” As distribution businesses become increasingly international, Smith claims that such efficiencies will help to keep companies solvent. “A robust IP platform - both customer-facing and internally coupled with slick operating procedures and a good quality courier will help international distribution,” he said. Spot On Supplies places emphasis on sustainability and service in its own logistical operations. The company organises its deliveries by allocating specific drop-off days for each customer. “We don’t offer a 24-hour delivery service since we find that doesn’t work very well from a sustainability point of view,” says the company’s marketing Continued page 62

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DISTRIBUTION - LOGISTICS A logistical challenge (continued)

“Today’s customers don’t want to have to hold on to any extra stock - they want us to store it for them and deliver it to them as and when they need it. And that means we need to make more deliveries.”

manager Ben Raban. “In a 24-hour operation you may have to divert a lorry from one end of your region to the other just to drop off one delivery – and this increases your carbon footprint.” He says the direct contact between drivers and end-customers is a key element of any logistical operation. “The drivers act as the eyes and ears of the company and if there are any problems or complaints, they can tell us straight away.” Director of Netherlands-based distributorship Exclusiva Simon van Dijk agrees that the direct contact between the customer and the distributor’s own staff plays a major role in the success of logistics. “It gives the customer confidence and facilitates faster communication when resolving any inaccuracies,” he said. “The end result is a better service.” He says high fuel costs, traffic congestion and the inaccessibility of some customers’ premises are among the chief logistical challenges facing distributors today. Exclusiva relies heavily on computer technology to plan its logistics. “Each order is scheduled and inserted directly into our computer programme,” said van Dijk. “Our route planning takes into account the size of the packaging and the route we should take, and the planning module then considers the volume of the product and the weight of the car. This allows us to choose the right vehicle for the specific task. “Vehicles are then loaded in a compact fashion to avoid any wasted space, and the programme is run in a loop to prevent the La logistique est un élément vital du commerce de tout distributeur. Ann Laffeaty interroge des distributeurs sur la manière dont ils magasinent, chargent et livrent leurs produits de la manière la plus rentable possible sur un marché sans cesse plus compétitif.

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According to van Dijk, distribution networks will become increasingly international in the future. “However, local distribution networks will remain important in cities,” he adds. MTS is building a new logistics centre in order to help the company provide a continuous supply of products to its customers as and when these are needed. “With this approach we aim to improve our service, efficiency and delivery performance while minimising the risk of disappointing the customer due to products being out of stock,” said export manager Diana van Nimwegen. MTS delivers from a network of logistics centres and takes care of all deliveries to the Benelux region while outsourcing transport to other European countries. “We use our transport network to strengthen relationships with our customers in Belgium and the Netherlands,” says van Nimwegen. “Retaining contact with our buyers in these countries is one of the key reasons why we organise our own transport to the Benelux.” According to van Nimwegen the fact that MTS takes care of every stage of the logistics process leaves customers free to tend to the needs of their own core businesses. “By retaining a continuous stock we are usually able to deliver the product on time, and in the Benelux region we can deliver within 48 hours,” she said. She adds that a well-run logistics system is vital to the success of any distributorship. “We aim to minimise the cost of transport through efficient logistics,” she said. “This in turn contributes to our reliability and ensures a good stock management system while providing the opportunity for one-stopshopping for our customers.” According to van Nimwegen, logistics is a relatively large cost component for MTS which means that cost-effective deliveries are vital to the success of the company. However, sustainability is also a key issue and MTS tries to avoid empty leg journeys. “We load the lorries as fully as we can through efficient route-planning and all our trucks comply with the Euro-5 standards,” said van Nimwegen. MTS also strives to ensure that products

are efficiently packed on its lorries. “The packages concerned are as small as possible to maximise volumes per pallet while saving on transport costs and space in the warehouse,” she said. “All product packaging is also clearly labelled and bears the same packaging layout to facilitate loading and off-loading.” She adds that due to a growing 24-hour economy, the issue of logistics is becoming increasingly international. “This means time and money are both important issues and it is crucial to transport goods to the customer in the most cost-efficient way possible,” she said. “The keyword in logistics is innovation. “Logistics develop very quickly and new ICT, storage and planning systems are coming in all the time while value-added logistics are becoming more significant. We are therefore adapting through stock management, a customer-directed service concept and one-stop-shopping.” Increasing the efficiency of logistics is a permanent process for Ecover distributor partner BOMA according to marketing director Stijn Wildiers. “We believe in the added value that a local transport company can provide via increased flexibility and extra care,” he said. “We deliver to our customers on a monthly basis and on predetermined dates. This allows us to reduce miles and to optimise our planning.” He says the sustainability model of Ecover is carried through to its distribution systems. “Sustainability is not only important in our product range but also in our logistics: our vans and trucks have the lowest emission on the market,” claims Wildiers. “We are always trying to carry out our deliveries covering as few miles as possible. We also offer solutions around ‘reversed logistics’ which means we return used or written-off cleaning machines and recycle them.” He says the company’s logistics have added to the success of the company, which has grown every year since 1974. “Our drivers deliver pallets or boxes on site and follow the instructions of the customer,” said Wildiers. “’The third door on the right on the first floor’ is daily business for a BOMA-driver. We have also been developing useful IT-tools that allow customers to control their costs; to manage their purchases and to focus on their core business, which is cleaning.”

Die Logistik ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil im Geschäft eines jeden Vertriebshändlers. Ann Laffeaty fragt , wie sie ihre Produkte auf möglichst kosteneffiziente Weise lagern, laden und ausliefern, und das in einem Markt, der immer stärker vom Wettbewerb bestimmt wird.

Le logistiche sono un elemento fondamentale nell’attività di qualsiasi distributore. Ann Laffeaty chiede ai distributori come riescono a immagazzinare, caricare e consegnare i loro prodotti nel modo più efficiente possibile a livello di costi in un mercato che sta diventando giorno per giorno più competitivo.

return of an empty car. “

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• Arcis-Altos a introduit un pack de désinfection pour protéger des personnes travaillant isolément et exposées à un risque de blessure ou d’accident. • Superior Manufacturing Group a lancé le Superforam Plus, une natte de plancher antifatigue. • Proquimia, société spécialisée en produits chimiques, a introduit un système pour le calcul et la gestion de l’empreinte carbone. • Qleeno considère sa nouvelle machine Mini comme étant la plus petite autolaveuse du monde. • Comme produit nouveau, Bobrick aligne une unité combinant sèchemains, distributeur de serviettes et poubelle.

• Neu von Arcis-Altos sind Alleinarbeiterpacks für Personen, die an isolierten Orten arbeiten und bei denen ein Verletzungsoder Unfallrisiko besteht. • Neu von Superior Manufacturing Group ist die AntiErmüdungsmatte Superfoam Plus. • Proquimia, Spezialist für Reinigungschemikalien, hat ein System zur Berechnung und Regelung des CO2-Ausstoßes eingeführt. • Laut eigenen Angaben von Qleeno handelt es sich bei der neuen Mini-Maschine um die kleinste Scheuersaugmaschine der Welt. • Neu von Bobrick ist eine Kombieinheit, die einen Händetrockner, einen Papierhandtuchspender und einen Abfallbehälter vereint.

• La novità della Arcis-Altos sono i pacchetti per lavoratori soli adatti per persone che lavorano isolate e che sono a rischio di ferirsi o di avere incidenti. • Il nuovo prodotto della Superior Manufacturing Group è il tappetino antifatica Superfoam Plus. • La Proquimia, specializzata in prodotti chimici, ha introdotto un sistema per calcolare e gestire l’impronta carbonica. • La Qleeno afferma che la sua nuova macchina Mini è la più piccola lavasciuga pavimenti del mondo. • La novità della Bobrick è un unità che unisce disperser di asciugamani/asciugamani ad aria/ portarifiuti.

June/July 2014 | ECJ | 64

For lone workers Arcis-Altos and Lone Worker Solutions have launched lone worker packs for people who work in isolation and could be at risk of injury or accident. The packs feature the Noroclear Lone Worker Hygiene Pack,

which meets an individual’s personal need for hygiene and protection from infection, together with a one month full access, free trial subscription to Lone Worker Solutions that allows workers to call for help and be monitored when going into potentially risky situations. This software uses communication technologies to monitor and communicate with lone workers via their mobiles, computers or dedicated devices. Employees log into a secure platform when entering a potentially dangerous situation and register how long they expect to be in this situation. If they fail to make contact within the given timescale, the secure platform sends out a message to the individual and if they fail to respond a predefined escalation procedure is activated. The Noroclear product range, claims the manufacturer, can combat the norovirus germ within a minute of contact. The formulation also kill superbugs including MRSA, C.difficile, e.coli, salmonella, listeria and all influenza viruses in less than a minute. It is free from bleaches and other hazardous chemicals. www.arcisaltos.com

No tired feet Superior Manufacturing Group has improved its Superfoam anti-fatigue floor mats with the launch of Superfoam Plus. This PVC/Nitrile rubber foam blend is

said to offer greater resistance to a variety of chemicals, cutting fluids, greases, oils and animal and vegetable fats. All sizes are available in perforated versions to facilitate the removal of liquids and debris from the work surface, making Superfoam Plus suitable for use in light wet applications as well as dry. Bevelled edges on all four sides reduce trip hazards. The mat is designed for applications where workers must stand for long periods of time such as reception counters, assembly lines and laboratories. www.notrax.com

Manage carbon Chemical products manufacturer Proquimia will be introducing a methodology designed to calculate and manage its products’ carbon footprint. The company makes specialist chemicals for various hygiene and industrial treatment applications. The introduction of a system to measure and report all greenhouse gas emissions linked either directly or indirectly with Proquimia activity is designed to help the company reduce or compensate for its impact on the environment. Information on emissions produced during the life cycle of each product will be detailed on package labelling and via corporate communication. www.proquimia.com

Small scrubber Qleeno claims its new Qleeno Mini to be world’s smallest combi-scrubber. The model is less than 14 cm high but has a

brush pressure of more than 50 g per sq cm. Like other Qleeno machines it is said to be able to move in any direction while scrubbing and drying which means the machine can clean almost anywhere. The Qleeno Mini is designed for use in areas that would otherwise need to be cleaned by hand such as washroom floors, beneath kitchen counters and under seats in arenas and on public transport. Also new from the company is the improved Qleeno Cordless. This features a battery system for longer operating times between recharging cycles plus a new squeegee system said to be capable of drying the most uneven of tiled floors. All Qleeno machines are less than 20 cm high which enables them to clean under furniture and beneath obstacles with ease, claims the company. www.qleeno.com

Three-in-one New from Bobrick is a three-inone unit that combines a hand dryer and paper towel dispenser with a waste bin. The 100 mm deep B-38030 unit has a 900 watt dryer to save energy and a built-in TowelMate towel dispenser in a stainless steel cabinet that can either be recessed or surface-mounted. Also new is the QuietDry high speed hand dryer that is said to combine fast drying times with low sound levels. The dryer blows 120 cubic metres of air per hour at a velocity of 45 metres per second and at sound levels of 72 dBA, which is claimed to be up to 19 times quieter than other dryers. This unit is available in a white epoxy or chrome die-cast aluminium cover. www.bobrick.co.uk

Eective, high-quality and safe cleaning products for professional, janitorial and industrial use. Visit www.bio-productions.com for product information and downloads or call +44 (0) 1444 244000.

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