September 2018

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The pan-European magazine for the professional cleaning sector





Mopping equipment - latest developments Starts page 39

Washroom dispensers

Social enterprise

Corporate jargon

Page 23

Page 35

Page 49


September 2018 | Vol.26, No.4



49 Making sense of jargon

23 Are dispensers indispensable?

Ever been baffled by ‘corporate speak’? Hartley Milner takes a look at the rise of jargon.

Are dispensers in away-from-home washrooms strictly necessary?

35 Making people happy ECJ visits social enterprise cleaning company Breedweer in the Netherlands.

39 Cleaning up mopping A look at how new developments aim to make mopping a less dirty job.

03 News

53 The next big thing What are the key factors driving innovation in the floor pad sector?

14 European reports

57 Future-proofing An exclusive interview with Joanne Gilliard, ceo of distribution group Jangro.

64 Product review

59 Carpet cleaning conundrums What are the hardest tasks facing carpet cleaning experts today and why?

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Hospital room items left off checklists may be contaminated

A presentation at the recently Annual Conference of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) in the US highlighted the importance of the cleaning checklists provided to cleaning staff in most hospitals. Terminal cleaning between patients is pivotal in eliminating contamination. At Summit Health, a hospital in Pennsylvania, the environmental services team was provided with a 175item checklist to use during terminal room cleaning. The list has been in use since 2012. Upon reviewing the checklist infection prevention specialists found that although whiteboards were on the cleaning checklist, markers and erasers were not included. The team wanted to know if the omission of these items meant they were not being cleaned, or if the environmental services team were cleaning them anyway. “Markers and erasers are obviously high-touch, yet they were not included on the check-list for routine cleaning, which was surprising. We hypothesised that the concept of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ may come into play. If the visual reminder is absent from the checklist, the cleaning may not occur.” Ericka Kalp,

PhD, MPH, CIC, FAPIC, lead study author and director of epidemiology and infection prevention at Summit Health, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, told Contagion. Biological residue In an inspection of 55 rooms that had been cleaned and set up for new patients, 39 markers and 52 erasers were tested for the presence of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is an indicator for the presence of biological residue. All the markers tested positive for the presence of ATP while only two erasers tested positive. Ninety-five per cent of the items listed on the checklist tested negative for ATP. “Although they are just small writing instruments, both the markers and erasers tested at 40 times the threshold,” said Dr Kalp in a statement. “Because these are a main communication tool for nurses, cleaning them properly is of great significance to improving infection prevention.” The testing was conducted in the presence of environmental services staff. If an object tested positive for ATP, the infection prevention professional conducting the test demonstrated how to properly clean the object, prior to retesting.

Lors d’une présentation au cours d’une conférence dédiée au contrôle des infections, il a été souligné à quel point il importe de diffuser des listes de vérification aux personnels hospitaliers.

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Im Verlauf einer Vortrags, der kürzlich im Rahmen einer Konferenz für Spezialisten im Bereich Infektionskontrolle gehalten wurde, wurde hervorgehoben, wie wichtig es ist, den Reinigungskräften in Krankenhäusern Reinigungs-Checklisten bereitzustellen.

Una presentazione durante una conferenza per i professionisti del controllo delle infezioni ha recentemente evidenziato l’importanza delle liste di verifica delle pulizie fornita al personale negli ospedali.

September 2018 | ECJ | 3

NEWS Poor hygiene causes primary school pupils to shun the toilet The study, conducted in the UK by YouGov and commissioned by Essity, involved interviews with more than 400 primary school teachers and 500 parents and children. According to School and Public Health Nurses Association ceo Sharon White: “We know an effective layout, efficient cleaning and maintenance plus good access policies are all essential to school facilities being valued and accessed. Around 44 per cent of children avoid using the toilet at school each week, according to a study. One in 10 primary school teachers have also seen children refraining from eating or drinking in a bid to be able to avoid using

school toilets. And a quarter of primary school teachers and children describe the hygiene levels in school toilets as poor or very poor, with a fifth claiming that no checks are made on them during the day.

D’après une nouvelle étude, quelque 44 pour cent des écoliers évitent d’utiliser les toilettes de leur école en raison de leur piètre hygiène.

September 2018 | ECJ | 4

Basic needs “Children and young people need to be healthy to learn and grow. Depriving them of basic needs such as toileting facilities should not be a big ask and a public health approach

Aus einer neuen Studie geht hervor, dass rund 44 Prozent von Kindern jede Woche die Benutzung der Schultoilette aufgrund mangelnder Hygiene vermeiden.

is urgently required to address these unacceptable shortfalls.” Essity UK managing director Kevin Starr said: “The findings indicate a worrying and growing problem regarding hygiene standards within UK primary schools. “Our aim in highlighting these issues is to open up a dialogue with schools, parents, children and local authorities and work with them, using our collective expertise and experience to identify simple and easily implementable solutions to tackle the issues with little or no cost to schools. “By doing this we aim to improve health and wellbeing, reduce absenteeism and increase self-esteem.”

Ogni settimana, circa il 44 per cento dei bambini evita di usare i bagni delle scuole a causa della loro cattiva igiene, come emerge da uno studio recente

NEWS ‘Cleaners face increased multiple sclerosis risk’ Cleaners, beauticians, decorators and anyone coming into contact with potent solvents in paint thinners and cleaning chemicals are 50 per cent more likely more likely to develop multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study has found. The risk of developing the neurodegenerative disease is seven times higher in people who work with solvents and have a family history of it, according to research published in the journal Neurology. It is 30 times higher when smoking is added to the list of factors. This suggests that constant lung irritation might be activating

the immune system in a way that makes it more likely to trigger MS, a disease where immune cells malfunction and attack the body’s nerves.

Exposure to solvents “It’s possible that exposure to solvents and smoking may both involve lung inflammation and irritation that leads to an immune reaction in the lungs,” said the study’s author Dr Anna Hedström from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. “These are significant interactions where the factors have a much greater effect in combination than they do on

• D’après une étude récente, les agents de nettoyage, les esthéticiennes, les décorateurs et tous ceux qui entrent en contact avec des solvants puissants risquent plus que les autres, à raison de 50 pour cent, de contracter la sclérose en plaques. • L’association espagnole de la propreté ASPEL affirme que l’emploi de la soumission électronique a empêché des entreprises de soumissionner pour des contrats aux aéroports.

their own,” she added. Dr Hedström’s team looked at the health records of 5,000 people, including 2,042 who had recently been diagnosed with MS. They were asked about their exposure to organic solvents which are chemicals common in paints and thinners, varnish, nail polish, glues and cleaning products, as well as their smoking history.

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• Aus einer neuen Studie geht hervor, dass Reinigungskräfte, Kosmetiker/Kosmetikerinnen, Dekorateure/Dekorateurinnen und alle, die mit starken Lösungsmitteln in Kontakt kommen, mit 50 Prozent erhöhter Wahrscheinlichkeit multiple Sklerose (MS) entwickeln. • Laut dem spanischen Vertragsreinigungsverband ASPEL hindert der Einsatz von elektronischen Ausschreibungen durch den staatlichen Flughafenbetreiber Firmen daran, Angebote für Verträge einzureichen.

Electronic bids In Spain, the contract cleaning association Aspel has claimed the use of electronic bidding by national airport operator AENA to obtain new contracts is preventing businesses from tendering for airport contracts. It is estimated AENA has managed to reduce its supplier costs by 20 per cent thanks to electronic bidding, a procedure whose main objective, according to the president of Aspel Juan Díez de los Ríos “is to reduce the price as much as possible”. He stressed that “electronic bidding has reduced the number of bidders to a minimum, proving prices are not attractive”.

• Uno studio ha rivelato che gli addetti alle pulizie, estetisti e imbianchini e chiunque altro venga in contatto con dei solventi potenti ha il 50 per cento in più di probabilità di ammalarsi di sclerosi multipla. • L’associazione di imprese pulizie in appalto spagnola Aspel afferma che l’uso di aste elettroniche da parte della società aeroportuale nazionale sta impedendo alle imprese di aggiudicarsi gli appalti.

September 2018 | ECJ | 5

NEWS New Clean Hospitals Industry Platform launched Following the inaugural Healthcare Cleaning Forum, which took place at Rai Amsterdam during the recent Interclean Amsterdam exhibition, the Clean Hospitals Industry Platform (CHIP) has been launched. The goal of the forum was to create awareness about new knowledge and technology that can be used to battle the unique hygiene challenges like infection prevention that hospitals and other healthcare facilities face. It specifically targeted those who have an influence on the proper management and training of cleaning staff. Topics discussed ranged from new research data on cleaning

equipment and methods, to training and motivating staff and increasing compliance rates. Five professors from different universities shared their concerns and questions on cleaning in the healthcare sector. “I think we managed to create some awareness about the unique challenges of cleaning and disinfection in healthcare outside of the usual crowd and to help to bridge the gap between cleaning and IPC professionals”, said Jon Otter, an epidemiologist focused on infection prevention and control at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London, and an honorary senior lecturer in the National Institute

À la suite du Healthcare Cleaning Forum initial, tenu au Rai Amsterdam lors du récent salon Interclean Amsterdam, l’organisation Clean Hospitals Industry Platform (CHIP) a été lancée.

September 2018 | ECJ | 6

for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance at Imperial College London.

Align research efforts The new CHIP aims to be the step forward in aligning the research efforts of different manufacturers, sharing research information that is already available, and to develop necessary ‘evidence based cleaning’ methods and solutions as an industry, together with the hospitals. According to professor Didier Pittet who spoke at the forum and launched the platform,

Im Anschluss an das erste Healthcare Cleaning Forum, das im Rahmen der vor kurzem stattgefundenen Messe Interclean Amsterdam im Rai Amsterdam veranstaltet wurde, wurde die Clean Hospitals Industry Platform (CHIP) vorgestellt.

“the enthusiasm for this initiative reaffirms the need for communication between the two industries in the long run and also signifies that the platform was introduced at the right place at the right time”. Pittet is an infectious diseases expert and the director of the Infection Control Programme and WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety at the University Hospital of Geneva. CHIP is open to all manufacturers of professional cleaning related products, equipment and supplies. For more information email: Marianne Kemmer - mariank@ or Rob den Hertog

In seguito al forum inaugurale Healthcare Cleaning Forum, che si è tenuto al Rai Amsterdam durante la recente fiera Interclean Amsterdam, è stata lanciata la piattaforma Clean Hospitals Industry Platform (CHIP).

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NEWS Puddle wash

Should hygiene rules extend to smartphones?

A Kuala Lumpur restaurant has been threatened with closure after staff were filmed cleaning plates in a puddle outside. Footage posted online depicts restaurant workers at Raj’s Banana Leaf restaurant sitting by the side of the road outside the premises, which is situated in the suburb of Bangsar. And they can be clearly seen washing dishes in a muddy puddle. A spokesman for the restaurant said: “We would like to apologise for an unfortunate incident by our newly-recruited staff at the Bangsar outlet recently. We are very sorry for the regrettable actions by our new staff.”

Nearly seven out of ten nurses in the Netherlands use their mobile phones during the course of their job, according to a new study carried out in Dutch hospitals. Yet a third of those nurses admit they hardly ever clean their mobile devices. A total of 1,500 members of Dutch nursing body V&VN were questioned about their mobile use in a recent study. While 69 per cent of respondents claimed to use their phones regularly at work, one in three admitted to never cleaning them or only doing so a couple of times a year. “We can make major improvements in this,” said V&VN director Sonja Kersten,

• Près de sept infirmières sur dix aux Pays-Bas avouent utiliser leur portables pendant leurs heures de travail, mais le tiers d’entre elles avoue ne jamais les nettoyer. • À Kuala Lumpur, un restaurant a été menacé d’un arrêt de fermeture après que des membres de son personnel eurent été surpris en train de laver des assiettes dans une flaque d’eau en dehors de l’établissement.

adding that she felt hospital hygiene rules should be expanded to take phones and tablets into account.

Used widely in hospitals Mobile phones are now used widely by nurses globally to access patient records, clinical resources and education materials. Smartphones may also be used in hospitals to allow nurses to stay in touch with other healthcare professionals. Studies carried out at the University Hospital of Saint-Étienne, France have revealed that up to 25 per cent of mobile phones used by healthcare workers may be

• Fast 70 Prozent der Krankenschwestern in den Niederlanden verwenden ihre Handies während der Arbeit, doch ein Drittel gibt zu, dass sie sie nur selten reinigen. • Vor kurzem wurde einem Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur die Schließung angedroht, nachdem Mitarbeiter dabei gefilmt worden waren, wie sie Teller draußen in einer Pfütze reinigten.

contaminated with pathogens including Acinetobacter, MRSA and vancomycin-resistant enterococci. The researchers also observed a failure to clean mobile devices on a regular basis among healthcare workers and that many neglected to wash their hands before and after using their smartphones. The study concluded that mobile phones may play a role in transmitting bacteria to patients via the hands of healthcare workers. And it added that hand hygiene - alongside the practice of cleaning and disinfecting devices - would be likely to decrease this risk.

• Nei Paese Bassi, circa sette infermieri su dieci usano il telefono cellulare mentre stanno lavorando, eppure un terzo di loro ammette che non lo puliscono quasi mai. • Un ristorante di Kuala Lumpur è stato recentemente minacciato di chiusura dopo che il personale è stato filmato mentre lavava i piatti in una pozzanghera all’esterno.

September 2018 | ECJ | 9

NEWS Spanish cleaning sector creates 18,000 new jobs

Bins plea

The cleaning industry in Spain created a total of 18,503 new jobs in 2017 and now employs 358,307 people - the highest number in five years according to information issued by the Social Security body Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social. Juan Díez de los Ríos, president of contract cleaning association Aspel, presented the latest statistics on the market. Data shows that the cleaning sector experienced moderate growth in 2017 thanks to the improving economic situation in Spain. And this is set to continue in 2018, with growth of between 1.9 and two per cent predicted. Juan Díez de los Ríos believes:

Sanitary bins in public toilets should be a higher priority for councils, according to a charity in Northern Ireland which provides hygiene products for homeless women. The plea from Homeless Period Belfast came after it was revealed that one council has not installed sanitary bins in any of its 31 public toilets - saying there is “no statutory obligation” for it to do so. Katrina McDonnell from the charity said the lack of facilities suggested there needed to be more discussion. “It’s clearly not being treated as a priority,” she said. “Some people don’t think about it being an issue, but it is.”

“The business is moving, very slowly, from classic cleaning such as offices to services related to the actual functioning of buildings - facility services.” The largest clients in 2017 were public organisations, education, hospitals and large service and industrial companies.

Deadline for payment Overdue debt from public administrations owed to Aspel’s member companies surpassed €394.5 million in 2017, a 14.14 per cent reduction on the previous year. However, both the State and local governments have not yet met the deadline for supplier payments and

• Le secteur espagnol de la propreté a créé plus de 18 000 emplois nouveaux en 2017. • Les autorités publiques devraient se préoccuper davantage d’installer des poubelles sanitaires dans les toilettes publiques, affirme une organisation caritative en Irlande du Nord.

September 2018 | ECJ | 10

companies are still waiting up to three months to receive payment on their invoices. During the years between 2009 and 2017, the monthly incidence of absenteeism in the cleaning industry has been 44 per cent higher than the other industries, especially in the last financial year. Despite the economic recovery the percentage of employees who did not work a single day in the year has increased from more than 14,000 in 2013 to almost 23,000 in 2017 - a 62 per cent rise. The average duration of sick leave was 54.29 days, compared to 40.72 in all industries.

• Die Reinigungsbranche in Spanien hat 2017 mehr als 18.000 neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. • Hygienebehälter in öffentlichen Toiletten sollten bei Gemeinderäten und Stadtverwaltungen eine höhere Prioritär erhalten, sagt eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation in Nordirland.

• In Spagna, il settore del cleaning professionale ha creato oltre 18.000 nuovi posti di lavoro nel 2017. • I portariufiuti sanitari nelle toilette pubbliche dovrebbero essere della massima priorità per i comuni, come afferma un ente di beneficenza nell’Irlanda del Nord.







NEWS EXTRA Italian coastal project restores areas at high environmental risk Reporting from Italy, ECJ correspondent Anna Garbagna writes about a modern method of tackling pollution along the country’s coastline and restoring it to its former beauty.

The Mar Piccolo of Taranto, Apulia, one of 15 Italian areas being classified as “at high environmental risk” and known for the aquaculture of the famous mussels of Taranto, will be the subject of a restoration operation of a kind never attempted before. The Apulia region is in fact starting experiments with a microfiltration technology which should deliver an effective and eco-friendly solution that is low cost and user-friendly, to deal with the problem of polluted sediment which affects thousands of Italian coastal areas. It is expected that, in less than a year-and-a-half, the area which is highly compromised today, will be returned to the community and the local economy.

later by industrial plants. The initiative will operate by creating an innovative system of water purification and a comprehensive research programme which could lead to applications on a national scale or wider. The plant, located in Tamburi, in the Taranto area, will be operational in the next few weeks and could give its first concrete results as early as summer 2019.

Microfiltration The principle that this project is using, for the first time in the world, employs membrane microfiltration technology to decontaminate the polluted marine sediments and consequently the water column above. The process will take around 18 months, at the end of which this sea basin will be returned to the local economy and the local community with noticeable improvements from next summer. The undertaking is absolutely innovative and opens up opportunities of great

environmental, scientific, economic and social interest. The system is characterised by being selective, flexible and low cost as well as being able to permanently solve the problem of sediment pollution.

Permanent removal The procedure is expected to work in a surgical way, fully and permanently removing pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals without altering or damaging the surrounding ecosystem which in the case of Mar Piccolo, contains particularly fragile biotic components and several protected species. Compared to traditional systems such as dredging, which indiscriminately removes or covers the seabed thus spreading potentially polluted material, or by using de-polluting chemicals, the system which will be piloted in Taranto has exponential environmental and economic advantages as well as

being user friendly. The plant, which has been engineered by Genelab, consists of a mobile unit for the resuspension and extraction of sediment, it operates near the shoreline and channels the sediment through a microfiltration membrane which occupies an area of about 150 square metres.

Decontaminated water Once the finest organic element has been removed, the plant will return decontaminated water to the environment while the waste element with the polluting residues of larger size is sent for biological purification through fungal microorganisms. It will therefore be possible to biodegrade some pollutants and to transform them into useful composites. Another strong point is the extreme flexibility of use, with the ability to be used virtually everywhere, an aspect which could create opportunities for export to other parts of Italy and abroad.

European funding Enea, the Italian national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development, has lead this project, together with the Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero del CNR (The Institute for the Coastal Marine Environment) of Taranto and other important partners within the framework of Life, a European funded program . The main object of this initiative, called “Life4MarPiccolo”, is the environmental rehabilitation of a section of this coastal basin which has been seriously polluted over the years, firstly by the activities of the Arsenale Militare (military arsenal) and of Cantieri Navali (shipyards) and

Hand hygiene compliance may be overstated Medical researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia have discovered that hand hygiene rates in hospital staff drop sharply when humans undertaking compliance monitoring are replaced by machines. A government-led hand hygiene programme has been running in the country’s hospitals for the past eight years, with human auditors ensuring staff follow hand hygiene guidelines, which require a minimum of 70 per cent compliance. But compliance rates fell from more than 90 per cent to 30 per cent when the human auditors

• Rapportant d’Italie, Anna Garbagna évoque les moyens modernes qui y sont déployés pour s’attaquer aux sédiments pollués qui affectent le littoral du pays. • En Australie, des chercheurs médicaux ont constaté que le degré d’hygiène des mains des personnels hospitaliers tombe sensiblement lorsque des machines se substituent aux humains pour le suivi de la conformité.

September 2018 | ECJ | 12

were relieved by automated surveillance, creating infection risks for patients, the study’s authors said.

Surveillance methods The researchers compared human and automated methods of surveillance in an Australian teaching hospital over two years. Automated surveillance consisted of hand hygiene dispensers at sinks and bedsides recording hand hygiene by touch, while human surveillance was direct observation of healthcare workers by human auditors. “Regular hand hygiene among healthcare workers is a

• Anna Garbagna berichtet aus Italien über eine innovative Art, um mit den verschmutzten Sedimenten umzugehen, die die Küstenbereiche des Landes beeinträchtigen. • Medizinische Forscher in Australien haben entdeckt, dass die Handhygieneraten bei Krankenhauspersonal deutlich zurückgehen, wenn die Überwachung der Einhaltung der Handhygiene anstelle von Menschen durch Maschinen erfolgt.

cornerstone of hospital hygiene to prevent the transmission of pathogens and potential infection,” said lead author UNSW medicine professor MaryLouise McLaws, an infection control expert and World Health Organisation health adviser. “In our study, we found that as soon as human eyes were off the clock outside of the mandatory 20-minute audit and our automated method continued to monitor compliance, hand hygiene compliance went from 94 per cent to 30 per cent.” The study was published in the American Journal of Infection Control.

• Dall’Italia, la corrispondente Anna Garbagna ci informa su un metodo innovativo per bonificare i sedimenti che inquinano le aree costiere italiane. • In Australia, i ricercatori medici hanno scoperto che lo standard dell’igiene delle mani fra il personale degli ospedali diminuisce drasticamente quando il monitoraggio delle conformità da parte del personale viene rimpiazzato dal controllo per mezzo delle macchine.

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UPDATE: FRANCE Cleaning group moves into football The third largest cleaning company in France, Groupe Nicollin, is expanding in the west of the country and has invested in a football stadium - writes ECJ’s reporter there Christian Bouzols. A year after the death of the company’s former boss, Louis Nicollin, who was an emblematic figure in France, Groupe Nicollin, now managed by Louis’ son Olivier, took over Vidimus, a company specialising in industrial cleaning. Founded in 2000, Vidimus has 339 full time equivalent employees generating a turnover of about €10 million. The purpose of this takeover was to allow France’s third largest cleaning enterprise to strengthen its presence in the field of industrial cleaning and expand its geographical coverage. It meant a development of its activities in Brittany and in the South-West of France. Luc Bonneau, a main shareholder of Vidimus, was to remain in the new entity as regional manager. An unusual side to Groupe Nicollin is its interest in sports. Among other ventures outside cleaning, it has invested in football, particularly in Montpellier, which is the company’s home town. Louis Nicollin’s other son, Laurent, is chairman of Montpellier’s football club, currently playing in the first league of French football. It is in this context that Groupe Nicollin is about to invest heavily in the building of a new football stadium in Montpellier, which is planned to hold 25,000 to 30,000 seats and to be operational for the 2022-2023 season. The current stadium is considered to be obsolete and has access problems. The future stadium will cost between €150 and €180 million, of which • Dans son reportage de France, Christian Bouzols explique que la troisième société française de propreté a entrepris de s’étendre géographiquement et d’investir dans un stade de football.

September 2018 | ECJ | 14

65 per cent will be supplied by Groupe Nicollin and some private partners, and 35 per cent by a cluster of local authorities known as Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and some public partners. Groupe Nicollin has 5,000 workers and a €320 million turnover. It is essentially a family business structured as four divisions respectively dedicated to waste management and urban cleaning, water management and sanitation, industrial cleaning and safety, and events and hospitality. It is a remarkable example of successful diversification, undertaken by a group very much concerned with preserving its provincial identity and whose growth took place far from Paris.

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• Christian Bouzols berichtet, dass Frankreichs drittgrößtes Reinigungsunternehmen, Groupe Nicollin, expandiert und außerdem in ein Fußballstadion investiert.

• Dalla Francia, il corrispondente Christian Bouzols ci informa che la terza impresa di pulizia francese in ordine di dimensioni Groupe Nicollin si sta espandendo e sta anche investendo in uno stadio calcistico.

UPDATE: GERMANY When solar panels shine It was long believed that solar panels have virtually no need for maintenance or cleaning – this is not the case. Alexandra Lachner reports from Germany. “We believe 80 per cent of the photovoltaic (PV) installations in Germany have clear potential for increased output”, says Christian Shuster of Berlin company ucair. This business has replaced labour-intensive and expensive on-site inspection with modern technology. “We have a Europewide network of thermographic drone pilots who generate virtually no travel costs and can quickly launch a flight on demand.” Once the data have been recorded, the various images of defects can be assessed. Through a combination of thermographic and real images, the reasons for the installation’s reduced output can be clearly determined. “We can identify damage and dirt since it is possible to differentiate between bird droppings and stone chippings.” The widespread distribution of PV installations in Germany leads Shuster to expect further positive market developments in future, particularly since there is a growing awareness of the need for cleaning and maintenance not only by operators of large installations but also those with privately-operated panels. A similar view is held by Joxe Hegner from Cleantecs in the Bavarian city of Senden. This company specialises in cleaning technology for photovoltaic installations and has seen market potential increasing steadily in recent years. “It is true that the huge wave of subsidies is now over, but the topic is still of considerable importance in this part of the world and investors are still looking for open spaces suitable for large installations.” Concerning the build-up of dirt, this can occur at very different levels of intensity which determines the frequency of the cleaning cycles, says Hegner. “For many domestic installations cleaning is Dans son reportage d’Allemagne, Alexandra Lachner contemple la croissance rapide du marché pour le nettoyage de panneaux solaires.

only needed every five years, with perhaps an intermediate clean following a year of intense exposure to pollen. In agricultural areas on the other hand, the build-up of dirt can be so intense that cleaning needs to be carried out every two months.” To prevent any damage to the installation, Cleantec has developed a system which drives a rotating brush via a high pressure pump. The water pressure enables the brush to operate at 700 revolutions per minute, which makes it both quick and efficient. “We use the force of the rotation, not the pressure of the water, on the surface being cleaned; and we use demineralised water to ensure no deposits are left.” There are various providers of relevant cleaning services on the market – but only a few are TŰV-certified. One of these is Photovoltaik-Reinigung WenzelPräger in Engelsberg. What are the key factors in working on PV installations from the cleaning professional’s point of view? Managing director Wenzel Präger explains: “We have to deal with organic dirt, emulsion, dust, pollen and increasingly also lichen growth. The desired self-cleaning effect no longer exists with PV systems installed some time ago.” It is therefore a matter of identifying and using the cleaning procedure appropriate to the specific installation. PV system manufacturers frequently recommend cloth and sponge – hardly practical with the millions of square metres of solar panels installed. “The need for professional cleaning has increased steadily over the last 10 years. Our customer trusts us to work carefully, to ensure that his investment is in good hands and to employ only appropriately trained staff.”

In ihrem Bericht aus Deutschland wirft Alexandra Lachner einen Blick auf den schnell wachsenden Markt der Reinigung von Solarkollektoren.

Dalla Germania, la corrispondente Alexandra Lachner ci informa sul settore in crescita rapida della pulizia dei pannelli solari.

September 2018 | ECJ | 15

UPDATE: DENMARK Keeping up appearances ECJ’s Lotte Printz takes a look at workwear in Denmark where unusually high temperatures over the summer ignited a heated debate on dress codes. Sandals and shorts signal “lack of authority”. Or at least that’s what leading public transport companies in Denmark think and the reason why their drivers are not allowed to wear them for work. Not even when temperatures are around 30 degrees Celsius as they’ve been for a great part of this summer, and when experts warned that concentration drops when it’s so warm. Other lines of business – such as the police – are not allowed to be dressed for summer for safety reasons, and in the health sector a certain dress code or uniforms are down to hygiene. FOA, the Danish Trade Union for care workers and cleaners, among others, asked more than 3,200 of their members in a summer survey and three out of four replied they wear a uniform or certain clothes when working. Sixty-nine per cent of those said it was not suitable for use on a hot summer’s day. Cleaner Annie Madsen at Business Academy Aarhus is not one of them. She was on holiday for four weeks when temperatures were at their highest. But before then it was also hot, yet bearable – in her “uniform”. “Of course, we cannot clean wearing bikinis,” she laughs. “But as long as the clothes we wear are made of cotton that you can breathe in and that absorbs sweat, it isn’t too hot.” As cleaning can be rough on clothes and shoes, Annie Madsen is pleased that she doesn’t have to wear her own clothes as they do in some cleaning companies and as she was also used to earlier on in this employment – although reimbursed for it. However, what Rapportant du Danemark, notre correspondante Lotte Printz évoque la manière dont les fortes températures que le pays a connues cet été ont déclenché un débat sur le code d’habillement à observer sur le lieu de travail.

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she appreciates most is that they have an individual choice on what to wear. For the past six years, the cleaners at Business Academy Aarhus have been asked twice a year to go shopping for workwear. “When moving around as much as we do, it is extremely important that we feel comfortable in what we wear. I used to wear a cleaning smock, but as I’m a rather big woman, it kept sliding up. Now I wear a t-shirt underneath a cleaning apron, and trousers. I bought sandals for summer, and for winter we have cardigans and jackets. And those who wear hijabs can order that too,” Annie Madsen explains. “Originally, we were supposed to wear the same kind of clothing, but we couldn’t agree. As a stout woman, I wouldn’t like to wear stripes for instance. So it’s really nice that we can now choose. If your workwear suits you and you feel comfortable in it, we do a better job,” she says. Besides the logo, all tops and jackets have ‘facility’ printed on the back so cleaners are easily recognisable. That’s an important feature too, adds Bente Jensen, head of cleaning at Business Academy Aarhus. “It gives us an official role. It shows we are employed by the Business Academy, and staff and students all know who we are if they need to get in touch with us,” she says and there’s no doubt in her mind that both the dress code policy, the respect it signals and management’s general attitude towards her and her cleaners give positive results. None of her cleaners have worked at Business Academy Aarhus for less than four years.

ECJ-Korrespondentin Lotte Printz berichtet, dass die hohen Sommertemperaturen in Dänemark eine hitzige Debatte über Kleiderordnungen bei der Arbeit ausgelöst haben.

La corrispondente di ECJ Lotte Printz ci informa su come in Danimarca, le alte temperature dell’estate hanno innescato un acceso dibattito sul codice d’abbigliamento per il lavoro.

UPDATE: NETHERLANDS Results-driven cleaning Dutch reporter Jacco Vonhof writes about a recent visit to the VSR association by a Singaporean government delegation. The government of Singapore – the Real Estate & Construction Centre and the Environmental Management Association of Singapore (EMAS) – asked our association to teach them more about the Dutch cleaning market, which is highly regarded around the world. There was particular interest in results-driven cleaning. So during the recent Interclean exhibition in Amsterdam, the Association for Cleaning Research, Vereniging Schoonmaak Research (VSR), hosted a very special delegation from Singapore. Heading the delegation was senior minister of state Dr Amy Khor (Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources). Her focused and detailed questioning made for a lively meeting. To further underline our explanation of results-driven cleaning, VSR, RAI Amsterdam and cleaning company CSU all participated. During CSU’s presentation Dr Khor and her entourage asked many questions about the Dutch cleaning market. What percentage of the staff are of Dutch origin? What is the hourly salary? Does the cleaning company always have to go back out to tender after three years? How has your sickness absence come to be so low? And why do cleaning staff not work full-time? The genuine interest displayed made for a relaxed debate. CSU completed the presentation on hospitality, day cleaning, sensors that detect whether a room has been used and the current challenges in the labour market. In addition, CSU does indeed want to push for more fulltime contracts in the future, in response to Dr Amy Khor’s Notre correspondant aux Pays-Bas Jacco Vonhof fait rapport sur la visite que des représentants du gouvernement de Singapour ont effectuée récemment au centre de l’association de recherche en propreté VSR afin d’en savoir plus sur les résultats du nettoyage axé sur les résultats.

question. Because – the company stated – “Most people are happier that way because they don’t need two jobs any more. We’d like to see this change become reality.” Frank Veneman, board member and treasurer at VSR, then explained what result-driven cleaning is and how this is carried out at RAI Amsterdam. But first he looked back. “In the sixties, you could get away with anything as long as the client was satisfied. But in the eighties and nineties, cleaning companies started offering more and more square metres at lower prices. Any additional work led to high prices for the customer. Strain and distrust crept into the market.” The development of resultsdriven cleaning arose partly due to this, Veneman explained. With results-driven cleaning, the customer buys the result, not the hours that went into it. How the cleaning company brings this about is up to the service provider. This means some daily tasks have to be carried out less often, while – to maintain the desired quality level – some periodic tasks might actually take place more often. At the same time, cleaning quality is guaranteed by the VSR-KMS quality hallmark. This form of contract has helped to restore trust. “Are most contracts now resultdriven?” asks Dr Amy Khor. “No,” Veneman responds. “It used to be five per cent, it’s now 10. Once you’ve been doing it for years, it can be difficult to let go of the micro-management.” Surely, these kinds of contracts are slowly catching on. They also mean customers are more willing to pay a fair price.

Der Niederlande-Korrespondent des ECJ Jacco Vonhof berichtet über einen kürzlichen Besuch von Regierungsvertretern aus Singapur bei der Forschungsorganisation für die professionelle Reinigungsindustrie VSR, um sich über ergebnisorientiertes Reinigen zu informieren.

Il corrispondente olandese Jacco Vonhof ci informa su una recente visita da parte dei rappresentanti del governo di Singapore all’associazione di ricerche per il cleaning VSR, per sapere di più sul cleaning basato sui risultati.

September 2018 | ECJ | 17

UPDATE: ITALY Healthy growth for cleaning sector Anna Garbagna in Italy reports for ECJ on latest statistics for the professional cleaning market. The sector is healthy, growing in Italy as well as abroad: that is the picture of the professional cleaning sector according to the regular annual survey carried out by AfidampFAB, the Association of Italian manufacturers of Machines, Products and Tools for Professional Cleaning and Environmental Hygiene. This positive trend showed a total turnover of €1,732,270,093 - particularly thanks to the strong growth in turnover of machine producers (six per cent increase) and the growth by 11 per cent of producers of other products (including soap dispensers, air fresheners, hand dryers, batteries

and battery chargers, brushes and rotating pads for example). Data from other industry sectors are also positive: +15 per cent for accessories and machine spare parts, +four per cent for fibres and cloths, +four per cent for paper products, +two per cent for equipment. The only sector with a slight decrease was chemical industries with -0.4 per cent. The data has therefore confirmed the positive trend which saw the whole sector on the rise by seven per cent over the two year period 2015-2016. Specifically, in 2017 the Italian market recorded a six per cent increase compared to the previous

Le secteur italien de la propreté se porte fort bien et enregistre un regain d’activité, indique l’enquête annuelle effectuée par l’association professionnelle AfidampFAB. Anna Garbagna en rend compte.

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year while data relating to export show a five per cent increase with a total turnover of €907,953,616. Export accounted for 52 per cent of the total turnover with Europe, Asia and the Middle East as target markets. The sector scoring the highest export figures was the machine sector (40 per cent of the turnover with seven per cent growth compared to the previous year), followed by paper with 33 per cent, other products with 11 per cent (soap dispensers and air fresheners, hand dryers, batteries and battery chargers, brushes and pads), accessories and machine spare parts with six per cent and equipment with five per cent. Chemical products, historically intended for the internal market, represented four per cent of total export in 2017 again. The machine sector in 2017 was once again the sector with great-

Die professionelle Reinigungsbranche Italiens ist gesund und wächst. Dies geht aus der Jahresumfrage des Industrieverbandes AfidampFAB hervor. Ein Bericht von Anna Garbagna.

est international presence, with 65 per cent of its turnover going to foreign markets. With six per cent growth compared to 2016 and total turnover of €824,326,477, the home market is expanding. Within Italy, top of the league table is the paper market which represents 34 per cent of total turnover, followed by machines with 23 per cent. In third place is the chemical products sector with 20 per cent, other products with 12 per cent, accessories and machine spare parts with five per cent and equipment, fibres and cloths with three per cent. As data and relevant figures show for each part of the sector, it is a very healthy market. To sum up, overall this is a world of companies which are active in all sectors of the cleaning industry and which are generating revenues and creating jobs.

La corrispondente italiana Anna Garbagna ci informa che il settore del cleaning professionale in Italia è sano e in crescita, in base a quanto emerge dall’indagine annuale dell’associazione di categoria AfidampFAB.

UPDATE: UK The weather, and the British obsession with talking about, it has been puzzling outsiders for decades however we have seen some extremes this summer. And there has been much debate about the impact of the ‘heatwave’ on the workplace. Definition of a heatwave by meteorologists - when the daily maximum temperature of more than five consecutive days exceeds the average maximum temperature by 5°C. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations require employers to maintain a “reasonable” temperature in the workplace. The minimum temperature is 16°C, or 13°C if work involves physical activity, however the regulations do not specify a maximum temperature. Hot weather can have a significant impact on workplace

performance. According to the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, indoor temperatures that exceed 28°C for long periods are likely to result in reduced productivity. Research on the impact of overheating on productivity using data from the Inter-Departmental Business Register on the economic consequences of heatwaves concluded in 2010 there was a significant cost to the economy with approximately five million staff days lost due to overheating above 26°C. Based on an average staff cost of €166 per day, this resulted in a loss of some €832 million. This summer called for a sensible approach with suggestions to relax corporate dress codes and to introduce flexible working times to avoid the hottest part of the day. The potential health impacts for employees of specific heat-

Lynn Webster, reporteur d’ECJ au Royaume-Uni, pays envahi cet été par une vague de chaleur, étudie les effets de la montée des températures sur le lieu de travail.

Talking about the weather... UK reporter Lynn Webster looks back on a long hot summer, and its impact on the workplace. related illnesses such as heat cramps, heat rash, heat oedema, heat syncope (dizziness and fainting due to dehydration), and heat exhaustion required additional risk assessment and consideration. A parliamentary committee has called on the UK government to consult on introducing a maximum workplace temperature, especially for work that involves significant physical effort, to tackle lower employee productivity during heatwaves. They have published a new report, Heatwaves: Adapting to Climate Change, in which it makes a series of recommendations to help workers cope in overheating work environments.

Nach einer sommerlichen Hitzewelle in Großbritannien betrachtet die britische ECJ-Korrespondentin Lynn Webster wie sich die steigenden Temperaturen auf die Arbeitsplätze ausgewirkt haben.

This was not so positively received by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) with Duncan Spencer, its head of information and intelligence, saying: “While it is important that employees are able to work in reasonable temperatures, introducing prescriptive legislation around maximum temperatures would be an unnecessary step too far. Employers are already legally obliged to ensure workplaces are not too cold or too hot. It is key to note that one size does not fit all. Every workplace is different and every worker is different, in so far as what temperature they feel comfortable at.”

In seguito all’ondata di caldo che ha afflitto il Regno Unito, la corrispondente di ECJ Lynn Webster indaga sull’effetto che le temperature così elevate hanno avuto sui luoghi di lavoro.

September 2018 | ECJ | 19

ECONATURAL FROM BEVERAGE CARTONS TO THE SUSTAINABILITY YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE. EcoNatural, the first paper + dispenser system that breathes new life into beverage cartons. Lucart Professional uses innovative technology to separate beverage cartons into their component parts; from the cellulose fiber it generates FiberpackÂŽ, used to produce the paper, and from the aluminium and polyethylene it makes Al.Pe.ÂŽ, the new raw material from which the dispensers are manufactured. The EcoNatural system is a sustainability achievement for us and a concrete opportunity for you.



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Are dispensers indispensable? Dispensers often come as part of the package when buying consumables such as soap, hand towels and toilet paper for an away-from-home washroom. But are they always strictly necessary asks Ann Laffeaty.

The soap and paper dispensers supplied in publicly-used washrooms are an integral part of any hygiene system – at least if manufacturers are to believed. In fact it is often the dispensers that are promoted most heavily by washroom hygiene companies. Cynics might say that it in their best interests to ensure that dispensers displaying their logos earn a prominent space on customers’ walls. And besides publicising their business, a system of dispensers is often used to lock a client into a paper or soap contract. But are dispensers really indispensable? Surely it is the product inside that matters most and not the casings that house them? There are three good reasons why dispensers are an essential element of the washroom’s furnishings according to CWS-Boco team lead product management hygiene Silke Zügel. “These are: hygiene, economics and sustainability,” she said. “Sensor technology makes it possible to retrieve towel portions, soaps and lotions without touching the system which enables washroom visitors to use the dispensers without any contact at all. “Dispensers also allow the contents to be used more sparingly. This is a major advantage in highly frequented washrooms since it reduces the refilling burden and

makes the system more environmentallyfriendly and cost-efficient.” In fact she believes there is no good reason to do without dispensers in any washroom. “Where space is limited, dispensers containing a small reserve of consumables can be hidden behind mirrored cabinets which makes the room appear larger,” she said. The company’s CWS Comfort Line of dispensers is aimed at hotel en suites and other small washrooms and is claimed to be compact and visually appealing. According to Zügel an increasing number of facilities are focusing on aesthetics when choosing a washroom system. “The architecture and furnishings need to fit the bill and dispensing systems should provide a coherent mix of colours and designs with coordinated shades and lines,” she said. New from CWS-Boco is the CWS Air Bar which is designed to neutralise bad smells via a diffusion system that operates without the use of aerosols. GOJO’s European marketing and product development vice-president Chris Wakefield agrees that washroom dispensers are essential in any facility that caters for large numbers of people. “These include schools, healthcare settings, bars, restaurants, shopping centres, service stations and offices,” he said. “Not only do washroom dispensers control usage which is good news on a sustainability and economic level, they are also critical in the fight against infections while delivering safe, reliable and cost-effective products to the fingertips of users. And they promote healthy hand hygiene behaviour.”

Critical in fight against infection Many people perceive the hygiene of a washroom to reflect the overall hygiene of a facility, he says. “Unclean or unsanitary washroom facilities not only damage the image of a business, they may also lead to a loss of revenue from existing and potential customers,” he said. “And dispensers are essential to prevent the spread of

infections in all types of environments.” Another advantage of dispensers is that they give out the right amount of product which reduces wastage, he said. “In smaller washrooms the right choice of dispenser and its correct positioning are key,” says Wakefield. “Think about the design and layout from the users’ perspective – it is vital to consider how people will move around the washroom and then fit the equipment in appropriate places.

Attractive and practical “You don’t want people to have to squeeze past each other to access dispensers since users are far more likely to abandon recommended hygiene practices in cramped and congested conditions. Installing slim, wall-mounted dispensers that do not protrude too far from the wall can be a significant benefit in both aesthetic and practical terms.” GOJO offers a range of soap and sanitiser dispensers in various sizes and formats. Unlike other manufacturers, Essity believes there to be some cases where a dispenser is not strictly necessary – and might even be inappropriate. “For example, dispensers are often avoided in environments where a ‘home-fromhome’ impression is desired such as in a hotel en suite or in a care home,” said European product management director Antonio Nuevo. “Dispensers that are not intuitive or easy to use may be inappropriate in residences for physically or mentally disabled patients. In washrooms where space is limited too, the installation of dispensers may make the room feel restrictive and uncomfortable. And in upmarket environments a dispenser that protrudes prominently from the wall might not be favoured by the architect for space and design reasons.” He adds that a requirement for high levels of hygiene may often override these points. Essity offers compact dispensers for smaller washrooms as well as units Continued page 24

September 2018 | ECJ | 23

WASHROOM DISPENSERS Are dispensers indispensable? (continued) designed to be easy to use for people with disabilities or low hand strength. “One of the chief functions of a dispenser is to protect the product inside from contamination - particularly in healthcare and food processing environments where there is a heightened requirement for excellent hygiene,” says Nuevo.

Theft risk “However, dispensers offer benefits in other environments too. For example, in public places where washrooms are left unchecked for hours there is a real risk of pilferage which can drive up costs and put the washroom out of use very quickly. “Consumption control is another important function of a dispenser. And in schools, stadiums and pubs there is potential for vandalism: for example, the product could be used as missiles to block the toilets which would require a costly fix. Using the right dispenser will keep the washroom tidy and support better hygiene practices while also preventing the problems of pilferage and vandalism.” Nuevo agrees with CWS-Boco’s Zügel that customers are increasingly seeking a co-ordinated range of washroom systems. “Dispensers can demonstrate to customers, guests and employees that the establishment cares sufficiently to provide solutions that are functional and aesthetically pleasing while creating a pleasant washroom experience,” he said. Essity’s latest products include Tork PeakServe which has a capacity of more than 2,100 towels for use in high-traffic washrooms. Also from the company is the Tork SmartOne Toilet Roll System which dispenses one sheet of paper at a time to prevent over-usage. Vectair managing director Paul Wonnacott takes a different attitude to Nuevo: he believes washroom dispensers to be essential in all public environments. “Washroom products are open to theft, contamination and accidental damage in any environment outside one’s own home,” he said. “More importantly, companies have a responsibility to ensure public safety which is one of the reasons why a dispenser has a lock. “It is important to ensure that all products are child safe and that items such

Quand a-t-on vraiment besoin d’un distributeur? Dans un établissement scolaire afin d’éviter le chapardage de papier hygiénique ; dans un hôpital parce que les produits d’hygiène doivent y être protégés avant l’usage ; ou dans des centres de loisirs ou de détail à forte circulation afin de contrôler la consommation.

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as soaps and fragrances are not accidentally digested.” He concedes that some boutique shops and hotels prefer to personalise their washrooms with stand-alone soaps and fragrances to provide a homely feel. “As a result, washroom dispensers are also becoming smaller, more discreet and more visually appealing,” he said. Vectair’s V-Air SOLID Plus uses multiphasing air freshener technology to provide a continuous fragrance in areas up to 500 cubic metres in size. Like Nuevo, Wonnacott believes consumption control to be an important dispenser benefit. “Washroom dispensers will ensure that the product lasts longer by delivering measurable doses of soaps and fragrance and catering for large, busy areas,” he said. “Self-dispensing products also help to prevent cross-contamination. And an in-built antimicrobial protection in a dispenser can protect the user from germs and diseases.” Preventing cross-contamination and promoting hygiene are both particularly important in the healthcare sector says Metsä Tissue’s managing director Mark Dewick. “People in these environments are already more vulnerable so the right types of dispenser should be installed,” he said. “For example, paper dispensers should be self-presenting to avoid the user having to touch the dispenser or put their hand inside to find the end of the roll. This significantly reduces the chance of cross-contamination.

Promoting hygiene “High capacity units will reduce the likelihood of the paper running out and lower the labour and cost burden. And dispensers should be easily accessible for everyone even if they have restricted mobility or have just undergone surgery.” The fact that dispensers can help to prevent theft and vandalism is another plus, according to Dewick. “A lockable, tamperproof device can protect against both,” he said. “And controlling consumption is also important since in today’s economy, no one can afford to waste consumables.” He says it has become common practice in some upmarket establishments to

Wo wird ein Spender wirklich gebraucht: beispielsweise in einer Schule, um Probleme, wie das Werfen von Toilettenpapierrollen zu vermeiden; in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens, wo Hygieneprodukte vor ihrer Verwendung geschützt werden müssen; oder in stark frequentierten Freizeit- und Einkaufszentren, um den Verbrauch zu kontrollieren?

Next edition of ECJ October. Download the app now provide stacks of towels rather than a dispenser to create the impression of quality. “This concept works – provided there is no toilet in the room,” he said. “The germs in the air around a flushing toilet can contaminate the towels. And if people pick up more than one by accident, the towel used by the next person will already have been touched and potentially contaminated.” Aimed at mobile food outlets, paramedics, care workers, dentists and vets is the Katrin Easy Pick which is a compact, lightweight hand towel solution in a pack that protects the products from moisture, grease and dirt. Ease of use is another important function of a dispenser according to Dewick. “Features such as contrasting colours make the dispenser openings easier to see,” he said. “Our dispensers also have large ‘push faces’ to make them effortless to use while the braille text helps the visually impaired.”

Smart data Alongside all these benefits, a growing number of companies are now making their dispensers “intelligent”. For example, GOJO’s SMARTLINK Service Alerts app continuously monitors dispensers and provides data on usage, estimated refill replacement dates and predictive analytics. Metsä’s Katrin LIVE service monitors the number of visitors to a facility and provides data on refill levels in select hand towel, system toilet and soap dispensers. And Essity’s Tork EasyCube can help to predict cleaning patterns and keep a check on dispenser refill requirements. “If a customer makes the right choice of dispenser there is rarely a reason to provide unprotected products in a washroom,” said Metsä’s Mark Dewick. “And smart dispensers offer enormous advantages since they help facilities to plan and budget. “By plugging into the Internet of Things, dispensers can help facility management companies and end customers to be more efficient and to do better business.”

Dove abbiamo veramente bisogno di un dispenser – in una scuola, per evitare problemi tipo i rotoli di carta igienica buttati in giro; nelle strutture sanitarie dove i prodotti per l’igiene devono essere protetti prima dell’uso; oppure in centri commerciali e ricreativi con alto afflusso di pubblico per controllarne l’uso, per esempio?

Lunch break in three minutes

The rush of the lunch hour means more hands need to be washed. Tork PeakserveÂŽ enables you to be more confident with large crowds. Bring on the crowds with Tork PeakServeÂŽ More towels, less refilling and better washroom flow. To learn more, ask your Tork representative or visit

Tork, an Essity brand


• La gamme XIBU de distributeurs intelligents pour toilettes collectives proposée par Hagleitner est livrée en sept coloris ainsi qu’en acier inox. • SCI-Services a lancé le distributeur de serviettes en papier Pico Cut et un distributeur de savon mousse. • Les solutions de suivi électronique Smartlink de la société Gojo fournit des retours d’information à partir de distributeurs de savon. • Die Produktfamilie XIBU mit intelligenten Waschraumspendern von Hagleitner ist in sieben Farben und Edelstahl erhältlich. • Neu von SCI-Services sind der Papierhandtuchspender Pico Cut und ein Schaumseifenspendersystem. • Die Smartlink Electronic Monitoring Solutions von Gojo bieten Feedback und liefern Berichte von Seifenspendern. • La linea di dispenser intelligenti XIBU della Hagleitner è disponibile sia in sette colori che in acciaio inossidabile. • I nuovi prodotti della SCI-Services sono il dispenser di asciugamani in carta Pico Cut e un sistema di erogazione di sapone in schiuma. • Le soluzioni di monitoraggio Smartlink Electronic Monitoring Solutions della Gojo forniscono il feedback e mandano resoconti dai dispenser di sapone.

September 2018 | ECJ | 26

Intelligent XIBU is the line of intelligent washroom dispensers from Hagleitner, featuring smart sensor technology, no-touch use, drip-free soap dispensing, precisely cut towels and two-roll paper system. Paper, soap and toilet tissue dispensers are available in seven colour designs and XIBU inox is the stainless steel version. The units send their fluid, paper and battery levels to a cloud so service providers can monitor them from their smartphone and service the washroom only when necessary.

Straight cut

The company has also developed a new foam soap dispensing system.

Dispenser apps

Some new models have been added to the SCI-Services (formerly known as Steiner System) papercut range. Best known for its Autocut dispenser with a patented straight cut, there is now a compact model for rolls up to 160 mm - the Pico Cut. SCI says this is the smallest paper towel dispenser with a clean straight cut. Also available is the Pico S which the company says is the smallest sensor dispenser on the market to hold a 200 mm roll. All paper cut dispensers can be customised.

GOJO Industries-Europe has created two mobile apps linked to washroom dispensers. The GOJO SMARTLINK Service Alerts System is a preventative maintenance solution monitoring hand hygiene dispensers and providing predictive analytics. The secure software web portal allows users to customise alerts and alarms that include data on dispenser usage, estimated refill replacement dates, etc. The GOJO SMARTLINK Observation System provides feedback, delivering reports for both hand hygiene and PPE compliance, resulting in time savings. It helps to improve the efficiency of completing hand hygiene audits, says GOJO, delivering targeted reporting.

PRODUCTS: WASHROOM DISPENSERS High capacity Essity says its Tork PeakServe Continuous Hand Towel system improves washroom efficiency in high-traffic areas such as stadiums, conference venues and healthcare facilities because it serves more guests - more quickly - than other solutions.

The bundles of towels inside the unit are compressed by 50 per cent to accommodate up to 2,100 towels, which means the hand towel supply will not run out even in excessively busy periods and refill time is cut by more than half. Tork PeakServe towels are delivered in a continuous action from the top which ensures the

unit will not jam while each towel is delivered in three seconds. This eliminates the problem of queues says Essity.

• Le distributeur de serviettes pour les mains Tork PeakServe, produit par Essity et chargé de 2100 serviettes, est destiné aux toilettes collectives de fort trafic. • DoctorClean a lancé un système distributeur pour le lavage des mains s’utilisant avec du liquide, du produit pulvérisé ou de la mousse. • Le robinet compact et sans contact The Untouchable dispense de l’eau, du savon et du désinfectant à partir d’un appareil unique.

Three in one The latest dispensing solution from DoctorClean can work with liquid, spray or foam soaps by simply changing the nozzle there is no need to replace the sensor or any other accessories. With a recyclable bag and nozzle, all formulas can be dosed - including hand sanitiser and alcohol gel. Also new from the company is a no-touch dispenser boasting low consumption and battery life of more than 100,000 cycles. So if the unit works 100 times a day, it can last for three years.

Multifunctional The Untouchable is a multifunctional no-touch tap offering

water, soap and disinfectant. Developed by Ophardt it is suitable for many applications. The interface is based on the concept of: select above, receive under. By swiping above the tap the user cycles through its available liquids - when the appropriate liquid has been selected they place their hands under the tap to start dispensing. The automatic hygiene flush prevents the build-up of bacteria, touchless operation prevents cross-contamination, and the stainless steel body wards off bacteria and corrosion.

• Mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 2.100 Handtüchern wurde der Handtuchspender Tork PeakServe von Essity für stark frequentierte Waschräume konzipiert. • Neu von DoctorClean ist ein Handpflege-Spendersystem, das für Flüssigkeit, Spray oder Schaum geeignet ist. • Untouchable ist ein kompakter, berührungsloser Hahn, der Wasser, Seife und Desinfektionsmittel in einer Einheit bietet. • Il dispenser di asciugamani Tork PeakServe della Essity è progettato per sale da toilette con alto afflusso di persone grazie alla sua capienza di 2100 asciugamani. • Il nuovo prodotto della DoctorClean è un sistema di dispenser per prodotti per la cura delle mani che può essere utilizzato con liquidi, spray o schiume. • Untouchable è un rubinetto compatto senza impulsi manuali che eroga acqua, sapone e disinfettante in un’unica unità.

September 2018 | ECJ | 27


• Kennedy Hygiene a étendu sa sa gamme d’hygiène féminine en lançant la poubelle à pédale Satin Intima. • Northwood a introduit la gamme North Shore de distributeurs pour toilettes collectives afin de livrer du papier hygiénique, des serviettes et du savon en unités. • San Jamar a mis au point le distributeur à serviettes en rouleau Hybrid Electronic • Mit der Vorstellung des Treteimers Satin Intima hat Kennedy Hygiene das Angebot von Produkten für die Damenhygiene erweitert. • Neu im Angebot von Northwood ist die Produktreihe North Shore mit Waschraumspendern, die Toilettenpapier-, Handtuch- und Seifenspender umfasst. • San Jamar hat den Hybrid Electronic PapierhandtuchRollenspender entwickelt. • La Kennedy Hygiene ha ampliato la sua gamma per l’igiene femminile con il lancio del portarifiuti Satin Intima Pedal. • La novità della Northwood è la gamma di dispenser per le sale da toilette North Shore che include unità per carta igienica, asciugamani e sapone. • La San Jamar ha sviluppato il dispenser Hybrid Electronic Roll Towel Dispenser.

September 2018 | ECJ | 28

More Ellipse

Kennedy Hygiene Products has expanded the Satin Ellipse range of washroom products with the addition of the Satina Intima Pedal feminine hygiene bin with a 23-litre capacity - and the Intima Mini Satin with a capacity of 15 litres. These new additions join the existing range of hand washing, hand drying, toilet tissue, air freshening, sanitising and feminine hygiene units. The satin chrome gives the dispensers stainless steel appearance while the durable lacquer finish is designed to eliminate visible fingerprints.

Brand new North Shore is the latest range from Northwood, comprising toilet tissue, hand towel and soap units. The Orbit toilet tissue dispenser has four-roll capacity and carousel mechanism - it is designed for high-traffic washrooms because of the controllable sheet length. For smaller venues there is the side-by-side compact dispenser. Hand towel dispensers include micro-fold, mechanical handsfree and fully automatic hybrid units. The paper units can be teamed with the Impressions line of toilet tissue and towels.

Soap dispensers complete the line-up.

Manual push To ensure continuous access to paper towels San Jamar has introduced the Hybrid Electronic Roll Towel Dispenser. This has all of the features of the Smart System with the added benefit of a manual push bar for when batteries are low. Towel length and delay between towels are adjustable. There are two design options: Classic transparent black, transparent blue or white; and Summit black/stainless look, stainless look and white/clear.

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• Dudley Industries a développé une gamme de distributeurs pour toilettes à l’attention de victimes de démence sénile. • Hygiaconnect est un système développé par JVD pour ses distributeurs de savon afin d’alerter les équipes d’entretien en temps réel sur les niveaux de consommation. • Tolco Corporation a développé les distributeurs de savon sous forme de mousse et de lotion Top PerFOAMer et Top Choice. • Dudley Industries hat eine Produktreihe mit Waschraumspendern speziell für Benutzer, die unter Demenz leiden, entwickelt. • Bei Hygiaconnect handelt es sich um ein von JVD für seine Seifenspender entwickeltes System, das Teams in Echtzeit über Verbrauchsniveaus informiert. • Tolco Corporation hat die Schaum- und Flüssigseifenspender Top PerFOAMer und Top Choice entwickelt. • La Dudley Industries ha sviluppato un gamma di dispenser per sale da toilette specifiche per le persone che soffrono di demenza. • Hygiaconnect è un sistema sviluppato della JVD per i suoi dispenser di sapone che informano in tempo reale le squadre di lavoro sui livelli dei consumi. • La Tolco Corporation ha sviluppato i dispenser di sapone in schiuma e in lozione Top PerFOAMer e Top Choice.

September 2018 | ECJ | 30

Dementia users A new dispenser range specifically for users with dementia has been developed by Dudley Industries. The company says the washroom can become a confusing and threatening environment for those with dementia and small adaptations can have a positive impact. Research shows that using colour can provide a cue to support orientation and help support independence for everyday tasks. Designed in contrasting colours using blue and white, known to have a calming and restful effect, the dispensers work in conjunction with a wall plate to help make them easily

identifiable, stand out from the décor and be easy to use. The units are made in stainless steel and powder coated to achieve the depth of colour required - there is a soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser.

stock levels can be monitored more accurately.

Top dispensing


With the introduction of Hygiaconnect, JVD is now equipping its soap dispensers with dedicated sensors that alert service teams in real time about consumable levels. This means cleaners only service the units when needed, soap shortages are avoided and

New from Tolco Corporation are the Top PerFOAMer and Top Choice top dispensing foam and lotion soap dispensers. Unlike many other bulk fill soap dispensers these new units dispense soap from the top, not the bottom. This, says Tolco, means they will not leak. Features include a locking system and replaceable pumps - allowing the units to be converted from lotion to foam or vice versa.



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Making people happy Social enterprise cleaning services company Breedweer is based in the Netherlands and headed up by Jack Stuifbergen, a man with a vision of making a true social impact with his business. The company won the European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards Workforce award in 2017 for its policies concerning employee relationships, training and diversity & inclusion. ECJ editor Michelle Marshall spoke to Stuifbergen about the company’s range of inspiring initiatives and his objectives for the future.

Breedweer is a business that is not just about cleaning and facilities services. The focus of its founder Jack Stuifbergen is on spreading a wider message around the business community and the world at large. That message centres on diversity, inclusion, offering opportunities to people from all parts of society, and the circular economy. “But you have to do more than just speaking about it,” he says. And he is living proof of that. Stuifbergen was running a conventional cleaning business in 2009, when he decided he would convert Breedweer to a social enterprise after meeting a lady called Linda. “At that time it was difficult to find good staff, we had to go to Turkish coffee houses to inspire enthusiasm for the profession,” he explains. “I came across an advertisement from a benefit agency seeking jobs for 30,000 people who were currently away from the labour market. I went to that benefit agency looking for nine people, unfortunately I only got two employees. One of them was Linda. “Linda was an insecure lady, she always stood at the back and had nothing to do with people around her. We trained Linda and when she was presented with her diploma she told us that at home her family had said she would never be able to do it, that she was too stupid. But she had done it. It was then I decided our company would become a social enterprise. “At that time it was very difficult to set up a social enterprise without a stigma being attached to it,” Stuifbergen continued. “And the greatest challenge was to completely change the culture of our company. The focus for me was no longer on making profit but on making impact. And social entrepreneurship is like learning to ride a bike – you fall off 10 times before you get it. In the same way someone who is away from the labour market for whatever reason learns very slowly that he can have a job again.” Breedweer employees come from all sections of society and many of them have difficult backgrounds. The business

sources its staff from benefit agencies, reintegration agencies, social workshops, refugee organisations etc. “We want to help everyone who is on the sidelines of society to build up a fully-fledged existence,” says Stuifbergen. In the security part of the business, for example, Breedweer is recruiting ex-prisoners – with the aim of rehabilitating them. “It’s true there is a great deal of prejudice around that which we must overcome,” admits Stuifbergen. This does not deter him from his objectives however, and he is content with taking small steps. “I want to show other companies it can be done so we will persevere.” The business also employs people who have been homeless – providing them with a home, and some security as well as a job. “I want to give people the chance to rebuild their lives,” says Stuifbergen. “We also try to help employees to tackle issues such as addiction, financial difficulties, etc. And we have recruited refugees, the unemployed. What we offer is some structure back in their lives.” What Breedweer is achieving goes far beyond simply giving people a job, as the issues surrounding new recruits can be complex – but for them the opportunity can be a life saver.

Sign Language Coffee Bar Other inspiring initiatives from Breedweer include the Sign Language Coffee bar, which was developed to offer deaf people the opportunity to work. Stuifbergen explains: “Seventy per cent of deaf people are unemployed in the Netherlands. So on some of our contract sites where we have coffee bars as part of our catering business we employ deaf people. We developed an app so people in the building can order by doing sign language – we teach them what to do. This brings a double benefit in that the deaf people benefit from professional barista training and the app users are learning sign language.” The business’ objectives do not end with the workforce, however. Now Continued page 36

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WORKFORCE Making people happy (continued) Now KBL sells chemicals only in bottles made of recycled plastic, it takes back bottles and paper from Breedweer contracts. Paper goes back to a mill for recycling and KBL takes all the packaging for recycling so there is no waste. And Kooistra is now convincing other cleaning companies to pay more for cleaning chemicals in recycled bottles rather than always opting for the lowest price products. KBL also refurbishes cleaning trolleys and sells them on, or sells components to dealers in metals, plastics, copper, etc. Kooistra explains: “One in five vehicles in Amsterdam is a garbage truck. We must change that. The circular economy is local, it’s about selling to your neighbours. The bottleneck is logistics, it’s about reducing CO2 emissions.

New way of thinking

Stuifbergen has become more and more passionate about the circular economy. At client sites he also encourages people to get involved, for example by sharing knowledge on becoming a paperless office and spreading the word about the benefits. On some contracts Breedweer has installed machines to make spinning top toys from plastic that would otherwise be waste. “We also handle client waste for free, it doesn’t cost us money so we do not charge. We can then use it to make bottles, cardboard waste bins etc.” And Breedweer’s commitment to education in the wider community includes a primary school programme whereby members of the business’ team visit

Michelle Marshall, rédactrice en chef d’ECJ, visite la société néerlandaise de facility management Breedweer.e Il s’agit d’une entreprises sociale dédié à l’offre de possibilités d’emploi aux personnes désavantagés. Elle adopte les principes de l’économie circulaire et encourage ses clients à faire de même.

September 2018 | ECJ | 36

children and show them just how much can be done with what would otherwise be rubbish. “We even have a machine to show them how recycling happens, and we hope this encourages young people to be aware of the issues around the circular economy from an early age,” Stuifbergen says. Now Breedweer has broadened the reach of the circular economy culture it has created within its own business to that of the company where it buys its cleaning supplies. KBL is the distributor that works alongside Breedweer and its founder Hilco Kooistra is now fully committed – it was Stuifbergen who convinced him to become a circular economy business after they had started to work together.

Die ECJ-Redakteurin Michelle Marshall besucht das FM-Unternehmen Breedweer in den Niederlanden. Breedweer ist ein Sozialunternehmen, das sein Augenmerk darauf richtet, Benachteiligten Beschäftigungschancen zu bieten. Darüber hinaus arbeitet das Unternehmen nach kreislaufwirtschaftlichen Prinzipien und regt seine Kunden dazu an, dies ebenfalls zu tun.

“This is a new way of thinking – sharing out the business, co-operating, everybody benefits.” KBL, like Breedweer, is now a social enterprise. “Making impact is our objective, money is not the key driver. We are still, however, an economically viable business, and we can make money,” Kooistra says. Breedweer too is a highly successful business financially – in fact it is one of the top 10 fastest growing companies in the Netherlands, having grown by 100 per cent over three years. “Our primary objective in running the business is generating profit, of course, however the key driver of generating that profit is to reinvest in order to continue making an even greater impact on society,” Stuifbergen emphasises. “Our goal is to make people happy, not only our customers but also our employees. And we enjoy the strong links we have with charities and other social organisations. We want to work with them, they want to work with us. We try to work together to make the world a better place.”

Stay up to date with industry news as it happens at the ECJ website

La redattrice di ECJ Michelle Marshall visita nei Paesi Bassi l’impresa di servizi Breedweer. La Breedweer è un’impresa sociale che concentra l’attenzione sulle persone svantaggiate offrendo loro delle opportunità di lavoro. L’azienda inoltre segue i principi dell’economia circolare e incoraggia i suoi clienti a fare lo stesso.

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Cleaning up mopping Ann Laffeaty looks at the latest products and technologies on the market designed to clean up the task of mopping and reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

If you run a mop around a dirty floor using detergent and clean water, the chances are that the floor will end up looking cleaner afterwards than it did beforehand. But mopping is a dirty business. It is all too easy for the operator to spread contaminated water around the floor, making the end result less clean than it actually appears. This is the view of Crisp Clean general manager Paul Frost. “The clean appearance created by traditional mopping methods can be misleading,” he said. “It might just be that the dirt has been spread more evenly on the floor but that little of it has been removed. “Cotton fibre mops are a particular culprit. While cotton has a good level of absorbency, much of the dirty solution will enter the cotton structure and the operator won’t be able to wring it out.” As a result the cleaner will be forced to regularly change the mop head, says Frost. “This will potentially put the operative at risk of contaminating his or her hands with the soiled mops,” he adds.

Release soil He claims one solution to be the use of a flat mopping system with two buckets. “This will remove more dirt while also keeping the mops cleaner for longer,” he continues. “The use of high surface area yarn fibres with no cotton content will also improve the ability of the mop to release the soil into the rinsing solution. “Better still is the hygienic method of using mops that have been impregnated

before use and that are used only once before being laundered.” However, this method may require the use of more mops, he adds. “If the mops are impregnated long before use they may dry out or become breeding grounds for bacteria,” explains Frost. “A dosing system will resolve this problem, while the use of silver ion technology will reduce the risk of the mops becoming contaminated. And this will help to protect the cleaner as well as resulting in a safer floor environment.” Crisp Clean’s Solo dosing system is said to ensure that each mop is only dampened when required and that no mop is left for long periods in a damp or unused state. The system also incorporates silver technology to avoid bacterial growth and spread. According to Frost, mop holders should enable the mops to be removed with little or no human contact to improve safety for cleaners. “Our own mopping systems have a folding stainless steel mop frame that will release the mop without the cleaner touching it,” he said. Hygienic mopping systems are particularly crucial in the healthcare, food and drug manufacturing sectors as well as in electronic component manufacturing and automotive and aerospace assembly plants, he says. He believes that technological advances will lead to mopping systems becoming even more hygienic in the future. “Textile fibre technology and electronics will help to push the boundaries,” says Frost. Dirty water being reused and spread all over the floor is an almost inevitable result of traditional mopping systems according to IPC Tools managing director Michele Redi. “It is difficult to ensure constant access to fresh water during cleaning operations,” he said. “As a result, traditional cotton mops tend to absorb and spread microbial contamination all over the place.” In order to achieve a satisfactory result, the chosen solution is often simply to increase the quantity of detergent used, he says. “However, this exposes workers to

potentially dangerous chemicals agents. “Within healthcare environments in particular the use of chemical products and disinfectants has been associated with health issues caused by exposure to active compounds such as formaldehyde, sodium hypochlorite or benzalkonium chloride,” he said.

Harmful substances “These toxic substances are either corrosive or harmful when in contact with the skin and may cause chronic health problems in the long run. It’s also a fact that skin diseases are among the most frequent work-related diseases among operatives within the cleaning sector. “And further studies confirm there is a high prevalence of work-related dermatitis among cleaners which is predominantly caused by dermal exposure to the chemicals in cleaning products.” However, hygienic mopping systems are particularly important in the healthcare sector, he adds. “Here the concept of cleanliness and hygiene will be paramount since the risk of bacterial and germ contamination plus the spread of infectious diseases is always lurking,” he said. “So all cleaning and sanitisation processes should be fast and effective so that staff activities are not impeded and patients are not inconvenienced.” Hygienic mopping is also particularly important in the hospitality sector, he says. “Cleaning here is a fundamental and immediately-perceivable indicator of the quality of service,” says Redi. “Guests need to feel comfortable in a clean, healthy and peaceful environment.” Mops that are pre-impregnated, disposable or colour coded can all help to improve the safety of cleaning operators’ daily activities, according to Redi, And he adds systems that provide ready-to-use cleaning mixes - such as IPC’s own Triggy and Triggy Detachable systems – also help to enhance operator safety. “Mops made from synthetic microfibre Continued page 40

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MOPPING Cleaning up mopping (continued) tissue are also highly effective at trapping bacteria and providing excellent cleaning results,” he says. IPC’s own Smart Disinfection System allows the operator to calibrate the quantity of cleaning product used via a dedicated control panel while the Triggy mop frame sprays the desired quantity of solution on the floor and is compatible with either velcro or disposable mops. The health and safety of cleaners has been a hot topic over recent years according to Greenspeed product manager Bert Lagarde. “These types of discussions should be taken very seriously,” he said. “The health of cleaners is extremely important to us and we strongly believe that cleaning should be made easier and pose minimal health risks for the operator.” He believes the hygiene levels of traditional mop systems to be “very poor, to say at least”. “The mop heads become dirty quickly and many people don’t wash them – they merely put them in a bucket of bleach once in a while,” he said. “It is also hard work to remove all the water from the floor after cleaning. People may assume that all the dirt has been transferred into the bucket, but much of it

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will remain on the floor where it may not show up because it will have been spread evenly by the mop. Meanwhile, the surrounding walls and plinths will also have become splashed.” He says water used in traditional mopping methods should be changed regularly to avoid dirt and contamination being spread around. “In practice this is rarely done - but when it is, it brings the cleaner into contact with the dirty water and any detergents they might have used.”

Hygienic alternatives Greenspeed Click’M C mop system allows the cleaner to slip the frame into the pocket of the mop and lock the mop into place via a magnetic fastening. “The frame can also be opened by foot which means there is no need for cleaners to touch the mop head,” he said. According to Lagarde, microfibre mopping provides a hygienic alternative to traditional methods. “Microfibre has greater powers of absorption than traditional cotton mops and requires the use of less water,” he said. “This means the floor dries very quickly and does not remain slippery for long periods.

“And colour coded microfibre mops will minimise the risk of cross-contamination since they designate the area in which they should be used.” Every mop becomes contaminated as soon as it touches the floor according to Filmop’s export manager Paolo Scapinello. “It doesn’t matter how often you rinse it or wring it: the more you use a mop, the more contaminated it will be along with the cleaning solution, the buckets and the wringer,” he said. “This means you are not actually ‘cleaning’: you are simply redistributing the dirt and bacteria. Kentucky and flat mopping systems with wringers pose serious issues in healthcare environments since the risk of cross-contamination is guaranteed.” He adds cleaners cannot avoid coming into contact with contaminated materials at work. “Mops, buckets, water, the wringer and the trolley itself all become bacteriological time-bombs,” he said. “Cleaners will usually be issued with gloves to protect their hands. But when the user starts to clean the doors, the furniture etc they will contribute to the distribution of the bacteria if they are still wearing those contaminated gloves.”

MOPPING According to Scapinello, double-bucket systems are not the solution - but are clearly part of it. “Double-bucket systems are good enough for use in some very low risk areas,” he said. “But they are too heavy and involve the use of a wringer which is constantly contaminated so they are definitely not the answer in healthcare environments.” He believes the industry is moving away from the use of buckets and wringers and adopting instead the increased use of lightweight microfibre mops. “Pre-soaked mops and mops soaked on demand are a clear solution,” he said. “Pre-soaked mops do not need to be squeezed out and are replaced with fresh ones after a specific area has been Le balayage humide peut s’avérer une activité salissante. L’opérateur risque souvent de répandre de l’eau sale - source potentielle de contamination - sur le plancher. Et quand il remplace une tête de balayage humide, il lui arrive de se contaminer les mains avec le tampon souillé. Nous passons en revue les derniers produits du marché pour prévenir la contamination et assainir le balayage humide

covered. This helps to keep the risk of contamination to the user at a much lower level.

Lower risk And where the mops are soaked directly on the trolley when they are needed there is again no need for any squeezing or rinsing. This results in a lower risk of contamination for the user and for the cleaning surface.” Filmop’s Equodose system for soaking mops on demand is aimed at environments such as healthcare facilities and food plants where high standards of hygiene are crucial, says Scapinello. However, mopping systems should be hygienic no matter where they are used, he adds. “Any environment is liable Moppen ist ein schmutziges Geschäft. Es kann sehr leicht passieren, dass das Reinigungspersonal Schmutzwasser – und potenziell Kontaminierung – auf dem Boden verbreitet. Und beim Austauschen des Moppkopfes kontaminiert das Reinigungspersonal wahrscheinlich die eigenen Hände mit dem verschmutzten Mopp. Wir werfen einen Blick auf die neuesten Produkte am Markt, die entwickelt wurden, um eine Kreuzkontamination zu verhindern und die Arbeit des Moppens sauberer zu machen.

to cross-contamination whether it is a school, a kindergarten or an office,” he said. “Viruses and bacteria have no territorial limits and every environment should be cleaned with the aid of the latest and most appropriate technologies.” He believes that today’s chemicalresistant bacteria and viruses pose serious risks to our health. “New manual tools and machines are being developed to remove these germs from surfaces while an increasing number of companies are investing in high quality research to provide better systems,” he said. “However with any new development the health of the user and the ergonomics of the system need to be safeguarded at all costs.” Lavare i pavimenti con il mop è un lavoro sporco. E’ fin troppo facile che l’addetto alle pulizie finisca per spargere acqua sporca, e potenzialmente contaminata, sui pavimenti. E quando si cambia il mop, l’addetto rischia di contaminarsi le mani con il mop sporco. Prendiamo in esame i prodotti più nuovi sul mercato che sono stati progettati per prevenire la contaminazione incrociata e ripulire il compito di lavare usando i mop.

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New wringer TTS has recently launched TriPress, a wringer designed for use with its double-sided Trilogy System. This is a floor and surface cleaning solution featuring a reversible frame for use with double-sided microfibre mops. The TriPress wringer has an ergonomic handle holder for increased user comfort and an anti-oscillation handle to stabilise the bucket during transport. Antidrop edges are said to prevent any

leakage on the trolley or on to the floor while security buttons fix the wringer firmly to the bucket for maximum safety.

The TriPress can be configured with a single bucket or with two buckets, each with coloured handles to differentiate the rinsing water from the cleaning solution. The wringer can be used in Basic mode using manual pressure alone, or in Pro mode with a lever system for damp cleaning and effortless wringing. The TriPress wringer features adaptors and connectors that make it fully compatible with Magic trolleys.

Certified yarn For cleaning delicate surfaces IPC offers Re-mop, a recycled polyester mop with yarn certified as Global Recycled Standard. This, the company says, can capture and hold more dirt inside its structure. For multipurpose use Shark is a microfibre textile mop combined with polyurethane - boasting deep cleaning and quick drying. Only Scrub is part of the same range, a black mi-

crofibre made from two special fringes - one abrasive for dirt removal and the other absorbent for drying. All are available in velcro versions for use with the company’s Rail/Slide Frame. • TTS propose une nouvelle essoreuse, la TriPress, qui permettrait de réduire de moitié la fréquence d’essorage de têtes de balayage humide. • Le Re-mop est un tampon de balayage humide en polyester que son fabricant, IPC, a réalisé avec du fil certifié Global Recycled Standard.

• TriPress ist der neue Wringer von TTS, mit dem nach eigenen Angaben das Wringen nur halb so oft erforderlich ist. • Bei Re-mop handelt es sich um einen Mopp von IPC aus recyceltem Polyester und Garn, das mit dem Global Recycled Standard ausgezeichnet ist.

• TriPress è il nuovo strizzatore della TTS, che vanta di dimezzare la frequenza delle operazioni di strizzatura dei mop. • Re-mop è un mop in poliestere riciclato prodotto dalla IPC il cui filato è certificato Recycled Standard.

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Largest system The TruCLEAN Pro XL is the largest of Perfex’s mopping systems, with the most versatile configuration. Equipped with 22-litre buckets and two six-litre pails in a handle-mounted carrying basket, the XL system is designed to manage all cleaning supplies.

cleaning fluid from the built-in reservoir, reducing water and chemical consumption.

Semi disposable

Other features include a foldaway cart extension and heavy duty four-inch casters. Components are made of high grade stainless steel said to be easy to maintain.

The new semi disposable mop from Ressol is made of a multifilament yarn in polyester microfibre, designed to absorb all types of dirt and suitable for use on all kinds of floor. It can be used dry for dusting, or for damp mopping, and can be pre-impregnated. Available in three sizes the mop is suited to both cleaning and disinfection, and hygiene-critical areas. Designed for use with trapezoidal mop holders.

The winners of the European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards 2018 will be announced on November 15 in Berlin. Book your place at the ceremony - visit with an ergonomically designed telescopic handle designed to reduce physical strain because it can be precisely adjusted to the operator’s height. The company claims the user has to use virtually no effort to move the mop in S-shape motions.

Quick and easy Chicopee’s Microfibre Floor Mop range is made from 100 per cent microfibre - mops are disposable and attached easily to the Chicopee fluid mopping tool. They are then discarded after use. The mopping tool has been ergonomically designed and said to be light, durable and easy to use. There is a trigger to release

Ergonomic According to Unger its erGO! clean floor cleaning system is a total mopping solution. It comes

Because it is ready for use at any time erGO! clean is suitable for spot cleaning, which is claimed to make operatives faster, more productive and more efficient. In fact Unger says the daily area coverage rate increases by up to 76 per cent.

• Le système de balayage humide TruCLEAN Pro XL de Perfex est doté de seaux de 22 litres. • La gamme Chicopee Microfibre Floor Mop de tampons de balayage humide est à 100 pour cent en microfibres. • Ressol a mis au point un tampon de balayage humide en fils multifilament extraits de microfibres de polyester. • Unger propose le système de balayage humide erGO!, dont elle fait valoir l’ergonomie et le minimum d’effort qu’il requière de l’opérateur.

• Das Moppsystem TruCLEAN Pro XL von Perfex ist mit 22-LiterEimern ausgestattet. • Die Produktreihe Microfibre Floor Mop von Chicopee wird vollständig aus Mikrofaser hergestellt. • Ressol hat einen Mopp entwickelt, bei dem es sich teilweise um ein Wegwerfprodukt handelt. Bei der Herstellung wird Multifilamentgarn aus PolyesterMikrofaser verwendet. • Laut eigenen Angaben von Unger wurde das Moppsystem erGO! unter Berücksichtigung ergonomischer Aspekte entwickelt, um dem Benutzer nur einen minimalen Arbeitsaufwand abzuverlangen.

• Il sistema mop TruCLEAN Pro XL della Perfex è attrezzato con dei secchi da 22 litri. • La gamma Microfibre Floor Mop della Chicopee è prodotta al 100 per cento in microfibra. • La Ressol ha sviluppato un mop semi monouso prodotto in filato multifilamento in microfibra di poliestere. • La Unger afferma che il suo sistema di mop erGO! Mopping è progettato ergonomicamente per il minimo sforzo dell’operatore.

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• Duotex est une solution de nettoyage à microfibre comprenant des tampons d’épongeage, un manche et un porte-tampon. • Comme produit nouveau, Wetrok aligne le KeyCar, un chariot de nettoyage personnalisable qui peut se verrouiller avec une seule clé. • Le système Scandic X de balayage humide introduit par Vermop ne comporte qu’un manche pour toutes les tâches. • OneFred est un nouveau chariot de balayage humide à double seau signé Filmop. • VDM a lancé un système de balayage humide mains libres à usage dans le secteur de la santé. • La série Hybrid représente la plus récente innovation, axée sur l’économie, de Symto en matière de balayage humide.

• Duotex ist eine Mikrofaserreinigungslösung von Microsystem, die Mopps, Griffe und Mopphalter umfasst. • Neu von Wetrok ist KeyCar, ein anpassbarer Reinigungswagen, der mit einem einzigen Schlüssel verriegelt werden kann. • Beim Moppsystem Scandic X von Vermop reicht ein Griff für alle Aufgaben. • Bei OneFred handelt es sich um einen neuen Nassreinigungswagen mit zwei Eimern von Filmop. • VDM hat ein berührungsloses Moppsystem für den Einsatz im Gesundheitswesen vorgestellt. • Die neueste Innovation auf dem Gebiet der Mopps von Symto ist die Hybrid Series, die Kosteneinsparungen verspricht.

• Duotex è una soluzione di pulizia in microfibra prodotta dalla Microsystem che include mop, manici e strutture per mop. • Il nuovo prodotto della Wetrok è KeyCar, un carrello di pulizia personalizzabile che si può chiudere con una singola chiave. • Il sistema mop Scandic X della Vermop è dotato di un manico per tutti i tipi di lavori. • OneFred è un nuovo carrello strizzatoio a due secchi prodotto dalla Filmop. • La VDM ha introdotto un sistema mop touch-free adatto per essere utilizzato negli ambienti sanitari. • L’innovazione della Symto è la serie Hybrid Series che vanta un risparmio sui costi.

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New microfibre

Microsystem’s Duotex mops are made from 100 per cent split microfibre and are said to attract dirt like a magnet when used dry, damp or wet. The advanced fibres are twisted for easy gliding and are designed to enable the operative to use the whole area of the mop when cleaning.

The OneFred double bucket wet mopping trolley is an upgraded version of Filmop’s single-piece Fred trolley. Said to be more versatile and ergonomic than the original, OneFred features a single-piece frame with two 15 litre buckets and two 25 litre buckets. And it fits all Filmop professional wringers. The trolley is certified Plastic Second Life and is made from a high percentage of quality recycled plastic. Features include an ergonomic side push-grip to enable easy handling, integrated bumpers and easy assembly.

The Duotex Scandinavian is described as an ergonomic mopping system comprising just two mop options plus a handle and mop-holder. MicroSweep Duotex Mop is designed for daily dry or damp cleaning. Said to provide a high performance at low friction levels, the mop features additional fringes to increase cleaning capacity by 35 per cent and to help to collect larger particles and dust. Designed for removing larger amounts of dirt and grease via damp or wet cleaning is the MicroWet Duotex Mop. This heavy duty product is said to be particularly suitable for surface disinfection applications in healthcare since it deposits the liquid and equally distributes it across the whole surface. Duotex mops are available in various velcro and pocket configurations and in sizes from 30 to 130 cm. They come in both blue and red.

Individual With the launch of Wetrok KeyCar, Wetrok says it is offering a cleaning trolley that combines safety with individual design. Custom options are available not only for the interior but also for its exterior design. Because it can be locked with a single key the trolley is safe from unauthorised individuals who may gain access to cleaning chemicals etc. There is a choice of 20 exterior

designs, or customers can have the logo custom printed. And if they prefer the trolley to blend into the background of a building, the KeyCar can also have a completely neutral look that will make it almost invisible. Available in small, medium and large sizes, the trolley can be configured according to individual needs with accessories including a wheeled box for dirty clothes, a time-saving dispensing system, or a holder for dust wipes.


One fits all Vermop says its Scandic X mopping system features just one handle that can be used for all tasks. At the push of a button the telescopic handle can be set to the right working length without twisting.

From 80 to 171 cm it can be adapted quickly for close-up work such as cleaning mirrors, or for mopping, or for tasks at height. And thanks to the Scandic X connector system all Vermop mopping systems such as Sprint, Twixter and Scandic can be attached. Window cleaning equipment such as brushes, dusting tools and accessories - from all major manufacturers - can be attached to the Scandic handle and Vermop offers adapters for most attachment systems. When it is retracted the handle and all attachable equipment fit in the Scandic X toolbox, a storage component.

Aimed at hygiene-sensitive areas is VDM’s new Touch Free System for flat-mopping. This allows the operator to unlock the used mop-head from the frame and place it directly into a waste bucket without the use of hands. The system is said to be hygienic since it avoids the need for cleaners to touch the dirty mop head. And the clamps allow the mop to be unlocked in three easy moves which makes the Touch Free System simple, intuitive and ergonomic according to VDM. The pre-impregnated mops are claimed to produce water and detergent savings and there is no bending or stooping for the operator.

Hybrid Symto produces mops for all existing holder systems and has recently developed a new series of products called Hybrid. This is a 100 per cent microfibre boasting optimum dirt pick-up. Because this mop is so light, many more can be washed in one cycle says Symto, bringing cost and environmental benefits.

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Making sense of jargon

Ever sat through a business seminar gawping in bewilderment at the bizarre vernacular coming at you from the platform and musing that the speakers must have beamed down from planet Gobbledygook? Well, you’re clearly not up to speed with the latest corporate jargon. But don’t despair. Hartley Milner offers the following guide to help you make sense of the nonsense. For starters, try wrapping your thinking gear around this little teaser (WARNING: requires much patient googling and copious cups of coffee)…“Going forward, vis-à-vis our plans to facilitate more flexible, more customercentric logistics channels, we need to adopt a KISS approach, eviscerating our existing distribution strategy and transplanting lizard-tail structures that can be rapidiously autotomised should they fail to interface holistically in response to market pressures.” I hear your screams! Excruciating isn’t it? If you have managed to extract a meaning, congratulations: you are either an extraordinarily resourceful surfer of the web or precociously gifted gobbledygeek yourself. More likely you will have thrown your hands up in defeat and dismissed the passage as just another piece of inane,

obscure, pompous claptrap. And so it may appear on the surface. But a profound message is likely buried deep in there somewhere, so let’s dirty our hands a little parting the bullshit to reveal the insightful gem lurking within. Going forward – meaning ‘from now on’ or ‘in future’ and a must-use-at-everyopportunity phrase in the purveyor of piffle’s vocabulary. No corporate presentation, email or memo would be complete without a liberal peppering of ‘going forward’. No wonder that it is regularly voted one of the most irritating terms used at work. It is especially infuriating when used with the word plan. How can a plan be about anything but the future? Vis-à-vis – a la-di-da way of saying ‘in relation to’ or ‘with regard to’. The phrase translates literally from the French for ‘faceto-face’. It was first coined by intellectuals and is now used by highbrows and lowbrows alike. Serial users of vis-à-vis include The Office’s David Brent. Enough said! Customer-centric – putting a positive customer experience at the centre of all things. No great sin, this one. I only include it because the term is frequently confused Continued page 50

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BUSINESS: CORPORATE SPEAK Making sense of jargon (continued) with customer-focused. Customer-centric companies aim to build relationships with their customers and cater for their longterm needs rather than just focus on their short-term wants. KISS – ‘keep it simple, stupid’, meaning the most straightforward solution or path should be taken in a situation. “This principle can be applied to any scenario, including business activities such as planning, management and development,” according to the online Business Dictionary. Sound advice those who proffer a KISS approach should keep in mind when drafting their pearls of wisdom. Eviscerate – from the late 16th century, meaning ‘to disembowel’, as in the horribly gruesome method of execution much favoured in those times. Today it is used more broadly to describe the removal of an essential part of something. For example: “The British government has taken much flak for eviscerating its Brexit strategy of essential elements of the total withdrawal that people tacitly voted for at the referendum.” Or, perhaps…“It’s intensely irritating to be on the receiving end of communications eviscerated of all meaning.” Lizard-tail structures – huh, what? Takes obscurity to another dimension. And in a flash poll around the office the term provoked a chorus of groans. Yet even here there’s a meaning. Google suggests it is all to do with the lizard’s ability to selfamputate its tail to avoid being gobbled up by a predator. It’s win-win for both parties; the lizard scurries away to safety to grow another tail while the predator is left to make a meal of the severed and still wriggling limb. This amazing survival strategy is called ‘autotomy’, which goes some way to explaining the phrase ‘lizard-tail structures that can be rapidiously autotomised’. Still with me? I’m afraid it doesn’t get any less surreal, as we must now grapple with the word ‘rapidiously’. Or is it an actual word? I ask because much tedious trawling of the net failed to turn up a single definition for ‘rapidious’. I suspect someone has been indulging in a little mischievous wordplay here, corrupting the adverb ‘rapidly’ in the arrogant belief that their message is far too deep and meaningful to express in simple terms used by us peasants. Where Vous est-il arrivé d’assister à un séminaire d’affaires dans un état éberlué devant le jargon corporatif qui vous est asséné de la plateforme? Pour nombre personnes, ce langage moderne est irritant et chronophage, et représente une distraction faite pour stresser, confondre et frustrer. Hartley Milner, reporter d’ECJ, entend nous piloter à travers ces écueils de bêtise.

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‘rapidiously’ does crop up online, it is always in context with some other piece of obscure meandering, as in “rapidiously matrix premium core competencies”. And lastly…interface holistically. You would not find less compatible bedfellows on TV’s Love Island. On their own, the two words have meanings that are unambiguous; a place where things meet and interact, and a philosophical belief that we should deal with the whole of something rather than just a part of it (holistic medicine). Together, they do not make for a meaningful relationship, so let’s dump this odd couple altogether. But the passage still has more padding than the shoulders of a Joan Collins outfit, so we need to purge it of all superfluous verbiage, which leaves us with something I hope is nearer to what the author was seeking to convey: “The plan is to overhaul our distribution strategy to make it simpler and more responsive to the needs of our customers and the market.” Hey, that’s pared back the original by almost 50 per cent, as well as translating it into a language we can all understand. Job done! Take the rest of the day off…you will likely need it following your caffeinefuelled efforts trying to decipher the message. But as your head clears you may start to reflect on what possesses people to dish up such drivel, something the Plain English Campaign has been asking for almost 40 years. “A message is often purposefully clouded to confuse,” says the campaign’s Lee Monks. “Most of the time, it’s simply a matter of poor writing or a failure to grasp what it is a writer or organisation is really trying to say. But there are two main reasons obscurity may be intentional: the knowledge that something is in reality very simple and the desire to make it artificially sound impressive, and the knowledge that something is not going to go down well and the desire to make it seem incomprehensible or ludicrously euphemistic. “Jargon is useful as a shorthand between members of a captive audience wanting to communicate quickly, as long as the jargon pertains to something substantial. People rightly don’t trust jargon in general communication, and Haben Sie schon einmal in einem BusinessSeminar gesessen und haben perplex den bizarren Geschäftsjargon, der vom Podium kam, über sich ergehen lassen? Viele sehen dieses moderne Kauderwelsch als eine irritierende, zeitverschwendende Ablenkung, die uns strapaziert, verwirrt und frustriert. ECJ-Korrespondent Hartley Milner bietet uns einen Leitfaden, um dem Unsinn einen Sinn abzugewinnen.

it can suggest slipperiness, elitism and pomposity. It’s a failure to involve those not part of a business.” So what jargon grates with us most in 2018? An online survey of 2,000 employees in the UK by job site Glassdoor found that ‘touch base’ (to meet up) tops the hate list, followed by ‘nobrainer’ (requiring little or no mental effort) and then ‘punch a puppy’ (to do something horrible for the greater good). Not far behind were ‘game changer’ (a disruptive product, idea or process), ‘mission statement’ (a guiding principle or objective), ‘run this up the flagpole’ (test the popularity of a new idea), ‘if you don’t like it get off the bus’ (implying that an unhappy employee should quit the company) and ‘I want to leverage your synergies’ (to enhance a person’s range of skills for the benefit of an organisation). If corporate lingo rankles with us so much, why have office workers not risen up in revolt? Monks explains: “Plain English needs backing from the top. Without that, the desire to please superiors will always erode it, and most people are scared to suggest they don’t understand jargon. If bosses insisted on it, jargon would soon be stigmatised and rightly seen as a hollow reliance on vacuous nonsense.” Stigmatised? I’m calling for jargon to be criminalised! Why not? It’s an irritating, time-wasting distraction that stresses and frustrates us, is bad for workplace morale and makes us want to punch a puppy. It demands at the very least an offence of ‘gratuitously littering communications with intent to confuse’ and for the most heinous breaches a charge of murdering the English language. I had toyed with execution by evisceration as an appropriate punishment but that would be letting offenders off far too lightly. No, I would lock transgressors in a soundproof booth and play them a tape of the most toe-curling jargon phrases over and over again until they scream for mercy and repent their sins. Okay, I got a little carried away, but as already said change has to come from the top…from the same people who are guilty of generating much of the gobbledygook in the first place. And that is not likely to happen soon, so it seems we are stuck with it, going forward. Avete mai assistito a un seminario di lavoro rimanendo sconcertati a causa del curioso gergo aziendale che vi viene addosso dal palco? Molti vedono questo moderno linguaggio come una distrazione irritante e che fa perdere tempo, che ci causa stress, confusione e frustrazione. Il corrispondente di ECJ Hartley Milner ci offre una aiuta che ci aiuta a capire qualcosa su questo nonsense.

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You can now clean and shine your floors in one step. Scotch-Brite™ Clean & Shine Floor Pad Maintaining your floors to a high standard is time consuming and costly. Welcome to the new Scotch-Brite™ Clean & Shine Floor Pad that lets you clean and shine in the same step, using only a low-speed scrubber. It shines floors over time as you use it for daily cleaning and lasts longer than traditional floor pads (minimum 20,000 square metres). The result less time, effort and equipment to achieve floors you can be really proud of. Request a demonstration today from your local 3M Sales Representative. 3M and Scotch-Brite are trademarks of 3M. © 3M 2018. All rights reserved.


The next big thing Cost, sustainability, safety, productivity – what are the key factors driving innovation in the floor pad sector? Leading manufacturer of floorcare maintenance products 3M looks at the trends affecting the market and examines how today’s floor pads are developing to meet modern needs. There are some things in the cleaning industry that never seem to change. For example, the need to provide the customer with solutions that provide high quality results – and at a competitive price - is an ongoing one. And despite some recent moves towards higher levels of automation, people still represent a large part of the equation. The fact that labour accounts for a huge percentage of the costs involved with cleaning means that any operation needs to be carried out as swiftly and as efficiently as possible in order to reduce the cost burden for the customer. But while the need for high productivity and low cost remains constant, the focus is gradually shifting in other areas of the process. For example, over recent years the issues of safety and sustainability have risen further up the cleaning agenda. And as a result of this change in focus, customers are increasingly seeking solutions that are sustainable, from an environmental point of view, while also enhancing safety for the operator in use. But the fact remains that in today’s increasingly competitive market, cleaning contractors are under a huge amount of pressure to reduce their floorcare costs without having to compromise on the quality of their service. So how do manufacturers deliver on that? This is a constant challenge according to 3M’s cleaning and workplace safety marketing manager Sue Poole. “We are having to operate in a market where the

cost of raw materials is continually increasing while the instability of the world economy is taking its toll on businesses everywhere,” she said. “As a result of this it is becoming even more imperative for facility management companies to provide a high quality of service while also managing to maintain their operating margins. And this in turn is putting increased pressure on the supplier to deliver savings wherever possible.” Delivering the requirements of today’s customer is therefore becoming increasingly difficult, she explained. “A growing number of customers are seeking solutions that are easy to use while also providing productivity savings,” said Poole. “And they also want to be seen to be sustainable - but they are not yet willing to pay for this additional feature. So this means that sustainability needs to be delivered as part of the standard product.“

Changing market Meanwhile, the market itself is changing as bigger players aim to grow by acquisition and buy up smaller companies in order to increase their share of the market. “One recent example can be seen in Diversey’s purchase of HTC Twister floor pads,” she said. The way in which floorcare products are chosen by the customer is also evolving, according to Poole. “Decisions today are no longer made exclusively by the traditional buyers in a business but also by ‘operation excellence teams’ that are tasked with looking for new solutions and trialling innovations with a view to driving efficiencies,” she continued. Among all these changes there has been a growing shift towards the diamond style of floor pad. “This trend began between six to eight years ago when the diamond pad sector was able to offer a premium product to those customers who required a high shine on their floors during daily maintenance,” she said. Diamond floor pads are able to offer the advantage of chemical-free cleaning. Besides the obvious cost and sustainability

benefits, there are several added bonuses to consider when chemicals are removed from the equation. For example, the manual dilution of chemicals for use in floorcare applications provides plenty of opportunity for error. And getting it wrong could have negative implications for staff, visitors and for the business itself. An over-diluted cleaning solution will be too weak to be able to thoroughly clean the surface - and this could leave a poor impression on visitors. It may also require the cleaning process to be repeated which will be costly and demotivating for staff. In sensitive environments such as hospitals and schools, a dirty floor could have more serious implications since it could increase the risk of illnesses along with the spread of bacteria. On the other hand, a chemical solution that is too concentrated will add unnecessary costs to the operation and may also leave a sticky residue on the floor, making the environment less safe for everyone. And in areas where people are likely to suffer from respiratory issues – such as in hospitals, care homes and schools, for example - the use of cleaning agents could be an aggravating factor for more susceptible lungs. Floor pads specifically designed to clean without the use of chemicals help to resolve many of these problems and therefore represent a safer option. 3M is building on the recent trend for chemical-free cleaning and recently launched Scotch-Brite Clean & Shine Floor Pad. Besides offering chemical-free cleaning, this product aims to boost productivity and cut costs by combining two processes - cleaning and burnishing. “Combining the cleaning and burnishing processes allows the end user to reduce the number of machines they need to operate while also removing a timeconsuming step from the daily or weekly maintenance regime,” said Poole. “And the pad actually builds up the level Continued page 54

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FLOOR PADS The next big thing (continued) of shine with prolonged use.” The product was recently trialled at Western Michigan University, a public research facility in Kalamazoo with an international student body of more than 23,000. “We used the new pad for a threemonth period in the facility’s academic buildings and medical clinical settings, both of which experience heavy foot traffic,” said Bob Makin, regional manager at Janitronics Facilities Services responsible for managing the university’s contract. “We were able to completely eliminate weekly burnishing in larger open spaces, and there was no drop in appearance with the use of the pad with the auto scrubber.” 3M’s key account manager Soren Aabye supports Poole’s view that the need to increase productivity is the top priority in today’s cleaning industry. “Labour accounts for the majority of the total cost of Le coût, la durabilité, la productivité et les nouveautés en matière de planchers - tels sont les facteurs qui influencent actuellement l’évolution des tampons de nettoyage des sols. ECJ interroge les fabricants de tampons et de machines sur les tendances actuelles du marché et sur les progrès apportés aux tampons pour répondre aux besoins du marché d’aujourd’hui.

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cleaning – an estimated 90 to 98 per cent of the whole,” he said. “For this reason it is imperative that we create new solutions that will reduce labour costs. By combining procedures and eliminating the use of extra cleaning equipment we can help to meet these requirements.” Aabye agrees with Poole that the topics of sustainability and safety are moving further up the agenda. “Most companies interpret this as a need for reducing the amount of chemical usage and minimising the burden of waste to landfill,” he said. “They also attempt to address the sustainability issue by using recycled materials wherever possible. “However, some manufacturers have misunderstood this requirement and are putting all their emphasis into the greater use of recycled products. In some situations this might lead to inefficient soluKosten, Nachhaltigkeit, Produktivität, neue Bodenarten – was sind die wichtigsten Faktoren, die die modernen Innovationen im Bereich der Bodenpads beeinflussen? Das ECJ befragt Hersteller von Pads und Maschinen über aktuelle Trends auf dem Markt und wie sich Bodenpads entwickeln, um modernen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden.

tions that will rack up extra labour costs. And going down this route could actually increase the amount of waste to landfill if the floor pads are not functioning well from a performance perspective.“ Floor maintenance is labour intensive, time-consuming and costly. A typical hard floor will require cleaning, buffing and burnishing in order to maintain a high shine finish while a floor that is not properly maintained will quickly lose its sheen and take on a dull appearance. However the right floor pad can have a dramatic effect on cleaning costs, productivity and the overall life of the floor. “Providing floors with a high shine in a competitive market is a perpetual juggling act for cleaning companies, particularly where productivity is all-important and where labour costs need to be kept down,” concludes Poole. Costo, sostenibilità, rendimento, nuovi tipi di pavimenti, quali sono i fattori chiave che influenzano oggi le innovazioni del settore dei dischi per pavimenti? ECJ chiede ai produttori di dischi e macchine quali siano le tendenze attuali del mercato e come i dischi per pavimenti si stiano sviluppando per soddisfare le moderne esigenze.


Two sides


New from 3M is a two-sided low speed scrubber pad for daily cleaning and dustless polishing Scotch-Brite Clean & Shine Floor Pad. The new pad can clean and shine in the same step. This means staff are able to reduce or eliminate the need to

Ashine Diamond Tools specialises in diamond tools for floor polishing and maintenance. Its EZShine diamond pads system is designed for mechanical cleaning and polishing floors with water only. The pads can be used on concrete, stone, terrazzo and resilient floors. Ashine produces 100,000 pads every month, with 95 per cent of production exported overseas.

burnish, saving time and labour costs. Effective with just water, it can be used on most coated and uncoated hard floors including VCT, vinyl, rubber, marble, stone, terrazzo, granite, and concrete. Scotch-Brite Clean & Shine Floor Pad lasts for a minimum of 20,000 square metres and gradually increases floor shine as it cleans.

Recycled fibres Americo has been manufacturing floor pads with 100 per cent recycled fibres for well over a decade. In 2017 it was awarded Green Seal certification for its Americo’s Full Cycle floor pad line to its Standard for Environmental Innovation. Full Cycle floor pads employ an innovative technology specially

formulated to biodegrade in a fraction of the time once discarded into a landfill, compared to conventional floor pads.

Bright pads New from Wecoline is a range of floor pads for use with just water - Bright ’n Water. They are suitable for stripping, cleaning and polishing. Designed for use on polished concrete, terrazzo, natural stone, VCT and overlays the pads come in four colours and a variety of formats, including rectangular. Depending on the extent of the soiling and the type of floor, different colours are applied during treatment. The pads are used with water on an automatic scrubber. They can also be used dry on a high speed or ultra high speed single disc machine. When the pad’s colour has disappeared, it is time to replace it.

• Les tampons de nettoyage de plancher Scotch-Brite Clean & Shine comptent parmi les produits lancés par 3M. • Les tampons diamantés EZShine de la société Ashine sont destinés au nettoyage et au polissage à l’eau seule. • Americo propose la gamme Full Cycle de tampons de nettoyage de planchers, caractérisée par une biodégradation accélérée. • Les tampons Bright ’n’ Water de Wecoline conviennent pour les revêtements en béton poli, en terrazzo et en pierre naturelle. • Unter neu vorgestellten Produkten von 3M sind die Bodenpads ScotchBrite Clean & Shine • Die Diamant-Bodenpads EZShine von Ashine wurden zum Reinigen und Polieren nur mit Wasser konzipiert. • Americo produziert die BodenpadProduktfamilie Full Cycle, die verbesserten biologischen Abbau bietet. • Die Bodenpads Bright ‘n’ Water von Wecoline sind geeignet für polierten Beton, Terrazzo und Naturstein. • Fra i nuovi prodotti lanciati dalla 3M c’è il disco per pavimenti Scotch-Brite Clean & Shine. • I dischi diamantati EZShine della Ashine sono progettati per pulire e lucidare utilizzando soltanto acqua. • La Americo produce la linea di dischi per pavimenti Full Cycle che vanta una potenziata biodegradabilità. • I dischi Bright ‘n’ Water della Wecoline sono adatti per essere utilizzati su cemento lucidato, terrazzo e pietra naturale.

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Ensuring High Hygienic and Sanitary Standards with Proper Transfer and Pumping Tubing Sustaining consumer and production line safety while upholding hygienic and sanitary standards continue to be a challenge for cleaning chemical companies and equipment manufacturers. Cleaning chemicals are harsh and the equipment’s inner parts must be selected and designed with chemical compatibility in mind. Protecting the equipment brand while considering cost effectiveness is another hurdle. How does an equipment manufacturer ensure long life in an application as challenging as cleaning chemical dispensing? Safety and hygienic measures have been implemented in equipment design but in the end it’s the cleaning chemical dispensing tubing that does most of the heavy lifting: it transports harsh chemicals from pump rooms, sometimes through walls and ceilings, to the application equipment. If the tubing fails, the resulting leak could ruin the piece of equipment or lead to more serious consequences to the human operating the tool. In real-life operations, such as hospital or hotel laundry rooms, restaurant or bar dishwashing operations or in municipal water management facilities, maintaining hygienic and sanitary standards are of the upmost importance. This plays into these end users’ rationales when considering what equipment to use to effectively perform these tasks. Since tubing plays such an integral role in chemical delivery, equipment manufacturers can safeguard the performance of their products through smart tubing selection.

The Dispensing Process

The dispensing process is often similar across different industries as it relies on transfer tubing through the entire journey. Cleaning chemicals are stored in a tank, which connect into a peristaltic pump or pumps depending on the size of the operation via transfer tubing. Through the peristaltic pump(s), the chemicals

are diluted with water and are then discharged through transfer tubing into equipment. While this may sound somewhat straightforward, there are other factors at play. Chemical compatibility, flow rate stability and dosing accuracy are critically important considerations that determine not only tubing performance but also the equipment’s service life. In large cleaning operations, chemicals may need to travel long distances which requires high pressure, another enemy of long service life. For manufacturers, long service life can help protect their brands while providing cost effectiveness to end users. Challenges don’t end there. While tubing must be resistant to harsh chemicals and high pressure, it also needs to be flexible enough to be installed in equipment that may be small or be unusually shaped. Solutions must be crafted to address all of these items, while also considering hygienic and safety standards around the world.

Tailored Tubing Solutions

Using industry knowledge and expertise, Saint-Gobain has designed a line of products that not only meet these criteria but focus on optimized performance and long service line. For peristaltic pump tubing operations, Tygon® Chemical, Tygon® A-60-G, and Tygon® A-60-F offer excellent peristaltic pumping performance and chemical compatibility and flexibility which extends the service life of the tubing and reduces the risk of downtime due to tubing failure. The UV and ozone resistant feature of A-60-G will also not weaken or crack after years of exposure to heat and ozone, providing longer peristaltic pump life in industrial and institutional cleaning-chemical dispensing applications. As for transfer tubing, Tygon® 2375C, Tygon® 2375 C I.B. offer superior chemical resistance, allowing the transportation of harsh chemicals required for certain cleaning applications. Tygon®2375 C I.B. was designed with high pressure applications in mind and its robust, polyester braid reinforcement construction ensures a full vacuum rating, ideal for the suction/delivery side of any chemical transfer.

Finally, both options were designed to be clear and highly flexible without the use of plasticizers, making this tubing environmentally friendly and facilitating safe disposal. For equipment manufacturers whose end users prefers consistent dosing stability over other performance criteria, another option is Versilon™ SPX-50, which was created for use in applications where consistent flow stability is the most critical requirement. Produced from a proprietary combination of silicone elastomers, this flexible tubing optimizes critical physical properties such as tensile strength elongation and compression set, resulting in excellent dosing stability compared to other materials.

Our Commitment to Safety and the Environment

Saint-Gobain shares the responsibility to build a better, safer environment for society. Our commitment to our partners is not only limited to excellent service, technical support or high performance but also to finding solutions that fit customers’ needs and sustainability. As a codevelopment partner, our team of experts can help you find a solution for your specific needs and build a better product for all in the process. Lily Lei is the Global Marketing Manager for Chemical and Small Engine Industries. Mayte Alvarenga is a Marketing Specialist. About Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics SGPPL is headquartered in Solon, Ohio, and employs 6,000 people in 22 countries. It is a world leader in highperformance plastics, including flexible tubing, seals, coated fabrics, foams, window film, barrier/release films, tapes, medical components, fluid handling systems and bearings.

INTERVIEW With 45 independent members distributing cleaning and hygiene and catering products, the Jangro Group has gone from strength to strength in recent years. It is now one of the most influential networks of suppliers serving the UK and Ireland markets. From its head office in the north of England the central team handles day to day functions, from purchasing and national contracts to accounts and marketing. Jangro has full control of its product branding and offers four distinct ranges to suit every budget and preference. Heading up the business is Joanne Gilliard, who was appointed ceo in January 2018 after having joined the company in 2002 as operations director. Her commitment and passion are leading the group’s continuous innovation in customer service, technology and sustainable practice. How would she describe the current state of the market? “This is a fairly resilient market, especially in our arena as cleaning is a necessity, not a choice. Hospitals and healthcare facilities must be kept clean and hygienic, and employers have a health and safety responsibility to ensure their employees are working in non-hazardous environments.” High cleaning standards are now more in demand that ever before, Gilliard says, and there is much better recognition of professional cleaning. “Legislation is a driver of course, together with compliance, however we are also seeing so many areas of business – hospitality, health, retail – recognising the value of cleanliness to their success.”

Uncertainty challenging Gilliard feels the most challenging aspect of the business right now is uncertainty. “Many factors play a part here,” she explains. “And we must be able to adapt to situations like economic difficulties and market forces. Brexit is the next major event we really know very little about, however the fall of the British pound and price increases are putting pressure on businesses already. For us collaboration with suppliers to secure prices ahead of the UK leaving the EU is key. “I think we will also continue to see more mergers and buyouts, both horizontal and vertical (for example Diversey and Zenith Hygiene), and that will result in a shrinking but ultimately more stable market. Which means businesses must be capable of change in order to seize opportunities presented and mitigate threats.” Online retailers such as Amazon are now entering the professional cleaning supplies space, however Gilliard does not view this as a significant problem. “They are making headway but they represent

little threat to us at present,” she says. “Any online vendor selling professional products that could be accessed by domestic users has to be careful - goods sold by commercial janitorial suppliers are for professional use only and could be hazardous in domestic situations. Manufacturers are reminding their customers they will take no responsibility if distributors sell online into the wrong hands.” The key advantage a professional cleaning supplies distributor offers over one of the large online retailers, or any competitor selling products at low prices, is service and that leads to Joanne Gilliard is chief executive officer (ceo) of strong relationJangro, one of the largest cleaning and hygiene ships with clients. “Relationships in products distribution groups in the UK and Ireland. general are key in She speaks exclusively to ECJ editor Michelle the distribution Marshall about the challenges and opportunities business,” adds facing suppliers, and how this part of the cleaning Gilliard, “whether sector is moving forward to safeguard its future. that’s with clients, with manufacturers or with our Jangro members”. usage guides while guaranteeing the vital supply of products at a local level. “As far as client relationships are conJangro, for example, offers free online cerned, supplying products is all about the training via its Learning Management value-added. We are not selling products, Solution (LMS) to cleaning operatives we are all about service – collaboration and sub-contractors, which comes with and listening to our customers. Today’s certificates when completed. “The course customers expect us to provide the full covers cleaning techniques, health and package and to help them raise standsafety – in fact everything an operation ards in their own businesses. They want in the professional cleaning sector might continuous innovation from us. Our teams need to make sure their cleaning staff are meet regularly to discuss ways to enable compliant with legislation,” explains Gilour members to be more effective, more liard. “Our wall charts and product usage competitive and more focused.” guides are also on hand when cleaners A good distributor, Gilliard believes, require guidance on dilutions and how to takes ownership of the cleaning operaclean certain areas.” tion so its customers can focus on running Other tools used by the group include their own core business, which could be QR codes that link to pictogram-led contract cleaners, education establishproduct usage guides, health and safety ments, nursing homes, hospitality, for information, safety data sheets etc. “We example. That means offering valuable


tools such as training, compliance and

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INTERVIEW Future-proofing (continued) also have our ‘Site Management’ tool, which automatically recognises products ordered and forwards the customer all the relevant health and safety data which includes the safety data sheets, the COSHH risk assessments and product usages guides. This ensures customers know they are compliant,” adds Gilliard. So technology is a key area of investment within the business, and that will continue. “New technology will play an increasingly important part in both product development and service delivery,” she continues. “As a business it has always been high on our list of priorities – from apps that can help lone workers to training and productivity software that can optimise efficiency, accountability and work quality. We have more projects to come!” Sustainability and issues around the environment have been at the forefront for a

number of years already, however there is still much work to be done. “There is now the renewed focus on plastics for example,” Gilliard says, “so suppliers will have to keep innovating to offer high quality, more environmentally conscious packaging, without undue price increases. “I do believe collaboration will feature more throughout the supply chain from product development to disposal. We all need to take more responsibility for what is consumed and how it is delivered and controlled – more focus on the ‘full cycle’ to ensure truly sustainable products are indeed deliverable. “It’s true we have already come a long way. For example when we first started Jangro everything was boxed – paper towels, etc. Now products are often shrinkwrapped but our customers no longer want to deal with either boxes or plastic

ECJ s’entretient en exclusivité avec Joanne Gilliard, directrice générale du groupe Jangro de commerces de distribution de produits de nettoyage et d’hygiène. Elle parle des principales tendances actuelles de ce secteur et du rôle à attendre de la technologie pour le développement de produits et la prestation de services.

Das ECJ führt ein exklusives Gespräch mit Joanne Gilliard, Chief Executive Officer der Jangro-Gruppe mit Unternehmen im Bereich des Vertriebs von Reinigungs- und Hygieneprodukten. Sie geht auf wichtige Trends ein, die sich auf den Sektor auswirken, und erläutert, in welcher Weise Technologie eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Produktentwicklung und Serviceerbringung spielen wird.

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waste. Packaging is a serious challenge across the business.” Now that she has settled well into the role of ceo, Gilliard is interested in broadening the reach of Jangro outside of the UK and is currently investigating the possibility of partnerships with similar businesses in other European countries. This would enable the company to service the increasing number of international clients requiring goods and services not purely on a national basis. “I feel that as a business we are very good at listening to our customers and to our suppliers and I am confident the Jangro network will continue to grow”, she concludes. “I feel lucky to have been involved in the cleaning industry for over 30 years and becoming ceo of Jangro, for such a great network of distributors is a great honour”. ECJ intervista in esclusiva Joanne Gilliard, direttore generale di Jangro, gruppo di imprese di distribuzione di prodotti di pulizia e di igiene. Joanne Gilliard parla delle tendenze principali che interessano il settore e spiega come la tecnologia avrà un ruolo rilevante nello sviluppo dei prodotti e nella fornitura dei servizi.


Carpet cleaning conundrums Cleaning a carpet can be fraught with difficulties - but what are the hardest tasks facing today’s carpet care experts and why?

Carpet cleaning is one of the most complex tasks in the industry. The types of substances that are likely to end up on a soft floor vary tremendously: carpet care experts may have to remove the residue from sticky drinks, sweets, chewing gum, urine, paint, jam, ink and vomit in a single day. How they go about this will depend on the type of carpet fibres they are dealing with since these can differ hugely. The age and wear of the carpet will also impact on the chosen solution. And then there is the further challenge of the type of facility in question. Does the difficulty of the task depend on the environment? Is it a particular challenge to clean the carpets of a cinema, school or care home, for example? In what circumstances can noisy extraction machinery be used without having a negative impact on the people using the building? And in which types of locations will carpet cleaning need to be carried out swiftly so that the area is back in use as quickly as possible?

Location critical These are all huge questions according to Legend Brands Europe director of sales Richard Sudall. “The location is critical and the challenges involved vary based on many, many factors,” he said. “The key lies in achieving an acceptable result that

is cost-effective for the client while also providing profit for the contractor.” The location of the carpet can have a significant impact on the cleaning challenge, he says. “For example, you may need to deal with substances such as sticky drink spills in cinemas, urine in nursing homes and chewing gum in schools - all of which require different skill sets,” said Sudall. “Our customers tell us that unsightly stains are today’s biggest carpet care challenge. It doesn’t matter how clean a carpet looks in general: any visible stain will give the perception that it is soiled and that the contractor has failed. And this is the case even if the contamination that caused the stain has been removed and all that remains is a dye.”

New fibres A good spot and stain removal kit is vital, he says. Legend Brand Europe’s own Spot and Stain Kit includes seven products for removing substances such as rust, paint, gum, tar, fruit juice, sports drinks and permanent marker. Carpet cleaners often find it a challenge when new types of carpet are introduced to the market, says Sudall. “When new fibres are developed their maintenance is not always considered,” he said. “For example, carpets made from paper are not great news for carpet cleaners. “With the correct training and the right products it is possible to cope with any carpet cleaning task. But it’s a competitive business and ‘coping’ isn’t always the best way to build repeat and referral sales.” He believes the key to optimum carpet cleaning is to become an expert and gain the right skills to solve customers’ specific problems. “This enables a company to differentiate its offering,” he said. “It is crucial to investigate new developments in carpet stain removal and to hone the skills of your technicians while also managing your customers’ expectations. And carpet care companies should develop their customers’ first aid response to spills with the

aim of reducing the risk of a simple spill becoming a permanent stain.” Part of Legend Brands Europe, Chemspec conducted the first Carpet Appearance Management training course in the UK in 1988, according to Sudall. “Keeping a carpet clean is much more cost-effective than restoring it only after people have begun to complain how bad it looks or smells,” he said. “Textiles act like filters and trap soil very effectively. But if you clean that filter regularly you will improve the indoor environment and prolong the life of your carpet investment.” Legend Brands Europe has recently introduced a urine treatment that tackles odour and staining in one. Un-Duz-It Unleashed combines oxidisers with enzymes and odour encapsulants to remove urine odours and stains. The environment in which a carpet has been laid makes a significant difference to the cleaning challenge according to Kärcher product manager Cassio Murillo. “Heavy traffic in areas such as hotel receptions and schools tend to result in a ‘grey lane carpet’,” he said. “This is where the light reflects at different angles rather than in a uniform way as a result of scratches or fibre distortions due to wear.

Constant challenge “When cleaning a hotel, too, it is a constant challenge to provide a clean and safe environment while guests are busy enjoying the amenities. You need to be conscious not to disturb their experience.” Even everyday levels of foot traffic will cause a carpet pile to flatten slightly and result in a shaded effect - particularly in a plush carpet, he said. He claims vacuuming the pile in the same direction can temporarily correct this situation. Other challenges include hard-to-remove stains, cleaning residue caused by over-shampooing and the maintenance of traffic lanes with high levels of soil. A well-planned maintenance regime is key if customers are to avoid the issue of accumulated soil permanently damaging Continued page 60

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CARPET CARE Carpet cleaning conundrums (continued) the fibres, he says. “If a carpet is properly cleaned and maintained it will last twice as long,” says Murillo. “Efficient carpet cleaning machines and detergents will treat the toughest of stains and the heaviest of soiling while protecting and maintaining the life of the fibres and the carpet.” New from Kärcher is the BRC 40/22 C deep carpet cleaning machine which is said to be extremely manoeuvrable since the head rotates 200 degrees to both sides. This enables the machine to easily navigate obstacles and reduces cleaning time by up to 30 per cent, according to Murillo. Unlike Sudall he believes the type of carpet concerned to have little relevance on the level of the cleaning challenge. “Efficient carpet cleaning machines and detergents are designed to deliver great performance on carpet materials such as nylon, olefin, polyester, smartstrand and wool,” he said. “The right tools – namely, efficient machines and detergents – will handle the toughest cleaning conditions and deliver a satisfactory result.”

Traffic levels The amount of traffic a carpet receives has more bearing on the cleaning challenge than the type of facility concerned, claims Prochem’s advertising and marketing manager Peta Tilley. “High traffic areas always need more attention and pre-spraying is essential,” she said. “It will also take longer to clean or restore a heavily used carpet depending on how deeply soiled it is.” High levels of soil is the biggest issue in high-traffic environments, she says. “Many companies expect their ‘expensive’ carpet cleaning machine to do the job and are confused and disappointed when it doesn’t perform as they expect – perhaps because the carpet dries with a patchy result or resoils quickly,” she said. New fibre technology can also cause issues - particularly at the higher end of the market, she says. “For example there are advances in vegetable waste fibres where the carpets concerned need to be drycleaned only,” she said. According to Tilley, the biggest carpet care issues are unidentified stains, heavily soiled or mistreated carpets and custom-

Salissures incrustées, taches tenaces, traitement de textiles délicats ou anciens - tels sont certains des défis auxquels les experts du soin des tapis sont confrontés quotidiennement. Nous interrogeons des fabricants sur les principaux problèmes qu’ils rencontrent dans le domaine du soin des tapis et les solutions qu’ils proposent.

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ers who try to remove the stains themselves before seeking professional help. “It is important to identify the type of carpet and then find out as much as possible about the stain before trying to remove it,” she said. “Training can improve operators’ skills when dealing with specialised tasks such as new textile technology and antique rugs. “It is also important to manage the customer’s expectations. They need to be advised that certain stains may only come out when cleaned professionally – and this will involve extra time and specialist products.” Prochem offers free workshops on carpet cleaning techniques and stain removal methods. Tilley believes it is possible to cope with any carpet cleaning task given the right tools. “The cleaning is in the chemistry,” she said. “Spotters and detergents ‘release the grease’ which makes the machine’s task easier.” The company’s own Prochem Powermate 1200 is described as a lightweight, easy-to-manoeuvre extraction machine with self-levelling cylindrical 2500 rpm brush, 12 inch vacuum head and 25 feet power cable. “Using the right equipment is a major move forward, but a more practical tool lies in optimum training and structure to ensure the operator understands the process of cleaning,” says Tilley. “Quite often the client thinks a clean once or twice a year will be sufficient and they will budget accordingly. But if it is explained to them that a maintenance programme will keep carpets cleaner for longer while often reducing costs, they are more likely to adopt it. You need to set the expectation levels, carry out a survey and explain the processes involved.”

Intense deep clean The wide range of carpets used in facilities today can pose a major cleaning challenge says Jen Chapman, assistant product manager at carpet cleaning franchise Guardsman. “Most carpet cleaners provide a quote without knowing the fibre type,” she said. “But the deeper, shaggier types of carpet collect more dirt and debris and require a more intense deep clean to remove all

Tief sitzender Schmutz, schwer zu entfernende Flecken und mit empfindlichen oder antiken Textilien arbeiten – dies sind nur einige der Herausforderungen, mit denen sich Teppichpflegeexperten täglich konfrontiert sehen. Wir befragen Hersteller, was ihnen im Bereich Teppichpflege das größte Kopfzerbrechen bereitet und wie sie damit umgehen.

the allergens.” She adds that newer carpets are generally easier to clean. “Many carpets nowadays come with a protection preapplied which allows customers to be a lot tougher on cleaning if they do get a stain,” she explained. The type of environment and the nature of the soiling makes little difference to the carpet cleaner, according to Chapman. “The real challenges are logistical - the opening times of a facility, the level of access for cleaning equipment and how heavily the carpets are soiled. “Different types of stain require different actions. Our franchisees use the most appropriate product for each stain rather than one harsh chemical cleaner, and each product we use contains enzymes or proteins that can fight that particular type of staining, such as a protein spotter for baby milk stains for example. “While it is possible to treat stains with harsh chemicals these may cause damage to the carpet by bleaching the colour or changing the texture of the fibre. And they can be harmful if not properly neutralised.” Guardsman’s own Safeclean process involves the use of chemicals which are then extracted with water to provide a neutral surface. However Chapman believes that the optimum carpet cleaning tools extend beyond simply the right equipment and products. “More than anything the job requires the right level of knowledge to enable the operator to identify different fibre types and ascertain how these will react to stains,” she said. “Carpet cleaners also need to be able to identify the stain and understand how the chemical products used will react with each other. “And another important tool in carpet cleaning is honesty. The operator needs to make an honest and informed judgement about what can be achieved before any cleaning takes place.”

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Lo sporco radicato in profondità, le macchie difficili da rimuovere e lavorare su oggetti delicati o stoffe antiche – queste sono solo alcune delle sfide che gli esperti della cura delle moquette devono affrontare ogni giorno. Chiediamo ai produttori quali sono le difficoltà maggiori che devono affrontare nell’ambito della cura delle moquette e come le fronteggiano.


Aftercare CarpetPro Conditioner RM 763 and CarpetPro Protector RM 762 from Kärcher are used mainly after deep cleaning to give the fibres long-lasting protection and maintain their appearance.

With CarpetPro Conditioner RM 763, just one rinse is enough to wash out detergent residues left in the carpet after deep cleaning. It is particularly suitable after using highly alkaline cleaners on sensitive fibres which could lose their natural quality and colour. CarpetPro Protector RM 762 is applied after deep cleaning to the moist textile covering,

providing a protective layer over the fibres and preventing dirt from sticking to them. This, says Kärcher, means cleaning is required less often.

gee for better results on hard floors. High filtration is provided by the HEPA 13 media bag.

Self contained

Cordless vac Designed to clean quietly and productively is the Valet Battery Upright (VBU) from Truvox International. This cordless machine uses lithium ion battery technology and boasts over 60 minutes continuous runtime. Suitable for daytime cleaning, the VBU weighs five kg and incorporates a carry handle for easy transport between jobs. Other features include a battery level indicator, fast recharge, self-adjusting nozzle and squee-

New from Viper is the CEX410, a self contained silent carpet extractor. For fast drying time there is a powerful vacuum and there are large capacity tanks 35 litres recovery and 23 litres solution tank. The ergonomic handle can be adjusted, there is a foot operated parking stand for brush protection, maintenance is tool-free and a range of manual upholstery and floor tools are available.

• La gramme Kärcher de produits d’entretien de tapis CarpetPro comprend un conditionneur et un protecteur. • L’aspirateur-balai Valet, de Truvox International, est alimenté par une 44V batterie au lithium ion à autonomie de 60 minutes. • Le Viper CEX410 est un nouvel extracteur autonome pour tapis, proposé par Viper Cleaning.

• Die Produktreihe CarpetPro mit Pflegeprodukten von Kärcher beinhaltet eine Spülung und eine Imprägnierung. •Der Valet Battery Upright von Truvox International wird mit einem 44-V-Lithiumionenakku betrieben, der eine Betriebsdauer von 60 Minuten bietet. • Viper CEX410 ist ein neuer eigenständiger, leiser Waschsauger von Viper Cleaning.

• La gamma di prodotti di manutenzione CarpetPro della Kärcher include un prodotto ammorbidente e di protezione. • La macchina Valet Battery Upright della Truvox International è alimentata da una batteria agli ioni di litio 44V con 60 minuti di autonomia. • Viper CEX410 è un nuovo estrattore silenzioso e autonomo per la pulizia delle moquette prodotto dalla Viper Cleaning.

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• Le nettoyeur de tapis CleanTec HiLo 15 de Numatic peut s’utiliser sur des surfaces souillées à des degrés élevés ou moindres. • Carpet Cleaner a installé un pulvérisateur sur ses machines à brosses contre-rotatives PRO35 et PRO45. • L’appareil de nettoyage à pulvérisation-extraction SE7 de Sprintus comporte un réservoir anti-moussant distinct. • Der Teppichreiniger CleanTec Hi-Lo 15 von Numatic kann sowohl in stark als auch in weniger verschmutzten Bereichen eingesetzt werden. • Carpet Cleaner hat den Reinigungsgeräten mit gegenläufigen Bürsten PRO35 und PRO45 ein integriertes Sprühgerät hinzugefügt. • Das Sprüh-Extraktionsgerät SE7 von Sprintus verfügt über einen separaten Entschäumertank. • La lava moquette CleanTec Hi-Lo 15 della Numatic può essere utilizzata per aree molto sporche o solo moderatamente sporche. • La Carpet Cleaner ha dotato le sue macchine a spazzole contro-rotanti PRO35 e PRO45 di uno spray a bordo. • Il dispositivo di estrazione a spruzzo SE7 della Sprintus è dotato di un serbatoio separato anti schiuma.

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Minimum effort Numatic says its CleanTec Hi-Lo 15 carpet machine has been designed for quick and effective cleaning with the minimum of preparation and effort. The company has incorporated its TwinFlo carpet vacuum extraction system with its dual, deep clean PowerFlo pump injection unit. This offers two performance levels. The Hi-Lo system allows users to select Hi pressure (60 psi) TriJet performance for heavily soiled areas and Lo pressure (30 psi) for lesser soiled areas. This reduces carpet wetting in areas where it’s not needed.

Onboard sprayer

Separate tank The SE 7 spray extraction cleaner from Sprintus features a separate anti-foaming tank. It has four bar spraying pressure and 230 mbar suction pressure. The spray function can be turned on or off with the valve close to the handle. Fluid levels of both the 6.5-litre freshand wastewater tanks can be checked at any time through the

Carpet Cleaner Industries has introduced a custom-built onboard sprayer for its counter rotating brush machines PRO35 and PRO45. This, the company says, improves productivity. Because there is no longer the need to manually pre-spray, working time is reduced and the fact no additional sprayers are required makes the new solution more convenient. The Carpet Cleaner system comprises the machines, dry cleaning compound and a selection of liquid cleaning products.

transparent lid - both tanks are separately removable. An integrated container allows the use of anti-foaming agent while the clear nozzle allows the operator to view the surface being cleaned.


Low moisture

Whittaker’s SmartCare low moisture carpet cleaning system comprises encapsulation portion controlled chemistry with easyto-use machines that agitate and pile life carpet fibres. This, it says, makes for a deep clean with no wicking and fast dry times. To complement the 15- and 20 ins Smart Care Trio and Twin systems the company has developed 12 ins and 25 ins Trio models. Trio features three counter-rotating brushes and the smaller model is designed to manoeuvre around and under furniture. The complete system comprises the machine, two cases of Crystal Dry Extra encapsulation agent and one manual pump sprayer. For large spaces the 25 inch Smart Care Trio has a four gallon solution tank with integrated automatic sprayer. Along with the machine the package includes three cases of Crystal Dry Extra, one case of Crystal Quick Restore deep cleaning pre-spray and one case of Crystal Specialty Spotters.

Adjusts height The new Sebo Automatic XP upright vacuum cleaner has a computer controlled system that monitors performance and adjusts the brush height to the floor. This feature results in optimal performance on any type of surface from hard floors

to deep pile carpets, according to the company. Lightweight to ensure ease of use even for prolonged periods, the model has a conveniently located hose with a telescopic tube for cleaning in inaccessible areas. Machine maintenance is said to be quick and easy in order to reduce downtime and maximise productivity. The model features the company’s latest generation anti-allergy S-Class Filtration system.

Nozzle specialist Vacuum cleaner nozzle specialist Wessel-Werk offers a wide range for special carpet cleaning needs. Designed for daily cleaning with vacuum cleaners are switchable standard nozzles like the RD 297, equipped with long and wide lint pickers for removal of hair and fibres. For deeper cleaning of long pile carpets there is the TK 286 turbo nozzle which has rotating brush rollers

Pet odours Un-Duz-It Unleashed is an all-in-one formulation for the removal of pet urine odours and stains. Developed by Legend Brands Europe it combines oxidisers with enzymes and odour encapsulants and is effective on virtually any surface, including carpet. There is no need to rinse out the urine first, as Un-Duz-It has been formulated to work at the same pH. And there is no need for a second process. www.legendbrandseurope. com

Backpack vac

Tennant says its V-BP-7 backpack vacuum cleaner can be used in almost any facility thanks to its ergonomic, lightweight design, HEPA filtration and special tools. The harness distributes weight to the operator’s hips rather than the back and the machine weighs five kg. Standard are double-bend adjustable wand, carpet tool, hard floor tool, upholstery tool and crevice tool. Also in the carpet care range from Tennant is the V3e dry canister vacuum which boasts a low noise level, three-stage HEPA filtration and onboard tool storage with cord wrap.

driven by the air stream of the vacuum cleaner. All standard and turbo nozzles are aligned to EU energy label optimised machines, and Wessel-Werk has optimised their design to maximise performance of lower powered devices.

Carpet robot A start-up company in Turkey has developed a carpet cleaning robot called Mouro. Turnaco Robotik offers a machine that sweeps the carpet then disinfects it with UVC radiation and ozone. It is controlled via an app. Currently it is being used in busy mosques, where people gather for prayers five times a day and hygiene is a challenge.

Converts fast The CT15 Roller is a compact walk-behind scrubber dryer from IPC Group that can be converted quickly into a carpet cleaner with the injection/extraction carpet kit. The company also offers a line of multipurpose carpet extractors for heavy duty cleaning of both small and large size carpets. The GP 1/16 EXT, for example, is suitable for dust collection, liquid suction and deep cleaning of textile surfaces.

• S’appuyant sur sa gamme Smart Care, Whittaker est un spécialiste des systèmes de nettoyage de tapis à faible taux d’humidité. • Le dernier aspirateur-balai de Sebo est l’Automatic XP, appareil doté d’un ordinateur de commande. • Pour éliminer les odeurs et les taches d’urine d’animaux familiers sur des tapis, Legend Brands Europe a développé le produit Un-Duz-ItUnleashed. • Tennant propose deux aspirateurs à dos - les V-BP-7 et V3e. • Wessel-Werk affirme que ses buses de succion pour aspirateurs conviennent très bien pour des modèles à label UE de consommation énergétique optimale. • Turnaco a développé une machine robotique pour le nettoyage et la désinfection de tapis. • La CT15 Roller est une autolaveuse compacte sur laquelle il est possible de monter un kit d’injection/ extraction pour tapis.

• Whittaker ist auf mit wenig Wasser arbeitende Teppichreinigungssysteme spezialisiert, wie die Produktreihe Smart Care demonstriert. • Der neueste Handstaubsauger von Sebo ist der Automatic XP, der über ein computerisiertes Regelsystem verfügt. • Zum Entfernen von Gerüchen und Flecken aus Teppichen, die durch Haustierurin verursacht werden, hat Legend Brands Europe Un-Duz-It Unleashed entwickelt. • Tennant bietet zwei RückenStaubsauger – den V-BP-7 und V3e. • Laut eigenen Angaben von WesselWerk sind seine Staubsaugerdüsen ideal für Staubsauger mit EUEnergielabel. • Turnaco hat einen Roboter zur Reinigung und Desinfizierung von Teppichen entwickelt. • Bei der CT15 Roller handelt es sich um eine kompakte Scheuersaugmaschine, die mit einem Teppich-Sprühextraktionssatz ausgestattet werden kann.

• La Whittaker è specializzata in sistemi di lavaggio delle moquette a bassa umidità grazie alla sua gamma Smart Care. • Il più nuovo modello di aspirapolvere verticale della Sebo è Automatic XP dotato di un sistema di controllo computerizzato incorporato. • La Legend Brands Europe ha sviluppato il prodotto Un-Duz-It Unleashed per la eliminare gli odori e le macchie dell’urina degli animali domestici dalle moquette. • La Tennant propone due aspirapolveri dorsali, i modelli V-BP7 e V3e. • La Wessel-Werk afferma che i suoi ugelli per gli aspirapolveri sono particolarmente adatti ai modelli ottimizzati per l’etichettatura energetica UE. • La Turnaco ha sviluppato una macchina robotica per la pulizia e la disinfezione delle moquette. • CT15 Roller è una lavasciuga pavimenti compatta sulla quale può essere montato un kit per iniezione/ estrazione per le moquette.

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• Vectair Systems a lancé un écran d’urinoir à triple effet. • L’aspirateur à dos Taski Aero, à cordon d’alimentation ou batterie, est le plus récent aspirateur portable de Diversey. • Brightwell Dispensers a ajouté le distributeur de papier hygiénique Twin Micro Jumbo à sa gamme Modular. • Pour le recyclage de gobelets à café en papier et jetables, Leafield a développé la poubelle à gobelets Envirocup XL. • L’entreprises sociale ClarityThe Soap Co a lancé BECO, sa marque sœur de produits de lavage des mains respectueux de l’environnement et biodégradables. • Les nouveaux outils de nettoyage Anti-Microbial de Hill Brush sont proposés en six coloris.

• Vectair Systems hat ein dreifachwirkendes Urinalsieb vorgestellt. • Beim Rücken-Staubsauger Taski Aero handelt es sich um das neueste Modell von Diversey. Er ist in einer tragbaren Kabel- oder Akkuausführung erhältlich. • Brightwell Dispensers hat der Produktreihe Modular den Twin Micro JumboToilettenpapierrollenspender hinzugefügt. • Zum Recycling von EinwegKaffeebechern aus Papier hat Leafield den Becherbehälter Envirocup XL entwickelt. • Das Sozialunternehmen Clarity–The Soap Co. hat die Schwestermarke BEC mit biologisch abbaubarem und damit umweltbewusstem Handreiniger vorgestellt. • Die neuen Reinigungswerkzeuge Anti-Microbial von Hill Brush sind in bis zu sechs Farben erhältlich.

• La Vectair Systems ha lanciato una retina per urinatoi a tripla azione. • L’aspirapolvere dorsale Taski Aero è il modello più nuovo della Diversey, disponibile in versione portatile elettrica o a batteria. • La Brightwell Dispensers ha aggiunto alla sua gamma Modular il dispenser di carta igienica Twin Micro Jumbo. • La Leafield ha sviluppato la pattumiera Envirocup XL per i bicchieri da caffè monouso in carta. • L’impresa sociale Clarity–The Soap Co ha lanciato la sua marca consorella BEC per la produzione di sapone per le mani ecologico e biodegradabile. • I nuovi attrezzi di pulizia AntiMicrobial della Hill Brush sono disponibili fino a sei colori.

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Triple action Vectair Systems has launched a triple action urinal screen that incorporates dual fragrance delivery, an active ‘enzyme protected’ central core and what it claims to be the ultimate defence against splash back.

The lithium model can be configured in multiples of 30 minutes, so has limitless autonomy says Diversey, while the electric version has A-rated energy classification.

Twin jumbo Brightwell Dispensers has added the Twin Micro Jumbo toilet roll dispenser to its Modular range. The new unit has a secure lock and easy-to-use sliding mechanism said to ensure the second toilet roll will only be used once the first one has been used up.

P-Screen first addresses fragrance fatigue, the common experience of losing sensitivity to an odour from over exposure, by providing powerful fragrance in two areas – the screen itself and the central core. Dual fragrance is continually released for up to 60 days Secondly, its active central core provides enzyme protection, containing naturally occurring bacteria that degrades organic matter, eliminating bad smells. The ability to prevent splash back comes from P-Screen’s design combination of bubbles and bristles.

Backpack launch New in Diversey’s TASKI Aero range of machines is the Aero BP backpack vacuum cleaner which can be used as a backpack vacuum, tub vac and blower. Applications include busy entrances, congested areas and public transport, as this model can be used in areas difficult to access by conventional machines. The TASKI Aero BP boasts an ultra-slim profile and high quality rucksack material for optimum comfort when carrying. The overall weight of the electric version is 4.7 kg, and the battery version is 5.3 kg.

Thanks to its compact design the new unit can fit even into small cubicles and the ABS plastic makes the cover easy to clean. There are two versions: a fixed cored spigot, fitting core sizes from 37 mm to 42 mm in diameter; and a rotating coreless spindle for coreless toilet rolls.

Cup recycling

500 cups can fit in a standard waste sack and 6,000 will fit into an external 1,100 litre bin which can be lifted for the same cost as previously. Dregs and waste liquid are poured into a central liquid reservoir before the cups are inserted through one of six apertures in the bin lid to become nested. Also available are Enviropods, which can be attached for the segregation of lids and sleeves.

Eco hand wash Social enterprise Clarity - The Soap Co has launched a sister brand, BECO. Produced by visually impaired, disabled or disadvantaged people the foaming hand wash is vegan, readily biodegradable, hypo-allergenic and never tested on animals. One five-litre container provides 6,250 doses, and there are also branded 400 ml and 900 ml dispensers.

Antimicrobial For use in food manufacturing and healthcare, Hillbrush has developed a new colour range of antimicrobial cleaning tools. This is designed to prevent the growth and reduce the risk of bacterial cross contamination, minimise foreign body contamination and support HACCP and 5S best practise with colourcoded segregation.

Leafield says its Envirocup XL cup bin is helping to make the recycling of single use paper coffee cups economical. The challenge is in getting users of these cups to recycle them thoughtfully and to find an economical way to collect and transport the empty cups to the recycler. And empty coffee cups are bulky. The Envirocup XL bin has an internal fitting that nests the cups in much the same way as when they were delivered new, one inside the next. This means

A key feature is Biomaster technology, a silver-ion based additive designed to inhibit bacterial growth. All plastics in the products, including the brush filaments and resin, are infused with the additive. Available in up to six colours.

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