May/June 2020

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The pan-European magazine for the professional cleaning sector





Cleaning’s essential role

A new world order?

Software and mobile solutions

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European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards postponed. Read about the new date Page 4


May/June 2020 | Vol.28, No.2



32 After COVID-19

21 Are cleaners getting smarter?

Hartley Milner asks if the pandemic could result in a more sustainable world order.

03 EFCI News

Is the industry keeping pace with latest smart technology?

28 User-friendly chemicals In an ideal world, all cleaning chemicals would be easy to use, but is it vital?

12 European reports

34 Containing E.coli spread Hand hygiene is crucial in preventing the spread of a certain strain of E.coli.

39 Product review

37 Floored by polishing Is floor polishing a highly specialised task, or can anyone do it?

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Editor Michelle Marshall Features Writer Ann Laffeaty Advertisement director Chris Godman Advertisement sales executive Laura Bell

Circulation Marie Payne

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European Cleaning Journal is published six times a year by Criterion Publishing Ltd. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in European Cleaning, Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. Copyright for all material published in European Cleaning remains with Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents.

ISSN 0968-901X ©Criterion Publishing 2020

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Latest News & Events from ECJ

Cleaning sector is key in Europe’s recovery phase, says EFCI The role of the cleaning and facility service sector has been well recognised during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, Isabel Yglesias at EFCI explains, the industry has a crucial role to play in Europe’s continuing recovery. While European governments start to design a gradual phasing out of COVID-19 containment measures, the EFCI welcomed the general acknowledgment of the cleaning and facility services sector’s crucial role in the maintenance of hygiene and cleanliness to contain the virus. From recognition in relevant addresses by prime ministers and presidents to the special Easter blessing of Pope Francis, the cover of the New Yorker Magazine and Google Doodles, cleaners have been praised among those “who without any doubt are in these very days writing the decisive events of our time”. At EU level, on April 15 the European Commission and Council presented a Joint European Roadmap towards lifting COVID-19 containment measures, providing common recommendations for European and national authorities. The document importantly underlines that cleaning and disinfection operations will be crucial in the implementation of Europe’s exit strategies. The different governmental instructions and legislative measures for reopening contain similar recommendations: cleaning, hygiene, disinfection and sanitisation are therefore at the very centre of the pathway to the “new normal”. Cleaning and facility services companies are ready to take on the challenge of ensuring the necessary operations for

the reopening of buildings and facilities. Nevertheless, they need the active support of European and national authorities to make it possible. Early May 2020, EFCI members estimated that companies have lost an average 50 per cent of turnover during lockdowns; while some have been able to compensate their loss of income with the increased demand from the health sector, most of our companies saw their activities temporarily reduced and activated short time work measures. Moreover, additional costs have appeared: personal protective equipment (PPE), training, products. In the long run, most companies might experience serious obstacles to their business continuity if not adequately supported by public authorities. Besides, the scarcity and impact on costs of PPE is still pressing. While the safety of cleaning agents is a priority for companies, they continue to face considerable challenges to access supplies. The sector needs support to continue providing its essential services. Supporting cleaning companies is key to ensure they can continue playing their key role in the fight against the pandemic. Indeed, a flexible approach needs to be implemented regarding temporary employment measures: a gradual reopening implies gradual increase of requests by clients, and while cleaning companies need to be ready to face such demands, cleaning agents need to be supported until ready to return to work. A sectoral approach, analysing the consequences of the containment measures in the different economic

Tout au long de l’épidémie mondiale du covid-19 , le secteur des services de propreté et d’installation s’est trouvé à l’avant-garde des efforts déployés pour y faire face. Isabel Yglesias, collaboratrice de l’EFCI, fait rapport sur les activités de cette organisation, qui représente le secteur au niveau de l’UE.

ecosystems is needed. Further, fast, non-burdensome access to liquidity is necessary to balance the strain caused by the closures. By direct or indirect legislative measures or government decisions, cleaning services have already been granted ‘essential’ status in many member states (including Italy, France, Belgium, Spain and Ireland). It is urgent that other countries and the European Commission itself follow the same path, recognising cleaning, disinfection and sanitisation operations as essential activities and cleaning agents as key workers. The cleaning sector will be strategic not only to Europe’s recovery but as essential as ever to our

societies and economies also beyond the crisis. Against this background, national associations as well as the EFCI have been tirelessly advocating for the industry’s needs and recommendations in order to ensure the specific needs of the cleaning sector are taken into account and acted upon at national and European level. Among others, the EFCI has been at work to map, analyse and convey the sectors’ urgent needs. Our initiatives have been supported by the ‘In Good Hands’ campaign on social media, which has been resonating in different countries. The role and impact of joint action is therefore becoming increasingly important at all levels.

EVENTS September 23-25

November 17-19

Cleaning Show Romania

Clean Expo Pulire

Bucharest, Romania

Moscow, Russia

October 13-14

January 7-10 2021

Forum Pulire

Global Clean Expo

Milan, Italy

Istanbul, Turkey

October 14-15

March 16-18 2021

Budapest Cleaning Show

The Cleaning Show

Budapest, Hungary

London, UK

October 26-29

May 18-20 2021

ISSA North America


Chicago, USA

Verona, Italy

November 3-6

September 21-24 2021

Interclean Amsterdam


Amsterdam, Netherlands

Berlin, Germany

November 10-12

November 4 2021

Middle East Cleaning Tech Week

European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards

Dubai, UAE

Brussels, Belgium

To have your event included in the Events section, contact ECJ via email at:

Während des beispiellosen weltweiten Ausbruchs von Covid-19 hat die Reinigungs- und Facility-ManagementBranche bei der Bekämpfung der Krankheit eine führende Rolle eingenommen. Die bei der EFCI tätige Isabel Yglesias berichtet über die Aktivitäten der Organisation, die die Branche auf EU-Ebene repräsentiert.

Durante l’epidemia senza precedenti di Covid-19 diffusa in tutto il mondo, il settore delle pulizia e dei servizi alle strutture è stato in prima linea negli sforzi per affrontare il contagio. Dall’ EFCI, Isabel Yglesias ci informa sulle loro attività come organizzazione che rappresenta il settore a livelli di Unione Europea.

May/June 2020 | ECJ | 3


European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards postponed to 2021 across the cleaning and hygiene sector continue to face challenging times, as they adapt to living and working alongside the COVID-19 crisis, we have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s event in Brussels to protect the health of our supporters.

“Let’s celebrate next year” European Cleaning Journal (ECJ), founder and host of the European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards has announced that this year’s event in Brussels will be postponed until 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fifth annual event, which celebrates the cleaning and hygiene sector across Europe,

was due to take place on November 5 at Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels. However, as COVID-19 continues to affect people and businesses across the globe, the event has now been cancelled, returning to the same venue on November 4 2021. ECJ editor Michelle Marshall said: “As many of our colleagues

Prévus en novembre à Bruxelles, les Prix européens de propreté et d’hygiène ont été reportés à 2021 en raison de la pandémie du covid-19.

4 | May/June 2020 | ECJ

“Many of our sponsors and supporters are working tirelessly on the frontline, delivering vital services to keep our communities clean and safe during these unprecedented times. Whilst we are keen to give these workers the recognition they deserve, we must ensure their safety comes first,

Die European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards, die im November in Brüssel stattfinden sollten, wurden aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie auf 2021 verschoben.

therefore we feel that hosting a large scale event this year is not the right thing to do. “We would like to thank our sponsors, media partners and entrants for their support to date and look forward to celebrating the industry’s outstanding efforts when the event returns to Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels in November 2021.” The European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards are organised by ECJ and Environment Media Group. You can follow the awards on Twitter @ECH_Awards for further updates. • The profiles of the 2019 award winners will continue in the next edition of ECJ.

L’evento European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards, che si sarebbe dovuto tenere a novembre a Bruxelles, è stato posticipato al 2021 a causa della pandemia di Covid-19.


Amsterdam Innovation Award 2020 category winners announced The four category winners of the Amsterdam Innovation Award 2020 were announced in an online ceremony on the day Interclean Amsterdam had been due to open on May 12. The exhibition has been postponed to November because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Machines, accessories and components - LeoBot by LionsBot. This family of floor cleaning robots is capable of performing a range of tasks. The socialised robot is able to build a relationship with human cleaners through continuous interaction with the environment. This way, LeoBot elevates the cleaners’ status and motivation, helping them to take pride in their job.

The robot brings cleaning out into the public domain. The other finalists were Whiz by ICE and Softbank Robotics, and ERA PRO from Sprintus. Equipment, detergents and washroom - VacuTronic by Hermes. The VacuTronic aids every area of façade cleaning, while the wastewater created by this process. An affordable, easy-to-use system with many applications, Hermes’s wastewater collection tool can be used for all types of façade cleaning. It is a practical solution to a widespread problem; protecting the environment by preventing contaminated water from seeping into the ground.

Les gagnants des quatre catégories de l’Amsterdam Innovation Award de cette année ont été annoncés par les organisateurs lors d’une cérémonie en ligne. Le gagnant global sera annoncé en novembre au cours du salon Interclean Amsteram.

The other finalists were Zero Waste Cleaning: Reduce + Reuse + Recycle by green care Professional and TWT Solar System by TWT. E-Cleaning - ToolSense IOT & ToolSense NOW by ToolSense. ToolSense aims to eliminate sub-optimal machine use and failure through the digitisation of cleaning processes at a fraction of the cost of other systems. It can be used with any brand of cleaning machine and operates across all manufacturers’ products. The system is easy to apply to both large and small cleaning machines and is accessible to all cleaning operations. The other finalists were TASKI

Die Gewinner der vier Kategorien der diesjährigen Amsterdam Innovation Awards wurden vor Kurzem von den Organisatoren der Interclean im Rahmen einer OnlineZeremonie bekannt gegeben. Der Gesamtgewinner wird bei der Interclean Amsterdam im November bekannt gegeben.

IntelliTrail Analytics by TASKI, Diversey and TORK Digital Cleaning Plans by Essity. Related Products/Services Tork Virtual Reality Clean Hands Training by Tork (Essity). An interactive hand hygiene training simulation, Tork Virtual Reality Clean Hands Training puts users in the role of a nurse or physician - gaining feedback on their hand hygiene compliance. The accessibility of ensuring ongoing training on-site in order to improve standards is a benefit. The other finalists were Recycle Factory by Spectro and Kärcher’s Battery Universe. The overall winner will be announced during the live exhibition from November 3-6.

Le quattro categorie vincitrici del premio Amsterdam Innovation Award di quest’anno sono state annunciate dagli organizzatori di Interclean durante una cerimonia online. Il vincitore assoluto verrà annunciato durante la Interclean Amsterdam questo novembre.

InnuScience’s biotechnology delivers deep cleaning performance key in the fight against viruses.

May/June 2020 | ECJ | 5


BCC worried by UK government immigration proposals The British Cleaning Council (BCC) has said it is “very worried and concerned” about the “huge” possible impact of UK government proposals to introduce an Australian-style points-based immigration system from 2021. The BCC, the industry body for the cleaning sector, fears plans to restrict visas for lower-skilled, lower-paid overseas workers will cause serious labour shortages in the cleaning sector, which is worth €59.4 billion and employs 914,000 people. BCC research released last year showed cleaning sector workers tend to have lower levels of qualifications, with migrants making up 19 per cent of the

workforce and average pay at €10 per hour. The research, which was conducted well before the immigration rule changes were proposed, predicted that 93,000 new cleaning jobs would be created by 2024. Paul Thrupp, BCC chairman said: “We are very worried and concerned by the huge impact these proposals will have on the sector, if they are introduced. “It was expected to thrive over the next few years, creating thousands of jobs. “Instead, these proposals would strangle our industry by cutting off easy access to the lower skilled, lower paid, overseas workers we rely on.

Le British Cleaning Council (BCC) s’est déclaré « très inquiet et préoccupé » par les impacts possiblement « énormes » de propositions du gouvernement britannque pour introduire un système d’immigration fondé sur un système de points.

6 | May/June 2020 | ECJ

“Health and safety will suffer through lower hygiene standards, because cleaners have a vital role in all sectors, including healthcare and all industries such as chemicals and manufacturing. It will hit the environment, because of the role of our colleagues in street cleaning, waste and recycling. Cleaning is also important to the success of many enterprises such as hotels and restaurants. “Cleaning businesses could shrink or close because of this labour shortage. Because of the sheer size and the number of people the sector employs, this in turn, will also affect the UK economy and damage growth. “We are calling on the

Das British Cleaning Council (BCC) teilte mit, dass es aufgrund der möglicherweise „enormen“ Auswirkungen des von der britischen Regierung vorgeschlagenen punktebasierten Einwanderungssystems „sehr besorgt und beunruhigt“ ist.

government to rethink their proposals and ensure the rules are loosened for the cleaning sector, to let in the less qualified workers we rely on.” If the new immigration system is approved by Parliament, after Brexit overseas citizens would have to reach 70 points to be able to work in the UK. Speaking English and having the offer of a skilled job with an “approved sponsor” would give them 50 points. More points would be awarded for qualifications and working in a sector with shortages. Skilled workers would generally need to be earning €30,500, though this could be lowered for specific shortage occupations.

Il British Cleaning Council (BCC) ha dichiarato di essere “molto preoccupato e allarmato” per “l’enorme” possibile impatto delle proposte del governo del Regno Unito di introdurre un sistema di immigrazione a punti.

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Vermop buys Hefter Cleantech German cleaning equipment and accessories manufacturer Vermop Salmon has completed the acquisition of machines producer Hefter Cleantech - also based in Germany. Hefter Cleantech had been declared insolvent at the end of last year and the acquisition by Vermop Salmon was completed at the beginning of March. As part of a successful restructuring programme, all sites will remain open and all jobs have been secured. The company will

continue to be led by managing director Thomas Stangl. “The acquisition of Hefter Cleantech strengthens Vermop’s ‘Power’ product segment and represents a further milestone on the journey to becoming a one-stop provider of cleaning systems. Hefter has exceptional expertise in the field of cleaning machines and is therefore the perfect complement to our product portfolio,” said Dirk Salmon, owner and ceo of Vermop Salmon.

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• Le fabricant d’équipements de nettoyage allemand Vermop Salmon a repris Hefter Cleantech, une société également allemande et active dans le même secteur. • Au Royaume-Uni, le Competition Appeal Tribunal (tribunal d’appel en matière de concurrence) a confirmé la décision de l’Autorité de la concurrence et des marchés obligeant la société Ecolab de se dessaisir de Holchem, avec laquelle elle avait récemment fusionné.

8 | May/June 2020 | ECJ

Ecolab must sell Holchem The Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) in the UK has upheld the decision by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) related to the merger between cleaning chemicals producers Ecolab and Holchem. The CMA concluded the only way of addressing the significant loss of competition as a result of the merger was to effectively block it by requiring Ecolab to sell off Holchem. Ecolab had appealed the decision. A CMA spokesperson said: “The CMA is pleased the CAT has upheld the decision to require Ecolab to sell Holchem Laboratories, after the CMA

• Der deutsche Hersteller von Reinigungssystemen VERMOP Salmon übernimmt den ebenfalls in Deutschland ansässigen Hersteller von Reinigungsmaschinen HEFTER cleantech GmbH. • Im Vereinigten Königreich hat das Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) die Entscheidung der Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) bestätigt, dass Ecolab nach der kürzlich durchgeführten Fusion Holchem abstoßen muss.

found the merger raised competition concerns in the UK cleaning chemicals industry. “The tribunal rejected all of Ecolab’s grounds of challenge and upheld the CMA’s findings in its final report. The judgement confirms the CMA can reject an alternative remedy put forward by the parties where the CMA does not have a high degree of confidence that the remedy will be effective in addressing its competition concerns. “The judgement means Ecolab must now continue with the sale of Holchem Laboratories to a purchaser approved by the CMA without any further delay.”

• L’azienda tedesca produttrice di attrezzature per il settore delle pulizie Vermop Salmon ha acquisito l’azienda produttrice di macchine per le pulizia Hefter Cleantech, anch’essa con sede in Germania. • Nel Regno Unito, il Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) ha confermato la decisione del Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) che la Ecolab deve liquidare la Holchem dopo la loro recente fusione.


RCP publishes Europe-wide report into commercial recycling Initial findings from a study into business recycling and waste management across Europe have been published by Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) EMEA. The research is the cornerstone of the brand’s new Love Recycling initiative, which will continue to report throughout 2020. Its aim is to provide the industry with a snapshot of how businesses are dealing with their waste - and what the barriers are to even greater and better commercial recycling. The intention is to provide the stimulus to educate and improve recycling in the workplace. Whilst most of the 800+ businesses that have contributed so far report having

some recycling and waste management policies and practices in place, the research points to real opportunities for businesses to do more provided they can get the right information, education and support from government. Among the key findings are: • Nearly three-quarters (73 per cent) of businesses across Europe feel that their recycling efforts are not always successful • Over two-thirds of European businesses say poor or nonexistent processes or facilities impact how much they recycle. • Business needs more government support. Nearly 30 per cent of UK businesses feel a lack of government incentives stops them from doing more.

Rubbermaid Commercial Products EMEA a publié les constatations initiales d’une étude sur le recyclage et la gestion de déchets industriels dans toute l’Europe.

• Europe-wide 90 per cent of businesses feel the government needs to do more to encourage commercial recycling • A third of companies in Europe feel a lack of government support influences their ability to recycle more. • Sixty-four per cent of European businesses worry how much the cost of recycling more could impact their bottom line • Amongst other barriers, one in three businesses blames low levels of staff training as a barrier to greater recycling success. This is felt most strongly in Germany, where 39 per cent of businesses see this as an issue • But it’s not all bad news with 82 per cent of businesses

Die ersten Ergebnisse einer Studie der Recycling- und Abfallentsorgung von Unternehmen in ganz Europa wurden von Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) EMEA veröffentlicht.

feeling that recycling will become an area of greater focus for them in the next few years Paul Jakeway, head of marketing for EMEA at Rubbermaid Commercial Products said: “Businesses across Europe in every sector are already recycling, and most state they either want to or are planning to do more to improve. “But it’s clear there is a lot more that can be done to make waste management easier and more sustainable. Our research highlights a gap in commercial recycling understanding - there is a real need for education.” ‘The Changing Face of Commercial Recycling in Europe’ is now available as a download from

Sono stati pubblicati dalla Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) EMEA i primi risultati di uno studio sulla gestione del riciclo e dello smaltimento dei rifiuti delle imprese in tutta Europa.

May/June 2020 | ECJ | 9


UK cleaning industry celebrates success at Golden Service Awards

The UK cleaning and FM sector gathered in London just before lockdown in March for the 2020 Kimberly-Clark Professional Golden Service Awards. The event is the opportunity for FM companies, contract cleaners and in-house cleaning teams to showcase excellence and awards were presented to winners across 18 categories. Here’s a list of the winners: Best Cleaned Premises, Healthcare Establishment with fewer than 250 beds: Derrycourt Cleaning Specialists for Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, Dublin. Best Cleaned Premises, Healthcare Establishment

with more than 250 beds: ISS Facility Services - Healthcare for The Calderdale Royal Hospital, Halifax. Best Cleaned Premises, Office areas below 100,000 square feet: Momentum Support for Google Valesco, Dublin. Best Cleaned Premises, Office areas between 100,000300,000 square feet: ABM UK for TfL, 14 Pier Walk, London. Best Cleaned Premises, Office areas above 300,000 square feet sponsored by Tomorrow’s Cleaning: Principle Cleaning Services in partnership with CBRE at Google UK, London. Best Cleaned Premises, Large Education Establishment:

Les délégués du secteur de la propreté et des services d’installation britanniques se sont réunis à Londres, juste avant l’ordre de confinement pour les KimberlyClark Professional Golden Service Awards 2020.

10 | May/June 2020 | ECJ

VINCI Facilities for Bradfield School, Sheffield. Best Cleaned Premises, Small Education Establishment: FES FM Ltd for Oakley Campus, Dunfermline. Best Cleaned Premises, Shopping Mall under one million square feet sponsored by Truvox: County Square Shopping Centre, Ashford, Kent. Best Cleaned Premises, Shopping Mall over one million square feet sponsored by Truvox: ABM UK for The Centre, Livingston. Best Cleaned Premises, Manufacturing Facilities sponsored by Kärcher: Andron Facilities Management for Technip FMC, Dunfermline. Best Cleaned Premises, Hospitality Award sponsored by the CHSA: Prime Clean for Spencer House, London. Environmental Awareness Award sponsored by Facilities Management Journal: Cleanology Industry Training Award sponsored by BICSc: Principle Cleaning Services - SCHOLAR. Small Cleaning Company sponsored by Cleaning Matters. Joint winners: Cleanology; Maxim

Die britische Reinigungs- und FM-Branche versammelte sich kurz vor dem Lockdown in London für die Kimberly-Clark Professional Golden Service Awards 2020.

Facilities Management. Best Innovation sponsored by InnuScience: Principle Cleaning Services and Google Drop Marking. Diversity Awareness Award: VINCI Facilities. Site Supervisor of the Year sponsored by the British Cleaning Council: Helena Costa, ABM UK, TfL, 14 Pier Walk, London. Cleaning Operative of the Year sponsored by Bunzl Cleaning & Hygiene Supplies: John Watson, Momentum Support, Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, Dublin. Stan Atkins, ceo of the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) who oversaw the judging said: ”The quality of entries this year was higher than ever and while innovation and the environment lead the agenda, three other key words sum up the evolution of the industry: Respect; Diversity and Wellbeing. “Respect - for cleaning operatives; Diversity - in employment and opportunity; and an exciting focus on wellbeing, staff welfare, and mental health.”

Il settore delle pulizie e dei servizi britannico si è radunato a Londra per la cerimonia 2020 KimberlyClark Professional Golden Service Awards poco prima dell’isolamento.

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LATEST: UK Is someone missing the point? Latest UK industry news from ECJ’s Lynn Webster. The announcement from the British government outlining new immigration rules has been met with serious concern among the sector’s associations. Under new post-Brexit rules starting next January, migrants will have to meet a number of criteria to qualify for a work visa, including specific skills and an ability to speak English. Under the new system foreign nationals applying to work in cleaning and facilities seem certain to fall well short of the 70 points required. As a short exercise in the points structure: • Offer of job by approved sponsor, 20 points • Job at appropriate skill level, 20 points • Speaks English at required level, 10 points • Salary of £20,480 (minimum) – £23,039 gives 0 points but a prerequisite for entry • London Living Wage £10.75/ hour = £22,360 pa 40 hours per week • UK Living Wage £9.30/hour = £19,344 pa 40 hours per week • National Minimum Living Wage £8.72/hour = £18,137pa 40 hours per week • Job in a shortage occupation (as designated by the MAC), 20 points Cleaning and associated roles are not classed as a shortage occupation • Education qualification: PhD in subject relevant to the job, 10 points • Education qualification: PhD in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subject relevant to the job, 20 points Neither education route would provide points for cleaning roles • Maximum points = 50 points The ruling is likely to create severe shortages in cleaning and Au Royaume-Uni, les intentions du gouvernement concernant un remaniement des règles d’immigration par suite du Brexit inquiète beaucoup le secteur de la propreté. Lynn Webster en donne des précisions.

12 | May/June 2020 | ECJ

associated job roles. Some 60 per cent of the cleaning industry workforce in London is from outside the UK with the industry as a whole with around 25 per cent foreign nationals. (ONS June 2019). This will be particularly noticeable where recruitment is already a challenge in and around the capital and similar geographical labour ‘hot spots’ with difficulties further manifested in the overall reduction in unemployment in the UK. These workers are all deemed to be low skilled so even if they were to be classified as ‘shortage occupations’ (at risk of vacancies remaining unfilled), there is significant doubt that any role would qualify as the pay, at under £20,000 on average per annum, is too low to qualify for any points. Companies are concerned that there is little time to prepare for what could be a very complex new system. This could bring huge changes in the way the UK economy works as well as being a big challenge for businesses reliant on lower-skilled migrant workers. The potential and theory of approximately eight million who are deemed to be “economically inactive” adults available for work is not a guaranteed pool of available labour. There are warnings of staff shortages and fears that there are simply not enough spare ‘UK’ workers to fill the gap these new measures will create. So as not only the UK but the entire world continues to struggle with the recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak, are those at the front end providing specialist cleaning and hygiene routines to protect society really low skilled, or less valued than someone holding a degree? Perhaps someone is missing the point?

In Großbritannien haben die jüngst verlautbarten Regierungsmitteilungen zu neuen Einwanderungsbestimmungen nach Brexit in der Reinigungsbranche Aufregung verursacht. Die ECJ-Korrespondentin Lynn Webster berichtet darüber.

Nel Regno Unito, l’annuncio recente del governo sulle nuove regole sull’immigrazione post Brexit sta causando allarme nel settore delle pulizie professionali. Ce ne parla la corrispondente di ECJ Lynn Webster.

LATEST: DENMARK Clean smarter, not harder An event on digitalisation in the cleaning sector took place just before Denmark went into lockdown. This report from ECJ’s Danish reporter Lotte Printz. All 100 attendees were welcomed personally with a handshake when RENT Digitalt (Clean Digitally or Pure Digital, in translation), a one-day conference on digitalisation in the cleaning industry, opened in March. In itself a clear indicator the event took place in pre-Coronavirus lockdown times. But only just. The event beat – not COVID-19 unfortunately - but the Denmark lockdown by a week. Frantz Furrer of CleanManager, the organiser, was very happy that it did take place. Not least because the event revealed a need for the exchange of information on digitalisation – in an industry that has been, generally speaking, slow to adopt new, smart technologies. Even though the tickets for the event were offered for free in an interim period, Furrer had not expected the event to sell out immediately, previously offered at a nominal entrance fee. “Usually events like this do not sell this quickly, but this one was fully booked in January. Of course, it was a novelty and about current trends, but nevertheless… Besides, none of the attendees left during the day, which also tells me we presented them with something relevant,“ he said, speaking to ECJ. ‘Clean smarter, not harder’ was a conference catchphrase and attendees could meet exhibitors in one end of the venue and hear talks about digital solutions and opportunities for cleaning companies in the digital transition in the other. The programme included talks on digital dictionaries for cleaners, ways to manage employee qualifications and retain more effective and uniform training, and how to get to know Lotte Printz, notre correspondante au Danemark, rend compte d’une récente conférence sur l’informatisation du secteur de la propreté. Ces travaux étaient placés sous le thème « Au travail, l’intelligence vaut mieux que l’acharnement ».

customers and competitors by retrieving the right online data. In order to help attendees see the opportunities in a digital transition and to give them an idea of which tools are available and suitable in a cleaning industry context, speakers had been instructed to share experiences and focus on “how to” rather than turning their talks into sales pitches. The attendees came from all over the sector and Furrer was very pleased to see how well it worked with 20-minute talks followed by breaks that enabled attendees to mingle and actually talk to each other. “You might say this is an industry not really in the habit of meeting and sharing. But that was what people did that day, asking each other about digital experiences and their outcome,” he said, happy he and his company could help direct attention to digitalisation and even facilitate discussion in the industry. Despite the paradox of gathering people in real life to talk about the digital age and its opportunities for cleaning companies, the effect it had could not have been achieved on paper, Furrer stressed. Nor in a digital world, he might have added. There seems to be demand for a follow-up, and CleanManager is not ruling out that the event will take place again. “Perhaps not next year, but in two years’ time. And probably in a slightly different form. You should never just repeat yourself, so I’m thinking we could have a closer look at systems, perhaps robots or other tools on the market at the time. No matter what, digital will still be key,” he concluded.

Die dänische Korrespondentin Lotte Printz berichtet von einer vor kurzem stattgefundenen Konferenz zur Digitalisierung in der Reinigungsbranche. Das Thema lautete „Nicht kräftiger, sondern intelligenter reinigen“.

La corrispondente danese Lotte Printz ci aggiorna su una conferenza sulla digitalizzazione nel settore del cleaning tenutasi di recente. Il tema era ‘Pulire in modo più smart e non in modo più duro e intenso’.

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LATEST: NETHERLANDS Please wash, and dry, your hands VSR’s John Griep on how crucial hand hygiene is.

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Although everyone has an opinion about the measures to be taken to combat Coronavirus, luckily there is one body in the Netherlands offering clear guidelines: the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Staff at this independent government body are working overtime to keep citizens, mayors, hospital directors and the cleaning industry informed of developments. The VSR is also following its coverage closely. I frequently read the question: “What can I do to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19?” on the website. At the top of the list of measures is, wash your hands regularly. According to RIVM, this is the most important measure you can take, along with ‘cough and sneeze into your elbow’, ‘use paper tissues’ and ‘don’t shake hands’. RIVM calls these measures ‘simple’. And yes, it is that simple to prevent the spread of the virus. But there’s more to it than that. Holding your hands under the tap for a short while and – even worse! – failing to dry them (or not for long enough) actually promotes the transmission of microorganisms! VSR researched the science and concluded: • Washing your hands with soap and water and thoroughly drying them reduces the number of foreign, potentially pathogenic viral particles and bacteria by a factor of 100 to 1,000. • It takes rubbing your hands over each other for at least half a minute to achieve this; then rinsing and finally drying them. • Use liquid soap (a soap dispenser); a used bar of soap might actually boost the transmission of viruses. • Using alcohol-based hand Pour contribuer à enrayer la propagation du coronavirus, il est aussi important de bien se sécher les mains que de les laver à fond, explique John Griep , notre correspondant aux Pays-Bas, qui travaille pour l’organisation VSR. Se sécher les mains est donc tout aussi crucial.

14 | May/June 2020 | ECJ

gel is an alternative, but is only suitable for hands that have not been handling bulky waste. It turns out that it’s certainly not any more effective than washing your hands with soap and water. • As washing never fully removes or kills pathogenic micro-organisms, drying your hands is essential. If your hands stay wet after washing, that can actually promote the transmission of micro-organisms. • Of the traditional handdrying methods - paper towels, textiles or warm air dryers - paper towels are the most hygienic. Paper is effective at removing bacteria, is not a source of bacteria itself and does not have to be a hygiene risk if enough clean rubbish bins are present. • Damage to the skin is not a risk as long as soft paper is used. • After use the paper can also be used to prevent reinfection from taps or buttons. It’s important the paper and paper dispenser are well matched; the dispenser has no buttons; it is cleaned daily; and, of course, it is refilled on time. • So, besides washing your hands thoroughly, do make sure to dry them well and fully, ideally with soft paper towels! Finally, I call upon you to pass this information around in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Make use of your role as an expert in this field, involving and advising your client on it too. This way, we can once again demonstrate that, as cleaning professionals, not only do we provide a clean desk or a hygienic hospital room, we’re also an indispensable partner in the health of building users. And that means in the welfare of the entire organisation.

John Griep (VSR), der ECJ-Korrespondent für die Niederlande, erläutert, dass nicht nur effektives Händewaschen dabei hilft, die Verbreitung des Coronavirus zu verringern. Das Händetrocknen ist genauso wichtig.

Il corrispondente olandese di ECJ John Griep al VSR spiega come non serve soltanto lavarsi le mani in modo efficace per aiutare a ridurre la diffusione del coronavirus, l’asciugatura delle mani è altrettanto essenziale.

LATEST: FRANCE A matter of survival As a vital link in the fight against the pandemic, cleaning companies have had to re-focus their activities, writes Christian Bouzols in France. It’s also been a matter of survival. Just like the great majority of companies, those in the cleaning sector have been hit hard by the COVID-19 outbreak and some of them have lost up to threequarters of their business. “Even the larger companies, those employing thousands of cleaners, have been impacted,” explains Fabrice Fournier, president of the Sud-Est branch of the Fédération des Entreprises de Propreté (FEP), representing 320 of the organisation’s 3,000 members. “As general cleaners we’ve lost a large part of our business and have had to resort to temporary layoffs, including sending people on sick leave to enable them to care for their children. This depends of course on the type of activity involved. For example, companies that also operate in the healthcare sector have preserved much of their turnover.”

Protect workers He added: “Of course, we remain deployed in the cleaning of buses, offices, pharmacies, supermarkets, etc. Our motto is that everything that’s doable, we have to do it. It’s vital that we should continue to clean and to sanitise in the fight against COVID-19. And in doing so, we ensure that all obligatory measures are taken to protect our workers.”

“We’ve strengthened our sanitising operations on points of manual contact such as door handles, armrests, switches, telephones, computers,” Fournier emphasised. “This work is additional to that which we normally carry out but doesn’t replace the 75 per cent we’ve lost.” François Dolphin, commercial manager for a cleaning company, has also been on a war footing for some time. Responsible for some 15 workers, he’s had to temporarily lay off three of them and to reorganise the remainder.

Work suspended “We’ve suspended working in a number of areas. The focus now is on sanitisation. We’re increasingly asked to disinfect company offices and business premises. Our workers are equipped with gloves, one-piece suits, footwear covers, face masks and goggles. We’re using products that have been entirely adapted for disinfecting floors and wall surfaces and we’re paying special attention to all contact surfaces.” This new focus on sanitisation amounts to 25-30 per cent of the company’s normal turnover. “It will be interesting to see what happens when the crisis is over and when we’ll have to disinfect everything else the day economic activity is resumed,” Dolphin concluded.

ECJ has published a special supplement focusing on the issues surrounding sustainability. Read it at the ECJ website or download via the app

Dans son compte rendu de la France, notre correspondant Christian Bouzols décrit les interventions des entreprises de propreté dans la lutte contre le covid-19.

In seinem Bericht aus Frankreich vermittelt ECJ-Korrespondent Christian Bouzols wie Reinigungsunternehmen ihre Anstrengungen im Kampf gegen Covid-19 konzentrieren.

The best is made by VERMOP VERMOP Salmon GmbH is an innovation leader in the area of cleaning technology and convinces across Europe with professional solutions and modular cleaning systems, which are innovative, proven in practice and durable. An example is the new Equipe: not only does it impress with its premium design, the clever configuration concept also allows over a million individual settings. With its range of small to large sizes it is fit for any application-technical or spatial challenge – the best Equipe ever made. For further information please visit our website or call our service line on +49 9342 878-0

Dalla Francia, il corrispondente di ECJ Christian Bouzols ci informa su come le imprese di pulizia stanno concentrando gli sforzi nella lotta contro il Covid-19.

May/June 2020 | ECJ |15

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LATEST: ITALY Cleaning on the front line

Learning in practice

Anna Garbagna in Italy on how the cleaning sector has been in the front line in the COVID-19 crisis, and how associations are working to protect workers.

News of a project in Germany from Katja Scholz.

The difficult situation that Italy has been facing, along with the rest of the world, has led all companies to act in a concrete manner to face together a nasty reality that we never wanted to deal with. It could not be otherwise for the cleaning sector, on the forefront of this battle, which sees hygiene and sanitisation as crucial tools. All companies, staff and obviously the associations in this industry, have taken action quickly. Starting with Afidamp (Association of Manufacturers and Distributors of Technological Supplies for Professional Cleaning) which wanted to express gratitude to all the member companies which found themselves in this situation - for responding extremely quickly to the demand for materials and products in much higher quantities than usual. All the companies are responding effectively and for this reason they have modified their work schedule in order to supply vital products for hygiene and disinfection to those who request them. “The cleaning sector,” commented Giuseppe Riello, president of Afidamp, “is responding with professionalism and great speed to a very critical situation in Italy. I want to personally thank all the member companies, especially the chemical industries that are working every day to guarantee supply. There is great difficulty in obtaining raw materials at a time when they are having to respond quickly to safeguard people and facilities that are already under pressure. “I also thank all the workers Anna Garbagna, notre correspondante en Italie, fait rapport sur le rôle vital du secteur de la propreté dans la lutte contre le covid-19.

of our member companies who, with a spirit of solidarity, have increased their working hours and pace of work. We have always stressed the importance of correct cleaning practices in all facilities - public or private. Today we stress it even more.” Lorenzo Mattioli, president of ANIP-Confindustra (National Association of Cleaning Industries and Integrated Services) highlighted the importance of sanitisation in all environments, especially those hosting activities such as school buildings.

Letter to the president He sent an open letter to the president Giuseppe Conte asking him to take measures to safeguard workers and companies in the cleaning sector who are now working on sanitisation everywhere in Italy. It has also been asked that the government places sanitisation operations on an equal footing with health operations so cleaning operators can also be guaranteed better safety at work. A common statement from FISE Assoambiente and FISE Unicircular to the government said: “In the current serious emergency situation caused by COVID-19, over 90,000 workers from waste management companies are continuing to guarantee essential public services of collection and disposal of urban and special waste. In this emergency phase, we ask the institutions which are, like us, involved in fighting the virus to guarantee us security and adequate support, so we can best manage the inevitable operational difficulties that have occurred - including the boom in hospital waste.”

ECJ-Korrespondentin Anna Garbagna berichtet aus Italien, wo sich die professionelle Reinigungsbranche bei der Bekämpfung von COVID-19 an vorderster Front befunden hat.

Dall’Italia, la corrispondente di ECJ Anna Garbagna ci informa su come il settore del cleaning professionale sia stato in prima linea nel combattere il Covid-19.

Combining theoretical learning with practical activity is probably the most effective way of assimilating something. Those in charge at the SchleswigHolstein regional vocational college for contract cleaningare certainly convinced of that. “To this end, we work together with the Northern Guild of Contract Cleaners to offer our trainees practical projects of several days’ duration on actual sites. This is a concept currently unique in the whole of Germany,” explains Christian Struck, master contract cleaner and subject teacher for practical Instruction. Cleaning activities on the Stadt Kiel museum ship go back many years here and trainees regularly take care of the dockyard cleaning. “The young people always do this with great enthusiasm, since working on a museum ship with a panoramic view of the Kiel Fjord and the passing ferries and cruise ships is of course something quite special,” says Struck. “At the same time, our students are highly valued and appreciated by the crew – thereby deriving lasting positive experiences to take with them into their later professional life.” There is an enormous amount on board for the trainees to learn: within its narrow confines the ship provides a wide diversity of surfaces and spaces to work on which correspond to the 12 learning modules of contract cleaner training. From the cleaning of the machine room, the galley kitchen, the sanitary facilities, carpets and upholstery to the cleaning and care of real wood flooring, the Stadt Kiel provides endless examples of different cleaning applications. “These tasks make considerable demands on our trainees in terms of technically appropriate operations. The outboard glass Rapportant de l’Allemagne, notre correspondante Katja Scholz traite d’un projet dans lequel apprentis d’entreprises de propreté sont affectés à la restauration des planchers d’un naviremusée historique.

cleaning is particularly tricky.” Alongside all the regular jobs on the museum ship, there was a first this year: the nine trainees who were then at intermediate level of their training – eight young men and one young woman – were allowed, as work experience, to resurface the floorboards in the large saloon on the ship. The solid wood floor had to be sanded and treated with coloured oil. Cooperating industrial companies provided the abrasives, tools and machinery necessary for the work. As a special challenge, the trainees had to come to grips with surface treatment, since the sanded pitch pine floorboards had to be restored after treatment to approximately the same shade of colour as in their original state. “Here too we had help from a company. They supplied us with a coloured impregnating oil in a coffee shade which proved to be ideal for this kind of floor.” The oil was combined with a reactive agent as a twocomponent system and given two applications with a doubleleaved spreader. Afterwards, the trainees went over the floor with monodisc machines and beige pads. “The result was impressive and showed yet again what technically demanding tasks can be accomplished by the contract cleaning business”, said Struck. Along with the resounding success of the project, there was yet another reward for the energetic young trainees: an invitation to a Kiel Fjord trip on the Stadt Kiel. This traditional passenger vessel, built in 1934, is recognised today as a cultural monument and still puts out to sea today for special trips – a moment which the nine young trainees are certainly not likely to forget.

Katja Scholz, die ECJKorrespondentin in Deutschland, berichtet über ein Projekt, bei dem auszubildende Vertragsreinigungskräfte die Dielen eines historischen Museumsschiffs restaurierten.

Dalla Germania, la corrispondente di ECJ Katja Scholz ci informa su un progetto per mezzo del quale gli addetti alle pulizia apprendisti hanno restaurato le assi del pavimento di una navemuseo storica.

May/June 2020 | ECJ |17

WHEN HYGIENE E MATTERS RS MOST. The coronavirus pandemic is emphatic proof of how important preventive hygiene is in our day-to-day lives. It is possible to achieve effective disinfection using sustainable products – anywhere that people meet. Professional Kärcher steam cleaners are tried-andtested, HACCP-certified systems that remove 99.999%* of enveloped viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses such as MERS and SARS and influenza viruses, as well as 99.999%** of bacteria.

* When spot cleaning using the Kärcher steam cleaner, i.e. a steaming duration of 30 seconds at maximum maxiimum steam pressure, 99.999% of enveloped viruses such as coronaviruses and influenza viruses (except xcept es; as per the hepatitis B virus) are removed from typical smooth and hard surfaces (based on PVC surfaces; EN 16615:2015-06; test virus: Modified Vaccinia Ankara). i** When cleaning with a professional Kärcher steam cleaner with a cleaning speed of 30 cm/s and maxi maxias per mum steam pressure, 99.999% of all bacteria are killed on typical smooth and hard surfaces (as EN 16615:2015-06, PVC floor, test bacteria: Enterococcus hirae ATCC® 10541).

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Are cleaners getting smarter? Are cleaners keeping pace with the latest digital technology, or are they resisting any hightech changes to their working methods? And what incentives are companies offering their cleaners to sweeten the “smart pill”? It is becoming a growing trend for cleaning companies to introduce “smart solutions” into the workplace to enhance efficiency and boost productivity. These solutions cover everything from digital systems to automated machines, virtual reality tools and sensor technology. But none of them is of any use if the cleaners themselves are unwilling to embrace them. Providers therefore need to make every effort to ensure their systems are user-friendly and intuitive. But how do they do this, and how receptive are cleaners to any “smart” changes to their working practices? Not very – at least at first, says Anabas account manager Jean-Patrick Judson. “Users often fail to see the benefits of smart solutions to begin with,” he said. “The key to getting them to buy in to these changes is to provide tangible evidence of how these technologies will improve their experience.” FM services specialist Anabas has introduced a number of smart solutions including clock-in systems to support payroll. “We have discovered that once users see the real benefits, they embrace the change,” said Judson. “For example we have been able to show how our clock-in system reduces errors and ensures staff are paid for the exact hours they work.” The overall reaction from cleaners has been more positive than negative, he says. “Staff are impressed to see that we are investing in technology that improves their working lives – and they are proud to be using cutting-edge solutions that help them do a great job for our clients,” he said.

According to Judson it is extremely important that any smart solution should be highly intuitive and easy to use. “At Anabas we have a very hands-on approach,” he said. “We show our teams how the new technologies work and we demonstrate how they can make users’ lives easier. And we back this up by sharing data that supports the benefits we’ve mentioned.” IPC’s latest technological solutions have also been generally well received by cleaners, according to communications manager Gabriella Bianco. “They find our TelematicS GPS to be particularly useful because it geolocates the fleet and records the parameters of each machine to optimise performance and schedule service time,” she said. The Telematics GPS sends data on each scrubber dyer to a specified smartphone, tablet or computer. Bianco has been unsurprised by cleaners’ positive reaction to the company’s latest technology. “Today’s cleaners are becoming increasingly aware of the need to manage and control their machines in order to improve performance and reduce running costs,” she said. “They also understand the difference that new technologies can make in their daily activities.”

Needs explanation Reluctant adopters need the benefits of the technology explained to them, says Bianco. “The cost of a high-tech machine always turns into substantial savings in the medium term,” she said. Essity offers two smart solutions for its customers –Tork Digital Cleaning Plans and Tork EasyCube. Tork Digital Cleaning Plans uses software to help cleaners and managers stay on top of cleaning tasks, while Tork EasyCube connects buildings with sensors to allow cleaners to remotely monitor cleaning and replenishing needs. End-users have generally been more positive about both systems than the company expected according to communications director Reneé Remijnse. “Technology adoption can sometimes be challenging,” she admits. “But when users see the impact our digital solutions can

have on their everyday working lives they are pleasantly surprised and often become strong ambassadors for our product.” According to Remijnse the real-time data Tork smart systems provide helps to empower cleaners and give them a clearer idea of what is needed. ”They embrace this way of working because needs-based cleaning gives them more control over their work,” she said. Both software systems are said to be intuitive and easy to use. “The manager application of Tork Digital Cleaning Plans includes a resource centre with wizards and guides to show the user how to set up their plans,” she said. “And the cleaners’ application is very visual and not too textheavy with icons and a simple checklist to designate each cleaning task. “In fact, many of the features of the software mimic how people use smart devices in their everyday lives to create a more seamless experience and an easier learning curve.” The company fields a team of customer success specialists who help with manager and staff training. End-user acceptance of the technology is key, says Remijnse. “This is our primary reason for designing software that is intuitive and easy to learn,” she said. “We don’t offer inducements or incentives to use the systems, but we show real-life proof-points to illustrate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of data-driven cleaning. And the testimonials and enthusiasm of our early adopters has encouraged new users and made them see that a more digitised way of working can be a valuable long-term investment.” Distributor of cleaning supplies Jangro has also introduced a virtual reality platform to facilitate training. This allows cleaners to “see” virtual corridors, kitchens, washrooms and other potential environments and determine how to clean them and what products to use. Feedback regarding both systems has been positive, says the company’s ceo Joanne Gilliard. “Innovative technology Continued page 22

May/June 2020 | ECJ | 21

SOFTWARE AND MOBILE SOLUTIONS Are cleaners getting smarter? (continued) has become the norm and any new app, platform or equipment that genuinely helps staff to work more effectively or that facilitates a tricky task is well received. “People love the fact that these technologies streamline all the relevant information and digital resources, enabling them to tell at a glance what products they need while gaining clear instructions on how to clean that particular area.” According to head of IntelliClean Kaspar Adank it is not uncommon for cleaners to initially resist any change to their working practices. “However if you look at the introduction of these solutions as a change management process and you incorporate some level of training, people tend to accept and use the solutions very fast,” he said. According to Adank it is important to follow the rules of “design thinking”. “This involves building a small prototype and then seeking feedback from users, shadowing them and adjusting the prototype to suit their practices,” he said. IntelliClean replaces standard cleaning rotas and uses collected data to create a dynamic route plan. This is then displayed on a tablet where cleaning staff can see it. Adank has had a similar experience to other commentators – that cleaners’ reactions to smart solutions have generally been more positive than negative. “They employ technology in their daily lives which means that the use of a tablet or smartphone is nothing new to them,” he said. “In fact there is often more resistance from team leaders than from cleaners.” Staff on the ground tend to appreci-

ate the benefits of IntelliClean, he says. “It provides them with some protection because all tasks are logged - and this transparency can be used in the case of any complaints,” he said. Training and good arguments are all that is required to persuade cleaners to adopt new technology, claims Adank. “The acceptance of end-users is key because no solution will work if it isn’t used properly at the sharp end – no matter how much intelligence there is in the background,” he said. According to Kärcher’s digital products director Dr Friedrich Volker, older cleaners are sometimes more reluctant than younger ones to use systems that involve apps and smartphones. “It is therefore crucial to address any potential concerns during product development as well as in training,” he says. “If cleaners see the value in terms of convenience, time savings and a reduction in uncomfortable tasks, they usually accept new digital solutions.” The concerns of decision makers about end-user adoption usually far outweigh the actual negative reaction on the part of cleaners in Volker’s experience. “For example, managers expected washroom visitors to avoid using the feedback buttons provided because of fears that these might be perceived as unhygienic,” he said. “However, we set up a study and found that thousands of people actually pressed the buttons in just a few washrooms.” Kärcher has recently bought SoniQ Services, a software startup that offers mobile systems such as time tracking, per-

De plus en plus, les entreprises de propreté recourent à des « solutions intelligentes » sur le lieu de travail pour favoriser le rendement et la productivité. Ces entreprises suivent-elles les progrès de la technologie numérique la plus récente, ou résistent-elles à introduire des changements de ce type dans leurs méthodes de travail ? Quelles incitations offrent-elles à leurs travailleurs pour qu’ils les adoptent ?

Bei Reinigungsunternehmen zeichnet sich ein zunehmender Trend ab, am Arbeitsplatz „intelligente Lösungen“ einzuführen, um die Effizienz zu verbessern und um die Produktivität zu steigern. Halten die Reinigungskräfte Schritte mit der neuesten Digitaltechnologie, oder sträuben sie sich gegen jegliche Hightech-Änderungen an ihren Arbeitsmethoden? Und welche Anreize bieten Unternehmen ihren Reinigungskräften, um die „intelligente Pille“ zu versüßen?

formance recording, inspections, cleaning instructions and messaging. Its ceo Philipp Andernach says the generally positive reactions from cleaners has come as no surprise to the company. “This is because our product corresponds to the mobile devices and apps that staff use privately,” he says. “But while we have found users’ reactions to be very positive towards the apps, there is a great deal of fear in the industry in general - not so much about the technology itself, but more about the fact that it might be misused by employers.” According to Andernach, the company’s apps are intuitive and require no formal training. “Like other apps they are designed for ‘learning-by-doing’,” he said. He adds the company’s software has the advantage of allowing cleaners to focus on the task in hand without actually changing their existing processes. “Benefits to the employee include time-tracking, documentation and a fully consistent process that helps to provide fair payment along with compliance, work ethics and employee happiness,” he said. “However, there is never a 100 per cent adoption rate and some employees are unwilling to work with the system at all.” Incentives to use technology can be helpful in some cases, says Andernach. “However, any perks and incentives must be closely linked to the product,” he adds. “Gamification can help enormously. “Because it is crucial that the end-user buys in. If your employees refuse to accept and embrace the product, then it is a fail.” Sta aumentando sempre di più il trend delle imprese di pulizia di introdurre “soluzioni smart” nei luoghi di lavoro per accrescere l’efficienza e aumentare la produttività. Gli addetti alle pulizia riescono a tenere il ritmo con l’introduzione delle tecnologia digitali più nuove, oppure resistono a qualsiasi cambiamento high-tech dei loro metodi di lavoro? E quali incentivi offrono le imprese ai loro dipendenti per addolcire la “pillola smart”?


22 | May/June 2020 | ECJ



VR training

Via the use of near-field communication (NFC) and mobile devices Optiqo offers various applications allowing cleaning and inspection teams to validate their work throughout all areas of a building.

New Tork Digital Cleaning Plans software from Essity aims to make life easier for cleaners while providing facility managers with better reporting and enhanced control over their operations. This solution is designed to replace the paper plans that are usually used to map out cleaning rounds. The software enables managers and cleaners to keep track of what needs to be done, ensuring that all tasks are completed and nothing is overlooked. Functions for planning, communication, administration and follow-up are included in the software, which is suitable for use for both mid-size and smallscale companies. Also new from Essity is Tork VR Clean Hands Training and Education, a virtual reality training tool designed to improve hand hygiene in healthcare. By providing healthcare staff with realistic scenarios in which hand hygiene needs to be carried out it aims to make hand hygiene training more engaging and inspiring. The tool requires staff members to wear a headset and face a series of real-life situations in the virtual world where they are expected to practice hand hy-

By scanning an NFC tag in each room, operators have access to all the tasks they need to perform as well as documenting any irregularities via the app in real time. Supervisors can use the same tags to perform site inspections and generate work orders should they discover any deviations. All data is uploaded to a live KPI dashboard that updates as the tasks are being validated. Optiqo also offers an IoT washroom hygiene monitor to advise users when it was last attended by updating the digital registration clock when an operator scans their NFC card. Monitors can upload real time data from all locations in real time.

giene compliance. The company collaborated with behavioural scientists, university hospitals and global hand hygiene experts to develop it. digital-cleaning-plans

Mobile app Specialising in quality management, communication and planning software for FM, housekeeping and commercial cleaning services is Leviy. Daily operations are managed via the use of one mobile app. Businesses can align quality, issue and file management, task planning, time and attendance and IOT elements in real time. Team members and other users have all the information they need on hand to get direct insight into daily tasks, planned audits, current files, etc.

Many packages Since it was first launched, Innovise’s Timegate software has developed to cover many elements of managing a cleaning company - including workforce management, time and attendance, budgeting and scheduling. Now Timegate has been built into packs, enabling businesses to customise the software according to their needs. Many start off with its Essentials package, for example, and as their requirements evolve they add on additional packs to further support other areas.

• Utilisant la technologie NFC et des dispositifs mobiles, Optiqo propose des applications permettant à l’agent de nettoyage de valider ses interventions dans toutes les zones d’un immeuble. • Les plans de nettoyage numériques Tork visent à remplacer les plans papier que l’on utilise souvent pour l’établissement des rondes de nettoyage. • Leviy propose un logiciel de gestion de la qualité, de la communication et de la planification à l’intention des entreprises de propreté. • Le progiciel Timegate, de la société Innovise, peut être personnalisé en fonction des besoins en logiciel de chaque entreprise.

• Unter Verwendung von NFC und Mobilgeräten bietet Optiqo Anwendungen, mit denen Reinigungskräfte ihre Arbeit in allen Gebäudebereichen bestätigen können. • Tork Digital Cleaning Plans wurden konzipiert, um die Papierpläne zu ersetzen, mit denen häufig die Reinigungsrunde festgelegt wird. • Leviy bietet eine Qualitätsmanagements-, Kommunikations- und Planungssoftware für Reinigungsunternehmen. • Bei Timegate von Innovise handelt es sich um ein Paket, das an die Softwareanforderungen jedes Unternehmens angepasst werden kann.

• Utilizzando dispositivi mobili e NFC, la Optiqo propone delle applicazioni per permettere agli addetti alle pulizia di convalidare il lavoro in tutte le aree di un edificio. • I piani digitali Tork Digital Cleaning Plans sono progettati per rimpiazzare i piani cartacei che vengono spesso usati per delineare i programmi delle pulizia. • La Leviy propone software per le imprese di pulizia per la gestione della qualità, della comunicazione e della pianificazione. • Timegate della Innovise è un pacchetto che può essere personalizzato in base alle necessità di software di ciascuna impresa.

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• Avista Time fait appel à l’intelligence artificielle pour optimiser la tarification des tâches et le déploiement de travailleurs. • Vigilant est un spécialiste des systèmes des gestion des présences et des heures de travail du personnel. • Le système TemplaCMS de gestion intégrée de la force de travail combine des logiels et applications pour la gestion de tous les processus liés au déploiement du personnel. • Avista Time setzt KI ein, um die Preisgestaltung zu optimieren und den Mitarbeitereinsatz zu verwalten. • Vigilant ist auf Lösungen für die Zeit- und Anwesenheitsverwaltung von Mitarbeitern spezialisiert. • TemplaCMS Integrated Workforce Management kombiniert Software und Apps, um mitarbeiterbezogene Prozesse zu verwalten. • La Avista Time utilizza AI per ottimizzare la gestione dei prezzi e l’impiego del personale. • La Vigilant è specializzata in soluzioni per la gestione delle presenze e dell’orario di lavoro del personale. • La TemplaCMS Integrated Workforce Management abbina software e app per gestire i processi relativi al personale.

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Use of AI Avista Time now uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive productivity, profitability and quality in cleaning service applications. To benefit from AI/automation, the company says, the basics must be digitalised - including as many teams as possible within the operation. Its Avista Time software covers client planning, scheduling, time check-in/ check-out, checklists, quality assessments, integration to payroll and reporting using a cloud-based mobile service. Field staff use smartphones and RFID. Once fully digital operations can benefit from AI in a number of ways: fact-based accurate pricing in bids for future contracts; optimised scheduling with reduced effort; rapid ad hoc rescheduling; scaling benefits with multiple teams, sharing staff and data.

Handy device

operator doing the job. Time and attendance is uploaded instantly to the cloud server and Vigilant provides a SIM for connectivity. Everything is included in the pay-per-use subscription.

Front line

Having unsuccessfully tried to source a cheap, easy-to-use, durable smartphone that could read NFC tags, software specialist Vigilant decided to develop its own solution. Vigilant Easy is a rugged device, the size of a credit card, that turns on automatically when placed close to an NFC tag. Through vibration, sound and light it feeds back to the

TemplaCMS Integrated Workforce Management uses a combination of contract management software and integrated mobile apps to manage staff-related processes. It ensures staff are correctly vetted and trained; rostered to be in the right place at the right time; completing their shifts in full; being paid correctly; and work carried out is invoiced correctly. This solution is part of TemplaCMS’ integrated contract management system, complete with in-built workflow and document control.



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User-friendly chemicals In an ideal world, all our chemical cleaning products would be pleasant to look at and easy to use. But how important are such factors in the great scheme of things? Ann Laffeaty asks chemical manufacturers and cleaning companies whether user-friendliness is a high priority as far as they are concerned.

Using a chemical cleaner can be a somewhat scary affair. The safety warnings, PPE recommendations and complicated dilution instructions one often encounters on the product label can be daunting for the user - particularly if none of these happen to be in his or her native language. Safety caps on bottles and other containers can cause frustration and annoyance if they are too hard to take off. And if a product has a caustic colour or a pungent smell, this will only add to the overall unpleasant experience. But do any of these things really matter, provided that the product does what it says on the tin? Apparently so according to Greenspeed’s marketing manager Floor Loos. “Products that come with warnings and hazard pictograms can easily scare people off,” she said. “Customers are not keen on products that are difficult to use. And they want to be sure that their chemical cleaning agents will harm neither their health

nor the environment, and that they are safe to use on the surfaces to which they are applied.” The colour of a product can also influence the user’s opinion, says Loos. “If a detergent has a vivid or fluorescent colour, people will automatically make the association that it is hazardous or unnatural,” she said. “Smell is also important: a customer might make a connection between a product that has a strong chemical smell with unhealthy ingredients that are not plant-based.” A pleasant fragrance will help to make cleaning more enjoyable for the end-user, she says. “This is why we ensure that our products either smell good or have no perfume at all.” Dilution difficulties can be another issue, according to Loos. “Easy dispensing systems are a definite plus for the user, which is why a simple system such as a dosing cap or pump is a good solution,” she said. It is important to Greenspeed that people like using the company’s products, she adds. “For this reason we provide clear labels on our packaging and do our best to make them look attractive and easy to read,” she said. “We also have our own icons to indicate the function of each product and we use icons in our dosing instructions.” Greenspeed uses colour coding on its labelling, websites and in brochures to allow users to tell at a glance which product should be used where. “It is important that the information on our bottles is easy to read and that the user is fully informed about the ingredi-

ents,” says Loos. “Our customers should also be aware of the product’s function and how they should use it because this will save time before they actually start cleaning. And detergents should be safe to use and harmless to health, so it is better if they are free of hazard symbols.” Said to be completely safe to use is the company’s Greenspeed Probio which is colour coded and comes with clear labelling with pictograms. It has a neutral pH and uses probiotics to remove organic pollution from surfaces.

Simple dilution Ease of use and simple dilution systems are also both important factors for Jangro customers, according to the company’s ceo Joanne Gilliard. She claims the company’s Enviro range of water-soluble cleaning and sanitising sachets to be particularly user-friendly. “The operative simply has to drop the unopened sachet into the water and then mix it in,” she said. “Each sachet contains a measured dose which means there is no waste or overuse. And the user is never exposed to the concentrated product which removes any health and safety risks.” One company that takes a pragmatic approach to chemical use is Insider Facility Services according to the company’s marketing and purchasing manager Thor Nielsen. “We have strict rules regarding the use of chemicals, and we ensure the products we employ are particularly easy to use,” he said. “All agents employed for daily cleaning carry an ecolabel and our operatives are thoroughly trained in their use

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the postponement of the Interclean Amsterdam exhibition until November, the special ECJ preview edition will now be published in October. Stay up to date with latest industry news on the ECJ website - 28 | May/June 2020 | ECJ


and dosage.” Training is particularly important for staff members asked to perform periodic cleaning tasks where stronger chemicals may be required, he said. “Whenever we use a product for the first time, those people using it will have undergone a course with either the manufacturer or supplier,” said Nielsen. “We also often have a specialist representative from the supplier on site when using the product for the first time – particularly if the task is of a complex nature.” He says masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment are always worn when potentially hazardous products are used. And he has adds that he has received no complaints from cleaners regarding long and complicated instructions on products – though the company does choose user-friendly products where possible, according to Nielsen. “For daily cleaning we use non-hazardous products in bottles that are easy to open,” he said. “And these containers can be completely emptied to ensure there is no waste.” He said it can be helpful when cleaning products come with their own integrated dosing system. “However, we tend to buy our own ‘dosage lids’ and insert these into the bottles,” he adds.

who are active across wide geographical areas,” he said. According to Ritscher, customers can be either attracted or repelled by a product on account of its appearance or smell. “The most obvious properties that a customer perceives first are its colour and fragrance,” he said. “Here the manufacturer needs to have a level of market know-how in order to meet the taste of customers.” Kärcher attaches great importance to its packaging design, he says. “To ensure that the customer can ascertain how to use the product correctly, our labels include both application illustrations and a picture of the area to be cleaned,” he said. “We try to think our products through holistically starting with the user and the task in hand, and then on to the chemistry, the packaging and the labelling right through to the actual application. This is described on the label using pictograms which are self-explanatory and very clearly arranged. And where possible we dispense with any excessive wording.” Kärcher offers a range of high concentrates plus ready-to-use detergents that come in small containers with spraying attachments. So it is clear that customers can be attracted by a pleasant smell, an attractive appearance and user-friendly packaging

when buying their chemical products. But how important are such refinements in the great scheme of things compared with the basics – in other words, ensuring that the product is safe, effective and fit for purpose?

Purchase decisions Efficiency is usually the customer’s top priority according to Greenspeed’s Floor Loos. “However, factors such as the packaging, labelling and the product’s ease of use will contribute to their final decision to purchase,” she adds. “It is therefore important for a company to listen to user feedback and to improve on the product where necessary.” Safety is of paramount importance at Kärcher – but other factors matter too, says the company’s Frank Ritscher. “Before a detergent is put into production its application is thoroughly tested and factors such as safety in use, product performance, labelling, packaging, containers, potential connection to devices and disposal after use all feature high up on our list of priorities,” he said. But Insider Facility Services’ Thor Nielsen believes the look, feel and ease of use of a product has little relevance at the end of the day. “Price and quality are always more important,” he said.

Availability concerns Client reactions to factors such as safety warnings, complicated instructions and hard-to-open bottles depends very much on the customer concerned according to Frank Ritscher, Kärcher’s development manager for detergents and manual tools. “Some clients would actually prefer to buy products that carry a safety warning because they perceive these to be more powerful than products without them,” he said. “But conversely, other customers prefer products that come with a low-level warning or with no warning at all in order to minimise any risk of injury caused by incorrect use.” He adds that some customers are more concerned with the local and rapid availability of products than with other factors. “This applies in particular to large customers such as building cleaning companies L’emploi d’un nettoyant chimique peut faire peur. Dans un monde idéal, nos produits de nettoyage chimique devraient être tous d’aspect agréable et d’emploi commode. Toutefois, quelle importance convient-il d’accorder à ces facteurs ? Ann Laffeaty invite des fabricants de produits chimiques à s’exprimer sur l’importance qu’ils y attachent.

Die Verwendung eines chemischen Reinigungsmittels kann eine etwas beängstigende Angelegenheit sein. Im Idealfall wären all unsere chemischen Reinigungsprodukte etwas fürs Auge und benutzerfreundlich. Doch wie wichtig sind solche Aspekte im Großen und Ganzen? Ann Laffeaty fragt Reinigungsunternehmen und Hersteller von chemischen Reinigungsprodukten, ob Benutzerfreundlichkeit von ihrem Standpunkt betrachtet eine hohe Priorität einnimmt.

Utilizzare un detergente chimico può essere qualcosa di spaventoso. In un mondo ideale, tutti i nostri prodotti di pulizia chimici dovrebbero essere piacevoli da vedersi e facili da usare. Ma che importanza hanno tali fattori nel grande schema delle cose? Ann Laffeaty chiede ai produttori di prodotti chimici e alle imprese di pulizia se la facilità di uso sia una grande priorità per quanto li riguarda.

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• La pulvérisation désinfectante Lacto Des, de la société Greenspeed, est d’origine entièrement végétale • Dr Schnell propose des baguettes détergentes qui se dissolvent dans l’eau et ne laissent aucun résidu. • Brightwell a introduit de nouveaux distributeurs de mousse et vaporisateurs à sa gamme de produits.

• Lacto Des ist das vollständig auf Pflanzenbasis hergestellte Desinfektionsspray von Greenspeed. • Bei Ecolution Sticks von Dr. Schnell handelt es sich um einen pulverförmigen Universalreiniger, der sich rückstandslos in Wasser auflöst. • Brightwell hat seinem Produktangebot neue Sprüh- und Schaumspender hinzugefügt.

• Lacto Des è lo spray di disinfezione al 100 per cento a base vegetale della Greenspeed. • Gli stick Ecolution della Dr Schnell sono detersivi che si dissolvono in acqua e che non lasciano alcun residuo. • La Brightwell ha aggiunto alla sua gamma di prodotti dei nuovi dispenser di spray e schiuma.

Plant base Lacto Des is Greenspeed’s new 100 per cent plant based, non-irritating disinfection spray. Based on lactic acid and totally biodegradable, it is completely free of hazard symbols, alcohol and bleach. The company claims the readyto-use spray kills 99.9 per cent of bacteria within five minutes and it is suitable for all surfaces - including food contact.

Clean sticks

The MX-Center dosing system guarantees optimum dosing and user safety, and it can be retrofitted onto Ecolution bottles.

Spray and foam Designed for cleaning of small areas are Ecolution Sticks from Dr Schnell. They dissolve in water without leaving residue and one stick is sufficient for a hand spray up to 600 ml in volume. Where spray devices with volumes of more than 600 ml and cleaning methods such as spray cleaning, bucket cleaning and machine cleaning are used, the company offers Ecolution Ultrahochkonzentrat. Product concentration is five times higher than the company’s Milizid and Forol brands, with 80 per cent less packaging waste.

Brightwell Dispensers has added spray and foam dispensers to its range, designed for surface cleaning and disinfection. Claimed to be robust and efficient, they are suitable for use in sectors ranging from agriculture and commercial kitchens to hospitals and food preparation facilities. The spraying systems have been designed for precise application of cleaning and disinfecting chemicals. Featuring an integrated venturi system, they offer the option of dispensing one or two chemicals. The foaming systems also feature precise dosage, says Brightwell, incorporating a venturi system.

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30 | May/June 2020 | ECJ


For floors

New from Christeyns is the Floorit Ergon floor cleaning system, designed to optimise working time, reduce detergent and disinfectant use while eliminating the discharge of dirty wastewater. There are three elements - a handle with perforating unit to hold fluid, a washable mop pad and a ready-to-use pouch of detergent or disinfectant. Each pouch releases 220 ml of solution which can be used to clean an area of up to 40 square metres. A diffusion tray in the base unit evenly impregnates the mop pad for ease of application and once applied, the

solution dries quickly with no need to rinse. Three pouches are available: Green’R Floors RTU and Green’R Sanifloors RTU, both for daily cleaning. And Phago’germ + RTU for disinfection. Floorit Ergon eliminates the need for a bucket, no water is required, and with pre-prepared pouches there is no need to measure the amount of cleaning product. The pouches contain ecolabelled solutions and come in recyclable boxes.

More granules Wetrok has added two new cleaners to its line of granulebased products: Granubowl WC cleaner and Granusan forte basic sanitary cleaner. Designed for simple use, the user opens a small sachet and pours the contents - the granules - into the water to create the cleaning solution. The

sachets are pre-dosed so one is enough for one application. All formulations are free of solvents.

Eliminate graffiti For the removal of ink stains from hard non-absorbent surfaces Trion Tensid has developed Tags Away, a combination of new surfactants and existing solvents. The new formula is said to be effective on galvanised steel too, and it can also be used to tackle spray paint on porous surfaces. Simply spray, wait for 15-30 seconds and wipe off.

• Dans le but de réduire l’usage de produits chimiques, Floorit Ergon a lancé, sous l’appellation Christeyns, un nouveau système de nettoyage de planchers. • Wetrok a enrichi sa gamme de produits granulaires par l’adjonction du nettoyant de WC Granubowl et du nettoyant sanitaire Granusan Forte. • Tags Away est la nouvelle solution de Trion Tensid pour l’élimination de taches d’encre sur des surfaces dures. • Floorit Ergon ist das neue Bodenreinigungssystem von Christeyns, das mit Blick auf einen geringeren Chemikalienverbrauch konzipiert wurde. • Wetrok hat den Grundreiniger Granubowl WC und den Sanitärgrundreiniger Granusan Forte zu seiner Produktfamilie mit Granulatprodukten hinzugefügt • Tags Away ist die neue Lösung von Trion Tensid, um Tintenflecken auf harten Oberflächen zu entfernen. • Floorit Ergon è il nuovo sistema per la pulizia dei pavimenti prodotto dalla Christeyns e progettato per ridurre l’uso di prodotti chimici. • Wetrok ha aggiunto alla sua linea di prodotti a base di granulati i detergenti Granubowl WC e Granusan Forte. • Tags Away è la nuova soluzione prodotta dalla Trion Tensid per rimuovere le macchie di inchiostro dalle superfici dure.


The World’s Best Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning System 3 Dry Cleaning Compound 3 Carpet Cleaning Sponges 3 Encapsulation 3 Counter Rotating Brush Machines 3 Onboard Sprayer May/June 2020 | ECJ | 31


After COVID-19 - a new world order? With humanity in the throes of one of the most serious pandemics in a generation, it may seem too great a stretch to talk about a silver lining to the crisis. For all that, COVID-19 is having unforeseen impacts that could set us on a path to a more sustainable world economic order should we choose to take it, writes Hartley Milner. Global CO2 emissions are plummeting as growing numbers of countries take refuge behind their borders in response to the deadly Coronavirus and pull up the drawbridge. The emission falls are in sharp contrast to 2019 when greenhouse gas levels reached an all-time high, with China once again overwhelmingly the biggest polluter. Now even China’s carbon output has nosedived, by as much as 40 per cent across its key industrial sectors. Fantastic news for Mother Earth and all living things nurtured at her bountiful bosom. Except that these gains for the environment have come about not through concerted efforts to avert the looming climate catastrophe but as a consequence of measures to contain a relatively short-term public health emergency, so are likely to be temporary. We have seen carbon reductions in the wake of global crises before, most recently during the 2003 SARS outbreak, following 9/11 and as a result of the last recession. The danger is that as in the past the gains will be rapidly reversed as the world resumes normal production and consumption once the pandemic is over. Pollution levels may even rise above what they were as industry makes up its losses, scientists warn. However, behavioural changes triggered by the Coronavirus could provide the inspiration we need to create a more sustainable world at a time when climate action has never been more urgent, according to UK eco-economist Dr Daren Bartlett. “It is encouraging that the negative impact on the environment and climate caused by excessive capitalist production is decreasing as a side-effect of the pandemic,” he told the ECJ. “There are valuable lessons we can and must learn from this experience that could move us to a world based on a fairer distribution of property and goods, with the aim of ensuring the livelihood of all inhabitants

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of our planet in a more stable, sustainable and healthier environment. Of course, all this will depend on whether we have the will to effect decisive long-term change, which we have seen little of to date.” The UN is calling for a ramping up of international action to close the carbon emissions gap… the difference between what we say we will do and what we actually do to bring down CO2 levels. If we delay, it warns, the Earth’s fate would be sealed as climate warming reaches the point where it is irreversible. Rapid melting of the ice caps and degradation of coral reefs and rainforests indicate some tipping points may have already been “activated”. “We need quick wins to reduce emissions as much as possible in 2020, then make stronger commitments under the Paris agreement to kick-start major transformations of economies and societies,” said Inger Andersen, executive director of the United Nation’s environment programme. “We need to catch up on the years in which we procrastinated.”

Restrictions lead to drop in demand Quick wins from COVID-19 so far this year have come as a result of restrictions or bans impacting aviation, shipping and heavy industry such as steel production, which in turn have led to a drop in demand for coal and oil and cuts in energy generation. Critically endangered animal species have received a reprieve from a crackdown on the lucrative global wildlife trade, which provides animal products for

use in traditional medicines and as exotic foods. The Coronavirus that started in China is thought likely to have come from bats on sale for consumption at Wuhan market. Now campaigners are calling for a permanent, internationally enforced ban on wildlife products.

Climate change event In November, countries that signed up to the 2015 climate agreement are due to meet in Glasgow for the UN Cop26 summit when they will be asked to upgrade their pledges on tackling global warming, most importantly their emissions targets through to 2030. Since Paris, the UN has reset the safe level of warming from well below 2C to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels and will press signatories to get on track to reach net zero emissions as soon as possible. After the failure of Cop25 last December, the two-week conference is being billed as a ‘last-ditch’ opportunity to reach a consensus on long-term policies to save the planet. But the summit could itself become a victim of the virus. Its postponement is becoming an increasing possibility. Preparations for the gathering are already being hampered by travel restrictions and world leaders are more focused on tackling the impacts of the Coronavirus back in their home countries. One option being mooted is for the conference to take place in ‘virtual space’, but the logistics of getting 30,000 delegates conversing with each other via a video call across 195 countries is likely to be immensely


challenging technically. “If the conference is delayed it would be like putting the planet in an oven and turning it up to full heat,” said Barlett. “It must go ahead. We need a definitive strategy to reduce climate warming now, not next year, not 18 months later or whenever the Coronavirus outbreak is contained…by then any actions we take could come too late to make a significant difference. Any side benefits for the environment from fighting the virus will be forgotten and we will slip back into passivity. “Even now as we are tottering on the edge of the abyss more than a few of the most influential world leaders are still in denial or reluctant to face up to the implications of climate change on humankind and the natural world. We saw this only a few months ago when bushfires raged across Australia, one of the world’s biggest coal exporters and per capita emitters of greenhouse gases. This as the embers were still smouldering from fires started deliberately in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest to clear land for pastoral farming and to provide access for logging and mineral extraction. And then political leaders in both these countries seemed taken aback by the extent of the public backlash to palls of thick polluting smoke pervading major cities, leaving aside the many tragic casualties that resulted from the fires. “No, it is the frustration of ordinary citizens that has been driving the climate agenda to date. People are acting Devant la crise qui frappe l’humanité à cause de la pandémie la plus grave de l’époque récente, il paraît inopportun d’y trouver un côté positif. Pourtant, comme l’écrit Hartley Milner, il se pourrait que le coronavirus ait des effets inattendus dans la mesure où la crise pourrait ouvrir la voie vers un ordre économique plus durable, pour autant que nous décisions de nous y engager. 908

unilaterally in areas such as switching to electric vehicles, cutting back on travel, their plastics use, meat consumption, household energy use and making greener decisions on goods and services purchases, even limiting their family size. Businesses have been taking matters into their own hands as well, implementing similar measures where appropriate while increasingly turning to renewable energy and carbon offset schemes.”

Political leadership crucial But Bartlett was clear that progress towards a more sustainable future ultimately requires collaborative political leadership. He said: “Philosophically, we are talking about the green economy. The UN defines a green economy as one that results in improved human wellbeing and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one that is low carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive. “What distinguishes the green economy from prevailing economic regimes is the value we place on ‘natural capital’ – natural resources and living organisms – and ‘ecological services’, ie, ecosystems that support our survival and quality of life, such as natural pollination of crops, drinking water, the air we breathe and medicines. The green economy requires that all actual or potential activities relating to the natural world are made subject to an ‘environmental full cost Die Menschheit steckt mitten in einer der schwerwiegendsten Pandemien seit einer Generation, da mag es weit hergeholt erscheinen, davon zu reden, dass diese Krise auch etwas Gutes hat. Doch Covid-19 hat unvorhergesehene Auswirkungen, die uns auf den Weg zu einer nachhaltigeren Weltwirtschaftsordnung bringen könnten, wenn wir uns dafür entscheiden sollten, ihn zu nehmen, schreibt Hartley Milner.

accounting’ regime, which scientifically assesses their economic, health, social and environmental costs. “Armed with this information, policymakers are able to make better informed decisions when taking actions in one part of the world that may have influences on people elsewhere. A green economy with more sustainable enterprises can provide many times more jobs than those that will be lost from fossil fuel-dependent industries, and help poverty reduction by putting people to work in, for example, forest regeneration projects. It is a system that provides prosperity for all within the ecological limits of the planet.” Bartlett added: “The green economy is a universal and transformative change to the global status quo that will require fundamental shifts in government priorities. Several countries are demonstrating leadership by adopting national green growth or low-carbon economic strategies, but it will require the commitment of all countries working together, and time is running out. “How we are dealing with the Coronavirus shows we can bring about change. The increase in extreme weather events that are decimating the world’s ecosystems shows what will happen should we fail to take global warming seriously. If we leave it for much longer, nature will step up her interventions and purge the planet herself. And the cost to all life will be cataclysmic. The future is in our hands.” Con l’umanità nella morsa di una delle pandemie più gravi di una generazione, sembrerebbe troppo un’esagerazione parlare di un risvolto positivo della crisi. Per quanto, Covid-19 sta avendo un impatto imprevisto che potrebbe guidarci verso un ordine economico mondiale più sostenibile se dovessimo scegliere di seguire questa strada, ce ne parla Hartley Milner

Upgrade your washroom & SAVE today! | +44 (0) 1952 236930 | May/June 2020 | ECJ | 33


Containing E.coli spread Latest research has found not washing hands is behind the spread of a key strain of E.Coli. This, and the COVID-19 pandemic, makes it vital for businesses to ensure good handwashing practice is front of mind. Jamie Woodhall, technical and innovation manager, Initial Washroom Hygiene writes for ECJ.

There are two possible sources of E. coli infections - contaminated food items, like raw chicken, and poor personal hygiene, for example not washing one’s hands after using the toilet. It has remained unclear which one of these sources is most likely to lead to infection, until recently. New research from the University of East Anglia found that not washing hands is behind the spread of a key strain of E. coli. With human-to-human transmission now confirmed as the main culprit, it is more important than ever for businesses to ensure good handwashing hygiene practice is front of mind for employees.

A touchy subject Hands are a natural breeding ground for germs and one of the principal carriers of harmful pathogens. Approximately 80 per cent of viruses can be transmitted through physical contact, and most can live on hard surfaces for up to 24 hours. With 32 per cent of the UK workforce hotdesking, and 49 per cent eating lunch regularly at their desks, there is potential for germs Coli. Comme la transmission par contact entre personnes s’est avérée coupable au premier titre, il est très important que les entreprises veillent au maintien de bonnes pratiques de lavage de mains, dans l’intérêt même de leurs salariés.

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and illnesses to spread rapidly amongst workers in the office through cross contamination as they touch various surfaces while going about their working day. The simple act of washing your hands can significantly reduce the level of bacteria present, and therefore reduce the risk of cross contamination.

Improve personal hygiene Bacteria such as E. coli can spread quickly, especially when temperatures drop and people spend more time inside. The risk increases further in a contained office environment with lots of shared touchpoints. Ensure your washroom has plenty of sinks, soap dispensers and hand dryers. Putting handwashing reminders near these facilities will also encourage workers to wash, dry, and sanitise their hands properly. Given damp hands spread 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands, it is especially crucial that the drying stage is not overlooked. Staff should also have access to alcohol free sanitisers around the office, which provide a quick yet long-lasting barrier to protect against microorganisms. As an extra barrier of protection, consider installing no-touch soap dispensers and sanitisers, which eliminate the need for contact and – subsequently – reduce the spread of bacteria. Finally, ensure washrooms are cleaned and re-stocked regularly. With reasons for not washing hands ranging from a lack of provisions like soap, to being put off by an unclean handwashing area, hygienic facilities are essential. A formalised cleaning plan, with a properly monitored and updated record or logbook, will ensure Aus einer neuen Untersuchung in Großbritannien geht hervor, dass die Ausbreitung eines wichtigen Erregerstamms von E.Coli auf das Nichtwaschen von Händen zurückzuführen ist. Durch die Bestätigung der Übertragung von Mensch zu Mensch als wichtigster Übeltäter ist es wichtiger als je zuvor, dass Unternehmen dafür sorgen, dass gute Handhygieneverfahren bei Mitarbeitern stets im Bewusstsein bleiben.

planned washroom cleans happen as they should throughout the day. With 61 per cent of office workers demanding cleaner washrooms, investing in these steps will show employees your commitment to ensuring workplace hygiene is front of mind.

Keep the washroom for washing Worryingly, more than one in 10 office workers said they take food or drink into the washroom with them, a habit that could facilitate the rapid transfer of bacteria directly from the washroom onto an item that is going to be consumed. On top of that, 40 per cent of workers admit to using their smartphone while on the toilet and 30 per cent said they spend longer in washrooms since acquiring a smartphone. While using your phone may seem innocent enough, only 22 per cent of workers clean their phone after using it in the washroom. This is particularly worrying when you consider that we interact with our phones 120 times per day, on average, and bring it close to our mouths when we make calls. Taking items like this into the washroom is not only unhygienic, but when hands aren’t being washed properly, can increase the risk of E. coli spreading.

Final thoughts In order to limit serious, antibiotic resistant E. coli infections, we must focus on thorough handwashing. These latest findings from the University of East Anglia serve as a vital reminder to refresh workers on the importance of washroom hygiene and ensure that the right facilities, tools and education are in place for it to remain a priority. Una nuova ricerca condotta nel Regno Unito ha rivelato che, dietro alla diffusione di un ceppo importante di E.Coli c’e‘ il mancato lavaggio delle mani. Con la conferma che la trasmissione da uomo a uomo ne è la responsabile principale, è ora più che mai importante che le imprese si assicurino che una buona pratica di igiene delle mani sia una priorità per il personale dipendente.

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Independent tests confirm TrapEzeÂŽ picks up 73% more dirt, dust, and debris than competing dusting sheets.


Floored by polishing ECJ examines the cleaner’s role in keeping hard floors in tip-top condition and finds out whether it is a highly specialised task – or whether anyone could do it.

The art of “cleaning” basically involves making things appear as new again. In an ideal world, freshly-cleaned windows would sparkle and shine while newlypolished floors would present a gleaming surface with minimal signs of wear and tear. But when things go wrong, a hard floor can actually look worse after being treated than it did in its pre-polished state. This is because the wrong type of floor treatment could result in scratches, dark marks, unsightly patches – and even burns. This begs the question: how specialised a task is floor cleaning and polishing? Does the operator need a certain level of skill and expertise, or is it a job that anyone could do when armed with an intuitive machine and a user-friendly product? Floor polishing can actually be very complicated according to Kärcher’s floorcare product manager Christian Mrowka. “A lot depends on the type of floor in question and the polishing method used,” he said. “However, appropriate training is always required.” The many different floor types available today serve to complicate the task because each one requires a different polishing method, he said. “Training will enable the operator to identity the composition of the floor and choose the right procedure, chemicals, machines and accessories,” he said. “Operators should also be taught how to deal with stains, marks and dullness. And they must be fully capable of operating the machine and its accessories and able to dose and use the chemicals correctly.” Operatives also need to understand

how they can achieve the best results swiftly and with the least possible effort while avoiding the floor being out of action for any longer than necessary, he said. “They should also know how to avoid any mistakes that could permanently damage the floor or deliver uneven results since this could result in unnecessary extra work,” said Mrowka. He claims the Kärcher BDP 50/2000 RS stand-on polishing machine to be particularly easy to use while also offering a high-level of operator comfort.

Easy to clean According to Mrowka, resilient types of flooring such as vinyl and linoleum are relatively easy to clean using a waterbased acrylic polish. “A scrubber dryer with a diamond pad used daily will clean the floor and maintain the shine,” he said. Examples of hard-to-clean floors include marble and granite surfaces presenting with marks and stains, he says. “A great deal of damage could be caused if the incorrect chemicals were to be administrated or if the machine were to be used wrongly,” he said. “It is also important to correctly identify any staining since different marks have very different characteristics. For example, an acid-based stain would need to be treated quite differently to a proteinbased one or a solvent stain.” He adds that problems could also arise if a machine were to remain in place on a temperature-sensitive floor for long periods without being moved. “This could cause permanent damage in the form of burn marks,” he said. “And using the wrong grit sandpaper or the wrong machine for sanding down laminate floors could cause uneven results or even severe damage to the wood.” All these scenarios can be prevented with proper training and use of the right equipment, Mrowka says. “Our own international academy offers product and application training focused on floor polishing that covers a range of methods, floor types, machines, accessories and

chemicals,” he said. Diversey’s global marketing manager for cleaning tools Gemma Haslam is less inclined to consider floor polishing to be a highly specialised task. “Anyone can do it,” she said. “If you select the right machine and the right floor pad, then a good result is easy to achieve.” However, she admits that granite floors can be a challenge because they could become damaged during polishing. “The task also becomes more complex when dealing with hard-to-clean surfaces and when using difficult-to-operate machinery,” she adds. According to Haslam, staff need good hands-on training combined with a high level of experience, particularly when renovating floors. Diversey offers intensive classroom courses combined with practical training. A Taski Swingo floor machine used in conjunction with a Twister Pink pad will achieve a high shine on high-traffic hard floors, she claims. “The thing about Twister pads is that with the right combination of colours, any situation can be rectified,” she adds. Prochem’s cleaning and maintenance trainer Stuart Macmillan considers floor polishing to be a fairly specialised task. “However, most people are capable of learning the required skills with the right combination of training, products and machinery,” he said.

Type of surface The floor cleaning challenge depends heavily on the type of floor surface in question, according to Macmillan. “For example, stripping and polishing a vinyl or linoleum floor is easier than crystallising a marble floor even though the same machines would be used for both jobs,” he said. Emulsion-polished vinyl or linoleum are among the easiest floor types to polish in his opinion. These can be buffed using a spray buff maintainer liquid such as Prochem C502 Protreat, along with Continued page 38

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FLOOR POLISHING Floored by polishing (continued)

a high speed single disc rotary machine such as the Prochem Floor Pro H16. “A red pad should be used here since this allows polished floors to maintain their shine,” he said. “And the heat created by the machine’s higher spin speed helps to harden the polymers within the maintainer, providing a protective layer that takes the impact of daily use.” Marble is among the most complex of floors to polish and the most easily damaged, according to Macmillan. “Daily foot traffic could cause surface damage while deeper scratches would require the use of different grades of grinding pads before being crystallised to re-polish the floor to a shine,” he said. Wooden floors can also be difficult to maintain if they require machine sanding, he adds. “This is particularly the case if the operator does not happen to know the type of seal or varnish that has been used in the past,” he said. Using the wrong chemical could result in floorcare disasters, according to Macmillan. “For example, a highly acidic product could cause damage to a limestone floor, and if a strong polish stripper were used on a colour-sensitive linoleum surface it could make the colours run,” he said. “A highly abrasive pad fitted to a single disc rotary machine or scrubber dryer could also cause ruin a floor surface.” Machinery should always be used by trained staff, he says. “It is the lack of training that causes damage to all types of flooring,” says Macmillan. Prochem offers comprehensive training on hard floor cleaning and maintenance and also provides free courses to cleaning contractors when buying a

Prochem machine. According to Macmillan, one of the easiest Prochem products to use is the E457 Natural Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner. This can be used as a mopping detergent or with a rotary scrubbing machine on heavily soiled floors. “However, all our products are easy to use if the operator reads the label and follows the instructions,” he adds.

Dans l’idéal, un plancher nouvellement poli devrait présenter une surface luisante accusant un minimum d’usure. Mais quand les choses tournent mal, un plancher qu’on vient de polir peut montrer un aspect inférieur à celui qui était le sien avant ce traitement. ECJ cherche à savoir si ce travail est de caractère spécialisé ou si n’importe qui peut l’entreprendre.

Im Idealfall präsentieren frisch polierte Böden eine glänzende Oberfläche mit minimalen Anzeichen von Abnutzung. Wenn aber etwas schief geht, kann ein Hartboden nach der Behandlung schlimmer aussehen als im nicht polierten Zustand. Das ECJ erfährt, ob es sich hierbei um eine äußerst spezialisierte Aufgabe handelt – oder ob sie von jedermann ausgeführt werden kann.

38 | May/June 2020 | ECJ

Right equipment Filmop’s Italy area manager Jimmy Vardabega agrees that floor polishing should be an easy task when using the right equipment. “Operators must be equipped with practical and intuitive products and systems that will enable them to perform the task easily,” he said. Filmop’s ErgoSwing is said to reduce operator effort because its ergonomic design allows for an S-shape movement on the part of the user. It is also claimed to be highly intuitive which is said to reduce the need for training. Professional cleaning should take into account the needs of each type of floor, says Vardabega. “It is pivotal to choose equipment based on the surface to be treated as well as the task itself,” he said. He adds that operators should be properly trained in the use of equipment to allow them to perform their tasks effectively. “We support our customers with on-site training and advise them on cleaning systems that most closely fit their needs,” he said. Truvox executive director Gordon McVean believes floorcare to be an acquired and specialised skill. “Professional standards are critical for those working at all levels in the clean-

ing profession,” he said. “Operatives need to be trained to use specialist equipment in the most productive and safe way possible.” He says one challenge for cleaning teams is to achieve the right balance in order to make the operation efficient and cost effective. “This will be determined by a range of factors including the scale of the facility, the different floor types and the size of the cleaning team and the budget,” he said. He claims the Orbis UHS Cordless Burnisher to be particularly simple to operate. It has adjustable handle heights, a high pad pressure for productive cleaning and a floating pad drive that adjusts for use on uneven floor surfaces. Training and education in machine use can often be overlooked, according to McVean. “This not only protects health and safety, it also enables the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene to be achieved,” he said. “And it helps to control costs because the machines can be used more efficiently as a result.” Floor cleaning systems manufacturers have a major role to play in terms of training, he said. “Today’s clients expect their suppliers to be partners rather than merely vendors,” said McVean. “It’s not enough to simply sell the machine and walk away - distributors who want to develop and maintain their customer base need to prove they are in it for the long run. And providing ongoing support in the form of equipment training is an excellent way to do this.” According to McVean, cleaning operatives need to be taught about good battery maintenance, proper storage and the correct dosage of chemicals. “These practices all play a part in getting the most out of your machine,” he said. “Teaching cleaning operatives about these issues is important and a regular training schedule enables them to stay up to date on the latest developments and trends in floor cleaning technology. “And at the end of the day, while every facility and type of flooring has its own set of unique challenges these are all surmountable with the aid of the right equipment and services.”

In un mondo ideale, i pavimenti appena lucidati dovrebbero presentare una superficie brillante senza alcun segno di logoramento e usura. Ma quando le cose vanno storto, un pavimento duro può, in realtà, apparire in peggior stato dopo essere stato trattato di come appariva prima della lucidatura. ECJ scopre se questo è un lavoro altamente specializzato o se chiunque lo può effettuare.


Cyber safety As more people work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic and cyber-crime is on the rise because many organisations are left vulnerable to online viruses, Jangro has added a new module to its e-learning platform. Working in conjunction with

the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the independent janitorial distributor developed ’Stay Safe Online: Top Tips for Staff’ as an addition to its Learning Management Solution (LMS) platform. It takes 30 minutes to complete and introduces why

cyber security is important and how attacks happen. The module is available to all Jangro customers and their staff.

increasingly widespread nitrile gloves type IV allergy. Suitable for various uses, from light industry to food.



New from Reflexx is a hypoallergenic disposable powder-free nitrile glove with a weight of 4.2 g (size M) and is therefore suitable for all people prone to allergic hand dermatitis. Reflexx N71 is made using LowDerma technology which includes a production process free of heavy metals (for example sulphur) and accelerating chemical elements (such as thiuram, carbamates, benzothiazoles) generally used during the production of disposable nitrile gloves. The glove is said to maintain its elasticity and protection but it also guarantees maximum compatibility even with the hands of those suffering from the

Tork manufacturer Essity has launched the Safe at Work: COVID-19 Healthcare Toolkit in a bid to support healthcare staff with hands-on training. This consists of resources for better hand hygiene, surface hygiene and dispenser placement as well as downloadable instruction posters. A recent global survey of more than 1,000 healthcare professionals conducted by United Minds on behalf of Tork revealed that 21 per cent of respondents found their hand hygiene training to be too theoretical. This was among the most common complaints concerning hand hygiene instruction.

• Jangro a étendu sa plateforme d’e-apprentissage en y ajoutant un module sécurisant l’expérience en ligne des organisations qui utilisent cette plateforme. • Reflexx a introduit un gant jetable hypoallergène et non poudré en nitrile à l’intention d’utilisateurs souffrant de la dermatite de main. • Essity a lancé une trousse à outils de sécurité professionnelle contre le covid-19 pour appuyer la formation à l’hygiène des mains dans le secteur de la santé. • Jangro hat seine e-LearningPlattform um ein Modul erweitert, das Organisationen dabei hilft, für ihre Online-Sicherheit zu sorgen. • Neu von Reflexx ist ein hypoallergener, puderfreier Einweghandschuh aus Nitril, der im Hinblick auf Menschen entwickelt wurde, die an Handdermatitis leiden. • Neu von Reflexx ist ein hypoallergener, puderfreier Einweghandschuh aus Nitril, der im Hinblick auf Menschen entwickelt wurde, die an Handdermatitis leiden.

• La Jangro ha ampliato la sua piattaforma e-learning con un modulo per aiutare le organizzazioni a mantenersi sicure online. • Il nuovo prodotto della Reflexx è un guanto monouso ipoallergenico in nitrile senza talco sviluppato per le persone che soffrono di dermatite. • La Essity ha lanciato il Safe at Work: Covid-19 Healthcare Toolkit a sostegno del settore sanitario per il training dell’igiene delle mani.

May/June 2020 | ECJ | 39


• Kimberly-Clark Professional a lancé le système d’essuyage léger WypAll Reach Centrefeed. • HappyOrNot, la société à l’origine des émoticones que nous utilisons pour exprimer notre avis relatif à des espaces publics, a mis au point une application à temps réel. • AKBO a lancé une version en acier inox de son pistolet de lavage Blue King. • Tenax, spécialiste des balayeuses de rue, a collaboré avec EnerSys, fabricant d’accumulateurs, dans la réalisation d’un modèle électrique. • Aquila a développé un gant spécialisé pour les activités de traitement et de recyclage des déchets - RE05F. • Hygiea2400 est un nouveau concentré à spores multiples, proposé par Bionetix pour la formulation de produits de nettoyage. • Neu von Kimberly-Clark Professional ist das WypAll Reach Centrefeed System, eine leichte Wischlösung. • HappyOrNot, das Unternehmen hinter den „Smileys“, mit denen wir unsere Meinung zu öffentlichen Räumen mitteilen können, hat eine in Echtzeit arbeitende App entwickelt. • AKBO hat eine Edelstahlversion der Blue Princess Spritzpistole vorgestellt. • Tenax, der Spezialist für Straßenkehrmaschinen, hat nach Gemeinschaftsarbeit mit dem Batteriehersteller EnerSys ein Elektromodell vorgestellt. • Aquila hat einen Spezialhandschuh für die Abfallverarbeitungs- und Recyclingindustrie entwickelt – RE05F. • Hygiea2400 ist ein neues Multisporenkonzentrat von Bionetix, das zur Formulierung von Reinigungsprodukten dient. • La novità della Kimberly-Clark Professional è la soluzione per pulire e asciugare portatile e leggera WypAll Reach Centrefeed System. • HappyOrNot, l’azienda dietro gli ‘smileys’ che utilizziamo per esprimere la nostra opinione dei luoghi pubblici, ha sviluppato una app in tempo reale. • La AKBO ha lanciato una versione in acciaio inossidabile della sua pistola a spruzzo Blue Princess. • La Tenax, specializzata in spazzatrici stradali, ha collaborato con la produttrice di batterie EnerSys per lanciare un modello elettrico. • La Aquila ha sviluppato il guanto specialistico RE05F per il settore dello smaltimento dei rifiuti e del riciclo. • Hygiea2400 è un nuovo concentrato di spore multiple prodotto dalla Bionetix che può essere utilizzato per formulare dei prodotti di pulizia.

40 | May/June 2020 | ECJ

Centrefeed wipe New from Kimberly-Clark Professional is the WypAll Reach Centrefeed System, a lightwiping solution for all types of cleaning tasks. Designed to be portable and convenient while reducing consumption and waste, it is said to be particularly suitable for front-of-house

Smiley Touch products exceeds a preset value, staff are sent automated push notifications through the HappyOrNot mobile reporting app. Once these alerts are sent, managers and frontline staff are able to acknowledge the alert and comment on the situation as it develops.

Stainless steel

areas such as shared kitchens and canteens. The system can also replace a traditional blue roll on a cleaning trolley and be used for daily cleaning tasks including wiping desks and surfaces. Comprising a fully protected roll with a controlled, singlesheet dispensing system the WypAll Reach Centrefeed System has also been designed to improve hygiene and reduce cross contamination in food preparation areas. The dispenser comes with a wall bracket to house the unit or transform it into a wallmounted system.

A new stainless steel version of its Blue Princess washdown gun has been launched by AKBO. Previously it was available only in brass. Thanks to its small size, light weight and attractive price the gun is particularly popular in the food industry. Despite its small size, the Blue Princess has a powerful water jet that can be infinitely adjusted from wide to narrow. It can also save up to 40 per cent on water and energy compared to regular cleaning guns, claims AKBO.

Happy app HappyOrNot, the company behind the globally recognised ’Smiley’ customer feedback system, has launched its Realtime Collaboration solution designed to help managers and frontline teams use data to detect issues as soon as they arise, communicate responses internally, and then act to rectify them. Having collected over 1.3 billion ‘Smiley’ impressions in 135 countries, the Finnish company’s latest development allows for operators to be alerted as soon as a potential issue arises based on spikes in ‘Smiley’ data. When the number of negative or positive responses from designated Smiley Terminal and

to change batteries. In addition, the new Tenax electric sweeper boasts operating costs up to 90 per cent compared to those associated with diesel vehicles., www.

Special glove

Aquila has designed a specialist glove for the waste processing and recycling industries - the RE05F. Cut resistant and double-coated with foam and full flat nitrile for optimum abrasion resistance, this glove is waterproof and chemical resistant. It still maintains an excellent grip and appropriate dexterity to suit general purpose usage, Aquila says. Send your product news to michelle@

Electric sweeper Street sweeper specialist Tenax International has teamed up with battery manufacturer EnerSys to develop an electric street sweeper. The key challenge in commercialising an electrical solution is guaranteeing sufficient operating times. By using a 48V 620Ah battery coverage of an eighthour shift can be achieved, and the guarantee is backed by an extended warranty period. This solution not only offers the target autonomy, it also improves operator safety as it eliminates the need for them

Natural formula Biotechnology specialist Bionetix International has developed Hygiea2400 multiple spore blend concentrate for use in cleaning and odour control formulations. Containing microorganisms that biodegrade specific compounds such as grease, fats, oils, starches, proteins and cellulose it can be used for a range of products including carpet and fabric cleaners, trap and drain maintenance products, washroom hygiene agents and odour control.

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