February/March 2021

Page 1

The pan-European magazine for the professional cleaning sector





Is it all about COVID?

The negative interest debate

A better life for cleaners

Page 22

Page 40

Page 29

Special report on sustainability and how the focus has shifted during the pandemic Page 43

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February/March 2021 | Vol.29, No.1



40 Is negative the way forward?

22 Is it all about COVID?

Hartley Milner asks whether negative interest rates may solve some economic challenges.

03 News

Have other outbreaks in healthcare environments been eclipsed by COVID?

29 A better life for cleaners What is being done to improve the life of our cleaning operatives?


EFCI news

33 The future looks bright How is the scrubber dryer market looking following the pandemic?

14 European reports

43 The other two pillars Have the people and profit pillars of sustainability gained new prominence?

55 Product review

49 Cleaning as a life changer A report from Japan by ECJ’s Bobbie van der List.

52 Dealing with spills safely How to minimise health and safety risks from spills in industrial settings.

54 Smarter facilities management The implications of smart building development for the service operations.

Criterion Publishing Ltd PO Box 299, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1FP UK T +44 (0)1494 791222 F +44 (0)1494 792223 info@europeancleaningjournal.com www. europeancleaningjournal.com Subscriptions UK - £60 / Continental Europe - £70 / International - £80

Editor Michelle Marshall Features Writer Ann Laffeaty Advertisement director Chris Godman Advertisement sales executive Laura Bell

Circulation Marie Payne

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European Cleaning Journal is published six times a year by Criterion Publishing Ltd. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in European Cleaning, Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. Copyright for all material published in European Cleaning remains with Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents.

ISSN 0968-901X ©Criterion Publishing 2021


Latest News & Events from ECJ

European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards to return in Spring 2022

ECJ has published a special supplement focusing on the issues surrounding sustainability. Key issues discussed include the Extinction Rebellion effect, the flip side of sustainability, single use plastics, and the role of robotics and technology. Read it at the ECJ website (www. europeancleaningjournal.com) or download via the app.


The European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards - the professional cleaning sector’s only pan-European awards programme - will return in Spring 2022 to celebrate the successes of the industry. After the 2020 event was postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the organisers have now confirmed that the fifth awards event will take place on April 28 2022 at Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels.

April open for entries The awards - founded by ECJ - will be open for entries this April. Businesses and individuals from across the continent are encouraged to share their stories of success. Michelle Marshall, ECJ editor explains: “It is now clear the pandemic will continue to impact our lives - and the professional cleaning sector - for some time to come. Therefore we feel the right thing to do is

to postpone the ceremony until April 2022. “In doing this we hope to be able to celebrate our industry in the way we would all like to, when we can travel freely and enjoy the occasion.”

Wider recognition She added: “The cleaning industry has really stepped up to the challenge of COVID-19 and it’s great to see it starting to gain wider recognition, something we have always championed. We look forward to reading the nominations in the coming months, and cannot wait to welcome everyone to Brussels in just over a year’s time.” The European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards are organised by European Cleaning Journal (ECJ) and Environment Media Group (EMG). For further updates visit www. echawards.com and follow on Twitter @ECH_Awards

Les Prix européens de propreté et d’hygiène ont été reportés de novembre 2021 au 28 avril 2022. Le lieu de la manifestation reste inchangé : Hôtel le Plaza à Bruxelles.

April 19-21

November 15-18

Interclean China

ISSA North America

Beijing, China www.intercleanchina.com

Las Vegas, USA www.issa.com

May 25-27

April 28 2022


European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards

Paris, France www.europropre.com

Brussels, Belgium www.echawards.com


May 10-13 2022

ISSA Pulire

Interclean Amsterdam

Verona, Italy www.pulire-it.com

Amsterdam, Netherlands www.intercleanshow.com

September 21-24

CMS Berlin, Germany www.cms-berlin.de September 28-30

Middle East Cleaning Tech Week Dubai, UAE www.mectw.com October 19-21

ISSA Cleaning & Hygiene Expo Syndney, Australia www.issa.com November 2-4

The Cleaning Show London, UK www.cleaningshow.co.uk

To have your event included in the Events section, contact ECJ via email at: michelle@europeancleaningjournal.com

Die European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards wurden vom November dieses Jahres auf den 28. April 2022 verschoben. Der Veranstaltungsort ist unverändert – Hotel le Plaza in Brüssel.

L’evento European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards è stato posticipato dal novembre di quest’anno al 28 aprile 2022. Il luogo dell’evento rimane lo stesso, l’Hotel le Plaza a Bruxelles.

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 3


All-Party Parliamentary Group inaugurated in the UK An All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the cleaning and hygiene sector has been inaugurated in the UK. An APPG is an informal cross-party group run by and for members of the House of Commons and House of Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities. APPG members meet to discuss a particular issue of concern and explore relevant issues relating to their topic. They regularly examine issues of policy relating to particular areas - discussing new developments, inviting stakeholders and Government ministers to speak at their meetings.

A total of 53 MPs and three members of the House of Lords have joined the cleaning and hygiene industry group. Members of six parties are taking part - the Conservative, Labour, Scottish National Party, Democratic Unionist Party, Plaid Cymru and Liberal Democrats - and participants include some of the most prominent parliamentarians in the country. At the inauguration meeting MPs elected Nigel Mills, MP for Amber Valley, and The Baroness Greengross as co-chairs, and agreed on vice chairs and the make-up of the committee which will run the group. The British Cleaning Council (BCC) is sponsoring the APPG. Chairman Paul Thrupp and

Au Royaume-Uni, un groupe parlementaire a été constitué pour se consacrer aux secteurs de la propreté et de l’hygiène.

4 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

deputy chairman Jim Melvin addressed the group at the inauguration. It will now represent the interests of the cleaning and hygiene sector in Parliament and seek to influence MPs, ministers and government.

Parliamentary representation Paul Thrupp said: “This is a historic day for our industry. The establishment of the APPG is a major development for the cleaning and hygiene sector. I’m delighted we have achieved this. “The APPG will help ensure policy-makers are aware of the vital work we do and ensure the sector’s voice is heard in decisions that affect it. An industry of such large scale and huge importance as ours

In Großbritannien wurde eine Allparteienfraktion für die Reinigungs- und Hygienebranche eingeführt.

needs to have this kind of representation in Parliament. “I’m particularly pleased so many MPs have agreed to give the group their backing. Such widespread support will ensure it is credible and influential.” Jim Melvin said: “This groundswell of support shows there is growing recognition of the industry’s contribution and the vital work of its personnel, particularly in the fight against COVID-19. “Though there are many important issues for the APPG to discuss, we’d like it to focus on the status of the sector’s operatives as key and essential workers, and their need for COVID-19 vaccination as an immediate priority.”

Nel Regno Unito è stato fondato un gruppo di tutti i partiti (All-Party Parliamentary Group - APPG) per il settore delle pulizie e dell’igiene.


COVID-19 detected in hospital corridors, toilets and bathrooms Fifty per cent of air samples taken from hospital hallways and more than 20 per cent from bathrooms revealed high levels of coronavirus in a series of studies. Researchers analysed the results of 24 studies from eight countries between January 1 and October 27 2020. Air samples from ICU rooms were found to be more than twice as likely to be positive for genetic material of the virus, while more than 23 per cent of samples taken from toilets and/or bathrooms tested positive for viral RNA. Researchers say the high incidence of positive tests in the washrooms could be due to the small size of the rooms coupled

with poor ventilation and the presence of viral material in stool samples. “Toilet flushing may lead to the aerosolisation of RNA in small and nonventilated toilets or bathrooms,” wrote the authors.

Cross-transmission Around 12 per cent of staff areas including meeting and dining rooms proved positive for the virus. According to the authors, this is consistent with the possible cross-transmission of COVID-19 among healthcare professionals during breaks in small rooms when face masks are frequently removed. It was unclear from the studies whether the virus levels present in hospital environments

Une série d’études a constaté que 50 % des échantillons d’air prélevés dans les corridors des hôpitaux, et 20 % de ceux prélevés dans les toilettes, comportent des taux élevés de coronavirus.

would be sufficiently viable to infect people. “However, high viral loads found in toilets and bathrooms, staff areas and public hallways argue for a careful consideration of these areas for the prevention of COVID-19 transmission,” wrote the authors. The team, from Central

Bei einer Reihe von Untersuchungen zeigten 50 Prozent der Luftproben aus Krankenhausfluren und mehr als 20 Prozent aus Toiletten hohe Niveaus an Coronavirus.

Hospital at the University of Nantes, in France, says the high concentration of the virus plus the fact people were being cramped together in poorly-ventilated rooms could explain why frontline healthcare workers frequently contract the virus despite wearing personal protective equipment.

In numerosi studi effettuati, il cinquanta per cento dei campioni di aria prelevati dai corridoi degli ospedali e oltre il 20 per cento dei campioni prelevati dai bagni hanno rivelato alti livelli di coronavirus.

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 5

EFCI NEWS EFCI engages actively with UN Sustainable Development Goals EFCI, which represents our sector at EU level, is actively engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN. It believes the cleaning and facilities sector has a key role to play. In September 2015, the 193 UN member states unanimously adopted the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, an unprecedented 15-year common plan to achieve the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs). The Agenda has at its centre 17 interconnected and indivisible goals which establish at their turn 192 specific targets. The SDGs and their targets are universally applicable in developing and developed countries alike and recognise environmental sustainability concerns as an essential and transversal dimension of human development, alongside the social, economic, and political ones. The SDGs recognise the key role business can play in achieving them by applying creativity and innovation to solve development challenges. In light of the COVID-19 health crisis, UN Chief António Guterres recognised the pandemic as an “unprecedented wake-up call”, exposing more evidently than ever the urgency to deliver on the 2030 Agenda. So the European Commission has agreed the Recovery Plan, leading the way out of the crisis, shall lay the foundations for a modern and more sustainable Europe. The SDGs have gained a new momentum and their objectives were relaunched as part of the global response to COVID-19. EFCI has analysed how the cleaning and facility services sector can contribute. While since 2015 the cleaning industry’s formal commitment to the SDGs has seen only a partial uptake compared to the wider business community, cleaning

and facility services companies have been thoroughly engaged in the industry’s transition to a more sustainable and energyefficient business model. As the recognised European Social Partner at industrial sectoral level, EFCI actively works to promote employment, safe and inclusive work environments and has set as a priority to support the sector in the transition to a more circular and sustainable model of services. It believes our sector can act as a key partner and a transversal vector toward a more sustainable Europe through a transformational recovery from the pandemic.

How EFCI contributes The EFCI engages with the SDGs’ objectives and especially those in the fields of health, hygiene, sanitation, urban spaces upkeep, quality employment and equal opportunities, which members and the companies they represent have long contributed to achieve. The EFCI engages to contribute improving access to safe, effective, quality and essential healthcare services and strengthen the capacity for the reduction and management of national and global health risks. Professional cleaning is essential for the overall protection of human health, especially in healthcare. Our industry enables healthcare services to maintain the highest standards in cleanliness and hygiene through professionally implemented cleaning and sanitisation operations using recommended protocols and products. In the current health crisis, the sector has been widely acknowledged in its key role to contain the outbreak of the virus and prevent its propagation. The EFCI engages to contribute improving access to adequate

L’EFCI, l’organisation qui représente notre secteur au niveau de l’UE, est très engagée vis-à-vis des Objectifs de développement durable fixés par les Nations Unies. Elle estime que le secteur de la propreté et de la gestion des installations a un rôle important à y jouer.

6 | February/March 2021| ECJ

and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and increase water-use efficiency. The industry helps to improve easy access to hygiene solutions and plays a key role in ensuring safe, hygienic and secure sanitation, critical to protecting human health against infectious disease.

Labour rights Further, the EFCI supports cleaning companies’ voluntary efforts to implement existing and innovative solutions to improve water efficiency in the cleaning sector by encouraging clients’ ecological transition. The EFCI engages to contribute achieving full employment, protecting labour rights, promoting safe working environments, inclusive labour markets and reducing the number of young people not in employment, education or training. The industrial cleaning and facility services sector is a growing and inclusive industry, with 72 per cent of its +4.1 million employees in Europe being women and a 30 per cent having a migrant background. As the recognised European Social Partner the EFCI and its members permanently engage in social dialogue; promote health and safety at work and non-discrimination as a main priority; support the upskilling and reskilling of workers through the SK-Clean project; collaborate with the European Youth Guarantee and promote the sector as a valid career option for the young and unemployed. The EFCI engages to contribute promoting the social, economic and political inclusion of all as well as ensuring equal opportunities and adopting policies and practices to achieve greater equality. The cleaning sector has demonstrated it is engaged in

Der EFCI, die Organisation, die unsere Branche auf EU-Ebene repräsentiert, befasst sich aktiv mit den von der UN festgelegten Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). Der EFCI ist der Meinung, dass die Reinigungs- und FacilityManagement-Branche hierbei eine wichtige Rolle spielt.

job creation and the integration of workers into the labour market, as well as ensuring quality employment. The EFCI contributes to this goal by promoting social dialogue, quality-based procurement and the importance of skills and professionalism in the sector. Moreover, it is committed to the fight against undeclared work and unfair competition. The EFCI engages to contribute improving access to safe, inclusive, and accessible green and public spaces as well as reducing the environmental impact of cities. Our sector plays a key role in improving the quality of urban environments by ensuring access to clean, hygienic and functional green and public spaces. Cleaning and facility services companies are doing this while contributing to new models of urban development. To this end, the EFCI supports the sector in encouraging buyers to choose offers of services based on more sustainable cleaning protocols and operations.

Encouraging partnership The EFCI is committed to enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development and encouraging effective public-private and civil society partnerships for the goals. The EFCI actively engages with its members, European institutions, civil society and others to strengthen the partnership for sustainable development. Through its active participation in the European social dialogue and other forums, like the European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work or the European Ecolabelling Board, EFCI ensures the views and experience of the sector are taken into account in all policy initiatives to deliver on the SDGs.

La EFCI, che rappresenta il nostro settore a livello UE, si sta impegnando attivamente con gli obiettivi fissati dall’UN - Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). L’associazione è dell’opinione che il settore del cleaning e della gestione delle strutture abbia un ruolo fondamentale da svolgere.


How the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme could work for cleaning Vectair Systems’ Paul Wonnacott brings news of an initiative to establish a public toilet hygiene rating scheme in the UK. The coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns meant that last year, we saw a huge increase in the number of people spending time outdoors, whether for exercise or to de-stress and unwind. With shops and restaurants closed, the only toilets available for use were public ones - mainly the standalone type that you see in parks and recreation grounds. During the first lockdown many of these were closed, but over time they were slowly allowed to reopen... which was great - well, for the lucky individuals who were able to find one. It’s a fact that the average English council only runs 15 toilets per every 12,500 citizens. According to The Guardian newspaper, over the last two decades the number of public toilet facilities in the UK has dropped by almost 40 per cent, while the population has increased by more than eight million. Since 2010, 60p in every pound local government receives from central government has been cut - and because local authorities are not legally required to provide public toilets, they fall victim to these cuts. This makes going to the toilet outside of your own home a luxury. What’s worse, is that the toilets that are available are often so dirty that many people would rather go anywhere but in them. So, how do we raise the standards of these toilets, whilst also allowing the public to make an informed choice on whether or not they are desperate enough to use a dirty loo? I’m pleased to say that a

• Paul Wonnacott small group of us (led by Susan Cunningham, recent winner of the Impact Award in the Technology & Marketing Awards for cleaning, for her work on ‘Public Inconveniences’) have been making progress behind the scenes on coming up with ideas for a toilet hygiene rating scheme in the UK. The idea is that this would work in a similar way to the very successful Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS). The FHRS, which operates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, was formally launched in November 2010 after a report highlighted several high-profile outbreaks and deaths from foodborne illness. The scheme is a Food Standards Agency/local authority partnership initiative which provides information about hygiene standards in food premises at the time they are inspected to check compliance with legal requirements. The transparency this provides enables consumers to make informed choices about where to eat out or shop for food and provides an important incentive for businesses to achieve and maintain compliance with food hygiene law. Ultimately, it enables consumers to make informed decisions about where they eat -

• Paul Wonnacott de Vectair Systems annonce une initiative visant à établir un système de notation de l’hygiène des toilettes publiques au Royaume-Uni. • Le Parlement européen a récemment adopté une initiative législative invitant la Commission à proposer une Directive UE relative au « droit à la déconnexion ».

8 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

whether in a restaurant or when ordering a takeaway. Consumer awareness is key to the scheme, and food outlets advertise their rating on a sticker, often in their outside window. In the scheme’s ‘biannual public attitudes tracker’ published in June 2017, just over half of the British public said that they are aware of the food hygiene rating scheme, and 85 per cent of people reported having seen a sticker on display in the last 12 months.

Influence decisions Of those aware, 64 per cent used the rating to help them to make decisions about where to eat or buy food. Hygiene ratings range from 0 to 5, with 0 meaning urgent improvement is necessary, and 5 meaning very good. Research says that most people see a rating of 4 as the lowest acceptable that they would consider when choosing a food venue. We are keen to see a toilet hygiene rating scheme operating in a similar way - the main aim being that consumers can make informed decisions about where

they use the toilet outside of their own home. Unsanitary and unsafe toilets can of course be linked to illness and it’s important that we can ourselves decide whether we want to take risks or not. This might be based on whether or not we are in the vulnerable category, for example. If washing hands is the biggest single thing we can do to help stop the spread of coronavirus, why as a country aren’t we prioritising the cleanliness of our public hygiene facilities where we wash our hands? For me, this extends beyond just public toilets in parks and retail spaces. If we don’t have an independent scheme that ‘verifies’ the cleanliness of hospitality venues like hotels and restaurant, we only have their word that their toilets are as clean as they say they are. A scheme like this would also, in my opinion, provide a great opportunity for venues to demonstrate their commitment to cleaning by achieving a high rating - especially with more and more consumers taking hygiene into account when deciding where to go and where to stay.

Report on right to disconnect The European Parliament recently adopted a legislative initiative report, calling on the Commission to propose an EU directive on the right to disconnect - reports EFCI. The report provides that a legislative proposal to establish minimum requirements for telework can only be presented by the Commission after a threeyear deadline for implementing the social partners’ framework agreement on digitalisation. The report aims to reaffirm the right of no professional solicitation outside working time,

• Paul Wonnacott von Vectair Systems berichtet über eine Initiative zur Einrichtung eines Bewertungsschemas für die öffentliche Toilettenhygiene im Vereinigten Königreich. • Das Europäische Parlament hat vor Kurzem einen legislativen Initiativbericht angenommen, mit dem die Kommission dazu aufgefordert wird, eine EU-Richtlinie zum Recht auf Nichterreichbarkeit vorzuschlagen.

with full respect for working time legislation and working time provisions in collective agreements and contractual arrangements. It sets minimum requirements on the use of digital tools for professional purposes outside working hours, which over time aim at creating a culture that avoids out-of-hours contact. The report emphasises the role of social partners in implementing the right to disconnect and of the need for tailor-made solutions meeting companies’ needs.

• Paul Wonnacott di Vectair Systems porta la notizia di un’iniziativa per stabilire uno schema di classificazione dell’igiene dei bagni pubblici nel Regno Unito. • Il Parlamento Europeo ha adottato di recente una relazione di iniziativa legislativa, invitando la Commissione a proporre una direttiva UE sul diritto di disconnettere.

Grand Place, Brussels

28 Apr 2022 Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels

SAVE THE DATE The next European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards will take place in the wonderfully historic city of Brussels, Belgium! Winners will be recognised at a glitzy ceremony at the luxurious Le Plaza Hotel on 28th April 2022. Entry is FREE and SIMPLE (just 500 words), so celebrate your successes, and... Raise your profile Boost your reputation Differentiate yourself from competitors Showcase your organisation to key industry players Create PR opportunities across European media Boost morale and motivate your team

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CATEGORIES Start-up business of the year *NEW* Best use of smart solutions Investment in training Client & contractor partnerships Sustainability - best practice Commitment to diversity Raising the profile of cleaning sector Technological innovation of the year Leader of the year Rising star


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How to mitigate cleaning best practices and restore confidence As we prepare to venture back to stores and shopping centres, retailers are taking extra precautions to welcome shoppers safely. As a result, the shopping experience is going to be different from now on, including limited occupancy in the shops, closed fitting rooms and floor markings to direct foot traffic. Jean-Henri Beukes, managing director of Ecocleen, tells us more. Whilst these measures are a great start in restoring shopper confidence, many consumers still feel unsafe visiting shopping centres. As a result, retailers need to balance consumer’s need for an easy shopping experience, with one that is completely safe and hygienic. It’s never been more important for retailers and shopping centres to remain compliant in regards to hygiene and cleaning, in order to meet consumers heightened expectations in the post-lockdown world. From sanitisation and hand washing stations in-store to regular cleaning and disinfecting regimes, retailers are now responsible for limiting the transmission of COVID-19.

Cleaning best practices The first step involves making sure that each shopping centre site or location is cleaned at the beginning and end of each day. Thorough cleaning procedures will also include frequently touched surfaces and objects such as escalator handrails, lift buttons and door handles, plus sanitary facilities and public seating areas. A regimented cleaning protocol will help maintain a clean environment and shoppers will find comfort when they see cleaners frequently wiping down high traffic zones throughout the day. Shopping centres also

External cleaning companies also have the ability to work around the retailers opening times, and throughout the day to reduce the risk of transmission. This means shopping centres will benefit from personalised cleaning services, that are tailored to specific pain points to make it as easy and convenient as possible.

Restoring confidence

• Jean-Henri Beukes need to consider installing hand sanitisation units, focussing on main contact points, to safeguard their shoppers and reduce the risk of transmission.

Cleaners ‘not appreciated’

Provide training for staff The global pandemic has created a new demand for shopping centres to invest in its staff and ensure that they fully understand the health and safety procedures. By providing extensive training, workers will be confident when implementing infection control processes and following the guidelines to ensure the shopping centre is a safe environment for everyone. Not only does it guarantee safe trading in the shopping centre, but it also contributes to the staff’s safety and ensures they feel supported whilst they help retailers navigate the new normal.

Deploying the experts Many shopping centres may choose to outsource its cleaning practices to a professional cleaning company, allowing them to focus on the shopping experience for their customers. These specialists will come equipped with years of experience and can offer high standards when it comes to health and safety.

• Alors que nous nous préparons à retourner dans les magasins et les centres commerciaux, les détaillants prennent des précautions supplémentaires pour accueillir les acheteurs en toute sécurité. Jean-Henri Beukes, directeur général d’Ecocleen, nous en dit plus. • Faible statut professionnel, communications insuffisantes et lourd fardeau de travail - tels sont les problèmes auxquels les agents de nettoyage sont confrontés aux États-Unis, indique une étude publiée dans ce pays.

10 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

Reducing the risk of exposure to the coronavirus by cleaning is an important part of reopening shopping centres and requires careful attention from all retailers. Shoppers have been

called upon to slow the spread of the virus through social distancing and mask-wearing, and it’s no different for retailers. Everyone has a role to play in making sure our public places are safe and remain open. As a result, transparency is critical in the ‘new normal’ and shopping centres need to communicate their hygiene and safety efforts to help minimise the risk of coronavirus. Not only will these cleaning best practices protect workers, consumers and others from coronavirus, but it will also help restore shopper confidence in this unprecedented time.

Low status, poor levels of communication and high work demands - these are among the issues facing cleaners in the US healthcare sector according to a study published in the American Journal of Infection Control. Many cleaners feel they provide little value to the organisations in which they work. Some complain of a lack of ongoing training, while other perceived barriers to carrying out their job efficiently include high work demands, “us versus them” attitudes, interruptions, perceptions of low status and a lack of communication. And operatives are struggling to keep up with the enhanced cleaning and disinfectant measures made necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Advanced training The study, which was conducted at Clemson University in South Carolina, concluded that advanced training on cleaning and disinfection practices could help to overcome many of these issues.

• Während wir uns darauf vorbereiten, zu Geschäften und Einkaufszentren zurückzukehren, treffen Einzelhändler zusätzliche Vorkehrungen, um die Käufer sicher willkommen zu heißen. Jean-Henri Beukes, Geschäftsführer von Ecocleen, erzählt uns mehr. • Niedriger Status, mangelhafte Kommunikation und hohe Anforderungen an die Arbeit: dies sind einige der Probleme, mit denen sich Reinigungskräfte im USGesundheitswesen konfrontiert sehen. Das geht aus einer in den USA durchgeführten Studie hervor.

According to researchers, healthcare organisations need to demonstrate a long-term commitment to continuous improvement in disinfection outcomes. And that means providing systematic training with a particular focus on interpersonal skills. “To sustain improvements in disinfection practices, training needs to be continuous,” the study states.

Commitment It adds that healthcare cleaners would feel more valued if increased efforts were to be made to train them. And staff need to be given a basic knowledge of pathogens, while the effectiveness of any training should be measured through microbial assessments of healthcare facilities before and after cleaning, according to the study authors. “The focus should be on how these pathogens can spread in hospital environments and what procedures EVS workers can implement to prevent the spread,” the study states.

• Mentre ci prepariamo a tornare nei negozi e nei centri commerciali, i rivenditori stanno prendendo ulteriori precauzioni per accogliere gli acquirenti in sicurezza. Jean-Henri Beukes, amministratore delegato di Ecocleen, ci dice di più. • Da quanto emerge da uno studio effettuato negli USA, basso status sociale, scarsi livelli di comunicazione e elevate esigenze lavorative sono alcuni dei problemi che devono affrontare gli addetti alle pulizie nel settore sanitario in America.


Prioritising wellbeing, hygiene, safety and visible cleaning

Kimberly-Clark Professional recently commissioned a study in the UK, France and Germany to discover how people really felt about returning to work after the first coronavirus peak. It found that wellbeing, hygiene and safety are now very much at the top of everyone’s agenda. Across Europe, the COVID-19 pandemic has moved wellbeing, hygiene and safety to the top of everyone’s agenda. With heightened awareness around risk, reinforced daily by the need for social distancing and the wearing of face coverings, managing consumer perceptions of cleanliness and hygiene is key to restoring and maintaining confidence for employees and customers across all sectors. “As the leaders in workplace hygiene, we commissioned Harris Interactive to discover how people in the UK, France and Germany really felt about returning to work after the first coronavirus peak,” says Olena Neznal, vice president, KimberlyClark Professional EMEA. “The survey found that 80 per cent of people in the UK are now more aware of hygiene practices when outside the home, compared to 77 per cent in France and 67 per cent in Germany (1). “Confidence levels varied

from country to country. In France, only 14 per cent of those surveyed were confident with the level of cleanliness and hygiene outside the home since COVID, compared to 20 per cent in the UK (1). Only 20 per cent of people in France felt safe going back to the workplace, compared to 31 per cent in Germany (1), while in the UK, 86 per cent said they would avoid a location if they didn’t think it was COVIDsecure, compared to 82 per cent in Germany (1). “For businesses which are closed due to lockdown and government restrictions, this is a good time to address hygiene practices ready for when they reopen,” adds Neznal. The findings from the survey are crucial in guiding our ability to ensure we offer the best advice and solutions. “Only companies that win the confidence of their employees and customers will thrive, and from this research it is clear that hygiene is now top of the business agenda. There are no shortcuts to workplace hygiene.”

Perceptions of cleanliness The survey looked at various sectors including offices, airports, hotels, education locations, dine-in restaurants, cafés, pubs and bars, and

Kimberly-Clark Professional a récemment commandité une étude au Royaume-Uni, en France et en Allemagne pour connaître le véritable sentiment des gens devant la perspective de retourner au travail après la première flambée de Covid-19. Il en ressort que, maintenant, les intéressés se préoccupent beaucoup de bien-être, d’hygiène et de prévention.

12 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

revealed that perceptions about overall levels of cleanliness and hygiene varied considerably from sector to sector. While many premises and venues remain closed, public washrooms remain open. Demonstrating that a great deal needs to be done to improve facilities, confidence with the levels of cleanliness and hygiene in public washrooms in general was very low, at an alarming five per cent in France and seven per cent in Germany and the UK (1). In France only 33 per cent said they would feel safe in a public washroom. For the UK this improved to 35 per cent and in Germany, to 39 per cent (1). In public washrooms, 92 per cent of French respondents said they were concerned about using the toilets. Germany was only a little better at 87 per cent and in the UK, it was 83 per cent (1). The top factor when considering if a public washroom was safe to return to was seeing the washroom is clean (76 per cent, UK; 73 per cent, France; 67 per cent Germany). Meanwhile, seeing employees actively cleaning was an important factor in the UK at 74 per cent but less so in France at 54 per cent and Germany at only 44 per cent (1). Public washrooms are a critical amenity for many, but more needs to be done to elevate hygiene in these facilities.

Prioritising surface wiping While washroom hygiene remains a top priority, hotspots now also need to be considered. The guidance from the World Health Organisation is to use a two-step clean and disinfect process. The recommendations are to routinely clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace such as workstations, handrails, doorknobs and shared

Kimberly-Clark Professional hat vor Kurzem eine Studie in Auftrag gegeben, die in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Deutschland ausgeführt wird und mit der festgestellt werden soll, was die Menschen wirklich davon hielten, nach der ersten CoronavirusSpitze wieder zur Arbeit zurückzukehren. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Wohlbefinden, Hygiene und Sicherheit jetzt bei allen ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung stehen.

equipment. Science indicates why these surfaces need daily hygiene protocols in addition to good hand hygiene standards in facilities (2). With safety in mind, the survey asked which facilities people would prefer to see in washrooms. In every sector, hand sanitiser and antibacterial soap were among the highest priorities. In public washrooms, touchless taps were high on the list (73 per cent, UK; 70 per cent, Germany; 67 per cent France), followed by touchless automatic doors (71 per cent, Germany; 69 per cent, UK; 66 per cent France). The focus on touchless technologies highlighted varying levels of concern around germ hotspots. When away from home, 73 per cent of French respondents were worried about touching the railings on public transport (70 per cent, UK; 64 per cent, Germany), while 67 per cent in the UK were concerned about opening doors or touching lift buttons (68 per cent, France; 56 per cent, Germany) (1). Unsurprisingly, as there has been a significant shift towards contactless payments, 65 per cent in the UK were worried about using cash machines and 64 per cent in handling money (53 per cent and 49 per cent, France; 50 per cent and 43 per cent, Germany). To help businesses get back on their feet and restore confidence, Kimberly-Clark Professional has introduced the 360˚ Hygiene & Protection programme. A free, no obligation virtual hygiene walk is available to book at https://home.kcprofessional. com/UK_PR_ECJ_TTNS_1120 1.Source: How has COVID-19 affected perceptions of cleanliness and hygiene? Harris Interactive on behalf of KimberlyClark; July 2020. UK n=1,097 2.https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/ cleaning-and-disinfection-of-environmentalsurfaces-inthe-context-of-covid-19

La Kimberly-Clark Professional ha di recente commissionato uno studio nel Regno Unito, in Francia e in Germania per scoprire come i lavoratori si sono realmente sentiti quando sono tornati al lavoro dopo il primo picco di coronavirus. Lo studio ha rivelato che il benessere, l’igiene e la sicurezza sono ora al primo posto nella lista delle priorità di ogni persona.

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LATEST: UK Respect and recognition In the UK, an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the cleaning and hygiene industry has been inaugurated. Lynn Webster reports for ECJ. The pandemic has brought significant opportunities for the cleaning industry, not least recognition of the value of cleaning operatives on the frontline, and the perception of our sector. Cleaning and hygiene have been, and continue to be pivotal to many operations, from healthcare, public services and transportation to food retail and manufacturing - providing safe environments, protecting the wellbeing of employees and the general public. It is therefore a significant step forward that through the work of the British Cleaning Council (BCC) an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has formally been inaugurated. With the support of Stephen Kerr, previously of Kimberly-Clark and now MP for Stirling, a total of 53 MP’s from six parliamentary parties along with three members of the House of Lords joined the Group. They are the Rt Hon The Lord Lamont of Lerwick and the former ceo of Mitie, the Baroness McGregor-Smith along with the Baroness Greengross, OBE, who will become joint chairman with Nigel Mills, MP for Amber Valley. The APPG will represent the interests of the cleaning and hygiene sector in Parliament and influence MPs, ministers and government, ensuring policymakers are aware of the vital work of the sector and that our voice is heard in decisions that affect it. The cleaning industry represents some 1.6 million people and provides €62.5 billion towards the UK economy, featuring as one of the top 10 industries. There will be some key areas to be addressed which were explained by Paul Thrupp, BCC chairman, including; approval of the status of Au Royaume-Uni, un groupe parlementaire a été constitué pour discuter uniquement des secteurs de la propreté et de l’hygiène. Lynn Webster en fournit des précisions.

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cleaning operatives as key and essential workers; providing a recognised cleaning training organisation; a fair living wage; promoting of wellbeing and health awareness; addressing modern slavery; accelerating sustainability and waste to zero targets; removal of unregulated providers and unsubstantiated product claims. The first of these will inevitably surround the role of cleaning in tackling the pandemic. This included providing the reassurance and confidence in returning to the workplace and to visiting of other venues and public spaces. Other topics included the impact of effective hand hygiene. Whereas there is regular promotion of the need to wash hands regularly and effectively, the “when” is often lost. The International Scientific Forum for Home Hygiene (IFH) has issued its “moments” when harmful microbes are most likely to be spread: • Entering and leaving a public space • During food handling • Whilst eating, especially using fingers • After using the toilet and when changing a nappy • When coughing, sneezing and nose blowing • Touching surfaces frequently touched by other people • Leaving a work station • Handling and laundering ‘dirty’ clothing and household linens • Caring for domestic animals • Waste handling and disposing of refuse • Caring for an infected family member. Baroness McGregor-Smith was keen to consider a profession accreditation and licensing regime and another development toward self-supply for products and services.

In Großbritannien wurde eine Allparteienfraktion für die Reinigungsund Hygienebranche eingeführt. Lynn Webster berichtet Näheres dazu.

Nel Regno Unito è stato inaugurato un gruppo parlamentare di tutti i partiti per il settore delle pulizie e dell’igiene. Ce ne parla la corrispondente Lynn Webster.

LATEST: GERMANY Creating awareness - a campaign Katja Scholz in Germany reports on the latest news from the contract cleaning association, BIV. Take part in the discussion on socio-political questions – that is the challenge facing the sector with the largest workforce in Germany. At the beginning of the year, the Federal Association of Contract Cleaners (BIV) took a further step towards this when, in the middle of January, it launched its podcast. “Our podcast is about politics and science, specific trades and industry in general, training, digitalisation, migration and sustainability, as well as social and cultural developments. The range of subject matter affecting our sector is huge”, explains Christopher Lück, BIV director of policy and communications and moderator of the podcast. “We would like to focus this year mainly on politics and the economy – which provide us with a multitude of topics for discussion, particularly in light of the parliamentary (Bundestag) elections in September.” In the opening podcast from the association’s president, Hans Peter Wollseifer, the content ranged the pandemic to the economic situation and the political demands made by the sector in this so-called “super election year” of 2021. In the second of the monthly podcasts, the president of the German Institute for Economic Research, Professor Marcel Fratzscher, was the guest contributor. Guest contributors are of course only participating virtually at the moment – the interviews are recorded digitally separate from each other and merged together later. When viewed afterwards, however, the guests appear to be conversing face to face with Christopher Lück. The podcasts can be accessed on the BIV website as well as on general sites such as Spotify, Deezer or iTunes. And why make a podcast? The answer is quite simple: podcasts are very popular. Around oneL’association allemande de la propreté professionnelle, BIV, a lancé un podcast ainsi qu’une forte campagne de sensibilisation. Katja Scholz en rend compte pour ECJ.

third of all households in Germany listen to them – especially in the younger age group between 16 and 29 years old. “We want to make dialogue with relevant opinion-leaders available to those young people as well, so the next generation of contract cleaners can see: we’re taking part in the discussion!”

Image campaign 2021 “It’s not always the police that have the flashing light” or “It doesn’t matter where you come from; the important thing is where you’re going to!” - with charm, wit and occasionally with a wink, 15 male and female contract cleaners representing the 700,000 employees in their industry paint a picture of their day-to-day work. From the trainee and the office cleaner to the divisional manager, they all describe their daily routine in the BIV image campaign – authentic, competent and all very different. “Authenticity lies at the heart of the campaign. We shall only have an impact if genuine workers, both men and women, talk about their profession from their own perspective”, says Thomas Dietrich, president of the federal association. The faces of the cross-media campaign are just as varied as the messages: from facts about the business to political demands, the protagonists’ messages range far and wide. They can be seen and heard on social media, on posters or on exhibition screens. The campaign faces are also all accompanied by short videos. “The cross-media nature of the image campaign relies on being used as frequently, as prominently and in as many ways as possible by the trade guilds and by our companies. The aim is to draw attention to the attractive and wide-ranging entry-level and promotion possibilities in our business,” concludes Lück.

Der deutsche Bundesinnungsverband des Gebäudereiniger-Handwerks (BIV) hat einen Podcast und eine weitreichende Medienkampagne vorgestellt. Katja Scholz berichtet.

L’associazione tedesca di appalti di pulizie BIV ha lanciato un podcast e una campagna di sensibilizzazione di vasta portata. Ce ne parla Katja Scholz.

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LATEST: ITALY Looking back on a difficult year The latest figures for product sales in Italy have been published. Anna Garbagna tells us more. The annual Professional Cleaning Sector Survey (July-November), carried out by Afidamp with Cerved ON, which puts the emphasis on market, sales and prospects for the manufacturing sector, was for the first time supported by a survey which identifies points of strength and weakness, sales channels and levers of growth. Companies were asked to give an estimate of 2020 performance in a sector which found itself in the spotlight due to heightened interest in hygiene and sanitisation. But the data highlights difficult times for many companies. Back in 2019, the market sector of Italian manufacturing companies was worth about €3.5 billion, divided between chemicals, machines, papers, equipment, fibres, cloths and other products. Of that, Afidamp members represented a value of €1.8 billion and 2019 showed an overall growth of two per cent, with very high export quota. Last year the sector became a point of reference for all those who had to pay more attention to hygiene: from health to schools, from Horeca to retail. Manufacturers’ access to the market is mainly through retailers and distributors who unfortunately were either closed or working intermittently in 2020. In 2019 many companies experienced a growth in sales thanks also to export: in 2020 the trend was very different. The machine sector, in the first six months of 2020 (with forecast for the second half of the year), recorded a consistent decrease for 49 per cent of the those sampled with an estimated sales decrease of 22 per cent on average. This is mainly caused by the halt of production and the difficulties for exports. There are also some positive statements (from 20 per cent of Notre correspondante en Italie, Anna Garbagna, rend compte des résultats de l’enquête la plus récente sur les ventes de produits de nettoyage en 2020.

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those sampled) of unchanged growth (28 per cent), due to the type of products being sold or the market supplied. The chemical products sector is fluctuating: the exceptional sales of disinfectants, including those for personal use, had a total sales increase of 200 per cent compared to 2019. However, this figure was drastically reduced by the loss in sales of other products which were not used due to the closure of offices, schools, gyms, hotels and restaurants. The crash of general-purpose cleaners and products for maintenance was close to -30/40 per cent. While 52 per cent of companies interviewed forecast growth (with an average increase of 28 per cent), another 20 per cent of them forecast a decrease of around 19 per cent. The overall assessment for 2020 is still negative, with over 30 per cent of companies surveyed reporting operating issues due to the many closures, restrictions in travelling and difficulty in obtaining materials, orders on and off, and the almost total lack of important markets because of lockdown. This shows the importance of company websites as the main communication channel for 76 per cent, followed by sales force 62 per cent, exhibitions and events 59 per cent. The prevalent sales channel is that of company employees for 72 per cent, an interesting figure for e-commerce (direct or via other marketplaces), considered important by 26 per cent and post-sales assistance 34 per cent and pre-sales assistance 28 per cent. The number or patents pending in the last five years is high: 26 per cent of them from the machines and equipment sector.

Unsere ItalienKorrespondentin Anna Garbagna berichtet über die Ergebnisse der neuesten Umfrage zum Verkauf von Reinigungsprodukten im letzten Jahr.

Dall’Italia, la corrispondente Anna Garbagna ci informa sui risultati del più recente sondaggio sulle vendite dei prodotti di pulizia relative allo scorso anno.

LATEST: NORWAY Like most workplaces, offshore oil-drilling platforms have not escaped new tasks and cleaning protocols brought along by the COVID-19 pandemic. Naturally, changes like these take some getting used to, but for the Norwegian global energy company Equinor’s own cleaning staff that operate offshore and face peculiar circumstances on an almost daily basis, adapting to change is perhaps more commonplace than for most. This, however, does not prevent Jan Olaf Sevland, acting manager in the provisions department, from praising their efforts. Speaking to the Norwegian cleaning industry magazine, Renholdsnytt, he said that Equinor’s cleaning operatives have been great at adapting to the changing health and safety guidelines. “With COVID-19, cleaning has certainly been put on the map. Since the beginning of

the pandemic, we’ve only had a couple of COVID-19 cases, and I must grant our cleaning operatives much of the credit for that,” Jan Olaf Sevland said. Usually there are 2,500 to 3,000 offshore staff on the platforms at any given time and daily shifts during the week on most platforms. To try to prevent transmissions offshore, a ‘traffic light system’ has been introduced, where green, in plain words, means more frequent cleaning of surfaces and objects, while yellow stands for disinfection. During the pandemic, the cleaning operatives have had to disinfect helicopter seats, hearing protectors and reception areas where staff watch safety guidelines videos. And offshore where fire hazards are particularly great, there were no shortcuts when disinfectants were in short supply at the beginning and alternative chemicals had to be found: they

Lotte Printz, notre correspondante en Scandinavie, fait rapport sur le travail des agents de nettoyage des plateformes pétrolières au large de la Norvège.

Offshore cleaners on deck Take a trip offshore to meet an unusual breed of cleaners with Scandinavian reporter Lotte Printz. too had to undergo strict chemical approval procedures. Weather conditions may turn carefully co-ordinated plans upside down, for instance when winds postpone outdoor cleaning tasks or helicopter landings. Quite a few of the offshore cleaning operatives are also HLOs (Helicopter Landing Officers), and they may have to be ‘on deck’ in their firefighter uniforms in a split-second while in the middle of making the beds in the offshore ‘hotel’ or lodgings. Equinor has approximately 11,000 available beds offshore and between three and six thousand room nights per day, making it one of the biggest ‘hotel chains’ in Norway.

Die ECJ-Korrespondentin für Skandinavien Lotte Printz berichtet über Reinigungskräfte, die auf OffshoreÖlbohrplattformen in Norwegen arbeiten.

So, in addition to being ‘change ready’, to become an Equinor offshore cleaning operative, you also have to be rather physically strong and versatile, be able to keep calm under pressure and ready to take on the task of steering a rescue boat or give first aid in emergencies. Cleaning operatives must also be fluent in either Norwegian or English. Another ‘special feature’ of being an offshore cleaning operative is that they work 12-hour shifts for two consecutive weeks before having 28 days off. They mainly work in pairs and try to avoid too much repetitive work during a single day to cope with the long working hours.

La corrispondente scandinava Lotte Printz ci parla degli addetti alle pulizie che lavorano sulle piattaforme petrolifere offshore in Norvegia.

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A critical view of façade coatings

Creating 50 jobs in 50 years

Dutch correspondent John Griep examines the claims made by façade coating manufacturers.

From France, Christian Bouzols tells us the success story of a cleaning company launched in 2016.

For cleaning companies, applying façade coatings provides an extra opportunity in their service offering. This is why more and more commercial façade coating offerings are available, with and without nanoclaim. Do these coatings work in the way they say? Do manufacturers of coatings with nanotechnology take sufficient account of the health risks? And do they give the right information in the safety information sheet? As a cleaning company, knowledge of façade coatings is important if they are offering the service. And they must be aware of any potential health and safety risks. This was why VSR and Schoonmakend Nederland asked the Dutch Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) to carry out a study into the effect and safety of coatings. TNO selected two functionalities for the study to concentrate on: 1. making faded aluminium façade components look newer again (coating) and 2. making stone façades water-resistant (impregnation). In the two cases, the façades were artificially expose to heat, atmospheric humidity and simulated rain. In summary, almost all the products - with and without nanoclaim - withstood the quality tests. One of the coatings with nano did need a second application (resulting in higher costs). A critical point were the coatings with coating particles of particular nano dimensions, on which suppliers turned out not to be able to provide any further information. Why is this a critical point? Particles with nano dimensions (1-100 nanometres) may be a significantly higher risk for people and the surrounding area than particles of the same substances that are larger or

Having gone through a commercial college and gained four years of professional experience, Marie Mauvoisin set up her own cleaning company in 2016. To help her in this process, Mauvoisin, who lives in Challans, a seaside town in the west of France, approached the Maison & Services franchising organisation. That firm had grown considerably and now franchises over 150 cleaning companies across France, totalling over 4,000 cleaners working for tens of thousands of customers, explains Marie Mauvoisin. In her area of operation, a radius of 30 km around Challans, her company offers domestic services carrying out tasks such as ironing, window cleaning and garden maintenance for over 300 customers. In order to meet the needs of shopkeepers, artisans, small manufacturers, etc she decided to set up a dedicated entityin 2017 under the name of Challans Propreté Services. “Whatever the type of customer, before we sign a contract, we go to see his or her premises and establish a free estimate”, says this entrepreneurial housewife. “Ever since I created these companies, I’ve never stopped recruiting and I pride myself in only signing permanent contracts with my staff. I have 45 people working under permanent contracts, some of them part-time and some fulltime. They include both men and women and all get the appropriate training.” Those that have just been hired get the training they require and are handed a best practices guide written by the franchising organisation. COVID-19 has changed

John Griep, notre reporter aux Pays-Bas, se penche sur les revêtements de façades et se demande s’ils ont les effets annoncés.

smaller. When they are breathed in, for example. Such particles, which do not degrade easily, can be harmful to the environment. This is why European regulations have stipulated since January 2020 that suppliers are required to list these nano ingredients on the safety information sheet, including the relevant exposure and toxicity data. It is notable no further information was given for any of the coatings with nanoclaim investigated on the presence of the nano particles claimed. The consequence is that users are unaware of the risks and so cannot classify them, meaning their use must be discouraged according to TNO. A solution is that suppliers of coatings containing particles in nano dimensions start supplying the relevant information needed to be able to classify the product into a danger class. At the same time, suppliers of coatings with nanoclaim, which do not contain particles in nano dimensions, must also start to mention this. A hallmark may help cleaning companies and their clients to recognise quality. Does your service include façade coating? A few tips: • Establish whether it involves aesthetic maintenance or technical maintenance • Does a coating change the façade’s functionality? Communicate about this with the client • Specify in advance how the coating will be applied • Where possible, set up a sample piece to manage expectations • Make a risk analysis based on the safety information sheets for the coatings and check whether these meet the national and European regulations • Ask critical questions of the supplier about the risks.

Der NiederlandeKorrespondent des ECJ John Griep untersucht Fassadenbeschichtungen und fragt, ob sie wirklich die versprochene Leistung erbringen.

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Il corrispondente olandese di ECJ John Griep prende in esame i rivestimenti delle facciate e indaga se funzionano veramente come affermano di fare.

Rapportant de France, Christian Bouzols évoque le succès d’une entreprise de propreté lancée en 2016 qui aujourd’hui dispose de franchises dans tout le pays.

working practices and enhanced the level of activity. Mauvoisin’s cleaners and her clients are told to abide by a set of instructions. Here are some relevant examples: “Clients are required to ventilate their premises before and after we arrive. They must wear a face mask and isolate themselves in another room. Our protocols progress with time and currently involve the systematic sanitisation of contact points such as taps, chairs, computers, switches, remotes, telephones, door handles, etc. Additionally, our product suppliers are asked to contribute to hygiene while protecting the environment at the same time.” A main goal is to ensure the growth of the business and to continue to hire and retain workers, but Mauvoisin also stresses the importance of her garden maintenance services. Romain Poulailleau, the person in charge of this side of the business, is keen to develop entirely green approaches. “What we aim to do is to come to the customer with all the tools needed and to not leave any waste onsite. I’m looking for solutions to convert all waste at the client’s premises into mulched ground covering, wood chips or compost. In addition, my training allows me to advise people on how to manage their kitchen gardens”. With the impressive growth of her business, Marie Mauvoisin’s head office now has too little space. “We’ve approached the landlord to see what can be done to resolve the problem.” This surely is the best proof of the success of a business that started with nothing five years ago and whose payroll will now soon be exceeding 50 people.

Der ECJ-Korrespondent für Frankreich Christian Bouzols berichtet über ein Reinigungsunternehmen, das 2016 gegründet wurde und mittlerweile über Konzessionen im ganzen Land verfügt.

Dalla Francia, il corrispondente di ECJ Christian Bouzols ci parla di un’impresa di pulizie costituita nel 2016 e che ora ha delle franchising in tutta la nazione.

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The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute’s Material Health Certificate allows companies to take an in-depth look and assesses the materials used in a product for human health and the environment. A rigorous third party assessed process fully examines the product and identifies any harmful substances so they can be replaced, which allows us to continuously improve our products and make them healthier. The certificate confirms that we’re on the right track and is fully in line with our vision: healthy cleaning with a positive impact on people and the environment.







Is it all about Covid? Outbreaks of MRSA, c.difficile, the norovirus and other hospitalacquired infections used to dominate the healthcare news. But references to such oncecommon conditions have disappeared virtually overnight. Are they no longer an issue - or has the advent of COVID-19 eclipsed them, asks Ann Laffeaty?

Every winter, the news used to be filled with reports of virulent hospital outbreaks. Conditions such as MRSA, c.difficile and the norovirus would crop up in healthcare facilities at regular intervals – particularly during the colder months – along with stories of quarantined patients, ward closures and sometimes of hospitals being shut down altogether. As we grapple with the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 it is hard to imagine how our already-struggling health services would cope if a sudden outbreak of MRSA were to compound our current woes. But luckily, little has been heard of this or other HAI’s over the past 12 months. Does this mean such conditions no longer pose a significant threat? Or are today’s COVID-related cleaning and hand hygiene protocols helping to keep other pathogens in check as well? Reports of various hospital outbreaks do still occur from time to time and healthcare chiefs and patient groups remain on their guard. At least two c.difficile clusters emerged in North America in 2020, for instance – one in July at Vancouver’s Royal Columbian Hospital and the other in December at California’s Port Moody Hospital. A surge in the number of norovirus cases in the UK was reported in January 2020, and this led to the closure of numerous hospital beds at the start of the year. MRSA, however, has gained little public

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attention over recent years. The MRSA Survivors’ Network in the US went ahead with the staging of its twelfth Annual World MRSA Day in October 2020, but this was despite the fact that cases had fallen by 17 per cent every year between 2005 and 2012 and have generally levelled off ever since.

Effective measures So, is there still an ongoing threat from these “old-fashioned” healthcare-acquired infections? Or are the measures being taken to combat COVID-19 helping to stave off other illnesses as well? Healthcare chiefs have had little choice but to focus on COVID-19 rather than other healthcare-acquired conditions, says GOJO’s vice-president Chris Wakefield. “The emphasis has needed to be on solutions that combat the coronavirus in order to avoid overwhelming the health service,” he said. According to Wakefield, anti-COVID measures such as hand washing and sanitising are also effective against healthcare-associated infections such as MRSA, c.difficile, sepsis and norovirus. “Hundreds of studies have proven that good hand hygiene helps to prevent the spread of serious conditions and can reduce healthcare-associated infections by up to 50 per cent,” he said. “It therefore follows that an enhanced focus on hand and surface hygiene will positively impact the incidence of other infections. Meanwhile, the fact that hospitals are restricting visitors and limiting the number of people allowed on site in general means there are fewer opportunities for germs to enter and spread around buildings.” GOJO’s Purell advanced hygienic hand rub, surface sanitising spray and wipes are all said to be effective against the coronavirus with a contact time of 30 seconds, it says. “This is key in a busy healthcare setting,” Wakefield said. Today’s enhanced cleaning and hand hygiene protocols have spelled good news for infection control teams in general, he

believes. “It is important that people continue to adhere to these good practices once the pandemic eventually eases,” says Wakefield. Kärcher has reworked its healthcare strategy in the light of the pandemic, according to international sales and business development manager for detergents and manual tools Christoph Weisse. “All our solutions and cleaning recommendations are designed to stop germs from being spread from one place to another and to help prevent conditions such as MRSA, c.difficile, sepsis and the norovirus,” he said. Sanitation and disinfection measures in healthcare facilities everywhere have been significantly stepped up as a result of the pandemic, he claims. “Demand for units that allow large areas to be disinfected in a short space of time has been huge.” Kärcher’s PS 4/7 Bp hospital-grade misting system is said to be effective against the coronavirus.

Higher frequency cleaning Infection prevention has always been vital in any healthcare facility according to Jangro’s ceo Joanne Gilliard. “COVID-19 hasn’t really changed the way in which cleaning is performed - but it has increased its frequency,” she said. “It has also led to a surge in demand for cleaning and hygiene products and has impacted operatives in other ways, such as in the increased use of comprehensive PPE.” According to Gilliard, the Jangro Enviro H6 General All Purpose Sanitiser is effective at killing all enveloped viruses including the coronavirus. She agrees with Nielsen that today’s enhanced cleaning protocols are having a positive impact on combating all types of infections and viruses. “Buildings that are regularly cleaned hygienically – and that have a strong culture of hand hygiene compliance - are inevitably going to be healthy spaces,” she said. “This can only be good news for infection control teams, whose ultimate aim is to prevent the spread of germs within their facility.”

HYGIENE IN HEALTHCARE Clenetix director and co-founder of Mark Hazelwood is also of the view that hospital-acquired infections in general can be kept at bay with the aid of good, basic cleaning and hand hygiene. “COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of hygiene and has established a vital connection between hand washing and the spread of infection,” he said. “The focus might be on COVID now, but the preventative hygiene measures taken to tackle the pandemic will stop the spread of other infections as well in the future.” The importance of cleaning and hand hygiene will not simply fade away when the pandemic is over, he says. “This heightened sense of awareness around hygiene is here to stay and people will remain extra vigilant for many years to come - particularly in healthcare facilities where vulnerability is higher,” said Hazelwood. Clenetix offers software designed to improve cleaning practices and provide cleaners with clear instructions on what needs to be cleaned when. Cleaners operating in the healthcare sector have a greater responsibility than ever during the current pandemic, says Hazelwood. “Visitors, patients, staff and residents all want to know that the space they are occupying is COVID-safe,” he said. “As with conditions such as MRSA, COVID prevention requires good, basic hygiene. It’s not about deploying the latest gadgets such as robots or fogging machines - it’s about doing the basics, and doing them well.”

Dans un contexte où l’accent est mis depuis 12 mois sur la Covid-19, qu’a été la réponse du secteur de la santé devant les autres types d’infection, telles que celles du SARM, du c.difficile et du Norovirus ? Que font les entreprises pour proposer des produits et systèmes capables d’y faire face ?

Essity’s healthcare hygiene marketing director Thomas Bergin believes we should never overlook the threat posed by HAIs such as MRSA, c.difficile and the norovirus. “While it’s hard to prevent such conditions from being eclipsed by a pandemic the size and scope of COVID-19, it is important that the coronavirus should not dictate the healthcare focus entirely,” he said. “Ensuring HAI numbers remain low over the long term should still be a high priority in any healthcare environment.”

Always important According to Bergin, hand and surface hygiene are as vitally important now as they have ever been. “Healthcare has always required a clean and safe care environment, but COVID-19 has added a new level of complexity to the day-to-day challenges,” he said. He adds that the current focus on hygiene due to COVID-19 has helped to improve cleaning standards in general and make healthcare professionals more aware of how to clean effectively. “While this remains a very challenging time, the pandemic has had the effect of highlighting the importance of hygiene in all care settings,” he said. Essity’s latest healthcare offerings are new Tork Microfibre Surface Cleaning Cloths for surface cleaning, and a training package designed to support hospital cleaning teams. Tork Interactive Clean Hospital Training is said to take cleaners through real world scenarios in an engaging way and is available in a range of

Während der vergangenen 12 Monate lag der Schwerpunkt im Gesundheitswesen nachdrücklich auf Covid-19. Wie wurde in diesem Zeitraum mit der Bekämpfung von MRSA, Clostridium difficile, Norovirus und andere typische Infektionen im Gesundheitswesen umgegangen? Und was tun Unternehmen, um Produkte und Systeme zur Bekämpfung dieser und anderer potenziell tödlicher Bedrohungen zu entwickeln?

languages including Spanish, Italian, Arabic and Somali. “At times of pressure it is more important than ever that good hygiene practices are employed and that they are aided by robust training and reinforcement tools,” said Bergin. “These can help to ensure good hygiene behaviours become second nature to front-line staff.” Insider Facility Services marketing and purchasing manager Thor Nielsen feels healthcare issues such as MRSA, c.difficile, sepsis and the norovirus have simply faded from public attention since the start of the pandemic. “The reason for this could be down to the enhanced cleaning and hygiene initiatives in place, or it could simply be because people in the community are now more reluctant to contact their local practice if they feel ill for fear of catching COVID-19,” he said. Insider Facility Services has introduced Wetrok Plexistar Pro for cleaning protective panels and is offering an enhanced cleaning service during the pandemic. “This is like normal everyday cleaning, but with a disinfectant content,” said Nielsen. He believes that today’s enhanced cleaning and hand washing protocols have had a positive impact on infection control in general. “One can only hope that this new awareness of cleaning and hand hygiene will remain in place when things get back to normal,” he said. “It will be good for our industry if there is a renewed focus on cleaning quality.”

Il settore della sanità, che negli ultimi 12 mesi ha concentrato con fermezza la sua attenzione sul Covid-19, come ha fronteggiato la battaglia contro MRSA, c.difficile, Norovirus e altre infezioni tipiche del settore sanitario? E cosa stanno facendo le aziende per sviluppare prodotti e sistemi che possano combattere questi e altri potenziali killer?

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 23


• Xibu Hybrid désigne la nouvelle gamme de distributeurs pour toilettes collectives de Hagleitner, qui transmet des données en temps réel. • Vectair Systems a étendu sa gamme Sanitex de savons et de gels pour les mains. • Le système de balayage humide Click’M C de Greenspeed est destiné aux endroits exigeant une hygiène optimale. • Les lingettes Oxivir Excel de Diversey sont efficaces contre un large évantail de pathogènes, même lors de contacts brefs. • Excel Dryer souligne l’intérêt de son sèche-mains à air chaud Xlerator pour les établissements de santé. • Bobrick propose une gamme de distributeurs de savon, dont des appareils sans contact montés sur plan de surface.

• Bei Xibu Hybrid handelt es sich um die neue vernetzte Produktfamilie mit Waschraumspendern von Hagleitner, die Echtzeitdaten liefern. • Vectair Systems hat seine Produktreihe Sanitex mit Seifen und Handgels erweitert. • Greenspeed teilt mit, dass das Click’M C Mikrofaser-Moppsystem für Bereiche geeignet ist, in denen optimale Hygiene unverzichtbar ist. • Die Desinfektionstücher Oxivir Excel Wipes von Diversey sind bei kurzer Einwirkzeit gegen ein breites Spektrum von Pathogenen wirksam. • Excel Dryer teilt mir, dass der Warmluft-Händetrockner Xlerator für den Einsatz im Gesundheitswesen geeignet ist. • Bobrick bietet eine Produktreihe mit Seifenspendern an, darunter berührungslose Einheiten zur Waschtischmontage.

• Xibu Hybrid è la nuova linea di dispenser connessi per le sale da toilette prodotti dalla Hagleitner che offre dati in tempo reale. • La Vectair Systems ha ampliato la sua gamma di saponi e gel per le mani Sanitex. • La Greenspeed afferma che il suo sistema di mop in microfibra Click’M C è adatto per aree dove la massima igiene è fondamentale. • Le salviettine Oxivir Excel Wipes della Diversey sono efficaci contro una vasta gamma di agenti patogeni con breve tempo di contatto. • La Excel Dryer afferma che il suo asciugamani ad aria calda Xlerator è adatto per le strutture sanitarie. • La Bobrick propone una gamma di dispenser di sapone che include unità montate a bancone e senza impulsi manuali.

24 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

Monitoring The latest line of hygiene dispensers from Hagleitner provides digital data to help make hand hygiene compliance transparent and measurable. Xibu hybrid comprises units for hand disinfectant, toilet seat disinfectant, toilet tissue, toilet tissue moisturiser, foam soap, hand paper towels, skin protectant and air freshener.

Each model offers information about consumption, fill level and energy status. Information is sent to a secure cloud database that can be accessed via an app or digital facility management tool. It is possible to adjust dispenser settings remotely as well as analyse statistics about use of hand sanitiser units, for example. The dispensers can be powered in three ways: by AC adapter, rechargeable battery, or ‘energy box’ (this accumulates electrical energy in order to provide the device with power - when the energy box reaches the end of its life, the manufacturer will take it back and recycle it in an eco-friendly way). www.hagleitner.com

Bigger range

Vectair Systems has expanded its Sanitex range of soaps and hand gels. As well as the Sanitex and Sanitex MVP soaps and dispensers (manual and automatic), the range now features the Sanitex XL Instant Hand Gel 710 ml, which can be attached via a bracket to a wall or to Vectair’s

touch-free stand. For instant on-the-go protection, the pocket-sized Sanitex XS Instant Hand Gel 60 ml and the Sanitex Hand Gel Sachets are quick and convenient. www.vectairsystems.com

Best hygiene Greenspeed says it’s the magnetic seals on its Click’M C range of mops that makes cleaning of all types of floors more efficient and hygienic. The operator slips the frame into the pocket of the microfibre mop, presses the handle down and the magnetic fastening immediately locks the mop into place. When cleaning is complete, the operator presses the green button with their foot to release the frame and slides the used mop into the laundry bag without touching it.

Click’M C is compatible with seven different Greenspeed mops, making it suitable for every floor surface. The Heavy Duty Mop can also be used with disinfectants. Each mop has four ribbons in different colours for optimum colour-coding. www.greenspeed.eu

while streamlining the process. www.diversey.com

Hygienic drying

According to Excel Dryer, its Xlerator hand dryer is suitable for use in healthcare settings, offering protection from bacteria and communicable diseases with its touch-free operation and high velocity air that dries hands completely. The company says the dryer can be used to reduce maintenance needs in washrooms while improving hygiene. This model also boasts long life. exceldryer.com

On the counter

AHP wipes Diversey’s Oxivir Excel Wipes feature Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (AHP) technology and are effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens in a very short contact time - the company says. AHP is a blend of commonly used, safe ingredients that when combined with low levels of hydrogen peroxide produce high potency as a germicide, and performance as a cleaner. Use of Oxivir Wipes on surfaces and equipment improves compliance because they remain wet for the required label contact time, ensuring disinfection

From Bobrick comes a range of bulk soap dispensers suitable for use in healthcare facilities, including some no-touch countermounted units. The SureFlo B-824 liquid and newly redesigned B-828 foam soap dispensers deliver cost savings of up to 80 per cent compared to cartridge systems, claims the company, and a 57 per cent reduction in post-consumer waste. The B-2012 liquid and B-2013 foam soap dispensers are wallmounted units that dispense a soaps and hand sanitisers. www.bobrick.com


Training package

New from Tork manufacturer Essity is an interactive training and support package aimed at cleaners and facility managers in the healthcare sector. Tork Interactive Clean Hospital Training takes FMs and staff through real world cleaning scenarios. The online package also incorporates a “train-the-trainer” module to educate facility and contract cleaning managers on how to support their teams and demonstrate techniques. The training takes place in a virtual hospital and incorporates a module on daily cleaning in an occupied patient room, and another on discharge cleaning protocols. Both modules focus

on learning by doing and each takes the cleaner through the process in a logical fashion. Incorporated in the trainthe-trainer section is a minimicrobiology school which deals with the dangers posed by the micro-organisms that are potentially present in the healthcare environment. The training is available in more than 15 languages besides English including French, Spanish, German, Arabic and Somali. The Tork Interactive Clean Hospital Training package is free to access at tork.co.uk/surfacehygiene

Not just cleaning Hako says its scrubber dryers can be used to carry out disinfection tasks on floors and surfaces as well as conventional cleaning. Thanks to the brush unit, the spray bar (standard equipment) and the optional hand spray

wand, Hako machines can be used for disinfection of floors, walls, door handles and grips. Tanks have also been equipped with antibacterial properties to improve hygiene standards. www.hako.com

Disinfection Birchmeier’s battery-operated backpack sprayers with disinfection nozzles ensure surfaces are adequately wet thanks to the droplet size - small but not too small. This makes them suitable for treating rooms in hospitals, retirement homes etc. www.birchmeier.com

• Essity a introduit un programme interactif de soutien et de formation à l’intention d’agents de nettoyage du secteur de la santé. • Les autolaveuses Hako Scrubmaster s’utilisent à la fois pour la désinfection et le nettoyage de planchers. • Birchmeier propose des pulvérisateurs à dos et à batterie, dotés de becs de désinfection.

• Neu von Essity ist ein interaktives Schulungs- und Unterstützungspaket für Reinigungskräfte im Gesundheitswesen. • Die Scrubmaster Scheuersaugmaschinen von Hako können sowohl zur Desinfektion von Böden als auch zur Reinigung eingesetzt werden. • Birchmeier bietet akkubetriebene Rückensprühgeräte mit Spezialdüsen für Desinfektion an. • La novità della Essity è un pacchetto interattivo di training e supporto per gli addetti alle pulizie del settore sanitario. • Le lavasciuga pavimenti Scrubmaster prodotte dalla Hako possono essere usate, oltre al normale lavaggio, anche per la disinfezione dei pavimenti. • La Birchmeier propone spruzzatori dorsali funzionanti a batteria e dotati di ugelli disinfettanti.

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 25


• La PS 4/7 Bp Mister est une nouvelle machine proposée par Kärcher pour la désinfection par pulvérisation, notamment en milieu hospitalier. • Zidac Laboratories a lancé un nouveau produit antibactérien pour le lavage des mais convenant pour les établissements de santé. • HygiaConnect est la gamme signée JVD de distributeurs connectés à Internet pour toilettes collectives.

• Beim PS 4/7 Bp Mister handelt es sich um ein neues Gerät von Kärcher zur Sprühdesinfektion in Krankenhäusern und anderen Einsatzbereichen. • Zidac Laboratories hat einen neuen antibakteriellen Handreiniger vorgestellt, der für den Einsatz im Gesundheitswesen geeignet ist. • HygiaConnect ist eine Produktfamilie mit vernetzten Waschraumspendern von JVD.

• PS 4/7 Bp Mister è una nuova macchina prodotta dalla Kärcher per la disinfezione spray negli ospedali e altri impieghi. • La Zidac Laboratories ha lanciato un nuovo detergente per le mani antibatterico adatto per le applicazioni sanitarie. • HygiaConnect è una linea di dispenser per sale da toilette con collegamento internet prodotti dalla JVD.

26 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

Touch-free The PS 4/7 Bp Mister is Kärcher’s new spray disinfection unit for use in hospitals, office buildings, hotels etc. With its ergonomic, cordless design and intuitive operation the machine is said to be comfortable to use. The unit consists of a tank (3.8 litres) with an electric pump, powered by a fixed battery with a charging cable on the rear. The pump delivers disinfectant to the spray gun under pressure. Thanks to the consistent spray rate, surfaces and floors are evenly covered and disinfected,

even in corners. Both ready-made and concentrated disinfectant can be used in the PS 4/7 Bp Mister and it can be manoeuvred safely by pushing and pulling with the height-adjustable handle. The machine is switched on and off with a central button on the casing. Once switched on, the machine starts spraying when the trigger on the spray gun is pressed. This reduces both training times and any risks arising from improper cleaning says Kärcher. Battery runtime is eight hours. www.karcher.com

More hand wash New from Zidac Laboratories is a hand wash with antibacterial action. The liquid soap contains 0.5 per cent Phenoxyethanol. It also contains glycerine, aloe vera extract and a refreshing fragrance, helping the formula to soothe and mois-

turise and encouraging hand hygiene compliance. The company has also launched a hospital-grade hand sanitiser containing 78.2 per cent alcohol. www.zidac.co.uk


With the introduction of Hygiaconnect, JVD is now equipping its soap dispensers with dedicated sensors that alert service teams in real time about consumable levels. This means cleaners only service the units when needed, soap shortages are avoided and stock levels can be monitored more accurately. www.jvd.fr

Cleaning is evolving!

Vispa EVO and Vispa XL: a new segment of scrubbing machines that encompasses manoeuvrability, power and reliability in a unique example of pure user pleasure. Small in size but big on performance, Vispa EVO and Vispa XL inherit the technological innovation of larger models, such as the CFC fleet management system, making them the most advanced scrubbing machines in their category.

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A better life for cleaners Cleaning our buildings, facilities, streets and pavements is a crucial job – but often an unrewarding one. ECJ finds out what is being done by international bodies and individual companies to improve the cleaner’s lot.

At its worst, cleaning can be hazardous, tedious and soul-destroying. It can also be exhausting and back-breaking and can lead to aches, pains and musculoskeletal disorders. And it is often financially unrewarding with pay-packets hovering just above subsistence levels for many. But despite these negatives, cleaners have historically gone about their work willingly and with little complaint. However, the past couple of years has seen a growing level of unrest. In November 2019, outsourced cleaners at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London went on strike for four days over demands for union recognition and improved rates of pay. In the same month, a group of 50 doctors from London’s Imperial College wrote an open letter to the chief executive of their NHS trust in support of cleaners, caterers and porters at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington who were striking in protest at their terms and conditions. Unrest during the same period also led to strike action at University College, also in London. And in October 2019, cleaning staff at several German airports downed tools in a dispute over pay and conditions. The protests took place at Frankfurt, Berlin and Münster Osnabrück airports. So there is clearly widespread discontent in the cleaning industry. However, many industry players are aware of this and are seeking to redress the balance. For example, services provider Facilicom has created various schemes and incentives to ensure all workers feel valued and supported. These include training in “Hostmanship” - the art of making people feel welcome. “Hostmanship builds the confidence of our colleagues to communicate and engage with their peers, clients and customers more effectively,” said Facilicom UK’s managing director Jan-Hein Hemke. “It also enables us as a business to add value to our clients. “By developing interpersonal skills we can introduce a caring, yet professional,

approach to our work. Colleagues are then more motivated and committed to their tasks while also having a better understanding of a client’s needs. And this makes them more likely to engage rather than just doing the minimum amount of work.” The company also runs an internal Facilicom Awards programme which recognises and thanks those members of staff who go the extra mile. “These are awarded quarterly to anyone within the Facilicom business, no matter their position,” said Hemke. “We also give out an ‘employee of the year’ award at our annual meeting at the start of each year. Our awards programme provides the opportunity for clients and management to acknowledge our fantastic staff.” Making cleaners feel valued is the key to changing attitudes within the industry, he says. “It is our firm belief that cleaning operatives are the most essential part of a company’s daily operation and without them the business could grind to a halt,” said Hemke. “We are therefore committed to safeguarding our colleagues’ wellbeing and ensuring they feel valued and appreciated. “In return we have seen low levels of absenteeism, increased staff retention and high levels of job satisfaction which has led to better teamwork and service provision and higher levels of client satisfaction.” Facilicom’s company motto is “Happy People Make Happy People”. “We’ve placed wellbeing at the heart of our operations and we firmly believe that if we take care of our people, they will take care of our business,” said Hemke. The company is also a strong supporter of the Living Wage movement. “We believe people who are willing to work hard for their wages should be rewarded sufficiently, which is why we were a founding member of the Living Wage Service Provider Recognition Scheme and were one of the first national contract cleaning Continued page 30

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 29

WORKFORCE A better life for cleaners (continued) companies to sign up to the scheme,” said Hemke. Facilicom also holds staff events throughout the year including Christmas get-togethers and charity-related tea and cake days. “We also have a barbeque in July to kick off what is always a very busy summer period,” said Hemke. “But since many of our colleagues work on sites throughout the country we encourage our managers to organise their own events to celebrate the work our people do on site. Cake and doughnut days are among the favourites.” Another company intent on improving the lives of cleaners is Essity. As a hygiene manufacturer, Essity employs no cleaners but has come up with technological solutions designed to help make their working lives easier and more rewarding. “Cleaners have to cope with monotonous work and strict routines in a highpressure environment where a minimal amount of time is allocated to carry out many tasks,” said Essity’s commercial marketing director Anna Konigson Koopmans. “We know from our own research that 40 per cent of workers seldom interact with the cleaners in the building. And since cleaners often work alone and after hours, they gain little feedback. But like most people, cleaners would like more appreciation and recognition for the work they do.” The company has devised Tork Digital Cleaning Plans to provide a digital interface between the cleaning manager and the operative and improve lines of communication. Also from Essity is Tork EasyCube, a software solution that allows

Le nettoyage de nos bâtiments, installations, rues et trottoirs constitue un travail indispensable, mais qui peut parfois être dangereux, ennuyeux, et rude pour le moral. ECJ examine les actions d’organisations internationales et d’entreprises individuelles pour améliorer le sort des agents de nettoyage.

30 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

staff to check remotely via a smartphone or tablet when a dispenser needs refilling or when an area of a building is receiving a high number of visitors. “Tork EasyCube reduces the checking and refilling workload so that cleaners have more time to make a difference in other tasks,” said Konigson Koopmans. Meanwhile, other organisations are seeking to provide incentives for cleaners and provide more recognition for their efforts. Every year the Loo of the Year Awards highlights the Cleaner of the Year where the work of individual cleaners is celebrated.

Valued and appreciated And ECJ’s own European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards feature a category for rising stars, commitment to diversity and investment in training in a bid to boost those companies striving to improve practices for cleaners. OCS head of cleaning Yvonne Taylor says it is vitally is important for cleaners to feel valued and appreciated when going about their work. “We work in an industry where people tend to overlook cleaning operatives,” she said. “This may be because they work different hours to building users, or simply that they have an expectation of a clean building without thought of how it’s kept that way. Indeed, many people only notice a cleaning service when something goes wrong. “For all of these reasons it’s essential for us to recognise our cleaning operatives for the valuable work they do.” The cleaning operative is often the first

Das Reinigen von Gebäuden, Einrichtungen, Straßen und Bürgersteigen ist eine wichtige Aufgabe, aber im schlimmsten Fall kann sie gefährlich, ermüdend und nervtötend sein. Das ECJ recherchiert, was von internationalen Organisationen und individuellen Unternehmen unternommen wird, um das Los der Reinigungskräfte zu verbessern.

person the customer will see, says Taylor. “It is vital that all of our front-line colleagues experience the appreciation and respect they deserve,” she says. OCS implemented a “people strategy” over two years ago which has increased the company’s employee retention rate from around 65 per cent to nearly 90 per cent, she says. “Around 55 per cent of our colleagues are cleaning operatives and we’re naturally thrilled to be providing an engaging working environment,” said Taylor. The company also runs a training programme designed to help staff members progress from cleaning operative to supervisor and beyond, covering the fundamentals of cleaning plus health and safety, OCS runs a staff recognition scheme called OCS STAR Awards. “Anyone can nominate a colleague for an award and all nominations are reviewed by a panel,” Taylor explained. “Winners receive either a certificate or a “love to shop” voucher and are then entered into our annual awards for shortlisting. And the winner of that receives a £1,000 cheque.” The company issues more than 100 STAR awards each month to colleagues who have achieved something exceptional, she says. “We’ve had many examples of cleaning operatives saving lives.” According to Taylor, the company’s 90 per cent retention rate proves that providing a better working life for cleaners is a strategy that undoubtedly pays off. “A great example of this is Thank Your Cleaner Day, an international day where businesses are encouraged to recognise the wonderful work their cleaning operatives perform,” she said. “This year our customers nominated 2,200 of our company’s cleaning operatives for recognition for going above and beyond in their role. “It’s an upward spiral; as we show our appreciation, employees are motivated to go the extra mile which leads to more appreciation.” Facilicom’s Hemke feels it is a growing trend in the industry for employers to improve the treatment of staff. “It seems that many companies are placing an increased importance on employee wellbeing and it’s an issue that, in my opinion, quite simply cannot be ignored,” he said. Pulire i nostri edifici, strutture, strade e marciapiedi è un lavoro indispensabile, ma nel peggiore dei casi può essere pericoloso, noioso e degradante. ECJ indaga cosa viene fatto dagli organismi internazionali e dalle singole imprese per migliorare il lavoro degli addetti alle pulizie.

Advertisement Feature


...dose and go!

THE MOST EFFECTIVE SYSTEMS AGAINST CROSS-CONTAMINATION DOSELY | SOAK ON DEMAND Using a clean mop for each area is pivotal to avoid the risk of cross-contamination: the soaking station Dosely makes this good practice possible since it allows the preparation of the mops on demand and directly on the trolley. With Dosely, it is possible to adjust the cleaning solution from 50 to 350 ml, guaranteeing the optimum saturation for each type of mop used and any surface area to clean. The soaking station preserves the active principles of detergents and eliminates the need to transport wet mops, a risky source of bacteria proliferation.

UNI SYSTEM | CLEAN THOROUGHLY Combining Dosely with Uni System ensures maximum hygiene: the touch-free washing and disinfection system allows you to detach the used mop avoiding any contact with dirty fibres, thus effectively preventing the dangerous spread of viruses and bacteria. Uni System is not only highly hygienic but also efficient: the frame remains partially open to ensure an easy set-up of the tool while flat mop with micro-flaps can be quickly fixed to the frame and it stays firmly attached during use. Lastly, the frame is equipped with a patented joint that allows you to clean vertical surfaces with ease.

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Cleaning Technology Municipal Technology Waterjet Technology

TAKES YOU THAT EXTRA MILE! Ergonomic workplace Up to 155 cm working width

400-litre solution and recovery tank

X-AC front and rear drive (optional)

Area performance up to 14,000 m2/h

Low-dust sweeping

The new Scrubmaster B400-R Series Top overall performance when it comes to cleaning very large areas: through increased output, large solution and recovery tanks, and a powerful battery providing sufficient capacity for long operating times. Three different variants are available: a 3-disc-brush-unit model with different working widths of 123 and 155 cm, a vacuum sweeper and scrubber-drier combi machine with high dump or manual emptying system, and a conventional scrubber-drier. What all models have in common is their ergonomically designed workplace and comprehensive range of both standard features and optional 21- 010 3 - A Z- S C M - B 4 0 0 - R - L i n i e -11- E N

equipment for more efficiency and occupational safety. Hako – Cleanliness without Compromise.

Scrubmaster B400 RH

Scrubmaster B400 RM


Scrubmaster B400 R



The future looks bright The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the closure of many high-traffic buildings including shops, gyms and schools. But other essential facilities such as hospitals, airports and warehouses have had to remain open - and cleaning has become more important than ever in these environments. So, has the pandemic affected the scrubber dryer market for better or worse, asks Ann Laffeaty? COVID-19 has led to the closure of many venues that most of us once took for granted. Restaurants, hotels, gyms, retail centres - even schools have had to close in the global effort to stem the spread of the virus. The fact that fewer public facilities have remained open worldwide has meant floors once trampled upon by huge crowds of people have remained clean and devoid of debris, marks and scuffs. But while reducing footfall, the global pandemic has also had the effect of heightening our awareness of cleaning. And it has become more important than ever that the facilities we occupy remain scrupulously clean at all times. So what effect has this combination of lower traffic levels and enhanced cleaning protocols had on the scrubber dryer market? Business has generally declined in the sector according to Kärcher’s scrubber dryer floor care product manager Christian Mrowka. “This was particularly the case during the early lockdown months when many buildings were not in use,” he said. “Existing machines were being kept in service for longer periods instead of being replaced with new ones.” But he adds the decline in the scrubber dryer market has been offset by improvements in other sectors. “There has been a steep increase in demand for disinfecting

equipment, for instance,” he says. Despite the closure of many buildings, scrubber dryers have remained an essential cleaning tool in healthcare, retail and logistics facilities, he adds. “Lockdowns have inevitably had a significant impact on the market in schools, hotels and public buildings, but overall the situation today is less critical than it was in spring 2020,” he said. Enhanced cleaning has been essential during the crisis because it improves the public’s perception of a facility, says Mrowka. “Cleaning is the main method of removing viruses from surfaces in order to create a healthy environment, and nobody wants to make a mistake in the current situation,” he said. “But in general, floors are not a big infection risk because there is not usually any direct contact between the floor and the hands. So it is usually sufficient just to clean the floor surface thoroughly.”

Mixed picture In areas where an enhanced level of hygiene is required such as in children’s nurseries, gyms and other barefoot areas, Kärcher offers sanitising kits for its large ride-on B150R and B200R scrubber dryers. These comprise a spray bar which can be mounted at the back of the machine from where a disinfection solution is applied to the pre-cleaned floor. Tennant reports a similarly mixed picture as far as scrubber dryers are concerned. “The impact on the market was initially pretty severe during the first wave of the pandemic,” said director of strategic accounts EMEA Stanislas de Pelichy. “A number of purchasing decisions were put on hold during the early part of 2020 – and this meant sales of new equipment were significantly down on 2019 and on the first quarter of 2020. “However as lockdown measures were lifted across Europe and sites started to reopen we saw a roll-over effect on sales. As a result, our recovery was very positive towards the end of the second quarter – and in fact during the summer months we

even surpassed the previous year’s order levels.” He says many manufacturers have been offering anti-COVID add-ons to their scrubber dryers such as disinfection spray kits and UV lights. But according to de Pelichy, the efficacy of such products has yet to be proven. “The real question is whether or not to disinfect floors at all,” he said. “The bottom line is floors are not a high touchpoint surface. While keeping them clean is of paramount importance, floors still play a fairly limited role in the viral transmission chain.” The pandemic has led to a shift in priorities for many cleaning companies, he says. “During the first wave of COVID-19, cleaning contractors were being asked by customers to focus more heavily on disinfection protocols,” he said. “However, tasks that involve the cleaning of multiple frequent touchpoints cannot really be mechanised. “A number of cleaning contractors and end-users therefore opted to deploy robotic scrubber dryers in place of conventional machines. This enabled them to refocus the efforts of their staff on to cleaning high-touch areas – and this meant they could deliver higher standards of cleaning.” According to de Pelichy, the company’s Autonomous Mobile Robot range attracted heightened levels of interest during the pandemic. “Such products tick many boxes in our new reality, and this shift in focus towards autonomous cleaning meant that our 2020 results were on a par with those of 2019 despite a second wave of restrictions.” he said. Like other companies, Hako experienced a slight decline in its scrubber dryer business during 2020 says application technology trainer and consultant Klaus Serfezi. “We saw something of a drop in sales during the early lockdowns, but demand is still there,” he said. “Good cleaning is an ongoing requirement and scrubber dryers Continued page 34

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 33

SCRUBBER DRYERS The future looks bright (continued) have still been needed in those facilities that have been unaffected by the lockdowns.” Hako’s new Scrubmaster B260 R is equipped with a large 260-litre tank and a powerful all-wheel drive for long operating times in large areas.

Fully operational Like Tennant, Hako has experienced an increase in demand for contact surface cleaning solutions. “This we can fulfil by offering optional equipment for use with our cleaning machines,” he adds. A hand spray-wand for cleaning and sanitising contact surfaces is available on the company’s Scrubmaster B45. Another company that experienced a drop-off in demand during the first half of 2020 was Nilfisk, according to head of corporate communications Steffen Støvelbæk. “This varied from market to market and segment to segment,” he adds. “Demand levels were close to normal in those facilities that remained fully operational such as supermarkets and hospitals. But in segments that were severely hit by the pandemic such as hotels, restaurants and airports, demand was low.” Business began to pick up month by month in the third quarter, he said. “While it was still lower than usual, overall we have been able to continue our sales and service activities even in those areas where local spikes were experienced,” he said.

La Covid-19 a dévasté de nombreuses industries et fait que nombre d’établissements ne survivent que tout juste. Mais dans quelle mesure ce fléau a-t-il affecté le marché des autolaveuses ? Le recours à ces machines a-t-il baissé par suite de la fermeture de nombreuses affaires, la désertion de centres commerciaux, de gymnases, etc., ou observe-t-on une augmentation de la demande, favorisée par la nécessité d’un nettoyage accru ?

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The pandemic has transformed the nature of cleaning, according to Støvelbæk. “On a functional level, the scope of cleaning is changing and there are stricter procedures, increased cleaning frequencies and a new focus on disinfection,” he said. “Meanwhile on a psychological level, cleaning is playing an increasingly vital role in demonstrating corporate responsibility while building up trust and ensuring people’s safety.” He claims the cleaning of floors is critical to any infection control protocol – and adds that this was the case even before the coronavirus pandemic began. “Floors are not as high-touch as many other surfaces such as door handles and light switches, but germs can travel on trolleys and on other equipment or be kicked into the air via people’s shoes,” he said. “As a result, contaminants can easily be transferred from the floor on to frequentlytouched surfaces.” Together with Carnegie Robotics, Nilfisk has developed an integrated ultra-violet germicidal irradiation module which uses UV-C light to disinfect floors. This can be paired with Nilfisk’s Liberty SC50 autonomous scrubber dryer and is said to be able to remove dirt and debris while simultaneously disinfecting surfaces. Støvelbæk believes the company’s scrubber dryer business will remain buoyant in the future – and he bases these

predictions on the results of a study into customer attitudes carried out by Nilfisk at the height of the pandemic. “One of the key findings was that a substantial proportion of customers who had previously cleaned their floors manually were expecting to switch to machine cleaning in future,” he said. “We believe demand for higher quality, more frequent cleaning protocols as a result of the pandemic will result in increased time pressures on cleaning staff – and this will prompt a move towards mechanised cleaning, even in small areas.” He believes the advent of COVID-19 has changed the public’s outlook on the industry in general. “Before the pandemic, cleaning tended to be a backstage activity - one that had to be achieved as unobtrusively as possible,” he said. “People also tended to feel that when you walked into a restaurant or hotel and found everything looked clean, you would assume it actually was so. But these days, cleanliness is no longer assumed and people now require more reassurance.” Tennant’s Stanislas de Pelichy agrees with this viewpoint. “There has been a general mindset shift in expected levels of hygiene,” he said. “People now need to be confident of the cleanliness of any facility they visit - otherwise the image of that facility will be harmed. And we are confident that this new mindset will trigger a rise in demand for new equipment going forward.”

Covid-19 hat verheerende Auswirkungen auf viele Branchen, und zahlreiche Unternehmen kämpfen ums Überleben. Aber wie wirkt es sich auf den Markt für Scheuermaschinen aus? Verwenden weniger Menschen diese Maschinen, da viele Unternehmen, Geschäfte und Sportstudios usw. geschlossenen sind, oder hat die Nachfrage aufgrund des Bedarfs nach verbesserter Reinigung zugenommen?

COVID-19 ha distrutto un vasto numero di settori e ha lasciato molte imprese in serie difficoltà. Ma che ripercussione ha avuto sul mercato delle lavasciuga pavimenti? Sono meno le persone che le utilizzano in seguito alle numerose cessazioni di attività, centri commerciali e palestre deserti ecc oppure c’è stato un incremento nella domanda per le lavasciuga pavimenti dovuta alla necessità di pulizie più a fondo?

Customer attitudes

THE BEST IN ITS TS CLASS Long-lasting. Robust. TCO-optimised. optimised. With 10 dB(A) quieter brush h heads and the latest squeegee generation neration for optimum suction results, s, our B 110 R is the highlight of every machine fleet. kaercher.com m


• Gaussian Robotics a introduit la série Ecobot Scrub dans sa gamme de laveuses de sol autonomes. • Kärcher a étendu sa plateforme de 36V pour machines à batterie en introduisant une autolaveuse accompagnée, la BR 30/4 C Bp Pack. • Cleanfix propose une gamme d’autolaveuses, dont deux modèles de type autonome. • Légère et compacte, la mini autolaveuse CT5 d’IPC est dotée d’une poignée réglable qui en facilite le transport. • La SB2 est la dernière née des autolaveuses autonomes Aziobot. • Fimor a étendu sa gamme SerilorClean3 de raclettes en polyuréthane.

• Bei der Baureihe Ecobot Scrub handelt es sich um die neueste Produktreihe mit autonomen Scheuermaschinen von Gaussian Robotics. • Kärcher hat die 36V Plattform für akkubetriebene Geräte um die handgeführte Scheuersaugmaschine BR 30/4 C Bp Pack erweitert. • Cleanfix bietet eine Produktreihe mit Scheuersaugmaschinen, die zwei autonome Modelle umfasst. • Die Mini-Scheuermaschine CT5 von IPC ist leichtgewichtig, kompakt und dank des klappbaren Griffs einfach zu transportieren. • SB2 ist die neueste Scheuersaugmaschine von Aziobot. • Fimor hat seine Produktreihe SerilorClean3 mit Abziehern aus Polyurethan erweitert.

• La linea Ecobot Scrub è la gamma più recente di lavasciuga pavimenti autonome della Gaussian Robotics. • La Kärcher ha ampliato la sua piattaforma 36V platform per le macchine alimentate a batteria con la spazzatrice/ asciugapavimenti con operatore a terra BR 30/4 C Bp Pack. • La Cleanfix propone una gamma di lavasciuga pavimenti e fra queste due modelli autonomi. • La mini lavasciuga pavimenti CT5 della IPC è leggera e compatta, con il manico regolabile per facilità di trasporto. • La SB2 è la più recente lavasciuga pavimenti prodotta dalla Aziobot. • La Fimor ha ampliato la sua gamma di lame tergipavimento in poliuretano SerilorClean3.

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Latest sensors Gaussian Robotics says its ECOBOT Scrub range of autonomous scrubber dryers features state-of-the-art sensors including long range lasers, 3D depth cameras and ultrasonic sensors. This means it can avoid obstacles and dynamically route around them.

Other features include Lithium-ion battery with six hours of run time, water recycling filtration system and auto-dock charging station. Self-mapping technology is also a key feature and ECOBOT maps its environment dynamically every time it operates - and it can map areas over 100,000 square metres. Through its app interface the machine makes cleaning simple for the operator, with alerts and reports being sent regularly. www.gaussianrobotics.com

Battery model

can be used through several work shifts. Even with one battery, several application cycles are possible in one day, as the battery can be recharged in one hour with the charger provided. www.karcher.com

Upgrade option Cleanfix is the manufacturer of the robotic scrubber dryers Cleanfix RA660 and Cleanfix RA660XL, along with a line of other floor cleaning machines. Its models can be upgraded with precisely matched cleaning tabs, saving on cleaning chemical costs through simple dosing and also on packaging.

Cleanfix Fleet can also be fitted to scrubber dryers. This fleet management system works via an app which gives information on where and how long a machine has been in use. Power consumption of the brush and suction motors can also be measured. This detects an overload, which can be prevented. www.cleanfix.com

Mini scrubber With the BR 30/4 C Bp Pack, Kärcher is extending its 36 V platform for battery-powered machines with a walk-behind scrubber dryer. The new variant in the BR 30/4 C range is lightweight (14 kg) and has a battery run time of around half an hour making it a viable alternative to cleaning with a mop. The compact and cordless design makes corners and tight spaces easier to access, and furniture or equipment can be safely avoided. Elimination of the cable means there is one less tripping hazard. Thanks to the exchangeable battery, the BR 30/4 C Bp Pack

The mini scrubber CT5 from IPC Group weighs 19 kg and is compact in design with a foldable handle, making it easy to transport and store even in small spaces. Eco Select technology enables run time to be increased by up to 20 per cent - saving on energy, water and chemical consumption. The Li-Ion technology battery allows for long battery life and low maintenance costs, says IPC, with both versions easy and quick to recharge. Finally, the CT5 is easy to drive thanks to the Reverse Dry System which enables the drying

action while going backwards. www.ipcworldwide.com

Optimum path

SB2 is the autonomous floor scrubber from Aziobot - the company claims this model is simple to set up and tailor to individual cleaning needs. The area to be cleaned is mapped just once by moving the scrubber around - a map is automatically generated on the screen. No-go areas and specific cleaning zones can be created. Then SB2 auto-generates the optimal cleaning path using a high coverage cleaning algorithm. For cleaning any desired area, simply select the desired zone from the saved map or clean the full area. Aziobot says the robot does not have to be taught, it just needs to be told which area to clean. Thanks to the integrated sensor suite consisting of LiDAR and depth cameras, the scrubber can avoid people and other obstacles - rapidly finding a new route whenever needed. aziobot.com

New blades Fimor has extended its range of serilorCLEAN 3 cleaning squeegees combining two adjusted hardness grades with a central “wear signal” layer. The central layer also acts as a support to improve overall blade performance. The company’s squeegees are made of polyurethane, boasting superior resistance to abrasion and chemicals. It says they offer optimum pick-up performance on challenging floors. www.fimor-polyurethane.com


One button

with the pre-sweep/vacuum unit enabling sweeping and wet cleaning in a single working step. The ergonomic comfort seat and a host of other features are designed to make work easier for the operator. www.hako.com

The new RS36L+ i-Synergy ride-on scrubber dryer from ICE Robotics is fully automated with a one-button programmable switch for training-free operation, and a three-setting pad pressure of up to 91 kg. Powered by a Lithium-ion battery, its digitised solution mixing system makes solution composition change simple. The i-Synergy fleet management system offers data-proven cleaning with real-time daily reports, with performance of up to 5,470 square metres per hour. Cleaning path is 91 cm, with clear and easy controls plus maximum manoeuvrability. The 212-litre solution tank is designed to improve working efficiency, along with the user-friendly touch panel control system. Other features include delayed vacuum motor shut-off and emergency shutdown. www.icerobo.com

Large areas Available in working widths of 108 and 123 cm, equipped with a 260-litre tank and providing a cleaning performance of up to 8,600 square metres per hour, Hako’s Scrubmaster B260 R ride-on scrubber boasts long operating times on large areas. Modular extension options allow flexible use: for example • ICE Robotics a développé la RS36L+, une autolaveuse autonome autoportée. • L’autolaveuse autoportée Hako Scrubmaster B260 R a été conçue pour travailler sur de grandes superficies. • La RCM Icon est une autolaveuse autoportée pour superficies moyennes/grandes.

Silent power Icon is RCM’s ride-on scrubber designed for medium and large environments, with a 200-litre tank and greater autonomy thanks to the Energy Saver system and the possibility of mounting batteries with different capacities. Features include the My customisation system for cleaning operations; more than six hours of uninterrupted operation and speed of up to eight kilometres per hour for fast operation. The Go Green system reduces environmental impact by lowering energy, water and detergent consumption, as well as noise pollution. In fact Icon is claimed to be super-silent in operation. And the energy saver device is designed to save and recover the energy used, increasing the running time of the machine. For example, the brush motors automatically switch off when the machine stops. www.rcm.it

• ICE Robotics hat die autonome AufsitzScheuersaugmaschine RS36L+ entwickelt. • Die AufsitzScheuersaugmaschine Scrubmaster B260 R von Hako wurde für den Einsatz auf großen Flächen entwickelt. • Bei Icon von RCM handelt es sich um eine AufsitzScheuersaugmaschine für mittelgroße bis große Bereiche.

• La ICE Robotics ha sviluppato la lavasciuga pavimenti autonoma con operatore a bordo RS36L+. • La lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore a bordo Scrubmaster B260 R prodotta dalla Hako è progettata per essere utilizzata su vaste aree. • Icon della RCM è una lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore a bordo adatta per aree di medie e grandi dimensioni.

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 37



Is negative the way forward?

As the COVID vaccines rollout gathers pace, countries across the globe are reaching for the fiscal tools they may need to repair the catastrophic damage wreaked upon their economies. And one that has come to hand could prove highly controversial, writes Hartley Milner. The commercial banking system looks set to be turned on its head with a growing number of economies seemingly poised to introduce negative interest rates in coming months. Interest rates have tumbled over the past 12 months and are at, or very near to, an all-time low in almost every developed market. The question now for central banks that generally set the rates is how low dare they take them, as anything below zero means venturing into largely unchartered territory. Negative interest rates are a measure used in especially stringent times to increase borrowing for investment by reducing the cost of loans and coercing consumers into spending their money on goods and services rather than hoarding

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it. The hope is that a more favourable borrowing environment will encourage businesses to put their growth plans into action, which will help them generate income and create jobs while delivering a boost to economies. A side effect can be to weaken a country’s currency, but having a weak currency makes exports cheaper, driving up demand from overseas customers. The downside is imports become more expensive, so as with most monetary policies there are winners and losers.

How effective? The move to negative rates may be good news for businesses seeking a loan, but is less likely to go down well with savers already receiving meagre or zero returns on their capital. In theory, they could find themselves having to pay a bank to look after their money instead of accruing interest on it, while borrowers are paid interest on their loans. The gut reaction of savers may then be to consider withdrawing their deposits to reinvest elsewhere or squirrel away around the

house until when, or if, rates become more favourable. A few countries have already ventured into negative territory, including Switzerland (-0.75 per cent), Denmark (-0.60 per cent) and Japan (-0.1 per cent). In December, the European Central Bank said it was maintaining the eurozone deposit rate at -0.50 per cent, the refinancing rate at zero per cent and the marginal lending facility rate at 0.25 per cent. So how effective are negative interest rates? In the UK, Akeno Tanaka, associate lecturer in economics at the Open University, told ECJ that the policy is sound in theory, but the benefits in practice are hard to quantify. She said the European experiment has so far produced little evidence that they encourage greater lending, and could potentially have the opposite effect.

Eats into profits “Making banks pay to park their excess cash at the central bank, instead of paying them to do so, eats into their profits at a


time when many have not fully recovered from the 2008 financial crash,” Tanaka said. “The banks may feel inclined to recoup their losses by passing them on to savers via a negative interest rate. We have seen though, that where negative rates are applied, banks have been reluctant to do this, fearing a backlash from depositors. Instead, they increase banking fees or charges, or simply reduce lending, which is contrary to the aim of the exercise … to stimulate business activity.”

Last resort Tanaka said businesses that secure loans should not get too excited about the prospect of being paid interest. That is most unlikely. Again, banks would not welcome the drain on their profits, and besides most business lending is done at a fixed rate of interest. This means that the interest the borrower pays is always a set percentage of the loan amount, and that percentage does not change. Even if the loan is based on a variable rate, there is usually a minimum rate that has to be charged that is always above zero per cent. Apart from sparking a mass exodus of funds, there are other reasons why banks are unlikely to charge families and household savers for holding their money, or hand them extra cash when borrowing. Many loans, mortgages and savings products are fixed-term deals with rates that will not change until the term ends, no matter what the central bank does with its base rate. Even variable-rate mortgages frequently have clauses saying interest payments will never fall below zero. Any charges that are levied are more likely to impact on savings above a set threshold. “Negative interest rates may provide a stimulus to some economies, but they are problematic, so should be seen as a backup of last resort when other measures, such as quantitative easing, are not enough,” Tanaka added. However, increasing numbers of central banks are talking up what they see as a pivotal role they could play in lifting the global economy out of the COVID-19 slump. Silvana Tenreyro, external member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), delivered a speech

À mesure que le rythme de déploiement de vaccins contre le coronavirus s’accélère, les pays du monde vont rechercher les outils fiscaux qui leur permettront de réparer les dégâts de la pandémie. Une solution possible - la pratique de taux d’intérêt négatifs pourrait susciter des controverses, explique Hartley Milner.

recently saying negative rates had worked effectively where introduced, with “some of the evidence pointing to more powerful effects”. She said their impacts should lead to higher consumption and investment, and boost net exports and inflation (inflation in the UK is currently at 0.3 per cent, well below the 2.0 per cent set by the government). And there was no reason to believe they “would impinge on the profits” of commercial banks. Tenreyro said: “While we can never have complete certainty, negative interest rates should, with high likelihood, boost UK growth and inflation. Cutting the bank rate to its record low of 0.1 per cent has helped loosen lending conditions relative to the counterfactual (of no policy change), and I believe further cuts would continue to provide stimulus. “It is possible that bank-lending channels would impart slightly less stimulus relative to experiences in other countries, at least initially, but I would consider it as very unlikely that we do not see any boost to lending. Looser monetary policy can help the economy recover faster, bringing inflation back to target, while also preventing some of the job losses and business failures that could otherwise reduce potential output in future. “The MPC has given guidance that policy will not be tightened before there is clear evidence that significant progress is being made in eliminating spare capacity and achieving the inflation target sustainably. It is possible that more stimulus will be needed to do so at an appropriate pace. If that is the case, having negative rates in our toolbox will, in my view, be important.” Tenreyro said UK rates could potentially fall below -0.75 per cent “without running into some of the constraints of a negative interest rate policy”.

Operationally ready The Bank of England is looking at the technical feasibility of negative rates for Britain’s financial system and is expected to publish its views before the spring. As part of the study, it has written asking high street banks how prepared they would be if interest rates were cut to zero or turned negative. Sam Woods, deputy governor and ceo

Die Einführung der Covid-Impfstoffe nimmt Fahrt auf, und in Ländern auf aller Welt greifen Politiker nach den finanzpolitischen Instrumenten, um die an der Wirtschaft verursachten katastrophalen Schäden wiederherzustellen. Und eines dieser Instrumente – negative Zinsraten – könnte sich als äußerst kontrovers erweisen, schreibt Hartley Milner.

of the Prudential Regulation Authority, said in the letter: “For a negative bank rate to be effective as a policy tool, the financial sector – as the key transmission mechanism of monetary policy – would need to be operationally ready to implement it in a way that does not adversely affect the safety and soundness of firms.” Commercial banks are making preparations for rates going negative in the UK but not all are persuaded it would be the right thing to do. Barclays Bank chief executive Jes Stanley acknowledged that negative interest rates could help in the long term but may hit its UK profits. “Zero, let alone negative interest rates, are very tough for banks and put pressure on bank profitability,” he said. “You don’t want to see consumers avoiding a negative interest rate by turning to cash, for example.” Stanley said that in countries that have already taken the plunge, Barclays’ large corporate customers have been charged for holding money in savings. “But we would rather not be doing that,” he added.

“Few positives” Amanda Murphy, head of commercial banking at HSBC UK, told the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee that the Bank of England does have to “carefully consider” whether negative interest rates will have the desired outcomes. “Where they have already been introduced – Europe, Japan, Switzerland – we haven’t seen inflation rise and the growth hasn’t come back as strongly as one might have hoped,” she said. A more damning verdict was delivered by Huw van Steenis, senior adviser to the chief executive of UBS. He told American news channel CNBC: “One of the most striking things from last year was that no central bank that already had negative rates cut them further. I think it was a failed experiment. It is an experiment that is corrosive to the banking system and more importantly it hasn’t been driving growth, nor has it been driving inflation expectations, so, in a way, it is a tool that has got serious side effects with very few positives.”

Mentre il lancio dei vaccino Covid accellera il passo, le nazioni di tutto il mondo sono alla ricerca di strumenti fiscali di cui hanno bisogno per risanare il danno catastrofico provocato alle loro economie. Uno di questi strumenti a portata di mano, i tassi di interesse negativi, potrebbe rivelarsi molto controverso, come ci informa il corrispondente Hartley Milner.

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 41


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The other two pillars Arguments around sustainability have been heavily focused on saving the planet over the past few years. But have those other two pillars of sustainability –people and profit – gained new prominence in the light of the global pandemic, asks Ann Laffeaty?

Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion have recently brought the topic of sustainability firmly into focus. The need to save the planet by reversing climate change and reducing our use of natural resources has shaped many a sustainability policy. And at the same time we have become increasingly keen to reduce our use of throwaway items and plastic products. But over the past 12 months, the emergence of COVID-19 has shifted our priorities and forced us to dwell instead on factors such as cleaning, hygiene, safety and the growing economic crisis. It seems inappropriate to complain about the use of disposable masks and plastic PPE when people’s lives are at stake. But sustainability is not just about the environment. It is usually considered to comprise the three “pillars” of people, planet and profit. So in the light of the current crisis, is it time to focus on “people” and “profit” rather than putting the planet at the centre of every sustainability argument? Tackling COVID-19 and safeguarding public health have become everyone’s primary concerns during the pandemic, according to Facilicom managing director Jan-Hein Hemke, “Climate action has fallen further down the list of priorities for some,” he admits. ”However as the world went into lockdown and our everyday activities de-

creased, pollution levels declined and the environment has gained some breathing space as a result.” He says COVID-19 has sparked a sense of community and placed greater emphasis on the “people” element of sustainability. “People are our prime asset at Facilicom and we couldn’t operate without them,” said Hemke. “When employees are happier and healthier they work smarter, achieve better results and create a more pleasant working atmosphere – and this translates into happier clients and a better service.” Facilicom has provided additional support to staff during the pandemic to protect their mental health and help them stay positive. “We have had to rethink our well-being strategies and consider how we can best support our colleagues through these changes,” said Hemke. The company has also donated Return to Work care packs to community volunteers who help primary school children with their reading. The global pandemic should not result in the environment taking a back seat, says Hemke. ”The three dimensions of people, planet and profit should be intrinsically linked in any successful sustainability policy and no element should be downplayed,” he said.

New pressures The pandemic has placed new pressures on Greenspeed’s staff according to marketing manager Floor Loos. “People and profit have always been important elements of sustainability, but companies have had to think in a different way due to the crisis,” she said. “The trend for working from home is new to many people and is not easy for everyone - and it requires adaptability from both companies and staff.” Greenspeed has organised “resilience workshops” for its staff and is also offering tips and tricks on strategies for working from home. And the company is investing more heavily in partnerships and supporting charities. “It is now more

important than ever that companies and organisations help one another,” said Loos. “We believe the ‘people’ element of sustainability will gain a higher priority as a result of the pandemic.” However in her view, all three pillars are equally important. “At Greenspeed we strive to develop products that have a positive impact on both humans and the environment,” she said.

People important In the early stages of the pandemic it became more important to keep people safe than to protect the environment, according to Essity’s communications director Renée Remijnse. “However, we are seeing an increased focus on sustainability in general as part of the ‘new normal’,” she said. “The fact that well-being is a part of sustainability means people will continue to remain just as important as the planet in future.” In July 2020, Essity carried out research into sustainability attitudes post-COVID in which 10,000 people were questioned. “A total of 54 per cent of respondents said they would expect more from businesses in terms of sustainability going forward,” said Remijnse. “And 56 per cent claimed that sustainability in general had become more important to them personally.” She believes the “people” aspect of sustainability will increase in importance in future. “People have faced major fears and anxieties during the pandemic and these will stay with them for some time,” she said. “Hygiene, health and well-being are all closely connected and by investing in hygiene, a company demonstrates that it cares about its people.” Essity donated 51,600 items of PPE to hospitals in Italy during the first wave of COVID-19 in spring. The company also sent Tork toilet tissue to the American Red Cross and donated baby nappies and feminine protection to communities in Greece. Remijnse believes that the ‘profit’ pillar will also gain a greater focus in future. Continued page 44

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SUSTAINABLE CLEANING The other two pillars (continued) “COVID has put pressure on many businesses so there is bound to be a renewed cost focus,” she said. “Cost has always been a driving factor for companies – but environmental sustainability will be pivotal in gaining new contracts going forward.” It is important to strike a balance between planet, people and profit according to Jangro’s ceo Joanne Gilliard. “Consumers will always want to support a brand that is ethical, looks after its people and cares for the environment,” she said. “And profit will remain a key driver since this enables a company to invest in its team and in sustainable products and processes.” However, she believes the “people” pillar has gained a greater prominence during the pandemic. “Cleaning staff were previously held in low regard by some, but they are now receiving increased recognition for the role they play in society,” she said. “Supporting these operatives who risk their health to keep public areas safe is the least we can do - whether it is by providing them with training or pastoral care.” Jangro has donated cleaning trolleys, mops and other equipment to the Yorkshire and Humber NHS Nightingale hospital in the UK during the pandemic and has sent masks, aprons, coveralls and skincare products to Macclesfield District General Hospital. The company has also kitted out its drivers with PPE and reduced its operating hours to provide respite for staff during difficult times.

Higher profile According to Gilliard, the profile of sustainability has been raised in general during the pandemic –and has even become a talking point. “With more people working from home and fewer vehicles on the road, air pollution and emissions began to drop and there were even wild animals roaming the empty streets in the early days,” she said. But in general, she believes the focus

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has shifted away from sustainability and towards performance. “Put simply it doesn’t matter how environmentallyfriendly a product happens to be if it is not effective against germs and viruses,” she said. “The best products are those that combine sustainability with efficacy.” Kärcher has been working hard to protect its own people by limiting office capacity since the start of the pandemic, says systems and sustainability manager Marie Kristin Schmidt. “We have also introduced compulsory masks throughout the factory and switched to virtual meetings,” she said. “And we’ve set up a crisis management team to assess the situation regarding infection figures on a daily basis and to take appropriate measures.”

Supporting communities The company has been supporting local communities as well. “We switched one of our production lines over to hand sanitiser and have been distributing this along with masks, overshoes, head covers and disposable gloves to rescue services, care homes and food banks,” she said. Schmidt agrees with other commentators that the three sustainability pillars are all intertwined. “Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility and the fact people have been working from home has had positive results in terms of CO2 emissions,” she said. “Flexible working will only enhance these positive effects on sustainability in the future.” The “people” pillar of sustainability has always been a high priority for Nilfisk, according to head of corporate communications Steffen Støvelbæk. “The topics of health and safety have never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said. “We have therefore established a global crisis management team so that local representatives in each country can take action and communicate new guidelines to employees.”

Nilfisk has donated floorcare machines to the COVID-19 units of hospitals in Mexico and Denmark and has sent masks to frontline responders in the US. “We also donated cleaning machines to the Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan which was built early on in the pandemic to treat COVID-19 patients,” he said.

Positive impacts Cromwell Polythene’s first priority over the past 12 months has been for the safety of its staff, says managing director James Lee. “However, honest and ethical dealings with employees, customers and suppliers should remain central to all business operations,” he adds. Most of the company’s office-based staff have been working from home during the pandemic, says Lee, and Cromwell Polythene has taken various steps to aid communities. “For example in the early stages of the crisis we donated polythene film to volunteers making personal protective equipment for the NHS,” he said. “We also participated in a litterpick for Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British September Clean.” He believes that the general use of more PPE, sanitiser and cleaning products is not helpful to the environment. “But on the other hand, our changed behaviour during lockdowns in terms of working from home and reducing our travel has led to positive impacts which have made many of us rethink what is possible in terms of sustainability,” he said. He adds that the importance of the “people” and “profit” pillars cannot be overplayed. “One thing is for sure: there has never been a greater need in peacetime for businesses to generate profit, employ people and pay taxes,” he said. Today’s sustainability priorities have definitely shifted towards the “people” pillar, says service provider Incentive QAS managing director Jamie Wright. “Sustain-


able products are our default solutions - but sanitising wipes have been flying off our suppliers’ shelves in recent months,” he said. “This is concerning because those products will not break down when disposed of and will therefore end up in the general waste stream. “Our clients have good reason to bolster their hygiene efforts at this time – but sustainability shouldn’t be compromised for a prolonged period.” He says the “people” aspect of sustainability has definitely come to the fore during the pandemic. “Flexibility and understanding have never been as important for staff and clients as they are right now,” said Dans le souci de durabilité on s’est concentré ces derniers temps sur la nécessité de réduire l’usage de ressources naturelles afin de sauver la planète. Mais on ne saurait oublier deux autres piliers de la durabilité, à savoir, les gens et le profit, dont l’impocance s’est affirmée toujours plus au cours d’une pandémie qui a mis les agents de nettoyage sur la première ligne et acculé les entreprises au bord de la faillite. Nous interrogeons des entreprises sur les mesures qu’elles ont prises pour améliorer leur rentabilité ainsi que la santé et le bien-être de leurs collaborateurs.

Wright. “Everyone has had to rethink their strategy from a well-being and mental health perspective as well as from an operations viewpoint.”

Agile, responsive And he believes that the “profit” sustainability pillar will continue to remain important throughout. “The business environment has become more challenging than ever - but if your sustainable business model delivers good results and can operate in an agile and responsive manner, you will always be competitive,” he said. • The next edition of ECJ will feature a special report on washroom dispensers. Im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit lag in letzter Zeit ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf dem Bedürfnis, den Verbrauch von Rohstoffen zu reduzieren, um den Planeten zu retten. Aber die zwei anderen Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit – Menschen und Profit – sind im Gefolge der Pandemie, durch die Reinigungskräfte an vorderster Front tätig sind und Unternehmen ums Überleben kämpfen, wichtiger denn je. Wir fragen Unternehmen, welche Maßnahmen sie ergreifen, um die Profitabilität sowie die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden ihrer Mitarbeiter zu verbessern.

L’agenda della sostenibilità ha recentemente focalizzato fortemente l’attenzione sulla necessità di ridurre il nostro utilizzo di risorse naturali per salvare il pianeta. Ma gli altri due pilastri della sostenibilità, Persone e Profitto, sono ora più importanti che mai in seguito alla pandemia mondiale che ha messo gli addetti alle pulizie in prima linea e le aziende ai margini. Chiediamo alle imprese cosa stanno facendo per migliorare la loro redditività e la salute e il benessere del loro personale.

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 45


• Twister et le nom donné à la gamme Diversey de tampons de nettoyage de plancher codés en couleur, fabriqués en matière plastique recyclée et imprégnés de diamants. • La gamme Probio des produits de nettoyage Greenspeed fait appel à des bactéries inoffensives d’origine organique. • Leafield Environmental a lancé la poubelle EnviroGo pour la collecte de gants et de masques. • Filmop, le spécialiste du balayage humide, a développé plusieurs produits à certification PSV (Plastic Second Life). • Le Professional Passive Programme de Vectair Systems réunit une gamme de systèmes de diffusion de fragrances ne produisant pas d’aérosol et ne fonctionnant pas sur batterie. • Le system Go-Green monté sur les autolaveuses RCM en réduit l’impact environnemental, déclare son fabricant.

• Bei Twister von Diversey handelt es sich um eine Produktreihe mit farbcodierten Bodenpads aus recyceltem Plastik, die über unzählige kleine Diamanten verfügen. • Die Produktreihe Probio von Greenspeed umfasst Reinigungsmittel, die mit freundlichen Bakterien organischen Ursprungs formuliert sind. • Neu von Leafield Environmental ist der Behälter EnviroGo zur Sammlung von Handschuhen und Gesichtsmasken. • Filmop, der Spezialist für Moppsysteme, hat viele Produkte entwickelt, die mit dem Zertifikat „Plastic Second Life“ ausgezeichnet wurden. • Das Professional Passive Programme von Vectair Systems ist eine Produktreihe mit recycelfähigen Beduftungssystemen, die ohne Batterien und ohne Aerosole arbeiten. • Laut eigenen Angaben reduziert das Go-Green-System, mit dem die Scheuersaugmaschinen von RCM ausgestattet sind, ihre Auswirkung auf die Umwelt.

• Twister è la gamma di dischi per pavimenti codificati in base al colore prodotti dalla Diversey utilizzando plastica riciclata impregnata con diamante. • La gamma di detergenti Probio, prodotta dalla Greenspeed, è formulata utilizzando batteri “amici” di origine biologica. • Il nuovo prodotto della Leafield Environmental è il contenitore per la raccolta e lo smaltimento di guanti e maschere usate EnviroGo. • La Filmop, specializzata in sistemi mop, ha sviluppato numerosi prodotti con la certificazione Plastica Seconda Vita (Plastic Second Life - PSV). • Professional Passive Programme della Vectair Systems è una gamma di sistemi di profumazione dell’aria non-aerosol, senza batteria e riciclabili. • La RCM afferma che il sistema Go-Green di cui sono dotate le sue lavasciuga pavimenti riduce il loro impatto ambientale.

46 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

Diamond pads Twister is a set of 13 colourcoded floor care pads from Diversey made from recycled plastics impregnated with billions of microscopic diamonds on the working side.

re-enter the environment where they actively contribute to water purification and maintain a natural microbial balance. EU Ecolabel and Cradle to Cradle certified, the range consists of three products - an interior cleaning, floor cleaner and sanitary cleaner. www.greenspeed.eu

that simplifies waste collection, washing operations and storage. www.filmop.com

Passive scent

PPE bin

Diamond is the hardest material on earth and remains effective throughout the lifespan of the pad. These hard diamonds when embedded into a flexible pad have the ability to micropolish any floor type, making it more resistant to dirt. The difference between the alternative colours is the size or mix of the diamonds. Depending on the diamond mix impregnated in the pad, different tasks can be performed. The pads can be used with water alone and are said to reduce the need for periodic maintenance. www.diversey.com

Friendly formula

Probio is Greenspeed’s line of probiotic cleaning agents, which are made up of benign microorganisms (friendly bacteria) of organic origin. After cleaning, a layer of probiotics is left behind on the surface and these friendly bacteria remove organic contamination, which otherwise gives rise to odour formation. Greenspeed says the probiotics continue to function for days after cleaning so the effect of these products is long-lasting. The formulas are completely free of hazard symbols and once they have been used they

Leafield Environmental has designed the EnviroGo bin for collection of personal protective equipment (PPE) - preventing gloves and face masks from contaminating other recycling bins that collect materials that can be recycled. The new bin features a blue open aperture, blue PPE label, grey body and A3 signage kit including poster. Its slimline design makes it ideal for corridors, receptions or next to existing waste collection points. It is suitable for internal use and can hold up to 90 litres of PPE waste. Other features include a front moulded handle and nonmarking wheels for easy manoeuvre and a tilted sack frame for quick and safe maintenance. www.leafieldrecycle.com

Certified Mopping specialist Filmop has developed many products with Plastic Second Life (PSV) certified components. It now offers several bins, buckets, wet mopping trolleys, multipurpose trolleys and anti-bacterial trolleys with components made with a high percentage of recycled plastic coming from qualified suppliers. The colour-coded bins facilitate waste collection providing a specific solution for each kind of rubbish while the wide selection of buckets offers different capacities, dimensions and colours. Wet mopping trolleys boast lightness and strength while the multipurpose models feature user-friendly design

The Professional Passive Programme from Vectair Systems is a range of recyclable non-aerosol, non-battery products which offer co-ordinated scent. V-Air SOLID Evolution is part of the V-Air SOLID range. It is a carbon neutral fragrance refill, and the EVA cartridge contains no batteries, liquids or harmful propellants – providing fresh scent with just natural airflow. The Airloop toilet bowl clip and the EcoShell universal air freshener both use ‘clip and go, clip and throw’ technology. Airloop clips tightly to the toilet bowl providing a fresh scent for up to 30 days while EcoShell can be used in a variety of locations. P-Screen and Wee-Screen recyclable urinal screens complete the Professional Passive Programme. Featuring bubble design, they provide fresh fragrance whilst helping to prevent blockages. www.vectairsystems.com

Green and silent The Go Green system designed by RCM for its scrubber dryers lowers the machines’ energy consumption and increases their autonomy. It is also designed to reduce noise pollution, water and detergent consumption while increasing the hourly yield because it lowers downtime resulting from filling and discharging the tanks. And for sensitive environments, RCM offers the Super Silent system for its machines. The noise level of the vacuum motor is minimised so as to reduce sound impact. www.rcm.it

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• Le timberCLEAN ECO proposé par Hagleitner est un savon naturel efficace sur des surfaces de bois huilées, cirées et non finies. • TTS propose des têtes de balayage humide portant le label écologique européen. • Vermop s’emploie à développer des concepts de nettoyage longue durée et ergonomiques. • Kärcher affirme que sa nouvelle autolaveuse autoportée, la B 110 R, utilise la moitié moins d’eau et de produits chimiques que d’autres modèles semblables. • L’Hydrobox, le nouveau nettoyeur haute pression de Tecnovap, travaille tant à l’eau froide qu’à l’eau chaude. • Unger vise à développer des outils de nettoyage capables de réduire l’emploi de produits chimiques et de conserver les ressources naturelles.

• Bei timberCLEAN ECO von Hagleitner handelt es sich um eine Naturseife für geölte, gewachste und unbehandelte Holzoberflächen. • Das Angebot von TTS umfasst mehrere Mopps, die mit dem Europäischen Umweltzeichen ausgezeichnet wurden. • Vermop teilt mit, dass das Unternehmen mit der Entwicklung langfristiger und gleichzeitig ergonomischer Reinigungskonzepte befasst ist. • Laut Kärcher verbraucht die neue Aufsitz-Scheuermaschine B 110 R 50 Prozent weniger Wasser und Chemikalien als vergleichbare Modelle. • Der neue Hochdruckreiniger Hydrobox von Tecnovap kann sowohl mit heißem als auch mit kaltem Wasser eingesetzt werden. • Nach Angaben von Unger ist das Unternehmen darum bestrebt, Reinigungswerkzeuge zu entwickeln, die die Verwendung von Chemikalien verringern und natürliche Ressourcen schonen.

• TimberCLEAN ECO della Hagleitner è un sapone naturale per superfici in legno oliate, trattate a cera e non trattate. • La TTS propone numerosi mop omologati con il marchio EU Ecolabel. • La Vermop afferma che il suo obiettivo è quello di sviluppare dei concetti di pulizia a lungo termine che siano anche ergonomici. • La Kärcher afferma che la sua nuova lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore a bordo B 110 R utilizza il 50 per cento in meno di acqua e prodotti chimici dialtri modelli simili. • La nuova lavasciuga pavimenti ad alta pressione Hydrobox della Tecnovap può essere utilizzata per pulire sia con acqua calda che con acqua fredda. • La Unger afferma che il suo obiettivo è quello di sviluppare degli attrezzi di pulizia in grado di ridurre l’uso di prodotti chimici e di preservare le risorse naturali.

48 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

Rapeseed oil

For long term

Hot or cold

Hagleitner saponifies rapeseed oil in the production of timberCLEAN ECO, a natural soap for oiled, waxed and unfinished wooden surfaces.

For Vermop, sustainability is about developing long-term ergonomic cleaning concepts that make work as easy as possible for the operators. The company’s Equipe trolleys, for example, feature individually configurable components that can be switched when requirements change - they can also be retrofitted. Buckets and boxes are made from recycled plastic. Ceran is a dry sweeping, antibacterial mop cover that can be used without water or chemical. Its microfibre becomes electrostatically charged, picking up all traces of hair, lint and dust, capturing them securely on the textured, looped surface. www.vermop.com

Tecnovap’s Hydrobox high-pressure cleaner can be used with both cold and hot water. Powered by electricity and reaching pressure up to 150 bar, this unit is said to be water- and cost-effective. Designed to be compact and manoeuvrable, the body and boiler are made from stainless steel for durability, with other features including direct water connection, analogue pressure gauge and electronic control panel where the temperature can be set from 20 to 90°C. Hydrobox has been specifically developed for use in environments where water and harmful vapours are not permitted - making it suitable for indoor use. www.tecnovap.it

Suitable for use on floors, doors, bed frames, wall cladding etc, timberCLEAN ECO not only thoroughly cleans wood but also nourishes it with almond oil. The soap moisturises without building up layers; it is pHbalanced so wood will not grey, and dye-free so surfaces will not discolour. And the almond and eucalyptus scent makes for a pleasant room fragrance. timberCLEAN ECO can be applied both mechanically and manually. www.hagleitner.com


From TTS come several mops certified with the EU Ecolabel its Microsplit 32, Microblue and Ultrasafe for example. Their fine fibres are designed for optimum collection of dirt and bacteria which also reduces the amount of cleaning solution needed. The EU Ecolabel not only identifies products with high performance standards and low environmental impact, it also certifies sustainability from the production phase and resistance over time to washing, rubbing and light, ensuring a long product life. www.ttsystem.com

Quietly robust With the launch of the ride-on scrubber dryer B 110 R Kärcher has overhauled both the brush head and the squeegee to guarantee quiet and resourcefriendly operation. The new brush head made of robust aluminium boasts smooth running and low backlash, reducing noise level by up to 10 dB(A). The inflow of cleaning water is controlled depending on the driving speed which makes for reliable suction and savings of up to 50 per cent in water or cleaning agent. The new squeegee made of sturdy die-cast aluminium and with tear-resistant suction lip is designed for a long life with frequent use. www.karcher.com

Green pledge

Unger says it is committed to developing cleaning tools which reduce the use of chemicals and conserve natural resources. This means using durable materials that give the products extended life cycles and a greener footprint. The company offers systems for cleaning with pure water and its HydroPower Ultra DI filter makes the ion exchange process even more efficient thanks partly to the new resin formula, suitable for glass cleaning, and Unger’s FloWater Technology 2.0. The ready-to-use erGO! floor cleaning system, meanwhile, is designed to be easy to operate with minimum effort and works with a removable reservoir tank and no bucket. www.ungerglobal.com

REPORT FROM JAPAN In Japan, some people are tired from overwork, especially in the metropolis Tokyo. One Buddhist monk wants to change this, and he thinks cleaning is the way to go. Bobbie van der List reports. It’s at 7.25 am in the morning when the commute to work is at its peak in the Kamiyacho district of central Tokyo. While most people walk from the station’s exits to the enormous surrounding skyscrapers, just a few people take a turn into a hidden alleyway. In this passage, one can spot Buddhist temple Komyoji, a surprisingly quiet gateway in an otherwise busy and hectic metropolitan area, run by monk Shoukei Matsumoto. Monk Matsumoto greets around 15 visitors, most of whom live in this area. Twice a month, he opens the doors to community members or people from other districts. They chant, clean, and reflect three essential elements of Buddhism. The meetings are referred to by the monk as Temple Morning; they begin at 7:30 and last until 8:30. Whoever desires to participate is welcome, and the attendees have different backgrounds: there’s an older lady, a ceo of an IT company, a salaryman, and a monk from a nearby temple. At precisely 7.30 Matsumoto starts chanting in front of a Buddhist altar, around 15 people are seated on three lines of chairs behind him, or sit on the floor. They repeat his words, and a sense of calm flows around the temple room, which is filled with a unique scent. As soon as the chanting part is over, all participants step forward to pay their respects to the deities and bow several times. Outside they’re awaited by Matsumoto; he holds a few brooms in his hands. “Who wants to clean the graveyards?”, he asks. While attendees start mindfully sweeping the pavements in between the graves, he tells me how he got into organising the morning sessions. “I have tried many ways to connect with the community: a temple café, which we still organise every day, and artists occasionally play music here.” But then in October 2017, he started with the temple morning sessions. He has now hosted 63 meetings, and it’s a great Au Japon, un grand nombre de personnes, particulièrement à Tokyo, souffrent de surmenage. Un moine bouddhiste souhaite changer cette situation et considère qu’une réponse consisterait à se livrer à des tâches nettoyage.

Cleaning as a life changer success. On Twitter he tweets about the gatherings and the importance of cleaning for a monk, but also how cleaning can help one grow physically and mentally. “After trying many different things, I finally found what is most valuable to people: routines. Our bodies are made up of more than 90 per cent routines”, he explains. And the most crucial routine of a monk is cleaning, he says, and it takes up much of a monk’s day. “To be honest with you, I prefer cleaning over meditation,” Matsumoto says. “In practice attendees get to experience what monks do on a daily basis.” Why is cleaning so important? “When you clean outside, every morning at the same time, the physical work brings a certain satisfaction, and the routine brings relief from daily stress. On top of that, you feel the change of seasons, you notice how the sunrise changes with time, and how the colour of the leaves transform.” This is what 39-year old Miho Inuma likes the most about the sessions. “A year ago, I found out about it while I was drinking coffee on the terrace. Sometimes the monk serves tea and sweets; employees from the neighbouring companies come here to eat their lunch, and order a drink. And then I saw the temple morning session.” “This hour is very dear to me. It makes me happy when I wake up early and do these simple cleaning chores. You feel the change of the seasons, I feel the change, the sunrise changes, you are part of a community, you share that feeling with friends. We often don’t even know each other’s names, there are many newcomers, but still, we connect.” Other participants feel the same way including 23-year old Mai Kuroda. “I moved from Okayama to Tokyo recently, and I was surprised to see how tired people in Tokyo look, so this is a good way for people to help each other”, she tells me while holding a broom in one hand and a plastic bag with leaves in the other. Miyake Shunjiro, 26, stands next to her, it’s his first day. “I’m surprised by this place, it’s beautiful. You can feel the

spirituality, I am astonished.” The final part of temple morning consists of a roundtable talk, community members can ask questions to monk Matsumoto. Miyake, the office worker, tells us about his harsh working conditions. “I work 80 hours a month, on top of my normal schedule. I’ve been working at this company for a year now. People don’t have time to reflect physically and mentally. How can I find a better balance?”, he asks Matsumoto. Later on Matsumoto tells me that all sorts of people come to the gatherings, they often come because they want to make a change in their life. He believes in the therapeutic importance of cleaning, especially in a country where overwork and subsequent mental health issues have become common. “If you clean for five minutes, you will see certain changes in people. If you see leaves on the ground and you clean it up, you immediately see results, it is a small achievement. The temple morning session makes people self-aware; it builds confidence and brings a sense of real living.” He also sees how cleaning can help people relieve stress. “From cleaning, we can learn how to overcome perfectionism. Why do people in Japan work for so long? My observation is that it is because of perfectionism: if you try to do everything perfectly, it requires an enormous effort. In terms of quality, 80 per cent is attainable, but when you aim for 100 per cent, it will require a huge effort, and you’ll never reach that perfection.” Yet, people in Japan still aim for perfection. “You see it everywhere in Japan, the exaggerated smiles of store clerks, or over-the-top service by companies. One needs to let go of that drive for perfection”, he believes. “I think perfectionism is a reason so much stress arises. Cleaning is a way to learn how to overcome that desire for perfection. If you clean with a broom, and you see after cleaning that a leaf falls, what then? You have to leave it at 90 per cent quality.” His favourite cleaning tool? “The broom, the sound is wonderful.”

In Japan, besonders in der Hauptstadt Tokio, sind viele Menschen aufgrund von Überarbeitung müde. Ein buddhistischer Mönch möchte dies ändern, und er glaubt, dass Reinigen die richtige Lösung ist.

In Giappone, molte persone sono stanche a causa dell’eccesso di lavoro, particolarmente nella capitale Tokyo. Un monaco buddista vuole cambiare questa situazione e pensa che la pulizia sia la soluzione.

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 49


Dealing with spills safely Work related accidents and injuries cost the EU €476 billion a year. With increased focus on safety and environmental performance even small changes can yield big health and safety benefits. Here Günes Yenen, MEWA UK country manager, looks at the options available to minimise risk to health and safety from slips and spillages.

Factories and plants are naturally a greasy environment with oils and coolants often dripping onto surfaces and floors; which in turn makes for further safety issues as workers tread in the spillage and spread the liquid into other areas of the factory. Keeping such areas clean and safe can be a challenge. Though manufacturing plants and industrial facilities are progressively becoming safer, cleaner and quieter, there are still opportunities to further reduce the risk of accidents and improve safety in the workplace. Every year there are thousands of accidents and cases of ill health reported from activities at industrial and commercial facilities. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health At Work slips, trips and falls are the largest cause of accidents from heavy engineering through to office work, resulting in more than three days absence from work. Another significant source of ill health in industrial and manufacturing settings can arise from exposure to hazardous materials such as metalworking fluids, oils, solvents and degreasers, as well as additives and contaminants such as metal fines.

Occupational diseases Common occupational diseases associated with hazardous materials include dermatitis and asthma, with around 200 cases of contact dermatitis reported to the European Prevention Initiative for Dermatological Malignancies every year as a result of exposure to cutting oils and coolants, for instance. Slips and trips sound relatively innocuous but can result in serious injuries like dislocations and broken bones and can mean long absences for employees affected. Employers are typically required to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all employees. In the UK, for example, this is mandated by the Health and Safety at Work Act. Measures required under the act include taking steps to control slip and trip risks as well as exposure to hazardous materials such as metalworking cutting fluids.

52 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

Putting risk management first Considering operator risk is not only a regulatory and legal requirement, companies which fail to prioritise workplace safety also face significant reputational and commercial risks. The UK’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is responsible for regulatory enforcement that can see substantial fines levied on companies and their directors. Given that breaching health and safety rules is a criminal offence in the UK, directors or responsible parties may even be jailed for major failings in risk management. In any event, companies must assess any potential risks to health and safety of employees and others and take appropriate action to put effective control measures in place. For example, HSE recommends cleaning up spills promptly to minimise the risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals like metal working fluids and reduce the risk of slips and trips. HSE recommendations also include keeping absorbent materials to hand where there is a risk of a spillage, but this can potentially generate additional challenges. Industrial companies typically use blue paper roll to absorb and mop up spilled material or clean parts. However, any blue roll or rags which are used for this application then potentially become classed as hazardous waste which requires suitable management and disposal. Indeed, oily rags are classed as hazardous materials. The European Commission (EC) has confirmed that all waste oils (with the exception of edible oils), are “absolute hazardous” entries on the Waste Framework Directive’s List of Waste document.

Accredited contractor To ensure that a business remains compliant with European Union (EU) regulations, all wastes contaminated with oil, including rags used to mop-up spillages, must be safely stored before being disposed of by an accredited hazardous wastes contractor. If a business opts to


With companies facing increased pressure to attain high standards of health and safety practice as well as improved environmental performance an alternative strategy to disposable paper towels has emerged. Today, full-service contract third-party suppliers are delivering high quality reusable absorbent wipes and mats to customers. Once used, the mats and towels are collected, washed and redistributed for reuse. Able to rapidly soak up large volumes of liquids, these mats and wipes offer a number of key advantages over disposable materials. One such example is hazardous fluid trapping mats that are made from high-quality cotton and are designed to rapidly transport fluids to the inner fabric, leaving the outside relatively dry, even after absorbing up to three litres of fluid.

They can be used in sensitive areas such as around machinery and equipment, reducing the need for sand or absorbent granules that might otherwise be required. Highly absorbent industrial cleaning wipes are also suitable for a variety of needs within the workplace, often having different weaves of cloth for different surfaces and uses. For safe disposal within engineering plants, some providers offer a collection service using safety containers where cloths, wipes and mats can be collected after use. Once full, the container is picked up at a convenient time and replaced with a clean container and all the towels or mats required. Mats and wipes are taken away to be washed in an environmentally-friendly way too with oils from the process cleverly re-used to power the washing process itself. In addition, treatment of wastewater is assured and heat from the washing process is also recovered. The result is a sustainable approach that eliminates the need to manage the purchase, delivery,

storage and disposal of single-use materials like blue roll. Reusable mats, cloths and wipes are a cost-effective solution even for small businesses and with fresh absorbent cleaning cloths and mats always available and to hand, spills may be rapidly addressed to reduce the risks of exposure to chemicals and slipping causing injury. With the right supplier the reusable system can also remove the significant burden of hazardous waste disposal while benefitting the environment by reusing primary materials and recovering energy during the washing process. With companies under pressure to improve health and safety and environmental performance, even small changes to a typical maintenance regime in production and engineering facilities can yield considerable benefits. Reusable mats and wipes can help to ensure workers in the heavy manufacturing industry are protected with a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable solution to spills. www.mewa-service.com

Les établissements industriels constituent des établissements graisseux car des huiles et des réfrigérants peut s’égoutter sur des surfaces et des sols, ce qui présente des problèmes de sécurité du moment où les travailleurs piétinent ces liquides épandus et les transportent vers d’autres zones de l’usine. Maintenir la propreté et la sécurité dans des situations de ce type présente des défis, mais les options de nettoyage ne manquent pas.

Fabriken und Werke sind naturgemäß schmierige Umgebungen, da Öle und Kühlmittel häufig auf Oberflächen und Böden tropfen. Dadurch entstehen wiederum Sicherheitsprobleme, da Mitarbeiter in den Austritt treten und die Flüssigkeit in andere Fabrikbereiche tragen. Es kann eine Herausforderung darstellen, in solchen Bereichen für Sicherheit und Sauberkeit zu sorgen, es stehen jedoch zahlreiche Reinigungslösungen zur Verfügung.

Fabbriche e stabilimenti sono dei luoghi spesso unti con olii e prodotti lubrorefrigeranti che colano sulle superfici e sui pavimenti; che a loro volta creano ulteriori problemi quando i lavoratori camminano sugli olii versati e spargono i liquidi in altre aree della fabbrica. Mantenere pulite e sicure tali aree può essere molto difficile nonostante la numerose opzioni di pulizia disponibili.

transfer its own waste to a disposal site, then it can only do so if it is a registered waste carrier.

The reusable solution to spills

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 53


Smarter facilities management Smart buildings, Internet of Things – both now familiar phrases to most of us. Their potential impact on how building services such as cleaning are delivered is still uncertain. What’s not in dispute however, is that the implications for facilities management will be far-reaching, and now global technology corporation Microsoft is exploring the possibilities to become involved in the sector. David Williams, business architect for the Microsoft Digital Applied Innovation Team talks to ECJ.

Across the globe, everyone is familiar with the Microsoft brand name, usually through the Windows operating system. The company is now much more than a software business however as David Williams, Business Architect for its Applied Innovation Team explains. “Microsoft is now a cloud-based company. Our currency is data. We help customers to either make money out of their data, or to improve their business in some way. And we fight for the privacy of that data.” Having built the Azure global cloud platform Microsoft is now interested in helping businesses to gain insights from the data in buildings.

buildings every day. “Functions such as heating, ventilation, cleaning and other facilities services are the most expensive running costs in buildings. We at Microsoft are not just focusing on the technology but on building platforms that are relevant and that create real solutions.” Cleaning is an interesting area for Microsoft as it is a cost in any large building, and a very clear cost. “How to measure what a clean building is, how it impacts on how people are performing, improving the experience of people within a building – those are the areas we are focusing on. And data is the currency here – historically that data was very expensive, and not very long ago. Now it’s much more affordable and worth exploring.” Williams gives the example of a typical office building. “Within that building there is a great deal of equipment, which is all producing data. In a new building there will be a data management system generating data. We take that and analyse it, looking closely at any problems. We can quickly make basic savings.

Most used areas “Then we use analytics tools to go further. We build up a map of which areas people are using. For example why heat or clean areas that are not even being used? Wifi and infrared sensors can provide us with the data we need, along with apps people use to book meeting rooms, room access codes, etc. A very accurate picture can quickly be built up of the most used areas.” He continues: “ Our theory is we can use

data to explore cleaning as a service. We identify exactly what areas need cleaning. Then the client pays for what has been serviced, a more on-demand approach.” And data generated by buildings can be shared and used across different functions Williams believes. There are numerous opportunities for using smart technology as part of the cleaning and hygiene function within buildings, he says. “Let’s look at hand washing for example. Microsoft developed the X-Box so we have a great deal of expertise around gamification, the application of game design elements and game principles in non-game contexts - which could be one route to engaging washroom users and inspiring them to wash their hands. “Or how about monitoring who is not washing their hands and then sending them a polite private SMS or email to prompt them? This could lead to more targeted training, and again a reduction in costs.” Another possibility is the digitisation of cleaning trolleys. “This could be applied to monitor how much cleaning chemical is being used as the cleaner works their way around the building for example,” explains Williams. “We would gather data on how much is being used, whether the correct dosage is being used, analyse trends.”

Accurate forward planning It’s this practical, useful application of smart solutions that makes prediction and forward planning a reality and which can then lead to more accurate budgeting emphasises Williams. “Our over-arching objective is to use data as effectively as possible, to help our customers and partners be smarter in all aspects of building management.”

Most expensive costs “As a company we have many of our own buildings worldwide, which we manage on a daily basis,” continues Williams. “so we ourselves have challenges in terms of FM and cleaning.” At the Microsoft headquarters in Richmond, Washington, USA for example there are 140 structures on the site and 65,000 people going in and out of those « Immeubles intelligents » et « Internet des objets » sont aujourd’hui des concepts connus de la plupart d’entre nous. Leurs conséquences pour les activités de multiservices sont nombreuses, à telle enseigne que la société technologique mondiale Microsoft songe à s’engager dans le secteur. David Williams, cadre chez Microsoft, en parle à ECJ.

54 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

Intelligente Gebäude, Internet der Dinge – die meisten von uns sind inzwischen mit diesen Begriffen vertraut. Die Auswirkungen auf das Facility Management sind weitreichend, und nun erkundet das globale Technologieunternehmen Microsoft die Möglichkeiten, in diesem Bereich aktiv zu werden. Als Vertreter des Unternehmens spricht David Williams mit dem ECJ.

Edifici Intelligenti e Internet delle Cose sono entrambi frasi ormai familiari per la maggior parte di noi. Le implicazioni per la gestione delle strutture sono di vasta portata e al momento la multinazionale Microsoft sta esplorando le possibilità di un suo coinvolgimento nel settore. David Williams, di Microsoft, ne parla con ECJ.


New microfibre Essity is stepping up its activity in the healthcare sector with the launch of Tork Microfibre Reusable Cleaning Cloths and Tork Microfibre Disposable Cleaning Cloths. Both can remove 99.9 per cent of microorganisms from surfaces and are used dry or in conjunction with cleaning solutions, sanitisers or disinfectants.

Low-linting Tork Microfibre Reusable Cleaning Cloths are available in red, green blue and yellow - they have a reinforced stitched edge and can be washed up to 300 times and reused. Tork Microfibre Disposable Cleaning Cloths are white in colour and suitable for use in critical areas such as operating theatres, surgical suites and isolation wards. www.tork.co.uk

Slow release New from LiquidNano is a surface cleansing wipe said to protect touchscreens from coronavirus for seven days. SteriWipe leaves behind an invisible nano-coating that releases a disinfectant slowly over a period of days, it claims. The active ingredient in Steri-Wipes is also available as a spray. The nano-technology uses a disinfectant called Bacoban, which was developed in

Germany. The wipes contain a gel to create an invisible film of liquid glass that is 500 times thinner than a human hair, which then kills bacteria and viruses. www.liquidnano.com

Carries tools New from Abena is the Hero One backpack, designed to carry all the tools cleaning staff need to carry out a wide range of tasks. In fact the backpack carries a bucket, sweeping brush, mop, vacuum cleaner, cloths, window cleaning squeegee and scraper, duster, cobweb remover, cleaning detergent, brushes, gloves and disinfection wipes. Two models are available, one on a trolley with wheels and the other a conventional backpack. abenabag.com

Pure air From Rentokil Initial comes the VirusKiller air purifier which uses a series of filters and UV reactor chambers to kill 99.9999 per cent of viruses with a single air pass - it claims. This unit not only traps airborne particles and microbes, says the company, it also decontaminates the air by killing viruses, bacteria and fungi. As well as carbon and HEPA filters, it uses patented UVC lamps, surrounded by a mesh of chromed nano titanium dioxide tube filters that are polished with activated carbon. The emitted UV light reacts with the mesh, and in a process called ‘photocatalytic oxidation’ produces hydroxyl radicals, which acts as a disinfectant and breaks down the organic molecules. www.rentokil-initial.co.uk

Bristled pad Said to combine the easy installation of a traditional floor pad with the robust cleaning power of a brush is the Flex Scrub

Bristled Floor Pad from The Malish Corporation. The bristles are designed to lift dirt from highs-lows and textures. The design of the Flex Coupler, a quick-change universal adaptor, allows Flex Scrub pads to easily attach to any pad driver. They fit most 175-350 rpm machines, including single disc, auto scrubber, ride-ons and polishers. The irregular bristles dig in to provide a considerably deeper level of cleaning, agitating chemicals and pushing them into grout lines, texture, and highs-lows where traditional pads can’t reach. They are also said to outlast traditional floor pads by up to 50 to 1, while reducing labour and product costs. And Flex Scrub colours match directly with traditional floor pad colours. www.malish.com

Next edition of ECJ is Apr/May

• Sous sa marque Tork, Essity a introduit des tissus de nettoyage de surface à microfibres pour le secteur de la santé. • LiquidNano affirme que son nouveau Steri-Wipe possède un revêtement nanométrique diffusant du désinfectant sur une période de plusieurs jours. • Abena a introduit l’aspirateur à dos Hero One qui permet à l’opérateur de se munir de tous les outils dont il a besoin pour son travail. • La technologie VirusKiller de purification de l’air de Rentokil Initial utilise des filtres et des chambres de réaction à UV pour tuer les virus. • Flex Scrub, la nouvelle brosse à poils durs de Malish, exerce l’effet combiné d’un tampon de nettoyage et d’une brosse. • Soorbr a mis au point une nouvelle plateforme de nettoyage intelligente pour optimiser la gestion des installations.

• Essity hat unter seiner Marke Tork MikrofaserOberflächenreinigungstücher für das Gesundheitswesen vorgestellt. • Laut LiquidNano verfügt das neue Steri-Wipe über eine Nanobeschichtung, die über einen Zeitraum von mehreren Tagen hinweg ein Desinfektionsmittel freisetzt. • Neu von Abena ist der Rückenstaubsauger Hero One, der es Mitarbeitern ermöglicht, alle erforderlichen Werkzeuge bei der Arbeit mit sich zu führen. • Bei der Luftreinigungstechnologie VirusKiller von Rentokil Initial werden Filter und UV-Reaktorkammern zur Abtötung von Viren eingesetzt. • Flex Scrub, das neue Bodenpad mit Borsten von Malish, kombiniert ein Bodenpad mit der Kraft einer Bürste. • Soobr hat eine neue intelligente Reinigungsplattform entwickelt, um Facility Management-Funktionen zu optimieren.

Smart planning Soobr has launched a new smart cleaning platform whereby cleaning schedules are planned with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Service level agreements, room directories and building plans from real estate specific ERP systems form the data basis for the software. The platform also reacts to fluctuating building occupancy, evaluating occupancy data from smart building solutions or from motion sensors and incorporating them into the planning process. Soobr is now available in the large cleaning markets of western Europe and other regions can be served via licensing models. www.soobr.ch

• La Essity ha lanciato dei panni in microfibra per la pulizia delle superfici per il settore sanitorio con il suo marchio Tork. • La LiquidNano afferma che le sue nuove salviettine Steri-Wipe sono dotate di un rivestimento nano che rilascia il disinfettante per alcuni giorni. • Il nuovo prodotto della Abena è l’aspirapolvere dorsale Hero One che permette agli addetti alle pulizie di portare con loro tutti gli attrezzi di cui necessitano mentre lavorano • La tecnologia per la purificazione dell’aria VirusKiller prodotta dalla Rentokil Initial utilizza filtri e reattori UV per eliminare i virus. • Il nuovo disco per pavimenti dotato di setole Flex Scrub della Malish combina un disco per pavimenti con la forza di una spazzola. • La Soobr ha sviluppato una nuova piattaforma di pulizia intelligente progettata per ottimizzare le funzioni di gestione delle strutture.

February/March 2021 | ECJ | 55


• GermErase est une nouvelle pulvérisation de nettoyage multisurface qui dresse une barrière protectrice contre les bactéries et les virus. • L’Institut de l’innovation de produits Cradle to Cradle a décerné un certificat de sécurité et santé de niveau Bronze au tissu en microfibre Original de Greenspeed. • CWS affirme que son système à distributeurs numériques smartMate pour toilettes collectives fournit des informations précieuses. • P-Wave propose l’écran d’urinoir Slant6 afin de minimiser le risque de contamination. • LightLab Sweden a introduit une nouvelle technologie de désinfection par UVC désignée PureFiz. • Le DM-500 est le nouveau distributeur double-produit lavevaisselle de Hydro Systems. • Es heißt, dass es sich bei GermErase um ein neues Mehrzweck-Reinigungsspray handelt, das eine schützende Barriere gegen Bakterien und Viren bietet. • Das Original Mikrofasertuch von Greenspeed wurde vom Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute mit dem BronzeZertifikat für Materialgesundheit ausgezeichnet. • CWS teilt mit, dass das digitale Spendersystem smartMate für Waschräume wertvolle Erkenntnisse liefert. • Neu von P-Wave ist das Urinalsieb Slant6, das zur Minimierung des Kontaminationsrisikos entwickelt wurde. • LightLab Sweden hat unter dem Namen PureFiz eine neue UVC-Desinfektionstechnologie eingeführt. • Bei DM-500 handelt es sich um einen neuen Zwei-ProdukteGeschirrspülspender von Hydro Systems.

• GermErase è un nuovo detergente spray per vari tipi di superfici che vanta di fornire una barriera protettiva contro batteri e virus. • Il panno Original Microfibre Cloth della Greenspeed ha ricevuto un certificato Bronze Level Material Health dall’Istituto Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. • La CWS afferma che il suo sistema di dispenser digitali per sale da toilette smartMate digital fornisce preziose informazioni. • Il nuovo prodotto della P-Wave è lo schermo per orinatoi Slant6 progettato per minimizzare i rischi di contaminazione. • La LightLab Sweden ha introdotto una nuova tecnologia di disinfezione UVC, la PureFiz. • DM-500 è un nuovo dispenser di detergenti per lavastoviglie per due prodotti della Hydro Systems.

56 | February/March 2021 | ECJ

Protection GermErase is a new multi-surface protector which its manufacturer says kills SARS-CoV-2 in under 30 seconds - along with a broad range of other pathogens. Available as a multisurface cleaning spray and hand spray with wipes, the product is said to form a protective barrier against bacteria and viruses for up to 48 hours. Bonding to any treated surface, its manufacturer says it remains effective at log-4 for 28 days.

Because it is 99.9 per cent water, GermErase has low toxicity and uses common ingredients that have already been approved for medical and cleaning purposes. www.germerase.com

Bronze standard The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute has awarded the Greenspeed Original Microfibre Cloth a Bronze Level Material Health certificate. This is awarded to products that meet the Material Health requirements of the multi-attribute Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard. To reach the required standard, an independent third party firstly analyses what chemicals are used in a product. After detecting what components are present, these are compared with a list of substances harmful to people and the environment. This is followed by a chemical hazard risk assessment. The product’s certification level is based on the extent of its compliance with various predefined

criteria. To improve and achieve a higher certification level, undesirable substances must be replaced. www.greenspeed.eu

Smart dispenser

features an ‘any-way-up’ design that guarantees correct installation every time. And the angled bristle is designed to keep walls and floors dry. Also new from P-Wave is Steri-Core silver ion technology door handles featuring a high concentration of antimicrobial which is blended with the polymer during manufacture. www.p-wave.co.uk

UV on surfaces

New from CWS is the smartMate digital dispenser system for washrooms, which automatically records visitor flows and filling levels and makes the data available via a web portal and an app. It is designed for facilities such as offices, factories, airports or railway stations where dispensers need filling with disposable towels, soap or disinfectant. CWS smartMate can be integrated into various building management systems, or used as a stand-alone digital solution. The IoT solution is also designed to simplify resource management. Thanks to the level indicator, cleaning staff know exactly which washroom products need replenishing. And any other problems the dispenser might have are also flagged up. smartMate was developed by CWS in conjunction with mimacom and is fitted to the ParadiseLine range of washroom products - with more to follow. www.cws.com

A new angle New from P-Wave is the Slant6 urinal screen, which it says delivers a new angle on splash prevention and new deodorising technology. Six fragrances are available and there is a higher ratio of fragrance load to plastic than previous screens. The company says Slant6 is easy to fit and

New from LightLab Sweden is a UVC disinfection technology called PureFize, said to inactivate bacteria and viruses. This system has been developed to use a wider and more effective wavelength spectrum, it says, which makes it fast and effective while generating minimal thermal heating. Suitable for use in a wide range of applications PureFize can be installed in products without major redesigns or adaptations. www.lightlab.com

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Two products

Hydro Systems has launched the DM-500 dual product dishwash dispenser that covers the full range of dishwashing products including rinse aid and detergent. Suited for single tank, doorstyle machines, small conveyers or glass washers, the DM-500 meets UL and CE electrical safety standards and offers multiple models to accommodate different styles of machines used globally. Its straightforward design is said to minimise installation time and be less prone to user error. www.hydrosystemsco.com

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