September 2021

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The pan-European magazine for the professional cleaning sector






Inspiring confidence

Reinventing our high streets

Air freshening systems

Page 31

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EFCI is to host a week of online conferences in October - read about the programme Page 12


September 2021 | Vol.29, No.4



42 Breathing new life into towns

20 Driven by the outcome

Hartley Milner on how town centres are reshaping their future post-pandemic.

An exclusive interview with Olena Neznal of Kimberly-Clark Professional.

23 The sweet smell of success What makes an air freshening system successful, asks Ann Laffeaty.

03 News

12 EFCI news

14 European reports 64 Product review

31 Return to the workplace How can employees’ cleaning and hygiene concerns at work be addressed?

34 Top of the mops The most important features of a productive, ergonomic mop.

43 Setting new standards Innovations in cleaning service standards to strengthen client relationships.

47 Why clean a carpet? Why is it so important to have a regular carpet maintenance programme?

57 ISSA Pulire A look ahead to the exhibition taking place in Italy in September.

62 Adapt and innovate Over the past 18 months, cleaning businesses have had to adapt rapidly.

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Editor Michelle Marshall Features Writer Ann Laffeaty Advertisement director Chris Godman Advertisement sales executive Laura Bell

Circulation Marie Payne

Italy, Spain & Switzerland Fabio Potesta Mediapoint & Communications Corte Lambruschini, Corso Buenos Aires, 8 V0 Piano, Interno 7 16129 Genova, Italy T +39 010 570 4948 F +39 010 553 0088 www.

European Cleaning Journal is published six times a year by Criterion Publishing Ltd. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in European Cleaning, Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. Copyright for all material published in European Cleaning remains with Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents.

ISSN 0968-901X ©Criterion Publishing 2021


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Latest News & Events from ECJ

Enter now - European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards are back!

ECJ has published a special supplement focusing on the issues surrounding sustainability. Key issues discussed include the Extinction Rebellion effect, the flip side of sustainability, single use plastics, and the role of robotics and technology. Read it at the ECJ website (www. or download via the app.

The European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards are back and organisers are calling for entries from service providers, manufacturers and distributors across Europe. The awards are a celebration of excellence in the professional cleaning industry. As the only pan-European awards for the sector, they provide the opportunity for businesses and individuals from across the continent to share their stories of success. Michelle Marshall, editor of ECJ and founder of the awards, said: “Over the past year, the cleaning and hygiene sector has really stepped into the spotlight and people from outside our industry are finally starting to recognise the vital role we play in society. From the key workers who have remained on the frontline throughout the pandemic, to the innovators who have created Covid-busting solutions, the cleaning industry has really stepped up to the challenge. “The awards provide a fantastic opportunity to showcase your achievements and gain widespread recognition from the most respected companies in the sector. As we

look ahead to a more promising future, we cannot wait to hear your success stories and bring our industry together once again to celebrate in Brussels.” There are 10 categories designed to recognise success and reward excellence in the cleaning and hygiene sectors. • Best use of smart solutions by service providers • Investment in training • Excellence in client/contractor partnerships • Start-up business of the year • Sustainability - best practice • Commitment to diversity in the workforce • Best initiative raising the profile of the cleaning sector • Technological innovation of the year • Leader of the year • Rising star award Entries close on October 15 this year and the winners will be revealed at the glittering awards ceremony and gala dinner, which will take place on April 28 2022 at Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels. The entry form and more information can be found at You can also follow the awards on Twitter @ECH_Awards and #ECHAwards22.

Les propositions peuvent maintenant être envoyées pour les Prix européens de propreté et d’hygiène. Visitez le site de cette manifestation pour en savoir plus.

EVENTS September7-9

April 28 2022

ISSA Pulire

European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards

Verona, Italy

Brussels, Belgium

September 28-30

May 10-13 2022

Middle East Cleaning Tech Week

Interclean Amsterdam

Dubai, UAE

Amsterdam, Netherlands

October 19-21

October 10-13 2022

ISSA Cleaning & Hygiene Expo

ISSA North America

Syndney, Australia

Chicago, USA

October 26-28

September 19-22 2023

Clean Expo Pulire


Moscow, Russia

Berlin, Germany

November 2-4

October 16-19 2023

The Cleaning Show

ISSA North America

London, UK

Las Vegas, USA

November 10-13

October 21-24 2024

Cleaning Show 2021

ISSA North America

Bucharest, Romania

Las Vegas, USA

November 15-18

November 10-13 2025

ISSA North America

ISSA North America

Las Vegas, USA

Chicago, USA

To have your event included in the Events section, contact ECJ via email at:

Nominierungen für die European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards sind jetzt willkommen. Besuchen Sie die Website, um mehr zu erfahren.

Sono aperte le iscrizioni al premio European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards, si prega di visitare il sito per ulteriori informazioni.

September 2021 | ECJ | 3


One in three adolescents practise appropriate hand hygiene Adolescents have suboptimal hand hygiene habits: this was the conclusion reached in a global study of teens. The Student Health Survey examined the hand hygiene practices of 354,422 adolescents aged 13-17 years in 92 countries. And according to the results, only 30.3 per cent of teenagers claim to practise appropriate hand hygiene. The results of the study which considered practices such as hand washing after using the washroom and before eating were collated by researchers at the University of Queensland’s Institute for Social Science Research. While soap and water availability was an issue

in some countries, it emerged that around 60 per cent of adolescents were not practising appropriate hand hygiene even when with access to facilities. Unhealthy behaviours such as smoking and adopting a sedentary lifestyle were found to be linked to inappropriate hand hygiene, according to researcher Dr Yaqoot Fatima. And teens who experienced higher levels of parental support and enjoyed good relationships with their parents were more likely to demonstrate adequate hand hygiene. “While access to hand washing facilities and knowledge of proper hygiene is important for practising adequate hand

Les habitudes des jeunes en matière de lavage des mains ne sont guère optimales, conclut une enquête mondiale sur les adolescents. 629.

4 | September 2021 | ECJ

hygiene, the study also showed that the knowledge-behaviour gap is a major reason for suboptimal hand hygiene practices,” said Dr Fatima. “The positive role of parent support suggests interventions should focus on adolescents’ parents and seek their active involvement in designing and

Jugendliche haben suboptimale Handhygienegewohnheiten: so lautete die Schlussfolgerung einer weltweiten Studie unter Jugendlichen.

delivering those interventions.” Other suggestions included using peer-led behaviour change initiatives and introducing health and hygiene training to the school curriculum. The findings were published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

In base alle conclusioni raggiunte da uno studio globale sugli adolescenti, risulta che i teenagers hanno delle abitudini di lavaggio delle mani subottimali.


China hotels use smart chip to supervise cleaning work A new smart supervision system is currently being trialled in China to monitor the work of hotel cleaners. Smart chips are embedded in cleaning cloths, bed linen and other items at hotels in East China’s Xiacheng District. Sensors in cleaning cloths emit a warning sound whenever these products are used in the wrong areas, for example if a cloth intended for wiping hand basins is employed to wipe up a spill from the floor. The cleaner’s error is reported to the hotel management as well as the local government via data upload. Members of the cleaning team are required to scan the bed sheets and quilt covers before

leaving the guest’s room to show that they have finished their work. Among the hotels trialling the system is the Hangzhou Tianlai Holiday Inn. According to a spokesman the system aims to improve cleaning efficiency while also reassuring guests hygiene standards are being met. However, he admitted to some initial concerns from guests that the chips embedded in their rooms would invade their privacy. And he cited various other issues including the large size of the chips – five centimetres in length – plus various functionality problems. However, hotel surveys reveal that most guests welcome

Un nouveau système de surveillance électronique a été testé en Chine pour vérifier le travail des agents de nettoyage d’hôtels.

6 | September 2021 | ECJ

the new approach since it provides reassurance about the property’s hygiene standards. And customers can check the cleaning status of their room by scanning a QR code.

Ein neues Beaufsichtigungssystem unter Einbeziehung von Smartchips zur Überwachung der Arbeit von Reinigungskräften in Hotels wird in China einem Test unterzogen.

The smart supervision system has been piloted in 12 hotels across two chains since December 2020. It is expected to be rolled out across more properties soon.

Un nuovo sistema di supervisione con smart chip viene testato in Cina per monitorare il lavoro degli addetti alle pulizie negli hotel.

Are you prepared for the new hygiene demands?



Secure the new hygiene standard with the Tork Office Hygiene Package™ A facility manager’s job has never been easy. And as people will start returning to work, you will be faced with tougher demands on operational efficiency than ever before. This is why we are introducing the Tork Office Hygiene Package – a tailor-made selection of products, services, tools and support that help you save both time and effort. Together we can rise to the challenge and secure the new hygiene standard. Learn more at:

Tork, an Essity brand

Tools & Support


ASPEL adds 5,000 new workers

The Spanish contract cleaning association ASPEL has published its annual report and revealed that it recruited 5,000 new workers to the sector during the pandemic year. This is despite the enormous challenges being faced by the industry as a whole during 2020. Presenting the findings of the report, president Juan Díez de los Ríos predicted a good economic recovery for 2021 due to the fact cleaning has now been recognised as such an essential activity. ASPEL represents over 50 per cent of the professional cleaning sector with more than 135,000 workers and businesses accounting for more than 25 per cent of total turnover. Díez de los Ríos highlighted the fact the sector had lost over 4,500 employees in 2020 compared to the previous year - almost the same as ASPEL added.

Economic losses are estimated to be around six per cent due to the “stoppage of all activities,” Díez de los Ríos continued. “The closure of shops, airports, hotels and tourist areas has had a great impact on the cleaning sector, which has played an essential role since the beginning of the pandemic to contain the coronavirus,” he said. “Not only that, thousands of employees have been affected by the Temporary Employment Regulations and many companies in the sector have disappeared.” Overdue payment by public administrations continues to be an enormous challenge for the cleaning sector in Spain, as this year’s report proved. In fact the amount owed increased by 6.14 per cent to almost €400 million. The law requiring payment to be made after 30 days is simply not being complied with.

Erdemil joins Brightwell Group Dispensing equipment manufacturer Erdemil, based in France, has joined the UK-based Brightwell Dispensers Group and has now rebranded to Brightwell Dispensers SAS. • L’association espagnole du nettoyage professionnel, ASPEL, a publié son rapport annuel et annoncé qu’elle avait recruté 5.000 nouveaux salariés pour le secteur pendant l’année de la pandémie. • Erdemil, producteur français d’équipements de distribution, s’est intégré au groupe britannique Brightwell Dispensers.

8 | September 2021 | ECJ

The business will continue to operate from its manufacturing facilities and headquarters near Paris with the existing management team in place.

• Der spanische Vertragsreinigungsverband ASPEL hat seinen Jahresbericht veröffentlicht, aus dem hervorgeht, dass während des Pandemiejahres 5.000 neue Arbeitskräfte in der Branche eingestellt wurden. • Erdemil, der französische Hersteller von Spendergeräten, ist jetzt Teil der in Großbritannien ansässigen Brightwell Dispensers Gruppe.

• L’associazione spagnola dei contratti di pulizia ASPEL ha pubblicato il suo rendiconto annuale e ha rivelato di avere ingaggiato 5.000 nuovi operatori per il settore durante l’anno della pandemia. • La ditta francese produttrice di apparecchiature dispenser Erdemil si è unita alla Brightwell Dispensers Group con sede nel Regno Unito.

A NEW ERA IN FLOOR CLEANING IS HERE In a world demanding even higher standards of hygiene, you have to work harder to impress your customers, guests and patients whilst safeguarding your brand. TASKI has collaborated with a major partner to create a mechanised cleaning solution suitable for any facility. The new swingo 250µicro is a lightweight, mobile, micro scrubber that delivers exceptional cleaning performance. Better than mopping in every way, the swingo 250µicro works harder for you to; • Improve your customer experience • Protect your brand • Protect people and ensure safety

How? The swingo 250µicro delivers better cleaning three ways: 1) More cleaning pressure for CLEANER FLOORS 2) More soilage removed for ULTRA-HYGIENIC FLOORS 3) More water removed for SAFER FLOORS Welcome to the world of the TASKI swingo 250µicro, now every business can achieve professional floor cleaning results. More details can be found at or on the TASKI APP.


Pioneering Indian ladies’ toilets

Mobile toilets mounted on electric auto-rickshaws have been developed in India for the exclusive use of women. Hyderabad-based innovator Sushma Kallempudi came up with the idea to help address a chronic shortage of wellmaintained ladies’ washrooms in India. The individual-use cubicles are aimed at large gatherings because they are compact in size and can easily be driven through crowded areas, claims Kallempudi. The units can be parked anywhere to offer washroom provision wherever it is needed. Each toilet accommodates a washbasin, a clothes hanger and a mirror plus a flush system and holding capacity of 100 litres. The waste may be disposed of at any fuel station, according to Kallempudi.

“We are also planning to install GPS tracking devices, sanitary napkin dispensers, baby changing stations and power-charging sockets in these vehicles,” she adds.

More privacy Kallempudi’s husband Sudheer runs an electric vehicle manufacturing business and is helping to build the units, which are mounted on the chassis of electric auto-rickshaws. While Hyderabad has plenty of public toilets, their lack of maintenance deters many women from using them. All of Kallempudi’s vehicles are operated and maintained by women for added privacy and security. “This initiative will also help provide more employment opportunities for women,” she adds.

The European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards are now open for entry. There are 10 categories to choose from so tell us your stories of success. Visit to find out more and submit your entry.

• En Inde, des sanitaires mobiles destinés à être montés sur des pousse-pousse électriques pour femmes ont été mis au point. • La British Toilet Association (BTA) a appelé à une augmentation des aides gouvernementales à l’implantation de toilettes publiques pour palier à une « carence déplorable » en la matière.

10 | September 2021 | ECJ

‘Crisis’ in UK toilet provision The British Toilet Association (BTA) has called for improved legislation and more Government funding to address the current ‘appalling’ lack of public toilet provision. Public toilets are in ‘crisis’ and rapidly vanishing, it said, with many of those that remain displaying totally unacceptable levels of cleanliness and hygiene and the Covid-19 pandemic has only made the situation worse. Many public toilets have been locked down since the start of the pandemic due to a lack of cleaning, funding or any Government guidance on how to get them fit for purpose, the BTA said. People were being forced to go to the toilet in streets, beaches, open spaces and beauty spots, causing street fouling figures to escalate, aggravating the risk of Covid-19 transmission and leaving the local authorities to foot considerable clean-up costs, it added.

Insufficient resources With no legal requirement in place to force local authorities to provide or run public toilets then, the BTA believes the majority of councils across the UK do not allocate sufficient resources or funds to the provision of public toilets. It is calling for the Government to make sanitation and hygiene a major priority and support local authorities to stop the closures, open new facilities and establish a new set of standards of hygiene and cleanliness. The BTA has been lobbying for action since the pandemic began, asking questions of ministers and the prime minister, writing to Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and has taken part in an online meeting with

• In Indien wurden mobile Toiletten, die auf elektrischen Autorikschas montiert sind, für die alleinige Benutzung durch Frauen entwickelt. • Die British Toilet Association (BTA) fordert mehr staatliche Förderung, um den nach eigenen Worten erschreckenden Mangel an öffentlichen Toiletten anzugehen.

Lord Stephen Greenhalgh, the Minister for Building Safety and Communities and other members of the House of Lords but without an adequate response. It is currently preparing to write again to Lord Greenhalgh and also to the new Health Secretary, the Rt Hon Sajid Javid.

Campaign for standards The BTA is a not-for-profit organisation which campaigns for the highest possible standards of hygiene and provision in all away from home toilet facilities across the UK. It understands that over a third of the population need to visit a toilet on an urgent basis, often at very short notice. BTA managing director Raymond Martin said: “We are appalled at the total lack of funding over many years and extremely concerned at the closures and unprecedented low levels of public toilet facilities before, during and going into the future. This is now a crisis. “Footfall in shops and many high streets continues to remain low as the lack of decent toilet facilities is driving shoppers away to out of town superstores, leaving the villages and town shops with diminishing revenues and the constant threat of closure. “The BTA has spent the last 18 months primarily firefighting the lack of publicly accessible toilets across the UK but with very limited success without the support of this Government. “It’s time this government made sanitation and hygiene a major priority and supported the local authorities to stop the closures of public toilets, restore standards and tackle this pandemic in our public buildings and spaces.”

• Delle toilette mobili montate su risciò a motore elettrico sono state sviluppate in India per l’uso esclusivo da parte delle donne. • La British Toilet Association (BTA) ha richiesto maggiori finaziamenti pubblici per affrontare quella che definisce la spaventosa mancanza di servizi igienici pubblici.

Let's change it for the better.

How do you clean? 80% of organisations have updated their cleaning procedures*. As cleaning makes people feel safe, cleanliness and hygiene are more in focus than ever. So how you clean can make all the difference. Discover how we can support you in optimising your cleaning regime to meet the new standards of clean.

*Source: “Disinfection study”, Nilfisk/Savanta, 2021

EFCI NEWS EFCI to host online conference week from October 11-15 EFCI’s Online Week: October 11-15

The EFCI is organising its eleventh conference on October 11-15. Following the limitations brought by Covid-19 pandemic, the EFCI has decided to organise a programme of online seminars and exchanges, that will give the opportunity to its members and stakeholders of discussing the most pressing issues for the sector in the context of the recovery from the pandemic. Since 2009, the EFCI, has organised conferences on the most relevant topics for the industry with the participation of industry experts and policy makers. The EFCI has, with them, created a platform for exchange and learning about policy and technical topics for the sector and to share the knowledge of industry experts. EFCI’s 2019 conference entitled ‘Cleaning and Facility Services: Shaping the Industry for the Future’ succeeded in becoming a reflection point for the industry by tackling the challenges ahead without forgetting to look back to the successful evolution of the sector by presenting EFCI’s Trend Report ‘The Cleaning Industry in Europe 1995-2016’. The conference reunited over 100 representatives of the sector with policymakers from the European institutions and employers’ organisations, experts from the sector and its suppliers in a one-day event that also consolidated EFCI’s relaunched name and strategy.

EFCI’s Online Week will be a platform for the experts of the industry to analyse and review the latest development for the industry, linked to Europe’s recovery plans, the new world of work, the greening of cleaning services and the main innovation trends for the sector. The conference will include exchanges with representatives of the European Institutions and other EFCI stakeholders, as well as from the sector itself.

A focus on Covid-19’s effect on the sector and on its role in Europe’s recovery On Monday October 11, the online week will be inaugurated with the presentation of EFCI’s 2021 Report on the State of the Industry, which builds on the previous EFCI surveys. This years’ edition is completed with a study on the effects of Covid-19, which will be analysed by representatives of the sector’s association leaders. This will tie in with the session of Tuesday October 12, which will invite policymakers and experts to discuss how the sector can contribute and benefit from Europe’s recovery plans. After being recognised as essential and continuing to tirelessly provide essential services to all sectors of the economy through this crisis, our sector is ready to continue to ensure our fellow citizens’ wellbeing in all spaces of their daily life. The panel will include testimonials of cleaning contractors’ experiences in creating meaningful jobs and how public policy can contribute, through tools like public procurement, to consolidate our sector’s role as a vector for recovery and job creation.

L’EFCI organisera en octobre une semaine de conférences et de séminaires en ligne sur des thèmes relatifs à l’innovation et à la durabilité. Tous les professionnels de la propreté pourront y accéder.

12 | September 2021| ECJ

A first Executives Summit On Wednesday October 13, the EFCI invites cleaning company leaders to an exchange on the current and future challenges of the sector. Company and association executives will be invited to analyse the level of preparedness of the sector for the challenges ahead and specially for the green and digital transitions. This summit will offer simultaneous translation and will be open to members of EFCI’s member associations.

The green and digital transitions: how is the sector navigating them? Thursday October 14 will be dedicated to sustainability and the green transition of the sector. From regulatory aspects to practical examples of how the sector’s companies are redesigning their businesses to go circular, the panel will provide

Der EFCI organisiert eine Woche mit OnlineKonferenzen und -Seminaren im kommenden Oktober, und die zentralen Themen sind Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit. Die Teilnahme ist für alle Mitglieder der professionellen Reinigungsbranche offen.

tools for discussion and analysis for cleaning and facility services companies of all sizes. Friday October 15 will close the week with a session on innovation and digitalisation, seeking to improve the industry’s readiness for new technologies with the challenges and opportunities they bring along, in a panel that will unite policy forecasts, suppliers’ views and industries’ experiences of success. EFCI’s Online Week is open for sponsorship opportunities for suppliers and other stakeholders of the sector, as it was the case for 2019 conference. The details on the programme and registration are constantly updated on We invite the international cleaning community to join this Online Week to learn, exchange and get ready, together, to continue playing an essential role in Europe’s recovery.

La EFCI sta organizzando una settimana di conferenze e seminari online che si terrà a ottobre sui temi centrali dell’innovazione e della sostenibilità. L’evento sarà aperto a tutti i professionisti del cleaning.

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The first recycled cleaning cloth from Vileda Professional. 100% Microfibre cleaning power, cloth is made from 100% post-consumer recycled polyester. Removes up to 99.99% Bovine corona virus from vinyl surfaces as tested at a 3rd party lab. Read more at


Wellbeing, what’s the cost? In the wake of the pandemic, there’s a distinct focus on staff wellbeing - explains Lynn Webster in the UK. As we begin to come through both the business and personal traumas resulting from the pandemic there is a distinct focus on staff wellbeing; the mental and physical health issues they are experiencing both personally and in the workplace. The significant proportion of our lives spent in the workplace seriously impacts on our psychological wellbeing. Therefore, as employers there is a responsibility to protect the psychosocial health of our staff. There is a number of ways that stresses are identified in our work roles; remembering what may stress one person may not affect another in the same way. The demands of the job have a major impact that can result in arguments, grievances and complaints within the team, increases in staff turnover or in sickness absence, and subsequential decreases in performance and productivity. Staff can feel stress when they are unable to deal with work pressures, when they don’t have the time or skills to meet tight deadlines. Provision of effective planning and offering training or support can reduce such anxiety and bring stress levels down. Whereas the diagnosis of stress related issues is not the employer’s on-line manager’s responsibility, spotting the signs and providing help is. Taking action can bring business benefit, reduce absenteeism and, by boosting staff morale, improve performance. Spotting the signs of stress is straightforward in close working environments - identifying mood swings, individuals becoming withdrawn, losing motivation, commitment and selfconfidence or becoming more emotional. However when this Notre correspondant au Royaume-Uni, Lynn Webster, se penche sur la santé et le bien-être des personnels et souligne qu’il s’agit-là d’une responsabilité primordiale de l’employeur.

14 | September 2021 | ECJ

is the cleaning operative, often working in isolation outside of the ‘normal’ working hours or without regular personal contact with their supervisor, this becomes challenging. When an operational supervisor or area manager manages 50 separate sites which they visit once a month, how can they recognise such behaviours? Specially if their visit was to meet the client rather than having significant time with the cleaning team. Difficult, yes! Impossible, no! Across the UK work-related stress accounts for over half (57 per cent) of working days lost to ill health. In the last 12 months, over 600,000 workers reported suffering from stress, depression or anxiety, caused or made worse by work. We know there is a key responsibility of all employers as a general duty of care to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees and this includes their mental health. ISO 45003-2021, in supporting ISO 45001, gives guidance on managing psychological health and safety at work; identifying the conditions, circumstances and workplace demands that have potential to impair the psychological health and wellbeing of the staff; how to identify primary risk factors and assess them to determine what changes are required to improve the working environment. It prioritises people by supporting their mental health with simple, practical guidance on how to manage the psychosocial hazards that arise in the work environment. The HSE also provides a useful toolkit uk/stress/assets/docs/stresstalking-toolkit.pdf in support of this process.

Die britische ECJKorrespondentin Lynn Webster rückt die gute Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter ins Scheinwerferlicht und erläutert, warum sie wichtige Verantwortlichkeiten für alle Arbeitgeber darstellen.

La corrispondente del Regno Unito Lynn Webster punta l’attenzione sulla buona salute e il benessere del personale e spiega il motivo per cui sono la responsabilità vitale per tutti i datori di lavoro.


The managing director of LEGO House bungee jumping off a bridge in a mountainous landscape. That’s just one of numerous details that guests – or perhaps more likely AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO) – may spot inside this house of bricks, play and experience zones in Billund, Denmark, that opened its doors in 2017. Such ‘details’, along with huge LEGO models, rubber floors in traditional LEGO colours and shiny tile walls creating the illusion of the house being built of LEGO bricks make cleaning LEGO House’s 12,000 square metres an incredibly specialist task. Sometimes it involves taking the shoes off, climbing around a LEGO landscape equipped with a toothbrush or even makeup brushes to dust the bricks meticulously. Spots or models often touched by human hand are steam cleaned to get rid of grease, using lifts where necessary and a vacuum cleaner on the back. And when LEGO House’s iconic Tree of Creativity - 6.3 million bricks forming a tree that roots at ground floor and grows upwards to the third floor - is to be cleaned, two people, a cleaner and a technician must spend three to four hours to finish the job. Taking it in turns to bend over the glass banisters that surround the tree with a ‘homemade’ device consisting of a hose and a compressor that both blows and sucks up dust.

Physical work “It’s a bit of a Gyro Gearloose device. And doing this is physically hard work, which is why they take turns. But it’s what works best of the things we’ve tried. We’ve even tried with a drone that was to blow the dust to the ground, but it couldn’t navigate properly so it ended up crashing,” Henrik Voss Andersen, team manager of Cleaning and Projects, explains when taking ECJ on a guided tour.

The cleaning team at LEGO House consists of three full-time, highly experienced, cleaners and three so-called play agents, young seasonal or flexible employees, that have been trained in cleaning and spend most of their working hours in that team. The team handles the specialised cleaning tasks, while an external cleaning company takes care of the more ‘ordinary’ cleaning, like floors, toilets and surfaces, outside opening hours. To work on the cleaning team, in-house training is essential in addition to general cleaning knowledge – and a passion for the LEGO brand doesn’t go astray.

More than another brick in the wall Lotte Printz in Denmark on a cleaning tour in LEGO House, Home of the Brick.

Passion for the brand “We have many tasks that you won’t find in other cleaning jobs and it’s important to us that we include everybody in our rather unique place and the work to be done. I wouldn’t say that our permanent cleaning staff are AFOLS like some of the seasonal employees, but everybody does have a great passion for the LEGO brand and the whole history. Unavoidable really, once you’re here,” Henrik Voss Andersen says. In addition to the daily cleaning routines and the specialised cleaning of the largest models four to six times a year, the house undergoes a deep clean in January, the only time of the year when the whole house is shut for three consecutive weeks. Not letting guests play with the bricks would be unthinkable in a house where play is at the core of the brand, and the name itself so, of course, the pandemic brought considerable changes to the cleaning efforts when guests were allowed to visit again. On a daily basis, out of opening hours, all the pools with LEGO bricks or LEGO DUPLO bricks were emptied manually and cleaned, and the 25 million bricks within them were placed in boxes and

This year’s European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards are now open for entries - visit

Notre correspondante au Danemark, Lotte Printz, se rend dans les établissements LEGO, qui ont donné naissance à la brique la mieux connue du monde, pour connaître la manière dont on y gère la propreté à l’intérieur de la fameuse attraction.

quarantined for 72 hours. The next morning the pools were disinfected and a new set of bricks placed in the pools. Looking out extra carefully for dirt or dust that naturally accumulates in cracks and crevices.

Cleaning stepped up “Of course, this is a very demanding task and made us consider other ways. Many tried to sell us the idea of spraying disinfectant into the pools. But it only reached the top layer of bricks. Washing the bricks was another option, but drying them was the soft spot. If semi-damp bricks mix with dirt or dust, it will only make matters worse,” Henrik Voss Andersen explains. Other extra initiatives introduced include flyers explaining how cleaning has been stepped up, numerous hand sanitiser dispensers placed around the house and more visible cleaning staff during opening hours. This has proved very popular with the guests. When restrictions in Denmark

Die dänische Korrespondentin Lotte Printz besucht LEGO House, die Heimat der weltberühmten Bausteine, um zu sehen, wie in dieser beliebten Besucherattraktion der Reinigungsvorgang gehandhabt wird.

were further eased in early summer, some heavy burdens were taken off the shoulders of the LEGO House staff. Emptying the pools only takes place once a week now. However, Henrik Voss Andersen says that valuable lessons have been learned, and the higher frequency of cleaning is here to stay, along with the hand sanitiser dispensers and the visible cleaning team. And if not in sight for a moment when a brick building guest needs advice on how to clean models at home, a Play Agent will find a cleaner that’ll happily help the guest with the ‘secret’ recipe. During the pandemic, people worldwide have not only taken up knitting a whole lot of jumpers and scarves or doing jigsaw puzzles, building LEGO has become a favourite fad, too. So, if either you or your kids have joined the trend, here’s the LEGO House cleaning tip. Use steam for your assembled, most adored models or throw the individual bricks in the washing machine.

La corrispondente danese Lotte Printz visita la LEGO House, la casa dei mattoncini più famosi del mondo, per vedere come vengono gestite le pulizie in questa popolare attrazione turistica.

September 2021 | ECJ |15



Sector speaks to the politicians

Busy autumn for Afidamp

Katja Scholz reports from Germany where the cleaning sector is taking a keen interest in elections.

Italy reporter for ECJ Anna Garbagna tells us about a new training programme starting this autumn.

Germany is about to embark on elections to the Bundestag. By early summer, the contract cleaning association BIV had spelt out the political issues closest to its heart. More than 300 firms took part in an online questionnaire to rate political issues according to importance. Ten specific issues came up covering a range of topics. BIV president Thomas Dietrich identified a common thread: “It is the job of politicians to lay down the broad outlines. But it is not their job to grind down free collective bargaining, to drive up still further the already sky-high taxes and levies in Germany or to limit the use of established tools such as work contracts or the possibility of fixed terms.” The pandemic also plays a central role, continued the president: “Germany has to go digital at all levels as quickly as possible and become less bureaucratic. The pandemic is not only a health crisis but also a profound economic crisis.”

The 10 demands Introduce more flexibility into the Working Hours Act. Our legislation is almost 30 years old, rigid and inflexible. It would be easier to move from an eight-hours-a-day system to a maximum weekly working time. Strengthen training efforts. Training must have a greater digital focus, more practical relevance and be more competitive. Politicians must also better promote vocational training. Reducing bureaucracy and increasing digitisation. We need bolder efforts to reduce red tape for business, for example in laws and regulations – and in return full speed ahead for digitisation. Climate protection yes soaring costs no. Our sector supports sustainability and Dans la perspective des prochaines législatives en Allemagne, le secteur de la propreté professionnelle a énuméré les questions de politique qu’il juge les plus importantes. Katja Scholz fait rapport.

environmental protection. It is however also important to ensure climate protection goes hand in hand with planning efficiency and security of supply. Reform of part-time employment. On the question of whether to abolish or restructure it, the BIV is receptive to either alternative and suggests compulsory pension insurance and a flat-rate tax for part-time employees. In that case, it would make sense to raise and revitalise the €450 limit. Retain unfounded fixed-term contracts. This flexible tool is of enormous importance. BIV fails to understand why there should be any discussion about the tightening up or de facto abolition of this provision. Avoid increasing taxes. Germany stands for a high burden of tax and levies. Any increase in taxes just at the time of the pandemic is not the right way to stimulate employment or the economy. Limit social security contributions. Social security contributions are key drivers of nonwork-related employment costs. So it is important to ensure a stable level of contributions and to cap the limit at 40 per cent. Strengthen free collective bargaining. Whether it’s the legal minimum wage, nationalisation plans for cleaning or minimum wage awards in the public sector, the trend towards political interference in wages, service competition or free collective bargaining is on the increase. BIV says: keep the politicians out, let the parties involved get on with it! Keep work contracts. Our service industry is based on the use of reliable work contracts, accompanied by a properly established set of rules for collective bargaining.

In Deutschland stehen die Wahlen zum Bundestag bevor, und die Vertragsreinigungsbranche hat die politischen Angelegenheiten umrissen, die sie als die wichtigsten betrachtet. Katja Scholz berichtet.

16 | September 2021 | ECJ

Mentre la Germania si accinge alle elezioni del Bundestag, il settore dei contratti di pulizia ha delineato i problemi politici che considera più importanti. Ce ne parla Katja Scholz.

The Second Edition of the Advanced Training Course in Cleaning Management, developed by Università degli Studi of Bergamo which involves Afidamp in the definition of programming and teaching activities, will start in October. The objective of the course is to provide knowledge of methods, techniques and tools for the management of activities connected to the cleaning of commercial, workplace and civil environments by providing an overview of the main technologies currently available. This is an innovative programme aimed at a wide audience: marketing and management staff of cleaning services for companies operating in the cleaning sector; facilities management staff of industrial and healthcare companies; distribution and services providers; maintenance staff of industrial companies; commercial staff of companies supplying technology for the cleaning sector; public administration procurement officers and staff. This edition of the course has a substantial increase in the number of training hours, from 70 to 120 and thanks to Afidamp’s contribution, it will address more specifically the topics of sanitisation, traditional and innovative equipment available on the market, the monitoring of results and more. There is a great deal of satisfaction to see the return of ISSA Pulire as a face-to-face event in Verona this September. Within the exhibition, Afidamp will be present in an important role with opportunities for meetings and discussions within the world Rapportant d’Italie, Anna Garbagna nous informe sur le cours de formation avancée en gestion de la propreté qui est prévu pour cet automne par l’association Afidamp.

of companies, trade associations and suppliers. During the threeday event, Afidamp will organise a rich programme of meetings and talk shows. The intense experiences of 2020 and the first months of 2021 which saw Afidamp as a participant in many institutional committees, will be explained and presented during the show in the year the association also celebrates its 40th anniversary. Of particular interest will be an insight into the topics of CAMs (Minimum Environmental Criteria), three months after their implementation; surveys on the production and distribution sector carried out in cooperation with CERVED; focus on Transition Plane 4.0 and updates on the machines sector. All this is in addition to the presentation of the previously mentioned Advanced Training Course in Cleaning Management. During the event, Afidamp will also dedicate important space to its members, rewarding their commitment and the role they play within the organisation by giving important awards to Senior Member and Best Member. The first award is given to the veteran members who have showed greatest loyalty to the association over time; the latter is awarded to those who excelled in the two year period 2019/2020 for their commitment within the association, devoting time and resources towards the growth of the sector and the associative role. Afidamp’s space at the show will be a reference point for its members - a place to meet and connect with the objective of inspiring professional growth and discussion.

Anna Garbagna berichtet aus Italien über einen Schulungskurs für Fortgeschrittene im Reinigungsmanagement, der vom Industrieverband der Reinigungsbranche Afidamp in diesem Herbst veranstaltet wird.

Dall’Italia, la corrispondente Anna Garbagna ci informa sui corsi avanzati in Cleaning Management che verranno tenuti in autunno dall’associazione di categoria Afidamp.



To clean, or to disinfect?

Get vaccinated or get laid off

John Griep reports from the Netherlands on VSR’s new list of definitions and recommendations.

News of latest legislation around Covid-19 vaccination from Christian Bouzols in France.

VSR investigates new and existing cleaning methods and agents. Cleaning and disinfection are two of those existing methods. You may be thinking: there’s no need to explain this among cleaning professionals, is there? After all, these are core tasks for them! You may be right. But due to extreme reactions to coronavirus and the client’s wish to provide a safe workplace, you may want to accommodate your client. Then I hear you thinking, why don’t we disinfect the door handles? Together with the Dutch Association of Soap Producers (NVZ), VSR has drawn up an overview. When is disinfecting beneficial? How do I choose the right products? Which manufacturers’ claims can I rely on? The overview consists of 10 definitions, claims and recommendations about cleaning, disinfection and databases. In most cases, just a good clean is sufficient for good hygiene. Cleaning with a normal detergent (or microfibre cloth without detergent) removes pretty much all micro-organisms, including virus particles. Time does the rest. This is more effective than disinfecting and prevents a false sense of security. Hygiene. The entire practice of maintaining and promoting good health through cleaning and disinfection. Cleaning. Cleaning is the physical removal of visible dirt, reducing the ability of unwanted micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, allergens and germs) to feed and attach themselves. This removes 85 to 90 per cent of micro-organisms. Disinfecting. Disinfecting reduces the number of microorganisms to an acceptable level, whereby the risk Aux Pays-Bas, l’organisation VSR a compilé une liste de définitions et de recommandations concernant le nettoyage et la désinfection. John Griep en rend compte pour ECJ.

of contamination is very low. Disinfecting is always done after cleaning and only in specific cases, such as in the food industry, in care and hospital institutions and in cases of infection. Biocides. Biocides are substances and mixtures containing active substances that chemically control undesirable organisms, such as insects, bacteria and fungi. This includes disinfectants and pesticides. Sterilising. A sterile surface is a surface that is completely free of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Biocide claims/mixed with biocides. Biocide claims state or suggest the product removes, reduces or controls microbial loads, such as - depending on the biocide - bacteria or viruses. These are not regular cleaning products but fall within the category of biocides. That’s why they must carry an approval number (see the final point). The claim ‘natural’ products. Many producers claim their products are of natural origin (or similar). Always ask the supplier for supporting evidence, as they are duty-bound to submit this. Safety claims. The safety of cleaning products is strictly regulated by European legislation, in particular by REACH. Authorised disinfectants on the European market must always be safe. Selecting a disinfectant. When choosing a disinfectant, always check the presence of an approval number on the label; the area of application; and the target organisms. Checking the approval number. Disinfectants are distinguished from cleaning agents by their approval number. Check with the European Chemicals Agency and, if applicable, with national laws and regulations.

In den Niederlanden hat VSR eine Liste mit Definitionen und Empfehlungen im Hinblick auf Reinigung und Desinfektion zusammengestellt. John Griep berichtet für das ECJ.

In Olanda, la VSR ha compilato una lista di definizioni e di raccomandazioni che riguardano le pulizie e la disinfezione. Ce ne parla il corrispondenre di ECJ John Griep.

The spread of the Covid-19 Delta variant is changing France’s labour legislation. A bill that has been adopted by the Senate should enter into force this September. The central provision is that vaccination will be made obligatory for certain categories of workers active in health services or in enterprises, such as retirement homes, all of whom will need to get the vaccination pass. It will also be necessary to produce a vaccination pass when entering a restaurant, a bar, a theatre or a cinema. Therefore a wide range of people will need to be vaccinated. The debate in Parliament focussed on what kind of sanctions were going to be imposed on those who, among the various occupations concerned, were still going to refuse that shot in the arm. The minister for labour, Elisabeth Borne, gave details on what sanctions might be applied, as of the return from school holidays, on workers refusing to get the vaccine. She said their employment contract would be suspended. These workers would therefore not be paid as long for as they didn’t get the vaccination pass. However, Borne added that “one shouldn’t let those workers think they could never be laid off. “What we wanted right from the start was to convince the workers concerned to be vaccinated and to make it easier for them to do so. That’s why the bill contained a provision whereby workers will be given permission to leave their work without loss of pay in order to be vaccinated. The bill also provided that if a worker couldn’t produce a valid vaccination pass, he could have a conversation with his employer to see how he might Notre correspondant en France Christian Bouzols rend compte d’une nouvelle loi qui, à partir de septembre, obligera les travailleurs de nombreux secteurs à se vacciner contre la Covid.

meet his obligation, to discuss an eventual reduction of working hours or the possibility of being given other tasks not involving the need to be vaccinated”. Initially, the bill had provided that refusal to be vaccinated could lead to termination of employment. This provision was ruled out, but it might still be reintroduced. “Given that wages would have been suspended, such a situation couldn’t have lasted forever and the idea was to stipulate how, if the case should arise, termination of employment contract could be implemented, stipulating in particular that this could take place only after two months,” the minister added. However, the Senate decided to delete this two-month delay when passing the final version of the bill, as it wanted to do away with any reference to contract termination. But in reality, termination won’t necessarily disappear. “It doesn’t mean that termination of employment contract won’t ever take place. What it means is this measure is less clearly defined in the law, and termination might well take place earlier. We are in the context of ordinary labour law,” Borne stressed. She added that a new law would be passed if necessary. “If the health situation requires it and it becomes necessary to extend these provisions, then we’ll return to Parliament.” It remains to be seen if this obligatory vaccination pass, currently limited to certain professions, will be extended to all wage earners that come into contact with the public. This could involve cleaning workers, who already have to be vaccinated if they work in retirement homes or healthcare centres.

Christian Bouzols berichtet aus Frankreich über ein neues Gesetz, das im September in Kraft treten wird, das die Covid-Impfung in einigen Sparten der Erwerbstätigen obligatorisch macht.

Dalla Francia, il corrispondente Christian Bouzols ci informa su una legge che entrerà in vigore in settembre e che renderà obbligatoria la vaccinazione contro il Covid in alcune aree della forza lavoro.

September 2021 | ECJ |17

OUR MODULAR SYSTEM STRENGTHENS YOU ON THE MARKET. In the cleaning sector, productivity is the decisive factor for success. When you increase your productivity, you directly improve your operating result. For this purpose, you can start at specific points or across all areas. The company to boost you to the next level is Kärcher Level Up. You can thus obtain technology, know-how and services precisely in those areas that you wish to strengthen. Right up to the complete solution.


Driven by the outcome ECJ speaks exclusively to Olena Neznal, vice president and head of EMEA for Kimberly-Clark Professional (KCP). She talks about the impact of the pandemic on the industry as a whole, and looks ahead to the trends that will shape its future.

Olena Neznal is a currently serving as vice president and head of EMEA for KimberlyClark Professional (KCP) division – with responsibility for close to a billion-dollar regional B2B business, which provides hygiene solutions to organisations including hospitals, large scale office buildings, industrial manufacturing and the hospitality sector. With over 25 years’ global experience in consumer and B2B Fortune 100 companies, including M&M/Mars and Procter & Gamble, Neznal has a proven track record of building empowered teams. She also has extensive experience across multiple geographies in Europe and North America, having lived in a number of different countries. Currently she’s based in London, where she lives with her family. Neznal’s passion is talent development and she personally mentors numerous members of her team at all levels. She is also an advisory board member for the LEAD (Leading Executives Advancing Diversity) Network, a non-profit and volunteer-led organisation with a focus on gender equality and promoting the advancement of women of every race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, educational background, national origin, religion, physical ability, and lifestyle. Reflecting on the past 18 months, a time when the entire world suddenly had to adapt to very different ways of living and working, Olena Neznal is feeling optimistic for the future of KCP, and

20 | September 2021 | ECJ

for the professional cleaning sector as a whole. “The pandemic has certainly been an extremely challenging time in so many ways,” she says, “however one of the positives to emerge from the situation is that it has elevated awareness of cleaning in all our public areas. “People who do cleaning as a job have traditionally been viewed as low-skilled, but they’re the people who have kept things going in so many respects over this past year and a half. Previously they were taken for granted, that’s not the situation anymore. Because the reason for cleaning has changed – we now clean not simply for aesthetic reasons, but for hygiene. I read a statistic somewhere that only 21 per cent of people feel safe using a public washroom, and that’s really sad because a massive 80 per cent do not feel safe. “The really interesting thing here,” Neznal continues, “is that suddenly everyone is aware of hand hygiene because of Covid-19. We’re all really worried about what we may catch if we don’t wash our hands properly. Of course there have always been all kinds of bugs and bacteria we could pick up and spread via our hands. If the pandemic has brought that into sharp focus, that’s a really positive development.”

More awareness Closely linked to that heightened awareness of hand hygiene, and very much in line with Kimberly-Clark Professional’s business, is the rise of the ‘smart’ washroom. There were an increasing number of digitised, no-touch solutions for the away-from-home washroom prior to the pandemic and the last 18 months has accelerated their implementation at a wider level, says Neznal. “People no longer want to touch anything when they enter the washroom, we are far more aware of the potential risks. Therefore we, as the solutions providers, must develop much better systems. And those systems are bringing cost benefits too, alongside the hygiene advantages. “As an example, in the UK market we

see that 80 per cent of our paper towels being used are the folded ones. This is archaic, cost-inefficient, and each user is touching a towel already touched by someone else. So we are currently carrying out some research into how those decisions are made. What are the key drivers?”

Modernise sales As a business KCP identified some time ago a very real need for the manufacturers serving the sector to modernise their sales processes – and in many ways the pandemic has accelerated that trend too. Neznal explains: “If you think about it, the selling process has been the same for hundreds of years. Companies hire salespeople and they go out on the road meeting clients, demonstrating products. I did it myself when I started working for Mars years ago. But now, most professional organisations employ professional buyers who go online to do their research and they want to buy remotely. Up to 70 per cent of purchasers do not want to see a salesperson in their office and that trend is accelerating rapidly. “That means we must change how we approach virtual selling so that it becomes the norm. At KCP we had started that journey before Covid-19 struck, then in March 2020 we suddenly had to move to 100 per cent virtual selling. So we learned very quickly, and that journey continues.” Of course a key element of KCP’s business worldwide is its distributors and they have been intrinsic to this process of taking more of the business online. “What we’ve also found with our distributors,” says Neznal, “ is that it’s education they value the most. We sell solutions, not dispensers, towels and toilet rolls. They are interested in how they can bring knowledge to their end user customers so we’ve developed some interesting webinars around that to support them.” Sustainability has also once more become a key driver following the pandemic, Neznal points out. “Customers are asking questions again about how our towels


are used, how they can be recycled, for example, so that will be a renewed focus for us.” A key element of that sustainability agenda is also personnel, particularly the training of cleaning staff. “As a manufacturer we have a responsibility to the sector in that regard,” says Neznal, “so KCP has invested $500,000 in establishing the Kimberly-Clark Professional Scholarship Program in conjunction with ISSA and GBAC in the USA.” This online course has been devised to equip cleaning operatives around the world with the skills they need to manage situations arising in their daily job as a result of Covid-19. There will be so many permanent changes as a result of the pandemic, Neznal believes, and everyone will have to adapt to change. “The office space, for example, will dramatically alter,” she says, “and we forecast that 30-40 per cent of that segment is unlikely to recover to full potential for us. However, research suggests 94 per cent of people would like the option to return to the office after working from home for so long and that will mean a reshape of the business model. Many businesses will reduce their office space, leading to more ‘hot desking’, and there will be more flexible, shared workspaces, as with the WeWork model. “That will inevitably impact on the provision of cleaning services and the emphasis will increasingly be on the customer experience, and on the satisfaction of the building’s tenant. Hygiene of course will play a central role in all services.” For the manufacturer too, changes are ahead – certainly in the case of KCP. “For us, small incremental innovations are no longer relevant,” continues Neznal. “Let’s question the purpose of each new development, and decide that each one must make a real difference – must solve a genuine problem.”

Sense of unity As a business leader, Olena Neznal describes herself as purpose-driven and this is a principle she carries through to the management of her team, which amounts to 1,200 people across EMEA. “We need to stop agonising about presence in the office, for example,” she says. “Working virtually – as long as the job is done – is fine for me. My focus is on outcomes.

ECJ s’entretient en exclusivité avec Olena Neznal, vice-présidente et directrice pour la région EMEA de Kimberly-Clark Professional. Elle évoque l’impact de la pandémie sur le secteur dans son ensemble et s’exprime sur les tendances qui pourraient en façonner l’avenir.

• Olena Neznal

“One very important lesson I’ve learned over the various lockdowns, however, is that people still value that sense of belonging to a team, even when they can’t see each other in person. We cannot underestimate the value of communication and that sense of unity it brought became absolutely critical during the pandemic.” So Neznal decided to post regular video messages – three or four minutes long – which offered that valuable opportunity for her team to connect with her. There were regular online coffee mornings too. “That’s where I really learned about the power of ‘small talk’ because I heard so much about people’s own experience of working from home. For many of them, it wasn’t an enjoyable one.” While obviously in the throes of dealing with a crisis when the pandemic hit – KCP could barely cope with the huge demand for its PPE and hygiene products around the world – Neznal was keen to ensure

her team still felt they were being nurtured and developed. “For me it was crucial our people didn’t feel they were standing still in terms of career progression. I was still very much focused on succession planning in our different countries, and on promotion for those who had aspirations to progress.” Now, as life slowly returns to normal, Olena Neznal is determined to carry on her work in making KCP a more modern and forward-looking sales business. “In the B2B market, I’m confident we can become a leading example of what a successful selling organisation looks like. “Throughout the pandemic, those customers who were still operating knew they could rely on us to supply the products they needed. I want that to continue.” She concludes: “Before Covid-19 our industry as a whole has always been taken for granted, and I’d really like to see that change for the better now.”

Das ECJ führt ein Exklusivgespräch mit Olena Neznal, Vice-President und Leiterin von EMEA bei KimberlyClark Professional. Sie spricht über die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die Branche insgesamt und wirft einen Blick voraus auf die Trends, die die Zukunft formen werden.

ECJ intervista in esclusiva Olena Neznal, vicepresidente e capo della EMEA per la Kimberly-Clark Professional. Ci parla dell’impatto della pandemia sul settore nel suo insieme e fa una panoramica sulle tendenze che plasmeranno il suo futuro.

September 2021 | ECJ | 21


The sweet smell of success Should an air freshener be capable of creating a sense of well-being and evoking nostalgic memories of times past? Or should it simply be able to mask bad odours? Ann Laffeaty asks manufacturers what makes an air freshener system successful.

helping to create a pleasant olfactory atmosphere,” he said. “Sweet scents such as vanilla or caramel on the other hand – although both strong and long-lasting may mix unpleasantly with malodours.” According to Peretti, a successful air freshening system will evoke a sense of wellbeing in the customer or visitor, whether conscious or unconscious. “This will translate into a desire to stay for longer at a facility or to return at a later date, which will potentially lead to higher consumption in a restaurant or shop,” he said.

Immediate impact The traditional reason for using an air freshener is to cover up bad smells. This is why they are particularly popular in washrooms, care homes and similar environments where malodours might occur. But the air freshener industry is becoming more sophisticated all the time, and today’s fragrancing systems are increasingly being used to transmit subliminal messages. Some will aim to trigger happy memories in the mind of the recipient, while others will attempt to invigorate or promote an upbeat mood. And some fragrances are developed specifically to persuade people to part with their money. So, what does a successful air fragrancing product look like today as far as manufacturers are concerned? The answer is simple: air care systems should be able to fulfil the customer’s specific requirements according to Prodifa’s sales director Remi Peretti. “The two equally important customer needs are to enhance the ambiance of a building and to eliminate the perception of an annoying and unpleasant odour,” he said. “And in order to create a welcoming atmosphere it is imperative to combat any bad smells beforehand.” He says a citrus fragrance based on essential oils is the ideal solution for removing odours from environments such as a busy washroom. “Citrus scents are naturally odour-destroying while also

Some aromas are designed to have a much more immediate impact on the customer’s urge to buy, he adds. “For example, the smell of a waffle in a shopping mall, a cinnamon bun on a market stall or the aroma of clean laundry in the washing machine section of a white goods store can all lead to sales,” he said. “Another hallmark of a successful air freshening system is the ability to create an olfactory signature - one that enables the customer to instinctively identify a hotel chain, clothing brand or car dealership without even being aware of it.” Prodifa is constantly developing olfactory signatures for major brands, he says. Olfactory marketing is key to any successful ambiance-enhancing system, according to Peretti. ”Businesses are at last beginning to understand the importance of this phenomenon,” he said. He adds that the user’s specific needs are the main consideration when coming up with a successful dispensing system. “The choice of system will depend on the area to be treated or scented,” he said. “In order to fight recurrent odours over a long period of time, for example, it is imperative to choose an automatic diffusion system. Manual diffusion systems are only useful for eliminating bad smells on an occasional basis and are therefore unsuited to most professional customers.” He claims that customers should always discuss their individual needs with the

supplier. “Otherwise, uninformed users may simply opt for a device that doesn’t require them to check the instructions before each use or refill,” said Peretti. Prodifa offers a range of fragrances plus a choice of three programming scales to suit customer needs. The company is also planning to expand its ecological range. Vectair Systems ceo Peter Lipke agrees that a good air freshening system should cater for the needs of the client in question. “For example, a hotel might opt for a subtle fragrance that guests will connect with and that will quickly become imprinted in the customer’s subconscious mind, while retail shops and casinos are likely to prefer strong, identifiable fragrances that will encourage customers to spend more money,” he said. “One Las Vegas casino I heard about noted a 45 per cent rise in slot machine revenue after it had fragranced the gaming room with a pleasant ambient scent. “Manufacturers should therefore ensure they have the expertise to recommend the right product to the client for the environment in question.”

Consistency key He adds that a successful air fragrancing system need be neither complex nor expensive. “The easier a product is to use, the more likely venues will be to adopt it.” Vectair’s Professional Passive Program comprises a range of recyclable products claimed to be low cost and easy to use. Based on sub-micron fragrance technology, the company’s V-Air SOLID Evolution air freshener is carbon neutral and recyclable and contains no batteries, liquids or propellants. According to Lipke, a successful fragrance delivery system should use cutting-edge technology to produce fragrance particles that are lighter and safer and that linger for longer. “Consistency is key, which means fragrance strength should be the same on day 10 as it is on day one,” he said. “Customers appreciate powerful large-space Continued page 24

September 2021 | ECJ | 23

AIR FRESHENERS The sweet smell of success (continued) systems that can be programmed to suit their needs. But they are also looking for eco-friendly, battery-free options that are simple to use and install. “The real key is to be able to provide both of these features without compromising on quality or fragrance efficacy.” He claims the scope of the market has changed dramatically over recent years. “Organisations would historically choose to fragrance their washrooms to mask unpleasant smells,” he said. “Now it is common for companies to use air care systems in multiple areas both inside and outside the washroom for a range of reasons. “Businesses are increasingly understanding the powerful ability of a scent to deeply connect with people’s emotions. It is no longer simply a matter of creating the perception of a clean and fresh washroom, it is now about the whole user ‘experience’.” A successful air freshening system should not only remove bad odours – it should also address the root cause, says managing director of Denis Rawlins James White. “Air freshening is only half the story,” he said. “In order to be able to permanently eliminate bad odours it is crucial to kill off the bacteria that has caused them. And this can only be achieved with the aid of air sterilisation. This can dramatically improve air quality and eliminate almost all airborne bacteria as well as removing bad odours.” He claims Covid-19 has increased the public’s awareness of the role played by air sterilisation in eliminating airborne pathogens and bacteria. “Of course the more accessible a product, the better its uptake - but it isn’t difficult to introduce an air steriliser into a facility,” says White. “Most air sterilisers can be easily installed retrospectively in any environment including schools and universities, hotels, restaurants, pubs, offices, transport and healthcare facilities.” An air freshener system can only be classed a success if it eliminates bad odours and creates a fresh and welcoming atmosphere according to Hagleitner washroom hygiene product manager Dominik Hadjiyski. “Usability and sustainability are also key when it comes to any hygiene product or Que faut-il pour assurer la performance d’un système de diffusion d’ambiance? Doit-il évoquer le passé avec nostalgie, ou doit-il simplement éliminer les mauvaises odeurs ? Suffit-il qu’une fragrance produise un sentiment de bien-être, ou faut-il qu’elle incite les gens à manger, à boire et à dépenser davantage ? Nous jetons un coup œil sur les attributs d’un bon système de diffusion d’ambiance.

24 | September 2021 | ECJ

system,” he said. “And an air fragrancing system should make people feel welcome and comfortable. Since smells trigger emotions and memories it is important that a fragrance does not go unnoticed while at the same time, it should not be overwhelming. It is all about creating a harmonious balance.” Hagleitner’s XIBU AIRFRESH hybrid system, programmable via a smartphone, allows clients to choose whether their fragrance should be dispensed via a motion sensor; at fixed intervals or during specific opening hours. The company offers eight propellant-free fragrances including light summer variants, warm winter scents and upmarket white musk aromas for stores and clubs.

Emotional connection However stores, clubs, hotels, offices and many other publicly-used facilities have all been closed for long periods during the past 18 months. And as they reopen, the need to create a pleasant ambient smell is unlikely to be at the top of their list of priorities. Or is it? Vectair’s Peter Lipke believes we will see increasing demand for products that conjure up an impression of hygiene in future. “A fresh scent is imperative in creating an atmosphere that feels pleasant and clean,” he said. “It is difficult to alter a person’s first impression of a facility, and at Vectair we fully understand the role a scent can play in the customer experience. “Hospitality businesses are seeking to reassure their visitors about the safety of their premises, and the use of a fragrance can help to communicate to visitors that Was gehört zu einem erfolgreichen Lufterfrischersystem? Sollte es nostalgische Erinnerungen der Vergangenheit erwecken, oder sollte es einfach unangenehme Gerüche überdecken? Ist es ausreichend für einen Duft, ein Gefühl des Wohlbefindens zu schaffen, oder sollte er Menschen dazu anregen, mehr zu essen, mehr zu trinken und mehr auszugeben? Wir sehen uns die wichtigsten Eigenschaften eines guten Lufterfrischersystems an.

the facility has been thoroughly cleaned.” Denis Rawlins’ James White believes air freshening needs to become a by-product of air sterilisation in future. “One of the benefits of air sterilisation is that is creates a fresher smell, but the real advantage is that it deals with the root cause of the problem and ensures the air around us is clean and safe,” he said Prodifa’s Remi Peretti believes the fragrancing market has a bright future, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. “Smell is one of our most underestimated senses and often the most reactive one because a simple fragrance can totally change our mood in a second,” he said. “I don’t think olfactory trends will change radically in future: cultural preferences will remain and our Mediterranean customers will continue to ask for warm, sweet scents while Nordic countries will choose fresh, light ones. However, I think there will be a growing awareness of the importance of sustainability – and we at Prodifa have been accelerating in that direction for some years.” Hagleitner’s Dominik Hadjiyski believes the Covid-19 pandemic will have repercussions for the industry as a whole, however. “One thing is for sure: people’s awareness of hygiene has increased in response to the pandemic,” he said. “And of all the forms of hygiene, fragrance is one of the most subjective. So generally speaking I believe that those businesses aiming to provide their clients with an all-round impression of clean will attempt to appeal to all the senses – not only to sight and touch, but to smell as well.” Cosa rende efficace un sistema di profumazione dell’aria? Dovrebbe rievocare memorie nostalgiche dei tempi passati o dovrebbe semplicemente essere in grado di mascherare i cattivi odori? E’ sufficiente per una fragranza creare un senso di benessere, o dovrebbe invogliare le persone a mangiare, a bere o a spendere di più? Diamo un’occhiata alle caratteristiche principali di un buon sistema di profumazione dell’aria.

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• L’appareil MyFresh, de la société P-Wave, assure l’assainissement d’air ciblé dans de petits espaces. • Le distributeur XIBU AIRFRESH de Hagleitner est réglable à partir d’une application pour smartphone. • WiseAir Select est le nouveau système de diffusion d’ambiance que propose la société AeroWest. • La gamme de diffuseurs d’ambiance SensaMist de Vectair produit des fragrances pour des zones de toutes dimensions.

Hands-free Suitable for use in toilet cubicles, lifts, or on a desk in an office, P-Wave’s MyFresh delivers targeted air freshening in small spaces when and where it’s needed - reducing fragrance overload, nasal fatigue, and aerosol residue.

dispensed either the moment the motion sensor detects movement, or according to fixed intervals, or according to specific opening hours. This saves on both fragrance and energy. The dispenser transmits realtime data about its consumption, fill level, and energy status. Eight fragrances are available and all are free of propellants.

Wise fragrance • MyFresh von P-Wave bietet gezielte Lufterfrischung in kleinen Räumen. • Der XIBU AIRFRESH-Spender von Hagleitner kann über eine Smartphone-App eingestellt werden. • WiseAir Select ist das neue akkubetriebene Lufterfrischersystem von AeroWest. • Die Produktreihe SensaMist mit Diffusoren von Vectair sorgt für angenehme Beduftung in Bereichen aller Größen.

Featuring hands-free motion activation, the unit releases the right amount of fragrance from its proprietary dry fragrance inserts emitted by the small, high-velocity freshFan technology.

WiseAir, says Aero West International, is its most powerful and advanced battery powered air freshening system. The addition of an enhanced active blade system circulates essential oil based fragrances evenly and consistently throughout the room - no propellants or aerosols are used. And the company says fragrance is consistent for 30 days.

Adjustable • MyFresh della P-Wave offre una profumazione mirata dell’aria in spazi di dimensioni ridotte. • Il dispenser XIBU AIRFRESH della Hagleitner può essere regolato per mezzo di una app per smartphone. • WiseAir Select è il nuovo sistema di profumazione dell’aria alimentato a batteria della AeroWest. • La gamma di diffusori di fragranze SensaMist prodotta dalla Vectair emette fragranze in aree di tutte le dimensioni.

26 | September 2021 | ECJ

All the settings of the XIBU AIRFRESH hybrid fragrancing system from Hagleitner can be adjusted via the XIBU app. Users choose whether fragrance is

Designed for a variety of spaces, from washrooms to changing rooms, the modern design blends with all interiors with the unit available in chrome and white. The fragrance cartridges are simple to install and replace in seconds and over 50 scents are available.

Remember to submit your entry to the European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards - visit for details

Diffuser The SensaMist scent diffuser range from Vectair Systems features advanced atomiser technology to create a fresh and fragrant atmosphere for small, medium and large areas. It creates a fine mist of fragranced which is then diffused into the environment. Designed for areas such as hotels, casinos, gyms, homes, retail spaces and hospitality venues Sensamist uses premium fragrance oils and each dispenser can be individually programmed.

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Return to the workplace As people all over Europe return to work following lockdowns, Anna Konigson Koopmans from Tork manufacturer Essity looks at how managers can address their employees’ cleaning and hygiene concerns when they reenter the workplace.

People are returning to work. Some are delighted to be back, others somewhat less so. A recent UK study carried out by Deloitte revealed that 28 per cent of workers are desperate to return to the office and hope never again to have to transform their spare bedroom into an office. On the other hand, almost a quarter of respondents expressed a strong preference for continuing to work from home. And 42 per cent said they would like a balance between the two, with a maximum of three days spent working at the office every week. But the final decision will be largely up to employers, many of whom will prefer their staff to be on site where they can be seen and are directly accountable. And office-based working has other advantages such a sense of team spirit and the ability to exchange ideas on a casual basis and arrange ad hoc meetings. However in the age of a global pandemic, the downsides of congregating in an office are all too clear. Many workplaces today are open-plan facilities where people sit closely together at adjoining desks. They also tend to be poorly ventilated places where air conditioning systems are more prevalent than open windows. And while these environments may be highly suitable for collaboration and co-working, they have clear pitfalls in an age when social distancing is necessary and where high levels of hygiene are crucial. The typical office building also contains plenty of shared spaces such as meeting rooms, break-out rooms, kitchens and washrooms – all of which are potential sources of cross-contamination and virus transmission. And the washroom in particular is a matter of ongoing a concern for many office workers. In a global study carried out by Essity in 2016 it emerged that 42 per cent of respondents were hesitant about using the toilets at work. Around 40 per cent of the 8,000 people questioned said their workplace washrooms were often inadequately

cleaned or would frequently run out of soap and paper. And 12 per cent said they rarely or never used the office toilets at all, with this figure rising to 56 per cent when the facilities were actually perceived to be unclean. Refraining from using the washroom is a bad idea for many reasons. Such a practice could lead to poor concentration, discomfort and health issues on the part of staff, for example. And during a global pandemic there are further concerns since the washroom is the place where most people go to wash their hands. We at Essity recently polled the opinions of more than 15,000 respondents in 15 countries to discover people’s attitudes to cleaning and hygiene when returning to work after Covid-19 lockdowns. The Essity Essentials Initiative Survey looked at changing perceptions of hygiene and health as a result of the pandemic. According to the results, three out of four respondents now expect their employers to provide extra cleaning rounds to help counteract Covid-19.

Attention to hygiene At the same time, more people are paying closer attention to their own personal hygiene than they used to do and are washing their hands an average of 10 times per day compared with eight times before the pandemic. And 62 per cent are doing so for 20 seconds or more according to WHO’s recommendations. But despite the fact that Covid-19 can be spread via frequently-touched surfaces, 27 per cent of survey respondents said they did not routinely wash their hands after touching shared devices such as tablets and smartphones. And 21 per cent regularly failed to carry out a hand wash after shaking hands with other people while 17 per cent neglected their hand hygiene after coughing or sneezing. So while staff members have higher expectations of their office managers and cleaning staff, it is clear that more needs to be done to communicate the hand hyContinued page 32

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HYGIENE AT WORK Return to the workplace (continued) giene message and to encourage the use of the washrooms where hand washing may be carried out. Workplace washrooms should be pleasant, efficiently-run spaces where people will feel safe during the current health situation. It can be disconcerting to walk into a small washroom facility and be confronted by several other people in the same cramped space. So a one-in, one-out washroom policy would help everyone to feel more secure. If the outer door to the washroom is left open at all times it is easier to tell at a glance whether anyone else is inside. Where this is not practicable, a vacant/occupied sign should be placed on the outer door. Efforts should be made to speed up washroom use to allow for a quicker throughput. One way of doing this is to remove the mirrors from the washroom space. A separate “wash and brush up” room could be provided outside the washroom instead, or mirrors could be put up on the walls around the office. This would allow people to quickly check their appearance as they went about their work.

Covid-19 has made all of us more nervous about touching washroom surfaces and this has led to an increased use of touch-free taps, flush systems and dispensers. It has also made people more reluctant to touch cubicle door handles and outer door panels.

Avoid touching A total of 73 per cent of people questioned in our study said they were now routinely using a paper hand towel to avoid touching washroom surfaces such as door handles and taps. A mini hand towel dispenser placed by the outer door will therefore facilitate this practice and encourage people to use a towel as a barrier when using the door handle. There are other ways in which operatives can be made to feel safe when returning to the workplace. For example, positive messaging will help to provide a reassuring environment for nervous returners. Signs reminding people to wash their hands plus details of daily cleaning schedules will help to instil confidence that high cleaning and hygiene standards are being met. And these cleaning schedules

should also include contact numbers to allow people to report any run-outs or other hygiene issues. Another finding of our study was that one in five people now use hand sanitiser as their main method of hand hygiene. While washing the hands with soap and water is the best method of removing any dirt or soiling, it makes sense to provide sanitiser dispensers throughout the office to ensure that everyone receives some level of protection whether they visit the washrooms or not. Stress levels will be high for those who are nervous about sharing communal office spaces once again. For this reason, Essity has launched the Tork Office Hygiene Package which comprises a breakdown of suggested products, services, tools and protocols to help workplaces meet the requirements of the new hygiene standard. Returning to work will not be easy for some. But even the most hesitant of staff members will be reassured with the aid of clear instructions, bespoke tools, user-friendly systems and well-thought out strategies.

Speed up visits While hand hygiene protocols should never be skimped, washroom use can still be sped up if all washing and drying facilities are quick and easy to use. Soap dispensers that require a low push force and hand towel units that provide a seamless delivery will facilitate a faster throughput than badly-functioning soap dispensers and air dryers that take 10 seconds or more to dry the hands. Disposable towels have become generally more popular during the global pandemic for their speed of delivery and for other reasons. According to our Essity Essentials Initiative Survey, 64 per cent of people will routinely walk away from the air dryer before their hands are completely dry in order to save time. This is highly unsatisfactory because the washroom user will have wasted valuable seconds – and their hands will still be damp. A hand towel dispenser placed above the sink and a bin placed by the exit will allow people to take a towel and dry their hands as they go. Alors que les salariés de toute l’Europe reprennent le travail au lendemain du confinement, Anna Konigson Koopmans, de la société Essity, fabricant de produits Tork, examine la manière dont l’encadrement pourra répondre au souci de propreté et d’hygiène d’un personnel sur le point de réintégrer son lieu de travail.

32 | September 2021 | ECJ

Während Menschen in ganz Europa nach den Lockdowns wieder zur Arbeit zurückkehren, betrachtet die beim Tork-Hersteller Essity tätige Anna Konigson Koopmans, wie Führungskräfte die Reinigungs- und Hygienebedenken von Mitarbeitern bei der Rückkehr an ihre Arbeitsplätze angehen können.

Mentre in tutta Europa i lavoratori ritornano al lavoro dopo i vari lockdown, Anna Konigson Koopmans della Essity, produttrice della marca Tork, prende in esame come i manager possono affrontare le perplessità dei loro dipendenti relative all’igiene e alla pulizia quando ritornano nei luoghi di lavoro.


Top of the mops Quick-changing mechanisms, spray handles, locking joints, colour-coded elements - what does a top-of-the-range mop look like? Ann Laffeaty asks manufacturers about the features and enhancements that can make a mop more productive, more ergonomic and higher performing.

A mop is a mop is a mop. Or is it? A traditional mop is a simple manual tool that glides along the floor, powered only by a cleaner. But today’s professional mops are becoming more sophisticated all the time. Features such as magnetic locking systems, quick-release mechanisms, colour-coded elements and intelligent functions have started entering the mix as manufacturers battle to stay ahead of the competition. And such enhancements are turning the traditional mop into a much more complex tool. So, what does a top-of-the-range mop look like these days? The best mops are those that are safe, sustainable and fun to use, says Greenspeed’s Jay Smit. “They should also be ergonomic and provide good cleaning power,” he said. “And while there are several other desirable qualities in a top-ofthe-range mop, if you don’t get these first two right it will be a no-go.” Greenspeed’s Click’M C flat mop uses a magnetic system to lock the mop into place. Mop heads can be removed by pressing a button with the foot, avoiding the need for any bending or manual handling on the part of the cleaner. This is said to make the product easy to use. Other good qualities of a mop include colour-coding, an attractive appearance and a choice of mop head depending on the floor surface, says Smit. He adds that Greenspeed is constantly striving to produce top-of-the-range

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products that provide both health and environmental benefits. “The mopping market is evolving with more sophisticated products continually coming on stream,” he said. “This is a trend we have seen over a period of years. “People are becoming increasingly aware of the difference that a good, easyto-use mopping system can make. And they are looking towards the total cost of ownership rather than focusing on the price of the mop itself. As a result, high quality mops that can be used more than 500 times are gaining in popularity.” Ease of use is a key requirement in a top-notch mop, according to Kärcher’s manual tools product manager Kamila Dobler. “Training is not an option in many cases which means most operators will simply be handed a mop with the expectation that they will use it properly,” she said. “It is therefore important that mops are lightweight, easy to use and that they glide smoothly over the floor. And they should last a long time and provide a good cleaning performance.” Kärcher uses endurance tests to assess the efficacy and performance of its mopping products, says Dobler. “We have also collected data on area coverage over different floors with the aim of offering a complete solution rather than simply selling a mop,” she said.

Intelligent functions According to Dobler, the success of a mop depends on factors such as its frame, weight, no-touch properties, quick-release mechanisms and pre-impregnation system. “Sustainability is also key with customers increasing looking for ecolabelled, GPP-compliant mops made from sustainable materials and that reduce the amount of water and detergent required,” she said. Intelligent functions designed to improve ease of use, save time and enhance operator comfort are key elements of today’s top mops, according to IPC Tools sales director Adriano Mariano. “Manufacturing processes with a low environ-

mental footprint plus the use of recycled raw materials are also important since these can provide companies with a major advantage when participating in public tenders,” he said. “An innovative mechanism is another key feature of a top-of-the-range mop. And while productivity and performance are both very important, it is safety along with the wellbeing of operators that are now absolutely essential.”

Safety in mind In response to these drivers IPC has introduced quick-release mechanisms, pre-impregnation systems and builtin nebulisers, he says. The company’s new SAFE-T frame is said to have been designed with safety and ergonomics in mind. It features a telescopic handle to reduce operator strain and a locking system that allows the operator to remain upright when inserting and removing the mop to the frame. Covid-19 has prompted a change in customer requirements, according to Mariano. “Sectors such as hospitality, industry, healthcare, leisure, and transport have reviewed their cleaning protocols and are now incorporating a sanitisation phase to the process to reassure customers and the community,” he said. Innovation, hygiene and health are all important elements of a top-of-the-range mop according to Filmop’s export area manager Paolo Scapinello. “A top-class mop should guarantee excellent cleaning results while respecting the health and safety of the operator,” he said. “And it should offer convenience, speed, ergonomics and attention to detail in its design.” He claims there is currently a trend for technologically advanced equipment that is also easy to use. “There is definitely a greater interest in ergonomic mopping systems that provide effortless cleaning,” he said. “For this reason our priority is to design innovative systems with a simple and clear design.” Filmop’s ErgoSwing is said to combine


an improved performance with lower levels of strain and increased productivity. Features of Filmop mops include touchfree operation, an automatic fixing system and a locking function that allows walls and ceilings to be cleaned, says Scapinello. This can be switched on and off via a foot pedal to prevent the need for bending or touching the mop. Like Mariano, he believes Covid-19 has changed the goalposts. “The health emergency has led to an increased demand for hygienic touch-free systems that reduce the risk of dangerous micro-organism transmission,” he said. Ergonomic features that improve the user experience are crucial in a top-notch mop, according to Rubbermaid Commercial Products’ head of marketing Paul Jakeaway. “The visibility of cleaning solutions has become more important in the wake of the global pandemic, which means that fast and effective solutions are needed,” he said. “Speed, visibility, and efficacy are all important – as is innovative equipment that is easy to use.”

Next level Claimed to make cleaning both faster and stress-free, the company’s HYGEN PULSE Microfibre Mop has an onboard reservoir and solution system with a targeted spray function. The mop is said to feature a lightweight design and non-slip handle-tip to ease cleaning. Also from RCP are HYGEN Disposable Microfibre Mop Pads which are colour-coded to prevent cross-contamination and can be used for either dusting or mopping. Spray handles, microfibre pads and interchangeable pads are all examples of features that will elevate a mop to the next level, says Robert Scott’s sales director Alastair Scott. As an example he cites the company’s Pro-mist system which includes a removable bottle and spray trigger that delivers a fine mist of solution on to the cleaning surface. “This allows users to clean and dry floors more quickly,” he said. The mop has a lightweight frame to reduce operator strain plus a built-in release system to avoid any contact with soiled mop pads. According to Scott, demand for quickdrying systems for spot cleaning tasks is

Quels seraient les éléments d’un balai humide haut de gamme - mécanismes de changement rapide, poignées de pulvérisation, articulations verrouillantes, éléments à code couleur ?... Ann Laffeaty interroge des fabricants sur les types d’accessoires qui sont susceptibles de rendre les outils de balayage humide plus productifs, ergonomiques et performants.

increasing. “These ensure that facilities can be cleaned efficiently during busier periods while reducing the risk of slips and falls from residual moisture,” he said.

Preference for microfibre The market is becoming more sophisticated, he believes – but only up to a point. “Customers ultimately want quality products that are effective at doing the job for which they are intended,” he said. “We’ve seen a shift in preference to materials such as microfibre, but there will always be a need for simple, manual mopping systems that can clean cost-effectively.” So, each manufacturer has their own ideas about the elements that make a top mop today. But what will be “top of the mops” in the future? Sustainability and the perception of cleanliness will shape the future of mopping, predicts IPC’s Adriano Mariano. “With increased cleaning frequencies in public areas due to Covid-19, the use of disposable mops will grow in a bid to reduce the risks of cross-contamination,” he said. Kärcher’s Kamila Dobler agrees that issues such as health, safety and sustainability will become key industry drivers along with efficiency. “When we enter a public building, school or aircraft in future we will be focusing on touching as few surfaces as possible and checking the cleanliness of the environment,” she said. “And since floors are highly visible, mops will continue to play an important role.” Fimop’s Paolo Scapinello concurs that demand for sustainable solutions will in-

Schnellwechselmechanismen, Sprühgriffe, Sperrkupplungen, farbcodierte Elemente: Wodurch zeichnet sich ein erstklassiger Mopp aus? Ann Laffeaty erkundigt sich bei Herstellern nach den Arten von Zubehörteilen, durch die Mopps produktiver, ergonomischer und leistungsstärker werden.

crease. “There is also a growing awareness of efficiency as customers seek systems that ensure savings in term of energy, time and costs while also offering a high performance,” he said. “However during the sanitary emergency it has become crucial to clean and disinfect environments using strict protocols and with the aid of hygienic systems designed to contain the risk level. So, hygiene and safety will continue to be priorities post-Covid-19.”

Customer requirements Robert Scott’s Alastair Scott claims three major trends have emerged from the pandemic – infection control, cleaning visibility and an increased focus on sustainability. “Around 68 per cent of the customers we surveyed noted an increase in orders for disposable cleaning products in 2020,” he said. “However we are now seeing sustainability return to the fore, driven by customer demand for better practices along with products that reduce environmental impact.” But Greenspeed’s Jay Smit believes the recent high demand for disinfection systems will decrease in the long term. “You can already see this happening: if something is not immediately necessary, it quickly becomes ignored,” he said. “However, value for money is becoming increasingly important and sustainability is becoming an integral part of the purchasing decision. So in my opinion it will be products that are safe, sustainable and of a high quality that will be the future.”

Meccanismi che cambiano velocemente, manici spray, giunzioni autobloccanti, elementi con codifica colore, com’è un mop di alta qualità? Ann Laffeaty chiede ai produttori quali sono i tipi di componenti aggiuntivi che rendono il mop più produttivo, più ergonomico e con prestazioni più elevate.

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Recycled fibre

Easy and fast

Swep r-MicroTech Mop is the first single and duo mop from Vileda Professional containing recycled materials. Made from up to 30 per cent recycled polyester, the company says it offers the same microfibre cleaning performance, durability and ergonomic as the virgin fibre product.

New from Filmop is Easy Wash. Comprising a touch-free mop holder, microfibre mop and bucket with wringer, it is designed for washing horizontal and vertical surfaces in small areas. The system for fixing and releasing the mop simplifies and speeds up operations,the company says, while avoiding the need for the operator to bend over repeatedly and become fatigued. There is also no direct contact with the mop. The Energy-Fur microfibre mop boasts high absorbency and effective dirt removal, while the special micro-flaps keep the mop firmly fixed to the holder.

Each Swep r-MicroTech 50 cm mop is made of 3.5 0.5-litre PET bottles, and each one can be laundered up to 900 times. Third party research has validated its ergonomic qualities, and it has also been awarded the Nordic Swan ecolabel. Vileda uses its ‘Love it Clean’ label to highlight its most sustainable products such as the Swep r-MicroTech Mop. • La tête de balayage humide Swep r-MicroTech est la première tête simple et double Vileda Professional à contenir des matériaux recyclés. • Le système Easy Wash de Filmop contient un support sans contact de tête de balayage, une tête de balayage en microfibre, et un seau à essoreuse. • La gamme Wecoline Allure de têtes de balayage humide assure un nettoyage hygiénique et une absorption poussée. • Swep r-MicroTech Mops sind die ersten ein- und doppelseitigen Mopps von Vileda Professional, die recycelte Materialien enthalten. • Das Easy Wash-System von Filmop besteht aus einem berührungslosen Mopphalter, einem Mikrofasermopp und einem Eimer mit Presse. • Die Produktreihe Wecoline Allure mit Mikrofasermopps bietet hygienische Reinigung und hohes Absorptionsvermögen. • Swep r-MicroTech Mop è il primo mop singolo e doppio della Vileda Professional che contiene dei materiali riciclati. • Il sistema Easy Wash della Filmop include una struttura mop touchfree, mop in microfibra e un secchio con strizzatoio. • La gamma di mop in microfibra Wecoline Allure vanta una pulizia igienica e alta capacità di assorbimento.

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Ergonomic design has also been a priority - the wide opening of the bucket facilitates filling, the special shape of the wringer makes wringing simple and intuitive, while the practical rear handle facilitates the grip during emptying.


Wecoline’s Allure microfibre mopping products all come in anthracite while the flat mops including a scrub version, come with trim in four colours for colour-coded cleaning. The flat mop scrub features a scrubbing layer for the removal of stubborn dirt from hard surfaces. All flat mops are certified with the Nordic Swan ecolabel.

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A brand of



• Développé par TTS, Ray Infinity est la nouvelle poignée de balayage humide intégrant un distributeur de liquide de nettoyage. • Nordisk Microfiber propose 17 têtes de balayage humide à microfibre portant le label écologique Nordic Swan. • Rekola prévoit une évolution dans le balayage humide par suite de l’introduction de son concept du Nettoyage exempt de résidus (RFC). • Toolflex entend alléger les problèmes de douleurs au dos et à la nuque d’agents de nettoyage en proposant un manche de balai humide remodelé. • TruCLEAN Sterile est une gamme de produits de balayage humide destinés à des tâches de haut niveau en chambre blanche.

• Bei Ray Infinity handelt es sich um einen neuen Moppgriff mit integriertem Reinigungslösungsspender, der von TTS entwickelt wurde. • Nordisk Microfiber bietet 17 Mikrofasermopps, die mit dem Nordischen Umweltzeichen „Schwan“ ausgezeichnet sind. • Rekola erwartet Änderungen beim Moppen durch die Einführung seines RFC-Konzepts (Residue Free Cleaning/Rückstandsfreie Reinigung). • Toolflex will mit seinem neuen Mopphalter das Problem von Rücken- und Nackenschmerzen bei Reinigungspersonal angehen. • Bei TruCLEAN Sterile handelt es sich um eine Produktreihe mit Moppprodukten, die für den Einsatz in hochgradigen Reinräumen konzipiert wurden.

• Ray Infinity è il nuovo manico per mop sviluppato dalla TTS con integrato il dispenser di soluzione detergente • La Nordisk Microfiber propone 17 mop in microfibra che hanno ricevuto il marchio ecolabel Nordic Swan. • La Rekola prevede dei cambiamenti nei procedimenti mop con l’introduzione del suo concetto Residue Free Cleaning – RFC (pulizia senza residui). • La Toolflex mira ad affrontare il problema dei dolori alla schiena e al collo fra gli addetti alle pulizie con la sua nuova struttura per mop. • TruCLEAN Sterile è una gamma di prodotti mop progettati per essere utilizzati nelle camere pulite di alta qualità.

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Ready to use

TTS has developed a ready-touse handle with tank designed to make cleaning faster and easier while also eliminating the strain of repeated bending for the operator when using a bucket with wringer. Ray Infinity is designed to be the instant solution to removing unexpected dirt from floors and cleaning of small areas. The double rotating handgrip and the ergonomic joint help the user to maintain a correct posture and reduce wrist movements by 75 per cent compared to traditional systems, says TTS. Cleaning solution is simply poured into the 500 ml tank and the mop is ready to start work. The handle allows dosing of solution according to needs - avoiding chemical and water waste - and prevents accidental spillage thanks to the safe closure system.

Labelled Nordisk Microfiber says it has always worked with sustainable solutions and opted to be certified under the Nordic Swan ecolabel right from the start. Now it

offers 31 ecolabelled products, 17 of which are mops. For all Nordic Swan ecolabelled microfibre products bacterial and dirt collection is required to be at least 99 per cent by ISO test. The products’ ability to collect dirt and bacteria is always tested and documented.

No residue Rekola has developed the Residue Free Cleaning (RFC) concept. This system consists of modular trolleys, water (tap or purified), lightweight machinery, Reflex high pressure mopping and Reflex pads and cloths.

Relieves pain According to a study by the Swedish Work Environment Authority, 69 per cent of cleaning workers suffer from back or neck pain. Toolflex says it has developed a new type of mop holder that has the potential to alleviate the problem, at least with the elimination of unnecessary carrying of mops between areas. Toolflex’s new holder - One Motion - is designed to have a firm grip on all handles between 15 and 35 mm width, at the side of the cleaning trolley. It can also be cleaned, disinfected and autoclaved in the same way as mops.

For cleanrooms

Manual mopping is supportive to a scrubber dryer. This reduces daily manual mopping and could change the daily processes because of the combination with the machine. Instead of five days of damp mopping, it could change to three days manual dusting plus machine cleaning and two days of damp mopping.

TruCLEAN Sterile is a range of mopping supplies designed by Perfex specifically for highgrade cleanroom use. The line includes sponge mops and mop covers gamma sterilised and with a high sterility assurance level. Each product is processed in a cleanroom with biodegradable packaging materials. This new consumable option allows operators to mitigate risk while improving efficiency and controlling costs.

Fimap and its commitment to zero emissions Responsibility towards the environment is a theme that has always been part of Fimap’s history. Since the use of natural resources in cleaning sector is essential, their protection has played a decisive role in the design of new products and in the development of technologies and services from the very beginning. While growing, the company has continued to develop projects to safeguard the environment, aware that growth inevitably entails responsibilities towards the planet we inhabit, and towards those who choose and trust Fimap. In recent years, the activities in support of the environment have merged into the project LET’S BE A ZERO: an invitation, an exhortation to participate in a journey towards a green future. It’s also a provocation in which zero is a score to be proud of: it is the zero of emissions, of carbon neutrality. It is the declaration of a mission but also a way to invite all the businesses involved to be part of it, suppliers, distribution network, cleaning contractors and users, so as to implement actions in several directions, to be carried out both inside and outside the company, and before, during and after the product. To achieve solid results in reducing emissions, action cannot be taken only in one direction, it is essential to take a wider view, to have a global approach that takes into account all the aspects, strategic and operational, from the beginning to the end of the process, from the concept of the product to the end of its life. From circular economy to the CFP It all starts with a design style that follows the circular economy principles, with the goal of extending product life and minimizing waste.

ISO 14067:2018

The result is an enhancement of the three phases of the life cycle: the UPSTREAM phase, that is the product birth, the CORE, the moment in which it performs its functions, and finally the DOWNSTREAM, the final phase. From this point of view, in order to pursue a sustainable attitude, appropriate choices are made right from the beginning, with the selection of raw materials, then involve production and logistics, continue with use and maintenance and end with disposal and recycling. If a conscious selection of materials is made from the beginning, once the product has completed its function, the materials of which it is composed can be reintroduced and reused, generating further value. In the use phase, technology becomes the key factor for a more conscious approach to cleaning, in which sustainability is not just based on a mere reduction of consumption, but is made with an intelligent use of resources, remote monitoring of performance, preventive maintenance, training, tailored cleaning programs and customized machine configuration.

Carbon Footprint Systematic Approach









1. U






This is how the scrubbing machines of the Performance range were born, designed according to a new vision of cleaning that focuses on sustainability in a scientific way.

With these features, Fimap’s latest generation scrubber dryers have become the first in the world to achieve CFP certification through Systematic Approach, according to UNI EN ISO 14067:2018.

Indeed, the combination of products and services realized with the Fimap Method, allows a functional management of the machine, bringing advantages to each cleaning site in terms of operation, productivity and efficiency. The scrubbing machines of the Performance range are designed to be set up according to the actual needs of cleaning sites, for which Fimap provides on-site advice as well. Performance scrubber dryers can memorize different cleaning programs to ensure that the results and consumption expected for operations are respected, and setting errors are avoided. Operators can rely on the builtin video tutorials that provide ongoing training on proper use and maintenance, thus protecting the machine from misuse. Customized preventive maintenance plans are provided in order to maintain efficiency over time and extend product life.

The achievement of the CFP Systematic Approach certifies an evaluation process to calculate the CO2e emitted per sq. m. cleaned, which also allows to calculate the footprint of a cleaning operation, so as to be able to activate appropriate procedures to progressively improve performance and offset emissions, thus achieving zero impact.

These models allow systematic cleaning management and remote control based on real data provided by the machines themselves, thanks to the FFM - Fimap Fleet Management monitoring system. Knowledge of the data enables more precise measures to be taken to optimize the use of resources and batteries, implement plans for continuous improvement of performance and ensure proper use of the machine.

This is how the path to zero that begins within Fimap reaches outward, bringing benefits to all stakeholders. It involves the distributor, which can successfully address to strategic customers, increase its competitiveness and provide, in addition to the product, related services with which it can optimize the management of assistance and consequently reduce costs. Cleaning contractors can increase operations efficiency and include in their environmental policy a cleaning service of high quality clean and reduced CO2 emissions. All customers can count on customized cleaning mechanization projects to reduce and control costs and benefit from specialized support based on consulting and training which ensures continuous improvement in results and performance.


Setting new standards Zac Hemming, founding director of ICE Cleaning, explores how cleaning being accelerated to the top of the corporate agenda during the pandemic is presenting commercial contractors with a responsibility and opportunity to push the boundaries of what is expected, and what can be achieved, by daily cleaning routines.

Over the last year, the impact of Covid-19 has highlighted the importance of consistent and comprehensive cleaning routines to help mitigate against the spread of virus and bacteria throughout commercial spaces, to support building owners in fulfilling their Duty of Care by going above and beyond best practice. Where once a ‘one size fits all’ attitude to commercial cleaning contracts was commonplace, Covid-19 has forced the industry to undertake a fresh approach to the ongoing management of commercial spaces, as building owners and facilities managers increasingly look to secure cleaning partners that can add real value to their business and proactively protect the wellbeing and safety of employees. Historically, the commercial cleaning sector has operated as an extremely traditional industry, with established methods of practice and standards of customer care, which were commonly never challenged or changed. For example, cleaning contracts predominantly involved daily cleaning routines that were typically implemented for purely cosmetic reasons, with some focus on the role cleaning should play in maintaining the hygiene of these spaces to protect the health or wellbeing of those inhabiting the commercial spaces. This established method of practice in some respects stunted the evolution and advancement of the industry, as there was

little need for the sector to evolve, either from a customer service perspective, or with regard to innovation through the development of new technologies and skills. Traditionally, a cleaning contract would have been secured on the basis of what a company has always done. Here the saying ‘if it’s not broken, don’t fix it’ springs to mind, as there was an established perception that sourcing a new cleaning company would be a time-consuming and difficult process, particularly when the other areas of building management and maintenance had to be considered and addressed. This therefore led building owners and facilities managers to adopt the attitude that unless there had been serious issues with a cleaning contractor that couldn’t be resolved, or a property manager was getting continuous complaints from its occupants, then they should remain with the contract they already had as every other provider within the industry would deliver the same level of service.

Most important role However, Covid-19 has prompted business owners to examine their operational procedures to identify areas that can be improved or adapted to help mitigate against the spread of viruses and bacteria, in line with Government guidelines, to successfully and consistently fulfil Duty of Care to all employees and visitors. This has included the implementation of additional considerations such as dedicated sanitisation stations and temperature scanners, reviews of air quality and ventilation systems and the directional flow of traffic throughout the building and how this can be managed to accommodate appropriate social distancing. Here commercial cleaning has taken the most important role of all, as building owners and facilities managers look to work in partnership with contractors that can offer dedicated expertise and advice to support them through this process and deliver a total cleaning solution that consistently ensures their building is safe. This substantial shift in what is re-

quired, and can also be achieved, through commercial cleaning contracts has supported the facilitation of a new generation of contractors that offer a proactive approach, particularly with regard to virus decontamination and sanitisation and how these additional services can be implemented into daily, weekly and monthly cleaning routines. Here the role of the cleaning contract becomes twofold, as it must continue to maintain the cosmetic appearance of the commercial space, but more importantly, it must proactively protect surfaces against virus and bacteria. By offering a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to virus sanitisation and decontamination alongside existing traditional cleaning services, contractors can support building owners in successfully fulfilling their responsibilities to provide employees with the confidence and trust that they can safely return to their work space. The rapid advancement in cleaning technologies is supporting contractors in successfully fulfilling these aims, with new chemicals and dispensing systems setting the standard for a new generation of commercial cleaning that is light-years apart from the commercial cleaning contracts previously delivered and expected. For example, while some cleaning contractors may use a traditional fogging machine to apply the relevant chemicals to help mitigate against the spread of bacteria and viruses on surfaces and key touchpoints, latest progressions in electrostatic technology have created a dispensing system, that when combined with best in class chemicals, achieves a longer dwell time on surfaces. This enables chemicals to effectively ‘wrap’ around surfaces to guarantee protection against viruses for up to 28 days, eliminating the opportunity for the cleaning chemicals to drip off high frequency touchpoints, such as door handles, which may potentially occur with other methods Continued page 44

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CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS Setting new standards (continued) of application. For example, our ICE SHIELD service uses electrostatic technology to destroy 99.9 per cent of traces of coronavirus and other bacteria and viruses on surfaces within a working environment. This protective barrier is achieved by the positively charged electrostatic particles attaching themselves to negatively charged particles found on solid surfaces, whilst simultaneously counteracting any negatively charged particles within the atmosphere. Whilst this level of technology significantly increases the level of hygiene that can be achieved, by offering it as an additional service at no extra cost, the boundaries and expectations of customer service excellence are completely transformed. This is more important than ever, Au cours de l’année écoulé, l’application de routines de nettoyage complètes et régulières a pris un importance croissante. Zac Hemming, administrateur et fondateur de ICE Cleaning, montre comment la place accrue que les entreprises accordent à la propreté s’est traduite par de nouvelles responsabilités et possibilités pour les opérateurs de la propreté en étendant les limites de l’attendu et du réalisable.

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as building owners’ expenditure rapidly increases as they conduct assessments and implement additional services and facilities to provide employees and visitors with the highest possible levels of protection.

Value for money By incorporating ICE SHIELD into its standard offering free of charge, with a decontamination certificate supplied after each procedure to demonstrate due diligence, ICE Cleaning can support building owners in ensuring their commercial spaces are adequately protected, without the concern of escalating contracts. As businesses continue to navigate their way through the ‘new normal’ and prepare to safely reopen this year, commercial cleaning contractors have a responsibility Im Laufe des vergangenen Jahres wurde die Bedeutung einer einheitlichen und umfassenden Reinigungsroutine nachdrücklich hervorgehoben. Zac Hemming, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von ICE Cleaning, untersucht, was es für Vertragsreinigungsunternehmen bedeutet, plötzlich an die Spitze der Unternehmensagenda katapultiert zu werden: Sie haben die Verpflichtung und die Gelegenheit die Grenzen des Erwarteten und des Erreichbaren zu überschreiten.

to support clients in successfully achieving these aims, by working in partnership to ensure cleaning routines go above and beyond to deliver the highest standards in hygiene and cleanliness. This approach will set the industry bar for a new generation of commercial cleaning routines that are combined with the very latest advancements in technology and the highest standards of customer service excellence to redefine the industry and its capabilities. • ICE Cleaning provides commercial, industrial and domestic services, including virus containment, mould remediation, coronavirus decontamination and sanitisation, graffiti removal, warehouse and factory cleaning, crime scene cleaning and car park cleaning. Nel corso dello scorso anno è stata evidenziata l’importanza delle routine di pulizia coerenti e consistenti. Zac Hemming, direttore e fondatore della ICE Cleaning, esplora come le pulizie che sono state accelerate in cima all’agenda aziendale presentino per gli appaltatori la responsabilità e l’opportunità di andare oltre i confini di quello che ci si aspetta dai loro servizi e i risultati che si possono raggiungere.


07 09

Extraordinary becomes ordinary








SAFE NO ACCIDENTS ! It allows quick and easy hooking of dusters and web brushes to handles or poles, reaching high surfaces, while keeping them firmly anchored during use

CONVENIENT NO COMPLICATIONS ! It reduces the number of handles needed and allows to have every frame in its place, ensuring a trolley free from obstacles that slow down and make all activities more difficult.

FLEXIBLE NO LIMITATIONS ! It provides a wide range of tools for cleaning surfaces and floors: the operator can use the same handle with dusters, web brushes and frames, customising the process as required. TTS Cleaning S.R.L. (Soc. a Socio Unico) - Tel.: +39 049 9300710 - Fax: +39 049 9300720 - E-mail:


Global Floorcare Solutions

T: +44 (0) 23 8070 6600


Why clean a carpet? What are the main benefits of cleaning a carpet? Manufacturers set out the case for a regular maintenance programme to Ann Laffeaty.

The importance of cleaning frequentlytouched surfaces has become starkly clear during the pandemic. It makes perfect sense to sanitise tabletops, chair arms, door handles and light switches at regular intervals to prevent the transmission of bacteria and viruses in the public arena. But floors are another matter. The risk of cross-contamination from a floor is arguably minimal because people rarely touch them. And while a hard floor is likely to show up any mud and dirt quite quickly, a neutral-coloured carpet will hide a multitude of sins. So, why bother to clean a carpet on a regular basis at all? A properly-cleaned carpet will actually last twice as long as an uncleaned one, according to Kärcher’s spray extraction product manager Katrin Nock. “Regular cleaning and maintenance will enhance the look of a carpeted floor and avoid issues with ugly traffic lanes, stains and scratches,” she said. “And fibre distortion - caused by soil particles or due to wear and tear – will be another challenge facing companies that have no carpet maintenance plan.” An unclean carpet may also pose a risk to allergy sufferers, she says. “Carpets tend to hold on to dust and retain it within the pile, and if this is allowed to remain the microorganisms adhering to the dust might begin to breed,” she said. “Allergenic substances could then swirl around in the air when the carpet is walked upon - and this may have an impact on health. “The need for regular and thorough cleaning in the workplace becomes even more important when allergy sufferers are in a building because cleaning will create

an ambiance in which they can work to their full potential. In other words, professional carpet cleaning can contribute to a company’s overall performance.” She adds that with proper cleaning, carpeted floors are often a better option for allergy sufferers than hard floor coverings because they will hold on to the dust more effectively. Kärcher’s T 10/1 Adv HEPA dry vacuum cleaner has a HEPA-14 filter for removing bacteria, viruses and aerosols. The risks posed by viruses and bacteria in an uncleaned carpet are relatively low, she adds. “Viruses, bacteria and spores don’t breed well in dry environments, and carpet flooring is generally dry,” said Nock. She adds that a well-maintained carpet will create a favourable impression on visitors. “It will also absorb the sound of footsteps which will enhance the general atmosphere of comfort,” she said. “This is why carpets are generally found in VIP areas and in the management departments of high-end banks and specialist shops.” Everyday traffic on an uncleaned carpet would flatten the pile and result in a shaded effect, she says. “This is particularly true of plush carpets,” says Nock.

Cost benefits Another issue that can arise is a “gray line” which often occurs in high-traffic areas such as hotel lobbies and schools, she adds. “This may be caused by a combination of factors such as scratches or fibre distortions due to wear, and will result in the light being reflected at different angles instead of in a uniform way.” Regular carpet cleaning has the major advantage of providing cost benefits for the customer says Prochem’s sales manager Phil Jones. “Carpets will become soiled more quickly if there is no regular cleaning and maintenance programme in place,” he said. “Where abrasive substances such as dust, grit or sand form part of the soiling, these could result in damage and wear which will have an impact on the carpet’s lifespan. And over time, greasy soiling will be deposited on existing greasy soiling

until the carpet eventually becomes a sticky mess.” He says some customers seek to save money by having their carpets cleaned less frequently - adding this can make life difficult for cleaning companies. “The client will still expect their carpet to look almost as good as new after cleaning, but the flooring will have naturally become more soiled in the interim,” he said. “This means the contractor will be forced to spend longer on the task - and this will drive up cleaning costs.”

Impact on health Besides removing dirt, carpet cleaning can also have a positive impact on the overall environment, he says. “Carpets are often installed to create an ambiance of space and light, something that will have a good impression on clients,” says Jones. “If the carpets of a restaurant or hotel are allowed to become soiled, customers might start to question the hygiene standards of the establishment and choose to eat or stay elsewhere.” Carpet cleaning also offers health benefits, he adds. “Many people suffer from allergies these days and regular cleaning will remove impurities such as pollen, dander and dust particles,” he said. “In this way it can help to improve the work or home environment. And bacteria are more likely to form on a dirty carpet, which could create a health risk.” Regular carpet cleaning should form an integral part of the hygiene programme of any property, according to Jones. “It should begin with dry vacuuming, ideally with an upright vacuum machine with a brush roller or beater bar to remove the dry, particulate soil further down the pile fibre,” he said. “This will help to increase the lifespan of the carpet and remove any potential food source for bacteria. “And regular deep cleaning via hot water extraction will greatly assist in eliminating bacteria and viruses.” Sales manager of Fidelis Charlotte Burkinshaw agrees that soil removal and alContinued page 48

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CARPET CARE Why clean a carpet? (continued) lergen reduction are two chief advantages of carpet cleaning. “Cleaning will remove stubborn stains, dried spillages and odours from the carpet,” she said. “And when this is carried out regularly it can significantly contribute to prolonging the carpet’s life.” While domestic vacuum cleaners, shampooers and steamers will remove any surface dirt and help with the carpet’s upkeep, these types of machines will have insufficient power to remove deep-down dirt and germs, she says. “Enlisting professional services to supplement the regime will help to prolong the life of the carpet and keep it looking almost as good as new.”

Mould and allergens She adds that carpet cleaning also offers safety advantages because it helps to remove mould and allergens. “Also, if a carpet is marred by spills or damage - or is malodorous – this will have a significant effect on the visitor or customer’s first impression of a building,” said Burkinshaw. She claims that professional treatment is necessary for removing any debris embedded deep in the fibres. “Otherwise there will be excessive wear to the fibres which will speed up the carpet’s deterioration,” she said. “Carpet replacement is costly and is easy to avoid where a regular regime is in place.” Hygiene is a primary reason for cleaning carpets according to Paul Pearce, training and technical director of the UK’s National Carpet Cleaners Association. “Commercial

Si elle est de couleur neutre, une moquette dissimulera une certaine quantité de crasse. Cela étant, vaut-il la peine de songer à un régime de nettoyage régulier ? Des fabricants discutent des avantages du nettoyage de moquettes ainsi que des effets du nettoyage sur la vie utile de ces dernières, sur l’image de marque de l’entreprise, ou sur d’éventuels bienfaits sanitaires par le fait d’éliminer poussières, mites et autres allergènes.

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clients should have a schedule for cleaning high-traffic areas which should be put in place following a site survey by a professional cleaner,” he said. “This will ensure the cleaning regime is both targeted and effective and that the workforce is resourcefully deployed.” He claims budgets will be used more effectively when a floor care plan is in place. “This avoids the unnecessary expense of salvaging any carpeting that hasn’t been cared for regularly or properly,” he said. When a carpet is not properly cleaned, substances such as dirt, grime, mud and biological contaminants are likely to be trod in from the street, he adds. “There will also be spillages of everything from coffee, printer toner and food to cope with – in other words, commercial carpets go through a great deal,” he said. “If this were not addressed with the aid of professional cleaning it would lead to carpets becoming a sticky mess, possibly also a trip hazard and maybe even permanently damaged.” Maintaining a carpet on a regular basis will reduce the build-up of contaminants and help to create a healthier internal environment, he adds. “If a carpet has become badly soiled or has been ignored for a long time, it will take a lot more time and effort to bring it back to a reasonable standard,” he said. Professional cleaning also has the positive impact of reducing dust and dust mites along with pollen and mould, says Pearce. “All these substances are common causes of environmental allergies and

asthma,” he said. “Carpets should therefore be treated professionally to reduce the health risks and ensure the wellbeing of the building occupants and visitors, particularly on a seasonal basis.”

Ein Teppich in einer neutralen Farbe verbirgt viel Schmutz. Warum sollten wir uns dann überhaupt mit einem regelmäßigen Teppichreinigungsregime plagen? Hersteller diskutieren die Vorteile der Teppichreinigung, darunter die Verlängerung der Lebensdauer eines Teppichs; die Tatsache, dass er das Image eines Unternehmens verbessern kann und die Tendenz zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens durch das Entfernen von Staub, Modermilben und anderen Allergenen.

Una moquette di colore neutro nasconde molta sporcizia, quindi perché perdere tempo prezioso con un regime di pulizia regolare della moquette? I produttori esaminano i benefici del lavaggio delle moquette e fra questi la capacità di prolungarne la durata; il fatto che può rafforzare l’immagine dell’azienda e la sua propensione a promuovere la buona salute rimuovendo polvere, muffa, acari e altri allergenici.

Professional clean a must According to Pearce, the closure of offices and other public spaces over the past 18 months has not removed the need for carpet cleaning. “Even though many such spaces have been empty or operating with a skeleton staff, soil still moves around a building as a result of air conditioning or traffic movement,” he said. “And where premises have been totally locked up with next to no change of air introduced, moisture has been allowed to settle. And this can cause mould and mildew.” He claims employees and visitors have become increasingly safety-conscious when entering commercial premises. “They want to know that their surroundings are Covid-safe - and this applies to every aspect of the space including the floors, carpeting and upholstery,” he said. “As businesses resume, employers are becoming much more aware of the need for healthy, safe environments where staff can return. Empty or unused offices are often stale, musty, and unhealthy - the carpeting included. Just because a building hasn’t experienced its usual footfall, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the soiling levels have been reduced. So a professional clean is still a must.”


Oscillating Keep up to date with industry news at the ECJ website - visit europeancleaning

The latest carpet cleaning model from Ghibli & Wirbel is the O 143 SPRAY. Its oscillating head adapts to all surfaces, says the company, and enables removal of dirt particles from the fibres with reduced drying times.

absorb the soil on to the pads. Carpets should dry in 30 to 45 minutes, allowing the Environ to crystallise and encapsulate any remaining soil left within the carpet, which can be vacuumed away the next day.

• La O143 Spray de Ghibli and Wirbel’s est une machine monodisque pour le nettoyage de surfaces délicates, notamment de moquettes. • La machine Orbot Sprayborg utilise la technologie orbitale ainsi qu’un produit d’encapsulation pour assurer le nettoyage rapide de moquettes. • L’aspirateur T 11/1 Classic de Kärcher combine faible bruit, mobilité, et légèreté.

• Bei der O143 Spray von Ghibli und Wirbel handelt es sich um eine Einzelscheibenmaschine zur Reinigung empfindlicher Oberflächen, wie beispielsweise Teppiche. • Die Orbot SprayBorg-Maschine setzt Orbitaltechnologie zusammen mit einem Einkapselungsprodukt ein, um Teppiche schnell zu reinigen. • Der Staubsauger T 11/1 Classic von Kärcher bietet einen niedrigen Geräuschpegel, hohe Beweglichkeit und geringes Gewicht.

Lightweight This model is equipped with a spray system and on-off button on the handle. Comprising a 12-litre tank, CEME pump and two adjustable nozzles, the spray system is also suitable for use on hard surfaces. The roto-orbital movement keeps cleaning solution under the pad holder, resulting in lower water and detergent consumption. The high frequency motion - 1,500 oscillations per minute - results in lower pressure on the pad and reduces energy consumption. Other features include ergonomic handle, rugged and compact frame, large wheels and low weight.

Orbital tech • O143 Spray della Ghibli and Wirbel è una macchina monodisco per pulire superfici delicate come le moquette. • La macchina Orbot Sprayborg utilizza la tecnologia orbitale e incapsulamento del prodotto per la pulizia veloce delle moquette. • L’aspirapolvere T 11/1 Classic della Kärcher vanta bassa emissione di rumore, ottima mobilità e peso leggero.

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The Orbot Sprayborg carpet cleaning machine uses orbital technology - the circular movements clean each fibre on the carpet 28 times per second. Pads and brushes can be attached for cleaning of both carpets and hard floors. Environ, which is Orbot’s encapsulation product, is formulated to encapsulate soil. The Sprayborg machine is used in a forward motion, spraying down the Environ, and backwards to

With the T 11/1 Classic, Kärcher says it is offering a dry vacuum cleaner that meets the requirements of professional users in terms of robustness, low noise level and high mobility, while at the same time being very light.

This model is available in two versions: a basic model (T 11/1 Classic) and a version with an additional HEPA 14 filter (T 11/1 Classic HEPA) for special hygiene requirements. The T 11/1 Classic is an economical entry-level model with a container volume of 11 litres and weighing 3.8 kg. A practical carrying handle allows flexible use and easy transport while the robust design makes for long service life (a bumper around the container prevents it from tipping over). Accessories, such as the suction tube or floor nozzle, can be stored directly on the machine. The version with the built-in HEPA 14 filter is designed to meet the highest hygiene standards. The filter is simply screwed onto the container head, ready for use in a few seconds.


Power nozzle

slide and lock system, and there is a safety switch to disconnect the battery during transport. The brush roller runs at 4,000 rpm while the electronic overload and speed control gives the operator an indication for the correct roller pressure.

Glide at speed The new Lindhaus PB14e L-ion power nozzle can be connected to any vacuum cleaner, centralised vacuum systems and backpack vacuum cleaners. Various connector diameters are available. This battery-operated machine can work for over 60 minutes continuously, with a two-hour charging time. The company says the battery is well integrated and does not compromise the profile of the machine which is low at 9 cm, to allow it to go underneath furniture. Battery replacement is via a

The geometry and rounded design of the Speed Glider, says Wessel-Werk, allow this vacuum cleaner nozzle to glide over carpet without resistance, at maximum speed. By changing the suction angle, the contact force can be adjusted to the texture of the carpet. Speed Glider is one of a variety of attachments for the multifunctional and customisable vacuum cleaner nozzle ClickBrush. One special feature is an upholstery nozzle, which is integrated into the carrier plate.

Deep clean Eurosteam’s 7.5-litre extractor is designed for the deep cleaning of carpets, rugs, curtains, textiles, armchairs, car seats, etc. With the injection-extraction system, a mixture of water and detergent is injected onto the surface. Extraction is then carried out by sucking back the dirty water and dissolved dirt while drying the surface thanks to a strong vacuum. Grease, dirt and odours are removed. The combined mechanical action of the machine’s brushes allows for an even more efficient result. Key features include the choice of either a magnetic or membrane pump, plus manoeuvrability with four swivel wheels. Water level is detected by a float.

• Lindhaus a introduit le bec électrique PB14e L-ion sur ses aspirateurs pour le nettoyage profond de moquettes. • Le Speed Glider est proposé par Wessel-Werk comme accessoire pour le bec d’aspiration personnalisable ClickBrush. • L’extracteur 7,5 L d’Eurosteam est conçu pour le nettoyage en profondeur de moquettes, tapis et carpettes. • Lindhaus hat die PB14e L-ion Elektrobürste vorgestellt, die zur Grundreinigung von Teppichen mit seinen Staubsaugern dient. • Bei Speed Glider handelt es sich um einen Aufsatz für die anpassbare Staubsaugerdüse ClickBrush von Wessel-Werk. • Der 7,5-Liter-Waschsauger von Eurosteam wurde zur Grundreinigung von Teppichen und Vorlegern entwickelt. • La Lindhaus ha introdotto l’ugello PB14e L-ion per la pulizia a fondo delle moquette da usare con i suoi aspirapolveri. • Speed Glider è un accessorio per l’ugello personalizzabile per aspirapolveri ClickBrush prodotto dalla Wessel-Werk. • L’estrattore 7.5 litri della Eurosteam è stato progettato per la pulizia a fondo di moquette e tappeti.

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Breathing new life into town centres

The surge in online shopping during the pandemic has hammered another nail in the coffin for the high street as we know it. But now communities everywhere are fighting back with visionary plans to inject new life into their failing town centres, writes Hartley Milner. In just five years, the English market town of Stockton-on-Tees lost more than 100 stores, along with hundreds of retail jobs. Faced with a growing surplus of commercial premises, town planners knew they had to come up with a radical solution to reinvent the high street as an attractive, vibrant public space that was not so dependent on the footfall of shoppers. While many troubled towns look to convert their empty department stores into flats, storage units or fill them with community pop-ups, Stockton opted to demolish half of its high street and replace it with a riverside park. The park, which will cover an area around three times larger than London’s Trafalgar Square, is being funded with €43.66 million from the Tees Valley Combined Authority and the British government’s Future High Streets Fund. The change of use for the area has received strong public support.

“I think people are starting to realise that high streets have changed forever and the days of them being lined with big name shops are over,” said Councillor Nigel Cooke, cabinet member for regeneration. “We’ve seen it in Stockton with the likes of M&S, Debenhams and H&M all going. But it’s all about how we respond. “We all enjoy reminiscing about the golden era when every town had a big department store but we can’t turn back the clock. We need to take the bull by the horns and get on with reshaping Stockton for the modern age. If we do nothing we’ll just see a growing number of empty shops.

Oversupply of retail space “This plan will shrink the town’s oversupply of retail space, bringing it more into line with demand, which will actually boost the prospects of larger units like the former M&S, New Look and Debenhams being reoccupied. It will also open up the town to face the river, as you see in modern towns and cities across Europe. Stockton has been accused of turning its back on the river over the years. It’s the logical thing to do.” Work is due to get underway next year on demolishing the town’s tired 1970s

Castlegate shopping arcade, Swallow Hotel and multi-storey car park. The main retail focus will switch to the Wellington Square location of Stockton’s 700-year-old market and other parts of the High Street and town centre. The feasibility of covering Wellington Square to weatherproof it is currently being explored. The vision for the town includes a land bridge covering part of the riverside road (which will be reduced to two lanes) and connecting the high street to the river with a cascading series of steps, forming an informal amphitheatre facing the waterfront. A further €35.4 million has been earmarked to provide two new buildings to house a new central library, customer service centre and new headquarters for the council, consolidating its 10 existing offices into two. The park itself will include an extension of the market square at the northern end, with space for adjacent restaurants and cafes to spill out on to, along with an undulating playground area and a large circular lawn for outdoor events. The aim overall is to create an attractive green space with trees and art installations for families to enjoy. Continued page 54

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BUSINESS: THE HIGH STREET Breathing new life into town centres (continued) Also in the UK, Telford & Wrekin Council has won national recognition for a trailblazing €5.9 million regeneration programme that takes the need for change on board while helping high street businesses confront the challenge from online competition rather than succumb to it. The ‘Pride in Our High Streets’ grants scheme for small businesses was launched in 2018 in response to an alarming rise in retail business failures and premises vacancy levels above the national average. The programme includes a shop front makeover scheme to create more attractive spaces for people to shop and work in. Grants are being awarded to help existing businesses find ways to diversify in order to survive, along with ‘start-up trial’ grants for market or pop-up shops and ‘empty unit’ grants for people looking to take on a vacant unit. To date, 30 empty retail premises have been brought back into use, creating more than 100 high street jobs across the borough. Many more positions are expected to follow as the businesses grow. So far, well over €2.36 million has been spent through the Pride scheme, which is funded by the council and the private sector. Councillor Lee Carter, council cabinet member for regeneration, said: “Our nationally-recognised retail start-up grants programme has supported new businesses opening across all six of our borough’s towns, adding to high street diversity, increasing the food and drink offer and the range of independent retailers without displacing existing business.

Helping local business “Our diversification grants, delivered in response to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, have helped existing local businesses to take on the challenge of online competition, and I’m delighted we’ve been able to develop and provide this support at such a crucial time. The Pride in Our High Streets programme has also delivered on its plans to make our high streets more attractive, with some 50 properties having been transformed to date as part of our property facade improvement programme.” La forte augmentation des achats en ligne pendant la pandémie a durement frappé le commerce traditionnel, mais aujourd’hui des communautés commencent à reprendre du poil de la bête en concevant des programmes visionnaires pour redonner vie à leur centre-ville, écrit Hartley Milner.

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Turning out to be something of a flagship project for Telford & Wrekin Council is its Young High Street Challenge, which offers business start-up opportunities to wouldbe entrepreneurs. Prizes are awarded to school teams for designs and ideas to help regenerate high streets. One prizewinning idea was for a retro clothes shop. Students were invited to select a vacant unit and were given a €24,000 grant to fit it out and cover initial operating costs. The students now manage all aspects of the shop themselves, six days a week, providing further opportunities for them to acquire new enterprise skills.

Creative thinking “I’m particularly pleased that young people in Telford and Wrekin have also actively engaged with the Pride programme,” said Carter. “Almost 1,000 young people participated in our Young High Street Challenge, and the winning business – Retro Shack in Wellington, created by students from Wrekin College – is a great example of how schemes like this can unleash the power of young people to design and manage a successful high street enterprise.” Other winners of the challenge developed ideas for a Wellington youth market and the creation of a youth zone to include staging for musical events, which was due to be introduced this summer. Telford & Wrekin Council’s Pride in Our High Streets initiative has received recognition through the national High Street Awards and from the Local Government Association, which is using Telford as a case study in best practice. Britain has the largest online retail sector in Western Europe. The sector grew from 19.2 per cent of total sales in 2019 to 25.3 per cent in 2020. With the lifting of Covid restrictions, online sales were expected to fall back to 24.3 per cent in 2021 before trending upwards again. Online retail sales in the UK last

year totalled €116.16 billion, compared to €98.74 billion for Germany and €70 billion for France. The figures, from the Centre for Retail Research, also show that the UK lost around 50,000 shops from its high streets in just over a decade, including more than 17,500 chain stores last year alone. E-commerce is now the fastest growing segment of the retail market across most of Europe. More than 73 per cent of internet users in the European Union shopped online in 2020, according to data from Eurostat.

Trendsetting In Belgium, the city of Roeselare was so concerned about the impact of online shopping on its town centre that it devised a plan to rebrand itself as a “trendsetting and leading retail city”. The town council set about rebuilding the public square with a library, renovating the disused Sint-Amandskerk Catholic church to house an indoor food market and turn the surrounding area into green space, while also restoring the rundown area around the train station. Other regeneration projects included a redesign of the city’s main shopping street, the Ooststraat, introducing free parking for people spending just half an hour in town. Squares like the grand Groote Marte that were once littered with parked cars are now filled with tables spilling out from local bars and restaurants. Roeselare also became the first town in Flanders to develop a city app that offers incentives to people to shop in the town centre. It now has almost 40,000 users. And the entire town centre is now covered by free wifi. Roeselare’s mayor, Kris Declercq, said: “People are spending more time in town – they come and may shop for an hour. But then they are going to the library to see a concert and then they might go for a drink. So we make the town a meeting place where people come for leisure, for culture or for dinner. But they also come to shop.”

The European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards is the only pan-European awards programme for the professional cleaning sector. Entries are now open, with the winners being announced at a ceremony in Brussels next April. Visit to find out more

Die Zunahme beim Onlineshopping während der Pandemie ist ein weiterer Nagel in den Sarg für die Haupteinkaufsstraßen, wie wir sie kennen. Doch überall kämpfen jetzt Gemeinschaften dagegen an, um mit fantasievollen Plänen den angeschlagenen Stadtzentren neues Leben einzuhauchen, schreibt Hartley Milner.

L’aumento delle spese online durante la pandemia, come sappiamo, ha peggiorato sensibilmente la situazione dei negozi tradizionali delle città. Ma ora, ovunque, le comunità stanno contrattaccando con dei piani visionari per infondere nuova vita nei loro centri urbani in crisi, ce ne parla Hartley Milner.

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ISSA Pulire - a return to live exhibitions ISSA Pulire, the first live European exhibition for the professional cleaning industry since before the pandemic, will take place in Verona from September 7-9. The last edition took place in 2019, attracting over 17,000 visitors - 30.68 per cent of them international. There were almost 300 exhibitors then. This year’s event may look a little different, but the sector as a whole is looking forward with anticipation to this return to live events. Alongside the exhibition will be the ISSA Pulire Lab, a place of learning for the visitors. Over the three days, experts from all corners of the cleaning world will be sharing their knowledge and expertise on the key issues facing today’s cleaning professionals. There will be a focus on processes, equipment, products and best practice. The ISSA Pulire Product of the Year will Pulire, le salon italien de la propreté, aura lieu du 7 au 9 septembre à Vérone. ECJ donne ici une avantpremière du premier salon de la propreté à se tenir en direct depuis le début de la pandémie.

be announced on the first day of the show, September 7. Exhibitors have been invited to submit entries about their latest innovations, to be evaluated by a panel of expert judges on criteria including: technical quality; functionality and ease of use; economic/

energetic efficiency; technological progress; user benefits; innovation strategy; social, ecological and economic sustainability. For more details on visiting, and the programme of events, go to the website at

Pulire, die professionelle Reinigungsmesse Italiens, findet vom 7. bis 9. September in Verona statt. Die ECJ-Vorschau auf das erste Live-Ereignis der Branche seit der Pandemie beginnt hier.

Pulire, la fiera del cleaning professionale italiano, si terrà dal 7 al 9 settembre a Verona. Inizia qui l’anteprima di ECJ del primo evento dal vivo del settore dall’inizio della pandemia.

September 2021 | ECJ | 57


Hagleitner Hagleitner is exhibiting its real-time dispenser monitoring system together with its entire Xibu hybrid dispensers family for the first time. The nine different devices dispense hand disinfectant, toilet seat disinfectant, toilet paper, toilet paper moisturiser, foam/cream soap, hand paper towels, hand lotion, skin protectant, and air freshener.

AGEMENT). The app allows adjustment of dispenser settings – such as dispensing volume or interval – for each individual unit from smartphones and tablets. The facility management tool enables users to keep statistics on aspects such as how often each hand disinfectant dispenser has been activated and how much product per activation has been dispensed. This allows facility managers, says the company, to assess hand hygiene compliance, and to better plan and control various resources – such as cleaning personnel deployment and inventory management eventually improving both their facility management’s efficiency and sustainability.

TTS At the same time, the dispensers transmit real-time data about their individual consumption, fill-level, energy status, and maintenance requirement – via a LAN/Wi-Fi or SIM-operated gateway, or Bluetooth, to a secure cloud database. In order to access and evaluate this data, Hagleitner has developed a mobile app (XIBU app) as well as an online facility management tool (senseMAN• Hagleitner fait la démonstration de son système de surveillance en temps réel de distributeurs de toilette collective. • TTS a développé un système qui calcule les émissions à effet de serre de chaque phase de vie de ses produits.

Mopping systems specialist TTS has developed a system that calculates greenhouse gas emissions for each phase of its products’ life. It has also achieved certification of the CFP Systematic Approach and the Magic Line 120 trolley has been awarded the Carbon Footprint Italy mark. In 2019 the company began to support several CO2 offset projects in order to absorb the emissions associated with the annual production of Magic trolleys, making them a carbon neutral trolley line. The trolleys are made with first quality polypropylene - a low impact, fully recyclable material that generates fewer CO2e emissions than aluminium, stainless steel, and chromed iron says TTS.

• Hagleitner demonstriert sein Überwachungssystem, das Waschraumspender in Echtzeit überwacht. • TTS hat ein System entwickelt, mit dem die Treibhausgasemissionen für jede Lebensphase seiner Produkte errechnet werden kann.

• La Hagleitner presenta il suo sistema di monitoraggio in tempo reale dei dispenser per le sale da toilette. • La TTS ha sviluppato un sistema che calcola le emissioni a effetto serra per ogni fase della vita dei suoi prodotti.

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And several components in the range contain high percentages of recycled PSV (Plastic Second Life) certified polypropylene which further halves emissions.



Swep r-MicroTech Mop is the first single and double-sided mop from Vileda Professional containing recycled materials. Made from up to 30 per cent recycled polyester, the company says it offers the same microfibre cleaning performance, durability and ergonomy as the virgin fibre product. Each Swep r-MicroTech 50 cm mop is made of 3.5 0.5-litre PET bottles, and each one can be laundered up to 900 times. Third party research has validated its ergonomic qualities, and it has also been awarded the Nordic Swan ecolabel.

r-MicroTuff Swift is the company’s first recycled cleaning cloth, made from 100 per cent recycled polyester. It can be washed up to 500 times. Also new is the SafePlus System Maxi dispenser for surface cleaning and disinfection. With an antibacterial self-closing lid, it dispenses single-use microfibre wipes and is made from 40 per cent recycled plastic.

mance mops for washing indoor floors, Twist-Tuft ultra-microfibre mop with high cleaning power for any type of floor, Micro-Activa mop for frequent washing of smooth surfaces and Puli-Scrub, Puli-Scrub Plus, PuliBrush mops for scrubbing and washing non-slip floors.

• Unter den neu vorgestellten Produkten von Vileda ist das recycelte Reinigungstuch Micro Tuff Swift. • Mehrere Mikrofasermopps von Filmop wurden mit dem Europäische Umweltzeichen ausgezeichnet.

Filmop From Filmop comes a range of microfibre mops that have been awarded EU Ecolabel certification. Products are also manufactured using solar energy generated by the photovoltaic systems installed at the company’s headquarters in Italy. Among the ecolabelled products are Rapido Super and Rapido Super Extra high perfor-

• Parmi les nouveaux produits Vileda figure le tissu de nettoyage recyclé Micro Tuff Swift. • Plusieurs des têtes de balayage humide Filmop ont reçu l’écolabellisation européenne.

Also certified are the doublesided mops Duo Face Wash Basic for cleaning all kind of surfaces and Duo Face Wash Basic/Brush and Duo Face Wash/Brush mops, designed for non-slip wet mopping.

• Fra i nuovi prodotti lanciati dalla Vileda c’è il panno in materiale riciclato Micro Tuff Swift. • Numerosi mop in microfibra della Filmop hanno ricevuto la certificazione EU Ecolabel.

September 2021 | ECJ | 59


• SCL Comfort XXS IDS est la dernière née des autolaveuses Lavor. • Lindhaus a introduit le bec électrique PB14e L-ion sur ses aspirateurs pour le nettoyage profond de moquettes. • WM System, un spécialiste des rampes de chargement, a lancé le chariot modulaire Flexy, qui facilite le maintien en ordre de produits et outils. • Ghibli & Wirbel propose deux nouvelles autolaveuses autoportées, les Racer 85 et Ranger 115. • La gamme Ecogreen de VDM, un spécialiste du balayage humide, est fabriquée en polypropylène recyclé et certifiée « Refabriqué en Italie ». • KlinMak a lancé l’autolaveuse accompagnée Trio H 5070. • L’European Tissue Symposium (ETS) présente les résultats de son étude la plus récente concernant le séchage des mains avec des serviettes en papier.

• Bei der SCL Comfort XXS IDS handelt es sich um die neueste Scheuersaugmaschine im Angebot von Lavor. • Lindhaus hat die PB14e L-ion Elektrobürste vorgestellt, die zur Grundreinigung von Teppichen mit seinen Staubsaugern dient. • WM System, das auf Laderampen spezialisierte Unternehmen, hat den modularen Rollwagen Flexy vorgestellt, der hilft, dass Werkzeuge und Produkte immer bestens organisiert sind. • Ghibli & Wirbel hat zwei neue Aufsitz-Scheuersaugmaschinen vorgestellt: den Racer 85 und Ranger 115. • Die Produktreihe Ecogreen von VDM, dem auf Moppgeräte spezialisierten Hersteller, wird aus recycltem Polypropylen hergestellt und wurde in Italien Remadezertifiziert. • Neu von KlinMak ist die handgeführte Scheuersaugmaschine Trio H 5070. • Das European Tissue Symposium (ETS) präsentiert die Ergebnisse seiner neuesten Studie zum Händetrocknen mit Papierhandtüchern.

• SCL Comfort XXS IDS è la più recente lavasciuga pavimenti della gamma Lavor. • La Lindhaus ha introdotto l’ugello PB14e L-ion per la pulizia a fondo delle moquette da usare con i suoi aspirapolveri. • La WM System, specializzata in rampe di carico, ha lanciato il carrello modulare Flexy per tenere in ordine gli attrezzi e i prodotti. • La Ghibli & Wirbel ha lanciato due nuove lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore a bordo, i modelli Racer 85 e Ranger 115. • La gamma Ecogreen dell’azienda specializzata in mop VDM è prodotta in polipropilene riciclato ed è certificata Remade in Italy • La novità della KlinMak è la lavasciuga pavimenti con operatore a terra Trio H 5070. • L’European Tissue Symposium (ETS) presenta i risultati del suo studio più recente sull’asciugatura delle mani con asciugamani in carta.

60 | September 2021 | ECJ

Lavor Pro


The SCL Comfort XXS IDS is the newest ride-on scrubber dryer from Lavor, designed for cleaning large areas up to 3,200 square metres. Boasting ultra compact dimensions and ease of operation, this model features the IDS integrated sanitising

The newest launch from KlinMak is the walk-behind scrubber dryer Trion H 5070. This 50-litre, 70 cm machine features just one electric motor and a lithium ion battery. It boasts low power consumption ad the ability to work up to 16 hours a day. Other features include KiDo (kit dosing system), a HEPA H13 filter, silent operation and ease of use thanks to the one control button on the handle.

provide the basis for a mobile, multi-function workstation. The newest addition to the range is the WM Flexy, a modular trolley that keeps materials tidy and only needs to be moved when it’s really necessary. It is fully customisable in terms of size and fit, and can be tailored to any vehicle.

Ghibli & Wirbel system. So it can wash, dry and disinfect in a single step thanks to the sanitiser solution tank on the back, complete with adjustable nozzles to spray the disinfectant solution.

Lindhaus The new Lindhaus PB14e L-ion power nozzle can be connected to any vacuum cleaner, centralised vacuum systems and backpack vacuum cleaners. Various connector diameters are available. This battery-operated machine can work for over 60 minutes continuously, with a two-hour charging time. The company says the battery is well integrated and does not compromise the profile of the machine which is low at 9 cm, to allow it to go underneath furniture.

WM System From WM System comes a comprehensive range of loading ramps which enable operators to work safely, and one single worker can move all kinds of machinery or goods. The company now focuses on service on the move and mobile solutions - it says its range of products allows businesses to quickly mobilise equipment, saving time and generating new opportunities. The aim is to

Increasing its ride-on scrubber dryer range with two new models is Ghibli & Wirbel. The Racer 85 - with an 85-litre capacity - comes in 65 or 75 cm cleaning width, boasting compact size and manoeuvrability in small spaces. With a 115-litre capacity, the Ranger 115 is designed for use in medium and large applications - working widths of 75 and 85 cm are available. This model is still compact and easy to manoeuvre, says the company, despite its larger size.

VDM VDM produces mopping systems and all its Ecogreen products (buckets and other components) are made from recycled polypropylene and certified Remade in Italy (a certification programme endorsing recycling around fixed rules and procedures. So far four product ranges covering 31 products in total - have been certified, with an average recycle percentage of 65 per cent.

ETS The European Tissue Symposium (ETS), which represents the majority of tissue producers in Europe, is bringing news of a pilot study earlier this year which suggested drying hands with paper towels results in the lowest rates of virus contamination on hands and clothing. The study was carried out in a washroom in Leeds General Infirmary in the UK. It explored whether microorganisms that remain on poorly washed hands can be transferred beyond the washroom to clinical and patient areas. The findings revealed average levels of contamination on hands, clothing and skin was 10 times higher when hands were dried with jet air dryers. Researchers used a bacteriophage - a specialised virus harmless to humans - to represent microbial contamination following two hand drying methods: paper towels and jet air dryers. Volunteers carried out the experiment twice, using each method. They walked from the washroom on a pre-set route that included public and clinical areas and surfaces including stethoscopes and chairs were swabbed along the way. Contamination on items in close contact with healthcare professionals was found to be significantly greater following jet air dryer use.


Adapt and innovate For the majority of cleaning businesses the past 18 months have been extremely challenging - with the need to adapt strategy, operations and customer offerings at an unprecedented pace. Fabien Caqueret at Tudor Group recounts his own experiences and looks ahead to future opportunities for the sector.

Fabien Caqueret is managing director of the Tudor Group, a commercial and industrial cleaning and support services company working with clients across the UK. From offices in Manchester and Cardiff, it offers commercial, specialist and façade cleaning services. Like the majority of cleaning businesses, the past 18 months have been extremely challenging as it has had to adapt its strategy, operations and customer offerings at an unprecedented pace. Covid-19 saw the vast majority of its contracts within the hospitality and leisure sectors paused overnight. Following a review of business strategy, this was then offset by looking to commercial office, public transport, residential and healthcare sectors now requiring an increase in services. Caqueret speaks about the challenges the Tudor Group faced and future opportunities for the cleaning sector as we slowly emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic and offers some pointers for other companies looking to secure their future success. “Throughout the pandemic, most of our clients’ businesses have faced the need to solve multiple, and often competing, priorities. One of the toughest was how to keep their business operational while

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at the same time limiting the use of their facilities to protect staff and customers from possible infection. As we all know, the hospitality and leisure sectors have been particularly impacted, initially by government-enforced closure, and then with gradual reopening but with ever changing, and restrictive, new guidelines. These companies were a large part of our business and so, along with them, we have had to adapt and evolve.” The pandemic, and greater awareness of infections in general, will stay with us for many years. Airborne contagions, whether Covid-19 or the next similar virus, will remain a long-term threat. For the cleaning sector, business models have needed to adjust to reflect the changes in attitude and to meet the new demands. Cleaning is now considered to be a more essential service than it was prior to the pandemic. But with that comes a heightened expectation. For businesses welcoming back employees and customers, or those who have been able to remain open, the range of cleaning services has had to be enhanced and expectations of quality elevated.

Safeguarding a key necessity Cleaning is no longer just about a brilliantly polished finish but is now a critical function to protect the health and safety of a building’s users. In safeguarding the inhabitants, staff, customers, or clients the building’s owner is also protecting their reputation and the long-term prospects of their business. In direct reflection, the standing and appreciation of a professional cleaning regime has been elevated. Caqueret notes: “Having a good relationship with our clients has always been important. But during the last 18 months our open and regular communication has been vital in allowing us to understand their changing pressures and subsequent requirements. This led us to modify our services and now many of our cleaning programmes include elements of on-going sanitisation, periodic deep cleans and antiviral fogging sanitisation.

“We have also increased our focus on customer service to make life as easy as possible for our clients. They are facing many new challenges and we can help lessen the time and effort they have to spend on arranging cleaning services and assessing cleaning related risks. Linked to this, and owing to support from our owner Foresight Group, a private equity and infrastructure investment manager, we have invested considerably in our systems to improve our levels of safety and compliance. This has involved the transition to ISO 45001, the world’s first global health and safety management system. In addition, we have received accreditation for Covid Secure Cleaning from Safe Contractor and became members of the International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA), the worldwide cleaning industry association. We have also recently implemented a new cloud-based health, safety, environment and quality (HSEQ) system to manage all our critical safety equipment.”

Changing requirements Prior to the pandemic, cleaning had been more likely to be seen as an ‘invisible’ service and a commodity. Previously cleaning services needed to be discreet and unobtrusive. But now we are not only seeing a greater acceptance by the public that cleaning has to take place alongside other day to day tasks, but that the need for hygiene is of the upmost importance. Therefore, the simple sight of these tasks being undertaken provides reassurance of a sanitised and safe environment. This is especially the case in high footfall businesses such as retail and hospitality. Observing thorough and frequent cleaning taking place gives a feeling of protection to staff, customers, and members of the public. Caqueret adds: “In early 2020, to meet these changing needs, we altered our business strategy, accelerated our product development and further developed our specialist cleaning team, following the guidelines set out by both British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) and Interna-


tional Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA). As a result, we launched our specialist cleaning service called Back to Business - a service that can be used as a one-off sanitation or decontamination project or as part of a wider on-going cleaning regime. It is based on the following fourpoint methodology: • Assess – we take the time to understand what is required to create an appropriate cleaning and hygiene regime • Restore – we then execute the cleaning schedule of work and return the client’s facility to them fit for purpose • Maintain – we offer a follow-up programme and deliver training to teams, so they understand the key risks and have the ability to maintain a safe working environment. • Assurance – we provide a certificate of assurance outlining exact protocols, standards and certification that have been applied to the process.”

Fair employment of staff The work of cleaning staff has become essential during the pandemic in preventing the spread of infection and some have argued that they should be seen as key workers. Many cleaning staff have continued working throughout the pandemic, but on contracts where services were paused, the Government’s furlough scheme has provided important support and allowed companies to retain valued employees. Cleaning staff have been through considerable uncertainty and change, and yet many have been willing to undertake increased training as they have adapted to their differing roles and faced new risks. Caqueret continues: “We want to offer the best service and to make life easier for our customers. Therefore, having a team of experienced and reliable cleaning staff with a can-do attitude, who are responsive, and willing to work at short notice is essential for our business. The fair employment of staff is key to how we operate as a business, and we have become members of the Living Wage Foundation which leads the way for providing a real living wage for all employees. We have also invested in our staff with additional training to meet the ISSA Clean Standards certification. “While the focus has been on Covid-19,

Pour la plupart des entreprises de propreté, les 18 mois écoulés ont été particulièrement exigeants, nécessitant d’adapter les stratégies, les opérations et l’offre au client à un rythme sans précédent. Fabien Caqueret, de Tudor Group, relate son expérience personnelle et entrevoit les opportunités qui se présenteront au secteur.

we should not overlook the fact that this greater emphasis on the cleaning of buildings, as well as our individual focus on hand washing and other measures, has seen a reduction in many other airborne illnesses, including the common cold. However, we have been careful to consider new and emerging risks and make sure that staff have the necessary training, protective clothing and take the required precautions. “Any instances of illness, or even just having to quarantine, are of concern to me and of course our employees, but can also cause resource challenges. Just like the employers we work with, taking care of our staff is good for our business and reducing instances of all types of sickness, not just Covid-19, is a benefit for all. When everyone is under pressure, it’s difficult to keep this in mind, but it is something we are emphasising to our clients.” When life is disrupted by crisis, it is important that we all learn and adapt. The pandemic obviously presented a number of significant challenges, but opportunities have also been seen. Like all industries, the cleaning sector has needed to adjust and many of the changes will remain with us for the long-term. Out of adversity comes strength Caqueret concludes: “We are now seeing our strongest pipeline of all time. Our

Für die Mehrheit der Reinigungsunternehmen haben die vergangenen 18 Monate eine enorme Herausforderung dargestellt, da sie ihre Strategie, Betriebsabläufe und Kundenangebote mit einem beispiellosen Tempo anpassen mussten. Fabien Caqueret von der Tudor Group erzählt von seinen eigenen Erfahrungen und wirft einen Blick voraus auf zukünftige Möglichkeiten für die Branche.

hospitality clients are gradually returning, and we have now expanded our reach into sectors from property management, education, healthcare, commercial, public sector and construction. This diversification will help protect the business going forward and also allows us to take learnings from one sector to the next. We are also predicting a significant growth in revenue and foresee the creation of more than 100 new roles.

Out of adversity comes strength “There is no question this has been an extremely challenging time, but an ability to adapt has ensured we have been able to continue to be both operational and profitable. As a business we will continue regular communication with our customers and align our services to their changing needs to ensure that we continually deliver the best service possible.” • The Tudor Group provides commercial cleaning, hygiene and maintenance services. From bases in Manchester and Cardiff, the two companies in the Group - Tudor Contract Cleaning and AQS - deliver services to clients including national hotel chains, sport and leisure venues, educational facilities, and block management companies, and hold public sector contracts for council buildings and transport providers.

Per la maggioranza delle attività di pulizia, gli ultimi 18 mesi sono stati estremamente difficili e c’è stata la necessità di adattare le strategie, le operazioni e l’offerta ai clienti a una velocità senza precedenti. Fabien Caqueret della Tudor Group ci racconta la sua esperienza personale e volge lo sguardo alle opportunità future per il settore.

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• Comme produit nouveau, GOJO propose le Purell Solution, qui réunit distributeur et savon de main. • Sous la désignation IB 10/8 L2P, Kärcher a introduit sa première grenailleuse à glace sèche. • Le système XLERATORsync d’Excel Dryer combine savon, eau dans un lavabo. • Proposé par Hydro Systems, le DMx est un nouveau distributeur de liquide-vaisselle améliorant la sécurité alimentaire dans les cuisines commerciales. • Le dernier sèche-mains de Velair, fabricant spécialisé de ce domaine, est le Pebble Mini à technologie ‘plug & play’. • Avec sa gamme ECO, Airdri affirme avoir introduit la ligne la plus écologique des sèche-mains qu’elle a produites à ce jour.

• GOJO hat die Purell Solution vorgestellt, bei dem Spender und Handseife kombiniert werden. • Kärcher hat sein erstes Trockeneisstrahlgerät, den IB 10/8 L2P, vorgestellt. • Das XLERATORsync-System von Excel Dryer kombiniert Seife, Wasser und Luft in einem Waschbecken. • DMx ist ein neuer Geschirrspülspender von Hydro Systems, der zur Verbesserung der Lebensmittelsicherheit in Großküchen konzipiert wurde. • Der Pebble Mini mit Plugand-Play-Technologie ist das neueste Modell von Velair, dem Spezialisten für Händetrockner. • Airdri hat laut eigenen Angaben seine bisher umweltfreundlichsten Händetrockner vorgestellt – die Produktreihe ECO.

Healthy soap New from GOJO IndustriesEurope is a hand hygiene system featuring dispensers and a new Purell Healthy Soap featuring Clean Release Technology (CRT). This, the company says, allows the soap to reach into areas of the skin which are hard to reach.

All in one

The mild formulation is also said to be kind to hands, even with frequent use - it includes 90 per cent naturally derived ingredients and leaves less residue. It is also free from parabens and phthalates, as well as harsh preservatives and anti-bacterial ingredients. And GOJO says its new Purell ES8 dispenser addresses the two most common service issues: dispensers running empty and worn out batteries. Its At-A-Glance refill design makes it easy to monitor product levels while the Energy-onthe-Refill technology means each refill comes with an integrated battery.

First dry ice • La GOJO ha lanciato Purell Solution che abbina dispenser e saponi per le mani. • La Kärcher ha introdotto la sua prima sabbiatrice e ghiaccio secco, il modello IB 10/8 L2P. • Il sistema XLERATORsync della Excel Dryer abbina sapone, acqua e aria in un lavandino. • DMx è un nuovo dispenser per lavastoviglie della Hydro Systems progettato per migliorare la sicurezza alimentare nelle cucine commerciali. • Il modello più recente della specialista in asciugamani ad aria Velair è Pebble Mini dotato della tecnologia ‘plug & play’. • La Airdri ha lanciato quello che afferma essere il suo asciugamani più rispettoso dell’ambiente a tutt’oggi, la gamma ECO.

64 | September 2021 | ECJ

This eliminates the need for storage in refrigerated containers and any loss of dry ice through sublimation is prevented. It also requires very little compressed air during operation, making dry ice blasting attractive and economical for many different applications. No additional chemicals or spray agents are required.

Kärcher has launched its first dry ice blaster, the IB 10/8 L2P, featuring integrated dry ice production directly from liquid Carbon Dioxide. This means dry ice blasting can be carried out spontaneously at any time and without long preparation. Kärcher has partnered with Air Liquide in the UK to provide the CO2 liquid offtake cylinders which work with a patented compressor unit within the device to produce the dry ice pellets for an unlimited time.

Combining soap, water and air in a wash basin in a single location, the new XLERATORsync from Excel Dryer boasts touch-free operation and modern design. This model incorporates the latest XLERATOR dryer technology with an exclusively designed custom wash basin based on HaHa drainage principles. The angles of the wash basin are designed to deflect water away from the user, eliminating splashes and delivering invisible drainage.

The basin is manufactured using HI-MACS Natural Stone, an acrylic/mineral mix which is then coloured using natural pigments to create a smooth, non-porous, visually seamless surface. There are many customisation options, alongside bespoke measurements that ensure the system fits into all surroundings. Basins are available in over 100 colours. XLERATORsync can be provided with touchless soap and water tap dispensers but can also support other water and soap dispensers according to client requirements. Dryer temperature and speed settings can be individually controlled.

Food safety Chemical dispensing and dosing solutions specialist Hydro Systems has introduced Dmx, a smart dishwash dispenser designed to enhance food safety

compliance in commercial kitchens and restaurants. Featuring secure data transmission via Hydro Connect, a cloud-based platform, DMx prevents unauthorised users from accessing the dispenser and provides operational data. Features include temperature sensing capabilities inside the wash tank and rinse lines, maintenance alarms, availability in two- and three-pump models, and support of both solid and liquid chemical formulations.

Pebble dryer Hand dryer manufacturer Velair has developed the Pebble Mini, a medium usage model featuring ‘Plug & Play’ technology which enables users to replace service or upgrade their hand dryer via a docking station called Terra4. This new model is the sister to the Pebble, boasting the same modern design with high-gloss, scratch-resistant UV coated finish and antimicrobial protection.

Most eco Hand dryer manufacturer Airdri has launched what it claims to be its most environmentally friendly range yet. The Eco line features three models that all run on less than 1,000 watts. Quantum, for example, boasts a 96 per cent reduction in annual electricity use compared to a standard dryer. Quazar is the quietest model while the Quest dryer has been upgraded with a more efficient and energysaving motor.

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