September 2022

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The pan-European magazine for the professional cleaning sector





European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards 2023 - time to submit your entries

Time for more respect

Washroom expectations

Rocketing energy prices in Europe

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Page 34

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September 2022 | Vol.30, No.4



54 Europe faces difficult winter

27 Everyone loves a vacuum

Hartley Milner looks at the background to the current soaring energy prices.

03 News

Vacuum cleaners catch the imagination of users more than other machines.

34 Time for respect There are calls for better social equity worldwide following the pandemic.

12 A.I.S.E. news

38 First impressions count Washroom users now have high expectations - what is it they want?

15 ECHA award winners

46 What next for hand dryers? ECJ takes a look at the history of hand dryers, and asks what’s next.

20 European reports

49 The magnificent mop How the mop fits into today’s highly mechanised world.

56 Product review

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European Cleaning Journal is published six times a year by Criterion Publishing Ltd. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in European Cleaning, Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. Copyright for all material published in European Cleaning remains with Criterion Publishing Ltd and its agents.

ISSN 0968-901X ©Criterion Publishing 2022



Latest News & Events from ECJ

European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards 2023 - time to submit your entries! The European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards - organised by ECJ - are back for 2023. And now is the time to start submitting your entries at the website. The awards are a celebration of excellence in the professional cleaning industry. As the only pan-European awards for the sector, they provide the opportunity for businesses and individuals from across the continent to share their stories of success. This will be the sixth year of the awards. There are 10 categories designed to recognise success and reward excellence in the cleaning and hygiene sectors. They are: • Best Use of Smart Solutions by Service Providers • Investment in Training • Excellence in Client-Contractor Partnerships • Start-Up Business of the Year • Sustainability - Best Practice • Commitment to Diversity in the Workforce • Best Initiative Raising the Profile of the Cleaning Sector • Technological Innovation of the Year • Leader of the Year • Rising Star Award The gala dinner and awards ceremony will take place on October 5 2023 in Dublin, Ireland - in The Round Room at The Mansion House. ECJ editor and founder of the awards Michelle Marshall said: ”After an incredible event in

Brussels earlier this year, we are delighted to reveal our plans for the 2023 ceremony. Dublin is a fantastic city, and The Round Room at The Mansion House is really special. It promises to be a memorable night, where we can celebrate our industry together once again.” She added: “Everyone in the professional cleaning sector plays a vital role in society from the key workers on the frontline to those developing the latest technologies. Hygiene is critical to our health and wellbeing and the world at large is finally starting to acknowledge that.

Vital role “There is still much work to be done, however, and we at ECJ founded these awards in the hope of showcasing all those inspiring success stories from around Europe. We hope to achieve a more widespread recognition of best practice in our industry.” Marshall concluded: “We are so looking forward to reading all your entries, and to bringing our industry together once again to celebrate in Dublin.” The entry form can be found on the awards website: For more information contact: michelle@ You can also follow the awards on Twitter @ECH_Awards and #ECHA2023 • Read about some of the winners from 2022 starting on page 15.

EVENTS October 4-7

April 4-6 2023

Cleaning Show Romania


Bucharest, Romania

Paris, France

October 10-13

May 9-11 2023

ISSA North America

ISSA Pulire

Chicago, USA

Milan, Italy

October 18-19

September 19-22 2023

Forum ISSA Pulire


Milan, Italy

Berlin, Germany

November 16-18

October 5 2023

ISSA Pulire Clean Africa

European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards

Lagos, Nigeria

Dublin, Ireland

November 23-25

October 16-19 2023

Interclean China

ISSA North America

Hangzhou, China

Las Vegas, USA

March 14-16 2023

May 14-17 2024

The Cleaning Show

Interclean Amserdam

London, UK

Amsterdam, Netherlands

To have your event included in the Events section, contact ECJ via email at:

Les Prix européens de propreté et d’hygiène ECJ auront lieu le 5 octobre 2023 à Dublin, République d’Irlande. Les inscriptions seront ouvertes à partir du mois en cours.

Die nächsten ECJ European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards werden am 5. Oktober 2023 in Dublin, Irland, stattfinden. Nominierungen sind ab dem laufenden Monat willkommen.

L’evento ECJ European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards si terrà il 5 ottobre 2023 a Dublino, Irlanda. Le registrazioni apriranno questo mese.

September 2022 | ECJ | 3


Forum ISSA Pulire to take place in Milan this October The Forum ISSA Pulire conference takes place on October 18-19 in Milan, at the Stella Polare Congress Centre. The organisers have now announced details of the programme. On day one the theme will be Designing for Occupational Health and Safety. The confirmed speakers are: Cesare Damiano, administration consultant for INAIL and former Italian minister of labour; Walter Ricciardi, director of the Ministry of Health, full professor of public health at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and member of the Pontifical Academy for Life; Piero Martello, prosecutor, former president of the Labour Court of Milan, and director of the magazine

Lavoro Risorse Europa; Luigi Sbarra, secretary general of the Italian trade union CISL; Lorraine Larman, ceo of Safety Solutions; Patty Olinger, executive director of GBAC. The first day ends with the gala dinner at Galleria Meravigli in the heart of Milan.

Services of the future There are two themes on the second day - The Value of Memory and The Building of a Civil Conscience, and Integrated Services Management Under the ‘New Normal’. For the first session speakers are: Raffaele Bruno, professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Pavia and Head of the San Matteo hospital in Pavia; Franco Arminio, poet and writer;

Le Forum Pulire ISSA de Milan aura lieu les 18 et 19 octobre. Le programme est d’ores-et-déjà publié.

4 | September 2022 | ECJ

Moni Ovadia, actor, singer, musician and writer; Giordano Bruno, writer and hstorian; and Paolo Crepet, psychiatrist and sociologist. For the final session the speakers are: Lynn Webster, consultant and trainer for ISSA; Giuseppe Milanese, president of Confcoooperative Sanita; Stefano Cervone, ceo

Das ISSA Pulire Forum findet vom 18. bis 19. Oktober in Mailand statt – Einzelheiten des Programms wurden angekündigt.

of Next RE; Avril McCarthy, general manager of ICCA (Irish Contract Cleaning Association); Lorenzo Mattioli, president of EFCI and Confindustria Servizi; Michelle Marshall, editor of European Cleaning Journal; and Lara Paemen, ceo of IFMA EMEA (International Facility Management Association). Visit

Il forum ISSA Pulire Forum si terrà a Milano dal 18 al 19 ottobre, i dettagli del programma sono stati annunciati.


Hand hygiene rules flouted at Greek hospitals Only one in three doctors and nurses in Greek hospitals apply hand hygiene rules before having contact with patients, according to a new report. And fewer than half the nation’s healthcare staff wash their hands before carrying out any aseptic patient-handling procedure. These are the results of a study carried out at 10 large hospitals in Greece. Data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control rank Greece top of the hospital-acquired infections charts among European Union member states. The aim of the study was to address this

problem within the Greek health system. Experts believe that poor hand hygiene compliance in Greece’s hospitals might be the reason why the number of microviruses developed by patients treated with venous catheters - the most common hospital-acquired infections - is six times higher in Greece than in, say, the US.

Higher incidence of HAIs Before the pandemic, one in 10 patients in Greece picked up a hospital-acquired infection while an estimated 3,000 patients died from an HAI every year. This compares with an average of six

• D’après un nouveau rapport sur les hôpitaux grecs, seul un opérateur médical et infirmier sur trois y observe les règles d’hygiène des mains avant d’entrer en contact avec des patients. •Les travailleurs revenant chez eux de l’étranger et ceux changeant d’emploi par suite de la pandémie ont provoqué une pénurie de nettoyeurs au Royaume-Uni, rapporte le British Cleaning Council.

per cent in general across the rest of the EU. The Greek study was funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and conducted as part of a programme for the prevention and control of hospital-acquired infections and antimicrobial resistance. It was carried out by the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Outcomes Research and the National Organisation for Quality Assurance in Health in collaboration with the Greek National Health Service, the Ministry of Health, the University of Athens and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

• Aus einem neuen Bericht geht hervor, dass nur ein Drittel der Ärzte und Schwestern in griechischen Krankenhäusern vor dem Kontakt mit Patienten Handhygieneregeln einhalten. • Arbeitskräfte aus Übersee, die nach Hause zurückkehren, und Arbeitende, die im Gefolge der Covid-19-Pandemie die Arbeitsstelle wechseln, haben im Vereinigten Königreich zu einem Mangel an Reinigungskräften geführt. Dies teilt das British Cleaning Council mit

UK shortage Overseas workers returning home and operatives switching jobs following the Covid-19 pandemic have led to a shortage of cleaners in the UK, according to the British Cleaning Council. The BCC surveyed 11 firms to assess the extent of the issue. Two firms revealed vacancy rates of 12 per cent and 16.8 per cent respectively, while a third company claimed to have received almost 100 resignations in the past six months alone. A change in immigration rules in 2021 means that cleaning staff are now being classed as low-skilled workers.

• Un nuovo sondaggio rivela che negli ospedali della Grecia solamente un medico o infermiere su tre applica le norme di igiene delle mano prima di avere contatti con i pazienti. • I lavoratori d’oltremare che ritornano a casa e quelli che cambiano lavoro a seguito alla pandemia di Covid-19 hanno portato a una carenza di addetti alle pulizie nel Regno Unito, come riferisce il British Cleaning Council.

September 2022 | ECJ | 5


Mobile cobots to automate cleaning tasks in canteens The goal of a new innovation project, FacilityCobot, is to develop a unique mobile robot that can relieve cleaning staff from repetitive or physically exhausting tasks. The solution integrates a smart building sensor system with a human robot interface - allowing the robot to work efficiently side by side with cleaning staff in large open-space areas such as canteens and offices. Mobile robots removing dirty dishes and empty bottles from canteen tables may become a normal sight in companies and public institutions in the near future. Through the interdisciplinary innovation project FacilityCobot, tech companies Enabled Robotics and Ubiqisense have joined forces with the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), consultancy firm K-Jacobsen, Signal Architects and facilities services provider ISS to develop a state-of-the art robot for selected FM services. Lars-Peter Ellekilde from Enabled Robotics explains: “Equipped with artificial intelligence and advanced software, the robot will be able to move around a room, recognising and picking up objects such as cups and water bottles, and clean the table with a specially designed tool. At the same time, fixed sensors in the room will ‘communicate’ with the robot; providing an overview of usage patterns and the objects in the room.” It is the integration of robot technology with the smart building sensor system occupancy sensor that makes the robot technology groundbreaking says the team: “By transferring data to the robot from existing smart sensors, which are often already

integrated into today’s modern office buildings, we will increase the knowledge about space usage and with that also the capabilities of the robot. “In contrast to other robot solutions, such as floor cleaning robots and robot vacuum cleaners, this will enable FacilityCobot to be more efficient and work at a more advanced level - at table height in collaboration with the staff,” Palle Dinesen, ceo and cofounder of Ubiqisense says.

Strong potential The project partners anticipate strong potential for the new robot solution: “The facility management industry continuously increases its focus on sustainability and automation - this innovative robot solution will be a great tool to support these agendas,” says Kim Jacobsen, ceo at K-Jacobsen A/S and chair of Danish Facility Management’s digitisation committee. For ISS, the ambitions are high. “Our employees are our most valuable assets, and we

strongly believe that technology is the key lever for optimising and innovating our services and working methods, says Anders Dedenroth Høj, director of methods & technology within cleaning at ISS World Services. “FacilityCobot has the potential to relieve our employees from the wearier cleaning tasks and

• Un nouveau projet d’innovation dénommé FacilityCobot a été lancé en vue de développer un robot mobile susceptible de soulager les agents de nettoyage de tâches répétitives. ISS est l’un des partenaires de ce projet. • La société allemande de services d’installation WISAG a amplifié son offre au client à l’aide de la plateforme de services Ellie et de l’intelligence artificielle.

6 | September 2022 | ECJ

instead allow them to focus on other value-creating tasks for customers. ISS’s ambition is to make FacilityCobot an integrated part of our global offering in the future.” The robot’s sensors and tool have now been developed, and the next phase of the project is to further develop and test the integration of the robot’s technology with smart building sensors. In addition, the robot will be tested in a real canteen setting together with ISS

cleaning staff. Even though the project is focusing on canteens as the primary location, its ambitions are wider. “Most likely, this new technology can also be used in other environments such as large open-space offices, seating areas and the gates of airports and waiting areas at hospitals,” explains Professor Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard from the Mærsk McKinney Moller Institute at SDU. The project is expected to be completed in 2023.

WISAG uses AI in services German facilities services provider WISAG is stepping up its customer service offering with the help of service platform Ellie and artificial intelligence (AI). Customer queries are dealt with via a chatbot, which processes them quickly and efficiently. Enquiries can be sent at any time through various channels. The customer can also upload pictures, videos or documents. Ellie then categorises and prioritises the incoming information with the help of AI and asks targeted follow-up questions, thereby constantly learning and developing. The concept of dashboards enables customers to keep a constant

• Das Ziel eines neuen Innovationsprojekts mit dem Namen FacilityCobot ist die Entwicklung eines mobilen Roboters, der Reinigungskräften monotone Arbeiten abnehmen kann. ISS ist einer der Projektpartner. • Der deutsche Facility-Management-Dienstleister WISAG verstärkt sein Kundendienstagebot mithilfe der Serviceplattform Ellie und künstlicher Intelligenz (KI).

eye on their property. Ellie’s sphere of activity now includes supporting customer service advisers with cleaning enquiries. It takes care of ordering supplies of consumables, booking special cleaning operations and collecting feedback on the quality of the work carried out. “Ellie is not just responsible for reporting faults and problems. It simplifies processes and acts like a feelgood manager, helping both tenant and resident to take care of essential concerns,” explains Till Eichenauer, director of the Digital Transformation and Innovation Teams at WISAG Facility Service Holding.

• Un nuovo progetto di innovazione chiamato FacilityCobot ambisce a sviluppare un robot mobile che possa alleggerire gli addetti alle pulizie dei lavori ripetitivi. La ISS è uno dei partner del progetto. • In Germania, il fornitore di servizi alle strutture WISAG sta intensificando il suo servizio clienti offerto con l’ausilio della piattaforma di servizi Ellie e l’intelligenza artificiale. (AI).

Could you be a

WINNER? The European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards are back for 2023 To enter the 2023 awards, or to find out more, please visit our website:

Register your interest here and we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news

October 5 2023 Dublin, Ireland

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Rubbermaid launches new brand sustainability vision Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) has launched its brand sustainability vision with a roadmap outlining global, tangible pledges it is making as it aims to operate as sustainably as possible. Scientists are increasingly focusing on what effect humans are having on extinction rates, the legacy of acid rain is manifest in acidic oceans and particles of plastic can now be found in human blood. People see these news stories every day and are pressuring businesses to do more says RCP. Through its Love Sustainability Journey, the company is creating transparent conversation around sustainable practices and goals. The Love Sustainability Journey charts a plan for progress.

process of outlining how RCP and other businesses can make incremental gains. Identifying quantifiable and clear targets is key, it says. In addition to aligning itself with parent company Newell Brands’ Corporate Citizenship Goals, Mapping a path across five key areas - products, certification and innovation, packaging, operations, culture and education - the Sustainability Journey begins the important

Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) a publié sa vision de durabilité de marque ainsi qu’une feuille de route marquée par des objectifs clairs.

8 | September 2022 | ECJ

RCP is committing to developing and tracking goals specifically related to its product portfolio, and the associated operations, packaging and certification. Newell Brands’ packaging

Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) hat die Nachhaltigkeitsvision der Marke mit einem Aktionsplan, der klare Ziele umreißt, vorgestellt.

goals, for example, include a 2025 target for 100 per cent of direct-sourced paper-based packaging to come from certified, verified or recycled sources. This specific goal sits alongside six key sustainability actions for product design, which include system efficiency - supporting the reduction of resource waste throughout each phase of a product’s lifecycle. “Our Love Sustainability Journey is the first step to engaging our customers, regarding everything that Rubbermaid Commercial Products is doing globally to ensure we operate as sustainably as we can,” explained Mike McDermott, ceo of the Commercial Group at Newell Brands.

La Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) ha lanciato la sua visione di sostenibilità di marca con una tabella di marcia che delinea chiari obiettivi.


The XLERATORsync ® system has been voted the best of 2022 by readers of Tomorrow’s Cleaning Magazine . Leading a nomination pack of over 40+ entrants, XLERATORsync was voted first place in the public vote . In this modern design innovation, water, soap and purified air co-exist alongside a purpose -built custom wash basin. XLERATORsync provides users with a more hygienic washroom experience while allowing them to wash and dry their hands all in one convenient location. Beneath the surface, the system runs on industr y-leading , energy-ef ficient XLERATOR ® technology, with features including a HEPA Filtration System proven to remove 99.999% of bacteria and viruses from the air 1.

E X P E R I E N C E T H E E XC E L L E N C E O F X L E R A T O R s y n c T O D AY.

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Based on testing performed by LMS Technologies, April 2020.


Cleaning of schools - learning from the mistakes of the pandemic During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, school children from aged 2-11 had one of the highest rates of infection of any age group. So were cleaning and hygiene standards within schools paying a contributing part and what lessons can now be learned to create a new hygiene culture? Ian Ansermoz, head of operations for Fidelis Group which specialises in schools cleaning, writes for ECJ. During the height of the pandemic, school children aged 2-11 had the highest rate of infection of any age group in the UK. This begs the question of whether the current cleaning and hygiene standards within schools played a contributing part in that and what needs to change now that tests aren’t readily available. Evidently, schools weren’t sufficiently prepared to deal with this sort of breakout and did not have the experience or support to contain the virus successfully. Moving forward, cleaning standards and infection prevention control in educational settings need to be improved to ensure we can better protect students and staff in the event of another pandemic.

Setting a new standard In order to prepare for and preempt the impact of another potential virus, processes need to be put in place to safeguard students and staff before infection transmission is too high. While reactive deep cleans and fogging are proven to be an effective way of eliminating viruses and reducing the spread of germs in schools, they are simply not enough to deal with new infectious viruses such as Covid-19 that spread rapidly. Schools should use the most recent pandemic as a learning

curve and must rigorously scrutinise the quality of their current cleaning routine to pinpoint improvement areas. Furthermore, with hand hygiene being one of the most important exercises to protect people from the virus, a new culture needs to be embedded to ensure hygiene standards are met.

Precautionary sanitisation and high-touch surfaces The pandemic has highlighted that end-of-the-day deep cleaning at schools is not sufficient to stop the spread of a virus. As a result, more cleaning companies are offering precautionary sanitation services. This is becoming an increasingly popular way for schools to offer reassurance to parents, staff and children.

especially in schools with young children. They commonly contain hazardous material and chemicals that are dangerous for the body and are often used without protection. In fact, there is potential for these products to add to the germ problem caused by the pandemic. Using neutral cleaning products is the best way to promote a safe environment for students and staff. Not only do they provide short-term protection against colds and other regular viruses, but to long-term health as well. The chemicals used in harsh cleaning products can sometimes be harmful to human health and to the environment. By investing in neutral cleaning products you can avoid this and also improve the school’s environmental impact.

Creating a new culture

This service comes in the form of additional labour provided by an external cleaning company, on top of the regular end-ofday deep cleans. Operatives conduct regular sweeps of the school premises acting as a housekeeper, sanitising high-touch points and high-risk areas periodically throughout the day during school lunch breaks and class changeovers. Regular cleaning like this offers more robust protection against viruses and bacteria that linger on surfaces. Young children are prone to germs that stem from colds, influenza, pneumonia,

Pendant que la pandémie de la Covid 19 battait son plein, les écoliers dans la fourchette de 2 à 11 ans enregistraient des taux d’infection supérieurs à ceux des autres groupes d’âge. Se peut-il que les normes de propreté et d’hygiène des établissements scolaires y aient joué un rôle, et quels enseignements faut-il en tirer pour instaurer une nouvelle culture de l’hygiène ?

10 | Sepember 2022 | ECJ

and other illnesses. Therefore adopting an enhanced cleaning regime provides a more effective layer of protection for staff and students. In the majority of cases, this will be sufficient and will help eliminate infection routes to entry. If schools intend to take these precautionary sanitisation measures without the use of an external provider, it’s important these high-touch surfaces are cleaned twice a day and at the end of the day. Before disinfecting any surface, you should clean it with detergent or warm water. Without cleaning the surface beforehand, there may still be dirt and grime which can reduce the ability of disinfectants to kill germs. It’s hard to tell exactly how long Covid-19 can live on

surfaces. This varies depending on the amount of contaminated body fluid, the type of surface, the temperature and humidity - these are all factors that determine how long the virus survives. However, using the correct cleaning and disinfection routine will kill them.

High quality, child-friendly cleaning products It’s often easy to think that because you are using a harsh cleaning chemical you are keeping the germs at bay, but the reality is that the products themselves may not be safe,

Auf der Höhe der Covid-19-Pandemie wiesen Kindergarten- und Schulkinder im Alter von 2–11 Jahren eine der höchsten Infektionsraten aller Altersgruppen auf. Haben die Reinigungs- und Hygienestandards in Schulen dazu beigetragen, und welche Lektionen können daraus abgeleitet werden, um eine neue Hygienekultur zu schaffen?

School children are often not aware of hygiene standards and making them responsible for their own hygiene is not an effective way to meet expectations. It’s very important for schools to establish a culture of hygiene that becomes embedded into the everyday routine of the students. Moving forward, creating this culture needs to be a priority in order to educate school children on the importance of hygiene best practices, such as washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. These may seem like generic steps to follow that you would expect to be common knowledge, however many schools are yet to reinforce them. Schools can get ahead and preempt another virus by fully embedding these practices into their school culture and learning from the mistakes of the pandemic.

Durante il picco della pandemia Covid-19, i bambini in età scolare fra i 2 e gli 11 anni hanno avuto il tasso più alto di infezione di qualsiasi altra fascia di età. Quindi, gli standard di pulizia e igiene all’interno delle scuole hanno contribuito a questo fatto e quale lezione può essere ora appresa per creare una nuova cultura dell’igiene?

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Professional detergents industry drives a sustainable agenda

A.I.S.E. is the umbrella organisation representing the European detergents and maintenance products industry. Its professional cleaning and hygiene sector manager Aisling O’Kane tells us how the sector has been a pioneer in driving sustainability. For seven decades A.I.S.E. has guided and led the work of the European detergents industry. Long before it was popular, this industry was a pioneer in sustainability, taking an active and responsible approach to reducing our environmental impact, through industry-wide voluntary initiatives. Today, our industry actively contributes to the ambitious EU and UN environmental agenda through industry innovation and multiple voluntary initiatives. We are part of the solution for a sustainable future and for closing the loop on the circular economy.

water is transported, less packaging used, and transport emission are vastly reduced. Concentrated products are a key strength of the sector, essential for sustainability and substantially lowering CO2 emissions across the full life cycle. Unlike the domestic cleaning market, professional products are delivered as part of a full package, which can include dispensing equipment, safety instructions and training to ensure the product is safely and efficiently used. State of the art dosing equipment and trained cleaning personnel ensure the correct amount of detergent is dispensed for each application. Considering the large scale

reformulating a product can have an adverse impact on sustainability with more water, higher temperatures and higher dosage.

The Green Deal Circular Economy Action Plan A.I.S.E. is wholly committed to proactively contributing to the European Commission’s Green Deal, notably through the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and the Circular Economy Action Plan, which are key for delivering the Green Deal objectives. Our work takes a holistic approach, addressing sustainability, circularity, users’ needs as well as industry competitiveness. In all of these areas, our voluntary industry initiatives, which have proven

Highly concentrated products The professional cleaning sector is inherently sustainable - an industrial laundering facility for example, that processes hospital and hotel linens or workwear, will be supplied with concentrated laundry detergent delivered in large containers. This will be automatically dispensed to ensure the precise amount of detergent for the job. Hundreds of kilos of laundry will be processed per day, using less water and energy per kilo than in a domestic machine. For industrial applications, manufacturers optimise resources with highly concentrated products: when not diluted before use, less

of industrial applications, this ensures optimal performance, prevents spillage and waste, and saves on chemicals, water, energy, packaging and transport.

Balancing resources The professional cleaning process is a sophisticated balance of four parameters. To ensure optimal performance and a sustainable process, the circle must remain balanced: if one parameter is reduced, another must be increased. The chemical formulation of products is therefore a critical factor in maintaining this balance – any change such as replacing an ingredient, or

L’A.I.S.E. est l’organisation européenne qui représente le secteur des détergents et contribue à la réalisation du programme ambitieux de l’UE et de l’ONU en matière de protection environnementale à travers des innovations et initiatives volontaires. Aisling O’Kane nous en donne de plus amples précisions.

12 | September 2022 | ECJ

verification and KPI reporting, it drives measurable progress on a number of criteria, ranging from environmental safety to eco-efficiency, corporate social responsibility, occupational health and safety, resource use and end-user information. A wide variety of activities are covered, lifecycle analysis (LCA) based, the Charter provides a common industry approach to sustainability practice and reporting with robust independent verification. The Charter has a proven track record of delivering tangible improvements in environmental performance for the last 16 years. Since 2006, Charter members have achieved: • 39 per cent lower CO2 emissions • 39 per cent less energy use, per tonne of production. Of the Charter member companies today, 53 companies are specifically active in the professional cleaning sector. As part of the Charter, Advanced Sustainability Profiles (ASP) are required for product groups such as professional building care products, covering specifics such as packaging weight; recyclability, reusability,

to bring meaningful and measurable improvements in our sector, are highly relevant and applicable. The flagship voluntary initiative is the Charter for Sustainable Cleaning.

The A.I.S.E. Charter for Sustainable Cleaning Corporate action and voluntary industry initiatives go hand in hand and complement each other. The A.I.S.E. Charter for Sustainable Cleaning is a voluntary initiative that encourages the whole industry to pursue ambitious sustainability improvements across the whole life cycle of a product. With independent

Bei A.I.S.E. handelt es sich um die europäische Organisation, die die Reinigungsmittelbranche repräsentiert und die durch Innovation und freiwillige Initiativen aktive Beiträge zu der ambitionierten Umweltagenda der EU und der UN leistet. Aisling O’Kane erzählt uns mehr.

compostability; dosing systems; training and end user information; and cleaning performance. More information is available on www.sustainable-cleaning. com or directly from A.I.S.E. Contact the A.I.S.E. secretariat:

A.I.S.E. è il ente europeo che rappresenta il settore dei detergenti, che contribuisce attivamente al programma ambientale ambizioso di UE e UN per mezzo di innovazione e iniziative volontarie. Ce ne parla Aisling O’Kane..

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Leading change Cleanology in the UK has come a long way since its launch in 1999 as a mother-and son operation with just one client and one cleaner. It is now a thriving business with a 700-strong team and annual sales of more than £10 million. And the qualities of sustainability, fairness and community support are right at the heart of the company’s ethos according to ceo and co-founder Dominic Ponniah. “Cleanology was the first cleaning company in Europe to introduce portioncontrolled, bio-technological cleaning sachets,” he says. “This has saved a total of 16,092 litres of chemical each year - a staggering 99.4 per cent reduction. We have also cut annual plastic bottle usage from 21,600 to just 600.” He says Cleanology is committed to new ways of working using radical new systems and products. For example, in 2020 the company pioneered the introduction of ‘”fairwear” staff uniforms made from recycled plastic bottles and organic cotton. “We were the first company in the industry to do this,” says Ponniah. “Since then we have kitted out all our cleaning operatives with 100 per cent sustainable polo shirts and branded sweatshirts.” This move is said to have saved 7,000 bottles from landfill in 2020 while also reducing the amount of resources and energy required to manufacture new bottles and clothing. Meanwhile, the company has also been taking steps to reduce its car emissions and has this year switched to a 100 per cent electric van fleet. Ponniah claims this will save 5,000 litres of diesel per year – equivalent to 13.5 tonnes of CO2 from diesel fuel.

And Cleanology has also been promoting fair pay among its clients through awareness-raising events and annual reviews. “A Real Living Wage option is included in every new bid and we make it clear that this is the preferred way of working,” said Ponniah. “Ninety per cent of bids now include the Real Living Wage as a mandatory element, and we ourselves have almost doubled the number of our employees receiving the Real Living Wage since 2017.” Cleanology was named the 2021 winner of the Recognised Service Provider category in the Living Wage Foundation’s annual award and Ponniah has now been asked to join the Living Wage Foundation’s Recognised Service Provider (RSP) Leadership Group. “The group acts to encourage a wider take-up of fair pay and to make the accreditation scheme more effective,” he said. Retaining a family feel in a business that has grown exponentially has been tricky, says Ponniah. “Our office communicates with our employees by name and not by employee number, and we use personalised emails, site visits and social media to foster a deeper connection with our team,” he said. “Investing in staff is the way to build a contented workforce so we offer English classes and counselling for those who need it, while our recognition scheme allows staff to earn points towards rewards such as cinema tickets or an extra holiday.” The company has also supported the Hygiene Bank since 2020 in a bid to tackle hygiene poverty in the UK. “We’ve organised various fund-raising activities and have now established an annual auc-

Environmental innovation, fair pay and better business – this is the ethos that helped Dominic Ponniah, ceo and co-founder of Cleanology, to win the Leader of the Year award. He says winning was right up there in his top five career highlights. tion and raffle,” said Ponniah. “The launch event in 2021 raised £14,000 and we already have sponsors on board for 2022 and plan to beat this figure.” Cleanologly is constantly reviewing, evaluating and improving its processes, he says. “You can’t do everything at once but if you focus on continual improvement, the speed of change can be electrifying.” According to Ponniah, Cleanology has been recognised in the UK for many aspects of its work. “However, to be judged against the best in Europe - and to win our first ever European Cleaning & Hygiene Award - is a pinnacle of success for us.” “It is easy to think that one’s own initiatives are innovative and that they help to drive change, but nothing beats external recognition. The other finalists were worthy and deserving winners, and sharing experiences with the finest people in our sector at the event was a privilege that will stay with me for a long time.“ He says the company’s current and prospective clients have been very impressed by the win. “It has also made my team feel part of a special company,” he said. “It is a massive personal achievement for me and one I was absolutely not expecting. It is up there in my top five career highlights.”

September 2022 | ECJ | 15


Innovate to disrupt Gausium entered the European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards for the first time in 2022. But the company’s achievement in being a joint winner of the Technological Innovation of the Year Award is just the beginning, says global business development director Peter Kwestro. The Scrubber 50 Pro from Gausium is said to offer a feature that has never before seen in the industry. And it so impressed the judges of this year’s European Cleaning & Hygiene awards that the company came away with a prestigious accolade. It was the Auto Spot Cleaning function that helped to win the company a Technological Innovation of the Year Award at the 2022 event in Brussels. Most cleaning robots stick to a precise route mapped out beforehand with the aid of a human cleaner, according to global business development director Peter Kwestro. But he says the Scrubber 50 Pro is different. “The Auto Spot Cleaning mode allows it to constantly scan the cleanliness of the floor around it,” he says. “The robot then goes directly to the area where the rubbish or stains are detected. This means that instead of following a predetermined cleaning plan it can operate smartly and flexibly according to the real-time situation.” The Scrubber 50 Pro uses deep-learning algorithms plus 2D LiDAR, 3D and RGB cameras to provide it with high-accuracy environmental perception. This means it can assess the landscape, identify different types of refuse and make decisions on

16 | September 2022 | ECJ

which items to clean away and which are too large for it to handle. “The robot will even proactively contact the operator via an app message and report any detected rubbish that lies beyond its disposal capacity,” said Kwestro. “This feature will be available soon.” Most other robots on the market work under the teach-and-repeat principle, he claims. “This requires an operator to manually teach the route before the machine can perform autonomous cleaning,” he said. “As a result the robot will require frequent human intervention in a dynamic environment because it will quickly become lost when the environment changes – and this can be both time-consuming and unproductive.” By cleaning only where necessary the Scrubber 50 Pro is claimed to improve efficiency by up to 400 per cent while also significantly reducing the consumption of water, energy and chemicals. “The Auto Spot Cleaning function also means the Scrubber 50 Pro prevents the spread of stains and contamination to other areas during the day,” said Kwestro. “It’s a huge step forward in autonomous cleaning and one that reduces manual floor-cleaning time. “The optional workstation allows for automatic charging, water-filling and discharging in order to increase the robot’s uptime and minimise the need for human supervision,” said Kwestro. “Users can also choose from one of five path-planning modes to provide flexibility to customise the cleaning plan according to the site.” The Scrubber 50 is able to detect layout changes, bypass obstacles and reroute itself to ensure it cleans every part of

the floor. “This backtracking mechanism ensures the highest surface coverage and provides the machine with true autonomy along with the competence to work smoothly even in the most complex and dynamic environments.” The robot has been designed for use in small to medium environments such as offices, hotels, hospitals, banks and sports halls as well as in high-traffic indoor areas such as schools, shopping malls, supermarkets, manufacturing plants and logistics warehouses. It is made from recyclable stainless steel and uses LFP batteries which have a lifespan of 2,000 cycles. “The built-in fivestage water recycling system also reduces fresh water consumption by around 80 per cent while the robot’s ability to calculate the most efficient cleaning path reduces the use of resources,” said Kwestro. “The machine can also be integrated with the IoT system of a building, enabling it to go through automatic doors and security gates without human assistance.” He says he feels proud and honoured to have received the Technological Innovation of the Year Award. “This prestigious award is one of the most sought-after accolades in the entire industry and winning means a lot to us,” he said. “This is the first time we’ve applied for the ECJ award and we believe this is just the beginning. The fact that we were able to stand out from other innovative solutions and be endorsed by a group of industry experts worldwide is a real confidence-booster. “This win will definitely inspire us to improve further. We will keep on innovating to bring disruptive technologies to the industry.”


Shared vision What does the term “soft services” actually mean? To most of us it refers to disciplines such as cleaning, security, landscaping and grounds maintenance – all vital but peripheral elements in running a facility. But for Incentive FM it also means sun cream, fresh fruit, children’s gifts - and even ice lollies. The company continually goes the extra mile in its partnership with the Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre in Leicester. And it is this determination to go above and beyond that earned the company the European Cleaning & Hygiene Award 2022 for Excellence in Client-Contractor Partnerships. Incentive FM was awarded the Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre contract in 2020 when it began supplying the site with soft services such as cleaning and security. “The contract has since evolved through restructuring, innovation and an adaptability to change,” says its retail and distribution director Glenn Wilson. “We now offer handyman services, an on-site electrician, landscaping and highlevel cleaning – all of which are provided within budget and without the loss of any staff. We have simply used budget underspend to enhance the centre’s existing service provision.” Incentive FM prides itself on going the extra mile for its client. “We’ve developed our employee wellbeing strategy since the pandemic and we now hold daily team huddles and regular social events to support the mental health of our people,” said Wilson. “We also have a learning hub and an employee support programme. “We provide staff members with fruit and other treats and ensure they have easy access to water, sun cream and hats

in the summer months. And we even provide ice lollies when the weather takes a warmer turn.” Incentive FM and Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre are also committed to supporting their local community. “We make regular donations to a foodbank and last Christmas we presented every child at the local primary school with a gift,” said Wilson. “And we actively support the local church with its toy appeal and organise a regular litter pick in partnership with retailers and the community police.” The two companies work together to improve sustainability across the Beaumont Leys site. “We have instigated a full LED and solar light replacement scheme throughout the centre and have developed a three-year environmental and biodiversity plan,” said Wilson. “This includes beehives, water retention and reduction, the use of electric equipment and a community allotment incorporating insect-friendly planning and habitats.” Incentive FM has a strategy of recognising those employees who go above and beyond their regular remit. “We reward them with gifts, certificates and complimentary meals, and this results in a motivated staff who provide a great service,” said Wilson. “It also helps to retain existing contracts and provide new business opportunities for Incentive FM.” According to Wilson, the key to the company’s success at the Beaumont site lies in a single shared vision – one that has been discussed and devised by the entire team. “We welcome ideas from everyone and we pride ourselves on our unique approach to problem-solving and sharing best practice,” said Wilson. “Put simply,

Sunshine and lollipops helped Incentive FM to win the 2022 European Cleaning & Hygiene award for Excellence in ClientContractor Partnerships. But the real key to the company’s success lay in having a single shared vision with its client.

the whole team was involved in pulling the vision together.” He believes Incentive FM won the award due to the genuine collaboration that takes place between the company and Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre plus the shared ethos of the two organisations. “We understand each other’s culture, approach and business,” said Wilson. “We also trust each other to deliver an outstanding service and we’re committed to creating a community hub where people love to shop every day.” Wilson concludes: “We’re incredibly proud to have won this year’s Excellence in Client/Contractor Partnerships award. This accolade in particular is a direct result of outstanding customer service and collaboration between our staff and BSC. It’s wonderful to be able to recognise the onsite team who have clearly demonstrated a desire to exceed expectations.” He describes winning the award as the ”cherry on the cake” for the company. “What really sets us apart is our ethos of constantly seeking the next service, innovation or simple change that will deliver good to the shopping centre or to the local community,” he said.

September 2022 | ECJ | 17

Do your cleaning machines create operator comfort? New TASKI ULTIMAXX works hard whilst cleaning staff have it easy We all know today’s labour market is highly mobile. Cleaning can be a labour intensive and tiring occupation. When staff are faced with machinery they have to fight against, that’s unreliable, whose inefficiencies or downtime cause them more work, they can feel demotivated. Is it any wonder they look for alternate employment? When they do go, they’re leaving you with additional overtime costs in the short term and, beyond that, the cost of hiring and training a new operative.

scrubbing and vacuuming - but we’ve gone much, much further.

not risk discomfort or experience pain conducting their duties.

ULTIMAXX lasts longer, works harder and redefines reliability levels.

An operation using cheap equipment, that’s hard to use and does a bad job to boot, aggravates staff. Having the right tools is critical. Having machines that partner with operators to work efficiently and comfortably are also critical.

TASKI is truly a global business. We take extra care to ensure our machines are not just suitable for every region, we go further and design machines that everyone can use. The new ULTIMAXX was designed from the ground up to make the cleaning operative’s life easier.

We consulted Dieter Schmitter, one of the pre-eminent Swiss ergonomic experts at - Health Safety Environment. As a highly qualified engineer and ergonomist with 20+ years of experience, he is highly experienced with common ergonomic issues that plague machinery.

The right tools for the best job A combined scrubber-dryer is the essential tool for cleaning floors. At a minimum, it washes, scrubs and vacuums up dirty water. When a machine fails to even handle the basics, frustration (and work levels) increase. At TASKI, we believe the new TASKI ULTIMAXX is the pinnacle of walkbehind scrubber-dryers. We have perfected the basics of what it does applying cleaning agents and water,

There’s no point having brilliant cleaning machines, if operators don’t feel brilliant using them. From conception, we knew ULTIMAXX had to be comfortable to use, no matter who used it. This meant dedication to this principle in our design process and collaborating with experts to ensure your staff do

Integrating his expert advice into the new ULTIMAXX scrubber-dryer goes beyond just box ticking, it sets a new level for ergonomic operation of cleaning machines that will become standard across industries. Since cleaning is usually often carried out over several hours, poor posture can quickly lead to tension, pain and manifest long term health problems. Body postures that induce stress, tiring the operator, are among the common causes of musculoskeletal complaints. According to studies by Seco (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs), such complaints account for about one third of all days of absence due to illness. In a

profession with high staff turnover, cleaning machines with poor ergonomics actively hinder staff retention and cleaning efficiency.

to the grip circumference of both large and small hands.

Handle height

The control paddles allow speed control from various positions so that hands and wrists remain in a comfortable, unstressed position.

User height varies. Each operator needs a comfortable, unstressed posture. TASKI adapted the handle height in line with the universal body size table standard DIN 33 402 - Part 2. Critically allowing both small and large users to operate the machine ergonomically and safely with ease.

User controls

Operators will also respect the ergonomic comfort when doing their work, but they’ll also enjoy getting on with their work. Without interruptions caused by prematurely refilling or recharging machines, they can clean stress-free and comfortably.

Forearm bend The optimal position of the elbow is directly above the standing surface, with the forearm angled between 20 and 30°. The flexible handle design of the ULTIMAXX makes this a possibility for all users.

Wrist angle A user’s wrist must remain relaxed and straight while operating a machine to avoid stress and pain. With this new design, smaller operators can control the machine without straining the wrist. Handle spacing and diameter The optimal distance between the two handles makes it easier to steer the machine with less effort. The 55mm handle diameter corresponds

In terms of sustainability, we’ve engineered ULTIMAXX technologies to use less resources - less energy, less water, less chemicals and less packaging. We even stretched the longevity of key components and parts to mean less replacements and less component purchasing.

Step length and spacing Step length is important to enable the user to operate the machine without adjusting their stride or moving sideways. This is achieved by an optimal position of the handle behind the suction nozzle, which was referenced against the body size table in relation to arm and stride length.

Comfortable staff stay where they are

With predictive maintenance technology, operators won’t be waiting to fix or replace machines, because when you can fix a problem before it occurs, ULTIMAXX is never out of the game. When you choose TASKI ULTIMAXX for your cleaning technology, your team will appreciate the investment in their wellbeing and the boost they will get from doing a productive job with dependable machines. ULTIMAXX. The extra x is for exemplary staff satisfaction. To find out more go to

ULTIMAXX machines are designed to be the most ergonomic scrubberdryer for every operative. They’re dedicated to protecting the health and wellbeing of your operatives. And beyond that, it’s an ULTIMATE cleaning machine. It pushes the threshold for what a machine can do, as every generation of TASKI machine does.

TASKI is one of four core areas of the Diversey business. © 2021 Diversey, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All logos and trademarks are owned by or licensed to Diversey, Inc.



How crowd pullers affect cleaning

Focus on hygiene continues

ECJ’s Lotte Printz in Denmark looks at the cleaning operation in the country’s holiday homes.

Anna Garbagna in Italy on growth in the sector as the emphasis on cleaning of workplaces continues.

As high temperatures sweep the country in August, making office work a sweaty business, one could easily dream the day away, longing for a holiday in a house by the sea. Perhaps, taking a look at cleaning of those holiday homes could suffice? Holiday homes along the Danish coasts are crowd pullers for Danish tourism. Every year, holiday makers, two thirds of them from Germany, spend millions of nights there according to Statistics Denmark (holiday homes privately let not included in the statistics). The number of stays reached a record high in 2021 when Covid19 travel restrictions made holiday cottages particularly popular among the Danes themselves. 21.8 million nights were spent in this type of holiday accommodation, an increase of 1.1 million compared to 2019, which held the previous record. Given the opportunity after the pandemic, Danes may have travelled abroad this year but the Germans have made a comeback. This makes cleaning holiday homes a booming business too, one would assume. But for small businesses like Salling Rengøring, a cleaning company based in Salling in the northern part of the Danish mainland, the holiday season also raises concern. This one-woman business run by Heidi Villadsen, with more than 10 years of experience in the cleaning industry, usually gets through busy spells with the help of family and friends – out of sheer necessity. This holiday season was no exception. Even though Salling Rengøring tried to hire freelance or parttime cleaners, no suitable people were found. “Generally, temporary workers are hard to come by in this area and those who do apply are either not capable or serious enough and back out when they find out they must Lotte Printz au Danemark examine l’opération de nettoyage dans les maisons de vacances du pays.

undergo training. Others are too young to drive, and that doesn’t work either. So it falls back on me,” Heidi Villadsen explains. Had she been able to hire suitable cleaners, perhaps her company would flourish from this lucrative market. Given the circumstances, Heidi Villadsen must settle for seven contracts in the area – and no time off for Heidi herself during this period. Being a large holiday cottage rental agency, DanCenter is not dealing with the same kind of problems. Cleaning is always part of the contracts they make with holiday cottage owners. Half of their guests buy end-of-lease cleaning, the rest clean the houses themselves before departing – in which case DanCenter has people making inspections and any improvements necessary to meet their cleaning standards. They too have felt the increase in bookings and the need for more cleaning staff, but they have not been particularly challenged in attracting staff. “However, we have realised that we must allocate more resources into training and developing staff. It would be wrong to think cleaning holiday homes is an easy task anybody could do. Our staff and the partners we hire need considerable know-how and knowledge of cleaning products, of how they organise tasks and an eye for detail,” DanCenter explains. DanCenter has also seen a drift towards holiday makers being patronising towards staff, even aggressive and intimidating at times. Most guests are still kind and accommodating, though, DanCenter emphasises. So the visitors who may cause the greatest challenge in the holiday home landscape are multilegged creatures! “Spiders work incredibly fast and can quickly rebuild webs we have removed.”

Lotte Printz vom ECJ in Dänemark untersucht die Reinigungsarbeiten in den Ferienhäusern des Landes.

20 | September 2022 | ECJ

Lotte Printz in Danimarca esamina le operazioni di pulizia nelle case vacanza del paese.

While 2020 was no doubt an exceptional year for the domestic and professional cleaning sector, focus on this aspect of our daily life has certainly not diminished. Quite the opposite, according to Francesco Marrone, president of UniFer Confindustria. Although it was the pandemic that made everyone understand the value and importance of professional hygiene, “now, regardless of how Covid will evolve, it is necessary to continue to sanitise all workplaces indefinitely”. The new regulations for workplaces will be in force until October 31, however we are far from being able to consider ourselves out of the health situation. The only way to reduce risk is to make professional cleaning of our work places both structural and mandatory. “The companies in the sector, considering the steep increase in infections, emphasise the importance of cleaning, hygiene and sanitisation by following proper and efficient practices. This efficiency can only be guaranteed by the professionals of the sector who are working daily to assure the safety of workplaces and workers who are most exposed to the virus,” declared Lorenzo Mattioli, president of Confindustria Servizi Hcfs and of ANIP Confindustria. All this will support a strong sector, capable of facing challenges in a difficult market scenario. According to the usual annual survey of the sector of professional cleaning product manufacturers carried out on behalf of Afidamp, a strong and growing market has emerged despite a very difficult international situation due to the increase in the cost of raw materials which had a great Dans son reportage d’Italie, Anna Garbagna signale la forte tenue du secteur de la production par suite de l’intérêt des entreprises à nettoyer leurs locaux à la suite de la Covid.

impact on companies. They have been pushed to absorb at least part of the costs, but that was only possible for the larger ones, while smaller businesses had to revert to increasing sales prices. The quality of Italian products, customer loyalty and the ability to invest in new products and technologies - a view to the digital transition affecting the whole world - have been the strong points on which the manufacturers have focused in a sector which, according to the survey, is estimated at around €3.6 billion. The survey reported total sales for 2021 of €1.8 billion, (for Italy and export); while the sector recording the most interesting growth was fibres and cloths with a sales volume of €27.7 million (up six per cent compared to 2020). The paper products market, representing 35 per cent of total turnover, recorded a three per cent increase with a total of €642.8 million. The machines sector, with sale volumes over €523 million in 2021, is worth 28 per cent of the total market with average exports of 69 per cent (with some categories over 80 per cent). Export is also strong for equipment (up four per cent compared to 2020) with an average of 59 per cent, followed by paper with 43 per cent. Chemical products, traditionally focused on the national market with an export average of 11 per cent, representing a market share of 19 per cent. Spares and accessories is also growing with €99.7 million sales attributable to stock replacement rather than new purchases. All this amounts to total growth for the entire sector amounting to an encouraging two per cent.

Anna Garbagna, unsere Reporterin in Italien, berichtet über starkes Wachstum im Bereich Produkte, da der Schwerpunkt auf der Reinigung von Arbeitsplätzen im Gefolge von Covid weiterhin andauert.

La nostra corrispondente dall’Italia Anna Garbagna ci informa sulla forte crescita del settore dei prodotti che enfatizza la pulizia dei luoghi di lavoro che continua anche dopo il Covid.


Can microfibre spread dirt? John Griep at VSR, our reporter in the Netherlands, gives us new insight into the microfibre cloth. Can microfibre cloths cause dirt to spread? An odd question perhaps. After all, microfibre cloths are cleaning cloths and their purpose is to clean surfaces, not to make them dirtier. But, it is true. Microfibre cloths can indeed spread dirt. The microfibre cloth contaminates itself, so to speak, when the cloth is folded. This is clear from research conducted on our behalf. In 2009, international research showed that cross-contamination occurred due to the folding of the microfibre cloth. However, only surgical covers were examined at that time, with just one type of microfibre cloth, and that is not representative of the surfaces to be cleaned within professional cleaning. The Technology Committee of the Cleaning Research Association, therefore, examined situations which are more similar to the practical situation. Do microorganisms spread when applying the folding method? And does the type of microfibre cloth play a role in this?

Three phases The VSR study was conducted in a laboratory, on three different surfaces (plastic, metal, porcelain), with three different types of microfibre cloths (non-woven fine split, non-woven normal split, and knitted). The distribution of three types of microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus) was determined from each combination. In addition, the contact points on the researcher’s hand, and the contamination of the cloth itself were examined. The study consisted of three phases: the application of microorganisms to the first surface; the

cleaning of the first soiled surface and the 15 consecutive sterile surfaces with the folded microfibre cloth (which had a ‘clean’ side 16 times due to folding); and the microbiological examination. What were the results? • There was a substantial reduction of microorganisms by cleaning with damp microfibre cloths, but at the same time microorganisms were spread from a dirty surface to clean surfaces when the folding method was applied. • When cleaning a dirty surface with a knitted microfibre cloth, more microorganisms remained than when cleaning with nonwoven cloths. However: when using the folded non-woven cloth with a normal split, more microorganisms were spread (than with a knitted one). • The type of surface appears to influence the spread of microorganisms. More microorganisms were found on porcelain than on plastics and metal surfaces. • The microfibre cloth itself was the main source of transmission. It is plausible that microorganisms move through the different layers in the folded cloth. Contamination via the hand seemed to have less of an impact. Now, you might think that these are undesirable results. After all, you don’t want to spread dirt while carrying out a professional cleaning job with professional equipment. But in independent research, there is no desired outcome. It is what it is. And I am proud that VSR has again succeeded in providing greater insights into the performance of a cleaning task.

Keep up to date with industry news at the ECJ website - Rapportant des Pays-Bas, John Griep, de l’organisation VSR, indique surpennamment que que les tissus en microfibre sont susceptibles de répandre des saletés.

Unser niederländische Korrespondent John Griep (VSR) liefert die überraschende Nachricht, dass Mikrofasertücher tatsächlich Schmutz verbreiten können.

Il corrispondente olandese John Griep presso la VSR ci porta la notizia sorprendente che i panni in microfibra possono in realtà diffondere lo sporco.

September 2022 | ECJ |21



Inflation triggers wage increases

Recruitment - the biggest challenge

Christian Bouzols, ECJ correspondent in France, tell us about rising pressures on cleaning companies.

The sector must tackle the issue of attracting and retaining staff, says Lynn Webster in the UK.

A new general wage increase of 2.9 per cent has been agreed in the cleaning sector, bringing to 5.5 per cent the total increases awarded for 2022. To this must be added a 27 per cent increase in the transport allowance given to cleaning workers. This was announced during the summer by the Fédération des Entreprises de Propreté, d’Hygiène et Services Associés (FEP), the main employer organisation in the sector. As announced by its president, Philippe Jouanny: “Following an earlier agreement to raise the minimum wage by 2.6 per cent this year, a further rise of 2.9 per cent was agreed, thus raising the minimum wage by a total of 5.5 per cent for 2022 alone. In addition, it has been agreed to increase the transport allowance by 27 per cent.” But Jouanny also made the point that this rise wouldn’t be without consequences for a number of companies in the sector, given that many of them are fairly small. “Considering that our businesses have margins of between one and three per cent and that their wage bill represents a very large part of their costs, if you increase wages by two per cent, you’re going to see your margins disappear,” he added, bringing this fact to the attention of public sector entities, as these are large users of cleaning and

related services. “Our sector is faced with conflicting demands, particularly the social, environmental and quality requirements of customers on the one hand, and the low cost policies of those purchasers on the other. It will be necessary for these increases to be reflected in the prices to be applied in both private and public contracts,” he added. The FEP covers about 70 per cent of the cleaning sector’s manpower.

Unions unhappy On the labour side, the trade unions aren’t too happy with the agreement. “We’ve decided to sign this increase even though it doesn’t compensate for the loss of purchasing power and the other daily cost increases, and doesn’t reach the inflation rate we’ve been living with for several years,” said CFDT union in a communiqué, adding that it had refused to sign the two previous wage proposals by the employers. This union therefore intends to demand a substantial wage increase during the forthcoming negotiations as inflation in France now exceeds five per cent, which has never happened since 1985. The French cleaning sector comprises more than 15,000 companies and employs some 570,000 people, registering a turnover of over €17 billion.

Could you be a winner in the 2023 European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards? Entries are open now - visit the website at to find out more

Une nouvelle augmentation salariale de 2,9 pour cent, assortie d’une augmentation de 27 pour cent de l’indemnité de transport, a été convenue en France au sein du secteur de la propreté.

In der Reinigungsbranche wurde eine Erhöhung des Manteltarifs um 2,9 Prozent vereinbart, zusätzlich zu einer Erhöhung des Fahrgeldzuschusses um 27 Prozent für Reinigungskräfte.

22 | September 2022 | ECJ

Nel settore del cleaning professionale è stato concordato un aumento generale del salario del 2,9 per cento in aggiunta all’aumento del 27 per cento dell’indennità di transporto per i lavoratori del settore.

A recent article in ECJ (June 2022) highlighted the issue we are now facing known as the ‘Great Resignation’, as we all adapt our lives to the changing emphasis of work/life balance. Recruitment is regularly voiced as the greatest challenge so there is certainly a need for us all to consider not only how we attract new employees to our workforce, but how we encourage those we do have to stay. With changeover to a hybrid of workplace and home working becoming more commonplace and unlikely to disappear any time soon, we must rethink. Of course the cleaning and FM industry involves many roles that cannot function in this way so do not lend themselves to that environment but some of the thinking still remains essential and relevant. We have an ageing workforce - the Generation X, those born between 1965 and 1980 - so new ways of attracting future generations will be increasingly challenging. Certainly, the Millennials born between 1982 and 1994 demonstrate a clear focus; questioning previously accepted working conditions, with different boundaries, exercising their influence in the workplace as a key means of keeping engaged in their work roles. Purpose is on the minds of many, which can bring great satisfaction or alternatively drive them to look for employment elsewhere. For Millennials, purpose affects how they see their future. They are willing to walk away from jobs that lack meaning. Where work has meaning - where it’s more than “just a job” - employees are more likely to stay and even more likely to remain if they feel their voice is valued, regardless of their position. So, Le recrutement représente une grand défi pour les entreprises de propreté qui doivent s’adapter à la nouvelle perception du travail que de nombreuses recrues potentielles entretiennent aujourd’hui. Lynn Webster fait rapport du Royaume-Uni.

the answer lies in helping them find meaning in their work. Give them a reason, many reasons, to be proud to work for you and they’ll stay working for you. Making the effort to give your workforce a sense of purpose and hopefully in return, experience higher retention, pride, and endorsement from your team. We then consider experiences of the ‘Gen Z’s’ born since 1997; the up-and-coming generation where potential employees not only desire but almost demand the work/life balance (time off, flexibility, wellbeing, mental health support etc), from their employers and workplace. And expecting their employers to be accountable in terms of social and environmental responsibility; fair pay and value alignment. Wanting it all and willing to walk away if they don’t get it. It is not what an employee can offer their company but more what they are expecting from work, with a boldness we have not seen before. The phrase “what are you going to offer me to make me stay working for you?” is commonplace. A recent report from a colleague led to further consideration of the approaches we make to potential younger recruits. For example, recruitment of a potential receptionist who felt it acceptable to request ‘flexible working’ during the working week with perhaps core days being Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. A significant challenge to manage the office reception desk from home?!! The question is, are we ready to provide for this new outlook on the world of employment; or will we bury our heads in the sand? Certainly not an easy question to answer but one that will not go away.

Die Anwerbung von neuen Mitarbeitern stellt die größte Herausforderung dar, mit der sich Reinigungsunternehmen konfrontiert sehen, und die Branche muss sich an die neuen Perspektiven der vielen potenziellen Mitarbeiter auf die Arbeitswelt anpassen. Lynn Webster berichtet aus Großbritannien.

Il reclutamento di personale è la sfida più importante che le imprese di pulizia devono affrontare e il settore si deve adattare alla nuova prospettiva sul mondo del lavoro da parte di numerosi potenziali lavoratori dipendenti. Dal Regno Unito ce ne parla Lynn Webster.


For well over 18 months now, the contract cleaning association BIV has been joining in the discussions - also in its ‘Glanzstück’ podcast – on politics and science, on skilled trades in particular or industry in general, on training, digitalisation, migration or sustainability and on social or cultural developments. Christopher Lück, BIV communications director, moderates the podcast interview and meets a relevant interviewee roughly once a month. Why make a podcast? “Podcasts are still very popular. Around one third of households in Germany and particularly 16 to 29 year-olds listen to podcasts on a regular basis. So we are keen to communicate with new target groups,” explains Lück. The summer episode is all about a niche area of cleaning. Lück speaks to Ralf Zschäbitz, departmental manager for pest control, building and special cleaning in a company, about crime scene

cleaning. “We often get enquiries on this topic so we felt it was worthwhile to record an episode about it.” As a trained contract cleaner and master craftsman, Zschäbitz has worked in the hospital sector for many years and became interested in crime scene cleaning. Although qualification as a cleaner is not a prerequisite for crime scene cleaning, it nevertheless simplifies the work tremendously, since trained cleaners are equipped from the outset with a knowledge of different types of dirt, materials and exemplary hygiene. “Of course, this activity is not for everyone. You have to want to and be able to cope with smelling and seeing things which would not occur during a normal office cleaning job,” explains Zschäbitz. “For that reason, it’s not a job that can be mastered overnight - you have to take it step by step. This is also how we

Rapportant de l’Allemagne, Katja Scholz nous parle d’un podcast produit par l’association de la propreté BIV sur le nettoyage de scènes du crime.

Crime scene cleaning podcast Katja Scholz reports on a new podcast about crime scene cleaning being produced by BIV. train young employees who are interested in this work.” At the same time, comprehensive health protection is for him a matter of course. “Our crime scene cleaners receive regular medical check-ups and are offered all appropriate vaccinations, comprehensive hygiene training and all PPE.” The equipment used for cleaning does not differ substantially from that of a cleaner in an office complex or public building. There are however additional special tools used, such as for professional odour elimination. The time factor is also crucial. “It can happen, particularly in public buildings, that cleaning has to be done either very quickly or possibly also

Katja Scholz informiert uns in ihrem Bericht aus Deutschland über einen Podcast des Vertragsreinigungsverbands BIV, in dem es um die Tatortreinigung geht.

at unusual times of day. In private settings we can generally clean during our normal working hours,” explains Ralf Zschäbitz. It is especially important for him to tell his young trainees: look at the bigger picture! “It is our job to remove everything and to look in all the corners to make absolutely sure there are no further traces remaining when, for example, family members enter the private home of a deceased person. A quiet, conscientious, discreet and respectful manner is also of the utmost importance. We are there when needed but we do not intrude. And above all, we work discreetly and do not pass on any information to the outside world.”

Dalla Germania, la corrispondente Katja Scholz ci parla di un podcast dell’associazione di pulizie professionali BIV sulle pulizie delle scene dei crimini.

September 2022 | ECJ |23

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Everyone loves a vacuum Scrubber dryers are highly technical, impressive machines. Sweepers are weighty and business-like. And mops are serviceable and functional. But vacuum cleaners are another story. Manufacturers work hard to make them appear user-friendly, often giving them brightly-coloured housings or painted-on faces. Some even attribute their vacuums with a personality to help the operator “connect” with the machine. But why does this happen? Is it all just a marketing ploy to allow companies to differentiate their products from those of their rivals? Or is there something else behind the trend? Numatic’s Henry model is probably the world’s best-known “friendly vacuum”. But strangely, the company seems to be as much in the dark as the rest of us as to why people connect with “him”. “Henry has had the same familiar face and smile for more than 40 years, and is unique in this aspect,” said the company’s head of marketing and communications Andrew Ernill. “We find that our customers certainly do connect with the idea of a vacuum having a personality. But as to why, that’s really a question for our customers and the answer is likely to vary between users.” Ernill believes it is the customers themselves who project a personality on to Henry. “This often seems to reflect the values of the brand itself which is all about simplicity and a no-nonsense approach,” he said. Another manufacturer placing a high level of importance on personality is LionsBot, whose robot vacuums are programmed to express a range of emotions. “It’s amazing what two eyes and a smile can do,” says ceo and co-founder Dylan Ng. “An element of personality uplifts the mood – particularly since vacuums tend to be noisy machines and are used in places with a high concentration of people. The use of approachable aesthetics helps to reduce any hostility felt towards them and make people feel more comfortable

around them.” LionsBot’s LeoVac robots have human names such as Alex and Ella and are designed to interact with their operators and to reflect a distinct personality. They can roll their “eyes”, express emotions such as love and affection - and they can also sing. Ng believes there to be a number of reasons why people identify more closely with vacuums than with other cleaning machines. “Vacuum cleaners are prevalent in homes which means people naturally feel familiar with them,” he said. “There have also been a number of advances in simplifying their operation for the domestic market. As a result there have been widespread marketing campaigns targeted at home users.”

Vacs with personalities The fact that vacuuming takes up so much of the cleaner’s time is one of the reasons why operators tend to associate more closely with vacuums than with other cleaning devices, theorises executive assistant at Sprintus Luisa Schneider. “The better the performance of the device, the more efficient the user,” she said. “The overall impression of the machine needs to be convincing and this relates to aesthetics as well as to the vacuum’s functionality, quality and ergonomics. And a modern, appealing design is also important because it reflects the innovative power of the device, while the colour scheme plays a significant role in increasing brand recognition.” Assigning personalities to robot vacuum cleaners can be a useful strategy, according to SoftBank Robotics’ head of marketing Louise Goldsmith. “There is often a misconception that robotic solutions are here to replace human interaction, but by giving them a personality we humanise the product and make cleaning teams feel more at ease with the technology.” “Cleaners are also likely to take better care of a vacuum when it is no longer seen as a product, but more as an extension of the human team,” she added.

Vacuum cleaners catch the imagination in a way that no other cleaning machines can. But why is this the case? And how well do modern machines actually perform when one disregards all that clever marketing? Ann Laffeaty finds out.

She claims today’s global staff shortages in the cleaning sector make it more important than ever for users to form a connection with their vacuum. “Demand for cleaning services is sky-high, but providers are struggling to find the staffing resources to meet it. In addition to providing a partnership with cleaning teams, autonomous solutions can also help to fill the labour shortage gap and provide operators with support for the more menial tasks.” Lindhaus president Michele Massaro believes that a user-friendly machine can play a pivotal role in retaining staff members. “In my experience, most professional users of vacuum cleaners tend to be women who use similar machines to clean their floors at home,” he said. “The machines they use at work need to be more efficient and durable, but they should still be as lightweight and as easy to use as domestic models. The old-style, heavier machines may remain popular with buyers, but not so much with users. Since it can be hard to find cleaning staff today, it makes no sense to give them a heavy machine that is not user-friendly. In fact, this could be one of the reasons for losing employees.” Machine users will bond with a good vacuum whether or not it happens to have a bright colour or a painted-on face, according to Kärcher’s product manager for professional vacuum cleaners Britt Napoleone. “The aim is to have satisfied users who Continued page 28

September 2022 | ECJ | 27

CARPET CARE Everyone loves a vacuum (continued) appreciate the product and who follow the brand,” she said. “This can be achieved by providing a reliable product that fulfils their needs and frees them up for other tasks. “However, the aesthetics and the ‘feel’ of the machine may also have an impact of its own. In other words, bonding with a vacuum may or may not occur through a painted machine - this is only one aspect. “The trend is also moving strongly towards connectivity,” she adds. “This allows the customer to track functions such as run-times and fill levels as well as receiving information about the device via an app. And this enables the user to identify even more strongly with the device because he or she will gain a greater control of the equipment.” End-users tend to connect with their vacuums because they are globally the most widely-used machines in cleaning, according to i-Team Global’s marketing manager Arnold Vleeskens. “Creating vacuum cleaners with a personality makes sense from a commercial point of view because the cleaner is then likely to recommend the model to their manager,” he said. “It is also good from a maintenance viewpoint because the vacuum feels as though it is their own. As a result they are likely to be more careful with it in use.” The company encourages end-users to choose their own accessories to increase the bond between the user and the machine. “We also focus on battery-driven vacuums to give the end-user the joy of being released from a cord,” he said. The question as to whether or not people attribute vacuums with a personality was actually the subject of a 2020 study. Researchers at Oregon State University manipulated the movements of a domestic robot vacuum to give it the characteristics of three of the Seven Dwarves: Happy, Grumpy and Sleepy. The Happy robot was programmed to travel smoothly at moderate speeds and to seek people out, while the Sleepy robot – which was also people-friendly - was given slower, more staccato movements. And the Grumpy robot avoided people altogether while moving around the room with erratic motions at a range of velocities. Les aspirateurs frappent l’imagination plus que tout autre appareil de nettoyage. On les propose sous des habillages hauts en couleur et à faces peintes, avec des fonctionnalités intelligentes, de multiples accessoires et la possibilité de les programmer pour le travail autonome. Quels sont donc les aspirateurs les plus « sexy » du marché actuel ? Et quelles sont leurs performances réelles ? ECJ explore la question.

28 September 2022 | ECJ

Study participants were then asked to identify which robot represented which character and to rate them for politeness, friendliness and intelligence. Most people correctly identified all three robots while inferring that Grumpy was impolite and unfriendly while Happy was friendly and intelligent. Study authors concluded people feel more comfortable around robots that have a smooth and reliable operation. And the study also demonstrates just how ready people are to attribute human characteristics to their machines.

Focus still on quality But will manufacturers continue down the path of creating people-friendly vacuums? Or in today’s ever-changing world will they focus instead on issues such as efficiency, productivity, low cost, sustainability and ergonomics? There is no need to make a choice, says Numatic’s Andrew Ernill. “The success of the Henry brand is very simple: it is a good product that delivers on performance, sustainability, reliability and value,” he says. “And it also happens to have a distinctive brand identity that customers find appealing.” Aesthetics are always taken into account when Sprintus develops new model, says the company’s Luisa Schneider. “But the main focus is on other factors such as quality, functionality, durability, sustainability and ergonomics,” she said. SoftBank Robotics’ Louise Goldsmith says autonomous vacuums will continue to be marketed to create a bond between the user and the machine. “But given the challenges of the current economic climate and today’s labour issues, machines will first and foremost be required to increase productivity,” she said. Dylan Ng from LionsBot agrees vacuum cleaners need to perform well above all else. “Factors such as high productivity, affordability, sustainability and ergonomics are a must,” he said. “However, creative manufacturers will always manage to find delightful new ways to personalise their robots – and this means efficiency does not need to conflict with personality.”

Staubsauger regen die Vorstellungskraft mehr an als alle anderen Arten von Reinigungsgeräten. Sie sind in bunten Farben und mit aufgemalten Gesichtern erhältlich, sie bieten intelligente Funktionen, zahlreiche Zubehörteile und können zum autonomen Arbeiten programmiert werden. Welche der zurzeit im Handel erhältlichen Staubsauger sind die sexyesten? Und wie schneiden sie bei einem Leistungsvergleich tatsächlich ab?

Das ECJ erfährt Näheres. Gli aspirapolveri catturano l’immaginazione più di qualsiasi altro tipo di strumento per le pulizie. Sono disponibili in colori vivaci e verniciati; hanno delle funzioni intelligenti, numerosi accessori e possono essere programmati per lavorare in modo autonomo. Quindi, quali sono gli aspirapolveri più sexy sul mercato di oggi? E come funzionano realmente? ECJ lo scopre per noi.

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Upright vac Sebo’s Softcase BP60 batterypowered brush-type upright vacuum cleaner boasts a runtime of 60 minutes thanks to its 25.2-volt battery. The power unit can be charged to 100 per cent inside or outside the machine with the supplied charger in 4.2 hours.

This model uses a four-layer microfilter bag made of Elektret material. It absorbs 99.9 per cent of dust particles and has a volume of 5.5 litres. It is easy to remove and can be hygienically closed with a lid. The filter case is made of soft textile with a two-way zip. This material is lightweight yet robust and shockproof but the

case can be opened easily. In case of a blockage the Softcase BP60 switches off automatically and the height-adjustable brush can be optimised according to the surface.

Light backpack The new battery-operated backpack vacuum BVL 5/1 Bp, says Kärcher, combines a low weight, high suction power and long battery runtime. This 36 V model has been made using Expanded Polypropylene (EPP), a robust yet extremely light material. Comprising 96 per cent air, EPP absorbs noise and is 100 per cent recyclable. For the BVL 5/1 Bp this results in an unladen weight of 3.3 kg with batteries the weight is 4.6 kg. The carrying frame can be adapted to the user’s height and for easy operation the control is attached to the belt. Suction power is 223 mbar and

runtime up to 64 minutes.

Power nozzle The Lindhaus PB14e L-ion power nozzle can be connected to any vacuum cleaner, centralised vacuum system or backpack. This battery-operated accessory boasts long life and low vibration levels. All rotating components are balanced and protected by electronic controls. The electronic control is equipped with a soft start to avoid peaks in current to the battery and motor, it protects the motor from overload and assists the operator in adjusting the height of the brush.

• Sebo fait valoir la durée de fonctionnement - 60 minutes - de son aspirateur balai Softcase BP60 à batterie sur une seule recharge. • La légéreté et le pouvoir d’aspiration sont les qualités avancées par Kärcher pour son aspirateur à dos et à batterie BVL 5/1 Bp. • Lindhaus a introduit le bec électrique PB14e L-ion sur ses aspirateurs pour le nettoyage profond de moquettes.

• Sebo teilt mit, dass der akkubetriebene Bürststaubsauger Softcase BP60 mit einer Ladung eine Laufzeit von 60 Minuten bietet. • Der akkubetriebene RückenStaubsauger BVL 5/1 Bp von Kärcher bietet geringes Gewicht und hohe Saugleistung. • Lindhaus hat die PB14e L-ion Elektrobürste vorgestellt, die zur Grundreinigung von Teppichen mit seinen Staubsaugern dient. • La Sebo afferma che il suo aspirapolvere verticale alimentato a batteria Softcase BP60 è in grado di operare per 60 minuti con una sola carica. • L’aspirapolvere dorsale alimentato a batteria BVL 5/1 Bp della Kärcher vanta un’elevata potenza di aspirazione e un peso leggero. • La Lindhaus ha introdotto l’ugello PB14e L-ion per la pulizia a fondo delle moquette da usare con i suoi aspirapolveri.

September 2022 | ECJ | 31


Ease of use

Systems approach

Spray extraction

Nilfisk says its Viper Wolf130 carpet cleaner combines performance with ease of use and compact design. This extraction machine loosens dirt from deep inside the carpet fibres and sucks it up along with the cleaning solution. To pick up liquids, the operator uses a 10-centimetre wide hand nozzle or 25-centimetre floor nozzle, with dirty water being emptied via the removable tank. All operating elements have been designed with simplicity in mind, for example a single switch controls the suction motor and pump power.

Cleaning heavily-soiled wool carpet is best tackled using a systems approach, suggests Prochem Europe. Pre-spray Prochem S789 Power Burst into the carpet and then agitate with contrarotating brush machine PRO 35 to agitate the prespray into the fibre and assist in breaking down the soil. The enzyme-free alkaline detergent pre-spray is suitable for pre-cleaning heavily soiled commercial carpet. The PRO 35 has soft carpet and hard floor brush options plus the versatility to dry and wet clean surfaces. After allowing adequate dwell time, rinse extract with WoolSafe-approved B109 Fibre & Fabric Rinse to neutralise alkaline pre-sprays, stabilise colours and prevent browning, and finally dry with air movers and/or adequate ventilation.

The carpet cleaner range from Cleanfix currently consists of six spray extraction machines, developed for use in many different applications and for all kinds of carpet. There is also a comprehensive selection of accessories and chemistry. For daily use the company offers a range of vacuum cleaners too - dry, brush and backpack models along with accessories. Brand new is the dry vacuum robot S170 Navi, featuring a fleet management solution whereby up to 100 machines can be monitored and controlled at once.

• Nilfisk souligne la haute peformance et le confort de marche de sa machine de nettoyage de tapis et moquettes Viper Wolf130. • Prochem Europe suggère d’adopter une approche systémique pour l’entretien des tapis avec sa gamme de solutions. • Cleanfix propose des machines à injection-extraction et des aspirateurs, y compris un modèle robotique. • Laut Nilfisk bietet die Teppichreinigungsmaschine Viper Wolf130 hohe Leistung in Verbindung mit Bedienerkomfort. • Prochem Europe schlägt mit seinem Lösungsangebot einen Systemansatz für die Teppichpflege vor. • Cleanfix bietet SprühExtraktionsgeräte und Staubsauger, einschließlich eines robotischen Modells. • La Nilfisk afferma che la sua macchina lavamoquette Viper Wolf130 offre elevate prestazioni e comfort dell’operatore. • Prochem Europe suggerisce di adottare un approccio sistemico alla cura dei tappeti con la sua gamma di soluzioni. • La Cleanfix propone macchine a spruzzo & estrazione e aspirapolveri, incluso un modello robotico.

September 2022 | ECJ | 33


Time for respect The pandemic demonstrated the lack of decency and respect the service industry has show workers,” a journalist for a newspaper in the US wrote recently. It has become clear Covid-19 has disproportionately harmed the most vulnerable workers, many of them cleaners. Now there are calls to promote better social equity across the world. Doug Gatlin, ceo of Green Seal in the US, writes for ECJ.

an issue that was not anticipated: many of these workers did not want to come back. Making matters worse, some contractors in both Europe and North America are now reporting their businesses are booming, but they are finding it hard to secure either their old staff or hire new workers. There simply are not enough people interested in cleaning positions to replace the old staff. Some blamed this on the relief programmes extended to workers during the worst of the pandemic. But “on the surface, this assessment seems valid”, writes Sophia Meador in The Daily Iowan, a University of Iowa (US) newspaper. “After all, if Covid is now less of a risk, things should return to normal, which means service workers should go back to work.”

Lack of decency THE PANDEMIC impacted the service industry - and this includes professional cleaning workers - extremely hard in both Europe and North America. In March 2020, businesses in one facility after another announced closing their buildings and switching their staff to working remotely. With buildings closed, there was little need for cleaning. Professional cleaning workers were laid off in many parts of the world. The US was particularly hit hard. By April 2020, the (US) Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that the national unemployment rate had reached nearly 15 per cent. Just one month before, it was only 4.4 per cent, making this the most significant single-month jump in more than 50 years. Fortunately, several countries in Europe took steps to help businesses address this situation. Many offered loans to help prevent companies from collapsing, others allowed businesses to defer payments, and programmes were also announced to help those workers directly impacted by the virus, many of who had lost their jobs. Now, while the virus is still with us, businesses and facilities in Europe have reopened. As this happened, building service contractors began calling back their workers. Unexpectedly, they ran into

34 | September 2022 | ECJ

However, a closer look at the situation shows something much more revealing: many of these workers do not want to return to industries, including the professional cleaning industry, that they believe have not shown them enough respect, the vital work they perform, or their health. These are the workers who must clean potentially contaminated and healthrisking surfaces every day. In so doing, they frequently find building users do not comply with a building’s common-area mask mandates. These mandates are all too often viewed as optional and not a Covid-preventing obligation. The same is true of social distancing guidelines. “The pandemic demonstrated the lack of decency and respect the service industry has (shown) workers,” concludes Meador. “From this perspective, how could anyone blame previous service workers for not reentering an industry with (so little) regard for their health and safety?” This is where green cleaning and the use of green-certified cleaning products come into the picture. We know that many building owners and managers have transferred to green-certified cleaning products and procedures over the past three decades. One of the many reasons for this was

research indicating the potential negative impact traditional cleaning solutions can have on custodial workers, especially when it comes to asthma. For instance, one 2021 study on the increased use of disinfectants among consumers during the pandemic reported: “The increased use of disinfectant wipes and disinfecting liquids was significantly related to poorer asthma control. These findings are consistent with previous studies conducted primarily in occupational (work) settings showing increased exposure to disinfectants related to increased asthma symptoms” Another 2021 study pointed out: “There is consistent evidence of increased respiratory symptoms in occupational cleaners worldwide. We evaluated a broad range of respiratory health effects and estimated a 50 per cent increased risk of asthma and 43 per cent (increased risk) of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among occupational cleaners. The researchers further reported: “No evidence for a typical allergic respiratory phenotype emerged, suggesting that continuous exposure to irritant agents (such as cleaning chemicals) might cause both reversible and irreversible airway obstruction.”

Chemical exposure As to causes and why this may be happening, many public health officials believe it may be, among other reasons, because of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released when using traditional cleaning solutions. Many past studies support this conclusion and have linked exposure to chemicals used in cleaning solutions to cause occupational asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Aware of earlier studies like this, many building owners and managers did transfer to green-certified cleaning solutions. However, we cannot ignore the fact that several have also taken these steps primarily because they know it is good Continued page 36

CLEANING UNPLUGGED Clean textiles – no matter where you want to clean. Puzzi now cordless.

WORKFORCE Time for respect (continued) for business. Green buildings have proven to be able to attract more and better tenants and retain them for longer. The value of their buildings is enhanced and building owners and managers can often demand higher rents to boot. But with the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been growing calls for organisations to address social justice issues. Over the past year, it has become clear the pandemic has disproportionately harmed more vulnerable populations in Europe and North America, many of whom are clean-

ing workers, as the first study points out. The pandemic, however also offers building owners and managers an opportunity to promote social equity for the often-invisible frontline cleaning and building service workers. These are the people who not only may have more risk of being infected with Covid - and a host of other diseases - but who often endure excessive exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals. Further, they may lack the protection, training, and support they need to safeguard their own health while working to protect the health of

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« La pandémie a montré à quel point l’industrie des services manque de respect et de décence pour ses travailleurs, » a écrit dernièrement un journaliste dans un quotidien américain. Il est devenu clair que la Covid-19 a frappé les travailleurs les plus vulnérables, en particulier les agents de nettoyage, d’une manière disproportionnée. Aujourd’hui, les appels se multiplient à une meilleure équité sociale à travers le monde.

36 | September 2022 | ECJ

„Die Pandemie demonstrierte den Mangel an Anstand und Respekt, den die Servicebranche ihren Mitarbeitern zeigte,“ schrieb kürzlich ein Journalist in einem Artikel für eine Zeitung in den USA. Es ist deutlich geworden, dass Covid-19 unverhältnismäßig vielen der verletzbarsten Arbeitnehmern geschadet hat, und ein großer Teil davon sind Reinigungskräfte. Jetzt werden überall auf der Welt Forderungen zur Verbesserung der sozialen Gerechtigkeit laut.

building occupants. One way to address this situation is by using green-certified cleaning products. These products have been independently tested, verifying they meet specific guidelines and standards. This helps ensure they better protect the health of cleaning workers and, at the same time, reduce cleaning’s impact on the environment. Taking this step is not only the right thing to do and good for business, but it also shows cleaning workers they are respected and that the facility in which they work is concerned about their health. This is long overdue. As difficult as the pandemic has been, this may be one of the few benefits derived from this challenging period. Recentemente negli Stati Uniti, un giornalista ha scritto per un giornale: “La pandemia ha dimostrato la mancanza di decenza e di rispetto che il settore dei servizi ha riservato ai lavoratori”. E’ diventato chiaro che il Covid-19 ha danneggiato in modo sproporzionato i lavoratori più vulnerabili e molti di questi sono addetti alle pulizie. Ora ci sono appelli per promuovere una migliore equità sociale in tutto il mondo.

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First impressions count Public washroom users now have high expectations and they can deliver reviews at the touch of a button. The experience you provide is a reflection of your business as a whole. So, what do those users really want? The experts at Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) offer some guidance. IN TIMES WHEN expectations are high and user reviews are available in abundance at the touch of a button, it takes more than delivering a quality product or service to maintain your business’ reputation. At every touchpoint, people are forming perceptions of your business, including how much you value their safety and comfort. Your washroom is no exception. In fact, 74 per cent of people say dirty washrooms cause negative perceptions. A lot of time and money go into creating the right impression. Whether it’s highly trained, attentive staff and seamless technology or little touches like fresh flowers and atmospheric music, many businesses are paying attention to detail yet falling short when it comes to the washroom. The washroom experience you provide is an important reflection of your business as a whole. Think hospitality, for example: if people are seeing a dirty and poorly functioning washroom, they’re not going to be imagining good things about the state of the kitchen. Research shows that over 80 per cent of consumers would avoid a restaurant with a dirty washroom – not just avoid using the washroom but avoid the restaurant altogether! So, what do users really want from their washroom experience and how can you ensure yours isn’t letting your customers or your business down?

Think totally touch-free Sixty-six per cent of people say they use a variety of methods (including flushing

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the toilet with their feet!) to avoid making contact with anything in a washroom, so if you want to build your reputation as a brand that takes its users’ experience and health seriously, you need to be looking at minimising contact. Sensor taps and automatic hand dryers are no longer enough. While foot-operated nappy and sanitary bins are a must, it’s touch-free soap dispensers – preferred by 92 per cent of people - that are going to help you hit the mark in the modern washroom. The good news? It’s not just your users who will benefit - automatic soap and sanitiser dispensers use hygienically sealed refills, meaning they not only provide a more hygienic hand wash, they also offer better cost in use than ‘bulk fill’ alternatives through smaller, more concentrated dose sizes. And if you really want to maximise the contact-free experience, automatic toilet seat cleaner dispensers will delight the 84 per cent of people who say personal control of cleaning is important in making them feel safe.

Soap dispensers that work every time Malfunctioning and grubby-looking soap dispensers, pump top bottles that no longer pump… we’ve all encountered the frustration of poor-quality products in the washroom, and it’s experiences like these that undermine the efforts you’re making elsewhere. More than ever, people want to feel that you’re taking their health and safety seriously. They are no longer prepared to accept shortcuts with minor disgruntlement, and neither should you. The loss of productivity, unnecessary wastage and increased costs associated with having to regularly replace poor quality soap dispensers and bottles is another unwanted and unnecessary consequence of not prioritising durability and refill longevity. Go for dispensers that are built to last and your users will no longer have to play soap roulette when they simply want to wash their hands. Not only that, if you buy better, you waste less and improve your sustainability practices too. Look out

for dispensers that come with a lifetime warranty to put your mind at rest.

Top up and it’ll tot up Buying in bulk may seem like the economical choice but when it comes to choosing washroom soap, it’s not the sensible budget choice many people believe. Larger dose sizes of less concentrated soap mean more frequent refilling and more wastage, adding unnecessary cost and time. Choosing dispensers with sealed refills gives you more controlled dispensing and better cost in use in the long run. Escalating costs are not the only thing to worry about. One in four bulk fill hand hygiene dispensers is reportedly contaminated with illness-causing bacteria. This happens because there are multiple points on the dispenser where bacteria can contaminate the replenishment supply, such as an open-top lid and push-button. Often, units don’t get cleaned but are ‘topped up’ against guidelines and then cannot be decontaminated. Eighty per cent of germs are spread by hands so if the very products designed to help clean hands are themselves contaminated your washroom isn’t doing what it should be to protect people and your business. With workers averaging three sick days a year, costing businesses with 100 employees around €40,600 per year, the spreading of germs in your facility can have a real impact on productivity too!

A greener future With 86 per cent of consumers actively wanting brands to help them be greener, it’s understandable that many businesses are looking for ways they can operate in a more sustainable way, including in the washroom. Touch-free dispensers may be preferred by users, but these are traditionally powered by batteries, of which only five per cent are recycled.

Attractive and convenient Great hand hygiene solutions look smart and well-considered. Soap dispensers Continued page 41

WASHROOM DISPENSERS First impressions count (continued)

that are part of the fabric of your environment show that hand hygiene isn’t just a bolt-on solution, but central to your brand experience. Look for products that come in a variety of colours so you can choose dispensers that fit in with your aesthetics. Aligning the look of hand hygiene, sanitary hygiene and waste solutions in a washroom is a subtle yet strong signal that Les utilisateurs de toilettes collectives ont aujourd’hui de fortes exigences et savent qu’ils peuvent diffuser leurs appréciations en appuyant sur un bouton. Les appréciations qu’un tel va formuler seront le reflet de son activité. Que veulent donc les utilisateurs ? Un expert travaillant chez Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) offre quelques orientations.

details matter to your brand. When space is at a premium, wallmounted soap dispensers become even more important, freeing up valuable counter space. We would suggest you don’t get tempted by small pump top bottles that quickly get dirty and regularly need replacing. If you choose reliable products that have been designed with small spaces in Die Benutzer von öffentlichen Waschräumen haben heutzutage hohe Erwartungen, und sie können per Tastendruck eine Rezension hinterlassen. Die von Ihnen bereitgestellte Erfahrung spiegelt Ihr Unternehmen als Ganzes wider. Also was wollen diese Benutzer wirklich? Die Experten bei Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) erteilen einige Ratschläge.

mind you can provide a high-quality hand hygiene experience and reduce clutter. One of the first things people notice when entering a facility is the smell. Research shows encountering an unpleasant washroom smell leaves nearly 80 per cent of people with a negative perception of that business. With 67 per cent of survey respondents saying an unpleasant smell in an organisation’s public washroom would make them less likely to shop there and 60 per cent saying they’d choose to leave immediately or not return at all, a clean and fresh-smelling washroom is essential to create the right impression. A passive air care system attacks odours at the source, releasing fresh-smelling fragrances to create the ultimate sense of cleanliness and helping to protect your reputation. Al giorno d’oggi, gli utenti dei bagni pubblici hanno delle aspettative molto alte e possono fare delle recensioni semplicemente premendo un pulsante. L’esperienza fornita al pubblico è il riflesso dell’impresa nel suo complesso. Quindi, cosa vogliono esattamente gli utenti? Gli esperti della Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) offrono delle indicazioni

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• Northwood propose le système de distribution pour toilettes collectives North Shore à réduction maximale de déchet et volume. • Hagleitner a développé la plateforme Internet des Objets senseMANAGEMENT pour suivre les besoins d’entretien de ses distributeurs en toilette collective. • Au sein de sa gamme Tork, Essity réalise une large famille de distributeurs pour toilettes collectives assurant un approvisionnement longue durée de savon, papier hygiènique et serviettes. • Brightwell Dispensers a lancé la gamme de distributeurs Myriad réalisée à 100 pour cent en matériaux recyclés. • La gamme Cleanline de distributeurs JVD est fabriquée en matière plastique ABS recyclée. • Le Sanair d’Unicorn Hygienics est un disffuseur d’ambiance combiné à un nettoyant et un désodorisant pour urinoirs.

• Das Waschraumspendersystem North Shore von Northwood wurde mit den Zielen null Abfall und große Mengen im Einsatz konzipiert. • Hagleitner a développé la plateforme Internet des Objets senseMANAGEMENT pour suivre les besoins d’entretien de ses distributeurs en toilette collective. • Essity bietet verschiedene Waschraumspender in der Produktreihe Tork, die zur langfristigen Bereitstellung von Seife, Toilettenpapier und Handtüchern konzipiert wurden. • Neu von Brightwell Dispensers ist die Spenderserie Myriad, die aus 100 Prozent Recyclingmaterial hergestellt wird. • Die Produktreihe Cleanline mit Seifenspendern von JVD wird aus recyceltem ABS-Kunststoff hergestellt. • Bei Sanair von Unicorn Hygienics handelt es sich um einen Duftmittelspender in Kombination mit einem Urinal-/WC-Reiniger.

• Il sistema di dispenser per sale da toilette North Shore della Northwood è progettato per essere zero sprechi e per limitare la quantità di prodotto utilizzato da ciascun utente. • La Hagleitner ha sviluppato la piattaforma senseMANAGEMENT IoT per monitorare le esigenze di servizio dei suoi dispenser per sale da toilette. • La Essity propone una gamma di dispenser per sale da toilette della sua gamma Tork progettati per la fornitura a lunga durata di sapone, carta igienica e asciugamani in carta. • Il nuovo prodotto della Brightwell Dispensers è Myriad Recycled Dispenser Range, prodotto al cento per cento con materiali riciclati. • La gamma di dispenser di sapone Cleanline della JVD è prodotta con plastica ABS riciclata. • Sanair, prodotto dalla Unicorn Hygienics, è un dispenser di deodoranti per ambienti abbinato a un detergente & deodorante da usare negli orinatoi.

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Zero waste Designed to deliver zero waste and volume in use are North Shore washroom dispensers and consumables from Northwood. There are three wipe-clean hand towel dispensers and a choice of hand towels, plus a selection of toilet tissue and soap dispensers and consumables in the range – all designed to curtail waste and over-use.

dispensers. The contents are emptied to the very last drop – what remains is just a few micrometres thin.

Keep it coming Essity offers a range of washroom dispensers that have been purpose-designed to provide a long-lasting supply of soap, toilet paper and hand towels. Tork Foam Soap in the Tork Skincare Dispenser is housed in a non-drip cartridge that contains 2,500 shots of soap, compared with around 1,000 shots in most liquid soap refills. When the soap runs out, a new cartridge can be snapped into place in seconds by the cleaner.

Ensuring 100 per cent of the paper is used, both the 5,000sheet capacity Orbit and the 2,500-sheet capacity Side-bySide toilet roll dispensers prevent ‘free rolling’ and only allow access to the next roll once the current one has been used.

Connected Hagleitner developed its senseMANAGEMENT IoT solution to ensure paper, soap and disinfectants in its XIBU hybrid washroom dispensers are always on hand. This platform tracks filling levels, energy supply and service requirements.

Through a bluetooth gateway Hagleitner devices transfer data to the cloud, which can be accessed through a mobile application or web portal. At one glance users see if dispensers need to be refilled, paper boxes need to be emptied or energy supplies need to be replaced. The batteries used are rechargeable - energy can also be supplied via mains adapter or energyBOX, which is produced with recycled material. Patented vacuumBAGs contain the refill for XIBU hybrid

The Tork SmartOne Toilet Paper Dispenser gives out just one sheet of toilet tissue at a time which helps to prevent run-outs during busy periods. Single-sheet dispensing reduces consumption by to 40 per cent while also minimising blockages. And the Tork PeakServe Continuous Hand Towel Dispenser serves more than 1,000 guests between refills. The towels are dispensed in a continuous loop to eliminate the issue of jamming while also speeding up towel delivery for a more efficient operation. And the unit can be topped up at any time.

Recycled range New from Brightwell is the Myriad Recycled Dispenser Range, with housings made from 100 per cent recycled material sourced from postconsumer waste. The recycled material meets the required standards for certification under the EuCertPlast. With both the main housing and packaging being eco-friendly, this line of soap and paper

dispensers can be recycled and reused again. Plastic waste is repurposed back to raw material for reprocessing in Brightwell’s manufacturing plants. The design has a black shiny finish and window with a seamless join for easy cleaning and options to customise windows are available.

Classic design

The Cleanline range of soap dispensers from JVD is now made from recycled ABS plastic. Previously grey in colour, these models are now black and are designed to be classic says the company. The clean, rounded design can fit into any washroom and the energy needed in production has been reduced - emitting less CO2 and consuming less water.

Clean and fresh The Sanair Air Freshener and Cleaner and Deodoriser is a twoin-one dispenser designed to keep urinals clean and smelling fresh and clean. Developed by Unicorn Hygienics, the Sanair provides a continuous flow of fluid into the urinal/ WC, preventing the formation of bacteria whilst releasing a fresh fragrance to counteract any airborne malodours. The system consists of an automatic, fully programmable dispenser, used in conjunction with Unicorn’s specially formulated refills. Together they provide a solution for eliminating odours in the washroom and cleaning and sterilising urinals and toilets. It also helps to reduce limescale build-up in toilets and urinals. Sanair can be programmed for various service intervals, using a 30 or 60 day cycle: preprogrammed LEDs will indicate when the refill or battery needs replacing.







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What next for hand dryers? Hand dryers have changed beyond all recognition during their 100 years in existence. But what were the earliest models like? ECJ discovers the history of the hand dryer, finds out how far they have evolved – and asks what happens next.

MOST OF US THINK of the electric hand dryer as a relatively modern invention. But the first models were created more than a century ago on both sides of the Atlantic. And there is a degree of controversy over who came up with the idea first. According to Wikipedia, the earliest hand dryer was patented in 1921 by the Airdry Corporation of New York. Excel Dryer’s director of global sales Tammy Stone confirms this. “The company’s patent indicated that the model would work by ‘delivering a blast of heated air for drying the face, hands or hair of a person, or for drying jewellery, metal parts, glassware or other articles’,” she said. “Unfortunately the concept never really took off at the time.” A Chicago-based inventor named George Clemens then popularised the electric hand dryer in 1948, according to Stone. “The invention worked, but it was loud and inefficient and took nearly a minute to dry the hands,” she said. “So paper towels remained the prevailing hand drying method in the public sphere for the next five decades.” Business support manager for Everything Hand Dryers Kate Furniss adds to this that the first Airdry model was operated via a floor pedal. And she agrees with Stone that it gained little recognition among washroom users in the 1920s. “The market then changed in the early 1990s with the introduction of the first hands-in dryer from Mitsubishi,” she said. “This proved to be immensely popular in Japan, but it didn’t reach the

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European or North American markets until the early 2000s.” However Starmix – originally called Electrostar - has a different take on the earliest hand dryers. “We operated one of the first ever vacuum cleaner factories in southern Germany in the 1920s and our founder, Robert Schöttle, used the related technology to develop the first electric hand dryer,” said the company’s sanitary division leader Johannes Behrens. “This was seen as a breakthrough since it used warm air at relatively low noise levels to dry the hands. And it took a completely new approach to existing handdrying solutions.” But whether the hand dryer originated in Europe, the US or in both at the same time, it is generally agreed the market has evolved dramatically – and that most of the changes have taken place since the start of the new millennium. “In terms of energy consumption, efficiency, drying speed, design and noise, today’s models are in no way comparable to last century’s solutions,” says Behrens. He believes one of the most important changes to have been the switch from push-button to infra-red touchless operation. “Developments began to speed up when topics such as energy savings, carbon footprint and sustainability began to shape public opinion,” he said. “And this came hard on the heels of other developments concerning shorter drying times, lower noise levels and a userfriendly design.”

Stark contrast Excel Dryer’s Tammy Stone describes the difference between the earliest hand dryers and today’s high-speed, energy-efficient models as “like night and day”. And she believes that factors such as sustainability and hygiene requirements - plus the demand for an alternative solution to paper towels - have been the main drivers behind the hand dryer revolution. “Customers and visitors prefer touchless solutions, particularly in the light of the pandemic,” she said. “Sensor automa-

tion removes an unnecessary touchpoint from the hand hygiene process and reduces the risk of spreading germs and contaminating freshly-washed hands.” Among the company’s latest products is the D|13 Sink System featuring the XLERATORsync hand dryer. This allows the user to wash, rinse and dry the hands in one place while the XLERATORsync uses a high-speed airflow to blow the water away from the user and towards the bottom of the sink. “This keeps the water in the sink and off the floors to prevent dangerous and unhygienic situations for visitors,” says Stone.

Demand for hygiene Export area manager of Mediclinics Milagros Garde also believes there to be a clear “before” and “after” picture as far as hand dryers are concerned. “The world has become much more aware of the need for hygiene in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said. “As a result, technologies such as particle filters, ionisers, antimicrobial additives and UV-C ultraviolet light with germicidal activity have been gaining more traction.” He believes the hand dryer market’s two main drivers have been a growing demand for higher levels of hygiene in public toilets and the technological developments that are making this possible. “New technologies such as high-speed motors have allowed us to manufacture hand dryers with lower energy consumption and shorter drying times than traditional dryers, thus saving twice as much energy,” he said. “And this offers greater satisfaction for the user as well because they can dry their hands more rapidly.” Other factors shaping the market include a growing focus on sustainability and the need to cut costs, according to Garde. “People are concerned about the climate emergency and are betting on environmentally-friendly products,” he said. “Hand dryers consume fewer natural resources than paper which means their impact on CO2 emissions is lower.” Business support manager for Every-


thing Hand Dryers Kate Furniss believes the launch of Excel Dryer‘s XLERATOR was the catalyst that revolutionised the market. “This machine had a drying time of 1015 seconds and changed the way in which hand dryers were perceived in washrooms worldwide,” she said. “Suddenly people were no longer hanging around the washroom drying their hands on their trousers or skirts because the hand dryer was taking too long. And from there we saw the introduction of many other turbo dryers with similar drying times, and these quickly became the norm.” Everything Hand Dryers’ products include Pebble and Pebble Mini which can be upgraded, replaced and maintained by the customers themselves. The company’s ‘Plug & Play’ mechanism incorporates a docking station which allows the customer to easily slide the dryer out without the need of an engineer. According to Furniss, Covid-19 was a highly significant factor in the history of the hand dryer. “The pandemic devastated the industry because hand dryers were taped up or even removed across much of Europe,” she said. “Paper towels then flourished because they were perceived as being more hygienic than hand dryers and people stopped worrying about their environmental impact.” Covid-19 has taught the industry a few lessons, according to Furniss. “Number

Dans leurs premières versions, les sèche-mains expulsaient de l’air chaud à l’appui d’un bouton pour ensuite effectuer un séchage à la fois lent et bruyant. Depuis lors, ils ont connu une évolution surprenante et sont aujourd’hui plus rapides, silencieux et élégants. Nous entretrenant avec des fabricants, nous constatons les progrès que leurs modèles les plus récents enregistrent par rapport à ces premiers temps.

one: you need a hand dryer that does the job, and number two: you need a hand dryer that does the job quickly, quietly and hygienically,” she said. “And that needs to be provable. “This is why you see so many hand dryers now being equipped with H13 HEPA filters, UV light as a disinfectant and with built-in negative ION generators. Believe it or not, some of these features were available 20 years ago - but no one was interested.” Losdi’s marketing and communications manager Pau Ortiz confirms that Covid-19 had a significant effect on the hand dryer market. “There were reports hand dryers could spread the virus around the washroom, and this belief became so strong in Spain that the government eventually spoke out to deny the stories,” he said.

Key drivers in development “Even though the market gained the support of the Spanish government, we at Losdi decided to add HEPA filtered products to our portfolio to convince customers that hand dryers were hygienic and effective against Covid-19 and other diseases.” He says Losdi was founded in 1995, adding that the company’s early models were very different from today’s dryers. “Those first machines were powered by a manual button, something that is rarely seen nowadays,” he says. “But the main differences in today’s models lie in their performance, user-friendliness and the

Die frühen Modelle von Händetrocknern bliesen auf Tastendruck warme Luft heraus und trockneten die Hände sowohl langsam als auch geräuschvoll. Aber sie haben eine dramatische Entwicklung erlebt und sind jetzt schneller, leiser und pfiffiger. Wir unterhalten uns mit Herstellern von Händetrocknern über die Entwicklung von den Anfängen bis hin zu ihren neuesten Modellen.

time it takes to dry the hands. “As a result, air speed has increased and product designs have been upgraded with the introduction of tanks that will gather the residual water. And vertical hand dryers have been launched to provide more airflow and to cover a more extensive area of the hands.” So, how will the hand dryer market develop in future? Ortiz believes dryers will continue to play an important role in the washroom. “The cost of paper products along with an increasing desire for sustainable solutions are positioning hand dryers as a reliable and functional hand drying option,” he said. Starmix’s Johannes Behrens believes the main drivers behind the industry in future will be sustainability, enhanced hygiene and a low-cost operation. Excel Dryers’ Tammy Stone concurs. “As we look ahead we think sustainability will be one of the most critical driving forces in the hand hygiene market,” she said. “And we also expect tomorrow’s customers to demand low costs along with enhanced hygiene.” Everything Hand Dryers’ Kate Furniss believes the next generation of hand dryers will use technology to dry the hands hygienically, silently - and within five to 10 seconds. “At the same time the world is increasingly demanding products with low CO2 emissions, low energy and low waste - and that is something the hand dryer market can offer,” she said.

I primi modelli di asciugamani ad aria emettevano aria calda con la semplice pressione di un pulsante e asciugavano le mani lentamente e in modo rumoroso. Si sono però evoluti drasticamente e ora sono più veloci, più silenziosi e più eleganti. Chiediamo ai produttori di asciugamani ad aria fino a punto i loro modelli più recenti si sono evoluti da quei primi giorni.

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Versatile Cost-Effective Sustainably Engineered e MULTI-Matic is a compact and versatile til trolley range, ensuring productivity with a choice of janitorial solutions and mopping options to suit all environments.

Configure your cleaning solution.

Made from high-quality recycled plastic ©Numatic International Limited 2022. Specification subject to change without prior notice.


Magnificent mop THE INTERNAL FLOORS of commercial and industrial premises are increasingly being cleaned by scrubber dryers. And in many cases, these machines are taking the place of the traditional mop. But mops offer a number of advantages over scrubber dryers, according to Crisp Clean’s sales manager Keara Page. For one thing, they can quickly be transported from A to B when an unplanned cleaning task needs to be carried out. “Accessibility is a major benefit of a mopping system,” she says. “Mops can be used to clean in areas where it is simply not possible or economical to use a scrubber dryer. And less training is required on the part of the operator as well.” Mops can be used dry, damp or wet and are able to clean into corners and edges, she adds. “They can also be made from materials that enable them to clean effectively without the use of chemicals,” she says. But the design of the mop is pivotal, because a poorly-designed model might spread dirt and bacteria around the floor rather than removing it, according to Page. “Cotton has good absorbency, but much of the absorbed solution will enter the cotton structure and remain there, leading to an increased risk of cross-contamination,” she said. “And Kentucky mops might leave behind a wet surface which would potentially be hazardous.” Flat mops can help to alleviate this problem, she adds. “Flat mopping leaves a dryer floor which reduces the risk of accidents,” says Page.

More hygienic Crisp Clean’s mops are made from stainless steel for easy manoeuvrability, while its Silver mop incorporates silver ions in the yarn to prevent bacterial growth. And the company’s standard pile flat mops are claimed to be durable and easily laundered while offering a high level of absorbency. “When used in conjunction with our Ringo or Hytech wringers they will pick up more solution than traditional mops,” she says.

Page believes future mopping systems will become even more hygienic as textile technology improves. “And as people make more sustainable choices, they will increasingly consider the energy requirements and initial outlay of electrical items such as scrubber dryers along with the overall plastic consumption associated with these products,” she said. Robert Scott’s sales director Alastair Scott agrees that the lower level of investment required for a mopping system is a key benefit. “Mops also help to reduce ongoing costs - an important consideration in the light of today’s rising material and labour prices,” he said. “Most traditional mop systems can be used continuously by replacing the mop head or microfibre pad which means there is little or no downtime. And manual mopping requires no power source, which is a huge benefit for businesses seeking to enhance their sustainability and reduce running costs at a time when energy prices are at a record high.”

Environmental benefit He adds that pre-soaked mop pads require little water which is a further environmental benefit. And ease of operation is another plus, according to Scott. “Mops are a convenient solution for response cleaning and the user can move around freely while using them,” he said. “And a manual mop makes even more sense if you are working in environments that involve stairs, furniture, obstacles or a variety of floor surfaces.” Problems arise when the wrong product is used or when an operator is inadequately trained, he says. “For example, a mop that is too wet will result in floors taking longer to dry. And if the user doesn’t follow basic principles such as cleaning from the furthest area to the nearest to avoid stepping on mopped areas, they will risk contaminating the cleaned floor.” New from Robert Scott is the Biofresh mop which is designed to inhibit the growth of bacteria and odours, and

Ann Laffeaty makes the case for the traditional mop – and finds out how it fits into today’s highly mechanised world

the Exel socket which is said to fix the mop to the handle more securely than screw fittings. The future for mopping is bright, according to Scott. “With the sheer variety of environments that require daily cleaning - and with the comparatively low cost of manual mopping compared with machines – we believe mops will be with us for many years to come,” he said. Mops are ideal for use in small rooms that have no specific sanitising needs, says IPC’s product manager Elisa Marcon. “Problems only arise when the contaminated water is reused, such as with traditional bucket-and-Kentucky mop systems,” she adds. The use of double-bucket systems where the dirty and clean water are kept separately is cost-effective while providing a high level of performance, she says. “And the fact that mops require no power source is a major benefit in today’s environmentally-aware world.” Filmop’s business development manager Paolo Scapinello agrees mops offer significant sustainability advantages over machines. “Today’s customers are seeking more eco-friendly products - and mopping systems require no power source,” he said. “Microfibre mops also reduce water waste due to their absorbency.” He adds that mops are sufficiently compact to clean even the smallest of spaces. “They are ideal for quick clean-ups and can be used in corners and congested areas as well as on walls and ceilings.” However, he says a poorly-designed model will have some disadvantages. “A mop that isn’t lightweight, intuitive and easy to use will require more effort on the Continued page 50

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MOPPING EQUIPMENT Magnificent mop (continued) require little water which means the floor can be cleaned and put back into service within 90 seconds, says Fryer. Manual mopping will always be one of the most commonly-used cleaning operations around according to Kärcher’s manual tools product manager Beyza Gügercin. “Anyone can mop a room with decent results,” she said. “However, in order to achieve a professional and sustainable clean, the operator will need a certain amount of training along with the right tools for the task.”

No power needed

part of the operator,” he said. According to Scapinello, mopping systems with a tank handle – such as Filmop’s ErgoDrop - work particularly well in response cleaning situations. Also from the company is the ErgoSwing which consists of a telescopic handle with a turning grip and a mop holder. This has an ergonomic joint which is said to reduce operator strain and increase productivity. Scapinello believes there will always be room for mopping systems on the market. “Their compact size and reduced management costs help to overcome the limitations posed by machines,” he said.

Undeniable versatility The versatility of mopping systems is undeniable according to ceo of Concept Manufacturing Francois Caillou. “No other system can provide such a productive solution in congested environments,” he said. “Mops also work well on a range of hard flooring materials including plastic, tiles and wood. And they can be used for cleaning walls, ceilings and even the tables of restaurants, schools and meeting rooms.” According to Caillou, mops are preferable to machines for quick clean-ups and on-the-spot applications. “Machines are heavy and may not be stored close to the area where they are used,” he said. “And even if the machine is only required for a few minutes, you will still need to account for maintenance time which will involve refilling the tank and cleaning the squeegee.” However, he says mops require more Les balais à franges traditionnels sont commodes, faciles à utiliser, capables d’accomplir de multiples tâches et ne requièrent pas de formation. De plus, ils n’ont pas besoin de courant électrique et permettent de rapides nettoyages. ECJ contemple les nombreux avantages du balais à franges et songe aux situations pour lesquelles il conviennent le mieux.

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manual effort than machines, adding that cleaning quality will suffer if the operator has not been well trained. “This makes scrubber dryers more effective in large open areas,” he said. Concept’s Sloopy pre-impregnated flat-mopping system is said to be lightweight and ergonomic and is claimed to reduce water and chemical consumption by 90 per cent. Mopping systems can clean up to skirting boards, under machinery, beneath furniture and into edges and corners, says Vikan’s UK sales manager Andy Fryer. “The fact that mops are quieter than machines means they can be used at any time without disturbing customers or employees, whereas vacuums can often only be used during ‘quiet’ periods,” he said. “And a strategically placed mop can be deployed far more quickly than having to go to cleaning cupboard to wheel out a scrubber dryer.” He says a machine will often need to be serviced or charged before use, whereas mops are always ready for work and will rapidly clean up spills. “While scrubber dryers are able to carry out a visually acceptable clean, microfibre mops give a deep clean every time,” adds Fryer. However he says traditional mopping systems – and microfibre mops in particular - still require some level of staff training. “But once this time investment has been made, a fully-trained member of staff will be extremely efficient at cleaning floors effectively,” he said. The Vikan Microfibre mop is claimed to Herkömmliche Mopps sind vielseitig, praktisch und ohne Schulung einfach zu benutzen. Außerdem benötigen sie keine Stromquelle und sind ideal für schnelles Saubermachen. Das ECJ betrachtet die vielen Vorteile, die Mopps bieten, und erfährt, wann sie die beste Option sind.

The fact mops can clean in areas that are inaccessible to machines is a major advantage, she says. “Mops also require a lower initial investment while offering high levels of performance,” she adds. According to Gügercin, manual tools are among the greenest products around. “This is because they are operated by humans and require no power source, while materials such as microfibre reduce the use of water consumption and detergent,” she said. “They can also be used for everything from spot cleaning and daily maintenance to regular cleaning and quick clean-ups - there are no limits. “And another major advantage of mops is their speed. It is faster to grab a mop and clean an area with a spray applicator and a microfibre mop than it is to deploy a machine, and the floor will dry rapidly afterwards.” According to Gügercin, the extra manual effort required for mopping is one of the system’s chief drawbacks. “However the latest tools, systems and technologies on the market have been developed with the operator firmly in mind,” she says. Kärcher offers a range of back-friendly mopping systems equipped with adjustable telescopic handles plus mops with a hook and loop backing. These can be attached to the frame and removed by stepping on the edge, with no bending required. Gügercin believes the issues of health and safety will become strictly linked to sustainability and efficiency in the future. “The mop will play an increasingly important role in this context because it is still the most commonly-used means of cleaning a floor,” she said. I mop tradizionali sono versatili, convenienti e facili da usare senza bisogno di nessun addestramento. Inoltre non necessitano di fonti di alimentazione e sono ideali per una pulizia veloce. ECJ prende in esame i numerosi vantaggi dei mop e scopre quando sono l’opzione migliore.


Curved handle New from Nordisk Microfiber is a telescopic mop handle with a curved shape. This, it says, makes it easy to clean under furniture and minimises strain on the body. The Ultra Ergo Curved handle avoids unnecessary bending for the operative, optimising the ergonomic working environment. The curved shape makes for low friction on the floor for the mop frame, making it move easily regardless of what size is used.

reduce the risk of back injuries due to poor posture or repetitive stressful movements. Pockety can be used with either pre-soaking or on-demand soaking systems.

Easy motion major manufacturers, can be attached simply. When compactly retracted, the handle is stored in the Scandic X toolbox which in turn is stored in the Equipe cleaning trolley. With its rotating ball design, the Scandic X handle also enables a steady posture for the operator and therefore relief in the upper hand while mopping - helping to prevent strain on wrist joints.

Unger’s erGO!clean mopping system is available with an ergonomically designed telescopic handle which allows the user to move the mop in S-shape motions virtually effortlessly. Thus reducing strain in the shoulders, arms and wrists. The handle can also be adapted exactly to the operator’s height, again improving ergonomics.

Less pain

No touching The telescopic handle is hygienic thanks to the solid construction of the upper part, which prevents accumulation of bacteria and makes this model suitable for use in healthcare.

One fits all Vermop’s Scandic X telescopic handle makes carrying of multiple handles on a trolley a thing of the past, it says. This telescopic model can be easily adjusted to various working heights - from 80 cm length for mirror cleaning to 171 cm for overhead work. And thanks to its connector system, all Vermop appliances, plus those from all

Pockety is the new system developed by TTS that features completely touch-free release of mops. This, the company says, offers safety and ergonomic benefits because it prevents operatives from coming into contact with any dirt, viruses or bacteria from the mop head. And the fact they have no need to stoop to pick up the mops can

Toolflex reports that a study by the Swedish Work Environment Authority indicates 69 per cent of all cleaning workers suffer from back or neck pain. So it has developed a new type of mop holder that aims to help alleviate that by eliminating unnecessary carrying of mops between tasks. The new patented holder is called One Motion and it’s designed to have a firm grip on all handles between 15 and 35 mm, at the side of the cleaning trolley. It can also be cleaned, disinfected and autoclaved.

• La manche télescopique incurvé Ultra Ergo de Nordisk Microfiber est conçu pour permettre un nettoyage facile sous les meubles. • Le manche télescopique Scandic X de Vermop peut se régler pour satisfaire aux exigences de hauteur de travail, en allant des planchers et miroirs aux plafonds. • Produit nouveau de TTS, le Pockety est un cadre de tête de balayage humide sans contact assurant la libération rapide et aisée de cette pièce. • Le système de balayge humide erGO! Clean de la société Unger est livré avec un manche télescopique à ligne ergonomique. • Pour alléger les douleurs au dos et à la nuque des nettoyeurs, Toolflex leur propose un nouveau porte-balai humide. • Der Teleskop-Moppgriff Ultra Ergo Curved von Nordisk Microfiber wurde entwickelt, um einfaches Reinigen unter Möbeln zu erleichtern. • Der Teleskopgriff Scandic X von Vermop kann an alle Arbeitshöhen angepasst werden, von Böden und Spiegeln bis zu über Kopf. • Neu von TTS ist Pockety, ein berührungsloser Mopphalter, der eine schnelle und einfache Freigabe des Moppkopfes ermöglicht. • Das Moppsystem erGO! Clean von Unger umfasst einen ergonomisch gestalteten Teleskopgriff. • Das Moppsystem erGO! Clean von Unger umfasst einen ergonomisch gestalteten Teleskopgriff. • Il manico telescopico per mop Ultra Ergo Curved prodotto dalla Nordisk Microfiber è stato sviluppato per agevolare la pulizia sotto i mobili. • Il manico telescopico Scandic X della Vermop può essere regolato per soddisfare tutte le altezze di lavoro, dai pavimenti e specchi a aree in posizioni alte. • Il nuovo prodotto della TTS è Pockety, una struttura touch-free per il mop che permette lo sgancio rapido e semplice del mop stesso. • Il sistema mop erGO! Clean della Unger viene fornito con una impugnatura telescopica dal design ergonomico. • La Toolflex afferma che la sua nuova rastrelliera porta-mop potrebbe alleviare il male di schiena e al collo agli addetti alle pulizie.

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• Vileda a relancé sa gamme de balayage humide Swep après y avoir introduit des améliorations ergonomiques et obtenu la certification ErgoCert. • SYR a ajouté une gamme de panneaux d’avertissement à son systéme de stockage à réponse rapide. • Le nouveau système de balayage humide Globo est de caractère vraiment universel et traite n’importe quelle surface, affirme son fabricant, Filmop. • Le tampon d’épongeage TruCLEAN de Perfex est conçu pour l’application de liquides de nettoyage et de désinfection sur des planchers, parois et plafonds.

• Vileda hat die Moppreihe Swep erneut auf den Markt gebracht, mit ergonomischen Verbesserungen und ErgoCert-Zertifizierung. • SYR hat sein Angebot an Warnschildern um das Rapid Response Storage System erweitert. • Laut Hersteller Filmop handelt es sich bei Globo um ein neues Moppsystem, das wahrhaft universell einsetzbar ist – geeignet für alle Oberflächen. • Der TruCLEAN Schwammmopp von Perfex wurde zum Auftragen von Reinigungs- und Desinfektionslösungen auf Böden, Wände und Decken konzipiert.

• La Vileda ha rilanciato la sua gamma di mop Swep mediante miglioramenti ergonomici e certificazione ErgoCert. • La SYR ha aggiunto alla sua gamma di segnali di avvertimento rapido il sistema di stoccaggio Rapid Response Storage System. • La Filmop afferma che il suo prodotto Globo è il nuovo sistema di mop veramente universale e adatto per tutte le superfici. • Il mop TruCLEAN Sponge Mop della Perfex è progettato per applicare soluzioni detergenti e disinfettanti su pavimenti, pareti e soffitti.

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Vileda Professional has been redesigning and perfecting its premium mopping range, Swep, to offer better performance, efficiency, ergonomics, and sustainability. The whole system has been ergonomically perfected and certified by ErgoCert for its human-centred design and operating excellence according to ergonomic principles. It comes with a new range of mops, frames and a handle made from up to 60 per cent recycled materials. The pre-prepared mops have been designed for increased dirt pick-up capacity, optimised adaptability to varying heights in floors and higher water release for mopping further. This is achieved through a 3-D honeycomb cut pile and brush fibre combination with extrafine microfibres and a cut pile and fringe combination where needed. The vertical arrangement of mops in the dosing box maximises cleaning performance, says Vileda.

Next edition of ECJ - October

Two-in-one Developed to work as part of daily mopping and spill management is the Rapid Response Storage System safety signage from SYR. Functioning as a two-in-one safety cone and small trolley system, the tough polypropylene cone comes with a braked castor, a convenient top handle and side tool holders suitable for handles, mops, dustpans and other equipment. There is also an enclosed storage area with two shelves within the cone itself.

This solution has been designed to improve efficiency and reduce time spent cleaning by ensuring everything the operative needs is close at hand. It can also help to maintain safety standards because it allows someone to transport tools, block public access and clean in one step.

Universal Designed to save time and effort are Filmop’s new Globo microfibre mops. The Globo system comprises a foldable mop holder

and a range of mops with micro flaps. Ultra-thin filaments integrated into the mops penetrate the floor’s microporosity, capturing the dirt and only releasing it during washing. No hand contact is required for the operator when attaching and releasing the mops, and the system eliminates the need

for adopting any uncomfortable positions during cleaning. Boost is the new flat wringer developed to work alongside the Globo system - the company claims it wrings out 20 per cent more water with half the effort of traditional wringers.

Sterile sponge Designed for cleanroom or sterile environments is the TruCLEAN Sponge mop from Perfex - which can apply disinfectants and sterilants to floors, walls and ceilings. Recently launched is TruCLEAN Sterile, a range of mopping supplies for high-grade cleanroom use which includes sponge mops and mop covers that are gamma sterilised and sterility assurance level-validated.


New trends Rekola says that its Reflex mopping system fits well with the increasing trend towards mechanisation of floor cleaning, as compact scrubber dryers and robots will reduce the number of square metres that require manual cleaning.

It says pre-dusting, corners and edges will still need to be done manually and its sharp squeegee shape easily accesses those areas where the flat mop frame cannot reach. And thanks to the Ultra Microfibre Mopcloths, dusting and damp mopping can be done in one go. Rekola also believes the integration of manual and machine cleaning means less space will be available on trolleys, claiming

the Reflex system is more compact than flat mop solutions.


Quick results The Runner Blue 2.0 mop from Arcora features a tightly woven microfibre yarn and boasts improved mechanics on hard floors - making for fast and fatiguefree cleaning it says. Dirt and water absorption are said to be excellent, while the new polyamide lightweight bristles do not scratch the floor and offer an easy-glide experience for the operative. The Runner Blue 2.0 is suitable for maintenance cleaning as well as wet and dry cleaning of surfaces including rubber floors, porcelain stoneware, stone floors, tiles, laminate floors, along with smooth and porous floor coverings. It can be used in healthcare settings as well as all public buildings.

Microsystem’s Duotex is an ecological microfibre range, with many of the products approved under the criteria of the Nordic Ecolabel. All are made from 100 per cent split microfibre and just two different versions will solve most surface cleaning challenges the company says. The handle and mop holder complete the mopping system. MicroSweep Duotex is designed for daily use in dry and damp cleaning - the fringes around it are said to increase cleaning capacity by 35 per cent. For more heavy duty damp and wet mopping the MicroWet Duotex is used for removing larger amounts of dirt and grease.

• Comme solution ergonomique, économique et durable, Rekola propose le balayage humide Reflex. • Le Runner Blue 2.0 de la société Arcora est un tampon d’épongeage en microfibre qui se distingue par son taux élevé d’absorption d’eau et de saletés. • Le système de balayage humide Duotex de Microsystem comprend des tampons en microfibre, un portetampon et le manche.

• Reflex ist, laut Rekola, eine ergonomische, wirtschaftliche und nachhaltige Mopplösung. • Der Runner Blue 2.0 von Arcora ist ein Mikrofasermopp, der hervorragende Schmutz- und Wasseraufnahme bietet. • Das Moppsystem Duotex von Microsystem umfasst Mikrofasermopps, Mopphalter und -griff.

• La Rekola afferma che Reflex è una soluzione mop ergonomica, economica e sostenibile. • Runner Blue 2.0 prodotto dalla Arcora è un mop in microfibra che vanta un elevato assorbimento di sporco e di acqua. • Il sistema di mop Duotex della Microsystem include mop in microfibra, strutture e manici.

September 2022 | ECJ | 53


Europe faces a difficult winter

Business owners know all too well about the impacts of soaring energy costs over the past year. But how much longer will those eye-watering bills continue to roll in? Hartley Milner looks at the background to this current situation and seeks some answers. AS A BUSINESS OWNER, you need no telling about the impacts of soaring energy costs over the past year. The question that will be nagging away in your head as those eye-watering bills continue to roll in is … how much longer will the craziness last? Hartley Milner seeks some answers. On any night down the pub, you will likely catch an earful of some wag mouthing off about Putin being to blame for the cost of living crisis hitting them in the pocket. Politicians have been pushing that line since Russian troops first stormed Ukraine on February 20, so it is not surprising the public has picked up on it.

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The truth is that while there is no denying the war in Ukraine is an important driver of spiralling living costs – especially the price for energy – it is still only one element in a perfect storm of crises to hit the world’s interdependent economies in recent years. Some of the biggest impacts have been due to extreme climate events. An unusually cold winter in 2020/21, especially in parts of Asia, saw demand for energy rocket on international wholesale markets, which had an impact on supply and therefore on prices. Last winter, global oil supplies took a hit from two hurricanes passing through the Gulf of Mexico and damaging refineries, then six months later problems meeting demand for microchips were worsened after a fierce storm closed major factories in Texas. But the prime cause of unprecedented hikes in energy prices has its roots in the Coronavirus pandemic, according to Dr Roman Sidortsov, senior research fellow in

energy justice at the University of Sussex Business School. “When Covid-19 hit, companies curtailed energy production and almost overnight the world didn’t need as much natural gas and oil,” he explained. “And without the capacity to store extra, energy companies had to shut down production, costing huge amounts of money and time. “Then there was a huge spike in demand when life restarted. Energy suppliers had to reverse the curtailment of production. This was one of the huge reasons for the quick jump in prices. There was suddenly a spike in demand and production had to quickly be reinstated. Energy prices would have jumped regardless of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but the war exacerbated the situation.”

Surge in demand Manufacturers and suppliers across many sectors were caught out by the post-pandemic surge in demand, leading to acute shortages of materials such as


plastic, concrete, steal and timber. Vital components for cars and electrical goods were also in short supply. And global shipping and air freight companies were overwhelmed, causing sharp rises in the cost of moving goods around the world, which for the most part were passed on to consumers. What all this lays bare is a lack of energy resilience in the face of threats to supplies and the pressing need to step up the transition to renewable energy, according to Rebeca Grynspan, secretarygeneral of the UN Conference on Trade and Development. She said: “Renewable energy is often the cheapest and most quick-to-deploy source of electricity for many countries. But this is only true if we ensure that supply chains work well and without bottlenecks, that the workforce has the right skills and that enough funds will be made available for the initial investments. To meet these conditions, we have to scale up financing and technology transfer for developing countries and the energy poor of the world.”

Reliant on Russian imports Meanwhile Putin’s war continues to wreak havoc, particularly in Europe, which has made itself heavily reliant on energy imports from Russia and is now struggling to break free from his merciless grip. Moscow supplies 40 per cent of the European Union’s gas and 27 per cent of its imported crude oil. In June, the EU announced a €210 billion (£177.62 billion) package to end its dependency on Russian fossil fuels by 2027 and speed up the transition to green energy. EU leaders agreed to halt 90 per cent of Russian oil imports by the end of this year, allowing exemptions for Hungary and two other landlocked central European states for the pipeline imports they rely on. Plus they reached agreement on “trying to” reduce demand for Russian gas by two-thirds to the same timeline. An embargo on Russian coal came into force in August. Towards these aims and to boost energy security, the European Commission announced in the spring that it was ramping up targets for transitioning to alternative fuels. It now says 45 per cent of the EU’s energy mix should come from renewables by 2030, against 40 per cent

Les chefs d’entreprises ne connaissent que trop bien ce que leur ont coûté les hausses de l’énergie de l’année écoulée. Pendant combien de temps vont-ils encore les subir ? Hartley Milner examine les origines de la situation actuelle et recherche des réponses.

suggested less than a year earlier. Officials also want to cut energy consumption by 13 per cent by 2030 (compared with 2020), revising up a previous proposal for a nine per cent saving. However, until all these measures take effect, Europe remains at the whim of the Russian leader, who has begun cutting gas supplies to the continent, triggering fears of acute energy shortages over the coming winter months … and still higher prices. So must we wait for an end to the Ukraine conflict for sanity to return to the markets? Most observers agree that peace, or a sustained ceasefire, will likely cause energy prices to cool and inflation to moderate, but then after the initial euphoria wears off people will discover countless other structural inflationary forces remain to push up living costs. And anyway, NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg told German daily newspaper Bild recently: “We must be prepared for this to last for years. We must not weaken in our support of Ukraine, even if the costs are high.” Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency, warned: “This winter in Europe will be very, very difficult and this may have implications for the global economy. The world has never witnessed such a major energy crisis in terms of its depth and complexity.” And he added, ominously: “We might not have seen the worst of it yet.” A no less pessimistic view has come from the energy sector itself. Dietmar Siersdorfer, managing director of Siemens Energy Middle East, said: “I believe that we will see for some time that this [energy crisis] is staying. I don’t see at the moment an easy fix that we say ‘if we do this now, then tomorrow everything is back to normal’. I don’t see that this is happening, because of the crisis we see with Russia. I don’t think that Moscow will walk away, and even if the war stops tomorrow, to build trust again, to re-fix that what we had before, it will take quite some time. At the moment, I see more increasing pressure than decreasing pressure. So we have to learn to live with this change that we have just seen a few months back.” However, the EU is looking for new

fuel markets and has signed agreements to import more liquefied natural gas. Electricity exchange between countries in the region and beyond will likely to also become an increasingly important source of power for Europe, according to Siersdorfer. But he stressed: “In the meantime, investments will need to continue into the hydrocarbons sector to support rising demand and address inflationary pressures in the market.”

Firmenbesitzer wissen nur zu gut, welche Auswirkungen die im Verlauf des vergangenen Jahres sprunghaft angestiegenen Energiekosten haben. Aber wie lange noch werden solche Rechnungen, die einem die Tränen in die Augen treiben, eingehen? Hartley Milner betrachtet den Hintergrund dieser aktuellen Situation und sucht nach Antworten.

I titolari delle aziende sono ben al corrente dell’impatto che hanno avuto i crescenti costi dell’energia elettrica sulle attività nel corso dell’ultimo anno. Ma per quanto tempo ancora queste bollette strabilianti continueranno ad arrivare? Hartley Milner prende in esame il contesto della situazione attuale e cerca delle risposte.

No end in sight The UK has committed to end imports of Russian oil (nine per cent of its needs) and coal (27 per cent) by the end of the year and gas imports (four per cent) “as soon as possible thereafter”. While less reliant on Russian energy than many other European countries, it is still exposed to disruptions in energy markets. Economists say the UK’s annual inflation rate could hit 15 per cent by the start of 2023, meaning a typical household is now likely to pay the equivalent of £4,266 a year for the three months to March 2023. And energy bills for businesses are rising proportionately higher than for families under the UK government’s default tariff cap (price cap), according to research firm Cornwall Insight. Those that negotiated two-year fixed price contracts in summer 2020 are facing a fivefold rise this October, with others on annual deals due to pay twice as much as they did this year. “Logic dictates there can only be so long that so many businesses can pay so much more for their energy without knockon consequences for themselves, their suppliers and the wider economy,” said head of relationship development Robert Buckley. “And if we at Cornwall Insight are correct, there will be no return to 202021 wholesale prices before 2030. Despite this, in contrast to households, there has been strikingly little said about the affordability of business energy bills. We must think much harder about what this energy crisis is doing to business.” So, it seems there is no more satisfactory answer to the question “how much longer will the craziness last?” than there is to the riddle of how long is a piece of string? And the best answer I can find to that is … “twice as long as half its length.” Sorry!

September 2022 | ECJ | 55


• L’ensemble Tork Office Hygiene est une sélection personnalisée de produits, services et outils de soutien provenant d’Essity. • Oxonox a développé les produits Air Lift et AirStair pour réduire la contamination d’ascenseurs et d’escalators en utilisant la technologie du plasma froid. • Le spécialiste en robotique Avidbots s’est associé à l’entreprise logicielle Maplesoft pour lancer le robot de nettoyage des sols Neo 2. • Jangro a renforcé le module de formation Santé et Sécurité de son logiciel de gestion de l’apprentissage. • Sous l’appellation Edencleen, Cleenol a introduit une nouvelle gamme de formules de nettoyage visant à minimiser l’empreinte environnementale. • Dudley Industries lancé une version amincie de ses armoires Modulo sous miroir pour toilettes collectives.

• Das Tork Office Hygienepaket ist eine maßgeschneiderte Auswahl an Produkten, Diensten und unterstützenden Tools von Essity. • Oxonox hat die beiden Produkte AirLift und AirStair entwickelt, die mithilfe von Kaltplasmatechnologie die Kontaminierung in Aufzügen und auf Rolltreppen reduzieren. • Robotik-Spezialist Avidbots hat sich mit dem Softwareunternehmen Maplesoft zusammengetan, um den Bodenreinigungsroboter Neo 2 vorzustellen. • Jangro hat das ArbeitsschutzSchulungsmodul der Learning Management Solution (LMS) verbessert. • Bei Edencleen handelt es sich um die neue Produktreihe mit Reinigungsformulierungen von Cleenol, die konzipiert wurden, um die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu reduzieren. • Dudley Industries hat eine flache Version des Modulo Behind the Mirror Cabinet-Systems für Waschräume vorgestellt.

• Il pacchetto Tork Office Hygiene è una selezione personalizzata di prodotti, servizi e strumenti di supporto della Essity. • La Oxonox ha sviluppato AirLift e AirStair, prodotti utilizzando la tecnologia a plasma freddo per ridurre la contaminazione negli ascensori e sulle scale mobili. • L’azienda specializzata in robotica Avidbots si è associata all’impresa di software Maplesoft per lanciare il lavapavimenti robotico Neo 2. • La Jangro ha arricchito il suo modulo di training per salute e sicurezza del suo Learning Management Solution (LMS). • Edencleen è la nuova gamma di formule detergenti prodotte dalla Cleenol progettate per ridurre l’impatto ambientale. • La Dudley Industries ha lanciato una versione slimline del suo sistema per sale da toilette Modulo Behind-the-Mirror Cabinet.

56 | September 2022 | ECJ

Safe return Essity has created the Tork Office Hygiene Package, a tailormade selection of products, services and support tools. The package aims to help facility managers create a clean, hygienic workspace to elevate staff wellbeing and ensure employees feel safe to return to the office.

The package helps to support new hand hygiene and surface cleaning behaviours in shared spaces, while also looking at how data-driven cleaning can consistently improve performance and efficiency. All products and services in the Tork Office Hygiene Package are also environmentally sound and resource-efficient to help reduce carbon emissions and minimise waste.

Cold plasma Oxonox is launching two new hygiene products that employ cold plasma technology. AirLift claims to reduce the risk of infection transmissibility in lifts. It works by filling the enclosed area with germ-free air at a rate of 92 cubic metres per hour. This fresh air dilution


Robotics specialist Avidbots and Maplesoft - provider of modelling and calculation software for engineering and research - are working together on a strategic venture to bring innovation to autonomous cleaning robot design for commercial customers. Avidbots’ first launch onto the cleaning market was the Neo 2 in 2020, followed by the addition of the Disinfection Add-On in 2021. In this latest collaboration the company is using Maplesoft’s software capabilities to design robots in a virtual simulation environment and test real-world situations without investing in physical prototypes. The combined venture is expected to speed up the time it takes to bring new products to market in different industries.

New module

Slimline version

Independent janitorial distributor network Jangro has refreshed the health and safety training course on its e-learning platform, the Jangro Learning Management Solution (LMS). The new module takes 30 minutes to complete and areas covered include identifying risks in cleaning; preventing accidents during cleaning; recognising responsibilities regarding health and safety; and identifying chemical and biological hazards in the workspace.

Dudley Industries has launched a new, slimline version of its Modulo Behind-the-Mirror Cabinet system. This modular unit includes cabinets that house a choice of soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers or hand dryers. Which the company says helps to reduce the risk of drips on the floor and prevents queues for separately fitted hand dryers. Plus the mirrored doors help to protect the dispensers and consumables inside. Cabinets and shelves are available in 600 mm and 1200 mm widths, and with a depth of 230 mm. Even with the compact sizes, they are still able to accommodate large capacity dispensers for busy washrooms.

Cleaner, safer process reduces contamination from air droplets by over 90 per cent says Oxonox - reducing the risk of virus transmission. For escalators and moving walkways, meanwhile, there’s AirStair, which sits underneath the escalator and automatically sterilises handrails.

derivatives, no animal derived products, cruelty free and minimal petrochemical derived products. The products are also VOC and phosphate free, with recyclable/ recycled packaging, 100 per cent bio-based surfactant - made by using bio-based ethylene oxide, which is manufactured from biomass ethanol, Bioethanol, naturally derived acids, sugar-based surfactants, bio-based solvents and low impact preservatives. Packaging also reflects the same principles, while liquids are mostly colourless and low in fragrance. The range includes a washroom cleaner, toilet gel cleaner, urinal deodoriser, all-purpose surface sanitiser, a degreaser and a washing-up liquid, a no rinse floor degreaser, a window cleaner, a laundry detergent and fabric softener.

New from cleaning chemicals specialist Cleenol Group is the edencleen range, launched in line with its aim to play a part in a ‘cleaner and safer world’. These new formulations have been developed around a number of stringent principles and ingredients including RSPO (The Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified palm oil

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