9 minute read
What’s all the pressure for?
What are the main functions of high-pressure machines these days? Are new applications emerging all the time in line with green energy developments and innovative building designs? And are there certain tasks that can only be tackled with the aid of a high-pressure cleaner? Ann Laffeaty poses these questions to industry manufacturers.
HIGH-PRESSURE CLEANING machines are an extraordinary phenomenon – and a long-lived one, at that. Since their inception around 100 years ago they have become the go-to solution for any problematical cleaning task that cannot be successfully carried out using other machines or solutions. And their scope is broadening all the time.
So it is odd to discover that the technology behind high-pressure cleaners first emerged as the result of a mistake.
It happened during the prohibition era in the US when a man called Frank W Ofeldt II was working on a whisky still for a local moonshiner. The year was 1926 and the location was a Pennsylvanian town on the banks of the Ohio. While operating the still, Ofeldt suddenly became aware of the fact that his usually grimy garage floor had suddenly become very clean. And he quickly realised this was as a result of steam from the still which was being forced at high pressure through a small hose. This steam was effectively removing the grease from his floor and leaving it cleaner than he had ever seen it.
Since Ofeldt came from a family of engineering pioneers he recognised the fact that steam alone - being a wholly gasified liquid lacking in mass or body - could only relocate the grease and was unable to actually remove it. But he realised the potential of his discovery and began an immediate personal crusade to create a contraption that could mix wet steam with chemical agents.
This led to the production of the High Pressure Jenny which was equipped with a positive displacement triplex pump with an oil-bath crank-case. Fast-forward around 25 years and manufacturer Kärcher had now entered the market. Kärcher was responsible for creating the first real commercial pressure washer - the DS30 - in 1950 and this led on to numerous upgrades and innovations both by Kärcher and by various other rival companies that had begun to spring up.
Many uses
These early models were used for decontamination and cleaning applications in the military and in other industries. During the 1950s and 1960s Kärcher continued to develop and expand its design and the company’s Cat Pump revolutionised the inner workings of the device. And by the mid 1970s, piston pumps had emerged, giving rise to the modern pressure washers we have today.
High-pressure cleaning equipment is now used for a whole host of applications including forecourt cleaning, vehicle cleaning, the removal of paint and grime from walls and for restoring building façades.
But how is the use of these machines evolving as new technologies and building designs emerge? And what are the latest applications to which they are being put?
Vehicle-cleaning remains one of the chief uses of high-pressure cleaners today according to high-pressure cleaner product manager for Kärcher Volker Steigauf. “Vehicles such as trucks, construction machines and farm equipment all tend to be cleaned using high pressure,” he said. “Other applications include the cleaning of buildings façades as well as the floors and walls inside the premises, and for pressure-washing swimming pools and changing rooms. And the technology is also used for cleaning large outdoor areas in municipalities.”
However, customer demand is changing, according to Steigauf. “There is an increasing move towards using highpressure equipment for tasks such as cleaning large areas of solar panels, the heat exchangers on air-conditioning units and for cleaning heat pumps,” he said.
But while new applications are emerging, customers are largely still using the same cleaning methods as they did in the past, he adds. “They are mainly sticking to the same methodology but are using different accessories for their high-pressure cleaners depending on the task in hand,” he said. “For example there are now specific rotating brushes that have been designed for cleaning solar panels, while for graffiti removal there are new bespoke detergents that may be used in conjunction with high-pressure cleaners.
“And for façade cleaning there are various types of accessories on the market ranging from rotating roller heads and brushes to multi-purpose telescopic lances, adapter sets and ergonomic carrier systems.”
Kärcher offers a complete range of cold and hot water high-pressure cleaners including the iSolar Cleaning solution designed for use on solar and photovoltaic systems. Equipped with rotating brushes attached to a telescopic lance, the machine is said to be able to economically clean areas of up to 1,500 square metres. Accessories available with machines include surface cleaners, foam-systems and façade cleaning systems.
Deep and effective cleaning
Today’s high-pressure washers are commonly used for cleaning building façades, vehicles, driveways and other outdoor areas says Chiara Molardi, marketing specialist at IPC by Tennant Company. “Their ability to remove substances such as dirt, grime and stains using the power of water at high pressure makes them ideal for operations that require deep and effective cleaning,” she said.
However, she agrees with Steigauf that the use of high-pressure cleaners has been evolving over recent years.
“While traditional applications such as the cleaning of building façades, vehicles and outdoor areas remain prevalent, newer applications have emerged such as graffiti removal and green space maintenance,” she said. “This is because highpressure cleaning is an efficient method of removing graffiti and can also be employed for weed removal and for public area maintenance.”
The new IPC Green Jet hot water machine has been specifically designed for weed removal. Described as being ecofriendly, it removes weeds using hot water alone and is said to be particularly suitable for use in municipalities, agriculture and in any public area where the use of pesticides is frowned upon.
Today’s high-pressure cleaners are used for cleaning up after fire and flood damage as well as for other, more typical building and vehicle cleaning applications, says DiBO’s communications manager Kat Coppieters.
“They can also be used for removing old concrete and levelling surfaces in renovation projects,” she said. “And they have found other uses in the construction, agricultural, shipbuilding, transport and food production sectors as well.”
While their key applications have remained constant, she agrees with other commentators that newer applications are emerging. “Since Covid there has been a greater focus on hygienic cleaning and on steam cleaning in particular,” says Coppieters. “Other newer applications include graffiti removal, solar panel cleaning and gum removal. And high-pressure machines can also be used for controlling weeds and moss in the grounds of schools, hospitals, crèches and care establishments where pesticides might be prohibited.”
Detaches soiling
DiBO offers weed-killing machines that are said to keep the heat to a consistent temperature of 99 degrees centigrade –which Coppieters claims to be the best temperature for killing weeds.
She claims steam cleaning also works well for many applications since it easily detaches soiling from surfaces while also deactivating pathogens, bacteria and viruses. “The steam penetrates the cracks, joints and any irregularities in the surface that can be particularly hard to reach with a cloth or brush,” she says. Other relatively recent uses of the technology include the cleaning of bus shelters, traffic signs, bicycle shelters and bins plus the removal of posters and glue residues.
So, are there any cleaning tasks that only a high-pressure cleaner can tackle? And what does the future hold for the sector?

IPC’s Chiara Molardi believes these machines are irreplaceable for certain applications. “High-pressure equipment is necessary for removing tough stains from concrete surfaces; for degreasing industrial machinery and for effectively removing graffiti because their power and precision make them indispensable for such demanding cleaning tasks,” she said.
According to Kärcher’s Volker Steigauf, only a high-pressure cleaner can cope with cleaning complex structures such as undercuts, crevices and gaps on machinery or facades. “They are also able to tackle these jobs quickly and inexpensively,” he says. “And looking to the future, I think we are going to see an increasing demand for cleaning heat exchangers in order to maintain efficiency at a high level.”
Quelles sont les tâches pour lesquelles on utilise actuellement des appareils de nettoyage haute pression? Ces engins sont-ils déployés principalement pour le traitement de panneaux solaires, grafiti et façades ou conviennent-ils pour de nouvelles applications diversifiées ? Par ailleurs, y a-t-il des travaux pour lesquels un engin haut pression s’impose, à l’exclusion de toute autre solution ?
Wofür verwenden Kunden heutzutage ihre Hochdruckreiniger? Dienen Sie hauptsächlich zur Reinigung von Solarpaneelen, Graffiti und Gebäudefassaden, oder zeichnen sich vielfältigere Anwendungen ab? Und welche Art von Aufgaben kann nur mit einer Hochdruckmaschine bewältigt werden, bei der keine andere Lösung möglich ist?
Per cosa usano i clienti in questo periodo le idropulitrici ad alta pressione? Le utilizzando principalmente per pulire pannelli solari/graffiti/ facciate degli edifici oppure stanno emergendo degli utilizzi più diversi? E che tipi di lavori possono essere affrontati con una macchina ad alta pressione, e dove nessun’altra soluzione funziona?
• Kärcher a récemment enrichi sa gamme de nettoyeurs haute pression par l’adjonction de 12 produits nouveaux.
• Les nouveaux appareils de nettoyage haute pression IPC sont dotés d’un module de gestion des coûts.
• Le système DOFF Integra de la société Stonehealth assure l’enlèvement de peinture, de matière biologique et de crasse.
• Kärcher hat kürzlich seine Produktfamilie von KaltwasserHochdruckreinigern mit 12 neuen Produkten überarbeitet.
• Laut IPC bieten die neuesten Hochdruckreiniger Funktionen, die eine Kostenkontrolle ermöglichen.
• Das DOFF Integra System von Stonehealth entfernt Farbe, biologische Stoffe und allgemeine Verschmutzungen.
• La Kärcher ha recentemente modernizzato la sua linea di idropulitrici ad alta pressione e acqua fredda con 12 nuovi prodotti.
• La IPC afferma che le sue più recenti idropulitrici ad alta pressione sono dotate di funzioni che permettono il controllo dei costi.
• Il sistema DOFF Integra della Stonehealth affronta la rimozione di vernice, materia biologica e sporcizia in generale.
Cold water
With a total of 12 new products Kärcher has recently overhauled its line of cold water high-pressure cleaners.
With the HD 9/20-4 S, HD 10/21-4 S, HD 10/25-4 S and the HD 13/18-4 S there are four different product classes which are each available in three different configuration options. And thanks to rotary nozzles with pressure of 250 bar - making them suitable for removing heavy dirt.
The Easy!Force high-pressure gun, which uses the recoil force of the high-pressure jet and reduces the holding force for users to zero, makes it possible to work for long periods without suffering fatigue. With the servo control feature, users can comfortably adjust the water volume and pressure at the trigger gun. www.karcher.com
Cost control
Vibrasoft function, vibrations are reduced by up to 30 per cent in the Plus models, which makes particularly long work activities more comfortable.
Depending on the version, the new models achieve a flow volume from 900 to 1,300 litres per hour as well as a working
IPC says its PW-H31, PW-H61 and PW-H101 hot water high-pressure cleaners combine operator safety, cost control without compromising on cleaning quality, and environmental considerations.

Circular design is a key feature, with up to 60 per cent recycled plastic and up to 90 per cent recyclable components. Intuitive interface between user and machine make it easy to select solutions - reducing errors and increasing productivity. www.ipcworldwide.com
From Stonehealth comes the DOFF Integra system, developed to tackle the removal of paint, biological matter and general dirt from sensitive stone masonry with precision and care.
What sets it apart, the company says, is its use of hightemperature steam instead of high pressure which treats surfaces with delicacy despite its cleaning power. The amount of water used is kept to a minimum , which means surfaces are neither saturated nor soaked - drying within minutes.
One of the key features is the superheated water vapour that removes paint, moss, algae, fungi and other biological matter as well as eradicating spores. stonehealth.com
THE SIMPLY BUSINESS was founded on the belief that premium quality workplace hygiene services can and should be delivered ethically and sustainably. We’ve always believed in conducting business with a purpose beyond profits.
We’ve never made sustainability an add-on to our business - it’s at the heart of everything we do, and always has been. So becoming a B Corporation (B Corp) was a natural progression for us, and it has meant we’ve joined a community of likeminded businesses who also believe in using business as a force for good.
B Lab is the nonprofit network behind B Corp, transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. Building on its standards and certification process, its network leads economic systems change to support the collective vision of an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.
Its programs and tools help B Corps and non-B Corps plan for a resilient future - including multinationals looking to understand their social and environmental footprint - and B Lab’s policy work pushes for meaningful legal change around corporate accountability and social impact. A unified group of global, regional, and national organisations - known as the B Global Network - power the B Corp movement at local level.
There are now almost 7,800 B Corp companies in 92 countries worldwide, employing 705,590 people across 161 different industries.
Simply Washrooms’ journey towards B Corp certification was a valuable experience in itself. It helped us identify areas where we excelled in our sustainable practices, and also highlighted the areas in which we needed to make improvements.
Before embarking on the B Corp journey, we knew we were already doing a whole range of things, but we also knew we weren’t being rigorous or structured about how we measured or monitored them.
The certification process has given us a structured framework that helps us