Stage 2 - Home Staging

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‘Stage-2 Sell’ Home Staging Service

Helpful Hints for Staging Your Home.

Stand outside your home and spend two to three minutes at the street in front of your property. With your most critical eye—examine every aspect of the exterior of your home. Look at both the landscape a the structural details. Be as objective as you can.

Always demonstrate a room’s function. Show off your rooms and make sure that they feel spacious to potential buyers.

You are selling emotion to the buyers and you are selling a commodity. Let go of all your personal attachments. •


‘Stage-2 Sell’ Home Staging Service

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Pack up all clutter and personal items in the rooms. Children’s bedrooms should be painted in colors that will have the broadest appeal. Bedrooms are not offices, so you should remove computers or other electronics from sight

In the kitchen, make sure the counters are free of clutter.


‘Stage-2 Sell’ Home Staging Service

Make sure your bathroom is sparking clean and looks like the ones you would expect to find if you stayed in an upscale hotel. •

Make sure your basement is organized and odor free!

Take a look in your garage—is it organized? Do your vehicles fit in your garage?

The importance of staging a home has taken on increased importance in today’s market because of the fierce competition of buyers. Your house must stand out from the competition!! Staged… Serviced… Sold!


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