OET Kottayam, OET classes in Kottayam,IELTS Kottayam, IELTS coaching in KottayamIELTS Kottayam, IELT

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IELTS and OET cOachIng In KOTTayam

Darsana Academy is India's largest IELTS KOTTAYAM English Language School and OET COACHING KOTTAYAM with the highest success rate, creating great communicators in English out of ordinary individuals and showing them a great future It is designed to meet the specific English language need of the Healthcare sector. It assesses the language proficiency of Healthcare professionals who wish to practice in English speaking environment. All four language skills are assessed, with Writing and speaking tests available in 12 different areas of healthcare. All candidates sit the same Reading and Listening tests. OET classes in Kottayam are owned by Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust (CBLA). It is a venture between Cambridge English and Box Hill Institute.

At Darsana we offer you: 

Individual attention and module wise training by a team of experts

Special training for reading after a reading session

Listening guidelines by expert faculty

Special grammar and English training for weak candidates CONTACT Darasana IELTS Academy Sastri Road, Kottayam 0481­2581837 0481­2300485 0481­2971837 +91 94473 67740, 82812 49294 darsanaielts2018@gmail.com http://www.darsanaieltsacademy.com/

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