Presence selected works of
dar s h ita mis t ry
Presence selected works of
dar shita mistry
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
p r o pj eocrtt_f o s ellieo ct _e dc ownoc re kp ts
Design is everywhere; and everything around you is design. This book explores the relationship between various subjects and its presence with & after design.
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Table of Contents 0 1 . d ow n t o t h e d e t a i l s project: m i e s v a n d e r r o h e c l a s s i c
08 paint collection
0 2 . t wo is a c o m p a ny project: t w o o f a k i n d
0 3 . r e l iv in g t h e e m o t io n s project: t h e o d o r a p h a r m a c e u t i c a l s
0 4. m is t a k in g id e n t it ie s project: t h e i n s i d e m a n
0 5 . giv in g b a c k project: s f z o o t a b l e
68 lamp
0 6 . b r in gin g c o m m u n it ie s t o ge t h e r project: h o m e s w e e t h o m e
0 7. v iz u a l iz in g t h e u n s e e n project: l i g h t s o f b a r c e l o n a
0 8. r e inve n t in g t h e l ega c y project: t h e c o l u m b u s l e g a c y
0 9 . h o n o r in g h e r s t at u s project: b e t t y c r o c k e r r e b r a n d i n g
1 0 . in t h e c o o p employer: f r e e r a n g e
128 studios
1 1 . b ro a d e n in g v is io n s mfa thesis: k n o w, a m a s t e r s
13 6 thesis
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
proj e c t
mies van der rohe classic paint collection
cl as s
package design
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selected works
ob j ective: To design a home paint line for a well-known architect and establish his design sensibilities onto 3d paint cans.
thomas mcnulty
ap p roach: A commemorative range of Home Paints for German architect, Ludwig Mies Van Der
categ o ry
Rohe; to honor and celebrate his contribution to international style. The phrase “God is in the detail”
t y p e fa c e s
helvetica neue
is strongly associated to his architecture style and so does this special edition paint line. He strived
d u r at io n
towards an architecture with a minimal framework of structural order balanced against the implied
freedom of free-flowing open space. Similarly, the concept of the paint line revolves around the idea of “skins and bones,”—the paint line seeks appeal in the use of simple rectilinear and planar forms, clean lines and pure use of color. outcome: The result was a range of paint can designs inspired from Mies van der Rohe’s simplistic and classic use of lines and symmetary in his designs. The paint cans are envisioned to be available and sold at high-end modern stores in the u.s. and Europe. The paint line is available in four distinct colors: Porch Grey, Luxury Linen, Seafoam Storm and Bittersweet.
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01. Down to the Details
graduate portfolio
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selected works
Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, was a German architect, widely known as one of the pioneers of Modern architecture. Commonly referred to and addressed by his surname; Mies—his work is known for extreme clarity and simplicity. He created a huge influence to the 20th century architectural style. His mature buildings made use of modern materials such as industrial steel and plate glass to define interior spaces. He strived towards an architecture with a minimal framework of structural order balanced against the implied freedom of free-flowing open space. Mies pursued an ambitious lifelong mission to create a new architectural language that could be used to represent the new era of technology and production. He saw a need for an architecture expressive of and in harmony with his epoch, just as Gothic architecture was for an era of spiritualism. He applied a disciplined design process using rational thought to achieve his spiritual goals. He believed that the configuration and arrangement of every architectural element must contribute to a unified expression.
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mies van der rohe classic paint collection
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
mies van der rohe classic paint collection
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
proj e c t
two of a kind
cl as s
type experiments
selected works
ob j ective: To explore the daily happenings around you and find techniques and methods to express them typographically.
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stan zienka
ap p roach: Ever since I flew thousands of miles from India to come to San Francisco, I have
categ o ry
found keeping myself busy to avoid homesickness. Gradually, as time passed, I found myself getting
t y p e fa c e s
din, clarendon
attached or passionate about small activities, places and things around me. Be it reading a book
p h o t o g r a p hy
darshita mistry
accompanied with a simple cup of coffee or exploring new neighborhoods in San Francisco. These
d urat i o n
explorations and interactions made me realize everything around me is connected to each other. This
aau spring show
idea was then translated to bigger pictures like interaction between two or more cultures and the 2010
companionship the vast ocean shares with the infinite sky above it. outcome: The final deliverable took form of a book which was compiled together with poetry and verses by Baiju Nath, an Indian poet, and photographs by me at various places in the city. The black and white use of photos was to depict the mundane yet exclusive flavors of the subject matter narrated through the book; and color was used to potray my personal typographic voice to the storytelling aspect of the book.
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02. Two is a Company
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
two of a kind
alon p ag e _ 27
e p ag e _ 28
graduate portfolio
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selected works
two of a kind
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
proj e c t
theodora pharmaceuticals
cl as s
package design
ob j ective: To research a disease affecting a large number of people and study its scope for introducing new and futuristic pharmaceutical products and treatments in the market.
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selected works
thomas mcnulty
ap p roach: After studying multiple case studies on breast cancer and interviewing a few women
categ o ry
who had gone through chemotheraphy, the one jarring fact that stood out from the research was
t y p e fa c e s
brandon grotesque, rockwell
how painful it was to have needles injected into you for long hours. I decided to look into this aspect
d urat i o n
and explore various directions within it. What I came across was: the drugs and chemo fluids given
the dieline blog, student spotlight
to people differs from person to person, depending upon the level at which their cancer has been diagnozed. Cancer in the u.s. is diagnozed mostly to woemn in the 35+ to 50 years age group, which means most of them are working professionals and may have families to take care of. Keeping this in mind, I decided to introduce a whole range of new products in the market. These products will be designed to specially combact the disease without going through enormous pain. outcome: Theodora Pharmaceuticals embraces a very futuristic approach to breast cancer treatment. Its products range from tablets, capsules and syrups which are to be consumed orally. The brand strives to provide a painless treatment to women fighting cancer. The brand also produces a porous belt that can be wrapped around the breasts to reduce the lumps and swellings that appear on women with lymphoma.
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03. Reliving the Emotions
theodora pharmaceuticals
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
theodora pharmaceuticals
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d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
proj e c t
the inside man
cl as s
integrated communications
selected works
ob j ective: To design a hypothetical film festival for a director of your choice and develop an entire
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integrated branding system for the same.
hunter wimmer
ap p roach: The director I chose for this project was David Mamet. David Mamet is a renowned
categ o ry
print, branding, packaging
play-writer and film director. He has directed movies like House of Games, Things Change, The
t y p e fa c e s
knockout, sentinel
Spanish Prisoner and Homicide—all of which revolve around a common theme of deceiving people.
p h o t o g r a p hy
d a r s h i t a m i s t r y, j o n w o n g
The story in these films revolve around an attempt to defraud a person or gang by gaining their
d urat i o n
confidence whereby the con men exploits human characteristics such as greed and dishonesty.
creative quarterly
They victimize individuals from all walks of life. His movies have a underlining theme of anxiety and 2 0 11,
runner up
curiosity which keeps the viewer thrilled till the end. Mamet’s style of writing dialogue, marked by a cynical, street-smart edge, precisely crafted for effect is what differenciates Mamet from the other directors Minimalism in the characters of the movie (without making them too dry), minimal usage of props and exotic locations is what makes his film stand out from the rest. His films are shaped by very logical ways of creating order from disorder in search for the superobjective. He also has a very restrained approach to gunplay and violence. outcome: The Inside Man was a result of studying the mind and the routine of a con man. From visualizing what a con man’s hotel room would look like to what he would carry in his briefcase while he is on a mission. The details that go into the making of formal cases and documents was used as a graphic element throughout the film festival. Every deliverable designed for the festival was tied to the thread of the mistaken idenitities in the movies.
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04. Mistaking Identities
graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
In 1987, Mamet made his film directing debut with House of Games. He used friends as actors in his debut film and stated that “It was my first film as a director and I needed support, so I stacked the deck.” He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1984 for Glengarry Glen Ross, which received its first Broadway revival in the summer of 2005. Three of Mamet’s films, House of Games (1987—Lindsay Crouse, Joe Mantegna, Mike Nussbaum, Lilia Skala j.t. Walsh), The Spanish Prisoner (1997— Campbell Scott, Steve Martin, Rebecca Pidgeon, Ricky Jay) and Heist (2001— Gene Hackman, Danny DeVito, Delroy Lindo, Sam Rockwell, Rebecca Pidgeon), have involved the world of con artists. Mamet’s style of writing dialogue, marked by a cynical, street-smart edge, precisely crafted for effect is what differenciates Mamet from the other directors. His cynical style of dialogue also came to be known as Mamet Speak. He finds the meaning of the story by juxtaposing cuts. He believes that the film shouldn’t follow the protogonist or be shot at visually beautiful and intriguing locations, but should be focussed on getting the point across in an essential and necessary way.
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selected works
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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the inside man
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
the inside man
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
the inside man
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
the inside man
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
the inside man
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
the inside man
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d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
proj e c t
sf zoo table lamp
cl as s
package design
selected works
ob j ective: To design a lamp for a brand (product, service or idea) using sustainalble material.
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ap p roach: After exploring various well-known brands like Nike, Disney, American Eagle, to name a
thomas mcnulty
few, who could be considered a possible candidate for a lamp producer, I decided to give this project
categ o ry
product design, package design
a more strategical and real approach. I got to picking a local brand, rather a service, San Francisco
d urat i o n
Zoo. The San Francisco Zoo has 6 conservational program world-wide which work towards preserving
extinct and endangered species. I researched the target market and other zoos world-wide and how they contribute their share to conservation of natural habitat. outcome: The table lamp was designed keeping in mind the audience that the zoo attracts on a daily basis. This lamp which is made my 100% sustainable materials will be sold at the zoo’s souvenir shop. The proceeds from each sale will be directed towards the conservation programs. The design direction for the lamp is also very approachable and recognizable considering the target market. The lamp is meant to bring back memories of the zoo trips one has with their loved ones.
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05. Giving Back
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selected works
sf zoo table lamp
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
sf zoo table lamp
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
sf zoo table lamp
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d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
proj e c t
home sweet home
cl as s
type systems
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selected works
ob j ective: To pick a topic of your own, research it and use a multiple page format book to tell your story using grids and structure.
arvi raquel-santos
ap p roach: I decided to take inspiration from places around me, find a topic/matter that I care
categ o ry
about and narrate its story in a book. Raphael House is an organization in San Francisco that helps
t y p e fa c e s
adobe garamond pro
families move from crises to community. They work with parents and families to lay the foundations
d urat i o n
for a lifetime of healthy development, achievement and stability. This book promotes the organization
aau spring show
and encourages volunteership. The story of this book is told by the journey the families go through 2010
before and after they have become a member of the organization. outcome: Home Sweet Home was a result of exchange of stories and experiences that I came across during my interaction with the families. The warmth and relationship that the families at the organization share with each other is showen by hand-sewing a cross-stitiched pattern on paper. This symbolizes the importance of companionship and being there for people around you. The end goal of this book is to encourage the youth to volunteer at the center and spend time with the families—and this way do your part of giving back to the society.
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06. Bringing Communities Together
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
home sweet home
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
home sweet home
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
selected works
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
selected works
home sweet home
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d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
proj e c t
lights of barcelona
cl as s
type experiments
ob j ective: To visualize a song and interprete your own mood and emotion towards it by combining typography and photography.
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selected works
stan zienka
ap p roach: Instead of picking a song with lyrics in it, I decided to pick a song that only has music.
categ o ry
This gave me the opportunity to go beyong infinity on interpreting it. Glaciers is a melodic hardcore
t y p e fa c e s
gotham, avant garde
band from Chicago that has already become a staple in the local music scene, despite their short
d urat i o n
history. Deriving influence from many different genres, Glaciers fuses melodic and heavy music
together in a unique and tasteful way. With charismatic leads, a powerful rhythm section, and vocals that demand your attention, Glaciers offers something new to melodic hardcore. The song I picked is called “Light of Barcelona.” outcome: Using projectors, one overhead and one laptop, the designs were composed onto various surfaces to create “more dimensional designs.” This was photographed and then used as the main visual in the poster in its purest form. The content on the poster took form of my interpretation of the song and what message I think the song is intended to convey.
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07. Visualizing the Unseen
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graduate portfolio
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
lights of barcelona
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
lights of barcelona
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d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
proj e c t
the columbus legacy
cl as s
package design
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selected works
ob j ective: To design an existing olive oil label and give it a complete new look and marketing strategy amongst its competitors.
thomas mcnulty
ap p roach: The Columbus brand has been in the u.s. markets for many years now. Over the years
categ o ry
packaging, branding
of their existance, they have modernized their products and services. This has led to the loss of some
t y p e fa c e s
duke, wisdom script, neutraface
of their initial values and brand beliefs. The Italian heritage seemed to have lost in their products
d urat i o n
because of the excessive competition in the market. Thus, the startegy to this new brand is to bring
aau winter show
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back the rich history and heritage that Italians hold as their pride. They want to maintain and preserve the rich Italian heritage in America and want to cater to Italian Americans who are always seeking a taste of their ancestor’s heritage. outcome: As of 2011, Columbus takes pride in calling ourselves “The Columbian Legacy.” They aim to bring the brand back to its roots—to where it all started. Their new products range from olive oils, vinegars to authentic meats. The new brand approach promises its customers to experience a true taste of Italy. They believe that when Christopher Columbus founded The Americas, he brought a bit of Italy with him. Their new positioning in the market is driven from the concept of “The Old World.” It’s the age of exploration, exchange of flavors and celebrating the rich Italian heritage in the Americas. With authentic Italian recipes in hand, they now take the opportunity to call in great chefs from Italy to help us make our products and teach their skills to food enthusiasts and chefs here. It is the journey of exchange and exploration.
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08. Reinventing the Legacy
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
the columbus legacy
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the columbus legacy
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
the columbus legacy
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selected works
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
ob j ective: To pick a dead, dying or defunct brand and push the parameters of the brand by
proj e c t
betty crocker
cl as s
nature of identity
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selected works
positioning it as what it “could” be if it were to embrace a totally new identity.
hunter wimmer
ap p roach: Betty Crocker holds a very special place in almost every American’s heart. Her ready
categ o ry
print, branding
to cook cake mixes and cake frosting has won thousands of hearts, both with women and her family
t y p e fa c e s
gotham, eames
members. The soul of Betty Crocker was to be a friendly voice to woman in the kitchen, back in the
d urat i o n
day, when they had various cooking questions. She hasn’t moved out of the kitchen since then.
outcome: With more and more women of the century becoming more outgoing, independent and confident, the new Betty Crocker was positioned to be a voice of perseverance to woman everywhere, in spite of what stance she holds in the society. Women today have come in par with men in any field and have shown immense amount of zeal and passion in whatever she sets to conquer. The new brand is for women everywhere, of all colors, of all ages. The new brand works to enhance the outer and inner life of a woman, at work, at home, for her body, mind and soul.
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09. Honoring her Status
betty crocker rebranding
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selected works
betty crocker rebranding
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betty crocker rebranding
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selected works
betty crocker rebranding
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selected works
betty crocker rebranding
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selected works
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
betty crocker rebranding
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graduate portfolio
selected works
em pl oy e r
free range studios
co ur s e
client work
categ o ry
web, interactive, print, branding
Free Range Studios is a creative branding studio in Oakland. They believe that great stories change
t y p e fa c e s
people and the world. They spend their days helping visionary companies and organizations tell
d ur at i o n
them—creating story-based brands from the ground up. They are known to transform their clients’
te am
jonah sachs, co-founder
visions for a better future into emotionally compelling media—like interactive, mobile, print and
eric smith, creative director
video. Free Range is a socially responsible business that works hard to reduce environmental impact
drew beam, director of innovation
and return something positive to our communities.
During the course of my final semester at the Academy of Art University, I had the fantastic opportunity of interning at Free Range Studios.
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ben johnson, designer
In the 15 weeks I spent here, I had the opportunity to be a part of many projects, large and small. Some of the clients I worked on are Trout Unlimited, American Red Cross, Patagonia, Social Venture Network and Great Places To Work With, to name a few. The projects ranged from print to web to making title and end screens for various video projects.
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10. In the Coop
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selected works
trout unlimited
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
trout unlimited
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graduate portfolio
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
Social Venture Network, founded in 1987 is a small group of value-oriented entrepreneurs and leaders who help thousands of entrepreneurs create more successful, responsible and sustainable enterprises. Today, SVN leads one of the top world-changing networks with about 550 members, including highly successful business leaders, social entrepreneurs, and impact investors. It is a platform to connect, inspire and support influential entrepreneurs who wanted to use business to create a values-driven and sustainable world. I designed a poster for their annual conference held in Washington this year. It was also SVN’s 25th anniversary. The illustration style of the poster is influenced by the scenic and serene beauty of the place where the conference was held. The color palette used is very diverse to show the different flavors and scenic beauty of the host city.
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selected works
All are Welcome
titl e
proj e c t
mfa thesis
d urat i o n adv i so r s
d a r s h i t a m i s t ry _
graduate portfolio
selected works
ob j ective: Know is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the lack of transparency in the u.s. mass media and help citizens realize the function and importance of mass
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media in a democratic society.
michael kilgore, n o a m c h o m s k y,
overview: It is important to make citizens in the u.s. realize that the function of the mass media
phil hamlett
is to give them an extensive view of what is occurring in the world around them. It is necessary to
categ o ry
print, web, information design
safeguard their right to freedom of speech and understand that this right indicates not only freedom
t y p e fa c e s
interstate, warnock pro
of verbal speech but also any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. Democratic processes are supported and can be strengthened when citizens are aware of how, where, why and when suppression of data occurs. It is important to understand how selection of topics, distribution of concerns, emphasis, framing of issues, filtering information affects the process of news reporting. goal: The goal is to give the audience with a wide-ranging view of events from across the globe and offer opportunities for learners to broaden their media experience. The objective is to transform the process of media consumption into a very active and critical process, where people gain greater awareness of the potential for misrepresentation and manipulation. outcome: In order to raise awareness and broaden the media diets of the u.s. citizens, I ended up creating a non-profit organization called Know. This organization is dedicated to raising awareness about the lack of transparency in the u.s. mass media which comprises of the internet, television, radio and newspapers. Know intends to employ an inquiry-based pedagogic model that encourages people to ask questions about what they watch, hear and read.
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11. Broadening Visions
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know: a mfa thesis
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selected works
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graduate portfolio
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selected works
Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at mit,
where he has worked for over 50 years. Chomsky has been described as the “Father of Modern
Linguistics and Philosophy.” I had the wonderful opportunity of going to Cambridge and interviewing him in his office. His insights on linguistics, media, politics and world events were truly helpful in elevating my thesis research. Later, in mid-fall 2011, he offered to guide me from time to time on my thesis and its progress and be my advisor till the end. • A free press is crucial for a functioning democracy, but if not truly free, paves the way for manipulation and concentration of views, thus undermining democracy itself. • The u.s. citizens need to open their minds to non-stereotypical images of the world. • The u.s., often regarded as one of the more freer countries with regards to its media, is worth looking at in more detail. • The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum—even encourage the more critical and dissident views.
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know: a mfa thesis
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know: a mfa thesis
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know: a mfa thesis
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know: a mfa thesis
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know: a mfa thesis
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209 Trinity Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
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Darshita Mistry Editorial Contributer 209 Trinity Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 858.349.7836
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know: a mfa thesis
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Know is a web-based application that acts as a portal for various news sources across the world. It is designed and built in a way that provides the reader with a variety of news sources. This application gives the audience a wide-ranging view of what is occurring in the world around them. It offers opportunities for readers to broaden their media experience. And it also transforms the process of media consumption into a very active and critical process, where people gain greater awareness of the potential for manipulation and misrepresentation of news.
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Know presents news coverage of a single event from different sources all on one interface and it distinguishes the popularity of various news sources across the world by occupying the appropriate real estate space on the application page. This enables the viewer to analyze which news sources are most popular and most read across the globe.
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selected works
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know: a mfa thesis
muslim and the u.s. media
the iran-contra affair (1985–1987)
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Thank You
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Dad, mom and little sister Priyal. I couldn’t thank you all enough for all the love, encouragement and support all this time. I love you guys so much. instructors: Phil Hamlett, Hunter Wimmer, Michael Kilgore, Mary Scott, Thomas McNulty, Stan Zienka, Arvi Raquel-Santos, Roland Young, Jeremy Stout, Lian Ng, Scott Rankin, Michelle Ronsen, David Hake and Jenny Ji advisors: Noam Chomsky, Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at mit, Cambridge; Michael Kilgore, Professor, Academy of Art University mentors and colleagues: Eric Smith, Jonah Sachs, Ben Johnson, Drew Beam and Amy Hartzler at Free Range Studios; Dave Eggers and Maria Ines-Montes at 826 Valencia friends: To all you guys, far and near. Many thanks for all the wonderful memories in the past 4 years. You guys helped me stay sane through this journey.
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School: Academy of Art Univeristy, School of Graphic Design Course: Portfolio Seminar Instructor: Mary Scott Student: Darshita Mistry Telephone: 858.349.7836 Address: 225 Hyde Street, Apt # 405, San Francisco, CA 94102 email: Book bindery: ABC Printing and Binding Photography: Darshita Mistry Title of Book: Presence Text Stock: Neenah Classic Crest Solar White 80lbs Fonts: Scala Sans, Baskerville Software: Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Š 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reporduced without express permission from Darshita Mistry.
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selected works
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