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Girl Scouts at STA
STA Students Georgia Kerrigan and Gabi Vovk have been participating in Girl Scouts since they were in kindergarten. As cookie season begins, they reflect on their favorite experiences in Girl Scouts.
and Photos by
Ellie Buttell Opinions Editor
As the New Year begins, and new resolutions are made, Girl Scouts all around the world begin the cookie season. These beloved cookies are staple to the Girl Scout organization, but they are not all that Girl Scouts is. Senior Georgia Kerrigan and junior Gabi Vovk are both dedicated Girl Scouts, and they both started at young ages.
Kerrigan has been participating in Girl Scouts since she was five years old, where she started out as a Daisy. Kerrigan’s mom led her troop, Troop #678. While Kerrigan’s troop started out large, she felt numbers dwindling as she got older.
“I think when people get older, the motivation isn’t there because you have to do more work,” Kerrigan said.
As Girl Scouts advance, they have more responsibilities and projects, like the Silver Award, their journeys and the Gold Award.
Kerrigan stayed involved with Girl Scouts because she enjoyed achieving her Silver Award with her partner, and wanted to go on to earn her Gold Award independently.
Vovk has also been involved with Girl Scouts since kindergarten, where she signed up because the other girls in her grade were also participating. Currently, Vovk participates in events like Twilight Camp, and is a member of the Teen Leadership Council, where Vovk raises awareness and plans future Girl Scout Events.
“It was really moving to see someone who was terrified to do something and then wanting to go again,” Vovk said.
Cookie season marks another big tradition for Girl Scouts, beginning in January and continuing through February. This is one of the busiest times of the year for Girl Scouts.
“I think it’s the most busy season, not just because of cookies, but because it’s a New Year and people are planning summer camps and events,” Vovk said.
Cookie season is when most families order boxes of the famous Girl Scout cookies. Each person has their favorite cookie, the STA Girl Scouts included.
“My favorite is Peanut Butter Patties, but Thin Mints are the most popular. My top three are Peanut Butter Patties, Caramel Delights and Thin Mints,” Kerrigan said.
Specific cookies tend to be the most popular, according to Vovk.
“I think there are four most popular: Caramel Delights, Lemonades, obviously Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties,” Vovk said.
Regardless of popularity, Vovk has her personal preferences.
“My personal favorite is Lemonades,” Vovk said.
Girl Scout cookies are a staple to the organization; however, Girl Scouts at STA believe the organization has a lot to offer to the community through various ways. B
“I think people don’t realize how much Girl Scouts can benefit you,” Vovk said.
Vovk believes there are many opportunities with Girl Scouts that allow her to get service hours. The work she does within Girl Scouts benefits the community, and is meaningful to her. Vovk fondly recalls when she was able to help one of her campers at Twilight Camp get over her fears.

Physical Touch Acts of Service
If you like to give the people you love hugs, squeezes, or just a good reassuring pat, then this is the love language for you! You show your loved ones that you care by giving them a tight squeeze!
Quality Time
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Words of Affirmation
Receiving Gifts
If you got quality time, then you’re the type of person who values every second with your loved ones, and if you’re with them, any bad day can be turned good! You make everybody feel special just by being around them!
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Receiving gifts may sound like a superficial love language but it’s just as meaningful as the others! If this is your love language, you pay attention to your friends’ interests and hobbies, and make sure that they know you’re paying attention by giving them proof! Yes!
I really like to volunteer!
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When I’m feeling down, spending time with my friends is bound to cheer me up.
I like doing favors for my friends
I tell my loved ones how much I appreciate and care for them as much as I can
Getting a thoughtful gift from somebody would absolutely make my day!
I love giving PDA to my friends/ significant other