3 minute read
Why did you decide to play a sport in college?
Playing college volleyball has been my dream since I can remember, so the decision was pretty easy. But, I still went back and forth before deciding. Ultimately I knew I wasn’t done playing, so when I got a good opportunity, I chose to give it my best shot and pursue that dream.
Why did you pick this college?
I chose Quincy because it has everything I want in a college. It has a great volleyball program, a pretty campus, kind people and the academic field I am interested in pursuing.
Do you have any advice for those in the recruitment process right now?
My advice for those in the recruitment process is to advocate for yourself constantly. Some coaches may notice you first, but it is not wrong to be the first to reach out. I would also say to take it slow because it just might take time to find the right fit for you.
Why did you decide to play a sport in college?
For me, I saw volleyball as a way to get into colleges that are more difficult. I also saw it as a way to broaden the list of colleges I looked at.
Why did you pick this college?
I picked Pepperdine because it’s a school with high level volleyball and top academics. I thought that I would have to pick one or the other. Also, the coaching staff has created a great space for their athletes to grow as people and athletes.

Do you have any advice for those in the recruitment process right now?
The recruitment process can be really grueling, so I think that athletes need to keep an open mind and keep their heads up. The process is totally different for each person and you shouldn’t compare.
Why did you decide to play a sport in college?
I chose to play soccer in college because I’ve been playing soccer all my life and couldn’t imagine being a NARP (non-athletic regular person). There were definitely ups and downs with playing a sport, but I will always love the closeknit relationships and the family it creates within the team. The biggest bonus I would say is that it is helping me pay for school and housing.
Why did you pick this college?
I chose the University of Missouri - Kansas City because I love the idea of playing for my hometown. I didn’t really consider any other offers that were outside of Missouri or Kansas partly because I want to stay close to home. I specifically chose UMKC because of the coaching and because it’s Division I.

Do you have any advice for those in the recruitment process right now?
I was fortunate enough to play for Sporting Blue Valley, which is a club that is very good at helping players get to the next level. I was able to go to showcases out of town where a lot of colleges watched and that’s how I got my exposure. Not everyone has that opportunity, so my advice to them would be to reach out to the colleges you’re interested in, express your interest, send them your game schedule, send highlights and go to the ID camps. There will be a time when you will get on a phone call with a college coach. I remember this being my worst fear because I was always very awkward. Always have questions to ask and know what kind of answers you’re looking for to see if it’s the best fit for you.
Why did you decide to play a sport in college?
I decided to play a sport in college first because I think it will be a good structure for me, because my whole life my schedule has always revolved around sports. Second, I also think it will be a good challenge for me. Lastly, I wasn’t ready to be done with volleyball this year!
Why did you pick this college?
I mainly chose Rutgers because of the coaching staff. We have a lot of the same values and clicked right away. Rutgers Volleyball is also a growing program and I wanted to be a part of that growth, and being in the Big 10, there is the best support and opportunities available for athletes. Do you have any advice for those in the recruitment process right now?
For those going through the recruiting process right now, my advice would be to take it slow, there is no rush with anything and go with your gut. If something feels off about a school, don’t force it, because at the end of the day, going with your gut will get you where you belong. Also, don’t let let the talk get to your head: a college sport is a college sport no matter the division or the school’s ranking. B