Volume 71 Senior Issue

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senior issue | dartnewsonline.com | the dart | May 17, 2012


2012 129 students will graduate in STA’s 142nd graduating class. Seniors not pictured: Martha Ramirez, Brenna Scott

2 | senior issue | dartnewsonline.com | the dart | May 17, 2012

ENS: Empty Nest Sydrome As senior Marianna Messerli leaves for Northwestern University, her parents will be home for the first time without any children

by EMILY WEMHOFF ewemhoff@dartnewsonline.com

the dart people and policies Eric Thomas............................................................advisor Emily McCann.................managing editor of design Anna Leach..........................managing editor of web Natalie Fitts......................managing editor of stories Emma Wheatley............managing editor of photos print Rosie Hutchison..........................................cover editor Mickey Redlingshafer.............................page 2 editor Shaeffer Smith..........................................page 3 editor Sara-Jessica Dilks.........................centerspread editor Sara Meurer...................................centerspread editor Caitlin Fletcher..........................................page 6 editor Emily Wemhoff.........................................page 7 editor Katie Parkinson.........................................page 8 editor web Lauren Langdon...........................................daily editor Adrianna Ohmes..........................................daily editor Lane Maguire................................................daily editor Nikki Rodriguez.....................multimedia web editor Meghan Lewis..................................web photo editor policies ownership and sponsership The Dart is created by the student newspaper staff and is published by general operating funds of St. Teresa’s Academy, a Catholic institution sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. The Dart will not publish opinions that contradict the teachings and beliefs of the Catholic Church, whether on a diocesan or worldwide level. editorial policy The Dart is subject to prior review by the St. Teresa’s Academy administration in circumstances that concern student safety and illegal behavior by students. Otherwise, the policies above will guide the Dart. The Dart intends to be a public forum for voices regardless of diverse ages, sexes, races, cultures, religions or beliefs. Signed columns reflect the opinions of the individual, not necessarily the newspaper staff or the school community. letters policy The Dart encourages letters to the editor. Letters can be sent in the following ways: in person to Eric Thomas in D204; by mail to St. Teresa’s Academy, attn: Eric Thomas, 5600 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64113; or by email to ethomas@stteresasacademy.org. Letters should be limited to 250 words. The Dart staff reserves the right to edit or shorten letters for publication. photo illustrations Photo illustrations are conceptual photos that combine the limitless possibility of the drawing with the realism of the photograph. They are not intended to be documentary photos of real moments. corrections policy The Dart will print corrections as soon as possible after the error is discovered.


“She lights up any room she is in, except first thing in the morning.” “I love to hear her laugh.” “She is my little princess.” Her father recalls the countless memories he has of his only daughter. It is hard to imagine what life will be like this fall as his last child leaves for college, embarking on the next phase of her life. She has waited for this moment for years. Freedom. Independence. Anxiety. Nerves. She is finally going to college. After making the decision to attend Northwestern University in Chicago, it finally hit her that she is graduating. And that she is going to be nine hours away from her family. It still hasn’t sunk in for her parents. It will be the first time in 23 years that they will have an empty nest. Dinners will be weird, with no kids around the table. They can hardly remember how to cook for two people. The house will be cleaner with no teenagers to pick up after, but they aren’t so sure it’s worth the trade off. To ease the separation anxiety, he has promised his wife to take her somewhere after they take their only daughter to college. He said his wife will be a “hot mess”, and he thinks they will end up staying in Chicago for a couple of days in case their recent freshman “needs something for her dorm room.” Her mom is also predicting massive amounts of retail therapy on Michigan Avenue. “All the emotions [of kids leaving for college] will be multiplied because she is the last one,” her mother said. This “only daughter” will always worry about her parents. She is looking forward to meeting new people and experiencing many new things, but she knows it will be hard, especially since she is the last kid to leave and going so far away. “When her brothers went off, we still had a child or two to keep us busy,” her father said. “This time there will an empty feeling, especially since she is the baby and the only girl.” Unlike her older brothers who went to college at Pittsburgh State University and Kansas State University, she knows she won’t be able to visit home as often. She still hopes she can keep the same close relationship with her parents.

looking forward H Senior Marianna Messerli looks over a handbook for Northwestern University with her parents Rob and JoEllen. Marianna will be the last of three children to leave for college. photo by NATALIE FITTS They will miss the revolving door of friends coming in and out, talking about weekend plans or looking for food. They will miss everything about her. The month of May has been a cry fest for her mom. Graduation announcements, senior photos, prom, the senior fashion show. Whenever she thinks about graduation, it’s hard not to get teary eyed. She knows her mom isn’t ready to see her go. Isn’t ready to see her last child depart on the next phase of her life. She sees how upset her mom gets, and she knows it will be hard to leave. All summer her parents will both be coming home with things for her dorm. To her, it still feels

like she is in high school and it hasn’t really hit her she will be leaving. As excited as she is to experience college, it is scary to be going off on her own all the same. “It will be hard to let her go and we will miss her tremendously,” her father said. Her mom knows she is “very confident and capable,” just like she taught her to be. For senior Marianna Messerli and her parents, August will be a time of new beginnings. For Marianna, it means the excitement of college. For Rob and Joellen, it means an empty house for the first time. For all three, it means a whole new adventure. H

around campus are like: “Oh my God, you look really pretty today,” and I’m like: “Oh thanks, I have no idea what I did differently…” I’ll also add that finals week has become quite enjoyable for me because everyone looks like I do on a regular basis… Hough total crap. H It is no longer socially acceptable to discuss farting/pooping/periods/lack of personal hygiene in public. Surprisingly, boys don’t think it’s as hilarious as we do when we haven’t showered for over four days and/or shaved our pits for a month. And when you complain about how your period is kicking your butt, the only thing close to sympathy you’ll be getting is: “NOT AT THE DINNER TABLE, PLEASE.” Don’t bother asking if anyone has a tampon in public. One of them will freak out like a little girl. H You can run. But you can’t hide. Even at a school where boys and girls live in separate dorms, I cannot go three seconds without seeing someone of the opposite sex. Not only are you going to school with boys, but you are living, eating, breathing with them. Say goodbye

to four lunches a day and “Are you gonna eat that?”s, because I guarantee your girlfriends will become a lot more conscious about what they are putting on their trays in the dining hall when boys are next to them. H STAY WEIRD. Even though you’re leaving STA behind, don’t leave behind the weirdo girl that was made here. If you don’t want to dress up as the sexy bumblebee for Halloween, then dress up as a bag of trash. If you aren’t feeling the mirror picz/selfie seshes in the bathroom, then don’t participate. I guarantee you will find the same hilarious, intelligent, down to earth, weirdo girls you formed genuine friendships with at STA at your college. And don’t let boys be an obstacle. I’ve met so many boys at this place that tell me they wish the girls at their high schools were like the STA girls they’ve met in college. You were born this way baby; you’re ready for the real world, and they will love you. In the end, everyone loves an STA girl and wants you to share a little bit of the STA flavor with them. So get out there, be proud, and do your colleges the STA way— as happy as can beeeeeee, ‘cause you’re a girl from the Academy.H

Welcome to the wonderful world of boys Former staffer Kathleen Hough shares her wisdom about entering a male infested environment. by KATHLEEN HOUGH HALLO from the other side. This is Kathleen Hough, reporting live from kAwLege. Congrats, seniors, on reaching the end of the fairytale life of what I like to call St. Teresa’s Academy. I’m here to give you all a reality check—the inside scoop on your new life amongst a sea of the most complicated creatures known to man… BOYZ. Luckily, most of my new college pals are products of single-sex, Catholic high schools and have a lot in common with my weirdness. In fact, my fellow all-girls school female friends and I have compiled some differences of going to school with da’ boiz: H Looking nice for class.You’re expected to do it. Every day. Even if you have class at 7 a.m. or got 3 hours of sleep last night. Do I decide to participate? No WAY. If one more girl in wedges and a dress tells me I look “so comfy” or “really tired,” I might have a heart attack. However, there are some pluses to not getting ready for class. On the days when I look presentable, people

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May 17, 2012 | the dart | dartnewsonline.com | senior issue | 3


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Top 10 things I’ll miss most by ALLISON FITTS afitts@dartnewsonline.com Over the past four years at this great Academy, I have gone to school 600+ days and sat through 5,000+ class periods. My time at STA includes thousands of memories, stories and friends, many that I will always remember and will be hard to be replaced. When I think about going to college next year and having to leave all the great things about STA behind, I get upset because I realize that many of the things I love so much right now will be hard to replace in college. Some of my favorite things about STA will be worth replacing in college, but others will be impossible to match. Here is a list of the top 10 things I will miss most about STA and how I hope to fill those voids when I go off to college. 10. Nan Bone This is one of the things that will have to go unreplaced. Nothing in college will ever compare to hearing, “Good evening St. Teresa’s families. This is Nan Bone.” on my home phone. For one, I won’t have a home phone, and two, if the dean at MU is calling me as often as Nan does, I think I might have a problem. 9. Themes I don’t know if there will ever be another time in my life when I will need as many costumes as I did at STA. We dress up for games, Friday theme days, Halloween and the list goes on. In college, I’m sure I’ll need costumes for classic themed parties (think toga) and holidays, so a bin of costumes in my dorm closet will be a must. 8. Fishbowls in AP Lit class My classmates might think I’m joking about this one, but I’m actually not. However much I hate to admit this, fishbowl discussions in Mr. Fast’s class were some of the most interesting and thought-provoking class periods I had at STA.

These types of small group discussions will be hard to come by when I am going to a school with 30,000 other students, but I am excited to show off what we all learned from fishbowls if ever given the chance. 7. Desserts Describe STA in one word: food. Every last one of us has an obsessions with Waldo Pizza, Chipotle and JoJo’s (just kidding about that last one), but the supreme food at all of STA has to be desserts. Believe it or not, before I came to STA I didn’t know what a cake ball was. Oh how naive I was. I know that dessert still exists in college, but never to the same standard of quality and quantity as here at STA. This is another void that must remain unfilled, unless I have Maddie Dang ship me desserts from Tulane on a monthly basis, which I’m thinking might happen. 6. Publication nights If you aren’t a Dart nerd, you might as well skip this number because you’ll be annoyed at how much fun we have as a staff and how you’ll never be able to understand our overall goofiness. Publication nights were always a weird paradox for me because they ended up being some of the most stressful nights at STA, but also some of the most fun and rewarding. With the hypothetical questions at dinner to the spur-of-the-moment dance parties to Hall & Oates, it’s safe to say that publication nights will be something I can never replace. 5. Sports Whether it’s been me playing or me watching others make STA proud, sports have been a huge part of my time here. I have loved the sense of community that comes with supporting our Stars on the field, and it doesn’t hurt that we’re pretty darn good at sports, too. Since I’ve been at STA, our school has brought home countless state banners. This is the one thing on the list that I think will be super easy to replace. Not only is MU good at sports, but they were the inventors of the concept of homecoming. Therefore, us Tigers know how to make sporting events competitive and fun, which is something the Star in me will always value. 4. Yard days During every yard day, I always have what I like to call “Only at STA” moments. At what other school will you find girls playing kick ball, eating

ice cream and blasting music? The answer is that you won’t. STA is totally unique and it’s the moments where I’ve experienced that one of a kind sense of community that I’ll miss the most. Most college campuses, especially MU, have beautiful quads in which to spend nice down time. Of course, the clowns with balloon animals and face paint won’t be there, but I’m pretty okay with that. 3. Exploring campus People often compare our school to Hogwarts and I think the most prolific connection we have to the fictional school is all of the hidden rooms and passageways that we have on campus. Spending free periods with friends exploring the graffiti room, the fourth floor, the skylight above the auditorium and, of course, the tunnel have been some of the more mischievous moments from my time at STA, but I wouldn’t take them back for one second (remember, Ms. Bone, I gave you a shout out earlier). Sadly, when I go off to college I won’t be able to replace this great thing about STA because in the real world, it’s called trespassing. 2. The tartan plaid Real girls wear plaid. We all know it’s true. In fact, Forever 21 and many other store have caught on to the phenomenon that is tartan plaid and started to sell things with that material in their stores. As this trend progresses, we can say, “Yeah. We were the ones to start the worldwide plaid craze.” I hope to make a quilt with my STA t-shirts and my old skirt and keep the tartan plaid with me throughout my college days. In the end though, us STA girls in the classic skirt will always wear it best. 1. The Class of 2012 It goes without saying that you girls are the funniest, sweetest, smartest, craziest, most unforgettable group of people that I’ve ever had the pleasure of being friends with, and because of that, you guys will never be replaced. Sure, college will bring about many new friends for us all and it’ll be so fun! I for one am excited to make friends with the girls on my dorm floor. From our sixth floor Facebook group, I have already learned that they can all quote “Bridesmaids” word-for-word, too, and there is something oddly comforting in that. But no matter where all of our lives take us, no matter what new friends we make, I will always cherish the sisterhood we have formed here during our past four years. I love you all! H

And I certainly won’t attempt to persuade you that I enjoyed living off of an average of six hours of sleep a night for four years. However, for every day I spent begrudgingly trudging through a foot of snow from class to class, for every “See me” test I received (there were multiple), for every sleep deprivationinduced meltdown, there are a million wonderful memories. Smelling Waldo pizza drifting through the hallways. Reading “Heart of Darkness” and crying more at leaving Mr. Himes’ class than I probably will at graduation. Petting Critter and mourning his untimely death. Using the gloriously scented soaps in the third floor Donnelly bathroom. Cringing at the not so gloriously scented Quad in spring. Sprinting down the stairs to open up an issue of the Dart seconds after it arrives on campus. Crossing the line between friendly competition and blood feud with Sion more than once during a sporting game. Worshipping Kathleen Vogel’s right arm. Pranking Mr. Fast every Wednesday on F weeks. Reading the State Cham-

pionship banners during mass. Running into the open arms of a friend. Eating four (or more) brownies in one sitting and feeling absolutely no shame. Feeling like I’m home. And now, as I face graduation and The Great Unknown, perhaps too late, I have come to realize that my time here is not defined by the resume I accumulated, the grades I received or the classes I took. My time here is not defined by my JIP project or how well I can graph a rational polynomial function with two asymptotes and “funky” end behavior. My time here is defined by each little moment with each one of you, even though some of those moments involved Fs, tears and flesh wounds. We at STA are kind, we are crazy, we are bizarre, we are beautiful, we are hairy, we are hungry, we are weird and we are utterly perfect. These past four years have been the most exhausting, exhilarating, hilarious, weird, mindexpanding, challenging and amazing years of my 18 year life. I will miss you so very much. H

The good, the bad, the ugly by KATIE HYDE khyde@dartnewsonline.com I’ve loved every minute of high school. Well, that’s not entirely true. It’s probably more accurate to say I’ve loved every other minute of high school. I’m not going to try to convince you I was having a good time when Mrs. Bone wouldn’t call off school when there were about 10 inches of snow on the ground and every student’s Facebook status was begging, “Please, Nan, help a girl out!” I won’t brainwash you into thinking I was having a blast when I received a test back from Mrs. Weller bearing the ominous words “See me.”


TIME I... by HANNAH WOLF hwolf@dartnewsonline.com This is the last time I’m ever going to be writing for the Dart. And naturally, it’s 1 a.m. the night before it’s due. Can you really blame me though? After two years of multiple 1000 word stories, countless interviews, and hundreds of rough drafts, I want to make this last one count. This whole year, I’ve spent my time thinking about “the first time I” got hurt, knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, or fought with my brother. But now that I have to say goodbye to the beloved academy, the homely publications room, and the tremendous Dart staff, I’ve spent my time thinking about “the last time I” am going to do things. For instance, I recently spent my last publication night listening to Nickelback on Pandora, depantsing Katie McCombs in front of Mr. Thomas, and trying to fit Sara-Jessica Dilks into a locker. I had to tell Mary O’Leary for the last time that she couldn’t make up headlines such as “three girls killed in school fire.” I answered my last hypothetical question from Mr. Thomas, naturally with something to do about a statue of Helen Keller. Other “lasts” include: The last time I pull into the parking lot at 7:41 and magically find a spot close to M&A. The last time I forget to check out of advisory. The last time I spend my period one free in Mrs. Drummond’s office, even though we’re not allowed to do that anymore. The last time I attempt to open a door and then realize I have to type in a code to get in. The last time I have to ask if I’m allowed to get more than two slices of Waldo pizza. The last time I come up with an excuse to talk to Ms. Bone just to get candy. The last time I avoid walking on the seal because of bad luck. The last time I call my mom to check me out of school just so I can go out to lunch or leave early to go shopping. The last time I come to school without my netbook charged and have to ask a girl in every class for a charger. The last time I was on time to class. Just kidding that was never. The last time I ran a cross country race with Mary O’Leary and Meka Kelly, we were purposely in last place the whole race and may have gotten the slowest 5k time in history. The last time Mr. Fast actually cared about our advisory... was never. The last time I read a book for lit class was junior year. The last time I turn off the snooze button five times before my mom has to wake me up. The last time I crash one of Ms. Good’s advisory parties to hangout with Mary Cate Feuerborn. The last time I hand out fake free Chipotle gift cards with Marianna Messerli and Allison Fitts. The last time I have a random girl hold the door open for me. The last time I paint my whole body blue for a volleyball game against Sion. The last time I dress up with my dad for the father-daughter dance. The last time I wake up excited to go to school. The last time I attend STA. These “last times” are what make me not want to leave or graduate. These last times make me appreciate my time here so much more. These last times are why I will always love STA. H

Gonzaga University Celia O’Flaherty




May 17, 2012 | the dart | dartnewsonline.com | senior issue | 5

Simpson College Megan Lankford

University of Missouri

Coe College Jessica Vincent

University of Iowa Liz Wiens

oregon University of Portland Stephanie Hampel

colorado University of Denver


California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Christina Barton

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles Maddie Doyle

Pepperdine University

Amanda Florido

Alex Greathouse

Sarah Godfrey

Erika Mikkelsen

Emily Holt

Lorraine Sands

Molly Kaniger

Nicole Wemhoff

Rosemary McGraw Alex Mediavilla

Abby Suholaski

Jackie Regan

Katarina Waller

Anna Meyers

Katelyn Ehrnman

Theresa Murphy

Lydia Thomsen

Emily Wunder

Danielle Comford

Mari Kerwin

Truman State University Hannah Haywood

Trish Smith Maddy Ismert

Lucy McManness Kathleen Vogel

Jennifer Blake

Oklahoma State University Maggie Cussen

Kelsey Rodriguez

Northwestern University

Megan Lewis Lucia Maschler

The Ohio State University Alexandra Radtke

Emily Bresette Kelly Muraski

Rockhurst University Claire McKeon

Missouri Western State University Megan Helt

Fontbonne University

William Jewell College Alexis Buford


Avila University

Emerson College

Jasmine Colhour

Hanna Katz

Stephens College

Rachel Shedd

Maryville University

Ariana Goode

north carolina

Cassie Odneal Lane Schulte

Mary Kate Jenks Margot Livers

University of Oklahoma Annie DeRuyter Taylor Migliazzo

The Dart gathered information on where the Class of 2012 will be next year. In total, there are 129 graduating seniors, with 49 students attending school in Missouri. compiled by EMILY MCCANN graphics by SARA-JESSICA DILKS AND SARA MEURER

North Carolina State University Paige Wendland

Hannah Wolf

McLaren O’Rear

Texas State University, San Marcos Mayme Marshall

University of Dallas Colleen McInerney


Tulane University Maddie Dang Kate Rohr





The Dart breaks down the seniors classes’ choice of college majors for next year. Each icon represents 1 percent.

Brie Sandridge

Grace Crowe

Rowan O’Brien-Williams


Kelly O’Byrne

Northwest Missouri State University

Vanderbilt University

Katie McCombs


University of Dayton

Marianna Messerli


University of Arkansas

Kathleen Devine Logan Kembel


DePaul University


Miranda Green

Baker University

Abby Uche

Hannah Otto

Shannen Freeman

Pittsburg State University

Carleton College

Katie Beirne

Krissy Bryde

Benedictine College


state of mind

Christie Fletcher

Caitlin Nelson

Nicole Kamradt

Kennedy Burton

Sarah Bryant

Kerry Egan

Laura Stacy

Mary LeRoy

Haley Winslow

Saint Louis University

Katie Evans

Kansas State University

Missouri State University

Taylor Twellman

Brenna Scott


Washington University in St. Louis

Cara McClain

University of Central Missouri

Loyola University Chicago


KaiLi McCamman

Kelsey Ceriotti

Lucy Edmonds

Alexandra Reddis


Kate Needham

Emporia State University

California State University, Fullerton

Sarah Turgeon

Erin Twaddle

Libby Sauder

Mary O’Leary

Elizabeth Daugherty

Erin Sellers

Caroline Connor

Meka Kelly

Mackenzie Jones

Madison Phillips

Hannah Reinhart

Jacqueline Kerr

Olivia Scheuler

Caroline Mendus

Lauren Barrett

Megan Hodes

Erin Hutchison

Lindsay Cook

Brianna Casey

kansas University of Kansas

Libby Randolph

Lizzy Imperiale

Colorado State University Katie Patterson

Rachel Caffrey

Chelsea Birchmier

Danielle Gatapia

Melissa Lane

Brenna Palmer

Sara Pence

Mary Cate Feuerborn

Ava Jurden

Maddison Balachowski

Allison Fitts

nebraska Creighton University


4 | senior issue | dartnewsonline.com | the dart | May 17, 2012

University of Alabama

Full Sail University

Savannah College of Art and Design

Martha Ramirez

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

English/Journalism/ Language


Kate Dujakovich


US NAVY Sarah Burchett



Science/Engineering/ Architecture/Math

Visual/Performing Arts




17% Nursing/Healthcare


Miranda Johnson




6 | senior issue | dartnewsonline.com | the dart | May 17, 2012

Classmate Cousins “

Seniors Libby Sauder and Katie Evans attended St. Ann’s Grade School together and will attend the University of Kansas in the fall. by NATALIE FITTS nfitts@dartnewsonline.com

by MICKEY REDLINGSHAFER mredlingshafer@dartnewsonline.com

When Allison and I end our DartNewsOnline blogs, we say “See ya, sistas!” to our readers. But come this fall, we’ll be saying it to each other. When people talk about “empty nest syndrome,” they are usually talking about how parents are feeling after their child leaves home for college. I find that offensive because I honestly think I will miss my sister, Allison, more than my parents will. They will still have one lovely daughter at home with them, but I won’t have any more siblings here with me. I think I got the short end of the stick when it comes to our family dynamic. For the first two years of Allison’s life, all she had experiences was being an only child. Plus, when I came along, she was still at an age where getting a little sister wouldn’t disrupt her routine of eating, sleeping and playing. However, I’m at an age where essentially becoming an only child will very much disrupt my life. I’ve never known anything other than having a sister whose door is only a few steps away. I won’t have anyone to (reluctantly) share clothes with. I won’t have anyone to make me listen to the band Celtic Women on repeat all the way to school. I won’t have anyone to help me lose to my parents while we’re playing board games. I won’t have anyone to get mad at me because I suggest Planet Sub every single time we go out to eat. I won’t have anyone to tell me what I missed in newspaper class. I won’t have anyone to yell at me for not waking up after my six alarms go off before school. I won’t have anyone to incorporate a quote from “Bridesmaids” into every situation with me. But most importantly, I won’t have anyone to talk to about anything any time I want. Over the past few years, Allison and I have grown close enough that I feel comfortable talking to her about anything happening to me—good, bad or otherwise. If I’m having friend problems, I can go to her. If I’m annoyed with my parents, I can go to her. If I meet a cute guy, I can go to her. Sure, she may roll her eyes at me several times a day, but she understands me better than anyone because she knows everything that has ever happened in my life. I know she’s only going two hours away, but soon I won’t be able to go into her room to talk about something serious or to show her a funny video of dachshund getting stuck in a sweatshirt sleeve I found while not doing my homework. So sometimes I might just pop into your dorm room because you “have a face like sunshine,” and I want to see it. Or I might just text you. Or Skype you. Or call you. Or tweet at you. Or send you a greeting card. Or post on your Facebook wall. I might even do every single one of those things every single day until you quit responding. I understand though. I know you’re off meeting your new best friends, eating Shakespeare’s Pizza, going to sorority parties, getting student pricing for football and basketball games and doing whatever fun things people do in college. Don’t get me wrong—I’m excited to see what amazing, successful things you do in college and throughout the rest of your life. Just don’t forget about your little sis. My door is always open, just like yours has always been for me. You know where I live. H

Seniors Katie Evans and Libby Sauder have known each other for a long time. Not only have the two gone to school together since kindergarten, but they are cousins. Both their heads are full of memories of each other. They remember playing pool games in the Evans backyard before they were even in school. They remember attending St. Ann Catholic School together, and they remember being at prom together as their senior year at STA was coming to an end. These two have grown close throughout their lives, and both hope to grow even closer next year as they attend the University of Kansas. The Olden Days According to Sauder, in kindergarten, she and Evans participated in the St. Ann’s talent show with their class. They performed some type of “Spanish dance thing.” Each girl-boy pair was supposed to link arms and begin to dance. This dance turned into Evans and Sauder linking arms and running in circles for the whole audience to see. Both Evans and Sauder explain that many of their memories contain other family members, especially Evans’ little sister, junior Jane. When Katie and Sauder were 6 years old, they were sleeping over at the Evans house. While Katie and Sauder were playing downstairs, Jane stayed upstairs and proceeded to hit her head on the corner of a dresser. Her head started bleeding, and when Katie and Sauder found her she tried to convince the two it was not blood running down her face, but snot. “Libby never had a sister and always wanted one,” said Ms. Molly Sauder, Libby’s mom. ”She always loved hanging with Katie and Jane, because she felt like they could be her sisters.” When they were young and it was time to go home after they had been playing at the Evans’, Ms. Maureen Evans, Katie’s mom, would drive Libby back home. While Maureen and Molly would chat, Libby would hide in the Evans’ car so she wouldn’t have to go home. According to Molly, many times Maureen would drive away with Libby still hiding in the back seat. STAying Together Libby explains that she and Katie have always joked around. Starting in high school, the two began to impersonate their moms, according to Katie. Whenever their moms are talking on the phone, Libby and Katie call each other too, just to make fun of them. Katie explains you would know the two were sisters “in a heartbeat.” According to Libby, their moms “are basically the same person.” On Student Appreciation Day during Katie and Libby’s junior year, Libby brought a Santa Claus Snuggie as a picnic blanket. This Snuggie was not used as a blanket for long. Soon Libby and Katie put it on together and ran around the field joking around with their friends. From Cradle to College In August, Katie and Libby will pack up their stuff and head to Lawrence. At KU, the two will live in dorm buildings next to one other. They could end up in the same sorority, or maybe even some of the same classes. Their freshman year will be filled with firsts. Libby is comforted that she will have Katie, a family member who is going through the same new experiences as her, living so close to her next year. Katie is excited to stay close with Libby next year, explaining that no matter what happens they will always have a “family-bond,” and she loves their relationship because they “get to be weird together.” The two cousins are ready for KU together and beyond. H

See ya, Sista!

Libby never had a sister and always wanted one. She always loved hanging with Katie and Jane, because she felt like they could be her sisters. Ms. Molly Sauder Libby’s mom






1997. prima donnas H Katie Evans and Libby Sauder. dance in a ballet class together when they were younger. submitted photo 2000. lean on me H Katie Evans, left, and Libby Sauder sit on a bench while they ride on a carousel together. submitted photo 2002. twinsies H Libby Sauder, left, and Katie Evans pose for the camera in their matching bandanas, shirts and pants. submitted photo 2008. we’re on a boat H Libby Sauder, left, and Katie Evans on a family cruise in eighth grade. submitted photo 2012. promenade H Libby Sauder, left, and Katie Evans pose for a picture before their senior prom April 20. submitted photo

May 17, 2012 | the dart | dartnewsonline.com | senior issue | 7

“Do a prank that really sticks with people.” —Elizabeth Daugherty ‘12

“Get doubles from the vending machine because it’s awesome and it makes your day better.” —Miranda Green ‘12

“Find some way to get onto the roof of Donnelly. I’ve been up there five times.” —Danielle Gatapia ‘12

“Take a swing at Ms. Montag’s pinata that she has for her last senior advisory party every year.” —Nicole Kamradt ‘12

“Become friends with Mrs. Berardi.” —Erin Hutchison ‘12

“Go down into the tunnel and sign your name on the wall because it’s tradition.” —Mary Leroy ‘12


“Get a picture on Mr. Whitney’s board.” —Emily Holt‘12

“Go from the developmental office to Nan’s office to Berardi in order to get a chocolate fix that will last you for a week.” —Mayme Marshall ‘12

“Go all out for theme days because it’s one of the best parts of being a senior.” —Kelsey Ceriotti ‘12

Go to every Sion game you possibly can. Megan Lewis

“Nugget the backpack of Mr. Himes. I’m still kinda working on that myself, but it would be quite the story to tell.” —Shannen Freeman ‘12

“On a Friday, go around to every advisory party and try to mooch some food with friends. You won’t need to eat for at least two days after.” —McLaren O’Rear ‘12 photos by Emma Wheatley ewheatley@dartnewsonline.com

Have a conversation with security Bob because he is mysterious and lovely.

Mary Kate Jenks senior


B cket List

The Dart asked seniors what they would put on a list of things students should do before they graduate. by Sara Meurer smeurer@dartnewsonline.com

“Write your name in the dome. It’s really exciting just going up there, but beware of the fourth floor ghost.” —Christie Fletcher ‘12

“Go to Europe with Mr. Egner.” —Theresa Murphy ‘12

“Become friends with Mrs. Egelhoff. She gives the best candy and you have the best excuse for being late to class.” —Alexis Buford ‘12

“Have a solid thirty minute conversation with Mr. Himes. There is never a dull moment and you will walk away with loads of great advice and fun facts.” —Rosemary McGraw ‘12

“Discover the catwalk above the stage. But don’t walk on it.” —Kelsey Rodriguez ‘12

Have the best silliest free of your life. Krissy Bryde



8 | senior issue | dartnewsonline.com | the dart | May 17, 2012

R Movies

Then: Twilight hit theatres on Nov. 21, 2008, earning over $35 million in its first day alone. 2009’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince earned over $58 million in its first day in theatres. This Harry Potter movie was the sixth book to be turned into a movie from the hit book series by British author J.K. Rowling.


Now: The fourth of five Twilight Saga movies, Breaking Dawn: Part One, premiered Nov. 18, 2011. Opening day grossed $72 million. However, the final film in the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows–Part 2, was the highest grossing movie of 2011, earning over $1 billion worldwide, breaking its own previously set records.


Then: During the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, US swimmer Michael Phelps won eight gold medals, breaking the previous record of seven gold medals in a single Olympic Game, set in 1972 by US swimmer Mark Spitz. Now: When quarterback Tim Tebow began his

career with the Denver Broncos in 2011, he also began a craze called “Tebowing.” Tebowing was inspired by Tebow’s “victory dance” of kneeling on one knee with his fist supporting his head. Tebowing originated when Tebow went into the position while in pregame prayers and after touchdowns. The fan who coined the term also created a website where people can submit photos of themselves Tebowing.

Then: Released in October 2008 as the lead single from her album I Am...Sasha Fierce, Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)” has sold over 6 million digital copies internationally. The iconic music video spawned a dance craze that was parodied by everyone from Justin Timberlake on Saturday Night Live to President Barack Obama. The video won the Video of the Year award at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Now: Despite winning Best New Artist at the

2009 Grammy’s, British artist Adele truly broke onto the American music scene with her 2012 Album of the Year, 21. The lead single of the 2011 album, “Rolling in the Deep,” spent 59 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

by Natalie Fitts nfitts@dartnewsonline.com

Enrollment & Tuition Then: 529 students $9,200

Now: 570 students $9,750

Social Media

Then: In December 2008, Facebook had 130 million active monthly users. Mr. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook for college students. Now: Facebook currently has about 900 million active monthly users. However, newer social networking sites Twitter and Pinterest have more than 500 million and 11.7 million users respectively.



Then: With Republican President George Bush’s two-term limit reached, the 2008 president election was a race between democrat Barack Obama and republican John McCain. Obama, who was previously a state senator for Illinois, won, and was inaugurated in January 2009, with former US Senator Joe Biden as his vice president. Now: Republican Mitt Romney, former Mas-



Then: On Feb. 8, 2009, R&B artist Chris Brown was arrested in Los Angeles after assaulting thengirlfriend, pop singer Rihanna. In August of the same year, Brown was sentenced to five years of probation, six months of community service, and one year of counseling. Rihanna currently has a fiveyear restraining order against Brown. Now: Reality TV star Kim Kardashian married

NBA star Kris Humphries in August 2011 after being together for nearly a year. Two months later, E! aired a special on Kardashian and Humphries’s wedding, drawing in 10.5 million viewers. However, after 72 days, Kardashian filed for divorce, inciting another media frenzy.¬

sachusetts governor, is the leading challenger of Obama’s campaign for a re-election. Other Republican candidates who have officially withdrawn, are Mr. Herman Cain, Mr. Rick Santorum, Mr. Newt Gingrich and Mr. Jon Huntsman. The election, to be held Nov. 6, will determine the 57th president of the United States of America.


Photos by Sara-Jessica Dilks, Photo source: MCT Campus


From Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” to Obama, the class of 2012’s freshman year was full of pop culture and news. The Dart compares the events and people of the 2008-2009 school year to now.

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