Option Choice Phase 1 for Year 8 into 9 …Changing lives
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Recovery Curriculum Year 9 2020–21 We have reviewed our curriculum offer in response to the unprecedented circumstances around extended school closures and missed learning opportunities. The changes made to your child’s curriculum pathway has enabled each child, in Year 9 in September, to access another hour of learning across English and science.
To be able to offer an additional hour of learning across our core subjects, we ask students to make options choices in their creative and performance and humanities curriculum areas. Students will have a further options process – Phase 2, in Year 9 to determine their final GCSE options.
Each week all students will study: English
5 lessons
4 lessons
4 lessons
2 lessons
1 hour of each subject
Creative and Performance options – 3 lessons You are requested to choose a first choice and a reserve from one of the creative and performance subjects: Sports Studies, BTEC –performing arts drama, BTEC – performing arts dance or BTEC – music GCSE Art, GCSE Photography, GCSE design and Technology and GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. This subject will be completed by the end of Year 10 allowing greater curriculum time for their other subjects in Year 11. Please note – If you wish to pursue Music GCSE of the end of Y9, you cannot select BTEC Technical Award in Music Practice.
Geography or History – 3 lessons Please choose to study either geography or history in Year 9. This subject will continue into Year 11 and geography and history will be available in the second
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Geography in Year 9 What will I learn about? Throughout Year 9 we will cover the topics below. The questions underneath each topic give you an insight into the learning that we will be carrying out during the year.
Restless Earth What causes natural hazards? What damage and devastation can be caused? Do different countries suffer differently? How can we manage them effectively?
Advancing Asia What is the physical and human geography of Asia? What countries can be found in the continent of Asia? How does Asia compare to other continents? What is the global importance of Asia? How do we link to Asia?
Bridging the Gap How can we classify and compare countries? What causes the differences we see between countries around the world? Who are the worlds super powers and what impact do they have? How can populations change? What impact can this have on countries? How can adapt to cope with change in the world?
Do we have enough? Energy, water and food – is there enough in the world? What are the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources? What is water scarcity and how can we combat it? Is the global distribution of food equal? How can we reduce our food miles? What is the dark side of food production?
Making Geographical Decisions How can Geography help decision making in the real world? Should the development of the Amazon Rainforest continue? How can we use sources of evidence and information to make a decision? How can development and change impact socially, environmentally and economically?
What skills will I develop? Map skills OS maps and atlases will regularly feature in lessons so that we can find the locations of places we are learning about. We can use maps to identify physical features that may support us in answering questions about locations.
Numerical/graphical skills Throughout Year 9 we will interpret a variety of graphs to support us in learning about locations and topical issues. Information obtained from graphs provide geographers with evidence to support explanations and decisions.
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Interpreting images
Fieldwork skills
Photographs, sketched and satellite images provide an amazing amount of information. They provide support for geographers when piecing information and ideas together.
Collecting our own data and information to support investigations and learning is an important skill. We will collect both primary and secondary data to help us draw conclusions, justify opinions and deepen our learning further.
Critical thinking Theories and ideas are looked at during Year 9. We think critically about these, are they correct? Are they reliable? Critical thinking is a vital skill when investigating issues and building your own opinions and views.
Decision making skills In Year 9 your KS3 journey is finalised. Your geographical knowledge and skills have developed so that you can then apply them to make geographical decisions. This skill is one employers particularly like about geographers. Looking at different viewpoints, different scenarios, evidence and possible impacts before making a final decision.
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History in Year 9 What will I learn about? Throughout Year 9 we will take a journey throughout Modern History. The questions underneath each topic give you an insight into the learning that we will be carrying out during the year.
World War One
Multicultural Britain?
How did two bullets kill twenty million people? Was General Haig really the “Butcher of the Somme”? How were soldiers able to survive the trenches? How significant was the use of use of chemical weapons in WW1?
Why did the sun finally set on the British Empire? Why is the arrival of the S.S. Windrush in 1948 still in the news seventy years later? Was London really ‘the place to be’? Why was there a ‘summer of violence’ in 1958? How ‘multicultural’ is Britain today?
Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
Civil Rights in the USA
How were the Nazis able to take control of Germany so quickly? How were the minorities treated under Nazi rule? Why was 1939 a turning point in Jewish persecution? How did Jewish people resist the Nazi persecution? Could Hitler have been stopped?
How were black peoples’ lives affected by the ending of slavery in the USA? What does the Emmett Till murder tell us about racism in America? How significant a figure was Martin Luther King Jr. in achieving civil rights? Do all people born in the USA today share the same opportunities?
World War Two
Vietnam War
Was Dunkirk a total disaster? How serious was the threat from the U-boats? How significant was Alan Turing’s enigma machine? What did British people do to survive WW2? How successful were the D-Day landings?
Why did the US table tennis team visit China in 1972? Why did the USA invade Vietnam? Why were the Vietcong so effective? How did the war affect the USA and the wider world?
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What skills will I develop? Critical evaluation
Critical reasoning
You will learn about a range of different events and topics and come to your own judgements about the causes, events and consequences. We will investigate using multiple sources including photographs, diary entries and video clips.
How good at you at winning an argument? History will help you develop critical reasoning – the ability to use facts to carefully construct a successful argument with a clear evaluation.
Problem solving
In History we use a broad range of ways to look at things differently to try and solve problems. This could be in groups, where you must present your findings, or independently to shed new light on an old idea.
Why do wars break out, great people come to prominence, or big ideas change? You will need to work together to try and solve key events from the past.
Interpretations Why did the allies win the First World War? How did Adolf Hitler become elected the leader of one of the most modern countries of the day? How did African Americans achieve the right to vote in 1965? You will need to analyse other people’s opinions to come to your own interpretation on events.
Creative thinking
Analytical skills Important issues in the world today are rarely easy to explain with simple arguments – and this has been the same throughout history. You will need to research a wide range of evidence to come to your own balanced conclusions.
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Year 9 Performance options In Year 9 you will choose a performance option to study for 2 hours per week. You will choose from either OCR Sports Studies, BTEC Dance, BTEC Music and BTEC Drama. As well as this, you will also have 1 compulsory hour of PE each week. To help you choose, there is some information below on each course.
Please note: You will also be able to choose GCSE Dance, GCSE Drama, GCSE Music and/or OCR Sports Science at the end of Year 9 as part of your KS4 options process. However, you must be aware that there are some subjects that you cannot study at both BTEC and GCSE. You cannot study • BTEC Music in Year 9 & 10 and GCSE Music in Year 10 & 11 • BTEC Drama in Year 9 & 10 and GCSE Drama in Year 10 & 11 Therefore, please consider that if you are a brilliant musician and want to study GCSE music in Year 10 & 11, you need to choose either BTEC Dance, BTEC Drama or OCR Sports Studies in this options process.
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Option 1 OCR Sport Studies What will I study and how is the course organised? The course is worth 1 GCSE and includes a wide range of skills and techniques. The course is modular and allows you to move through units at different times, completing a number of assignments. The course requires you to develop and then demonstrate your theoretical knowledge, practical performance and leadership skills, as well as evaluating and improving your own and others performances.
Practical and theory? A timetable will generally comprise of 3 Ă— theory and 1 Ă— practical lessons per fortnight
How will I be assessed? You will complete a range of practical and written assessments alongside an exam
unit. The practical elements will focus on your performance and the performance of others within the class. The written assignments will support your preparation for the practical elements. Core Unit: Developing Sport Skills (Written & practical assignments). Core Unit: Contemporary issues in Sport (1hr Written exam). Selected Specialist Unit: Sports Leadership (Written and practical assignments). Selected Specialist Unit: Sport and the Media (Written assignments).
Why should I choose this course? This course would provide a solid foundation for you if you wanted to progress to study BTEC Sport level 3 at 6th form level.
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Options 2 and 3 BTEC Technical Award in Performing Arts – Drama or Dance pathway What will I study and how is the course organised? The course is worth 1 GCSE and examines a combination of practising, performing and perfecting expressive arts. This course is suitable for anyone who has an interest in performing for others in a theatrical sense – or anyone who simply wishes to enhance their skills of delivery and presentation, while improving their confidence. You can either choose to study Dance or Drama but whichever you choose, you will complete the same units but just perform and be assessed in a different art form.
Practical and theory? A timetable will generally comprise of 1 × theory and 1 × practical lesson per week
How will I be assessed? This course is 50% practical work and 50% written coursework.
understanding of other practitioners’ work (acting or dance). Developing You will develop your acting or dance skills and techniques through the reproduction of existing set works, adding your own interpretations and injecting something of your own creativity and style. Performing You will be given the opportunity to work as part of a group to devise a piece of drama or dance in response to a given brief and stimulus. Evaluating You will write a document, in controlled conditions, that reflects on the success of your performance work, encouraging you to consider your collective strengths and areas for improvement.
Exploring (written tasks) You will examine live and recorded performances, in order to develop your
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The different units
Why should I choose this course?
The qualification consists of 3 units. 2 are written & practical assignments and 1 is practical
You could progress on to study within the sector through qualifications such as an A-level or BTEC Level 3 in Performing Arts, Dance or Theatre Studies. However, the underpinning knowledge, practical and vocational skills learnt will also enhance and support progression to many competency-based courses or careers.
Unit 1 – Exploring Performing Arts You will study 3 professional works and prepare either a report, extended written piece, blog or presentation and perform in 3 short extracts. You don’t have to be a brilliant performer for this unit – it’s about being organised and willing to give it a go, no matter what the style. However, if you want to, there are opportunities to show off your talents and perform a solo/ monologue!! Written & Practical Assignment (36 Marks) Unit 2 – Developing Skills and techniques You will develop your skills and techniques through the reproduction of repertoire in 2 different dance/ drama styles. A log book of rehearsals and workshops will be kept throughout. You will be taught 2 set dance pieces by your teacher and you will perform in a large group Practical Assignment (36 Marks) Unit 3 – Performing to a brief You will work as part of a group to create a performance in response to a given brief set by the exam board. You will collate a skills log and ideas log and will reflect on the outcome in a written evaluation. This is the time to put on a mini showcase with your peers. You are directors, choreographers and performers in this unit Practical & written Assignment (60 Marks) 10
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Option 4 BTEC Technical Award in Music Practice What will I study and how is the course organised? Overview The BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice is a specialist music industry vocational qualification with a practical focus. The aim of this qualification is to provide you with the knowledge and range of skills needed to become a successful music performer and producer. The course is equivalent to GCSE and fully accredited by OfQual and DfES.
Practical and theory?
How will I be assessed? This course is 100% coursework. Component 3 takes the form of a timed assessment under controlled conditions based on an assignment set and marked by Pearson. • COMPONENT 1 – EXPLORING MUSIC PRODUCTS AND STYLES 30% (internally assessed) • COMPONENT 2 – MUSIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 30% (internally assessed) • COMPONENT 3 – RESPONDING TO A COMMERCIAL MUSIC BRIEF 40% (externally assessed)
A timetable will generally comprise of 3 × theory and 1 × practical lessons per fortnight
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The different units Component 1 – Exploring Musical Products and Styles We will look at iconic composers, artists, bands and producers who have influenced and impacted musical styles and genres and also the impact of technology on musical styles, instruments and genres. Throughout all of this we will expand on our listening, performing and composing skills and build on the range of musical vocabulary we started when you were in Years 7 and 8. You will create a portfolio of music based on a range of musical genres. Component 2 – Musical Skills Development As a performer, producer or creator in the music industry, you need to continually develop your skills and technique. In this component, you will participate in workshops and classes where you will develop technical, practical, personal and professional skills (the latter two are incredibly important for whatever career you embark on in your future) and specialise in at least two of the following areas: music performance, creating original music, music production.
Component 3 – Responding to a Commercial Brief This is the final project you will submit in Year 10. It is an external assessment, which means it is completed in a certain amount of time in class and is then sent off to the examiner to be marked. The exam board will send you what they would like you to do and it will change each year. You can focus entirely on your strengths.
Why should I choose this course? It does not matter what your skills are at the moment! As long as you are prepared to progress at all times. You may have been performing an instrument since you were five years old or you may have found your passion for music has appeared very recently. The idea of BTEC is that you are always developing. (Remember your voice IS AN INSTRUMENT! Singers are very welcome).
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GCSE Art and Design The course will allow students to learn: • Drawing • Painting • Sculpture • Photography • Printmaking • Mixed Media Students will develop their awareness of: • Colour • Composition • Line • Rhythm • Form • Scale • Tone • Structure • Texture • Surface • Shape
How is the course assessed? 60% Portfolio (coursework) 40% Externally set assignment
How can I use this course when I leave the Academy? To access an A level or Level 3 Vocational Art courses. Related careers range from art therapist, fashion designer, fine artist, graphic designer, illustrator, print maker and art teacher.
GCSE Photography The course will allow students to learn:
60% Portfolio assessed – Internally
Photographic techniques and processes, appropriate to students’ personal intentions for example: • Viewpoints, camera shots and angles • Lighting/studio, shutter speed and movement • Digital processes, Adobe Photoshop • Manual photo manipulation • Studio photography • Site specific photography
40% Set assignment – Externally
Students will develop their skills in visual and tactile elements such as: • Colour, line, Form, tone, texture, shape, pattern, composition, scale, sequence, surface, contrast, creativity and different ways of seeing. All of the above will be taught through theme-based projects such as, portraiture (identity), architecture, still life, surreal, isolation. Students will study the work of a variety of different photographers, artists and sources.
How can I use this course when I leave the Academy? Photography is an exciting medium that can be used in many different ways. Careers in photography include Art careers, Advertising, Commercial work, Editorial, Fashion, Film, Food, Forensic, Industrial, Architectural, Ariel, Portraiture and Wedding Photography, Sports and Travel etc. Photographs are visible everywhere because we love the photographic representation of our world and ourselves and therefore there is a huge market for photographic work.
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GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition What will the course allow students to do? During the course you will be given the opportunity to practise a wide range of skills along with having a greater understanding of nutrition, the science behind food as a material and wider environmental aspects associated with food. Students will: In Year 9 pupils will cook approximately 30 times each year along with completing a series of modules involving written work and food experiments. In Year 10 pupils will concentrate on completing two Non Examination Assessments (NEA) using a variety of research and investigation methods. Students will respond to one of three specified tasks set by the exam board. Pupils will not cook as much in Year 10 due to NEA and preparing for their exam in the Summer term.
with employment reaching the heights of 650,000 people and an annual turnover of £66 billion. The opportunities to work within the food industry really are endless. The food industry contains many multinational companies and opportunities for travel or work abroad exist for those who wish to spread their wings. Some examples of careers in food are: Dietician/Nutritionist, Food Sales and Promotion, Product Development, Consumer Technologist (Sensory Analysis and Product Tasting), Chef/Baker/Caterer, Food Journalist/Food Critic, Environmental Health Officer, Health & Safety Inspector, Food Service Management, Delicatessen/ Restaurateur, Food Wholesaler, Production & Manufacturing, Quality Assurance/ Standardisation, Purchaser (buys and sells food from around the world), Store Manager – Supermarket or Fast Food Chains, Packaging Technologist, Teacher
How is the course assessed? All assessments take place in Year 10 September–December. NEA Task 1 – Food Science Investigation (10 hours) = 15% of GCSE December–February. NEA Task 2 – Food Preparation Assessment (20 hours including a 3 hour assessment) = 35% of GCSE May–June. 1 hour 45 minute exam = 50% of GCSE
How will I use this course when I leave Darton Academy? Food Technology is one of the world’s fastest growing industries. In fact over 20% of the top 100 British Companies are in food manufacturing. The food and drink industry is booming, 14
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GCSE Design & Technology What will the course allow students to do? Students will develop their practical skills and knowledge in a range of specialist areas including: • Textile design • Product design • Graphic design Students will explore the material properties and potentials of the following material ares: textiles, woods, metals, polymers, papers and boards. They can choose to focus their final exam project around one of these specialisms (for example a fashion or woodwork outcome), or they can create exciting outcomes by combining multiple materials! D&T is a STEM subject and has strong links with Maths and Science concepts, in a practical setting. Students will: • Investigate and analyse the contextual challenge/client needs/factors such as social or economic challenges. • Identify design possibilities, consider the work of others • Communicate design ideas • Develop a prototype • Select materials • Mark out and manage material • Use tools and equipment/techniques and processes • Analyse and evaluate by testing
How is the course assessed?
fundamental in supporting frontline workers and the economy. Our own school D&T department supported in the production of PPE for frontline workers.
Future areas of employment • Applying technological solutions to man-made problems such as the environmental impact of past industrial processes. • A digital future in sectors such as communications, engineering, textiles, medical industries, transportation, robotics and AI. • Jobs that didn’t exist until recently and don’t exist yet!
The future economy and the role of D&T • We need to make the world better, safer and cleaner and the UK leads in designing and developing new processes and products that lead to this. • After Brexit new opportunities are arising for home grown talent to show what we can do. • D&T is vital to the economy with areas such as fashion and textiles, the creative industries and engineering contributing massively to our futures. This qualification also enables progression to further study at A-level or Level 3 vocational courses such as Fashion design, Product design, Architectural design, Graphic design and then on to Higher Education qualifications such as Degree level
50% external exam (2hr) 50% coursework with practical design and make internal exam.
How will I use this course when I leave Darton Academy? Design and technology is a huge growth sector and during the current Covid19 crisis Design and Technology skills and knowledge have been highlighted as 15
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Useful contacts and sources of information Uniform Supplier SPT Uniforms www.sptuniforms.co.uk
School Website www.dartonacademy.org.uk
Trust Website www.deltatrust.org.uk
Email Hannah Gregory gregoryh@dartonacademy.org.uk
Telephone 01226 232306
App The School Gateway App is available to download from your App Store
Darton Academy Ballfield Lane Darton Barnsley S75 5EF 16
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