1 minute read
PATRON Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O’Halloran AM
Administrator of the Northern Territory
AMBASSADOR Hon Natasha Fyles MLA
Chief Minister of the Northern Territory
DARWIN FESTIVAL BOARD Ian Kew (Chair), Lauren Ganley, Matthew Moss, Christine Osborne, Peter Savoff, Cathryn Tilmouth
James Gough Chief Executive Officer Felix Preval Artistic Director
Vanessa Wright Senior Producer Simonne Johansen Program Administrator Kat Traill Special Events Producer Andi Lawson-Moore Music Program Producer James Mangohig Producer Club Awi
Nadeesha Senarath Accounting Officer Cate Ganley Business Administrator Mathilde Mercadier Volunteers Coordinator
Kay Crozier Lisa Parris Development
Development Manager Development Coordinator
Marketing & Communications
Kate Napper Head of Marketing & Communications Miriam Scapin Communications & Engagement Manager Caitlin Hall Campaign Manager Millie Hunt Marketing Coordinator Andi Lawson-Moore Publications Editor
Danniella Nocelli Ticketing & Customer Service Manager Emilie Sell Ticketing Logistics Coordinator Erin Garman Ticketing Stakeholder Coordinator
Mathew McHugh Head of Production Leisa Gosling Production Manager Mark Holman Technical Manager Techy Masero Design Associate
Lorraine Phelan Bars Manager
When booking your tickets, please advise our staff if you have any access requirements. For additional information regarding accessibility and access bookings, please contact us at
call 08 8343 4222 or visit darwinfestival.org.au/
We encourage people who use the National Relay Service to contact us on 08 8343 4222
Companion Card holders are entitled to concession-priced tickets and a complimentary ticket for their companion. Please call or email to book.
If this symbol is not displayed on the event page, level access to the venue may be limited. Please contact Darwin Festival for further information. City of Darwin Teddy Bear’s Picnic, balarr inyiny, Erth’s Prehistoric Picnic, Festival Park and Darwin Amphitheatre are suitable for assisted wheelchair access. There is limited accessible car parking available at Darwin Amphitheatre and The Esplanade.
Darwin Festival will provide Auslan sign interpreted performances for a limited number of events. Please check darwinfestival. org.au/accessibility for more information or contact us if there is a show you’d like to see signed. Events with this symbol do not contain any music, sound or dialogue. 50 Events with this symbol are partially surtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds. The Legend of Queen Kong offers captioning for Deaf audiences.