Sarajevo, on the bridge or above the chasm between the west and the east, is an interesting place to recognize the increasingly closed logic of both worlds...
Days of Architecture official hotel is located right in the heart of Sarajevo, offering superb views over the entire city and the surrounding hills.
Olympic Mountains BjelaĹĄnica and Jahorina altiturde 2067m (6782ft) and 1,916m (6,286ft) 20-40 minutes by car from Sarajevo
Sarajevo City Hall, one of the most beautiful and the most representative buildings from the Austro-Hungarian period, bombed in 1992. Flames devoured 2 million books and 300 manuscripts of priceless value.
TV transmitter built in the 1980s at an altitude of 812 meter + reinforced concrete pillar height of 78.5 meters
Sarjevo average altitude 550 m (1,800 ft)
... A place that has not yet been completely controlled, in which different scenarios are possible. A place where we can imagine some other future. A city waiting for a new authentic culture to be created out of a genuine need. DINKO PERACIC (CROATIA) DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE 2018 CURATOR
The bob and sledge track was built during the preparations for the Winter Olympics held in 1984. in Sarajevo. It was planned as part of the sports and recreational park on Trebević, which would also attract visitors to the mountain after the games.
Culture, and thus architecture, is wrapped up with set expectations and established paradigms. We are ever less researchers, and ever more cultivators of existing relationships. Utopias and jumping into the unknown are no longer fashionable. The tendency of fitting in and determining the known is evident. DINKO PERACIC (CROATIA) DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE 2018 CURATOR
We are being pulled by the gravity of the comfort zone, a completely controlled environment which Idis Turato named “Continuous Interior” at Days of Architecture 2017 in Sarajevo.
43°51’40.5”N 18°25’17.6”E
Today, we live and work in the state of the Anthropocene. The term Anthropocene, which is the modern theory introduced by Paul Crutzen, suggests that the Earth in the present moment of development is moving from its old sphere, geological epoch, called the Holocene, into the new, for the most people, completely unexpected situation. Condition and space that is established solely by human activities and global developments that are largely responsible for leaving the Holocene. IDIS TURATO (CROATIA) DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE 2017 CURATOR
During wartime in 1990s, the track was located on the front- line. The track was signi cantly damaged and only the concrete trough is left. The war left behind mine elds, destruction of objects and the surrounding nature and brought new meaning to the once popular destination near the city. For nearly two decades, this area have had the reputation of a no man’s land, an excess space beyond any jurisdiction. It was in this context that alternative methods of use began to appear, the first being graffiti drawings. Today it is a popular place for walking, running, photography and extreme sports like downhill cycling. All of this made the track an informal symbol of a post-apocalyptic state and a popular image on social networks.
Space of Freedom Competition for Architecture Ideas Bob and Sledge Track on Trebević Mountain Days of Architecture 2018
Mankind has become similar to a global geological forces that continually, without pause, control and shape the territory of the Earth, built solely and exclusively on his absolute right to progress. In global world set like that, various shapes and styles of market economy moderate most of the thinking about space and society, and the development of new technologies and universal media coverage and digitalization of cyberspace drastically changes the habits of the analog civilization.
In such environment, classically understood architecture and urban planning are hostages of spectacle, harnessed to programs, projects, events and policies meant for the consumption and consumerism, and we can not expect from them, as in the old days, critical assessment of reality and bring forth adequate social and urban change...
Continuous Interior includes all known, built, planned, imagined, designed, visible and invisible space. Continuous interior is lived (respected and reflected) through space and time of virtual and created space. Continuous interior station becomes and remains only as a result of their overlapping and mutual influence. Continuous Interior is real, pervasive and occurs and lasts in real time. Continuous interior is more than space and has no permanent purpose. Continuous Interior is a condition.
Despite their clear Turkish provenance, Bosnian ćevapi are a source of great national pride and the country’s favorite dish. After they have mellowed for a couple of hours, ćevapi are barbecued over charcoal. Traditionally, one portion of the dish consists of ten pieces of ćevapi tucked in a soft, moist, slightly grilled flatbread called lepinja or somun, and a variety of accompaniments such as kajmak, a type of clotted cream spread, roasted red pepper and eggplant relish called ajvar, and raw onions. HTTPS://WWW.TASTEATLAS.COM/
Days of Architecture Sarajevo started in 2008, and as annual festival hosted more than 100 lecturers (Bernard Khoury, Jean Marc Ibos Myrto Vitart architects, Studio Non-Stop, Amir Vuk Zec, njiric+, Nikola Bašić, Idis Turato, 3LHD architects, StudioUP, Bevk Perović architects, Dekleva Gregorič architects, Clemens Kirsch architects and many more) from 25 countries followed by versatile program of exhibitions, video projections and workshops.
“For me this is the biggest architectural and cultural event in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These ‘kids’ have taken the matters in their own hands, they are eager to learn and educate themselves... These young people will grow to achieve great things! They have laid foundations for something that will change Sarajevo”. AMIR VUK ZEC (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA)
Bosnia and Herzegovina is definitely one of the many places where architecture isn’t always self-evident. An architecture festival can administer an antidote to the dilution of architectural culture. It is clear that architecture often struggles to convincingly make the point that it can represent other values than those of money, and other functions than those of utility. But over the last ten years, the Days of Architecture have increasingly demonstrated that they can carve out a provisional free space to discuss what those values and functions could be, what else architecture can be, with a multitude of activities catering to a professional audience and, to a certain extent, to a general public as well. HANS IBELINGS (NETHERLANDS/CANADA)
Events like the Days of Architecture act both as an accelerator of exchange and as a site for production of architecture culture itself. HANS IBELINGS (NETHERLANDS/CANADA) FOREWORD FOR THE BOOK “3650 DAYS OF CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE IN SARAJEVO”
I still venture into American territory and Western Europe, where I still do give lectures and crits and studios, but I find them to be very dormant. I feel much more at home here in the sense that I feel there’s a far more curious audience. Maybe because you haven’t gone to sleep yet, you’re still awake, and I think that’s wonderful. BERNARD KHOURY (LEBANON) DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE 2017 INTERVIEW
This year in June at Days of Architecture in Sarajevo, with Dean Lah (Slovenia) as Curator, we are interested in advanced architectural researches, offset positions, the acceptance of the unembellished reality, resistance towards excessive control, playing with common practices, architecture that does not preserve its expert position, but is contaminated with other processes... DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE SARAJEVO
Ljubljana 516 km / 320 miles
Zagreb 409 km / 254 miles
Belgrade 330 km / 205 miles
When winter arrives in the Western Balkans, it is not unusual for dense smog to envelop its cities, making it hard to breathe and impairing visibility. But this year, pollution levels are among the highest in the world and public anger is on the rise. REUTERS (SARAJEVO)
Days of Architecture 2019 competition task encompasses the chosen segment of the “Ciglane” residential area in Sarajevo, located in the NW part of the town, in the very city center - part of the municipality of Center, in the zone of the meeting of Austro-Hungarian and modern architecture, in the frequent residential and business zone. The housing settlement “Ciglane” was an example of modern housing construction in the then young socialist state of Yugoslavia. DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE 2019 SARAJEVO
Numerous cadres from the cult Yugoslav partisan film, one of the internationally renowned domestic films “Valter brani Sarajevo” / “Walter Defends Sarajevo” where one can see this area under the construction of a modern settlement. This film also strengthened the position of this location in the collective memory of the city.
The project task predicts construction of a square with a viewpoint, by which ambient value of urban space would augment, but also we would get attractive and vital public space. Main goal of a project task is an activation of urban micro-location and supplement to the existing square and pedestrian zone system. Inovative and functional solutions need to initiate new program contents. DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE 2019 SARAJEVO