Present SImple

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Turn the sentences into the interrogative form:

We use the simple present tense to describe habitual actions. The affirmative

1. John works in a hospital. _______________________________________ 2. They write articles for the Sunday Times.


form uses the infinitive of the verb, but an ‘s’ is added to the third person

4. My sister likes maths. _______________________________________

singular: I work You work He/she/it works We work You work They work




Use correctly the Present Tense through this text


interrogative forms of the simple





3. Henry repairs motorbikes. _______________________________________

the is

added: I don’t work You don’t work He/she/it doesn’t work

London, the capital city of the United Kingdom (UK) _______ (have) a population of eight million. It is a twenty four hour city. Some people say it never ______ (sleep), so it’s an exciting place to visit. There are many interesting things for tourists to do and see in London – the London Eye, for example. The London Eye ________ (to be) a big wheel. It _______ (have) thirty two capsules and each one ________ (hold) twenty five people. The wheel __________ (not move) very fast – a ride _______ (take) thirty minutes. A ticket ________ (cost) 11.50 pounds for adults. You _______ (not pay) for children under five years old. It is better to book the tickets before if you _________ (not want) to wait for hours. The London Eye ________ (not work) late at night, but it is open every day, usually until 10 P.M.

We don’t work You don’t work They don’t work

Put the sentences into negative form.

Interrogative form: Do I work? Do you work? Does he work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work?

Eddie likes his job a lot. __________________________________ Kathy is mum’s favourite daughter. __________________________________ My people tell the truth all the time. ____________________________________ Lakota Indians live in tepees. ____________________________________ She knows that Simon cries at night. ____________________________________

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