Common Causes of Crankshaft Position Sensor Failure in Mini Cooper From Certified Mechanics in Spring
The number of Mini one gets to see on the road of Spring speaks a lot about its popularity.
Mini Cooper comes equipped with many advanced features like the crankshaft position sensor.
The crankshaft position sensor in Mini Cooper is susceptible to failure & needs quick addressing.
Here are the common causes of crankshaft position sensor failure in Mini Cooper.
Damage to the wheel & pin
The crankshaft position sensor measures the magnetic pulses created by a toothed wheel or a series of pins.
If any of the wheel’s teeth are damaged, then it will cause disruption in the pattern of the pulses.
The crankshaft position sensor gets confused while receiving these inputs about the crankshaft’s speed.
The crankshaft position sensor of your Mini Cooper is responsible for measuring the speed of the crankshaft.
Magnetic issues
The magnet present in the sensor of your Mini Cooper can cause problems.
The magnet can attract metal shavings created in the engine by friction.
If the shavings stick to the sensor, they will cause problems in the sensor’s measurements.
This can also create a bridge between the sensor & the wheels which will give inaccurate readings.
Circulatory & wiring problems
The internal circuitry in Mini that connects the sensor to power & to the ECU can also burn out.
A short circuit or an open circuit in the sensor will cause the failure of the crankshaft position sensor.
If the wires burn out, the sensor might not be receiving power from the electromagnet.
Moreover, the crankshaft position sensor might not be transmitting a signal to the ECU.
The crankshaft position sensor is a critical sensor in your Mini Cooper.
Take your Mini Cooper to a certified repair shop to fix the crankshaft position sensor.
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