Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm Project Proposal
Robert Genito – (GPG: CD14CD15)
1. General Project Informaton Project Name:
Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm.
Descripton and Goal Statement:
We aim to boost Dash adopton. Today, Dash stands as much less accessible than Bitcoin, and most of the tme requiring the end user to jump through the bitcoin hoops to land on Dash. Genitrust will embed Dash into the entre Wall of Coins' (WOC) Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm experience that exists today for Bitcoin. By embedding Dash into WOC, we will grease the frictonal path to enter and exit the Dash ecosystem, greatly reduced the difculty faced by Dash newcomers, developers, and websites. Overall as a currency, Dash will have beter accessibility and liquidity, beter tools for creatve Dash app developers, and a huge boost to adopton for the short- and long-term. This is Dash's opportunity to solidify its independence from Bitcoin.
Email Address / Website: – htps:// – htps://
Genitrust, Inc.
2. Project Team Name
Project Manager:
Robert Genito
Team Members:
Leonardo de la Rosa
William McMorrow
John MacPherson
Community Liaison
3. Stakeholders (e.g., those with a signifcant interest in or who will be signifcantly afected by this project) Robert Genito
4. Project Scope Statement
1. General Project Informaton Project Name:
Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm.
Descripton and Goal Statement:
We aim to boost Dash adopton. Today, Dash stands as much less accessible than Bitcoin, and most of the tme requiring the end user to jump through the bitcoin hoops to land on Dash. Genitrust will embed Dash into the entre Wall of Coins' (WOC) Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm experience that exists today for Bitcoin. By embedding Dash into WOC, we will grease the frictonal path to enter and exit the Dash ecosystem, greatly reduced the difculty faced by Dash newcomers, developers, and websites. Overall as a currency, Dash will have beter accessibility and liquidity, beter tools for creatve Dash app developers, and a huge boost to adopton for the short- and long-term. This is Dash's opportunity to solidify its independence from Bitcoin.
Project Purpose / Business Justfcaton 1. Dash Is Chained to Bitcoin Most avenues to acquire Dash require the purchase of bitcoin. Therefore, Dash's accessibility and adopton is stunted by the endless bitcoin exchanges that are too difcult for your layperson to use. For end users who use existng peer-to-peer markets, they must then use yet another service, such as an alt-coin exchange, to obtain Dash. Soluton: let's give Dash the Over-the-counter (OTC), peer-to-peer cash experience it deserves. Genitrust will integrate Dash into the Wall of Coins platorm and business operatons. Beneft: those who are beginning their entrance to the Dash ecosystem will experience the same, and more matured, experiences that helped early and relatvely "late" bitcoin adopters. Dash's marketshare will also increase without infatng the marketshare of bitcoin. 2. User Acquiring Dash for the frst tme lacks directon and support Many people who barely know how to use bitcoin are highly interested to support and invest in Dash. However, barely any services exist—if any—to provide the new Dash user with reliable and safe support on obtaining and storing Dash for the frst tme. Soluton: all live phone support, live chat support, and email support team members for Wall of Coins will be trained on proper Dash protocol. Beneft: the layperson can be supported in every step of the way to enter the Dash ecosystem. Our research shows that a majority of people who were interested in bitcoin never got into bitcoin because they could not fgure it out, and we will change this. 3. Dash Wallets have few optons to monetze and support their development The only practcal means that a Dash wallet can reward themselves is by ofering a soluton to trade other alt-coins for Dash or vice-versa. This fnancial incentve will only exist for as long as alt coins receive speculaton, and as long as alt coin enthusiasts wish to enter or exit the Dash economy. This demand only exists because bitcoin or alt-coins are the main avenues to acquire Dash, which are too advanced for the layperson. Soluton: the Wall of Coins API is proven to work with the fat to bitcoin and bitcoin to fat context. It is the most mature API soluton for wallets, and the quickest and easiest RESTful API for development. The soluton is to develop the API functonality required to allow developers to quickly and creatvely bring the fat to Dash and Dash to fat experience to their applicatons. Beneft: Dash app developers will have beter tools to bring an easier experience to the common person, thus driving Dash accessibility and adopton, driving the Dash cryptocurrency marketshare in a positve directon, and bringing and additonal and strong revenue reward opportunity to the Dash app authors. 4. Dash-Enabled Websites are closed to Dash-only users Any websites that run on only Dash as a money protocol are also limitng their customer base to only Dash users, just as any website that only accepts credit cards—and not paypal—is limitng its user base. Soluton: the Wall of Coins web widget will also be enabled to allow cash customers to interface with a Dash payments-enabled websites. Beneft: the benefts are many: A) users who wish to partcipate in the Dash payments website can "fund their account" on the website with fat. The website will receive Dash. B) The website benefts by opening itself up to payment methods other than Dash, but also Dash and any fat currency from around the world. C) The end user benefts as they are able to use this website without having to jump through all of the traditonal exchange hoops, and the user can experience and use Dash without the need to download and understand a Dash wallet; D) Websites without a budget for developers can use the copy-paste widget; and E) the website has an additonal revenue stream, as they receive an afliate commission. (contnued...)
1. General Project Informaton Project Name:
Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm.
Descripton and Goal Statement:
We aim to boost Dash adopton. Today, Dash stands as much less accessible than Bitcoin, and most of the tme requiring the end user to jump through the bitcoin hoops to land on Dash. Genitrust will embed Dash into the entre Wall of Coins' (WOC) Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm experience that exists today for Bitcoin. By embedding Dash into WOC, we will grease the frictonal path to enter and exit the Dash ecosystem, greatly reduced the difculty faced by Dash newcomers, developers, and websites. Overall as a currency, Dash will have beter accessibility and liquidity, beter tools for creatve Dash app developers, and a huge boost to adopton for the short- and long-term. This is Dash's opportunity to solidify its independence from Bitcoin.
(...resumed) 5. The Overall Problem Dash is much less accessible than Bitcoin, and this is inhibitng Dash adopton. Soluton: the soluton is to embed Dash in the entre Wall of Coins' Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm. Beneft: the frictonal path to enter and exit the Dash ecosystem is greatly reduced. Overall as a currency, Dash will have beter accessibility and liquidity, beter tools for creatve Dash app developers, and a huge boost to adopton. This is Dash's opportunity to solidify its independence from Bitcoin.
1. General Project Informaton Project Name:
Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm.
Descripton and Goal Statement:
We aim to boost Dash adopton. Today, Dash stands as much less accessible than Bitcoin, and most of the tme requiring the end user to jump through the bitcoin hoops to land on Dash. Genitrust will embed Dash into the entre Wall of Coins' (WOC) Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm experience that exists today for Bitcoin. By embedding Dash into WOC, we will grease the frictonal path to enter and exit the Dash ecosystem, greatly reduced the difculty faced by Dash newcomers, developers, and websites. Overall as a currency, Dash will have beter accessibility and liquidity, beter tools for creatve Dash app developers, and a huge boost to adopton for the short- and long-term. This is Dash's opportunity to solidify its independence from Bitcoin.
Objectves (in business terms) Benefts project will provide to Dash: Dash will not be chained to Bitcoin, Dash will have a vehicle for beter cryptocurrency market share, Dash will become more accessible for great adopton not only with the WOC platorm integraton, but with other applicatons that integrate the platorm. Outside of the Dash treasury, Dash developers and adopton promoters can use the platorm to further stmulate the Dash economy and receive revenue for their creatve eforts. The vision: Dash will be one of the top fricton-free cryptocurrencies for adopton. Dash will become easier to obtain than other competng coins such as Ethereum, Monero, etc. With the partcipaton of other enthusiastc Dash app developers, the Dash ecosystem can surpass bitcoin adopton in terms of accessibility and liquidity. The WOC platorm will allow laypersons, whether they are banked or un-banked, to enter the Dash economy. How long will this integraton take? ~1017 man hours. With a team of 3, this will be 59-60 calendar days. What does the integraton labor include? Specs & Research, UI/UX updates, Core Dash Implementaton, Quality Assurance testng, Systems Engineering, and Public Documentaton. Security and Vulnerability Analysis will not been factored in the price (below) as this can be budgeted in days of research. Our cost is nearly $600 per day for security and vulnerability reviews. Experiences security analysts are welcome to be screened by our Lead Security Analyst to be included in the security review.
1. General Project Informaton Project Name:
Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm.
Descripton and Goal Statement:
We aim to boost Dash adopton. Today, Dash stands as much less accessible than Bitcoin, and most of the tme requiring the end user to jump through the bitcoin hoops to land on Dash. Genitrust will embed Dash into the entre Wall of Coins' (WOC) Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm experience that exists today for Bitcoin. By embedding Dash into WOC, we will grease the frictonal path to enter and exit the Dash ecosystem, greatly reduced the difculty faced by Dash newcomers, developers, and websites. Overall as a currency, Dash will have beter accessibility and liquidity, beter tools for creatve Dash app developers, and a huge boost to adopton for the short- and long-term. This is Dash's opportunity to solidify its independence from Bitcoin.
Key Deliverables 1. People who wish to buy Dash can buy instantly without the need to setup an account. For smaller amounts. 2. Most buyer purchase amounts can be done anonymously without the need of any privacy-sensitve informaton. 3. Dash new-comers, and even crypto currency new-comers, will have free access to live phone support and live chat support to learn about getng a Dash wallet, sending and receiving Dash, and buying Dash. 4. Sellers can liquidate Dash for instant fat in a peer-to-peer similar to Local Bitcoins, minus the pains: without the risk of identty thef, wasted tme communicatng with less serious buyers, a beter Security Intelligence Layer to protect sellers from scammers and Man-in-the-Middle payment atacks, etc.. 5. The WOC API will integrate Dash entrely. This will allow app developers full access to the WOC platorm's functonality and business back end. Developers will have huge leverage to creatve opportunites for their end users and solve problems related to acquiring bitcoin, liquidate bitcoin, and easily "fund their account" once they begin with a 0 Dash balance. 6. For example: Dash wallet can integrate the WOC API, providing its end users with the ability to acquire (to solve the inital “0 balance” issue) and liquidate Dash immediately at a nearby locaton. This is the simplest, proven, and most mature API exchange soluton available, which will allow Dash wallet to earn commission revenues to support wallet development. 7. The WOC Web Widget will integrate Dash entrely. Website developers can then copy-paste exchange functonality directly into their website. For example, an exchange such as Poloniex can accept local fat payments for people to fund their Poloniex accounts with Dash. Another example: web pages like and can use the widget to accept instant remote cash donatons delivered to them in Dash. 8. For businesses, Genitrust's business backend will apply the 100% Rapid Cold Storage soluton to Dash. No coins will ever be stored in a hot wallet, and withdrawals are just as fast a multsig hot wallets. 9. Wall of Coins will also remain 100% transparent with Dash deposits. This is our practce to prove solvency and exchange honesty: htps://
Scope The Wall of Coins platorm will work to entrely support the Dash cryptocurrency in every context that is available to bitcoin on the platorm located at htps:// The only feature on Wall of Coins that will not include Dash is the “Gif Bitcoin” buton, as there will be no “Gif Dash” feature under this scope. However, other developers can stll use the WOC API to develop this functonality.
1. General Project Informaton Project Name:
Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm.
Descripton and Goal Statement:
We aim to boost Dash adopton. Today, Dash stands as much less accessible than Bitcoin, and most of the tme requiring the end user to jump through the bitcoin hoops to land on Dash. Genitrust will embed Dash into the entre Wall of Coins' (WOC) Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm experience that exists today for Bitcoin. By embedding Dash into WOC, we will grease the frictonal path to enter and exit the Dash ecosystem, greatly reduced the difculty faced by Dash newcomers, developers, and websites. Overall as a currency, Dash will have beter accessibility and liquidity, beter tools for creatve Dash app developers, and a huge boost to adopton for the short- and long-term. This is Dash's opportunity to solidify its independence from Bitcoin.
Project Milestones and Schedule Project Start Date: Sept 6th Project Antcipated Delivery / Deployment: Nov 14 th Analysis Phase: Sept 6th – Sept 9th Planning, Mockups, and Research: Sept 6 th – Sept 16th Constructon / Implementaton: Sept 12th – Nov 11th Quality Assurance Testng: Oct 24th – Nov 11th Feature integraton milestones to be determined between the end of the Analysis Phase and the Planning/Research Phase.
Success Criteria How will we know when the project is done? How will the Dash team decide if the fnal deliverable is satsfactory? What measure will be used?
Major Known Risks (including signifcant Assumptons) Identfy obstacles that may cause the project to fail. Risk
Risk Ratng (Hi, Med, Lo)
Assumpton: DASH Value price will remain stable afer recent price doubling.
Assumpton: DASH's treasury will be able to fund this project to be completed within 2 months, or 3 months.
Assumpton: DASH transacton process is also create utx, sign transacton, and broadcast transacton.
1. General Project Informaton Project Name:
Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm.
Descripton and Goal Statement:
We aim to boost Dash adopton. Today, Dash stands as much less accessible than Bitcoin, and most of the tme requiring the end user to jump through the bitcoin hoops to land on Dash. Genitrust will embed Dash into the entre Wall of Coins' (WOC) Accessibility & Adopton Integrated Platorm experience that exists today for Bitcoin. By embedding Dash into WOC, we will grease the frictonal path to enter and exit the Dash ecosystem, greatly reduced the difculty faced by Dash newcomers, developers, and websites. Overall as a currency, Dash will have beter accessibility and liquidity, beter tools for creatve Dash app developers, and a huge boost to adopton for the short- and long-term. This is Dash's opportunity to solidify its independence from Bitcoin.
Constraints We will need to hire at least 1 additonal developer, and our Lead Security Analyst will need to hire an outside analyst for review—should we request another Dash Treasury budget to cover the help for an extra detailed security review. Budget is calculated in USD value and a shifing DASH price may constrain our budget, unless Genitrust, Inc receives the budget in DASH adjusted to the needed USD value for project resources. Regardless, our quality can adapt to these fuctuatons. The Dash Treasury Budget may be a constraint to multple development resources for a swifer platorm delivery.
External Dependencies No external dependencies.
5. Communicaton Strategy (specify how the project manager will communicate to the Sponsor (Dash community) and Project Team members, e.g., frequency of status reports, frequency of Project Team meetngs, etc.) Our development team is in the habit of daily “Scrum” meetngs to discuss developer progress, challenges, estmates on current task completon, next implementaton task, etc. These meetngs do not take place on Fridays or observed holidays. These accomplishments and developments across the project tme line will be reported on a biweekly basis as a “status report”. John MacPherson will communicate with the community on a regular weekly basis, and Robert Genito will communicate openly with the community on a bi-weekly basis for the status report. Progress and reports may be posted online at htps://
6. Reviews Planned (indicate what reviews this project plans. Monthly reviews are recommended.) To be determined by the community. 7. Notes