Param atma

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Param Atma Truth of the Self Das Krishna



1: Difficulty of Choice Sanscrit name of natural law is the Dharma. The nature is Prakriti (or created by the self). Strangely, natural law existed, exist and will exist forever. The nature is independent of time and time or any tools of measurement are for inquir y into it. Given that, the dharma is cer tainly obser ver dependent, and it begins and ends itself concurrently, with the obser ver. If the obser ver does not exist, obser ved events which are product of nature and its laws do not exist too. Obser ver is neither the body nor its senses nor the mind but, the operator of all these . Obser ver is the Self because it is different than body-mind and various appearances in the system of nature . When obser ver is the only ONE in all of the identities , 2

need of doubt, obser ving and expectation does not exist. This oneness , irrespective of differences in perspectives , is enlightenment. So perfect is the natural system that obser ver forgets that what it obser ved is a reflection of the self . Each one gets busy in thinking what it obser ves and world becomes spor ts scene where each one is running after its own images . With inquiries changing, forms of lives (body and mind) keep changing. World is a university of obser vers obsessed with reality or objects obser ved. In a hope to correct the system of nature favorably, endless desires make them all intelligent. Just by this fact, the universe and its visible expansion in reality however large can be is a challenge to those with intelligence but is not of any wor th to those enlightened …who knew the truth, even once . 3

Obviously, for an obser ver or the self , it is difficult to be (spiritually) enlightened and (worldly) intelligent, both. These are two contradictor y positions . Intellect analyzes the object or relationship amongst obser ved events in influence of natural law, whilst focus of enlightenment is to retain the liber ty of obser ver. 2: Intelligence Natural law is eternal and accepts no control. Because of this iner tia, it cannot take a decision on its own. Anyone with the knowledge of the laws of nature can make use of it in the decision, and iner tia thus obliges the nature to implement it, and work is made effor tless . Intellectual choices of science and demonstration of it by physical technology or techniques are some of the popular examples of intelligence .


But, it is a real catch. Decision taken with an intent of effor tlessness by use of iner tia of nature , is a trap. Effor tlessness is costly. Laws of nature cleverly, give away the incentive of effor tlessness and take away the freedom. And, the obser ver by its own design of increased intelligence becomes a slave of the system of natural laws . Intolerant natural laws then make life effor tless but the trapped obser ver neither can leave this comfor t, nor can take a decision independent of those laws . Oppor tunity of enlightenment is thus forever lost. This is the System and, trauma of those becoming intelligent with it. Beware of the System of Nature ‘Dharma’. Decision by keeping in mind the laws of nature cannot be free from biases , and any such decision is merely ‘system generated’. Action of reaction makes the self sit upon a vehicle which it cannot control. The world becomes like an uncontrolled machine of 5

natural laws which no one can stop. No one , as yet, has a liber ty of the decision by its own self . Curse of great intelligence is this incentive of effor tlessness and weakness by increased comfor t. Conflicts (including success and failure) rise by countless different perspectives that cause complexities and perpetual insecurity and defense . Of course , there can be no foreseeable ONENESS in the real sense . What did we gain by this intelligence , divisiveness of perspectives , and knowledge of the natural laws? Has it made humans any better than animals and beasts? Are we not in competition with them? Is there any other way? Is science or system has any logical explanation? Has anyone ever tried finding out root of the system. Any measurement or data is ‘subject to’ something, and that ‘something’ is also subject to 6

yet another. For example , mass of an object is subject to its weight. Weight of same object differs at the ear th and at moon because of its different gravity. Gravity of these planets again is subject to its own mass . Each of these are absolute (not measurable , in-finite) in truth but for practical purposes , measured and recognized in real or imaginative relativity. Zero which is absolute (not real) is only reference where distance is counted for any real number. System is a tool which makes us believe in vast reality, a reflection of the truth (the absolute). System is therefore a cause of entrapment in reality or imaginative relativity, and liberation by awareness of the absolute truth of the self , both. Choice is upon us how do we use the sciences ‘Dharma’ for our liberation and ONENESS, or allow the system to use us in solving conflicts of perspectives . 3: Enlightenment 7

Enlightenment is about obser ving the natural laws with a purpose , to remain aler t and not get swayed by its influences . Laws are although highly powerful machines or book of laws but best par t is that these cannot run by own decision. Any knowledge limited by individual perspectives becomes divisive and is a trap. And therefore , obser ver is the ONENESS in all. This absolute or indivisible self is the Truth of Self . In such a state it cannot be dependent on the system of nature , and liber ty of decision by self awareness , is never lost. Such obser vers see the world as a typical natural machine like an object in a museum. Seeing it from different direction reveals the scenarios which it is capable of , and how can it make any reality of choice . Well, concern is there also to see those , fallen prey to intelligence and got trapped into different historical worlds , and needed a rescue . 8

Action of reaction is proper ty of the natural system. Natural laws make them see in mind the changes by continuum of the time and, in it, their own bodies die and taken rebir ths , and they find no way to escape from this vicious cycle on their own. Action of non-reaction is not inactive or iner t state but it is not a reaction, and not involves the system of nature . Profound knowledge is to operate the natural system without getting influenced by it or becoming dependent. System is a vehicle and instead of studying technical capacity of vehicle , focus should be at the goal. Goal of liber ty is never missed and the same system becomes helpful to let it stay liberated. In truth, except ONENESS , there is neither the body, nor mind nor any difference in perspectives by individuals nor, is the imaginative reality of bir th-death cycles . Mind too is product of 9

natural laws and it lets us see ourselves our own autobiography, and our inquir y makes us helpless as we cannot leave it half finished. Given this oppor tunity, mind keeps creating new stories endlessly. Put the reality on test. Stop reading it (autobiography) and you are instantly free as mind will stop creating it. Mind is an advisor but not decision maker. When you ignore it, it becomes calm and allows you do things on your own while it keeps watching and learning to update itself as advisor. Peace of mind is only option to end the imaginative reality. And with it, self becomes known. Reality is created by the self upon a canvas of the mind, and unfor tunately, the self cannot end this stor y. 4 : The Rescue


How do those enlightened can rescue the egoist intelligent? Intelligent lives in reality or the system of nature with action of reaction and is unmindful of choice of liber ty from this situation. Those enlightened tr y to pull them out of this natural tarp but that is difficult. People in real world have no time free from action of reaction, and cannot stop their conflict arisen by system generated perspectives . And many of them who want to come out of it but not know the way out. Enlightened who is not a par t of natural system has all the liber ty but fears going into the natural system. The intelligent lives in the natural system and is equipped with appropriate body, analytical tool i.e ., mind and the self or decision maker. Intelligent has more resources than the enlightened. Like owner of a big house , these resources become a liability and are a trap. 11

The ‘bounded intelligent’ self (trapped soul), inside the natural system and the ‘enlightened’ self (independent self , param atma) outside natural system do have an ability of connection called intuition or self-awareness . This ‘intuition’ is the only means of liberation for the soul trapped in natural system. This is about transformation of obser ver by renunciation of intelligence to get enlightenment. Obser ver is no different, but one is trapped inside the natural system and another was able to stay outside of it. The rescue of former by the later is called Moksha or liberation. The later is called Param Atma or absolute and former or those inside the system are the real i.e ., subjected to various relativity with respect of that absolute . Imagine a train which is machine of natural system and is gone out of control. People inside the train are comfor table , yet not know their fate , 12

and have no way of getting out. The Param Atma is outside the natural system and wants to pull the passengers out of ill fated train. Some of them inside train have responded and established the contact. This collective effor t is only purpose of our lives to get us all out of trap of natural system and get united once again by the ONENESS in all. NASA has sent two robots into atmosphere of the mars . These robots called oppor tunity and curiosity are functional machines like our own human bodies with a software to collect, store , analyze and communicate with other robots at mars , and the NASA. Human bodies are also similar natural devices with various autonomous controls of temperatures and pressures suitable to the natural system we are in. These robots are designed to find own food at mars and not depend on the 13

NASA at ear th for the livelihood. But robots and NASA are spiritually ONE. Our interaction with other lives using the natural system gives us the livelihood and sex and other forms of dependency, but the purpose of all this , is to ser ve purpose of NASA or the one outside the natural system. Our work in real world is guided by enlightenment which is unbounded by natural system. The moment the connection of spirituality is lost; we all will have no escape and get into endless trap of bir thdeaths and ocean of conflicts , divisiveness and action of reactions . This trauma is obvious and the ear th is suffocated by humans who lost spiritual oneness . 5. Doing NOTHING The mind and physical body are both iner t. These are not dead but iner t or inactive . Like best in 14

class super-computer (run by natural laws), it has its software and communication as Mind and hardware as Body. You touch it, and it star ts . You remove your hand, it stops . So, simple is the mindbody. Reality is the images which the super-computer produces which is stored in it and, the obser ver is awe struck. He cannot leave it unfinished and becomes a par t of the game of the Natural Laws . He loses consciousness of its self that he once was , and is independent of the Reality. The imaginar y Reality is now no longer voluntar y. And involuntar y reality of natural laws , with offers of infinite options makes it blind. Having options is not liber ty because it makes decision making impossible . Intelligent seeks options and lot of knowledge thus gathered make it choosing the right path impossible and cannot find a way out. Wisdom is pruning of options or proliferating 15

branches of knowledge . This ability of decision is only way to get rid of all knowledge measured in degrees of ignorance . More knowledge is not desirable . Cause and effect are natural phenomena and has endless combinations . And more you know, more difficult it is to solve . The Mind-Body super computer is like a mirror and more you see in it, more it will show. What you see in the world is your own autobiography. And more you open its pages , more pages gets written in it by your own mind. Writer of autobiography is quicker than the reader or the obser ver. Obser ver finds reality as truth because it finds a next day, and next day, and next day ‌. created automatically. Scientists are those innocent kids who the natural system loves fooling. These intellectual beings 16

(called humans) are most pampered children of the Mother Nature . These kids get excited and produce theories and demonstration, and share it with ever yone joyfully. And some , who do not understand it correctly, make it into a law for domesticated public to retard ability in those public , for original thinking by this controlled use and given readymade options to choose from. Restricted knowledge is like a tree which grows ver tically as a huge and long cliff , and later becomes such an object that scares ever y climber. Time will come when technology, a threat to original curiosity in science , will make humans dependent on it and 100% insensitive , and this world filled by idiots . Fallen scientists are always in love with complex knowledge and inaccessibly high, palm tree like technology, whereas scientists such as Newton and Einstein are happy becoming 17

gardeners of natural laws … growing as grass and bushes upon the ground of the truth. More one knows , less it understands . Great scientists become saints . More they understand, less they recognize differences in basic laws . End of all differences in reality by obser vers is the realization of consciousness of the ONE self in all. Obser ver is not the Mind-body machine of the natural laws . Obsessed obser ver, fallen in reality sees its own image in other people , and competes with them. Mind keeps presenting options and these options complicate the decision, and obser ver finally is never out of trouble . Grass root scientists who relate natural laws with truth of self , are the obser vers ‘not obsessed by reality of the world’. There is a theor y of Big Bang known with bir th of this physical universe . Physics is psychology (mind) 18

of the matter. Matter like any other obser ver is living in reality or natural system like all of us because it too has a mind and body. Natural system defines proper ties of matter whereas matter too like any obser ver is ‘absolute’, and free of any natural proper ties . Become matter, to know its mind ‘physics’. How did matter think of creating the universe? How did matter turn itself into energy? How did energy such as light travel and caused space or distance to exist? How did travel or changes appear as time? Matter, energy, space and time are ONE but appear as four. If even one of them ceases to exist, rest of the three disappear instantly. Space can shrink by speed of travelling; time shrinks by absence of uncer tainty or changes , energy and matter by its decision. A man or obser ver upon death finds time disappears because it was only he who made it appear originally. 19

Candle is a matter. It is an obser ver in itself but ‘absolute’. Once it is ignited, big bang begins . Light star ted to appear from it. Light caused space , and this expansion of or changes in space became time . The obser ver who ignited the candle saw himself and wondered how it was that he did not know himself . By similar reactions , the natural system made the universe expand and it is even proved by scientists that the size of universe indeed expanded. A child when young find home as its universe , then the city and then countr y, and then the whole world. This expansion of consciousness is influence of the natural law and yet, it depends on the obser ver. Without obser ver, things have no identity. Universe , however large it may appear is nothing but a construct of mind of obser ver. The truth of self is not dependent on measurement or any finite or describable form because it has 20

never found a way to see itself . None of us can claim to have seen the self . We can see any other but never to own self . We need mirror or photograph or some sor t of feedback by work and behavior from outside or the natural system to get us a name or whatever we think we are . Without this natural system, we cannot know ourselves . And if we know ourselves , by dependency upon the natural system, we can never know that we are also independent of it. A chimpanzee in a zoo was given a mirror and by seeing the images of its own, it thought there is another one inside the mirror. After knowing that chimpanzee inside mirror was he himself , self consciousness returned and interest in mirror was lost. Natural system is a means of self knowledge and also the renunciation. 'Nothing' is Zero. It is not Waiting, not Expecting and yet Doing. It is action but that action is not 21

any reaction of any kind. When you do gardening or watching flowers or playing with kids , and asked what you do. You answer, DOING NOTHING . Why is it? It explains 'NOTHING' as a state of calm mind, active but not reactive . Obser ver is in state of Self awareness and not let involuntar y mind over taken. Mind is free and not allowed to take notice of time or uncer tainties , any reaction or expectation. The Nothingness is a profound theor y of the Absolute and it is only way you get relief from the reality or life obsessed in natural system. 5. Absolute (truth), Natural (System) and Real (Perception)


In high school or even before , we are taught what the real numbers and absolute number are . This is a revision of that same knowledge of the Absolute (truth), Real number (reality : distance into nature counted from that truth) and Natural number (natural law). Absolute and Real 0 is not a real number because it is not found to exist in the reality. Real numbers are all the numbers which we can know but in relation to that absolute . For example , 1 is a real number because it is a distance between 1 'real' with reference to the 0 'absolute'. Similarly, -1 is also a real and distance of it from absolute is 1, for this also. In other words , ever y reality is distance counted from only one absolute , '0'. Proper ties of Absolute 23



bsolute is anything which is not finite or cannot be dependent on any measurement. For example , Zero is not measurable or not finite as it is not a real, and therefore by the definition, ‘infinite’. Similarly, conventional definition of infinite or ∞ which is so much that counting is not possible is , also infinity. Zero and infinity both are the one absolute and therefore any of it can be called by any of the two names . Real is actual and there are so many as these are dependent on measurement or identification with references taken from that absolute . Zero is empty. All real things or numbers which have a place or a finite existence cannot exist without a reference of something fixed or unchanging truth or the zero. Infinity is , in any case , the basis of all real. Empty or zero remains as it is . Add anything to infinity, and result is the infinity. Delete anything from the infinity, the left out is still the infinity. 25

For example , you have a bucket which is empty, and fill it with water, the empty space will accommodate water inside it without itself changing (bucket will not shrink). And after water is removed, empty bucket remains as it was already. Infinity is not real, and therefore it cannot be influenced and operations i.e ., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division cannot alter it. Zero is neither smallest nor biggest because it is absolute or undeniably fundamental. Strangely ‘that’ truth is not finite , not real, or nothing can be said about it. In an answer to who we are , we keep saying when was I born, what name was given, where did we got education, work place , position in society, car, house and all. These all are just the ‘references’ but the Self or fundamental or to which it described is actually, indescribable , undeniable Truth. 26

Real [position, by relativity from Absolute] If you know the Zero (truth), only then you can know anyone else in the world of reality, because distances anywhere are counted from that 'absolute', '0', truth, or the only reference . All our mutual relations are defined by that absolute . If you do not know the Truth, any address to reality is uncer tain and bizarre . As real numbers stay closer to the truth, 0 or absolute , difference among those real is minimized. For example 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 are closer to 0 and their mutual differences are maximum 0.2 (difference of 0.1 and 0.3). And if real numbers go far ther from truth, absolute or zero, distances among them become ver y wide and uncer tain. 0 or zero or shoony is absolute or truth, and because unaffected from real is complete (poorn). All real is dependent on the origin for a reference . Without the origin, reals have no existence . 27

Absolute or shony is therefore independent and complete , and all reality has an origin in it. Real (identity, made of Natural) Reality or real numbers are expressed in symbols or combination of symbols . These symbols like 1,2 ...9 are called natural numbers . 5, 55, 456 etc ..are real numbers that used symbols of natural numbers of 5,4, and 6 but by arranging them sit differently. And this way, real numbers can have any increasing distances counted from absolute , to anywhere . Nature or natural numbers are filler materials , in real numbers . Real numbers cannot have separation with absolute but this distance and nature cannot let it be . Any real is sum of real and absolute . 12 = 12 + 0 0 or absolute is unaffected by any reality or natural act. Reality can be changed by absolute or cannot be changed by absolute . 28

01≠10 For example 01 and 10 are different situation in the reality. 12 x 0 = 0 Reality by getting multiplied by absolute makes reality merges into absolute . Ishavasya Upnishad says the brahman is complete or absolute , and reference for all. 0 - 0 =0 and 0+0 =0 Complete never becomes incomplete even if all of it is taken out from it. And complete cannot add itself to become more than complete even if it gets added to, by itself . For example , a teacher with profound knowledge is zero or shoony. This person after giving same knowledge to hundreds of student, does not find his/her knowledge reduced. Similarly, by not 29

teaching any student, and by repeatedly studying the same knowledge many times , that knowledge does not increase . This is the Truth. Truth is shoony, and is complete , fundamental, absolute , or poorn, and as it is not real, it can neither increase nor reduce nor can it change or modify. Zero is 'in finite'. Finite means actual, real or which can be recognized by boundar y or limit. Infinity is not finite and therefore not real. It automatically means , the absolute or unchanging, complete , truth or 0 shoony. Infinity if assumed as a ver y ver y ver y large number which is impossible to count, is nothing when multiplied with that zero assumed to be ver y ver y small which considered impossible to recognize . Infinity x zero = zero. zero x zero = zero Zero is itself complete and thus , it is inclusive of infinity or itself as zero. Atma or soul or fundamental par ticle out of which ever ything is 30

made of , is the brahman, the absolute , the infinite , '0' the shoony, the param atma or fundamental par ticle .Real is incomplete and therefore is added, subtracted, multiplied and divided. 1 = 0.5 + 0.5, 2 -1 =1, 2x3 =6, 6/2 =3. This is an example how mathematical operation such as + - x / are applicable in world or real but not in absolute or truth. Each and ever y reality is the truth. Go straight, and get to Absolute , from whatever point of view, you exist. Perception or reality is found different when seen from different points of view, cer tainly; but none of it is incorrect. If you see from point of view of another, you will see exactly what another saw. This means , neither are seers nor the object seen are incorrect.


Truth is absolute or in finite , or origin of coordinates which defines addresses in reality. And because of infinite proper ty of the absolute or zero, any reality can be twisted at will, and you find ever y point in reality [1, 56, 29643 etc .] as truth or the origin of universe . This mean, sum of all points of view or vantage point is floating and co-exist at all points of reality and at that level of enlightenment, point of view of that obser ver covers all points of view. Concept of Time Time is actually a measure of change . Obser ver makes an obser vation and the result is obser ved event. Change is product of obser vation. Upon death, obser vation stops just because an obser ver died. And the body and instruments are left unattended. Process of obser vation is cer tainly not physical but physics or any system acts just as a means or a third par ty resource between the obser ver and the obser ved. Third par ty interference such as natural system is sometimes desirable 32

when measurements are beneficial, and sometimes not. Two friends meet and get involved in such a way that time is not noticed. In another case , passengers who rush to catch a train must keep a notice at ever y passing minute . Employees at work count 8 hours a day, and this counting of time is a legal requirement. Some time , situations can be such, that even one minute is so tiring as if a full day is lost. Competition, game or any conflict makes a winner and loser to have different thoughts of time . Time is a truth (fundamental) but as is for any other truth, is not dependent on any system or its tools of measurement. Changes are real and appear only in influence of the natural system. Systems do therefore have an impact on obser vers and often become cause of uncer tainty in understanding of the truth. Time for a blind man is by use of speed of sound and for man with 33

eyes , it is speed of light. Obser vers in both of these situations , by overcoming system influences , are one by the understanding in them. Understanding is the only aim of obser vers , and it is not possible without overcoming system influences . When Real = Truth, System influence = zero Finally, time becomes zero upon understanding Truth of the self in all because this is an achievement to end uncer tainty caused by third par ty influences . Upon this , obser ver and obser ved become One , and fear of the world or any obser ved event no longer exists . Such an obser ver is not going to require any identities , images or perspectives in any system of obser vation. Like time , mass of different matters also has the same stor y. Mass of all object is absolute and is uncountable (whether call it zero or infinite). Same object will have different weights at the ear th and 34

moon because of differences in gravitation or influence of system. Balance compares weight of two objects in a system of nature say at the ear th. Tilt of balance will show mass of which object is higher than the other. This comparison cancels the effects of system as gravity pulls both of them by same force . Comparison between mass (or, time) of any two objects (or, situations) is possible but measurement is a system phenomena. Mass is never dependent on any measurement and, any measurement as per need and convenience is arbitrar y or reference based. Time being a truth (or absolute) cannot be dependent on measurement. Measurements do not define the time . Measurement merely is a third par ty (natural system or other tool based) reference for identification of it. Mistake scientists make is in defining the time by measurement. They are sick of measurement.


How does transformation of absolute truth occur into real world? This is fascinating autobiography of ever y individual and, is real.


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