3 Tips on Attracting Women

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3 Tips on Attracting Women http://www.AlphaWithin.com As single guys, I would venture a guess that a lot of our time is figuring out ways to attract women. I mean let's face it guys, women are what makes our world go round. I spend a lot of time studying this particular field. So I decided that I would share three tips on attracting women. Try these and I am positive that you will be successful in attracting the women that catch your eye. Tip # 1 Stop analyzing whether a woman or women like you or not by judging her indicators of interest. OK guys, quit wasting your time trying to figure out whether she or they like you or not. You see while you are trying to figure that out, she has probably passed you by. Now I know that a lot of people will talk about the indicators of interest. These are just basic signs that she might be interested in you. These might be things such as touching her hair, looking into your eyes or touching you. Stop looking for those IOI's (indicators of interest), because those can be faulty indicators. Some girls may not show them because they might be shy and others might show them just because they are flirty. You see you might miss out if she doesn't show you interest, but she is really interested in you. You are wasting your time by wondering if she is going to show you any signs of interest. What you are doing is analyzing the situation rather than just having fun and talking with the girl. Tip # 2 Put on the mindset that says assume the attraction This mindset says to every time assume that she like you whether she shows any indicators of interest or not. With this mindset, everything she does and everything she doesn't do is an indication that she is interested in you. What this mindset does is to train your brain to think and behave like a man that is confident from the inside out. Understand that it makes no difference whether she is interested in you or not. The point is to take the stance that she is. The confidence that you will convey with this attitude may very well attract the woman that showed no interest in you to begin with. The fact that you have great confidence in yourself and great self-worth is very attractive to women. Tip # 3 Your confidence begins in your mind Remember that I stated that with the assume the attraction type of attitude, you are training your brain to think like a man that is confident. You see, your confidence comes from within. It begins with your thoughts. Since it begins with your thoughts, your have found something that you have control over. You and only you have control over your thoughts. As humans we let others control our thoughts, but you alone can control that also. Once your train yourself to control your own thoughts, your behaviors will automatically change also. These are three tips on attracting women. If your choice is to be successful in attracting women, make it a point to adopt these tips as part of your strategies to attracting women. Discover how to become an alpha male who can pick up, attract, & seduce women for REAL! Sign up right now for Bruce Min's FREE online newsletter to find out how to attract women - Go here: http://www.AlphaWithin.com

3 Tips on Attracting Women, Copyright 2010 by http://www.AlphaWithin.com

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