How to Overcome Your Fear of Approaching Women - Part 3

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How to Overcome Your Fear of Approaching Women - Part 3 I'm sure you've heard of the saying, "Practice Makes Perfect". Well you may be surprised, but this saying applies to the dating scene as well. Practicing going up to women is essential in overcoming your fear of approaching women. It makes sure you perfect the "art" of doing so. But more importantly, it makes sure you gain confidence! So let's get down to business then. Your job is to go up to girls, so that you get over your fear of approaching women as soon as possible. What does this mean? You need to shed your pride. Face rejection like a man! You won't be able to hit it off with every chick, but if you don't try there is no way you ever will. Think about this. Barry Bonds only hit so many homeruns because he dared to try. If he never tried, you think he'd be so respected right now? No chance! Same goes for you. You need to get out there and practice. Most people don't dare to do this, and that is why they never end up ridding themselves of this fear. This is why they never get a girlfriend. As for where you should go to approach women, it doesn't really matter. Why? Because they're everywhere! It can be at the local library, a pub, a club, the college. How does it matter? Women are women! Let me tell you for a fact, girls are totally open to being approached to anytime, anywhere, unless they're attached of course. So you shouldn't make excuses for not actually approaching women. So remember, practice going up to them, and very soon, you'd have eliminated your fear of approaching women. And Now Let Me Invite You To Get Your FREE Newsletter On Overcoming Your Fear Of Approaching Women, And Attract Any Woman You Want. How to Overcome Your Fear of Approaching Women - Part 3 Copyright 2010 by

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