Non si può vedere? Non si può rubare!
NEBBIOGENI DI SICUREZZA. DI COSA SI TRATTA? I generatori di barriere nebbiogene Concept sono dei sistemi di sicurezza incredibilmente efficaci perché eliminano il principale dei cinque sensi: la vista. Ladri e intrusi vengono così completamente disorientati e ridotti nell’impossibilità di proseguire l’azione. Questo sistema di sicurezza reagisce quasi istantaneamente ed ha provato la sua efficacia in tantissime circostanze. La nebbia viene erogata nell’area con estrema rapidità e grande impatto, cogliendo l’intruso completamente impreparato. Egli ha subito la sensazione che il tempo che gli rimane stia per finire ma, soprattutto, non riesce più a vedere quello che dovrebbe rubare. Concept è l’unica compagnia ad offrire un certificato di garanzia di assenza di qualsiasi residuo. I nostri prodotti sono completamente innoqui per persone e beni, incluso l’industria elettronica ed altri settori sensibili.
CHI SIAMO Concept Smoke Screen ha la meritata reputazione di essere il miglior produttore di generatori di nebbia al mondo per impiego nel settore della sicurezza. La nostra storia può essere fatta risalire a più di 40 anni fa, quando abbiamo progettato, costruito e installato il primo sistema: per proteggere lingotti d’oro custoditi in caveau specializzati. Da allora le nostre tecniche e i nostri processi si sono evoluti per ottimizzare la produzione. Nel tempo abbiamo ottenuto diversi premi internazionali di sicurezza e rilevanti successi di mercato.
Le certificazioni concept garantiscono l’assoluta efficacia e affidabilità
Oltre ad operare nel settore della sicurezza siamo coinvolti in alcune delle più esigenti applicazioni di simulazione nebbia per i vigili del fuoco, la Royal Air Force, la Marina degli Stati Uniti e l’Istituzione per gli Armamenti Atomici, tanto per fare alcuni esempi. La nostra eccellenza ingegneristica non è seconda a nessuno.
È TUTTO NELLA PROGETTAZIONE È questo elemento in particolare che ci pone all’avanguardia. Il blocco caldaia attuale (il componente che produce la nebbia), rappresenta lo stato dell’arte sia nella progettazione che nella realizzazione. Tutti i componenti sono prodotti a tolleranza esatta, fino ai canali che percorre il flusso della nebbia. Le nostre industrie sono leader mondiali anche nella produzione di sistemi di addestramento antincendio per compagnie come l’Autorità per l’Energia Atomica, l’Aviazione del Stati Uniti e una moltitudine di gruppi di Vigili del Fuoco e centri di addestramento.
pag. 2
Particolare del blocco riscaldatore in acciaio lavorato.
Modular kit form to suit all types of vehicle
12 & 24-volt versions
Simple installation
OUR ENTRY LEVEL SECURITY SMOKE SOLU Affordable solutions for smaller premises
Easy installation an
Powerful first burst designed to thieves in their tracks.
LA SERIE SENTINEL La serie SENTINEL è esattamente ciò che il suo nome suggerisce. Questa gamma di generatori rappresenta l’apice della nostra eccellenza tecnica. Ogni aspetto dei nostri generatori nebbiogeni è stato pensato nei minimi detS90 tagli e la gamma attuale è il risultato finale di 40SENTINEL anni di COST-EFFECTIVE HIGH PERFORMANCE sviluppo e di applicazioni. Suitable for a wide range of applications
The new heater block is machin from steel and fitted with cartr heaters. The compact size and performance make it ideal for s application.
Largest output – smallest smoke particle
Muscular performance and reliability
Outstanding performanceCOMPO and reliab UPGRADED
New heater block design, impr electronics, high performance new integral battery back-up p performance, reliability and pe as ‘standard’.
Simple installation and integration
Esiste una buona ragione persino per la forma dei generatori. La Serie S è esattamente della forma giusta per essere installata attraverso una griglia montata sopra un controsoffitto. L’esperienza maturata nelle nostre installazioni ci ha insegnato che questa è la posizione ottimale per un generatore nebbiogeno di sicurezza, sia per proteggere il punto di generazione della nebbia, sia perché costituisce il modo migliore per diffonderlo: in verticale verso il basso.
The new, machined steel heater block and cartridge heaters produce impressive volumes of dense, dry, persistent screening smoke.
FEATURES • Very competitive pricing and easy inst • Simple integration into existing alarm • £10 million product and public liability • Adaptable multi-nozzle system • Powerful, dry, persistent smoke produ • Battery back-up for off mains operatio • ECO Mode • ‘Anti-raid’ first burst
red for VERSATILEintruder INSTALLATION alarm system or as a stand-alone system. The range comprises Care hassome been of given tothe themost design. advanced security smoke generators in the world. Ergonomic connectors, simple user interface and integral mounting bracket OPERATION make machine simple to install and • 4 inputs ready to alert and activate The new, precision engineered heater blocks and statethis of the ar t cartridge • 5 outputs to job provide different easy to integrate. SENTINEL sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose is to standstatus and ku heaters offer higher levels of performance and reliability. Thi S30 s translates to and warnings to the intruder alarm a more impressive volume of drier fog (no residue) that lasts f or longer.
• Simple smoke and re-trigger control
The Smoke Screen Sentinel Range has been designed and ma
CONSTRUCTION MULTI-NOZZLE OPTIONS Attention has been given to the size and shapepermanent of the Sentinel ensuring that as a fully installation either integrated of anin in • Rugged and compactpart steel casing w it can be mounted in almost any configuration system (ceiling, an a stand-alone d nozzles floor A rangewall of different aresystem. availableThe • Wall and ceilingcomprises mounting (built-in brac or as range som mounting). Its compact size allows for covert installation. to produce security a range ofsmoke different effects. • Precision advanced generators in themachined world. steel heater block Makes installation even easier. STANDARDS COMPLIANCE New PCB technology, ergonomic connectors and • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 Compact and easy to install the Sentinel can be mounted • CNPP Rating: Class I Category 30in al built-in bracket design make installation easy and configuration (ceiling, mounting). Its compact si straightforward. Other features such as the internalwall and floor FLUID covert installation. The S30 has been• Type: used to provide protecti Glycol/Glycerin battery back-up and a larger bladder chamber make • Container: Bladder (500 or 1000ml fluid sys the S70 incredibly versatile. jewellers’ window displays and internal storerooms and displa DATA
PREDATOR DNA PREDATOR DNA Un’unione formidabile tra
Robust, lightweight construction
nebbiogeni di sicurezza e marcatura DNA
Prevents loss and convicts criminals
*add 0.5c • 46.5(H)* x 13(D) x 31(W) cm Can ’t see it? Can ’t stealTraditionally, it! security smoke has been an expensive solution a
Compatible with market leading DNA systems
Anti-raid nozzles for close-quarter protection
Protezione portatile per SENTINEL S90 esigenze temporanee
For use with Sentinel and Guardian
Smoke Screen’s impressive screening smoke confronts intruders and conceals valuables.
• Weight: 14.3 kg
, 19 kg
limited its use to high value applications. This has changed wit
Remote activation
Built to the same exacting standards as th
Sentinel series, but employing different he Nebbiogeni di protezione technology, the S30 offers superb perform breaking the budget. Homes and smaller b SENTINEL S100/150 now easily benefit from the ultimate form per veicoli e trasporto valori
FEATURES • Very competitive pricing and easy installation • Simple integration into existing alarm systems • £10 million product and public insurance sen·ti·nel n.liability A guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. The Smoke Screen Sentinel range has been designed and manufactured for • Adaptable multi-nozzle system permanent installation either as a fully integrated part of an intruder alarm • Powerful, dry, persistent smoke production Can’t see it? Can’t steal it! protection. • Battery back-up for off mains operation system or as a stand-alone system. The range comprises some of the most The Smoke Screen range has been designed and manufactured • ECOSentinel Mode advanced security smoke generators in the world. • ‘Anti-raid’ firsteither burst for permanent installation as a fully integrated part of an intruder
sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.
Defend also be case or
alarm system or •as a stand-alone system. The range comprises some of The new precision engineered heater blocks and state-of-the-art cartridge 4 inputs ready to alert and activate the S90 heaters allow higher levels of performance and reliability. This translates • 5 outputs provide different status updates in the world. Alladvanced systems can tobe armed, disarmed the most security smoke generators and warnings to the intruder systems to a more impressive volume of ‘dry’, residue-free smoke that is very and activated using simplecontrol keyfob. • Simple smoke andare-trigger persistent.
Available in two CONSTRUCTION configurations; single nozzle (S100) and twin nozzle (S150
• Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black Performance and a compact body mean that the S90 can be utilised a bothinmodels produce impressive volumes of dry, dense smoke. The unique • Wall and ceiling mounting (built-in bracket) wide variety of applications. Retail premises from a corner shop to a • Precisionmachined machined steel heater heater block design of the precision block produces the most supermarket, offices or server rooms, factories or warehouses; all will STANDARDS COMPLIANCE consistent size of smoke particle of any smoke machine. Tested by the benefit from the installation of the S90. • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8
Using c the Def for prol
Atomic Energy Authority and • CNPP Rating: Classdeclared I Category 30the ‘safest’ and ‘driest’.
New PCB technology, improved user interface, ergonomic FLUID Anti-raid nozzle is • Type: Glycol/Glycerin connectors and simple mounting options make the job ofThe three-way The unparalleled reliability and muscular performance Bladderthe (500 ordesignated 1000ml fluid system) to obscure installation even easier. Internal off-mains support and designed• Container: make this machine extremely versatile. It can be used in DATA larger fluid compartment add to the S90s versatility. area as quickly as possible. 1.2cm for feet • all 38.3(H)* x 22(D) 39.6(W) cm *add including Can’t see it? Can’t steal it! types of xapplication those in sensitive areas
The Predator discharge system uses the expanding smoke plume to spread the DNA tags.
• Weight: 23 kg (pre-install), 29.5 kg (total)
such as server rooms, data storage areas and laboratorie Can’t see it? Can’t steal it!
The unique combination of Smoke Screen and DNA marking presents would-be thieves with a potent deterrent.
Light enough to be carried to and from the protected area, powerful enough to deter thieves and raiders alike.
pred·a·tor n. One who naturally preys on others.
Smoke Screen prevents loss. DNA identifies and convicts criminals – now
they are available in a single package. Smoke Screen Predator DNA turns OPTIONAL/FLUIDI the criminal into the prey.
FEATURES • Modular DNA discharge system • Suitable for use with Sentinel and Guardian systems • Simple integration into existing intruder alarm systems • Compatible with leading DNA tagging brands • £10 million product and public liability insurance
OPERATION • Predator is an integral part of the Smoke Screen gaurd·i·an and requires no additional inputs • Post activation evidence chain provided by the DNA provider
n. One who protects and defends. SMALL BLADDER GUARDIAN S70BATT SMALL BLADDER SMOKE FLUID SECURITY STROBE S3B An innovative solution to address a very real problem. Developed in Barriera sonora FLUID 500ml Batterie di backup FLUID A 1000ml 2500 ml conjunction with G4S this prize-winning system was developed to provide CONSTRUCTION • Steel casing 2pz plume where it is A The DNA dye is introduced into the spreading smoke portable protection for personnel and property. A and temporary R •R Stainless steel tubing The Predator DNA discharge system is small and can be adapted for use with the Sentinel and Guardian generators. The system is activated only when the Smoke Screen system receives a verified signal to produce smoke making it safe and simple to use. carried onto the skin and clothes of the criminal. Even if the thief runs away he can be traced and identified.
Predator DNA was originally developed for use with the Guardian producing a unique form of protection for crews replenishing and servicing ATMs. However, it can also be used in fixed installations inside the Sentinel range.
DNA TAGGANT • Suitable for use with Selecta DNA and SmartWater
The ‘ATM’ version is triggered by means of a simple personal attack button.
The ‘Rapid Deploy’ variant is fitted with dedicated movement sensors and remote arm/disarm to configure it as a ‘stand-alone’ temporary defence against – intrusive criminals. The–addition of a GSM module provides an effective means to monitor and communicate.
Originally designed for use ìwith SelectaDNA, the system can be adapted to use any of the liquid based DNA markers on the market. Can’t see it? Can’t steal it! Tagged!
GUARDIAN ATM • 41(H) x 16(D) x 38(W) cm (with handle) • Weight 13 kg (including fluid) • Rugged stainless steel casing • Anti-raid multi-directional nozzle • Advanced electronics with LCD display • Wireless PA activation
SENTINEL NOZZLE Ugelli intercambiabili
GUARDIAN RAPID DEPLOY • S70 and S90 versions available • Twin dual technology movement sensors • Keyfob arm and disarm • GSM ‘Comms’ module optional
de·fen·der n. One who defends. –
Guardian ATM has been in active service with G4S for a number of years and is – – credited with defeating a number of attempted robberies.
Defender uses battery power to defeat intrusive criminals. Available in 12-volt SENTINEL S100/150 – and 24-volt versions, Defender can operate using conventional car or lorry PREDATOR DNA – – – – – – – batteries. GUARDIAN
Guardian Rapid Deploy is used by police forces, security companies and a number of retailers to provide stop-gap protection for properties deemed at imminent risk of burglary. It has proven to be reliable and effective.
Can’t see it? Can’t steal it!
The 12-volt stainless steel heat exchanger. When –energised DEFENDER version – uses a – coiled, – – – – – – it produces sufficient screening smoke to obscure the interior of cars and vans. CONCEPT SMOKE SCREEN - IMPORTATO DA RIDEXTA
The 24-volt system uses a machined steel heater block similar to those used in
FEATU • Com • Strai • 12-v • £10 m
OPER • No in • Activ • Aero
pag. 3OPER
• Initia
OUR ENTRY LEVEL SECURITY SMOKE SOLUTION VERSATILITY IS KEY Affordable solutions for smaller premises Easy installation and integration Compact and inexpensive, suitable for vaults, ATM bunkers, small rooms, stores and window displays.
EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 compliant
OUR ENTRY LEVEL SECURITY SMOKE SOL Affordable solutions for smaller premises
Easy installation
La nostra soluzione entry-level per i sistemi nebbiogeni
ons for smaller premises
Easy installation and integration
EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 compliant Compact and inexpensive, suitable for vaults, ATM bunkers, small rooms, stores and window displays.
Powerful first burst designed to stop thieves in their tracks.
‘ANTI-RAID’ FIRST BURST PRECISION CAST BLOCK VERSATILITY IS KEY Powerful first burst designed to Heater block formed usingCompact hi-tec and inexpensive, suitable stop thieves in their tracks. ‘progressive’ and ‘vibration’ for vaults, ATM bunkers, small casting techniques. rooms, stores and window displays.
FUSIONE DI PRECISIONE Blocco caldaia realizzato in alluminio pressofuso.
e job is to stand and keep watch.
designed and manufactured for rated part of an intruder alarm ge comprises some of the most world.
LA VERSATILITÀ È CHIAVE Compatto ed economico, consigliato per case, negozi uffici.
CAST BLOCK ‘ANTI-RAID’ FIRSTPRECISION BURST FUNZIONE Heater Powerful first burst designed to block formed using hi-tec ‘progressive’ and ‘vibration’ ANTI-RAID stop thieves in their tracks. casting techniques. Primi 45 secondi erogazione di nebbia al massimo della PRECISION CAST BLOCK potenza.
FEATURES • Very competitive pricing Heater block formed using hi-tec • Easy installation • Simple integration into existing alarm systems ‘progressive’ and ‘vibration’ • £10 million product and public liability insurance casting techniques. • External UPS for off-mains operation • ECO Mode • ‘Anti-raid’ first burst
3 TECH SPEC Fino a 300 mTHE
OPERATION • Inputs x4 to accommodate ‘Set’, ‘Trigger’ and ‘Hold-off’ • Outputs x4 to provide State’ and ‘Low sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose‘Ready job is to stand and keep watch. Fluid’ warnings • Simple and effective smoke volume control
n be mounted in almost any competitive pricing • Soluzione economica per ambienti •••Very Facile installazione e integrazione SENTINEL S30 Easy installation ng). Its compact size allows for • Simple integration into existing alarm systems o provide protection for NESSUN RESIDUO • Conformità EN50131:8 efor IEC62642:8• £10 million product and public liability insurance The Smoke Screen Sentinel Range has been designed and manufactured rooms and display cabinets. 100% GARANTITO • External UPS for off-mains operation CONSTRUCTION permanent installation either as a fully integrated part of an intruder alarm • ECO Mode • Rugged andThe compact steel casing in white/black system or as a stand-alone system. range comprises some of the most • ‘Anti-raid’ first burst pensive solution and this has • Wall and ceiling mounting security smoke generators the world. • Precision castinaluminium heater block s has changedadvanced with the S30.
CARATTERISTICHE • Inputs x4 to accommodate ‘Set’, ‘Trigger’ and STANDARDS COMPLIANCE FEATURES ‘Hold-off’ Compact easy to install the Sentinel can be mounted in almost any • the Settaggio durata erogazione nebbia programmabile ng standards as restand of the SENTINEL S30 sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand an • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 • Very competitive pricing • Outputs x4 to provide ‘Ready State’ and ‘Low configuration (ceiling, wall and floor mounting). Its compact size allows for • 5 attivazioni, max 60 secondi. Attivazioni 15/30/45/60 sec. • CNPP Rating: Class II Category 60 S30 sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. oying different heater block • Easy installation Il sistema nebbiogeno serie Sentinel S30 è stato progettato per amFluid’ warnings • Funzione “Anti-Raid“ covert installation. Theerogazione S30 has been used to provide protection for • Simple integration into existing alarm systems • Simple and smoke volume controlRange has been designed and m ers superb performance withoutprima 3effectiveScreen The Smoke Sentinel FLUID bienti di dimensioni fino a 300 m . Questo sistema è equipaggiato a • £10 million product and public liability insurance • Alimentazione dican rete 230V jewellers’ displays and manufactured internal storerooms and display cabinets. een and Sentinel Range haswindow been designed and mes smaller businesses • Type: Glycol/Glycerin for CONSTRUCTION permanent installation either as a fully integrated part of a • External UPS for off-mains operation • Ingresso AUX supervisionato Container: Bladder tallation either as of a fully integrated part•of an intruder alarm bordo delle utilizzate campo dei sistemi the ultimate form property Rugged and compact steel casing nel in white/black • ECO Mode più innovative•tecnologie system or as a stand-alone system. The range comprises s di alimentazione per UPS Traditionally, security smoke has been an most expensive solution and first thisburst has stand-alone The range comprises some of the • Wall and ceiling mounting • ‘Anti-raid’ Can’t steal it! system. DATA nebbiogeni. advanced security smoke • Funzionamento adworld. impulsi • Precision cast aluminium heater block generators in the world. limited itsin use high value• 34(H) applications. Thiscm has changed with the S30. urity smoke generators theto x 14(D) x 33(W) OPERATION • Indicatori di stato ottici/acustici • Weight: 11 kg (pre-install), 12kg (total) STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Compatto puòandessere installato in diverse configura• Inputs x4etoversatile, accommodate l’S30 ‘Set’, ‘Trigger’ • Funzione ECO MODE to the exacting as the rest of the • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 easy to install the Sentinel can be Built mounted insame almost any standards‘Hold-off’ Compact and easy to install the Sentinel can be mounted in zioni (a soffitto, a parete e a pavimento). Inoltre, • CNPP Rating: Class II Category 60 grazie alle sue ridotte • Outputs x4 to provide ‘Ready State’ and ‘Low series, employing different heater block ceiling, wall and floor mounting). Sentinel Its compact sizebut allows for configuration (ceiling, wall and floor mounting). Its compac COSTRUZIONE Fluid’ warnings without technology, the S30 offers superb performance dimensioni, questo sistema si adatta ad essere impiegato tion. The S30 has been used to provide protection for • Custodia in solido acciaio, disponibile silver o white covert installation. The S30 has beenanche used toin provide prote • Simple and effective smoke volumeFLUID control the budget. Homes and smaller businesses can • Type: Glycol/Glycerin ow displays and internal storerooms and display cabinets. • Staffa a parete inclusa breaking spazi ridotti e non facilmente accessibili. jewellers’ window displays and internal storerooms and disp • Container: Bladder now easily benefit from the ultimateCONSTRUCTION form of property • Blocco caldaia in alluminio pressofuso • Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black
protection. Can’t steal it! ecurity smoke has been an expensive solution and see this it? hasCan’tQuesto DATA modello viene utilizzato per proteggere uffici, locali pubblici, • Wall and ceiling mounting Traditionally, security smoke has been an expensive solutio CONFORMITÀ This has changed with the S30. • 34(H) x 14(D) x 33(W) cm • Precision cast aluminium heater block to high value applications.
• EN50131:8 E IEC62642:8 • CATEGORIA CNPP: Classe II Categoria as 60 the rest of the Built to the same exacting standards
Sentinel FLUIDO series, but employing different heater block technology, theGlicole/Glicerina S30 offers (Sacca superb performance without • Tipo: inclusa 500ml) breaking• the budget. Homes and smaller businesses can Atossico, non lascia residui now easily benefit from the ultimate form of property DIMENSIONI: protection. Can’t see it? Can’t steal it!
• 34 (Altezza) x 33 (Larghezza) cm. • Peso: 11Kg (pre-installazione), 12Kg. (totale)
CONSUMO • Consumo in fase di riscaldamento 1000W • Consumo medio dopo fase iniziale 50W
pag. 4
negozi di valori ecc.
STANDARDS COMPLIANCE • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 • CNPP Rating: Class II Category 60
• Weight: 11 kg (pre-install), (total) limited its use to12kg high value
applications. This has changed
Nel passato i sistemi nebbiogeni erano considerati una soluzione coBuilt to the same exacting standards as stosa e questo ne ha limitato l’impiego alla protezione di beni gran- different Sentinel series, butdi employing FLUID de valore. Con la serie S30 questo punto di vista è cambiato. • Type: Glycol/Glycerin technology, the S30 offers superb perfo • Container: Bladder
breaking the budget. Homes and smalle Costruito con gli stessi standard degli atri modelli della serie Sentinel, DATA now easily benefit from the ultimate for 34(H) x prestazioni 14(D) x 33(W) cm superbe a costi ridotti. l’S30 ••offre protection. Can’t see it? Can’t steal it! Weight: 11 kg (pre-install), 12kg (total)
Abitazioni e piccole attività possono ora beneficiare del più efficace sistema di prevenzione di furti in commercio. La serie S30 è disponibile nelle varianti di colore “Silver” e “White”.
Powerful first burst designed to stop thieves in their tracks.
SLIMLINE, POWERFUL, VERSATILE, BRILLIANT Suitable for a wide range of applications
‘ANTI-RAID’ PRECISION ENGINEERED Quality assured performance and reliability Simple installation and integration
Suitable for a wide range of applications Quality assured performance and reliability Simple i The new heater block is machined Powerful first burst designed to stop from steel and fitted with cartridge thieves in their tracks. heaters. The compact size and powerful performance make it ideal for security application.
Sottile, potente, versatile, brillante
New heater block design, improved The new heater Powerful f Powerful first burst designed to stopblock is machined electronics, high performancefrom pump andand fitted with cartridge steel thieves in thieves in their tracks. new integral battery back-up heaters. providesThe compact size and powerfu performance, reliability and peace of mind make it ideal for security performance as ‘standard’. application.
COMPONENTI AGGIORNATI Nuovo design del blocco caldaia , elettronica migliorata, pompa SENTINEL S70 sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand and watch. ad keep alte prestazioni e batterie di back up The Smoke Screen Sentinel range has been designed and manufactured for permanent installation either as a fully integrated part of integrate, an intrudergarantiscono alarm system or as a stand-alone system. The range comprises prestazioni, some of the most affidabilità advanced security smoke generators in the world. e tranquillità uniche The new, precision engineered heater blocks and state of sul themercato. art cartridge
COMPONENT PRECIS PROGETTAZIONE DI UPGRADED FUNZIONE ANTI-RAID PRECISION ENGINEERED New heater block design, improved The new he PRECISIONE Primi 60 high secondi di performance pump an from steel The new heater blockelectronics, is machined new integral battery back-up provides Il nuovo caldaia fromblocco steel and fitted witherogazione cartridge di nebbia al heaters. Th reliability and peace of m è in acciaio e performance, heaters.lavorato The compact size and powerful massimo della potenza. performan as ‘standard’. application make it ideal for security unitoperformance con le resistenze FEATURES application. • Very competitive pricing and easy installation a cartuccia. • Simple integration Le intodimenexisting alarm systems UPGRA • £10 million product and public liability insurance sioni compatte e le alte • Adaptable multi-nozzle system New heate • Powerful, dry, persistent smoke production UPGRADED COMPONENTS prestazioni lo rendono electronic • Battery back-up for off mains operation new integr block design, improved • ECOideale ModeNew perheater applicazioni • ‘Anti-raid’electronics, first burst performan high performance pump and di sicurezza. as ‘standa OPERATION
new integral battery back-up provides • 4 inputs ready to alert and activate FEATURES performance, reliability and peace of mind • 5 outputs to provide different status •updates Very competitive pricing and easy installation heaters offer higher levels of performance reliability. This tojob is to stand SENTINELand S70 sen·ti·nel n. Atranslates guard whose and keep watch. as ‘standard’. and warnings to the intruder alarm • Simple integration into existing alarm systems NESSUN RESIDUO a more impressive volume of drier fog (no residue) that lasts for longer. • Simple smoke and re-trigger control • £10 million product and public liability insurance 100% GARANTITO • Adaptable multi-nozzle system
Fino a 700 m3
The Smoke Screen Sentinel range has been designed and manufactured for CONSTRUCTION Attention has been given to the size and shape of the Sentinel ensuring that • Powerful, dry, persistent smoke production permanent installation either as a fully integrated part• of an intruder alarm Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black • Battery back-up for off mains operation it can be mounted in almost any configuration (ceiling, wall and floor • Wall and ceiling mounting (built-in bracket) system or as a stand-alone • system. The range comprises some of the most • ECO Mode semplici • Installazione e integrazione mounting). Its compact size allows for covert installation. Per un’ampia gamma di applicazioni • Precision machined steel heater block advanced security smoke generators in the world. • ‘Anti-raid’ first burst STANDARDS COMPLIANCE • Qualità che assicura prestazioni e affidabilità
OPERATION New PCB technology, ergonomic connectors and EN50131:8 IEC62642:8 The new, precision engineered heater blocks and state• of the artand cartridge • 4 inputs ready to alert and activate FEATURES • CNPP Rating: Class I Category 30 built-in bracket design make installation easy and • 5 outputs to provide different status• updates Very compe heaters offer higher levels of performance S70 and reliability. sen·ti·nelThis n. Atranslates guard whoseto job is to stand and keep watch. straightforward. Other features such SENTINEL as the internal warnings to the intruder alarm • Simple integ FLUID a more impressive volume of drier fog (no residue) that lasts for longer. CARATTERISTICHE and • Simple smoke and re-trigger control • £10 million p • Type: Glycol/Glycerin battery back-up and a larger bladder chamber make • Programmazione intervallo di emissioni tramite • Adaptable m • Container: Bladder (500designed or 1000ml fluid system) The Smoke Screen Sentinel rangeFEATURES has been and manufactured for LCD Il sistema nebbiogeno Sentinel S70 è stato progettato per essethe S70serie incredibly versatile. CONSTRUCTION Attention has been given to the size and shape of the Sentinel ensuring that programmabili di 5 secondi fino a 360 sec. • integrated Attivazioni • Powerful, dr permanent fullycompetitive partand an alarm •of Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black 3 installation either pricing easyintruder installation DATAas a• Very • Battery bac re installato in ambientiitdi a any 700 m . Questo modello candimensioni be mounted infino almost configuration (ceiling, wall and floor • Perfetta compatibilità a tutti i sistemi di allarme • Wall and ceiling mounting (built-in bracket) • 46.5(H)* 13(D) 31(W) *add 0.5cm for feet •x Simple into existing alarm system or as a stand-alone system. Thex integration rangecmcomprises some ofsystems the most Can’t see it? Can’t steal it! • ECO Mode mounting). Its compact size allows for covert installation. • Cover in acciaio , resistente ai tentativi di sabotaggio • Precision machined steel heater block • Weight: 14.3 kg (pre-install) , 19 kg (total) è dotato di un display che permette di visualizzare losecurity stato smoke in tempo • £10 in million advanced generators the product world. and public liability insurance • ‘Anti-raid’ fi
red for
reale dell’apparecchio.
• Funzione “turbo “ system per aumento sensibile • Adaptable multi-nozzle STANDARDS COMPLIANCE
OPERATION New PCB technology, ergonomic connectors anddi dry, emissione di nebbia • Powerful, persistent •of EN50131:8 IEC62642:8 The new,intruder precision engineered heater blocks and statesmoke theproduction art and cartridge alarm • 4 inputs rea • CNPP Rating: Class I Category 30 Battery back-up for off mains operation built-in bracket design make installation •easy and • Ugello intercambiabile • 5 outputs to Ilsystem modello è l’unico della essere equipaggiato a bordo heaters offer higher levels of di performance and reliability. This translates to or as aS70 stand-alone system. Theserie rangead comprises some of the most • ECO Mode straightforward. Other features such as the internal • Alimentazione di rete a 230V and warnings FLUID a more impressive volume of drier fog (no residue) that lasts for longer. advanced security smokeche generators in the world. • ‘Anti-raid’ first burst batterie di backup, ne garantisce il funzionamento in casochamber • Simple smok Glycol/Glycerin battery back-up and anche a larger bladder • make Batterie di backup in• Type: dotazione • Container: • Test automatico delle batterie Bladder (500 or 1000ml fluid system) the S70 incredibly versatile. OPERATION CONSTRUCT di mancanza di corrente elettrica. Attention has been given to the size and shape of the Sentinel ensuring that The new, precision engineered heater blocks and state of the ar t cartridge • Rugged and • Indicatori statoand ottico/acustici • 4 inputs ready todialert activate DATA it can be mounted in almost any configuration (ceiling, •wall and floor • Wall 46.5(H)* 13(D) x 31(W) cm *add 0.5cm for feetand ce • 5 outputs to provide different statusxupdates • Funzione ECO MODE Questo modello è uno dei sistemiand nebbiogeni più efficaci Can’t see it? Can’t steal it!disponibili heaters offer higher levels of performance reliability. Thi s translates to mounting). Its compact size allows forwarnings coverttoinstallation. • Weight: and the intruder alarm 14.3 kg (pre-install), 19 kg (total)• Precision m
• Generazione di nebbia intensa, asciutta e continua a more impressive volume of drier fog (noalla residue) that lasts fattenzione or longer.posta allo in commercio, ciò grazie anche particolare • Simple smoke and re-trigger control FUNZIONAMENTO New PCB technology, ergonomic connectors and sviluppo del blocco caldaia, interamente in acciaio, che garantisce CONSTRUCTION Attention has been given to the size and shape of the Sentinel ensuring that • 4 ingressi per installation attivazione e conferma allarme built-in bracket design make easy and • Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black erogazioni in continuo fino a 5 minuti. Il risultato un più straightforward. elevato • 4 uscite relè per segnalazione statointernal Other features such as the it can be mounted in almost any configuration (ceiling, wall an è in d floor • Wall and ceiling mounting (built-in bracket) battery back-up and a larger steel bladder make volume un minor tempo . mounting).diItsnebbia compactin size allows for covert installation. • Precision machined heaterchamber block COSTRUZIONE the S70 incredibly versatile.
• Custodia in solido acciaio, COMPLIANCE La gestione delle New emissioni di nebbia è programmabile a seconda STANDARDS disponibile nella colorazione white PCB technology, ergonomic connectors and • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 Can’t seeèit?•Can’t steal delle esigenze installative. Altro “plus” questa easy apparecchiature Staffait! a parete inclusa 30 CNPP• Rating: Class I Category built-in bracket design makedi installation and straightforward. Otherdifeatures such as the internal la funzione Turbo”, che permette incrementare del 100% l’emis- FLUID • Blocco caldaia costruito totalmente in acciaio • Type:CONFORMITÀ Glycol/Glycerin battery back-up and a larger bladder chamber make sione di nebbia nei primi 60 secondi. • Container: Bladder (500 or 1000ml fluid system)
the S70 incredibly versatile.
In dotazione viene fornito con una sacca da 500 ml di ricarica. Come Can ’t anche see it? Can ’t steal it! da 1000 ml. optional è disponibile la ricarica
La nuova tecnologia PCB, connettori estraibili e le staffe incorporate ne facilitano l’installazione. La serie S70, è disponibile nella variante di colore “White” e su richiesta anche personalizzato. CONCEPT SMOKE SCREEN - IMPORTATO DA RIDEXTA
STANDARDS • EN50131:8 a • CNPP Ratin
FLUID • Type: Glyco • Container: B
DATA • 46.5(H)* x 13 • Weight: 14.3
• EN50131:8 E IEC62642:8
DATA • CATEGORIA CNPP: Classe I Categoria 30 • 46.5(H)* x 13(D) x 31(W) cm *add 0.5cm for feet FLUIDO • Weight: 14.3 kg (pre-install) , 19 kg (total) • Tipo: Glicole/Glicerina(Sacca inclusa 500 ml)
• Atossico, non lascia residui
DIMENSIONI • 46,5(Altezza)x13(Profondità)x31(Larghezza) cm. • Peso:14,3Kg(pre-installazione), 19Kg.(totale)
pag. 5
COST-EFFECTIVE HIGH PERFORMANCE Suitable for a wide range of applications
Muscular performance and reliability
Simple installation and integration The new,
COST-EFFECTIVE HIGH PERFORMANCE Suitable for a wide range of applications
Muscular performance and reliability
Convenienza e alte prestazioni
Simple installation and integration
COST-EFFECTIVE HIGH PERFORMANCE Suitable for a wide range of applications
Muscular performance and reliability
block and impressiv persisten
Simple installation and integration Care has The new, machined steel heater block and cartridge heatersErgonomi produce interface impressive volumes of dense, dry, POWERFUL PRODUCTION persistent screening smoke.make this The new, machined steel heater easy to in block and cartridge heaters produce impressive volumes of dense, dry, persistent screening smoke. MULTI
A range o Care has been given to the design. The new, machined steel heater to produc Ergonomic connectors, simple user block and cartridge heaters produce Makes ins interface and integral mounting brac impressive volumes of dense, dry, VERSATILE INSTALLATION make this machine simple to install a persistent screening smoke. Care has been given to theto design. easy integrate. Ergonomic connectors, simple user interface and integral mounting bracket make this machine simple to install and SEMPLICE UGELLI MULTI-NOZZLE OPTION VERSATILE INSTALLATION easy to integrate. INSTALLAZIONE INTERCAMBIABILI range of different nozzles are avai Care has been given to theAdesign. to produce range of different effec Ergonomic connectors, simple user a una Il design è molto È disponibile gamma Makes installation even easier. MULTI-NOZZLE OPTIONS interface and integral mounting bracket accurato. Connettori di ugelli per produrre makeAthis machine simplenozzles to install and range of different are available ergonomici, interfaccia differenti effetti rendeneasy to integrate. to produce a range of different effects.
Fino a 900 m3
ELEVATA PRODUZIONE Il nuovo blocco caldaia e le resistenze a cartuccia producono un’impressionante utente semplificata doeasier. ancor più semplice Makes installation even SENTINEL S90 guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. quantità di nebbiasen·ti·nel n. eA staffe integrate l’installazione. MULTI-NOZZLE OPTIONS persistente e asciutta. rendono il dispositivo The Smoke Screen Sentinel range has been designed and manufactured A range of different nozzles are available for daa range installare permanent installation either as aproduce fully integrated part of an intruder tosemplice of different effects.alarm system or as a stand-alone system. range comprises some of the most Makes installation even easier. e da The integrare. advanced security smoke generators in the world.
FEATURES • Very comp • Simple inte • £10 million • Adaptable • Powerful, d • Battery ba • ECO Mode • ‘Anti-raid’
OPERATION • 4 inputs re 5 outputs t NESSUN RESIDUO • Very competitive pricing and easy• installation sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. and warning to a more impressive volume of ‘dry’, residue-free smoke• that veryGARANTITO Simpleisintegration into existing alarm systems 100% • Simple smo • £10 million product and public liability insuran persistent.
The new precision engineered heater blocks and state-of-the-art cartridge
FEATURES • Adatto a una ampia gamma d’utilizzi • NESSUN RESIDUO - garantito heaters allow higher levels of performance and reliability. This translates
The Smoke Screen Sentinel range has been designed and manufactured for • Adaptable multi-nozzle system CONSTRUC FEATURES permanent installation either as a fully integrated part of an intruder alarm • Powerful, dry, persistent smoke production • Rugged an • Very competitive pricing andbe easy installation SENTINEL S90 system sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand and keep Performance andwatch. a compact body mean that the S90 can utilised in for a off mains operation CARATTERISTICHE • Battery back-up • Wall and c or as a stand-alone system. The range comprises some• of theintegration most Simple into existing alarm systems • Settaggio erogazione nebbia wide variety of applications. Retail premises from durata a corner shop to aprogrammabile • ECO Mode • Precision m • £10 million product and public liability insurance advanced security smoke generators in the world. • 5 attivazioni da 15/30/45/60 secondi • ‘Anti-raid’ first burst supermarket, offices or server factories or warehouses; Smoke Screen Sentinel range been designed manufactured for erooms, multi-nozzle system all will IlThesistema nebbiogeno seriehas Sentinel S90 èand stato progettato co-• Adaptable STANDARD • Funzione “Anti-Raid“smoke prima production erogazione benefit the installation OPERATION permanent installation either as a fully integrated part offrom an intruder alarm of the S90. • Powerful, dry, persistent • EN50131:8 The newpermanenti, precision engineered heater blocksintegrante and state-of-the-art cartridge struito per installazioni sia come parte di si• back-up Alimentazione di rete • 230V 4 inputs ready to alert and activate the S90 • Battery for off mains operation • CNPP Ratin FEATURES system or as a stand-alone system. The range comprises some of the most heaters allow higher levels of performance and reliability. This translates • Ingresso AUX supervisionato • 5 outputs to provide different status updates • ECO Mode stemi diS90 allarme antintrusione siajob come sistema sé stante. gam• Very competitive pricing and interface, easy installation SENTINEL sen·ti·nel n.generators A guard whose isworld. to stand and keepa watch. New PCBLa technology, improved user ergonomic advanced security smoke in the FLUID and warnings to the intruder systems • ‘Anti-raid’ first burst to a more impressive volume of ‘dry’, residue-free smoke •that is integration very di alimentazione peralarm UPS systems Simple into existing • Type: Glyco connectors and simple mounting options makesmoke the job of ma include alcunipersistent. dei più avanzati sistemi nebbiogeni di sicurezza • Simple • £10 million product and public insurance and re-trigger control • Funzionamento adliability impulsi OPERATION • Container: installation even easier. Internal off-mains support and The Smoke Screen Sentinel range has been designed and manufactured for The new precision engineered heater blocks and state-of-the-art cartridge • Adaptable multi-nozzle system • Indicatori di stato ottici/acustici del mondo. • 4 inputs ready to alert andCONSTRUCTION activate the S90 larger fluid compartment add to the S90s versatility. permanent installation either as of a fully integrated part of an intruder alarm • Powerful, dry, persistent smoke production heaters allow higher levels performance and reliability. This translates • Rugged compact steel casingDATA in white/bla • 5 outputs to provide different statusand updates • inFunzione ECO MODE Performance and a compact body mean that the S90 can• be utilised a • 38.3(H)* x Battery mains operation • Wall and ceiling mounting (built-in bracket) Can’t seeresistenit? Can’t steal it! fortooff andback-up warnings the intruder systems Itonuovi caldaia lavorati di precisione e le nuovissime system or as ablocchi stand-alone system. range comprises some of the most a more impressive volume ofThe ‘dry’, residue-free smoke that is very wide variety of applications. Retail premises from a corner• ECO shop to a • Weight: 23 COSTRUZIONE Mode • Precision Simple smoke and re-trigger control machined steel heater block advanced smoke generators the livelli world. di prestazioni ed affidabilità persistent. ze a security cartuccia offrono i piùinalti di-•all • ‘Anti-raid’ first burst in solido acciaio, disponibile black/white supermarket, offices or server rooms, factories or warehouses; will • Custodia STANDARDS COMPLIANCE CONSTRUCTION • Staffa a parete inclusa casing in white/black benefit from the thevolume S90. sponibili suland mercato. Questo siinstallation traduce inofun più alto di nebOPERATION and IEC62642:8 • Rugged and compact steel• EN50131:8 The new precision engineered heater blocks state-of-the-art Performance a compact body meanand that the S90 can be cartridge utilised in a • to Blocco caldaia in alluminio • 4 inputs ready alert and activate thepressofuso S90 •(built-in CNPP Rating: Class I Category 30 • Wall and ceiling mounting bracket) bia asciutta (senza residui) e in una maggiore durata. heaters allow higher levels of performance and reliability. This translates wide variety of applications. Retail premises from a corner shop to a • 5 outputs to provide different status updates • Precision machined steel heater block New PCB technology, improved user interface, ergonomic FLUID and warnings CONFORMITÀ’ to the intruder systems to a more impressive volume of ‘dry’,rooms, residue-free smoke that is veryall will supermarket, offices or server factories or warehouses; Ottime prestazioni e forma compatta permettono di usare l’S90 in • Type: Glycol/Glycerin connectors and simple mounting options• make the • job ofre-trigger STANDARDS COMPLIANCE EN50131:8 E IEC62642:8 Simple smoke and control persistent. benefit from the installation of the S90. • Container: (500 or 1000ml fluid system) • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 installation even easier. Internal off-mains support and • CATEGORIA CNPP: Classe I Categoria 30 una grande varietà di applicazioni. Aree commerciali dal negozio al• CNPP Rating: Class I Category 30 Bladder CONSTRUCTION DATA larger fluid compartment add to the S90s versatility. • Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black FLUIDO supermercato, uffici etechnology, locali fabbriche e magazzini. Ora •tutti Performance and a compact body mean server, thatimproved the S90 can utilised in a New PCB userbe interface, ergonomic • 38.3(H)* x 22(D) x 39.6(W) cm *add 1.2cm for feet FLUID Can’t see it? Can’t steal it! Wall and ceiling mounting (built-in bracket) • Glycol/Glycerin Tipo: Glicole/Glicerina (Sacca inclusa 500ml) wide variety of applications. Retail premises from a corner shop to a Weight: 23 kg (pre-install), 29.5 kg (total) • Type: connectors and simple mounting options make the job of potranno avvalersi delle performance uniche del modello S90. • Precision machined steel heater •block • Atossico, non lascia residui • Container: Bladder (500 or 1000ml fluid system) supermarket, offices or server rooms, or warehouses; allsupport will installation evenfactories easier. Internal off-mains and
Lafrom nuova tecnologia PCB, l’interfaccia DATAand benefit the installation the S90. DIMENSIONI: larger of fluid compartment add toutente the S90smigliorata versatility. e semplici • EN50131:8 IEC62642:8 38.3(H)* x 22(D) x 39.6(W) 1.2cm for feet • Class 38,3 (Altezza) x 22(Larghezza) • CNPP• Rating: I Category 30 cm *addcm. Can’t see it?rendono Can’t steall’installazione it! opzioni di montaggio un compito semplice. • Weight: 23 kg23Kg (pre-install), 29.5 kg (total) • Peso: (pre-installazione), 29,5Kg. (totale) New PCB technology, improved user interface, ergonomic Il funzionamento scollegato alla rete e un ampio compartimentoFLUID del • Type: Glycol/Glycerin connectors and simple mounting options make the job of CONSUMO fluido aggiungono versatilità all’ support and • Container: Bladder (500 or 1000ml fluid system) installation even easier. Internal • Consumo in fase di riscaldamento 1000W DATA larger fluid compartment add to the S90s versatility. • Consumo medio dopo fase iniziale 50W • 38.3(H)* x 22(D) x 39.6(W) cm *add 1.2cm for feet Can’t see it? Can’t steal it! • Weight: 23 kg (pre-install), 29.5 kg (total)
pag. 6
SENTINEL S100 00/150
Designed and manufactured to military standards, ready to do battle with the criminal.
Prestazioni e tecnologia leader - l’apice della potenza
standing performance and reliability
Outstanding performanc
NO RESIDUE - guaranteed Available in single nozzle (S100) and twin nozzle (S150). A range of different nozzle shapes provide for all installations.
PRECISION DEFENCE QUALITY DESIGN ENGINEERING Tested Designed and manufactured to by the Atomic Energy the Safest and Driest military standards, ready toAuthority, do security smoke in the world. Lifetime battle with the criminal. heater block warranty.
STANDARD MILITARE Progettato e realizzato secondo lo standard militare. Pronto per la battaglia contro il crimine.
MULTI-NOZZLE OPTIONS INGEGNERIA DI Available in single nozzle (S100) PRECISIONE and twin nozzle (S150). A range of Testatonozzle dall’Autorità different shapes provide for all Atomica installations. per l’Energia.
Il più sicuro e asciutto sistema di sicurezza FEATURES PRECISION ENGINEERING nebbiogeno al mondo. • Competitive pricing and easy installation 0/150 sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. • Simple integration into existing alarm systems Tested the Atomic Energy Bloccobycaldaia garanti• £10 million product and public liability insurance Authority, the Safest and Driest • Unique dual nozzle system (S150) with to a vita. Sentinel range has been designed and manufactured security smoke in the world. Lifetime adaptable multi-nozzle options
allation either as a fully integrated part of an intruder heater block warranty. a stand-alone system. The range comprises some of security smoke generators in the world.
• Powerful, dry, persistent smoke production • PSW UPS back-up for off mains operation • ECO Mode OPERATION • Multiple inputs and outputs with LED display • Simple smoke and re-trigger control
Fino a 1000 m3
NESSUN RESIDUO nfigurations; single nozzle (S100) and twin nozzle (S150) 100% GARANTITO ce impressive volumes of dry, dense smoke. The unique CONSTRUCTION • Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black • Performance e affidabilità uniche • NESSUN RESIDUO - 100% garantito sion machined heater block produces the most • Wall and ceiling mounting CARATTERISTICHE moke particle of any smoke machine. Tested by the • Il volume • Precision block supplied d’uscitamachined più ampiosteel - leheater più piccole particelle di nebbia • Prezzo competitivo e facile installazione with life-time warranty hority and • declared the ‘safest’ ‘driest’. Facile integrazione con i sistemiand intrusioni esistenti.
STANDARDS COMPLIANCE • Possibilità di intercambiare gli ugelli SENTINEL S100/150 sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand and • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 • Produzione di nebbiaand asciutta e persistente he unparalleled reliability muscular performance FEATURES • CNPP Rating: Class I Category 30 in grande quantità • Competitive ake this extremely versatile. It can bepricing usedand in easy installation whose job machine is to stand and keep watch. The Smoke Screen Sentinel range has been designed and manuf • Ingresso Aux supervisionato per Ups • Simple integration into existing alarm FLUID systems types of application including those• £10 in sensitive areas • Type: Glycerin million product and public liability insurance • Funzione Eco Mode for permanent installation either as a fully integrated part of an
Il sistema nebbiogeno serie Sentinel S100, è uno dei prodotti con le Container: Bladder, bottle or aerosol • Unique dual nozzle system (S150)•with ch as server rooms, data storage areas and laboratories. designed and manufactured FUNZIONAMENTO alarm system or as a stand-alone system. in Thebuona range comprises adaptable multi-nozzle options migliori prestazioni della sua categoria. Questo è dovuto DATA an’t see it?part steal it! • Can’t Gestione ingressi/uscite tramite Lcd • Powerful, dry, persistent smoke production tegrated of an intruder the most advanced security smoke generators in the world. • 48(H) x 14(D) x 35.2(W) cm parte al blocco caldaia interamente costruito in acciaio lavorato. • Regolazionesome della quantità nebbia • PSW UPS back-up for off mains operation e range comprises of di erogazione • Weight: 14.5 kg (pre-install), 19.5 kg (total) • ECO Mode • Power and Heater Rating: 230/110V 50Hz 2.8kW COSTRUZIONE rs in the world. La qualità delle particelle di nebbia risulta essere la (S100) più adand twin no Available in twoprodotte configurations; single nozzle
• Custodia in solido acciaio, disponibileOPERATION altawith saturazione presente mercato mondiale. Testato dall’Autorità bothnel models produce impressive volumes of dry, dense smoke. T • Multiple inputs and outputs LED display nei colori black/white (S100) and nozzle (S150) a soffitto• Simple of thecome precision machined produces the mos per control l’Energia Atomica edesign dichiarato il più “sicuro”heater e il piùblock “asciutto” • twin Staffe incluse per montaggio o a muro.smoke and re-trigger dry, dense • smoke. Thelavorato unique Blocco caldaia di precisione inCONSTRUCTION acciaio garantito a vita consistent size of smoke particle of any smoke machine. Tested nebbiogeno al mondo.
• Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black ck producesCONFORMITÀ’ the most Atomic Energy Authority and declared the ‘safest’ and ‘driest’. • Wall and ceiling mounting Le impareggiabili prestazioni e affidabilità rendono questo dispositike machine. the • Tested EN50131:8 by E IEC62642:8 • Precision machined steel heater block supplied • CATEGORIA CNPP: Classe I Categoria 30with life-time warranty vo estremamente versatile. Può essere usato tranquillamente in ogni afest’ and ‘driest’. The unparalleled reliability and muscular perfor
STANDARDS COMPLIANCE tipo di situazione, incluso quelle in aree come sale server, FLUIDO makesensibili this machine extremely versatile. It can b • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 • Tipo: Glicerina and muscular performance archivi informatici e laboratori. all types of application including those in sensit • CNPP Rating: Class I Category 30 • Contenitore: sacca ly versatile.• ItRicarica: can sacca be used in such as server rooms, data storage da 500/1000/2500ml FLUID Questo modello è stato progettato per essere installato in grandi am-areas and l ding those in sensitive areas • Type: Glycerin see it? Can’t steal it! DIMENSIONI: bienti essendo capace di erogare finoCan’t a 1000 mc. di nebbia. • Container: Bladder, bottle or aerosol storage areas and laboratories. • 48 (Altezza) x 14 (Profondità) x 35,2 (Larghezza) cm. DATA • Peso: 14,5Kg (pre-installazione), 19,5Kg. (totale)
• 48(H) x 14(D) x 35.2(W) cm
CONSUMO • Weight: 14.5 kg (pre-install), 19.5 kg (total) • Power and Heater Rating: 230/110V 50Hz 2.8kW • Consumo in fase di riscaldamento 1000W • Potenza elettrica e consumo: 230/110V 50Hz 2.8Kw
pag. 7
Outstanding performance and reliability
NO RESIDUE - guaranteed Designe military battle w
MARKET LEADING TECHNOLOGY AND PERFORMANCE - THE PINNACLE OF POWER MULT DEFENCE QUALITY DE Largest output – smallest smoke particle Outstanding performance and reliability NO RESIDUE - guaranteed
Potenza da vendere - semplicemente il top
Availabl Designed and manufactured to and twin military standards, ready to do differen battle with the criminal. all insta
Tested b Available in single nozzle (S100) Designed and manufactured to Authorit twin nozzle (S150). A range of military standards, ready and to do security fo battle with the criminal. different nozzle shapes provide heater b all installations.
STANDARD MULTI-NOZZLE OPTIONS SISTEMA A INGEGNERIA DI ENGINEER PRECISION Available in single nozzle (S100) MILITARE DOPPIO UGELLO PRECISIONE Tested by the Atomic Energy and twin nozzle (S150). A Authority, range of the Safest and Driest DI EROGAZIONE Progettato e realizzato different nozzle shapes provide Testatofordall’Autorità security smoke in the world. Lifetim secondo lo standard all installations. Sistema equipaggiato heater Atomica per warranty. l’Energia. block militare. Pronto per con il doppio ugello, Il più sicuro e asciutto la battaglia contro il disponibile in vari sistema di sicurezza FEATURES crimine. modelli di inclinazione PRECISION ENGINEERING nebbiogeno al mondo. • Competiti SENTINEL S100/150 sen·ti·nel n. A guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. int (30 e 45bygradi e twin) Energy Tested the Atomic Blocco caldaia garanti- •• Simple £10 million Authority, the Safest Driest • Unique du per ogni and a vita. The Smoke Screen Sentinel range hassoddisfare been designed and to manufactured security smoke in the world. Lifetime adaptable m esigenza installativa. for permanent installation eitherheater as a fully integrated • Powerful, block warranty.part of an intruder
alarm system or as a stand-alone system. The range comprises some of the most advanced security smoke generators in the world.
3 Fino a 1500 m SENTINEL S100/150
• PSW UPS • ECO Mode
OPERATIO FEATURES • Multiple in • Competitive pricing and easy installation • Simple sm Available configurations; nozzle (S100) and twin nozzle (S150) sen·ti·nelinn.two A guard whose job is to single stand and keep watch. • Simple integration into existing alarm syste both models produce impressive volumes of dry, dense smoke. The unique CONSTRUC • £10 million product and public liability insur • Rugged • the Unique dual nozzle system (S150) with a design of the precision machined heater block produces most The Smoke Screen Sentinel range has been designed and manufactured adaptable multi-nozzle options • Wall and c RESIDUO consistent of smoke particle smoke machine.• Powerful, Tested dry, byNESSUN the Precision for permanent installation either assize a fully integrated partof ofany an intruder persistent smoke •production 100% GARANTITO with life-tim • PSW UPS back-up for off mains operation Atomic Energy Authority and declared the ‘safest’ and ‘driest’.
• Performance e affidabilità uniche • NESSUN RESIDUO - 100% garantito
alarm system or as a stand-alone system. The range comprises some of CARATTERISTICHE • ECO Mode STANDARD • Prezzo competitivo e facile installazione the most advanced security smoke generators in the world. • EN50131:8 OPERATION • Facile integrazione con i sistemi intrusioni esistenti. The unparalleled reliability and muscular performance Il sistema nebbiogeno serieFEATURES Sentinel S150 è il prodotto piùandperforCNPP Rat • Multiple inputs outputs with•LED displa • Sistema doppio ugello di erogazione • Competitive pricingversatile. and easy installation make this machine It cansmoke be used in SENTINEL sen·ti·nel A guard whose job is todella stand and keep watch. •parte Simple and blocco re-trigger control Available in n.two configurations; single nozzle (S100) and nozzle (S150) mante sua categoria. Ciò è extremely dovuto ininto buona al suo FLUID • Possibilità diS100/150 intercambiare gli ugelli • twin Simple integration existing alarm systems of application including in sensitive • Type: Glyc • £10 product andthose public liability insuranceareas • Produzione di nebbia asciuttaboth e persistente in grande quantità impressive models produce volumesall of types dry, dense smoke. The unique CONSTRUCTION caldaia interamente costruito inmillion acciaio lavorato. • Container Unique dual nozzle system areas (S150) with • Rugged compact steel casing in white/ such as server •rooms, data storage and and laboratories. • IngressoScreen Aux supervisionato per Upsrange The Smoke Sentinel hasprecision been designed and heater manufactured design of the machined block produces the most adaptable multi-nozzle options • Wall and ceiling mounting • Funzione Eco Mode A differenza di tutti i sistemi questo nebbiogeno è dotato del doppio DATA Can’t see it? Can’t steal it!
for permanent installation either assize a fully integrated partofofany an smoke intrudermachine.•Tested consistent of smoke particle Powerful,by dry,the persistent smoke•production Precision machined steel heater• block 48(H)supp x 14 ugello che permette di nebbia tale da saturare • PSW UPS back-up for off mains operation FUNZIONAMENTO with life-time warrantyl’am- • Weight: 14 alarm system or as a stand-alone system. The range some of un’erogazione Atomic Energy Authority and comprises declared the ‘safest’ and ‘driest’. • ECO Mode • Gestione ingressi/uscite tramite Lcd • Power and biente in pochissimi secondi. STANDARDS COMPLIANCE the most advanced security smoke generators in the world. • Regolazione della quantità di erogazione nebbia OPERATION • EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 The unparalleled and muscular performance Multiple inputs and outputs with• LED display La qualitàreliability delle particelle di •nebbia prodotte risulta essere la più ad 30 CNPP Rating: Class I Category COSTRUZIONE •ItSimple smoke and in re-trigger control Available in two configurations; single nozzle (S100) and twin nozzle (S150) make this machine extremely versatile. can be used • Custodia in solido acciaio, disponibile nei colori black/white alta saturazione presente nel mercato mondiale. Testato dall’Autorità FLUID both• models produce impressive volumesall oftypes dry, dense smoke. The uniquethose in of application including sensitive areas CONSTRUCTION Staffe incluse per montaggio a soffitto o a muro. • Type: Glycerin per l’Energia Atomica e dichiarato come il più sicuro e il più “asciutto” • Rugged and compact steel casing in white/black • Container: Bladder, bottle or aerosol • Blocco caldaia lavorato di precisione in acciaio garantitoblock a vita as design of the precision machined heater produces the most such server rooms, data storage areas and laboratories. • Wall and ceiling mounting nebbiogeno al it! mondo. DATA consistent size of smoke particle of any smoke machine. Tested the Can’t see it? Can’t stealby CONFORMITÀ’ • Precision machined steel heater block supplied • 48(H) x 14(D) x 35.2(W) cm warrantyrendono • EN50131:8 Leand impareggiabili prestazioniwith e life-time affidabilità questo dispositiAtomic EnergyE IEC62642:8 Authority and declared the ‘safest’ ‘driest’. • Weight: 14.5 kg (pre-install), 19.5 kg (total) • CATEGORIA CNPP: Classe I Categoria 30
STANDARDS • Power and Heaterin Rating: 230/110V 50Hz 2 vo estremamente versatile. Può essereCOMPLIANCE usato tranquillamente ogni sale server,
• EN50131:8 and IEC62642:8 FLUIDO The unparalleled reliability andtipo muscular performance di situazione, incluso quelle in aree • CNPP Rating: Class Isensibili Category 30 come • Tipo: Glicerina make this machine extremely versatile. It can be used in archivi informatici e laboratori. • Contenitore: sacca FLUID types ofmlapplication including those in sensitive areas • Type: Glycerin • Ricarica: sacca daall 500/1000/2500
Questo modello è stato progettato per essere in grandi am• Container: Bladder, bottleinstallato or aerosol such as server rooms, data storage areas and laboratories.
DIMENSIONI: see it?(Larghezza) Can’t steal • 48 (Altezza) x 14 Can’t (Profondità) x 35,2 cm. it! • Peso: 14,5Kg (pre-installazione), 19,5Kg. (totale) CONSUMO • Consumo in fase di riscaldamento 1000W • Potenza elettrica e consumo: 230/110V 50Hz 2.8Kw
pag. 8
bienti essendo capace di erogare DATA fino a 1500 mc. di nebbia.
• 48(H) x 14(D) x 35.2(W) cm • Weight: 14.5 kg (pre-install), 19.5 kg (total) • Power and Heater Rating: 230/110V 50Hz 2.8kW
icts criminals
Compatible with market leading DNA systems
For use with Sentinel and Guardian Smoke Screen’s impressive screening smoke confronts intruders and conceals valuables.
A FORMIDABLE PARTNERSHIP OF SECURITY S Prevents loss and convicts criminals
Compatible with market lead
Un’unione formidabile tra nebbiogeni di sicurezza STOP THEM TAG THEM e marcatura DNA. Integrabile solo con sistemi Serie S100/150
e with market leading DNA systems
For use with Sentinel and Guardian Smoke Screen’s impressive screening The Predator discharge system uses smoke confronts intrudersthe andexpanding smoke plume to spread conceals valuables. the DNA tags.
The unique Predator discharge system uses combination of Smoke Screen Smoke Screen’s impressiveThe screening and marking presents would-be toDNA spread smoke confronts intruders the andexpanding smoke plume thieves with a potent deterrent. the DNA tags. conceals valuables.
INQUIETANTE MARCATORI DNA INSUPERABILE BEAT THEM TAG THEM L’impressionante barrie- The Il sistema di diffusione La combinazione unica of Smoke Screen The unique Predator discharge system uses combination ra di nebbia si presenta the and DNA marking presents would-be di expanding Predator usasmoke la plumetratosistema spreadnebbiogeno thieves with a potent the DNA tags. davanti agli intrusi e diffusione della nebbia e marcatori DNA si pre-deterrent. nasconde completaper spargere i marcato- senta ai rapinatori come mente i tuoi valori. ri DNA. un infallibile sistema di FEATURES • Modular DNA discharge system PREDATOR DNA pred·a·tor n. One who naturally preys on riconoscimento. others. • Suitable for use with Sentinel and Guardian
Smoke Screen prevents loss. DNA and convictsofcriminals – now Theidentifies unique combination Smoke Screen they are available in a single package. Smoke Screen Predator DNA turns and DNA marking presents would-be thieves with a potent deterrent. the criminal into the prey.
systems • Simple integration into existing intruder alarm systems • Compatible with leading DNA tagging brands • £10 million product and public liability insurance
The Predator DNA discharge system is small and can be adapted for use • Predator is an integral part of the Smoke Screen with the Sentinel and Guardian generators. The system is activated FEATURES only and requires no additional inputs •i Modular DNA discharge il furto e identifica criminale a•verified Compatibile conto migliori sistemi a DNAsystem • Post activation evidence chain provided by the when•the Smoke Screen system signal produce smoke pred·a·tor n.Previene One who naturally preys onilreceives others. • Suitable for use with Sentinel and Guardian DNA provider making it safe and simple to use.
• Da utilizzare con Sentinel S100-S150
CONSTRUCTION • Simple integration into existing intruder alarm ents loss. DNA identifies and convicts criminals – now • Steel casing Thepackage. DNA dyeSmoke is introduced the spreading smoke plume where it is systems NESSUN RESIDUO a single Screeninto Predator DNA turns • Stainless steel tubing • Compatible with leading DNA tagging brands 100% GARANTITO onto the skin and clothes of the criminal. Even if the thief runs away prey. carried CARATTERISTICHE • £10 million product and public liability insurance DNA TAGGANT he can be traced and identified. PREDATOR DNA pred·a·tor n. One who naturally preys on others. • Sistema erogazione DNA modulabile • Suitable for use with Selecta DNA and OPERATION • Consigliato per l’uso congiunto scharge system is small and can be adapted for use SmartWater • Predator is an integral partblocca of the Smoke Screen Il DNA identifica e condanna sistema nebbiogeno i furti. Predator originally foronly use withIlthe Guardian producing conDNA i sistemiwas Sentinel esystem Guardiandeveloped d Guardian generators. The is FEATURES activated Smoke Screen prevents loss. DNA identifies and convicts criminal and requires no additional inputs il criminale. Ora le tecnologie sono dia unique formcompatibilità of for •crews replenishing and servicing ATMs. • receives Perfetta con isignal sistemi provided by theentrambe Modular DNA discharge system • Post activation evidence chain een system a protection verified to produce smoke inequivocabilmente they are available in a single package. Smoke Screen Predator DN rally preys on others. However, it can also be used in •fixed installations inside the Sentinel esistenti DNA provider Suitable for use with Sentinel and Guardian sponibili in un range. unico prodotto. Il sistema di diffusione Predator DNA mple to use. antintrusione the criminal into the prey. • Compatibile coi più diffusi marcatorisystems DNA CONSTRUCTION trasforma il criminale nella preda. Simple integration into existing intruder alarm d convicts criminals – supervisionato nowfor use with•SelectaDNA, • Ingresso AUX designed becasing adapted to • Steel ducedOriginally into the spreading smoke where it is the system can The Predator DNA discharge system is small and can be adapted f systems diof alimentazione per UPS plume Screenuse Predator DNA turns • Stainless steel tubing any the liquid based DNA markers on the market. Can’t see it? Can’t nuovo di diffusione DnaGuardian è compatto e puòThe essere • Compatible with leadingIlDNA taggingprodotto brands and clothes of the criminal. Even if the thief runs away with thePredator Sentinel and generators. system is activate • Funzionamento ad impulsi steal it! Tagged! • £10 million product andintegrato public liability insurance DNA TAGGANT d identified. ai generatori della serie Guardian e Sentinel. Il sistema entra when the Smoke Screen system receives a verified signal to produ • Indicatori di stato ottici/acustici • Suitable for use with Selecta DNA and OPERATION • Funzione ECO MODE making it safe and simple to use. in funzione solo quando riceve un segnale inequivocabile, in modo SmartWater nd can be adapted for use • Predator producing is an integral part of the Smoke Screen riginally developed for use with the Guardian FUNZIONAMENTO e system is activated only da renderne l’utilizzo sicuro e semplice. and requires no additional inputs tection for • crews replenishing and servicing ATMs. The DNA dye is introduced into the spreading smoke plume where PREDATOR DNAsmoke è parte integrante • Post activation evidence chain provided by the fied signal to produce be used in fixed installations the Sentinel range. Il marcatore DNA viene rilasciato carried onto the skin and clothes of the criminal. Even if the thief r attraverso l’emissione della nebbia, DNA provider del sistema nebbiogeno inside e non richiede input aggiuntivi he can be traced and identified. • Attivazione regolata dall’erogatore del DNA CONSTRUCTION in modo da depositarsi sulla pelle e sui vestiti del malfattore. In queor use with SelectaDNA, the system can becasing adapted to • Steel moke plume where it is COSTRUZIONE sto modo anche se il ladroPredator scappaDNA potrà essere identificato e scovato. based DNA• markers on the market. Can’t see steel it? Can’t • Stainless tubing was originally developed for use with the Guardian Custodiaruns in acciaio al. Even if the thief away a unique form ofsviluppato protection for crews replenishing and servicing A DNA TAGGANT • Condotti in acciaio inossidabile Il Predator Dna è stato originariamente per essere utilizzato • Suitable for use with Selecta DNA and However, it can also be used in fixed installations inside the Sentin
with the Guardian producing ing and servicing ATMs. ns inside the Sentinel range.
e system can be adapted to e market. Can’t see it? Can’t
o con il sistema Guardian per produrre una forma di protezione unica per il personale che operaOriginally sugli sportelli automatici, puòthe essedesigned for use with tuttavia SelectaDNA, system can be ad re utilizzato anche per le installazioni Sentinel. use any of thefisse liquiddella basedgamma DNA markers on the market. Can’t see steal it! Tagged!
Il sistema può essere utilizzato con qualsiasi liquido basato sui marcatori DNA presenti in commercio.
pag. 9
Robust, lightweight construction
Anti-raid nozzles for close-quarter protection
Remote activation
All syst and ac
Protezione portatile per esigenze temporanee
Robust, lightweight construction
Anti-raid nozzles for close-quarter protection
Anti-raid nozzles for close-quarter protection
Remote activation
Remote activation
thr All systems can be armed, The disarm design and activated using a simple key area a
WIRELESS ACTIVATION All systems can be armed, disarmed ANTI-RAID NOZZLE MAN WIRELESS ACTIVATION and activated using a simple keyfob.
Light eis three-way Anti-raid nozzle All systems can be armed,The disarmed the pro designed to obscure the designa and activated using a simple keyfob. area as quickly as possible.deter t
ANTI-RAID NOZZLE The three-way Anti-raid nozzle is
MAN PORTABLE ATTIVAZIONE ANTI-RAID NOZZLE UGELLI ANTI-RAID PORTATILE designed to obscure the designated WIRELESS Light enough to be carried to and area quickly TheGlithree-way Anti-raid nozzle is ugelliasanti-raid aastrepossible. Sufficientemente the protected area, powerful eno designed to obscure the designated Tutti i sistemi posuscite sono progettati deter leggero da poter thieves and raiders alike. area as quickly as possible. sono essere armati, per occultare l’area essere trasportato e disarmati e attivati il MAN più velocemente rimosso dall’area da PORTABLE usando una chiave di possibile. proteggere. SufficienLight enough to be carried to and from attivazione. temente potentetoper MAN PORTABLE GUAR the protected area, powerful enough • 41(H GUARDIAN gaurd·i·an n. OneLight whodeter protects and defends. thieves raiders alike. tener lontani enough to beand carried to and from ladri e • Wei theaprotected area, powerful enough • Rug rapinatori. An innovative solution to address very real problem. Developed in to
deter thieves andwas raiders alike. to provide conjunction with G4S this prize-winning system developed portable and temporary protection for personnel and property.
• Anti • Adv • Wire
The ‘ATM’ version is triggered by means of a simple personal attack button.
GUAR • S70 • Costruzione robusta e leggera • Attivazione da remoto GUARDIAN ATM • Twin The ‘Rapid Deploy’ variant is fitted with dedicated movement sensors and • 41(H) x 16(D) x 38(W) cm (with handle) gaurd·i·an n. One who protects and defends. • Key • Ugelli anti-raid per protezione ravvicinata remote arm/disarm to configure it as a ‘stand-alone’ temporary defence • Weight 13 kg (including fluid) • GSM • Rugged an stainless steel casing against aintrusive criminals. additioninof a GSM module provides effective An innovative solution to address very real problem.The Developed • Anti-raid multi-directional nozzle means to monitor andwas communicate. conjunction with G4S this prize-winning system developed to provide • Advanced electronics with LCD display portable and temporary protection for personnel and property. GUARDIAN ATM • Wireless PA activation
THE TECH SPEC THE TECH SPEC GUARDIAN Una soluzione innovativa per un problema molto sentito. Sviluppato GUARDIAN
Guardian ATM has been in active service• with G4S for aacciaio number of years and is Custodia in robusto GUARDIAN ATM
• button. Ugello a robberies. tre uscite di erogazione credited with defeating number of attempted The n. ‘ATM’ is triggered by means of a simplea personal attack GUARDIAN RAPID DEPLOY handle) • 41(H) x 16(D) x 38(W) cm (with gaurd·i·an One version who protects and defends.
• Funzioni programmabili tramite • S70LCD and S90 versions available
• Weight 13 kg (including fluid) ATM in collaborazione con G4S, Deploy’ questo conveniente sistema è stato ideato • telecomando Twin dual technology movement sens • forces, Attivazione wireless tramite • Rugged stainless steel casing Guardian Rapid Deploy ismovement used by GUARDIAN police security companies and a ‘Rapid variant is fitted with dedicated sensors and An innovative solutionThe to address a very real problem. Developed in • 41(H) x 16(D) x 38(W) cm (with handle) •nozzle Keyfob arm and disarm GUARDIAN gaurd·i·an n. One who protects and defends. • Anti-raid multi-directional per fornire una protezione temporanea a cose e a persone. number of retailers to provide stop-gap protection for properties deemed at optional GUARDIAN RAPID DEPLOY • GSM ‘Comms’ remote arm/disarm to configure it as a ‘stand-alone’ defence conjunction with G4S this prize-winning system was developed to provide temporary • Weight 13 kg (including fluid) module • Advanced electronics with LCD display
• an Disponibile nellecasing versionieffective. S70 e S90 imminent risk in burglary. It has provides proven to beeffective reliable and against criminals. The addition a GSM module • Rugged stainless steel portable and temporary protection personnel and property. An innovative solution address veryfor real problem. Developed • Wireless PA activation La versione pertoATM puòaintrusive essere attivata anche da unofsemplice teleco• Sensori di movimentonozzle a doppia tecnologia • Anti-raid multi-directional means to monitor andwas communicate. conjunction with G4S this prize-winning system developed to provide • Modulo GSM opzionale • Advanced electronics with LCD display mando “rollingis code”. see it? Can’t it! The ‘ATM’ version triggered means of a simple personal attacksteal button. GUARDIAN RAPID DEPLOY portable and temporary protectionbyfor personnel andCan’t property. • Wireless PA activation • S70 and S90 versions available Guardian ATM has been in active service with G4S for a number of years and is La versione Rapid Deploy è equipaggiata di sensori di movimento • Twin dual technology movement sensors credited with defeating a number of attempted robberies. The ‘Rapid Deploy’ variant is fitted with dedicated movement sensors and The ‘ATM’ version is triggered by means of aesimple personal attack button. come siGUARDIAN RAPID DEPLOY specifici per il controllo remoto per poter essere utilizzata • Keyfob arm and disarm • S70 and S90 versions available remote arm/disarm to configure it as a ‘stand-alone’ temporary defence • GSM ‘Comms’ module optional stema autonomo contro i tentativi intrusione. L’aggiunta del mo• Twin dualand technology movement sensors Guardian Rapid Deploy ismovement used by police forces, companies a intrusive criminals. Thewith addition of adi GSM module provides ansecurity effective The against ‘Rapid Deploy’ variant is fitted dedicated sensors and • Keyfob arm and disarm dulo GSM garantisce il controllo e monitoraggio da remoto. number of retailers to provide stop-gap protection for properties deemed at means to monitor communicate. remote arm/disarm to and configure it as a ‘stand-alone’ temporary defence • GSM ‘Comms’ module optional risk of It has provides proven toan beeffective reliable and effective. against intrusive criminals.imminent The addition of burglary. a GSM module Il sistema Guardian è stato in servizio attivo con G4S per numerosi anni Guardian ATM and has communicate. been in active service with G4S for a number of years and is means to monitor ed è a with oggidefeating accreditato di aver sventato tentativi di furto. Can’t see it?of Can’t steal it!innumerevoli credited a number attempted robberies. Guardian ATM has been in active service G4S for number ofdalle years forze and is di poliAttualmente il Guardian Rapidwith Deploy è autilizzato Guardian Rapid Deploy is usedofby police forces, security companies and a credited with defeating a number attempted robberies. zia di numerosi stati al mondo, da compagnie di vigilanza, per la sicunumber of retailers to provide stop-gap protection for properties deemed at rezza personale daItcommercianti come protezione di abeni ritenuti imminent risk of burglary. has proven to besecurity reliable and effective. Guardian Rapid Deploy iseused by police forces, companies and a forte rischio di furto.stop-gap protection for properties deemed at number of retailers to provide Can’t see Can’t steal imminent risk it? of burglary. It it! has proven to be reliable and effective. NESSUN RESIDUO 100% GARANTITO
Can’t see it? Can’t steal it!
pag. 10
uit all types of vehicle
Defender is suitable for everything from a small van up to an articulated truck available in 12-volt and 24-volt.
Nebbiogeni di protezione per veicoli e trasporto SMOKEvalori PROTECTION FOR VEHICLES AND CASH Modular kit form to suit all types of vehicle
Simple installation
12 & 24-volt versions
Defender is suitable for everything Defender is supplied in kit form, but can from a small van up to an articulated also be supplied assembled in a steel truck available in 12-volt and 24-volt. case or on a simple plinth.
LONG STANDBY CAPABILITY VERSATILE PROTECTION ON THE MOVE DESIGN Using but conventional vehicle batteries Defender is supplied in kit form, can Defender is suitable for everything the Defender can remain in ‘standby’ also be supplied assembled in a steel from a small van up to an articulated for prolonged periods of time. case or on a simple plinth. truck available in 12-volt and 24-volt.
PROTEZIONE STANDBY PROGETTO DESIGNLONG LUNGA CAPACITÀ CAPABILITY VERSATILE IN MOVIMENTO Using VERSATILE DIconventional STANDBY vehicle batteries Defender is supplied in kit form, but can the Defender can remain in ‘standby’ be supplied assembled in a steel Defender è consigliato also Defender è fornito Usando le normali for prolonged periods of time. or on a simple plinth. per qualsiasi veicolo dal casecome kit ma può anche batterie dell’auto il piccolo furgone all’auessere fornito montato Defender può restare toarticolato. Disponibile una custodia d’acin standby per lunghi FEATURES DEFENDER de·fen·der n. One whoindefends. • Compact, modular design LONG a 12 e 24 Volt. • Straightforward installation ciaio oSTANDBY su un sempliceCAPABILITY periodi di tempo. Defender uses battery power to defeat intrusive criminals. Available in 12-volt • 12-volt and 24-volt versions Usingbasamento. conventional vehicle batteries • £10 million product & public liability insurance and 24-volt versions, Defender can operate using conventional car or lorry
the Defender can remain in ‘standby’ for prolonged periods of time.
OPERATION 12-VOLT VERSION • No initial ‘warm-up’ required • Activation – smoke production: 2.5 seconds • Aerosol or pumped options
TECH SPEC PerTHE autoveicoli
The 12-volt version uses a coiled, stainless steel heat exchanger. When energised it produces sufficient screening smoke to obscure the interior of cars and vans. FEATURES
OPERATION 24-VOLT VERSION en·der n. One defends.system uses a machined steel heater • Kit modulare adattabile a ogni • Versioni a 12 e 24 Volt Thewho 24-volt block similar to those used in tipo di veicolo • Compact, modular design
• Facile installazione
DEFENDER de·fen·der n. One who defends. • Straightforward installation the Sentinel and Guardian models. The volumes of smoke produced are much • Activation – smoke production: Instant ery powerlarger, to defeat intrusive criminals. Available in 12-volt • 12-volt and 24-volt versions sufficient to fill the interior of larger vans and lorries. • Aerosol Defender uses battery power to defeat intrusive criminals. Available • £10 million product & public liability insurance s, Defender can operate using conventional car or lorry and 24-volt versions, Defender can operate using conventional car o • Initial ‘warm-up’ time: 12 minutes
batteries. TheCARATTERISTICHE ‘off-mains’ characteristics of the system make it an ideal choice for motor OPERATION 12-VOLT VERSION vehicles. However, has also been utilised to provide Smoke Screen protection • No initial ‘warm-up’ required • Progetto compatto it e modulare The 12-volt version uses a coiled, stainless steel heat exchanger. Wh uses a coiled, stainless steel heat exchanger. When energised for shipping containers, boats and yachts, remote buildings•(cell phone masts Activation – smoke production: 2.5 seconds • Semplice integrazione IL Defender è un sistema nebbiogeno mezzi mobili che utilizza it produces per sufficient screening smoke to obscure the interior of cars nt screening to obscure the interior of cars and vans. • Aerosol or pumped options etc)smoke and even parked aircraft. con i sistemi Sentinel e Guardian FEATURES • Compact, modular designl’alimentazione derivante dall’autoveicolo. Disponibile nelle versioni • Versioni a 12 e a 24 Volt The 24-volt system uses a machined steel heater block similar to tho 24-VOLT VERSION •as Straightforward installation uses a machined steel heater block similar to thosekit used ina 12 e OPERATION The 12-volt system is supplied a modular or mounted on aVolt. simple plinth or the Sentinel and Guardian models. The volumes of smoke produced a •24 Initial ‘warm-up’ time: 12 minutes e criminals. Available in 12-volt FUNZIONAMENTO - VERSIONE 12 VOLT • 12-volt and 24-volt versions ardian models. The volumes of smoke produced areare much in a• plain steel case (the latteriniziale two options popular with•vehicle fabricators). Activation – smoke production: Instantlarger, sufficient to fill the interior of larger vans and lorries. • £10 million product & public liability insurance Non car necessita di preriscaldamento ing conventional or lorry ill the interior of larger vansisand lorries.on a steel plinth. La versione The• 24-volt system mounted • Aerosola 12V utilizza uno scambiatore di calore in acciaio a spiraAttivazione produzione nebbia: 2,5 secondi
The ‘off-mains’ characteristics of the system it an ideal choice OPERATION 12-VOLT VERSION le. Quando viene alimentato produce una quantità sufficiente dimake neb• Opzioni aerosol • No initial ‘warm-up’ required vehicles. However, it has also been utilised to provide Smoke Screen racteristics of see the it? system make it an ideal choice for motor Can’t Can’t steal it! el heat exchanger. When energised bia per oscurare l’interno del veicolo. • Activation – smoke production: 2.5 seconds for shipping containers, boats and yachts, remote buildings (cell pho FUNZIONAMENTO VERSIONESmoke 24 VOLT ture hasthe also been utilised to -provide Screen protection interior of cars and vans. • Aerosol or pumped options etc) and even parked aircraft. • Riscaldamento iniziale: 12 minuti ers, boats and yachts, remote buildings (cell phone masts La versione a 24V utilizza invece un gruppo caldaia in acciaio lavorato • Attivazione produzione nebbia: istantanea OPERATION 24-VOLT VERSION d aircraft. The 12-volt system is supplied as a modular kit or mounted on a simp ter block similar to those used in • Aerosol • Initial ‘warm-up’ time: 12simile minutes a quelli a bordo nei modelli Sentinel e Guardian. La quantità di in a plain steel case (the latter two options are popular with vehicle f s of smoke produced are much • Activation – smoke production: Instant nebbia prodotta è sufficiente a riempire l’interno di ampi rimorchi. The 24-volt system is mounted on a steel plinth. supplied as a modular kit or mounted• Aerosol on a simple plinth or ss and lorries. (the latter two options are popular with vehicle fabricators). Il fatto di essere un sistema cheCan’t funziona indipendentemente dalla see it? Can’t steal it! is mounted on choice a steelfor plinth. make it an ideal motor rete elettrica lo rende una scelta ideale per i veicoli a motore. Tuttarovide Smoke Screen protection eal buildings it! ote (cell phone masts via è stato impiegato anche per la protezione di container, barche e
or mounted on a simple plinth or popular with vehicle fabricators). h. NESSUN RESIDUO 100% GARANTITO
yacht e persino velivoli parcheggiati.
Il sistema a 12V è fornito come Kit modulare o montato su un semplice basamento o su una custodia in acciaio. Il sistema a 24V, invece, viene montato solo su basamento di acciaio.
pag. 11
graphic design: carlogislon - Immagini di sfondo e di copertina: pressmaster / 123RF Stock Photo
Importato da:
Ridexta snc Via del Commercio 2/A 36060 Romano d’Ezzelino (VI)