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Building Permits

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Homeowner FYI: Building Permits


Nobody wants to be stopped in the middle of a project and told to undo their hard work – or worse, to rip the whole thing down and pay a fine. That’s why planning ahead is critical to ensure your build or renovation project goes smoothly.

Matt Covey, HRM’s manager of building standards, says people typically do a bit of research so they’re “quite well informed” about what types of construction permits and inspections they’ll require – whether it’s a new home, shed, detached garage, deck, pool or solar collector.

Of course, there are always going to be a few people who take a chance and skip the application process. If you’re caught without the proper permits, Covey says it’s handled on a case-by-case basis. But expect to receive a stop-work order until you’ve filled out the appropriate applications and gotten the correct permits in place.

“Sometimes we’ll drive by and spot something, but more often we’ll receive a call inquiring about whether a particular project has the proper permits,” says Covey.

He says construction permits are required for all projects in excess of $5,000 as well as anything structural – whether it’s a garage, an addition or a deck. In fact, even replacing a couple of beams on an existing deck requires a permit because you’re compromising its structure. Not all deck projects require a permit, though. A deck that’s 2 ft. high (or less) probably won’t need one, but you always need to check just in case.

The inspections are designed to take place at key stages in the project. If you move past an important milestone without having it inspected, you might have to undo all of that hard work – and nobody wants to tell you to do that.

“We have to observe the work for code compliance, so you don’t want to be too far ahead in the project and have us come out and uncover something or require you to dig something up,” says Covey. “It could be something that affects your overall project.”

Luckily, the inspection system is organized to be quick and painless. If you call (902) 490-7097 and leave a message before 8 a.m., Covey says you’ll most likely receive your inspection that very day.

“We don’t want to hold people up,” explains Covey. “We want to make things as easy as possible.”

The trouble that sometimes arises is when a homeowner believes as long as they personally consider a project acceptable, it should be fine – after all, it’s their house, right? Incorrect.

“If it’s a safety issue, we have to enforce it not just for the current homeowner but for subsequent homeowners,” says Covey. “We hear people say ‘Oh, the deck is fine this way. We don’t mind ...’ but we have to be thinking about other people – like guests and future owners.”

For building and renovation permit info in HRM visit www.halifax.ca/PermitsInspections

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